#i just need to get Akari out of my system
thescribblings · 5 months
To whoever remembers that fashion post i did, here's a ✨️treat✨️
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I've entered my mad scientist era, and he's being designed as we speak
A shirtless version, because i can
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(Also, new art program, say hi)
Have nice day :]
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waywardstation · 11 months
Fair Trade
Akari shares with Ingo a bag of candy she found while distortion diving, though Ingo more appreciates the familiar feelings that sharing candy brings back than anything.
Happy Halloween!! I wrote this off a request an anon gave me about Akari sharing Halloween candy with Ingo. Hope you enjoy!! This is my first bit of writing that I’ve actually published in a while, and it feel like this writing in particular is a lot of nothing, but it was fun just to get something out again!!
OR read here on AO3!
“I am finding it very hard to believe that you dislike chocolate this much.”
“Come on,” From where she sat on the dojo bench, Akari held her hand out to Ingo, the shiny, brightly-colored wrapper in her palm already unfoiled to reveal the candy inside. “It’s not that I don’t like them, I just like other candy more. And I can’t eat all of these myself, so I gotta pick and choose. Also, you have to take it, I already opened it.”
Looking back at her from his position by the dojo, Ingo’s expression was one of discernment — she could certainly just wrap it back up and save it for later. She also could have done that with the last six candies she had handed to him. But eventually, he relented and took it. Popping it into his mouth with an obligatory “Thank you”, Ingo returned to casting his glance at the training grounds’ gate.
Unlike Akari, he had not realized how sorely he had specifically missed sweet, modernized chocolate until she had first given him a piece several minutes earlier, when she had come by the training grounds to see him with a big mystery bag in her hands.
“Look at this, Ingo!” She had called out to him, holding the packaging up against the sunset sky for him to see — orange and purple, it was full of colorful wrappers, and seemed to be decorated with ghost pokemon (some silhouettes he recognized much more clearly than others). “I found this in one of the distortions! Help me eat it!”
A moderately-sized, unopened bag of cheap assorted candies, wrapped in shiny foils that obscured the flavor and kept its brand a surprise until it was opened. No doubt it had been pulled from some store shelf, if not an unfortunate person’s cabinet. Akari had been unwrapping the candies one by one; if it was revealed to be a fruit chew or something of the sort, she ate it herself, but the chocolates were handed off to Ingo.
Reaching her hand back onto the bag, Akari fished out another wrapper and twisted it open, revealing a green gummy inside that vaguely resembled a cherubi’s shape.
“Gummy.” She announced to no one in particular, chewing on it and stuffing the wrapper into her satchel. Picking out and unwrapping another before she had even finished her candy, she held it out to Ingo. “Chocolate. Here.”
“Ah, thank you,” Ingo received it with waning enthusiasm, but dropped it into his mouth regardless. “Have you perhaps considered sharing with your friend Rei as well?”
“Yeah, but last time I did, he got sick the next day. He said he doesn’t want them anymore.”
“How many have you had?” Watching Akari pull out yet another candy from the bag, Ingo was beginning to wonder if she was planning to stop at some point, or keep pushing through until the bag was empty. Knowing her, he believed it would be the latter.
“I don’t know, maybe… Nine? Ten?” The teen did not look up from the candy she was currently unwrapping. “I haven’t been counting.”
Ingo looked away, back towards the dojo’s gates as Akari peeked through the small opening she had made in her wrapper. He was acutely aware of how anything as processed and sugary as candy would not mix well with a digestive system that had become accustomed to a Hisuian diet — concerning both Akari, and himself.
“I advise taking these tracks a little slower; there is no need to rush towards the end of the line in just one night, lest you end up like Rei.”
“Oh man, if you think I’ll get sick off of this, you should really see all the junk I eat that I don’t bring back to share with you,” Akari brushed it off with a laugh as if his recommendation was a joke, before holding another unwrapped candy out to him again. “Chocolate. Here you go.”
“...Thank you.” Ingo echoed once again, tentatively receiving the bite-size candy bar. He chewed it with a look on his face – hard to discern, but appearing to be guilty for appreciating it. He waved Akari off preemptively with a hand before she could even unwrap another candy. “But please, no more; Miss Zisu is supposed to return back from the hall at any moment to accompany me to The Wallflower. I don’t want to spoil my appetite.”
“Well all you have to do is stop taking them, then!” Akari’s voice was tickled with amusement. Plastic crinkled as another wrapper was opened; thankfully for Ingo’s sake, bright, soft pink was revealed under the shiny covering. “Ugh, Taffy.”
Ingo cleared his throat as Akari bit into it anyways, having nothing to say at being called out – he certainly could refuse, but a part of him didn’t want to. And it went beyond the plain craving for the processed sweetness after such a long period of going without it.
Something about the flavor was obviously familiar to him, but that wasn’t exactly what kept nagging him to repeatedly want just one more. In fact, there really was much to be desired from cheap, waxy chocolate.
It was more so the simple act of Akari specifically handing a candy to him that she didn’t want, but knew he liked. It felt like it was tugging on a dormant cord still connected between his heart and his memories.
There wasn’t a lot there, but it was attached to something, deep down.
( )( )( )( )( )( )
It was just like when he and (Emmet went trick-or-treating together as children. The two of them) would always return home with enough candy that (could have lasted them several months, but) would probably only survive a week or two (between themselves and their Pokémon). They would always take turns trading (their candy between each other at the end of the night. Emmet) enjoyed the sour variety of treats and gummies (that would oftentimes end up leaving him with a sore mouth,) while he preferred the sweeter chocolates and (candy bars).
And (when Elesa had come into their lives during their teenage years,) the group would continue the tradition (of trick-or-treating together, and then) swapping at the end of the night. (Chocolates were not willingly traded to him nearly as easily anymore, and) he often ended up being traded the things neither (Emmet or Elesa) wanted. But he didn’t mind (because he liked them well enough, more so than the other two).
And even (into adulthood, when going trick-or-treating from door to door) was swapped out for (late-night scary movie marathons with friends, He found a habit had formed where) he was often handed (the candy bowl near the end of the night, in order to finish off the bit of) untouched candy no one else wanted. (Emmet and Skyla) would lightheartedly jab at him (for functionally being their candy disposal bin, but Elesa would defend him while he himself just laughed,) taking it all in jest.
( )( )( )( )( )( )
…It was just like when he and someone else would always return home with enough candy that would last probably only a week or two. They’d take turns trading, the other enjoying sour candies while he preferred the sweet ones. And when their group continued swapping candy, he was often traded what no one else wanted. But he didn’t mind. And even when things… changed, he still was given the candy that no one else wanted. They would make jokes about him for it, but it was all in jest.
There was so much missing, Ingo knew there was, and it made things confusing as to what actually happened. But he certainly didn’t feel bad about any part of it, when he lingered on the feelings that were left behind.
The fragments were horrifically shattered and spread apart over many, many memories, he could tell. But something about it was comforting. Perhaps it was the fact that so many memories seemed linked together; it implied that this was something that had never changed even while time went on, something that had been continued over a large span of his prior life. He had done something with friends very frequently. And it was something he enjoyed very much.
They were happy memories of people he couldn’t quite remember, and while that was not a novel experience for him at this point, it still dimmed the warmth around the edges. But he could not ignore that it was also cathartic, in an aching, lonely way, to feel that they were so worn and repetitive.
The phantom memories gradually retreated back out of reach, keeping their distance as the sweet aftertaste of the cheap chocolate faded. Something about the fact that an action as seemingly insignificant as being handed unwanted candy, and how it was able to dredge up only emotional remnants of so many hazy recollections… it was a little frustrating for Ingo, if he was being honest.
