#Donate To Stay Healthy Weekly
stayhealthyweekly · 2 years
Issue: October 1, 2022
Inside This Issue: Drug Basics-All Doped Up...Top 10 Most Common Health Issues... How To Get Back Into Working Out After A Long Break...How Often Should You Exercise?...20 Simple Ways To Bring Positive Energy Into Life Right Now & More
Subscribe to get access Inside This Issue: Drug Basics-All Doped Up…Top 10 Most Common Health Issues… How To Get Back Into Working Out After A Long Break…How Often Should You Exercise?…20 Simple Ways To Bring Positive Energy Into Life Right Now & More when you subscribe today. Subscribe
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blankjournal · 3 months
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For your patience and understanding during our network's hiatus, we would like to thank you all very much! Alas, the time has come and BJNET will be returning to your service once again on Monday, 1st of July!
Along with our regular activities of weekly themes, which we will be picking back up right where it has come to a halt, and sharing our members' new works, we will be introducing a new format to the network. An updated post will be shared on the day of the grand reopening, so spread the word, dear readers!
Membership applications have been opened for a week until the 30th of June, 10PM CET. We hope to see new members joining our growing community of passionate writers, no matter how experienced!
BLANK JOURNAL's mission is to provide an empty space for readers to come and fill up with their favourite works of fiction, creating an extensive catalogue where everyone can come and find exactly the kind of story they would like to read at that moment! Like droplets of water forming lakes and oceans, we hope that each recommendation and "donation" from our readers and writers fill up our online library, which you may access through our desktop website or our mobile masterlists.
More to come on the day of the reopening! Sit tight and stay healthy.
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kimberbohwrites · 6 months
All I Wanted, Chapter Three
Rating: Explicit because Smut and Angst
Rolan x AFAB, Unnamed Tav
Kudos/Comment/Read on AO3
Chapter One Here * Chapter Two Here
After the events of Baldur’s Gate 3, Tav has stayed in touch with Rolan and his siblings. She visits weekly to volunteer at Ramazith Tower as a healer for the refugees in the city. Her growing crush on the wizard finally comes to a head one night and her feelings for Rolan are made clear. This is a romantic, smutty, and angsty story dealing with trauma and of course includes a healthy dose of miscommunication and misunderstanding.
Alternating Tav/Rolan POV each chapter
Update: There are now SIX planned chapters.
Chapter 4: Posted Chapter 5: Excepted the week of 4/8
Chapter Three: Closer
The days crawled by and Tav couldn’t help but be eager about their upcoming date. Letting herself feel the excitement came at a cost. If it had been hard to go about her day-to-day tasks without distraction before, it was hopeless now. For so long she had been satisfied with her solitary way of life — she was happy and fulfilled. But now she noticed how much lighter her heart felt when she pictured his smile and heard the sound of his laugh in her memory. She loved that such a grouchy and serious man could also be a tad silly and romantic. Her brain reeled when she thought of that word — love. Sure, she’d had her fair share of relationships in the past. But love? Never. The thought of tying herself to a person or place was terrifying for her, even if that person was Rolan. ...
Then there were the less wholesome memories that distracted her. The times when she found herself flushed and thinking about his devious smile above her as she laid beneath him in his bed. Or the heated way his bare skin felt on hers. She felt almost desperate, the way her whole body seemed to yearn for his made her nervous.
She tried to shake the complicated mix of feelings away and redouble her efforts on her chores. It brought her a lot of joy to grow and prepare remedies and potions for those most vulnerable in the city. It was almost heartbreaking to her; how wary people usually were of her at first when they came in seeking treatment. Then there’s the bittersweet moment when they’re surprised to find out there is no catch, she’s just there to help for nothing in return. To her it seemed, Baldur’s Gate existed to grind people down and it tended to be those in need who suffered the worst of it.
Her homestead was so simple in comparison to the big city. A sturdy one room cabin with a large shed in its shadow that sat on a bit of land, split a stream running to the River Chionthar. The trees of the woods formed the horizon, leaving ample sunlight for growing the fruits and vegetables she also donated in large portions. Becoming the “hero of Baldur’s Gate” had come with it’s share of rewards and lavish gifts she hadn’t been able to refuse. So much so that she could probably live humbly, but comfortably, for the rest of her days. The bounty of the earth could provide for so many who might otherwise go hungry, why would she demand money when they have none?
That didn’t stop her from allowing a few posh upper-city households she’d befriended during her adventures to buy a small portion of her goods to fill their larders. It offset the costs of getting the ingredients she needed for healing that she couldn’t grow herself. Having the gold of the wealthy go toward caring for the poor made her feel a certain sense of justice, like maybe there could be hope for the Gate.
A few days before when she was due back in the city to volunteer and for their date, a letter arrived with an elegant wax seal from Ramazith Tower. Her nose dipped to the rolled parchment hoping to catch the scent of the sender. A grin split her face when she picked up that familiar smell of cedar mixed with the smell of the parchment — Rolan. Inside he’d left suggestions on what she might want to wear for their date, something she’d be comfortable walking in, as well as some general updates on how he and his siblings were getting on. Those words weren’t what caused her heart to flutter in her chest, that honor was reserved for the three words at the top. She’d keep coming back to the letter every few hours to read them again and pour over the beautiful handwriting where he’d written, “My darling Tav,”.
She was elated she’d taken Lia’s advice the morning after Alfira’s birthday party. Honestly, she really had just wanted to hear how things had gone with Dammon when she followed Lia to her room. They had become the very best of friends over the last several months, she’d admired her since they’d fought their way out of Moonrise Towers. Although now that she thought about it — maybe she’d admired her from the moment she first saw her, chewing Rolan out in the Druid Grove.
It hadn’t taken long for Lia to turn the conversation to her big brother. She’d caught on to her developing crush on Rolan months ago. The very first time she’d caught her giggling while leaning over a table and talking to him while he worked, in fact. Tav had confessed when Lia had confronted her and had dutifully kept her secret ever since. She’d known Lia was about to bring him up by the sudden change in her attitude.
“So, what did he do that has you looking so down? Do I need to talk to him?” She’d asked almost menacingly.
“It’s nothing like that Lia, it’s my fault,” Tav had sighed, “I tried to make my move so to speak and — I just don’t think he likes me like that.” Tav tried to avert her gaze from Lia’s so she couldn’t see how much that hurt her.
Lia had done her best to not look grossed out at the idea of Tav making a move on her brother.
“You know, you’re like the most eligible bachelorette in this city — you could probably be with anyone,” Lia had joked, but Tav knew she secretly thought the world of her brother.
“I don’t want just anyone,” Tav had said sadly.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t either,” Lia had muttered and then brightened up, “so… go talk to him— he’s probably in his study. Plus, you can check if he’s mad about the whole Dammon thing for me.” She’d added slyly.
Tav took some convincing, but Lia was unrelenting. Eventually she’d given in even though she’d been more nervous than the times she’d faced the dread plots of dark gods. The look Lia had given her when she was leaving Ramazith Tower later that day, when Rolan had slipped her the sweetest kiss on the forehead, was her classic “I told you so” face.
The night of their date arrived at last. After closing up her stall at Sorcerous Sundries for the day, she’d changed into her nicest pants and a top she’d borrowed from Lia. Although Lia had insisted on it being a gift to Tav when she remembered the date was with her brother. She’d washed and brushed out her long hair beforehand, forgoing her usual simple bun to wear her hair down. She even let Lia help her put on a little makeup.
“Wow— you look — wow,” Rolan said when they met up out front of the tower. He almost seemed tense, and she could certainly empathize. She couldn’t help but feel a little nervous too, like tonight was special in a way she didn’t yet fully understand.
Rolan was wearing dark pants and a casual but clean white tunic that contrasted beautifully against his ruby skin. The dark brown hair he usually wore half up was tied back allowing the devastatingly attractive angle of this jawline to steal her breath.
“You also look wow,” She laughed away her nerves and reached for his hand to break the tension. It worked wonderfully. He accepted her hand eagerly and hitched up a pack he had slung over his shoulder.
“You don’t usually wear your hair down, it looks beautiful,” he cleared his throat, “you look beautiful.”
“Rolan, you big softie,” she murmured while popping up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek.
He rolled his eyes and glowered, the effect somewhat lessened by the blush on his cheeks and the happy swish of his tail.
“Let’s go, we’ve should start walking if we want to make it in time,” He responded as he started off, her hand still firmly in his.
