#Dusknoir will NEVER live this down
sincerely-sofie · 8 months
I've got a dumb idea for a request;
despite all of dusknoirs skills, he can't tell apart his own team from a glaringly obvious ditto
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Twig has to break the news to him that he’s got a seventh sableye in his squad and that it’s not even a sableye in the first place. Dusknoir is impressed by her ability to identify a transformed Ditto and asks how she could recognize the disguise. She says magic, and pointedly doesn’t tell him the real reason is because she’s been catfished by ditto on two separate occasions.
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eldragon-x · 1 year
🌄 sun-observer-xatu 🔁 sun-observer-xatu
🌄 sun-observer-xatu
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🌄 sun-observer-xatu
135 Notes 🗨️🔁❤️
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💜 awd-lady
wanted to make fun of rescue teams and ended up revealing that our local deity lives under a rock, this would be embarassing if it wasn't so funny
5 Notes 🗨️🔁❤️
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🌌 space
Anonymous asked: 👁️‍🗨️
12 Notes 🗨️🔁🤍
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🌌 space
Anonymous asked: 👁️‍🗨️
35 Notes 🗨️🔁❤️
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🌌 space
lake-guardian asked: ⚙️
It turned out that Dusknoir came from a future where time stopped after Temporal Tower collapsed and he tried to make sure no one would bring the Time Gears to the tower to prevent this because it would cause the timeline he came from to never happen in the first place, basically.
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68 Notes 🗨️🔁❤️
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💜 awd-lady 🔁 lopunnycharm
💜 awd-lady
I'm glad we're criticizing Team ACT for their recent stunt but ngl I think Rescue Team just suck in general
⚙️ lake-guardian Follow
#yeah we never really have anything like this with explorers here #or the adventure institute and the expedition society on the other continents for that matter
Actually, speaking as a Grass Continent resident:
The Great Dusknoir
Team AWD
Team Charm
Not to mention that Wigglytuff and Chatot exploit their guild members. Exploration Teams aren't without their issues.
⚙️ lake-guardian Follow
I just noticed that op is the leader of Team AWD.
🏅 expedition-society-official Follow
It's not perfect here either :/ Ampharos recently recruited two kids despite the rule that no children are allowed in the society that he established himself. He just revoked it on the spot.
- Mod Archen
🧠 team-act-alakazam Follow
So we agree Rescue Team bashing is pointless?
🤡 paradise-emolga Follow
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🌌 space
👻 meanies
Didnt a famous adventure team also forgive chasingafterhope for almost destroying the world?
🍃 paradise-virizion Follow
Why are Pokemon still on Munna's case?
💜 awd-lady
is that palkua
76.433 Notes 🗨️🔁❤️
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🍃paradise-virizion 🔁 paradise-dunsparce
🧠 team-act-alakazam Follow
Remember that the priority for a Rescue Team should always be to help out Pokemon in peril. It's not noble to turn down a request because you don't consider it important or don't find the reward fitting the deed. At the end of the day we're here to reach out a helping hand and support each other in this difficult time.
🤡 paradise-emolga Follow
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570 Notes 🗨️🔁❤️
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fujii-draws · 9 months
Summary: As golden orbs of light brought an end to Dusknoir’s existence; he’s confronted with a thought. One he’d long been avoiding since the day he arrived in the world of the past, and came in contact with two young, small Pokémon. The same two he’d eventually come to grow fond of, only to betray as part of his mission. As he’s forced to finally confront it in his isolation, Dusknoir finds himself coming to an epiphany. One he’d been denying for a very, very long time.
[Word count: 2130]
‘Aimilios... Ribbons...’ The ghost type melancholically lamented to himself. ‘They… did it….’
The black, paralyzed skies had begun to shift as the morning came. Rays of light hit the ghost type’s body; although numb, even he’d felt the warmth of the sun course through him. Time was finally moving again… and all Dusknoir could do was helplessly watch as his body faded; the light bringing an end to his existence.
Dusknoir cannot describe the emotions he’s feeling. Proud…? Accomplished…? Fearful….?
Damn it all. Arceus… if only he’d realized the mistake he was making. If only he’d defied Primal Dialga and had his change of heart sooner… perhaps those two would’ve still…. The three of them could’ve been-
It’s over.
He ruined it.
…Dusknoir turns his head slowly, his gaze falling on to Grovyle; the reason he decided to go against Primal Dialga’s wishes in the first place. The reason he lived; for what would perhaps be the first time in ages… Had it not been for his speech back at the icicle pillars…Dusknoir doesn’t even want to think of the calamity that would’ve ensued. He continues to stare at the slowly disappearing grass-type, almost thoughtful.
The grass-type’s eyes meet the black specter’s pained expression.
“My M-my life… Did it shine….?”
Dusknoir wanted to hear it from Grovyle. He wouldn’t feel satisfied, or even happy hearing it from himself. The ghost’s self-hatred was deep rooted enough as it was. Especially after all of what he had done. He needed a second opinion.
“…Yes.” The lizard Pokémon smiles, softly reassuring Dusknoir in what would be his final moments. “…Extraordinarily.”
…Dusknoir, despite not believing Grovyle, chooses to do so. Offering a small smile back at his old friend. “Grovyle… Thanks to you…..”
He pauses.
“…I have no regrets.”
…Dusknoir starts to feel himself slipping away completely; his physical form fading into illuminated lights in the sky as he draws his final breath… His death is almost comforting... At least- it would’ve been, had he made peace with his unspoken feelings… towards them. Even when he’s disappearing. Even when he’s dying…
He still couldn’t tell the truth.
One regret.
He had all but one.
…And now, he’ll never see them again. Never be able to tell them how sorry he was. Never be able to tell those two how much they meant to him… what they actually meant to him.
How foolish was he…? To get attached like this…? To care so much about their futures as well as his…? ..He couldn’t even admit how much they mattered to him in his final moments… Dusknoir grunts. really is just a liar, isn’t he? And that’s all the two will remember him for. Their scornful expressions when he’d laughed at their misery during their confrontation in the future. Their looks of betrayal. Tears rolled down the eevee and riolu’s faces as they unhinged their claws and teeth at Dusknoir. To think at the time, he found their reactions simply hysterical…
“Pray tell… who’s fault is that?” Dusknoir sneered. “Not once had I asked for your background, or your names.”
Dusknoir began to float menacingly towards Aimilios. “Last I recall, you were responsible for your own partner’s downfall.”
…Now all he feels is a sharp pain stabbing through his chest recalling that horrible memory.
If there was a heaven or hell; the latter would be awaiting him right about now.
Speaking of…
Dusknoir opens his eye, attempting to browse his uncanny surroundings. What meets the ghost-type is… emptiness?
“…What on earth..?” His eye wanders down to his body.
…He appears in what looks like a pitch-black void. Dusknoir himself would’ve blended right in with the endless abyss had it not been for the yellow outlines distinguishing the features of his silhouette-like shadow… the same exact hue of yellow lights that’d been responsible for his disappearance moments ago… it’s almost as if he’d become a ghost all over again... He’d find the circumstances slightly amusing had it not been for his current dilemma. Dusknoir stares at his golden-laced hand, before contemplating something.
‘…Perhaps..’ Dusknoir thinks to himself. ‘Perhaps… it’s better this way…’ He knows it’s selfish. He knows he’s being a coward. But… now he doesn’t have to face Ribbons and Aimilios. He doesn’t have to look at those same faces that once revered him with such adoration; now fear, in the eyes… And yet… The thought of never seeing those two again… why does the thought bring him so much unnecessary pain? They were only means to an end to begin with- so why does he even CARE?!
“…GWOOH.. GWOOOOH..!!!” The ghost-type’s head begins to throb uncontrollably; Dusknoir clutches his head; nearly identical to how he did when breaking down in the midst of Grovyle’s speech. He clutches his temple harder in a feeble attempt to satiate the pain. Why couldn’t he just stop…? He’d tried so hard to detach himself from Ribbons and Aimilios once he realized who they were... Yet like a complete and utter fool; he stayed close. So close to an eevee and riolu he was ordered to execute. Why couldn’t he just forget about those two…? It would hurt so much less. They were means to an end to begin with- so WHY?!
He slams both of his fists on the onyx colored ground beneath him in frustration. The yellow outlines of his body begin to glow violently as he draws heavy, shallow breaths.
…Dusknoir is suddenly plagued with a memory- of those two. He… remembers the eevee and riolu smiling widely; at him no less. It was… around the time when he’d referred to them as his ‘friends’. A mere front to gain their trust. Dusknoir recounts just how overjoyed they looked… and how that happiness made something in his chest hurt for a split second. He didn’t have to give them false hope. He didn’t have to play this ruse as far as he did… and yet. There was a small, foolish part of him that genuinely enjoyed it; and an even smaller part of him that knew he’d regret it.
“You mean it?!” The riolu beamed. “You’ll really help us?!”
“But of course!” Dusknoir smiled, placing a hand on his chest. “I offer you two, my full cooperation!”
Dusknoir watched as the two Pokémon whip their heads towards eachother; almost trying to confirm the other’s disbelief. They look back at him; tails wagging rapidly in unison— before Ribbons excitedly jumps onto the ghost-type. Dusknoir nearly stumbles from just how sudden it was. Despite this, he catches her with his quick reflexes.
“Thank you thank you thank you!!!” Ribbons cheered. “You have no idea how much this means to us!”
Dusknoir recollected himself; before putting a hand on each of the overjoyous Pokémon’s heads.
“I’m… glad to hear. Truly.” A lie, obviously…but even he couldn’t help but smile a little at their shared enthusiasm.
“By golly..! Huff… huff…”
All three of the Pokémon had turned their heads to the out-of-breath Bidoof. Dusknoir immediately put Ribbons and Aimilios down; a slightly embarrassed blush crossing the ghost’s face as he brushed himself off coughing, returning to his more professional, stoic-like persona.
…He didn’t have to play with their emotions. He could’ve just as easily stayed acquaintances- kept his distance- but no. He just had to enjoy spending time with them. He had to get closer to them. He had to remember their favorite foods. To enjoy laughing with them until his stomach became sore, protecting them, watching over them, loving them as if they were…
…Dusknoir can’t help but hold his hand under his eye. He… he really did care those two... As if they were his own… his own…
His train of thought comes to a complete halt. The idea of those two? Seeing him that way? After what he had done? After the horrible things he’s said…?
“Ho..Hohohaha..! HOHOHOHA-HA-HA-HA!”
His laughter becomes more and more erratic; holding one hand under his eye as the other grips his head- his cackles echoing into the never ending void.
Dusknoir’s broken laughter echoes throughout the void; until there’s nothing left but silence. Both of Dusknoir’s hands now cover his face as he crumbles to the ground. A shell of what was once the ‘Great Dusknoir’… was nothing more but the husk of a broken ghost. Too selfish and weak to do the right thing; and stand by the only two Pokémon who were willing to trust him with their lives… He wishes the endless abyss he was in would just swallow him already.
“Aimilios…Ribbons…” Dusknoir’s voice cracks; calling out for the ones he’d hurt.
…They deserved so much better than him. He didn’t deserve them. And to think in the beginning, they’d been the ones who were trying to prove themselves to be worthy of him... When it’d been the other way around this entire time. How ironic.
How absolutely ironic.
…Which reminds him-
“Ribbons…!” His head shoots up in a panic; his eye filled with worry.
She had already disappeared at this point, didn’t she..? In front of Aimilios no less..? He can’t even begin to fathom how horrible it must’ve been for both of them… at such young ages… maybe if he’d assisted them on their perilous journey to Temporal Tower…. he could’ve been there to remedy the weight of their situation… but of course instead, he used it in a pathetic attempt to beg for his life. Dumping everything onto Ribbons in a last ditch effort to save his own ghostly skin… in the small desperate hope she’d finally understand why he…
So selfish.
Of course his train of thought immediately went straight back to him. He can’t think about anyone’s wellbeing except for his own. His ‘self preservation’. His ‘life’. Nevermind all of the Pokémon he was going to deny the futures of. He was at risk. So they all had to pay for it. Because of his cowardice.
This was his atonement.
He deserved this.
Dusknoir closes his eye. Maybe in his next life he’ll be a decent Pokémon. One worthy of respect. Of adoration.
Of love.
Dusknoir groans. Why does it feel so cold all of a sudden..?
Wait.. cold?
He sees… ice… and feels… wind?
He slowly gets up; using his hands to suspend himself in the air. He looks around- only to see himself back.
Back on the mountain.
He stares at his hands for an indeterminate amount of time before they begin to tremble. His expression contorted into one of self-loathing and confusion.
“W-we’re still here…” His fingers curl into fists.
“I didn’t disappear…! Wh-Why?!”
Dusknoir shouts; almost disgusted by the fact he was revived- rather than questioning how it was even possible in the first place. No. He doesn’t- He shouldn’t be here. It must’ve been some kind of mistake… That’s it. There’s no other logical explanation for why he should be still here. Perhaps the higher being that brought him back into this world will immediately realize their error, and make swift work of him.
“We… we truly are still here…” Grovyle lamented, breathing a sigh of what would be an overwhelming rush relief. Celebi begins to flutter her wings happily around the grass-type.
“Wonderful!! I don’t know why we were fading and didn’t disappear…” She twirls, overjoyous now having gained all her strength back. “…But everyone is safe!! Oh my beloved..! Isn’t this just an amazing wonderful thing?!”
Grovyle chuckles heartedly. “It is.”
Unfortunately among the three; the ghost type was not experiencing the same joy as the grass type pokemon. Dusknoir had been drowning out half of their words of cheer and relief with thoughts of contempt. Self-depricational thoughts clouded the ghost-type’s mind as he kept searching for logical answers for his revival… Everyone else made sense. But why him of all Pokémon..?!
“Why..? Wh-Why me..?” Dusknoir whispered to himself dejectedly; mirroring his words from when his Sableye ‘betrayed’ him.
The only difference being how genuine it was.
Pr- Dialga had appeared to explain the whole situation to the trio. Once that had been done, Grovyle, and Celebi walked and flew individually near the edge of the mountain to feel the sun on their skins; their accomplishments finally having been paid off, soaking in the sun…
……Dusknoir, however; had stayed in the exact spot he’d been revived. His thoughts plagued him. This was not his victory. This was not for him to enjoy. What was he to do now..? Live his life as if nothing happened..? As if he didn’t hurt countless Pokémon..? Guilt had almost immediately begun to eat away at the ghost-type. He looks down at his hands one last time... Perhaps death would’ve been too good for a despicable Pokémon such as himself. The torment of being alive, and living with what he had done seemed like a fitting and ironic enough punishment… but that wasn’t what truly scared him.