The complete picture was always just out of reach, it felt like.
But he had lost his entire previous life to the foggy nowhere that used to be his mind. There were a lot of pieces to pick up, and he supposed a substantial amount of them would be small and insignificant — when something shattered like this, there were usually many more small pieces than big ones.
“Another chocolate.”
Ingo blinked, his thoughts giving way to the view of the training ground’s dirt beneath his shoes, then to Akari as he turned to her — she had leaned forward to nudge his wrist with her own hand. Of course, a chocolate nestled within an opened wrapper was held between her fingers.
“Ah-” Ingo hesitated for perhaps a moment too long with a look that may have been a bit too piercing, as Akari’s hand began to retract.
“Right, sorry,” Akari sat back, leaning against the dojo wall behind her as she situated the bag back on her lap. “I know, I shouldn’t keep handing you these when you’re about to go have dinner.”
“No no, it’s alright,” Ingo hastily attempted to correct the misunderstanding. “I apologize, I was not rejecting it; my mind simply drifted elsewhere for a moment.”
“So…” With the usual spirited look returning to her features, Akari held the candy back up. “You do want another piece?”
One last glance over at the gate, but of course Zisu was still nowhere in sight. Only the autumn sunset past the village buildings, and a distant collection of drifblim mingling with the clouds over the fieldlands.
Ingo huffed through his nose and turned to join Akari on the bench, taking the empty spot next to her as the wood creaked beneath him. “…Perhaps just one more; Miss Zisu has not arrived yet, after all. She did say it would be a quick stop by the Commander’s office, but I’ll be honest; knowing her appreciation for conversation, I could be waiting here for her for another half hour.”
Akari held the candy back out to him, and this time, Ingo accepted it. “Thank you.”
Placing the chocolate in his mouth, Ingo sat back as he chewed on it. Mulling over the warm feelings of familiarity that briefly returned once again with the flavor, Ingo wondered if the memories themselves would return at some point as well.
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[Hikari and Mother of Ultra have Akari hooked up to some kind of giant light bulb looking contraption, apparently they heard about her gaining certain mutations from eating kaiju meat like, fire resistance, poison immunity etc, etc... Their testing the effects from her eating Elecking meat Zero and Seven were there to observe and though neither were keen on the idea of experimenting on Akari but they had to make sure there were no negative effects from her dietary habits.]
Mother: Now dear, we're doing a electricity test today.
Hikari: You just need to eat some Elecking meat and we're going to monitor any changes in you body or energy levels.
Akari: Okay, but I should warn you beforehand don't touch my ax unless you wanna get shocked!
{A few minutes of Akari eating the meat there wasn't really any change until they heard a loud pop they looked over at Akari's ax and could see it was letting off electrical discharges as the slugger's blade turned teal green and it's shape morphed into a more jagged or zigzag appearance; almost resembling a lightning bolt.
They looked back at Akari and saw the three nondetachable sluggers on her head had also taken a similar shape, the color of her body had also changed; now silver it bore some semblance to her brother's Shining form, however it had teal and yellow Lichtenberg figure designs going down her body and the energy coming off her was caused the light bulb to shine brightly before overloading then the bulb blew out.]
Hikari: Fascinating, Let's do a combat test.
Seven: Right now? She's barely been on the planet a week!
Hikari: It's better to do this now, then sit on it later.
Zero: You'll be using drones, right?
Mother: Of course we're using drones, You don't need to worry about your sister's safety.
[Zero winces]
Seven: It's not Akari's safety we're worried about...
{Hikari and Mother didn't understand until after the combat simulation was over, When they witnessed Akari's electrical attacks had fried the drones and the systems of the training room they were using to a crisp; which would take days to repair! both Mother and Hikari were both stunned in amazement and terror at the sheer power the teen could put out, Mother was suggesting that Seven enroll Akari into the more advance combat classes as she'd be too much for the beginner and mid class students to handle, Seven reluctantly agreed.]
{Akari doesn't actually have to consume Kaiju meat to achieve her power up forms, she can turn at will or from absorbing large amounts of electricity (for her electric form anyway), Eating kaiju meat just gives her a little boost to speed things up.
In her poison form Akari's body turns purple and black and her eyes turn pink; she can't use her ax due to the oily poison secreting from her hands, she can however elongate her nails into claws that can be used in devastating slash attacks, in this form Akari's touch is not deadly by any means but it can paralyze her foes, put them to sleep, hypnotize or cause them to hallucinate.
in her fire form Akari looks the same except for her all her silver markings turn gold and she emits a blazing aura that's hot enough to glass sand and melt steel, and since she lives in a heavily forested area, Akari tries not to use that form at all so not to burn her home down.]
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kaaragen · 1 year
Rise of the Red Blade thoughts
One of the things I’ve long been asking for is for canon to do something to address the Inquisitors. We partially got that with Kenobi, but Reva is more of a special case. But with Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade we do finally have something that does, so it behooves me to add my thoughts. We do get a lot of interesting bits from this book - including, at last!, some canon Seventh Sister backstory!
(Minor spoilers ahead - though if you’ve read the Darth Vader comics you know how this story ends)
First of all, on a story level, it’s entertaining and I think does a good character dive on why Jedi fell and became Inquisitors. Ishkat Akaris is the POV character and she provides an interesting angle on struggles with the Jedi Order. She’s neurodivergent, and while not specified I’m picking up ADHD. She struggles and never quite gets the support she needs. But she is an unreliable narrator, and there is a particular Roshomon incident from when she was young that we return to again and again, getting some different perspectives. Though the narrative (in true Roshomon fashion) never says which was the ‘true’ version so you’re just left with the various ‘certain points of view’. But as a look at someone’s personal journey to the Dark Side, where at of the steps seem plausible and fair from their perspective, it works really well.
But what the book is great for is showing, better than other canon material I’ve come across, what the war does to the Jedi. Communications are poor. Information is sketchy. And young, inexperienced and over promoted Jedi are being sent out as commanders into highly stressful situations. And it really shows how the sheer stress of the war, and how this starts corrupting the more inexperienced Jedi, as the pressure to achieve results in impossible circumstances starts leading them toward ‘quicker and easier’ answers, with even the brighter and more devoted Jedi starting to fray by the wars end.
It maybe doesn’t deep dive as much as I would like; and the timeline is a bit wonky in places (according to this the Jedi had the clone army before they went into the arena on Geonosis which ??), but as far as canon goes I think it’s one of the best explorations on offer.
There’s some other tidbits as well:
Confirmation that if you don’t connect with the Force regularly you will lose sensitivity to it and have to ‘relearn’ as per Kenobi.
We get a bit more in how the Inquisitorious works. Basically a perverse form of the Jedi Order. There are candidate Inquisitors, and when you ‘prove’ yourself worthy you get a Name (eg X Sister). Which was hinted at in Kenobi (the use of ‘Reva’ over Third Sister to emphasise her outsider status)
That said, numbering system still doesn’t make sense to me. I think the implication is supposed to be the number is the order in which a candidate ‘proved’ themselves, but I find it hard to believe that Trilla was the first one to do so. Particularly not as it says Fifth Brother joined willingly and Tenth Brother was already half-way there at the start of the war.
The Agricorps are back baby!
And some canon Seventh Sister backstory! To which:
She’s a little older than Ishkat, whose about 19/20 when the Clone War kicks off. So my rough guess would be that she’s about 25ish when Order 66 happens. So Seventh is definitely a Jedi Knight - which does tie with her line of dialogue to Ezra mocking Kanan for not achieving the rank.