Tav was glad she had waited to find out what he had meant by ‘make it in time’. Rolan and her walked along the river and down to the seashore. They talked about what they’d been up to since they’d seen each other last and day to day activities at the Tower. She quickly grew to love the feeling of holding hands with him, even if they’d gotten a few disapproving looks from passers-by along the way. Initially she’d thought that Rolan hadn’t noticed, but the angry flicks of his tail and the quickened pace he set made her realize that he had. She pressed closer to Rolan and silently hoped he understood what she meant by it.
They’d had to walk a little further to find someplace where the pollution from the city wasn’t as evident. She frowned at the littered bottles and the shine of oil on the surface of the water. Finally, they’d reached an area deemed satisfactory by Rolan. From within the pack, he produced a blanket which he’d set out. He invited her to sit down on it. While she got comfortable, he’d also grabbed a bottle of wine and two cups from the pack. The familiar label caught her eye, and he noticed the curious look on her face with a smile.
“The wine from the party at the Emerald Grove, it always reminds me of you,” he said coyly.
He poured them each a glass and sat down next to her on the blanket.
“I’m glad we made it before sunset,” He added. Tav hadn’t spoken, she was too overwhelmed with emotion. Her heart raced and she sipped at the wine, trying to resist the urge to confess her love to the wizard right then and there. She remembered to smile back at him almost too late. As she stared at his face in the brilliant last rays of sunlight before the sunset, she prayed a silent prayer to the Oakfather that she could hold on to the memory of this moment forever.
“What?” He said looking a little annoyed but with a subtle blush as he noticed the intensity of her stare.
“You have freckles,” she said trying to quell the panic as she substituted those three words for the three words her brain was commanding her heart not to say. His blush ceased being subtle. She cleared her throat and stared out at the water.
“This is perfect, Rolan, thank you,” she said softly after a moment.
“Surely you didn’t think this was it, Tav?” He said with that classic confidence she found so attractive. He reached into the half-full pack and grabbed a few small containers. With the wave of his hand, a small bonfire sprung up on the sand a safe distance from their blanket, but close enough to keep them warm.
“I put together a few snacks I thought would go well with the wine,” He grinned as he opened the lids of the containers to show off an assortment of dried fruits and meats, cheeses, and dark chocolate. Tav’s eyes widened when she saw the chocolate — it was a rare treat and also her favorite sweet. It was an indulgent love she’d told very few people about.
“I may have asked my sister for advice on the food,” he said sheepishly as he noticed her happy reaction.
“I love it,” she said surging forward to kiss him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, one hand already finding it’s way into his beautiful brunette hair. His strong arms pulled her into his lap. She deepened the kiss with her opened mouth, failing to contain a slight whine of need when she felt their tongues embrace. When they broke for air, Rolan nipped and kissed down her jaw.
“We’re. Going. To. Miss. The. Sunset.” He said, each word punctuated by a soft nip of teeth or kiss down her jaw and throat. She shuddered slightly at each touch, writhing against his lap. He groaned and pulled away. Tav couldn’t help but pout, but she didn’t want to ruin what he had clearly worked hard in planning.
She felt his hands on her hips turning her around in his lap. He opened his legs to position her between them with her back against his chest.
“Is this okay?” he asked. She nodded eagerly in response; grateful she wasn’t facing him because she was sure an idiotic grin was plastered across her face. He wrapped an arm around her middle and used the other to help them grab their cups and snacks as they chatted and watched the sunset. Sometimes he surprised her by feeding her a bite and rewarding her with a soft kiss to the back of her neck that left her trembling. The sunset was spectacular. Hues of pink splashed across the sky as twilight overtook the day. It felt like it had been painted just for them.
When the last of the light vanished from the horizon and the stars began to shine through the blanket of darkness in the night sky, Rolan waved a hand to dim their campfire. Tav couldn’t help but gasp slightly as the reality of how dark it had gotten became clear to her. She felt him lean forward against her back and bring his lips down to ear.
“Now for my surprise for you,” He said in a dusky whisper that ran up her spine like a chill, “don’t move.”
His arm left her waist as he chanted a spell that she thought she’d heard before, raising both arms above them. Colorful magic erupted from his fingertips, blooming into massive fireworks in the night sky above them. Booming explosions of blue and purple that stole Tav’s breath, so large they were probably seen from the city and boats out at sea. She leaned back against Rolan’s chest with her head on his shoulder as she looked directly up at the fantastic spectacle, she noticed Rolan wasn’t looking at the sky anymore but over at her instead.
“Is this,” She cleared her throat a little, finding herself once again struggling with a flood of emotions which threatened to overwhelm her, “the trick from the Grove party?”
“Yes, it’s what it was supposed to look like if I hadn’t gotten… distracted,” he said as the fireworks faded away.
“Distracted?” She laughed. “You’ve clearly been practicing! That was incredible!”
Tav felt his lips on the back of her neck once more and the familiar heat creep up inside her once more.
“You… are very distracting,” he said planting soft kisses just behind her ear.
She twisted around quickly and pressed her lips to his, so unexpectedly she bowled him over on to his back. Climbing on top of him, she kissed him with a passionate need as her hands wandered down to where his shirt was tucked into his pants.
“Not here,” He moaned between kisses, “Not outside in the sand.”
“Need you,” She panted into his mouth, “Don’t want to wait for the walk back.” Respecting his wishes, she whined as she pulled back to study his face.
“I’ve got one more surprise, to help with that,” He puffed, noticeably shifting a bulge in his pants as he sat up. Tav cocked her head curiously at him as she sat back on the blanket.
“I wanted to try my plan for how we’ll get to the wedding in Waterdeep in a few months, if that’s okay?” He breathed excitedly. Tav nodded nervously in response. Rolan helped her to her feet and produced one last item from his pack, a scroll. He carefully packed away the blanket and other items from their date. He unrolled the scroll and took her hand, Tav could see his handwriting all over the parchment. Arcane looking drawings and calculations littered the page. He looked over at her with a confident smile and then back to the page as he began to chant the spell. For a moment his eyes glowed and she could swear he hovered slightly above the sand. She was in awe of how powerful he was becoming, clearly studying hard and devoting himself to his work.
A shimmer started in front of them that transformed into a swirling vortex of magic, as Rolan chanted. Before long the vortex cracked open with an electric buzz, becoming a portal. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and lead her through the opening he had summoned. A rush of rosewater scented Weave permeated her senses for a moment. As she opened her eyes again, she saw they were back at the Tower. In the middle of his study to be specific.
“Damnation I hadn’t meant to end up here,” he said looking around exasperated. He dropped her hand to set the pack down.
“Where were we supposed to end up?” She asked nervously.
“I was aiming for out front, like a gentleman, but my mind wandered here,” he said with his signature hint of frustration.
“Am I distracting you again? Why did your mind wander here, Rolan?” She said as she moved closer to him. Tav was determined to snap him out of his frustration over the spell. She pouted her lip slightly and looked up at him through her eyelashes.
“Gods, you minx, you are making that face on purpose,” He gritted out, looking flushed as he continued, “I was thinking of the last time we were here together.”
She pressed herself flush against him now, arching her back as she pulled his head down slightly to where she could whisper in his ear.
“Did you want to take me on your desk, Rolan?” She breathed into his ear, letting her lips brush the sensitive point. She felt his hands clutch her hips tight.
“Gods, Tav, Yes,” He panted.
“So do it now,” she said as she leaned back to look up at him once more. His hair had partially fallen out of the bun from their kissing on the beach, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were consumed with lust. The look on his face made her drip with need.
When she made eye contact again, all of Rolan’s control snapped as he lunged forward to kiss her. She could see that part of him that had worked so hard to be the perfect gentleman all night burn away with desire. His rugged arms clutched her tight to him and pushed her back across the room at the same time. Before long she felt the hard edge of his desk against her hip.
“Now what have I told you?” He said breathily as he broke away for air, “Don’t be greedy.” His lips and teeth brushed against the spot on her neck that never failed to unravel her. It shouldn’t surprise her the wizard was such a quick study. She couldn’t help but throw her head back and moan loudly with desire.
“Please, Rolan, please,” She begged as he nipped and sucked at that spot even harder, surely leaving evidence of their coupling. The thought made her ever hotter.
“Please… what?” He responded as his lips broke from her skin only so he could grab her face with a firm but gentle hand, looking right into her eyes. Her heart lurched when she saw her own lust and need reflected on his face.
“Please, fuck me Rolan,” She whined sweetly.
