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zillychu · 2 months ago
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strangling them. the most polycule ever
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fandoms-x-reader · 5 months ago
Replay - Alternate Ending
Requested By: Multiple Users! Thank you for the support <3
Summary: No matter how hard you try to save your friends, death is unavoidable and in order to save you friends, you make the ultimate sacrifice. The Seven Demon Brothers x Reader Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon & Solomon Luke (platonically), Mephisto, Raphael & Thirteen Word Count: 4,094
Replay - Pt. 1 | Replay Pt. 2 | Good Ending | Bad Ending
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^Inspiration for this oneshot! Shoutout to @olivia-willo-w for sending it to me <3^
Time after time you watched everyone you loved pass.
Time after time they promised you they would survive.
Time after time you tried to protect them and failed.
You had lost hope that things would ever be different.
You loved everyone, but you didn’t want to live through this again. You couldn’t live through this again. 
You had all put up a valiant effort. You had fought harder than you ever had before.
Not a single person there was unscathed. You were all bloody and in pain. You were exhausted, but it wasn’t over.
And you were beginning to think it would never be over. You had to do something - anything - to end the war you had been fighting for so long now.
You took a moment on the battlefield to pause and look around.
That’s when you saw your chance. An opening to end things once and for all.
It would surely result in your death. After all, you were only a human and what you were about to do was something that no one would be able to survive.
But, as you looked at your friends, memories began flashing through your mind.
You remembered the first time you danced with Lucifer - how tightly he held your hand as he all but threatened you. You and he had come such a long way from that. Now, your time together was filled with his favorite tea and long and loving talks. 
You remembered how Mammon hated the fact that he had to babysit you when you first got to the Devildom. Now, he never wanted to be away from you. The two of you were partners in crime, like Bonnie and Clyde.
Levi never even opened the door to his bedroom for you at first. He hated normies and you were sure you would never be able to change his mind. And when you did, you had a true friend that you knew that you could always depend on. 
And Satan had been so angry all of the time before he met you. He didn’t give you the time of day at first until your trip up to the human world. Now, you’re the only one who can get through to him and the only one he’s ever felt so connected to.
Asmo was so shallow when you first met him. You were so positive the only thing he cared about was his appearance. But, after making a pact with him you could see how beautiful he was underneath it all and he always made sure you felt loved.
Beel had never had any problem with you - except for that one time you ate his food and he destroyed the kitchen. But, the two of you had grown so much closer nonetheless. He was your number-one supporter and always gave the best hugs.
And let’s not even mention what happened between you and Belphie. The two of you had come a very long way from that time. He was your cuddle buddy now and someone who was surprisingly good at being able to comfort you.
Then there was the future King of the Devildom. At first, you were simply a way for him to achieve his goal. He never thought he would have fallen for you as hard as he did and you never would have thought there was such a kind and caring personality behind the ruler of Hell.
You and Barbatos hadn’t grown closer until later, but he was just as important to you as the others. He was always there to offer you advice and if you ever needed any help you knew that he was only a phone call away.
Then there were the angels. Sweet and innocent Luke who only wanted to protect you and Simeon would give up his life for you in an instant. They were the nicest creatures you had ever met and you couldn’t imagine your life without them.
Lastly, there was Solomon. Your fellow human who had been with you since the start of this journey. He did everything he could to emotionally support and connect with you in a way only humans could and he was the reason you knew how to do any magic at all.
Even Mephisto, Raphael, and Thirteen held a special place in your heart. They were such amazing and unique people. You hated losing them just as much as you hated losing any of the others.
They all had equal pieces of your heart and you knew that if you did this - even if it killed you - it would be worth it. Because you would be saving them. The ones you held so close to you.
And it was that thought alone that pushed your legs to move on their own.
Your mind blanked out any fear as you kept your friends at the forefront of your mind.
They were all busy fighting their own enemies, doing what they could to stay alive.
So, none of them noticed what you were doing until it was too late for them to reach you.
You heard an array of protests being thrown your way as fifteen hearts simultaneously stopped beating, watching the scene in front of them unfold. 
In a matter of moments, you felt the most intense pain you had ever felt, and then you felt nothing.
You were numb. You wouldn’t have even known you were still alive if it hadn’t been for Mammon coming into your view.
He was saying something but you couldn’t hear it.
He was crying and you wanted to reach up and wipe his tears away, but you couldn’t move.
And as your vision started to fade you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he looked even when he was crying.
That was the last thing you saw before everything went black.
Lucifer was doing everything in his power to protect everyone. His eyes were looking a million places at once, determined not to lose any of his siblings or friends.
That’s when he saw you running. His eyebrows knitted in confusion as he tried to figure out where you were going.
When he saw where you were headed, he felt like he couldn’t breathe as all of his senses went numb. What were you thinking?!
Lucifer let out a shout of protest that grabbed everyone’s attention and he quickly took care of his current problem before making his way to you.
But he was too late and as he saw your body falling to the ground, he felt his world falling down with you. 
His body stopped moving on its own, frozen in shock and pain as he watched the one he loved get struck down.
And before he could register what was happening, tears began streaming down his face and it felt harder and harder to breathe.
His hands moved to hold his head as the tears began pouring out harder and he bit his lip to hold back a sob that was threatening to escape.
 This couldn’t be real. You couldn’t leave him.
Mammon was fighting just as valiantly as his older brother. He was doing everything he could to stay focused and not put himself in danger - for your sake.
But when he heard Lucifer yell, every inch of his body shifted its focus to you. And when he saw what you were doing, he immediately ran to you to stop you.
He was the fastest so of course he would be the first one to reach you. But, even he was too late.
He got there only in time to catch your body and as he looked into your eyes and saw the life draining out of them, the tears naturally began pouring down his cheeks.
He laid you down on the ground and pleaded with you to stay with him but he could tell that you couldn’t hear him and it was all the more heartbreaking. 
Mammon’s body went into panic mode as he was doing everything he could to help you yet nothing at the same time. Because you were already gone. 
He felt like hyperventilating as the harsh reality came crashing down on him. You were gone. 
He suddenly found himself standing back up, taking a few steps backward as he tried to breathe, but the only thing he could do was sob.
His hands rested on his knees and he did everything he could to support himself as he mourned your loss. 
You were his partner in crime. There is no him if there is no you. 
This was the first time Levi had a chance to use his power in its full glory since his days in the Celestial Realm. And, he was the third-most powerful for a reason.
He was fighting with everything he had, finally getting a chance to prove to everyone that he wasn’t a waste.
And for the first time in a long time, he was feeling really good about himself - until he saw what you were doing.
Levi let out a loud gasp as suddenly every ounce of confidence he was getting back fled his body.
He froze, unable to say or do anything as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. This couldn’t be happening.
When you fell to the ground, the sobs broke from Levi’s lips as the tears streamed down his face with no sign of stopping.
One of his hands raised to his forehead as the pain he felt in his chest only grew worse and worse.
He wanted to blame himself for being good enough. He wanted to apologize to everyone for not being able to save you. 
But, all he could do was mourn.
When the Avatar of Wrath goes into a frenzy, it was hard to pull him out of it. And that was exactly what Satan was in right now.
In order to achieve the level he needed to make sure he survived, he had to block everything out except for his anger. For once, he let his sin take over and run rampant. 
He would survive - for you.
But, his brother's cries pulled him out of the state he was in and as he started seeing clearly, he wished he couldn’t see at all.
He saw the tears falling down his brothers’ cheeks and then he saw your body lying on the ground and his blood ran cold.
He immediately ran over to you. He studied everything he could about humans, so surely there was something he could do to help. 
When he finally reached you, his hands reached everywhere he could attempting to help but not knowing where to start. 
Finally, he decided to start with the most obvious place - checking your pulse. 
His world stopped as he realized he couldn’t feel it. 
The tears began pouring just as heavily down his cheeks as his brothers and his hand moved to his mouth to cover the sobs that he couldn’t keep in as he looked at your dead body.
You were gone.
For once, Asmo had thrown all worries about his beauty out the window because he knew that if he was worried about chipping a nail or ruining his hair, he wouldn’t make it.
And he couldn’t do that to you. He had so much more love to give you. He had so many more ways to show you that love.
He was going to make sure that he got that chance. All he had to do was survive like he promised you.
Everything changed when he saw you get struck down. 
He immediately let out a cry of heartbreak and pain as he watched it happen.
One of his hands raised to his cheek while the other rose to his mouth, as his body was overcome with sobs.
And that’s when he realized - you didn’t promise him.
He told you that you were everything he had ever wanted. He told you that he wasn’t done loving you.
So, why didn’t you promise him that you would survive too?
Going into this, Beel had been so scared that he wouldn’t be able to fulfill his role as the protector of the family.
He had been so scared that he was going to lose one of his siblings like in the last war that they fought together.
But, everyone was still alive and it sent a wave of relief through Beel. He knew that they still had a long fight ahead of them, but seeing everyone still alive gave him hope.
And then you went and sacrificed yourself for them.
Beel felt his heart rip apart as he saw you get struck.
He ran to you as fast as he could but stopped before he reached you, seeing you lying lifeless on the ground. 
His body felt like it was going into shock as he realized his worst fear was coming true and his head fell to his hand as the tears flooded down his cheeks.
The night that the two of you spent together, he told you that he would always protect you. And he failed.
You were gone and he couldn’t help but feel like it was his fault. Like he should have done more.
He was so, so sorry for not protecting you.
For the most part, Belphie was following the others’ lead on the battlefield.
It wasn’t because he needed help. He was doing an excellent job of holding his own.
He just wanted to make sure that he didn’t mess up. He wanted to make sure everyone made it out of there.
He thought they had done it this time. He thought he did a good job. And then he saw you.
Seeing you on the ground gave Belphie a panic attack as memories of the time he hurt you overwhelmed him. He would take it all back if he could.
He had already apologized for it and you had already forgiven him. But seeing you die made him feel guilty all over again.
One of his hands raised to cover his face as he freely cried, expressing all of his pain.
He didn’t have a chance to really make things up to you yet. He didn’t have a chance to show you how much he loved you yet.
And the realization that he wouldn’t get that chance broke him.
Diavolo was the type of person where if he was going to go out - he was going to out swinging. And he was fully prepared to lay down his life for everyone else if it got to that point.
What he was not prepared for was for you to do that for everyone. 
He knew you loved them all but he never would have thought that your feelings were strong enough to compel you to do this.
If you had told him that he would have felt this much pain at your loss when he first met you, Diavolo would have never believed it.
But he had fallen so hard for you and now the idea of living without you was too much to bear. 
He was supposed to stay strong under any circumstances, but losing the one he loved was too much.
He turned his back to the others as he crumbled, not wanting them to see him fall apart.
As the tears poured down his cheeks and he silently sobbed, he kept asking himself why you did it.
Couldn’t you see how much they all needed you?
Barbatos had refused to use his powers to look into the future. He knew that it didn’t always end well and he was afraid of the consequences.
He had never regretted a decision so much in his entire life.
If he had looked ahead, he would have seen this. He would have been able to stop you from doing this. 
And you would be standing next to them, giving them the smile that melted all of their hearts instead of lying lifeless on the ground.
He was a demon with unparalleled power and he was so angry with himself because he could have done something. He could have prevented this outcome.
Tears silently poured down his cheeks as he looked at you - the result of his failure.
But it wouldn’t be this way for long. He was going to find a way to fix this mistake. 
He was going to find a way to bring you back.
Simeon and Luke were mourning together but for two very different reasons.
Luke was mourning the loss of the closest thing he had to a best friend. You had defended him and protected him in the Devildom even though he was an angel and you were only a human. 
You always brought a smile to his face and you always included him and it was something he would always appreciate. There weren’t enough words to show his appreciation and adoration for you.
Simeon was mourning the loss of the love of his life. You were the only person who had ever elicited such strong feelings from him. You had shown him what love was and he had every intention of showing you his love in return.
You made him feel alive - you made him feel free. And all he wanted was an opportunity to express how deeply he was in love with you.
He wanted to love you until the end of his days.
He never thought this was how it would end.
He would have laid down his life for you - if only he had gotten to you sooner. He could saved you. 
Both angels wished with all their hearts that they could bring you back to life. But if they couldn’t do that then they would scour all three worlds for a way to see you again.
You would not be gone from them forever.
Solomon was too stunned to move. He felt lost, unsure of how you all reached this point.
One second you were fighting alongside him and the next second you were lying dead on the ground.
When you first told Solomon that he had died, he realized that of all the things he had done in his long life, he had never had a true love. 
You were supposed to be that love. 
He had told you that he would love you forever and he meant it.
He made a plan for if things didn’t go his way. He had a plan if he ended up dying.
But he didn’t have a plan for if you died. He didn’t even think it was a possibility.
And yet here he was, standing over your lifeless body as tears ran down his cheeks.
He would not stand for this. This was not going to be permanent. 
He didn’t care if he had to sell his soul.
He would bring you back.
Mephisto wasn’t nearly as close to you as the others. He didn’t have as much time to spend with you and didn’t get a chance to know on as deep a level.
And yet, he still found tears falling down his cheeks at your loss.
He was a proud demon, always looking the best and being the best.
But, right now, his pride was the furthest thing from his mind, replaced with grief.
He never thought he would feel this way, but as he saw you lying lifeless on the ground, he couldn’t help but feel sad - because he was going to miss you. 
He wanted to laugh at the word. There was no way that you - a mere human - had grabbed such a strong hold over his heart.
But as he felt the pain of losing you, he knew it was true. 
He had fallen for you just as hard as the others had.
Raphael was unsure what he was supposed to do.
He had stopped moving just as the others had when you were struck down and his heart stopped beating just like theirs did.
He was just starting to really get to know you. He was just starting to understand why you had everyone wrapped around your finger.
And now you were leaving them? 
As everyone broke down around him, the strong and stoic archangel began to break down as well, feeling the pain of everyone else and his own pain of losing a friend.
He had come to the Devildom to fight alongside everyone else because he didn’t want anyone to die.
But he never believed he would feel so strongly about losing you.
There had to be something he could do.
Thirteen didn’t make friends.
And yet the people surrounding her were the closest she had ever come to caring. The closest she had ever come to having friends.
And you were the reason. You were so kind and accepting of her. You were so inclusive and you made her want to be there.
You had brought her into the group and now that you were gone, Thirteen felt the pain of what it meant to have people you cared about. 
Part of her wanted to cry and fall apart like everyone else was. 
But, she had a job to do. She was a reaper and you were dead. 
She hated the idea of it. She wished she didn’t have to do it.
She wished you weren’t gone.
Thirteen took a few steps forward to do her job when she felt a strong hand wrap around her wrist.
She turned to see who it was and saw that it was Solomon. He kept his hand in place as he looked at her through his tears, giving her a stern look.
Solomon was the first one she had met, and seeing him so broken sparked sympathy she didn’t know she had.
“You’re not reaping their soul,” Solomon stated, his eyes locked with hers.
“Solomon,” Thirteen tried to argued, but he cut her off.
“You’re not reaping their soul,” he repeated, not backing down.
The others watched the intense stare between the two as the thought of Thirteen reaping your soul only made them sadder.
Thirteen was trying to be nice because she knew how much Solomon cared for you - how much everyone cared for you. But it needed to happen.
“Solomon is right,” Barbatos said, stepping closer to your body, his heartbreaking all over again when he looked at you once more.
Thirteen let out a small sigh, ready to argue her point when she saw the look in Barbatos’ eyes.
He was done playing safe with his powers. He didn’t care what the consequences were. He just knew he needed you. 
They all needed you.
“What are you doing?” Lucifer asked, taking a step forward.
“I’m restarting the timeline,” Barbatos replied. It wasn’t a suggestion - it was a statement.
You had done it so many times to save them and now he was going to do it to save you.
He didn’t care what anyone else’s opinion on the matter was. Though everyone was in agreeance.
This was the way to save you. This was the way to bring you back to them.
They didn’t care if they were stuck in an endless time loop as long as you were there with them.
This time they would have their memories. This time they would make a plan to prevent this war from even happening. 
Barbatos restarted the timeline without a second thought and as their surroundings began to change, your corpse was the last thing to fade from view.
And when things stabilized they realized that they were in the Assembly Hall with a human standing in front of them.
They wanted to run to you. They wanted to hold you in their arms and never let you go.
The smiles they got when they saw you would have melted your heart - if you knew who they were.
“Where am I?” you asked, looking scared and confused. 
It hurt to hold so much love for you and have you not reciprocate an ounce of it. But they knew you had been through this so many times with them and you never gave up. And they wouldn’t either.
They would fall in love with you a hundred times over and make you fall in love with them a hundred times over.
They didn’t care how long it took or how many times they had to relive the same memories. 