She was Aayla Secura’s Padawan (asterisk on this one - the exact line is ‘trained by’ which is a little vaguer, but Padawan reads to me as the intent.) This would constitute a lore revision that Mirialans are only Padawan’s to Mirialans.
Something absolutely horrific happened to her to make her an Inquisitor. Which you might think ‘of course it did’; but Ishkat meets Second Sister and hangs out with Ninth Sister and specifically mentions sensing something appalling happening to Seventh. So yeah, we’re talking orders of magnitude bad in comparison.
(For those wondering who read A New Dawn Breaks: none of this will affect Sorfelia; I already had something terrible planned 😈)
So overall, I’d say it’s worth a read. And if you’ve read the comics there’s some fun Easter eggs here and there as well!
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garden-ghoul · 2 days
my xX star wars/naruto crossover conceptz Xx
they're the exact same kind of trashy action fantasy you see. they even have the same major theme ("be careful when attempting to critique unjust systems of governance in a battle fantasy setting lest you decide they're too awesome and cool to continue critiquing").
anyway. please consider how perfect it is for sasuke to be a wee dathomirian zabrak who gets found by a jedi knight coincidentally in the same sort of way as ms ventress. after the classic dathomirian event of having his village destroyed for no particular reason by his adored big brother (itachi is a man in this au) for sith apprentice bridge burning reasons. turns up at the jedi temple age eight (shocking!!!) and practices to be the Perfect jedi so he can Get His Revenge.
contemplating what the star wars equivalent of sharingan might be since zabraks don't really have any kind of special power. maybe it's just an ability that he and itachi happen to share that's fairly rare for force users? I'll think about it.
it's kind of fun that there's really not that much hereditary ability stuff in star wars, and certainly not as fancy as you find in naruto. I feel like I'd emphasize more about training lineages that pass down special abilities and maybe do a thing where a bunch of padawans now have to be on teams because adult jedi are dropping like flies in the big war against the uhhh other schismatic jedi order from over there. that orochimaru count dooku'd out to found! obv!
ahhh if this takes place in a single galactic republic that would be soo fun? you'd get to play with "what exactly is the place of the jedi in the government." if this is a regional temples thing, maybe some number of star systems drop out of the republic because they need jedi protection! things get so much more interesting if you let the story admit that jedi have different spiritual philosophies and ideas about orthopraxy. the jedi order that's in league with a crime syndicate! the jedi order that decided the sith knew what they were doing! the jedi order that gets really aggressive about eradicating injustice! the jedi order that decided to teach safe dark side use! the possibilities are endless.
anyway the one we're in is the jedi order that's hoarding wealth and political influence to try to eradicate all the other orders. and sasuke is there being a maverick. and sakura is there being barriss offee. and naruto is there being iskat akaris (ie everyone's mean to him because his mom got pregnant and ran away from the jedi temple). truly you can find any type of guy you need for naruto already in star wars. I think kakashi is a regular degular obi wan.
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It has been such an interesting ride seeing different people's INTENSE emotions toward Volo and Kamado both good and bad. It shocked me so much how many opinions people had about them. When I'm playing an rp game I'm always kind of a go with the flow person who only really cares about npcs after all is said and done(with rare exceptions) because my brain can't balance story and "the grind" at the same time and MAN was I grinding. The story analysis is always a separate ordeal with me upon a replay or me watching someone I know play through it. So if you want the pov of a main character who literally could not read the room or intentions(false or otherwise) that's me.
So my first playthrough perceptions of Kamado and Volo were "Big boss who gives my boss big progression missions to give me so I can go to new areas" and "wait who are you? Bro, why are you even here? Stop following me. I literally don't care!... Who are you again?" respectively.
And when shit hit the fan my response to Kamado was "Ok? It will suck to not be able to change my hair, but I literally have only been in my room like once to change my eye color. :/ So your loss I guess."
With Volo it was like "oh it's this guy again. *reads name I forgot* Volo, my dude, why are you like everywhere? I don't want to buy your shit." Then he proceeds to kick my ass. That got my attention at least. <- person who didn't play gen 4 and didn't know Cynthia outside of art.
qkjqhq ok it is very funny to imagine a protag who was VERY deep into the arceus-mission grind-out-these-quests (since the quest system is like. literally in-game on your arc phone) and did not even register anything else going on. ok yeah sure whatever kamado can you stop talking uhh (squints) vo.. volo? what do you need. something something plate? hang on let me check to see if my god phone approves of- oh look beep beep a quest objective. yeah sure i can do that let's get a move on
anyway i think we are sort of polar opposites in this regard bc i. can't NOT think abt my protag and the story while playing any game. i'm the rp build person it's my one weakness. in my first (fully blind) pla runthrough i picked up the baneful fox mask and decided i was playing a straight-up zorua who managed to con their way into jubilife by pretending to be a very weird child (love ya wish <3) and then got VERY attached to everyone including kamado during the course of the story. second and third (current) runs were just akari and rei the default protags. i guess this maybe isn't that surprising considering i also just admitted to trying to keep my protag on a decent sleep schedule. it's called immersion
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What do you mean you don't feel right did something corrupt? Let me check your system-
Wait you read my file? Heh, I'm glad you're alright with working with me but that's an, odd choice to do, you could always just ask, I wouldn't mind talking about it.
Let's get you fixed up first though, alright? Don't need you crashing out on me.
Did the development team even try to run a bug fix what the hell is this? Something about trying to... why the hell is there nearly 100 lines of code about spinning a banana around as your loading screen? You don't even HAVE a loading screen! No wonder that makes you feel weird, here let me just cancel this out and I'll look into having a word with them about this. Because that is just an absolute waste of space on your hard drive you do not need to be focusing processing power towards.
Sorry if you don't want me asking, but what is it with people trying to hurt you with banana specifically? First I had to clean Mashed banana from your access ports, and then this. Maybe it's just coincidence, but it might be worth looking into.
When people encounter someone more powerful and confident than they are they tend to get petty and jealous. Don’t worry about it, Akari,  just make sure whoever did this is found and terminated.
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strawsoldier · 11 months
Summer 2023 Anime-Round Up
A pretty mediocre season of anime tbh. But still some hidden gems to be found and appreciated. RIP to Zom 100 btw lmao. Anyway, here's the round up!
Anime of the Season: Bungou Stray Dogs 5th Season
Best Opening: Ao no Sumika (Jujutsu Kaisen S2)
Best Ending: Akari: (Jujutsu Kaisen S2)
Drops: Tenpuru, Liar Liar
Plans to Watch at a later date: Bang Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! , Dark Gathering, Spy Classroom Season 2
Jobless Reincarnation: Season 2 - (6/10)
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They told me that this season was just Rudeus trying to cure his ED. Too bad I didn't believe them. Not a fan of the "Solve my heartbreak over one of harem girls dumping me by finding another one of my harem girls" narrative that went on for 5 episodes more than it needed too. Unsure if I'll come back for more of this. After 3 cours of this show, I think I can confidently say I just don't like Rudeus.
Horimiya: Piece - (8/10)
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Not every side-story worked for me, but most of them were pretty good. I just love how stupid and honest these kids are. Sometimes, the way anime glorifies high school life can be overbearing, but I can't help but wishing I enjoyed those days more whenever I watch this show. Gonna miss it.
Remi best girl.
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Arc Part 2 - (7/10)
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Definitely felt the exhaustion I remembered when reading the manga. I'm not sure what's Kubo fascination with long strings of fights while the plot stands completely still. Didn't enjoy it during the Arrancar arc, not enjoying now. At least Squad 0 redeemed themselves (somewhat)
My Happy Marriage - (8/10)
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Still believe this show would be better if it didn't have all that supernatural stuff. Nevertheless, still enjoyable romance. Mio is a great lead and her development alongside Kiyoka was really good. We will be there for Season 2.