His hands dropped to her butt to swiftly lift her up onto his desk, then quickly pulled her shirt over her head. In a flurry of hands and lips they removed the clothes separating them. Neither of them bothering to look where any of their garments had landed in the fray. He moaned into her mouth as their bare skin pressed together, always so warm against her. She couldn’t help but make a desperate little sound as he stepped back from her to take her in, allowing her to admire him at the same time.
The freckles she had noted earlier continued across his perfect scarlet skin. Ridges covered his body, creating a tapestry across his body that her hands wanted to trace every inch of. She noted with eagerness, that there were even ridges on his hardened length, which he stroked slightly as he sized her up.
“You’re fucking beautiful, Tav,” He said unflinchingly as he reached out with his other hand and tucked a loose hair behind her ear, “I can’t believe you want me,”
Rolan, I love you. Her mind screamed and she bit her lips hard to keep the words inside. She couldn’t think rationally right now, and this wasn’t the time to blurt it out.
“I need you, Rolan, please,” She begged again, feeling her need dripping onto the cool desk beneath her.
He pressed close again and kissed her hard, a hand finding her folds and slipping a finger inside of her. She arched into the kiss with a loud moan.
“Fuck, Tav, you’re dripping for me, aren’t you?” He groaned between kisses.
“Please,” Her mind was blank. Only her need for Rolan remained. “Please,” she whined again, it was all she could manage.
“I promise next time I’ll tease you longer, but I need you too,” he said as he gently pushed her back to lay down on the desk. He teased the head of his cock up and down her dripping need, eliciting more desperate whines from her. Then he pushed into her. She could have sworn her heart stopped. She felt every inch and ridge inside her as he filled her ever so slowly. He let out a grunt when he bottomed out in her. Tav’s hands clawed at the desk as her back instinctively arched up into him, moaning his name loudly.
“You feel fucking perfect,” He growled slightly. All Tav could do was nod in response as she breathed and adjusted to the size of him. After giving her time, he began to fuck her slowly but firmly. He lifted her legs up and held them to keep her open for him. Her brain couldn’t find the words, if it could she would have told him that no other lover had ever felt so good inside of her.
After a few minutes of letting her adjust to the pace, he increased the speed. Letting one of her legs drop over his shoulder, he reached down between her legs to stroke her clit gently. Tav wailed in response, her eyes rolling back into her head as he hit that perfect spot within her with each thrust. Coupled with his hand, it didn’t take long for him to make her come. She did so, screaming his name as she clenched and came on his cock. He fucked her through it, whispering words of praise she could barely comprehend in her current state.
He groaned hard and gasped her name at the feeling of her climax. He dropped her legs and craned down to kiss her. Needing more, he climbed onto his desk to cage his body over hers. He swiped at what remained on the desk to make more room, neither of them bothering to look at what had crashed down to the floor. His strokes were faster and harder now, she could feel him start to shudder and gasp as he got closer to his own release. He kissed and sucked on her jaw again, working his way down the other side of her neck that hadn’t yet been marked.
“Where— “He growled against her neck.
“Inside, please,” She gasped. Understanding his meaning, she canted her hips up to take him deeper.
He moaned loudly at the sensation and then bit down on her neck. The combination of pain and pleasure took her over the edge once more and she screamed Rolan’s name at the top of her lungs as she came again. At the same time, she felt the throbbing of his cock as he finished deep inside her. He grunted her name as his hips stuttered against hers. She could feel where his sharpened teeth had punctured her skin and knew that she’d surely look worse for wear tomorrow. He panted loudly as he gently sagged down on top of her, still supporting part of his own weight on his arms and legs.
“Was that? Good?” He puffed out, letting a hint of uncertainty show.
“Gods, Rolan, it was perfect” She gasped between breaths as she tried to slow her heart which currently pounded in her chest. He kissed her neck, and she could feel him smile against her skin.
After a few moments he left and brought her back a glass of water and a towel. He cared for her and helped her get cleaned up. Every few minutes she noticed he would kiss some part of her again, like he couldn’t go too long without showing his affection. Eventually he helped her to his bed, still lavishing gentle kisses on her as he wrapped himself around her, they nodded off in each others' arms.
If only she was brave enough to tell him that with every kiss, she fell a little more in love with him. It was the last thought she remembered as she fell asleep to the sound of Rolan’s steady breaths as he slept.
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oneinanarmy · 1 year
#PurpleCleaningPower for ARMY's 10th Birthday Anniversary!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY🥳#BTSARMY💜!! To celebrate our nameday, we will support Trash Hero World and together create a sustainable future by helping reduce plastic pollution and encourage long-term behavioral change.
Trash Hero is a global movement run by volunteers. Its aim is to unite communities to clean and reduce waste in the environment, create a sustainable future through projects that help reduce plastic pollution and encourage long-term behavioral change. Founded in Thailand in December 2013, it is now active in 139 locations worldwide.
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“The Trash Hero Way“ Be the change: lead by example, showing not telling people what to do and being positive and respectful in thoughts, words and actions. Be credible: work independently, earn people’s trust and avoid conflicts of interest. Be selfless: work for the public benefit, not for personal gain. Stay humble and put mission before ego. Be responsible: act transparently and be accountable for decisions and actions. Think global, act local: understand the big picture and the solutions needed, but start the change where you live.
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Weekly Cleanup Program: With the support of local businesses, people come together once a week to pick up rubbish. There is no cost nor need to sign-up for volunteers. Participating local businesses each week generously donate gloves and trash bags, food and beverages, and transportation when needed. All donations are given in kind, the chapters never take any money. 
Bottles and Bags Program: Trash Hero provides high quality stainless steel water bottles to local businesses at cost price. Local businesses can then sell those bottles to customers with a small profit, and in return they agree to provide anyone with a Trash Hero water bottle, no matter where it was purchased, with free drinking water refills. 
Trash Hero Kids Program: Trash Hero education is all about hands-on, experiential learning. Kids get points for joining cleanups in their neighborhoods (run by Trash Hero or others), for using alternatives to single use plastic bottles and bags, for refusing plastic straws, and for recycling and upcycling. The activities are done as a class or community group so there is plenty of motivation, as well as room for healthy competition among the children! 
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Let's show some #PurpleCleaningPower🧹 Donate: bit.ly/PurpleCleaningPower Form: bit.ly/PurpleCleaningPowerForm
We are completely aware that not everyone is able to contribute through a monetary donation. But your support, in any form, is significant to our campaign. You can retweet our SNS posts to help increase the reach and visibility of the org amongst your followers. 
You can also find us on social media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, and Amino.
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Valeriano is the main antagonist in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Under the cut, you’ll find his complete profile and plotted arc! *I will update this page as I come up with new details.
TW: Discussions of Trauma, Abuse & Sadism TAG LIST: (ask to be + or - ) @the-finch-address @achilleanmafia @fearofahumanplanet @winterninja-fr  @avrablake​ @iced-ginger-tea​ @wildswrites​​ @tate-lin​ @outpost51 @d3mon-ology @hippiewrites @threeking @lexiklecksi
✦  Full Name: Valeriano (Meaning: ”healthy & strong.” In this case, his name is a red-herring. He’s no longer either of these things but tries to keep up the pretence) Marulanda (Meaning: “of the moors”). ✦  Age: 95 ✦  Sex & Gender: Male/Cisgender Man ✦  Sexuality: Bisexual ✦  Physical Description: Valeriano’s eyes have clouded over as a result of age-induced macular degeneration. He receives weekly treatments to preserve his vision, but it’s fading quickly (he can read print if it's enormous). He has very fine white hair and a receding hairline; a square jaw; an attractive, albeit wrinkled, face with a hooked nose; and a deep, handsome laugh. In his old age, he’s become top-heavy, with a protruding belly balanced upon stilt-like (but sturdy) legs. He walks with the assistance of a walking stick and shuffles rather than strides. ✦  Occupation: Master Sorcerer ✦  Unofficial Titles: King of Scorpions, The Dragon, Cunning One.
