#Downfall parody
littledesertfox · 2 months
intro, I guess?
hii! I figured I should make a post like this even though I have a feeling it will be like super messy xD
I've had an interest in history, specifically World War II basically since I was a kid. It was only recently though that I found out that there's a community for it! I've always had a thing with expressing my interests in ways that may seem slightly odd to other people, so it feels nice to see that there are others who seem to experience this in similar ways :3
I want to make it very clear that I am NOT a nazi or rightwing in any way, and I don't want actual (neo-)nazis to interact with my blog, get the fuck out! Similarly, I don't want racists, lgbtq-phobes, ableists, religious extremists, pedos & zoos or people of similarly disgusting kind to interact! I'm literally queer and neurodivergent (undiagnosed/suspected bc getting a therapy place is hard :/), this is not a place for you!
I've been a fan of the Downfall parodies on youtube when I was younger and recently relapsed into this fixation😭 I don't know if this fandom even really exists at this point since it seems that many creators have left in the meantime, but I'd love to talk about it, maybe I'll even get to write fanfics at some point. Also a short disclaimer that when I talk about historical figures that play a major role in the Downfall parody universe (such as Fegelein, Krebs, Burgdorf etc), it will usually be about their parody selves, not the real people! I'll try to clarify that individually if needed though.
I've also started lurking a little in the reichblr tag with a feeling that I'd describe as "indimidated fascination". Currently I'm mostly interested in some members of the Wehrmacht, but other historical figures that I had or have an interest in might come up as well. Overall any stuff that I post will probably go more into the lighthearted and humorous direction, but I'd love to bring in some more educational stuff as well.
My inbox is always open if you want to gush or ramble about your favourite historical figures or Downfall characters (both from the parodies and the movie itself) and such! Please talk to me about our shared faves😭🫶
I get crushes on fictional characters and sometimes historical figures too, but that doesn't mean I support, condone or defend their worldviews or actions in any way (this applies especially to real people of course)! These "crushes" usually stem from a place of fascination with who they were behind their public appearance, I want to know more about them as a private person, like their hobbies, favourite food and other mundane things like that. Often it's also simply that I feel physically attracted to their appearance because I think they're handsome, either that or they give me massive gender envy (or both lmao). I don't really control on who I fixate like that, it just happens, but I hope that this will be a place for me to express those feelings in some way and find like-minded people. Though I also want to point out that not all my fixations are automatically also crushes! Usually I will mention whether they are or not, or you'll probably notice based on what kind of posts I make about them lol.
Current main historical fixations:
Erwin Rommel (I can't help it I just think he's cute ._.)
Fritz Bayerlein (he's the dude in my pfp lol, there's barely info about him but idk I just think he's kinda interesting😭 also yes he was actually bi)
Current main Downfall fixations:
Hans Krebs & Wilhelm Burgdorf (the otp ever)
Wilhelm Mohnke (ngl Downfall!Mohnke is kinda fine❤️‍🔥 ... idk maybe I'm just finding the actor hot though😭)
If I encounter things that make me uncomfortable I follow common fandom courtesy and block tags or blogs accordingly. This is nothing personal, I'm just curating my own online space. I don't want to see any harassment here, neither towards myself nor to others!
Anyway I guess that's it for now? Idk if this is any good as an intro post but for now it'll have to do I guess😂 I'm generally not really sure yet in which direction to go with this blog (should it be more Downfall or reichblr focused? is there a lot of overlap between the fandoms? do they even get along? help😭). I also don't know how active I'll be in general, I'm also constantly jumping between thoughts like "yee this is gonna be fun" and "dafuq am I doing here I should feel ashamed about myself" but I hope to meet people who share my interests :3
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agkavm2000 · 3 months
¡¡¡¡Şē ¢໐๓prค ¢໐l¢h໐ຖēŞ, tค๓๖໐rēŞ, rēfriງērค໓໐rēŞ, ēŞtนfคŞ, lคงค໓໐rคŞ, ๓i¢r໐໐ຖ໓คŞ, ໐ คlງ໐ ໓ē fiērr໐ งiēว໐ ๑นē งēຖ໓ค!!!!
