#Dr. Jane Ruby
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reality-detective · 1 year ago
Be sure to listen to the video at the end of the article by Dr. Jane Ruby. She gets into the meat of this topic(no pun intended). 🤔
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justinspoliticalcorner · 5 months ago
Eric Hananoki at MMFA:
Numerous Trump-aligned media figures have accused the Federal Emergency Management Agency and its officials of committing treason over its handling of Hurricane Helene. Those right-wing figures have said that “whoever is running FEMA is guilty of treason your time is coming when Trump wins”; that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas “should be in prison for the treason he has perpetrated against this country”; and that someone should “hang” government officials “by the necks till they're dead and let their dead bodies rot while people see what is done to treasonous government. ... I believe it's way past time for an armed revolution.”  This kind of rhetoric is part of a larger theme: Former President Donald Trump and his media allies have repeatedly promised retribution against government officials and the media if he wins a second term in office. 
Media Matters has been documenting the spread of conspiracy theories in the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Pro-Trump allies, including those who are scheduled to appear at Trump-affiliated events in North Carolina, have been pushing the conspiracy theory that weather manipulation caused the recent hurricanes.  Vitriol against FEMA has already resulted in real-world consequences. A North Carolina man was arrested for allegedly making an anti-FEMA threats, and The Washington Post reported that “threats against federal emergency response personnel have hampered relief work in parts of western North Carolina hard hit by Hurricane Helene, prompting disaster workers to relocate because of safety concerns and feeding a cycle of fear and anxiety.” Numerous right-wing media figures, including those linked to Trump, have claimed that FEMA and its officials are guilty of “treason,” with some suggesting that they should be killed. 
MAGA media commentators and outlets such as Glenn Beck, Charlie Kirk, Stew Peters, and The Hodgetwins push the baseless, paranoid, and dangerous lie that FEMA committed “treason” over its handling of Hurricane Helene.
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causalityparadoxes · 9 months ago
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The Pantheon of Discord | Doctor Who, The Legend of Ruby Sunday
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lordoftheelves-art · 8 days ago
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whoniverse school doodles
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worldssillyestanimal · 8 months ago
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im running out of funny caption ideas for these
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greenwichtraders · 24 days ago
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Congress sucks!
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blufruity · 5 months ago
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WE'RE BACK! It's time for a new sticker wave after way too long! Get your hands on them now. The Series 7V Team! Eight, Cass and Alex! Sarah Jane! Adric! Dodo! Grab them in the link below!
-> https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/blufruity <-
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supernova049 · 9 months ago
15 explaining that time and memory are the same thing makes me really feel that next episode is going to have a similar ending to 'The Big Bang' with memories managing to bring someone/something back.
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tinkerbitch69 · 9 months ago
Sja and Trickster fans, we are so fucking back rn, babyyy!!!!
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arcadialedger · 2 years ago
It’s giving Emma Woodhouse and I am here for it.
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sergeantrosabellaswan · 8 months ago
The Selection, MCU crossover royalty AU
SUMMARY: Fifteen girls. Two princes. One crown. The competition of a lifetime.
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The arrow flew from my bow, quickly and silently making contact with the target, killing the deer instantly. Before the creature had even hit the ground, the Queen’s Bandits had pounced, knives out to cut dinner down to smaller pieces.
“That was a good kill, Rosabella!” Thor was quick to lavishly praise me, a hint of jealously shining in his eyes; his father had been one of the village hunters before he died three years previously due to bandits.
I leaned my bow onto the toe as my boot as I leaned forward, watching my little band of misfits hard at work. For the millionth time, I cursed King Joseph, if he could even be called a king; he had sworn to care for his people, but had neglected my small village by allowing bandits to invade us nearly every other week.
I ducked my head to pick at my threadbare blouse, all but see through due to one too many washings. My boots were no better- practically falling apart, with duct tape wrapped around the ankles and heels, making the sad looking footwear wearable- for the moment being.
I glanced around the dense trees nervously; even though I knew that the eight of us could take down bandits, should they dare to make an appearance, I was still wary out in these dangerous woods.
“Victor, do you think this will be enough for dinner, or should we continue hunting?” I asked quietly, speaking for the first time that day.
The red haired man quickly took inventory of the meat, skins, bones and organs, all which were tucked in heavy duty leather bags to make transportation easier on us all.
“I would get at least one more kill,” he answered with a simple shrug, his voice soft as well, waiting for me to make the call.
