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ask-the-royal-absol · 2 months ago
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*As the event was drawing to a close, Kader took one last look around at the beautiful venue before walking away. This event was certainly an interesting one for him. He met a wide variety of Pokémon, gods including. Being face to face with such being was rather overwhelming but it did not stop him from having a good time. He received a couple of rather delightful gifts that he’d cherish, even if one had imagery of the type that he loathed. Speaking of, he was fortunate that encounter with that absol did not end with someone getting hurt. The Pokémon appeared to not have much in terms of malice but that didn’t stop him from being wary of their presence. Still, an overall good time. It certainly perked up his mood.
He as about to walk away when a sudden strange, pinkish light surrounded him. It wasn’t one he was familiar with and so held a cautious stance. However, when this light had teleported him back to the comfort of his room, he felt less on edge. Another one of the gods’ abilities in play perhaps? No matter. Whatever it was had brought him back and he had to let his sister know of his return.
Kader glanced down at himself and found that his strange form had dissipated and he had turned back to his usual, gardevoir self. The clothing seemed to also shrink to fit his body too. Thank goodness for that. He had made it ages ago and worried the transformation would rip the stitches he had made. Kader begun to carefully remove each of the garments he’d worn and hung them all on individual coat hangers. Some pieces would need to be cleaned straight away. Right now, though, Kader wanted to sit on his bed and relax.
However, the reality of the present moment hit him like a speed-boosted blaziken. He had an entire coronation to plan for himself. That was, partially, the reason why he had spent the last few weeks rotting in his room. An entire ceremony dedicated to officially crown him king. Gods, that would be so much work. He would need to consider food, his outfit, finishing the dress his sister, how many guests he would invite. So much to think about and very little time to prepare it all in. The thought alone overwhelmed him. He could feel his breath quicken and his hands begin to tremble at the thought. He’d need to think about what the theme would be. What would his attendant be wearing? How many members of his kingdom would be allowed to attend? How much food would he need? Oh Gods. He clutched his chest, feeling a pain start to swell inside of him.
No, he just needed to take some calming breaths. In. Out. In. Out.
And out…
And out…
Breathing helped. A bit. It always helped when he felt this way. It’d take a bit for his hands to get back to normal. He’d be fine in time. Perhaps now was a good time to find his sister. She’d know where to start.
Event end.*
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ask-casteliabounce · 3 months ago
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It was fuckin hilarious to think that when he sings his voice changes to say... Chris Isaak. so yeah that's now canon ladies n gentlemen.
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life-of-kalos · 3 months ago
Decending from the cloud covered skies, ??? Finally lands back on the earth. Though the ground was now covered in... snow? Yes, snow. That is what it was called. He was relieved that he still knew simple things like this.
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His gaze fell upon a large structure. It was familiar yet unknown, though he was sure he'd been here before. If his senses were correct, there was a hot spring nearby. However, he was not expecting there to be so many other occupants.
"It would seem there is an event in progress.. How unlucky."
In his arms, the woman groaned, pulling herself in closer to his body heat. She ran a fever but was still shivering from the cold. He, too, felt chilled, but perhaps it was his garments that were at fault here.
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It became apparent that even if he disliked the idea of joining the crowd, it would be necessary to reach his destination.
Faun and ??? Have joined the event!
Cameos: @ask-the-royal-absol @ask-guardian-gallade @hoodies-monster-ranch @asksableye
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ask-guardian-gallade · 3 months ago
Tiffany: *after catching her breath* I-i'm, fine. Sorry i... *still blushed* I was sent here mostly to keep an eye on Lucina, but... well... everybody in the lab... knew... Sooooooo, how about.. *really struggling to keep herself chill* we.. sit by the campfire to... chat?
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As the two made it back inside to reach he fireplace. Romeo see's chairs and floor mats already placed. But the one chair he got his eyes on is a beanbag chair. The Gallade made haste as he hops on it and already making himself comfy.
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Romeo: I forgot how beanbag chairs were this comfortable. So uh, what is it you wanna talk about Tiffany?
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hoodies-monster-ranch · 3 months ago
”oh a mew!,II didnt expect to meet one here !-you come here for a break too or just to take in the festivities?” - askatimgod dia @ dave
“Ah a Dialga! That’s so cool you’re here, although I’m enjoying festivities and a new challenge!”
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ask-my-memoir · 2 months ago
@horde-of-lus Coilailpe (wearing a polka dot winter coat)
The hybrid runs up to the mew, her eyes full of wonder and excitement.
That was cool, mister! Did you just teleport!? How'd you do that!?