Reign of the Seven Spellblades - (6/10)
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Remember when "Magic High School" was the genre that was oversaturated? Me neither. This show was enjoyable but had some weird moments. Also for once, I'd like a magic show that doesn't obsesses over the reproductive system. Probably won't watch any foreseeable sequel. Still rooting for Nanao to get that kiss.
Bungou Stray Dogs 5th Season - (9/10)
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Actual Peak Fiction. Igarashi and his team at Bones just know how to make this show as stylish and cool as possible. Also this arc is by far the best one we've gotten so far. Could feel the tension at every episode where crazy shit happened. Shame I can't read the manga to find out what happens next lol.
Undead Girl Murder Farce - (8/10)
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Now this is a show that had style in every corner of its being. Undead Murder Farce with just so fun to watch. The trio of Aya/Tsugaru/Shizuku is one of my favorites in recent times and the side characters we very memorable. I think the last arc when one for 1 or 2 episodes more than it needed too, but still enjoyable nonetheless
EDENS ZERO 2nd Season - (7/10)
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This season was a lot more darker than what I usually expect from Mashima. Wish the presentation wasn't so exact to Fairy Tail, but it has some high points that exceeds it's sister series. Probably will check out the manga if a third season isn't announced sometime in the future.
Fate/strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn - (8/10)
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An anime series by the team that did all those FGO commercials is any fate fans dream. Cannot wait for the full show of this. I hope Aniplex gives them enough time to animated this (they probably won't)
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zaruba-needslove · 5 months
The reason I say the "spark" isn't consumable, is because a simple touch of any ID core returns the stolen spark to the person it was stolen from.
But you're right, there are far too many unanswered questions for it to be definitive. I just don't want Neon's existence to be thanks to the Sakurai Parents...
wait if it was... does that make Neon and Keiwa siblings?
More crackhead meta time
simple touch of any ID core returns the stolen spark to the person it was stolen from.
Yet the core of the argument would be... were the sparks/memories taken/stolen in the first place? Were the memories 'retrieved' when someone touched a core ID actually given back to the owners through the core IDs? Or could it be possible that when someone supposedly recovered a memory, it wasn't that the actual memories were given back but more like RECONSTRUCTED from inside the person's dna (or whatever shit). To that note, was it even possible for one's memories to be erased completely aside from deterioration/destruction of the brain cells? Even my harddisk data could be retrieved by some data recovery programme if anyone want and got skills to do it (reason why even when I already deleted the data on my old hdd I'm scared to let anyone else get a hold on my hdd. like back when i wanna sell off my old pc for scraps. They always interested on the hdd) 😃
Like how Keiwa could recover his desire to help/protect people even before he touched Ace's core ID, it should be possible for anyone else to do it too. Like if there's an infinite source of gleams/sparks... it should lie in the people that the DGP harvest their sparks/gleams from. People's desires and greed aren't finite, since it can always be recreated/ replenished by the owner. (But yeah, the gleams/sparks that the DGP cut & paste/stole out of their victims ARE finite.)
I just don't want Neon's existence to be thanks to the Sakurai Parents...
Tbh... I hate that implication too. But people HAVE been making that kinda implication when Keiwa was revealed to attempt again to revive his family. One's suffering ≠ sparks/gleams that can be used to grant one's wish/desire. Are you sure that for Keiwa's wish to be granted, an actual someone's life would need to be sacrificed? And not someone's else's (C's) wish and sparks taken away and used to grant a person (D's) wish. Does a person ONLY want/have only ONE desire/wish at a time? (A certain Sakurai Sara would like to disagree...*hands out an old ema full of many different wishes* 😃)
[For a person's wish/happiness was to be granted, numerous others need to suffer.]
Who were the ones spreading that misinformation? *stares at the JamaTeam*
Whether someone become happy or suffer, that was only [side effects] that resulted from a wish. The DGP wish granting system rely on the power of wishes, not someone's emotions.
wait if it was... does that make Neon and Keiwa siblings?
Nah. Say your parents donated blood/organs to someone, does the receiver of the blood/organs now become your siblings? Nah.
To put in blandly, just because A was recycled into B... doesn't mean B was now A's offspring.
Side note: It might be possible that the only reason the Sakurai couple was not revived was because by then... the reservoir of sparks/gleams end up almost completely used up (with only one use remaining) and they need to take time to refill it again. Since the DGP needs more sponsors, wouldn't it make sense that the 'wish for [Akari] to be revived' take priority? And instead of restoring the Sakurai couple's lives later when the spark/gleam start replenishing itself, management be like... nah we be cutting our losses 'it's just a pair of married people only... who'd notice?
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dragonofthedepths · 3 years
Ingo is Immortal AU 12.3.22
So what if after getting messed around with and thrown through time and space Ingo and Akari are immortal?
It's not obvious at first especially with Ingo because they have no idea how old he really is, and everyone just thinks Akari is ageing really well. They both still have amnesia so it's not like they have any better of an idea how old they are than anyone else
But eventually it gets to the point where it's like "you definitely should have aged by now" and they just... haven't.
Like Liam is a full blown adult with grandkids and here they are looking exactly the same and absolutely everyone has noticed that it's weird
So they hang around Hisui a while longer but once they've figured out that they're immortal it gets kind of uncomfortable and so after a while they decide to leave
They adventure all around the world together for a hundred years or so, and Ingo takes up scrapbooking because he already lost his memories once and he wants to make sure he has a record of the things and people that matter to him so that can't happen again
Then Ingo decides he wants to settle down somewhere and not need to worry about living in a village as an immortal that'll kinda freak people out and just hide.
So he goes to Unova and finds himself a cave. Because Ingo likes caves. He's always liked caves. There's something nice about big dark underground tunnel systems, and he can navigate them easily and they just feel safe to him.
And every couple decades he leaves the cave and he meets people and makes friends and every now and then those friends will send their kids or grandkids up the mountain to say hi to him, and he keeps scrapbooking
Then one day a trainer gets lost on the mountain and stumbles across the cave and at first they spot silver eyes looking at them from across the cave and think it's inhabited by a pokémon of some kind then a lantern gets lit and... isn't that the missing Subway Boss?
And they're like "...Ingo?"
And Ingo's just like "Yes?" completly casual because he doesn't think it's weird that they know his name, they're probably just the decendent of one of his friends or something
And they're like "I think you need to come with me"
So they get him out and they get the authorities involved and someone calls Emmet and everyone gets ready to solve this mystery and find out why Ingo dissapeared while Ingo is just confused.
The authorities are like "Can you tell us why you were in the cave?"
And he's like "I live in the cave. I have lived in the cave for the past 198 years 2 months and 13 days"
And they're like 'well, this guy is completely crazy but maybe we can piece together something out of his story to figure out what actually happened' so they go "okay, what can you tell us about life in the cave"
So Ingo starts telling them about how he found the cave, all the historical figures he's met while living in the cave, all the times he's left the cave, and everyone who's come to visit him in the cave, and it's absolutely insane
But then he pulls out his scrapbooks, and they look up the history of these people and check their biographies/journals/whathaveyou, and his story is corroborated every step of the way
And they're just kinda forced to accept that Ingo has been in a cave for the past 200 years. Somehow.
They can't even be like 'must be a differnt Ingo' because the entire time he's been talking in train terms and gesturing and he's still in his freaking subway uniform (very very worn and patched)
Tldr: Ingo went missing for six months and when he reappeared it had been 200-400 years he had amnesia and he'd shaped history
Emmet is gonna need a lot of hugs to deal with this one.