✦  Generous v. Stingy: Valeriano is known to host lavish parties, shower his courtiers with luxurious gifts, and donate substantial funds to various social programs in the city. The idea that he’s a generous person is very important to him, and he is often overtaken by emotionally ecstatic fantasies of his own benevolence (for example, if he walks by an orphanage, he may erupt into tears and heartfelt promises to adopt a child). However, his generosity is selective and limited. In other words, no matter how earnest he feels in the moment, the truth is he’s never going to adopt an orphan. He just likes toying with the idea that he might and being praised for it. He only gives gifts to people (or organizations) he expects to reap some benefit from later. The higher the person’s status, the more luxurious the gift, and the more public the generosity. The lower the person’s status, the less likely he is to lift a finger. He is also known to regret his acts of generosity, which, depending on the status of the person/organization involved, can result in him sending someone to retrieve the gift for him. Additionally, on the rare occasions that he does acquiesce to a request from an individual/organization, they can be sure to receive less than what was requested (again, especially if they’re lower in the pecking order). ✦  Reasonable vs. Mercurial: Valeriano is a brilliant man. He is measured, intelligent and precise. Nothing gets by him. His intellectual gifts are matched only by his social intelligence. He has a sixth sense for navigating (and manipulating) other people; he knows whose feet to step on and whose to avoid. This is the secret to his success and the reason he’s managed to stay in power for so long. However, his measured, astute demeanour is underscored by a quick, ferocious temper that lurks just below the surface. If questioned or criticized, Valeriano will explode. He is susceptible to accusations of stinginess and loathes being out-shone. Even the slightest annoyance will make him rage on a bad day. Everyone in his inner circle is terrified of pissing him off, as these outbursts can and do lead to confiscation of land and titles and, in extreme cases, to executions (he famously exiled his own family after his son/daughter criticized him and was rumoured to have been within an inch of having them killed). The court walks on eggshells. ✦  Sensitive vs. Sadistic: Valeriano’s ability to empathize contributes to his success. He is approachable, able to understand emotionally complex situations, and has a gift for putting people at ease. He knows right from wrong, can recognize injustice, and can sympathise with the affected parties. In other words, he has a functioning moral compass. However, he derives satisfaction from seeing and inflicting pain (of being the author of injustice.) He demeans, humiliates, intimidates, bullies and belittles to his heart’s content. In fact, he’s what Kant would call a “radical evil” character: a person who knows the morally correct thing to do but chooses to do the wrong thing. The pleasure Valeriano derives from picking the morally deplorable course of action is heightened by his ability to fully empathize with his victim (is it, therefore, a sort of self-harm, I wonder? An externalized form of self-loathing and catharsis?) His sadistic side has also led him to lead a secret BDSM life, where he sometimes plays the penitent and sometimes the punisher. His intelligence makes him exceptionally gifted at spontaneous degrading speeches. ✦  Charming vs. Insecure: Valeriano is charming and dangerously so. It’s almost impossible not to like him. When he addresses you, he makes you feel that you’re old friends, that you’re in on the joke, that you’ve been in on the joke for years. He has a slightly naughty, boyish smile, even in old age, which is particularly attractive, and he’s always up for a little (relatively) harmless misbehaviour (hallucinogenics, wild parties, etc.). When he’s not giving orders, he trips and fumbles over his words in a disarming and endearing manner. However, behind his confident, socially apt (even vulnerable?) facade, he’s deeply insecure. He can’t stand not being the centre of attention and has a desperate need to feel admired at all times (which is why he is more charming towards younger adults since they’re less likely to have the experience and wherewithal to judge him). The slightest criticism, disagreement, or perceived slight can set him off, which makes working with him very difficult (he has to be the one who initiates conversations around how things might be improved and even then, the speaker has to tread very carefully). Valeriano is also envious, petty, and somewhat paranoid. He likes sycophants, as long as they’re clever about it (if someone tries to suck up to him too obviously, he’ll fuck them over).
✦  Personal Style: A boho maximalist to the core, 90-year-old Valeriano dresses to impress, confound and mesmerize. That means multiple rock-star-style rings on each hand; multiple tattoos, including a tarantula tattoo either on his forearm or hand (I haven't fully decided yet); scarlet, velvet dressing gowns in the morning; an assortment of carved and engraved walking sticks for every purpose (including some NSFW walking sticks which I will not discuss here for reasons lol); oversized, black fur evening coats; an infinitude of embroidered robes of various deep colours (also used as evening coats); designer sunglasses; handmade shoes (particularly, suede & velvet imperial loafers. His favourite pair are red, and almost all of them have red lacquered soles); an assortment of tailored suits (corduroy, velvet, wool); silk and wool scarfs; silk handkerchiefs (which he tucks into his front blazer pocket for added style); multiple shawls, including woollen ruanas; and, white t-shirts for when he's staying home or feeling casual. Basically, cross The Last Lovers Left Alive, Crowley from Good Omens, and Steve Tyler from Aerosmith with David Attenborough, and you're starting to get the vibe. Valeriano is always the best-dressed man in the room, and his signature opulent style serves to reinforce his social status. He's your cool granddad from hell. (*Appropriated from this post) ✦  Interior Design: A messy and compulsive collector. Think Brambly Hedge... from hell; a cottage core for demons, if you will; stuffed animals in various horrifying poses, carpets layered upon carpets layered upon carpets, tables overflowing with trinkets, an infinitude of ticking contraptions, walls of every colour, paintings depicting torture set alongside pastoral landscapes, etc, etc. Nevertheless, Valeriano wasn't always this way. Like Altaluna, he once preferred sparse environments, only over-decorating specific rooms in his home as 'stage sets' to further his political, social and economic goals. However, with age, his eyesight and hearing have deteriorated significantly; by the time The Sorcerer's Apprentice begins, he barely notices the chaos, or if he notices it, he doesn't notice it enough to be overwhelmed. This doesn't mean that his gifts have been lessened by any means, only that his methods of access have changed slightly (more on this in an upcoming post on the magic system, maybe). Finally, it's important to note that Valeriano's living space is cluttered because he's looking for something; a great majority of the objects littered around the house are his failed attempts at finding it.  (*Appropriated from this post)
✦  Misc Moodboards: Young Valeriano Moodboard / General Moodboard
ALTALUNA Great-Niece | Ambivalent Love-Hate Dynamic At the novel’s start, Altaluna is a stranger to Valeriano. She’s not her father, so there’s no nasty history to navigate with her (or so he thinks), but she’s still family, which allows him to view her as an extension of himself (abstractly as his legacy). The fact that she’s young and inexperienced plays in her favour because he doesn’t perceive her as a threat. He sees himself in her, loves her and resents her for her youth, for her brilliance, for the fact that she’s here for his power (even if it’s at his invitation). CUCUFATE Experiment | Ambivalent Indifferent-Disgusted Dynamic Description to come.
✦ Edgar Allan Poe’s Imp of The Perverse: This short story tells the tale of a man gripped by the so-called "imp of the perverse," a self-destructive tendency to do exactly what he shouldn't precisely because he knows he shouldn't do it. A large number of Poe's characters take this tendency to the extreme. Valeriano does so to a lesser degree. Like Poe's characters, he enjoys doing the wrong thing because it's wrong, but, unlike them, he won't put his life or his career at risk to satisfy this urge. So, who ends up suffering from Valeriano's perversity? Easy. Only those people who have the misfortune of being beneath him on the socio-economic ladder i.e. only those incapable of defending themselves against him.  ✦ Logan Roy from Succession (TV): The difference is that Logan doesn’t seem approachable to me, and I’m not sure if he’s capable of empathy. He’s a lot more square than Valeriano, who is, in my opinion, also a more perverse character. Logan is a reptile, but Valeriano is warm-blooded. Once you’ve understood that Logan is utterly incapable of human feeling, you can pretty much see through all his behaviour (as Shiv and her brothers do). That’s not the case with Valeriano, who is sometimes genuinely kind, generous, soft and sympathetic. He is a ‘Jackal and Hyde’ personality. For this reason, he’s far less predictable than Logan. Nonetheless, they’re very alike in other respects; they’re both ruthless, cutthroat, greedy, grandiose, ego-centric master manipulators. ✦ King Lear from the play of that name by Shakespeare (Literature): Like King Lear, Valeriano is facing his death and is slowly losing his mind. Like King Lear, Valeriano has a Cordelia, a young protogé he spurned, then embraced (Altaluna). Unlike King Lear, Valeriano doesn’t experience a complete change of heart because, unlike King Lear, Valeriano is morally perverse.