You can also watch this video through... Website: https://agkandvideomaker2000.wixsite.com/agkavm2000/post/downfall-parody-hitler-sells-stuff-in-a-tianguis WeVidi: https://www.wevidi.net/watch/m0v_Qmn0bQd Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AGKandvideomaker2000:f/downfall-parody-hitler-sells-stuff-in-a:f?r=3jgBRqS6rjRMd2Ad8wxEd5GHQpppQDJb
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commiemare · 11 months
Hitler finds out about his parents' divorce
Also available on youtube: https://youtu.be/D5QRVelVoZI
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downfalldestiny · 3 months
Splenda Daddy 🤣 - (Charlie Puth Attention Parody)
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elbiotipo · 10 months
The thing about modern white nationalism, as in the idea of a single superior white race all over the world, is that it's very much an US idea, which started on the US history of slavery and segregation. European racists, I mean, anthropologists in the XIX-XX centuries did agree that white people were superior because of course they did, but they were too busy trying to discriminate each other in increasingly narrow racial categories, so you got for example, maps where all of Africa and Asia are painted as the same race, but Europe is divided in dozens of subraces depending on the prejudices of the author. It's morbidly fascinating. You know those jokes where Lovecraft writes about Irish or Italian people like they were aliens? That's exactly that. A German 'anthropologist' in the early XX century would balk at being told he's the same 'white' race as a Polish or an Italian, how dare you.
While this is terrible of course, because this "scientific" racism was used to legitimize imperialism and genocide, there is some dark humour for me in the fact that Hitler complained to Himmler (the director of the SS and the Ahnenerbe, the Nazi archeology division which was NOT made up for Indiana Jones) that his archeologists were embarrasing him because instead of finding the glorious past of the aryan germanic race, all they found was the "ancient germans" were "living in huts" while those "mediterraneans" were building glorious Rome and stuff
This is especially funny when you got all these neo-nazis praising Greece and Rome.
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The other night I had a dream that there was a hot new parody of the song Lump by Presidents of the United States of America. Tragically, I don't remember any of the parody lyrics beyond the chorus of "she's Lump, she's Lump, she's Lump" being replaced with "he's Trump, he's Trump, he's Trump".
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jeezypetes · 4 months
In a tumblr post I mentioned there’s this spider that lives behind my toilet and eats any little bugs that try to hang out behind my toilet. Shes my, my toilet spider. She eats bugs. Someone commented and said, you are privileged AF. And i was like, you’re right! I am super freaking privileged. But also? I worked my ass off to have the money to have a spider that lives behind my toilet. And I told her that, and she said, Well, you’re unrelatable. *fake gasp* what is it about me that made you think I wanna be relatable? No, sis. Literally everything I do in my life is to live a life that most people can’t relate to. Most people won’t work this hard. Most people won’t get up at 4am. Most people won’t fail, publicly, again and again, just to reach the top of the mountain. Literally every woman i admire in history was unrelatable. If my life is relatable to most people, I’m doing it wrong.
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taylovelinus · 2 months
hey have any of you gyns seen the new katy perry music video yet?
look I'm not like directly mad at katy perry bc like.... this is just a symptom of a much larger societal illness and its not like any of this is SOLELY her fault or responsibility ykwim. katy perry will not bring about the downfall of feminism, nor did I expect any better or any worse from her. but even so, I just felt like the entire song and music video is just. so unbelievably awful and misogynistic. it's the generic fourth wave consumerist libfem stuff, but somehow this rubs me the wrong way on a whole new level.
for those who can't watch the video, here's a description. it's called "woman's world". refrain is: "it's a woman's world and you're lucky to be living in it." great, cute, nothing wrong there. then, the first shot: a recreation of the Lunch atop a Skyscraper photograph, but katy and the other women are scantily clad and posed provocatively, equipped with bedazzled hammers and drills. chorus scene, lots of sexy dancing, katy takes off her safety vest to reveal a star-shaped bikini top, followed soon after by close-up shots of her jiggling breasts and squeezing them together with her arms. subsequent shots include her sexily pouring whiskey into her mouth, rubbing her hands over her body sensually, showing off sex toys, etc; a scantily-clad trisha paytas makes an appearance, too; a robot katy refuels herself by putting a gasoline pump handle into her buttcheek; putting on makeup in a moving car, using jade rollers on her face. the occasional appearance of uterus imagery and venus symbols is also an interesting choice, considering how those images are decidedly not acceptable in libfem spaces.
the comments are not pretty. a lot of people pointing out that the video comes across almost like what a parody of feminism would look like, like its what a 14 year old boy would imagine feminism to be.
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savagewildnerness · 5 months
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Let’s talk about the Theatre Des Vampires & its potential impact!?!
