#Epic the thunder saga
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thedoctordoesmarvel416 · 1 day ago
more epic things.
also this is too accurate, and i love it.
Odysseus said he was gonna become the monster to "everyone but us" but neglected to inform his crew that "us" had three members and the other two are in Ithica.
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panatheia · 3 days ago
Ok, now that I finally processed the ithaca saga, I have a pressing issue.
What the fuck was Telemarking doing during Would You Fall in Love With Me Again?
Was he eavesdropping until they started to bang?
Did he turn around and think "welp, now I gotta clean up the palace a lit bit. Take out the trash, you know?"
What was the prince doing?? Look at his face his only friend is athena the boy is weird as heck.
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archaospetryx · 1 day ago
Sawyer, putting us in front of That One Moral Dilemma during his section: Choose.
Angel: "Choose"...?
Sawyer: Someone's gotta die today and you have got the final say.
Angel, so so tired: Please, don't make me do this, don't make me do this...
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emmieaster · 2 days ago
‧₊˚ ☽ ⋅Moon Phases ‧₊˚ ☽ ⋅
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Now available to download on my Ko-Fi as an IPad or Desktop wallpaper!
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mirrorcatcreditcard · 2 days ago
Eurylochus held true to Odysseus' words about love, and nobody really acknowledges it.
They are perfect foil for each other.
Odysseus' struggle to keep his crew alive and ultimately ends in their deaths and his fleet's destruction.
Eurylochus' struggle to keep Odysseus alive and the crew safe ultimately ends in his brother being stabbed and heart break.
Every song and scene they have together has them take separate paths to try to reach their results.
"Remember Them" — Odysseus is filled with pain and haunting memories, and Eurylochus tries harder to tell his captain to be cautious because he saw what happened. They're hurting. This pain will manifest in two different ways.
(placeholder so the posts don't mesh together)
"Luck Runs Out" — Odysseus is blind to his own arrogance and overconfidence while Eurylochus, singing for himself and the crew, reminds him that the powers above are dangerous. The captain sees this as mild insubordination; Eurylochus sees it as the only way to be able to express his concern but agrees to stop publicly doubting his king.
"You rely on wit and then men die on it" = why can't you see that you are not the "neither man or mythical" you claim to be
"Puppeteer" — Eurylochus finally starts a song, a significant development, to confess something to his king because he knows what he has done wrong and wants to be honest and upfront. Odysseus dismisses him due to the problems in his mind and what he thinks is priority. The second-in-command knows how saving people always seems to go and tries to sway Odysseus to cut off the metaphorical lizard tail. Odysseus is haunted by the deaths that have already occurred and wants to hold onto any crew member that he can.
"There's no length I wouldn't go if it was you I had to save. I can only hope you'd do the same." He does not know that Eurylochus being able to doubt him so much and remind him of mortality is him sticking his neck out. He's closer to Odysseus and has a tighter bond, but he can still be punished for lack of obedience. He breaks the rules for Odysseus, and all the man sees is a rule-breaker due to familiarity. He's doing the same every time he speaks.
"It's a game of wits, but you don't have to play" = reminder, Ody, that we can leave and keep trying
(In between) Notice we don't hear Eurylochus as a strong voice w/ the crew since Odysseus hushed him on Circe's Island. I believe this is significant. He doesn't speak until he can reveal his sins.
"Scylla" — Eurylochus can finally let the news off of his chest, but unfortunately for him, three songs ago his captain decided to become a monster. Odysseus, betrayed already and knowing he must sacrifice six men includes his right hand in the torchbearers lineup, but someone steals the torch. This series of actions has Eurylochus suspect/know the plot while noticing his captain did nothing but resign himself.
"Leaving them feeling betrayed, breaking the bonds that you've made..." A double meaning. The right-hand left his captain feeling betrayed. The king left his brother-in-law feeling betrayed. The entire crew is in pain and has had enough.
Note: All of Scylla's lines have multiple meanings, but I'll be here all night if I try to dissect each one in this post.
"Mutiny" — The sacrifice is the final straw for Eurylochus. He held back before because Odysseus' goal was to keep them alive and go home, but there's none of that here. He demands an answer but cannot be given one. With regret, he does the only thing he can think and fights Odysseus, hoping to beat him and make him finally come off his high horse or false near-god ideology or beat sense into him at the very least.
Zoom to the future, Eurylochus cannot lead the men on his own with his own will and has lost hope. Odysseus begs him not to make any rash decision, but he kills the cow of the sun god and shocks himself out of the depressed and desperate haze he was in.
"Don't make me fight you, brother, you know you'd have done the same" = if you were in my position, would you not sacrifice for my sister?
"If you want all the power, you must carry all the blame" = you cannot appeal to my empathy to cover up your mistakes anymore, brother
"I'm just a man." It's ironic that the only time he uses this line for himself reflects Odysseus' blindness in a different way. He speak almost like he's in a trance and is driven by his instincts. Odysseus says he's just a man to protest his emotions and needs and ultimate choice to throw away lives because he needs his goal. Though many comment jokingly on Eurylochus not deserving this line, I think this is his own way of being shown to connect to his captain before the shit drops.