You were their human. You were the one they loved. You were everything they needed.
And that would never change whether it be this timeline, the next, or a hundred timelines from now.
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isatswap · 11 months ago
(in stars and time spoilerinos. the big ones)
TTOS version of Kingquest (except for saying its name and stopping the fight) from ISAT
Loop: (Ask the Scary Lady....)
"What is your goal?"
Scary Lady: Hah.... My goal.......? Scary Lady: ....
Mirabelle: But.... Does it matter...?
Odile: I've never thought about it. Doubt it does, to be honest.
Loop: (But it might!) "Why do you want to freeze Vaugarde in time?"
Isabeau: Loop....?
Scary Lady: Haha.... Hahahaha! Scary Lady: .... Stars, of course..... Scary Lady: My intentions aren't clear at the first glance, are they?
Isabeau: They aren't!!! We don't understand!!! Isabeau: Why would you want to make an entire country suffer and then expect us to be okay with it! Isabeau: There must be a reason!!! Why are you freezing Vaugarde in time!!!
Bonnie: Also, why just Vaugarde?
Mirabelle: Yeah, that's true.... Mirabelle: With this much power, you can freeze more than just Vaugarde. Mirabelle: But the curse halts at the borders. Why?
Scary Lady: Hahaha..... Scary Lady: Because....Vaugarde.... Scary Lady: Is perfect.
Isabeau: Perfect?....
Scary Lady: Such welcoming, creative people. Scary Lady: So accepting of everyone, even of travelers with no name or past. Scary Lady: ....And yet they are oblivious to what could happen to all of this. Scary Lady: I am the only one who understands. And so I must shield it. Scary Lady: So it cannot be destroyed.
Odile: That's so.....
Bonnie: That doesn't make sense at all.
Mirabelle: What kind of protection this is, if it still stops us from living? Is it truly worth it, Euphrasie?
Scary Lady: .......
"Why the title?"
Scary Lady: .....Ah. Scary Lady: .... Scary Lady: My real name does not suffice. Scary Lady: Because... hahaha...... With this power....
Scary Lady: You need to be afraid.
(You feel like you've seen something incredible!)
<The Scary Lady attempts to freeze the whole party, deals a bit of damage if can't>
<Questions stop being available for this loop.>
"Are you the one doing this to me?"
Scary Lady: .....Doing...what...?
(Stars, your allies don't need to know this.)
(But The Lady.... She could be trapping you in time!)
Loop: "The one imprisoning me here."
Isabeau: Huh...?
Scary Lady: ......Whatever is happening to you, I am not the one responsible, Bright One. Scary Lady: But...... That scent around you, could it be...... Scary Lady: ........ Scary Lady: Or perhaps I am. But if so..... Certainly not willingly. So it should not matter, haha......
(Wow, really funny.)
(...But she doesn't actually seem to know what you are talking about.)
(So The Lady isn't the one responsible for the loops?)
(...Isn't that weird?)
(You're looping through time, she's freezing it...)
(Aren't you using the same power?)
(Power over time?)
"Flower for you."
(You offer the flower to the Scary Lady.)
The Scary Lady: ....?
Bonnie: Huh????
Isabeau: Loop?!?
Mirabelle: Uh, Loop, I don't know how it works where you're from... Mirabelle: But in Vaugarde, we only give flowers to people we, um... Actually like.
Loop: (...) "I remember that you can give flowers to whoever you want, as long as they're..."
Scary Lady: Important.... Scary Lady: ....
(The Scary Lady outstretches her hand, taking the flower from you.)
(She looks at it, then at you, with deep sadnes in her eyes.)
Scary Lady: But.... this could only mean we are....
(Scary Lady looks directly into your eyes, almost peering into your soul, as if wishing for you to say the words.)
(And you fully know what you should say. You are enemies. Always have been.)
(But.... you can't seem to be able to say it this directly.)
(Her gaze is too intense.)
<Short loopback.>
<This option becomes unavailable forever.>
"How are you freezing people in time?"
Scary Lady: .....Ha.
Mirabelle: Well, you could've asked me that, Loop. Mirabelle: It's Time Craft, buddy.
(You don't know what that is...)
Mirabelle: The power to ontrol time itself. I've heard about it from the Head Housemaiden. Mirabelle: But you shouldn't be able to use it, right? You would be dead in an instant, but you're using it like it's nothing! And on such a grand scale! So, how--
Scary Lady: Oh, Pilgrim.... Mirabelle...... As smart as I remember you being..... Scary Lady: But... if The Bright One isn't bright enough to know of it.... Scary Lady: They will never undestand how.
Bonnie: Hey, watch your mouth! Don't be mean to Loop!
Mirabelle: ...
(Time Craft...)
(That's something to look into, isn't it?)
(Either way... It doesn't seem like she's the one trapping you here.)
"Why are you so tall?"
Scary Lady: Hahaha..... Scary Lady: Why, shouldn't it be obvious? Scary Lady: I wished for it to be like this, Scary Lady: I chizeled my own body. To be taller, to be stronger. So I could contain all this power I have been given. Scary Lady: I even molded my own Craft type.
Mirabelle: WHAT?!?!?
Isabeau: YOU CAN DO THAT???
Scary Lady: Hahaha.... Me? Of course. Scary Lady: You? Or any one else, for that matter? I doubt it. Scary Lady: No one has been given this power but me. Scary Lady: And so I used it. To be as tall as I can. Scary Lady: So I can tower over anyone. Scary Lady: And so I can always see... Scary Lady: .........
"So, you're using Time Craft?"
Scary Lady: Time Craft.... Hahaha..... What gave it away, Bright One?
(She is messing with you again. Ugh.)
Odile: But.... If you're using it... How did you manage to control it?
Bonnie: Yeah, Time Craft is supposed to be extremely draining, and I'm seeing neither a decrepit corpse nor a stream of food going directly into your mouth. So, how....
Scary Lady: Ha.....! Scary Lady: Yes, it is true. I could never harvest Time Craft on my own. Scary Lady: So.... I had some help.....
Isabeau: Help? Who possibly would help such an awful deed?!
Scary Lady: Hahaha.... Isn't it obvious? Scary Lady: The Universe would.
Scary Lady: Hah.... I only had to wish for it. Scary Lady: And The Universe delivered.
Isabeau: The Universe... I swear I heard about it.... But....
Mirabelle: Yeah, me too, but.... Ahhh, tip of my tongue, can't remember.
Odile: It's... what's up in the sky, right? Beyond this plane, I mean.
(You clench your fists.)
Scary Lady: Hah... Hahaahahha! Scary Lady: Of course! It's not just Vaugardians which are ignorant of it, but travellers from other countries as well!
Bonnie: "Vaugardians"? Bonnie: I thought you were from Vaugarde yourself. What an odd way to address the people of your own country.
Isabeau: Oh, oh! I think I have seen speculations about this today, not too long ago... Isabeau: Where was it again?....
Mirabelle: But, Euphrasie, you've lived here enough to call yourself Vaugardian, but you still want to freeze the country in time... Mirabelle: What other place can you call home then?...
(The Scary Lady flinches.)
(She does not answer.)
(You shake your head, and breathe out.)
(Speculations about The Scary Lady.... An article, perhaps...?)
(If Isabeau remembers it, you might've seen it somewhere too. Could it be somewhere in the House?)
"What should I remember?"
(Every single time you face her...)
(She asks if you remember.)
(There's something she thinks you should know... Should remember... But...)
Scary Lady: ........
Bonnie: Does it really matter? I think she is just messing with you.
Odile: Yeah, to confuse you and distract you from the fight! Odile: But I don't think you've forgotten anything. Except for a couple of words.....
(But you have, haven't you?)
(You try not to think about it, but... But...)
Loop: "What have I forgotten?"
Scary Lady: Forgotten? Scary Lady: Oh, bright one, Bright One, why...... Why would you ask...... Scary Lady: Don't you know at this point what you've forgotten? Haven't you always known? Scary Lady: Can't you see the hole it has left behind, if not what used to fill it? Scary Lady: Don't you feel it? Its absence?
Mirabelle: What the crab is he--
Scary Lady: Hahahaha..... I used to not realise it as well. I have forgotten that I forgot. Scary Lady: But then I remembered! And now I know that I've forgotten! All of us have!!! Scary Lady: No one can say it!!! No one can even remember it!!! It escapes us, it will keep escaping us!!! Scary Lady: Hahahaha, why don't you remember?! I can tell! Scary Lady: Everything, from your accent, to the way you use Craft, to the stitching on your cloak and hat, to those pins you wear-- Scary Lady: You should remember!!! You and I, of all people standing here, should remember!!!!!! Scary Lady: Bright One, please, please!!! Just remember it!!! Say it!!! Make it real!!! Scary Lady: Please...... If you can remember, then...... Then maybe...... Scary Lady: ......
Isabeau: What is happening? Is she okay...?
Bonnie: Something we've all forgotten...? It feels familiar....
Odile: I haven't forgotten anything, actually. Stop messing with us.
Mirabelle: ...Euphrasie? Loop....?
(Something you've forgotten.)
(Something everyone has, even if they don't pay attention to it.)
(The hole it has left behind.)
(Something bigger than just the stars.)
(What you're trying to remember doesn't exist anymore, but...)
(But someone might still have written proof it existed, haven't they?)
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aloneatpeace · 2 years ago
In Another Universe
Chapter 18
Plan B : kamar Taj Falls
“The scarlet witch” Wong breathed out in whisper disbelief echoes around the myth isn’t a myth anymore.
Dean had told everyone what happened back there. Bonnie and Sam are the only one who refuse to believe that it’s you that after America Chavez but a small part of them understand know why you’re doing this.
Sensing Sam’s internal battel dean turn to him” Y/n is gone. she got the Darkhold and Darkhold had her”
Sam didn’t reply he look down at the ground with his arms crossed..
Wong the sorcerer supreme who let America in after hearing her about her ability and how her life tied to universes that he swore to protect decided to give shelter to her and her companions even though at first, he refuses to believe her but after she said she comes from the universe where she was apprentice for Stephen strange and lives in her universe Kamar -Taj, he let her in.
“The Scarlet Witch are being of unfathomable magic” he said in loud voice to announce sorcerers that stand there “she can rewrite reality as she chooses, and it’s prophesized to either rule or annihilate the world and cosmos. As some of you may know, the Sorcerer Supreme held the greatest responsibility in making sure she didn’t lose control” 
“The Scarlet Witch took over a whole town using her mind “dean cut in. “if she gets the kid’s power. We’re all doomed” Sam cast dean at dean already down with it but dean give him a bitch face before turning to node at Wong.
“So, the person you went to ask for help, and told me exactly where I am, is the one trying to kill me?”
Dean glance around before said yeah.
When Wong leave to tend the students everyone that was present at the room start to talk.
“This is getting so dramatic can’t we just snap her neck and get over with it. It’s not like everyone in this room doesn’t know how to do it.”  Rebekah said
“I don’t always agree with her, but she have point we are all part of supernatural” Caroline adds and Rebekah give her mocking smile.
“Bonnie can defeat her, right?” Elena adds looking at her witch friend.
Bonnie raises an eyebrow at her if anything that’s getting on her nerve it’s them that only using her for her power. “We don’t have to kill her that if we can, maybe we can talk her out of it . I don’t think she have any intension to harm us”
Sam let out a humorless laugh shaking his head at them Damon cast a annoyed look at Sam while dean looked at him in confused” you don’t get it do you?” he ask them
“We don’t get what?” Stefan asks him
 He looks at his brother and said in serious voice “we can’t stop her dean; I don’t think neither can them. She already lost control”
 “Please enlighten us” Klaus said with his arms crossed over his chest and dean node at him.
“There is pattern dean every time she loses someone, she lost control and nothing good come out of it. When her parents were murdered while trying to save, she lost control destroying her own house and surrounding in one huge blast, I saw it on files. From there her brother was the only reason she was alive on the run, and then when they killed him, she didn’t have other reason to live you all saw after she killed hunters, she was ready to die. The world was cruel to her she is just like us that’s why I want to help her “Sam takes a breath” she resent the world but Alex saved her, he showed that things could change better for them. Alex brought the humanity in her. Why do you think when they attacked them again, she was only focusing on saving him than her. And his death is worse thing that happened to her. From that regret, anger and loneliness Westview happened, there she lost control. She was in control when she’s with Alex and her kids until we entered without permission and if I remember correctly Alex blamed us for it”
“that’s thousands of people trapped in there Sam” dean remained him
 “Yeah, what if I tell you, it’s not because of us she let them leave” Sam question them
“What?” bonnie ask out loud 
“Alex, its Alex who asked her to let them go. she didn’t do it for the people she did out of love for Alex.  Before leaving he said he will make things right in return he asked me to look after her because he knew how much she love them and the kids only intensify it, he knew she would look for them and there will be a coast he said that he wouldn’t blame her what might happen”
Dean look at him in sadness “why didn’t you tell me sooner “
“Would you let me go if I did?” dean’s silence was the answer. Sam looks at America “I’m sorry all we do is try our best and keep you safe” he looks at bonnie “she would hurt everyone but him and her boys”
“Sam is right dean” the unexpected voice of startled everyone in the room electing a scream from America, Caroline and making Sam and dean put hands oh chest at the same time.  Bonnie and Elena gasp as well as Salvatore’s brother to move a bit, Making Klaus curse under his breath
 “You have perfect timing mate” Kol grin at them
The drum start to beats and the sound of the bell echoes around the Kamar-Taj to get in position for the battle against The Scarlet Witch. Masters from various sanctums comes to aid in the battle as the news of the rise of The Scarlet Witch was spread around quickly.
The team free will and Mickelson’s brothers stand with Wong outside waiting for you to come. During that time Sam was given a sling ring as well as the clock lavation
The sun starts to set and the sky start to get darker gigantic clouds of dark grey color appear the sky the wind rushing sounds fade away as the ominous atmosphere settle in, the apprentice, masters on ground shuffle in place the eerie sensation making everyone unsure of what about happen. The whole sanctum falls under the shade of the clouds and mists. The sun light was hidden the cold air hits everyone making them look at cloud in terror
Red hue slowly come in vision as you hover over the Kamar -Taj sanctum as decided Sam glance at dean and node at him as last attempt they had planned to let Sam first talk to you, a one last chance before everything go south     
“Choose your word wisely, the fate of multiverse may depend on it” Wong advice
“Got it “Sam node “no pressure then” carefully he feels himself lifted by the clock and move towards you
Sam breath out a sigh when he sees you in clam manner no death glare, but may be this is the clam before the storm. He can see how the Darkhold has its hold on you, your fingers have turned pitch black as well your clothes.
Sam breathes out your name “I know you’re in pain but it didn’t have end like this. We can help you” as if the clock is linked to his mind, he moves a little closer to you but still keep a respectful distance “I want to help”
As if the word triggered you, the whole clam exterior fall apart “all this for a child you meet yesterday”
“y/n your anger is justifiable” Sam tries let you know that he understands it all” you had to make terrible sacrifices”
“I watched everyone I love taken away from me, I was scarified too and for what for nothing” you hissed with a dark squinted eye.” Do not speak to me of sacrifice, Sam Winchester”
You flew towards leaning towards him “if you give me what I want, I’ll send you to a world where you can be with Jessica, I can give you a life you carve with your family”
Sam shakily back away “the full might of Kamar-Taj stands against you” with a firm voice he adds “do not dare to enter these sacred ground”
“I have nothing to lose after everything was taken from me so what’s stopping me from taking control of everything. you have no idea just how reasonable I’ve been” you said slowly
Sam scoff” yeah, the book of the Dammed, conjuring creatures to abduct a kid, I don’t exactly call that being reasonable”
“Sending those creatures after her instead of myself was mercy” you as the venom in your voice thickness” and in spite of your hypocrisy and insult I begged you to simply Get... Out... Of ...My way” you hiss emphasizing each syllabus of the sentence.
“You have exhausted my patience now, but I do hope ...you understand …  this is me being… reasonable “you whisper in snarl.
  You raise a hand and blasted the red psionic blast at Sam to throw him off balance when from ground Wong command to raise protective force of magic in yellow color cover around him. Sam sigh in relief and slowly descending to where his brother stands  
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“HOLD ...HOLD” Wong command to the warrior.
Sam reaches his brother letting out a breath. “Nailed it”
“You alright” dean ask his brother and Sam node as response
“That didn’t go well” Kol comment
Enraged you blast several blasts going around the sides of the sanctum but all blocked by the shield. Wong command them to reinforce the shield.