Far from it, in fact.
Without a doubt in Dusknoir’s mind; Grovyle and Celebi would want to return back to the past… perhaps not this very instant; but at a given point. And when that time finally arrives…
Dusknoir stares at the Passage of Time facing him. Almost mocking him.
…He’d have to face them.
“…” Dusknoir clenches his fists tightly; his brow furrowing.
…The mere thought of confronting those two again- No no no no no. He- he should have disappeared. Death would’ve been a mercy. He can’t face them- not again. Looking at the same two children he tried to slaughter with his bare hands mere hours ago face-to-face..? Dusknoir’s fists tremble as his terror consumes him. What would they say..? Let alone think..? They’d run at the mere sight of him. He…
He doesn’t want to scare them.
He doesn’t want to hurt them.
…Now he has something else to be afraid of.
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asimplearchivist · 3 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓝𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
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[𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽] [ 𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐃𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ] [ AO3 | SPOTIFY | PINTEREST ] summary ✨ ⤏ eliana gets a special case of whiplash. the future isn't what she remembered. pairing(s) ✨ [tba] word count ✨ 3.6k a/n ✨ [header credit] | [divider credit] ⤏ this is another filler chapter, and there might be a couple more while I slowly hedge eliana and dusknoir together without her throwing a tantrum. gotta take it slow, y'know? ✨ MASTERPOST ✨ ✨ PREVIOUS CHAPTER ⤎ ✨ ⤏ NEXT CHAPTER [TBA] ✨
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Eliana woke out of habit rather than by the sounds of Lu shifting in his bed or by the warm morning sunlight streaming in through the bluff’s gaping maw. The lack of windows in the guest room didn’t allow any indication of the time, and she couldn’t hear any of the local bird Pokémon from so far down, but her body was accustomed to rising with Lu (since he was, unfortunately for her night-Noctowl tendencies an early-bird). She cracked her eyes open to look for him, frowning. When her groggy mind processed the cozy burrow, she remembered that she was by herself.
That’s right. She was in the future. Her true home, she supposed idly, stretching her limbs and arching her crackling spine with a gaping yawn. How could she have forgotten?
Her eyelids and legs felt unbearably heavy as she padded silently across the mat to drink from the basin in hopes it would rouse herself better. The fire in the hearth had burned down to coals at some point during the night, so the air was a bit chilly. It was almost unbearably quiet, save the trickle of the water and the rasp of her own breathing.
Eliana sat back on her haunches to wash her face. Although she never would’ve imagined it as a human, grooming was unexplainably soothing. She’d found the concept alien, at first, even without her memories, upon first being transformed into an Eevee. Lu had long-sufferingly shown her the highlights since she hadn’t been born with the innate knowledge of how to keep herself clean—because they lived on the coast and traveled almost every day, they often had sand or dust work its way into their pelts. It became a nightly routine soon after they became apprentices, and Lu often helped her—once she had gotten the hang of it, she’d returned the favor. It was a comfort she couldn’t describe, having him close and knowing she was safest even when he fussed at her for fidgeting.
She missed showering, sure, even if she could visit the hot springs outside of Treasure Town—and she still thought it a bit strange to have someone else tongue-bathe her (and Lu would likely remain the only person whom she would allow to perform such a personal, if slightly embarrassing, task upon her)…but, in some ways, maintaining her pelt was far easier than having to futz around with soaps or the plethora of products that had comprised her hair and skin care regimine—a lot cheaper, too.
Once finished, a cursory glance at her reflection in the glassy surface of the basin showed that she’d managed to smooth down her fur to look halfway presentable. The leafs adorning her forehead and framing the ends of her ears had wilted just slightly during the night, which wasn’t unusual. Perhaps not even having ambient moonlight available to photosynthesize made it a tad worse, but it wasn’t anything that wouldn’t rectify itself after a bit of time outside.
Eliana left her things where Lu had placed them, uncertain of whether she’d need them. The Treasure Bag was ill-suited for her to carry, regardless, since Lu usually had with his better stature. She nudged the door open and picked her way through the narrow corridor, brushing past the vines that grew from the eeks of sunlight that spilled in from the grate at the Guild’s entrance. She passed the open doorway that led to the Guild’s library and paused, peering into its darkened depths. Even without the sconces lit, she knew where the bookshelves were, as well as the massive table against the wall that served as a desk.
“…You needn’t stay so late for my sake, you know. I am more predisposed to remain awake during the night than you are.”
“Yeah, but then who would keep you company? Lu certainly can’t handle being up past his bedtime, but I have a hard time falling asleep most of the time. He says I’m allergic to it.”
A low chuckle, resounding like distant thunder. A glowing glance towards the slumbering pup curled up in the crook of a bulky, cradling arm. “Certainly…but he is working hard, just as you are. I greatly appreciate your assistance. Your attention to detail makes seeking out answers regarding the Time Gears’ potential locations far easier than it would be if I were researching alone.” A pause. “And…your company makes the process far less tedious.”
“I’m glad that my excessive ramblings can be of service.”
“I dislike working in silence, anyway—I find that I prefer companionship over solitude. But it is refreshing to hear knowledge over that which I am unfamiliar, so, please…do not stop on account of anyone in the past telling you to refrain from it.”
“So my musings on the hypothetical reasons for the utilization of Unown runes as apposed to Footprint runes in the texts weren’t boring you?”
“Quite the opposite, actually—I was enthralled.”
“Would you like for me to continue?”
“Please do.”
Eliana’s tail lashed sharply against the side of the wall, accidentally slicing one of the leaves off of the vine and sending it fluttering to the ground. The fur lining her spine rose as she went stiff, lowering her head with a scoff and shook it sharply to dislodge the lingering, insistent memory (even if it still brought undeniable senses of comfort, affection, and assuredness from stolen moments before everything fell apart, despite her best efforts to suppress any recollections from that time—and no, the irony did not escape her). 
She climbed up the steep incline to the next floor up, ears perking forward as the familiar sound of the daily address filtered in through the mouth of the tunnel.
“…One! Don’t shirk work! Two! Run away and pay! Three! Smiles go for miles!”
“Okay, Pokémon! Get to work!”
“Hold on for a moment, everyone—there’s one more matter I’d like to discuss before the lot of you get started for the day.”
The crowd of curious eyes rounded as Lu spoke up from behind Chatot. The music note Pokémon hopped aside with an enthusiastic flutter of his wings to allow him to stand before them directly.
“As I’m certain you’ve all overheard from the commotion yesterday,” Lu began, glancing towards the warren from which Eliana had tentatively emerged, “we have a very special visitor who will be staying with us until further notice. I want each one of you to treat her with as much respect and charity as you would myself or anyone else in the Guild, seeing as she’s a graduate herself—as well as my old exploration team leader.”
A soft gasp preluded the swell of interested murmurs, and Eliana’s fur prickled as their collective gaze locked onto her. At Lu’s beckoning, she apprehensively picked her way across the scuffed floor and stood, reticent, at his side.
“Eliana is one of our brightest pupils—as well as a remarkably successful graduate—just like the Guildmaster, and she’s spread the pride of the Guild’s name far and wide!” Chatot boasted, plumage fluffing out along his chest as he rocked from side to side.
“Please,” she said, ears twisting back, “I consider myself adequate at best. I just try to complete my job to the best of my ability.”
Lu cleared his throat to smother a knowing chuckle. “Nevertheless, the stories of your accomplishments precede you, so please forgive their enthusiasm. These are all of our apprentices: Kirlia and Togetic of Team Serenity, Magby and Elekid of Team Spark, Vibrava and Shelgon of Team Freefall, and Eevee and Shinx of Team Hailstorm.”
Her eyes passed over the group with intrigue, lingering on her near kinsman in the same spot where she used to stand behind Lu every morning—except that the younger girl was a shiny Pokémon, which greatly surprised Eliana because she couldn’t recall ever seeing any before. All of their eyes were shining with varying degrees of awe or fascination.
“It’s a pleasure to meet all of you,” Eliana offered, flashing her teeth in a smile. “You seem like very pleasant Pokémon to be around, and promising explorers to boot with all that boundless energy. Make sure to always work really hard, and you’ll accomplish anything you set your minds to.”
“Can we get your autograph?” Magby piped up.
Elekid nodded enthusiastically. “I wasn’t expecting you to look so much younger than the Guildmaster.”
“Oh, don’t be a nuisance, boys!” Chatot scolded, feathers ruffling. “How embarrassing!”
“It’s not every day that we get to meet a world-famous explorer, though,” murmured Shelgon bashfully, tucking her face further within her carapace. Vibrava rested atop her back, patting her shell with his feet reassuringly.
“A real-life celebrity!” breathed Kirlia, her hands clasped together as her eyes sparkled. “And it’s the great Eliana, to boot! I never would have thought I’d get to see one up close!”
Eliana cast a wry smile towards Chatot, even while her stomach sank as inexplicable discomfort—a sort of deja vu thankfully unrelated to the Dimensional Scream—coiled cold and curdled there. “I don’t mind at all. I don’t think I’ve done anything noteworthy to garner that much attention, but…if anyone wants advice, I can try my best to be helpful.”
“Guildmaster Lucario said that you’re just as knowledgeable as Mister Dusknoir from Team Sunrise, and that you all worked together before!” remarked Eevee, her tail wagging fiercely with the effort it took to remain still. “Is that true?”
“…Oh.” Eliana glanced at Lu, watching his expression tighten with an apology plainly written in his eyes. “I…don’t know if I would say that, but…I have studied for quite some time. And I am…familiar with him, yes, but…I, uh…I know Grovyle far better.”
“I’ve heard a lot of stories about you all saving the world,” added Shinx excitedly, “can you tell us what it was like? Did you two really fight Dialga all by yourselves as first-forms?”
“And did Mister Grovyle and Mister Dusknoir really used to hate each other?” inquired Togetic. “They get along so well, even if they bicker a whole lot!”
“Miss Celebi told me once that you were the one that decided to fix the planet’s paralysis—how did you know that there was something wrong to start with if it was all you’d ever known?” pointed out Vibrava, evidently trying to be respectful despite the somewhat invasive nature of his question.
Eliana swallowed roughly, her skin prickling beneath her fur as she fought the sudden urge to flee. She hadn’t exactly anticipated getting interrogated by a bunch of children, even if they only meant well. (It didn’t help that she realized, in that moment, why she was feeling deja vu so strongly.)
“I don’t even know how you lot know half of those things,” Lu spoke up, projecting his voice over their cacophony and effectively silencing them, “but any questions regarding our career can be directed towards me. If you want general advice, I am certain that Eliana would be more than happy to entertain you. Please respect her decision if she elects not to answer any personal questions you may have for her, however—is that understood?”
“Yes, sir!” they chorused. Most of them had the decency to appear contrite for letting their curiosity get the better of them.
“Good. Now—” Lu gave them a shooing gesture. “—get to work!”
Eliana shrank back into Lu’s flank as Chatot flapped his wings at them to get their attention so he could divvy out their duties for the day. Lu placed a paw between her shoulder blades and stepped back out of earshot, closer to the door of his office.
“I am sorry, El,” he murmured, frowning. “I didn’t have enough time to warn them before you arrived. I didn’t mean for them to overwhelm you—they’re a little blunt at times and I may have shared some stories about you in the past.”
Eliana sat and patted his hip. “It’s alright, Lu. I’m just not used to being…looked up to like that, I guess. Or being considered old.” She tilted her head with a small smirk in an attempt to disguise her lingering discomfort—even if he could see right through her, she could at least pretend for her own sake. “Am I really that famous?”
Lu gave her a flat look. “Never mind the fact that you played a key hand in shaping their world as they know it, hmm?”
“I may have dabbled in it, sure.” She glanced towards the group as Chatot dismissed them and they all filed for the stairwell, chattering amongst themselves all the while. “They seem like good kids.”
“Some of the best. I’m rather fond of them.” He chuckled. “They remind me of the good old days.”
“What exactly do they know about…you know,” Eliana queried, looking back up to him. “They seem to hold…Team Sunrise in high regard.”
“The three of them arrived before most of them were old enough to conduct their own business, and they moved into town once they established themselves as an exploration team. I offered them the bluff to stay in since I had moved back into the Guild—for good, this time—and hated to see the space go to waste. The children grew up around them. And, since those three don’t seem to know how to rest, they’ve done something for most of them personally by now. They’ve gotten quite popular with the rest of the townspeople.” Lu hesitated, then folded his arms over his chest as his mouth pursed. “Particularly Dusknoir.”
Eliana gritted her teeth, but tried to speak clearly so that she might sound halfway sincere. She wasn’t certain how she felt about Lu forfeiting the home that they’d made their own for so many years, but…c’est la vie, she supposed. At least it gave Grovyle and Celebi somewhere to shield their heads. “Why is that?”
Lu’s brow rose and she knew that he’d picked up on that, too. “He’s developed a soft spot for children, and he nurtures them when he can—even if it’s just in passing since he keeps himself so busy. I think he and the others have even ended up babysitting a couple of times when the kids’ parents have been in dire straits. He’s a menace when it comes to giving them candy while their parents aren’t looking—or so I’ve heard.”
Eliana frowned. “Does no one remember…?”
“Those that were around during that time do, of course, but many of them have retired and traveled elsewhere or have experienced Dusknoir’s change of heart firsthand and have allowed bygones to be bygones since his past actions didn’t particularly have a direct impact on them.” Upon Eliana’s grunt of disbelief, Lu huffed wryly. “I know. The planet’s paralysis would have effected everyone, but…they didn’t fully realize that since they didn’t see it like we did. He’s redeemed himself in everyone’s eyes by now—and it certainly helps that most of them only know the new him. He’s respected, and I’d venture to say that it’s well-earned.”
“That’s…good,” she offered lamely. She’d have to see it to believe it—and, even then, she suspected that it would be extremely difficult to accept it still. “Good for him.”
Lu studied her for a moment in that unsettlingly soul-searching way that never failed to make Eliana fidget. He was an open book to her, certainly, and couldn’t lie to save his life—but that was a two-way street when he could literally read her emotions (in color).
“Let me show you around town,” he said finally, carefully neutral in his invitation. “I’m sure you’d like to see how everything’s changed.”
Eliana let out a tight breath and tried to give him a smile. “Lead the way, Guildmaster.”
Fortunately, the fame-induced kerfuffle for the day seemed to have been done, as no one bothered either of them while Lu gave her a tour of the ever-growing Treasure Town. 
