#Energy healing practices
somethingnubian · 3 months
Reclaiming the Ancestral Power of Kemetic Reiki
Blessings and vibrant energies to all who find themselves here! I am Reiki Ra-ess, your guide on this enlightening journey through the ancient and sacred art known as Kemetic Reiki. Today, we delve deep into the heart of Kemet (ancient Egypt) to rediscover a healing tradition that predates and informs what many know as Reiki today. Join me as we explore its roots, its journey through time, and…
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souldrs · 8 months
Soul Doctors
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Website: https://www.souldrs.com
Soul Doctors specializes in personal growth and spiritual awakening, offering transformational life coaching and mindfulness training. They provide bespoke solutions for emotional healing, spiritual evolution, and conscious living. Their services include personal empowerment sessions, holistic wellness coaching, energy healing, purpose discovery, and life fulfillment strategies. They focus on cultivating inner peace, spiritual alignment, mental clarity, intuitive development, self-awareness, and facilitating spiritual journeys. Their approach combines ancient wisdom with modern techniques, tailored to each individual's needs.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_soul_doctors/
Mindfulness training
Personal development coaching
Holistic wellness coaching
Transformational life coaching
Emotional healing techniques
Personal growth coaching
Energy healing practices
Growth mindset coaching
Mental clarity and focus
Cultivating inner peace
Emotional resilience coaching
Emotional resilience techniques
Inner peace and harmony
Spiritual awakening guidance
Awareness and self-discovery
Life transformation coaching
Personal empowerment coaching
spiritual evolution strategies
bespoke spiritual solutions
conscious living coaching
personal empowerment sessions
spiritual mindset development
purpose discovery coaching
life fulfillment strategies
inner peace cultivation
spiritual alignment coaching
mental clarity sessions
intuitive development guidance
self awareness enhancement
spiritual journey facilitation
awakening to inner potential
mindful living techniques
emotional well being coaching
evolutionary spiritual practices
customized spiritual solutions
living consciously coaching
empowerment through coaching
mindful spiritual development
holistic wellness sessions
energy healing and balance
uncovering life purpose coaching
strategies for life fulfillment
aligning with spiritual purpose
developing intuition skills
awareness and self discovery
guided spiritual journey
spiritual awareness guidance
life transformational coaching
mindfulness and presence training
evolutionary strategies for growth
tailored spiritual solutions
coaching for conscious living
empowerment and self discovery
mindful spiritual growth
holistic well being coaching
energy healing for balance
purposeful living coaching
strategies for fulfilling life
spiritual alignment sessions
intuition development coaching
self awareness and growth
guided spiritual exploration
spiritual awakening insights
life transformation strategies
mindfulness and presence development
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urloveangel · 2 years
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inabigworld · 2 months
protecting/clearing your energy:
, visualize. imagine a ball of light in the center of your chest, and watch it grow each time you exhale.
, clear the field. now split that light ball into two separate balls of light. hold them in the palm of your hands, and with them you will wipe away all of what holds you down.
, smoke cleansing. using herb, barks, or resin. allow the smoke to wash over your entire body for however long you feel is necessary.
, grounding cord. imagine a luminous string that runs all the way from your head, to your toes, and into the ground below you.
, baths. using sea/epson salt, clay, and/or herbs and make a healing bath for you to soak in.
, light candles. whatever color you have to spare, or what’s best is for the color to correspond with the energy you’re trying to call in.
, make an altar. create a space with images, symbols, colors whatever reminds you of peace and love. make sure to include things that bring you joy, or that maybe have a memory or some sort of symbolic connection.
, de-cording. locate the emotion, person, or place that feels stuck. now imagine a cord tethering you to that stuck thing, and simply cut it with your fingers or just imagine it falling or ceasing to exist.
