Unraveling mysteries, one clue at a time
20 posts
Act 1: Castelia City
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askthecasteliadetective · 25 days ago
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Nap Cafe Drawpile!
[Full Size Image Here] Thank you to everyone who participated!! I left it open a little longer to allow a couple stragglers to fit in—it's so lovely to see the cafe filled with everyone's characters! 💖
From left to right, bottom to top: @phantomguild, @the-feral-one, @harmonia-university, @ask-the-shiny-pokemons, @pocketofspaces, @ask-casteliabounce, @asktoastythearcanine, @askcapital, @askpokepals, @poniquest, @askleaderscrest, @askthecasteliadetective, @casteliacityramen, @garnett-and-friends, @asksavel, @whisperingfaun, @asklalu, @neverlandfaerai, @ask-the-royal-absol, @pmd-waveringfate
Note: I scooted some unintentionally/overly overlapping characters so that everyone could be shown properly. Apologies for the trouble!
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askthecasteliadetective · 3 months ago
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@chaosoffriendship M giver you a box filled with cookies that taste like your happiest memory and if you don't have any happy memories or don't like cookies the box magically has a dish you love.
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" Taste like what? Is this magic? "
The memories, slowly comes through his mind. The happiest moment of his life...
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" ... "
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" ... Well, that's not very pleasant. "
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askthecasteliadetective · 3 months ago
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" Too confidential? You agents should relax. It's not like I'm putting your plans in a newspaper or something, I don't think I have the power to do that. I heard you were looking for something, but eh, lost your chance. "
> Kaz did not record this in his notebook, but kept it in his mind.
Kaz adjusted his beret, tilting it just enough to cast a shadow over his sharp eyes. He approached the undercover agent casually, looking up and with a straightforward question,
“Who are you talking to? It sounds important, that a weird device you have.”
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As Kaz asked her a question, she starts to hum. A humming by a PIP agent means they refuse to answer. However, she didn't noticed Kaz, so she faces towards him.
A: You did heard that, aren'tcha? Well, since you're a detective, I'll split it out for you anyways... Promise not to tell everyone? Anyways, that was my-
A: Quiet! That's my boss. He's the secretary general's assistant. Don't mind him being a muscular Snorlax... But I wish I could show ya, but... my tablet died because my Rotom escaped...
As she talks to Kaz, something wrong with VEE's face.
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His face starts to normalize again, like nothing happened.
V: Ugh...yea...but please, no more secret unveiling. We really don't want them to be leaked elsewhere...
A: Ah, alright... Sorry, whoever you are, but...My work here is still pretty closed towards strangers...
[ @askthecasteliadetective ]
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askthecasteliadetective · 3 months ago
//I see that the aesthetic of the setting is like 1940’s New York I think and that one of the TW’s is fascism. So are we going to see a certain group of Germans?
(WOAH slow down let's not bring that up, I don't want to take it too far lol, but it's true that this blog settings is inspired off the old timers
fascism is the political idea where the government/group/a ruler abuses their power and controls everything, it doesn't have to be N@z1 related.)
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askthecasteliadetective · 3 months ago
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[Enigma approaches with a gift! It's labelled from Sagauro and co.]
[Inside is a nice, warm and fluffy sweater, designed to match her detective outfit!]
" Another gift? Crap, I should return something but I don't know what... *
Kaz carefully tears off the ribbon and wrapping. He opens the box to reveal a fitting warm clothing for this season. The young detective quickly changes it out before he gets frostbite.
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" W-Wow... this feels nice actually. "
An item has been equipped. I will soon be added to Inventory
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askthecasteliadetective · 3 months ago
*Kader approached Kaz, with a spark of curiosity in his eyes.*
Kader: Oh my, a lucario! You know, I just so happen to have a friend who is one of those. He is a rather grumpy fellow but he can be nice enough. You seem the entire opposite. Are there any of the activities you are most wishing to try here? I would recommend heading towards the hot springs if you are feeling the chill.
