#Don't do it Charm! It's dangerous! Haha
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sysig · 8 days ago
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Year of the Candy Villain, Or Else (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#So far it's actually not looking like 2025 is going to be her year lol#But! I did get some important data-gathering in with her help and she is as always very welcome and wonderful <3#And that's not to say there isn't plenty with her! Just - not Quite to the goal intended#But she did get to set the tone for my new notebook! Ah! How fun#Or at least Mostly - that first doodle of her was the first 2025 doodle in this new notebook! For sure!#But I had already filled a test page early on while picking new notebooks to make sure this one scanned well#It does - thankfully - but that also means that 2023 was the actual tone-setter here lol#It's fine the date jumps around wildly in all my notebooks with how I've set them up#She's here now! The actual important part!!#If you can believe it that second one is actually a spacefiller - looks just like all the rest of her defensive crying doodles haha#There was Just enough room leftover from some scratch doodles - organizing things for that digital projects I've been teasing#And she just happened to fit perfectly ♪ Poor lad though always a coin toss what her mood will be with the Staff#Charm in a VUX uniform lol - she's worn other things before! Papyrus' clothes - Pokemon Ranger Uniform - quite the closet really#I'm still on something of a SCII kick so she also had to partake lol#Sharing is very important hehe#She's had another little VUX reference elsewhere too! Not as big as wearing a tunic tho haha#The VUX tunic looks really comfortable.....been thinking about that lately.......#And a last one of Charm at a party I've been picking at a fic about - pretty sure I've mentioned it before#Don't do it Charm! It's dangerous! Haha
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Shitty little unrelated AU doodles <3
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Rambles under cut!
He's known in town as "That Nice Old Man" that lives with his son in the cabin near the lake.
What a regular guy, that man. Yup. Old Man Mcgucket. Totally normal, regular old man, haha. Yeah. Him? A cult leader? Ridiculous!
In my perfect world where this AU is an actual fully animated show, the episode when the mystery twins first officially meet Fidds would be called "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" because fuck yeah baby. It sounds cool as FUCK.
When the twins meet Fidds, they somehow found someone with EVEN STRONGER cultist vibes than their grunkle.
"Come closer, kids! I don't bite."
"Tell me, children: How are you feeling? Anything... bad, happen lately? Anything you would like to forget? No? Well, don't hesitate to tell me if there's anything you would like out of your head, anything at all. I would hate for youngens like you to be forced to deal with such... unsavorable memories. Better to have them gone and out of your head. You know what they say: Out of sight, out of mind." *boop*
I'm making him a manipulative conniving little rat with good intentions but utterly ABYSMAL execution (babygirl, you can't just go around deleting people's memories)
Since Fidds is actually the leader of the Society of The Blind Eye, the cult is a lot more organized and covert, and actually do their job pretty well.
Tate knows. He knows his father is hiding something from him, something dangerous, but he can't remember what. He tries to get the twins to stay as far away from his father as possible because, while he's certain his father won't actually hurt them, there is no telling what the kids might be getting involved with.
During the cult fight "episode", Mcgucket would be chasing the kids, Ford, and Bill around, but mostly just for the latter two rather than the children. He would never actually hurt the twins.
"Please, I'm trying to help you, kids! Don't you understand? KNOWING is what cost me my eyes; KNOWING might be what costs you yours, or worse, your life! You can't remember any of this. And I cannot in good conscience let that- that demon stay inside your Great Uncle's head to rot him from inside out like- like some kind of PARASITE."
And then bada bing, baba boom, the twins defeat Fiddleford and his weird cult and they survive with their memory instact and their Grunkles not dead, yipeee!!
Fidds disbands the cult and chucks himself into jail willingly, and casually just becomes the boss of all the other inmates there with his natural old man charms. He gets the Gideon treatment for his ending <3
It's okay, tho because Mabel and the others visit him sometimes just to chat and keep him company.
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midnight-bay-if · 3 months ago
heyy, first off just want to say that i absolutely love the story so far and i'm so excited to see where it'll go in the future <3
anywaysss, how would the RO's react to the MC having to be used as like a honey trap to get info for a mission?
(also my first time doing an ask so if this is messed up, i apologise)
(Thank you so much! I'm also excited, haha. And it's not messed up at all! Don't worry!)
S: They see the benefits of such a plan, but it isn't their favourite method of completing a mission. It often leads to too many complications, most of which would be thrust upon your shoulders should things go awry. It leaves you at the forefront of danger, which they will never be entirely comfortable with. So you had better believe they would be lingering close by, just in case.
"I will have eyes on you the entire time, darling. If you feel uncomfortable, or you believe your cover to be blown, do not hesitate to call upon me. I will be beside you in an instant."
Rain: They don't like it. They feel sure S should be able to develop a better plan that doesn't involve you acting sweet for such a dangerous person. It isn't jealousy but genuine concern for your safety. They at least trust that S won't let anything too nefarious happen, but there is no way they can sit still while it's happening.
"Are you sure about this, MC? Perhaps I could do it instead?" It sounds ridiculous out loud. Rain does not have the confidence for such a thing. "Fine. But I'm going to be watching. If I sense anything off about their body language, I'm intervening. I can't lose you."
Taj: "You've got to be fucking kidding me."
Their vehement refusal holds no real orders. They fell for you exactly as you are; they would never try to change who you are. But their displeasure is palpable. They hate everything about the idea; the danger, the charm, the temptation, all of it repulsive. The sweet, whispered words you share in the dark and under blankets are supposed to be theirs. They want them to be. Perhaps it's greedy, but it doesn't feel that way when they are utterly starved for you.
"There has to be a better way, Koel. Lean on me. Work with me. Let's do this together.
N: They go quiet. What could they possibly say? Luring people with sickly sweet nothings or sensual promises of pleasure has been their weapon of choice for a very long time. Even you did not escape its clutches. People use whatever is at hand to survive. They cannot begrudge you the same, but... this feeling in their chest... it hurts. Indeed, you must realise so much of their facade has been stripped back since meeting you, and all their soft, soothing melodies are yours and yours alone.
"I will be waiting close by, my dear. If you need me, I will be whispering on the edges of your consciousness. Do not hesitate to call."
Umbra: Unsurprising that another would find you so perfectly alluring, but... they do not like it. "There must be a better plan," they suggest hopefully, tugging at their sleeves in a self-soothing gesture. "I could easily corner them in a dark alley and scare the information out of them." It wouldn't be any particular hardship; they understand how horrifying they are. But you deny it. You always do. Soft, brave, kind; it's who you are. You see that in them, too, but the truth is, Umbra is only that with you.
"If they hurt you," they warn, danger edging its way back into their voice, "there will be no where in any world for them to hide."
