#Dr Caroline Leaf
lilrebelkat69 · 11 months
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transmutationisms · 1 year
Long time listener first time caller (well not really I'm pretty sure we've talked about Succession before). I wanna read up more on anti psychiatry but I'm fucking shithouse at reading, are there any like videos or podcasts or audiobooks you'd recommend, because that would make my life ten times easier
yes great question honestly. i haven't heard all of these podcast episodes, but i curated the list based on knowing the speakers' work (not necessarily the podcast hosts/shows!), and i think these are good places to start.
"Debunking the Myth of the Chemical Imbalance with Dr. Joanna Moncrieff" interviewed by Dr. Caroline Leaf
Revolution Health Radio: "Reviewing the Evidence on the Serotonin Theory of Depression, with Dr. Joanna Moncrieff"
Mad in America Radio: Lucy Johnstone on the Power Threat Meaning Framework
NPR Fresh Air: Anne Harrington on psychiatry's "troubled search" for a biological understanding of mental illness
New Books Network: Mical Raz on her book "What's Wrong With the Poor: Psychiatry, Race, and the War on Poverty"
The Mental Breakdown Morning Show: "Bruce Cohen and Psychiatric Hegemony" (Cohen, unlike most on this list, explicitly aims for a marxist explanation and understanding of mental illness)
Madness Radio: "Bipolar Medication Myths" (Joanna Moncrieff interviewed by Will Hall)
What Your GP Doesn't Tell You: "David Healy Discusses SSRI Drugs, Suicide and Sexual Dysfunction"
Coming From Left Field: "The Political Economy of Mental Health Systems with Joanna Moncrieff"
States of Mind: "Mental Illness in America" (includes segments with Katherine Bankole-Medina, Jonathan Metzl, Allan Horwitz, Jamie Cohen-Cole, and Elyn Saks)
Jesse Meadows's podcast on ADHD, "Sluggish" (haven't listened to this one, but have read a lot of their writing; they're challenging the psychiatric view of ADHD as a person who struggles with the symptoms and behaviours the diagnostic label describes)
audio books: i'm honestly not sure where's the best and cheapest place to actually download these from, but i know there are audio books of 'mind fixers' by anne harrington (narrated by joyce bean) and 'desperate remedies' by andrew scull (narrated by jonathan keeble). uh, if anyone has a good list of audiobooks on this lmk :-)
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weirdestcornelius · 2 months
ohhh i changed some of the allotopuns in my rewrite too! actually i think i changed most of them lol. here lemmie type em out
caroline coughs -> constance coughs (constant coughs. which you know bc. gestures at ur own lol)
jay fortune -> forris lee-clover (four leaf clover)
nurse doom (not typin allat) -> impenton doom (impending doom)
nurse mood -> olivia doom (oblivious to doom. i was gonna name her oblivia but that felt too dumb lol)
dr cuddles -> ben "bugs" cuddles (cuddle bug) (LOOK I TRIED MY BEST OK THERE ARENT A LOT OF CUDDLE PUNS YOU CAN MAKE.)
dr party -> pitaya party (pity party)
nurse piñata -> piñata haitt (my piñata is a trans man so his allotopun is purposefully a little like. doesnt make sense. bc i think his birth name probably did fit but when he transitioned it just didn't stick. WHATEVER.)
-rewrite anon
Hell yeah I love the changing names thing. I never understood why deadnames aren't a thing at all in SCH because to some people it's a very important and symbolic part of transitioning. Not everyone changes their names obviously but it would be nice to see a character who changed their name other than Ally.
Also Pity Party is such a cool pun
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a-girl-reborn · 9 months
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• [🎀] - priority • [✔] - finished • [👁] - now reading • [💭] - next up •
💌 Human Kind (Rutger Bregman) [👁]
🍒 Utopia for Realists (Rutger Bregman) [🎀]
💌 Joyful (Ingrid Fettel Lee) [🎀💭]
🍒 A Paradise Built in Hell (Rebecca Solnit)
💌 Tribe (Sebastian Junger)
🍒 The Art Of Frugal Hedonism (Annie Raser-Rowland, Adam Grubb) [🎀]
💌 Sapiens (Yuval Noah Harari)
🍒 Weird (Olga Khazan) [🎀]
💌 The Art of Thinking Clearly (Rolf Dobelli) [🎀]
🍒 Civilized To Death (Christopher Ryan) [🎀]
💌 The Courage To Be Disliked (Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga) [🎀]
🍒 The Courage To Be Happy (Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga) [🎀]
💌 The Practice of Not Thinking (Ryonosuke Koike)
🍒 This Is How You Heal (Brianna Wiest) [🎀]
💌 Authetic Happiness (Martin. E. P. Seligman)
🍒 Flourish (Martin. E. P. Seligman)
💌 How To Stop Feeling Like Shit (Andrea Owen) [🎀]
🍒 How To Be a Good Creature (Montgomery Sy)
💌 The Hope Circuit (Martin. E. P. Seligman)
🍒 Homo Deus (Yuval Noah Harari)
💌 Healing Is The New High (Vex King) [🎀]
🍒 Wintering (Katherine May)
💌 The Strength In Our Scars (Bianca Sparacino) [🎀]
🍒 Ego Is The Enemy (Ryan Holiday)
💌 The Mountain Is You (Brianna Wiest) [🎀]
🍒 Getting Through What You Can't Get Over (Anita Agers-Brooks)
💌 Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess (Dr. Caroline Leaf)
🍒 How To Be Your Own Therapist (Owen O'Kane) [🎀]
💌 Living Consciously (Yvette Ratshikhopha)
🍒 Adult Children Of Emotionally Immature Parents (Lindsay C. Gibson PsyD.) [🎀]
💌 Girl On Fire (Cara Alwill Leyba)
🍒 It's Not Fair (Melanie Dale)
💌 The Highly Sensitive Person (Elaine N. Aron PH.D.) [🎀]
🍒 Tiny Traumas (Dr. Meg Arroll)
💌 Be Not Afraid Of Love (Mimi Zhu)
🍒 The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (Philippa Perry) [🎀]
💌 The Art Of Noticing (Rob Walker)
🍒 The Child In You (Stefanie Stahl) [🎀]
💌 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think (Brianna Wiest)
🍒 The Pivot Year (Brianma Wiest) [🎀]
💌 How To Hug A Porcupine (Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis) [🎀]
🍒 Why Simple Wins (Lisa Bodell)
💌 Don't Overthink It (Anne Bogel) [🎀]
🍒 Why Did Nobody Tell Me This Before (Dr. Julie Smith)
💌 Mother Hunger (Kelly McDaniel) [🎀]
🍒 The Art Of Self-Therapy (Nick Trenton) [🎀]
💌 A Witch's Guide To Crafting Your Practice (Lisa McSherry) [🎀]
🍒 A Gentle Reminder (Bianca Sparacino)
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damngoodlookingtokens · 8 months
"Argue well. It is incredibly important to remember that, in any argument, it's not you against the other person. Rather, it's you and the other person against the issue. Separate the human from the problem."
