eggtrolls · 2 years
The Poison Squad by Deborah Blum should be mandatory reading for American high school students, ideally in tandem with Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle. This recommendation is based on a) the joy I feel when saying the name Willard Bigelow aloud and b) the visceral response I had to the words ‘embalmed milk’
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diorcities · 4 months
playing allure.
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haechan loves when you cum quickly. so cute that you can't help yourself with him. how needy you are. how much you want, crave for him to fuck you hard. you can't even contain yourself when he shifts positions; just the friction that is caused when he draws you to himself leaves you throbbing and trembling, poor angel. “already squirming, baby?” he coos, “too good? d'you want me to help you fuck me?” little butterfly kisses on your lips as he has to take control of your waist when you're riding him because the feeling of just having him inside is too much for you, and you find yourself ecstatic for so little.
he loves it when your body can't hold it anymore and collapses on top of him, swollen walls wrapping him starting to pulse. it drives him crazy when your eyes shut close and a muffled squeal comes from your lips before you begin to shudder. when he circles your clit and you have to remove his dick from inside of you because you become sensitive, sitting on top of him with your legs together, trying to get his fingers to stop his tortuous, slow movement on the area as you pass your high; the squelching sounds of your pussy taking his fingers as music to his ears, accompanying your labored breathing and your hoarse voice repeating his name over and over again between pants and hisses.
having to take control when you get tired of fucking him, flipping you around with ease, and leaving yourself underneath him. heated kisses as he starts ramming at you, “don't stop, hae...” he listens to you as he feels delicious pressure on his length being swallowed up by your pretty cunt, tip tingling and shooting raw satisfaction through his veins. so carried away when the grip on his waist loosens and your legs spread open, absentminded with your head in the clouds while a light feeling embalms your limbs. how he doesn't need to pause but has to, because the feeling on his cock is so fine and pleasurable, thrusting you slowly while he takes your pussy pulsing violently around his length. bottoms out, moaning at the same time.
haechan feels so aroused when your hands cup his face while kissing, tongues playing before he picks up the pace again. how your hushed moans in his ear become more and more eager and desperate as he fucks you senseless. “hyuck—” how his name sounds on your mouth part open before he presses his lips with yours. mouth adjusting to the other, making out passionately. nails sinking on his back and shoulder blades, limbs tensing and back arching to him, jerking and suffering spasms as he pounds you with hard strokes.
he loves the sight of you, how you take him so well that your legs tremble and your pussy clenches around his cock coated with your slick; when he has to hold your legs from closing and bring them to your chest to hit you from a sweeter angle that makes you scream and makes him whine. when he can't take it anymore and lets himself be carried away by the overwhelming pleasure that clouds his mind, groaning when he sees you crying from the overload of pleasure, drunk and groggy, unable to register when his body stops and twitches, and your foreheads come together.
filling your pussy with hot seed that comes out in spasms that shake his body. pressing you against him as he nut so you take every drop of his cum. rocking his pelvis against you as he milks his cock, both humming ecstatically and in relief. “you did great, baby... so good. always good for me, mmm...?” he praises, laying his head between your breasts as he sucks them gently, twirling his tongue around the sensitive nipple. nuzzling his head on your chest to inhale your scent as he falls asleep, listening to your heartbeats while you play with his hair.
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Okay, I'm making mummies the new monster du jour
We all know the story: daring adventurer and nerdy historian discover hidden treasure in a tomb, and just need to survive the undead and their curses long enough to douse themselves in holy water or whatever to sally off into the sunset with their bags of gold and live happily ever after.
What about the mummy's side?
You're dead. You've been dead for millennia, had your organs removed and rites read, been embalmed and dressed and laid to rest amid vast and well-appointed rooms chock-full of wealth. You strode into the afterlife like the king that you are, and have been reigning ever since. The river flows with milk and honey, eternal virgins attend your every physical desire, and your generosity knows no bounds as you shower endless wealth upon your adoring people.
And then...it stops. The river dries up, sour milk rotting in rivulets across the sticky bedrock. The maidens have vanished one by one, carried off by callous, disrespectful hands. The gold that once towered in piles around your palace disappeared much more quickly, not a single coin or ingot left. And your people turn on you. Not in anger, but in fear, hands clawing you, gaping mouths screaming soundlessly, bodies flattening and fading like living murals.
Anubis snatches you out of the waking nightmare, to something much worse: judgement. What? You have been judged already! Your heart weighed against a feather, the wisdom and love you so carefully curated in life keeping it light enough to guarantee your safe passage into an eternal paradise.
Except not so eternal, it seems. Robbers, he tells you. You cannot believe it. Even the bravest, most brazen, most despicably faithless dogs would not disturb your rest. Raid your tomb, yes, take your finery, yes, strip your body of its ornaments and peel the gold off the sarcophagus, perhaps, but not you. Your body in its wrappings, your organs in their jars, should be left alone. They could dump your empty bones on the floor of the pyramid and walk away with every material possession your people saw fit to entomb you with, but nothing of consequence would be taken from you in the afterlife.
They have not just taken your possessions, says Anubis. They have taken you.
Taken the sarcophagus? Surely they would remove your body to lighten the load--
They have taken you, he says.
Removed me to some lesser grave, to set up some new king in a glorious pyramid he himself could not afford to build? Tacky, and rude, but it has been done before--
They have taken you, he stresses again.
...have I fallen so far out of favor with my people, with Egypt herself, that they would strip me of my title and my rest?
Your god crouches, and looks you gently in the eyes, and says again, They have taken you.
And then he adds: You have ten days to return.
And you awake on a boat, a horrific thing of metal and smoke, surrounded by treasures packed in wooden crates and straw, admired by an endless parade of foreigners who ooh and ahh over your dead body and do not, cannot understand what they are costing you, making you their macabre trophy of the dullest hunt you can imagine.
You will teach them what a real hunt is.
(The rest of the movie is a timed horror-thriller as the hero, trapped in his own desiccated corpse, shambles around London trying to find his heart and return to Egypt, while attacked on all sides by monster hunters and grave robbers who don't understand that they're the bad guys. It is an epic struggle to stay the course and not fall into a vengeful frenzy, to keep his heart pure enough to pass the feather again, to FIND his heart in the first place.)
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transgenderer · 2 months
There is a type of person occasionally seen in these neighborhoods who has connections with junk, though he is neither a user nor a seller. But when you see him the dowser wand twitches. Junk is close. His place of origin is in the Near East, probably Egypt. He has a large straight nose. His lips are thin and purple-blue like the lips of a penis. Thee skin is tight and smooth over his face. He is basically obscene beyond any possible vile act or practice. He has the mark of a certain trade or occupation that not longer exists. If junk were gone from the earth, there might still be junkies standing around in junk neighborhoods feeling the lack, vague and persistent, a pale ghost of junk sickness.
So this man walks around in the places where he once exercised his obsolete and unthinkable trade. But he is unperturbed. His eyes are black with an insects unseeing calm. He looks as if he nourished himself on honey and Levantine syrups that he sucks up through a sort of proboscis.
What is his lost trade? Definitely of a servant class and something to do with the dead, though he is not an embalmer. Perhaps he stores something in his body - a substance to prolong life - of which he is periodically milked by his masters. He is as specialized as an insect, for the performance of some inconceivably vile functions
I got drunk on the fifty pesos. About nine that night, I ran out of money and went back to my apartment. I lay down and tried to sleep. When i closed my eyes I saw an oriental face, the lips and nose eaten away by disease. The disease spread, melting the face into an amoeboid mass in which the eyes floated, dull crustacean eyes. Slowly a new face formed around the eyes. A series of face, hieroglyphs, distorted and leading to final place where the human road ends, where the human form can no longer contain the crustacean horror that has grown inside it
I was sitting in Lola's reading the papers. After a while I put the paper down and looked around. At the next table somebody was talking about the lobotomy. "They sever the nerves." At another table two young men were trying to make time with some Mexican girls. "Mi amgio es muy muy . . ." He was looking for a word. The girls giggled. The conversations had a nightmare flatness, talking dice spilled in the tube metal chairs, human aggregates disintegrating in cosmic inanity, random events in a dying universe where everything is exactly what it appears to be, and no other relation than juxtaposition is possible
Three particularly evocative and surreal sections from Burroughs' Junky
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the-mortuary-witch · 4 months
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🌊 Ægir
God of: personification of the lcean, brewing, the sea.
Culture: Norse
Symbols: aegishjalmur and laguz rune
Plants: oak, polybody, and rose.
Animals: dolphins, whales and other sea creatures
Colours: blue, green, turquoise and other sea-like shades
Tarot: King of Cups
Offerings: singing sea shanties, seashells and pearls, cleaning up shores and the oceans, bread, sea glass, a bowl of salt water with food dropped into it, Anything related to the sea. Do not offer most beers as he does not like the modern chemical-filled ales, homebrew or local brew beer is better. 
💕 Aengus Og
God of: youth, love, poetic inspiration, summer, and healing
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Venus, copper, and golden harp
Plants: basil, cinnamon, rose, jasmine, sandalwood, strawberries, mistletoe, violet, birch, cherries, elder, and sycamore
Animals: swans, cats, doves, and sparrows
Colours: green, pink, and red
Tarot: The Lovers, Justice, and The World
Offerings: red roses, strawberries, cake, chocolate, honey, wine, cherries, music, and art.
🧚 Aine
Goddess of: summer, wealth, sovereignty, love, fertility, protection, wealth, agriculture, the sun and moon, and Queen of the faeries
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: silver and white Items, meadowsweet, the moon, and midsummer
Plants: angelica, blackberry, cowslip, elder, orchid, fennel, flax, garlic, mugwort, nettle, oak, hawthorn, mistletoe, alfalfa, ash, agrimony, birch, broom, holly, lavender, meadow-sweet, and gorse.
Animals: red mare, horse, rabbit, swan, cattle, and bees
Colours: red, gold, green, blue, and yan
Tarot: The Sun, Suit of Wands, and Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: milk, bread, home-grown produce, cream, fire and candles, sunflowers, yellow glowers, honey, summer fruits, oranges, and bee-related Items.
⛅ Amaterasu
Goddess of: the sun and the universe
Culture: Japanese
Symbols: mirror, jewel, sword, and bow and arrow
Plants: chrysanthemum, cryptomeria, carnation, chamomile, juniper, marigold, rosemary, and sunflower
Animals: dragon-fox, horse, rooster, and wolf
Colours: yellow, gold, red, and orange
Tarot: The Sun and The World
Offerings: rice crackers, cooked rice, origami figures, rice candy, brightly-coloured Japanese food, and silk and other fabrics.
💃 Ame-no-uzume
Goddess of: dawn, mirth, meditation, revelry, dance, fertility, and the arts
Culture: Japanese
Symbols: antique Items and fans
Plants: moss and sakaki 
Animals: fox
Colours: pink, red, white, and yellow
Tarot: Three of Cups and Suit of Cups
Offerings: dancing, bells, silk ribbons, rice cakes, and dake.
⚰️ Anubis
God of: the dead, mummification, embalming, the afterlife, and tombs
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: crook and flail, and mummy gauze
Plants: star anise, benzoin, cloves, cardamom, frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, cypress, and cedarwood
Animals: jackal
Colours: black, green, red, and gold
Tarot: Death
Offerings: cool water, strong liquor like rum, spicy foods, dark and bitter chocolate, strong incense, cypress oil, locks and keys, honour the dead and your ancestors, leave flowers on graves, support orphans and the homeless, and act as a guide for someone.
💘 Aphrodite
Goddess of: love, beauty, and fertility
Culture: Greek and Roman
Symbols: rose, pearl, mirror, girdle, anemone, lettuce, narcissus seashells, scallop shells, Venus, golden apples, the number 5, and mirrors
Plants: apple, linden tree, myrtle, pomegranate, myrrh, poppies, lettuce, rose, quince, ash, poplar, anemone, and artichokes
Animals: swans, dolphins, doves, sparrows, bees, and goats
Colours: red, pink, violet, silver, aqua, sea foam, and light blue
Tarot: The Empress, The Lovers, The Star, and The Suit of Cups
Offerings: roses, chocolate, apples, jewelry, beauty products, seashells, olive oil, honey, wine, cinnamon, art and music, mirrors, and rose quartz.
☀️ Apollo
God of: the Sun, prophecy, oracles, light, music, the arts, song, poetry, healing, medicine, plague, disease, protection of the youth, knowledge, and herds
Culture: Greek
Symbols: lyre, laurel wreath, silver bow and arrows, tripod, the Sun, and Sunday
Plants: laurel, larkspur, cypress, apple trees, palm trees, and hyacinthus
Animals: swan, raven, tortoise, serpent, wolf, dolphin, and mouse
Colours: gold, yellow, orange, silver, blue, and white
Tarot: The Sun, The Chariot, Strength, and Temperance
Offerings: red wine, olive oil, sun water, citrus fruits, honey, golden objects, feathers, lamb or goat meat, cheese, bread, sunflowers, laurel wreaths, and aloe vera.
🐕 Arawn 
God of: Ruler of Annwn the Celtic Otherworld, leader of the wild hunt, death, the Underworld, and justice
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: the Hounds of Arawn, cauldron, and samhain
Plants: reeds, cedar, cypress, ivy, honeysuckle, and sage
Animals: hounds and pigs
Colours: red, black, white, brown, green, gold, and grey
Tarot: Suit of Pentacles and King of Pentacles
Offerings: game birds such as duck or turkey, bread, honey, milk, mead, and ale.
⚔️ Ares
God of: war, courage, and battle
Culture: Greek
Symbols: sword, shield, spear, helmet, and iron
Plants: thorns, peppers, chilli, and garlic
Animals: serpents, vultures, woodpeckers, horses, and dogs
Colours: red, purple, and black
Tarot: The Emperor, The Chariot, The Tower, Suit of Wands, and King of Wands
Offerings: dark wine, whiskey, spicy foods, coffee, water, olive oil, red meats, frankincense, weapons, and learn self defence.
🌌 Arianrhod
Goddess of: fertility, fate, reincarnation, beauty, and difficulties
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: silver wheel, full moon, weaving tools, the zodiac, and Corona Borealis
Plants: ivy, lavender, rosemary, cedar, and pine
Animals: spiders, owls, and wolves
Colours: silver, white, green, blue, and purple
Tarot: The Star, The Moon, and Wheel of Fortune
Offerings: silver coins, white candles, wheat, fruits, home-cooked meals, salads, wine, water, hot teas, smoothies, and study the constellations and the zodiac.
🏹 Artemis
Goddess of: the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, girls, chastity, archery, disease, and plague
Culture: Greek
Symbols: bow and arrow, quiver, hunting spears, animal pelts, lyre, torches, and the moon
Plants: cypress, walnut, amaranth, almond, daisy, willow, wormwood, fir, pine, thistle, honeysuckle, bay laurel, artemisia, fig, and oak
Animals: stag, deer, dog, bear, boar, quail, guineafowls, bee, and all wild animals
Colours: white, silver, gold, yellow, green, and blue
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Hanged Man, Temperance, The Moon, Queen of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, and Page of Wands
Offerings: red wine, olive oil, honey, water, almonds, walnuts, honeycakes, fruit, artemisia plants, arrows, dance, cypress, pine cones and branches, cider, game meat, protect nature and wildlife, always help animals and women in need, go hiking, research native plants and animals, and follow the moon phases and work with them.
❤️‍🔥 Astarte
Goddess of: love, sexuality, war, hunting, and power
Culture: Canaanite 
Symbols: chariot and Venus
Plants: lilies and coriander
Animals: lion, horse, dove, and sphinx
Colours: red and white
Tarot: The Empress and The Chariot
Offerings: lilies, roses, sweet cakes, honey, henna tattoos, and clothing stained with menstrual blood.