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You stop for second to think a way to get inside looking down the warriors. Sure, enough you find a way a chilling smile appears on your face looking down at the young warrior
“She is trying to get in their head” Cas inform them
Wong hearing them shout at the warriors” sorcerers focus your mind”
The younger sorcerer didn’t move away his from the witch as he look up to you, he breath out slowly. Suddenly he feels a presence of the witch just behind him, feeling your breath in his ear his inside shiver a low whisper reaches his ear “Run”. With that illusion gone and fear consume him and run away knocking the other warriors that standing creating open space for the attack.
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Wong face filled with horror and terror as you send large blast through the open space, hitting the ground and throwing away the warriors that stand in there. Once the shield was gone you fly towards them with glowing red hue in your hands ready hit them again when catapults that was hidden by magic appear.
He conjures a protection shield when stones and protect them hitting them.
The catapult hit you send you stagger a bit. Wong cheer the warrior that hit you but it didn’t last long as you see another catapult trying to hit you again but before they can you lift them and the people scream as the power crush them and destroying the side of the temple.
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You send that catapult to where the first one that hit you. The sorcerers that were in charge of that group to take cover but it you hastily drop the it destroying the ground and knocking them down.
Wong command for the arrows to release, you send them right back at them as the red blast hit the ground of the temple damaging the grounds. As set of warriors send arrows at you, you target them with it letting the arrows pierces right through them.
Wong watch in terror as you destroy Kamar -Taj. Dean who sees him standing there pull him to safety.
“GET INSIDE” Sam yell as he and the others help them to get safety 
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You blast numbers of blast hitting the ground as it rumbles through the ground making the sorcerers to falter on their steps. Demolishing the temple outside by crushing the roofs.
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You destroy the pillars making them crash on the ground inside America flitch when the room that she was in trembles making everyone share anxious look.
“We should help them” Caroline said
“Yeah, we are vampires’ fasters than her stronger. We can help them” Elena adds looking at Damon and Stefan.
You land with a force dusts and stones blown away, on the side an injured man desperately try to c crawl away, you send a red mist his way sending him dusting away.
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artemiseamoon · 2 years ago
Preview: Labyrinth 8
A klonnie fic
Read on A03
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Week of April 1st
The air is crisp and fresh, easy on the lungs with a nice breeze on the wind. Last night's thunderstorm concluded around sunrise. A mild rain followed an hour later, leaving its mark; dewdrops on leaves and the soft petals of flowers. Aromatic scents rising up from the plants, flowers and trees. The ground beneath their feet mostly dry, with small pools of water scattered about.
A brief lull of silence falls in conversation. Bonnie glances at the kayakers gliding along the bayou. Everyone's out enjoying the day, from people on bikes, to picnickers enjoying their lunch.
Bonnie smiles to herself, a small, closed lipped smile, as she takes it all in. "This is a beautiful place, Vincent."
"It is," he echoes, his eyes taking in the landscape, "this is an important place. Marie Laveau used to hold her rituals here. She is still highly celebrated; they keep her alive."
"I can tell," Bonnie extends her hands, feeling the air with her palms, "the energy is so - electric."
Vincent glances at her, then back on the path ahead. “It’s a good community. If you ever want to attend one of the ceremonies, let me know.”
"I will,"
Over the next few minutes, as they stroll the path, Vincent tells Bonnie more about the history of Bayou St. John, and Marie Laveau. Their appointment wasn't for another 15 minutes. As that topic changes to another, they take a seat by the water.
“Are there many shops left like Roots n’ Conjure?” Bonnie asks.
She's been to all the shops in and around the quarter so far. Though many seem to be providing fan service for tourists, there were a couple she did like. But nothing really called to her yet, she was looking for a place she could count on for good quality ingredients, and good people running it. Bonnie hopes that Roots n Conjure can be that place.
Vincent replies, “Some. But you're not going find them in a guidebook or a tour. The community protects them.”
“So, they’re tucked away, invite only?”
“Not all. Some are a little more inviting than others. Chanelle and her family, they keep a tight circle.”
“Should I be nervous?”
“No. Infact, she’s looking forward to meeting you.”
“Vincent, you said you don’t practice anymore. Why is that?”
“You got all day?” he shook his head, “I may be a witch, but I’m mortal. The way this city is? I prefer to stay breathing. I’ve seen what magic does to people. To people I loved, to me. I don’t want to go down the same path.”
Bonnie listens intently, then comments, "“It's a beautiful thing, magic. It's also scary. It can destroy things, lives.” she trails off before starting again, "I know that from personal experience."
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 year ago
I just read an article stating that, once Elena becomes Damon's girlfriend, that's all she is (unlike the time before that) Any thoughts?
False. As with every season, it's shifty because of storyline, but she's been with Damon since 4x7. That's me being technical.
While Damon's girlfriend, she was also a sister to Jeremy. That's why she went off on Stefan when she found out he stripped Jeremy of his humanity. Why she went to the lake house to fix his humanity. Why she literally helped Jeremy kill Kol and his entire bloodline for the sake of protecting his physical and emotional well-being. Why she flipped her emotions after losing Jeremy because of Katherine. She spent an entire episode with Jeremy's decomposing body because she refused to accept the loss. Skip to season 5 because Bonnie saved Jeremy. She trusted Damon to take care of Jeremy while she went off to college. That should inform fans just how much she trusts him. She left her own brother with Damon to go to college without any oversight. Meaning... she didn't turn to anyone else to help Damon watch over Jeremy. He was completely on his own because he had her complete trust.
While Damon's girlfriend, she was also a friend. She was going to college with Caroline, emailing who she thought was Bonnie when it was actually Jeremy pretending to be Bonnie, literally dropped out of college to help Damon find and save Stefan, then was informed of Bonnie's death and so on.
In season 4, she was putting up with all the bullshit her own friends were putting her through. She literally forgave Caroline after she trash talked Damon during girls night. Trash talked him to the extent that Bonnie had to interject. Unlike Bonnie, Caroline puts her hatred for Damon above her love for Elena. It's not Elena's fault that Caroline hates Damon, it's Caroline's fault for not dealing with that hate in a healthy way. When Elena finally told Caroline to leave her house after their girls night, Caroline took the hint and dropped the sire bond issue for the sake of her friendship with Elena. However, her hatred for Damon continues to run deep, so she continues to destroy her relationship with Elena. It simply switches from the sire bond to things like Elena killing Jesse. Stefan was worse than Caroline. Hard for Elena to be friendly with a guy that compelled Jeremy behind her back, stripped Jeremy of his humanity behind her back, and treated her like a broken toy because he couldn't love her as a vampire. Hard for her to be friendly to the guy who knew damn well she never wanted to be a vampire, yet slept with the very girl that turned her into a vampire. Still, Elena forgave him because that's what friends do. That's why she treated Stefan the way she did on the island. She was ready to repair the friendship she wanted with him. Elena was such a good friend, she literally handed Stefan the only cure to vampirism. Her only shot at being human again. Hell, when she first heard there was only one cure, she thought of everyone BUT herself because she's not just Damon's girlfriend. She's the same friend she's always been. Again, she literally helped Jeremy kill Kol and his entire bloodline for the sake of protecting Bonnie because no one screws with her best friends. She literally put Damon dying from werewolf venom in the back of her mind and joined her friends at their graduation. A graduation she couldn't enjoy with both her friends and her brother because Jeremy was dead.
Matt and Elena are extremely beautiful in season 4 because her drowning was something they experienced and continued to endure together. It was Damon and Matt who flipped her humanity switch because she's not just Damon's girlfriend. She's Matt's childhood friend. She went off on Damon when she found out he went along with Klaus' plan, which put Matt at risk of death. She was the same with Jeremy. If not for the sire bond, she wouldn't have left Jeremy with Damon the second time. It's because Kol compelled Damon to kill Jeremy and because Damon was willing to die for Jeremy that Elena has complete trust in Damon when she goes to college. He just as much respected her relationship with Jeremy by flipping her humanity switch rather than siring her when Jeremy died. It was Damon who said, "She lost her brother. I'm not enough. Not this time." Because she's more than Damon's girlfriend. She's Jeremy's sister. His very comment in that scene revealing the truth of Elena's choice in 3x22. She wouldn't choose saying goodbye to her boyfriend over saying goodbye to the very friends she considers family.
It's highly likely that a Damon hater wrote the article because it's actually the other brother. Once Elena became Stefan's girlfriend, that's all she was. Something I so often point out when I hate on the Stelena ship.
She wasn't a sister to Jeremy. She quite literally lied and kept secrets from him, not only about her own relationship with Stefan, but his relationship with Vicki. To the point Elena was gaslighting him as he started questioning certain aspects of Vicki's death. Gaslighting him as Stefan was gaslighting her. He had to learn about their new and dangerous vampire life by reading her journal. Her desire to protect Jeremy by lying and keeping secrets actually put him at risk.
She wasn't a friend to Bonnie from 1x6 to 1x9. She quite literally lied and kept secrets from her throughout those episodes, and this was despite Bonnie trusting her with the truth about her witchy abilities. It took Damon nearly killing Bonnie for Elena to finally demand that Stefan allow her to have that one friend she could talk to. It's because she wasn't a friend to Bonnie that she relied on Stefan's best friend Lexi just to get advice about dating Stefan, which is sick and twisted. Bonnie wasn't her best friend in that moment. Lexi was. Again, her desire to protect Bonnie by lying and keeping secrets actually put her at risk.
She wasn't a friend to Matt. He didn't even know about vampires until the second season, and he only found out because Caroline failed to compel him. Elena allowed him to believe that his own sister simply took off on him. Left him without a goodbye when she actually died. Kept it a secret that Damon turned her and Stefan killed her. She had him playing football with her vampire boyfriend when football itself is a bloody sport, and allowed him to believe that his own football coach was killed by an animal. Never mind the fact that she allowed him to date a vampire while believing Caroline was human. Again, her desire to protect Matt by lying and keeping secrets actually put him at risk.
She wasn't a friend to Caroline. Like Matt, she didn't know about vampires until the second season. Hell, she didn't technically know about vampires until she became one. She went completely insane when she believed Elena was the one that turned her because she didn't even know about Katherine. She had to learn of her disastrous life through the memories of Damon's compulsions. She had Caroline building a friendship with Stefan, while keeping secret the fact that he and Damon are both vampires. Again, her desire to protect Caroline by lying and keeping secrets actually put her at risk.
Elena wasn't even of herself. Matt, Bonnie, and even Elena herself all mentioning the fact that she's the kind of person that prefers truth and honesty. People should be who they say they are and not lie or hide their true selves. And there she was, being confronted by Alaric for lying and keeping secrets and hiding the true selves of these vampires. The truth she kept hidden in her journal, compulsions, gaslighting, and coming up with nonsense just to excuse shit. Again, her desire to protect her loved ones by lying and keeping secrets actually put her at risk.
Elena wasn't a niece to Jenna. Jenna was at death's door when she found out about vampires, found out she was dating a vampire hunter, found out that Elena was dating a vampire that also had a vampire brother, found out that her boyfriend's dead wife was actually a vampire, found out that Elena was a doppelganger, and had no idea why she was turned into a vampire just to die on an altar of fire. Elena's very desire to protect Jenna by lying and keeping secrets actually killed her.
It's because of this, fans are meant to question Damon's role in Elena's life, since he's the one who always pushed the truth. Yes, he could've told Elena's family and friends, but he left it up to her. It's because he left it up to her that she was only Stefan's girlfriend. It's because Elena felt the need to lie and keep secrets from her friends for the sake of protecting them that Damon was the only friendship she was capable of having, and Stefan spent the majority of the first season trying to destroy the possibility of that very friendship!
Damon wanted Elena to know the truth about her new boyfriend - vampire Stefan. So he pushed her to question Stefan about Katherine, her vampire doppelganger that Stefan dated in 1864. Damon's intent repeated in season two. John wanted Jenna to know the truth about her new boyfriend - vampire hunter Alaric. So he pushed her to question Alaric about his dead wife that isn't dead-dead, only half dead because she's a vampire. Damon gets called a dick while pushing for the truth. John gets called a dick while pushing for the truth. However, this season two repeat was done for a reason. Fans are meant to imagine Elena being abducted by Rose and Trevor just as Jenna was abducted. Abducted and told that vampires exist. Abducted and told she's a doppelganger. Abducted and told she's slated to die in a blood ritual. Then, imagine her being passed off to Elijah in exchange for their freedom from Klaus. That's what it would've eventually looked like had Damon not entered her life because she's a doppelganger, and John most certainly would've killed Stefan. That's what it would've eventually looked like had Damon not entered her life because Stefan was keeping Elena in the dark just as Alaric did Jenna. In the dark about the supernatural world he pulled her into and the dangers that world presented to her. A world he pulled her into when he entered her life for the sake of dating her.
"Well, you must have me confused with somebody else. You see, I'm not allowed to help, just idly sit by while my girlfriend gets sacrificed on an altar of blood."
If not for Damon entering Elena's life, she would've been stuck with a random chance of surviving with the elixir, and she would've been alone at that altar during the ritual. John would've killed Stefan who was barely surviving on the animal diet. Mason would've been the sacrifice, a werewolf that Elena never met. Some random human would've been chosen for the vampire sacrifice, and likely a stranger to Elena. It wouldn't have been Caroline or Jenna. That's why Damon is the one carrying her from the altar while Stefan has a stake stuck in his spine. Once Elena became Stefan's girlfriend, that's all she was. Not a sister, not a friend, not even a niece. She put everyone she loved (including herself) at risk by lying and keeping secrets. Those very people who would do anything to protect her all the same. Once Elena became Stefan's girlfriend, that's all she was because that's all Stefan planned her to be. The point of Damon entering her life. If Stefan had to know her, then she had to know Damon.
No one should live in the dark that way.
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doctorkinktraveller · 1 year ago
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[Black Archive]
CLARA: It's no good, Bonnie. You can't win.
CLARA-Z: I don't care.
DOCTOR: Hi! Hello! Hello!
(The two Zygons seize Clara.)
DOCTOR: Oh, hello! Hi. Hi. Stop this. Stop this, please. Let me take both of these boxes away. We'll forgive, we'll forget. And the ceasefire will stand.
(Kate goes to the red box.)
KATE: Doctor, which of these buttons do I press? Doctor, which one? Truth or consequences?
(Bonnie aka Clara-Zygon stands at the blue box.)
CLARA-Z: Truth or consequences?
DOCTOR: This is the moment we've all been waiting for. Make your mind up time!
(He goes into American Game Show Host mode)
DOCTOR: : One of those buttons will destroy the Zygons, release the imbecile's gas. The other one detonates the nuclear warhead under the Black Archive. It'll destroy everyone in London. Bonnie. Bonnie, sweetheart! One of those buttons will unmask every Zygon in the world. The other one cancels their ability to change form. It'll make them human beings for ever. (normal) There are safeguards beyond safeguards. I did this on a very important day for me and this ceasefire will stand.
CLARA-Z: This is wrong.
DOCTOR: No, it's not.
CLARA-Z: You are responsible for all the violence. All of the suffering.
DOCTOR: No, I'm not.
CLARA-Z: Yes. You engineered this situation, Doctor. This is your fault.
DOCTOR: No, it's not. It's your fault.
CLARA-Z: I had to do what I've done.
DOCTOR: So did I.
CLARA-Z: We've been treated like cattle.
DOCTOR: So what.
CLARA-Z: We've been left to fend for ourselves.
DOCTOR: So's everyone.
CLARA-Z: It's not fair.
DOCTOR: Oh, it's not fair! Oh, I didn't realise that it was not fair! Well, you know what? My Tardis doesn't work properly and I don't have my own personal tailor.
CLARA-Z: The things don't equate.
DOCTOR: These things have happened, Zygella. They are facts. You just want cruelty to beget cruelty. You're not superior to people who were cruel to you. You're just a whole bunch of new cruel people. A whole bunch of new cruel people being cruel to some other people, who'll end up being cruel to you. The only way anyone can live in peace is if they're prepared to forgive. Why don't you break the cycle?
CLARA-Z: Why should we?
DOCTOR: What is it that you actually want?
(A long pause.)
DOCTOR: Ah. Ah, right. And when this war is over, when you have a homeland free from humans, what do you think it's going to be like? Do you know? Have you thought about it? Have you given it any consideration? Because you're very close to getting what you want. What's it going to be like? Paint me a picture. Are you going to live in houses? Do you want people to go to work? Will there be holidays? Oh! Will there be music? Do you think people will be allowed to play violins? Who's going to make the violins? Well? Oh, you don't actually know, do you? Because, like every other tantrumming child in history, Bonnie, you don't actually know what you want. So, let me ask you a question about this brave new world of yours. When you've killed all the bad guys, and when it's all perfect and just and fair, when you have finally got it exactly the way you want it, what are you going to do with the people like you? The troublemakers. How are you going to protect your glorious revolution from the next one?