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theawakenedstate · 3 months
5 Spiritual Practices to Help You Live More Authentically
The Importance of Living Authentically
Living authentically involves matching your actions and decisions with your core values, desires, and beliefs. This authenticity boosts personal satisfaction and enhances mental and emotional well-being, leading to more profound and genuine relationships. Yet, societal expectations, fear of criticism, and inner conflicts can impede our quest for authenticity. Spiritual practices can help overcome these barriers by providing tools for self-discovery, reflection, and harmonizing our inner truth with our outward behavior. This article presents five spiritual practices to support authentic living and offers practical guidance on incorporating these practices into your daily routine.
1. Mindful Meditation: Connecting with Your Inner Self
Mindful meditation involves focusing on the present moment, observing thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. This practice enhances self-awareness, reduces stress, and promotes mental well-being. By connecting deeply with your inner self, it fosters peace and authenticity in daily life.
Understanding Mindful Meditation:
Mindful meditation involves being fully present and acknowledging thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. It emphasizes staying aware and engaged in the present moment.
Benefits of Mindful Meditation:
Mental and Emotional Benefits: 
Mindful meditation reduces stress, anxiety, and depression while improving self-awareness and emotional control.
Physical Health Benefits: 
Supported by scientific research, mindful meditation lowers blood pressure, enhances sleep quality, and diminishes the body’s stress response.
How to Practice Mindful Meditation:
Step-by-Step Guide: 
Find a quiet space, sit or lie comfortably, and focus on your breath. When distractions arise, gently return your focus to your breath.
Optimal Times and Settings: 
Practice mindful meditation in the morning for a positive start to the day or before bed to induce relaxation, ensuring an environment free from distractions.
2. Journaling: Uncovering Your True Thoughts and Emotions
Journaling is the practice of writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to gain insight and clarity. It helps uncover true emotions, fostering self-awareness and emotional processing. By regularly journaling, you can reduce stress and enhance personal growth.
Understanding Journaling
Journaling is the practice of writing down thoughts, feelings, and experiences to gain insight and clarity. It provides a safe space for self-expression and exploration without judgment.
Benefits of Journaling
Emotional Processing: 
It helps in handling feelings, lessening pressure, and further developing mindset guidelines.
Encourages self-awareness, permitting people to distinguish designs, triggers, and development openings.
Improves problem-solving aptitudes by giving an organized outlet for conceptualizing and investigating arrangements.
How to Journal Effectively
Choose Your Format: 
Decide between traditional pen-and-paper journaling or digital formats based on personal preference. Set Aside Time:
Allocate dedicated time for journaling each day or week to establish consistency. Write Freely: 
Allow thoughts to flow freely without censoring or editing, fostering authenticity and depth in your entries.
3. Practicing Gratitude: Fostering a Positive and Authentic Outlook
Practicing gratitude involves acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of life, cultivating a genuine sense of contentment and well-being. It fosters a positive outlook by enhancing mood, reducing stress, and promoting emotional resilience. Embracing gratitude encourages authenticity and strengthens connections with others, enriching overall life satisfaction.
Understanding Gratitude
Gratitude means recognizing and valuing the positive aspects of your life. It involves acknowledging the good things you have, which fosters a sense of contentment and well-being.
Benefits of Practicing Gratitude
Mental and Emotional Benefits: 
Boosts mood, reduces stress and encourages a positive outlook on life.
Improved Relationships: 
Strengthens bonds with others by fostering appreciation and positivity.
Overall Well-being: 
Enhances overall happiness and life satisfaction, as supported by scientific research.
How to Practice Gratitude
Gratitude Journaling: 
Write down things you are thankful for daily or weekly to develop a habit of appreciation.
Expressing Gratitude: 
Show your appreciation to others through words or acts of kindness.
Mindful Awareness: 
Take moments throughout the day to reflect on and appreciate positive experiences.
4. Authentic Communication: Speaking Your Truth with Compassion
Authentic communication entails expressing your truth with empathy and honesty, fostering genuine connections and understanding. It prioritizes clarity, sincerity, and compassion, allowing for open and meaningful dialogue. By embracing authentic communication, individuals nurture trust, respect, and authenticity in their interactions.
