#Durge band au
thuumwrestler · 14 days
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Au where durge is the frontman for an industrial metal band called The Dead 3
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tearsofeilistraee · 9 days
Nobody asked for them but some headcanons about durge band au:
Kelrath used to be part of a goth band called DreadFang (if you know, you know) but left on bad terms (he killed them)
Some slasher/horror film vibes as the story begins with Kaethan, whose father runs a motel the band is stopping and staying at for the weekend while on tour. The night they rolled in, a body washed up from the lake. Several more follow
Canon Kelrath has a lot more discipline over himself and the urge as a paladin (at least in the beginning), band au Kelrath does not and is a lot more unhinged
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discordsmuse · 11 months
Discordsmuse Masterlist
Hello friends! Finally putting together a masterlist to make it easier for you guys to find all my fanfics here since I only post to AO3!
These will be organized by fandom and character.
Baldur's Gate 3
dance me to the end of love, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav and Halsin admit to their feelings post-Moonrise and fuck on a balcony.
Silence, NSFW/18+ : Fem!Tav and Halsin fuck in a closet
Do Unto Others, NSFW/18+ : Fem!Tav wants to give Halsin some attention and convinces him to let her be the giver for once.
Enver Gortash
body more than just a flesh, you can sell it for success, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav is invited to dinner with the Archduke and things get a little heated.
i will give you all that you need, NSFW/18+: Sequel to the above, Fem!Tav and Gortash bathe together before Enver gets a little handsy.
gracious men are those who suffer, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav and Enver w/ a free use kink.
legacy with no memory, NSFW/18+: Fem!Durge and Enver Gortash w/a pregnancy kink
I wanna know my god, At least enough to fear Her, NSFW/18+: Fem!Durge and Gortash have a lil bit of hate sex
Gale Dekarios
be my nightfire, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav catches Gale mid-alone time. Feelings and sex ensue.
sanctify you bedsheets with the sweat along your hips, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav is fascinated by Abdirak and nervously asks him to teach her about Loviatar.
delightful little detour, NSFW/18+: Canon rewrite for what happens when Fem!Tav tells Raphael he's bad at sex.
Let the Dream Begin, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav/Raphael Phantom of the Opera AU, slowburn
Office Hours, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav/Raphael College AU
she keeps the candle burning, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav/Raphael post-game
Ask prompt, Haarlep/Fem!Tav when Haarlep shows up at camp.
i wanna have a home, i wanna share it, NSFW/18+: Fem!Tav and Rolan get together post-saving the tieflings from moonrise.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Hector Barbossa
The Pirate Lord, NSFW/18+: Barbossa/Reader post-Elizabeth being kinged.
All That Glitters, NSFW/18+: Longform Barbossa/Reader canon rewrite pre-CotBP
Liar's Bet, NSFW/18+: Longform Barbossa/Reader canon rewrite during CotBP and DMC
feel the edges start to burn, NSFW/18+: Barbossa/Reader where reader is friends w/Carina
Harry Potter
Severus Snape
isn't it lovely (all alone), NSFW/18+: Snape/Reader closet sex
no death in rebirth, NSFW/18+: Snape/Reader longform amnesia oneshot
Brought to Life, NSFW/18+: Snape/Reader marauder's era classmates to lovers lol
Dead by Daylight
Contention, NSFW/18+: Ace/Meg against a tree hatesex
Breaking Point, NSFW/18+: Megmillan first time
It's Alright, Teen/16+: The survivors and killers recover post-entity
Anna/The Huntress
Not so much taming as growing accustomed, Mature/16+, Huntress/Reader friendship to lovers
Herman Carter/The Doctor
Untethered, NSFW/18+, The Doctor/Reader where reader annoying him but in the fun, bratty way
Resident Evil Village
Karl Heisenberg
Business Partners with Benefits, NSFW/18+: Heisenberg/Reader where reader is Moreau's niece
Spider Man
Dr. Otto Octavius/Doc Ock
Working Overtime, NSFW/18+: Otto/Reader where reader is his lab assistant
Bedside Manner, NSFW/18+: Otto/Reader where reader is Doc Ock's lover
Jareth the Goblin King
Midsummer, NSFW/18+: Jareth/Reader at the midsummer fae ball
don't leave me lonely, NSFW/18+: Jareth/Reader sequel to Midsummer
The band Ghost
Papa Emeritus IV/Cardinal Copia
Better Than, NSFW/18+: Copia/Reader where he's a little insecure about Terzo being better than him
Dracula (lol)
Nice Costume, NSFW/18+: Dracula/Reader in a modern setting at a party
Our Flag Means Death
Israel Hands
we do get desperate, now and again, Mature/16+: Fem!Reader/Izzy hurt/comfort unrequited love.