✦ Joseph Campbell, The Hero with A Thousand Faces: “The figure of the tyrant-monster is known to the mythologies, folk traditions, legends, and even nightmares, of the world; and his characteristics are everywhere essentially the same. He is the hoarder of the general benefit. He is the monster avid for the greedy rights of ‘my and mine.’ The havoc wrought by him is described in mythology and fairy tale as being universal throughout his domain. This maybe no more than his household, his own tortured psyche, or the lives that he blights with the touch of his friendship and assistance; or it may amount to the extent of his civilization. The inflated ego of the tyrant is a curse to himself and his world- no matter how affairs may seem to prosper. Self-terrorized, fear-haunted, alert at every hand to meet and battle back the anticipated aggressions of his environment, which are primarily the reflections of the uncontrollable impulses to acquisition within himself, the giant of self-achieved independence is the world’s messenger of disaster, even though, in his mind, he may entertain himself with human intentions. Wherever he sets his hand there is a cry (if not from the housetops, then -more miserably- within every heart): a cry from the redeeming hero, the carrier of the shining blade, whose blow, whose touch, whose existence, will liberate the land.”
© 2023 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. All rights reserved.
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nightbunnysong · 5 minutes
Tips for starting the new university semester
Starting a new semester at university is always a mix of excitement and a little bit of stress. However, with the right strategies, you can hit the ground running and set yourself up for success. Here are some detailed tips to help you manage your studies, space, and health while keeping both your mind and appearance sharp.
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Track your study hours
One of the best ways to stay on top of your workload is by tracking how much time you actually spend studying.
The Yeolpumta app is a great tool for this. It allows you to monitor your study hours, breaking them down into productive sessions. The app turns studying into a game where you can set daily or weekly goals, compete with friends, and analyze your progress over time. Having a clear overview of your study habits helps build discipline, ensures you're on track with your goals, and keeps procrastination at bay. If you’re serious about hitting those academic targets, this app will be a game changer for you.
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Declutter for focus
Having a clutter-free, minimalist room can work wonders for your focus and peace of mind. Start by tossing or donating everything you don’t need—old papers, unused gadgets, random decor that doesn’t bring you joy. Next, organize your closet with ready-made outfits. Prepping your wardrobe at the start of the week with clean, coordinated outfits saves time and mental energy each morning. Plus, a tidy space leads to a tidy mind, which is essential when you're juggling classes, projects, and study sessions.
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Prioritize whole foods
Healthy eating is another key to maintaining both physical energy and mental sharpness. Stick to eating only during proper meals, and make a rule to avoid packaged, processed foods. If the ingredients listed on the label are things you wouldn’t use in your own kitchen, don’t eat it. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods that you can easily prepare at home. This will help keep your energy levels consistent throughout the day and will also improve your focus during study sessions. Avoiding sugary snacks and junk food reduces crashes and cravings, allowing you to concentrate for longer periods.
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Maintain “La Bella Figura”
In many cultures, particularly in Italy, the concept of la bella figura is important. It refers to the idea of presenting yourself well, not just in how you look, but in your behavior and demeanor. Maintaining a polished appearance while excelling academically is a powerful combination. Taking care of your skin, weight, hair, and wardrobe isn't just vanity—it boosts your confidence and helps you feel prepared to tackle any situation. So, take the time to groom yourself, choose clothes that make you feel good, and step into each day looking and feeling your best. Balance is key—beauty and brains can, and should, go hand in hand.
By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of university life while staying healthy, organized, and confident. Here’s to a successful semester!
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homeimprovement07 · 3 months
Effective House Cleaning Tips for a Clean Home 
Maintaining a clean home is essential for a healthy and pleasant living environment. Whether you live in a bustling city or a quiet suburb, keeping your home tidy can sometimes feel overwhelming. Here are some effective Home cleaning tips La Mesa to help you manage your household chores efficiently.
Declutter Before You Clean
Before diving into cleaning, it's crucial to declutter. Remove superfluous objects from your home. This not only makes cleaning easier but also gives your home a more organized appearance. Focus on one room at a time, sorting items into categories: keep, donate, and discard. By tackling clutter first, you can clean more effectively and enjoy a more spacious environment.
Use the Right Cleaning Tools
The appropriate cleaning tools can make a big difference. Equip your home with essentials like microfiber cloths, a sturdy vacuum cleaner, a mop, and versatile cleaning solutions. Microfiber cloths are excellent for dusting and wiping surfaces as they capture dirt more efficiently than regular cloths. A good vacuum cleaner helps in removing dust and allergens from carpets and upholstery, ensuring a healthier living space.
Adopt a Cleaning Routine
Consistency is key to maintaining a clean home. Establish a weekly cleaning routine to ensure every area gets the attention it needs. For instance, Mondays can be dedicated to dusting and vacuuming, while Tuesdays are for kitchen cleaning. This way, you can manage tasks without feeling overwhelmed and ensure your home stays in top condition.
Deep Clean Periodically
While regular cleaning is essential, periodic deep cleaning is equally important. Deep cleaning involves more thorough tasks like scrubbing grout, cleaning behind appliances, and washing windows. Schedule deep cleaning sessions quarterly to keep your home spotless. For those living in La Mesa, consider hiring a professional service for a comprehensive deep clean, especially if time is a constraint.
Focus on High-Traffic Areas
Some areas in your home require more frequent cleaning due to higher usage. The kitchen and bathroom are prime examples. Ensure you clean these spaces daily to prevent the buildup of grime and bacteria. Wipe down countertops, clean sinks, and sanitize surfaces to maintain hygiene.
Green Cleaning Solutions
Consider using eco-friendly cleaning products. Your family and pets are safer, and the environment benefits from green cleaning.   Many natural products like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon can be used for effective cleaning without the harsh chemicals found in commercial cleaners.
Hiring a Professional Cleaning Service
For those with busy schedules or larger homes, hiring a professional cleaning service can be a game-changer. A reliable home cleaning company in El Cajon can provide tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. Whether you need standard tidying or intensive deep cleaning, professionals can ensure your home is spotless while you focus on other priorities.
Home cleaning doesn't have to be difficult. By decluttering, using the right tools, and establishing a routine, you can maintain a tidy and healthy living environment. For those in La Mesa, applying these home cleaning tips can make a noticeable difference. Remember, if you ever need additional help, you can always turn to professionals who believe in offering an affordable home cleaning service that doesn't compromise on quality. From standard tidying to intensive deep cleaning, tailored solutions are available to fit your requirements and budget. From commercial building cleaning in Encinitas, CA, to a kitchen cleaning company in El Cajon, CA, services are available to cover all your needs. For more information on professional cleaning services, visit a1sparkling.com.
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realtorjamier · 9 months
10 Ways to Stay Busy and Active this Winter!
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As the weather turns, it can be challenging to stay active — especially with the short days and busy work schedules. In 2023, we suggest committing to an ideal without strict rules, manifesting good intentions over rigid guidelines.  Create your own list of achievable gains, or refer to ours. But remember: this goal can be reached in many different ways. Stay positive, and keep track of your wins!
Sign up for a 5K
Or a 10K. Or a marathon. Up your game and then begin to train. There are some great phone apps available to help – including a “Couch to 5K” option. Outdoor exercise helps the body and mind, but make sure to layer up your clothes and protect your extremities during extreme cold temperatures.
Be a local out-of-towner
Visit your local Convention and Visitors Bureau for tourist information on your area. You’ll probably be surprised to learn new things about your town. Create a to-do list of local things to do and places to see.
Take nature walks
On New Year’s Day, America’s State Parks celebrate with organized First Day Hikes. This initiative helps people ring in the new year in a healthy way while savoring the beauty of our natural resources. Even if you miss the First Day Hike, find your local parks and scout out hikes that match your rigor level.
Go ice skating/skiing/sled riding/snowboarding
Winter sports aren’t just for little kids. Be a big kid and get back out there! Start slowly if it’s been a while. Be patient with yourself. Resist the urge to compare your skill level to others, and enjoy bringing back your inner child.
Join a gym or create your own
There are definite benefits to joining a gym – access to equipment and trainers, as well as socialization and motivation with like-minded people. However, if you’re not a “gym person,” you may be able to carve out your own workout space in an unused part of your house, like a basement, garage, or spare bedroom. But even if your house and budget are small, with good planning and online research, you can probably invest in basic things like an exercise mat, resistance bands, handheld weights, and a jump rope.
Form a team
Staying motivated can be easier by finding accountability partners. If you don’t have people in your immediate friend group who are looking to get into shape, post on social media to see if others in your expanded friend group want to join your quest for self-improvement. Once you have formed your team, collaborate on group and/or personal goals.
Remember to take care of your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Choose the type of meditation that aligns with your beliefs and then seek out a practitioner or learn this type of mindfulness through your own research. The benefits of meditation can include an improvement in self-control, calmness, self-care, and happiness. Carve out time daily or weekly.
Tackle indoor house projects
Change your furnace filter.