CLARA-Z: We'll win.
DOCTOR: Oh, will you? Well, maybe, maybe you will win! But nobody wins for long. The wheel just keeps turning. So, come on. Break the cycle.
CLARA-Z: Why are you still talking?
DOCTOR: Because I want to get you to see, and I'm almost there!
CLARA-Z: Do you know what I see, Doctor? A box. A box with everything I need. A fifty percent chance.
KATE: For us, too.
(Both women have their hands poised over the buttons. The Doctor resumes Games Host mode.)
DOCTOR: And we're off! Fingers on buzzers! Are you feeling lucky? Are you ready to play the game? Who's going to be quickest? Who's going to be luckiest?
KATE: This is not a game!
DOCTOR: No, it's not a game, sweetheart, and I mean that most sincerely.
(Do a search on Hughie Green if you don't get the reference.)
CLARA-Z: Why are you doing this?
KATE: Yes, I'd quite like to know that, too. You set this up. Why?
DOCTOR: Because it's not a game, Kate. This is a scale model of war. Every war ever fought, right there in front of you. Because it's always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die! You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn! How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning. Sit down and talk! (sigh) Listen to me. Listen, I just, I just want you to think. Do you know what thinking is? It's just a fancy word for changing your mind.
CLARA-Z: I will not change my mind.
DOCTOR: Then you will die stupid. Alternatively, you could step away from that box, you can walk right out of that door and you could stand your revolution down.
CLARA-Z: No! I'm not stopping this, Doctor. I started it. I will not stop it. You think they'll let me go, after what I've done?
DOCTOR: You're all the same, you screaming kids. You know that? Look at me, I'm unforgivable. Well, here's the unforeseeable. I forgive you. After all you've done, I forgive you.
CLARA-Z: You don't understand. You will never understand.
DOCTOR: I don't understand? Are you kidding? Me? Of course I understand. I mean, do you call this a war? This funny little thing? This is not a war! I fought in a bigger war than you will ever know. I did worse things than you could ever imagine. And when I close my eyes I hear more screams than anyone could ever be able to count! And do you know what you do with all that pain? Shall I tell you where you put it? You hold it tight till it burns your hand, and you say this. No one else will ever have to live like this. No one else will have to feel this pain. Not on my watch!
(Kate closes the lid of the red box and steps back.)
DOCTOR: Thank you. Thank you.
KATE: I'm sorry.
DOCTOR: I know. I know. Thank you. (to Clara-Z) Well?
(Long, long pause.)
CLARA-Z: It's empty, isn't it? Both boxes. There's nothing in them. Just buttons.
DOCTOR: Of course. And do you know how you know that? Because you've started to think like me.
(Clara-Z drops her hand away from the buttons.)
DOCTOR: It's hell, isn't it? No one should have to think like that. And no one will. Not on our watch. (their eyes meet) Gotcha.
CLARA-Z: How can you be so sure?
DOCTOR: Because you have a disadvantage, Zygella. I know that face.
KATE: This is all very well, but we know the boxes are empty now. We can't forget that.
DOCTOR: No, well, er, you've said that the last fifteen times.
(He sonics the memory filter in the ceiling. Bang! Osgood leans an unconscious Kate against a rack of stuff. Clara-Z closes the blue box.)
CLARA-Z: You didn't wipe my memory.
DOCTOR: No. Just Kate's. Oh, and your little friend's here, of course. (the Zygons) When they wake up, they won't remember what you've done. It'll be our secret.
CLARA-Z: You're going to protect me?
OSGOOD: You're one of us now, whether you like it, or not.
CLARA-Z: I don't understand how you could just forgive me.
DOCTOR: Because I've been where you have. There was another box. I was going to press another button. I was going to wipe out all of my own kind, man, woman and child. I was so sure I was right.
CLARA-Z: What happened?
DOCTOR: The same thing that happened to you. I let Clara Oswald get inside my head. Trust me. She doesn't leave.
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bloodofthefates · 1 year ago
x. ( injured ) : one muse finds the other wounded and tries to help them for Bonnie from @3katanas
Enough innocent lives had been lost in the crossfire of wars that were never hers to fight. Bonnie had always fought to protect the people she loved, though it left the scales unbalanced with more loss than she cared to count up and tally. Mystic Falls has been her town, her home and at one point she thought she could barter with her magic or even her own life in penance to protect it and everyone in it from all the outside sources that sought to destroy it. A hotbed of supernatural activity like a magnet had forced her hand too soon to come into her own power, her lineage of preceding Bennett witches giving her the confidence and power to take on even the most prolific foes and she herself something equally to be feared. “I said, leave him the hell alone!” She yelled, wanting her voice to be heard over the swirling wind around her as she harvested natural elemental magic from around her under the command of a single outstretched hand. She’d known he was some kind of creature, clearly not human but not among the undead vampires and other creatures she’d had the misfortune of coming across within her best friend’s romantic circles. His heart beat was strong, she could sense and feel the pulse of his life force and any life was worth saving despite the visible injuries she could see on his person as he lay sprawled out before her. She stood over him, stance wide and commanding and nonverbally claiming whoever he was under her protection. With full intention and focus, she channeled the energy coursing through her body like a conduit to the tips of her fingers while muttering the words of an ancient spell passed along through generations through her family’s grimoire creating a barrier and impenetrable force field in a circle surrounding them. Once she felt the bonds of the spell lock into place, assured they would hold and keep out anything she didn’t invite in, Bonnie knelt to see if the half-man, half-creature at her feet was even still conscious. “Hey..Can you hear me? Can you see how many fingers I’m holding up?” She offered softly, raising three fingers in front of his face but eyes lingering on the ears so at odds with his other human characteristics. “What are you…” She wondered aloud, more to herself than intended for his ears but she began assessing and taking in the overall damage finding most of his wounds topical and superficial as she turned his arm over to inspect a rather deep gash more closely. “And what the hell are you doing in the middle of a war zone.” 
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years ago
Klaus mikaelson x reader - pride aside
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A/N: this is based on a dream I had last night ngl but like I changed it a bit
Seeing everyone at the ball dancing and laughing was great, but it hurt you a little bit.
Sitting on the stairs, you sighed softly and leant back on your hands as you tilted your head up to look at the sky instead.
“Not one for dancing?” A smooth voice asked.
You looked to your side to see Klaus stood there with some random girl attached to his arm.
“No one to dance with.” You shrugged.
“Come on now, I’m sure there’s a guy who’s just as lonely.”
With that, he smiled and walked away and you clenched your jaw in frustration.
That hurt, deeply. Is that how he saw you? Lonely?
Is that how everyone saw you? Just the lonely person that couldn’t find a date to a stupid ball you’d been waiting to attend since last year?
You only came back so you could help Bonnie practice some new spells, it’s the only reason you came to mystic falls again. You were happy at your families home a few states over.
Getting up, you made your way to the main doors and you slipped out and headed back home to throw on some more comfortable clothes and went straight to bed.
The next day, you were met with knocking on your door, so, with a small sigh of you walked over and unlocked it, letting everyone trickle in.
“When did you get home?” Damon asked, “I was supposed to bring you back.”
“Yeah, I left early.” You smiled.
“Are you okay?” Caroline frowned.
You nodded and smiled a little more, trying to force it as much as possible.
“Yeah, I was just tired was all.”
“She was sad and lonely.” Klaus mused.
You glared at him.
“Leave her alone Niklaus.” Elijah sighed.
“It’s true though, right love? You were lonely because no one wanted to dance with you.”
“Klaus!” Stefan snapped.
They bickered for a few moments and you decided to just ignore them.
“Oh come on! No one was desperate enough to ask her to dance! That’s why she left!” Klaus snapped.
And you snapped.
Raising your hand, you pinned him to the wall.
“(Y/N)!” Jeremy yelled.
You raised your other hand, gesturing for them all to be quiet as you locked eyes with the original hybrid.
“You know what Klaus, I’ve tried! I have tried to be nice, tried to be patient and understanding with you while all of this shit is going down. I have tried to protect you and Elijah as well as everyone else so you can all bring down the stupid ass witch that’s trying to destroy this whole place! But I’ve had enough!”
You swiped your hand to the side and sent in flying into some furniture.
“I have tried time and time again with you! And I’m done! I’m sick and tired of all of this, being ridiculed because unlike everyone else I don’t have anyone by my side to protect me! Because the one person I want to protect me is a pretentious dickhead who only cares about himself!”
You stared at him, and his hands covered his ears as he groaned in pain and no one dared to stop you.
“I’m done with you Klaus Mikaelson, and you know what? You’re going to die alone because you clearly can’t tell when someone loves you! At least I’ll be able to find someone unlike you.” You snarled.
Grabbing your car keys you made a gesture with you hands and a light blue barrier appeared in front of the doorway, blocking them all in.
“I can’t believe I was stupid enough to fall in love with you. I hope you get staked.”
Everyone begged you to let them go and you shook your head.
“It’ll fade in a few hours, don’t follow me.”
With that, you left and sped away from the town with fury burning through your veins and sadness dee0 within your soul.
How you even fell for him was beyond you but you hated it, you wanted to just go back and move on, find someone knew who would actually love you and care for you.
You were going to go home, and forget all about mystic falls.
You were done with that place and the memories it had.
Racing down a background, you mumbled out a spell and watched as a portal appeared in the middle of the road and you drove through it, driving up a dirt driveway.
Parking your car, you got out and walked up to the large house, kneeling in front of your porch you placed a hand on the ground and whispered a spell.
To stop them from being able to track you.
Then you whispered out another, watching as blue borders appeared around the edge of the place.
Any humans who didn’t know about the supernatural would just appear on the other side, and that do know or any supernaturals won’t be able to get in without your explicit permission.
With that, you walked inside.
“Back so soon?” You dad asked.
“I’m done with that place.”
“Is that why you warded the place?” Your mom asked, arms crossed over her chest.
You looked up at her and gave a small shrug.
“I’m taking precautions. I don’t want them to come near or find this place.”
“What happened?” You dad sighed.
You simply shook your head at them and went upstairs, hoping a bath would help erase some of the stress from the day.
For the next week your phone was blowing up with texts and calls, but the only person you would respond to was Bonnie, since you had a promise to keep.
Sitting on the front steps, you had your laptop on your lap as you spoke with her.
“Spells aren’t always about the words bonnie, you can still practice magic without reciting like you know. It’s not about who’s been doing it the longest, it’s about willpower. As long as you’re willing to protect, nature will provide.”
“We need the barrier spell you use, it’s the only way we can trap her.”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair.
“Bonnie.. that’s a spell my family created years ago to trap vampires.”
“Will it work for other witches?”
“It worked on you right?” You smirked slightly.
She laughed and nodded her head.
“I’ll teach it to you, but I’ll need you to come here.”
“And where is here?” She asked.
“Simple, turn around.”
You hung up and stood up, making your way down the steps, you opened a portal and waved her through it.
She was unsure at first but she slowly stepped through in amazement.
“Another spell my family made. But it can only be open for a few seconds.”
“Why?” She asked.
You closed it and turned to her.
“Essentially we’re cutting a hole in time and space, allowing us to move from one place to another. We can open it as often as we want, but we can’t have it open too long otherwise we’ll loose control.”
“Is thag how you got here so fast? Where is here?”
“In the middle of nowhere lovely, everything here is run by magic.” Your mom smiled.
She greeted Bonnie with a hug and handed you the family grimour.
“Teach her everything she needs.”
“Of course mom.”
“We’re heading out on business, but you know what to do.” Your dad smiled.
Nodded, you waved them off and you got to work.
Over the following week you had Bonnie practice trying to break out the barrier you put around her, but she couldn’t even crack it.
“It’s all about having nature on your side, you try.”
Bonnie recited the spell, a barrier appeared around you, and she smiled happily.
You gave a light knock on it and hummed with a small hug.
“Quite sturdy, I think you’ll be able to trap her.”
“I just need to keep practicing, right?”
“How do I bring it down?”
“Oh, don’t worry about that.”
Placing your hand on it, it shattered and you beamed and it.
That’s when you felt it, a disturbance at the far end of the one you set up, and you turned in its direction.
“What’s wrong?” She asked.
“Someone is here.”
“Want me to come?”
“Yes please, I may need your help.”
Opening a portal, you both jogged through and down the hill to the end of the barrier, but as you got closer you could see who it was and all you did was sigh.
“Klaus?” Bonnie asked.
His head shot up.
“Leave this place. I don’t know how you found it but you’re not invited.”
“Not until we talk.” He said.
“We’ve got nothing to talk about.”
“I’ll stay here if I have to, but I’m not leaving until we talk.”
“Bonnie you can head back, remember what I taught you?”
“Yeah. I’ll get dinner ready.”
Smiling thanks, you waited for her to leave before turning back to the hybrid.
You walked over and stood right in front of him, arms crossed over your chest.
“What do you want?”
He stepped back and held out his hand with a small smile on his lips.
“Dance with me?” He asked.
“Excuse me?”
“Dance with me.” He repeated.
“I thought no one was desperate enough to ask.” You snapped.
He flinched back slightly and sighed, letting his hand fall back to his head.
“No one is. But I am.”
“You’re desperate?”
“Yes. In fact, I’m desperate for you love. I want you, actually, rather, I need you. So no one may be desperate enough to ask, but I’m glad they’re not, since I’m desperate and perhaps foolish enough to ask after what I ask and did to you.”
“You’re right, you are foolish. Get away from my house.”
You started to walk away.
“What can I do to prove it?” He called.
You scoffed.
“Maybe if you got on your knees and beg mikaelson.”
His pride and ego was too big to let him to that. You were waiting for some sarky comment or an angry remark.
“If that’s what it takes.”
In shock, you turned around.
His eyes locked with yours as he slowly got down on his knees, hands in his lap as he stared at you.
“Here I kneel, my pride aside, for you. So I can tell you that I do in fact love you, but I wasn’t aware you felt the same, I didn’t want you to get hurt, and in the process I hurt you, and I never meant to. I will stay here all night if you wanted me to. If you told me to stay here I would, if you told me to walk to the ends of the earth for you I would.”
You were speechless, you didn’t think he’d actually get on his knees, you didn’t think he was capable of saying anything nice.
Staring at him for a few seconds, you walked a little closer.
“If you want me to beg for you then fine. I am begging you (Y/N), right here and now, to say you love me.”
He stayed on his knees and never moved and inch.
Turning around, you stared walking again.
You heard Klaus sigh, and mumble something about leaving you alone.
“Come on.” You called.
“Excuse me?” He asked.
“Come on.”
You stopped and turned to face him.
He was unsure at first, and he placed his hand on the barrier to show he couldn’t but he stumbled through it, and within a second he was right in front of you, your face between his hands.
“I will love you from now until the end of my life.” He whispered.
Leaning down, he softly kissed you and you quickly responded, arms going around his neck to pull him closer.
Klaus pulled away first, kissing your nose and forehead, before he smiled softly down at you.
“I’m sorry I didn’t dance with you.” He whispered, “and I’m sorry for everything I did and said.”
“I won’t forgive you so easily, but you can start making it up to me.”
“Anything sweetheart.” He smiled.
You nodded and took his hand in yours, opening a portal to take you both back to the house were Bonnie was waiting outside with a small smile on her face when you guys approached.
Klaus looked at you, and he couldn’t help but smile.
He hurt you, yes, but he was going to do anything he could, anything you asked to make it up to you. Even if it meant getting on his knees for the whole world to see and begging for your forgiveness
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Texts from the Lost Tomb, part 5.2
Also yes this is a 5 part story arc, why do you ask, no I’m not “avoiding real life work”
Main Chat
Wu Xie: And we are just so grateful you are above all that.
Zhang Qiling: You were fully awake and insisted we pack and go as soon as possible in case there was, and I quote, “more weird shit happening we can cash in on.”
Wu Xie: I mean it’s kind of interesting that the Zhang family sent a car for us. We could have driven. So what is going on there, I wonder?
Zhang Qiling: I agree, in this particular case, with Pangzi. You should not have gotten in their vehicle while we were still inside the house. It forced us to follow you into the van to prevent separation, and they seemed to be expecting that. I don’t know whether Zhang Rishan intended this, but I don’t trust him.
Wu Xie: :( I got excited and didn’t think it through. I’m sorry.
Wu Xie: oh relax, I’m fine. No fever at all today, remember? I feel a lot better, too.
Zhang Qiling: It is odd to say this, but Pangzi is right again. You are barely back on your feet and could easily get worse again. Wu Xie. Jacket. Now.
Wu Xie: Oh fine. Teaming up on me, I see. Happy now?