Understanding Authentic Communication
Authentic communication means sharing your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly while valuing and respecting others’ perspectives. It prioritizes clarity, honesty, and empathy.
Benefits of Authentic Communication
Enhanced Relationships: 
Promotes trust and strengthens bonds through open and honest interactions.
Personal Empowerment: 
Boosts self-confidence and self-respect by affirming your voice and perspectives.
Conflict Resolution: 
Improves problem-solving and conflict resolution through clear and empathetic communication.
How to Practice Authentic Communication
Be Honest and Clear: 
Express your thoughts directly and sincerely, choosing your words carefully.
Listen Actively: 
Show genuine interest in others’ viewpoints and respond with empathy.
Use “I” Statements: 
Communicate your feelings and thoughts using “I” statements to take responsibility and avoid blaming others.
5. Embracing Vulnerability: The Key to Genuine Connection
Embracing vulnerability involves being open about one’s true self, fears, and feelings, fostering deeper connections and understanding. It promotes authenticity and empathy, creating opportunities for genuine and meaningful relationships to flourish. By embracing vulnerability, individuals unlock the door to genuine connection, intimacy, and personal growth.
Understanding Vulnerability
Vulnerability means being open and truthful about your feelings, experiences, and fears. It involves revealing your true self, even when it feels uncomfortable or risky.
Benefits of Embracing Vulnerability
Deeper Connections: 
Builds trust and closeness in relationships by allowing others to see the real you.
Personal Growth:
Promotes self-acceptance and resilience by facing and sharing your vulnerabilities.
Enhanced Empathy: 
Increases understanding and compassion for both yourself and others, leading to more meaningful interactions.
How to Embrace Vulnerability
Be Honest with Yourself: 
Recognize and accept your feelings and experiences without judgment.
Share Openly: 
Express your vulnerabilities with trusted individuals to strengthen connections.
Practice Self-Compassion: 
Show kindness and understanding to yourself as you deal with your vulnerabilities.
Conclusion: Embarking on Your Journey to Authentic Living
Adding spiritual habits to your daily life can make your journey to living honestly much better. Doing things like meditating, writing in a journal, being thankful, talking honestly, and being open about your weaknesses are great ways to understand yourself better, grow personally, and have deeper relationships with others. When you keep doing these things, they help you live in line with what matters to you, which makes you feel happier and healthier. You can find more help and advice at SpiritualGrowthEvents.com to start your journey to a more honest and satisfying life.
Featured guest author: wishes to remain Anonymous
5 Spiritual Practices to Help You Live More Authentically
The Importance of Living Authentically Living authentically involves matching your actions and decisions with your core values, desires, and beliefs. This authenticity boosts personal satisfaction and enhances mental and emotional well-being, leading to more profound and genuine relationships. Yet, societal expectations, fear of criticism, and inner conflicts can impede our quest for authenticity. Spiritual practices […]
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magickfromscratch · 1 year
I know this gets zero points for aesthetics from the High Magic crowd, but once I learned that strong smells disrupt etheric energy and can even destroy talisman consecrations that I'd spent hours on, I started using TIGER BALM to unblock my energy centers, and I am never going back. Vicks works too, and I think it's less expensive. In fact, I think you can get it at the Dollar Store.
You have a cold? Put Vicks on it. Sore muscles? Vicks on it. Imbalance in you mleh-mleh-mleh chakra? VICKS. Some newb trying to target you with a ray? Vicks.
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theearthforce · 4 months
Your items, even if you are not wearing them, are still energetically connected to you. Therefore, it is important to take care of their energies, as they are extensions of you.
Similarly, your energetic connections with other people are also extensions of you. If there are negative energies in these connections, they can affect the quality of your relationships. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your connections with loved ones are free from any negative interferences. Additionally, the presence of a connection between you and someone else allows the energy of that person to affect you, even if they are no longer physically present in your life. Hence, it can be beneficial to cut the connections you no longer need to minimize the influence you receive from others.