More tents dotted the available spaces, crowded amongst the biggest trees for shelter against the capricious whims of coastal weather. Like she had already seen, Toxicroak and Chimecho had moved their businesses to the corners adjacent to the steppe that led up to the Guild. Lu told her that Spinda had expanded the café to accommodate the increased clientele, and the traveling bazaar had set up permanent shops within it, as well. Some of the familiar faces around town had changed—gotten older, evolved, gotten jobs or joined teams or made their own—and it was the slowest sort of whiplash she’d ever experienced.
The Keckleon brothers had moved elsewhere, so they’d placed their twin nieces there instead. Kangaskhan’s child was significantly older; Xatu had an apprentice, Natu, who would replace him; Marowak had his son Cubone helping out with the Dojo; the Elekid who was Lu’s apprentice was Electivire’s grandson; Chansey had evolved into Blissey and had a Happiny assistant, and Duskull had evolved into Dusclops.
…That was a bit of a readjustment. The teller had greeted her as warmly and as ominously as ever, but the sight of his hands had put Eliana a bit on edge. Despite his pleasure in informing her that her account had accrued quite a bit of interest in her absence, she’d only been able to offer him a thin smile and quiet thanks in return.
Lu stayed close, keeping his voice low. They didn’t move past the town square, and even though she actively tried to avoid the thought while they conversed with some passers by, she glanced along the path that led towards the bluff.
“They’ll likely be gone for a day or two,” Lu told her as the Ursaring couple bade them good day and moved on with a giggling Teddiursa in tow between them. “They told me they’re going north of Amp Plains to the ravines there. The terrain will slow their progress.”
Eliana frowned. Dusknoir would have no trouble, given his inborn ability to levitate, plus Celebi’s ability to fly (although she would have to rest at some point) would help her, but Grovyle wasn’t necessarily built for that. He could climb trees all day long, sure, but mountains? He’d surely get tired, and quickly at that.
“They’ll be fine,” Lu told her, no doubt sensing her worry. “They’re professionals at this by now, and they work well together…when they don’t bicker, anyway, but I think that’s mostly for show. Or maybe Celebi finds it funny, so she starts arguments to sit back and watch. I haven’t really figured that out yet.” Lu placed a palm between her shoulder blades and turns to guide her back towards the Guild. “They’re a tight-knit team, and they’ve never come back empty-handed. You don’t have to fret about them.”
“That’s…good to know,” Eliana responded quietly, following his lead. Her tail and ears drooped slightly in spite of herself. “I’m…glad they’re so proficient at this.”
“You ought to be proud of them.” Lu flashed her a grin—or at least his closest approximation to one, since he’d never seen one. It was always a little too toothy, but Eliana found it sweet and arguably more sincere than the carefully maintained smiles others used. “I know I am. They stay just as busy as we used to.”
Used to. You don’t have to fret over them. Eliana swallowed and tried to return the gesture, as superfluous as it was. “Is there anything I can help you with back at the Guild?”
Lu blinked, expression tightening at her change in tone, but he dropped the subject. “Quite a bit, actually. Those kids keep Chatot and me on our toes all the time, so some of the general maintenance slips away from us. Let’s eat some lunch and I’ll go over it in more detail.”
The list contained mostly monotonous work. The tunnel needed to be weeded (to which she could attest). Although the stands for Chimecho and Toxicroak’s businesses had been taken down and replaced with furniture, they needed to order some rugs from Keckleons’ to keep the dust down. The library’s collection needed to be recategorised.
“I know it all seems a bit silly, and I hate to ask you to do things so tedious,” Lu began, rubbing the back of his neck while his claws worried the skin of a pecha berry in his free paw, “but I don’t really have anyone else I can ask since the graduates are generally preoccupied with their own jobs—”
“Lu, it’s fine,” Eliana told him gently, digging through the basket to find a pinap—her favorite, after Spinda had introduced her to their tangy, sweet flavor in a smoothie once shortly after their expedition. “You know I enjoy mindless chores. It gets my brain to stop running all the time. Gives me the chance to catch back up.”
He relaxed, watched her for a long moment, then let out a soft chuckle and shook his had. “I do know. It’s still just…a readjustment. I sure could’ve used your help through all of this, but…I’m sure glad to have you back now.” He smiled again, ears twisting back. “I hope you slept all right.”
She hadn’t, but that wouldn’t change anything. “Yeah. The bed was very comfortable.”
“Good. I had some down added in so you might be a little warmer down there.” Lu leaned back where he sat, finally biting into the weeping berry. “I have some things I need to do after this, so are you okay for me to leave for a while?”
“Yeah.” Eliana bit the inside of her cheek as she failed to find a pinap in the heap. She settled for a sitrus; it wasn’t quite the same, but it would do. “I’ll be fine holding down the fort.”
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billycorn · 8 days
Patchwork: Chapter 5 - Waltzing
An Explorers of Sky au following the Hero is Darkrai theory, but after the events at Temporal Tower Darkrai returns to Treasure Town in an effort to prevent his inevitable corruption. Read Previous Chapter Here!
Here comes the boi~
Jasper was running again. Across endless plains, flowing grasses grabbing at his feet, trying to catch him. Sun bearing down, its heat coursing through his veins. The ground was uneven, and Jasper's feet kept slipping. It was like everything was trying to bring him to a crashing halt, all for the lion which chased him. Yet, even as he fell, Jasper knew the beast wouldn't catch him; not tonight.
Jolting awake, Jasper's eyes snapped open. They were at the Shaymin village. By the time they descended the mountain yesterday, night was falling, and they were exhausted. Thankfully, the Shaymin had several huts set apart for visitors. It was plain, but it had beds, four walls and a roof. Sometimes, that's all you can ask for.
A strange noise reached Jasper's ears. His brows furrowed and he scanned the room carefully. Buia was sound asleep in a bed beside him, curled backwards on herself. How she slept like that, Jasper would never know.
The noise came again, a pained groaning from across the room. It was coming from Patch. Seems like Jasper wasn't the only one fighting nightmares. The Darkrai was tossing about, hands clenched. Patch grunted and muttered in his sleep. Jasper managed to pick out a few words.
"Back. Come back."
Jasper walked from the hut, leaving Patch to his nightmares.
Outside, the morning sun was shimmering on the horizon. It was pink and orange and gold, pouring out across the land. The grass underfoot was wet with dew and a morning mist hung in the air.
Jasper stretched his tired muscles, aching all over. He watched the sunrise. By now, he'd seen it countless times, but it always made his heart lurch. Something deep in him worried that one day it just wouldn’t come back. Perhaps his lost memories of the dark future still pulled at him.
Lost in thought, Jasper didn't notice Patch floating beside him. The Darkrai was eerily silent, and he offered no greetings. Together, they watched the sunrise.
Eventually, Buia woke and joined them noisily, like a brick smashing through glass. Though, Jasper wasn't thrown off. He smiled at the sight of his partner. Patch couldn't help but wonder at the fondness between the pair. That they were so close is a good thing, right?
After a hearty breakfast, the trio said their goodbyes to the village and returned to Treasure Town. The flight back was much more relaxed. Thankfully, Jasper drifted on the winds, Buia hanging from his talons, instead of racing away. Patch flew alongside them, chatting with Buia.
As the sun reached its zenith, Treasure Town came into view, and they descended upon their home. They landed by the crossroad and Buia stretched noisily.
"Dang, that was a long flight!"
"You're telling me," grumbled Jasper, flexing his cramping talons.
Patch smoothed down the scarf on his arm; it had nearly blown away once or twice on the flight. "So, what now?"
Buia headed for town. "I wanna swing by home, real quick. After, maybe we can take a job nearby?"
Treasure Town was lively that day. Everyone was out and about, enjoying the beautiful weather. They had hardly a care in the world. Clearly, they were unaware of just who had returned to town that morning.
Passing down the main street, Buia called greetings and waved to several friends, but as they left town and came to Sharpedo Bluff, her enthusiasm fell. There, standing by the edge of the cliff, arms folded and staring out over the sea, was Dusknoir. His back was wide open.
Buia charged, yelling and leaping. Dusknoir turned, a curious expression on his face. Buia's feet slammed into his gut, pushing him off the cliff and... nothing happened.
Dusknoir clutched at his stomach, groaning. He hovered in the open air.
Buia glared. "You were supposed to fall."
Sucking in air, Dusknoir pulled himself upright and moved back onto land. "Sorry to disappoint. Did Celebi and Forrest not explain my change of heart?""
Buia crossed her arms. "They did. I still wanna beat you up, though."
"Understandable. Perhaps we could spar sometime?"
"I'm free this afternoon."
Dusknoir nodded. "Jasper, what of you? Do you also wish to, how do the kids say, throw hands?"
Jasper was frozen. The words were caught in his throat, and when he forced them out, they were too weak to hear. "N-no," he repeated, firmer this time.
Dusknoir nodded. "Then, I shall make amends a different way. Also, regardless of your team's feelings for me, I must thank you for looking after my son."
Buia's jaw dropped. "Huh?"
Dusknoir spread his arms wide. "Patch, my boy, it is good to see you again."
At this moment, Buia went ballistic. She screamed words I am unable to repeat here. So, just use your imagination. If you learned you'd taken in the son of your arch enemy, how would you feel?
Of course, Buia didn't yet know, the son of her arch enemy had been around much longer than Patch had. Patch and Jasper being the same person means Jasper is Dusknoir’s son, whether he remembers it or not. Dusknoir had sworn the others to secrecy, at least until Dusknoir could talk to Patch.
A human boy brought to the Pokemon world. After an incident turned him into Darkrai, he caused the planet's paralysis and forced Dusknoir to act upon the primal instinct to survive. Not knowing this, a younger version of Patch, that is, Jasper, met Forrest and Celebi, and set out to restore the future. Thereby resulting in the story, you know and love.
Since being thwarted by his past self, Patch had taken a new name and come to Treasure Town. He was determined to prevent Jasper's inevitable corruption, and transformation into Darkrai. If Patch failed, it may begin a cycle of planetary paralysis, and pain, that would never end.
Patch had screwed up the first time around. He wouldn't let Jasper make the same mistakes. Then, when all this was done, Celebi would destroy Patch, and things would be as they should. This explanation may seem redundant, but hey, you’re not the narrator, so back off!
Patch stood deathly still, staring at his surrogate father. "How did you find me?"
Dusknoir folded his hands. "A mutual friend."
Celebi. That snitch! When Patch got his hands on her, he would-
"Wait, wait, wait!" Buia yelled, waving her paws wildly. "Time out! Patch is your son?"
Dusknoir nodded.
"Then, everything you did was because you didn't want Patch to disappear?"
Dusknoir stared directly at Patch and nodded again. It wasn't the truth, but it made Dusknoir feel better to believe it.
Buia's arms fell, and she moved to stand beside Jasper, leaning against him. "I guess... I can understand that."
Dusknoir smiled weakly at Buia. "I am truly sorry for everything."
Jasper's feathers stood on end, and he stalked towards the old ghost. "For everything? For deceiving us? For trying to kill us? FOR PRETENDING TO CARE?!"
Something stabbed at Jasper's heart, and he couldn't keep the disgust from his face. His memories robbed from him; Jasper didn't know that Dusknoir was once his beloved father. Didn't know the ghost had been robbed of free will. Didn't know that Dusknoir really did care.
"Get lost. Take your apologies with you." Jasper made for the stairs, disappearing inside the bluff.
Tears sprung to Buia's eyes. She glanced at Patch and Dusknoir, scoffing. "You two should go. I'll come find you later.” Buia raced after her partner.
Inside the bluff, Jasper was pacing, his eyes narrowed dangerously. He muttered under his breath. Buia's heart broke at the sight. In all their time together, she had never seen him like this. "Jay?"
"He really thinks he can come waltzing back? Like nothing happened! I don't care how good his reasons were! If he wants to be happy, he can do it away from us."
He threw his wings in the air. "He came back for Patch, right? Not us? Good! They can both leave and things can go back to how they were!"
Buia knelt in front of Jasper, holding his wings gently. "Hey, hey, look at me. It's okay. We're okay. He's not gonna hurt us again."
Jasper trembled, tears stinging his eyes. "S-sorry. I'm sorry." Breaking free of her grip, he turned away, wiping at his eyes. "Sorry. Just, give me a moment." He coughed to clear his throat, but it couldn't hide his broken sobs.
Buia didn't know what to do. Not in the Dark Future. Not against Primal Dialga: Buia had never seen Jasper like this. She reached for him, but when her paw landed on his back, Jasper flinched away. She sat, helplessly watching her partner cry, while he pretended she wasn't there.
Meanwhile, Patch and Dusknoir had cut across the waves, drifting over to the beach. Patch grabbed a stick and drew idly in the sand.
"So, have you been well?"
Patch quirked a brow. "Really? That's where you want to start?"
Sighing, Dusknoir dropped slowly, to rest upon the sand. "What would you like me to say?"
Patch shrugged and dropped his stick. "I don't know." Moving to sit beside his dad, Patch stared out at the horizon. "Celebi said you were looking for me in the future. What were you gonna say if you found me there?"
"I'm sorry."
Patch's head whipped around to stare at Dusknoir in disbelief. "What?"
"I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. That you're still my son. And I love you."
Patch's gaze returned to the horizon. "My dad is dead."
Dusknoir nodded. "That may be so, but you are my son."
"Jasper is your son."
"Are you not Jasper?"
"No. Not anymore."
Standing, Dusknoir rubbed at his chin and floated in a slow circle around the Darkrai. "Strange. You look like Jasper."
"I'm literally a different species."
"You sound like my boy. Talk like him, too. Are you sure you're not my son?"
Patch nearly snapped a response, but Dusknoir interrupted. "Don't answer yet! Take some time to think it over. Then, let me know. In the meantime, could I ask for a hug?"
Patch's voice caught in his throat, so he pushed himself to his feet and wrapped his arms around Dusknoir's shoulders. Dusknoir laughed and held him tight.
The Dusknoir from Patch's time was long gone. This Dusknoir hadn't even recognised Patch when he first appeared. Yet, Patch knew these arms. This embrace; soft, strong, safe. Yes, Patch had forgotten after so long, but he knew these arms, knew this feeling. Patch's breath rattled in his chest and he tightened his grip.
Dusknoir smiled. "I've missed you terribly."