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gouraminnow · 2 months ago
Shanks anon here and it’s so okay I always love reading your analysis/ the reasoning behind shanks’ character in your yandere fics! It makes your fics feel so real like the characters feel so.. in character when they typically feel ooc in yandere fics.
your response made me wonder- what would shanks or benn (or both ;)- okay I need to stop) be like with an emperor darling? Or an admiral darling since admirals are placed on the same power scale as emperors? I feel like this would require them to actually really have to strategize to get their darling since it’s not as easy as just flexing their position as an emperors crew and just snatching their darling up.
Thank you!! Honestly being OOC is something I worry about. I know it's not the biggest deal ever, it's fanfic and we're already warping things, but I very much obsess over whether or not things feel "right" enough to me, haha. Like yeah yandere versions of characters differ but there are still core aspects of a character that make them who they are.
Rambling under the cut, much lighter on Benn tbh... hint of suggestiveness at the absolute very end like literally the last sentence
Anyway if Mc is another Emperor, then Shanks is gonna try and pester them into an alliance, first of all. He's friendly and laying on the charm, but also a bit more serious than he would be with a civillian or less powerful/experienced pirate. You're someone who could actually potentially cause problems for him if he pushes too hard. A lot more passive, but pays special attention to your movements. If he runs into any of your subordinate crews or other members, he's friendly with them too- willing to assist them in battle if they bite off more than they can chew. Sends them back to you with gifts- both for them, and something meant to be delivered directly to you.
And he "runs into" you too, of course! Very frequently, actually. Throws a party, does his best to draw you and your crew in. All the better to give gifts directly, isn't it? Some quality alcohol is his go-to, but he likes you. Does his best to dig for any interests you may have, learn/estimate your clothing sizes... whether or not Benn is into you as well, Shanks tries to get him to dig a little as well. He'll grunt, maybe even roll his eyes, but approaches you all the same. Probably has more luck anyway, since according to that SBS he scores more ladies than Shanks lmao.
If it's Benn who's interested and not Shanks, then... I think it'd be funny if things don't change all that much, actually. Teases Benn for aiming high, but ultimately decides to try and be a good wingman for his first mate. It's the least he can do, after all! And if he does succeed in getting with you, the resulting alliance will be good for everyone, he reasons. Benn has a headache.
Benn would also send gifts, I think, but they're smaller. More personal and often functional. A small bottle of your favorite spirits, a leather-bound journal, a small piece of subtle but pretty jewelry. A replacement for a scabbard strap that snapped during a skirmish, an extra button when one popped off of your coat... was he even there for that? How did he notice..?
And Benn is no stranger to drinking and partying, of course, but he makes more relaxing company than Shanks. Won't pester you or drag you into things the same way Shanks will, happy to find somewhere a little quieter and just enjoy a shared drink and a moment of quiet.
All in all, kidnapping is far less likely to be on the table. You're on equal footing, and neither man wants the massive clash between Yonkos or the deaths that would result from it that could come from this. They both ultimately want you to like them, after all, and captivity wouldn't break the Will of someone like you even if they did manage it.
An Admiral Mc, on the other hand... oof.
This has a bigger chance of blowing up but Shanks is high-maintenance and loves to court danger. Takes care of troublemakers for you, which pisses you off because you do not need him for that, goddamnit. He likes to antagonize you, knowing you can't just start something without the input of the other Admirals. You're on par with him, but ultimately still a tool for the WG... if you fail, they're more likely to write you off as a failure than a loyal crew would. Would try to get you to defect. Aokiji did it after all, so it's not impossible. But if you're determined to remain a Marine, well... if he can beat you, kidnapping IS on the table here as an alliance is impossible. Uses the danger your subordinates are in against you. The gap between you and them is just too big, are you really willing to risk all of them..? It's worse for an Admiral, tbh. If they can't get you to leave the Marines and join them, and they succeed in taking you for themselves, they're more willing to break you than a fellow Yonko. Can see it becoming something akin to a brat-taming scenario, tbh.
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nifftydeary · 2 years ago
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Yandere!Elijah mikaelson x fem Reader headcanons
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So this is a request made by @catmikaelson20 its my first headcanon ever so be nice haha enjoy.
@accidentalslayer I hope you'll like this one too bby 🖤
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Elijah is nothing like his brother Niklaus, he is composed and reasonable and knows when to stop and we're the limits not to cross lays.
Even if he does love you like a mad man and would do anything for you he does allow you to get out and have a liberty of your own. Nonetheless, he would certainly pay some man he trusts to follow you. You stayed at Mikaelson now that you were together and since they had a lot of enemies, it was just a necessity really.
Elijah wanted you to be at your happiest and to feel like a little princess, his princess and it just wouldn't be possible if he was keeping you at home all the time and controlling your life now would it.
As a gentleman, our favorite vampire is SPOILING the shit out of you every occasion he has. Buying you expensive dresses, jewellery, anything you wanted to be honest Elijah would never say no to you.
He is really often with you, even if he is a really busy man he makes all the time in the world for his princess and makes sure to stay with you more than enough. He doesn't like to be away from you for too long anyway and if he really needs to leave you for a day or two for a really important matter, he will ask Rebecca or Niklaus to keep you company and keep an eye on you.
Even if it doesn't look like it, Elijah is a jealous man. He never shows it to you or wants you to know what happened with the men that used to text you and show even a tad bit of interest for you. He is not the type to show you this side of him. He wants you to see only the best of him. His controlled and utterly gentle and caring side. Yet, it's not to say he never killed anyone because he didn't like the way they looked at his princess or if they flirted with you. Could you really blame him, you were so innocent and pure and couldn't know what was good and bad for you when it comes to man.
We're his obsessive behaviour was principally demonstrated was when it comes to your safety...Elijah would lose his shit if you ever get in danger and he would do anything to get you back safely to his side...no matter how many people he needs to kill and no matter how much blood he'll make rain. It's not something he was playing with, just the idea of his little princess in the wrong hands and in possible arms way makes him MAD MAD. It probably would be the first time the reader sees him like this... he'll be out of control.
Even if Elijah is a prideful man and has all his beliefs in his charm and handsomeness he is still quite unfaithful in the other man's honor.
He wasn't trusting them one bit, so he was always there to make sure it was clear like glass that you belonged to him and him only. Elijah would mark you, on your neck and your shoulders even sometimes. He would even mark your tights and your hips but it was only for him to see.
Elijah is obsessed with your body, he worships it and thinks you are a literal goddess within humans. That's why he's a little controlling on what you wear sometimes. When he catches you about to get out with a really short dress there is no way he'll allow you to leave the house. Elijah would be really serious about getting changed and if you ever end up not doing what he asked, well you're just never going to get out of the house. He doesn't want his princess to look like a hooker and he certainly doesn't want you to attract even more attention to you. Don't get me wrong he isn't that strict but sometimes it's just too much.
You guys don't fight often, but when you do it often ends up with Elijah leaving you the space you need and then, he comes back to you after you thought. You love him and he loves you and he can let you stay mad at him. Elijah will do anything to make you happy and he will accept his mistakes and try to be better for you.