Regrout your bathroom tile.
Wash your windows.
Insulate your water pipes.
Remodel a room.
Upgrade your lighting.
Volunteering with a cause you feel strongly about is a great way to connect to your community and like-minded people. Think about how much time you have and make sure you don’t overcommit! You can search for volunteer opportunities online much like searching for a job with sites like serve.gov and Volunteer Match, but here are some ideas to get started. 
Walk a dog at your local animal shelter.
Tutor/mentor students.
Help at your church.
Serve in a soup kitchen.
Visit/help elderly neighbors.
Donate blood.
Coach a youth sport team.
Adopt a locale to keep clean.
Help your local library.
Teach a class at a local retirement home.
Take dance classes
Dance classes aren’t just for children! Check with your local Parks and Recreation Center or search online for adult instruction in ballroom, tango, ballet, fusion – whatever type interests you. Want to tango but have no partner? Most organized dance groups welcome those who join solo and then help pair them up with others.
However you decide to stay active, make sure you are incorporating your mind, body, and soul for greater balance and well-being in all areas of your life. A holistic approach to health harmonizes your mind-body-soul connection, enriching your life and the lives of those around you.
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cleanberetscleaning · 10 months
Spotless Living: A Comprehensive Guide to Home Cleaning
Maintaining a clean and organized home is essential for a healthy and comfortable living environment. While there are numerous cleaning platforms available, it's entirely possible to achieve a spotless home without relying on external services. In this guide, we'll explore effective home cleaning strategies that you can implement without using any specific platform.
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Create a Cleaning Schedule:
Establishing a regular cleaning routine is crucial for preventing dirt and clutter from accumulating. Develop a schedule that suits your lifestyle, taking into consideration daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Consistency is key to maintaining a consistently clean home.
Declutter and Organize:
Before diving into cleaning, take the time to declutter and organize your living spaces. Remove unnecessary items, donate or discard items you no longer need, and find proper storage solutions for belongings. A clutter-free environment not only looks cleaner but also makes the cleaning process more efficient.
Invest in Quality Cleaning Supplies:
While you don't need fancy cleaning platforms, having the right tools and supplies is essential. Stock up on basic cleaning agents such as all-purpose cleaner, disinfectant, glass cleaner, and microfiber cloths. Additionally, invest in durable cleaning tools like a mop, broom, vacuum cleaner, and scrub brushes.
DIY Cleaning Solutions:
You can create effective cleaning solutions using common household items. For example, a mixture of vinegar and water makes an excellent all-purpose cleaner, while baking soda is great for scrubbing surfaces. These DIY solutions are not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly.
Focus on High-Traffic Areas:
Prioritize cleaning high-traffic areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. These spaces tend to accumulate more dirt and germs, so regular attention is essential. Wipe down surfaces, sanitize frequently-touched items, and pay extra attention to areas where spills and stains are likely.
Deep Cleaning Tasks:
Periodically, set aside time for deep cleaning tasks that go beyond the routine. This may include cleaning windows, washing curtains, vacuuming upholstery, and sanitizing appliances. Deep cleaning helps maintain the longevity of your belongings and ensures a thorough cleaning of your home.
Involve the Whole Family:
Cleaning shouldn't be a one-person job. Involve your family members in maintaining a clean home by assigning age-appropriate tasks. This not only lightens the workload but also fosters a sense of responsibility among family members.
Stay Proactive:
Address spills and messes promptly to prevent them from becoming stubborn stains. The more proactive you are in addressing cleaning tasks, the easier it is to maintain a clean and inviting home.
Achieving a clean home without relying on external platforms is entirely feasible with a well-planned approach. By implementing a regular cleaning schedule, decluttering, using quality cleaning supplies, and staying proactive, you can create a welcoming living space that promotes both physical and mental well-being.
For more info:
home cleaning
bathroom cleaning
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paypant · 1 year
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stayhealthyweekly · 2 years
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Beat the Heat, Gardening with Kids, Mall Makeover
Tune in LIVE weekly to the upbeat, positive lifestyle broadcast where producer and host Cynthia Brian showcases strategies for success on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. Available wherever you listen to your favorite programs!
Are you looking for ways to keep cool this summer? Do you know the warning signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses? To stay safe and healthy, learn the ways to beat the heat.
Teaching kids to garden is a rewarding and educational experience. As children nurture plants, they discover happiness, satisfaction, and a love for the natural world that will stay with them throughout their lives. Goddess Gardener, Cynthia Brian shows, how through gardening, children grow a healthy body, mind, and spirit.
Do you remember when going to the mall was “the THING” to do? As retail has migrated to online, shopping malls are suffering. Some are closing and others are becoming housing units. What is the future of America’s malls?
Listen at the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/146040/beat-the-heat-gardening-with-kids-mall-makeover
RECENTLY PUBLISHED BOOK: Family Forever: https://cynthiabrian.substack.com/p/family-forever Available at www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store or  www.StarStyleStore.net
LIVE SHOW 4-5pm PT: https://bit.ly/3cDti0Z
Places to Listen to StarStyle Radio:
Apple Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/starstyle-be-the-star-you-are/id669630180?mt=2
Tunein: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Motivational/StarStyle---Be-the-Star-You-Are-p46014/
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/voice-america/be-the-star-you-are
IHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-starstyle-be-the-star-you-31083110/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4zDdwzlsHH44caWiMQdD25
SubStack: https://api.substack.com/feed/podcast/228120.rss
 Pocketcasts: https://pca.st/mjw2ng5n
Be the Star You Are! 501 c3 charity offers help, hope, and healing for women, families and youth in need.
BTSYA Operation Disaster Relief. Please donate. http://ow.ly/ks8A30lekGe
Read how BTSYA is Making a Difference: https://www.ibpa-online.org/news/460747/IBPA-Member-Spotlight-Cynthia-Brian.htm 
Read our Newsletter:  Positive, Playful Summer https://cynthiabrian.substack.com/p/positive-playful-summer
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write-haikyuu · 4 years
Quarantine things (ft. Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei, Ushijima Wakatoshi & Kita Shinsuke) | headcanon
Quarantine has been forcing me to be productive with school but I’ve been having all these spurs of ideas in my head. So I wanted to write this before I forget it, and so I can feel like I did something today before I work on more essays and hw. :) 
Also, side note I’ve been doing Yoga with Adriene to help with my chronic back pain. PEOPLE! If you want start yoga during quarantine I 11/10 recommend her channel on YouTube. Stay healthy and stay safe <3 
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Yamaguchi Tadashi
You notice how much he’s willing to try new things, now that time has freed up.
Baking croissants, juicing veggies and fruits, rummaging through the pantry to make dinner with boxed food (because he wants to make sure you both only go grocery shopping when you absolutely have to). 
When it is time to go out to the public, he makes sure you both glove up, sanitize, and wear bandanas with sunglasses (at the market). 
You know those Korean grandmas that wear those sleeves and visors?
Yep. You two are that couple. 
“Grab the box from the inside Y/N!!” He’s sneaky like that 
He’s paranoid, but he still wants to make sure you both use this time to spend quality moments together ...because he knows you’re not able to visit a lot of friends and family right now :(( 
Walks at the park during the most unexpected times throughout the day
You both have a dog, his name is YamYam 
Tadashi uses this time to really upgrade the dog’s instagram and make him go dogstagram viral I dont know why I’m so obsessed with making Tadashi internet famous ok :( 
Sleeping in all the time (morning cuddles are a must) 
Don’t you think that I would forget about his terrarium. He still worships that buddy everyday! By now your days with Tadashi are filled with dog walks, healthy receipes, plants, and daylight cuddles. 
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Tsukishima Kei 
Dalonga coffee, dalonga matcha, dalonga everything with our boy Tsukishima. 
Ever tried egg coffee? You protested against it at first but Tsukishima kept teasing you how great it was until you finally caved in and tried it. 
It’s. The. Shit. (However you want it interpret that) 
Every morning, without fail, you both sit over at the kitchen island and sip on coffee or tea. Bedhead, pjs and everything. You don’t say much, but its the quiet and peace that rises in the morning that makes you appreciate these moments with him. 
Contrary to popular belief, Tsukishima is actually a hopeless romantic. So you’ll have these evenings where he makes a new playlist from Spotify and just starts grooving to the beat with you. (This is shared between you and Tsuki ONLY). Copyrights on Tsuki’s jazzy hands. 
He loves seeing you move on your own and as some may think its him dreading it, he LOVES it when you drag him into dancing too. 