⚖️ Athena
Goddess of: wisdom, handicraft, and strategic warfare
Culture: Greek
Symbols: aegis, Gorgon’s Head, spear, and helmet
Plants: olive tree, ivy, cypress, and cornel tree
Animals: owl, snake, rooster, crow, and spider
Colours: blue, grey, white, yellow, and silver
Tarot: Justice, The High Priestess, and The Emperor
Offerings: olive oil, honey, wine, bread, olives, pears, olive tree leaves or branches, your handicrafts, owl feathers, snake skins, and weapons.
🐐 Baphomet
God/Goddess of: sexuality, demonic forces, wisdom, nature, balance, darkness, and pride
Culture: Demonic
Symbols: pentagram, head of a goat, human body with an animal head, pentacle, sword, key, male and female, and the words "as above so below"
Plants: rosemary, lilacs, irises, lavender, aconitum napellus, black walnut, and cacao
Animals: black goats, snakes, wolves, ravens, dogs, oxen, and black cats
Colours: black, white, yellow, red, green, purple, gold, and dark blue
Tarot: The Chariot, The Hermit, The Empress, and The Devil
Offerings: our time, meditation, communication, carving their symbol or name into a candle, any kind of art of them, being respectful, learning about them, candles, liquor, ropes, incense: dragons blood, black musk, frankincense, etc, animal skulls, bones, horns, etc, and dark or red flowers.
🛖 Baba Yaga
Goddess of: death and rebirth, fertility, and nature 
Culture: Slavic
Symbols: knife, oven, mortar and pestle, and the Sun
Plants: poppy, black sunflower, medicinal herbs, and rye
Animals: horse, hedgehog, snake, dragon, and cat
Colours: red, black, and white
Tarot: The Devil
Offerings: lavish home-cooked meals with russian delicacies and a beautifully-set table, caravan tea, and vodka.
💡 Baldr
God of: light, joy, purity, and summer
Culture: Norse
Symbols: the Sun and Sunday
Plants: mistletoe, chamomile, daisies, white flowers, ash, marigold, and St John’s wort
Animals: songbirds
Colours: yellow, gold, and white
Tarot: The Sun, The Fool, Death, and The World
Offerings: kindness to others, chamomile tea, apple juice, mead, and lit candles.
🌺 Bast
Goddess of: home, domesticity, women’s secrets, cats, fertility, childbirth, marriage, music, magic, sex, prosperity, joy, dance, healing, and pleasure
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: basket, Ankh, the Sun and Moon, and perfume jar
Plants: catnip, vervain, cinnamon, and cannabis 
Animals: cat and lion
Colours: green and gold
Tarot: The Chariot, Strength, and The Sun
Offerings: perfume, salves and body scrubs, milk, meat, honey, gold items, chocolate, pastries, onions and garlic, bread, beer, tea, and taking care of cats.
🐉 Benzaiten / Benten
Goddess of: water, literature, music, wealth, femininity, fertility, dance, and love
Culture: Japanese
Symbols: Biwa, dragon, pearl, conch shell, iron, and gold
Plants: lotus, water lilies, and yellow flowers
Animals: snakes, dragons, and white snakes are her messengers
Colours: blue, silver, white, and yellow
Tarot: The Empress and The Suit of Cups
Offerings: money, water, rice, sake, gemstones, music and other creative arts, raw eggs, yellow flowers, blessed water, bath rituals, and seashells.
🧶 Berchta
Goddess of: psychopomp, spinning and weaving, abundance, and protector of women and children
Culture: Germanic
Symbols: keys, distaff, Yule, and falx
Plants: mayflowers, holly, evergreens, birch, and wild berries
Animals: goose, swan, goat, cricket, owl, and fox
Colours: blue, white, red, and gold
Tarot: Death
Offerings: herring, dumplings, alcoholic beverages like schnapps.
📓 Bragi
God of: poetry and eloquence
Culture: Norse
Symbols: harp and book
Plants: beech, fern, and lily of the valley
Animals: chickadee
Colours: orange and gold
Tarot: The Magician and The Hermit
Offerings: mead, poetry, and beautiful writing.
🍀 Brigid
Goddess of: spring, fertility, family, the hearth, childbirth, fire, blacksmiths,
scholars, physicians, prophets, healing, poetry, occult knowledge, and justice
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: Brigid’s Cross, candles, triquetra, faeries, four leaf clovers, cauldron, chalice, corn dolly, anvil, hammer, poetry, forges, hearths, and wells and rock formations
Plants: cinnamon, chamomile, blackberry, hawthorn, basil, mugwort, apple, heather, dandelion, snowdrop, willow, oak, shamrock, crocus, trillium, corn, lavender, and sage
Animals: snakes, sheep, cows, bees, owls, and hibernating animals
Colours: green, red, white, gold, and blue
Tarot: The Hierophant, The Lovers, Strength, The Hermit, The Sun, and Suit of Wands
Offerings: blackberries, milk, bread, herbal teas, heather, Brigid’s Cross, beer, apple cider, honey, baked goods, corn dollies, sheep’s wool products, jewelry or metal items, eggs, and cakes left on the windowsill at Imbolc.
❄️ Cailleach
Goddess of: winter, wind, the cold, creation, and transformation
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: hammers, hills, mountains, skulls, snow, wands, and waning moons
Plants: clove, lavender, apple, hazelnut, turnip, mugwort, pansy, patchouli, poppy, rose, rue, tansy, St John's wort, Witch hazel, woodruff, yarrow, elder trees, elm, pine, yew, gorse, holly, and snapdragon 
Animals: bat, cattle, deer, fish, goat, mouse, owl, raven, reindeer, sheep, spider, pig, and wolf
Colours: black, blue, brown, grey, silver, white, and yellow
Tarot: Death, The Moon, and The Hermit
Offerings: pebbles, hag stones, shells, feathers, and boiled sweets.
🌲 Cernunnos
God of: forests, wild animals, finances, the Underworld, death, hunting, balance, grounding and healing, transitioning into the afterlife, and fertility
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: horns, a torc, gold coins, and serpents
Plants: ash, bayberry, chamomile, cedar, cinnamon, heliotrope, holly, ivy, lavender, juniper, myrrh, nettle, oak, patchouli, pine, sandalwood, sunflower, vine, and yarrow
Animals: stags, elk, goats, deer, bulls, horses, ram horned snakes, snakes, boars, owls, hawks, and ravens
Colours: yellow, gold, forest greens, silver, and black
Tarot: The Lovers, The World, and King of Pentacles
Offerings: dancing, venison, cooked meats (ethically sourced), roses, sunflowers, lavender, wildflowers, juniper bark and berries, oak wood carvings, green or gold candles, cinnamon, cloves, pine scents, pelts (ethically sourced), feathers, bones, forest moss, antlers, horns, pine cones, gold coins, daggers, poetry art, and Celtic music.
🌑 Cerridwen
Goddess of: the Moon, luck, poetry, change, rebirth, transformation, the Underworld, death, fertility, inspiration, magic, and knowledge
Culture: Welsh
Symbols: cauldron, dark Moon, lunar cycles, and caves
Plants: corn, grain, vervain, acorns, apple, oak, and hazel
Animals: white pig, greyhound, crow, hen, hare, otter, and hawk
Colours: silver, purple, black, grey, and green
Tarot: The Moon, Death, The Magician, and Suit of Cups
Offerings: pork, bread, milk, water, wheat, white and green candles, barley, rice, peanuts, poppy or sunflower seeds, vervain, and grain-based products.
✨ Circe
Goddess of: sorcery 
Culture: Greek
Symbols: cup, loon, wand, and masks
Plants: hallucinogenic herbs and fungi, wheat, moly, and magical herbs 
Animals: pig, lion, wolf, hawk, and beasts in general
Colours: gold, purple, silver, and red
Tarot: Queen of Cups and The Magician
Offerings: barley, wine, honey, meat, bread, weaving, and divination.
Goddess of: Earth-mother, fertility, wisdom, wind, and water
Culture: Celtic
Symbols: crowns, keys, wells, cauldron full of water, rivers, Celtic Tree of Life, and mother aspect of the triple Goddess
Plants: oak and water lily
Animals: fish, horses, seagulls, salmon, and snakes 
Colours: blue, white, silver, and green
Tarot: The Empress and Strength
Offerings: wine, mead, ale, freshwater, and watering plants.
🔥 Dazbog 
God of: the Sun, fortune, wealth, light, fertility, fire, destiny, and justice
Culture: Slavic
Symbols: kolovrat
Plants: sunflowers, marigold, calendula, chamomile, angelica, and St John’s wort 
Animals: wolf, horse, goose, duck, and swan
Colours: white, gold, and red
Tarot: The Sun, Suit of Wands, and King of Wands
Offerings: bread, salt, eggs, pancakes, and bonfire.
🌾 Demeter
Goddess of: agriculture, harvest, fertility, and motherhood
Culture: Greek
Symbols: wheat, torches, and cornucopia
Plants: wheat, barley, mint, and poppy
Animals: snake, pig, gecko, dove, crane, screech owl, and grasshopper
Colours: gold, green, and brown
Tarot: The High Priestess and The World
Offerings: olive oil, water, fruit, honey, milk, grains, bread, freshly harvested goods, and water.
🍷 Dionysus
God of: wine, drunkenness, parties, wilderness, vegetation, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, theatre, and LGBT+ Community 
Culture: Greek
Symbols: thyrsos, ivy crown, and Grapevine 
Plants: grape, ivy, cinnamon, silver fir, bindweed, and figs
Animals leopard, goat, donkey, lion, snake, bull, and panther
Colours: red, purple, green, burgundy, and gold
Tarot: The Hanged Man, The Hierophant, The Devil, The Fool, and The Lovers
Offerings: wine, olive oil, fruit, water, honey, meats, wheat, barley, pinecone, ivy leaves, goblets, masks, and alcoholic beverages.
⚕️ Eir
Goddess of: healing and medicine
Culture: Norse
Symbols: copper, mortar and pestle, and sauna 
Plants: medicinal herbs
Colours: red
Tarot: The Hanged Man
Offerings: healing spells, learning first aid, medicinal herbs, and first aid items.
🎣 Enki
God of: freshwater, wisdom, knowledge, magic, crafts, healing, fertility, creation, and the arts
Culture: Mesopotamian
Symbols: goatfish
Plants: thyme, chamomile, reeds, and cattails
Animals: goat, fish, chimera, robin, and cow
Colours: gold, blue, white, and silver
Tarot: The Hanged Man, The Hierophant, The Devil, The Fool, and The Lovers
Offerings: beer, eggs, fruit, vegetarian foods, myrrh, thyme, chamomile, wildflowers, fish, water, wine, silver or copper jewelry, and feathers.
💐 Eostre 
Goddess of: spring and dawn
Culture: Germanic
Symbols: painted eggs
Plants: crocus, daffodil, primrose, and violet
Animals: rabbit, serpent, and dragon
Colours: green, yellow, and purple
Tarot: Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: decorating eggs, flowers, hot cross buns, pastries, and mead.
💀 Ereshkigal
Goddess of: death and the Underworld
Culture: Mesopotamian
Symbols: wood, rivers, boats, and lapis lazuli
Plants: pomegranate, grains, reeds, hemp, cedar, cypress, lotus, and monkshood
Animals: lion, owl, serpent, scorpion, owl, and sheep
Colours: silver, gold, red, and purple
Tarot: Death and The High Priestess
Offerings: fasting, bread, water, pomegranate juice, blackberries, blueberries, lamb or goat meat, lobster and mussels, nutmeg, garlic, poppy seeds, animal bones, gold or silver jewelry, black crystals, and Ornate scepters with wood and animal bones.
🧵 Frau Holda
Goddess of: fibre Arts, winter, protector of children and women, leader of the wild hunt, and Witchcraft
Culture: Germanic
Symbols: the Winter Solstice, pools, and Wells
Plants: holly, elder, juniper, mugwort, flax, and sorcerer’s violet 
Animals: wolf and rabbit
Colours: blue and white
Tarot: The Empress, The High Priestess, and Death
Offerings: juniper berries, wine, cider, mead, cakes, music, dancing, and knot magick.
🐈 Freya / Freyja
Goddess of: love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, battle, gold, and sorcery
Culture: Norse
Symbols: her chariot pulled by cats, Brisíngamen necklace, the boar Hildisvíni, and cloak of Feathers
Plants: daisy, linden, snowdrops, lily of the valley, cowslip, columbine, pimpernel, and strawberries
Animals: horse, cat, falcon, hawk, rabbit, ladybug, oxen, swallow, and boar
Colours: gold, yellow, white, green, red, pink, and light blue
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Empress, The Lovers, The Chariot, Death, and Suit of Swords
Offerings: ale, apples, barley, honey, mead, pork, lavish jewelry and perfume, feeding stray cats, chocolate, amber, roses, cinnamon, and sweet liquors.
🐗 Freyr
God of: Peace, Fertility, Rain, Sunshine, Prosperity and Agriculture
Culture: Norse
Symbols: boar, the Sun, magical swords, phallus, and Friday
Plants: ash, lavender, catnip, nuts and cones, yew, holly, and ivy
Animals: boar, bee, and stag
Colours: gold, green, red, blue, pink, orange, and yellow
Tarot: The Lovers, The Sun, Suit of Pentacles, and King of Pentacles
Offerings: honey, grains and breads, gold, and antlers.
👰 Frigg
Goddess of: motherhood, marriage, prophecy, and fertility
Culture: Norse
Symbols: spinning wheel, silver, clouds, and mist
Plants: mistletoe, birch, fir, hawthorn, and Frigg’s grass
Animals: falcon, sheep, raven, and hawk
Colours: blue, silver, and white
Tarot: The Empress and The Lovers
Offerings: milk, mead, pastries, light fruity wine, hand-spun fibres, feathers, and soups and stews.
🪦 Hades
God of: the Underworld and wealth
Culture: Greek
Symbols: keys, chariot, helmet, Cerberus, serpent, dogs, and pomegranate
Plants: mint, white poplar, cypress, asphodel, narcissus, and pomegranate
Animals: snake, dog, sheep, cattle, screech owl, horse, black ram, bull, vulture, black cat, crow, and raven
Colours: dark blue, black, purple, dark green, bronze, gold, silver, and grey
Tarot: The Hermit, Death, Judgment, and Suit of Swords
Offerings: dark wine, whiskey, coffee, black tea, peppermint tea, dark chocolate, meat, sharp cheeses, bread, pomegranates, apples, bones, coins, keys, and crowns.
🪘 Hathor
Goddess of: the sky, women, fertility, love, the Sun, music, dance, joy, motherhood, fate, foreign lands and goods, and the afterlife
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: sun disk, mirrors, drums and sistrums, and the number 4
Plants: sycamore, myrrh tree, dates, papyrus, and henna
Animals: cow, lioness, cobra, goose, gazelle, and cat
Colours: red
Tarot: The Empress, The Lovers, Wheel of Fortune, and Suit of Cups
Offerings: figs, dates, bread, cheese, butter, wine, beer, fresh water, perfumes, and makeup
👻 Hecate / Hekate
Goddess of: Witchcraft, necromancy, ghosts, the night, boundaries, and crossroads
Culture: Greek
Symbols: paired torches, keys, crossroads, dark/triple moon, wheel, daggers, rope, dogs, serpents, knives, and Strophalos
Plants: asphodel, garlic, yew, cypress, and poisonous plants
Animals: dog, mare, serpent, cat, bats, and polecat
Colours: black, grey, silver, gold, violet, green, red, and white
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Hermit, The Moon, and Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: wine, olive oil, water, fruit, honey, milk, eggs, garlic, almonds, various herbs, bones, wands, keys, a cauldron, crow feathers, pomegranates, dark chocolate, and blood.
📯 Heimdallr 
God of: watchmen of the Gods
Culture: Norse
Symbols: horn and rainbow
Plants: birch, oak, rose, verbena, and avens
Animals: rooster, horse, and ram
Colours: white and rainbow
Tarot: The Hermit
Offerings: mead, fine beer, freshwater, lamb meat, pork, and coffee.
