#Donnie Dope
taxi-davis · 2 months
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kineticallyanywhere · 2 years
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@nicoforlifetrue‘s Rotten Relfections fic has carved out a space in my brain and just lives there now.
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happyfoxx-art · 2 years
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I am SO normal about this fic by @unorthodoxx-page mmmhm xD This scene was so SO good, I’m having the time of my life seeing Donnie interact with Azula. 
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thescribblings · 5 months
To whoever remembers that fashion post i did, here's a ✨️treat✨️
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I've entered my mad scientist era, and he's being designed as we speak
A shirtless version, because i can
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(Also, new art program, say hi)
Have nice day :]
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cyarikah · 1 year
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Go hard or go home.
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g0gglez-eyeballz · 1 year
Mutant mayhem Donnie would have multiple Miku figures and posters-
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itsthegreenstuff · 2 years
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purple-tello · 1 year
Ever wonder how long leo was in the prison dimension for...?
It's... It wasn't more than a minute. Don't act like it wasn't.
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starlyte-writes · 2 years
You ever have those moments where you’re just existing, being you in a day, and then suddenly perceive yourself and go “...so like, there’s definitely something wrong with me, right?”
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mrbopst · 4 months
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It is on my list to make my own future Donnie interpretation, but I think it'd also be fun to make a future Raph one as well because imagine how HUGE that guy would be!! He'd be MASSIVE!!
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forgetful-nerd · 8 months
I fully believe that if rottmnt came back (or, ya know, just continued as it should have), the mud dogs would’ve become the most inconvenient, pain-in-the-ass, reoccurring villains ever.
Mikey is out doing a simple grocery store run? Malicious Micky stole all the ingredients he needs from every store in town just to make the most atrocious meal known to man. And when Mikey tries to stop his unholy abomination of food—he somehow gets doped into diving headfirst into Mickey’s vile concoction, and it takes him weeks to get the smell off his shell.
April has an important test tomorrow? Dastardly Danny found a bazooka and made it her entire neighborhood’s problem. And when Donnie is pulled in for reinforcements, Danny ends up snatching some of his tech, and they go on a wild chase throughout the city as Donnie tries to pry his new inventions out of Danny’s hands, and Danny continuously evades him. By the end of the chase, Donnie does get his tech back, but Danny gives him the slip. And now he is stuck being blamed for millions of dollars worth of property damage and has to run for his life to evade the mob of angry New Yorkers.
Leo is attending a Jupiter Jim convention? Loathsome Leonard is there stealing every collector's item that Leo wants to purchase, and no matter how hard Leo tries to get someone…ANYONE to notice the blatant thieving…no one believes him as Leonard is slick and (surprisingly) charming. This leads to Leo getting lectured by security about making false accusations as Leonard smugly grins at him as he snatches another piece behind the security guard's back, with Leo having the biggest “are-you-fuckin’-kidding-me” face ever.
Raph wants to enjoy a quiet night to himself? Well, that’s too bad. Heinous Green just robbed a bank and, while making his escape, he threw one of the bags of money he was carrying at Raph, which makes Raph an unwilling decoy for the police. Raph spends the rest of the night trying to clear his name as he evades the police, and Heinous Green continues to commit crimes while framing Raph for them. And on top of all of that…..Heinous Green is a big shit-talker. So, whenever Raph is face-to-face with him, Heinous Green taunts him and gets under his skin, causing Raph to lose his cool, fall for his traps, and get framed for more crimes.
All of this culminates into the boys becoming so fed up with the mud dogs that any time they see them, it leads to a fight.
Until one day, while outside enjoying their day, they hear the mud dogs conversing in a dark alleyway. With each turtle having a personal vendetta against the gang, it doesn’t take much for them to agree to a sneak attack on the crew. With each turtle taking positions to block all exits from the alleyway, they spring into action. The rise! Brothers, thinking that they’ve finally gotten the jump on the mud dogs, throw themselves into their attack full-force.
Except, it wasn’t the mud dogs they were jumping. It was the 2012 TMNT boys. This is the start of their first inter-dimensional encounter with their counterparts.
And they are about to get off on the worst foot imaginable.
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the sibling reader stuff is mad dope good job bro, could you do sum like when theyre in middle school and they come home after school all upset and like wont talk to anyone and it turns out, oh no not cool man theyre being bullied. its totally cool if not bro, love your stuff homebre keep it up
I love writing sibling reader, these requests are making me happy!
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The minute you walked into the Lair, they knew something was up.
You were still wearing your jacket for one,
You always, always took it off before you got home,
No matter how cold outside it was.
The second thing was your expression.
You just looked so...
Leo and Raph were the first to notice,
They shared a look with eachother, they both knew something had happened,
But figuring that out was the easy part,
Gettting you to talk wasn't going to be a cake walk...
"(Name)'s home!" Mikey shouted, jumping up from his spot on the couch, rushing to give you a hug.
The hug that you dodged with a weak smile.
The hug you had looked forward to getting everyday since you were 6.
That's when Mikey knew something wasn't right.
"How was school?" Donnie asked as he walked in, patting your shoulder as he passed.
You winced when his hand came in contact with your skin, laughing nervously.