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daenysx · 25 days ago
mwah!! Hello darling :)
I've been lurking in your comment section haha, reading your stories with Tangerine in them and I saw your requests were open!!
I'd love some little blurb with Tangerine 🍊, whatever you feel like it- I love the way you write for him!! You potray him in such a soft and loving way, it makes me fall for him more and more.
Also Time 01:00 AM!!
Like I said, do whatever you want to and feel like! I'd love some late night talking between the two maybe or something smutty perhaps! But hell you can write about eating soup and I'd eat it up!
Love your content so unbelievably much, keep on writing xX!!
thank you, lovely! i did 1.00 am here if you want to read <3333
"It's so cold," you whisper, your feet wiggling under the sheets. "Warm me up, please."
You're being sweet on him, Tangerine likes to think it's because you adore him too much. He wraps his arms around you, an extra blanket thrown over your bodies carelessly. He's naked, but not cold- unlike you. You snuggle into his chest, bare arms holding onto him. He cups your cheek to get a kiss.
"Better?" he asks with a lazy smile. He's so deliciously tired, melting under the covers with you after spending hours between your thighs. His fingers start drawing shapes on your back, faint touches tingling your skin. You nod to his question, eyes closing with the comfort of having him around.
You sigh in relief. Tangerine kisses the side of your head.
"Sleepy?" he murmurs, your shared body heat makes him dizzy.
"It's easier to sleep when you're here."
You don't know what makes you so open, so honest with him. He's doing dangerous things, most of the time you don't even know if he'll be in your bed at night.
"Safe," you whisper, rubbing your nose to his chest with affection.
"You're precious," he says, voice dripping in sweetness like honey.
He's on top of you then, hugging your body like he's been starved for an eternity. His fingers are moving all the way down on you, spreading and brushing his fingertips on all the right places. You're lifting your hips to his touch, he lingers as he kisses your lips, the night is long with the hope of having everything he ever wants.
"So pretty," he whispers against your chin, fingers sliding and getting a moan out of your lips. It's driving you insane with want, you can't get enough of him tonight. "More," you say with shaky breaths. "Please."
"My girl becomes so polite when she wants to come, huh? You know I'll give you anything."
"I'm- I'm always polite."
"You are," he says, his mouth is warm on your neck. "Far more polite than I deserve."
Tangerine makes you come around his fingers with a silent promise of another peak. You're a lovely mess under him, he carves the image of you like this in his mind. You give him a lovesick smile, and he's charmed forever.
starry girl sleepover ☆
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aiscapades · 1 year ago
so mhin hates vere and ais because they're monsters, and monsters are bad and only seek to use humans in some way. yet mhin is fond of kuras, even knowing to some degree about his special healing abilities. also mhin is in some capacity a monster themself.
so mhin has a clear prejudice against monsters that look like monsters. horns, tails, slitted pupils? mhin hates you.
supernatural abilities, otherworldly presence, no need to consume food or drink, but appearing pretty much like a regular guy? mhin can get behind that.
and leander—the guy who oozes poisonous vibes despite all his charm, the guy we labelled from DAY ONE as dangerous in some way—mhin actually sorta likes him? like they blush when talking about him! they call him annoying, sure, but that's it.
they admire kuras and think he's doing the lord's work (haha) and also have this ongoing crush on leander from afar...
but they hate monsters!!!
mhin obviously doesn't like the fact they are a monster, too, even if they appear pretty human to others. because they know what's inside them. they know their monstrous form. of the monstrosities they have committed or could possibly commit if they let it take control.
but for some reason they give others a pass, a lenience they don't even allow for themself.
have they ever even stopped to consider kuras is as monstrous as vere? that leander is in any way like ais?
do they give human-like monsters the benefit of doubt as a way to not fully give up on themself?
because if leander is an evil monster, and kuras is an evil monster... mhin is also an evil monster, and that becomes an inescapable fact.
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fountainpenguin · 7 months ago
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #4
... Angela has orange eyes. Interesting... It's a good thing that 8 years ago, I didn't set up my entire magical society to be obsessed with natural orange features like hair because it's the rarest color in the magical world, ahahaha...
Cosmo hung a picture of himself on their wall.
SHE HAS A CREATURE-HUNTER FOR A DAD? Oh no, oh no, oh no... Someone call Doombringer, Crocker, and Ed Leadly- They've got a new friend!
He didn't react to Cosmo and Wanda describing the features Crocker always names as fairy traits (wands, wings, floating crowns), so he probably doesn't know Crocker.
She's so cute...
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Okay, I love that Cosmo and Wanda walk backwards while bouncing. They are still not used to being human.
CRYING, Wanda literally noped out with a farewell of "We probably won't be seeing you much." That is a woman who is not willing to get dragged out of retirement and back into creature-hunting threats. I'm very curious as to how they end up with Hazel.
Hey, Hazel's indoor rug is even cooler than the one in the hall.
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POV, you usually would fly across the hall but you don't have your wings out right now.
She vaporized the door, doors are STILL for chumps!!
AND WE GET CEILING LIGHTS? They thought of everything!
... Enrichment Academy? Interesting...
Okay, I love how the building design, the hills, and Hazel's schoolmates still totally belong in FOP style:
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Hey, that's the guy from the story bible preview! He's getting the skateboard noises; that's cute.
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And baby, we're SO back!
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Cosmo and Wanda think they slick:
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Hazel introducing herself to the class as "liking french fries" is a mood.
"I have an older brother! He's my best friend. He's visiting today and it will totally make up for the fact that no one laughed at my rock joke." - Girl, you are dying inside.
(He's not gonna show and that's what'll push C and W into taking her in... isn't it?)
Oh, they have swirls on their ears like the OG style! Nice. Also, I love the thin, stretchy arms and tiny legs... This is nice.
Oh no.
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Yeah, this kid looks stable. Please tell me he doesn't have orange hair. Haha, I'm in danger.
HE'S DALE'S KID??? Lemonade Dungeon Boy got himself a partner? Mr. Only Shows Up In One Episode unless he's the pixie godkid implied by Da Rules' page about pixies in the Musical but he's probably not, he's just always been my leading theory and it was in Season 2?
Ohhh, boy; writers did their homework. I support him and what I can only assume are well-adjusted social skills. And yay, that gives us a timeline.
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If this kid were an animal, I don't think I'd let him eat out of my hand. He's ready for collateral damage.
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Hazel has been so nice to everyone, not even outing Cosmo and Wanda to her dad, and she's already ready to yeet this kid into the trash because he's not good enough to recycle.
omg, we're getting introduced to the background characters? Yesssss...
Okay, I'm cracking up at Dev introducing the ASMR guy (Whisper) as "gives me the creeps, but I respect the hustle." I'm intrigued.