When you watch TV show together at night, he likes to psychoanalyze the characters with you
“But what do you think of this. He’s turned into a cereal killer because of childhood trauma from his aunt feeding him much coco puffs.”
“The hell Y/N?? that doesn’t even make any sense! It’s bc he worked at the grocery store and the manager always assigned him to restock the dry cereal and oatmeal aisle.”
You read in bed separately together, but you’ll lean on each other for back support. 
Stillness with Tsuki is all he’s ever asked for, all he’s ever wanted with you. 
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Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Sure, most of the time his mind is on volleyball. But when it comes down to it, the person he spends most of the time thinking about is actually you. 
He’s estatic to spend time with you in quarantine! He makes sure to not break his routines though, so he’s always encouraging you to work out with him in the morning. Whether or not you’re a morning person, you also try to push yourself to exercise! So Toshi doesn’t have to run by himself, plus you’ll get fit too! 
But there was this one thing Toshi never really got into, but by being with you more, he’s finally come around to it. 
It’s Yoga baby. 
Volleyball is an intense sport. So with all that practice and endless hours he’s dedicated, Toshi usually goes to physical therapy to work on his muscles. Since everything is closed, he started doing yoga with you to relieve some back pain :’( 
He can’t thank you enough, because his posture is straighter and he doesn’t toss and turn in his sleep like he did before
Y’all I hate to break it to you but... Tendou finally got him. After all those ads on the Weekly Shonen Jump, he’s discovered Amazon Prime. 
He’s looking at things on amazon and adding it to his cart!!! He never buys it though 
“ Y/N, I think an air fryer is a good idea”
“What? No we have a toaster oven”
“But according to the (amazon price tracker app) it’s the lowest it’s ever been.”
The air fryer was indeed the best thing that’s ever updated in your household. 
He laughs more, he smiles more, he’s just really happy to be domestic with you. Home with you is like his safe space. Because he can let his guard down and lean on you for emotional and mental support. 
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Kita Shinsuke 
This quarantine really concerns him. Not because he’s neccesarily afraid of contracting the virus, but worries about his grandma potentially getting it :(
So you both make a very, very tough decision and figured it was best that he spent his time with his grandma to nurse and take care of her until the shelter in place is lifted. 
But the week before he leaves, you and Kita spent an entire two days sewing face masks and care packages for his neighbors. 
He makes sure to meal prep for you some food throughout the week and even teaches you some basic recipes to get you through the month. 
You and Kita both go on this massive cleaning spree where you bleach and tidy up everything. 
By the end of it, there was more than enough bags of clothes to give away to a donation shop near by. 
On his last days with you, he spends as much time with you doing things unrelated to the pandemic! Like DIY face masks and cutting up fruit as you both play Bananagrams together. 
When he’s off to his grandma’s he makes sure to religiously facetime you before bed! 
You teach his grandma how to use dog filters over the phone and sometimes you forget he meant to call to talk to you. 
You somehow ended up talking to his grandma for half an hour, listening to her talk about baby Shinsuke childhood stories. 
I dont know, you miss him so much. He misses you more. But you both are so understanding and supportive of each other that counting off the days doesn’t even exist anymore. You just find new things to share and talk about over the phone everyday. 
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foreverdreamsds · 3 years
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When we rescue dogs from the shelters, we take the old, sad, sick, never-going-to-get-adopted dogs and give them a last great life. In some cases, they only have a couple of months; in other cases we have had 12 year old dogs last two to three years. Most of them are in need of dental, surgery, spay/neuter, vaccines, weekly or monthly bloodwork and daily medications. We have two, Effie and Gia, needing dental surgeries now. With all of these needs our bill is pretty large. We are asking for donations to help us get that bill paid. We have a wonderful friend and rescue supporter willing to match donations received up to $800!! With your help, we can make sure the sweet seniors stay healthy and happy!  ❤️🐾 You can donate via Facebook, PayPal [email protected], Venmo @foreverdreamsds, our website https://www.foreverdreamseniordogsanctuary.org or mail to PO Box 521 Tryon NC 28782 or you can call our vet directly and donate using your debit or credit card 864-457-3351 (at Forever Dream Senior Dog Sanctuary) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPVlUzZLTRj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years
Friends who cook together...
I saw today's prompt for @auyeahaugust (College AU) and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to share the beginning of this fic I've been working on!
It's actually based on @e-milieeee's post, I couldn't resist the cooking trope 😬
Hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3 (gasp)
Lesson 1: Ratatouille
Adrien Agreste was the perfect man. Good-looking, hard-working, charming, he was the prime example of the son-in-law every parent wanted, and the people his age who didn't want to be him wanted to date him.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng wouldn't deny she might be classified in the latter category, although less so than when she was younger. She was good friends with the model now. Voluntarily so. You didn’t fight and defeat Paris’ number one villains for years, growing from a teenager into a young adult together, without getting close. Their respective crushes on each other had faded over time, but it didn’t mean they would’ve said no if all the circumstances aligned, although they wouldn’t have admitted it out loud.
The one thing Adrien Agreste wasn’t, though, was a good cook. Not that he didn’t have everything he could possibly need in his kitchen. The apartment he now lived in, although a huge step down from the Mansion that had once been his home (but what wouldn’t be), was still a lot bigger, and a lot more comfortable than what a normal student should have been able to afford.
It was a lot better equipped, too.
Marinette had told him the contractors were abusing his trust by installing things that were way more expensive than they ought to be, knowing he wouldn’t double check, but he’d waved her concerns away. With his father’s demise, he’d just wanted to move out as quickly as possible to avoid the crowds of paparazzi, and if signing a very large cheque could provide him with the knowledge the workers wouldn’t blab, then so be it. He couldn’t bring himself to sell the Mansion despite the knowledge it had been Hawkmoth’s lair the whole time -there were too many memories associated with his mother there- but he’d had some offers to rent it out for movie settings which would definitely cover the costs of keeping it, as well as his rent. He’d looked into his finances and put all the money he’d earned as a model in a bank account, and donated the rest to a fund to help Akuma victims. There was no way he was keeping his father’s dirty money when so many people had suffered at his hands.
Since then, Adrien had fallen into a nice little routine as he moved from Lycée to University. He made the most of his freedom by exploring every nook and cranny of Paris without anyone being able to say anything about it. No curfews, no limitations, but for his own tiredness and others’ private property, of course.
It left little time for him to learn basic cooking skills. He was often too tired to make anything when he came back from his nocturnal meanderings, so he went for the easy solution: food delivery. There were so many restaurants nearby he could’ve eaten something different every night for a month and still not have gone through all of the options. It was more diverse than anything he’d ever eaten, and it suited him just fine.
Little did he know that this habit would be disrupted by his best friend moving in next door.
Marinette had been looking for a new flat. Not that she didn’t enjoy living with her parents, but she found herself wanting a little more privacy now that she was at University. The reveal that she was Ladybug had brought a lot of attention to the Tom and Sabine bakery, which was good, but a lot of it was journalists prowling around in the hopes of getting an exclusive interview with her. She was tired of being pretty much mauled anytime she left the house, and although she could easily leave via the rooftops as Ladybug, she refused to let them dictate how and when she could get in and out. Which is why, when she’d seen the words “à louer” on a window of Adrien’s building as she visited him for their weekly game night, she didn’t think twice about calling the number. Adrien had been a step ahead of her, so the owners were expecting her call. A week later, she had officially moved into the flat across from his.
She hadn’t paid much attention to his habits at first. She was too busy settling in, and with all the planned evenings with Nino and Alya, plus the ones with the Miracuclass students who remained in Paris, she didn’t see how late he came back at night, and ordering in didn’t seem out of place. What better than a pizza for poker night? Or sushi for movie night? It was easy .
As winter settled in, though, and nights out dwindled to once every fortnight, she noticed the ballet of scooters and bikes that came almost at a fixed time every night. Generally when she was about to fall asleep, doing a grand job at waking her up. Groggily stalking up to the window one evening, she’d noticed Adrien meet the delivery person as he came back from wherever he’d been, paying his due and coming up. She’d dismissed it due to midterm season approaching, but exams had come and gone and things hadn’t changed. She kept an eye out, and after two additional weeks of seeing Adrien collect a brown paper bag, knowing fully well that he ate a sandwich every midday thanks to her father’s well-meaning gossip, she’d decided to take action. She couldn’t let her partner have such a questionable diet.
“What's it going to be tonight?” She asked, leaning arms crossed against her door frame one night as he appeared on the landing.
