#EEnE headcanon
erinelliotc · 14 days
Aroace Ed! Happy Pride Month!
(I headcanon Ed as pan with a preference for boys and on the aromantic and asexual spectrum, but I preferred to focus on the aroace part)
He doesn't like/he's disgusted by Valentine's Day
In many moments seems to simply not care about girls, be more interested in other things (like TV), and sometimes even to be disgusted by them (I don't blame him since they have a history with the Kankers that must have traumatized him, but even so he doesn't seem as focused and interested in winning girls as Edd and Eddy)
Unlike Double D and Eddy, he wasn't interested in girls at the school dance, not even being affected by nervousness like Double D and Eddy, and preferred to have fun in other ways. He was excited about Wilfred, danced with him, played with balloons and even played with Jonny
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the-helpless-lemon · 1 year
Blending In: Voiceclaims
I'm feeling really low energy/generally exhausted, but I figured I'd do something related to one of my fics. This is mostly related to Blending In, and while most of the characters there have the voices I already like, the Ed's are older than they are in the original show. Their old voices can still work, but I was curious. More under the read more.
For Double D:
And lastly, Eddy:
Some are more based on attitude and personality, while others seem just work when it comes to pitch. It might be basic in some cases, but hopefully you like it.
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mikatoonist · 1 month
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edd! but with my own design/headcanons 🧪🔬
inspired by some art i saw where someone designed double d and nazz as black, it was so cool
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pjshermann · 2 months
do you have any sleepy jude headcannons i just love this character so much he deserves to be soft
I know you said soft but I’m inane and needed to slip some angsty headcanons into this teehee
Sleepy Jude headcanons !
- Loves weighted blankets. The feeling of the pressure all over him dulls some of his chronic pain
- It’s not often, but occasionally Jude becomes a very deep sleeper, to the point it becomes a challenge to wake Jude up. He sleeps like a rock. He scared his friends half to death back in college once because he just. Wouldn’t wake up.
- Jude loves having a routine for his daily life, and this includes bedtime as well. He’s strict to adhere to it, the familiarity and consistency helps keep him relaxed.
- He held a lifelong fear of bedwetting after experiencing it often during childhood. As a result, he doesn’t drink liquids at night and he always uses the washroom right before bed.
- Terrible bedhead. He isn’t sure why because he’s not a tosser-turner in bed. He sleeps surprisingly still. Nevertheless, his hair is all over the place when he wakes up
- Can sleep pretty much anywhere. It could be the most uncomfortable, horrible place/position and he will still fall asleep if he decides to.
- Doesn’t usually like sleeping on his back, so he mostly sleeps on his side. It doesn’t hurt to sleep on his back, he’s just able to feel the bumps and textures of his scars more in that position.
- Loves to read before bed. Always has an in-progress book with a bookmark stuck inside on his nightstand.
- Always sleeps buried in his blanket. It could be a hot, humid day and he’d still wrap himself in the blanket.
- Still sleeper. Usually wakes up in the exact position he fell asleep in. Very minimal shifting around or tossing and turning.
- Prefers firmer mattresses, but also likes having a lot of pillows.
- He never snores. On the other hand, it’s uncommon and doesn’t always happen, but he’s been known to hum in his sleep.
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thebearme · 1 year
Me a Dweebling have a Headcanon for Dee,
Which is Double Dee has the leg strength of a horse.
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mkorpse13 · 18 days
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happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ I was planning on making this a full drawing but sadly I’m sorta lazy so here! :)
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fish-bowl-2 · 7 months
Watching episodes featuring the Kankers, especially from the earlier seasons, the more and more it feels like people ignore how they "weaponize" affection rather than hold any form of legitimate romantic interest in the Eds.
What I mean is that a lot of people still seem to interpret the three as being absolutely enamored in the Eds. This is a wild interpretation, because every facet of their interactions really just stems from old-fashioned bullying to me. I mean, there is clearly the "assault" factor, but even setting that problematic factor aside, I can name other moments between the characters where that was not the case, and the Kankers focus was to instead humiliate and belittle the Eds. Such as: making fun of Eddy due to his height, stealing their clubhouse, infiltrating the Eds "mind-control" scam and making them act like dogs, generally just aggressively beating them up. Even when a "romantic" aspect comes into play, it is more about the Kankers weaponizing it to humiliate the Eds: going out of their way to parade the Eds as their "carriage horses" after getting "married", the gross pet names, calling them "boyfriends" in general. It really reads to me as a farce. I can recall back to my experiences in middle school where it was a common tactic to call someone their "boyfriend/girlfriend" in a jeering fashion that did not imply any form of positive association. You could tell you were being made the butt of a joke simply due to who it was coming from. I clearly remember a guy asking one of my friends "out" only as a complicated way to make fun of her.