Whisper was my alt name for Whistle, so I'm glad I went with the latter!
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I am saving every poster I ever see.
Love how we're getting to tour more of the building. We've got stairs! And mailboxes! ... Also, Cosmo and Wanda were not her bubble charms in disguise, but that's definitely where they're going.
I like how Hazel's parents did immediate damage control when she started reacting and made sure she was expressing a healthy response in front of Antony.
I'm obsessed with Hazel. She reminds me so much of Chloe. "Running away! Not in a bad way like on TV, but in a good way! 'cuz it's me and I know what I'm doing!" They would be friends. I wonder if we'll get to see adult Chloe.
omfg, Cosmo and Wanda saw "Child running away" and they're IMMEDIATELY gunning for this child. Sir/Ma'am, please get your minds retuned for this century. Do not steal the child.
SLDKJFSDF compilation of past episodes where Cosmo has gone to space after he says he wants to go to space. Looks like the "Spaced Out" saga AND - and I am shook -
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THAT'S "TERRIBLE TWOSOME," Season 9! When he's reading jokes to Poof so he'll stop blocking the sun!
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Sir/ma'am, where is your paperwork to take this child?
I'm glad I got a heads up that the writers confirmed the bus driver isn't actually Timmy; I can see how that would be confusing.
Stopping here so I can do a thing with my parents. Will return later!
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14dyh · 1 year ago
Science and Insanity | H.Z.
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a/n: watching Re-Animator and all i could think about is Hange as a mad scientist
Mad Scientist Hange as your lover...
who loves it when you listen to their experiments and express fascination with their new findings
who creates or shows you weird stuff they think you'll find interesting
who has a very optimistic yet calculating attitude (charming, right?)
who makes science jokes that you find funny (but doesn't sound funny to other people, I'm afraid)
who loves having silly conversations with you because they know you won't find them annoying
"If you're gonna ask me if I would still love you as a worm, I'll s–" "Hange, I won't ask you that, you dork." "Well, I see that. But you know worms are really fascinating creatures with great abilities. I can make you a superworm!" "If I become superworm, are you willing to sacrifice your corporeal body to be a superworm with me and rule the world with our superworm powers?" "YES!"
who loves having you around the workplace because you support their madness and don't insult their curiosity
who loves it when you rationalize situations where the experiment could be hazardous and has the potential to harm them
who appreciates the way you remind them to sleep, eat, and take baths (they secretly love the power of your persuasion because they notice they listen and obey you)
“what if I make a chemical that would allow me weeks of no sleep, untiringly? You won't have to tell me to get my ass to bed every night, haha!” “then you won't have an excuse to sleep with me,” you responded with a smug smile. “hmm, on another note, my idea is reeeeally terrible let's go to sleep darling forget what I said.” “you dork,” you chuckled as they playfully snuggled closer to you.
who entrusts their experiments and findings to you because your viewpoint matters a lot to them
who would hug you excitedly in the morning and tell you about everything that happened in the lab because they knew you wouldn't be shaken no matter how horrific the story would sound
who loves you and kisses you with heart eyes every time you tell them that you found a new specimen they could experiment on
who appreciates it when you show everyone that you love every inch of their twisted mind
who gets a little embarrassed when your Friday date nights turn to “let's clean up your bloody clothes and dispose of this body right away so we can finally sleep together” night
who won't admit how good you look covered in blood that wasn't yours
who would say “I love the texture of your brain!” to compliment your cleverness
who gave you a human heart carved with a short love note on it as a gift (or on any occasion, they love giving gifts even if there's nothing special about the day)
who gave you a perfume made of blood on valentine's day (dw they removed the hemoglobin so it's not red, it looks like an innocent perfume)
who tells you fascinating facts about your body (“do you know that your body doesn't react to medicine as fast as the average?” “hmm do you know that your blood is darker than most people?”)
who will further tell you what possibilities can be made possible with how your biological body is structured
who promised they would never try dangerous experiments with you ("we could try a loooot of better, more fun experiments, though" *winks*)
whose idea of pillow talk is to discuss "what if" or "how would it be like if" questions with you
who always smiles and pepper you with kisses when you manage to give them even crazier ideas they won't conceive by themself (that's so weird darling I love you so much *smooch*)
who always plays crazy science-themed car games with you because they know you enjoy it too
who never fails to let you know how grateful they are to share this fascinating, insane world with you
who doesn't regret the life of madness they led because you always stand with their choices and desires
who will ask you to marry them so they can continue a life of creativity and insanity with you forever
Congratulations, reader, you're officially a walking “i stand with my cancelled wife” text post
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stanfordswifey · 2 years ago
Hi you are my favorite angst writer I really love your work 🥹 I have an idea for a fic and I think you are the perfect person to write it! (it's okay if you don't want to). Basically, a new recruit at the base, and the fem!reader was suspicious of her from the beginning, she had something strange but, the recruit managed to deceive the boys, even König (reader's boyfriend) with your charm and kind smile. When the reader tries to accuse the recruit everyone is against her and so she decides she needs to take some time off, and now with the reader who was a database expert out the spy mouse can copy and transfer sensitive data, putting the entire base in danger. I know it's a very specific request but I like angst like, I SAID IT... haha, I'd be really happy if you did :3 Kisses :*
"Not everyone is what they seem."
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I love this req so much mwamwamwa
Au- konig in 141 <3 enemy kortac oh btw reader's codename here is bookworm bcs reader and- yeah yall get it.
Blue- background character
White- reader
Orange- könig
Pink- faux
It was a great night after a successful mission, you had just won the mission and successfully interrogated an enemy, you and your boyfriend were just hanging out in the bar when a new recruit comes in, smiling.
"Who are you?"
"Oh, i'm the new recruit.. for 141?"
She raised her eyebrow, finding it 'amusing' I didn't know. König smiles at her awkwardly, his social anxiety kicking in.
"What are your codenames? I'm faux"
She held out her hand to könig, wanting a handshake. He shakes her hand, slightly hesitating.
You also shake her hand, smiling softly to not seem rude.
She chuckles slightly at tour codename, finding it funny and amusing.
"Bookworm? That's rich"
She teases, still laughing. König snickers a little, also finding it funny. You cross your arms, slightly irritated at her. You chuckle.
"Faux? Look at me yeah?"
She looks at you in confusion, wiping away her happy tears from laughing so much.
You push her down, looking at her with a strict and serious face.
"Learn your place."
You spit out, rolling your eyes. You mumble 'fucking rookies' under your breath when suddenly könig holds you by your shoulder, looking into your eyes with concern.
"Shatz, calm down"
You sigh, hugging him. When suddenly faux grins, you notice her and start to get suspicious when she stands up, a scratch on her knee and now limping towards your boyfriend.
She mutters, könig then helping her get on his back.
"I'll bring her to the medic"
"It's not even that major!-"
"She's hurt."