Adrien froze at the top of the stairs and looked at her like a deer caught in headlights.
“Er…“ He raked his mind for something, anything that would sound even remotely healthy, but nothing came. He sighed defeatedly. “None pizza with left beef.” He mumbled, his head lowered guiltily. He’d seen the meme the night before, and had wanted to try it out.
He repeated a little louder.
“Okay that’s it, you’re coming over to my place for dinner.”
He knew from her tone of voice there’d be no arguing with her, so he sheepishly followed her inside her flat, still clutching his pizza box. He wasn’t too unhappy about the outcome, if he was honest. Marinette was a good cook. He’d have a nice meal tonight.
“What about the pizza?” He asked weakly.
“We can use it as… bread, or something.” The girl suggested, crinkling her nose at the thought. For someone who came from a long line of bakers and was part Italian, calling the contents of the box pizza or even bread seemed inherently wrong.
Adrien trailed a little behind her as she walked towards her kitchen, marveling at what she’d done with the place.
Marinette’s apartment mirrored his in terms of structure, but whereas his decoration was very minimalistic, hers was a lot more eclectic, without looking cluttered. Her furniture wasn’t a set, yet fit together very well and gave the space a cozy feel. The painted walls, as well as the coloured posters, curtains, rugs and cushions made it feel very homey. He wanted nothing more than sit on her sofa and snuggle under the knitted blanket with her to watch a movie.
Platonically, of course.
Adrien walked into the kitchen and was greeted by the pastel yellow of the walls and warm lighting. Her utensils provided nice splashes of colour that brightened up the room. He particularly appreciated the Ladybug-themed colander that was drying next to the sink.
“If you look in that bottom draw,” she indicated with her foot before reaching for a jar of dried rice in a cupboard, “you should find some saucepans, if you could take two out please, Chaton.”
He obliged, resisting the temptation to lift her up to help her. He knew she wouldn't appreciate it.
“Can I put you in charge of cooking the rice?” She asked, handing him the packet. Adrien accepted it but looked at her quizzically.
“Sure!” He replied excitedly. “Do you have the instructions anywhere?”
Marinette stopped in the middle of washing vegetables she’d taken out of the fridge and squinted her eyes as she gauged whether or not he was joking. He seemed genuinely at loss for what to do.
“Have you never prepared rice before?”
“It’s like pasta.” His clueless face made her sigh defeatedly. “You’ve never made pasta either, haven’t you.”
“Does instant ramen count? Or pasta boxes?” He flinched slightly.
“How you’re still alive and actually fit is beyond me.” She rolled her eyes. “Right, I guess we really are starting with the basics then. Consider this lesson number one: pour some water in that saucepan.”
She moved away from the sink to allow him to access it, but stayed close enough to be able to turn the tap off for him. He clearly had no idea of how much water was needed.
“Right, now put the saucepan on the hob, and turn it on.” She saw a smirk spread on his face. “And don’t even think about making a joke, I know what it sounded like!”
“You’re no fun, Buguinette.” He pouted, pressing the button she indicated.
“Add a little salt, and then we’ll just let it come to a boil.”
Next, she handed him a chopping board and tomatoes. She hesitated before giving him a knife. “Can I trust you not to cut yourself?”
“Har har.” He grabbed the knife. “Joke’s on you, because salad is actually the only thing I know how to make. How do you want these?”
She resisted making a comment on how knowing how to make salad wasn't something he really could brag about. “Sliced. We’re making ratatouille.”
“Ooh, nice!”
He listened as she talked him through the recipe, impressed by the fact she didn’t need a cookbook to remember how to prepare it. She taught him how to prepare an aubergine, which he could recognise thanks to the emoji, but could not imagine how to bring to an edible form.
“We just want to sear them in some oil with the courgettes, then we’ll let them cook gently with the rest of the vegetables and the herbs.”
He’d been quite dainty on the amount of herbes de Provence he’d added, which had prompted her taking his hand and shaking the spice pot to cover the tomatoes with it.
He looked at her concentrated expression as she stirred the pan and couldn’t help but smile, his hand still hovering above the hob.
Marinette looked at him inquisitively. “What?”
“Nothing.” She raised her eyebrows. “I just forgot how cute you are when you’re bossy.”
Marinette stammered in response, her cheeks pinking. It didn't matter how at ease she felt with Adrien now, she still couldn't take a compliment from him. He grinned and took advantage of her distraction to steal the wooden spoon from her and taste the dish.
“Authorisation to add a little salt?” He asked, refilling the spoon with ratatouille for her.
She took it, trying not to focus on the fact his lips had been just where hers were. She let the flavours flood her palet thoughtfully.
"Authorisation granted."
She smiled fondly as Adrien excitedly added missing spices to the mix.
"See? I am a competent cook!" He added with a satisfied smile.
"Please, you're barely a sous-chef." Marinette snorted. She backtracked her slightly harsh words seeing her partner's pout. "Don't worry though, you'll get the hang of it! It's just a question of practising." She rubbed his back encouragingly. "Would making the plates pretty make you feel better?"
"I think so." He mock sniffled.
Marinette made a point of taking out her Chat Noir plates, which she'd been planning on keeping for special occasions. The way Adrien's face lit up upon seeing them made the fact they were her only dishes that couldn't be dishwashed seem irrelevant. Adrien made a mental note to try and find matching Ladybug ones, although he wasn't sure if he would be gifting them to her or keeping them for himself.
Marinette busied herself with tidying up the kitchen and laying the cutlery as he worked on the presentation. Had her phone been nearby, she would've taken a picture of him as he blepped in concentration.
"Does this look good enough for Madame la Chef ?" He asked as he presented the plates to her. He'd positioned the vegetables around the rice so as to make it look like a flower.
"It's perfect, Chaton." She kissed the top of his head as she passed behind him with a packet of smoked ham. She rolled the slices into little roses and planted them in the rice.
"A table?" She asked as she finally sat down opposite him.
Adrien dug in before she could say bon appétit .
When Adrien came home from his morning run a couple of days later, a fresh croissant in hand, he found a conscientiously wrapped package on his doormat. The black polka dots on the field of red were a dead giveaway as to who it was from. He grinned as he picked it up and opened the door.
Breakfast and washed hands later, he sat on his couch, facing the present. He was torn between tearing the wrapping, or being civilised about it. Before he could choose, Plagg flew nearby and obeyed his cat instincts, swiftly disappearing back into his Camembert cabinet with a grin to avoid his holder's reprimands.
"Je sais cuisiner." He read the title and laughed, holding the book in front of him. It was an old edition, a yellow hardback with a picture of the author on the cover.
A post-it note stuck out from the top of the book. He opened it to get to the bookmarked recipe.
For Adrien - saw this and thought of you! Since you're so keen on instructions, this might do the trick! Feel free to use it often ;-)
Love, Marinette
P.S.: I suggest we try this recipe next!
Adrien read through the page, and felt his stomach grumble. He was very pleased at the thought that something had reminded her of him and that she'd bought it for him. The "love" and the fact she was obviously looking forward to repeating their cooking experience were added bonuses.
He himself could hardly wait.
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gendernewtral · 4 years
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🐟 hey everybody!! 🐟
 im sterling! best known for an excessive amount of posts about fish, ive also got some notoriety from making posts about disability activism! if this kind of content interests you, read on 👀
my last post got a ton of traction, thank you all so much!!! ive got some new links and things to share so im making a new post!

**what’s going on, y'all**

- my service dog, penny, is five years old and will be retiring at 8

- service dogs (especially large mobility dogs, like i need) cannot begin working until they turn 2

- so im looking for a new buddy! so my current best buddy can retire and stay healthy and safe!

**why im posting lol**

- im getting ready to put a deposit down on a doberman puppy! my family has kept dobermans for a while, and these big smart dogs are perfect for the kind of service work i need. 

- puppies are expensive, but i can’t risk an adult shelter dog that might develop health problems since mobility dogs need to be in perfect health and have perfect or near perfect structure.
- any funds from bonfire sales, commissions, and donations will go towards paying for the breeder’s fee for a puppy, and then go towards food and other supplies!
 **tumblr hates links now so please share if you can!!**

carrd with all the links

the starfront (bonfire store)
acab corydora bonfire shirt 

trans rights clownfish bonfire shirt 

ko-fi (can donate in $3 and i post art here weekly!)
paypal email. [email protected]
venmo @sforbes007
if you missed out on the kiss more frogs shirt, let me know! i can republish it for a limited run :D
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