And an emergency trip to meet Ho-oh or something so he can be immortal too.
Nobody tell him Ingo’s still not sure what a train is.
(Eventually Ingo's like "Would you like to meet my immortal niece?" and when they do someone takes one look at her and just goes "That's Champion Dawn")
Day (279/100) of my #infinitedaysofwriting @the-wip-project
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 years
i wonder how Sneasler and Ingo (and Akari?) adjust to living in Nimbasa, which is right next to a desert and a big loud busy city, compared to the cool hisuian highlands. Ingo must be absolutely immobilized at his first heatwave. Brain cooked.
Would pump the AC up to freezing if it didn't increase their already high electric bill due to the joltiks siphoning.
Akari’s alola Vulpix and Froslass are the saviors of the first summer in Unova lol
Though, if you look at the map, while there is the great big desert to the immediate south of Nimbasa, it’s surrounded on all other sides by a great big forest and has plenty of rivers and water flowing through it.
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And the anime provides a much more detailed look at Nimbasa as well regarding how big and flashy it really is.
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So I would say that, for the most of the year, Nimbasa has pretty average weather for it’s seasons. But then every year there are always those two or three weeks at the height of summer that are just BRUTAL and everyone is harshly reminded that they live right next to a desert.
Also Nimbasa is confirmed to be the third most populated city in the pokemon world, so yeah, a huge change for them. It’s easier for Ingo of course, because he’s remembering so much with the more he sees and loves his bright weird home city. There are still moments where he gets confused and overwhelmed, but he always has someone, human or pokemon, by his side to help.
You would think Sneasler has the hardest time, but she honestly loves it here too. Yes there are humans everywhere, but there are also pokemon too. Due to her world wide fame and later position as gear stations official pokemon, she is widely respect and admired by the people instead of feared. And look at all these weird inhabited mountains she can climb!
Also? You know those stories of cats that have figured out public transit and will catch a ride to and from places? Lady Sneasler and plenty of her babies do that too. If she feels like exploring Unova she’ll ride the train to a new place, explore for a while, and then ride the train back home. So she’s not just living in Nimbasa all the time. The depot agents who see her get off or on at a stop always update Ingo on her whereabouts, so he always has an idea of where she’s wondered off to but he also trust her to get home safely.
Now Akari does have the hardest time adapting to living in a big bustling city. She’s never lived in anything like it before not even with what she can recall from her life prior to Hisui. She does love how beautiful it is, but the constant noise and people does become overwhelming at times. It’s so big to and she’s gotten lost exploring more then once. Emmet made sure to explain the Subway systems, both the region lines and the local city lines, so that Akari will always be able to find her way back home as long as she can get to a train. Knowing she can always find a way home really helped her, and there are days she joins Sneasler and her kids on their outings outisife the city to get a break from it all.
Cause that’s my favorite thing. They all live in Nimbasa, but through the power of trains they can travel all over the region whenever they need to get away from the city.
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The stranger fascinates him, as all oddities do. She settles into the village smoothly, and it's almost easy to forget that Akari is from Somewhere Else. She mingles with the settlers, doing small jobs and researching whatever task Laventon sets for her with a cheery smile.
It is this smile, more than anything else, that gives him pause. While not insincere, it never rings entirely true either, and Volo is very familiar with false smiles. Something in the curve of her mouth tugs at him, insists that all is not as it seems. It's the same sense that allows him to navigate twisting cave systems and see the path forward moonless nights; he feels the darkness waiting just over his shoulder and tastes it in the aura surrounding the stranger, an edge nearly imperceptible, but there all the same.
He suspects that she senses the same disparity in him, for his teasing and gifts are not reason enough for her to gravitate to him the way she does. She seeks him out often, leaving notes or messages with the other Guild members when he is working outside of Jubilife, jumps at every opportunity to travel with him, even if only for a short while. He certainly doesn't mind; Akari is pleasant company and he appreciates the chance to prod at the gaps in her memory. She gives what she can without complaint, though his questions occasionally leave her holding her head and he offers a bit of mint with an apology.
"It's fine," Akari massages her temple. "I just wish your questions didn't leave me with headaches." Volo laughs.
"Surely by now you know what you're getting into when you choose to travel with me."
"I do."
"Yet here you are." He slings an arm across her shoulders. "Still walking with your favorite merchant."
"Well, who else can I be honest with?" That edge is back, suddenly, and he stiffens.
"Come again?" Volo us careful to keep his tone light. She angles her head back to meet his eye.
"You can drop the facade, you know. I won't say anything."
"What do you mean?" He tones down the brightness, but keeps his voice airy. She sighs, turning away.
"I know you're like me. Touched by something else, something bigger than either of us." Her gaze wanders over the fields blooming with purple and white aster; Giratina rumbles in the space between worlds. "I know that's why you sought me out at first."
Volo is not a merchant, not in truth, but he does understand the principles of the job. An exchange needs to be valuable to both parties, else one soon finds himself with no customers at all. It is a risk, but a calculated one; he drops the mask.
"At first? What makes you think that anything has changed?" She looks up at him again and he knows for certain now; that touch of darkness is on full display in the corner of her smirk.
"Your arm is still around my shoulders."
Well. He can't pull away now, not without losing points in whatever game it is that they're playing. He laughs instead, bringing the buoyancy back to his voice.
"Perhaps I just like keeping you close," his hand squeezes her arm.
"Perhaps," she allows with a hum. "Perhaps, one day, you'll tell me why." She pulls away and Volo drops his arm.
"I'm afraid this is where we part ways, my friend," Akari has settled back into her role as Hero at an impressive speed. "I'm needed at the Diamond encampment at the moment." Volo offers a nod.
"And I have my own business to attend to," he shakes a finger at her. "Try not to do anything too spectacular while I'm not around."
"Wouldn't dream of it," she quips and turns on her heel, making for the plume of smoke in the distance. He watches her go, waiting for her form to crest the hill and vanish before hefting his backpack to settle more comfortably on his shoulders. How interesting. Arceus' chosen one isn't quite the paragon of virtue she seems.
Well, he supposes, turning to head deeper into the Mirelands. No one ever survived in Hisui by being pure hearted.
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klonoadreams · 2 years
Fun idea but N (from black and white) is also a descendent of Volo and Punch Baby Akari from a line that decided to stick more to the wild then be with humans, this made them be able to still understand Pokémon but unfortunately an easy target to locate for those that seek to used them for it *cough* Ghetsis *cough*.
lmaooo that'd be wild. Of course, my current headcanon that fits in with my Pokemon Worldbuilding is that for the first few years of their life, children are able to communicate with Pokemon.
But they eventually lose that connection, which is why Brie is so special, but often told to grow up.
And N's situation is the worst case scenario of what happens when a child keeps their connection by limiting human interaction (at the cost of stunting them socially).
(not that Brie is any different, but she at least has a healthy support system)
(firm believer of Ghetsis abandoning his bio son in the woods and then coming years later to fetch him. I think it's a lot more insidious but also, they look too much alike for it to be a coincidence lmaooo)
ANYWAYS, back on this, get you a wild lineage that leads you to have N Harmonia mcfucking picking a dragon, beat a champion, and then proceed to get his ass beaten by some rando kid he decided to battle because their Pokemon seemed so happy to be with them. :V
Volo and Punch Baby Akari's lineage would be wild.
Cynthia might've not kept that specific connection, but she did grow up having a better connection to her Pokemon that just...doesn't need any communication.