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“Er- at least the ones from my universe! I’ve heard it’s different for others.”
[ @horde-of-lus ]
Thank you for the ask!))
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askatimegod · 3 months ago
@askwanderingdreamer <Yua, human> @ Dia: They approached him with a small smile. They could see they were cold, in their hands a streaming cup. "I see you're freezing out here. Have this. They called this hot chocolate? It's really tasty but hot so it should do the trick."
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"hot coco always does wonders on a chilly day,I admittedly almost forgot all about it” dia takes the cup happily giving a small bow as thanks ,its a good temporary solution less he feels anymore drowsy or chilly.
“Must admit you definitely look more prepared for the cold than I ever could be”
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asksableye · 3 months ago
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"I know you're excited, but stay near me. Your Ma will kill me if you get lost."
"Yes, ma'am!"
[We take a brief intermission from Conny and The Egg to instead follow this Scrafty and Scraggy!]
[Care to get to know them?]
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askthecasteliadetective · 2 months ago
*Kader approached Kaz, with a spark of curiosity in his eyes.*
Kader: Oh my, a lucario! You know, I just so happen to have a friend who is one of those. He is a rather grumpy fellow but he can be nice enough. You seem the entire opposite. Are there any of the activities you are most wishing to try here? I would recommend heading towards the hot springs if you are feeling the chill.
" Oh, hello. You're a Pokemon actually, right? That's interesting. Yet you took your human forme. "
The cold breeze hit his remaining bare skin again as Kaz shivers uncomfortably.
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" I remember seeing it in an article, but how is that possible? Wouldn't the pool freeze in that negative temperature? How does that heat withstand such cold? "
" Well... I don't really mind, I would check it out myself. "
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askthecanvasguardians · 3 months ago
“Hello. I didn’t think I’d find another mew here.”
“Although I feel as if you aren’t normally in the real world. Don’t know why.”
He scratches his ear.
“Are you enjoying “the festivities”? (Whatever that means)”
Well, I’ll be honest with ya (Steven’s note: fuck autocorrect)
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But I’ll be fine. As for the festivities: I quite enjoy it. It’s something new, something fun. I’m gonna try to look for a food court, even though I don’t need to eat to survive, I’ll try out everything!
How about you?
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ask-the-royal-absol · 3 months ago
(@masked-vee) Tunip's ears perked when she heard that Kader was a king. "You're a king? That's incredible! My boss is a king! King of the Chestnut Kingdom monsters." She pipped. "How did you become king, if... you don't mind me asking." Oaken asked.
*Kader did not share the same excitement for his title as this one had. In fact, he hated the fact that he had to rule the entire kingdom so young. He wished he had more time training him up for the role. That's why he'd hidden himself away in his room. He couldn't face the responsibilities it entailed yet. Not since...
He turned away from the pair, feeling his blood beginning to boil. His anger slipped out with each word, like the venom of an ekans.*
Kader: I had always been destined to rule my kingdom. To become king. I was the heir to the throne. My parents were the ones ruling. However, it has happened far too early. I was not supposed to take my title yet.
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Kader: One which I had never thought I would ever see in my lifetime. They were taken too early and I have to clean up the pieces. Now I have to be in charge of an entire kingdom when I am not ready...
Kader: …Sorry. This is still a rather sore subject for myself. I should have composed myself better to answer your question. Forgive me.
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a-shy-mimiktwo · 3 months ago
Vinny@Mentem: "Hey there, You okay over there? you look like your shaking up over there. Here, maybe this would help." The boy then offers a cup of hot chocolate to the purple Mewtwo. "This should perk you up in no time."
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“Oh. Um.”
“Thank you, small human.”
I doubt a simple drink can make me feel better.
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Dramatic much?
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life-of-kalos · 3 months ago
This was frustrating. He knew he was in the right spot but couldn't remember the exact location of the hotspring. His only choices would be to look for it or ask around. It was clear by the attention he's already brought in, that his company was too much of a distraction.
Suspicious glances continued to gaze his way. It would be best to leave his companion in a safe spot while he found answers to the hotsprings location.
Placing Faun gently beside some trees, he quickly took off to ask for directions.
Faun lay propped up in the cold snow, yet her temperature continued to rise. Slipping into consciousness, her blurred vision showed an unfamiliar place. She was confused and alone, with what little strength she could muster, she tried to stand.
Immediately falling back to the ground, her exhausted body could no longer hold it's form. Now in place of a small girl, lay a large Xerneas. Unconscious once again.