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asterbats · 1 year
Don't Ever Forget
Hero and Partner week 2023 day 6: Farewell / Alone / Return
@heropartnerweek + AO3 Link
Rin and Nimbus have finally done it. They climbed Temporal Tower, brought Primal Dialga back from insanity, and saved the world from becoming trapped in time- and now they can finally go home and reunite with their friends. But on the path to the Rainbow Stoneship, Rin can barely keep up with Nimbus. She knows what's coming- only one of them will live to tell this story after all. But how can she say farewell to the most important pokemon in her life...?
The air was thick with dust and tension as Team Wispstar limped down the path to the Rainbow Stoneship.
Rin staggered behind Nimbus, trying not to fall behind. It shouldn’t have been so hard, what with the shinx also limping from her wounds, wearily looking around almost as if they were in a daze. But Rin’s entire body felt like it had been held down with stones. She struggled to lift her paws in the air, her tails dragged behind her, and her eyelids and lips practically sagged to the bottom of her chin. Her breath came out in haggard sighs, like her lungs were rejecting the air itself. 
But nothing felt heavier than the pit in her stomach. 
Rin had only been given less than a day to process her fate after Dusknoir had thrown it in her face back at the Old Ruins, and in that time, they had hyper focused on their mission to save the world. 
It was all she could do to not betray her values and give into her fear of death. It was all she could do to keep going, to keep climbing Temporal Tower even as it collapsed around her, even as the shock waves threw her off her feet and the dungeon pokemon pounced on her every weakness, even as she looked in the eyes of Primal Dialga as he charged up his roar of time.
But now, it was all over with. And her fate was all she had left to conquer. 
And Nimbus didn’t know a thing.
“Rin? What’s the matter?” Nimbus had looked behind her to see the vulpix a good way behind her, and stopped so she could catch up. Rin gazed blankly at her, her words stuck in her mouth as she dragged herself to her partner.
“It’s okay,” Nimbus rested her chin on Rin’s head, bringing some life back to Rin’s chest. “We’re almost at the rainbow stoneship. We can check the Hidden Land for supplies and take a rest.” She paused. “Gods know we need it,” she weakly chuckled. 
Rin didn’t respond, but she didn’t have to. She never talked if she could help it, and Nimbus knew that. The two were content with sitting in silence. Rin barely registered that they had both sat down and pressed their sides against each other. Rin almost felt tempted to let her heavy eyelids rest and fall asleep, cozy next to her best friend. Even though they were both battered, both perched right by the nearly destroyed Temporal Tower along a broken path, Rin felt safe listening to Nimbus’s heartbeat.
The moment was broken by a sharp tremor that overtook the path. Nimbus leapt up and hissed, bushing out her fur reflexively. Rin grit her teeth and hugged the ground, too weak to stand.
The tremor died down. The two pokemon were still except for their wide eyes looking wildly around the path. It was intact, though the dust made it even more difficult for Rin to breathe. 
Nimbus let out a haggard sigh. “... I guess things aren’t back to normal yet, huh.” She mewed it in a joking tone as if to lighten the mood, but her voice was shaky and weak, like she knew it wasn’t going to work. Rin gave her a weak smile anyways.
“We should… keep going. The sooner we get off this path, the better,” Nimbus mewed, holding out a paw for Rin to grab. Rin nodded, reaching for the paw.
And as they touched, a small yellow ball of light began to dance around Rin’s wrist.
Rin and Nimbus both startled at the light- Nimbus in shock, almost in curious awe as she watched the light float down Rin’s arm- and Rin in horror.
This light… She couldn’t take her eyes off of it. She couldn’t say how, or why… but something in her knew that this was it. Her body grew even heavier, unable to move. A storm was blowing in her mind, but somehow, she also felt like she was at ease… like a reluctant acceptance. 
Her time with Nimbus was about to end. 
“Rin…?” Nimbus whispered, eyes growing wide as more lights began to flow around her partner. “What is it? What’s happening to you…?”
Rin looked into Nimbus’s eyes, tired beyond belief. It took everything in her to sit on her hind legs.
“Nimbus…” her voice came out as a gasp, barely audible. Nimbus leaned in to hear her more clearly. “I’m sorry. I should have told you this long ago. I… have to say goodbye to you now, Nimbus.”
“What…?” Nimbus stepped back, her ears pinned back. “Goodbye? What are you saying?” Her voice cracked and she tilted her head. 
“Dusknoir told me,” Rin croaked. “If we changed the future… everyone from the future will disappear, because we would never have come to be in this time. So now… I can’t exist here anymore. Not like this.”
Nimbus stared, confused and scared. She looked so small now, a far cry from the brave hero who put the time gears back in place. It hurt to see. “I… I don’t understand… Wh-Why…?”
“I’m sorry,” Rin whispered. “This was a long time coming… this was always going to happen, even if I forgot. I couldn’t go back. Not after everything we’ve been through.”
“But… that’s… but it’s not fair!” Nimbus cried, throwing herself onto Rin’s chest and embracing her. Rin nearly fell over at the shock as the shinx began to cry into her shoulder.
“You… you and Grovyle… you came here to save us! You came here to give us a better life! You’ve helped so many pokemon, you’ve helped me! You risked your life to save a bunch of Pokemon you didn’t even know so we could all survive and live in a beautiful world- and this is what you get for it?!”
Nimbus sobbed into her fur, soaking the vulpix’s shoulder. Rin stood still, her breath caught in her throat. She never knew the right words to help, especially not now on her deathbed. There was so much to say and no good way to say it- but it broke her to see Nimbus this shattered. To see her in such pain caused by her actions.
“It’s okay,” she whispered. It wasn’t. But it had to be. “I… I want to thank you, Nimbus. For everything. Even after this… I’ll never forget what you did for me.”
“What I did?” Nimbus gasped, lifting herself from Rin’s shoulder. “I… I was only able to get this far because of you! It’s only because of you that I was able to get this strong!” Her voice wavered. “Don’t you understand…? You saved me, Rin… I’m… If you go… I don’t think I can… I don’t think I can even…” She was shaking. Her voice softened to a whisper as she looked away. “I can’t survive without you… you make me strong, and without you, I can’t even… What was the point of saving the world… if you aren’t going to live in it with me…?”
“No,” Rin finally managed to raise her voice. Nimbus stopped shaking and met Rin’s eye again, her eyes overflowing with tears. “Nimbus, you are strong. It’s because of you we were both able to make it here. And you have to take that strength and get back home. You have to make it back, and tell everyone what happened here… so that nothing like this ever happens again.”
As she spoke, the light grew brighter. Rin gasped as she lost feeling in her tails and paws. Time was almost up.
“Rin!” Nimbus cried, throwing herself into Rin’s chest. “Please… don’t… don’t go… I need you, Rin… Please…”
Rin put her arms around Nimbus’s shaking form, holding her closer. The shinx returned the embrace, holding Rin for dear life. 
“Thank you, Nimbus… Thank you for everything.” Before Rin knew, the words spilled out of her. “I’m glad we got to train together, and travel together, despite everything, I’m glad you were always there with me. I’m so… so happy I got to know you, Nimbus.” 
Her voice wavered, and her eyes began to well up. Her throat swelled, making it even harder to speak. I… When was the last time I cried… Did I ever…? It took everything to hold back her sobs, to be Nimbus’s rock one last time. 
“I’m so… so lucky you were the one to find me that day. I’m so… happy that you’re here…” She pressed her face on top of Nimbus’s head.”
I don’t want to go. She thought. I want to live in this beautiful, colorful, alive world with Nimbus. I want to keep exploring with her until the end of time. I want to wake up in the morning by her side and rest in the night listening to her heartbeat. 
“I love you, Nimbus,” she finally broke. “I love you, so, so much, that it hurts.”
Nimbus startled, lifting her head away, still holding onto Rin for life. She stared into her eyes as if she couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Rin’s heart fluttered as she realized what she had just done. Just one more thing she had put off until the end.
But looking at Nimbus’s face, she knew. Nimbus’s lip quivered, on the verge of another sob. “Rin… Rin, Rin, Rin… I… I-”
The light became blinding. The two gasped, clinging onto one another for dear life. Rin realized she couldn’t even see Nimbus anymore- all that was left was the light.
Time was up.
“I’m sorry, Nimbus! Even after I disappear, I’ll never forget you!” she called. 
And as she lost all feeling in her body, as she lost the ability to touch, to hear, to smell, to see… she just barely felt Nimbus lose her grip, screaming her name into empty air.
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More Gay Grass Lizard Propaganda!
Unlike a lot of time travelers on this list, Grovyle didn't go back in time to save himself. Grovyle went back in time with his partner knowing full well that their actions would erase themselves from the time stream entirely. Upon being sent back in time, the time portal was messed up and he was separated from his partner. Despite all this he still set out on his mission to change the future, even after his partner (now with amnesia) is tricked by his rival into fighting him. This lizard wanted to punch god so bad he was willing to sacrifice his entire existence to do so. He could have bowed down like his rival, Dusknoir, but instead he kept fighting through everything knowing full well he'd never get to see the better future he was creating. He even eventually managed to talk his own rival into joining him.
Despite several gods across several timelines trying to stop him, Grovyle pushed through until the end. Sacrificing himself so that his partner could land the final blow.
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So vote for this lizard, because he is not just a lizard. He is the only video game character to successfully make me cry at his self sacrifice. He knew very little but pain, even being forced to watch his partner become partners with someone else and hunt him down. And despite all that he never gave up fighting for a future he knew had to be better than his.
Everything ends eventually. Even if history is not changed... Even if the world of darkness continues in its current state... Eventually the day will come when I won't be here anymore. Since that's the case, the timing of it doesn't matter. The important thing is not how long you live... It's what you accomplish with your life.
While I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important... That would definitely carry on into the future. No... Not just into the future. In <Hero>'s and <Partner>'s future too... My spirit has become part of them, I believe. In them, my spirit is alive. And that spirit could be passed along to others. And so, if I were to disappear...I think all that I have accomplished will go on. That is... That would mean...that it's living, right?
Yeah ok I’ll admit that sounds cool
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Blur / Blight : Yancy and Curtis
Full name is Yancy Rosewood, stagename is Nancy. In the past, she, along with Anthea, were the half of The Eyes, particularly the one that represented love; Venus.
Her team is Togetic, Pikachu, Chimecho, Budew, and Munchlax. Post-BW2, she gets a Mawile that can Mega Evolve. Her ace is Togetic, later Togekiss.
Was a member of Team Plasma; though she wasn't necessarily raised within the walls of the castle, she did grow up learning to never speak of the castle, The Order of The Heart, or anything- she knew this made her far from being a normal girl.
Was a devout member of The Order of The Heart, even after the horrific display of Cheren's death after he was poisoned during the last supper.
Her parents abandoned her while making a run from the authorities, and she found herself at the doorstep of an orphanage in Anville Town; not too long after, both she and Curtis were taken in by Colress.
In BW2, she's an idol who's made a name for herself in only a year, and has went to many business trips and established many connections. Still, this serves as a front, and a way for Colress to establish as many eyes as possible; every person she interacts with, a part of Beheeyem is left with them.
Somewhat timid, but very passionate about her interests- and her beliefs. Since being a member of The Order of The Heart would warrant her arrest, she pretends that she's just a devout worshipper of the Dragon of Truth, Reshiram. Also a little sheltered- she's a bit hesitant to eat food that Nate and Hugh cook while camping, as she's used to living somewhat luxuriously, but she grows to adore camping.
Dislikes battling as she grew up with Team Plasma's ideology that battling is a painful experience for Pokemon, but obliges with keeping them in balls for the time being. This initially sets Hugh off that she was part of Team Plasma, so she tones down her stance on battling and Pokeballs as much as she can.
Has a half-sister, Mira, in Sinnoh.
Full name is Curtis Greenville, stagename is Christoph. In the past, he, along with Concordia, were the half of The Eyes, particularly the one that represented peace; Colombe.
His team is Dusclops, Poliwhirl, Rhydon, Scyther, and Porygon. Post-BW2, he gets a Sableye that can Mega Evolve. His ace is Dusclops, later Dusknoir.
Unlike Yancy, he considers himself to have an "average" childhood, if not for the fact he had lost his parents at a young age; he grew up in Anville Town's orphanage, and, being one of the older kids there, was used to looking out for those much younger than him, as well as helping grown-ups with their tasks and chores.
Doesn't believe in the dragons, or any of the Unovan myths, even if the folks at Anville Town try to instill their belief of the Forces of Nature on him. He is, however, intrigued by their existence.
Was the one that found Yancy lost in the forest not too far from Anville Town, and convinced those at the orphanage to take her in. As she was the only other kid around his age, they looked out for the others together, at least, until Colress drops by and takes both of them in.
In BW2, he's an idol who's made a name for herself in only a year, and has traveled around the world and gained so much knowledge as a result. Still, this serves as a front, and a way for Colress to establish as many eyes as possible; every person he interacts with, a part of Beheeyem is left with them.
Considered composed, yet earnest, as well as almost as serious as Colress. To blend in with others much easier, he pretends to have many traits and qualities, such as being a devout worshipper of the Dragon of Ideals, Zekrom. Self-reliant and independent as a result of his upbringing, and is used to looking out for others and acting as a big brother, which is his behavior towards Yancy, and later, Rosa, Nate, and Hugh.
Unlike Yancy, he's dreamed of becoming a trainer, and has watched battles in his free time at the orphanage; because of this, he, like the Aspertia Trio, is aware of celebrities such as Hilda Weiss and Hilbert Blackburn. Though he knows more about them as he lets on, as he believes Colress is specifically training him to be his successor- which is far from the truth, as Colress is only utilizing him as a tool.
A very distant cousin of Rika from Paldea.
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uncle-dusknoir · 1 year
Mild, serious and hardy for the ask game!
- @withoutatrace-pkmn
this took way longer to answer than i expected it to
mild - on a scale of 1 to 10, how patient are you?
uuuuh like a fucking. 2, maybe?? i am not patient. i don't think i am, anyway. not with other people, at least. with pokemon, usually (thyme and skorna do not count) but if i dont have to be patient i will not be
serious - what kinds of topics do you never joke around with?
questions i assume they ask in therapy #27493
i... don't... know? i joke about a lot of shit. if i don't joke about things i think i will go actually insane. i guess, like... i dunno, basic safety. don't get crushed inside of old collapsing ruins kids
hardy - what's a pretty tough situation that you and/or your pokemon managed to get out of?