Now Donnie knew too.
And you knew they knew.
"It was fine." you mumbled, before starting towards your room.
"Where ya' goin', Shorty?"
You sighed lowly, "To do homework."
"You just got home," Leo said, "Why don't you come watch TV with us for a little bit."
You shook your head, your breathing becoming uneven when you felt the tears prick your eyes, "Nope! I'm fine! You know how History is." You laughed nervously, reaching your room and closing the door as quickly as possible.
You tossed your backpack on your bed, shedding off your jacket, wincing.
You went to run your hand over the bruises that ran along your bare arms, pulling away quickly when the touch caused you to whimper.
The tears fell slowly, rolling down your cheeks almost taunting you.
'Some ninja.'
It was back.
That little voice that you hadn't heard in so long.
The one you had tried so damn hard to get rid of.
You slid down to the floor with your back against the door, head between your knees while you tried your hardest not to cry.
A soft knock sounded from behind you, and you held your breath, "(Name)..?" the worried voice of Mikey came from the otherside.
"Uh- Yeah?" you put some false chipper in your voice.
"You ok?"
"Peachy keen, Michel!"
You heard Raph grunt on the otherside of the door, "Dammit (Name), we're not stupid. We know you're lyin'."
You felt a sob build up in the back of your throat, you tried to respond but it felt like something was holding your voice hostage.
"Please just let us in." Donnie begged, and that did it.
You stood up slowly, doing your best to calm yourself.
Your eyes never left your feet as you opened that door,
You felt ashamed.
When you heard nothing from your brothers, you looked up to face them, and you felt the tears begin to fall again.
They weren't dissapointed in you,
They were upset.
They were angry.
For you.
You sniffled quietly and instantly Mikey pulled you in for a hug,
The second his arms wrapped around you the silent tears turned into to full on sobs.
And Mikey held you.
Just like he had when you were younger.
Mikey was doing his best to calm you out of your tears.
Just like he had in that alley oh so long ago.
You felt like you were just a toddler again,
Helpless and scared.
You were shaking, but despite the gut wrenching sobs you let out, an overwhelming sense of relief washed through your body.
You didn't have to keep the secret anymore.
Eventually your crying had reduced itself to sniffles, and you pulled away from Mikey, wiping your eyes while Donnie gently took your arms to examine the bruises.
"Who did it." Leo asked you lowly,
You looked down once again, the shame of being bullied filling you once again, "This clique of jerks. Ya know, the 'popular kids'. They've been picking on me since, like, 2nd grade for not having my bio parents around."
"How the hell do they even know that?" Raph growled out.
You shrugged, wincing when Donnie pressed on one of your bruises, "Some of their parents works in the office, so they knows April isn't my real mom."
Leo sighed, "Is this the first time the bullying has been physical?"
You nodded, "I told 'em to fuck off. They... didn't like that and jumped me after school."
"Have you tried getting staff involved?" Donnie question,
"Yup, but like I said, some of their parents work in the office, so they never get in trouble. I'm just told to stop lying trying to cause drama."
Leo hummed, and you looked up from the floor, "I'm sorry." you said, sniffling, tears welling up once again.
"I'm sorry... I tried to stand up for myself, but I'm just not s-strong like you guys.."
Leo shook his head and pulled you in for a hug, "Don't you dare say you're sorry, (Name), because you have nothing you should be sorry for. We'll deal with those kids, just meet us in the nearest alley after school, ok?"
You nodded, "Can we watch Smurfs?"
Raph chuckled and patted you on the head when Leo pulled away, "Sure thing, Shorty."
The next day at school, you were nervous.
Leo hadn't told you his plan, just to meet them in the nearest alley to the school.
The bell rung, and you rushed out of the classroom, you reached your locker quickly and emptied it for the day.
After that, you rushed out the front door as fast as you could.
You were almost off school property when they caught up to you.
"Going somewhere, bitch?"
You looked behind you, seeing Brad and his possy of prep kids glaring snarkily at you.
"Fuck off, Brad." you said, continuing towards that alley.
You felt someone yank on the back of your hoodie, and you whipped around and socked the guy who held it in the face.
After that you took off running, with Brad shouting behind you, "Get back here you fucking bitch!"
You ran breathless into the alley, debating pulling up the manhole cover and escaping, but then the clique walked into the alley way.
Brad grabbed the front of your shirt, lifting you up slightly, "Who the fuck do you think you are, huh, fucker?"
"Our baby sibling."
Brad dropped you and began to frantically search the alley for whomever had spoke.
You felt a hand on you shoulder and turned to see a very angry Raphael.
"The baby sibling you just put your hands on."
One of the girls spotted your brothers, gasped quietly, and then promptly fainted.
You let out a pft-
Before backing up to stand next to Donnie, who wrapped his arm around your shoulder while glaring at the kids.
The prep kids looked just about ready to either faint, or book it out of the alley, but just as they began to run, Leo popped out of nowhere and wrapped his arm tightly around Brad's shoulder.
"Hey, you must be Brad. So a little birdy told me that you've been causing some issues for sweet old (Name) here. For your information, we're their big brothers, and we don't take too kindly to people picking on family."