i wanna be yours, Mature/18+: Fem!Reader/Izzy first time together
The Quarry (2022)
Travis Hackett/Laura Kearney
• fell in love with the fever, Explicit/18+: Travis and Laura are forced to spend some time together 6 months after the incident.
• perspiration and alcohol, Explicit/18+: Travis and Laura meet again and become gym buddies. Laura pushes the line as per.
This list will grow/change as I write more :D Thanks for reading!
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wlwaerith · 1 year
i don't have her timeline 100% pinned down, but i thought i'd share some of my ideas about elarys as she is in her canon. her durge au is fun but the canon i made for her, in which she's still connected to the antagonists (primarily through ketheric & myrkul) is more fun for me.
she's born to a wood elf mother and a human father shortly before the curse is unleashed by ketheric's dark justiciars. they abandon her to flee for baldur's gate, and she "dies" to the curse as barely more than an infant.
except we know that nothing really dies while the curse takes hold, so she lies there dormant, rotting, cursed, warped. she looks like a corruption of a half-elven child, but she's something entirely other now, with one tiny foot in the grave and the other in the shadowfell. a necromantic thing.
this is where i'm playing fast and loose with the timeline, but i think myrkul gets his claws in the shadow-cursed lands a while before he picks his chosen (read: steals shar's from her). when he establishes a presence there, something interferes with elarys.
about 30-40 years before the events of the game, the infant elarys wakes up as myrkul begins establishing a foothold in the shadow-cursed lands. somehow, his presence undoes the physical manifestations of the curse, even though she remains corrupted. being undead, he can't create(?) spawn as bhaal can, but in this abandoned child he sees an opportunity and directs a small band of his clerics to find her. once they do, they retreat to a sanctuary just outside of baldur's gate. she was raised within the church.
as she aged, she was his original first choice for a chosen. he never spoke to her, but he did speak to the priest the clerics had given her to. but elarys proved a poor fit for his chosen, far more fascinated by alchemy, necromancy (for which she had little innate skill), and her cursed blood that gave her access to a rare and frightening type of magic: shadows.
elarys may not be interested in tracking down her mother (for her father is surely dead), but she is interested in magic and science. she throws herself into a passion project that turns into an obsession, which is achieving necromancy and complete resurrection like her own through alchemy rather than increasingly rare spells. the offering satisfies myrkul, but he loses interest in her and eventually finds ketheric instead.
in the meantime, elarys has encountered an ancient rogue mindflayer who calls himself the architect (hi da girlies). he has managed to extend his lifespan far beyond the normal range for an illithid through research of his own, and now seeks a way to permanently liberate himself & others like him from the influence of elder brains. so he strikes a deal with elarys: she helps him with his research and lures victims for him to feed on, and he grants her more magic for her repertoire, as it may aid her research.
so, they set up a clinic in the lower city. she gains a favourable reputation very fast; the most efficient healer in the city for the lowest price with the highest survival rate. it's not long before the well-to-do of the upper city are calling upon her for visits when they need healing. but that's also when the disappearances start in the lower city.
a string of disappearances coinciding with a string of grizzly murders begins to sew fear in the city. all roads lead to moonrise towers, it seems, for it's not long before a white-scaled dragonborn with blood on his breath and bhaal's amulet around his neck tracks her down and makes her an offer she can't refuse: how would she like to help his colleague in a special laboratory? except he phrases it as though he's useless and needs assistance. elarys, who has always loved having her ego stroked, is quick to accept.
to moonrise towers they go, where they meet the other two. she and enver don't get along at first, given that they're both two massive egos making a name for themselves in the modern sciences suddenly having to share space, but ketheric likes her almost immediately. maybe it's because he knows a fellow undead (or, undead in the way he is) when he sees one. maybe it's because he can feel that she's been touched by myrkul as well. or maybe, just by virtue of being a young half-elf woman, she reminds hm just enough of his isobel.
there's also a myrkul-shar divine custody battle going on here. but that's not important babygirl don't worry about it
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spellmage · 10 months
AAAHHHGHFGHH i yelled when i got this ask THANK YOU !!!!