💀 Hel
Goddess of: death and the afterlife
Culture: Norse
Symbols: skulls and bones
Plants: beech, alder, elm, ivy, juniper, willow, and yew
Animals: wolf
Colours: black and white
Tarot: Death, The Tower, and Suit of Swords
Offerings: tea, wine, apples, meat, bread, soup, dried flowers, and blood.
🌋 Hephaestus
God of: metal smithing, fire, volcanoes, craftsmanship, and technology
Culture: Greek
Symbols: hammer, tongs, and anvil
Plants: fennel
Animals: donkey, crane, and dog
Colours: gold, yellow, orange, silver, grey, and red
Tarot: Judgment and Suit of Wands
Offerings: wine, olive oil, water, fruit, honey, bread, meat, spicy things, hot beverages, and handmade metal items.
👑 Hera
Goddess of: marriage, fertility, childbirth, Kings and Empires, women, family, the sky, and the stars
Culture: Greek
Symbols: lotus-staff, throne, and diadem
Plants: pomegranate, lotus, willow, and apple
Animals: hawk, peacock, lion, cow, cuckoo, and crane
Colours: gold, silver, white, purple, blue, and green
Tarot: The Empress, The World, Suit of Cups, and Queen of Cups
Offerings: wine, olive oil, water, fruit, honey, milk, grains and bread, chocolate, pomegranates, apples, white flowers, crowns, animal shells, perfume, and silver or gold jewelry.
💸 Hermes
God of: messenger of the Gods, heraldry, omens, animal husbandry, poetry and fables, trade, travel, boundaries, thieves, wit, language, education, psychopomp,
Culture: Greek
Symbols: caduceus, shepherds pipes, travellers hat, lyre, rooster, talaria, winged helmet, tortoise, and satchel or pouch Talaria, and petasos
Plants: palm tree, crocus flower, Greek strawberry trees, hydrangeas, chrysanthemum, and almond tree
Animals: hummingbirds, tortoise, hare, cattle, hawk, ram, snake, and rooster
Colours: gold, red, silver, yellow, orange, grey, and green
Tarot: Judgment, The Magician, The Fool. The Hierophant, The Hermit, The Star, and Suit of Swords
Offerings: wine, olive oil, water, strawberries, foreign foods and items, honey, citrus fruits (pineapple, lemon, etc), chocolate, wheat, almonds, cinnamon, coins, dice, beer, meat, chamomile tea, bread, and milk mixed with honey.
🏠 Hestia
Goddess of: the home, the hearth, family, domesticity, and The Civic or The Sacrificial Flame
Culture: Greek
Symbols: hearth, kettle, and head veils
Plants: poppy, goldenrod, hollyhock, and yarrow
Animals: pig, cow, donkey, and crane
Colours: gold, white, orange, red, and lavender
Tarot: Strength, The Hermit, and Queen of Wands
Offerings: wine, olive oil, water, fruit, honey, milk, pork, bread, cooking herbs, tea, and candles.
🦅 Horus
God of: kingship, the sky, war, protection, and healing
Culture: Egyptian
Symbols: crown, Eye of Horus, Ankh, the Sun, and the Moon
Plants: acacia, lettuce, iris, lotus, and olive
Animals: falcon, hawk, bull, peacock, and lion
Colours: green
Tarot: The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Chariot, The Sun, Judgment, and King of Swords
Offerings: raw meat left out for hawks and falcons, bread, weaponry, water, milk, ale, wine, coffee, fruits and vegetables, figs, dates, and chocolate with nuts.
😴 Hypnos
God of: sleep, dreams, and illusions
Culture: Greek
Symbols: inverted torch
Plants: poppy and cottonwood tree
Animals: nighthawk and songbirds
Colours: black, silver, white, blue, red, and purple
Tarot: The Hierophant
Offerings: wine, olive oil, water, honey, milk, fruit, poppy seeds (and foods including them), herbal teas, sleep inducing and calming herbs, feathers, sleeping mask, and poppy flowers.
🍎 Idunn
Goddess of: spring, rejuvenation, immortality, youth, and beauty
Culture: Norse
Symbols: golden apples and ashwood box
Plants: apple blossom, birch, fir, hawthorn, mugwort, rose, and willow
Animals: songbirds
Colours: green, silver, red, and yellow
Tarot: Page of Wands, Queen of Cups, and Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: gardening, apples, homegrown fruits and vegetables (without pesticides), apple pie, and cider
💖 Inanna
Goddess of: romantic love, harmony, sex, beauty, passion, desire, fertility, victory, war, justice, and political power
Culture: Mesopotamian
Symbols: eight-pointed star, hook-shaped Knot of Reeds and Venus
Plants: lilies, narcissus, reeds, myrtle, and all sprouts
Animals: lion and dove
Colours: green, black, red, silver, and white
Tarot: The Lovers, The Hierophant, Justice, The Hanged Man and The Star
Offerings: Wine, Champagne, Lemonade, Honey, Chocolate and Pastries, Cherries, Pomegranates, Strawberries, Elegant Jewelry, Peaches, Swords and Daggers, Artwork and Poetry
🦊 Inari 
God of: rice, foxes, fertility, tea, sake, crafts, agriculture, industry, and prosperity
Culture: Japanese
Symbols: keys, wish-granting jewel, and rice
Plants: cryptomeria, cedar, pine, wheat, and rice
Animals: fox
Colours: red and white
Tarot: Suit of Pentacles
Offerings: inarizushi, rice, rice cakes, rice served with red beans, sake, incense, acts on behalf of foxes, handmade crafts, and tea.
☄️ Isis
Goddess of: magic, life, compassion, fertility, motherhood, childbirth, rebirth, devotion, royalty, knowledge, protection, abundance, healing, and the elements.
Culture: Egyptian.
Symbols: moon disk, cow horns, wings, solar disk, Ankh, and gold.
Plants: sycamore, cedar, corn, flax, wheat, barley, grapes, lotus, vervain, myrrh tree, and papyrus.
Animals: hawk, crocodile, scorpion, crab, cobra, goose, swallow, dove, vulture, and snakes in general.
Colours: yellow, silver, gold, black, red, cobalt blue, and green.
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Empress, The Lovers, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, The Star, The Moon, The World, and Suit of Cups.
Offerings: milk, flowers, honey, wine, lemonade, tropical fruits (juice or whole), herbal tea, seafood, herbs (anise and nutmeg), roses, Egyptian jewelry, incense, and white candles.
🌿 Jarilo / Yarilo
God of: vegetation, fertility, spring, rebirth, sexuality, peace, and war
Culture: Slavic
Symbols: vegetation
Plants: wheat, ferns, and spring flowers
Animals: horse and white wolf
Colours: white, yellow, gold, and green
Tarot: The Sun, Strength, and Suit of Pentacles
Offerings: bread, wheat, spring flowers, and edible seeds
🌍 Jörð
Goddess of: personification of the Earth
Culture: Norse
Symbols: mountains, grandmothers, and girdle
Plants: local native plants and healing herbs
Animals: bee
Colours: green
Tarot: The World and Queen of Pentacles
Offerings: picking up litter and trash and taking care of the Earth and nature.
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tawus · 5 months
Happy Birthday to Zaddy Toji Fushiguro here are 150 towards devoted to him~<3
on the bed, on the couch, on the kitchen counter, on the table, on the floor, on the balcony, in the shower, in front of the mirror, semi-public, DA BEACH~, melons, front, back, sideways, legs open, shouting, tight, wet, bondage, gagging, lingerie, a man and his stick, doggy style, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, moaning, hair pulling, scratch marks, hickeys, loud loud, noise complaint, sheets gripping, jaw-dropping, tongue rolling, Twinkie, creamy, gushy, lip locking, pounding, vile, vulgar, name calling, oral, anal, 69, call the ambulance for me, legs tangled, bed soaked, bed dead, chair, chair dead, blow job, mind-blowing, make-outs, hickeys, an absolute beast, salty taste, 10 inches, 3 veins, bulge, woops~ my panties slipped~, whole cake ass bakery, biting, marking, claiming, single parent?, Megumi's half-sibling?, half-siblings?, daddy gonna get milk, your friends don't know what you taste like but I do~, Alexa be a darling and play Fantasize by Ariana Grande.
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Oh! And water! LOTS of water
This is the oldest ask in my inbox and it’s about 4 months old 😅 Mokona ayo, you wrote it like you're ready to risk everything, including your happy marriage with Gojo, for a frisky night with Toji 👀 These are mad fertile grounds for Toji scenarios btw, so if y'all vote for one of these, I'll put out a lil drabble on the most voted topic 😌
Toji’s birthday is on 31st December apparently btw, which I consider to be yet another cruel joke by Gege 💀
As for myself, I wanted to write a scene from my Toji longfic idea as a response to this ask. In the conception of the fic idea, I often lamented (and still do) how reduced, sexualised, and simplified Toji is in 99% ‘Toji x Reader’ fics. But then it occurred to me that the goddamn scene I’d chosen to write for him and release to the world first – was chock full of sexual content as well. I was doing the exact same thing that I was trying to address in the Toji/Reader fandom…
I realised it doesn’t always have to be sex with him. So here’s some wholesome beachtime fluff with Toji 💕
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Face to face with him at last. Just you and him. Like he’d always promised you.
At long last you could take in the calm stillness of his Zenin features, not strained by his resentment of the lineage, not squeezed by his rage with its present members.
His wide forehead was as smooth as sea. His onyx bangs oscillated like pirate sails over his fanning black lashes – ever a rebel. Even like this, with you. Even as his lips parted, guardless at last against you, not scowling and not pressed in his fury with his clan, ready to finally accept your seal. The dagger-shaped scar at their edge – his unique signature to every kiss he ever gave you, the subtle ridge of which you’d always licked before engulfing him in your love, the ridge you could never ignore — for it was Toji, his history, his mouth.
Even as his broad chest lay bare for you to hug, to embrace, to compress with your heart, to press your happy tears against…it wasn’t really the same.
In this sunlight embalming the beach, Toji finally didn’t push you away. He accepted you. He didn’t tense.
You hugged him tightly like you’d always wanted, while red streaked down the corner of his mouth like dry saffron and his emerald greens glowed emptily toward the fading sky.
The sky that was calm. The beach calm. The sea – calm. Toji – so calm.
Too calm.
Calmness attained only by one state.
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rems-writing · 1 month
Is Mingi the God of Death?
》 Pairing: mortal!Mingi x former Moon Knight!reader
》 AU: Marvel au
》 Wordcount: 3,198 words
》 Rating: nc-17
Nets: @mirohs-aurora-society @othersideoutlawsnetwork @illusionnet
The happiest of birthdays to my one and only soulmate. Song Mingi 🥰🥰🥰 ilysm. Thank you for entering my life as my ult. You have changed me for the better 🩷🤍🖤
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Lately, Mingi has been having weird nightmares. It ranged from strange ceremonies that involved welcome people into a golden field filled with thin plants to people bowing down before him as they offer things like food, wine
Sometimes, the so-called sacrificial offerings would be struggling to break free from these followers. Other times, the sacrificial offerings would cut out their own hearts and place it on a scale. Mingi would find himself judging those people and either send them to that strange field or the sand dunes, where people turn into sand statues and remain that way for eternity. 
The nightmares progressively got worse as months passed. It was bad enough that Mingi saw people cut out their own hearts and seemingly plead to him for mercy. It got worse from there. 
His previous nightmare involved him embalming someone and wrapping them up like a mummy before encasing them in a coffin. He almost hurled at the sight of the different organs that were bloodied and placed in cracked and faded urns. He didn’t know how it escalated into that since his nightmare started off as him taking care of a person like he was a nurse. He found himself speaking gently to this person as he took care of their wounds.
It was ironic since the person was actually dead.
He didn’t know how to explain all of this to a therapist he was seeing. He never sought out a therapist before, but due to the increasing number of nightmares he had, he was left with no choice but to talk with a professional about it. What made things worse was that he felt guilty for seeing someone to talk about this with rather than his significant other. 
He didn’t want to burden his beloved after seeing you struggle with trying to reign in Sekhmet. 
He knew how much you despised being the avatar for Khonshu, the Egyptian god of justice and the moon. He wanted to make sure that you live a carefree life without having to worry about the old bird popping up out of nowhere.
Which is why he kept this to himself. 
He knew it was wrong to keep secrets, especially since he might get his ass beat by your twin brother. Marc was someone he didn’t want to mess with, especially with his dangerous alter. 
Jake Lockley
In the few times Mingi encountered Jake, he was almost scared away by him. Due to his love for you and his support from both Steven and Marc, he was able to persevere through Jake’s ‘protective’ antics and get him on the young man’s side. 
It also took some convincing from you as well since Mingi would often see (and try not to snicker at) you hit Jake with a slipper. 
My love <3: Hey! Marc is currently over rn and he demands coffee. 
Mingi was currently wrapping up his latest session with his therapist. As he shook his therapist’s hand, he couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching him from afar. Deciding to brush it off for now, he let go and bid his therapist goodbye before leaving to go home. After a harrowing day at work, he just wanted to snuggle up against you and listen to you ramble about normal life. Speaking of which, you messaged him about something. 
Mingles: lol are you sure it’s Marc and not Steven or Jake?
My love: Steven only drinks tea while Jake prefers ‘the blood of his enemies’ or whatever tf he meant
Mingles: so basically… a cup of milk coffee
My love <3: lol pretty much :P
Mingles: LMAO XD
Mingles: ok bet. I’ll stop by the cafe near our flat and I can get Marc his coffee. Do you want anything?
My love <3: Just your love and affection
My love <3: and maybe an apple fritter. I’m obsessed with those lately. Blame Layla lol
Mingles: Now see if I do that, Marc might beat my ass lol
My love <3: I’ll protect you. I have the power of the slipper! XD
Mingles: You’re so fucking cute. Ok I’ll get those rn. Ily
My love <3: ilyt
Mingi looked up and flinched when he saw the barista looking lifeless. She had white blurred eyes, sunken cheekbones, a jaw that was hanging on for dear life, and a body that was basically a skeleton if you didn’t see the paper-thin skin attached to the bones. He blinked and rubbed his eyes before looking at the barista once again. He was relieved when he saw a healthy-looking woman in lieu of the dead version of herself patiently waiting for him to pay. 
Mingi sighed dreamily as he put away his phone and walked to the cafe. There was no line and there weren’t a lot of people inside, so he was able to get the items quickly. As he took out his wallet, he casually asked how much he owed. He was not prepared for the answer given to him.
“I will offer you my soul.”
“Sorry. I must’ve been distracted. Been thinking about home and work and stuff.” Mingi sheepishly explained, to which the woman waved him off politely. 
“No worries. It’s totally fine. Anyways, $10 is your total.” 
Mingi nodded and pulled out a $20 bill. “You can keep the change. Have a good day.” He said quickly and politely before he gathered his things and walked out of the cafe. With your apple fritter and Marc’s coffee in tow, he walked briskly back to his flat, barely missing the way that some citizens looked with the same lifeless look in their eyes. As he patiently waited for the crosswalk sign to change, someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and almost dropped the items in his hand when he saw a dead man looking at him. His head was bent at an unnatural angle, and he spoke in a hollow voice. 
“You left us. You left your true home to be amongst the humans. You are a selfish god. You want to be human so bad? Then you will die like a human!” 
Mingi jumped out of the way as the dead man launched himself at the taller man, only to crumble into pieces when he crashed to the floor. Panic consumed Mingi and he ran for his life when the crosswalk sign changed. He dared to look back. 
He wished he hadn’t. 
A wave of mummified humans came barreling at him with lightning speed, all speaking in an ancient tongue that he somehow understood. The panic turned into fear when he felt someone’s bony fingers brush up against his ankle in an attempt to trip him and drag him away. Temporary relief washed over him when he saw a familiar building a few feet away from him. Picking up speed, he sprinted towards the entrance of the building’s lobby and inserted himself into the closest vacant elevator. He pressed the ‘close doors’ button rapidly as his peripheral vision caught onto the mummies scrambling over one another to get into the elevator. He breathed out a heavy sigh of relief as the doors closed in time and it started going up to his floor. Mingi slid down the wall and exhaled loudly as he patiently yet anxiously waited until it stopped. 