" Oh, hello. You're a Pokemon actually, right? That's interesting. Yet you took your human forme. "
The cold breeze hit his remaining bare skin again as Kaz shivers uncomfortably.
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" I remember seeing it in an article, but how is that possible? Wouldn't the pool freeze in that negative temperature? How does that heat withstand such cold? "
" Well... I don't really mind, I would check it out myself. "
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askthecasteliadetective · 3 months ago
@horde-of-lus Coilailpe (wearing a polkadot winter coat)
Hey, you're a lucario right!? What's it like? I can't wait to evolve and learn all kinds of new mo-
The hybrid noticed Kaz shivering.
You ok...I just noticed you didn't dress for the occasion ehehe...
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" People should stop pointing out my flaw— I mean- yeah! Shocker... "
Kaz would squats down to the colourful Riolu's level, as he sigh longing.
" I'm... technically a Riolu like you, it's just how we were born but I happened to be matured earlier. Yeah, I am a Lucario, but I still can't compete to my peers' level. "
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askthecasteliadetective · 3 months ago
Chara( @askthecanvasguardians) @ Kaizen
“Oh, another newcomer! Wow
 you are the most human-like PokĂ©mon I’ve ever seen (besides the PokĂ©mon disguised as humans cuz that’s a thing)! And your outfit looks so cool, where did you get it?”
*he pauses
I can tell you are cold
 uh, want me to bring you some hot chocolate or tea? They have some inside the castle.”
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" Thank you! It is tailored by my aunt. It's a valuable product, she spend so much time and money on making this. I truly appreciate— what?! "
The young detective's eyes widens as his mouth starts drooling at the mentions of hot chocolate. Kaz makes a quick turn towards the castle and dashes forward.
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" I have to have it !!! "
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askthecasteliadetective · 3 months ago
(@agent-morpeko) Alicia approaches Kaz as she waves at him and brought some hot chocolate since he's shivering.
"Oh, hello. Are you, perhaps, a detective? Don't mind me, I'm judgin' people sometimes by their clothing. And cause...I'm kinda one myself...well...not really but anyway. What brings you here? You sure will have some fun here, are ya?"
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@agent-morpeko @ask-guardian-gallade @chaosoffriendship
For a moment, the young detective could only stare, stunned by the unexpected kindness by these strangers. His expression widens, bewildered by the gratitude.
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" W-What is this..? Is this for me? "
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" Oh, thank you so much! Since you three actually spend time bringing me this finest beverage, I shall entertain you! "
" That's right, I'm a detective! Though, I haven't really solved cases officially and I don't have an office to myself, it's usually the police did it... they took my credits!
Ahem, I'm here because I'm pretty curious on how you all celebrate a festival. I've never celebrated any festivals myself, I must say this is pretty good! "
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" Yeah, I didn't know if would be so freaking cold! Is this why you all are wearing thick clothing and drinking warm beverages? "
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askthecasteliadetective · 3 months ago
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What's this? Looks like your present was found! The small Calyrex excitedly hands it over, intently waiting for you to open it! Looking inside you find:
Scissors! But like, the kid ones that are super dull and hurt to put your fingers in the small holes.
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" What... Am I supposed to do with this? "
" I-I mean, thank you! Uhm... "
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" ... I guess, this may be something useful in the future. "
An item has been added to Inventory.
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askthecasteliadetective · 3 months ago
Kaz’s breath hitched as his eyes fell on Lucina, the Protogen Lucario at the amidst the snow-covered field. Gathering his thoughts, he approached cautiously, hands tucked into his trench coat for warmth.
“I-Incredible..!" he murmured, tilting his beret back to get a better look.
“You’re like something out of a dream...” But as another gust of icy wind howled through the tundra, his admiration turned to concern.
“You’re out here in this weather? Won’t the snow mess with your circuits or something?”
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Lucina: While this weather is certainly non-optimal, my body is made to withstand the cold and heat itself up if needed.
Lucina: I am however worried for you, do you require assistance? I can provide if you'll allow me.