First Lestat: pretty sure Lestat is a vampire here: he has the eyes, the nails & Armand is watching him. (Why would Armand watch mortal-Lestat? Unless watching Magnus and I’m sure we won’t see Magnus this season.) And that back bend has all the vibes of Lestat describing how as a vampire he can do impossibly graceful dance movements if he so chooses! (To delight and beguile, or so inhuman as to disturb!)
BUT book-Lestat does not theatre once he is a vampire. There’s only that one time that goes horribly wrong. To me, this does not look like it’s going horribly wrong!?! It looks like Lestat is still being “the greatest actor to have ever graced the stage”…??
Book-Lestat is horrified by vampire theatre. Including himself on the stage! He used to love how theatre conveyed something human & true & real. He felt it was a truly *good* think he could do. Being unable to read, human Lestat did a lot of improvised theatre (& Nicki taught him lines for some plays later on) - I’d argue improvisation being the most spontaneous & human theatre can get… so he finds it even moreso repellent how false it is as a vampire.
Compelled to go out on stage, Lestat looks out & sees a grinning skull behind every face. He feels he cannot find the natural, human meaning in words that was so instinctive to him when mortal. In the theatre, Lestat’s love as a mortal, Lestat truly feels what he has lost & will now never be. He could beguile & trick, but instead he intentionally horrifies the audience & himself - I think he does it `s he is so personally horrified and yet as theatre always was, still it must remain a place of truth for him? In the moment, there on stage, he realises his inhumanity and sees himself almost from outside himself as a horrific (though perfectly natural) monster “the mortal world seemed some desperate dream of rationality that in this lush and fetid jungle had not the slightest chance.” He sees himself like a cat or a rat or the evil vampire he is - he is a creature, but he is not human.
Until this point, other than when killing, Lestat has passed himself off easily amongst mortals as one of them. Yet, here on the stage he feels the Monster he is & cannot bear the artifice and the difference to what he once was, what he had the potential to be and what he was on the cusp of becoming. The theatre is like a reminder to him that his human life is over. This is a quality he will later be unable to bear in Nicki’s virtuoso violin skill once he becomes a vampire too. Nicki leans right in to the parody & evil manipulation of skill as opposed to mortal expression of humanity & performing with the devil’s instrument. Nicki finds a purity and truth in that & it’s the antithesis of what Lestat adored from & felt in Nicki’s mortal violin playing. Just as mad-Vampire-Nicki is the antithesis of all Lestat loved & they immediately despise each other (albeit Lestat will never truly not love too.)
Anyway, back to just-turned Lestat: at the same time, it’s Lestat’s *need* to return to the theatre that is really Nicolas’ downfall. Nicki was always fragile, and moreso when Lestat was stolen away. And of course when Armand kidnaps Nicki he is completely mad & unsaveable by then. But he had a small chance at some life... until this visitation to the theatre by Lestat, where Nicolas truly sees for his own eyes that something awful has befallen Lestat & he doesn’t understand it & nobody but him will believe it as they just want to believe Lestat the wondrous benefactor who has gifted them so much money and the theatre and charms everyone still.
This is in my opinion the point of no return for Nicki. He is a mad thing who I don’t think has any way back to sanity and life from here on. Gabrielle recognises it already even where Lestat cannot admit it to himself when she asks Lestat if he'll turn Nicki. At that time Lestat says he is appalled by the idea... but obviously he would have thought on it. Once Lestat showed his vampire self to Nicki, Nicki’s mortal life was done for. He begins drinking to extreme excess & cannot cope with life at... and this is before Armand snatches him.
Now, if the show have Lestat at the theatre for longer & actually using his skills to trick audiences for a while, will the impact this has on (presumably still mortal) Nicki be even deeper? It surely would be given the scenario…? And so will Lestat feel even more guilt o we Nicki’s eventual downfall? I can almost see it in my mind playing out now. Lestat using his vampiric skill to beguile audiences for a time, Nicki grieving increasingly mad & all the other people at the theatre merely adoring Lestat & not wishing to see anything wrong. And maybe even Nicki wanting to believe in moments that all is well? But really, Nicki growing increasingly fragile until, as in the books Armand steals him away. I just feel like something like this might be in the TV show and I feel that it could be an interesting deepening of the emotion (although it would alter Lestat in the theatre a little and the impact of the theatre to Lestat's self… but then, that was Lestat’s thoughts and horror as a new vampire. He feels very differently by the time he becomes a rock star… so…?!)