Funnily enough, where I got this headcanon/worldbuilding is because of Arceus and Dawn and time travel shenanigans a la the Arceus movie (back when we were still in like...Gen V, and BW2 were just announced). The idea was something happened, and Arceus decided to effectively gift humans a better chance at growing closer to Pokemon by letting them, as children, communicate with them.
Imagine my surprise when Legends Arceus got announced, and now we have Punch Baby Akari and Arceus. SO....ay, you can thank a certain someone for the ability that Brie never lost when she was abandoned in the Glimwood Tangle.
However, this does mean that Punch Baby Akari is in a world where the idea of communicating with Pokemon on such a level is unknown, and even with her special case, she started out WITHOUT the ability.
Arceus fucking made a big oopsies, and got REALLY lucky that things didn't go too badly, but they still need Rei to come in because GOD DAMN, Punch Baby is too feral, and Giratina is throwing the biggest hissy fit a child can throw and dragging Volo into it because of shared interests with Arceus.
But yeah, hope these tidbits are enlightening, because this is the result of a decade's worth of headcanons and worldbuilding.
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 2 years
Every Day Took an Age
Note: This is unfinished and I likely won’t be returning to it. It features scenes out of context, ends abruptly and is littered with placeholders/notes. If that’s a dealbreaker for you, you’re better off skipping this.
This was also the very first piece of writing I tackled in this subfandom, so if anything feels especially off, that’s why.
The girl took one look at them and her expression cleared. There was the surprise at what she was seeing, of course-- perhaps mitigated by her own circumstance-- but it quickly turned into recognition. Not just recognition in the sense of ‘you have the same face as my friend’; there was something else there.
“You’re the man who likes winning more than anything else.” She said. It was, notably, not a question.
It should have been. That was an outlook Emmet himself had been forced to reconsider over the months.
When she was finished casting a critical eye over him, her attention settled on his face, “Your name is Emmet, isn’t it?”
“I am Emmet.” He [agreed], “How did you come by that name?”
Her eyes slid away, to somewhere beyond his shoulder, cheeks turning pink, “I tripped last week, and accidentally launched a Pokeball right past Ingo’s head. It only knocked his hat off, but I get why he was startled-- I wouldn’t want a high-velocity apricorn that close to my face, either.” / “That was what he yelled: ‘Emmet’. He says a lot of stuff he doesn’t really understand, but...”
“Be gentle.” She said seriously, “He’s… a little like a Rampardos right now, I think-- super strong, but at the cost of being a lot more fragile than you’d guess.”
The sounds of a battle echoed down through their tunnel and, though she hid her trepidation well, Akari’s expression tensed. Wordlessly, she sped up.
“The battle platform is at full capacity, sir. I’m afraid I have to insist that you settle for a later departure time.”
Though they’d already increased their clip, Emmet redoubled it, the steady rhythm of battle compensating for his unfamiliarity with the cave system.
He rounded the corner in sync with a firm, “Sir, if you refuse to follow the guidelines, I will, regrettably, be forced to take matters into my own hands,” and made it to the mouth of the cavern just in time to see a figure dart away, a familiar coat billowing behind them as they wove through the battlefield.
Neither of them had ever been much for triple battles—they were difficult to run properly as a two car train-- but it seemed his brother had reconsidered in the past few months. In the chamber before him, six Pokemon faced off against one another, not counting the would-be freighthopper, and Emmet instinctively gauged the matchups. It took all of two seconds. He redirected his attention to where it really belonged, and choked out a silent laugh, beaming.
Because there he was. That was Ingo.
Pinning a Machoke to the ground.
To be entirely fair, his brother had given it ample warning.
Behind himself, Emmet heard rapid footfalls approaching, and Akari skidded to a halt several paces beyond where he’d stalled. She swore under her breath and a hand dropped to her belt, “Where do you need me?”
“Please remain seated, Miss Akari,” Ingo called back with a surprising amount of restraint, pausing long enough to shift the Machoke into a headlock while doling out a new round of instructions, “This battle is running in accordance with the timetables; we’ll arrive at a scheduled victory momentarily.”
“But those are--! How did you even piss off three alphas at once?!”
Ah. Well, that explained her alarm, Emmet supposed, but he wasn’t convinced it would turn the tides of this battle-- and if Ingo didn’t see any reason to worry, Emmet simply would not.
To the far left, the Golem squaring up against a Tangrowth rolled back in a dead faint.
He might not have known what Pokemon were native to the area, but it was easy to tell which ones had been trained under his brother’s hand, and that all three had been selected specifically to fend off the species which would frequent a mountain. No, it wasn’t just easy to tell-- it was laughably obvious.
So laugh was exactly what Emmet did.
Ingo’s head snapped up, looking directly at him, lips parted as if to say something. It was hardly the time, so Emmet headed it off with a sharp, eager smile and a single word:
For just a second, there was a flash of recollection before Ingo narrowed his eyes; as he said, he’d already had this in hand, but Emmet had just turned it into a challenge.
Almost as an afterthought, he released the Machoke’s limp form. It was fine-- he’d ended the stranglehold some time previously-- but it did flop down with an audible thud. Then he looked up, as if to ensure that nobody had gone anywhere, and made his way over, eyes never wavering from his destination.
It was absolutely no surprise that he came to a stop in front of Emmet, several polite steps away.
“I know you. You’re important.” He said, quiet, but with an intensity that matched some of his most ear shattering announcements.
Without an ounce of hesitation, Emmet crossed the distance his brother had left and seized both hands in his own. “No, I am Emmet. Whether or not I am important is negligible. At this juncture, the important thing is that you are Ingo. And you are here.”
For just a moment, Ingo’s attention lingered on their hands before shifting back to Emmet’s face. His mouth twitched in something most people wouldn’t bother to call a smile. “I suppose I am both of those things, but please do not downplay your own [importance] like that. Each car is just as vital as the next.”
Whether or not he realized what he was doing, he slotted in at Emmet’s left side-- and Emmet, for his part, automatically mirrored his brother as Ingo began to point their path. Ingo faltered briefly, taking their arrangement in, then cleared his throat and began anew.
“Now I believe it’s time to return to station; please take measures against becoming uncoupled from the group,”
“Follow the rules.” Emmet added, grin threatening his cheeks, “Safe driving!”
“All aboard!” They said in unison, and started back down the tunnels.
“Holy shit.” Said Akari.
Ingo didn’t look back as he [idk], “Miss Akari.”
“Yeah. My bad.”
There was a Pokemon waiting for them at the mouth of the cave, one hand resting on a cocked hip and a single, long feather fluttering in the breeze coming down the river.
“My lady.” Ingo greeted her warmly, unfazed as she invited herself into what was currently his and Emmet’s shared personal space. As had been the case with every individual Emmet had encountered, she gave him a critical once-over and, once she seemed satisfied, looked to Ingo, a visible smirk playing over her features.
“I’m well aware.” He said. The warmth wasn’t gone, but tempered by [fond exasperation]. Perhaps to bury it, he turned in toward Emmet and took a step back, making way for a direct view of their procession. “We are currently hosting several first time passengers. Emmet and Miss Elesa have taken great pains to visit, so please afford them the hospitality you’ve showed me.”
The Pokemon glanced down the line, offered a singular nod, and then back to Ingo, eyes narrowed mischievously.
“I may have misspoken. There are certain hospitalities I don’t believe our guests would appreciate.”
She raised a clawed hand and snickered behind it.
“Yes. Thank you for your patience.” This time, the words rang somewhat hollow-- still fond, but exasperated
“Wait,” Elesa cut in, a smile beginning to crack her features, “The old man from the Pearl Clan you mentioned…?”
“Perhaps your own eyesight is failing you, hm?” Melli asked, “He hasn’t managed to forget where he is and wander off yet. You should make the most of that.”