Wu Xie: If it is an abduction, it wouldn’t be them moving against the whole Wu family—not with Uncle Erbai in charge. Zhang Rishan strikes me as someone who doesn’t make a move unless he is sure of his plan, and this is all a bit last-minute to be a big shift. Besides, they let Xiao Ge keep his sword and we still have all our phones.
Zhang Qiling: In fairness, you were waving them around and yelling that if they tried anything it was going to be “yippeekiyay motherfucker all up in this bitch.”
Wu Xie: me too. That’s Zhang Rishan on the steps. This must be urgent. Everybody stay shiny.
Zhang Qiling: I will be getting out first. Wu Xie in the middle, Pangzi at the rear.
Wang Pangzi: AND WHAT A VIEW;)
An hour later…
Main Chat
Wu Xie: Is everyone okay? I tried knocking but nothing is getting through, these are some solid walls.
Wu Xie: guys???
Zhang Qiling: Apologies, I was trying to break down the door.
Wu Xie: fuck Pangzi, I know, okay??
I’m an idiot, I’m so fucking stupid. It’s not like it’s the first or fiftieth time I’ve put you two in danger, either.
Zhang Qiling: I’m sorry. This is my fault. My line has a ruthlessly pragmatic streak and they’ve clearly wanted to test us separately to see why the necklace reacted to our arrival like that. It does not excuse Zhang Rishan trapping us in these separate rooms.
Zhang Qiling: no. Wu Xie?
Zhang Qiling: Wu Xie, answer me.
Wang Pangzi: WU XIE
Zhang Qiling: I’m going to try breaking down the door again.
Wu Xie: Hello, Wang Pangzi and Zhang Qiling. My apologies for the rather inhospitable circumstances, but this seemed expedient considering the unknown qualities of the necklace. I could not be sure who was causing what, or what could happen next, and thus have temporarily set you in separate rooms for the sake of everyone’s safety.
Zhang Qiling: Your concerns for everyone’s safety are noted. Thank you for whatever you believe you’ve done right here.
Now. If you release us immediately and return Wu Xie to us, we will consider leaving without direct personal retribution.
Wu Xie: I regret that this has happened, I hope to make it up to you in the future. For the purpose of today’s needs, however—I will have my men escort the two of you out if you so desire, but unfortunately Wu Xie will need to stay until we have finished examining him.
Wu Xie: There is no call for rudeness. He will not be harmed. The artifact was responding to him directly. It has not lit up like this in over 200 years, and I need to understand why it is responding, and responding to someone who is not our kin, which it has never done before. This could have implications for everyone in my family if it could protect someone at the right moment.
Wu Xie: The testing would be going better if Wu Xie wasn’t worrying himself unnecessarily over where you both are, it’s making our readings difficult.
Zhang Qiling: Zhang Rishan. I appreciate that you must think of our family first in your decisions. As must I. I hope you can appreciate what that means for decisions I make.
Zhang Qiling: A compromise: we stay with him as you run your tests. That will calm him and assuage Pangzi’s concerns and prevent me from…testing the limits of your lifespan.
Wu Xie: I accept that this may temporarily impact our relations, but am hopeful that you will come to understand that sometimes I need to make certain choices for this family that are…difficult. I will come to let you—One moment. Something seems to be happening.
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: I’m attempting to convince him to let us out. Of course we will not simply sit there. Some lying to gain trust is necessary here.
At the same time…
Bonnie and Clyde Chat
Xie Yuchen: …so, this is not what I expected to find.
Hei Yangjing: yeah kiddo is a bit freaked out:/ this sucks. I mean I get that they are concerned blah blah blah necklace goes brightbright but maybe we should go find the other two
or at least find a way to let Wu Xie know we are here, that room he’s in looks like a dungeon and not in a good way
Xie Yuchen: Does it look like I’m able to do anything right now? Also, I’m fairly certain they won’t be harmed. Zhang Rishan may be callous, but he isn’t stupid.
Hei Yangjing: r u kidding
he split up Romeo and Juliet, then left Romeo with a sword—seems pretty stupid to me
Xie Yuchen: Yeah I’m not going near that. He made his bed with that choice. What can you see? These Neanderthal guards are blocking my view.
Hei Yangjing: uh so there’s like a lab table situation
Wu Xie isn’t tied up, a good sign in this context
I can’t see what those people are holding, they’re talking a lot and some asshole just grabbed Wu Xie’s arm, looks like maybe they are putting in an IV?
The necklace is—oh. Oh shit.
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leossmoonn · 4 years ago
New Light
pairing - kai parker x fem!human!reader
type - angst, fluff
note - so this is like sometime during season 6. im rewatching the series but i haven't got to season 6 yet (im rewatching it so when i write and include situations and plots from the show, i can be correct w the timeline lol.), so sorry if some of the info and timeline is incorrect. i did a little research to try and get the timeline right though. enjoy! oh! and also i made bonnie and enzo already get together since ik they get together in like season 8
summary - kai tries to make you fall for him
warnings - mild language, suggestive language, make out scene
*gif isn’t mine*
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Kai watched you as you moved around the kitchen, making dinner for your friends and you. You were in the Salvatore Boarding House, the place you lived in after having your home destroyed by Klaus Mikaelson. The Salvatore brothers adopted you into their home. You had been friends with them for the past few years, so it wasn’t surprising you moved in. You already spent more than half your time here anyways. 
Tonight you were having a dinner party, planned by your friends and you to just relax and forget about every crazy thing that had and was happening in your life. Granted, something crazy was probably gonna happen, interrupting the relaxing night, but you held onto hope to have one normal night. Like how you used to before all the supernatural stuff.
One thing kept the hope from staying, though. It was Kai Parker. The insane witch who was ruining everything for you and your friends over the past few months. Stefan had decided to invite him over, make nice with him so you all would have him on your side. You sided with Stefan to not be in a fight with your best friend, but you deeply hated the thought of Kai sitting with you. Eating dinner, staring at you like a creepy stalker, probably plotting your death. Good thing was, though, Elena and Caroline were at the house, helping you. Everyone knew that if you were alone with Kai, you would probably kill him. Bonnie, sadly, was with Stefan and Damon, working out a plan to kill and/or get him back into the prison world. 
You were in the kitchen alone at the moment, Kai was sitting at the island table, staring at you. He had a smug look on his face, resting his chin on his palm and leaning on the counter. He never tore his eyes away from you. It made you want to gouge his eyes out. To try and ignore him, you put on music and focused on the dinner you were making. 
You sang the lyrics to ‘Since U Been Gone’ by Kelly Clarkson quietly. You moved your body to the beat, chopping up onions. 
“You have a beautiful singing voice,” Kai said. 
You rolled your eyes, huffing and ignoring him. 
“You know, I can sing, too. I used to love singing in the car with my family,” Kai said. 
“Before you slaughtered them?” You remarked. 
Kai frowned at you, pain shooting through his heart. You continued making steak, turning on the stove and letting it heat up. Elena and Caroline finally came back into the kitchen with ice cream and alcohol. You snatched the bourbon from Caroline’s hand, getting out a cup and pouring yourself a drink. 
“Can I have some?” Kai asked.
You nodded, not looking at him. You poured him a glass, walking over and setting it in front of him. His hand reached out to grab the glass, making contact with your hand. His fingers brushed against yours. You felt your skin tingle and goosebumps arose on your arm. Kai noticed and smirked. 
“Cold?” He asked. 
You glared at him and pulled back your arm immediately. “No.”
Kai chuckled, knowing you lied. He could sense you had feelings for him, even if you never would admit it. He just needed to make you see him differently so those feelings would surface. 
You went back to ignoring him, which only fueld his pining for you more. 
Elena and Caroline went over to you with the steaks.
“You know, Mr. Socio is in love with you,” Caroline said. 
“He's not in love with me. He just likes to chase people and get them comfortable, then hurt them. Since I’m the only one not with a boy who can protect me, with you having Stefan and Damon, Caroline having Tyler and Klaus at her beckoning call, and Bonnie having Enzo, he has chosen me to haunt and stalk,” you said.
Elena looked back at Kai, who was looking at you still. Elena turned her attention towards you, again. 
“I hate Kai as much as the next person, but he really looks like he has actual feelings for you. You should give him a chance.”
You scoffed, not believing what you were hearing. “Did you forget that he almost killed Bonnie and your beloved Damon to the prison world? He slaughtered his siblings and father without any remorse. Not to mention, he's an annoying prick.”
Elena laughed, “I used to think about that with Damon. But look at me now, I’m in love with him.”
“Yeah, but Damon isn’t a bad person, he just does bad things. Plus, I have seen the way he looks at you and treats you, he is every girl’s dream. Not to mention, he’s a pretty attractive guy. Kai isn’t like that. I mean, yeah, he’s hot, but he’s not the type of person I, or anyone, would want to date,” you explained and took a sip of bourbon.
Caroline smirked, “So, you are attracted to him.”
“No. You can say someone is attractive but not have any romantic feelings,” you shrugged.
In your mind, though, a little voice in your head told you that you did have feelings for him. You ignored the voice, not wanting to try and battle with your feelings. 
“Sure, Y/n. The more you deny it, the worse your feelings will get,” Elena teased. 
You rolled your eyes, flipping the steaks. Oil popped off the pan and hit your wrist. You squealed in pain, holding your wrist. 
Elena hurriedly got you a cold washcloth and pressed it on your wrist. 
“Thanks, El,” you smiled. “Mind taking care of the steaks? I have to keep a cold compress for a little.”
“Not at all. Care, can you get the sundae bar ready?” Elena asked, taking the tongs you used to turn the steak over. Caroline nodded, going over to the cabinets to get ice cream toppings out. 
You went over to the living room, slumping on the couch and grabbing the remote. You turned on ‘Gilmore Girls’. You kept the cold compress on your wrist. 
You felt the couch sink on your left. You didn't bother to look over, already knowing who it was. You two didn’t even sit in silence for 10 seconds before Kai started talking. 
“Rory and Jess should’ve stayed together. Dean’s too soft,” Kai commented while watching the tv. 
“Jess is bad for her. He's smart, but he still has no future. Dean really loves Rory and she threw that away,” you argued.
“True, but Jess loves her, too, just in a different way. Dean is so mellow. Jess is fun, exciting, dangerous. Kind of like Damon. That’s why Elena chose Damon instead of Stefan, right? Because he made her feel things that Stefan could never make her feel, which she liked better,” Kai stated. 
You glared at him. “She didn’t choose him just because of that.”
“No, she chose him because of that. You choose someone because the way they make you feel, that's how love works,” Kai said, turning his attention towards you. 
You felt his burning stare. You decided to turn to him, looking into his dark blue eyes. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” you sighed. 
Kai smiled. His smile made you feel giddy and warm inside. You pushed those feelings away, piling more denial and hate in your mind towards him. 
“You have those feelings towards me, too,” Kai smirked. 
You peeled your eyes away from him, ignoring him once again. 
“Don’t deny it, Y/n. I can see it on your face. I can feel it,” Kai teased, scooting closer.
“Kai, stop,” you muttered. 
He got so close to you, you felt his breath on your cheek. Your heart rate picked up and you found it hot and hard to breathe. Heat went down south between your thighs and goosebumps formed on your neck. 
“You like me, Y/n. I can hear you breathing heavy and you heart beating fast. I can smell your arousal between your legs,” Kai said, putting his hand on yours.
You pulled your hand away. “I said cut the shit, Kai. You’re making me uncomfortable,” you lied. 
Kai’s eyes softened and he moved away immediately. “I’m sorry. I just-”
“You just what, Kai? Think you can use your witchy powers with me to make me fall in love with you? News flash, psycho, I’m not dumb,” you scoffed and stood up.
“I didn’t try to use my powers, I swear. But I can use my powers to heal your burn,” Kai suggested. 
“No, I don’t want your help,” you shook your head. 
“Get off your high horse and let me help you, Y/n. That burn will take a few days to heal and it'll hurt when you shower or brush something against it. Please, Y/n, I want to help you,” Kai pleaded. 
You looked at him. His eyes showed honesty. You sighed in defeat and sat back down on the couch. You moved close to him, your thighs touching. Kai took the cloth off of your burn and held your arm gently. The same, lovey-dovey feelings came back. This time, you didn't fight it as hard, letting yourself enjoy not having to keep up your walls.
“I’m so mean to you, why are you helping me?” You asked. 
“Because I like and care about you. I don’t like seeing the people I care about hurt,” he answered.
He put his free hand over your burn. The burn disappeared by skin forming over it. 
“Really? If you cared about me, you’d leave me alone,” you chuckled. 
“I can’t when I gotta get on your good side. With you and your friends plotting my death, I need an ally,” Kai said. 
Your distaste for him surfaced again. You pulled your hand away once the burn was healed. 
“That’s why I hate you. See, you don’t actually care about me. I knew it. Don’t sit or talk to me during dinner,” you spat and strutted over to the kitchen. 
Dinner was ready, thank the heavens. Damon, Stefan, and Bonnie came into the house on cue. 
“Bon!” You exclaimed, running over and hugging her. 
“Hey! Dinner smells good,” Bonnie smiled and hugged you back. You pulled away and laughed, “Elena and Caroline made it. I got burned.”
“You okay? I can heal you,” Bonnie said. 
“No, uh, Kai healed me already,” you said sheepishly. 
“You let that lunatic touch you?” Damon asked. 
“He was there and asked. He was being nice, but then he turned into a dick again,” you explained. 
“Well, at least you’re not still hurt. C’mon, let’s go and eat. I'm starving,” Stefan said. 
You all went to the kitchen, seeing the meal Elena and Caroline prepared set out on the table. 
“Hey, babe,” Damon smiled and went over to Elena. He put his arm around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 
You looked at them longingly. You wanted what they had. So in love, nothing else mattering in the world but each other. You sat down in between Stefan and Caroline. You cut a piece of steak for yourself and got some mashed potatoes and green beans. 
“This is so good, guys. Thanks for inviting me over,” Kai said with a mouthful of steak and mashed potatoes. 
“Our pleasure. Mind eating with a closed mouth?” Stefan remarked. 
You chuckled at Stefan’s comment while Kai frowned. 
“So, what were you three doing while us four were here?” Kai said, gesturing to Damon, Stefan, and Bonnie with his fork. 
“None of your business,” Bonnie said. 
“Aw, c’mon. We’re friends now,” Kai teased. 
“You’ll find out soon,” Damon smiled at him. 
Kai frowned again and ate his food in silence. 
“Do you guys want some blood to go with your wine?” Caroline asked. 
“Yes!” Damon smiled. Caroline got up to get a few blood bags. 
All of you except Kai made conversation. While you were talking and laughing, Kai looked at you. He knew his comment earlier got you two on the wrong foot again. He racked his brain with ways he could get on your good side, get you to agree with going on a date with him. He likes you, he really does, he just doesn’t know how to show those feelings without getting rude and angry. He was willing to try for you, though. After a few hours of talking with everyone, people started to excuse themselves to leave. 
“I’ll see you later, Bon and Care,” you smiled and hugged your two best friends.
“See you! Have fun with Kai, I think he plans on staying,” Caroline smiled.
“I actually am going to leave, too,” Kai butted into your conversation. 
Your heart sank slightly. Since calming down from being angry, your attitude towards him softened. In the back of your mind, you didn’t want him to leave. You wanted him to stay, to pester you, to talk to him, to sit down and have him make you feel the way you did on the couch. You wanted to sit down and enjoy his company. But on the surface, you couldn’t care less. 
“But, I want to talk to Y/n before I leave,” Kai said. 
Bonnie and Caroline looked between you two quizzically. They smiled and let you two be alone in the kitchen. 
You walked to the liquor cabinet, grabbing two glasses and vodka. Kai followed you and sat down in his seat at the island table. 
“So, what do you want to talk about?” You asked as you poured him a glass of vodka. You grabbed your glass and went to sit next to him. 
“I wanted to apologize for earlier,” he said and looked into your eyes. He took the glass without tearing his eyes away from you. 
“You apologizing? Who has you possessed,” you laughed looked around jokingly. 
Kai smiled with you as you brought your attention back on him. 
“No, this is just me. I know what I said earlier about just wanting you as an ally was wrong. I mean, yes, I want you as an ally, I want all of you as an ally, but I still like you. A lot. And I care about you a lot, too,” Kai spoke. 
You took a sip of vodka, sighing. “I accept and appreciate your apology, Kai. But, I don’t like you, not like that anyways, I-”
Kai interrupted you by taking your hand in his. “Y/n, I know I pushed earlier and made you uncomfortable, and I apologize for that, too, but I know that's not true. The look in your eyes when you look at me when you let your guard down is not a look regular friends give each other.”