And this ties in: the recent clips suggest Claudia loves the theatre & Louis hates it. Louis always hated the callousness of the theatre, but Claudia loved it mainly as a clever way to ensnare victims. In the theatre in the book she is immediately in danger. Will this be different feelings here. This older Claudia may initially love the idea of joining the theatre! It may appeal to her nature! But oh, what awaits her…
Anyway: just some train-of-thought ponderings….
Anyone have thoughts on this?
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littledesertfox · 14 days
Sometime ago I made Krebs and Burgdorf in Sims 4 and I finally took some pictures of them! They don't look that accurate unfortunately because I haven't found/made enough fitting custom content (especially hair and clothes) for them yet😭 But I think they're still a really adorable couple🥺💕
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They also live in a small house near the sea so Krebs always can be close to his beloved fish🫶
[Custom poses by Katverse]
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agkavm2000 · 3 months
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Behind the scenes look to the most recent video on my channel.
This was basically a little test run with not just Kdenlive as a video editor but also to experiment once again in how to implement 3D elements/animations into the composition.
Something simple for me, tbh.
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artistdove · 30 days
For any curious on my aus, here's some basic lore.
Between the Screen Au
Basic info: Rewrite of the Epic Mickey games with darker themes and slight cast changes. I.e. Fanny is temporary leader while Oz guards Mickey Junk Mt, loads of really old designs for most of the toons, etc.
Summary: Mickey sneaks into a closed off studio room within Yen Sid's lair. Intrigued by the mystical looking paint brush, he begins to paint himself only for it to distort and attack him. With a sponge and thinner, he tries to wipe away his creation. He leaves the room believing he erased the creature. He was wrong as little did he know that his action lead to the downfall of an entire world. Years past and Mickey raises to fame. One night he is swept away into a place toons of ages past dwell. Can he fix his mistakes and mend a relationship that could have been? Who knows.
Epic Mickey : Tale of 2 Brothers
Basic Info: Another au that rewrites Epic Mickey, but brings back the old concepts and story where Ozzy is an anti-hero and Mickey can go feral.
Summary: Oswald is the humble king of Wasteland that works hard to give everything he's got to forgotten toons. However, his obsession for admiration and justice lead him to take drastic measures. An alliance between the Mad Doctor and an inky beast called the Blot leads them to seek revenge on the toon responsible for their circumstances. Mickey is dragged into Wasteland and adventures the land in hopes of returning back home. Both brothers will have to make the right decisions for this story to end well.
Rising Star
Basic Info: Somewhat parody of Walt's rise to fame. Toons and humans co-exist. Various old toons appear like Felix, Gerdy, Flip, etc. Look is like Roger rabbit. Follows from like the 1920s to modern day.
Summary: Michael and Oswald love their little rural life, but yearned for bigger dreams. Oswald eventually builds enough income to head out to California to make it big. He gets noticed for his talent and charm by a director and becomes a star. A year passes and Michael later joins in his brother's footstep to be a star. Both learn that making it big isn't all glitz and glam.
Toons & Dungeons
Basic Info: D&D inspired universe. Mainly focuses on the Disney Brothers, but other toons will appear. Story is very rough as this is an old au that changed from an RPG based idea to D&D, which I have little knowledge off.
Summary: Orphans Mick and Ozzy were inseparable as they roamed the streets of Fantasia. A run in with the Blox lead the two to be separated. Oswald was cursed to never be remembered by his loved ones after escaping from the Blox. He takes refuge with people called Gremlins who raise him as one of their own. The only thing he wants is to lift this curse and re-unite with his brother. Mickey is a traveling bard on a quest to find something he's lost. The only clue he's got is someone important to him, a brother? A friend? If only he could remember what his name was or what he looked like.
Ink & Mirrors
Basic Info: An old Bendy and the Ink machine au that's been slightly revamped. Main cast is Epic Mickey, Bendy cast, Cuphead cast, and Felix cast alongside cameos of other toons or ocs. Most lore is based on the first game with little humans in it, basically really early days of Bendy theories. It has a parallel story, but it is mostly the same in how it would go.
Summary: Bendy has been trapped in this crummy studio for years and envies the toons that are more beloved them him. He already dealt with his damn creator, so why not have some good cartoon fun? Toons have been going missing and mysterious letters appear to some that ask them to visit an old studio. Some visit or stumble into it after encounter strange black ink. Little do these toons know that this place was never suppose to be found.