... it's not too late, yet. i think i have enough time for a story.
this is when i was... eighteen, i think. at that point i had toothy and skorna, and Toothy was still a Linoone. this is very late in our traveling- right before everything happened and i moved back to Unova.
we were in sinnoh, funny enough. the last major city we were in was Eterna, but we had gone to the underground- so we could have been almost anywhere at that point. Thyme had heard rumors that there was some sort of ruins under the city, and as always, I was gonna go with him.
by giratina, we were exhausted. even back then when i was still in shape, it was just... though thyme never showed it. i hated it, sometimes, that stupid grin on his face. i guess that's the one good thing about him being a dusknoir, he can't grin-
that's. off topic.
We'd set up a little camp in a small cave we found; I thought it was something left from the stream of miners. It just looked like it had been torn from the side of the wall, as if something had reached into the earth and pulled it out like a child digging holes with their hands. it seemed safe enough, stable enough; and after all, barely any pokemon lived down there. we were fine.
we woke up to the sound of something rumbling, and for a minute, i thought that we had fallen asleep in an onix's mouth, because the cave looked like it was starting to close in. which is, you know, Not Fucking Great, considering at that time all we had was my linoone, thyme's banette who was asleep in her pokeball, and a shitty dead bird that lived in my brain; so i do, you know, the first thing i could think of, which is try and Stop The Cave In With My Bare Hands.
(my shoulders are still a little fucked up from that)
toothy, my son, suddenly DARTS past me like a bullet, and right before me and thyme are caved in, manages to escape. he's my son so my first thought, obviously, is 'well at least one of us is gonna survive' before i hear the sound of something getting its ass absolutely whooped, and then something really bright flashing through the rocks, and then the rocks shattering into god damn dust
little motherfucker whooped the ass of what i can only assumed to be someone's released Rampardos before Evolving and Brick Breaking us out of there!! the only thing im sad about is that i didnt get to see him actually evolve, but a small price to pay for Being Alive
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ur-typical-nerd · 1 year
Your ideal Pokemon team for the Devil if you wanted to do a Cuphead crossover with Pokemon?
I’ve thought about this for a while (even had an RP similar to this), and while I never gave the Devil a full team, I decided to give this a try. So here’s the Devil’s full team (along with a few alternates)!
(Note: I’m going to give the Devil a Legendary Pokemon for his team. While I don’t usually do this sort of thing, the Devil is a very powerful immortal being, possibly a god. Therefore, to me, giving him a Legendary makes sense)
Houndoom: A bit cliche, but dang if it doesn’t fit. The Hellhound theme and intimidating aura feels like something the Devil would go for. He probably uses it to keep the imps in line. I actually like to think that, if Pokémon were to live on Inkwell Isles, Houndoom would have some mythology relating to Inkwell Hell.
Impidimp: He already rules over a bunch of imps, why not have one as a Pokémon (plus it’s canonically a mischievous Pokémon)! I like to think that the Impidimp followed a bunch of imps that went up to the surface for something, and the Devil just Did Not Notice an extra until someone brought it to his attention. He’s definitely trying to evolve it into a Grimmsnarl.
Spiritomb:…I mean, it’s basically a collection of evil/mischievous spirits. That would be straight up the Devil’s alley. He probably thought it was a cool rock and brought it to Inkwell Hell, not realizing it was a Pokémon. When Spiritomb did come out, the Devil probably thought it was awesome (meanwhile, all of the imps are super confused on why a ghost just came out of that rock)
Dusknoir: Since it canonically ferries souls into the afterlife, I feel like the Devil would catch one to help with soul acquisition. Imagine the shock of thinking your soul is safe with a Dusknoir, only to end up in the Devil’s clutches!
Giratina:…Look, I know some people aren’t fond of the “Giratina is Pokémon Satan” theory, but let’s go with it for this explanation. Since the Cuphead equivalent of God probably has Arceus, I feel like the Devil would catch Giratina as a sort-of “screw you” to the father who banished him. Giratina is done with the Devil 95% of the time while the Devil is convinced that Giratina respects him completely…despite the fact that it’s knocked him into lava, like, twice.
Zorua: This may seem like an odd choice, but hear me out. Their color schemes are similar (red and black), they’re both mischievous to some degree, and Zorua’s illusion abilities are comparable to the Devil’s shapeshifting. Plus, Zorua even looks a bit like a cat (yes I know it’s a fox, but Pokémon doesn’t really have a black cat yet), an animal the Devil has been associated with in both fanon and the show itself! The Devil’s definitely trying to evolve it into a Zoroark, but for now he’s just enjoying the cuteness (in private, of course).
Other Potential Teammates:
-Hoopa: Similar color schemes, similar vibes of “Silly guys who are super powerful with this One Item”
-Arbok/Seviper: Ngl, I couldn’t choose which one I should give him.
-Chandelure: Takes souls like Dusknoir, and also has a fancy, decadent aesthetic I think the Devil could appreciate. Fun fact: I was actually going to put this guy down in the Devil’s main team before deciding on Dusknoir instead!
-Alolan Meowth: The only other thing close to a black cat in Pokémon.
-Gengar: Mischief-making ghost+mischief-making Devil=chaos on Inkwell Isles
This was pretty fun, actually! If anyone wants to give me another character for this, I’d be open to this within other fandoms! I’ll list them all in the tags.
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sincerely-sofie · 9 months
Dadnoir Musings: The Fanfic
Lord help me I’m back on my nonsense. Finally making this monstrosity public.
Word count: 6,930-ish
Summary: Fragments of Dusknoir’s interactions with and thoughts on Kip and Twig (especially Twig) throughout the events of the game, leading up into the start of The Present is a Gift.
It was meant to be simple. He would travel back through a passage of time alone, the sableye making the journey separately to spread rumors of a renowned explorer before he'd quietly enter the areas that were handfed awe-inspiring stories of his exploits. He'd do a number of good deeds along the way to validate the rumors, and in doing so he would gain the loyalty and aid of an entire population in tracking down the grovyle and human that had gotten dangerously close to securing another time gear before vanishing entirely after their retreat.
He had heard reports of the grovyle being sighted in this time period. It was good news, certainly, to have reliable sources verify one another— but he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling he had at the reports. They always identified the grovyle, but never the human. Easily the most stand-out member of the trio of rebels— even moreso than the Legend in their ranks— and suddenly the only one unaccounted for. He didn't know much about humans and how hardy they were, but the grovyle’s habit of whirling her out of reach of whatever strikes were sent her way implied a distinct fragility— perhaps she'd been disposed of in the window of time that they'd lost track of the rebels.
He hoped that was the case. Everything would be so much simpler if it was. Still, he instructed the scouts to search more diligently for the human. He wasn't foolish enough to hope for much of anything anymore, and the fact that he found himself clinging to the idea of not having to execute the human himself left him wary.
Something wasn't right.
He entered the lively settlement of Treasure Town with a sense of dread weighing heavy on his shoulders.
His cover story gave him a particular level of sway over the local exploration guild. Not only did they eat up every word he said with an unmatched trustingness, they provided access to their outlaw reports and records of suspicious activity. There he was— the troublesome grovyle was reported enough times to give an area he was likely frequenting, but not an indication of his next move or where he'd hide away after brushes with danger. Dusknoir needed to wait and gather more information. The grovyle was rash— it wouldn't be long before he showed his hand.
In the meantime, Dusknoir would continue building Treasure Town’s trust in him.
That didn't prove very difficult. The townsfolk were exceptionally welcoming. They bore no doubt in his cover story. The Guild’s recruits were almost sycophantic in their hero worship, as were their elite, save for a team of two— and even then, the team that seemed wary of him appeared more cautious out of nerves than actual suspicion.
They were a young pair of recruits— much younger than the rest of their peers. Where the other recruits seemed at least well on their way to entering adulthood, these two were evidently the youngest apprentices in guild history. Team Venture was composed of a timid but eager mudkip and an odd charmander who seemed completely flabbergasted by basic social customs.
Kip was endearing in his overzealous enthusiasm— his excitement whenever Dusknoir interacted with him and his partner was palpable, and he introduced himself by name almost immediately upon meeting him. Another indicator of the two’s youth, then— he was so young he didn't quite grasp the finer details of when and where you should give your name. One might find the misstep offensive, but Dusknoir was flattered by the boy considering him such a close friend.
The charmander didn't give him a name. In truth, she didn't give him much of anything— she hung back when Kip and Dusknoir spoke, never really saying anything, just watching him with a confused look like she was trying to remember something long lost to time. She was a studious character— Kip didn't attend many of the workshops the Guild put on, but Charmander arrived early to and left late from every last one.
“She wasn't the one to ask to form a team together— honestly, she kind of rejected the idea at first,” Kip admitted to him while waiting for his partner to return from one such event, “but I think that now she likes exploring even more than I do!”
“Funny how things play out like that,” he replied.
“She's amazing. I'm so lucky to have met her. She's my best friend.”
He watched as the mudkip fidgeted happily with his scarf, a slight blush on his face. Ah. Definitely a bit of lilipuppy love on his end. He couldn't help his chuckle. “And how did you two meet?”
“Oh— um. She was passed out on the beach one day, but I thought she was dead when I found her and I— uh— I screamed so loud she woke up,” he stammered. “It wasn't a very cool way to meet, but I'm glad I got to meet her at all.”
“I'm sure any would react as you did were they to stumble upon a possible corpse.” His brow furrowed. “Why was she passed out on the beach in the first place?”
“She doesn't know. She's got amnesia, if you haven't heard— she doesn't remember anything about herself before waking up on the beach. Well, anything but her name and how she used to be a human.”
Kip startled at the sharpness of his tone. “She… she doesn't remember anything but her name, and how she used to be a human? Is everything okay, Dusknoir, sir?”
It couldn't be. This was a coincidence. He hoped desperately that it was a coincidence. If there was a human in the time he had traveled from, then there surely had to be humans in the time preceding it. This was another human, unrelated to the one that had evaded detection for the last year or so. It was a simple coincidence.
Kip watched him nervously.
“Apologies, I… I was simply caught off guard. Humans turning into pokemon is a concept that I thought was only the stuff of fairy tales. That combined with humans having been long extinct makes your story seem a bit peculiar.”
“Oh! Yeah, it does seem strange, doesn't it? I don't know if she's misremembering or not, but she's pretty intent on how she wasn't a charmander before waking up on the beach. She took a while to learn how to walk, though, and she doesn't know how to control fire like a normal charmander— so it makes me feel like she's telling the truth.”
Dusknoir hummed, lost in thought. Kip ran off to greet his partner when she exited the meeting hall for whatever seminar was put on that week, and she caught him in a hug and showed him a stack of notes she'd taken during the seminar. Kip stifled a laugh as he looked over the pages— Charmander demanded he tell her what was so funny, and he meekly explained that her spelling was even worse than her handwriting.
“Dude! Not cool! I didn't even know how to read any of this stuff last year. I'd like to see you write a paper in English after barely getting any time to learn it!”
They wandered off, chattering all the way, leaving Dusknoir to recall the mannerisms of the human who had all but dropped off the face of the planet and recognize their echoes in the child resting her hand over her friend’s shoulders as they walked to the guild dorms.
It was a coincidence. Simply that.
(The thought that the human he'd been trying to… dispatch for so many years was only as old as Charmander sat like a block of ice in his belly.)
He tried to get more information on this mysterious recruit, and his efforts to find any background beyond when she first arrived at the Guild yielded nothing. It was as if Charmander never existed before appearing on that beach— no records of her prior residence, birth, or heritage were to be found— no one had ever even known she existed before Kip brought her into town. He wondered if it was a conspiracy between them— that the girl was playing dumb and the boy was lying to cover up what he knew— but couldn't place any stock in the theory. Kip was as guileless as they come, and he had seen Charmander attempt to hide surprises from her partner— she was an atrocious liar. They were genuine in their cluelessness.
He learned more that personified the child than he would have liked while posing faux-idle questions to the townsfolk.
(“That lil’ charmander girl is the sweetest thing. She's got the etiquette sense of an overturned stump, make no mistake, but she means no harm by it, y’hear? Keeps coming by to my storehouse to hide presents for her friends— asked for a second lockbox and everything so her partner wouldn't know she was collecting up his favorite things to give him later on.” The woman laughed. “She loves playing with my little one, too— it's the funniest thing, seeing her try to play with her. It's like she thinks she's made of glass. I keep telling Charmander she can be a bit rougher, but she still treats the girl so gingerly!”)
(“Ah! Charmander, you say? Yes, yes, she's quite the character. Loves wordplay, that one. Sharp mind, if a little dense at times. Always asking about the finer points of merchantry. If she weren't already apprenticed at the Guild, we'd consider taking her on ourselves!” A pause as his brother interjected with his own comment. “Ah! I'd forgotten about that. She's made such a habit of paying for those two’s groceries. She's always so mischievous about it— almost treats it like a prank. Keep in mind she's never told those boys or their mother who keeps paying for their things, and she's sworn us to secrecy about it— you'll not tell a soul either, yes?”)
(“Charmander is… well, she's one of our most promising recruits, alongside her partner. I've had my misgivings— those two have shown their immaturity at the worst of times, to the point of near disaster, mind you! If it weren't for Team Skull, I shudder to think of what would have happened… But they've got good hearts. Charmander started out one of the worst-performing recruits in the Guild’s history, but she's made leaps and bounds of progress. It's easier to look past her age when you see the stacks of pages of notes and research she produces— though it's significantly harder when you see the severity of her spelling! She gave me a paper where she'd listed several questions about expedition protocol, once, and I was appalled by the sight!” A nervous flutter of wings. “Everything she writes is phonetic! Horrifically so! Her handwriting is no better. It's to the point I've debated calling on a tutor to stay at the Guild for a time to provide lessons. I shudder to think of a recruit ever rising to the point she and her partner have with such deplorable writing skills. Should I ever meet her parents, I have strong words to give on the importance of education!”)
It was a coincidence. It had to be. She was a former human who had arrived in town at the same time that the fugitive human had disappeared, but that wasn't enough to be incriminating. He didn't want to think about the alternative. In his questioning the townsfolk, all he learned was how utterly normal this child was— how she had the same quirks and charms as any youth would, despite her constant efforts to seem mature and keep up with her older peers.
She and her partner asked him if he, in all his travels, knew about the cause of her dizzy spells and visions. There it was— the Dimensional Scream, and another nail in Charmander’s coffin.
It had to be a coincidence. If it wasn't, then this child's blood would need to stain his hands if he wanted to continue on himself, and he was starting to doubt how much he wanted to live a life with that fact haunting him.