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lunasapphire · 8 months
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Not the fanciest of photos, BUT here is my crystal grid with my tarot cards from my morning yoga practice💙
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aintmyjewelry · 9 months
can women on tiktok not try to tell people tea blends will fix their medical problems. if you’ve been missing ur period for weeks and months, go see a doctor ? please ? don’t buy a tea off the tiktok shop
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nexusofsorcery · 10 months
Purple Candle Magic: Illuminating Your Path to Spiritual Growth
What is Purple Candle Magic? Purple Candle Magic is a form of candle magic that harnesses the energetic properties of the color purple. It is believed that purple candles have the ability to amplify spiritual energy and enhance intuition. This type of magic is often used for spiritual growth, psychic development, and connecting with higher realms. By lighting a purple candle and focusing your…
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wayti-blog · 4 months
"Emerge gently from matter into Spirit. Think not to thwart the spiritual ultimate of all things, but come naturally into Spirit through better health and morals and as the result of spiritual growth."
Mary Baker Eddy
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somethingnubian · 19 days
Grounding Intentions: Embrace Change and Growth Under the New Moon in Virgo
The New Moon in Virgo on September 3, 2024, at 9:55 p.m. marks a pivotal moment as we transition from summer to fall. Virgo, a mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury, invites us to take a critical look at our routines, declutter our lives, and step into the energy of healthy self-improvement. With Virgo’s eye for detail, we are encouraged to streamline our processes and commit to a grounding…
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therainbowmagi · 10 months
I have an idea and it's going to sound a little strange but here me out:
What you need;
visual representations (dolls) of relevant people in the conflict
intention candle (green, red or white is ideal, but the intention is more important than the color)
a few words scripted
optional: a representation of all elements present to amplify power
optional but ideal: surface with metatron's cube on it
If you set the intention to soothe the heart spaces of the relevant instigators/agitators/antagonists to the current israeli- palestenian conflict, and weed out whatever internal disharmony is causing them to act out + be callous with the lives of the people who want nothing to do with the war but happen to be near it/ around it, who is to say, that we wont see a change and potentially a ceasefire.
Now, you can include the intention of a ceasefire in your scripting but i recommend that you focus on healing a root issues, it may not be immediately apparent which ones to you but visualize and focus on the chakra system while performing reiki in an anti clockwise (think undo) circular motion on top of the heart space. imagine uprooting and pulling out deep dark roots from their rectum out of their body/space/aura. Let the viscerality of its imagery come to you. It may be a little nasty but imagine pulling every last one of it out. Remember to intentionally create an energetic glove of sorts while doing this. Visualize it while activating the reiki in your hands.
The key here is to think gentle, soothing and healing thoughts. Do not do this to inflict punishment or torture on them, that is not for you to do. It may make it worse for others caught in the conflict and potentially yourself.
Imagine yourself connecting with their inner children if you will and you coaxing them out of their stupor or their calcified pain/low vibrational states.
Try this for a 3 weeks, 5 weeks, more. Remember consistency and repetition is key. Do it for a few minutes (10,15). If we all commit to doing it, I promise you we will see a palpable change.
Please feel free to ask questions!
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urloveangel · 2 years
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void-tiger · 5 months
…the difference between me and my allo friend… she already has a friendship with her crush. Her crush jokes and texts and visits her back. He’s even hugged her. And if he isn’t attracted to her back, she’ll throw all that away. Is there ANY consideration for his feelings at all?!
While me? I will rip out my own heart by keeping my distance if that’s what would be needed from me—because of a lack of interest, or because things are just complicated; there isn’t a lack of interest back. The opposite, apparently. There’s an Old Guilt about Yet Again feeling unable to reciprocate back the way they wish to…when this whole time all I’ve wanted was to try and find a middle ground. I will aggressively and persistently defend the right to JUST friendship and gently but firmly tell everyone to Leave It Alone, Stay Out Of It, Don’t Pressure EITHER Of Us. Because actual trust and respect and building a solid friendship at whatever level the other person either wants or can offer back…that means more to me than “I’m romantically attracted to this person emotionally and if they feel the same way I’d be open to exploring that with them at whatever point in the future.”