"Thunder Bringer" — Eurylochus says the least during this song. His solitary lines are calling for his captain, his brother, his friend one last time and admitting to himself and Odysseus the inevitability of his choice he already knows is chosen. In Neal Illustrator's depiction of this particular song, it shows the crew surging forward at the betrayal as Eurylochus stays behind with a lost and broken look. That hurt resignation is the last thing we see from Eurylochus for the rest of the musical.
Oh my gods, these are the perfect antagonist and protagonist duo, and I love them together dearly.
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georgi-girl · 23 hours ago
Epic the Musical ON STAGE!
So, Epic is obviously great (IMO it makes Greek mythology cool again) and while I love watching all the animatics people make for it, the best visual adaptation I can think of for it would be an official stage play.
Picture this: 
The play opens on a big prop wooden horse. Then the stage crew turns it around and reveals that it's hollow and Odysseus and the Greeks are sitting inside it. Notable men jump onstage as Odysseus says their names. 
The backup singers would wear traditional robes and masks like the Greek tragedies of old. 
Whenever Penelope and later Telemachus are mentioned, they appear on stage and Odysseus looks at them while he sings. 
God characters would stand on raised platforms and have colorful body paint. (Gold for Zeus, silver for Athena, metallic blue for Poseidon, etc) 
The stage lights would turn dark red whenever someone dies. 
The crew would sail on a giant ship prop. 
The lotus eaters would wear flower cloaks and crouch low to the ground. 
The cyclops would be played by someone on stilts with a spotlight for an eye. 
The stage would have a spinning thing like they use in Hamilton. Very useful. I don’t know what it’s called. 
Aeolus would have cyan body paint and sit on a mobile throne of clouds. 
When Poseidon appears, the lighting becomes blue. 
When Circe sings, her nymphs would stand behind her and pose like classical paintings. 
Hermes would have aqua body paint and fly on wires. 
During Circe’s songs, there would be wooden pig props in the background. When she touches them with her wand, they get turned around and the human men appear. 
Ghost characters would be covered in white body paint.  
As the ship sails past Odysseus’ mother, he would walk along it to see her better and as they part, they would reach towards each-other. 
The prophet would touch Odysseus’ face as he foretells the future.  
Former enemies appear behind Odysseus as he sings ‘Monster’. 
Intermission would be before or after the Thunder Saga. 
The sirens would have wings AND tails. The crew cuts them all off. 
Scylla would be represented by giant scary animatronic. 
When Odysseus is stabbed during the mutiny, the crew surrounds him as the scene changes. Then when they part, he’s tied up and they’re on the Sun Island.  
While Telemachus sings, Athena watches him from a distance. 
Right between ‘Legendary’ and ‘Little Wolf’ Telemachas puts up his dukes against Antonios. 
Whenever Athena appears, the lights dim and everyone but her and the one she’s singing to stand frozen.  
As Calypso sings to Odyseuss, she tends his wounds and tries to embrace him. As he sings, he tries to get away from her. 
During ‘God Games’ every god has different lighting. (That goes without saying) 
Calypso helps Odysseus make his raft as she sings.  
The stage spins around to represent the whirlpool.  
During “600 Strike” the ghosts of the crew appear in white body paint and help Odysseus wrestle Poseidon’s trident away from him. 
During “The Challenge” Penelope is followed by robed servants. In the background, other servants lead hooded Odysseus on stage. 
In the background of ‘Hold Them Down’ Odysseus picks up the bow and strings it, while servants pick up all the swords and spears. At the end of the song he shoots through the axes in Antonios’ neck. 
(I don’t know how to represent suitors being shot by arrows. Maybe the choir members can carry them)  
While Odysseus and Telemachus reunite, servants clean up the palace around them. And before Odysseus talks with Athena, the choir surrounds him and reveals him in handsome kingly clothes.  
In the final song the spotlight is on Penelope and Odysseus while all the other characters watch from the background. When Penelope sings “Waiting” she takes Odyseuss’ hands and they slowly lean toward each other for a kiss. 
What do you think? Be honest! Comments and suggestions are appreciated. I might add additional ideas when I come up with them.
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doodlebugdpj · 2 days ago
I’m sad but if we did get an Argos mention we’d have to see him die 😭💔
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anxiousandpessimistic · 3 days ago
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bladevoyager · 3 days ago
PoV: it's just me. myself and I, stuck in my bedroom
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livingdatura · 3 days ago
Help me Epic fans/HJ
Okay, here's a random fucking call action because I've seen this excuse so many times with no evidence to support it
Does anyone have any screenshots/video clips of Jorge saying Calypso didn't s/a Odysseus?
Because I have seen so many Calypso defenders say this with no evidence
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archypopsworld · 2 days ago
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stickmachus · 2 days ago
I'm drawing scylla again! this time with traditional art!
I changed her design a lottttt and idk I feellike I improved a bit (I'll post when I'm done)
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anniflamma · 6 months ago
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Odysseus is "There are other way"-ing Zeus This is to everyone in that comment section!
There is a part 2 now...
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missescara-23 · 26 days ago
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🎶 Deep down I would trade the world to see my son and wife🎶
Kind of obsessed your honor 😑
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m1rafaye · 8 months ago
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"we must do what it takes to survive."
Scylla inspired by the song from the thunder saga! Epic the musical my beloved how I love you
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