OKAY BAND AU i’m so glad you asked !!!!
i haven’t started posting it yet but i have about 30k-ish words written of a horrible terrible modern/limited magic au where it’s basically the plot of bg3 except like,, music,, instead of Actual Threat Of Death
the main points:
the main character is the dark urge but literally EVERYONE ELSE is also there (seriously i can’t stop adding side characters it’s a problem)
the absolute is a prestigious music award that the dead three have revived for the sole purpose of winning it themselves (they call their fans ‘true souls’ because they’re cringe like that)
the tadfools form a band to go against the D3 once they find out about it and there are Shenanigans
the music is all rock/metal/goth because i need to indulge in my interests or i’ll die !!
there will also be durgetash (eventually) because, again, self-indulgence !!
there’s a whole subplot about gortash and maidris (durge) talking via text but maidris doesn’t know that it’s gortash he’s talking to hehe
THERE IS A GALA SCENE ! i repeat i am fulfilling the ‘i wish gortash’s coronation was a ball’ idea with my own silly words and making everyone dress up and play nice !
this thing is going to be LONG when it’s done (it’s not even a third of the way written yet) and it is very definitely above my skill level but i’m having so much fun with it anyway ! hopefully it will be posted at some point aaahghh !!
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spicyraeman · 9 months
What,does,Durge play?
I gotta be honest with you ive got no fuckin clue
I planned on keeping the band au to mostly the set companions, but even if I did add default Durge i've only seen dark urge content from the 1st act, so I don't know enough about them to really even try and come up with something
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heartsdefine · 5 months
some bg3 au lucy ideas, now that her dnd character sheet is (mostly) finished and available at the bottom of her carrd page:
lucy is a descendant of a faction of people who moved into stone bunkers underground when the spellplague began in 1385DR. so they are technically in the underdark but not of the underdark.
as they had no contact with the above world and believed the spellplague to be a world-ending event, the faction remained in their bunker (aka vault) for the next 107 years.
in 1492DR, lucy's vault is raided by a band of outsiders whose leader kidnaps her father, compelling lucy to venture up to the surface to find him.
at some point during its plane hopping chaotic crash course to the sword coast, the nautiloid passes over and snatches lucy. she is not tav and/or durge, but an additional tadpoled companion they can recruit into the party.
her personal quest involves finding her dad, ofc. details to come.
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mosses-gate-3 · 5 months
Introduce me to your OCs because ice been scrolling too long to find them and i wanna know im nosy 😭
OKOK so all the posts i've made with them are under #bg3 tav and #moss says things and they also have individual tags you can search too-- #salix, #reneeginald, #andis, #monty, and #cesair.
but i can do a formal introduction as well if you'd like :D (also tagging @haterofastarion as per request)
Andis is my first proper tav oc and probably the one I put the most of myself into. He's a spore circle druid whose body, due to a series of medical mishaps, is now being slowly overtaken and replaced by this magical fungus. Basically he's turning into a myconid but retaining all the cognitive function. (can you tell I really like body horror...) He's around 27 ish and has been living in Baldur's Gate for the past several years after having escaped from the lab that had been running experiments on him post-fungal encounter. Currently he works as a waiter and plays drums in a small local band. Despite all the medical trauma he's probably the most well-adjusted of all of them. He's in a polycule with Wyll and Karlach.
Salix is my beloved psychic damage bard. She's a siren who was kidnapped from her birthplace and raised by an elven noble. She was married off to a man named Lord Helrien who had a ring made to suppress her magic, basically keeping her as a decoration for entertainment in his court. After about sixty years of marriage, she snapped and killed him. She's currently on the run from both the Fist and Helrien's more illicit associates. None of this is to say she's a particularly good person-- she's mean, manipulative, deliberately cruel at times and pushes people away on purpose. I call her my Vicious Mockery bard for a reason lol. Her relationship with Astarion is very interesting because of this since they both need something from each other (protection) and feed off each other's worst energy in the process but I won't get super into it because there's A LOT of lore.