This feels exactly like what the Kankers are doing. Or at least, a reason for why they are so persistent. It is an entertaining game for them, and they can tell the Eds are vulnerable which makes it way easier for them to get the upper hand. Could there be some innermost romantic interest that just has trouble properly manifesting? Maybe, but that really starts to veer on headcanon territory (which is fine, but in addressing what is actually apparent in the show I really don't see much grounds for this). The Kankers are first and foremost bullies. I think taking that aspect out revokes a certain element of what makes them interesting in the first place.
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kumcho-vulcho7 · 6 months
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itspkuwu · 3 months
Ed Edd n Eddy are unintentionally the greatest poly throuple the world has ever seen.
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mysticbeaver · 7 months
Ed-canon: If adult Eddy decided to get tattoos, he would absolutely get the 'heart with "mom" written on it' done on his arm.
Kevin wants the heart too (cause it's a biker thing) but Eddy beats him to it, so he just gets a tattoo of corn instead.
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erinelliotc · 1 month
Okay hear me out:
Version of the Ed, Edd n Eddy special Valentine's episode "Hanky ​​Panky Hullabaloo" where everything's exactly the same except that first of all starts, the cupids see Double D giving the Valentine's Day card to Eddy and Sarah tries to make Eddy fall in love with him as a prank, but nothing happens. Jimmy wonders if Sarah’s arrow didn’t hit the target and she says she never misses the target. So Jimmy tries to make Double D fall in love with Eddy and nothing happens again. Jimmy fears their arrows aren’t working and complains to Sarah. She says there’s no way the arrows aren’t working and then tries to make May fall in love with Double D and this time it works, showing Jimmy that their arrows are working perfectly as they should. They spend some time thinking what happened and eventually realize what’s going on: the only situation in which their arrows would have no effect would be when trying to make people who are already in love with each other fall for each other again. They can't make people who are already in love fall in love again. And that's how Jimmy and Sarah found that Edd and Eddy have a crush on each other.
Another possible version would be the arrows to work as in "American Dragon: Jake Long". If a person is already in love with someone, the arrows will have the opposite effect and will make that person hate the person they were in love with. But I don't think it'd be so interesting to see Eddy or Double D hating each other for a long time, or maybe I just can't imagine an interesting scenario with this dynamic.
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famouscolornerd · 17 days
I headcanon Rolf from Ed Edd n Eddy as aroace since he does not seem to have romantic interest in any of the cast and he seems to be the only one not affected in the Valentine Special. I don't see him wanting to get with anyone and he is just happy with his friends and farm animals 🧡💛🤍🩵
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mikatoonist · 1 year
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trans girl double d!