Your eyes focused on his hand on yours for a few minutes, and looked back up to his face. Butterflies filled your stomach again and his words tugged at your heart strings. Your walls started to come down and as hard as you fought to keep them up, you couldn’t. Kai was getting to you and deep down, you knew he was right. That you cared for him the same way he cared about you. 
But then you remembered that he was the enemy. He took your best friend away from you, wrecked havoc on this town, and killed his parent in cold blood. You couldn’t take the chance of getting hurt. So, you pulled your hand away slowly from his, standing up and downing the rest of your drink. 
“I admit, I may have some feelings for you. Deep down inside, but I can’t take the chance, Kai. I’m sorry. Thank you for apologizing and not ruining dinner. I’ll see you later,” you gave him an apology of your own. 
You started to walk away, but Kai put his hand on your arm. He spun you around and your lips met his. Your eyes widened as Kai kissed you. You tried to fight back from not kissing him, but as his arms wrapped gently around your waist, pulling you in, you melted against him and kissed him back. 
As your lips moved with his for the first few moments, you closed your eyes and  behind your eyelids, your brain exploded. You could see colors as your lips moved with his, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. His lips tasted like vodka and chocolate ice cream. You wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your fingers in his hair. His tongue swiped on the bottom of your lip and you opened your mouth. Your tongues met and you moaned softly in his mouth, tugging at the hair on the nape of his neck.
You pulled away, needing air. Kai opened his eyes, a big, content smile resting on his lips. 
“And friends don’t kiss friends like that. So please, give me a chance. Let me show you I’m different than what you think. Let me show you me in a new light. I can change for you. I want to change. Don’t deny what we have, Y/n.”
You stared into his eyes, knowing you couldn’t deny your feelings any longer. You gave him a small, sweet smile and nodded your head. “Okay, I’ll give you a chance. Prove me wrong, Parker.”
Kai took his hands off your waist, first pumping the air. “I will, I promise.”
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moonlightreal · 4 years ago
This is the “author’s note” I found on the amazon pages for the pretty hardcover Night World books.  My memory is that it was just there, the book-blurb at the top by the cover picture, was this. 
Like a bonehead I just copied the text without grabbing a screencap or noting the date.  The amazon page now has the publication date is December 2016 so this bit of optimism was just before Ms. Smith vanished.  Of course we don’t know when it was written or whose idea it was.  Was Strange Fate really finished or was someone just feeling hopeful? 
NIGHT WORLD Dear Readers, It’s hard to tell you how much the re-release of the Night World books means to me. It has allowed me to come full circle, to complete a cycle that began with Secret Vampire. It has allowed me to finish Strange Fate, which grew into an epic that included roles for almost every Night World character. And Strange Fate allowed me to show the origins of the Night World, the apocalypse that threatens to destroy it, and even a possible future in which the evil side of the Night World prevails. I am often asked how I conceived the idea for the Night World series. It began when I wanted to write stand-alone novels that would combine horror and romance. But I wanted more: I wanted to do a series in which this Night World—a vast, secret world that exists within the everyday world—would slowly reveal itself to readers. That’s why the first book is called Secret Vampire: the inhabitants of the Night World, composed of vampires, shapeshifters, witches, and other supernatural creatures I wanted to invent, are hidden from humans. A vampire is necessarily a secret vampire … because of the laws. I also wanted to write about a new kind of forbidden love. That’s not easy—most good forbidden love topics were old by Shakespeare’s time. But with this series, I could create the possibility of forbidden love simply by saying that the laws of the Night World prohibit a Night Person from falling in love with a human. But I still needed one more ingredient. I needed the rise of the soulmate principle to actively force Night People to fall in love with humans, no matter how hard they fought against it. Voilà! Then it was just a matter of making up interesting characters and setting them loose in my head to see what they would do. I often begin like that: sitting in a quiet room and searching for a sparkle in my mind that could become my new heroine. Sometimes it’s easy and a whole character shimmers before me. Sometimes I only get the faintest firefly glimmer of a new girl, and I have to hold my breath and see if that glimmer will materialize into a three-dimensional person. Heroes and anti-heroes are easier. It’s just a matter of picking one that will be a true soulmate for my heroine. I have a whole collection of these characters in my mind, all trying to crash the party. And they’re usually bad boys. The settings and in-depth plot development are another layer of work. But often the characters just run off and do what they want, and I have trouble keeping up with their antics on my keyboard. One thing I always do is look carefully at my characters and plot from all angles to make sure I’m not plagiarizing a book or series that I may have read before. That’s just normal procedure for ethical authors: we make sure our stories aren’t too much like another story we might have read. Of course, there are many ideas that have been around since the Babylonian myths, and many characters that are archetypal. But, really, it’s almost impossible to take many things from the body of another author’s work—say, someone else’s character(s) or plot or story device—without actually intending to do so. I can’t imagine wanting to do that. I wish I could say every author felt the same. Poppy North is a character I examined very carefully. I wanted to make sure she wasn’t too much like Bonnie McCullough, another petite character of mine from The Vampire Diaries. I didn’t even want to plagiarize myself ! But Poppy convinced me that she was a tough little squirt who by high school had already planned out her future, which is very unlike Bonnie. Poppy was going to marry her mysterious friend James—she just hadn’t informed him yet. Also, unlike Bonnie, she had a fatal flaw in her small body. In Secret Vampire, I knew I was dealing with a serious issue: terminal cancer in a high school girl. So I did a lot of research before deciding on a type of cancer that would be truly inoperable and give Poppy only a month or two to live. I went to several hospitals to talk to nurses in oncology wards. I always brought toys for the hospitalized children, but the whole subject was so heartbreaking I was almost afraid to tackle it. Once I did, though, I found that Poppy was even stronger than I had imagined. In the book, she makes the only choice she can to go on living, and she never looks back. Poppy is one of my favorite girls, and she ushers in Ash Redfern, who quickly became one of my favorite bad boys. Ash has a murky past of womanizing and … well, more womanizing. Ash returns in Daughters of Darkness because he has been ordered by the leader of all vampires, Hunter Redfern, to bring his three runaway sisters back to their cloistered vampire island. But when Ash locates his sisters, he runs straight into the human stargazer Mary-Lynnette, and the sparks begin flying—literally. Mary-Lynnette is a character I made up when I was a kid, and I’m always surprised by how many people like her and Ash together. Mary-Lynnette spends most of the time expressing her feelings for Ash by kicking him in the shins, but their dialogues are some of my favorite passages in the whole series. Ash, in turn, escorts Quinn into the series. And Quinn (who does have a first name, though he rarely uses it) is one really scary guy. A vampire since 1639 A.D., Quinn is sharp, cold, humorless, and heartless. Unlike Ash, who is mainly guilty of an incredibly long series of one-night stands, Quinn enters the series as a human slave trader. That is, he provides vampires with young girls, and he doesn’t ask questions about what happens to the girls afterward. This led to a problem: How on earth was I going to redeem this villain enough to make him someone’s soulmate in The Chosen? I really sweated over that. My first task was to make Quinn more sympathetic. The best way to do it seemed to be by telling a bit of Quinn’s own tragic story: how he falls in love with sweet Dove Redfern, and how her vampire father decides to make Quinn his heir. Dove’s father is Hunter Redfern, one of the most important vampire leaders in Night World history. This is the same Hunter Redfern who, nearly half a millennium later, sends Ash to drag his sisters back home. The same Hunter Redfern who sends his daughter, Lily, after Jez in Huntress. The same Hunter Redfern who tries to turn Delos into a merciless killer in Black Dawn. But, as a boy, Quinn doesn’t know anything about the Night World, and he is deeply in love with gentle Dove. When Hunter makes him a vampire by force and then when Quinn can’t save Dove from being killed, Quinn’s heart freezes over. For four hundred years it accumulates ice—until he meets Rashel. That’s another favorite scene of mine: when Rashel, a dedicated vampire hunter since (guess who?) Hunter Redfern killed her mother, encounters Quinn. A group of Rashel’s fellow vampire slayers have captured Quinn and plan to torture him, and Rashel is left alone to guard him. Quinn, feeling old and tired despite his youthful appearance and great power, gives himself up for dead—and is a little glad to do so. Rashel, however, can’t stomach the idea of torture. When Rashel talks to this most-hated vampire and hears his story, she deliberately sets him free. And that astonishes him. But it’s the soulmate principle working its magic. I loved making two such strong-willed enemies succumb to the silver cord that connects them. I especially loved hearing Quinn warning Rashel not to let him go—and then protecting her when her comrades arrive back in time to see that she’s let him loose. I really loved writing about Quinn and Rashel’s soulmate sequences. As Rashel enters Quinn’s mind, she sees “thorny scary parts” but also “rainbow places that were aching to grow” and “other parts that seemed to quiver with light, desperate to be awakened.” She begins to think that people ask so little of themselves. If the mind of a slave trader can look like this, an ordinary person must have the power to become a saint. It is with this revelation (and much penance on Quinn’s part) that Quinn is redeemed. That’s the thread that binds all the novels together: redemption. The possibility of a second chance. Everyone has choices to make, but even the most evil of vampires can choose to atone and be redeemed. It may not necessarily stave off punishment in this world or the next, but redemption is possible. I’ve been asked who my favorite characters are, and the answer always changes because it depends on the book I’m writing. Right now my favorites are three characters from Strange Fate. As for my favorite couples in the published books? Morgead and Jez—I suppose. Who would find themselves at greater odds than a vampire gang leader and his onetime superior, a vampire who finds out she is half human? I learned some cool martial arts moves as a bonus for writing about them. Then there is Keller, one of my all-time favorite heroines, and Iliana, the beautiful Witch Child, and Galen, ruler of the shapeshifters: the love triangle in Witchlight. Keller starts out seeming brusque and businesslike, but the love of Galen and of the unselfish Iliana help to heal her inner wounds. And I can’t forget Thierry and Hannah, and Circle Daybreak. I created Circle Daybreak because the Night World witches had only two clans: Circle Twilight and Circle Midnight. Those, like Thea in Spellbinder, who belong to Circle Twilight are not-so-wicked witches (that is, they don’t want to exterminate all humans like the darkest witches, those who belong to Circle Midnight), but they are still wicked enough. So what was to be done with all these new soulmates, when Night World law said that they must be put to death? Someone had to make a place for them where they would be safe, and I decided it was Thierry, one of the oldest vampires, and Hannah, his Old Soul soulmate, who has lived hundreds of lifetimes without ever reaching the age of seventeen. They are the ones who revive Circle Daybreak, where humans and Night People can forget about past tragedies and concentrate on a brighter future together. Although Thierry is an old vampire, he isn’t the oldest vampire. There is one older, the one who Changed him. She provides another thread that binds the series: the pitiless Maya. Maya is the first vampire, the witch who finds the secret of eternal life—and chooses to use it for evil. But there will be plenty more about her, including a look at the young Maya, her sister Hellewise, and their mother, Hecate Witch-Queen, in the upcoming Strange Fate. And so now I’ve come full circle, back to Strange Fate. But I can’t finish until I add the other joy that the re-release of Night World has brought me. It’s brought me into contact with you by e-mail. Night World fans write so many intelligent, articulate, courteous, exciting e-mails! I love to get messages from “old” fans, who say my works “got them through high school.” Thank you for them! And messages from new fans, who say they have just read all my reissued books—and are impatient for more. Thank you! And the messages that simply demand: “When is Strange Fate coming out?” Thank you, too! With a full heart, all I can say is thank you, thank you, and thank you again! I never thought I would have a chance to write an open letter to all Night World fans, and I can only wish that you knew how grateful I am … for this second chance. Sincerely, (LJ Smith signature image) P.S. I love to get e-mail, letters, and messages. Visit me at ljanesmith.net!
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ijustwant2write · 5 years ago
Not A Secret-Bonnie Gold x Shelby!Reader
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(GIF credit to @paquim)
Tags: @jenepleurepasbaby @amirahiddleston @bloodorangemoonlight
Requested by anonymous: 'I literally check the bonnie gold tag everyday and was so HAPPYYYY when I saw your fic, I absolutely love the idea of finns twin sister being with bonnie or even just the youngest shelby sis being with him so wondering if I could get a fic with that premise please :)'
Summary: Although (Y/N) is terrified about what her brothers may do when they find out she is in a relationship, she doesn't want to be the dirty little secret Bonnie has to keep.
Characters: Bonnie Gold x Shelby!Reader, Finn Shelby x Shelby!Reader (siblings), Polly Gray x Shelby!Reader (family), Isaiah Jesus x Shelby!Reader (platonic), Tommy Shelby x Shelby!Reader (siblings)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, arguing, angst, slight violence, lotta fluff
"Who are you dressed up for?" Finn asked as I walked into the kitchen.
"Myself." I snapped.
"I'm not an idiot-"
"Says the one who didn't finish school."
He scoffed."Come up with a better insult if you're so clever."
I retaliated by grabbing a slice of toast off his plate.
"I'll tell Tommy."
"Tell him what?" I slumped into the chair opposite him."That I knicked your toast?"
"No! That you're sneaking around."
"Do you have any evidence?"
He hesitated."No."
"Exactly, because nothing is going on."
"We're twins, I can sense it."
"Oh, fuck off Finn."
"I'm gonna find out-"
"Why would it be so bad if I was seeing someone? What if we're just fucking?"
"That's even worse!" he raised his voice.
"You do it all the time!" I shouted back.
"What the fuck is all this racket?" Polly yelled over us both, hands on her hips as she stood in the doorway.
"Sorry Pol, someone's just being a complete arse hole." I sneered, brushing past her and grabbing my coat from the hallway.
"What is she on about?" I heard her say, but I escaped out the front door before I could be questioned further.
Finn was on the right track, and I was scared that I hadn't been careful enough. Finn and I used to tell each other everything, but like the rest of our family, we started keeping our own secrets; but Finn would rat me out almost every time just to get on Tommy's good side. It pissed me off to no end.
The truth was, I was seeing someone. He had just become a Blinder himself, it must have been around two months, which was how long I had known him for. Bonnie Gold, the boy with a dream for boxing, had boldly asked me out, and I confidently accepted. He was handsome and charming, it had nothing to do with pissing off my brothers (which is what they would say if they knew about us). Of course I didn't want to tell everyone about us straight away, we had to see if it worked. But when I realised how much I would think about this man day in and day out, it became all too real, and I knew my feelings were strong.
However, because I was a fucking Shelby, that meant everything had to be a secret. And I hated it! It felt wrong, like I was in trouble with something. It was as if I was doing a job for my brothers, something illegal and dangerous. But it wasn't. It was the exact opposite. It was care free, loving and I felt immensely happy. However, Bonnie didn't think the same as I, believing that we should remain hidden until my brothers were in a good place, wait for a time where they weren't being threatened by anyone or had trouble within the business...like that was ever going to happen.
I waited beside the country road we always met on. Hardly anyone drove down here because they were scared of the gypsies that lived nearby, including my gypsy boy. Perching on a fallen tree, I sighed, fiddling with the skirt of my dress, thinking of all the ways this conversation could go wrong. Should I even bring it up? Should I even state my feelings about all of this? What if he didn't agree and we fell out? Or worse...
I was startled when I felt a pair of lips kiss my cheek, and I jumped away, only to have Bonnie grab me.
"For fucks sake Bonnie," I laughed as he kept kissing me all over my face,"you can't sneak up on me like that."
"You just looked so pretty sitting there." he grinned, helping me to my feet.
Our hands were intertwined as we gazed into each others eyes. Fuck, this was going to be hard.
"So, what brings you all the way down here?" he asked, guiding me towards the forest.
"Well, besides wanting to see you, I need to talk to you about something."
His smiled faltered."That doesn't sound good."
"It's about us being a secret-"
"We've gone over this (Y/N)."
"Yes, I know. But I hate it Bonnie! It's like you're ashamed to tell anyone about us-"
"I'm not ashamed." he stopped walking, turning me to face him."Im worried what your brothers will do."
"I won't let them hurt you."
He scoffed."They could beat me till I was black and blue and I wouldn't care. But they're powerful enough to keep you away from me. And if I retaliated, they could keep us apart for...well forever."
"Then I'll stay with you. We can leave a letter behind, a note to say that we're in love and we've run away and-"
"You'll really leave your family?"
"I..." I sighed, looking down at my feet."No, not like that. But Finn is becoming suspicious, and I know that if he finds out he'll tell Tommy. I'd rather it be us."
“(Y/N), I don’t want to sneak around either, but I’m only just making a name for myself in boxing. And your brother has helped me with that.”
I rolled my eyes, snatching my hands away as I crossed them over my chest.“I know boxing is your dream, but you’ve also said that I was part of those dreams.”