Ren or Reneeginald is a half-drow artificer who's most definitely being haunted. Their ghost's name is Juniper Stormaven and she's a long-dead pirate captain who's trying to convince Ren to resurrect her. Juniper's death, or in this case lack of one, is tied very closely to the disappearance of Ren's twin sister Marcella a few years before the start of the game. There is incredibly complicated lore for this and I have a whole companion quest written out for how these things play out as well as multiple AUs including a TMA one so I won't get super into it but that's the gist. Ren can come off as pragmatic and stony-faced, but they're deeply creative and enjoy creating and building beautiful things. They're romancing Gale (and I have a lot of notes on their romance but again I won't get into it).
Monty is my favorite (and only) Durge! He's a dragonborn and very much cowboy-themed, he's one of my favorite character archetypes of "hot roguish traveling fighter with an alcoholism problem and a deeply rooted anger and pain just past the happy-go-lucky mask." Prior to the events of the game, he wandered around, fighting in cages and tournaments to try and sate the Bhaalspawn bloodlust. This earned him the title of the Man Mal Fet, or the Ill-Made Man- Arthurian legend reference!! Monty's theory is that it's better to give in to the urges while he's conscious and can choose who to kill than to try to resist and end up killing indiscriminately. I have a companion quest written out in which he's not a Bhaalspawn but a normal guy who's been cursed and/or has entered a pact that forces him to kill a certain amount of people in order to retain his free will because I like making original backstories for my characters.
Cesair is the bard I made for my multiplayer runthrough with my beloved ex wife @doomedpuppetyuri . He's a lying, conniving little bitch, or at least he used to be. He grew up an orphan on the streets of Baldur's Gate and learned to play music to feed himself and his siblings. He was hired to become a jester in the court of an evil king. For years he was in love with his new boss, but something horrible happened and he was exiled forever. Now he's attempting to be a good person out of spite for his ex. This is also why he doesn't listen to the Emperor; in any other circumstances he'd love to consume the tadpoles but his dream guardian looks too much like the evil king so he refuses to listen to them.
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thuumwrestler · 12 days
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More of my au with durge as the frontman of an industrial metal band called The Dead 3 💀🤘
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daemon-in-my-head · 3 months
1 and 6 for the 4th edition past life durge asks <3
Apologies for the delay and thanks for the ask! The first one threw me for a loop lol
1. The song that describes you Durge best from your own perspective?
Knew the answer for this by heart when I created the asks but shit changes, so I'm gonna say 'Kleid aus Rosen' (dress of roses) by Subway to Sally. German song and German band so lemme give ya the gist of the song (also cuz it's hella ambigious and demands a backstory not a lot know)
A girl wants a rose tattoo, her family and fiance are against it however, saying lilies would suit her better. Now the girl, willful as she is, rejects their opinion and runs away from her home and her marriage promise to find the master who can give her the roses she wants.
The master, however, rejects her as well. Saying that sweet dahlias suit her and that roses come for a price she wouldn't want to pay. But once again, she rejects that opinion and begs him on her knees for days until he relents and starts giving her the bloody roses she so longed for.
She suffers greatly during the whole ordeal, bloody roses bloom on her neck as her skin grows pallid, but in the end, the master finishes his job.
Except the girl will never see the roses she so long for, as the price she had been warned about was her sight.
So TL;DR: wilfulness and ego became her downfall. She may have gotten what she wanted, but she's lost everything for it, including the joy of ever seeing what she so desperately desired. Pretty spot on.
There's also a bit of desperation and being tainted by sin going on in the story but that's ever more nuanced.
The chorus is basically 'master, master, give me roses. Roses on my white dress. Pierce the roses into the bare, untouched, maiden body.' As I said, there's a lot more with sin and sexuality going on too in some interpretations but the songs pretty much a 1:1 copy of an actual old as fuck lament and that's the 'og' meaning.
6. Sarevok, what was his relationship with your Durge like? Did they like each other? Was it complicated?
Complicated? Nah not rly. He despises him for what he does to Orin, but Sarevok bets on the pure Bhaalspawn. If it was up to him he'd gladly rid Sarevok of the curse of being a judge, but daddy ain't no fan of that so he gets to enjoy unlife I guess.
Did kill him in the end tho. But ofc only after turning Bhaal down and spitting in everyone's face. Slay. Literally.