An eerie whisper of his name sounded in the air and Mingi flinched at the sound. He slowly got up and looked around to see who called him. As far as he knew, he was the only one in the elevator. 
The whisper grew louder and Mingi was able to detect a voice. It sounded soft and gentle, yet he knew better than to trust that easily. The lights in the elevator flickered and he looked around anxiously. It didn’t help that there were mirrors surrounding him as well. 
“Over here.”
Mingi looked to his left and his face paled. He was somehow expecting a dead version of himself to be looking at him through his reflection. 
He was not expecting an entirely different man to look back at him. 
As Mingi walked closer to the mirror, he set his things down and looked at his reflection. Whenever he raised his hand, the man would as well. Whenever he bent his head, the man would as well. It went on for a while until Mingi looked up and almost let out a scream. 
The man’s head had an outline of a jackal surrounding him. 
“Who the fuck are you?!” Mingi screamed. 
The man chuckled quietly as he stepped out of the mirror and stood before him. He was dressed similarly to Mingi, but it looked like he went through hell and back. His white dress shirt was torn at the bottom so his abs and slim waist were on display. His black dress pants had chains dangling from the belt loops, his black dress shoes were caked in sand and blood, and his crooked fingers were covered by black fingerless gloves that reached to his elbows, leaving his forearms to be covered as well. His black tie hung loose around his neck and his silver hair was more of a dark and ashen gray. His hair covered his eyes slightly, yet Mingi was able to see through them. The man reached out and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly as he stared him down. 
“I am you.” 
“Mingi, wake the fuck up!” 
Mingi heard your worried voice loud and clear, and he sat up straight on the couch, looking around rapidly before settling his eyes on you. Standing beside you were Layla and Marc. Layla looked worried as well while Marc was stoic and had his arms crossed. 
But he too was worried. 
“W-What happened?” Mingi asked hoarsely. His voice was lost due to the scream he let out earlier after that encounter with that strange man. 
“We got a call from the landlord saying that you passed out as you tried to exit the elevator once you reached our floor. I practically sprinted out of our flat as soon as she said that. Mingi, something is going on with you! You’ve been looking paler every day and you’re always so fidgety. Not to mention that you also wake up in a cold sweat and breathe heavily. Even in the darkness of our room, I can see you clutch your chest. Please… talk to me. Talk to us!”
Mingi couldn’t take it anymore. He broke down crying in your arms and told you everything. From the nightmares to the therapy sessions, he vented on and on. While you were consoling him, Marc and Layla shared a knowing look. Yet they stayed quiet as they observed you cradle his face in your hands and kiss his forehead gently. 
“It’s ok, Mingi. It’ll be ok. We will do our best to help.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to be involved with the gods again. If that even is the case.”
“You’ve helped me cope with adapting to our new lifestyle. And for that, I thank you every day for coming into my life. Let me repay you for all you’ve done.” 
Mingi nodded shyly and you smiled before looking up at Layla and Marc. 
A few hours later, you and Layla were discussing amongst yourselves the predicament that Mingi was in while he was in your room with Steven, who fronted after hearing about the nightmares. 
“So you’ve had nightmares that involved dead people, mummification, and the Field of Reeds. Am I correct, lad?”
“Yeah pretty much. And as I said to Y/N, it felt like my nightmares were coming to life. I saw a barista looking lifeless and say that they’ll offer me their soul while another random man called me a selfish god and tried to attack me. Lastly, a huge group of mummified people came running at me.”
“Right… but then what about the encounter you had with that man? He wasn’t dead right?”
“No. He looked more human. He wore a tattered version of the clothes I’m wearing right now yet I know for a fact that he was an entirely different person than me.” 
“Here. Let me sketch him as you describe him.” 
Mingi then proceeded to describe what the man in the mirror looked like to the best of his ability. He probably messed up on a few details since he was gripped with fear as he saw him. Steven finally finished up his sketch and a worried look was on his face as he looked at it some more before he turned the sketch pad around. 
“Is this who you saw?” 
Mingi’s face paled once more as he saw the sketch. 
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“Yeah… that’s him.” 
“Oh bollocks. Lad, I think you might have encountered the Egyptian god of the dead himself.”
“No… Anubis.”
Mingi found himself on a plane to Cairo. He was nervous as hell and couldn’t stop bouncing his leg. You placed a hand on his knee and looked at him with reassurance. “It’ll be ok, Mingi. We’ll see what he wants, and he’ll leave you alone after that. He’ll listen to me.” 
Mingi nodded rapidly as he listened to your confident words. When they landed, they quickly got off the plane, grabbed their bags, and booked it to the hotel they were staying at. Once they were checked in and settled down, they immediately headed towards the pyramids. 
You and Marc were once again back inside the temple of the Ennead. They hadn’t been back here since they trapped Ammit inside Arthur Harrow’s body. As much as you wanted to escape so badly, you knew that if you didn't do this, Mingi’s nightmares would never end. 
“So I just… lay here?” Mingi asked as he pointed to a stone table. You nodded and helped him lay down. Due to his height and big body chock full of muscle, it was a struggle at first. Finally, he was able to lay down properly. His long legs dangled off the table and he cringed when he felt a strange liquid be painted on his forehead. 
“This is just us preparing you for the ceremony. We need to put the symbol of Anubis on you so we can properly communicate with him. Don’t sweat it.” Marc explained and Mingi nodded. Once the preparations were complete, the chants started. 
The more the three of them recited the incantations, the more Mingi felt physically uncomfortable. He was sweating a lot, he clutched his stomach, and he let out painful screams. The screams soon turned into growls and his back achingly arched off the table as black and gold mist escaped his mouth. The mist soon took shape into an all too familiar figure. The figure was hunched over and stood up slowly as the mist dissipated. His eyes glowed brightly before settling back to brown. 
Mingi scrambled off the table as he stood behind Y/N while the man, clad in a black tank top and blue jeans, brushed off his shoulders and looked around. His wavy black hair dangled in front of his eyes.
“Ah. It seems I’m back in this dreadful place.”
His voice, albeit soft, held power. He settled his eyes on Marc and Layla before smiling gently at them. “It’s so good to see you two. How has life been for you guys?”
“It’s been… alright.”
The man nodded before turning to you. His eyes were filled with love and sadness as he walked towards you. He reached out and gently held your face in his hand. Mingi wanted to step in and tell him to fuck off, but for some reason, he knew this needed to happen so he just stood there and watched. 
“My love… I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Seonghwa.” 
‘So that’s Anubis’s human name.’ Mingi thought to himself as he observed the exchange between you and Seonghwa. 
“I hope Mingi is making you happy. Otherwise, my departure from the Duat would have been in vain.” 
“Wait… you left? Why?”
A quiet sigh escaped Seonghwa’s plush lips as he explained everything to you, Marc, Layla, and Mingi. 
“I am a selfish god. I couldn’t bear to be without you. So I left behind everything I once was and entered the mortal realm in a new body. Hence, how Mingi came about.” 
It all made sense now. 
Mingi wasn’t having nightmares.
He was experiencing his past life. 
“Mingi, I am so sorry that you had to go through those visions. I never meant to make you and Y/N suffer. I didn’t realize the consequences of leaving the Duat until they came to fruition. Please forgive me.”
Mingi couldn’t help but feel bad for the past version of himself. All Seonghwa ever wanted was to be with you, no matter the conditions. Mingi gave a small grin to the ancient god and patted his shoulder. 
“It’s ok. I understand. I honestly would’ve done the same thing if I was in your position.”
Seonghwa smiled gratefully and brought the mortal into a hug. Your heart soared at the sight of your past lover and current lover embracing each other like family. As Seonghwa let Mingi go, they connected their foreheads together. Seonghwa placed a delicate hand over Mingi’s broad chest so he could feel the man’s heart under his palm. 
“I will try my best to make sure you guys will not suffer anymore. In return, I simply ask that you keep loving Y/N in the same way that you always have since the first day you two have met.”
“You can count on me, Anubis.”
Seonghwa nodded gratefully and turned to you before pulling into one last hug.
“Until we meet again, my love…”
Seonghwa let go of you and waved goodbye to Marc and Layla before he disappeared in the same black and gold mist. His ghostly silhouette floated around the temple before coming down upon Mingi, who groaned painfully as both of their presences combined. A light shone brightly around the young man momentarily before it dimmed. The three of you uncovered your eyes. Layla gasped, Marc had a half smile on his face, and you were practically drooling at Mingi’s new look. 
Instead of long silver hair, he had black hair swept back to reveal an undercut and his eyebrows were no longer bleached. He wore a black tank top, light blue jeans, and black combat boots. He had sunglasses perched on the tip of his nose and one of his arms revealed a tattoo of Seonghwa’s symbol. 
It was a significant mark of Mingi’s past life as Anubis. 
He smirked as he saw you shamelessly checking him out. He walked over to you and lifted you up in his arms before carrying you bridal style. 
“Come on, babe. The night’s still young. The four of us should go on a double date.”
You simply giggled like a schoolgirl as you admired the confidence Mingi had. You two walked out of the temple while Layla quietly laughed to herself and Marc sighed heavily. 
“Oy vey.” Jake said to himself in Marc’s head. 
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tumbleweed-writes · 6 months
Death and the Lady Chapter Five: Chibs Telford X Reader
TAG LIST: @youngadult9016  @mrsfilipchibstelford @mamawiggers1980 @ravennaortiz @liveinsteadofdreaming
Slight content warning for descriptions of death and embalming related things....I mean what'd you expect given the reader's career. If it's something you're sensitive too though might not be advisable to read it.
Chapter Five: Feeling Special
Y/N could think of about a thousand things she would rather be doing at this very moment than sitting in a car and possibly speaking with the Queen of SAMCRO.
She was almost certain she’d even prefer to be stuck doing a restorative embalming on a victim of a bear mauling who had been left out in the heat of July for an open casket funeral, than be anywhere near Gemma Teller Morrow.
Hell she’d rather prep thirty badly decomposed bodies for open caskets, than be here doing this right now.
The entire time she’d been walking up to the little cramped office at TM Auto, she was almost tempted to turn the other way and explain to Chibs that she’d changed her mind and would be calling a taxi instead of allowing the Queen of SAMCRO to give her a ride home. She’d even been enticed to claim she had decided she would walk home carrying her groceries even if that meant her eggs broke and her milk spoiled.
Y/N was no stranger to the Queen of SAMCRO. Given the complicated history Y/N had with the Sons, it was impossible to totally fly under Gemma’s radar.
From what Y/N could remember from back in those days Gemma was intimidating to say the least. Almost a decade before Gemma had unnerved Y/N, and she hated to admit that the sense of unease still remained. 
She knew well enough to know that no one who tended to be a frequent visitor to the Sons clubhouse managed to escape the Queen’s attention. Gemma knew just who walked in and out of the Sons world. If Gemma didn’t like you she might be inclined to find a way to get rid of you whether that be by her own hand or by convincing Clay. 
Y/N’s history with SAMCRO almost ten years before had placed her right smack dab on Gemma’s radar. Y/N had guessed that Gemma had liked her well enough, after all Y/N had never been disposed of. However, Gemma had often had a few strong words for Y/N and the Sons over Y/N’s access to alcohol given that she hadn’t exactly been of the legal drinking age back then. 
Y/N was sure if Jax and she’d not formed the complicated friendship they’d held back then, then Gemma might have been more inclined to kick Y/N from the property. 
Even with the slight disapproval of the Sons tendency to let Y/N indulge, Y/N had never gotten the sense that Gemma hated her guts. Y/N didn’t exactly feel inclined to want to spend more time than necessary with the woman though. 
Y/N couldn’t help but internally cringe certain that her current involvement with SAMCRO had made her a pretty big blip on Gemma’s radar once again. If her little favors to the MC hadn’t landed her on Gemma’s radar, then she was certain the date she’d just agreed to have with Chibs most likely would land her there.
She was not looking forward to being on Gemma’s radar.
She did her best to hold her head up high and pretend that she’d much rather be anywhere else on the planet than sitting in the passenger’s seat of Gemma Teller Morrow’s SUV. 
She was unsurprised to find that Gemma had not changed much in ten years. She’d aged of course and her hair was slightly different; blonde highlights joining her dark hair, but she still held an aura that clearly read she was not to be fucked with.
Y/N just hoped that perhaps she herself gave off an energy that read she had no interest in pissing off the Queen nor did she have any desire to dig up ancient history. She wasn’t entirely fond of the idea of taking any trips down memory lane with the Queen of SAMCRO.
Y/N cringed internally easily remembering the words she’d blurted out when she’d entered the little office at TM Auto. “Fil…Chibs said that you might be able to give me a ride home with my groceries. My car is out of service.”
She had not missed the raised eyebrow from Gemma she’d earned in return over the fact that she had almost called Chibs Filip. Y/N had the distinct feeling Chibs’ first introduction to her by what surely must be his legal name, was not a usual introduction the Scotsman might give to people.
If things couldn’t get any more awkward, Chibs had been all too eager to bark an order to the Sons’ prospect Half Sack to carry Y/N’s groceries to the back end of Gemma’s SUV. That was of course before Chibs had once again given Y/N an all too flirty smirk and reminded her that he would be calling her this evening to arrange their dinner plans.
At that moment Y/N had wanted nothing more than to somehow find a way to dissolve into a puddle and disappear between the cracks in the pavement below her. 
She knew the little interaction had absolutely placed her right back on Gemma’s radar. It was the last place she wanted to be. 
She twisted the thin silver bangle bracelets she wore on her wrist as Gemma eyed her from the driver’s seat, not missing the chance to finally speak up after what seemed like an entirely too long car ride in silence. “So, you have a date?”
Y/N sighed, rolling her eyes slightly. “He’s essentially bribing me with reduced automotive repair in exchange for a date.”
She cringed realizing how it all sounded when she said it out loud. She spoke again fast to say the words before Gemma got the wrong idea. “Just dinner, not that kind of date.”
Gemma gave her a small smirk, she quick to speak. “So, I take this to mean you aren’t going to be returning to any old habits.”
Y/N tried not to scowl, not entirely sure she wasn’t offended by exactly what Gemma was implying, but a voice in the back of her head reminded her that Gemma did have the right to make such an implication. 
Y/N hadn’t exactly been a blushing virgin back then. She’d occasionally had a tendency to fall into the occasional visiting nomad’s bed as well as occasionally into the bed of the Prince of SAMCRO. “No, I have no intention of being a Friday night visitor ever again.”
“Good, you were always a little smarter than the half bright tarts who sucked off anything in a kutte.” Gemma remarked Y/N raising an eyebrow at the statement. She’d almost forgotten how crass the Queen of SAMCRO was capable of being.
Gemma had never been one to shy away from being vulgar especially if it helped her make a point. 
Y/N was fast to respond to the observation once she got over her shock over the crass comment. “I wasn’t exactly playing the croweater game. I was just…working through some things.”
Gemma spoke, pulling a cigarette from her purse and lighting it up as they pulled up to a stop light. “You worked through them all then I’m guessing?”
Y/N cleared her throat continuing to to twist the bangle on her wrist as she watched Gemma fish a lighter from her purse lighting the cigarette between her lips. “I’m a new woman.”
“I hope you’re not too new. Like I said, you were always smart. I’d hope you’re still smart enough. Being smart is ideal, given what you’re getting into with Chibs.” Gemma remarked, taking a drag from the cigarette.
Y/N furrowed her brow fast to speak, the comment making her cheeks flush in a way she prayed was not noticeable. “I’m not getting into anything. It’s one dinner date. Trust me, I’m not trying to become anyone’s ol lady…I never was interested in that.”