“You are! But if I don’t make enough money for us, how are we supposed to buy a house together? How are we supposed to get married?”
“How are we supposed to do any of those things if we don’t tell my family?”
His fists were clenching, but I knew this was his way of controlling his anger so he wouldn’t shout at me.
“I’m sorry that I even bothered to bring this up. Let’s just forget about it.”
“No, you’re right.”
“Are you sure?”
“It’s just that...what if they don’t accept it?”
“Obviously it matters what they think, I do love my family. But you’ve been there for me more than they have, you haven’t changed, even when you became a Blinder. Even Finn changed, he’s horrible now, I don’t feel like he’s my twin anymore.”
“I don’t want to split up your family.”
“Are we even that much of a family anymore? It's so difficult because I love them, and whenever we argue it feels horrible, but at the same time I can easily hate them. They've done bad things, they always say it's for the good of the family and the business in the end, but still, they go about it the wrong way."
Bonnie held my hands again, bringing one of them to his lips, gently kissing my knuckles."I don't want you to be torn from your family. It isn't fair."
"We can do this Bon," I squeezed his hands,"we'll tell them together. I know that if Finn opens his big mouth, he'll ruin everything."
"I've got a meeting tomorrow with them, about my next match. Come with me and we'll tell them then."
"We'll do it after you've fixed the match, I won't destroy your dream."
Although I left feeling more anxious than I ever felt, there was some feeling in me that was optimistic. Perhaps my brothers would see that Bonnie had a steady future. He was boxing and working for them, so he was under their control, and they knew all about his family; Bonnie was able to keep me safe, and the love between us was obvious.
Once back in town, I headed to aunt Pol's, but was stopped by Finn, with Isaiah stood behind him. He had that fucking cocky smirk of his, hands in pockets as he started speaking.
"Where have you been off to today then?" he asked.
"Hello Isaiah, it's been a while."
"You alright (Y/N)?" Isaiah smiled.
"You gonna answer my question?" Finn interrupted.
"I had to get out of the house and away from you. I've been wandering aimlessly seeing as I'm always being watched, apparently."
"What happened to you (Y/N)?"
"Oh, don't start." I moaned."Stop acting all high and minty just because your balls have finally dropped."
I started to walk away, but he harshly grabbed my arm, yanking me back to him."What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Get off me you prick!"
"Guys," Isaiah ripped us apart,"not now not here."
As soon as I was free from his grip, I marched away, ducking my head to avoid the nosy stares from people in the street. As I got to Polly's house, I let out a small, frustrated scream, pulling off my shoes and throwing them on the floor.
"Oi! What have my floors ever done to you?" Polly tutted.
I didn't answer, storming upstairs to my room and slamming the door. Finn made me so angry, and what made me more upset was the fact that I no longer felt close to him. He was the stereotypical, protective older brother (by five minutes), teaching me how to defend myself and keeping me away from the family business. But as we grew older, becoming young adults, being more aware of the world around us, we changed. Finn changed completely, no longer the sweet, young boy I knew, but now a ruthless, slimy, conniving businessman.
"(Y/N) what's..." Polly's voice trailed off as the sound of the door opening again interrupted her."Finn, what's going on with your sister? What have you done?"
"She's hiding something Pol! I don't know what it is, but she's keeping a secret from us all, she's being cruel."
My eyes shot wide open at his words, and I almost sprinted back downstairs. Polly stood on the first step, holding me back as I ran down the stairs, ready to attack Finn.
"You're a fucking horrible brother, Finn!" I screamed with tears streaming down my face."Why can't you just leave me alone? Leave me out of the business!"
"Right!" Polly raised her voice over mine."Get in the kitchen, both of you. We're going to sit down, and talk about what's happening here."
Finn left first, Isaiah hesitantly following. Poly didn't let go of me until he was gone, slowly releasing me. I wanted to keep screaming, shout at the top of my lungs so much that it hurt. However, I silently made my way into the other room, feeling Polly's eyes on the back of my head. I sat opposite from Finn, just as we had that morning, keeping my eyes down as Polly and Isaiah adjudicated the match that was about to begin. Perhaps Bonnie should have shown me more boxing moves...
"So, Finn, what started all of this?" Polly asked.
"Why does he get to go first?" I scoffed, furiously wiping away my tears.
Polly just had to look at me to shut me up.
"All (Y/N) ever does is sneak off everyday and she never tells me where she's going. And whenever I ask her about it she snaps at me and gets all defensive. All I'm trying to do is help her."
"Help me?!"
"(Y/N) I suggest you calm down before you speak." Polly said.
I took a moment to breathe, but couldn't help blurt everything out."How on earth are you helping me? You pry into everything I do, wanting to find anything wrong with me just so you can report back to Tommy. And then whilst he's having a go at me, you're down at the Garrison, being praised like you've actually done something useful. But you haven't. You've never been able to do anything to live up to John, so you've gone against your sister just for a pat on the back."
Finn's nostrils were flaring, his breathing deep as I saw his anger building up. I didn't feel great about what I had said, but it also felt good to hurt him. He always spoke down to me, why couldn't I do it to him?
"I understand that you're trying to move up in the business, actually be taken serious by someone like Tommy. But how are they meant to treat you like an adult, when all you do is tell tales about your little sister as if we were five again?"
He shot up from this chair, and I quickly copied, watching as he rounded the table to stand in front of me; we would have been nose to nose if not for the height difference. Polly and Isaiah almost jumped to separate us, but I held out my hand. This had been a long time coming.
"You don't understand what I'm doing for you." Finn said through gritted teeth.
"No, I don't. So enlighten me, explain yourself."
"You're going to end up hurt if you keep going off with that gypsy boy."
"Gyspy boy?" Polly gasped."What fucking gypsy boy?"
"He's lying Polly."
"I'm not though, am I (Y/N)? You say I'm the one who can't do anything right in this family, but let me ask you this-what have you ever done? You don't get the respect you crave from anyone else, so you start seeing someone beneath you in order to feel something."
"He is not lower than anyone, how dare you!"
"Who isn't? (Y/N) have you been gallivanting off with some gypsy boy behind our backs?" Polly said, but I didn't break eye contact.
"Come on (Y/N), just admit it. Let then all know about your little secret."
He was smirking. The damn bastard was smirking, he was enjoying every second of this. Yelling out, I lunged at him, slapping him across the face before shoving him away from me, repeatedly hitting his chest over and over. Isaiah rushed over, pulling me away from him, but kicked him in the shin, going for Finn again when Polly stood between us, slapping me across the face. I stumbled back in shock, clutching onto my cheek.
"I have never seen you two argue like this, and it is useless! But more importantly, what do you think you're doing young lady?" Polly snapped.
"It's always my fault, just because I'm the youngest-"
"Just tell me who it is!"
"It's Bonnie!"
It was finally silent in the room. Everyone was taking in what had been said. I took in a shaky breath before speaking again.
"I promise, I was going to tell you all tomorrow, after Bonnie's meeting with Tommy. I was the one who wanted to stop keeping it a secret."
"So how come he doesn't want to say anything?" Finn said.
"He was hesitant because of his boxing. You all know it's his dream. Which is why I wanted it to be in a calm environment, tell you all one at a time. Please, none of you can say anything, not until tomorrow."
"How long has this been going on for?" Polly asked, not looking so angry.
"Two months, maybe three."
"And you're serious?"
"Yes! Look, we're not rushing into marriage or anything. I mean, we've talked about it, but he's focusing on his career first. I told him to do that."
"Pol, come on, it's Bonnie we're talking about." Finn groaned.
"What's your point?" she argued back."Finn, I know you want to look out for your sister, but she's not stupid. She wouldn't put herself in a relationship of the boy was going to fuck her over."
"It could be worse Finn." Isaiah piped up."At least we know the guy, Bonnie is a good lad."
"Finn," I grabbed his attention back,"you have to promise me you won't tell Tommy. I have to do this myself."
Finn nodded, then huffed, looking at us all before leaving. Isaiah was quick to follow, throwing a small smile my way.
Polly placed her hands on my shoulder, guiding me into a chair."Right, sit down you. You're going to tell me everything, from the beginning."
It had been a huge relief to finally tell someone. And it wasn't as if I was being Punoshed and forced to tell the truth. I could gush about how amazing he was, the lovely things he said to me, the thought out dates he had taken me on when he didn't have the money, and what he would buy me after he saved up especially. Polly was smiling throughout, which gave me a sense that she was there for me. Now all I had to do was tell Tommy.
Finn kept his promise, or at least I thought he had because my door hadn't been kicked down with my older brother yelling at me. It had been a restless night, tossing and turning, wondering whether I should risk telling everyone else right now. Bonnie hadn't done that many matches, enough for people to recognise him though. What if Tommy ruined everything for him? What if they cut all ties with their family and their protection, making us more vulnerable? However, Polly, Finn and Isaiah already knew, and it would only be a matter of time before they told everyone else.
No one was in the house when I woke. The silence was annoying. Usually I longed for the peacefulness, but today I was alone with my annoyingly loud thoughts. I had checked my appearance multiple times before leaving, as if that would make any difference. Paranoia set in as I walked through the streets. Somehow I thought that they all knew my secret, and were all staring at me. What a drama queen.
As I got closer to Charlie's yard, I went over my rehearsed speech, ready to defend my love. Tommy was stood with Bonnie and his dad, Aberama, of course he was smoking as they discussed their business. I wasn't expecting Aberama, the embarrassment was already setting in. They all noticed me as I approached, falling silent as they watched me; Bonnie instinctively smiled.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Tommy asked, slight concern in his voice.
"Nothing is wrong." I replied, standing beside him.
"Then why are you here? We're discussing business."
"Oh, I can wait till you're finished."
"No, no, say your peace now. We're basically finished."
"Right...um..." my words disappeared, the prepared speech suddenly gone.
"(Y/N) and I have secretly been seeing each other." Bonnie casually stated.
Aberama and Tommy glanced between us, watching as Bonnie boldly took my hand, tugging me towards him.
"You what?" Tommy stamped out his cigarette.
"It's true. It's been going on for two months." I mumbled.
Tommy pointed at Aberama."Did you know about this?"
Aberama was smirking."No, and I'm impressed that they hid it so well."
"He's fucking impressed."
"Tommy, we weren't doing this to aggravate anyone. We didn't mean to sneak around, but we wanted to make sure this relationship was working before we told you." I explained.
"(Y/N) was the one who told me we should tell you all. I'm sorry Mr Shelby, I didn't mean to go behind your back." Bonnie sincerely said.
"We were also hesitant because of his boxing. He is so loyal to you after all you've done. Please don't stop all of this because of me-"
Tommy held his hand up, shutting me up. Bonnie squeezed my hand for reassurance.
"Mr Shelby, may I butt in for a moment?" Aberama asked."You say this has been going on for two months?"
I nodded."Uh, yes, three months at the most."
"And in that time, Bonnie has attended all his matches, and followed your instructions, and has also completed all of his Blinder duties he was assigned. Not once has he faltered. And he did all of this whilst secretly meeting with your sister."
Aberama was on our side. Perhaps this would help ease Tommy into the idea.
"Fine, they are but a few good points." Tommy coughed."You two sure you're serious?"
We both nodded, cuddling closer together.
He let out a long sigh."If Bonnie can continue staying on track with boxing and business, then I'll allow it. But this can't effect any of our work."
"It won't Mr Shelby, I promise." Bonnie smiled.
"Thank you Tommy." I said, catching the second his eyes softened before he and Aberama turned to leave.
Aberama looked over his shoulder, winking at us before turning to speak with Tommy again. I faced Bonnie, squealing with delight before throwing my arms around him. He grabbed my cheeks, cheekily kissing me with his hands travelling down to my waist. He almost went lower until I stopped it, and I heard him whine as I pulled away.
"Bonnie, do you know what this means?" I breathed out.
"My place or yours?" he grinned.
"What? No! I'm not on about that." I laughed."We get to walk around holding hands, we get to kiss in public, we get to not so subtly sneak away from parties, and everyone knows we're having sex."
"(Y/N), I'm serious now, otherwise I might just have to take you here."
"I'd prefer if you didn't mate." Finn startled us appearing from seemingly nowhere.
Bonnie and I pulled apart, our hands still intertwined, our cheeks flushing red.
"Finn, I-"
"Don't worry Bonnie. I'll get used to it. I think."
"So you didn't end up telling him." I said.
"No. You were really upset the other day and I haven't seen you like that before, not that angry anyway. I'm actually here to apologise."
"I am truly sorry (Y/N). I've been a shit brother for the past year, and I was too proud to recognise that."
"I forgive you. I'm sorry for yesterday as well, you didn't deserve all of those horrible words or the slap."
"I did deserve it. But, how about a truce?" he held his hand out.
I smiled, grabbing it and pulling him towards me. We hugged each other tightly, and the memories came flooding back. This was my brother, such a familiar feeling, a loving feeling.
"Right, go on, fuck off with your boyfriend." he joked.
"I love you Finn. Don't worry, we'll see if Bonnie has any friends for you."
"Fuck off. But I love you too." he chuckled.
Bonnie wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked away. Neither of us could stop smiling. And now that Finn and I were building our relationship back to the way it was, everything felt like it was moving in the right direction.
"I repeat my question from earlier, mine or yours?" Bonnie needily said.
"Is that all you can think about right now?" I dramatically gasped."Yours, we haven't been there in ages."
"Well you better start walking faster, love."
"Come on, I'll race ya'."
"What's the prize?"
"Winner gets the other person to do whatever they want to them."
"I'll give you a head start. I'm going to win either way."
"Alright, but just know I have about ten things in my mind."
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years ago
Roommate AU: Fazbear Frights (Novel) Animatronics
Consider: The animatronics from the FF book series being taken in by the Reader!
Spring-Bonnie (Into the Pit)
Seems utterly terrifying as an organic, monstrous rabbit.
But in reality he just wants love and to be a dad to someone.
Though last time he tried being a father figure--well..it didn’t end too good for him.
But once you accept him and decide to let him play the “dad” role of the animatronic group..Spring cries goopy black tears of joy.
They stain your carpet but that’s the least of your concerns.
You, Lonely Freddy, Plushtrap Chaser, and Ella become his children.
Eleanor (To Be Beautiful)
She tried keeping her human disguise up around you, but eventually her necklace failed from being overused and she ended up reverting back to her Circus Baby form.
You decide to take her in anyway to meet the rest of the “family”, not wanting her to be all alone and in danger.
In exchange for giving her a new home, she’s willing to grant you any wish.
But your only wish was for Eleanor to be happy--much to her surprise.
Though she was glad to settle down somewhere with others like her.
Withered Funtime Freddy (Count the Ways)
You decided to purchase him from Millie’s grandfather and fix him up so he could at least walk around.
Of course, however, he was still quite...sadistic and likes to mumble the ways he could kill you and everyone else in your home.
Fortunately he’s smart enough to never actually act on his ideas--though the others are still protective over you nonetheless.
Gets melancholic about BonBon. Asking about him usually calms the bear down for a little while.
Fetch (Fetch)
Still the ever-loyal canine, even in his damaged state.
But you figured he could use some fixing-up. You had no idea who could’ve bashed up the poor thing..
The texting service he was connected to still worked.
A new update required your permission to allow him to “retrieve” things. And you had the options of responding “RETRIEVE” or “STOP”.
Fetch became quite the overprotective hound, though he was also quite submissive--even fearful at times--whenever you scolded him.
Obviously, he was traumatized from being destroyed, so you’d have to be patient and help him learn to trust people again.
Lonely Freddy (Lonely Freddy)
One of the Lonely Freddys you found in the dumpster and decided to take back home so-happened to contain Alec’s soul.
When you cleaned him off and activated him, he asked you some programmed questions...
Although it wasn’t until they became questions like “can you help me find my family?”, “why did I hate my sister so much?”, and “how do I get out of this prison? did you finally realize..
Only then did he tell you the story of how his soul became trapped in the Lonely Freddy.
He cried and confided in you, and when he calmed down he thanked you for saving him from the dumpster.
Plushtrap Chaser (Out of Stock)
Quite the rambunctious bunny (though he’s not as evil as the nightmare version of Plushtrap).
Can’t move when there’s light shining on him, so he stays in the dark/shady areas of your home most of the time.
Tends to creep around during the night, but all Alec has to do is shine his eyes and PC will stop.
Gets v grumpy when that happens so he stopped doing that.
Hides in the closet most of the time now, though he’ll come out if Spring-Bonnie is nearby.
Ella (1:35 AM)
A doll who you also bought at an auction--despite noticing that her alarm clock function is broken.
For the first few nights, she woke you up exactly at 1:35 AM.
She kept doing that, thinking you’ll throw her away like Delilah did so she could torment you the same way.