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thee-morrigan · 8 months
act iii (sad girl autumn version) and/or museum(ish) au please!
the act iii one is a character/relationship exploration piece between one of my durges (Faeryl) and Karlach, sometime after the House of Hope. Faeryl is trying very hard to not push Karlach to reconsider Avernus as a temporary option and to respect her wishes, but like. she also loves her girlfriend and doesn't want her to die. so there are Feelings Happening:
“I’m thinking,” she said finally, a rueful little smile tugging at the corners of her lips, “that it’s a shame we had to kill Raphael.” “What the fuck? Why? If you tell me you miss his poetry, Fae, I’m leaving, gods above.” Karlach's face twisted in a mix of incredulity and disgust, as if the mere mention of Raphael's various bardic attempts conjured a foul taste in her mouth. Faeryl snorted, pressing her elbow into the tiefling's ribs in playful reproach. "Definitely not.” She drew a deep breath, as if weighing her words, then admitted, “Because my hope has been whittled dangerously close to the edge of despair and I find myself almost wishing I still had a devil waiting for the chance to bargain with me.”
aaaand as a palate cleanser that is considerably less sad, a factoid from the museum(ish) au: one of the chapters includes Holland adopting a dog. She names her Sleater-Kinney, after the band. I *think* Sleater is gonna be an aussie/aussie mix. not totally decided but the vibes feel correct.
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flamemittens · 3 months
Favourite Songs Game!
Tagged by @defira85 to share some of my favourite songs I am listening to at the moment. I could go on forever, but I'll confine it to 4 :)
I am a huge fan of this band and have a few of their songs on my Durgetash playlist, but I think this one is my favourite. The lyrics are pretty perfect for the pairing (for me personally), I mean:
In my civilisation, you're the king and the queen I'm praying at your altar, if you know what I mean Yeah, everything I've been missing You've been serving up in your kitchen
I'll admit this band is a reasonably recent-ish discovery for me, can't remember exactly where I came across them, but I'm glad I did for sure. 'Spectator' is another song of theirs I am listening to at the moment, but this one, 'Vampire Disco', is described as a song about temptation, self-destruction and a dangerous relationship, so, yeah :)
You're keeping up a breakneck pace I like the way you say my name You're stirring up a brand new age I want you to know Yeah she's a death wish
I've been listening to this song for years, it is so so good. It was originally released in 2011 I believe, and later was the debut single from his 2013 album 'The Golden Age'. I actually first heard it on the Assassin's Creed: Revelations trailer, which remains one of the coolest video game trailers I've ever seen. I don't play the AC games myself, but I used to watch my husband play and Ezio Auditore is one of our favourite characters. This song is also on the Durge playlist.
A soldier on my own, I don't know the way I'm riding up the heights of shame I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest I'm ready for the fight, and fate
Just love the vibes of this one. It's about the difficulties of anxiety, self-doubt and not fitting in, and being your own worst enemy, and the headspace you get into in those moments. I think she was 16/17 when she wrote it.
The silence is so loud The lights spark and flicker With monsters much bigger Than I can control now
Thanks very much for the tag! <3
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vounoura · 5 months
bg3 au where durge and orin and the bhaalists are just a death metal band with really violent lyrics and are completely normal people otherwise
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web-spinning · 6 months
Also about that Durgetash modern au-
Durge and Orin are step siblings and they run a rock/metal band called "Unholy Assassins"
They play in a club run by Ketheric, who's an old guy that spend his whole life in prison but now he's just a sweet old grandpa who misses his daughter and he helps out queer teens
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asstariontrash · 7 months
random OC ask: if your OC was in a modern!AU, what would their job be? what would their day-to-day life look like? would they be very similar to their canon conception, or different?
(the modern!AU can be in the fashion of your favored iteration, whether that is a 1:1 version of our universe, modern-with-magic, etc.)
Tyvm for the ask!!
I think Hemlock (paladin) would be an EMT. He thrives in high-stress situations and gains a lot of self-worth from helping people, but he'd probably be a bit more laid back in a modern!AU compared to the game. Would still be very ✨intense✨ on the job, but his coworkers would like working with him. I think he'd own a rescue dog (Scratch exists in every universe).