She tried not to look at the crow inked over Gemma’s right breast. Y/N had been around the club enough almost a decade before to know just the meaning behind the ink. She was intelligent enough to pick up on some of the club lingo; the stark difference between ol ladies and croweaters was a part of that knowledge.
She wasn’t lying. She’d never had the desire to land herself a Son. The Son’s clubhouse had just provided an environment to act out her anger and misery. She was certain if the clubhouse hadn’t been a setting for her to act out her problems, then she would have found somewhere else just as dangerous to lose herself in. 
Sex and booze had always been a great distraction from misery. Y/N had found after a little therapy during her time in New York, that she was better off seeking out healthier coping mechanisms than dicks and tequila. 
She shifted in her seat not quite sure she liked the look Gemma sent her upon hearing the ol lady comment. The older woman was fast to respond, a small knowing smile finally crossing her features. “It’s never just one date sweetheart.”
Y/N sighed that tired heavy feeling once again washing over her. She’d almost forgotten how exhausting it could be to talk to Gemma. She always felt a little too much like a chimpanzee playing chess against a grandmaster. 
Gemma was fast to speak again, deciding to throw a kernel of knowledge in the younger woman’s direction hoping it would help explain just why they were having this conversation. “He doesn’t ask women out. You should feel special.”
Y/N frowned at the comment that little spark of curiosity that she’d noticed usually struck up when she thought of Chibs sparking again. She pushed it back, her voice holding a hint of sarcasm. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”
Gemma shook her head, replying taking another drag from the cigarette blowing the smoke out the cracked window. “You’re still clever, but I see you haven’t outgrown the smart mouth.”
“What can I say? It’s a gift that keeps giving.” Y/N replied removing her hand from her bangles choosing instead to clasp her hands in her lap.
Gemma spoke, a small smirk crossing her features. “I’m guessing your gift doesn’t do you any favors in your line of work. I remember you having quite the temper as well. I’m imagining neither the mouth nor the rage do you any favors given your career.”
“I’ve learned to bite my tongue when I need to. I’m a little less likely to bite heads off at work.” Y/N responded relieved that Gemma seemed to be shifting the conversation away from Y/N’s impending date with Chibs.
Gemma spoke again, daring to comment. “I’ve always found that sometimes you have to bite a few heads off to make a point. Sometimes it pays off to be a bitch.”
She spoke again before Y/N had a chance to reply, she not helping but to dig. “What about your newfound connection with SAMCRO, how is that impacting your work? From what I understand Jax, Chibs, Juice, and the prospect paid you a visit out at the city crematorium the other day. That is how you met Chibs isn’t it?”
Y/N felt her stomach churn having to wonder just how much Gemma knew. She had a distinct feeling that Gemma knew more than she’d ever let on when it came to many subjects. Y/N’s new partnership with SAMCRO was just one of those subjects. “I’m not having any issues in my professional life.”
“Even with those empty graves? I heard Deputy Hale and a forensic team from Lodi were out looking them over with you not too long ago.” Gemma asked prodding a bit further, showing a little more of her hand.
Y/N kept her expression calm, a small sigh leaving her. “The grave robberies are an unfortunate incident. I’m afraid I can’t provide any more information. All I know is the deceased were there when I buried them. The world is a strange place. I do hope they find the responsible party. From what I know the Lodi police have a few suspects in their own jurisdiction.”
Gemma gave her a small smile seemingly satisfied with the answer she’d been given. “Like I said, you were always a clever one, even with the smart mouth.”
She spoke again before Y/N had a chance to reply. “Take some advice, don’t lose the smart mouth or the temper completely. It’ll do you more favors than you realize”
Y/N chose not to reply, thanking her lucky stars as Gemma finally pulled up to Y/LN and Sons funeral home.
She felt herself reaching for her seatbelt before Gemma even had a chance to pull into the drive. 
She sighed as Gemma spoke nodding up at the sign. “Still keeping the and Sons in the name?”
Y/N shrugged her shoulders as she gathered her purse. “It’s what the business has always been called. I don’t see the sense in rebranding after decades upon decades.”
She spoke again before Gemma had a chance to start up a new psychological chess match. “Thank you for the ride, Gemma. I’ll let you get back to the Auto shop.”
Gemma spoke, moving to remove her own seatbelt. “I’ll help you with the groceries.”
Y/N spoke never more certain she’d been as happy to see Skeeter appear, the man opening the front door carrying boxes of what she was certain were extra pamphlets for the last funeral service they’d held. She was always scolding him to recycle the unused pamphlets the deceased’s family didn’t want. It seemed that for once he was listening to her and it was working in her favor. “No need, Skeeter can get it. He’s accustomed to taking orders from me.”
“How assertive of you.” Gemma remarked not missing the hint that Y/N was not thrilled by the concept of having Gemma Teller Morrow anywhere near her living space upstairs above the business portion of her home.
Y/N gave her a calm smile as she opened the car door and began stepping out. “It pays to be the boss.”
And with that she shut the door turning to wave at Skeeter. “Skeet, come help me get groceries.”
She narrowed her eyes, sending him a look that clearly read shut up and help me. 
She was relieved he took the hint, dropping the cardboard boxes he’d been carrying and making his way over to the car.
Y/N sighed, turning to help as much as she could. The sooner she got her groceries upstairs the sooner she could take the long bath she’d wanted for hours now and forget this entire day.
She cringed as she remembered that the day wasn’t over yet. A certain Scotsman had made it clear she was expecting a phone call tonight. 
She once again had to question just how she’d allowed SAMCRO to make her life so complicated.
Y/N had at least managed to take a decent bubble bath though she’d forsaken the wine remembering that she technically had work to do this evening. She couldn’t exactly be tipsy given her work. 
That work consisted of caring for the deceased man lying on the embalming table in her basement. She sighed as she stood staring down at him debating just how much Arterial Fluid Atryl Six she needed to add to her embalming solution. The man on her table appeared to be jaundiced enough to need some of the chemical to help correct the slight yellow discoloration to his complexion. She knew that figuring out the right mix of chemicals was always a delicate dance. Too much of one thing could either wash out the body all the more or worse make it an unnatural shade. One wanted to capture a tone that gave the appearance of life. 
Death was grotesque. The complexion lost its color, blood settled, rigor mortis set in before releasing, the mouth opened unnaturally, eyes lost their light and eyes could tend to decay quickly, a variety of insects could settle if enough time passed, purge leaked from orifices, and skin could even begin to slip if the body began to decay enough. There was also the smell to consider. Death had an odor that was hard to describe and impossible to compare to any other smell on the planet. 
The sight and scent of death was not something she would wish on anyone who did not choose to enter this profession. She’d even watched a few of her fellow students in mortuary school vomit when faced with real actual death. Those students never lasted long.
The real sight of death certainly was not a sight meant for those who had loved the dead in life. 
Y/N knew there weren’t really any redos when it came to embalming. Her only option if she miscalculated the volumes of what chemicals she used would be to do more work with cosmetics to see if she could possibly hide the problem. No one enjoyed creating more work for themselves.
She usually prided herself in her ability to always figure out just what combination of fluids would work the best for each situation. She found a certain amount of satisfaction in making the deceased look as perfect as possible for their loved ones.
Y/N knew what perception people had of her job. They could only focus on how gloomy it seemed. They only focused on the creepy factor. They saw it as disturbing. They saw the gross parts of it.
She wouldn’t delude anyone, even herself, into believing the embalming process wasn’t a little gross…or a lot gross honestly.
However, she’d always managed to feel a certain sense of peace in the act.
She viewed the task as a service. She essentially saw herself as a caretaker for the dead and the bereaved. She felt honored to be trusted to take care of someone’s loved one in this way. 
In her view corpses were not frightening though they weren’t exactly pleasant. She’d always held the view that the dead were still people and most of the time they had living people who still loved them. So, it was her job to make sure those loved ones had the best last memory of their dearly departed.
She cringed feeling like a hypocrite for the thought. She hadn’t exactly shown care in the way she’d given those corpses right over to SAMCRO. She had sullied a profession she loved. 
She banished the thought from her brain no matter how true it might be. 
She didn’t want her misdeeds to cloud something that she found so much pride in.
She knew she was good at her job both as a funeral director and an embalmer. She was a born-natural given her childhood. Her instructors in mortuary school had often praised her for her dedication as well as her intuitive approach to handling the deceased. She was never shy about approaching a difficult job but was not so overeager as to become arrogant enough to make rash choices that would result in mistakes. She didn’t shy away from tough embalming jobs or the weeping bereaved. Her father had taught her well long before she’d gotten the technical training from her schooling.
She had never feared any of the aspects of death or funerals. She had always found it slightly worrisome of course, that she felt more comfortable with the dead than she did the living.
The dead were less likely to cause her harm in her humble opinion and experience. The living usually just disappointed her. The living were intentionally cruel. They lied and maimed. They broke hearts. Living people were awful. 
The dead didn’t hold all the disappointments of the living.
The few friends she’d had back in New York had perceived her as being lonely, even those friends who were in her industry perceived her as being a loner. She knew she had at times gained a reputation for being antisocial. 
She’d had at least one former boyfriend call her emotionally closed off and even mentally unbalanced. 
She at times had to wonder if they had a point. Why else would she feel so at home with death? 
In her mind though the embalming room was a place of peace. The funeral home was her safe place.
She had always felt comfort in death. Even when she was a child the setting of her home and the concept of death had only struck curiosity instead of fear.
She could distinctly remember her father scolding her as a child a few times for peaking around the corner trying to catch a glimpse of whatever funeral Old Charlie and her father had been setting up.
She was relieved her father seemed to understand her curiosity and hadn’t written his daughter off as being mentally disturbed. He himself had once held that same sense of curiosity given he’d been raised in the same environment.
Y/N’s older brother had not been curious. He’d been terrified. Daniel had resisted his father’s lessons about the family business time and time again. Even before the accident, it had been clear that Daniel didn’t want a thing to do with the family business. He seemed to want to escape their legacy. His attempts to escape had cost him any chance of a future. 
So even early on, even before the accident, Y/N’s father had seemed to funnel all of his knowledge into his daughter. She’d soaked it up.
Back when she’d been in denial about her place in her father’s world, she’d tried to write off her interest in her father’s lessons as just her being glad to spend time with her dad. She’d told herself that she only enjoyed learning the family business from him because it had meant he paid attention to her. She had at one point been a daddy’s girl after all, so time spent with him was enjoyed even if that time was spent with him answering a million questions about death at the dinner table. 
It wasn’t until she’d put some space between herself and Charming though that she’d realized that she had a genuine love for the business. She truly was her father’s daughter.
She sighed, finally settling on just what might be the perfect ratio of embalming fluids to water moving to gather the supplies, before her cell phone began to chime.
She frowned, removing the blue rubber gloves she’d been wearing as part of the protective gear she always wore when embalming. She tossed them in the trash as she headed towards the cabinet by the sink where her cell phone sat. 
She pulled down the face mask she wore knowing she might not be as audible as she could be through the fabric. She pulled up the face shield she wore over her head as she picked up her cell phone, her stomach and heart both doing a summersault as she recognized the number from the incoming call flashing across the screen.
She flipped open the little pink Motorola Razr phone holding up to her ear as she spoke hoping that the confusing mix of displeasure and strangest little sense of delight wasn’t evident in her voice. “Hello, Filip…or is it Chibs?”
She ignored the slight flush of lust that washed through her at the chuckle she received on the other end of the line. “Ya can call me whichever ya prefer lass. I’m jus happy ta be acknowledged by the likes of ya.”
She rolled her eyes, tempted to tell him that he was full of shit.
She was quite certain he was aware of this feature of his personality by now.
A voice in the back of her head was quick to pipe up that what if he wasn’t entirely full of it though? She shoved the voice back as she spoke. “I think I prefer Filip.”
“Aye glad ta hear it.” He was fast to respond, Y/N not missing the upbeat tone his voice had taken upon hearing this comment. 
She raised an eyebrow once again realizing that the name Filip was not a common way for the Scot to want or expect to be addressed.
She suddenly remembered Gemma’s comment earlier in the day You should feel special.
She pushed the thought from her mind as Chibs spoke again. “So what are ya doin on this lovely evenin?”
She glanced over at the deceased laying out on her embalming table deciding to be brutally honest. Perhaps if she was honest enough he’d get spooked and disappear. 
She ignored the voice in the back of her head that told her that there didn’t seem much of a way to scare the Scotsman off; after all hadn’t he been present for that illegal cremation and taken part in the handover of bodies from her possession to SAMCRO? 
Another voice piped up telling her she might actually kind of feel disappointed if he got spooked. As much of a fuss as she was putting up, she had to admit that there was a certain interest that the Scot piped up in her. 
She pushed it back telling herself that getting rid of her strange and unexpected admirer was in her best interest. She couldn’t sink back into a life of debauchery at the clubhouse. It was bad enough she was doing these favors for SAMCRO. She didn’t need to have a Son attempting to get into her pants on top of the mess she’d gotten into. 
She ignored the sense that she was being as self-sabotaging as she always tended to be as she spoke being brutally honest. “I was getting ready to prepare my embalming mixture. The decedent in my care has a yellow discoloration that I’m hoping to correct. No one enjoys a jaundiced corpse.”
“Aye, and how do ya go bout that?” Chibs asked, not even missing a beat.
She furrowed her brow both astounded and slightly disappointed that he didn’t even hesitate to reply to the disturbing information she’d shared.
A tiny part of her was just the slightest bit impressed. He didn’t seem to hold the same sense of distress she’d spotted in a few of the other members of SAMCRO she’d interacted with so far when it came to the harsh reality of her career.
She spoke, shrugging her shoulders as she reached down in front of her toying with the tie to the protective gown she wore over her clothing. One couldn’t be too safe when it came to the proper embalming attire. She’d always found it amusing when the media portrayed embalmers without the appropriate protective gear. “It can depend on a lot of factors…how advanced the discoloration is and what tone it is can impact just which dyes to add. There’s more products on the market than I could ever name in a reasonable amount of time. That’s part of why there’s so many conventions for people in the industry…to talk shop and present new tools of the trade…There’s a ton of chemicals that go into the process…uh formaldehyde, ethanol, glutaraldehyde, and methanol are just a few…the main thing is just deciding what ratio of what is needed to give as much of a life-like appearance as possible. You have to decide how to balance it all and how fast to allow the flow through the veins to coincide with the draining of blood…too little or too much can make or break you both with the embalming mixture and the flow.”
She cringed realizing she’d babbled a bit too much. She had a nasty habit of it when it came to talking about her work. She’d scared off more than a few people with the industry talk.
It seemed that Chibs was not one to be scared off. 
“Aye, I have very little idea of what any o’ those chemicals are love, but I imagine ya know jus’ what each one does. Ya seem to be knowledgeable in yer field.” He remarked she not missing a certain hint of pride in his voice as he praised her for her knowledge.
She cleared her throat not entirely sure what to make of his praise and how good it felt. “Most of it works as a means of disinfection and preservation…well for a short period of time at least…preservation isn’t forever. Some of the chemicals can also work as a way to hydrate a dried out body. There are also chemicals that can help break up clots…At the end of the day presentation is the end goal. Everyone wants to look good in their casket”
“Aye, guess tha’ makes sense.” He responded, Y/N still feeling a little stunned he’d not made an excuse to end this phone call fast.
It was something she’d noticed with him, while some of the Sons seemed to cringe at the information she’d given that night at the crematorium and that day at the funeral home, Chibs had not had the same reaction. 
It seemed Chibs was not the type of man who ran from the intense or the disturbing. 
That voice that sounded all too much like Gemma piped up again: You should feel special.
She furrowed her brow having to wonder if the little flirtations and gazes he’d sent her way could actually be genuine and something more than just the outlaw biker looking to get laid? Surely if he was just looking to get laid her industry talk would have made his dick wilt up by now? Surely if he just wanted to get laid, her details about her job would have made him decide she wasn’t worth the trouble. 