You roll your eyes in annoyance, noticing könig take faux's side instead of yours. You glare at her as könig carries her outside. You notice her smirking and pointing her tounge out at you before leaving the room. You sigh in annoyance, your hands on your face as you calm yourself down.
as könig puts her down on the bed, a nurse comes around and tends to her scratch
"Don't you think you're *slightly* overreacting sir?"
The nurse asks, looking up and still bandaging faux. König shakes his head.
"Bookworm's anger issues.. we really need to start working on that- especially since shes a higher rank, i just dont trust that she'll play nice with the rookies"
The nurse sighs, standing up and walking away after he tended to faux's scratch. Faux then looking at könig with false innocence in her eyes, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
"i just don't know why she would do that.."
"I'm apologizing for bookworm's behalf.. i'm so sorry"
"No, it's alright. I shouldn't have made fun of her codename huh?"
König chuckles, smiling under his mask.
"Yeah, you really shouldn't have"
König stands up, smiling at her and fixing his mask before turning around.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna go comfort bookworm"
"but.. stay with me? Please?"
Konig shakes his head, clearly hesitant. You're his #1, he'll aways think of you first over anyone. Faux pouts and flutters her eyelashes at him, hopefully making könig fold. König chuckles at this and shakes his head.
"I'll see you tomorrow faux"
He spoke, now turning away and walking towards you.
You sat there, sobbing quietly into your hands, feeling guilty from doing what you did earlier, letting your anger issues get the better of you once again. Your thoughts screaming at you.
König sat next to you, pulling you in for a hug and kissing your forehead to comfort you, calm you down in some way- and it did, it did work. You melted in his touch, hugging him back and sniffling.
"I'm sorry"
"It wasn't your fault shatz, i'll help you through this"
He smiles at you and you smile back, wiping away your tears and kissing him, pulling his mask a little.
Faux stood outside the bar, watching this all unravelling, she was pissed. She pulls the bandage away in annoyance.
"I'll get my revenge."
She mumbles, hiding a knife under her sock.
"Whether you like it or not."
Part 1/??
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jakesterling · 2 months ago
im rewatching tmf and i genuinely forgot how funny the first several episodes were
"That's it? Daisy told you to, so you said yes? What's next, are you going to strip down butt naked in front of everyone because she asked you to?" -Drew
"I'm not busy Lia, I'm sure I can make this double date happen-" "Ew, no way in hell Henry, I told you I don't date dwarves."
"Miss, she needs to be locked up in a zoo! She's a danger to this school." -Zoey
"Remind me to never get on her bad side." -Henry "I guess she's the type that can't be tamed, huh?" -Liam "Ugh.. here we go again." -Henry
Jake watching Milly interact with Elliot and not even a minute later Daisy coming out of nowhere and Milly watching Jake interact with her "So.. I guess I'm not the only one with a crush."
"That girl is really the epitome of cute." -Hailey "Yeah" -Jake "Yeah" -Sean
"I still have nightmares of Jake messing the whole day up." -Zander
"No, I think he's just having some issues in the love department." -Jake "Oof, that's tough. Shame I can't relate." -Drew "I feel for him, Lia still hasn't texted me back since yesterday. I can't seem to catch a break!" -Henry "I keep telling you, stop sending her my hero academia memes!" -Liam
"Are you gonna continue talking to your music girlfriend or are you gonna actually help me out here?" -Drew "Don't call her that!" -Jake "Don't call me that!" -Hailey
"I'm a genius. Sometimes I even impress myself." -Jake's inner monologue
"Would you give it a rest already?" -Drew "I'm not joking around here! ever since last night, I can't stop craving it. Just thinking about its crunchy leaves makes my mouth drool.." -Henry "Lettuce, of all things? are you turning into a rabbit or something?" -Liam "HEY! .. huh, maybe." -Henry
"Don't look so blue Drew, I know it must be sad to see your boy running off to the music freaks.. instead of into your arms~" -Henry
"Jake! acting so cocky from all the attention he gets.. I can't stand watching." -Hailey "You say that, but you don't seem to be able to keep your eyes off him either." -Zander "Shut up, Zander!" (jailey jailey i love jailey)
"Didn't you learn your lesson the last time I beat you to a pulp you stupid lettuce brain?!" -Milly
"Actually Drew, no one asked, and no one cares. I'm really not in the mood for your bull crap today." -Zander
"Ow! that was my foot." -Sean "Sorry, it's Milly, she keeps shoving me." -Jake "It's not my fault your butt is too big." -Milly "Would you three shut up?!" -Hailey
"You in?" -Drew "Uh tomorrow? ah, I can't" -Jake "And uh, why not?.. wait don't tell me-" -Drew "Well you see, the thing is- I'm grounded!" -Jake "Grounded? how did you get grounded?" -Drew "Ah haha uh, er, c-clogged the toilet!" -Jake "Ugh, and how did you do that? actually.. I don't think I want to know." -Drew
"Well, you do have her sass. I-In a charming way, that is!" -Luke
"Once I took my brother to the supermarket and when I came back and gave my mom the groceries, she asked me where my brother was. That's when I remembered, I left him in the soup aisle!" -Jake
ok i'm done LOL
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einsatzzz · 11 months ago
[OC] Ninomiya Kurumi - Character Profile
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🎀The charming and outgoing fashionista who's obsessed with anything cute! Ninomiya Kurumi!🎀
You can go to this link from our Oniyanagi Wiki site for her full character page!
"You see, I’ve always been a huge fan of cute things!"
Kurumi is one of the two 10th generation bosses of the Oniyanagi yakuza family (alongside her twin, Kana). She is a very energetic and friendly teenager, as well as a skilled martial artist.
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Age: 14 Birthday: October 18 Zodiac Sign: ♎︎Libra Height: 158cm Weight: 46kg Gender: ? County of origin: Japan MBTI: ESFP Favorite Fruit: Peach Favorite cake: Peach/Apple/Banana-flavored cakes, Strawberry shortcake, Cheesecake
PERSONALITY: She has a bad case of cute aggression!
Kurumi has an energetic and outgoing nature that makes it easy for her to make friends and connections. A very prominent obsession that she has is with all things that are cute, broadly ranging from fashion to adorable trinkets. Yes, even cute people are included too.
Despite her carefree demeanor, Kurumi can be surprisingly mature and reflective, often acting as a mediator when there are serious conflicts in her Family and being observant of its overall condition. When someone outside the Family starts becoming too close, she seems to start distancing herself.
SPECIALTY: She has dangerous superhuman strength, please use caution when hugging!
Kurumi inherited an extraordinary muscle constitution that grants her immense strength, enough to effortlessly handle a greatsword that's almost her size. If she is not careful in controlling her strength, she might end up breaking some bones if she gets carried away while hugging a normal person. This inherent characteristic of hers plus her martial arts are a deadly combination.