It would have been easier if it was just death he was facing. He could handle the thought of dying, grim as it was. But he faced no simple looming threat of death, but one of complete and utter erasure from existence— if the grovyle succeeded, it would be as if he never lived in the first place. The same fate would be dealt to Charmander. If the existential terror wasn't enough, Dialga’s visceral descriptions of what erasure felt like were unsettlingly vivid. Dusknoir would simply have to remind himself that an execution would be swifter, less painful— even, in a twisted way, more merciful than what Grovyle was so resolutely seeking.
She wouldn't suffer, and he wouldn't be stricken from all of time and space. It would be a twofold victory, grim as it was— if it ever came to that. He didn't even know if this was the exact same human who could discern Dimensional Screams. All signs pointed to her, but if he refrained from learning anything more, he could claim ignorance. He could leave her in this time and simply dispose of the grovyle, and she would remain as she was, blissfully unaware of her origins.
He just had to stop asking questions. That's all he had to do.
Charmander came up to him one day with a newfound hesitancy in her posture. “Hey, so— I really appreciate you telling me about the Scream a while back. And how you came to help me and Kip when the Manectric Tribe came along, and you scaring off Team Skull, and all that, too.”
“Think nothing of it.”
“I don't really get Pokemon stuff, but I know names are pretty important, like, as a trust thing.”
“That they are.” Don't. I don't want to hear—
“So I figured I could give you mine? As a symbol of, like, gratitude or whatever.”
“There’s no need.” Stop it. Stop it, stop it, stop it, don't tell me anything, I don't want to know—
“Nah, I don't mind.” She smiled widely, puffed out her chest, set her fists on her hips. “It's Twig! Nice to meet you, or whatever you're supposed to say when you… um…” Her prideful posture fell, giving way to concern. “What's with the face? Sorry if I messed that up, I don't really know how things are supposed to— I just thought…”
Of course. Of course he was wrong to hope. When was he ever right to cling to such things? It was her, and he'd known it all along, but he stubbornly refused to accept it.
“I'm sorry, man. You don't have to look so upset.”
“Whatever would give you that idea?”
“You're crossing your arms to hide the fact you're frowning.” She furrowed her brow. “I'm not stupid, Dusknoir.”
You are, though. You're so, so foolish, and you don't even realize it. I could have moved on from here without ever confirming who you were, and you ruined it.
“Apologies,” he murmured tersely. “I'm just a tad overcome. I need a moment.”
“Oh. Yeah, no worries.” She awkwardly reached out and patted the back of his hand as she passed. “I’m gonna go and… I dunno, do some sentry duty. Sorry again if I messed stuff up.”
You should be. You did. Legends and Life, you'll regret this even more than I do when the time comes.
It was rather jarring to see the same human that Grovyle had been so determined to keep out of harm’s way laid so low by his own hand. Dusknoir’s appearance at Crystal Cave sent the fugitive packing, and he was left to tend to an injured Team Venture.
Twig shoved his hands away as he assessed the damage. “Don't! Don't, I'm fine— Help Kip! He's— I don't know if he's going to…” Her voice broke, and his heart followed suit at the pitiful sound. “Please. You've got to help him.”
It took a moment to locate the mudkip in question— Twig had evidently been making efforts to lead the fight away from where he had collapsed behind a large stalagmite, unconscious.
He had seen injuries, he had seen gore— but he had never seen so much of them on such a small body.
Twig wasn't overreacting in her fear of whether or not her friend would survive their encounter with Grovyle.
He knew enough first-aid to ensure Kip didn't bleed out in the moment, but lacked the supplies necessary to do much else. Twig was bundling Kip up in her arms before he admitted as much to himself, starting the trek out of the mystery dungeon on shaking legs— and only managed several strides before falling to her knees with a pained groan. She didn't protest when he lifted her into his own arms and resumed the journey with more haste than she could muster in her state— only curled tightly around her partner, to the point that her tail brushed her jaw, promising over and over again that he would be okay.
Chimecho received the two recruits and administered the care that Dusknoir was unable to provide, ushering him out of the room so she would have room to work in the cramped Guild infirmary. Left in the silence of the main floor alongside the unsettled guild members who had gathered together when they learned of Team Venture’s state, he found himself standing before the infirmary door, numb. Slowly, the guild members dispersed, the quiet tension in the air left unbroken as they awaited news of their friends’ fates. Chatot remained, noisy in his silence as he alternated between pacing and leafing through paperwork that he never gave more than a few moments of attention at a time. Dusknoir eventually had the sense to seat himself a ways away from the infirmary door and began sifting through the events of the last few hours.
He hadn't pursued Grovyle. He had the opportunity to corner the fugitive— there were a number of dead ends in Crystal Cave, any of which he could have driven him into and had the upper hand in a confrontation where he might capture him— and he didn't take it. He squandered the perfect chance to finally do away with the greatest thorn in his side in favor of assisting another of the trio he'd been tasked with dispatching. He could only hope that Dialga didn't learn of his misstep— there would be hell to pay if he did.
He was pulled from his thoughts by Chatot’s startled squawk as he shot over to the infirmary door when Twig stepped onto the threshold, though not fully through, heavily bandaged and with a pronounced limp. “What are you doing up and about?! You need to remain in the infirmary until you've been given a clean bill of health! I won't have you running about jeopardizing yourself— think of— think of what horrors that would do for the Guild’s image! Get back in there immediately!”
Twig gave him a weary glare. “I'm not going to sit around and watch while Chimecho stitches Kip back into one piece. Move over, man.”
Chatot opened his beak to protest once more, but froze upon glancing over Twig's shoulder�� catching an eyeful of Kip’s injuries, judging by the way his feathers flattened against his body in fear. “A-Alright, just this once, then. But sit down! You look faint. I don't want to have you falling and giving yourself a concussion on top of all this!”
“Pretty sure I already have a concussion, Chatot. I also can't sit down unless you let me through the doorway.”
Chatot complied, fretting over her until she laid down on the floor and set her legs up against the wall to combat her supposed faintness that Chatot was so worried about. “Dusknoir, I'm dreadfully sorry, but please keep watch over this recruit for a moment. Chimecho will no doubt need more material for sutures shortly— I must seek supplies in town.” He didn't wait for a response, simply shot up the ladder leading out of the guild in a flurry of wings and panic, leaving Dusknoir and Twig in an vacant chamber.
She closed her eyes, falling so still that she seemed to be asleep. Recalling her mentioning a concussion, he reached over to rouse her— but her sudden words made him freeze with his hand outstretched.
“Chimecho doesn't know if he's gonna make it.”
He couldn't muster a response to that.
“You’ve— you've been around, you know lots of stuff. You've probably seen injuries way worse than those. Kip’s— he's gonna be okay, right?” He watched as she opened her eyes, fixing him with a teary stare as she waited for an answer. “... Right?”
He couldn't look at her. “His injuries are severe,” he finally murmured.
She turned to stare at the ceiling. He did his best to ignore the way her breaths stuttered and hitched, turning into quiet hiccups and whines as she rolled over and shifted to press her back against the wall and cry into her knees. Distantly, he wondered how she managed to cry so quietly, even when every whisper of a sob shook her entire frame with its intensity. He intently avoided pondering what had motivated her to develop such a skill.
It wasn't easy to ignore an injured, distraught child weeping only an arms-length away from him. He found himself unwillingly reminded of the sableye when he first took them in— Twig's situation was different, but the end result was almost the same— a child left adrift and frightened in the face of tragedy. Where the sableye had each other, though, Twig was left to weep without five siblings to answer the slightest whimper with unflinching support. Her partner— her only true friend amongst the Guild, from the sound of things— was on death's door, unable to come to her aid and offer the same words of comfort she had repeated to him as Dusknoir brought the two back to the Guild.
Despite himself, he reached out and set his hand over her back. She stiffened under his palm, and he nearly pulled away, but she caught hold of his thumb on her shoulder and held his hand in place. Her tears continued. He didn't say anything when she curled up tighter and her sobs picked up in volume, too startled by the memory of one of the recruits describing something to him.
(“Twig really doesn't like being touched. Not most times, at least! One time I patted her on the back because she beat my best sentry duty record, and she whirled around and almost took off one of my petals! Like, oh my gosh, I totally freaked! Kip said that she barely lets anyone touch her— you've got to be a real close buddy for her to be okay with it, or else it really freaks her out— but I didn't think it was that bad! Eek!”)
He kept his gaze fixed on the opposite wall and tried not to think about how she felt bonier under his hand than one so young had any right to be.
Kip survived, adorned with a number of scars that would remain for all his remaining days as a mudkip. Twig was glued to his side during the days in which he was allowed to exit the infirmary and rest in the dorms, and she became his crutch whenever he struggled to walk about the Guild to build his strength back up after so long being bedridden. The other recruits flocked around the two and made their concern known, offering to help with anything they needed as they recovered.
Kip asked for help checking a particular book out of the Guild library and sending word to Chimecho that the numbing agent was working a bit too well, and that he couldn't feel the fin on his head whatsoever. Twig didn't ask for anything— suddenly every bit as stoney, stern, and stoic as Grovyle had appeared in confrontations once they were separated— and said little over the following days. When one recruit waddled up to her after a workshop with carefully written notes and an apology for how he couldn't write as many pages as she always did on account of how fast the lecturer spoke and how slow his paws were, though, she pulled him into a hug that he meekly returned.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you—”
“Aw, shucks, it's really nothing! Don't mind it at all. I know how much you love those workshops. Me, though, I was lost as soon as the lecturer flipped the first page on her big ol’ chart thingy! You mind explaining how traps form in a mystery dungeon? She kept saying that it was important to know for this workshop, but I didn't go during the one where it was taught.”
She launched into a lecture of her own, more animated than he had seen her since her encounter with Grovyle, and Dusknoir was tempted to applaud the young man for so cleverly distracting her from her wounds.
With a trap laid for Grovyle, Dusknoir watched for the right moment to spring it. It didn't take long— the fugitive was gullible and impatient, a dangerous combination of traits that ensured Dusknoir wasn't left waiting for long.
Grovyle was secured— albeit perhaps roughed up a tad more than was totally necessary to capture him— and that meant he had to resolve the other loose end before he departed for his home era.
He called Team Venture forward, out from the back of the crowd where they always lingered. He only had to bring Twig closer, but to summon her alone would raise suspicions at this most critical of moments. She was slow to come up to the front of the crowd and made her way there leaning heavily on her partner when she finally appeared. Evidently, her refusal to rest and recover from her injuries had backfired, leaving her in a worse state than Kip was despite her having the lesser wounds at the beginning.
He only needed her. He could leave Kip behind and have a single child’s death weighing on him for eternity instead of two, if only they would stop clinging to each other for one measly second. He gave a speech describing his gratitude, waiting for the moment when she would shift her weight off of his side and onto her own two feet so he could grab her and be off— and there it was. He seized her in a hand and shot back into the passage of time, realizing too late that Kip was dragged along by her fistful of his scarf.
Great. Of course.
He caught hold of the boy when Twig’s own grip came loose and cursed whatever Legends were watching and no doubt laughing at his luck.
He really should have expected Grovyle would have another trick lying in wait before the execution. He'd hoped that Kip and Twig at least would remain unconscious for the act, but Grovyle's hissing and spitting curses his way roused them, and they were pulled along with his escape plan as a result. Dusknoir was going to kill him personally if things continued to sour thanks to him. When they had the three cornered— along with Celebi, even— he found himself possessed by the urge to twist the knife.
It was cruel to reveal Twig’s identity to Grovyle in order to stamp out any bit of resistance in him, but Dusknoir would be lying if he said it didn't give him some awful sense of catharsis to see the horrified guilt in his face— he finally realized just what he'd done by beating a child unconscious and nearly doing the same to a second one in Crystal Cave, and Dusknoir took a certain glee in his regret. Twig’s look of disgust at the reveal only drove the knife deeper. Good. He deserves it. He put out a hand and sent a shadow snaking along the ground, ready to take the wretch out—
— and Twig tackled Grovyle out of the way of the attack, putting herself in the range of the strike. He fumbled, dampening the worst of the blow before it hit her, but she still let out a sharp cry in response. Legends and Life, he would rather put the two youths out of their misery with something quick, but that was made difficult by their insistence to throw themselves in harm's way as living shields for the one target he wanted to suffer.
Fine, then. He reached out to snatch Kip up and snap his neck, but Twig surged into Dusknoir with such force she managed to throw him against a tree and lit a barrier of flame between them and her allies.
She kicked off of him, further dizzying him thanks to her using his eye as her chosen springboard, and landed ready to dash back to her group— but stopped short when she saw the long wall of fire between them.
(He'd never seen her use any sort of attack before that incorporated the flames she could manifest as a charmander— only ever using her fists, teeth, and even fallen branches to strike— and he suddenly recalled how he could count the hours at the Guild by how many times she'd let out a startled yelp when she'd see her own tail. Back then, he thought she'd simply never grown accustomed to an extra limb. It was with a bitter, weary laugh now that he realized she was afraid of fire.)
He reached out, hand outstretched to take her by the throat.
Kip sprang up from the ground that he had tunneled into and headbutted him hard, whirling around to douse the flames and shove his partner forward. “Come on, come on, we've got to get out of—!”
Grovyle snatched the girl up as he sprang for the passage of time, not even sparing her partner a second glance as he leveled Dusknoir with a deadly glare when he passed. Kip was only pulled along by Twig grabbing his scarf and pulling him into her arms as they darted into the passage of time, Celebi swiftly shuttering it and vanishing in a shimmer of air.
Grovyle hadn't told Twig what would happen to her if their efforts to restore Temporal Tower succeeded. Of all the things he'd done, this one failure to act was his most repulsive misdeed by far.
She was baffled by Dusknoir's question of whether she truly didn't fear erasure, looking to Grovyle for answers. He stuttered and stammered, resisting her request for the truth at first, and Dusknoir, for all his willingness to see his instructions to kill these two as just business a few seconds ago, concluded that it would be a lovely vacation to throttle Grovyle in particular.
One last attempt to dispatch Twig as kindly as he could was once again foiled— Grovyle passed on the burden of his mission to a child who just learned she was giving up her entire existence to change a future that was uncertain— and he forced Dusknoir into the passage of time.
Erasure was less painful than he expected. It was less like being ripped apart by every second he had lived and more like his very soul was slowly being brushed away, like he was falling asleep. Twig had gone through with her part, then. He hoped the event of her disappearance wasn't too frightening for her or Kip.
Dusknoir could feel himself slipping. He could barely summon the words as he asked, “Grovyle… My life… did it shine?”