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ask-guardian-gallade · 3 months ago
*Kader approached Romeo, seeming quite happy about that fact. He reminded him a bit of his sister.*
Kader: Greetings! It is ever so nice to meet another similar to myself here. My form is not of its usual self but I just so happen to be a gardevoir. Funny what the gods do when they have the time. How are you enjoying yourself here? I am aware of the plentiful of activities which this event has to offer. Have you partaken in any as of yet? I also would like to ask, as my curiosity is high for this particular subject, what made you decide that a gallade was the right evolution for you?
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Romeo: The hot springs really did help me back there...since I got turned into a giant block of ice. luckily were just getting started. I wanted to try out the carols or even the snowball fights out here. And you, a Gardevoir? Ain't that something. I believe ya, since your colors kinda shows it. Romeo stops for a second. remembering the last question Kader asked him.
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Romeo: Back then where I was from, I used to live a noble life since my Dad is a member of this organization called 'The merchant alliance'. He wanted either me or my sister Joline to take part of his career as a member of this lead council he's in. But I was never meant to cut out on being a boring delivery boy. I wanted to be an adventurer, those rescue squads I heard about. Just like my Grandpa.
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Romeo: Of course my Dad refused us of becoming adventurers. Until one day when my sister evolved into...well...both. She became both a Gardevoir AND a Gallade...a Gardilade some mons would say. Wasn't sure how it was possible but I'm led to believe it could be mutation. Next thing I know, she became a member of the Iron hearts. One of the lands toughest guards and she became their captain in just a couple years. My Dad chose to take that acceptation on Joline's part, leaving me to take my Dad's career and forbid me otherwise. I never liked where things were going, So...I ran away from home, and decided to join the rescue guilds. Only to realize the hard way that people won't accept me because of my fragile state. I was desperate on following my dreams so I trained for days. Until an opportunity arrived. A Dusknoir named Maphisto told me he can make my dreams come true. He can turn me into a powerful Gallade and everyone will respect me as a hero. I was naive back then but after hearing what I wanted to hear.
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Romeo: And the next thing I know, I became a Gallade just like that. I finally got to be a member of the rescue squad and began my own adventure. And oh boy, it was quite a blast I tell ya. I went all sorts of quests like saving Princesses from Dragons, going into bizarre places to collect rare artifacts and substances, making peace deals from conflicts between clans, fighting off a time traveling Mariachi band that one time. I loved those days. So yeah, I just thought becoming a Gallade was the right move on my part. Don't get me wrong, I bet being a Gardevoir is awesome as well. It would be really cool that I can use psychic and move things around like one of those jedis from those movies I watched.
Romeo: Hey, now I kinda wanna ask now. Why did you become a Gardevoir? Was it a tough decision?
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hoodies-monster-ranch · 3 months ago
@askwanderingdreamer <Yua, human> to Hoopa: Their eyes widened as they came across Hoopa. Gee... they were big. Despite feeling slightly intimidated, they approached with a wobbly smile. "H-Hello! You remind me alot of a... trickster in a storybook of mine. Can you tell me what's the best trick you ever done?"
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“Little Leavanny’s expressions is worth 20 castles and multiple hoards of gold, honestly Hoopa hopes Granddaughter is half as good at pranks as Hoopa.”
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saguaropokevariants · 2 months ago
Mentem @ Saguaro
"Oh wow. That's the m-most unique eevee I have ever seen in my life. Then ag-g-gain, I've barely seen any eevees at all. Maybe a f-f-few in the wild and that's it-t."
(I envy the amount of fur all the pokemon here have...)
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Saguaro: Definitely one of the most unique Eevee I've ever seen, and I study the dang things! Arawn: …S…Saguaro… That's a Mewtwo… Saguaro: And a cold one at that. Here, hold Salac for a moment.
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Saguaro: Hmmm… Yeah I should be able to… Arawn: What in Arceus are you…?
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Saguaro: Hold right there. Arawn: LE WHERE IN THE D-WORLD WERE YOU HIDING THOSE?! Salac: Lee!
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Saguaro: There you go. That should keep you much warmer than that coat you had. I know that your kind has very little to no fur, so your tail is a big heat-sink. Be sure to keep it covered so you don't get so cold so easily, ok? Arawn: …Here I am, an adventurer who has seen many things… but I have never seen a man crochet that fast for a Mewtwo… Saguaro: Oh… yeah. It's just a lil skill I gained while keeping and raising Pokémon for my studies. A lot of them need sweaters for the colder seasons, and sometimes I… had to go fast since they decided they wanted to hatch when it's especially cold.
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