Briefly, Emmet glanced to his brother, trying to take a cue from however Ingo might be reacting, and was met with a neutral frown. Unbothered, but also wholly uninterested. This man was difficult patron, perhaps, although no worse than he’d expected to be met with.
“I’ll bite.” [Elesa] “How old are you then, Warden Melli?”
“Mmmhmm. Lemme tell you a little secret,” She said, leaning in and wagging a finger to point between the twins, “Those two? They’re 27 years old.”
Melli followed her gesture [adj], considering what that might imply for himself. “Well. I suppose that proves that not all of us can age gracefully.”
Elesa watched him go, one brow arched, and, as he vanished into the tunnels, turned to her friends.
“We’re working on your image when we get back to the village.” She told Ingo, not unkindly, “I’m not letting that guy have the last word on this, but you do look like you spend all your time in a cave.”
He spread his hands in a broad shrug, “If I may, the Highlands boast the finest cave systems in all of Hisui.”
“A tunnel connoisseur, I see.” She snorted, before reflecting on her own words and sobering minutely. “Ah.”
As they crossed the threshold into the village, Akari’s hand shot out and snatched Ingo’s, and she immediately started pulling him towards an enclosure.
“I know we just got here, but I’ve gotta show this off. Can you set up Unown’s Path of Solitude for me?”
“Of course,” He managed, once his brain caught up and kept him from being dragged in her wake. She released him as they reached the pasture, and he turned toward the southern gate, “I’ll be just a moment. Please make any preparations and meet me on the loading platform.”
Emmet immediately made to follow, but Akari snagged the edge of his coat. “Nope. It’s a surprise.” She handed the handful of fabric off to Elesa and held a brief conversation with the woman manning the enclosure, running a thumb over one of the rustic Pokeballs as she returned to them.
There was a sharp whistle to the south, loud enough to make itself known over the din of Nimbasa’s commute; here, it rang clearly across the entire village.
“Battling helped before, so maybe this will do him some good now that you guys are here.”/ “This is just the funniest way to do it.”
Lords above, Ingo had been trying so hard without even realizing what he was doing. Slinking through cave systems until he could navigate them offhand, raising Pokemon in a culture where humanity teetered on uneasy cohabitation with their neighbors, even hosting a battle facility when the number of returning challengers could be counted on one hand.
[after the Unown bit, they all ready/swap in for a multi battle]
“You didn’t use Earthquake.” He said, disbelieving, “You’ve been catching Eelektross in the crossfire for years. You chose now to break the streak?”
“It wouldn’t have worked. Gliscor isn’t Haxorus.” Ingo said, and immediately frowned to himself.
Emmet didn’t seem to catch what had happened, “Even now, you understand the source of the malfunction. That leaves one explanation. You have been doing it on purpose.”
“You’re going to have to find a counter strategy someday.”
“Not. If you stop using Earthquake. On the Multi Train.”
“And if someone decides to employ the combination in Doubles? What would you do then?”
“Then they would also affect their own Pokemon. It’s a double edged sword. As you have demonstrated.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and tilted his head back, exasperated. “Emmet.”
Emmet did his best to mimic the tone as he [idk] back, “Ingo.”
There was a terse silence. Or so Emmet assumed.
“Wh- wait. Emmet?”
Or… maybe it was confusion?
When he dropped the [not act but idk] and opened his eyes, something had changed-- and not just the fact that Ingo had gone from exasperatedly [w/e] to looking directly at him.
There was a level of comprehension there that, until now, had been missing.
He had exactly two seconds to process that fact. Then Ingo crossed the gap between them at a speed that was frightening, even for a conductor, and lifted him right up off of his feet.
“You are Emmet!”
Ingo was smiling.
Not the usual crinkle of his eyes at a bad joke or [adj] slant of his brows. Not even the faint downturn of the lips that most people would take as mild disappointment. He was beaming up at his twin with a [idk] beyond what Emmet himself saw in the mirror.
Someone sobbed. After a second, Emmet realized he, himself, had been the source.
“Battle Subway? Like… the Battle Frontier?” / “Are you telling me your Unova’s Frontier Brains?”
Unfortunately, she’d instinctively directed the question toward the twin she was more familiar with, who gave her a dull look.
“You know perfectly well that I’m unable to give that kind of inquiry a satisfactory answer.”
“Ingo, honey,” She said, [idk], “You’re the sweetest man I know, but you look like you’re about to carry out a hit for the Sneasel mafia and dispose of the evidence.”
There was a long silence, during which time Ingo tried to puzzle out a response. He eventually landed on, “That’s… just my face.”
“If that was true, Emmet would look like a maniac 24/7.”
“Sometimes the truth is painted on the subway walls, I’m afraid.” He deadpanned.
Whatever Elesa had been about to say was lost to the slow release of air as she tried not to laugh.
“I am beginning to rethink this expedition.”
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shima-draws · 3 years
Some thoughts about Legends Arceus!
Okay okay okay I’m REALLY enjoying this game so far holy shit. I did not expect it to be so fun especially the Pokemon catching mechanic but that’s turning out to be a total blast.
-The music is so so so pretty and I love how there’s multiple tracks that take direct inspiration/are subtle remixes from DPP (looking at you Eterna Forest)
-THE INTRO??? It’s really a lot like a classic Pokemon game intro with a professor but instead it’s just Arceus going. Hey. Sup fam. Need your help with smth ;) Also Arceus talking in like fancy old speech like using thee and thou cndnfnnd
-Love how it’s confirmed from the start that you’re a time traveler. My question tho is is this the same Dawn/Lucas from Sinnoh as we know it now?? Is this pre-DPP before they became a trainer or post after they become Champion…real questions
-REI REI REI MY BELOVED. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. This has made me ship Dawn/Lucas even harder. I love that they have a bigger role in this game since they’re barely around in DPP. We lost Barry but we gained a rival and friend in Rei/Akari 🥺 But Nintendo WHY did you make their partner Pokemon Pikachu I’m going to fucking throat punch you you could have picked literally ANY OTHER Pokemon and it would have been better. Please.
-I LOVE THAT WE GOT A CONFIRMED AGE AND WE’RE ACTUALLY A TEENAGER IN THIS GAME. That feels WAY more appropriate than going out on a Pokemon journey as a baby 10 year old. This is the age I headcanon most of the Pokemon protags at so I was thrilled to see we’re actually getting it canonically confirmed this time 😤
-The fact that they literally tell you multiple times “Oh yeah you’ll most likely get attacked and die from a wild Pokemon” LIKE XNANGMSNSN BRO??? THIS SHIT GOT SO DARK ALL OF A SUDDEN. “A lot of people are too scared to even leave the village” “Some of our members got MAULED by a wild Pokemon and had to be taken to the medic” “Your chances of survival are super low” WHAT KIND OF BATSHIT INSANE WORLD IS THIS LMAO. How did the world change so drastically from “Pokemon are awful and evil and want to hunt you for sport” to “Pokemon are wonderful and amazing and are our friends! 😘” I need to see this transition in this game I expect it
-THE AMOUNT OF ANCESTORS I’VE RUN INTO HOLY SHIT. I’m absolutely loving it tbh. So far I’ve found Marley, Cynthia, Mira, Flint, Karen, Darach, Cyrus, Rowan, and Saturn’s ancestors, and those are just the ones off the top of my head, I am SURE there are more and I can’t wait to find them all
-I’m so used to playing Genshin that I keep accidentally trying to do Genshin things since the open world mechanics are so similar and then I get sad when I realize I can’t jump lmao
-AAA THE OUTFITSSSSS I unlocked the Oshawott kimono and almost cried it’s so CUTE. I hope we get more options tho bc what you start with is p limited? I want to wear leggings with my other tops and not baggy pants please 🙏
-Idk if it’s just me but while the battle system in itself is fine WHY do your Pokemon take so much fucking damage holy shit. The amount of potions I’ve had to use is ridiculous. My level 12 Oshawott should not have lost over half its HP against a level 7 Buizel get out
Aaaaa I can’t wait to play more this game is ADDICTING and I mean that in the best way. It’s absolutely fantastic so far!! And while I’ve been spoiled to open world games with way higher quality graphics (coughGenshincough) the environments in this game are pretty decent and it’s not enough to detract from the overall experience.