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askthecasteliadetective · 3 months ago
The heavy wings of the Corviknight taxi beat against the chilling air as it descended through the swirling snow. Kaz clutched his beret with one hand and held onto the cable car, his trench coat flapping wildly in the icy wind. Below, the snowy expanse of the Crown Tundra stretched endlessly, blanketed in white save for the looming silhouette of the Crown Shrine.
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The taxi landed with a soft crunch of snow, and Kaz hopped off, boots sinking into the icy ground. The Corviknight cawed once before the driver tipped his cap and took off, disappearing into the gray sky. For a moment, silence enveloped him, broken only by the whisper of wind through the ancient trees.
Kaz turned to face the Crown Shrine, a gasp escaping his lips. It was magnificent. The towering structure, more a natural wonder than a man-made creation. This was the place he’d read about in old Galarian texts, a site steeped in legend and mystery. It has now become an attraction for visitors, especially during this festive season.
“Majestic..!” he muttered, pulling out his notebook to jot down his first impressions.
“Like a fortress of nature itself. No wonder it’s said to be home to a king.”
But his awe was short-lived.
A sharp gust of wind sliced through him as Kaz shivered violently. His thin trench coat offering little defense against the biting cold. He hugged himself, realizing his mistake.
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" C-Cold! Why I didn't think of bringing some warm clothes—?! "
The young detective has joined the event!
background belongs to @crown-of-galar
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askthecasteliadetective · 4 months ago
Hey do you know there's an event going on?
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" An event? Is it important? "
Kaz flipped through the crinkling pages of the newspaper, his sharp eyes scanning for anything that's event related. Near the top of the page, bold, frosty black letters leaped out at him. Intrigued, he smoothed the paper flat and read on. The festival promised breathtaking snow-swept landscapes, traditional winter food and games, and a key attraction: the legendary healing hot springs nestled at the base of the Crown Shrine.
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Kaz’s mind whirred as he considered the possibilities. Folding the paper neatly, he made a mental note. A healing hot spring sounded like the perfect place to unwind...
" Galar? It's pretty far from here... but the transportation in this world is extremely convenient. Actually... "
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" I don't mind taking a quick detour to that place. Maybe I can get to learn new things about this world... "
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askthecasteliadetective · 4 months ago
( @ask-team-spectrum Periwinkle)
“Kid where’s your parents? Why are you drinking tea by yourself?”
The young detective got startled by another stranger approaching him, clinging onto the newspaper close to his chest.
" W-What parents? Nevermind that, I'm drinking apple juice, not tea! "
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He paused, tilting his head slightly as he studied the stranger.
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"But you’re not asking for small talk, are you? So, what’s the real question?"
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askthecasteliadetective · 4 months ago
(@ask-aeos-company) Anna approaches a mysterious detective. She brings some cupcakes and sits near him.
"Hiii! How's it goin', mister Smarty Pants! Sorry, if I insulted you, but I swear it's not on purpose, haha... Anyways, you remind me of Gen, our Lucario from Aeos. Anyways, name's Anna, what about yours? Also, I looove the fit by the way!"
As the stranger approach the young supposed detective, his heart skipped as he quickly folded the newspaper and flipped his notepad closed, pushing them to the edge of the table as if they'd suddenly become classified documents.
" O-Oh, hello? N-Nice knowing that..? How are we similar other than being a Lucario... "
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His gaze sharp and wary as he tried to assess whether this was mere coincidence—or something far more deliberate. Regardless, he shakes his head and gave the Glaceon a wary smile.
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" S-Sorry about that... The name's Kaizen Fletcher, but you can call me Kaz. Thank you about your comment, I'm just another average citizen that likes dress up.... You're full of energy when meeting a stranger... "
cameos: @ask-team-misfit, @redolentgrove
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askthecasteliadetective · 4 months ago
Castelia City buzzed with life, its sprawling streets a living testament to the symbiosis between humans and Pokémon. The sunlight glinted off the glassy skyscrapers, casting long shadows over the bustling harbor. Amidst the chaos, a young Lucario is seated near the cafe as he observes the surroundings.