Toon High
Basic Info: An old High school au. Walt High, Universal High, and Warner High. Not much else to go on, it's just school. Various toons can appear, but again this focuses on Disney mainly. Story is never gonna be concrete and barely used. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Summary: Mickey and Oswald have had a rocky relationship ever Mickey came into the family. One was joyous to have an older brother while the other was indifferent. Oswald is transferred to Walt High after Universal High doesn't work out. Mickey is happy be going to high school with his big brother, but his brother would rather be anywhere else. Maybe the two can finally work out their differences.
Magic Island
Basic Info: Animal crossing
Summary: Elias finds out that a new island get-away is being opened by Tom Nook. Him and his brother Clover travel to the island for a change of view and potential new home. New friends and a hard-working leader are what welcomes the brothers to their new home.
Local Toons
Basic Info: Everyone's a kid. Minor angst as this is more like slice of life. Style is black and white.
Summary: The Disney brothers love their rural life and love to help around the town. Various shenanigans ensue and new friends come and go.
P.D. Toons (Public Domain Toons)
Basic Info: Public domain toons that I made my own. Their origins are still there but nothing like the originals. Every toon has a new name. I.e. Willy = Mickey, Oliver = Oswald, etc. These are just for fun so not much lore.
Summary: Slice of life like stories or illustrations. Nothing big.
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darkwingsnark · 3 months
Thematic Contradictions: Pinky, the Nature of Suffering, and the Brain.
A comment written on a youtube video showing the multiple backstories provided by the different iterations of PatB. Something written in the moment, free flow, with no research to back my claims. All made for the fun fun silly-williness of it all.
I did think others might enjoy it all the same, so sharing anyway.
Honestly, while contradictory in nature for the sake of making different origin parodies [a habit shared with shows like Darkwing Duck], there's plenty to work with in regards to coming up with a backstory. Even if you were to assume that Brain truly has lost it enough to believe all origins, there's still the running theme of having lost his innocence due to interference with humanity. That the trauma triggered the want and need for control to provide safety for himself [and Pinky]. I wouldn't call his want to take over the world [and thus humanity] to be seen as the example of his anger displacement. His anger displacement comes in the form of lashing out and getting overtly defensive when hitting roadblocks. It's a triggering of the feeling of failure, which in turn is internalized. His plan didn't fail, HE failed. Which in turn, he feels, is a jab at his intelligence. And if he isn't intelligent, the very thing granted and the outcome of why he suffered, then what was the point of it all? If he can't seek control, make the world a better place, was his suffering just a cruel act and not the marks of a greater destiny?
The answer in the end, of course, is one that philosophers have debated for a long time. But I argue that, outside of the love story of two mice [platonic or otherwise], the show handles topics like hope vs nihilism. Nihilism, in this case, demonstrated by both characters. Nothing matters, so why not take over the world? [It has to matter, or else why did he suffer?] Nothing matters, so why not have fun and be kind along the way?
Hope is also what enables them to continue their plans for world domination, while the fear of not being good enough is why Brain hardly ever tries a scheme more than once. Despite the fact part of learning comes with figuring out where one's mistakes occurred. But Brain has trouble learning on an emotional level, because he's closed off. That is where his learned helplessness comes into play. We've seen time and time again that he has trouble being vulnerable because that means losing any semblance of control. Control over himself, as well as passing on the reigns to have another help him through his pain. But what if he's rejected? What if his pain is mocked, or the other sees his vulnerability and validates the fact that he is a failure?
To want is to face the possibility of pain. To hope can lead to loss. And the Brain has faced enough of that for a life time.
And none of this even covers the new theme that reboot has made of Brain being just like the humans he sees as monsters. Of how he has continued the cycle of abuse through Julia's creation and downfall. When you see the mouse dine at the table of humanity, it becomes hard to distinguish one from another.
Luckily Pinky is there as Brain's moral anchor. And I like to believe that Brain can be better, can remember that nothing matters so why not be kind in spite of it?