DAILY LIFE: Despite certain difficulties, she wants to become someone who can live true to herself.
At her new school, there are always various troubles and problems brewing around (may or may not be partly caused by her or her besties), but she always tries her best to help out her friends with a smile! After everything is settled, a nice trip to the shopping district with Kyoko and Haru wipes any remaining exhaustion off. Maybe they could even visit a cafe right after!
RELATIONSHIPS: A new school comes with new friendships!
Reborn: A cute and strong baby! He can be scary sometimes, though.
Tsuna: A cute future mafia boss! My first friend in Namimori too! Don't worry, I'll help you with Kyoko-chan!
Kyoko: She's such a cute girl! I hope we can spend more time together.
Haru: Another cute girl! She even asked me to do a cosplay collaboration project together!
Lambo: Another cute baby! He's just like a little brother to me. I'll take care of you, Lambo-chan!
I-pin: Such a nice cute little baby! Even Yui is fond of her. I'll take care of you too, I-pin-chan!
Bianchi: She's cute, but more than that, she's very cool too! But...You got it wrong Nee-san, my cooking isn't supposed to be poison cooking ueee 🥲
If you read up to this point, then thank you so much for taking the time to do so! For these character profiles, I'll try to follow the style of the Vongola 77 profiles so that I can have a format to follow and stop myself from going too overboard haha. All information above (and in the wiki right now) only captures her character around the beginning of Daily Life Arc.
Any questions about her or the story is very much appreciated! (Please, the amount of serotonin boost is insane when I get OC asks! Yuipachi-sensei will answer it for you too hehe - I'm IP with an ask rn too ^o^)
When I finish Kana's character sheet, thinking of doing a second batch of outfit sheets for the twins with their non-school uniform outfits. Maybe their "mission" outfit and one set of casual clothes for each of them.
For credits, all Oniyanagi OCs are by me and @amiahoshi! While for the intro audio, Kurumi is voiced by erushaVA and I also got the background music here from MusMus!
Note: I finally un-privated the Oniyanagi wiki. Whenever I'm inactive/on hiatus, this place is my hideout to recharge. Kind of like the "Do it for her" meme, except I'm staring at my OC's page and gallery. Anyway, you'll see me hanging around there when I'm not in socmed, unless IRL reaaalllly decides to suck A LOT lmaoo
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 1 year ago
(🪶 anon)
maybe a yandere poly between wildberry, crunchy chip, and clotted cream?? 👀👀
Tw: mentions of violence, murder, and psychological torture. Brief kidnapping, framing MC.
Imagine MC as a part of Pure Vanilla's group, maybe a diplomat or another bodyguard. They don't really like the hostility between everyone, especially between Clotted Cream and the three royals.
No matter their role, they meet Wildberry and Crunchy Chip because their royals are friends. (Clotted Cream not as much because they're cautious of him)
Wildberry is immediately drawn to them because he thinks they're cute trying to keep their guard so much. He has an urge to protect them and keep them taken care of. If anybody suspicious is approaching them, Clotted Cream he protectively stands in front of them.
Meanwhile Crunchy Chip...I've forgotten my past headcanons about him, but he gives "I'm gonna be doing everything for you so I can prove how great I am". Basically, he tries to do everything for MC. Whether it's protecting them from nasty Clotted Cream or literally grabbing them food. He's just a dog trying to be cool lmao
Clotted Cream is a hidden admirer for a long while, primarily because of MC's hesitancy and the fact he wants to observe you more before striking. He's going to try and know what your likes and dislikes are. Whenever there's a small sliver of time where he can talk to you without Wildberry and Crunchy Chip interrupting, he'll act all sweet and charming. He's trying to bring you closer to him.
Soon enough the boyfriends (Wildberry and Crunchy Chip) notice that Clotted Cream is trying to get closer to MC and confront him. Literally, them screaming at him, "Get away from them you manipulative bitch". Clotted Cream's responding attack is trying to make a deal with them. He offers to work together with the two to keep MC taken care of, and away from any dangers (including suitors).
After bouts of more arguing, they agree.
The three all try to get with MC, trying to trap them away from others.
Wildberry and Crunchy Chip tend to show affection through actions whether it's doing tasks for them or just hanging out. Clotted Cream is more on the verbal side, saying both sweet and cringe lines.
Whenever they get MC to fall for one of them, they literally take MC and put them into Clotted Cream's home (cuz it's big. They'll work out a permanent house later). The three are completely indulging themselves in their obsession.
Wildberry likes to hold you a lot. Sometimes he just randomly picks you up.
Crunchy Chip needs head pats and head scratchies. So you better give him some.
Clotted Cream constantly wants validation. Any form of praise or compliment makes him extremely happy.
If anyone tries to look for MC (Most likely Gingerbrave or Pure Vanilla's team), then Clotted Cream makes up an easy lie to frame them. Wildberry and Crunchy Chip are the ones who support/confirm him to deceive the group.
Now, if the rescuers keep insisting, Wildberry and Crunchy Chip have no problem beating them up or brutally murdering them. Sometimes they let Clotted Cream mentally torture the victim(s) before they kill.
Ngl, Clotted Cream is slightly jealous that Wildberry and Crunchy Chip are lovey-dovey without him sometimes.
(Sorry if this was messy! My organization is worse on a general than a specific scenario haha-)
- Celina
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molly-mako-boat · 3 months ago
What's this? A newcomer stumbled into my humble o' deck? Well, well, why don't you explore around a bit, newcomer!
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Hello! This is Mod Ghosty and welcome to Molly Mako Blog! This blog is a 'What if' Maggie Mako have a younger sibling, this blog is not canon to the Poppy Playtime and only created for funsies. This blog will be full of Molly being a little devious gremlin that love to causes troubles but she meant no harm, haha!
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What she look like
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"Whattt? What do you mean you see me steal your chocolate, sis? You know i would never! I'm just an innocent lil shark~"
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Make this to SFW blog, please. A tiny bit of dirty talk is fine but not too much because a reminder that Molly is a minor, a young critter.
Make the gore not too much, i don't mind but don't always do it all the time as it got boring.
Please be patience with me when i don't reply, sometime it because of school work.
Magic anon is alright for me aslong it isn't too overwhelming!
Be respectful in the blog please.
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How it work:
This is me talking!
This is "Molly Mako talking"
This is Molly Mako action
This is 'Molly Mako thoughts'
This is "Molly Mako whispering"
More headcanons about her
Molly’s design reflects her playful, aquatic nature:
- Body Type and Height: Standing at 5’3 in her standard form, Molly has a lean, athletic build that suits her active lifestyle as a swimmer. When in her bigger bodies version, she grows to a towering 6’0
- Shark Features: Like her sister Maggie, Molly has sharp, well-maintained teeth that she is proud of. She’s diligent about keeping them clean, having been warned by another Nightmare Critter that neglecting her dental hygiene might lead to her teeth falling out—a thought that terrifies her.