But...you never do. Instead you research ways to fix alarm clocks and even had Fetch retrieve some parts for you (where he got them from? that doesn’t matter).
And eventually, you did fix Ella and she became forever in your debt--serving her function as an alarm clock correctly.
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 4 years ago
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Small Time Witch (33)
3 am. The darkest part of the night full of quiet longing. The day slips away to a new dawn and time is reborn.
On the eve of your hearing you sat in such darkness having a drink or seven. Your husband asleep in your childhood bed in the room you shared with Bethany. You stared into oblivion trying to come to terms with the gravity of what was facing you. The UN and SHIELD were going to decide if you were a threat. And, if you were, what would they do to you.
Odin already put up the funds to repair the damage you caused. He tried to be diplomatic with the World Security Council. Promised you wouldn’t step a toe onto Midgard without a proper escort and a heads up that you were on the way. They didn’t bite. They wouldn’t would they?
They only wanted an arrangement that worked for them. A tit for tat but more tit for them than tat for you. Essentially, you work for them when they say and they won’t lock you up for the remainder of your life.
Loki wanted to just leave. They threatened to find you. He laughed in their faces and said he’d like to see them try. He vowed to unleash hell as many of the universe’s armies were loyal to you. They didn’t take kindly to his threats. Had Steve not stepped in, you’d both be in a cage.
This is what you wanted wasn’t it? Your Clyde to his Bonnie. Eternal outlaws. He didn’t want that anymore. He wanted a sweet little house and a quiet life with babies in his arms. You were starting to think that was a good idea. To settle.
You had a few more tricks up your sleeve though. Mobius stepped in briefly promising if things went wrong he would handle it. You didn’t know what that meant. Oddly you trusted him. He had been true to his word thus far and brutally honest. Things may be playing out exactly how they were meant to play out. You did ask if he gave you Loki just because he knew you’d lose him again. He assured you the two of you were inseparable. That at least gave you solace.
The other worry on your mind was your last visit with the team of doctors Steve set up. They examined poked prodded and drew blood for five days. You weren’t riddled with cancer. Your body was in top shape. That was, as long as you held the stones. You wouldn’t die if you let them go. You just wouldn’t heal. Your body had been through hell. You would live a feeble existence. They’re suggestion was to learn to live with them.
The only stone you agreed to expel was the power stone. It was determined by Loki, the Professor and Agatha that the power stone in particular was doing the most damage. It was reluctant to let you go but they finally got it out. It’s currently in the Professor’s vault where only he and you have access. Just in case.
Agatha had also been helping you uncover the truth about the Kale’s and their plot to destroy your coven. She believed Fury sent them so he could take you for himself. When you told her about his plan to kill Franklin, that all but solidified things. They were not top priority at the moment. Even if they were to attack, you had enough fire power now to defend yourselves. They also lost the element of surprise. Once you had proof, you would bring them in front of the witches council and let them deal with them. For now, your family was safe.
You poured another drink and finally you were starting to feel the tendrils of liquor take hold. You stared into the room bathed in obsidian. It stared back. It flirted with you. Begged you to embrace it. To let it take you. These days the darkness was the only lover you knew. You reached out to it but Loki pulled you back.
You had not heard his feet gently padding across the hardwood. Had not noticed his weight lean on the top of the wingback chair. You smiled at the darkness offering a weak sorry when you felt his lips on the top of your head.
“Let’s take a walk” he whispered as he pried the bottle from your hands. As you did most nights, you walked to the spot where your cottage should be. He laid out a blanket and wrapped another around the two of you. His emotions were normally all over the place. Panic and worry mixed with pain and fear. Always though, his love for you was ever prominent. This night he simply felt calm.
“I’m starting to see your vision of a life with less bullshit.” You snuggled against him to keep warm.
A smiled curled the corner of his lips, “I knew you would come around eventually.”
“If we get through this, I may even rethink the part about children. The doctors told me I was all good in there. Maybe too good.”
He laughed and kissed your hair, “Sounds divine. Perhaps we can just move your mother to Asgard with us. I know it would pain her to have her grandchildren so far away.”
“She’d never leave Helen and the girls. We can’t come back here. That’s clear now.”
“No. Whatever happens tomorrow, darling, I suggest you say your goodbyes. Not a chance we’ll stay behind.”
You nodded. “I know. I guess I just hope against hope that they’ll reconsider Odin’s proposal.” You both knew that wouldn’t happen.
Loki massaged your shoulders applying just the right amount of pressure to turn you into putty. “I’m sorry it’s come to this, Y/N.”
“Me too. I just want everything to be over.” You sunk further into his chest letting your eyes close.
On the morning of the hearing the house was bustling. All of the girls ran around getting ready for the big day. Even though this was your hearing the entire coven would be on trial. Helene and Agatha tried to prepare you for anything. “Keep your composure.” Helene kept warning. That would be the the theme for the day. Composure. Stiff upper lip. Take your lumps with dignity and grace.
The girls all went ahead of you. Loki and your mother stayed behind. She tried to get you to eat something. Your stomach was in knots. You couldn’t possibly keep anything down. She held your hand while you sat on the porch waiting for your transport. When the agents arrived she had to look away when they shackled your hands and feet. They loaded you into the back of the armored van. She held your eyes through the slit in the window. You were being brave. She was not. When they pulled away she broke down.
“I’m never going to see her again am I?” she asked Loki.
“Asgard is beautiful this time of year. You are free to visit anytime.” He gave her a small smile and patted her on the back.
“Take care of her. Please.”
“I intend to.”
They drove to the facility in silence. When they parked Thor was waiting for them. “Heimdall is at the ready.” he informed Loki.
“Good. Give her a moment to say goodbye to her mother then call him.”
The room was large and crowded. The Avengers were all seated behind you. Some of the X-men filtered in as well. The guards stood a little taller when Magneto sat next to the Professor. Your case would set a precedent for how all mutant and enhanced persons were treated from there on out. You were concerned that, if things didn’t go your way, Magneto would start something. That would all but solidify the monstrous view the government had of mutants.
Secretary Ross sat in front of you with various other generals and senators. The World Security Council was watching from a large monitor. They hammered you with question after question about Thanos and Malekith. They asked the same questions over and over. Nothing you could say was good enough. You started to get antsy. They already made their decision. Nothing you could say would free you. You sat alone and squirming for two hours before they called for lunch.
You stayed seated waiting for an agent to escort you back to the holding area. Loki sat behind you willing you to turn around. When you finally did tears were in your eyes.
“Oh, Pet. Please don’t cry.”
“They’ve already decided. We should....” Before you could finish your sentence Mobius M. Mobius came strolling in with his briefcase.
“Escape? Like they don’t have that collar wired with explosives. Mobius M. Mobius.” He introduced himself to Loki.
“This wasn’t plan was it?” Your voice broke as he rifled around is case.
“Nope.” He pulled out a lock picking kit and pushed your head down to get a better look at the collar.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Loki whispered outraged.
“Oh. Don’t worry about them. I’ve frozen this whole room.” When Loki looked around he saw the guards standing completely still. The room was silent. “Ok, kid. Hold still.” Before Loki could spring into action your collar slipped from your neck. “That was close.” Mobius chuckled.
You stood up and shook your shackles off your wrists and ankles. “Thanks!”
“You’re welcome. Now dry your tears and let’s get out of here. You too, your highness.” You walked through the building seeing everyone frozen in the hallways and even on the street. Loki held your hand protectively. “We just have to get to the jump point and you can call for Heimdall. Thor is already there waiting.”
“Why are you helping us?” Loki was flustered. He gripped your hand and pulled you toward him. “Y/N who is this? Why is he helping us?”
“Lok...” You tried to find a way to explain but Mobius cut you off.
“It’s ok, Y/N. I am Mobius M. Mobius. I am in upper management in the TVA. I’m helping you because she’s needed. In fact, both of you are. Time is kind of fucked because of you two. Every time she gets it back on track something comes busting in and ruining it. In case it wasn’t clear, she’s not supposed to be a prisoner on Earth.” He urged you forward and you ran to a clear space to call for Heimdall. “Go! I’ll be in touch.” He threw you a communicator and sent you on your way.
When you reached the Bifrost, Thor was waiting. “You’re lucky you two made it. They were going to call for Y/N’s execution.” Your heart was in your throat.
“Y/N you are not to step foot on Midgard again. Do you understand? Thor will sort this out after the smoke clears.” Odin was not a fan of dealing with the hot headed little Midgardians. He dismissed you but didn’t punish you. You were punishing yourself enough.
After a few weeks Thor returned to Midgard to play the diplomat. He stayed for a few days. You assumed to be with Jane. When he returned, the news was not good. You were all summoned to Odin’s office off of the throne room.
“They want Y/N to return to Midgard immediately. They are taking our refusal to hand her over as an act of hostility.” Thor’s voice was quiet and tinged with anger. “I don’t have to tell you, little sister, how difficult a position I am in.”
“You’d turn her over?!” Loki was on his feet. You took his hand and guided him back to his seat.
“No. He won’t turn me over. They are pressuring him. Probably pressuring my family and friends too.”
“Tensions are high, brother. Every mutant on earth is being punished for her crimes.”
“What do they want from her?” Odin was outraged.
“The same thing you do, Father. They want to use me as a weapon. No one is going to mess with Asgard as long as I’m here right? Earth wants the same protection. They want me to handle their biggest messes. They are backing me into a corner. Thor, I need you to bring Charles Xavier and Max Eisenhardt to Asgard. The sooner the better.”
You excused yourself and Loki followed you. “Darling, let’s just disappear for a while.”
“They won’t let up. I have to make this right. I’m going to get in touch with Mobius. Maybe he can guide me in the right direction.”
“I don’t trust him.”
“Honey, you don’t trust anyone but me. I need to know if we’re on the right path.”
“The right path to what?!” He grabbed your hands wanting so badly to shake some sense into you.
“To ending this. To settling down.” You wrapped your arms around his waist and inhaled his scent. “I’m so tired, Lok. You were right before. I loved our life in our cottage. I thought I fixed it all when I ended Thanos. But you were right. There would always be something.”
“There are some things I don’t enjoy being right about.” He nuzzled your hair. “Let’s go have a cup of tea and we’ll call Mobius.”
Loki made your tea with valerian root chamomile sweet rose hips and lavender. You were passed out within thirty minutes. He took your communicator and pressed the one and only button that would contact Mobius. He thought it would work like a phone. Instead he was dropped into an office that looked like the DMV. A young man stared at him expressionless.
“Welcome to the TVA. I’m Craig. How can I help you?”
“I’m looking for Mobius.”
“Is he expecting you? I’m just kidding. He knew you were coming. This way.”
Craig led Loki down a long hallway to an elevator that seemed to go on forever. When it finally stopped, Craig did not step off but pointed at a table and chairs in the corner, “Wait there.”
There was music playing over the speaker. Someone coughed in the distance though he was alone in the room. This is it. This is where I die. He thought. After an agonizing ten minutes Mobius burst in.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” he sat down arranging an enormous mound of paperwork. “You would think with all the power we possess we could automate this process. Anyway. What can I do for you?”
“What do you want with my wife?”
“Boy you don’t mince words. Easy. Time is broken. It needs to be fixed.” He held up a device for Loki to illustrate what had been happening. “See this long line here? That’s time not a straight line but close right? All these branches are timelines that happened because she and others decided to mess with it.”
“Others? What others?”
“Steve Rogers for one. When she took off with you and the tesseract she gave Steve the bright idea to go back to the 40’s and live on with Peggy Carter. That wasn’t supposed to happen. It needs to be corrected.”
“Let me handle it. She’s tired. She’s done enough. If you take care of what’s happening on Earth, I’ll set it all right.”
Mobius eyed him up for several minutes. He ran through possibilities and outcomes. Weighed each option carefully. Loki would be the best option to fix things but also the most likely to make it worse. In the end, he decided sending only one of you on this mission was probably the best bet. He can handle one of you easily. Both of you together is asking for chaos.
“Fine. Consider Earth handled. Keep her on Asgard. Do not let her interfere. I’ll be in touch with the rest. She’ll have to handle Rogers though.”
“Handle him?” Loki was tired of Mobius using you for his personal assassin. You were far too trusting. “If you mean to kill him...”
“Jeez. No. She just has to stop him before he runs off with Peggy. Loki, she’s not immortal you know? Those stones will burn her out eventually. She’ll lose at some point.”
His brows knitted together with worry, “Then I suppose I have to hurry.”
In a blink, he was back in your bedroom. You were still sleeping soundly. He brushed your hair out of your face. You smiled in your sleep and leaned in to him. It would all be over soon.
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klavscaroline · 5 years ago
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klaroline + folklore (1/?) // 04. exile: “i think i’ve seen this film before, and i didn’t like the ending” - and so, she changed it
October 10, 2010 
She falls asleep with the blood of the Original Hybrid down her throat. As a warmth spreads through her, she dreams. 
They’re snippets of a larger event, snapshots of a city she’s never seen. People she’s never met. All except one. 
He looks older, yet somehow he doesn’t. Gone was the manic expression that marred his face, instead it was replaced with what she could only describe as melancholy. 
He stands there for a few moments, opposite a man in a suit on some unfamiliar empty streets, mouthing words she cannot hear. He’s holding something - a stake, but not just any. She knew and as much as she hated him, she screams for him to stop. 
Please. She begs. Don’t do this.  
But her words fall on deaf ears and as the white oak stake pierces and splinters inside his heart, she feels his pain radiate deep within her bones. There’s a fire that makes itself home in her chest and it engulfs her into darkness.
She wakes up, screaming, sweating, shaking.
She breathes, in and out. You’re a grown woman now, Caroline, only little girls have nightmares.
She pushes it aside. 
February 2, 2011
She doesn’t think much of the dream. It was after all, just a dream. And what does she care if Klaus dies? (Even though the thought of it brings an ache to her heart - shut up, shut up, shut up.)
But now here they are again, in a similar predicament from a mere six months ago. This time though, she starts to hallucinate and speaks her truth. 
I know that you’re in love with me, she says. (And I’m scared of my feelings for you is what she doesn’t).
She was sure that this time, it would be the end. He would choose revenge over her life because isn’t that what everyone does?
Caroline Elizabeth Forbes, her tombstone would write, 1992-2011. She had a good run, she tried to be good, but sometimes trying just wasn’t enough.
And perhaps it was poetic, somehow, to die in the hands of the person she, despite everything he’s done, cares for. Perhaps it was her fatal flaw, her tragic hero ending. 
Except she wasn’t a hero, and nor was he. But for reasons she tries not to understand, he saves her nonetheless. His blood gushes down her throat and she feels his life power transfer itself to her. 
She dreams again. 
The Hollow. The all-consuming Hollow. It possesses the body of a young girl called Hope and there’s something so familiar about her. 
The Mikaelsons stand protectively around her and this time she recognises them. Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Klaus. Together, they take the Hollow from her. 
Years later, the young girl turns into a dark haired teen, and she takes the Hollow back. But this time, it consumes her. Slowly, but completely. 
She’s wasting away and there’s worry in Klaus’ eyes. He’s willing to trade his life for hers, he says. 
And he does. Again, she watches as he dies and no amount of screaming and pleading that could change a thing. 
This time, when she wakes up, she’s not indifferent. This time, the dream lingers. 
Over the years, the dreams start to make sense. Hope, it turns out, is Klaus’ daughter. And the Hollow is as real a threat as any. Sure enough, the Mikaelson siblings have split the darkness amongst themselves and scattered across the globe for the past seven years. 
She keeps tabs on him, just like she’s sure he does with her. But what he doesn’t know is that she’s already done over a decade of research in what ultimately would become his downfall and yes, she admits it, she doesn’t want him to die. 
He deserves happiness, and you know what, so does she. 
With the help of Bonnie and other witches they’ve met along the way, they’ve discovered grimoires in corners of the world that held spells only one could imagine in their wildest dreams. But finally, after endless nights pouring over ancient languages and symbols, they found the one. 
The Hollow was first defeated in 500 A.D. and it can be done again. With Lizzie and Josie’s abilities as siphoning witches, they can transfer it into a powerful, magical anchor and destroy it in its inanimate form. It’s risky, but it’s worth a shot. 
They very nearly run out of time, but witches around the world hear upon the stories of the feared Hollow and band together to join the cause. 
Hundreds die in their fight, but finally, they succeed. The Hollow was no longer and Klaus was safe, so were his family. Who knew that a girl from small town Mystic Falls could be the hero in his immortal story? 
And as he takes her into his arms, she knew that every sleepless night was worth it. 
They were worth it. 
-- “i think i’ve seen this film before, and i didn’t like the ending”, and so she changed it.
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