#Embracing Personal Responsibility
kc22invesmentsblog · 8 months
Unleashing the Power Within: Embracing Our Potential
Written by Delvin Welcome to another inspiring Sunday! Today, we explore the profound words of Alice Walker, a renowned author, who beautifully stated, “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” These words resonate deeply, urging us to reflect on the immense power we possess within ourselves. In this motivational blog post, we delve into the…
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Whenever people who are entrenched in diet culture talk about how terrible chemicals are, I just want to whip out this:
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#diet culture#diet culture tw#described images#image description in alt#'it's got CHEMICALS in it' and so do you! and me too! IT'S ALL CHEMICALS ALL THE WAY DOWN#instead of running from this world we must learn to embrace it#i'm not particularly angry at people who say this because it makes me think that they're incredibly invested in diet culture...#...i just don't want the whole 'food = bad' or 'bodies = bad' to go unchallenged...#...part of the reason why diet culture seems just as prevalent now (if not moreso) is partially because it isn't really...#...challenged or questioned without provocation. it's just assumed to be correct because it makes you 'feel in control'#when chemicals are bad you can control what chemicals you consume. it's individualistic and places the blame onto you for 'being good'#it places responsibility onto the person in such a way that it becomes impossible to fulfill#it isn't that i'm upset that people want to treat their bodies in a way they think is responsible...#...moreso that the *way* they go about it ensures that they're stuck in a cycle of self-blame and even self-hatred#because the METHOD is ineffective. not the desire to treat your body well#also the state of ohio looks stupid and i do Not respect it#it looks like a ball that is simultaneously deflated and over-inflated#also their state flag looks silly to me#it looks like the person who was making it fell asleep making it#i'm just clowning on ohio at this point. have never been to ohio but. are you guys okay
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saltlog · 1 year
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littlebigmouse · 7 months
One worldbuilding detail Soul Eater really had going for it was the way they explained everyone having weird, unique and horror-movie inspired names such as Soul Eater, Black*Star, Franken Stein.
The school all these kids attend allows them to sign up with any name they want and to change their names once every six months.
You better believe if I were a thirteen year old with the ability to turn into a scythe and eat monster souls I'd call myself Soul Eater too. "But isn't his original name 'Soul Evans'? That's already a weird first name." He's from a family of musicians. He probably has a cousin called R'n'B.
It also made for the very nice touches in charaterisation where you'd see a character calling himself "Ox Ford" and knew immediately which brand of arrogant, insufferable child-prodigy this guy represented and you'd be absolutely right. Why is there a girl who can turn into a lantern who's name is "Jackie O'Lantern"? Because she's the funniest teenager on the squad.
Shoutout to Maka Albarn for taking her education so seriously she decided to not get herself a fun name, and to Justin Law, who let's say, subverted expectations.
It also just makes total sense for their wacky and non-conforming headmaster to not give a shit about names, or birth names, or gender norms. Death said trans rights, yo.
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gibsonwitch · 1 year
i am a very feminine lesbian. ive had flirtations with Gender that are more to do with autism than, well, gender, and i feel very euphoric when i am able to dress in a feminine manner. i think this is why i am so incredibly delighted by butches. how wonderful, to experience gender so differently than me! how incredible and beautiful and exciting!
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byanyan · 5 months
still on my byan being a timid kid shit, but now with a focus on them being a timid kid prone to extreme violence when they get pushed too far. specifically thinking about the way they sent a boy who bullied them to the hospital when they finally snapped on him. how they set fire to a foster family's home, resulting in the destruction of about 60 - 70% of everyone's belongings, including their own, severe burns on their own hand which eliminated most of their fingerprints on that side, and much worse burns on their then-foster sister, kit's (@florafound's), back. how they bit another student so hard when they perceived him as a genuine threat that he needed stitches. how they similarly stabbed a man for the same reason when he grabbed their shoulder, only to run away before he could potentially retaliate and before they could see the extent of the damage or know what happened to him after that.
byan as a timid kid who's terrified of what they can do because they haven't actually killed anyone yet, but they've come stupidly close without even meaning to.
