#✲ BONNIE BENNETT [ interaction ]
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doyelikehaggis · 4 months ago
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Rarepair Rowboat: Kennett | Kol Mikaelson x Bonnie Bennett (The Vampire Diaries)
Requested by @nikkiruncks
It was a bad idea. Bonnie repeated that to herself on a loop as she stood outside the house, invitation clutched in her hand. She could feel the magic in the air around her - the prescence of more than one vampire behind the doors. She was taking her life in her hands.
But they agreed; there had to be a reason that the Original witch wanted a formal meeting with her and Elena. It couldn't just be a coincidence.
She took a breath and calmed herself, before she slipped the invitation into her purse, walked up the steps and into the house. Inside, it reminded her of every Miss Mystic Falls pageant she'd attended. It was similar to Tyler's house, but it was lavishly decorated, with glittering chandeliers and champagne fountains.
As she moved further into the room, she noticed people staring. A warm flush crept up her neck but she ignored it and searched the crowd of ballgowns and suits for Elena.
She found her mid-argument with Stefan and Damon. They had both agreed to stay away from the ball. Evidently, neither of them could stay away from Elena.
Bonnie moved to approach them when someone stepped into her path. Annoyanced prickled beneath her skin. It wasn't helped much by the smirking face staring down at her. Even if he was sort of attractive.
"Please, tell me you didn't come with either of those idiots," he said, and her heart dropped at the lilting accent as he nodded in the direction she had been headed. "It would simply devastate me."
She pressed her lips together and swallowed, trying to ignore her thumping heart and the fact that he could hear it. He was one of them.
His head tilted, and his features pinched together as if amused.
"I'm sorry, I'm being ungracious. My mother would kill me for not introducing myself to a lady. Kol Mikaelson."
His smile grew wider as he held his hand out to her, expectant. He waited as Bonnie hesitated, raising an eyebrow ever so slightly. She kept her hands by her sides and he chuckled, dropping his hand back to his side.
"I understand your distrust, but I assure you, Bonnie, I am nothing like my siblings," he said. "For one, I'm far more charming."
"Agree to disagree," Bonnie said tightly, offering up only a dry smile in return. It only seemed to fuel his amusement, and her eyes narrowed as the realization hit her. "Wait. How do you know my name?"
"My mother informed us there was to be a Bennett witch in our midst tonight," Kol said simply, and he shrugged. "She seemed worried that my siblings wouldn't greet you with the warmest regards."
Bonnie raised her eyebrows. "What, so, she sent you to make sure none of them ripped my throat out? How do I know you aren't going to do the same?"
"Because unlike my siblings, I have an appreciation for witches," he said. "Considering I, myself, used to be one."
She wasn't buying it. "Well, then, you can appreciate that I can look after myself. I don't need a vampire bodyguard, but thanks for the concern."
She managed to side-step him this time and hurried through the crowd. She located Elena, who was one Salvatore less than before. As she explained what they were doing there, Bonnie caught Kol watching them, smile still intact.
She quickly looked away again, that warmth creeping back up her neck as she tried to forget their encounter and put him out of her mind. They had a plan. Focus on the plan and maybe they'd be able to get out of there alive.
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bennettmaximoff · 1 year ago
Damon was incredibly protective and loving of Bonnie and ended up being her soulmate in the books, and the tvd writers thought “Hm, let’s make him a complete asshole to her throughout the entire show and hurt her at every given opportunity.” They took one look at how Stefan and Bonnie’s friendship was progressing throughout S1-S2 and decided to completely retcon it and started having him disregard her the same way everyone else did. You see, none of the main male characters were allowed to have actual meaningful connections with her because god forbid Bonnie be considered a potential love interest for them and not their self inserts. Damon can’t even tell Bonnie he loves her without them making sure to include “The same way Elena loved you.”
It’s the same reason why they didn’t have Bonnie attend the Mikaelson ball even though her being there made more sense than Matt or Caroline attending since the literal hostess was going to be siphoning her bloodline’s magic. She couldn’t be seen dressed up in a pretty gown like the other girls and dance with any of the male characters because again, god forbid Bonnie be held in the same regard as the other girls and ever thought of as a potential love interest for anyone besides throw away characters. It’s the same with Bonnie not interacting with any of the Mikaelson’s outside of her protecting the MFG from them. There are numerous connections between the Mikaelson’s and the Bennetts. Ayana Bennett was Esther’s mentor and seemed to be incredibly close to all her children. Abby desiccated Mikael, Esther wanted to use the Bennett Bloodline. Yet, not once are these connections explored. These could have potentially been some of the best storylines in the show, but that would have required the writers to not be prejudice and have biases towards certain characters.