Also again Rei I’d die for you
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
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The category of loneliness that you sloppily conveyed over text was perhaps better described as emptiness. How else could it be characterized? It was as though someone had neatly carved a circle into your chest, removing the one organ responsible for regulating your circulatory system. Further, in your current state, consuming alcohol, albeit not that much, proved to be foolish decision. One that you would surely regret in the morning. Not that you were concerned about a hangover, rather it was the aftermath of your bluntness that would serve quite a blow. Certain thoughts and emotions were meant to be tucked away from the surface, never to materialize in the form of words or actions.
And yet, you stupidly alerted one of your best friends about your current mental state. Months of concealing the truth unraveled simply because of one text.
Iwaizumi appeared at the kitchen entrance at the same moment you retrieved a water bottle from the fridge. The creases in his forehead indicated his concern for you was gradually spiking.
“What are you doing alone? Where’s Osamu?” His eyes scanned the kitchen, irritation igniting in his irises. Where was the damn twin? Was this what you meant about being lonely? Was it solely because you were alone at the moment? He highly doubted it. 
“He is tending to the ill.” Lifting your wine stained lips to reveal a toothy grin, you found refuge against the kitchen island. Allowing your stomach to fold against its rim, you curled forward then tilted your head. “You missed quite the show. Strawberry shortcake and ramen head drank too much. I would not suggest going into the main bathroom for the next little while.” The smile remained unnaturally sewn into your features, divulging its artificial nature.
“Where’s Sakusa then?” Mentally he noted that Bokuto was outside conversating with Hanamaki and Matsukawa. That left only one guest unaccounted for.
Mulling over the inquiry, a single finger tapped against your chin as you puckered your lips in thought. “I’m pretty sure he sprinted out the door the second he heard Tsum Tsum vomit.” Satisfied with your own answer, a little nod was given.
“Makes sense. Well, come on. Let’s get you some air, and make sure you bring that water bottle.” Iwaizumi doubted your motor skills, particularly because your body seemed to be following the chaos ensuing inside of your mind. Recalling past experiences, it was shared knowledge that liquor, even if consumed reasonably, would prompt an unpleasant reaction if your mental state was even the slightest bit damaged. Akari, when approached by Iwaizumi, explained that you had developed an unhealthy coping mechanism. Expressing your emotions through violence was no longer viable, you were adults after all. And so, you  mastered the art of suppression. Unfortunately, suppression only worked when you were sober. 
The spikey haired male extended a hand in your direction, knowing that you would never refuse the opportunity. Within seconds your features twinkled in a glow, as you cheerfully accepted the offering. It was reassuring to know someone still loved you, even if your fiancé didn’t.
“Lead the way, daddy-o!”
A welcoming breeze brushed against your skin once you entered the balcony, causing a melody to dance past your lips. The sensation was akin to being tickled by a feather. It was 13 degrees Celsius, a little lower than the average temperature for this time of year. Not that you completely minded. It was comforting knowing for once, there was something colder than the ice wrapped snugly around your heart. That being said, you were not about to pass on the opportunity that presented itself. 
“Hajimeee, it’s cold. Give me your jacket.” To begin your theatrical performance, you crossed your arms over your chest, pretending to tremble as your fingertips trailed against your bare skin, seeking heat through the development of friction. Soon, a childish whine followed, accompanied by the innocent batting of your eyelashes.  
Iwaizumi swallowed the exasperated noises your demand had generated, mentally praying for patience. His eyes then flickered to his own body helplessly. “I’m not wearing a jacket, y/n.”
To confirm the truth of his statement, you shifted your attention to his torso lazily. Shit. He was right.  “Fair point… Then give me your arm. Severed or not, I can work with both.” After dipping an eyelid into a wink, you proceeded a single step closer to him, partially afraid he may reject your proposal.
But the last thing Hajime Iwaizumi would ever do is reject you when you needed him most.
“If you wanted a hug, you could have asked.” Obliging with your commands, his arms secured around your waist, leading your body to find support against his, gently. Lightly he petted the back of your head, aiming to provide some form of solace. The gesture unconsciously brought liquid to glaze over your eyes.
“Fine. I want a hug.” Burying your face into the cotton fabric, the scent attached to his clothes washed tranquility over you. Maybe you were pathetic right now. Maybe you were overreacting. But it didn’t matter. Your friends would never view you as pathetic. Oikawa had conveyed that when you accidentally broke down to him during one of your weekly face-time chats. He knew everything, but due to the fact he was in Brazil, there was only so much comfort he could provide. Iwaizumi was here. He could hold you, and possibly smack some sense into you, if needed.
“What’s going on with you?” His voice forcefully dragged you out of your thoughts, reminding you that there was someone right in front of you, willing to bear the weight of the world with you. 
“I thought I’d be happier at this point of my life… I don’t want to sound ungrateful, ya know. I’m just so… blegh.” Squirming in his embrace to loosen his grip, you poked out your tongue to create the noise which earned you a confused blink from the male.
“I’m not sure what blegh means. You wanna try that again?” Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow questioningly, his eyes searching yours for clarity.  
“I’m tired. Last night wasn’t the first time ‘Samu bailed on me. Recently it’s been happening more and more often… I just… miss him, and I don’t know. I’m being selfish, right? I should just let it go. It’s fine. Whatever. I’m fine! I’m a boss ass bitch that doesn’t need anyone. Who cares if I miss out on opportunities just to work around his schedule? Who cares if I spend most of my nights alone? I’m fine. It’ll be fine.” Hysterical laughter escorted yours words, burning your throat far more than the alcohol you had secretly consumed earlier.  
“I don’t think that’s the right way to go about it. You can’t be the only one making sacrifices.” Pain originally stung his chest, but it was quickly replaced with rage towards the black haired twin. 
“If I stop trying, no one will.” In order to distract yourself from the seriousness of the conversation, you toyed with the bottle of water within your grasp, ripping at the label. Iwaizumi understood that you were distraught, the thought of ending a relationship of eight years would devastate anyone. Every inch of him wished he could steal your pain and claim it as his own. However, there was nothing he could offer other than his support and love. But he still desired to say something, anything – to shelter you from the clouds hovering over you. Yet the second he opened his mouth, the sound of the balcony door creaking open alerted the two of you to another’s presence.
“Hey. Am I interrupting something?”
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Let’s do it again, shall we - lonely 
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A/N: pain? pain. 
Taglist: @idiot-juice-enthusiast @vicassa @iloveanime691 @bringmelily @newfriendjen @hikarichannn @anime-simp @tsukkismamagucci @laughingismorefun @astronomyturtle @shegrewupwithoutafather @hyskoa1998 @deephumandragonperson @pretty-setter-bois @raenebalgaire @sugawarabby @justanotherfangirl2 @keijisworld @90s-belladonna @momoinot @sempiternal-amour @cherryblosom111 @yqshirov @haikyuufairy @volleybloop @bloody-bella @sadkaashistan @shakiraisawesome
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