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the-trans-dragon · 1 year
Sorry for posting 30 tags worth of fanfic of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis in my most recent reblog's tags, I got carried away, you know how it is
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graymand · 9 months
5 things I have learned as I embrace Adulting
I think everyone is a little bit lost at 25. But here are five of the things that I have learned so far as I am trying to embrace this important phase of my life. The universe is not in a hurry. You are. Rat race. Competitive environment. Underemployment. Our friends are getting married. Sense of belonging. Lack of purpose. It’s easy to fall into an anxious state at this point in life. But it…
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
btw just a wee thought a small suggestion but what if...... you made an oc...... what if you made an oc who’s one of yubari’s siblings........ what if : )
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formashimataichi · 2 years
you really think it’s funny that arata got a gag scene in the end? at the very least, sensei could have toned down his feelings for chihaya in the final arc especially if he was actually rejected in 173 and knew that. i expected her to handle his rejection a bit more delicately? like sure his grandfather died but that doesn’t make this romantic heartbreak any less painful. that’s not how it works in life. and sensei knew this so she had to play it off as joke but that just ended up upsetting fans even more.
i mean the thing is, though—and before i go on i will admit here that i think this is one of the primary areas where i tend to diverge from the fandom in general, is in that sort of acceptance of authorial authority and of the author generally knowing best how a character will react to certain situations—have we ever really gotten the impression that arata is someone who would be devastated by a rejection? i agree the last chapter felt a little clunky and maybe it would have been better to afford some of these conversations more than a few speech bubbles, but i don’t think spending more time in that conversation would really have made arata’s reaction all that different. from the outset he possessed a very open-minded and forward-thinking outset on love, and in part that’s why a lot of people even gravitated towards his love story with chihaya in the first place. theirs was largely a connection he was content to maintain without overarching expectations, with his desires comfortably remaining present despite chihaya’s expression of her own priorities. so like, sure, maybe under normal expectations we would assume a heartbreak would hurt, but i don’t particularly think arata is the kind of character to react the way that readers as shippers would. he’s never held expectations of chihaya and i don’t think he was ever someone deterred by the idea of waiting patiently for her love while they both pursued dreams that still allowed for a maintained connection between them, even without an explicit romance as party to that. the specific joke suetsugu decided to have arata make i can agree did a haphazard job at sticking the landing but i wasn’t off-put by the attitude it was supposed to express on his part. i honestly found it to be really refreshing
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kajmasterclass · 1 month
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singwhenyoucantspeak · 7 months
my other big pet peeve is when advice for a specific niche audience is shared virally on the social medias as tho it is universal advice appropriate for everyone. this applies to "therapy speak" misappropriation issues but ALSO to advice about navigating certain systems (usually as marginalized individuals). i.e., career advice/discussion of responsibility and effort that should be put into certain things etc.
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trendingnow3-blog · 11 months
Threads of Tradition and Individuality
Daily writing promptWhat traditions have you not kept that your parents had?View all responses Once upon a time, in a quaint Indian village, I was a young girl named Radha. My days were filled with the simple joys of life, playing in the fields, tending to the cows, and helping my mother with household chores. Our village was steeped in rich traditions, and as I grew older, my parents began to…
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unkstaarwysbr · 11 months
The Call for Prudence: Navigating the Pitfalls of Foolish Choices
Within TSDS 276, the resonating phrase “Don’t be a dumbass” echoes persistently, serving as an impassioned call to action. The hosts ardently urge individuals to exercise better judgment, eschewing the allure of foolish or irresponsible behavior. Expressing their frustration with those who make ill-advised decisions, particularly in matters of finance and personal safety, the hosts illuminate the…
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hollandsangel · 4 months
move over | m. sturniolo
okAY here we go this is my first sturniolo fic please be nice to me i am afraid
ps if you’d like to be tagged in any (possible) future fics comment 🍜
summary: matt needs a bigger bed
wc: 1k
warnings: matt x fem!reader, cursing, nightmares? no description really, just funny and fluffy 🫡 all the triplets are in it but reader is dating matt!
..does anyone remember that one video where matt said chris never sleeps in his own bed? well…
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gif by @mattsturnioloarchive !
you feel yourself slipping back into consciousness, and you can tell from the soft, pale blue light of matt’s bedroom that it’s morning. matt’s fast asleep behind you, resting on his stomach with you tucked up into his side, his right arm slung over your waist. you’re already upset that you have to pee, the idea of crawling out of the sleep-warm bed and leaving your boyfriend’s cozy embrace is not an appealing one, but the nagging in your bladder won’t go away.
with a sleepy sigh you stretch your arm out just enough to the tap the screen of your phone, the numbers 8:23 glaring back you. you still don’t have to be up for another hour and a half, which you think is an acceptable amount of time left to lay in matt’s arms and snooze a bit more, even if you don’t really need anymore sleep.