But all this begs the question…if you’re going to make a character black or a poc so you can meet the diversity requirements, yet still neglect their character and use them as nothing but a shield to your white characters, then what is the point? Because I have no doubt that if they kept Bonnie’s race the same, she would have gotten the same opportunities as the other girls and wouldn’t be seen as just a mule. She would have still been poorly written, not debating that, but she would have been treated entirely differently by the writers and the fans.
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bonniesjosie · 1 year ago
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my favorite witch and her favorite auntie (ft dark josie)
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oceanprose · 1 month ago
vicki donovan & bonnie bennett, @mastcrmiind.
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"if you have something to say, spit it out," her words were quick, harsh but vicki didn't care. she only recently arrived to washington, the aversion the sun intact but alive nonetheless. there'd been plenty of faces that were familiar. however, that didn't mean she wanted to see them. "well?"
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wvsteria · 11 months ago
@mastcrmiind: i can't stop thinking about the way you look at me. - bonenzo
"like the stars are shining?" enzo took a guess, a grin across his face. "like the world's stopped turning?" though he was just being cheesy now.
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xripper · 6 months ago
open: @ofniightshade
stefan: bonnie . stefan: do you know what's going on?
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tragcdysewn · 11 months ago
closed starter for bonnie bennett!! ( @mastcrmiind )
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she'd seen pictures of the woman a few times, and can't help the brief flash of excitement that flashes through her as she sees her across the coffee shop. "excuse me?" the princess starts, giving the other a smile. "you're bonnie, right? enzo's wife? i'm jingnu."
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warriorxprincess · 2 years ago
CONTINUED FROM HERE // ( @littlebennettbitch. )
"What, no response, Bonnie?" Elena questioned with raised eyebrows. She wasn't used to Bonnie biting her tongue because the witch normally spoke her mind. Why wouldn't she do that now, especially in this situation? "Or did my resurrection stun you that much? Maybe you even think that I'm Katherine... I mean, Damon did."
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deviousxkitten · 2 years ago
CONTINUED FROM HERE // ( @littlebennettbitch. )
"Oh, come on, Bon Bon. We can make out a little bit, you can have your world rocked because it'll be the best kiss of your life and then you can just be on your merry way again." Katherine coyly stated, a devilish smirk decorating her lips as she studied the witch's form. She loved taunting Elena and her friends, just to get under their skin and play with them whenever boredom struck - or simply because she felt like it.
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sinamorarchived · 1 year ago
Thanks for helping me out tonight. for bonnie from stefan!
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it's becoming a habit now, isn't it? a long time ago she told him to stay away and yet . . . here they are now. when bonnie's called to help, she comes. with a bit of resistance at first, maybe, but she can always be counted on.
luckily for everyone, this wasn't a severe issue. for once. party at the salvatore boarding house and with the mess everyone else was leaving behind, it was no wonder bonnie needed to be called on. she brought the extra cups and bag of chips and within a few minutes, there was less destruction of belongings and more dancing and eating.
the party's been over for half an hour now and bonnie has been collecting all used solo cups and napkins thrown about. not like she had much else to do since elena was probably off with damon somewhere and caroline -- lost track of the blonde some time ago, so who knows? when stefan speaks, bonnie had just tossed another cup in the bag in her hand and glances over, offering a half smile. ❝ what are friends for? ❞ / @deathruined
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fearlessmuses · 1 year ago
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🩸 ───── oh one might never have expected this connection but he certainly wasn't complaining about it either. he was seated on the arm of the chair as his head leaned back before he heard bonnie coming into the room and his head tilted. "you realize, you don't have to pack the whole place for this trip, see the world it's much better the less you pack." he pointed out and it wask ind of true honestly.
@denydefeat ♥ for a starter from lorenzo 'enzo' st for bonnie bennett
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darkxtdesirxs · 1 year ago
closed starter for @thechiyonosakenyc
she  thought  it  would  be  colder.  it  being  so  close  to  winter  tonight  seemed  unseasonably  hot  even  for  her.  and  she  grew  up  in  a  small  town  in  the  south.  moving  to  the  city  was  a    change  and  she  welcomed  it.  she  wasn't  little  bonnie  bennett  anymore.  and  a  part  of  that  scared  her.  she  went  from  being  a  face  that  most  were  familiar  with-  to  be  surround  by  people  that  had  no  idea  who  she  was.  she  could  be  anyone,  she  could  do  anything.  