I nodded silently before turning, nodding to my close friends, who all quickly fell into line behind me; Sam, with his on the spot sense of humor and heavily tattooed body; Victor with his quick mind and even quick ability to do mathematics in his head on the spot; Thor, with his brutish strength and sweet, easy going nature; Loki with his graceful agility and ambidextrous hands, Pietro with his charming smile and sweet kisses; Peter with his nimble ability to quickly scale trees to keep a lookout for kills and bandits.
And then there was me.
Rosabella Swan.
I was skilled enough with many weapons, my main weapons of choice being deadly close combat and throwing knives and my trusty bow. My ability to skillfully hunt and my general distrust towards all except my Queen’s Bandits made my temper somewhat unpredictable; but what I lacked in social skills, I made up for in being the village sheriff.
“Loki, do you hear anything?” I asked, my voice coming out as a quiet whisper. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw him tilt his head as he closed his eyes for the briefest of moments. His eyes shot open as he quickly took up the lead, taking up deeper into the wood on a heart thumping chase.
At long last, I spied our target, and I loaded my bow with an arrow and got ready to take aim. I breathed in silently before letting the projectile fly. A smirk took over my face as the deer fell, and once more, my Queen’s Bandits got to work.
I watched them work as I slipped back into my thoughts once more; da’s brutal murder still fresh on my mind. The hand that wasn’t holding my bow clenched into a tight fist and I had to stop myself from breathing heavily. My father had sent countless letters to King Joseph, begging for help in defending the village from bandit raids, only to get chirping crickets in response.
The king had da’s blood on his hands; if I should ever meet him, I would deck him and most defiantly break his nose. I honestly didn’t care if assaulting a member of the royal family was certain death, I knew I had to make the king feel what I had felt for the past three years.
He had worked so hard to make the capitol and all the surrounding cities and towns prosperous, so why had he ignored the little village of mine?
I was snapped from my thought by Loki standing in front of me and placing a gentle hand onto my shoulder.
“Are you alright?” he asked me softly, his hand rubbing a comforting circle into my skin. I smiled up at him before pulling away.
“Come on; we should be heading back now,” I called out in a soft voice, avoiding his concerned question. “I don’t feel safe this deep in the woods with bandits running underfoot once the sun goes down.”
“Following right behind you, sheriff,” Pietro said, his easy smile nearly making me swoon at my dark haired lover. I barely managed to stop myself from making doeful heart eyes at him as I turned, a light blush dusting my cheeks as I led the way, my boots silently marching through the underbrush and leaves.
I skillfully followed the subtle X’s that I had marked the trees with to help lead us back to the village, my eyes darting from every tree to every bush; it wouldn’t surprise me if bandits attacked us in the open.
I didn’t like being vulnerable; it only led to certain death around this neck of the country.
Within minutes, we were on the less traveled road that led to the village; I couldn’t help0 but notice fresh tire tracks in the dust.
“Careful, now,” I warned in a soft voice. “I don’t think it’s the bandits, but be sure to keep your guard up!” I’d didn’t have to turn my head to see that everyone was nodding their heads in silent agreement as I slowly led the way towards the only exit into the crudely fortified village.
I was about to round the bend when Thor placed a hand onto my shoulder.
“Wait here; I’ll go check it out,” he breathed into my ear before going first before I could kick up a protest.
Barely even a minute passed before he called out to us.
“It’s safe!” his booming voice nearly making me jump. I was first to go around the bend, where I saw a motorcade was all but blocking to entrance. As we approached, we all couldn’t help but notice a man in an expensive looking suit was arguing with the half dozen sentries who were guarding the village from bandits.
“Look, you going to have to wait for the sheriff to return from hunting,” one of the sentries was saying firmly over the other man’s blusterings, clearly done listening to whatever crap the he was trying to feed the armed sentry. I could only roll my eyes as I marched up to the front of the village with most of the male population of the Queen’s Bandits falling in behind me.
“Sheriff! Welcome back!” a second sentry called out in an annoyed tone of voice. “These blokes are trying to get in… some kind of official business… I’m sorry to say that I tuned them out after they mentioned something about royalty or whatever…”
“You’re the sheriff?” Mr. Fancy Pants asked in shock. “But you’re a girl!”
This made me stop and slowly turn to face him. I drew myself up to my embarrassingly short height before marching straight up to that sonofabitch and staring him directly in the eye.
“I am not a girl, I am a dangerous storm with skin that will destroy you unless you tell me what you Goddamned hillbillies think you’re doing in my village,” I hissed venomously, ignoring everything until Pietro placed his hand onto my shoulder, messaging my skin gently. My hand went up to his as I stared up at the messenger, who was clearly trembling in his spotless shiny boots.
“I’m afraid this is between King Joseph and Miss Rosabella Swan,” he sniffed delicately, making my blood boil at the name of the king.