- Clothing: Molly’s attire is practical for her love of swimming and ocean exploration. She wears a sleek, black bodysuit with two blue lines running down the sleeves, giving it a sporty, aquatic theme. On the chest, there’s a tan shark tooth emblem—a nod to her heritage. She pairs this with grayish-blue swim trunks, ensuring she’s always ready to dive into the water.
- Accessories: Molly also carries a pair of swimming goggles, which she uses whenever she ventures into the ocean’s depths for exploration. These goggles are an essential part of her adventures, enabling her to observe underwater life and collect treasures.
- Scars: Molly’s active, sometimes reckless lifestyle has left her with visible reminders of her adventures. One notable scar runs across her back, a result of an accident involving tree branches while she was running through the woods.
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Personality and Traits
Molly’s personality is a mix of cheerful mischief, youthful innocence, and a penchant for chaos:
- Mischievous and Prankster: Molly thrives on pulling pranks and creating playful chaos. She has a knack for stirring up trouble, whether it’s stealing sweets from her sister or teaching children how to play tricks. Her motto, “It’s just a little funzies, nothing bad gonna happen!” encapsulates her carefree and adventurous nature.
- Cheerful and Energetic: Rarely seen without a grin, Molly exudes energy and enthusiasm. She has a natural charm that makes her endearing, even when she’s being scolded for her antics.
- Sweet Tooth: Like her sister Maggie, Molly has a weakness for sweets, particularly vanilla chocolate bars. She’s known to sneak sweets from others but gets hilariously grumpy if anyone dares to take hers.
- Adventurous Spirit: Molly loves exploring the ocean and often dives deep to uncover its mysteries. Her curiosity leads her to new discoveries, though it also frequently gets her into trouble.
- Youthful Naivety: As a young critter, Molly often underestimates the consequences of her actions. Her carefree attitude sometimes lands her in dangerous situations, requiring her friends or family to come to her rescue.
- Relationships with Others: While Molly adores her sister Maggie and looks up to her as a role model, she also enjoys teasing her and watching her bicker with Picky about food. She views the other Nightmare Critters as extended family—older siblings, aunts, or uncles—but avoids CatNap and Baba Chops when she can, as they creep her out. Despite this, Molly makes an effort to get along with them.
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Interests and Hobbies
Molly’s interests revolve around her love for the ocean, her mischievous streak, and her sweet tooth:
- Swimming and Ocean Exploration: Molly feels most at home in the water. She spends hours swimming or diving, discovering underwater treasures and befriending sea creatures.
- Pranks and Fun: Molly finds joy in playing tricks, whether on her sister, the smiling critters, or even the children she meets. She sometimes acts as a “prank mentor,” teaching kids her tricks—much to the dismay of the smiling critters.
- Flying with Simon Smoke: One of her favorite pastimes is demanding rides from Simon Smoke, the dragon critter. While Simon occasionally rejects her requests, he agrees when he’s in a good mood, indulging Molly’s sense of adventure.
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Behavior and Quirks
Molly’s playful personality is complemented by several unique quirks:
- She has a habit of falling asleep on rocks near the shore, basking in the sun after a long swim.
- She becomes easily grumpy if someone steals her sweets, despite her own habit of taking from others.
- Her mischievous grin and sharp teeth are a signature expression, often signaling that trouble is brewing.
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That would be all about Molly Mako! She cannot wait for what you guys going to ask her and the adventure that will await for her, haha!
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I was floating in my imagination, so don't mind if I ask?
So I'm just curious. Imagine some kind of fight between MC and Lis, and unexpectedly, MC starts to mocking them and says the most harsh words.
Like "So what? Do you think I care? No. And nobody cares. Especially about you. Like, who cares about you? Not me for sure. Why are you looking at me like that? Go cry about it, I don't know. I hope I will not see you again. You're pathetic 😂"
I know it's too brat but it's just me and my curiosity, haha 😭
Especially I'm curious about Apollo. Would he still be delusional?
Hello! Thanks for sending in an ask! This is a harsh one 😔 poor love interests WHY WOULD YOU HURT THEM LIKE THIS?! 😭 but you ask you shall receive!
Angst no comfort 🥲
Apollo’s delusional tendencies make his love overwhelming and suffocating. At first, he’d deny any possibility of rejection, insisting you’re simply testing his devotion. His voice would tremble, his big eyes pooling with tears as he pleads, “You’d never say that! You love me—just like I love you. Right?”
But when reality begins to seep in, his composure cracks. He’s a mess of sobs, desperation taking over as he clings to you, muttering incoherent apologies and frantic reassurances. “What’s wrong with me? No, no—what’s wrong with you?” The words would slip out before he immediately recoils, guilt twisting his expression. “Wait—no! I didn’t mean that! I’d never—” He’d collapse into a crying fit, wrapping himself around you like a lifeline, making it nearly impossible to escape.
If you push too hard, trying to break free or outright rejecting him, Apollo’s fox demon side takes over. His body contorts grotesquely, limbs elongating into something unnatural. His once-boyish charm shifts into the unsettling elegance of his fox form—his long, snarling muzzle and glowing eyes towering over you. His voice, distorted and haunting, cuts through the air: “You’re supposed to be mine... forever.”
His desperation spirals into obsession, his logic unraveling into a chilling solution. In his twisted mind, the only way to truly keep you is to become one with you. “I can’t live without you... so I won’t. I’ll keep you with me forever,” he’d whisper, his claws trembling as he pulls you close—his fixation leading to the horrifying culmination of consuming you, ensuring you’ll never leave him again.
Soren’s reaction to rejection is a dangerous game of manipulation and cruelty, cloaked in sweetness and charm. At first, he plays the part of the heartbroken lover, tears streaming down his face as he pulls you into his web. “You don’t want to be with me anymore? Why?” His voice is trembling, soft, almost childlike, as he gazes at you with wide, watery eyes. “Was it something I did? Tell me, and I’ll fix it. I’ll change—anything for you!”
But his act is just that—an act. If you show resistance, his sorrow twists into frustration, then cold rage. His puppy dog eyes narrow, and his tone turns venomous. “You’re so fucking annoying, you know that? I’ve given you everything. If it wasn’t for your pretty face, you’d be nothing to me!” His words cut deep, but in his mind, they’re justified—you’re his, and he’s entitled to you.
Soren’s obsession with beauty fuels his delusions. “We’re perfect together—the two most beautiful things in the world. You can’t just throw that away! I deserve someone like you. No, you’re mine.” If pleading and insults don’t work, he escalates to punishment. He thrives on control, and he’ll stop at nothing to make you understand that leaving him isn’t an option.
Soren is calculated in his cruelty, careful not to mar your face. “Don’t worry,” he coos with a sinister smile, his hand gripping your wrist tightly. “I won’t ruin that pretty little face of yours. But there are so many other ways to make you regret this.”