it's  intoxicating,  no  longer  confined  to  her  little  box.  the  good  girl,  the  studious  one,  the  one  with  all  the  answers.  it  was  such  a  nice  change  not  having  all  the  pressure  of  other  expectations.  
she  wanted  to  have  fun,  she  wanted  to  be  wild  and  spontaneous  and  do  something  she  never  would  have.  so  she  and  her  roommates  thought  going  to  the  bar  was  the  best  option.  bound  to  get  into  some  trouble  there  and  tonight,  bonnie  welcomed  all  sorts  of  trouble.  
the  chiyonosake  had  quite  the  reputation  and  so  far  bonnie  was  loving  it.  the  drinks  were  good,  the  atmosphere  was  a  party  and  the  employees  were  so  fucking  hot.  how  likely  was  it  this  many  attractive  people  worked  in  the  same  place?  but  one  particular  always  had  bonnie's  gaze  shifting  back  to  them.  dark  hair,  piercing  eyes,  she  was  already  how  but  now  she  and  her  pussy  were  dripping.  she  could  hear  her  friend  pushing  her  to  introduce  herself.  
now  old  good  girl  bonnie  never  would  have.  but  this  was  a  new  day  and  a  new  bonnie.  so  with  a  smile,  she  reached  for  her  empty  glass  and  sauntered  closer  to  them.  perching  herself  up  against  the  bar  right  in  front;    a  brow  raised  and  a  smile  on  her  lips.  
"you  know  if  you're  gonna  stare  at  me  all  night.  the  least  you  can  do  is  refill  my  drink.  i'm  parched."
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bloodofthefates · 1 year ago
x. ( injured ) : one muse finds the other wounded and tries to help them for Bonnie from @3katanas
Enough innocent lives had been lost in the crossfire of wars that were never hers to fight. Bonnie had always fought to protect the people she loved, though it left the scales unbalanced with more loss than she cared to count up and tally. Mystic Falls has been her town, her home and at one point she thought she could barter with her magic or even her own life in penance to protect it and everyone in it from all the outside sources that sought to destroy it. A hotbed of supernatural activity like a magnet had forced her hand too soon to come into her own power, her lineage of preceding Bennett witches giving her the confidence and power to take on even the most prolific foes and she herself something equally to be feared. “I said, leave him the hell alone!” She yelled, wanting her voice to be heard over the swirling wind around her as she harvested natural elemental magic from around her under the command of a single outstretched hand. She’d known he was some kind of creature, clearly not human but not among the undead vampires and other creatures she’d had the misfortune of coming across within her best friend’s romantic circles. His heart beat was strong, she could sense and feel the pulse of his life force and any life was worth saving despite the visible injuries she could see on his person as he lay sprawled out before her. She stood over him, stance wide and commanding and nonverbally claiming whoever he was under her protection. With full intention and focus, she channeled the energy coursing through her body like a conduit to the tips of her fingers while muttering the words of an ancient spell passed along through generations through her family’s grimoire creating a barrier and impenetrable force field in a circle surrounding them. Once she felt the bonds of the spell lock into place, assured they would hold and keep out anything she didn’t invite in, Bonnie knelt to see if the half-man, half-creature at her feet was even still conscious. “Hey..Can you hear me? Can you see how many fingers I’m holding up?” She offered softly, raising three fingers in front of his face but eyes lingering on the ears so at odds with his other human characteristics. “What are you…” She wondered aloud, more to herself than intended for his ears but she began assessing and taking in the overall damage finding most of his wounds topical and superficial as she turned his arm over to inspect a rather deep gash more closely. “And what the hell are you doing in the middle of a war zone.” 
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wvsteria · 1 year ago
event starter: enzo st. john & bonnie bennett @mastcrmiind
9 Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
"what if we just got married, hm? like right now?" enzo pondered as he walked through the maze with bonnie. suddenly feeling a bit different than he had a few moments earlier. his stride a bit more sloppy than normal and his words coming out a tad slurred.
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salviusnexus · 2 years ago
@taintedbloodlines (bonnie) continue from here (reuben)
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Reuben stared at his former student, before stating, "Considering on what you, your doppelganger best friend and your ex did to my parents and my paternal family, you should count yourself lucky, Bonnie Bennett....You havent been killed as soon as you walk through the threshold." Reuben said with a hint of threat in the air, eyeing her intensely. "But my lovely mother has informed me whats been going on, so yes, I will help you only because of my mother not for you."
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tragcdysewn · 1 year ago
closed starter for bonnie bennett!! ( @mastcrmiind )
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looking up from her laptop, mingyan smiles at the girl who was standing nearby. "i'm sorry, did you say something?"
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