I…dunno. Maybe it’s just the difference between allosexuals and asexuals. Or Lust/Infatuation and alterous/queer platonic attraction. I won’t claim that I’m immune to limerence because…I’m not. But the kind I experience isn’t built upon The Idea of a person and what they look like…but my brain refusing to not get hyperfixated on someone and struggling to pry its jaws open to Let It GO, and…hope, I guess. Hope to finally actually be accepted and not containing myself so tightly inside.
Who someone actually is, if we have a spark of a platonic rapport (over QPR or romantic), matters more to me than an Idea of them, how they look, etc.
And it’s hard to not feel exasperated with apparently…this isn’t how people experience things. I’m always worrying my desire for a connection is too heavy and ultimately selfish. Even as…I really Don’t Care what sort of relationship I have, I just want to discover what it is and fortify it then privately compartmentalize anything leftover. While the majority of people…really don’t take someone’s feelings into consideration at all. It’s only how they feel and how the object of their attraction makes them feel.
…how am I supposed to not feel completely furious about this utter objectification regardless of someone’s gender and sexuality being considered the Acceptable Norm.
Especially when I have always had to fight so damn hard to even have friends and platonic intimacy with friends. Forget when I do have “extra” platonic attraction at play as well.
#tiger’s roar#don’t mind me. it’s just ANGY Ace Time#and I DO have the respect and care and dare I say it affection and attraction more or less returned#but like. I had to fight SO FUCKING HARD for it#harder than anyone else would’ve bothered to#…but the draw just Wouldn’t Go Away and the Draw even existed at all because they ARE someone who’s acted like they yearn for that too#that they are kind. and accept me. and have similar/same interests and to some degree a similar sense of humor#the tension…is circumstances. and misunderstandings for like. 2.5 years. but I think I FINALLY got those resolved#because…I am. stubborn like that. if I’m not told No each time I Check For A No. if I can accept I’m Not A Bother#then…yeah. I’m gonna put energy into exploring for a middle ground and defending the right to friendship and understanding/accepting#in addition to the selfwork I’m going to keep on doing. for my own healing. my own future self.#but especially when it might/is affecting other people#’iT’s nOT tHAT dEEP TiGER!!’ okay but LISTEN. I have A LOT of trauma to resolve and yearning for connection to deal with#and social skills to be stuck practicing very much delayed because my developmental environment STUNTED them#but the pain of Not Dealing With It is poisoning me so…I HAVE to deal with the extreme distress of taking that on#so…yeah. it IS That Deep to me#and when people just…take the friendships they already have for granted… BRUH.
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barerootsenergy · 8 months
Bare Roots Energy
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Website: https://www.barerootsenergy.com
Address: Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Bare Roots Energy, nestled in Lawrence, KS, is a sanctuary for spiritual and physical rejuvenation. Specializing in Reiki Healing Services and Energy Healing Techniques, they offer a haven for those seeking balance and wellness. Their Meditation Coaching Online and Spiritual Wellness Courses are tailored to individual needs, ensuring a deeply personal experience. The center is renowned for its Crystalline Consciousness Technique™ and Distance Healing Sessions, providing transformative healing regardless of physical distance. With services like Chakra Alignment Therapy, Energy Detox Treatments, and Life Path Spiritual Readings, Bare Roots Energy is dedicated to guiding individuals on their journey to holistic health and spiritual enlightenment. Whether you're seeking Personalized Energy Work, Spiritual Healing Workshops, or Online Reiki Certification, their expert team, led by Jamelle Zablow-Moloney, offers a comprehensive approach to wellness, blending ancient wisdom with modern techniques.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jamellezablowmoloney
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisismylifeinpictures/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/bareroots/
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