Grovyle must have been just as exhausted as Dusknoir, but he smiled despite it. His hand shook as he reached out to grip his arm. His voice trembled with effort as he fought to speak. “Extraordinarily.”
It was a pitiful scrap of comfort— meaningless, really. But that simple response, combined with the sun rising behind the collapsed forms of his unlikely allies moved him to tears.
Okay. If this was how he was struck from all of time and space, it was okay. He would be able to accept it.
As dawn broke for the first time in decades gone uncounted, Dusknoir stopped clinging to the world about him, and let himself drift away completely.
To return to existence was unexpected. To be given a second chance at life by Dialga himself was even more unexpected. But perhaps most unexpected of all was how much he hated this bright future’s refusal to admit all of the terrors that had taken place on its soil.
Grovyle and Celebi felt similarly. The decision to immigrate to the Present was unanimous, heightened by Grovyle's late realization that if they'd been restored, Twig likely was as well— Celebi couldn't open a passage of time fast enough for his liking once the idea hit him, and he bolted through it the moment it was vaguely safe to traverse.
“… He's certainly eager to move in.”
“Dusknoir, dear, you know full well he's not leaping at the opportunity to pick out wallpaper.” She turned to the passage, face pensive. “It's been so long since I've seen them in this timeline… I'm almost afraid. How do I look? Are my antennae straight? Are my wings as dazzling as ever?”
He gave her a flat stare.
“You have no appreciation for beauty! Hmph!” She feigned anger for only a moment before glancing back at him, worried. “If you'd like a moment, Dusknoir, you can wait here and prepare yourself. I know you didn't part on the best of terms with our two little explorers.”
“I doubt they're very little anymore.”
“You're right! Oh my goodness, they must be full-grown by now… I'm going through, dear, but you come on out only when you're ready.”
He waited for a feeling of readiness to overtake him.
It never did.
All he could do was take a breath and enter the passage.
He was greeted by sunlight, dappled shadows, treetop canopies rustling overhead, and Twig's startled command for Kip to get behind her.
She was barely any taller, covered in scars he didn't remember her wearing when they last parted ways, and she had her fists balled up in front of her and ready to lash out the second he approached. Grovyle stepped forward and tried to explain, and her look of frightened fury gave way to confusion, then frustration.
“There's— No way. There's no way he did any of that. He's just trying to get our guards down again.” She cast a vicious glare his way. “What, was Primal Dialga a cover? Were you really working with Darkrai all along? Too bad, we beat your real boss months ago! Get out of here before I—”
Kip stepped forward, brushing aside his partner's threats with a smile. His words were sincere and simple. “I knew you were too nice to be faking it. All the times in Treasure Town, Amp Plains, Crystal Cave— I told you, Twig. C’mon, you owe me five-hundred poké!”
She sputtered for a moment as he simply held out a paw expectantly. She reached into her bag and begrudgingly slid a large coin into his waiting palm. He gave her a smug smile as Dusknoir looked between them.
“Do you two often bet on the intentions of those you meet?” He asked, unsettled by the well-practiced exchange.
“It’s a joke. Mostly. And we don't do it too much,” Kip answered.
He was scared to hear the answer he was certain he already knew. “And what started this routine between you?”
To his surprise, they didn't respond by pointing to him. Twig crossed her arms and murmured, surprisingly hesitant, “We got… um. Don't know if there's a specific word for it in Pokéspeak, but we thought we were talking to Cresselia, and it turned out it was very much not Cresselia that we were talking to. We started up the joke to deal with that.”
“A Cresselia that wasn't Cresselia— who would impersonate a Legend?”
Twig gave him a once-over, her suspiciousness giving way to exhaustion. “You know that Darkrai dude I mentioned a bit ago?”
The explanation that followed wasn't as horrifying as the manner in which it was told. Kip admitted his fears as he explained their subsequent clash with a Legend who masterminded Dialga's decay, but Twig dismissed hers. The blatant attempt to put on a brave face and minimize her own anxieties— anxieties which still clearly affected her, judging by the way she avoided eye contact and her tail’s flame fizzled and hissed while burning an anxious magenta— brought to mind a memory he'd almost forgotten.
(A bloody child shakily shoving helping hands aside, sobbing for him to ignore her wounds and tend to her partner. A refusal of aid in favor of assisting another.)
His hands curled into fists, and he looked away. Twig tensed and took a half-step closer to Kip, and the sight killed him.
Kip offered their motley trio a place in his and Twig's home as they searched for more permanent lodgings. They accepted, much to Twig's poorly hidden chagrin.
Everyone else had retired for the night— curled up in makeshift beds pulled haphazardly together out of blankets and pitiful amounts of straw insufficient for any real mattress. Grovyle snored loudly, sleeping deeply for perhaps the first time Dusknoir had ever been around to see, and Celebi had tucked herself tidily into her bed, breaths whistling lightly as she rested. Kip was doing the same a short distance away. Twig, meanwhile, sat at a table across the room, pretending to look over papers she must have read ten times each by now, glaring up at him every time she leafed through the stack anew.
The implication that she didn't trust him around her unconscious friends and had taken up watch to protect them wasn't lost on him.
She did this for multiple nights. She'd reached the point that she was nodding off in the daytime, exhausted by her nightly vigils, but she still kept them up. He had attempted to fake sleeping earlier in the night so she'd allow herself rest, but she remained awake even then— and so he swiftly gave up the ruse in favor of his typical pattern of sleep. Each evening, she'd take up her post at the table and start skimming papers with feigned interest, keeping an eye on his every move and tensing whenever he so much as twitched.
He deserved each terrified glower she gave him. His knowledge of his guilt didn't make it any easier to see one so young carrying the world on her shoulders.
She was grown now— likely nearing an evolution, if the reddish scales now dotting her skin meant anything— but she still had the eyes of a haunted child when the nights were long and her watch over her friends wore on her.
She finally slipped up one evening, her head settled on folded arms over the table’s surface, eyelids drifting closed until her breathing finally evened out and she fell asleep. He sighed with relief, but the reassurance that she'd finally get some rest was short-lived.
She flinched in her sleep, murmuring fearfully, fingers twitching against the tabletop she'd slumped over.
Uncertain of what to do, but called to help all the same, he rose and pulled a blanket from the meager sheets comprising her empty bed. She relaxed when he draped it over her, her hands no longer balling into fists and her tail’s flame glowing a warm, peaceful white instead of flickering between aggressive violets and panicked magentas.
She looked smaller as she slept— as if in her slumber she forgot to puff herself up and pretend she was self-assured and confident. She looked like a recruit too young to keep up with her older peers and too naive to understand the danger she threw herself readily into.
She looked like a child.
She looked like a child, but she'd never had the chance to truly be one. Between running for her life in the Dark Future, to taking on a schooling far too intensive for those her age, to waging battles with Legends and shouldering whatever trauma she'd garnered from all of it— she'd never been allowed such an opportunity.
(He was part of that. He was part of the reasons she'd never been able to grow up as a child should. He'd been part of the wretched selection of foes who robbed her of her youth.)
Dusknoir tugged the blanket higher around the girl's shoulders. She sighed a cozy, content sound, and he left for a late night walk.
He didn't mention the blanket come morning. She left it unspoken as well.
(She took a glance at her post the next evening and turned away, electing to sprawl out in her bed and snore almost loud enough to put Grovyle to shame.)
(It was a simple thing. Meaningless, really, and no great signifier of any faith that had been rebuilt. But it moved him near to tears regardless as she dropped off to sleep before any of the rest of them. She trusted them all to keep her safe and be safe in turn— and he was encircled in that trust.)
(It wasn't the unwavering faith of a child, but it was something, and it was something that meant the world.)
74 notes · View notes
devilsroost · 2 years
So did the angry spirits of the people Grudge kill eventually move on? If so, did it happen gradually, or were they able to pass on after he left the building to live with Lydia?
I think he'd have let some pass on once his rage had ebbed because of Lydia's kindness. However some of them he'll never let go. They are kept in the building, his lair, until he deems it fit to see them off. He got into a terrible fight with a dusknoir once that was trying to collect these souls, but he fended it off and jealously guarded his death place!
The building can't be torn down or moved for fear that it would transplant the grudge curse elsewhere, so it remains as a grim graveyard. A reminder to always help those that need it. The spirit's lurking there will forever keep it.
37 notes · View notes
pokemoncreepypasta · 3 years
Forever Mine
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I live in one of those small towns with a big community. It feels like everyone knows each other, and parents would visit their friends and leave their kids to mess around with each other. Classes in school weren’t very large.
So when there’s news about a kid dying, it travels at god-speed. 
Everyone at school kept talking about the death of this girl who was probably a year behind me.
I didn’t know her personally. I wouldn’t have even been able to tell you her name if everyone wasn’t talking about her.
I didn’t want to pick up gossip about how she died. I decided to attend her funeral myself. Not because we were friends or anything, but I did want to show my respect for this girl and her family.
The local funeral home was within biking range of my house, so I set off.
I sat awkwardly as I noticed her parents. I’m not usually very good at picking up feelings from people, but I could tell that beyond their grief was disappointment and maybe even hostility.
They made me wonder what she was thinking about before she died.
After she was buried, I hung around the cemetery. I’d wished I brought flowers with me, but decided I’d give her some the next time I stopped by.
Around this time, I had been aiming to get a Sky Forme Shaymin, since it was one of my favorite Pokémon back then.
I had caught a wild Shaymin using the "Pokémon Modifier" cheat code. I was terrible at coming up with creative names. But then, I remembered the name of the girl and thought it would suit a Shaymin rather well.
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Little did I know that this would invite strange things to start happening to my game.
I wanted to keep this Shaymin in its Sky Forme whenever possible, so I planned on keeping it in my team 24/7, only playing during daytime, etc. I was a dirty cheater who liked putting illegal moves on my Pokémon, so I taught Skye to use Fly.
At the time, I didn’t know you needed to catch the Shaymin in Flower Paradise to receive the Gracidea Flower, so when I talked to the blonde girl NPC in Floaroma Town, I had no idea why she wouldn’t give it to me.
So I was stuck with a Shaymin that knew Fly. It was weird, and I never really grew all that attached to it. Eventually I boxed it, forgot I had it, and released it without thinking.
The next time I booted up the game, I got this message.
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“The save file is corrupted. The previous save file will be loaded.”
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My first instinct was panic. I didn’t have any time to think or process the initial message, because all my hours were gone. With nervous anticipation, I started up the save file to see what the damage was.
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To my surprise, I found myself on an incomplete Seabreak Path. The south path to Route 224 was cut off, with a featureless Shaymin staring vacantly over the edge.
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I checked my party, and found none of my team members.
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Only a level 100 Dusknoir with the move Follow Me.
Very useful, I thought. I’d have to boot up my Action Replay to teach this thing Fly in order to get off the island later.
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Checking my items, I noticed everything was gone, save for a single PokéBall and an Escape Rope. Neither of which seemed particularly helpful for getting me off this island.
Out of curiosity though, I decided to see if Shaymin would be at Flower Paradise. I started my trek north, lamenting the loss of my bike.
To my surprise, Shaymin was there, despite never having Oak’s Letter or triggering the cutscene with it. Its face was obstructed by flowers, but it seemed like its pink flowers were missing just like the one I saw before.
I spoke to the Shaymin, and a message appeared.
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“I remember you.”
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“But… You don’t remember me, do you?”
The wild Shaymin attacked, and my heart stopped at its name.
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“Skye appeared!”
Featureless, like before.
I felt a knot in my stomach, not even caring about the game. Something was very clearly wrong with it, and I wanted to stop playing. But I decided I was already taking pictures of the weird stuff that was happening, and I wanted to document it in full.
Steeling my resolve, I went about my options.
Dusknoir only knew Follow Me, so it was useless to weaken the Shaymin.
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Remembering the PokéBall I had, I tossed it at the Shaymin.
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Most people would be ecstatic to catch a Shaymin with full HP in a PokéBall on their first try, but I got the feeling that the game was rigged. There wasn’t any triumphant music playing either, which didn’t help my feelings about it.
I tried checking my newly caught Shaymin, but my game froze upon checking my party.
Upon restarting the system and starting the game up, this message appeared.
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“My heart is corrupted. Please save me.”
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My save file was gone for real this time. The trainer’s name was “SINNER”.
I live in a pretty religious community, so reading this made me ill at ease.
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Starting up the game again, I found myself in the Lost Tower, playing as a featureless Shaymin.
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My only Pokémon was the same Shaymin, named SINNER, knowing Fly, Scary Face, Fake Tears, and Spite.
A text box appeared when I tried to leave the tower.
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“Today’s the day.”
It pushed me back, preventing my exit. The only option I had was to ascend.
No random encounters happened, and all the trainers wouldn’t interact with me.
It went this way until I went to the top floor. I’m pretty sure there isn’t supposed to be a man and woman NPC standing in this spot.
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"There’s nothing left to say.”
Interacting with them just prompted this text.
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It was here that I noticed a staircase that wasn’t supposed to be there.
I found myself on the top of the tower. I stepped into a scripted event, and the Shaymin faced the edge without my prompt.
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"It's a long way down... Are you ready?"
Hoping for some way out of this, I wanted to say “no”, so I could cheat my way out of the tower and get my game back to normal. However, upon selecting it, this text appeared.
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"You've held back for long enough. It's time to go."
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“SINNER used the Escape Rope.”
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A battle started against the same Dusknoir as before. I was intimidated to go against a level 100 Dusknoir, but then I remembered its only move was Follow Me, so it was harmless.
I realized that if I let SINNER faint, I could go to the last Pokémon Center and escape the tower.
I used Spite, thinking that if I reduced Follow Me’s PP, the Dusknoir would use Struggle and OHKO my Shaymin.
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“The wild DUSKNOIR used Follow Me!”
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“SINNER used Spite!”
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“But there was no target...”
Dang it.
Deciding to experiment, I came to the conclusion that there was no harm in screwing around with SINNER’s attacks until DUSKNOIR ran out of PP. I chose Fly.
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“The wild DUSKNOIR used Follow Me!”
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“SINNER used Fly!”
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“The wild DUSKNOIR used Follow Me!”
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“SINNER kept going and crashed!”
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Not the KO I was expecting, but I took it nonetheless.
The game, of course, crashed as soon as my Shaymin’s cry played, leaving nothing but pleasantly ear-grating screeching sounds.
I decided to take a break from playing for a moment to process what I just witnessed. I had a lot to digest.
The only conclusion I came to was that ghosts are real and this was the same Skye as the girl who died. Which would sound insane if I didn’t have the pictures to prove it.