“It would be a wise choice to state your business,” I growled, not at all amused with the colors that the man’s face was turning. “Right now.” When he didn’t answer, my volatile mood turned even further south. “Turn them away!” I barked before beginning to storm into the village.
The sound of a car door opening caught my attention and my hand went to the knife I carried at my back, my head turning to see who was emerging from the motorcade.
My blood went cold as King Joseph ambled up to the little cluster of people blocking the front of the village.
“You!” I snarled, beginning to charge towards the man who was responsible for my father’s murder; I was stopped by Thor and Loki, each grabbing a hold of my arms as two more men joined the king. I didn’t recognize them; one was a scrawny blond who looked like a gust of wind would blow him over; the second was a well-built man with dark hair that lightly brushed his shoulders.
I laughed bitterly at the shocked expression on everyone’s face.
“What brings such a murdersome king like you to my small village of Wakanda?” I asked with a deep scowl etched into my face.
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TAGLIST @cxptain
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zzeraphilm · 9 months ago
pleasepleaseplease i want to see the trickster again please
okay so the pantheon of discord we now have a list for (the ones we've seen before in italics):
the toymaker: the god of games
the trickster: the god of traps
the maestro: the god of music
reprobate: the god of spite
the mara: the god of beasts
"the threefold deity of malice and mischief and misery"
"gods of skin and shame and secrets"
incensor: the goddess of disaster
her children Doubt and Dread
sutekh: the god of death, "the one who waits"
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nerdyshifterdgaf · 4 months ago
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- ੭୧ NAME : jennie ruby jane
- ੭୧ AGE : 20
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i can change anything about this dr there, i have a lifa app.
humans can approximately live about 1000 years.
i don’t talk to anybody, i just have myself as a company.
i can do whatever i want.
i am a master shifter, i can shift on command.
i have infinite money.
the world never runs out of water/foods.
the society is 100 times better than here.
global warming does not exist.
i have a shifting account that have millions of followers.
every person who say shifting is not real have a bad life 😈. (joking)
new species of animals will exist (most of them at not offensive to humans).
me only can see contents or edits of my drs.
revenge of others has two other seasons.
I will permashift or respawn there.🥰
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ameriko-steelie · 2 years ago
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4t3 Elliesimple Two-Piece Pajamas
Finally, my first successful conversion...! Hopefully...
I have a pair of pajamas in real life just like this set, and I wanted to bring it to The Sims 3! In addition, I felt teens had limited clothing options, so I made sure to convert it for them, too!
I'm definitely a huge perfectionist, so I feel like I have to get everything right when I make/convert something. I hope there aren't any serious / overt issues with the CC!
Ages: Teen, (Young) AdultPolycount (with Body): 8kFull Outfit, in Sleepwear CategoryThree Channels: The Top, Bottom, and the Lines2 Presets + 1 Non-Recolorable Bear Preset*
Begrudingly* so, I've added one (and only one) swatch; if I was any good at Photoshop, I would have made the patterns on it an overlay, but there are small dots and a few other details that made it even more difficult to remove the white background, and the magic wand tool haaaates me. It's cute anywayyyy!
Picture of RGB Mask:
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It looks wonky in CAS, but fine in-game!
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All credits go to Elliesimple! Original download page!
Download: SFS
Download: Simblr.CC
@katsujiiccfinds @xto3conversionsfinds @pis3update
CC Used:
Acc Nails: Long Nails by LorandiaSims3
Hair, Ponytail: Anto Milano, Retexture by Ifca-Sims
Hair, Long Wrap: Simpliciaty Ruby, Retexture by Ifca-Sims, Mary Jane DR
Eyes, Default: Simtanico's Dragon Age: Inquisition V2 Eyes (DAIV2) I've edited them to add the teeth replacements from OEM!
Eyelashes and Various Makeup by S-Club
Eyelash Mesh Terminator by Slamyy (S-Club's eyelash remover just removes the eyelash texture from face overlays, not the actual mesh, and thus can conflict with other face overlay defaults, such as eyes or teeth. Also helps with the Mac x64 issue).
Skins: Kurasoberina Primer Default and Ephemera Natural Light
Background is Kewai-Dou's camera photoshoot set! :)
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bked0n-lorazepam · 10 months ago
-Character Requests-
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These are just some characters I will do from fandoms that I can think of, feel free to request any character though, even if they're not here!
I do Oneshots, Series, and SMAU's. If there's anything that you want, just ask!