— Dr. Caroline Leaf
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b-lessings · 10 months
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Cleaning up your Mental Mess - Dr. Caroline Leaf.
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languagenerd24601 · 1 year
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enigma-absolute · 2 years
I don’t know you so imma ask basic questions! Favorite book? Favorite movie? Favorite food? Favorite animal?
Favourite book:
-glances back at years of reading- well uhhhh. Hmm. That’s a tough one because even a DNFs have been great to read, I just didn’t have time to. I think my favourite thus far is actually one about the brain from Dr Caroline Leaf - unexpected for an animation graduate like myself, but having a scientific family lineage I think helped me bc I somehow managed to understand most of it?
Or, a very pretty comic adaptation of The Magician’s Nephew I read when I was 7. The artwork just permeates in my mind permanently no matter what.
Favourite movie:
Oof, that’s a good one. The childhood says either Winnie the Pooh (1972) or Prince of Egypt, the current day says Prince of Egypt or Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
“But they’re all animated--!”
I’m biased.
Favourite Food:
You’re asking me, a woman of Romanian diaspora, raised around several rounds of food from two multicultural nations (NZ and Aus), this??????
In all seriousness, if I HAD to pick, I think I’d have to go for coconut jelly (Asian-style, I recall my favourite being from a Yum Cha so Chinese I believe??) or the modified box brownie recipe I had a thing for when the pandemic was still in the rough stages. You add marshmallow fluff, choccy chips, a bit of milk, mini marshmallows and more flour to balance out the wet ingredients. Look, if my brother who isn’t a fan of sugar likes this, I know it’s good.
Favourite Animal:
OUGH. Tough one. I’m more inclined to felines but wolves are personal to me and I love them dearly. A friend of mine who’s a furry also assigned me a Marten fursona once (though they concluded wolf too), so it’s gonna land between several cats (wild and domesticated), wolves and pine martens.
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thaiteaprincess · 1 year
“I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19
“It’s your attitude and not your DNA that determines much of your quality of life.” Switch On Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf.
I have bipolar disorder. I always thought I was doomed to a life of suffering and mania. But recently after much praying I have found it’s my attitude that’s truly important. I’ve been focusing on God and the many blessing he brings. Even just appreciating the nature in my backyard. After I started practicing acceptance in my DBT class things changed completely. I realized a lot of my negative moods come from my resistance to being physically disabled.
Now I wake up and am thankful for what a blessing that is. I accept how I feel physically and emotionally and treat myself with kindness. I focus on my blessings and how loved I am by the Lord. I almost never have a bad day now. I have bad emotions sure but I treat those with kindness and they tend to dissipate.
Believing I was cursed to be miserable by my genetics was holding me back.
I know see happiness is a choice.
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chrisshields18 · 6 months
Dr. Caroline Leaf.
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edbradyradio · 9 months
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https://drleaf.com -
If your mind causes you to live on the dark side, get professional psychiatric help, please.
If your mind allows you to live on the right (green) side, share your joy by serving your family, your church ⛪️ and your community.
For more on this topic, look at research by Neroscientist and pathologist, Dr. Caroline Leaf.  Her website is https://www.drleaf.com
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ceekbee · 9 months
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kendolphin · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess Workbook Five Steps By Dr Caroline Leaf.
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wisemancax · 1 year
The CUTTING EDGE of Neuroscience with Dr. Caroline Leaf
The CUTTING EDGE of Neuroscience with Dr. Caroline Leaf Ed Mylett – Industries in one place, sharing their journey, knowledge and thought leadership.
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mriya2014 · 1 year
Duygusal zekası yüksek çocuklar yetiştirmek isteyenlerin asla kurmaması gereken 5 cümle
Sinirbilimci Dr. Caroline Leaf, bu tehlikeli cümleler yerine ne söylenebileceğini de yazdı Salı 1 Ağustos 2023 16:20 kaynak: https://www.indyturk.com/node/651816/bi%CC%87li%CC%87m/duygusal-zekas%C4%B1-y%C3%BCksek-%C3%A7ocuklar-yeti%C5%9Ftirmek-isteyenlerin-asla-kurmamas%C4%B1-gereken Uzmanlara göre çocukla empati kurmak, uzun bir yol kat etmenizi sağlar (Pixabay) Güney…
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liveto110 · 1 year
#499 How to Help Your Child Clean Up Their Mental Mess with Dr. Caroline Leaf from Wendy Myers on Vimeo.
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