im so happy trans girl double d is real <3
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pjshermann · 2 months
It took me a couple days to compile them but here is my first round of head canons:
- so many charity shops while in college! basically everything they all wear is bought second hand (Jude always feels too bad to haggle with the sellers and tries to donate anything he doesnt use enough back)
- Jb gets light freckles in the summer
- Like Harold, julia never expected to be a mother
- Harold started cutting Julias hair for her when they began dating: just small trims before he got better at it and is now able to do it consistently decent job
- The first book Jude read in his dorm was the brothers karamazov
- in boston, malcom and jude would stay up late doing puzzles which they spread out onto the already tiny floor
- Jude and malcom are the two who read the most out of the group and jude gets a lot of his book recommendations from malcom
- malcom had a phase of trying to smoke cigarettes in college but let it go after 3 months
- in college. Jb pierced willems ear with a safety pin but it was soonly taken out after getting infected
- malcom sends out an elaborate christmas card from the group. harold keeps it in his desk drawer
- all the way through undergrad to law school, harold kept birds as pets
- harolds new york accent is subtle and mainly comes out when hes laughing
- malcom and willem can always fall asleep on airplanes, jb and jude never can
- jude attentive when it came to taking care of the others if they were sick, making them meals and fussing over their temperature
- one year in college, jb gets really into sewing and tries (and partially succeeds) to make a couple sweaters for willem
- I love the bit about Julia (and willem) loving the outdoors and I like to think that she grew up spending a lot of time in rural areas: maybe staying on her aunts farm and fishing and tending to the animals
- Harold keeps jude’s graduation photo in his home study, his work office, and his wallet
- Both Harold and Judes hair started graying decently early
- Once harold adopted him, Jude tried to learn a bit of yiddish
I also saw that someone asked for domestic jude/willem HCs so here are a few of mine:
- when touching, jude always like to have a hand on willems neck or face— he likes feeling the warmth and having the sense of comfort that its because of him
- I love the line about willem touching judes eyebrow and I think he sometimes will repeatedly do that when jude is tired but can’t fall asleep
- Once sex is established as not part of their relationship, jude can relax more into light hearted physical affection: willem scattering kisses on his collar bones until he gives into the ticklish feeling and laughs, mindlessly leaving a gentle hand on willems stomach in the morning, willem sleepily nuzzling into his neck
- jude mumbling to himself while he reads and willem feeling drunk on the sound
- Willem and Jude like to go see community theatre shows when they have time to support the young actors
OooHHHHH I love these headcanons and I have some Things To Say about them
Harold cutting Julia’s hair
- oh man. Oh MAN. that is too adorable. I love that so much. Cutting his wife’s hair for her STOPPP. Imagine Jude watching them, amused at his parents antics. Maybe you should quit professorhood and become a hairstylist Harold. he just tells Jude quiet you.
Jude and malcom are the two who read the most out of the group and jude gets a lot of his book recommendations from malcom
- now this is the one headcanon I can’t see at first. It’s said in the book that Jude and JB are the novel readers of the group. Malcolm on the other hand, actively refused to engage with literature as a rebellion against his mother (who I think is a literary agent?) and as a result, is more behind than the others when it comes to literature (i.e. discovering post-modernism much later than they did). However, that being said, this could be such a cute concept of Jude (being the one who loves literature and novels the most) helping introduce Malcolm to a love of literature and then Malcolm discovers his own favourite genres and authors and series and recommends them to Jude. Malcolm could be the one who’s more into contemporary literature, while Jude is very much a classics lover
malcom had a phase of trying to smoke cigarettes in college but let it go after 3 months
- MALCOLM AND HIS PHASES !!! The poor boy desperately trying to figure out who he is. I have not forgotten his college attempt of trying to grow out an Afro but it ending up stringy and flat. Malcolm going through every phase imaginable in college and his friends watching and trying to be supportive (well. not JB. He’s fully mocking him every chance)
Harold keeping birds as pets
- gonna be an angsty little shit about this. Brother Luke also kept a bird as a pet. ;) parallels in Jude’s father (“father”) figures oh man
Harold’s New York accent is subtle
- HAROLD AND HIS NEW YORK ACCENT. I absolutely see Harold having a noticeable NY accent, seeing as he’s an older generation too and I think older NYers usually have thicker accents. Im walkin’ ‘ere! >:(
malcom and willem can always fall asleep on airplanes, jb and jude never can
- NEITHER CAN I !!! I’ve slept on planes on rare occasions, mostly when I was younger. But now? The seats are just too uncomfortable and I don’t want to sleep anyways. I could see Jude finding a lot of difficulty with plane seats because of his back. JB, I imagine, is like me; just too excited on the plane to fall asleep (I love air travel it’s so fun). Willem’s probably that guy who as soon as he sits down, puts on an sleep mask and takes a sleeping pill and just. Knocks right out. Malcolm just ends up falling asleep after watching some movies.
Harold keeps Jude’s graduation photo on his desk
- YES YES YES. I wrote a fic about this hehe
Both Harold and Judes hair started graying decently early
- From the stress they both endured in their lives :(. I’d imagine Harold’s hair started greying when Jacob fell ill. It’s said he would get so upset with grief and anger that he’d become sick, so greying prematurely is very much possible. Jude, we already know why he’d be greying. His body just carries stress constantly
jude mumbling to himself while he reads
- Jude being a mumbler reader……..oh my gaush. I love. His voice would probably sound so comforting
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cd38 · 9 months
So uhm..
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