The Walking Dead:
Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Negan Smith, Glenn Rhee, Maggie Rhee, Enid Rhee, Michonne, Rosita, Simon, Abraham, Carol, Jesus "Paul", Shane, Sasha, Dwight, Beth
House MD:
Gregory House, Lisa Cuddy, James Wilson, Allison Cameron, Robert Chase, Eric Foreman, "Thirteen"
Jeff The Killer, Toby Rogers, BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Jane The Killer, Nina The Killer, Hoodie, Masky, Liu, Sally
Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Chucky/Charles Lee Ray, Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, BeetleJuice
Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Elle Greenaway, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Penelope Garcia, Tara Lewis, Cat Adams, George Foyet
White Collar:
Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Neal Caffrey, Alex Hunter, Diana Berrigan, Lauren Cruz, Clinton Jones
Hannibal NBC:
Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Beverly Katz, Freddie Lounds
Marvel Universe:
Loki Laufeyson, Mobius Mobius, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfied, and Tom Holland), MJ Watson, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Prince T'Challa, Princess Shuri, Okoye, Carol Danvers, Gamora, Peter Quill, Nebula
IT (2017 and 2019):
Patrick Hockstetter, Henry Bowers, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Beverly Marsh, Stanley Uris, Pennywise
Stranger Things:
Eleven, Mike Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Joyce Byers, Jonathon Byers, Jim Hopper, Max Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Karen Wheeler, Dr. Brenner, Argyle, Billy Hargrove
Once Upon a Time:
Rumplestiltskin, Emma Swan, Prince Charming, Snow White, Regina Mills, Henry Mills, Killian Jones, Baelfire, Robin Hood, Peter Pan, Belle, August/Pinocchio, Ruby/Red, Zelena
Good Omens:
Crowley, Aziraphale, Gabriel, Anathema Device, Newton "Newt" Pulsifer, Beelzebub, Muriel
Jake Sully, Neytiri, Kiri (No smut), Lo'ak (No smut), Neteyam (No smut)
The Boys:
Homelander, Billy Butcher, Becca Butcher, Frenchie, Hughie Campbell, Mothers Milk, Queen Maeve, Starlight, A-Train, Deep, Black Noir, Firecracker, Kimiko "The Female", Ashley Barret, Ryan Butcher (No smut), Victoria Neuman, Soldier Boy
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thecrackshipawards · 11 months ago
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Here are our contenders for The Crackship Awards 2024!
Bracket 1:
Shadow Kirby x Prince Fluff vs Randy Cunningham x Ruby Gillman
Roronoa Zoro x Sasuke Uchiha vs Elizabeth Afton x Charlie Emily
June Eggbert x Chiaki Naname vs Vriska Serket x Hatsune Miku
Mari from Omori x Sayori from Doki Doki Literature Club vs Bee x Fionna
Wonder Woman x Talia al Ghu vs Posiedon x Incitatus
Firestar x Waffles vs Graystripe x Waffles
Kestrel x Coral vs Hatake Sakumo x Ootsutsuki Kaguya
Zhongli × Yip Tak vs Elsa x Jack Frost
Bracket 2:
Bowser x Luigi vs Shrek x Donkey
Samurai Jack x Johnny Bravo vs Scourge x Ashfur
Tigerstar x Arctic vs Gerald Robotnik x Black Doom
Catra & Ashfur vs Lucifer x Adam
Hawkfrost x Leafpool vs Twilight x Mordecai
Vaggie x Ragatha vs Rainbow Dash x Dirk Strider
Jayfeather x His stick vs Gwenpool x Garlic bread
James x Professor Oak vs Needletail x Icicle
Bracket 3:
Jessie x Delia Ketchum vs Sees All Colors x Runs In Circles
Leafpool x Pringles chips vs Bumblestripe x A log
Asexuals x Cake vs Tigerstar x Brokenstar
Roger Raincomprix x Xavier Ramier vs Elias Bouchard x Jane Prentiss
Cookie Monster x Chocolate chip cookies vs Chameleon x Webs
Isako Toriumi x Sadayo Kawakami vs Elias Bouchard x Peter Lukas
Dr Doofenshmirtz x Perry the Platypus vs The Onceler x The Warden
Hooty x Duo vs Jiang Cheng x Liu Qingge
Bracket 4:
Sans x Nagito Komaeda vs TS Woodrow x Phantom of the Bwahpera
The fairy who knocks x The walrus who knocks vs Sofanthiel x Blue Lizard
Manticore x Sphinx vs Barney x Hunter
Norma x Willow vs Pugsley x Swift Wind
Eggdog x Strawberries vs Krestel x Tundra
Blaze x Fruit bat vs Doctors x Apples
Miette x Jorts vs Artificer x Maple Shade
Reigen Arataka x Nagito Komaeda vs Guy Montag x Wilson Smith
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