Century (cleric/Durge) would be, like, the bassist in a totally not-popular punk band and work a day job at Best Buy that they're surprisingly good at. They own the band's van even though their license expired months ago and it does have one of those 80s rock paintings on the side. They're pretty quiet but everyone in the band likes 'em. Keeps accidentally adopting strays and having to pick up extra hours to buy them food.
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Ugh, it finally happened! Khal'ian and Kira's saves are fully cooked! So close to finishing act3 with my boy! 😓
Well, it gives me an excuse to finally remake Kira or create Khal'ian's in-lore manic best-friend Issal.
Welp, time to test honor mode with new subclasses!🤗
I'll work on more Wyll/Kira drabbles later tonight, but I have a question.
Do any of your Tav/Durges co-exist? Would they be pre-game friends/foes/lovers? I find it fun to branch out and see the characters I create interact with each other.
-githzerai anon
You can try to downgrade the game version and script extender versions to finish the saves off if you were really close to the end!
Also in the new endgame epilogue, Voss sends a letter that mentions the githzerai canonly in game! I thought of you when i saw it. If you're okay with spoilers lmk and I'll post it.
Also dude, honour mode is fucking brutal. One save file, you can't reload and if you die in the tutorial ship the whole save is nuked. All the rolls are inflated with a higher check number, I couldn't recruit Us because i failed the mutiliate roll despite having advantage. So many other people mentioned failing the Wyll Karlach pers roll and the pulling Gale out of the portal roll too. It's full on sadistic and I'm loving it but I can't go far yet because I'm still waiting on my favourite mod to update.
As for the Tav/Durge question, they definitely share a common dragon theme, I based them on different dragon species for fun.
First Tav was based on a gold dragon, friendly, chatty, noble heritage, extroverted and flirty. Romanced Astarion. Backstory is them being a noble supposed to take over the head of their family soon but got kidnapped, comes back to finding out the previous head got murdered and everyone in their family is a suspect except them since they were far away. Their dream person was a half-elf women. Gets thrown off the ship with a small baby red dragon that serves their family, followed them here. Hoards eggs/gold/gems.
First Durge was based on a red dragon, prideful, rude, arrogant, easily jealous, competitive and loves flattery. Romanced Minthara. They're not native to Baldur's Gate and instead come from a far away land in the east, they don't remember much since losing their memory, they hold a lot of Gortash themed stuff in their inventory not knowing why or who it belonged to. Their dream person was a drow man. Hoards bones/skulls/corpses.
Latest Tav is based on a brass dragon, loves to talk/sing, overconfident, cute, bad at being humble, anime magical girl tropes. Romanced Wyll. Multiclassed into bard, backstory is that they are a famous popstar that recently went solo from their band, too used to only dealing with fans so they tend to be offputting to normal people, they were touring in Baldur's Gate when they got kidnapped. Their dream person was a dragonborn man (mod). Hoards books/art/statues.
How do they relate? I'm not sure, maybe they're the same person but a different dragon lineage each time that drastically alters their life? Maybe they're long lost siblings? Maybe they don't know each other.
Well except two of them. I made a durge high elf guy for Minthara to abuse on a playthrough once, he is friends with my first Tav and i made them his dream person but they got separated ontop of the ship.
I mostly think about how my characters would interact with other people's characters, I think most of my Tavs or Durges would be indifferent to each other.
Khal'ian for example, I can say my first Tav would consider him a friend, maybe get a bit protective.
First Durge would be condcending with him and compares his shortcomings to Laezel a lot.
Latest Durge would be very friendly and think he needs encouragement to get out of his shell, might even be pushy about it.
I try to switch up the companions too on each playthrough to make it like it's an alternative dimension where every shifted a bit. Aka the werewolf Shadowheart au or the younger Gale one, since the more playthroughs you do, the more dialogue and scenes you start skipping so their canon plot gets old quickly and writing your own sounds more interesting.
But i do make them all human, all of my characters except that one high elf guy made specifically for Minthara. I genuinely have the biggest hard on for humans. i really think they're neat.
And my first dnd character was a dragonborn paladin yet here i am in human sorcerer heaven/hell?
What about you anon? Do Kira and Khal'ian know each other? What about the best friend you mentioned? Do any of them co-exist?
First Tav - Gold Dragon
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First Durge - Red Dragon
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Latest Tav - Brass Dragon
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