He shoved Brad forward, with Brad in the other kids looking around in terror.
Raph spoke up, twirling one of his sais around menacingly, "You got one option here, so pay attention. I'm gonna give you all 10 seconds to get down on your knees and beg (Name) for the forgivness you don't deserve, or I'll show ya' what it's like to get beat up by someone bigger than ya', got it punk?"
Brad and his possy immediatly dropped to their knees infront of you, and it took everything in your power to not laugh out loud as they all frantically begged you for mercy and forgiveness and they were so sorry, etc. etc.
"Shut up you blubbering idiots." you said, they immediatly stopped talking, and you turned to face Leo "I wanna go home, do we still have poptarts?"
Leo nodded, and Raph picked Brad up off the ground, "You leave (Name) alone from now on."
Mikey nodded poking him in the side, "Yeah, you don't talk to them, you don't look at them, don't even breath in their direction, got it?"
Brad nodded frantically, and Raph dropped him, and Leo sent him one last glare "Don't say a word of what happened here to anyone, got it? We'll know, and we will find you. Now go."
Without another word, the clique left, scampering down the sidewalk like some terrified rabbits.
"Now let's get you that poptart, Shorty."
And voilà! I hope you guys enjoy this one since I really liked writing it! 💕
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nerves-nebula · 21 days
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sending you image for reference inspo cuz this helped me a lot when drawing our their lair. was charmed by the idea of donnies room being connected to both lab and garage.
hah. dope. thanks bud, and as a TOKEN OF APPRECIATION here are the various illegible layouts i've been doodling
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My favorite part is when the rooms spill over into other layouts and you can no longer tell which lines are meant to signify what
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fungalittleweirdo · 5 months
ROTTMNT 60s AU !!!
please this man has SOUL
he sings in clubs in new york, he has a record coming out in '67 with his band Raphael and The Digg
his brothers didn't feel like joining the band, so it's up to some talented musician girls he met without a trained main vocalist (digg, with prairie dog, honey badger, and groundhog)
they're super popular in harlem and they make it to charts
raph meets other motown records signees and they always find he's the gentlest of giants
he and his band DESERVES a grammy
he's a surfer !!!
he loves competing in surfing tournaments in long island
the boy's a legend, other surfers think he's a fish at first
if he didn't have separation anxiety for his brothers (a post-kraang headcanon) he would have gone to the west coast where the real competitions are (they never feel like leaving new york for very long)
for now he's happy surfing the coast of long island
he loves when todd surfs with him, his favourite part is the lemonade he gets afterwards
donatello is OBSESSED with the space race
he managed to hack nasa for rocket blueprints
he got caught and they asked him if he was a communist but there was no found evidence that proved he was so he was let go and his name was cleared
he managed to improve the blueprints he got his hands on and built more efficient rockets, then he used computing tech to make his very own battleshell
he has a super-powered telescope he nicknamed shelldon
donnie predicted the states would win the space race in 1965 because it had something to do with the war, i myself don't know how he used that data point to draw a conclusion
mikey is such a hippie he has mugshots of his charming smiling face framed to prove it
very anti-war, very pro-civil rights movement, pro-dope and lowkey anti-united states government
he was at the stonewall riots !!!!!
he not only fought for human civil rights, but for mutants too, so that he and his brothers could be acknowledged as citizens
humans turned into mutants are already citizens, but the mistreatment they get is unfair and mikey chose to be a leading pioneer for mutant rights
leo (hesitantly) opened portals for mikey in the south so that he could stand with people of colour in their trying times
misc notes !!
lou jitsu was popular in golden age hollywood, he won many accolades for his films until big mama made it look like he was signed to stay in the battle nexus
jupiter jim films are actually westerns, his name is junebug jim instead
big mama is a big mafia boss woman regardless of the era she's in, though her battle nexus is televised for all ages
instead of becoming criminals, mutants follow mikey's lead protesting for mutant/yokai rights and new york is the first city to acknowledge it
the turtles' beach parties are insane, there's always some people other than the siblings lingering around at midnight
april is the best reporter out there, she reports on the turtles' exploits all the time and she makes mad BANK over it (successful 60s black woman slay)
the foot clan is a cult a lot like the manson family, the turtles hate their guts
baron draxum does the same thing he always did, brood in his lab trying to destroy the humans (that is until mikey gets through to him)
sr. hueso's run of the mill pizza is still the turtles' favourite pizza spot, though the establishment is beachside because he's on good terms with his brother, who mainly does imports
casey jr. is a star hockey player, he also avoids the draft because he's from the future, so the government doesn't have his records
but cass protests against the war with mikey whenever she can, she's also anti-war
donnie also managed to be the first mutant on the moon by his own means, it's been a childhood dream since he saw laika's launch in sputnik 2
aight that's all i have for now, i hope you enjoyed !!
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year
Anyways happy birthday from Flame torch Donnie and I! wish ya all the best!👾 Thank ya for blessing us with your art have a day as dope as you!!👾
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Thank you!! 💜💙🧡❤️ I hope he's got that torch to light the candles and not to commit arson
Also Krangified Donnie seems to really like that torch
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