it’s a bit tricky to clamber out of bed without waking the sleeping boy next to you. trying to keep from dragging the duvet with you when you slide out. you tuck matt back in properly before you wander off to his bathroom. softly, you click the door shut, and it, along with your sleep-hazy mind, muffles any sounds coming from outside the bathroom.
for once, chris slept in his own bed, knowing you’d be sleeping over and nick was editing the video meant to go up later this afternoon early into the morning. it’s too early for him to be waking up on his own but something stirs him into wakefulness, his heart beating a little faster than it should be.
matt had woken up for a mere second when you slipped out of bed and hasn’t fallen back into the depth of his sleep, waiting for you to come back. he’s just barley alert enough to hear shuffling from down the hall, getting louder until the person responsible is standing at the crack in the door.
“matt?” chris whispers, peeking into the bedroom.
matt groans and rolls over just until he can see his brother over his shoulder, “what, chris?”
“i had a fucked up dream, dude,” chris says, padding further into the room, “where’s y/n?”
matt turns a little closer to his brother, facing him now, “bathroom,” he mumbles, “what was it about?”
chris is still standing in the middle of the room, phone held loosely in his hand, “you got into a fuckin’ car accident, a really bad one” he admits, feeling a bit foolish and juvenile for running to his brother after a bad dream, “can i sleep in here?”
matt’s face softens and he rubs his eye, “yeah, ‘course.” he says, watching chris slowly walk towards the bed, “that’s her side,” he says though when chris tries to lay where you had been.
chris fakes a scowl and matt makes a face back, sleep still tugging at his mind. the two of them lay back down, back to back, tugging the covers over their shoulders.
you finish washing your hands and shut off the bathroom light. rubbing at your eyes, you make your way back to matt’s room, looking forward to sleeping a bit longer. upon wandering in you’re met with more than one body under the blankets, making you stop in your tracks.
“chris?” you wonder outloud, stopped in the door way.
matt answers before his brother can, “he had a bad dream,” he explains to you, face smushed into the pillow, leaving the words all muffled and extra groggy.
“sure,” you say, as if chris sleeping in matt’s bed doesn’t surprise you (it doesn’t). dragging your feet over to your side of the bed to matt, where he’s taking up a bit too much room. “move over,” you tell him when he peels the blankets back for you. he shuffles back with a little too much effort and you climb back into bed.
once you’re settled matt scoots a little bit closer to you to make more room for the three people now in his queen sized bed, but also because he never passes up an excuse to hold you a little tighter.
you doze in and out, matt’s soft breath against your neck keeping you a little bit dazed but not quite enough to lull you back to sleep fully. it must be nearing 10 am now, more bright sun spilling in from the cracks in the curtains above the bed. you think chris is awake too, hearing breathy little chuckles every now and then. you reach for your phone, deciding on a mindless scroll through instagram.
after a few minutes it sounds like nick has also woken up, his footsteps audible in the bedroom above. you hear him coming down the stairs, and you think he stops in the kitchen until his voice fills the quiet halls.
“chris?” he asks, standing in his brother’s empty bedroom, confused as to why he’s not in bed.
“in here,” chris speaks up, waiting for nick to press the door open.
he does, standing at arms length with a skeptical look on his face, almost afraid of what he might find. “um…hello, what are you doing in here?” nick asks, finally crossing the threshold.
“he had a bad dream,” matt says into your shoulder, startling you. you didn’t know he was awake.
“i had a bad dwream,” chris says in that stupid pouty voice that drives all of you insane, no doubt looking at nick with puppy dog eyes.
“oh…kay,” nick says and you laugh at the suspicion still evident in his tone.
“did you see the tik tok i sent you?” chris is laughing but stops abruptly when matt kicks him in the calf, which makes you giggle into your boyfriend’s arm.
“yeah, but i’m a bit more preoccupied with the absurdity of the three of you in matt’s bed right now,” nick says in his distinct deadpan drawl, which only makes you smile more.
“c’mon nick you might as well join us,” you say, earning a loud, over exaggerated groan from matt, his arms tightening around your waist.
you think nick must oblige because he doesn’t say anything for a second, coming closer to the bed.
“move over, dummy fuck,” he says to chris, who laughs out loud and scoots closer to matt.
“i hate them,” matt whispers in your ear.
tags! @mattsturnioloarchive @averysbestyears
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