I choked back tears. I was afraid. Why did Skye want me to see this?
I wanted to put the game down and be done with it. But if she had a message to give me, then I felt like I had to see it through to the end.
I guess I vainly hoped she’d pass on and find peace if I listened to what she was trying to say.
Another message when I started the game up again.
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“I can’t fly. I tried to.”
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I found myself at Spear Pillar. The staircase to the Hall of Origin was in front of me.
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My exit was gone, so I just went straight to Arceus.
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A level 100 Arceus stood before me.  
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Instead of sending out my Shaymin, it stayed in the field. It was now bleeding. Its status said it was fainted, but it was still able to battle somehow.
I felt cornered. There was no way a level 14 Shaymin could take on something like this. I tried to use Fly, hoping it would give me the same result as before.
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“Can’t use that here.”
It wouldn’t let me use the move. Instead, I just outright try to flee.
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“Can’t escape!”
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“ARCEUS used Judgment!”
I braced for impact...
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“The wild ARCEUS’s attack missed!”
...But was pleasantly surprised to see it miss.
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“I’m not ready yet.”
The game made me flee automatically.
The screen faded to black.
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“I’m not ready. I’m not ready.”
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“I’m scared.”
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When the screen faded back to the overworld, I found myself in the Distortion World. The portal that takes you back to the main world was gone, so the only thing I could do was explore.
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I found another Escape Rope while looking around.
It was the only thing noteworthy I could find, so I started trying to think of ways to get out of here.
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I tried using Fly, since SINNER still knew it.
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“There’s nowhere to fly to.”
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Trying to test my other options, I went to my bag and tried using the Escape Rope.
Of course, the “There’s a time and place for everything” message still appeared.
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Deciding to mess around until I got results, I went to give the Escape Rope to SINNER.
“Don’t suppose you know what to do with this?” I muttered.
The game crashed again, and it assaulted my eardrums once more. I sharply inhaled, wondering if I touched a nerve.
I took a deep breath and started the game again.
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My character’s name was now Skye.
I started in Floaroma Town. The first thing I did was rush to the Pokémon Center to check on my Pokémon in the PC. Of course, they were all gone.
I’d grieve for them later, though. Maybe Skye would be nice to me and give them back.
While I was in the center, I figured it might’ve been good to heal the faint status off of the Shaymin.
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Sure it is. Glad you can tell when something is suffering, nurse.
Heading outside, I talked to the blonde NPC.
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“You should always give flowers to someone who has passed away.”
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“It’s rude not to.”
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“You got the Gracidea!”
I was suddenly feeling very guilty for not leaving flowers before.
Wondering if I could fix the poor Shaymin in my party if I used the flower on her, I went to try it.
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“It won’t have any effect.” 
Of course not.
The blonde NPC turned into my Shaymin. I spoke to her.
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“That won’t help me.” 
Yeah, I thought not.
At a loss of ideas on what to do next, I absentmindedly made my way to Valley Windworks and walked around in the grass.
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A wild Sky Forme Shaymin appeared.
I sent out Skye, of course.
I chose the fight option, and the battle continued without me selecting a move.
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“The wild SHAYMIN used Reflect!”
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“Skye’s rage is building!”
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“Skye used Cut!”
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“She hurt herself in her confusion!”
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The Sky Form Shaymin was knocked out in one hit, despite the game telling me Skye had hurt herself.
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Back on the overworld, I found the mangled parts of the Sky Forme Shaymin lying in the grass. I inspected them.
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“Please put me back together.”
It gave me another prompt, and I chose yes.
The screen faded to black.
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And then Skye appeared again in a black abyss, with Skymin ears and flower. My trainer was nowhere to be seen.
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I checked my party to see that Skye had changed again. Her cry sounded like a distorted mix of Shaymin’s two forms.
I went back to the overworld and was unable to move. Instead, a dialogue box appeared.
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“Can you hear me?”
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"Thank you for caring about me.”
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"I can fly now.”
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“I love you.”
My heart skipped a beat. My hands began to shake.
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“You must care about me too, right?”
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“So... I’m going to stay with you.”
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“I won’t leave, not without someone who loves me.”
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“Will you fly away with me?”
My shaky hands went to say no. I didn’t want to be like her.
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“I’ll wait for you.”
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“I’ll change your mind.”
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“You’re mine now.”
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“You’re mine forever.”
With that last line, the game froze.
The first thing I did was take the game out of the system. I decided to drop off all my Pokémon games at the nearest GameStop. I didn’t want her talking to me anymore.
So why do I feel like she’s still here?
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eldragon-x · 3 years
Dusknoir and Munna comparisons because they’re my favourite characters in pmd and I love thinking about the ways they’re similar and different
There’s of course the obvious thing about both of them framing a major protagonist (Grovyle, Hydreigon) as the bad guy until they get Hero and Partner into a vulnerable position and backstab them.
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And how both of them have sworn their loyalty to a Legendary Pokemon (which can’t be applied to Nuzleaf, as both he and Yveltal were under mind-control).
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But I think it’s most interesting to look at their motivations as villains and how their views change.
Dusknoir wants to survive and is willing to live in a world where he is and will always be unhappy for that goal. A world that is falling apart and irreversibly damaged, but as long as he doesn’t have to disappear...
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Munna on the other hand, wants herself, her friends, and the rest of the world to basically get killed in Bittercold’s destruction because she and her friends sincerely believe that no one can be happy in the world as it is and therefore it’s not worth living in.
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Grovyle explains Dusknoir his view on things on their way to Icicle Forest and he really thinks about Grovyle’s words. Grovyle later doubles down on how he believed that Dusknoir doesn’t really hate him like he claims to, even saying he thinks they had an understanding, and makes Dusknoir confront the question: Is he really content with just surviving the dark future when there’s the option that it could be a better world, even if it does mean sacrificing his own life?
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Dusknoir does deny it at first, insisting that they were never on an eye-level, probably even trying to convince himself, judging by his lack of certainty shining through.
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But once Grovyle confronts him with the big question? He’s unsure how to respond, his last thought being that he has to do something about the situation, before saving Grovyle’s life and with that betraying Primal Dialga.
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Keldeo thought he could convince Munna to drop her plans when he first came to Glacier Palace. Once he arrives at the scene with Umbreon and Espeon later on, he says he still believes that Munna has her own doubts.
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Her response is to lash out in anger and insisting that there really is nothing good in the world to live for. I personally believe that anger is for her generally a defense mechanism of sorts. We see her angry for a lot of her screen time, and I do think some of it is very genuine, but especially in this situation it feels like it’s boiling up so she doesn’t have to confront those very doubts that Keldeo adresses.
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Partner, Virizion and Emolga then step in to point out how she and her friends kept each other alive, how there’s still something worth living for for them because they have each other, and asking if they wouldn’t want to keep living together in a world that is worth living, instead of giving up and trying to go down together.
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Munna is surprised and asks one more thing: If there can be a world worth living in. The Partner confirms this, saying you can make it worth living (and they would know, trying to bring happiness to other Pokemon and surrounding themselves with friends after spending so much time alone and distant from others), getting Munna to her turning point and causing her to save Hero and Partner in the next scene.
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Dusknoir became a traitor in Primal Dialga’s eyes the second he saved Grovyle, and he probably knew beforehand that he’d turn Dialga against him by doing that. From this point on, he supports Grovyle and Celebi in their pursue and battle against Dialga.
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Meanwhile Munna encourages Hero and Partner to keep going, saying she can’t go further because she swore loyalty to Kyurem (but also likely because she’s injured), but making it possible for the two to go on in the first place since the ice pillar destroyed the way, asking them to save the world, and being one of the Pokemon to hold onto hope and cheer them on when they confront the Bittercold.
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I guess what I’m getting at is...
Dusknoir being willing to survive in the dark future vs Munna wanting to die with her friends because the world seems horrible.
Dusknoir denying to everyone and himself that he isn’t happy living in the dark future and could ever come to an understanding with Grovyle vs Munna denying to everyone and herself that she isn’t as hopeless and willing to die as she makes it out to be and that Keldeo could see through to her.
The protagonists finally getting through to them because Dusknoir’s actions still matter and disappearing isn’t the end of it all vs Munna acknowledging that she and her friends keep each other going and that the world can be better.
Dusknoir and Munna both sealing the end of their stories as villains by saving the protagonists and supporting them the rest of the way the best they can.
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driftveil-crossing · 3 years
Grovyle + future trio headcanons!
i’ve finished replaying PMD2 here’s a few of my thoughts about what happened to the future trio after time is restored. in no particular order and slightly angsty - enjoy the ride!
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Grovyle is a grass type, which require sun and rain to survive. while the future was paralysed, Grovyle was in poor condition with wilted leaves that never healed if he was injured. when he first travelled to the past he was shocked at how much healthier the sun made him feel, and that he could finally function - no, thrive - at optimum capacity. he never takes nature for granted in the restored future, and takes every opportunity to watch the sunrise or to bask in the mid-day heat
Grovyle was permanently injured after the incident with Dusknoir where he was drained by the icicle forest pillars. his consciousness was almost entirely destroyed, and that has had lasting effects - he cannot move as quickly as before and his muscles often contract, freeze, or even give way beneath him
however, what he hates most is that it affected his mind. his memory is poorer, his train of thought often grinds abruptly to a halt when it used to run a mile a minute, and his reactions are not as quick and sharp as they once were - as if the fog of fogbound lake is obscuring his brain
but it is a sacrifice that he can deal with - after all, Grovyle had accepted that he would disappear entirely, so this ending is 1000 times better than that option
his injuries stop him from running as often as he is used to, and the lack of a goal leaves him feeling deflated. he doesn’t understand why he feels like this. he achieved his ultimate goal and also gets to live to see the results, why can’t he be happy? 
while many pokemon and humans in the future welcome the return of normal life, Grovyle struggles. he realises that his life will never be normal again. after all, his partner and best friend is not here to be normal with him, and will never be with him again in the same way
he decides to take a more backseat role in the planetary investigation team, who are now working on readjusting Pokémon to normality and investigating areas where time is still playing havoc. he decides to step back from the adventuring role, and instead throws himself into researching the time travel process and particularly why the accident caused the hero to lose their memory
Dusknoir is also now working with the planetary investigation team. people were all still wary of him at first but he wants to redeem himself and prove that he’s a skilled explorer dedicated to restoring world balance (now his fear of disappearing isn’t an issue)
Grovyle and Dusknoir take every opportunity they can to argue - lightheartedly but constantly. everyone around them agrees that this is probably the best their relationship can be, and would rather it be like this than dig too much into their past disagreements
Dusknoir feels a lot of guilt for his actions, but Grovyle would never fully forgive Dusknoir. he understands that he was only acting out of fear and self-preservation. deep down he isn’t inherently bad and has the capacity to change which is evidenced in his work with the planetary investigation team - but this doesn’t excuse his past actions (he would have killed Grovyle at least 3 times if given the chance). so their relationship is slightly strained but civil nonetheless
the other members of the planetary investigation team see Grovyles research on time travel as bordering on obsessive. they understand that this is a grieving process of sorts - for the loss of his partner and also the loss of his fighting abilities and sense of purpose -  but seeing him pour his entire self into something that has no real answer is hard on them all. they don’t feel that it is beneficial for him to be constantly analysing the time travel accident, but telling him this will just result in an unnecessary fight
Celebi and Grovyle are by far the closest friends out of the remaining planetary investigation team members. in a future where nobody knows who they can trust, the pair trust each other entirely. they are both equally as dedicated to their mission and also enjoy a little harmless flirting - just as friendly banter of course ;)
while the pair share a very close bond, neither Celebi or Grovyle are good at speaking about their feelings. Celebi puts on a positive front as a coping mechanism for a state of impending doom, while Grovyle put on a brave face for a long time. Neither of the two expected to come back after sacrificing themselves for their cause, so this leads to a lot of complex emotions being unearthed while processing the entire paralysis situation
Celebi will call anyone she remotely trusts a variation of ‘my dear’, ‘darling’ etc. Imagine the shock all around when she says “Dusknoir my dear”
Grovyle has literally never had a good nights sleep. partly because the lack of time meant a lack of a sleep schedule, and partly from basically sleeping with one eye open while being on the run alone. he struggles with nightmares frequently too - recurring dreams feature an icicle forest scenario where Dusknoir doesn’t step in, or the moment where he and the hero are travelling to the past and he just has to watch the hero fall, fall, fall... because of this, Grovyle has a slight dependence on sleep seeds
the future trio were apprehensive for a long while about messing around with time now it was restored, and so they initially decided not to travel to the past again
after a while, with permission from dialga and a whole lot of research beforehand, they decide that it is okay to make occasional visits to the past, as many pokemon already know their legacy already
cue an emotional reunion with the hero and partner. Grovyle realised instantly that seeing his partner again made him feel content. it made the whole mission worth it - even if their memory is gone, they are still his best friend
tying up the loose ends of his mission was exactly what he needed.
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Also, I really like how, if I'm interpreting this correctly, you have the Rescue Team and Explorers protagonists as siblings! I think that's really cool!
Yeah! I cannot remember how exactly I hit on the idea and I was like well, that would explain how easily Gardevoir got him to leave to help another world if his own world is terrible, and then when he chooses to stay in that world, there’s no one to miss him back where he came from because his twin also acquires amnesia…
I one time tried to write a fic, without knowing where the plot was going, that crossed their worlds back over so they could reunite. And then I thought no, I like my Explorers content with a side of melancholy, so maybe I just leave it like that: Grovyle never tells Crystal about her lost brother because she doesn’t remember and what’s the point in telling her about a grief she can’t remember, so she never finds out, and Cody has no way to find out either, so they live out the rest of their lives with no idea about this deep connection they have with a twin that has been severed.
…on the other hand, since then, they released a PMD game that says that their separate worlds are actually just different continents, so it’s totally plausible that various teams start trekking out across the sea to visit other parts of the world and one human-turned-Pokemon is introduced to another continent’s local curiosity of their own human-turned-Pokemon, and Crystal and Turtwig, and Cody and Leafish, are just like huh that’s wild. What are the chances.
And then Crystal and Turtwig get back home and tell Dialga about it and Dialga sifts through all of his memories of Times Yet To Be That Will Never Be When I Went Mad, because he’s a god and can have memories of whatever timestream he wants, and he digs up a memory of Dusknoir reporting on the human who is working against him and tracking down the Time Gears—
And Dialga sticks his head into their home on the bluff in the middle of the night and is like “CRYSTAL YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS SHIT”
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