She suddenly remembered Gemma’s other comment from earlier: He doesn’t ask women out.
She didn’t have much time to focus on these thoughts as Chibs spoke again. “So do ya think ya might be able to step away from the embalming table tomorrow nigh? I think we agreed to a dinner date.”
She raised an eyebrow tempted to point out that tomorrow was Friday night. Wasn’t Friday night usually a big night for SAMCRO? Friday night parties were always a huge deal at the clubhouse. She was surprised he seemed so inclined to miss a Friday night party for her.
She shoved down the sense of feeling flattered. She was almost tempted to lie to him and tell him that tomorrow was a bad night. She cringed knowing that she probably did have to spend some part of Friday night preparing for a funeral early Saturday morning…but she knew well enough that Skeeter could manage without her on Friday night. “I can step away…after work. You may have to wait for me to change out of my work wear just FYI.”
“Aye, I’d wait however long ya want.  I’ll pick ya up then. Let’s say seven pm?” Chibs replied she wanting to slam her head into the nearest hard surface for ever agreeing to this. 
She took a deep breath reminding herself of what she’d told Gemma earlier. It was just one date. She could survive one date. Besides, it might give her a chance to ease her anxiety over the whole robbed grave situation. She could pick his brain about the mess SAMCRO had stirred up faking that grave robbery. 
“Okay, you know the address.” She replied, hating the nervous little giddy feeling that was bubbling up in her gut. She might be willing to call them butterflies if she was less inclined to sink into denial about her true feelings about any of this.
“Aye I do, I’ll see ya then lass. Hope ya like burgers.” He was fast to respond.
She was tempted to lie and say she was a vegetarian. She knew the skirt steak she’d bought today would disprove the tall tale though. “Okay, I’ll see you. Goodnight, Filip.”
“Goodnight love, good luck with tha jaundice.” Chibs remarked, ending the call.
She stared down at her cell, her mind spinning in a thousand different directions.
She let out a huff glancing over at the dead man on her table knowing she had no one else with whom she could address the strangeness she’d just experienced with the Scotsman. “He is an odd man.”
She felt those nervous little butterflies, she didn’t want to acknowledge, bubble up within her at this thought.
Chibs was odd, but she’d never been one to deny that the odd could be intriguing.
Chibs stared at himself in the mirror in his dorm in the Sons clubhouse feeling mildly frustrated that he was fussing and struggling with his hair this much.
The little hints of gray he’d begun to spot in his dark hair weren’t an entirely welcome sight.
He carefully prepared himself for tonight’s date. He’d found clean clothing, carefully shaved around his facial hair as he usually did, trimmed his goatee, and washed his hair thoroughly. 
He was now attempting to style it the best he could. He had cut his hair far too short months before and was hoping to let it grow out just a bit.
He sighed knowing he’d not taken the best care of himself over the years…since he’d lost his family in Belfast honestly.
He’d put on weight and had not entirely cared about his appearance nor his health. He drank too much, he smoked too much, he slept like garbage, and his diet was a disaster.
He tried not to focus on the fact that his midsection was wider than he’d preferred. He tried not to scowl his reflection, spotting the deep scars lining his cheeks. He knew they were a part of him no matter how awful the memories behind them were. It had been a cruel play on words from Jimmy O’; a Glasgow smile for the man from Glasgow. Jimmy O’ had always used Chibs’ Scottish background as proof he was not loyal to the cause. It seemed the scars were another way of making that viewpoint clear. 
Chibs could admit he’d once held quite a bit of pride in his looks. He’d always felt handsome before Jimmy O’ had attacked him so brutally.
He had to learn to accept his appearance after the attack. He’d found that he felt comfortable leaning into the intimidation factor as a way to cope with what Jimmy O’ had done to him. He had joined up with SAMBEL having been excommunicated from the True IRA. He’d leaned into the outlaw biker look allowing himself to truly become unkempt. He’d always held a bit of a dangerous vibe even when he was a younger man. It went with the territory of Fiona’s and his world.
Once he’d been banished from that world though he’d found a home with the outlaw bikers in Belfast having already had some familiarity with them through their dealings with the True IRA. 
He’d adopted the more rugged rough look of his fellow outlaw bikers getting tattoos and being a little more likely to care less about how the outside world perceived him. That look he’d leaned into had only intensified as he’d patched over to SAMCRO.
A tiny little voice in the back of his brain couldn’t help but to compare himself to the young woman he was getting ready to attempt to romance.
He knew he didn’t necessarily look as though he belonged by her side. He thought of how she’d been dressed that day at the funeral home. She’d seemed so prim and so sophisticated. 
He knew he was far from sophisticated and he was quite far from demure. In the past, his lack of polish would not have fazed him. He didn’t care what normal society had to think of him.
He cared what Y/N thought of him though. He cared more than he wanted to admit. 
He was surprised as he realized he wanted to step up his game a little for her. That meant paying more mind to his hair and his clothing and even dabbing on a bit of cologne.
He’d chosen a long sleeved black button up wearing it over his usual choice of a ribbed undershirt. He’d worn a clean pair of black jeans and had not forsaken the usual boots he went for. Of course he wore his kutte. He was unwilling to part from that clothing choice even for her. 
He adjusted the silver cross he wore around his neck and placed on the multitude of gold biker rings he always wore. He took one last glance in the mirror satisfied with the end result. He knew that he might not be some people’s perception of polished, but he’d done his best.
He glanced at the time on his alarm clock by his bed in his dorm, a small smirk crossing his lips knowing he’d have just enough time to have a shot of Jameson to ease his nerves.
He connected his wallet to his wallet chain making sure he had the key to his dorm room before he shoved the wallet in his jeans pocket.
He left the room not shocked that the beginnings of the Sons usual Friday night party had already begun to pick up.
He was surprised that he cared very little that he was missing a party. To be honest the Friday night parties and the croweaters that frequented them had not exactly held his attention since he’d met Charming’s resident funeral director.
He found it both interesting and worrisome that a woman could have this much of a hold over him so easily and so quickly.
It had been a long time since he’d felt like this and as hard as he’d been trying to present an aura of confidence and charm, he felt out of his element.
As unsettled as he felt, he kind of liked it. 
It felt like stepping into quicksand. He knew he could fight it, but it felt so much easier to allow her to pull him in. 
He tried to pretend that he didn’t notice Juice’s eyes on him as he approached the bar getting himself the shot of Jameson he’d decided upon.
Juice spoke, not missing the chance to address the strange energy bouncing off Chibs nor the clear sign that he’d taken some care into his current appearance. “Are you wearing cologne?”
“Aye.” He replied not wanting to get into it. He was not entirely looking forward to comments from the peanut gallery over what he hoped would be a successful attempt to woo their new funeral home connection.
To be honest Chibs was not entirely amused by a few of the comments that had been made about Y/N from his brothers mainly comments about her being spooky.
He was also quite sure he was not entirely okay with the strange implication of exactly what Y/N’s history was with SAMCRO. He was getting sick of the brothers who had been around back then dancing around the simple facts of her past with the MC.
He had found that he wouldn’t really care what that past was…he just wanted to no longer feel like he was in the dark about it.
To be honest, he liked her far too much to change his mind based on whatever her past was with SAMCRO. He just didn’t like the feeling that he was not as clued in as most of his brothers. 
It seemed that Half-Sack was not entirely aware that Chibs’ short response meant that the reason behind his sudden care in his appearance was off limits for discussion. “You have a date with the funeral home chick tonight huh? Do you think she’s ever fucked in  the back of her hearse? I knew this goth chick once back home, and she blew a guy in a cemetery once. You think Y/N is into that kind of thing? I mean she’s gotta be into some freaky stuff if she’s into that job…Kind of insane when you think about it, there’s kinky and then there’s…well Tig kind of shit.”
Chibs slammed the bottle he’d been holding down on the bar top, his eyes glaring down upon his prospect, his voice holding a dangerous edge. “Ya keep askin those questions bout her, I’m gonna cut off yer las’ remainin ball, Prospect.”
Half-Sack widened his eyes, shrinking back surprised by the outburst especially from his Sponsor. 
No matter how many missteps Half-Sack made, it had always felt like Chibs gave him some grace. He’d always felt like Chibs saw some promise in him. It was why he’d chosen him as a prospect. 
It seemed though that Y/N was not a subject in which Chibs was willing to give any hint of grace if he felt disrespect or any missteps.
The prospect parted his lips ready to apologize, but he didn’t have a chance as the chapel doors opened, Clay stepping out nodding to Chibs. “Chibs, you have a moment?”
Chibs sighed hoping that this wasn’t about some other issue with the IRA connection to SAMCRO. Chibs was usually the go-to man on that subject given his history with the cause.
He wasn’t sure if the excuse of I have a date tonight was accepted by Clay if anything should come up tonight.
He’d found that he wished it was related to the IRA as the chapel doors closed behind Clay and he and the club president spoke. “Are you giving discounted auto repair work now?”
Chibs frowned, clearing his throat already having a game plan for if Clay or Gemma took any issue with his plans to give Y/N discounted work on her Acura in exchange for a chance at a date. “I’m coverin’ any pay that she ain’”
Clay stared up at the Scottish Son as though he’d sprouted another head. “What game are you playing here, Chibs?”
Chibs shrugged his shoulders taking his usual seat at the table not entirely sure he knew how to explain himself. “Figured tellin er it was on the house in exchange fer a free favor fer the club migh’ land me on her embalming table.”
“So, you decided to get a date out of it and thought that was the better option?” Clay asked furrowing his brow trying to wrap his head around the choice.
Chibs sighed guessing the news had spread due to her little outburst at TM Auto over his proposition for a date. He had the slightest feeling Gemma may have heard the outburst as well as any of his brothers who may have been working a shift at the garage yesterday. 
He knew it should be no shock that the news would spread to the Club Pres. He spoke regretting his words the second they left his lips. “It ain’ club related. It’s personal.”
“It’s club related when you’re trying to get your dick wet with our newest asset. We’re already going to have enough of a problem fucking keeping her in line especially with her past with this club.” Clay snapped Chibs cringing at the statement.
Chibs cringed at the suggestion that he was only thinking with his dick in this situation. He found himself thinking of Y/N’s harsh words: I don’t know what Jackson or any of  your buddies told you, but I’m not a club whore, buddy.
The statement from her lips as well as the hints he’d gotten from everyone about her history at the clubhouse had given Chibs the hint that perhaps Y/N’s reaction had been because she’d been treated like a club whore before.
The thought troubled him. He couldn’t escape the certainty that if he knew exactly who had treated her that way in the past, he might be tempted to bash some teeth in, even if those teeth belonged to the men he called his brothers.
He was surprised by the realization. He couldn’t shake the protective little tendencies he felt bubbling up in him when he thought of her. 
He’d first noticed them that night at the crematorium as he’d watched her stare down at those two dead bodies SAMCRO had brought her to cremate. He didn’t like how troubled she’d looked and he wanted to pull her attention away from the guilt and sorrow she obviously felt. He noticed it again when she’d mentioned her plans to bury those cremains in the cemetery. All he could picture was some drunken bum harassing her and he’d felt the need to jump in and play bodyguard so he could make sure no one approached her.
The idea of anyone upsetting her or harassing her made him feel like throwing a punch. 
He’d not felt his way about a woman in far longer than he could remember.
Chibs finally worked up the nerve to speak so sure of his words. “This ain’ jus me wanting to ta get laid. I got plenty’a willing croweaters I could take care of those needs with if it was bout that. I’m interested in a wee bit more than jus’ gettin’ my dick wet with her.”
Clay eyed the Scot clearly searching for any sign of deception from the man. Chibs tilted his chin up not backing down; he was more than sure that no one could talk him into backing away from her, even Clay.
Clay finally spoke a huff leaving him as he shook his head. “Watch yourself with her Chibs. Don’t want you to piss her off, she knows too much.”
“And she has jus’ as much to lose...Maybe more.” Chibs snapped back trying his best to keep his voice even, even with the suggestion Y/N might turn into a rat if he should ever scorn her.
Clay reached into his kutte pocket pulling out a cigar and lighting it. He took a long drag from it, narrowing his eyes at Chibs. Clay was surprised and somewhat troubled by the insolence. Chibs was usually the level headed one after all. He had a reputation for his loyalty and willingness to do anything for the club. 
It seemed that SAMCRO’s newest asset had the Scotsman’s head a little scrambled. Clay was tempted to nip the issue in the butt. After all, accidents happened all the time even in a safe little town like Charming, California.
He had a feeling though that making Y/N disappear might create more of a problem than he wanted to deal with, not to mention he had a feeling it would make Chibs’ head an even bigger mess. 
Clay was also quite certain that having Y/N in the club’s pocket might be favorable. Keeping her around might be helpful if the club needed her services again. Perhaps Chibs’ apparent romantic notions towards the funeral director could work in SAMCRO’s favor. If she was an ol’ lady she might be a little easier to control. What was better than an asset that could do you favors than an ol’ lady that could provide favors for the club? 
He knew of course that ol’ ladies sometimes had a way of biting you in the ass. 
Clay made a silent choice to keep an eye on how this entire situation developed. He knew it might even be a wise idea to have Juice keep an eye on Y/N’s dealings with her brother as well as anything else she might be up to at least covertly. He wasn’t asking the man to stalk her, but to check in on her brother’s condition as well as her bank account. Knowing just what was going on with her brother and her finances might be a good way to keep her line even if Chibs screwed it up. Juice was the intelligence officer after all for the club. He could discreetly do some hacking and keep an eye on things.
It might be wise to keep tabs on their newest asset as well as Chibs’ apparent affection for said asset.
Clay spoke a heavy sigh leaving him. “I mean it Chibs, don’t fuck this up. I’m not just worried about pissing her off and having her back out of our arrangement. I’m also pretty sure she’ll throw your dick in the cremator if you piss her off. Pretty sure you don’t want to be dickless.”
“Aye, can’t say I do. We already gotta one nutted prospect…probably don’t need a dickless Son.” Chibs remarked not able to ignore the slight chill that ran down his spine at what Clay was describing.
He had no doubt Clay might have a point. Y/N didn’t seem like the kind of woman to let go of grudges. He was quite sure she was more than a quick wit judging by the outburst he’d been at the receiving end of at the garage the day before. 
He stood up from his seat quickly deciding upon one more shot the entire exchange he had with the Club President making his head spin.
Clay watched the Scot disappear, narrowing his eyes at the closed chapel door. He let out a huff knowing he’d definitely need to keep an eye on things.
Chibs was pleased to find he was right on time. He’d quickly realized upon his past few interactions with Y/N that she was not a fan of tardiness.
He guessed it made sense. In her line of work promptness was most likely a virtue. Her time was viewed as being valuable and not to mention one couldn’t exactly leave the bereaved waiting.
He shifted in place, thankful he’d managed to swish his mouth with mouthwash before he’d left the clubhouse.
The last thing he wanted was for Y/N to smell whiskey on his breath and write him off as a drunkard who couldn’t even face a date with her sober.
He found himself questioning if he should have gotten her flowers, but quickly decided the flowers might have to wait for a future date. He was determined to do what it took to get more dates out of this.
He reached up and rang the doorbell once again finding it so odd that a place like a funeral home could have such a pleasant sounding doorbell.
He raised an eyebrow not expecting the person who answered the door though he knew it should have been expected. The man worked here after all.
Skeeter gazed upon Chibs a sigh leaving him before he turned to call out into the space behind him his voice rose a little too loud. “Y/N, outlaw biker at the door for you!”
Chibs was left feeling even more confused by the response the comment received Y/N’s voice growing louder the closer she moved towards the door. “I’m not freaking deaf nor am I dead, Skeet. Why all the yelling and why are you yelling that phrase loud enough for any neighbor who happens to be milling around the property to hear you?”
She shook her head as she approached the door gazing up at her associate, a look that could only be described as scolding written across her features. He had a feeling Skeeter was often at the receiving end of this expression.