He was puzzling over something that had long intrigued him ever since he stepped into this city. How do humans and Pokémon coexist so seamlessly? Some of them share similar traits.
From his vantage point, he observed the everyday dance of harmony. A Machamp carefully unloaded crates from a docked ship, its four arms moving with mechanical precision. Nearby, a young woman knelt beside her Leavanny, working together to sew an intricate outfit for an upcoming fashion show. Overhead, a flock of Pidove scattered as a Braviary soared, its trainer jogging beneath with a determined look. And more,
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“ Curious, ” The boy muttered to himself, tapping his pen against his notebook.
“ So many different species, yet no chaos. No rebellion. It’s like... they’re all in on some unspoken agreement. ”
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The boy leaned back, chewing on the end of his pen. “ But what’s the spark? What made all of this possible? ”
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“ Dead yesterday, culprit still on the loose. There's not enough information, I have to interview. “
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The boy reached out, his fingers curling around the cool surface of the cup, and brought the straw to his lips, sipping on the apple juice. But anxiety slowly creeps through his spine,
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 How do I approach
The mysterious young detective is open for ask!
cameos: @ask-the-royal-absol, @ask-casteliabounce, @askbohemiancompany, @askcinderpizza, @psychicduo, @casteliacityramen, @michaels-roundup
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askthecasteliadetective · 4 months ago
!! Warning !! the following post contains depictions of:
It was a quiet midnight in Castelia City, the sprawling metropolis of Unova. The usual bustling streets had fallen into a hush, with only the occasional hum of neon lights. The air was thick, and carried the faint scent of the sea.
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A lone Pokemon had been walking home from a late night shift at the docks, his shoes echoing against the empty sidewalks. Their mind wandered, replaying snippets of mundane conversations and thinking about how they could save enough money to finally leave the city
 but their thoughts were interrupted when he felt it,

 the unmistakable sensation of being watched.
They brushed it off, when suddenly they felt a sharp pain on their abdomen. They touched it and felt a wet sensation, it was blood. The immense strain cursed them, as they quickly ran and turned into one of the narrow alleys they used as a shortcut.
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The Pokemon stumbled, clutching their side where something had torn into them moments ago. Their blood seeped through their trembling fingers, leaving a trail on the cobblestones as they staggered forward. Their breath came in ragged gasps, each step more labored than the last. The bustling lights of Castelia's main streets felt worlds away, the alleys were a maze, an unforgiving trap of brick walls and garbage bins.
The alley was eerily quiet, save for the faint hum of air conditioning units and dripping water. The walls loomed high, claustrophobic, and there were no exits except for the way he had come.
However, behind them, footsteps echoed.
Someone wasn’t in a rush. They didn’t need to be.
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Their mind raced as they turned a corner, their body screaming for rest. The pain was blinding, but the primal will to survive pushed them forward. They pressed themselves against the wall, peering back the way they came. The alley was empty, save for the dim flicker of a broken street lamp.
For a moment, the Pokemon thought they've lost the stranger.
Then, out of the shadows, the figure emerged. The glint of the machete in their hand was unmistakable under the moonlight. The stranger tilted their head, their face obscured with shadows, and stayed silent.
The Pokemon turned and ran, or tried to. Their legs were weak, their vision blurred. Their pulse pounded in their ears as they tripped over discarded crates, the sharp pain in their side sending them crashing to the ground. They lay there for a moment, trying to summon the strength to rise, but their body betrayed them.
The sound of approaching footsteps grew louder, then stopped.
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The Pokemon rolled onto their back, staring up at the stranger who now loomed over them. The figure said nothing, their expression unreadable as they raised the blade. The distant city lights glinted off its edge.
“ Wait! — ” the Pokemon croaked, their voice barely a whisper.
The man stood still. There was no malice in his lifeless eyes, no satisfaction.
Just cold detachment,
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 and the blade descended.
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