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I'm the kind of guy that didn't fill the revolution base top to bottom with buttons as a sort of parody of my own downfall but everyone believes it was me so that says it all really
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baiwu-jinji · 7 months
I think your comparisons of Ximang to Hualian/Wangxian are so interesting. When I first started reading 2ha, I felt like it was a much grimmer take svss (mostly bc I didn’t realize how big of a genre uh…”shizun-fucking” was at the time) so much that I felt like svsss and 2ha were two works in conversation with each other. Each felt like a parody of the other. Yuwu also reminded of Wangxian. Gu Mang and Wei Wuxian have many similarities. Their mischievous and laid back natures, their impressive genius, their lower-class status (although wwx doesn’t face discrimination on the scale that Gu Mang does), and obviously their eventual fall from grace. Mo Xi actually feels like a mixture of Lan Wangi and Jiang Cheng to me. He posses that cold countenance but also that terrible temper. His regret that he didn’t stay by Gu Mang’s when he was suffering but also his intense hatred at his betrayal. All this is to say, at times meatbun’s novels feel much more realistic and tragic compared to mxtx’s but they often share similar themes and it’s interesting how their two of the most popular danmei authors (at least in the western fandom). I never thought comparing Ximang to Hualian though, and it’s very interesting. Compared to Mo Xi and Lan Wangi, Hua Cheng is less concerned with certain societal and moral viewpoints, so he’s able to devote himself to Xie Lian entirely not matter what path Xie Lian walks. Obviously, the fact that they didn’t support the one they love in their time of need is something that Mo Xi and Lan Wangi both regret later on…but I think that Mo Xi and Lan Wangi’s upper class status compared to Hua Cheng’s lower class status plays a role in how they react to their beloved, for lack of a better term, going ape-shit.
Hi! :) Thank you for sharing you thoughts, and you certainly formed some interesting connections between novels and characters that I never thought of. It never occurred to me to compare 2ha with svsss because of their entirely different tones, like the former is all about shoving the depth and magnitude of the sufferings in your face while the latter is about hiding the tears and blood with irreverent humour.
As for Mo Xi, I keep thinking about him in comparison with Chu Wanning - not least because they both have a temper, and that's because they don't know how to express their emotions so every emotion comes out in the form of anger. But Chu Wanning has led a much more sheltered life than Mo Xi because of his extraordinary talent, which secured for him an untouchable position in the cultivation sect so he can just focus on his geeky inventions. Whereas Mo Xi had to fight through his family's downfall, start from the bottom, and survive the cut-throat palace intrigues etc.
The comparison between Ximang and Hualian that anon mentioned refers to this post I wrote - and I agree that with the romance side of things, meatbun's couples feel more realistic and tragic compared to mxtx’s. I think mxtx's strength is in exploring broader moral questions and philosophical themes, and she could do it in a natural, nuanced, and engaging way. Meatbun's attempts in this regard feels somewhat forced and meagre in comparison.
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dipplinduo · 8 months
Okay! So we’ve seen what happens in the epilogue of the game and it got me brainstorming on how your version of Pecharunt would end up the way he is as we see in the game.
What if, after the events of your story, which is the events of the Indigo Disk, Pecharunt is fed up with Kieran’s “bullsh!t” and is basically like:
Pecharunt: “This was a massive failure. I can’t believe my plan went to sh!t all because of a girl my vessel has the hots for. F**k this I’m going back to Kitakami and taking a nap.”
*Fast forward to the very beginning of the events of Mochi Mayhem where Juliana has the Mythical Pecha Berry. Which awakens Pecharunt due to the berry’s scent*
Pecharunt: Holy Arceus what a sweet scent! Reminds me of my famous mind controlling mochis. Wait a second…
*Begins plotting*
Pecharunt: You know what? To hell with it! I’m going to start some classic mayhem and take control of these dumba$$ humans! I’ll have them only say ‘mochi’ and do the chicken dance! Who gives a f**k!? I don’t! I wanna have some fun and f**k around with these losers! I deserve to have fun dammit! Now where are those other three? I bet they’re gonna love this!
(He’s referring to the “Loyal Three.” Little does he know that they were all captured by the very trainer who was the cause of his plan’s downfall.)
Can you imagine? Pecharunt goes from trying to be a serious, menacing villain to a goofy villain who wants to mess with people and have fun while doing it? 😆
Either that or maybe you would stick with being serious and have the events of Mochi Mayhem truly be a horror movie (as Penny flat out says in the game!) and the people that Pecharunt gains control of behave in a violent matter and the stakes get even worse when Pecharunt encounters Kieran and Juliana again?
I feel like I may have inspired a sequel to ‘Sweet & Sour.’ Correct me if I’m wrong.
LMAOOOO peachy just having a total "it doesn't even matter anymore" kind of moment
This is actually hilarious, and I could easily see it in like, this parody version of S&S D. I have debated just making something like that on the side for fits and giggles. Like little mini chapter summaries xD
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