 Chibs stared at the large wreath of lilies in Y/N hands. It was obvious she had been setting up for a funeral service. She spoke nodding at Skeeter. “You can let the outlaw in. He’s my dinner date.”
Skeeter rolled his eyes stepping aside though he looked as though he was not entirely thrilled with the order.
Chibs couldn’t help but to notice the way Skeeter gazed upon him a look of firm disapproval written across his features as Chibs entered the entryway.
Chibs made his way inside past Skeeter, gazing upon Y/N always having to admit he was entranced by the sight of her.
She was wearing another dress, black of course. The sleeves on this dress were a little longer though meeting her elbows. Her legs were once again covered with inky black tights, the dress ending right at the knees. The dress was tight enough across her bust that he noticed the very light hint of cleavage. She wore another pair of black heels, a simple pair of black pumps that managed to be just tall enough to seem fashionable. 
He spotted the small gold hoops in her ears that were hard to miss given the fact that her hair was pulled back into a complicated looking bun. Her make up was once again light, it clear she kept it simple at work.
Chibs parted his lips wanting to exclaim that she looked beautiful and not just because this is what you were supposed to tell a woman on a first date. 
He didn’t have a chance though as she gazed up at Skeeter. “Are you sure you’ve got it all? You know you can ask Old Charlie for help? I know his knees are giving him issues today but he can still help with the little stuff.”
“I’m not helpless, Y/N. I was doing this practically by myself for your dad there towards the end.” Skeeter replied Chibs not missing the slight grimace on Y/N’s face at the mention of her late father.
“I know, but you know we won’t have time to finish up all the last details before tomorrow morning. You’re sure they were fine with the viewing this afternoon? That Aunt kept saying her lips looked too pink. That was the right shade of nail polish that the husband brought, right?” Y/N babbled still not putting down the flower wreath.
Skeeter only rolled his eyes slightly, the man clearly accustomed to talking his boss down from these rants. “The Aunt isn’t paying for the funeral. Mrs. Jacobs’ husband was happy and that’s what matters since he’s the one who signed the check. Yes, the lipstick was right and the nail polish was the one Mr. Jacobs sent, Revlon Iced Mauve.” 
She spoke nodding her head, her stomach in knots. It was clear she was still a little worked up clearly. Chibs raised an eyebrow, surprised she seemed much less collected than his previous interactions with her. “Remember the flowers changed for the casket spray? It has to be the white roses, not the yellow. The florist should be here in like twenty minutes. If it's yellow, then throw a fit and fix it. You call Hal the owner if anyone gives you shit about fixing it. You may have to adjust Mrs. Jacobs’ hair again too, just peek at it tonight before you leave and make sure to check the temps in cold storage. You have to remind me to adjust the curls before tomorrow. If you don’t see me do it, say something.”
“Y/N, you do realize I have a Funeral Directors and Embalmers license too right? I even trained under your dad, remember?” Skeeter remarked not shying away from getting a little sassy as he took the wreath from Y/N’s hands.
Y/N rolled her eyes, her hands resting on her hips as she spoke. “I know, I’m a controlling shrew though. We established this a long time ago.”
Chibs watched the exchange thrown off by it entirely. It almost felt like watching siblings bicker and not coworkers. He was almost a bit surprised that Skeeter seemed proficient in talking Y/N down from whatever rant she was on. It seemed that the man had experience in handling situations like this when it came to his boss. It was clear that there was a bond there that Chibs had not expected.
Chibs cleared his throat finally catching his company’s attention. Y/N sighed realizing she couldn’t put this off any longer.  She felt a twinge of guilt for ignoring him in favor of taking to Skeeter about work. She knew she'd made it pretty clear she would much rather be working at the moment.
She did her best to give her date a tight smile as she spoke trying to hide that she had mixed feelings about their dinner date. “Sorry, big day tomorrow. I’ll go get changed, just give me a moment.”
Skeeter called out behind him as she turned to leave. “I am declining any calls from you tonight, just so you know. Quit being so damn obsessive. You’re a workaholic and frankly it’s exhausting me.”
“Shut up, Skeeter. I will come back there and slap you right in front of the outlaw biker. That’d be super emasculating for you and I generally frown upon workplace violence. Go finish setting up those wreaths.” Y/N called out behind her clearly accustomed to these exchanges.
Chibs raised an eyebrow, the interaction not quite what he’d expected for people who worked in such a serious environment.
He was once again taken by the feeling that he’d just witnessed two siblings poke and prod at one another and not two funeral home professionals engage in a work discussion.
It seemed that Y/N was prone to giving people other than the Sons a hard time. It also felt as though Skeeter was well versed in dealing with that hard time.
Chibs hated to admit that he felt a little uneasy as Skeeter turned his gaze back towards him.
He almost had the sense that the way Skeeter was staring at him was the way Chibs had stared at a few of his younger sister’s dates back when they’d been teens.
He was surprised that Skeeter somehow managed to look somewhat intimidating. 
When Chibs usually thought of Skeeter he thought of him as being somewhat lumbering and awkward. The man was tall and pudgy. His brown hair was thinning and his eyes were a little beady. His head was large and squared making him appear all the larger and more oafish. He carried the energy of someone who was accustomed to being an outcast to be honest, though Chibs knew that around town people had long perceived Skeeter as being kind of creepy.
Chibs frowned debating if he should be a little sassy and ask if Skeeter was about to question his intentions with Y/N, however he did not have the opportunity.
Skeeter spoke his voice cool and clearly unimpressed. “Dinner date? How’d you manage that one?”
“Aye, goin to a diner to grab some burgers…maybe a bike ride afterwards. It wasn’t easy ta talk 'er into it.” Chibs replied, uncertain of what more to say.
He paused, clearing his throat recalling Skeeter’s comment to Y/N. “I won’t let er call ya bout work.”
“Bold of you to assume you can talk her out of doing what she wants.” was Skeeter’s only reply.
Chibs did have to smirk at the comment. It seemed Y/N’s associate knew her stubborn streak well. 
Skeeter said nothing more, sending him one final glance of clear distaste before he turned carrying the wreath disappearing from sight.
Chibs frowned, wondering if Skeeter had decided that following Y/N’s order was more favorable to his self-preservation than standing around making some attempt to make it known that he didn’t approve of the fact that Chibs was taking his boss out on a date. 
Chibs pushed the thought from his mind, having to find the entire interaction insightful. It seemed that Skeeter was fond of the woman Chibs hoped to woo though Chibs got no sense that the fondness was in a romantic sense. Chibs had noticed a certain hint of respect mixed with a desire to look out for Y/N radiating off Skeeter.
Chibs guessed that he might have to learn to tolerate the lumbering mortician if it meant being involved with Y/N.
Chibs wandered over to the china cabinet he’d spotted that first day he’d been in Y/L/N and Sons Funeral Home allowing himself to study the fake garden roses a little closer. He guessed they appeared to be made of fabric, perhaps silk. They seemed pricey. He had to wonder if they were for decoration or meant as a display to show what could be included in a funeral service. 
He reminded himself to ask Y/N about it sometime.
He let out a sigh knowing that thus far tonight hadn’t gone exactly how he’d pictured given Clay and Skeeter, but he was determined to make this work and hopefully win another date by the night’s end.
He didn’t have much time to focus on how he just might turn the night around as his date made her way back down the stairs.
He was impressed with how quickly she’d changed. He was pleased to see a tight fitting pair of jeans and casual black blouse that was far more low cut than anything she might wear in a professional environment. She had put on a darker shade of lipstick that was a deep crimson and taken her hair down from the messy bun. He was amused to spot another pair of converse this time the pair was black.
To be honest, as much as he liked the more sophisticated work attire he had a soft spot for the jeans and converse. He did have a distinct feeling though that Y/N would look pretty wearing just about anything.
She spoke, taking notice of the fact that he’d gazed at her feet. “I wear formal shoes like sixty percent of my working day. When I’m off it’s converse or barefoot, nothing between.”
She let out a soft sigh making her way to an old wardrobe that had been intricately painted with a floral design. She opened it, pulling out her purse as she spoke. “So, where are we going? You mentioned something about burgers?”
“A diner a wee bit of a ways out. Hope ya don’ mind a bit of a bike ride.” Chibs replied thankful he’d thought to borrow one of Gemma’s helmets for tonight and to bring the bike he usually took on runs given that it actually had a backseat. His usual bike that he rode on a daily basis was just a one seater.
The Dyna had always suited him fine. He didn't need the backseat he'd told himself. A space for a woman would just give the croweaters the bright idea that he might want one of them on his bike, Chibs had told himself. He didn't want any of the croweaters to think that he might be interested in regularly having them on his bike. He was surprised to find that he might just be interested in investing in a backseat though. He might just like the idea of having Y/N on the back of his bike on a more regular daily basis.
Y/N felt her heart drop at the mention of this ride. Chibs took notice of the look on her face fast to speak. “You’ve ridden a bike before righ?”
She tried to shove thoughts of her brother and how his life had been ruined. She knew her brother's past had never stopped her from riding with Jax or some nomad.
She gave Chibs a cool collected smile hoping the flash of pain hadn’t been clear in her features. “Of course. Let’s go before I remember something else I need to ask Skeeter about.”
“Aye, can’t have that, love.” Chibs remarked, taking her by shock as he placed an arm at the small of her back ushering her along.
She tried to hide the flush to her cheeks that the action caused glancing down pretending she was searching for her house keys.
She had a feeling surviving this date and keeping her complicated feelings sorted out was going to be a challenge.
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ceslatoil · 2 months
Hey everyone! I’m still working on a lot of stuff at once this month (play rehearsals, work projects, reading through Cuckoo by Gretchen Folker-Martin, etc.) but I have a quick preview of my next chapter for my Gravity Falls x Locked Tomb fanfic! Come check it out!
“Woah, who are they?”
Mabel pointed to three figures who just arrived at the party, two young women and a girl around Mabel’s age. The girl wore a neat purple outfit and a snooty expression. She likely would have been the most stylish person at the party if she wasn’t trailing after two of the prettiest girls Mabel had ever seen.
The flashiest one was a woman with huge… hair: golden curls that railed all the way down her back. Her dress was made of a clingy gold fabric that flattered her curves, but Mabel suspected she would be stunning in even the ugliest t shirt from the Mystery Shack gift shop.
Mabel looked on, awestruck at this exceptionally glamorous woman, and felt a warm flush glow around her cheeks. She shook the feeling off. I’ll unpack that later, Mabel thought.
She had almost missed the third person, a woman who must have been the other’s twin, but she couldn’t have looked more different. She was gaunt where her sister was curvy, pallid where hee sister was bronzed, and her hair was a limp, frayed sheet of milk colored hair that looked like it had been chewed on. She wore a silk jumpsuit the color of a half healed bruise. She wasn’t ugly by any means, but her beauty was uncanny, like that of an undead supermodel, an embalmed Barbie doll.
“That’s Pacifica Northwest, the richest girl in town,” said Candy, pointing to the younger girl. “And those two are her cousins, Coronabeth and Ianthe Northwest!”
“Nobody’s heard of them before,” added Grenda, “they just showed up one day and started living at Northwest Manor. It’s all so mysterious!”
“Well let’s go find out more about our new guests, ladies!” Mabel approached the group fearlessly.
“Hiya, I’m Mabel! Welcome to the party!”
“Oh, aren’t you precious,” said the larger twin, Coronabeth.
“That sounds like a fat, old lady’s name,” mumbled Pacifica.
Ianthe turned a look down at her cousin. “That’s an odd comment to make to our host,” she drawled, “particularly from someone with a low grade pun for a name.”
Pacifica’s face turned red as her cousins cruelly laughed at her.
“Don’t mind her,” said Coronabeth to Mabel. “She’s just cranky because her roots are showing— I’ve been hogging the bathroom lately with deep conditioning all this.” Coronabeth tossed he curls back and winked at Mabel. Mabel couldn’t help but feel bad for Pacifica. The girl looked hurt, upset at the digging comments made by her cousins.
“That’s okay,” said Mabel sweetly. “I take that as a compliment!” She smiled at Pacifica, and Mabel swore she could see the other girl almost smile back.
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otakusparkle · 16 days
Identity V x Roll Ice Cream Factory Japan Collaboration Part 2
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1. Seer's Blue Hawaii Vanilla Shiratama Roll Ice Cream
2. Embalmer's Cookie's n Cream Roll Ice Cream
3. Perfumer's Double Blueberry Roll Ice Cream
4. Geisha's Strawberry Oreo Roll Ice Cream
5. Ripper's Double Chocolate Roll Ice Cream
6. Coordinator's Mango Vanilla Roll Ice Cream
7. Wax Artist's Iced Brown Sugar Coffee
8. Magician's Iced Caramel Latte
9. Postman's Strawberry Soda
10. Painter's Mango Soda
11. Hot Drinks : Coffee, Milk Tea, Green Tea
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- Mini Acrylic Stand
- Acrylic Keychain
- Stickers
- Can Badge
- Lunch Totebag
- A4 Clearfile
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Buy 1 collaboration menu and get 1 random postcard
For more information :
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lunarcovehq · 3 months
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My heart's crippled by the vein that I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding love
TW: Death, Injury, Violence, Blood, Missing/Harvested Organs, Mourning, Abduction
The time of death was 12:23a. The paramedics showed up to the scene shortly before hand. They managed to get Mason Mahir into the ambulance. Rangi Hira still holding on their hand from the back of the vehicle, while Song Seo-Joon road in the front. A scared and crying Elena Gomez-Alvaro was escorted to the side to recount what happened to the authorities (or at least what was left of them without an acting Sheriff in town). But, on the drive to the hospital, Mason didn't make it. Their body was brought down to the hospital morgue and their family called. But, upon further inspection, it quickly became realized that Mason Mahir's cause of death was not entirely due to the accident.
Mason had a punctured and newly stitched up wound along their abdomen. The wound was new and had to have occurred over the past 48 hours. The stitching was, peculiarly perfect, as if it had been done by a professional, but there was no records of Mason having underwent a surgery recently, let alone over the past day or so. Yet, their gallbladder was missing and they had been suffering from internal bleeding before the time of impact. The crash merely spend up the inevitable and, thanks to a ragtag gang of murder mystery podcasters, the Deputy was able to determine that no one could place Mason's whereabouts from the past 48 hours. It is as if they up and disappeared. As of now, the deputy is leading the investigation until a new sheriff can be appointed (WC for the Sheriff position can be found here).
In the meantime, the Mahir's will be holding a funeral for Mason. The antyesti, the funeral rites, is informed by the idea that the body and soul are distinct entities. The general belief is that when a person passes away, their body dies while their soul goes on, though funeral customs differ among different sects, castes and groups. The Mahirs have chosen less traditionally strict funeral, tailoring the ceremonies to Mason specifically and their family whom have lived in the Western world for a long time. Rather than the traditional three parts, they have opted out of having the first part of a Hindu funeral take place at home. Traditionally (and dependent on sect), no embalming is necessary and the first part of a Hindu funeral will take place within 24 hours at home where members of the family will wash their loved one's body with a combination of yogurt, milk, ghee, and honey etc. But, given that Mason was sent to the hospital and the body was held for some time at the mortuary, they've had a light embalming process. They then had a cremation ceremony for Mason, known as the "mukhagni", which was done within 24 hours of Mason's time of death, just before sunset, so that their soul could be set free with minimal delay. The cremation ceremony was reserved for Mason's family and specific friends of the family who attended in white and were modestly dressed (this portion of the funeral is not open to the public so please don't have your character attending if Pace has not granted your character permission to do so). There will be a mourning period happening for 12 days after with immediate family and friends of the family as well (similar to the cremation ceremony, please don't have your characters attend without permission).
The 13th day will be the final prayer which will be open to the public where other friends of Mason's are welcome to attend. It is preferred for individuals who attend this ceremony to wear white as well. No gifts or flowers should be brought to the funeral, although flowers may be sent or brought ahead of time or after. Food is also not recommended as it is typically prepared by different members of the immediate family, though if you would like your character to bring food, the Mahirs will accept it if it is brought after the final prayer.
Please unfollow:
Please unfollow Mason Mahir above. Outside of unfollowing Mason, the plot drop is completely optional for you to react to IC, so if you’d like your character to react to the above, you are more than welcome to, but please don’t feel obligated to.
While, Mason is no longer here, the character is still Pace’s, so please plot with Pace still if you decide to have your character attend the funeral/say goodbye.
For everyone: While we are going to be taking a break from plot drops for a while, we will be having a full moon next week on June 21st which will be the first full moon for one untriggered werewolf, so please keep an eye out for that post to come.
For the council: It is time. We know you've been anticipating the Council meeting, so now is your chance to HC things in the Council GC for a follow up post that will be made in terms of the Council's deliberations. The Council meeting will be held after the 13 days of mourning.
WC Alert: We have a new WC pertaining to this plot drop being our new Sheriff spot! If you would like to fill the role, please message the main to plot out the connection (though as a heads up given that law enforcement can be a sensitive subject, we are going to be selective in terms of this role in particular as we do want to make sure it is being played properly). We also though have a WC already open on our main for the ragtag podcasters here.
Last, but not least, we typically say have fun with these things, but instead we'll just leave it at goodbye Mason <3 You will be missed.
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naserina · 2 years
Ancient Egyptian deities
   - father of Hathor, Sekhmet, Mafdet, Bastet, Satet, Anhur, Ma'at, Mut    - god of order, the sun, kings, sky    - represents life, warmth, growth, the midday sun    - rules in the sky, earth, underworld    - depicted as a falcon    - sent his eye as the goddess Sekhmet to punish mankind for having plotted against him
   - son of Nephthys, Set    - father of Kebechet    - god of death, mummification, embalming, tombs, cemeteries, the afterlife, underworld    - protector of graves, cemeteries    - dictates the fate of souls    - depicted as a black canine    - wore the flayed skin of Set as a warning against evil-doers who would desecrate the tombs of the dead
   - daughter of Ra    - mother of Nefertem    - goddess of healing    - breathes fire    - depicted as a lioness    - attempted to slaughter all humans, but failed to do so as a result of extreme drunkenness, which Ra had caused by fooling her into drinking beer
   - daughter of Geb, Nut    - mother of Anubis, Wepwawet    - goddess of divine assistance, protective guardianship, the Mansion of the Sistrum    - protector of the Bennu bird, mummy, canopic jars of Hapi    - represents health, childbirth, night, beer, magic, mourning, embalming, the experience of death    - depicted as a woman with falcon wings or as a kite    - assisted Isis in reassembling the dismembered portions of Osiris' body after his murder by the envious Set
   - mother of Sobek, Tutu, Serket    - goddess of wisdom, fate, creation, childbirth, mothers, war, hunting, weaving, rivers, water, the limitless sky, cosmos    - protector of the dead, the Royal House    - represents the full ecliptic circle around the sky    - reweaves the world on her loom daily    - depicted as a uraeus or as a woman nursing a baby crocodile    - interceded in the kingly war over the Egyptian throne, recommending that Horus rule
   - daughter of Ra    - mother of Seshat    - goddess of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, justice    - regulates the stars, seasons    - depicted as a woman with an ostrich feather on her head or with wings on each arm
   - daughter of Geb, Nut    - mother of Horus, Min, Four Sons of Horus, Bastet    - goddess of magic, wisdom, maternity, the world, universe, sky, cosmos    - protector of deceased souls as they face dangers in the Duat    - determines the length of human lives, fate itself    - judges souls' moral righteousness before admitting them into the afterlife    - depicted as a woman wearing a throne-like hieroglyph on her head, as a sow, as a cow, as a scorpion, as a tree, or as a woman emerging from a tree    - used a spell to briefly revive Osiris so he could impregnate her
   - goddess of the final stages of childbirth    - depicted as a frog    - breathed life into the new body of Horus at birth
   - daughter of Ra    - mother of Ihy, Neferhotep    - goddess of music, dance, joy, love, sexuality, maternal care, femininity    - crosses boundaries between worlds, welcoming deceased souls into the afterlife    - leads the deceased into a place where they receive aliments for eternal sustenance    - depicted as a cow bearing the sun disk between her horns, as a woman wearing a headdress of cow horns with a sun disk, as a woman with the head of a cow, as a lioness, as a uraeus, as a sycamore tree, or as a human face with bovine ears    - healed Horus' mangled eyes with gazelle's milk after Set attacked him
   - daughter of Ra, Isis    - mother of Maahes    - goddess of pregnancy, childbirth, protection against contagious diseases    - protector of Lower Egypt    - depicted as a domestic cat or as a cat-headed woman
   - son of Geb, Nut    - father of Anubis, Wepwawet, Serket, Sobek, Maga    - god of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, foreigners    - represents a manifestation of evil    - depicted as an enigmatic creature not identified with any known animal, as a donkey, or as a man wearing a donkey's-head mask    - damaged or tore out one of Horus' eyes
   - father of Nefertem, Maahes    - god of craftsmen, architects    - represents the divine essence with which the sun god was fed to come into existence    - causes earthquakes    - depicted as a deformed dwarf or as a young man wearing a crown with two tall plumes that surround the solar disk
   - son of Geb, Nut    - father of Horus    - god of vegetation, agriculture, fertility, life, resurrection, the dead, afterlife, underworld, moon    - depicted as a partially mummy-wrapped pharaoh with a complexion of either green or black wearing the distinctive Atef crown    - revived by Isis' use of magic after having been killed by his envious brother Set
   - son of Ptah, Sekhmet    - god of beauty, fragrance, the lotus flower    - represents the first sunlight, having arisen from Nu    - depicted as a beautiful young man having blue water-lily flowers around his head
   - god of protection, resurrection, the sun    - represents rebirth, the morning sun    - restores the sun's existence every morning    - depicted as a scarab beetle, as a man with a scarab as a head, or as a scarab with a male head emerging from the beetle's shell    - came into existence in the same manner a young scarab beetle emerges, already fully formed, from its dung ball
   - son of Osiris, Isis    - father of Ihy, Four Sons of Horus    - god of kingship, the sky    - depicted as a falcon or as a man with a falcon head    - battled with Set brutally before winning the throne of Egypt
   - son of Shu, Tefnut    - father of Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys, Heru-ur    - god of the Earth    - represents fertile earth, barren desert    - allows crops to grow    - creates earthquakes with his laughter    - depicted as a man with green plants on his body    - became a judge in the Divine Tribunal of the gods
   - god of rebirth, creation, the sun    - represents rebirth    - depicted as a grey heron with a two-feathered crest    - enabled the creative actions of Atum
   - father of Shu, Tefnut    - god of pre-existence, post-existence, the sun    - represents the evening sun    - depicted as a man wearing the royal head-cloth, as a serpent, as a mongoose, as a lion, as a bull, as a lizard, or as an ape    - created everything in existence, including himself, by saying his own name
   - father of Khonsu    - god of the wind    - protector of the road    - depicted as a man with blue skin
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mmpi-3 · 7 months
one 18.25 oz package chocolate cake mix. 1 can prepared coconut pecan frosting, 3/4 cup vegetable oil, 4 large eggs, 1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips, 3/4 cup butter or margarine, soften 1 and 2/3 cups granulated sugar, 3 large eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 cups all purpose flour, 2/3 cup cocoa, 1 and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, 1 and 1/3 cups water, 1 ?? 16 oz each cans vanilla frosting. don't forget garnishes such as fish shaped crackers, fish shaped candies, fish shaped solid waste, fish shapes dirt, fish shaped ethylbenzene, pull and peel licorice, fish shaped volatile organic compounds and sediment shaped sediment, a 20 ft. thick impermeable clay layer, candy coated peanut butter pieces shaped like fish, blue and yellow food colours, alpha resins, unsaturated polyester resin, fiberglass surface resins and volatile melted milk impoundments, 9 large egg yolks, 12 medium geosynthetic membranes, 3 large whole eggs, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 cup lemon juice, for immunosensors. 2 cups heavy cream 3 tablespoons granulated sugar. 2 egg based gelled flame fuels. 2 cups rhubarb sliced. 2/3 cup granulated rhubarb. 1 tablespoon all purpose rhubarb. one tablespoon grated orange rhubarb. an entry called "how to kill someone with you bare hands". 2 teaspoons baking rhubarb. 1/2 teaspoons salt and rhubarb. 3 tablespoons rhubarb on fire. one large rhubarb. 3 tablespoons rhubarb milk. one cross bore hole electromagnetic imaging rhubarb. two tablespoons rhubarb juice. sweet potato tea cake. take me to a picnic cake. trim time chocolate cake roll. tropical snack cake. tunnel of fudge cake. sour creme pumpkin Bundt cake. spicy jalapeno chocolate cake. upside down apple coffee cake. upside down rhubarb cake. upside down flux sampling device cake.
vanilla crazy cake. vanilla crazy cake. vanilla. crazy. cake. vanilla crazy. cake. vanilla crazy. cake. vanilla. crazy cake. vanilla crazy. cake vanilla. crazy cake. vanilla crazy cake. vanilla crazy cake. vanilla. crazy. cake. vanilla crazy. cake. vanilla crazy. cake vanilla. crazy cake. vanilla crazy. cake vanilla. crazy cake. nutcracker sweet ginger walnut thermal reactor loaf. old fashioned fibre optic relative humidity sensor cake, old south prune cake. one bowl chocolate cake with easy laser induced fluorescent frosting, persimmon pudding cake. pineapple upside down cake 1, pineapple upside down cake 2, pineapple upside down cake 3, arm and hand positioner, full width plastic body positioners, multi block plastic body positioners, extremities positioner, aluminium body bridges, plastic lower body positioner. pineapple upside down cake 4, adjustable aluminum head positioner, disposable polystyrene head blocks, slaughter electric needle injector, cordless electric needle injector, injector needle driver, injector needle gun. cranial caps malformers. rhubarb and rhubarb and rhubarb and rhubarb. and rhubarb. and it contains proven preservatives, deep penetration agents and gas and odor control chemicals that will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue as well as areas of the body that arterial embalming may have missed. and rhubarb. okay, we're even now. you can stop.
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monky · 2 years
I love when you see an art piece at a gallery/museum and the plate is like untitled, 2021. materials: gouache, canvas, plywood, pencil, resin, charcoal, porcelain, papier-mâché, human hair, horse hair, wax, 24k gold, human hair (pubic), polyurethane, embalming fluid, concrete, moon sand, legos, potting soil, cardboard, styrofoam, milk bottles, Swarovski crystals, bronze, feathers, twine, bone, semen, blood, poop, pee, mercury, silk, fishing line, leather, anthrax, stained glass, grocery bags, digital recording.
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drops-of-universe · 1 year
I DO understand egyptian accounts of executing romans who killed cats. i get it. i also understand embalming, mummifying and interring cats with sacrificial funeral meals of bread and milk. i would do the same
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Random Character Facts/Bios (Iolite Hospital)
Random info dump for my OCs! Yippee!!!!
TW: Chronic Illness, Hospital Settings/Doctors, Death/Embalming, Nihilism, Age Regression Due to Trauma
THE MORTICIAN: New boi! His name is Baxter and is Maya's uncle. He is a "land shark". Land sharks have a few defining features - floofy shark tails, short claws, paw pads and "toe beans" on their hands and feet, three fingers, and sharp teeth! Baxter loves death in the oddest of ways (he sees it as the most important thing in life, and uses it as a motivation to live how he likes). He is very excited over the prospect that EVERYONE will die, NOBODY will live to see their legacy, and as such, he believes that NOTHING matters. Unlike most, he fears never being forgotten after death. He is a hopeless romantic, falling in love quickly, easily, and obsessively. He currently has a crush on his assistant, Elizabeth. When "lovestruck", little hearts with X's for eyes will float around him, chirping out pieces of his thoughts. So he's just standing there, hearts in his eyes, as little hearts float and chirp things like "CUTE!" "PRETTY LADY!" "BEAUTIFUL VOICE!" "PERFECT!" His tail also wags when happy, the end of his tail curling to form a fluffy heart. Oh, he can also just like... Pull off a mean Charleston out of completely nowhere, with no warning. He'll be embalming a body, then just start dancing for no reason. He didn't even know he had a niece until Maya was admitted to the hospital. None of the doctors are really allowed to leave the hospital, instead just living in their offices. Only Dr. Cogsworth is allowed to go outside, because he is essentially an experiment on creating an artificial human. So, his creators want to see how he interacts with the outside world. Baxter is jealous of him. The only person he feels conflicted about dying is Maya, due to her both being related to him, as well as so young. So many things could happen in the Iolite Hospital that could hurt her, or worse...
ELIZABETH: She's a transgender woman, MTF. She's an Eyeless, much like Aluminum and many of the other doctors at the Iolite Hospital. She is very uh... off put by Baxter's nihilism. Not necessarily about the idea of nihilism, just by how enthusiastic and happy he is about his beliefs and obsession with death. She is also pretty conflicted by Baxter's feelings towards her, both from how off put she is by him, as well as the fact that her family isn't very accepting of relationships between land sharks and an Eyeless. Actually, they don't really accept relationships between any being with many animalistic features, such as tails, ears, and such, due to those animals existing separately (as in, normal sharks exist, too, alongside land sharks). So, despite the fact that land sharks are just like them with different physical features, many find them, alongside other animal-based beings, to be an odd choice to have a relationship with. Elizabeth never really denies his affection, and doesn't tell him to stop, either. She just finds it odd.
ALUMINUM: My baby boi. He's transgender, too! Specifically AFAB, agender, and he uses he/him they/them. He has allergic reactions to apples, cherries, and a few other fruits and veggies. This has caused him to just stop eating the majority of them, due to fear that it will make his esophagus more inflamed and narrow. So, his diet is mainly meat, bread, and dairy. He rarely eats nuts, due to them getting stuck in his throat. He is very particular about his meat, wanting it to be SOFT so it doesn't hurt. He needs to be able to turn it to mush with a fork. Dr. Cogsworth plans to try to convince him to go on a puree diet. Aluminum's favorite drink is strawberry milk, with his favorite food being cheesecake (but only the filling. He hates the crust). This has led to awkward moments where Aluminum will say "I love strawberry milk", then loudly slurp on his milk, with Derek standing right next to him, looking absolutely horrified, as Aluminum is confused as to why he looks so concerned. His room in the hospital is filled with plushies, sensory toys, a few baby bottles and his baby blanket from when he was a baby. That blanket is kind of a security item for him.
Derek: Strawberry cow boi. He is disturbed by the fact that people drink strawberry milk, but won't judge you for it. It is just odd to him as to why someone would WANT to drink the milk produced by his kind? He doesn't understand that, in the hospital, they don't go up to strawberry cows and milk them, and instead use powdered flavoring to make strawberry milk. Or that the carton milk isn't harvested from strawberry cows, either. Because he is so tall, when Aluminum is age regressing, he will just pick him up like a kid and carry him around. He also sleeps in a nest of blankets and pillows on the floor, since he doesn't fit in the hospital beds, and it reminds him of the hay nests of his home.
Dr. Cogsworth: He can't eat. Which is ironic, because he works with the digestive system. He didn't get to choose to be a doctor, due to him being built to be one. Due to this, he has always lived in the hospital, finding that he is both physically relaxed when in it, but also a bit stir crazy. When he goes out to meet with Father Cosmos, or to get supplies, he often invites people to stay in the hospital. He is always confused when they say no. He doesn't entirely understand why his patients are upset, but can see the small signs that they are. He just... Cannot comprehend not wanting to be in the hospital, but wants to help the ones who don't leave.
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^Here's a little bonus pic of Baxter being a loveable simping dork, taken from my phone's potato camera. Also, he calls Dr. Cogsworth Coggy just to annoy him.
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