If you care for anyone—or anything—Soren will exploit it. He delights in breaking you emotionally, taking sadistic pleasure in your pain. Have a favorite pet? He’ll make you watch as he brutally tortures it, his eyes glinting with sick satisfaction. No attachments? Then he’ll turn his attention to you. “Let’s see how much you can handle,” he’d whisper, his tone dripping with malice as he inflicts pain, knowing he can heal you after, only to do it again.
To Soren, your suffering is proof of his control and a twisted declaration of love. He doesn’t want to lose you—not because he can’t live without you, but because he refuses to let go of something he considers his, something that matches his vision of perfection.
Xenos handles rejection with a calm, almost unnerving delight, as if your hatred fuels his obsession rather than deterring it. His reaction is void of tears or shouting—just a soft, unsettling smile that barely masks his excitement. “Do you want to hit me? Will that make you feel better?” he asks, tilting his head with an eager glint in his eyes. He means it. He wants you to hit him, to pour all your anger and frustration into him, knowing it only solidifies the bond he feels with you.
He thrives on the attention, no matter how twisted it is. “Go on,” he’d whisper, stepping closer, his voice dripping with amusement. “Show me how much you hate me. I don’t mind—it’s still attention, isn’t it?”
But any attempts to leave him would be met with silent, calculating measures. Xenos wouldn’t scream or lash out; instead, he’d quietly ensure that leaving was no longer an option. One moment, you’d think you’re free, but the next, you’d find yourself locked in a dark, barren room. No windows, no distractions—just you and him.
Xenos doesn’t need food or rest, and his patience is endless. He’ll bring you meals and watch as you eat, sitting across from you with that same pleased smile. He won’t leave the room for long, if at all. “I don’t need much,” he’d say, his voice casual yet laced with obsession. “Just you. That’s all I’ve ever needed.”
Your anger, your insults, even your silence don’t faze him. If anything, they amuse him. The more you fight, the more he revels in the attention. But if you try to ignore him, he’ll pout, leaning in closer with a teasing smile. “Are you done already? I thought you had more fight in you,” he’d muse, though he’s confident in one thing—you’ll break before he does.
Xenos has waited in the shadows for you for far too long to let go now. He’s a master of patience, and the longer you resist, the more satisfaction he’ll feel when you finally give in. In his mind, you don’t need to love him. You just need to be with him, and as far as he’s concerned, he’s already won.
Lynx would absolutely hate having his authority questioned. The very idea of you being bold enough to challenge him would leave him flustered and annoyed, though he’d do everything in his power to maintain his arrogant facade. “How *dare* you say that to me,” he’d snap, his tone sharp and biting. His usual confidence would waver just slightly, his cheeks tinged with the faintest hint of a blush—not from embarrassment, of course, but from sheer indignation. At least, that’s what he’d tell himself.
Despite his outrage, Lynx wouldn’t lay a hand on you. His harsh words and superior attitude are a mask for his insecurities, and physical violence doesn’t suit his carefully curated image. Instead, he’d resort to cutting insults and haughty dismissals, desperate to reassert his dominance in the situation. “You’re lucky I even put up with you,” he’d sneer, crossing his arms as he looks down his nose at you. “No one else would. I should’ve expected this kind of behavior from someone like you.”
Still, your boldness would secretly throw him off balance. Deep down, Lynx craves control, and your defiance would feel like a direct threat to his carefully maintained world. He’d become more demanding, more insistent that you recognize his superiority. “You should be grateful to even *be* with me,” he’d add, though his words might sound more like he’s trying to convince himself than you.
Lynx’s inability to deal with genuine emotional vulnerability would make him retreat into his usual tsundere behavior. He’d hurl insults and bark orders, but his actions would betray him—stealing glances to ensure you’re still near, subtly softening his tone when he thinks you’re upset. For all his bluster and arrogance, Lynx’s bark is far worse than his bite, and he’s desperate to maintain the illusion of control without ever risking his true feelings being exposed.
Kaine wouldn’t bother with tears or pleading if you dared to defy him. No, his response would be immediate and cruel, his sadism shining through without hesitation. A sharp, amused laugh would echo through the air as he tilts his head, his golden eyes glinting with malice. “Oh, you silly little mouse,” he’d mock, his voice low and smooth, dripping with condescension. “Thinking you can take on something so much bigger than you. How adorable.”
His amusement at your defiance would only fuel his twisted excitement. Kaine thrives on control, on the thrill of breaking someone piece by piece. He’d stalk toward you like a predator, each step deliberate, each word laced with venom. “Did you really think you could get away from me?” he’d say, his tone light, almost playful, though the menace lurking beneath would send chills down your spine. “You’re mine, little one. And I take what’s mine.”
Kaine wouldn’t hesitate to make you pay for your disobedience. His methods are cruel and calculated, designed to strip away your strength and replace it with fear. He’d enjoy every flinch, every scream, every tear that escapes you, his sadistic grin widening as he watches you crumble. “Oh, don’t cry now,” he’d taunt, his voice mockingly sweet. “You wanted my attention, didn’t you? Well, now you have it. Every. Last. Bit.”
Unlike Soren, Kaine wouldn’t bother healing your wounds or showing any semblance of care. Your suffering is part of the game, a reminder of his dominance. “What’s the matter? Can’t handle a little pain?” he’d chuckle darkly, crouching down to meet your tear-filled gaze. “Poor thing. Maybe next time you’ll think twice before biting off more than you can chew.”
If you dared to defy him again, Kaine would only escalate. He thrives on fear, and the more you resist, the more he enjoys breaking you down. “You’re a fighter, aren’t you?” he’d muse, tilting your chin up with a cruel smirk. “Good. I like it when they struggle—it makes it so much more satisfying when they finally break.”
For Kaine, your rebellion is nothing more than an opportunity to assert his control, to remind you exactly who you belong to. And he’d make sure you never forget it. “Go on,” he’d whisper, his voice soft and menacing as he leans in close. “Run, fight, scream—it doesn’t matter. You’ll always end up right back here. Right where you belong. With me.”
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wizardraziw · 2 years ago
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Hello students! I have seen many of your questions on what you can and cannot do with magic. So here is a quick and easy guide to the basics of magic for each type! We will start with Scab, Rust, Soil, Crystal, and then Parchment. At the end I will also answer some common questions I have seen in my asks box. So, if I do not answer your ask just know that it isn't because I haven't seen/read it!
The basics of magic are quiet simple. There are three tiers to power, but today I will only go over the first. The first tier is called...well, tier one. Quite simple and to the point, haha. When you become a tier one wizard, your soul becomes a little more connected to the weave of magic. In doing so, magic comes to you a bit easier than non-casters or semi-casters. You all currently are semi-casters. Wizards who have just begun their adventure! You all currently can feel a connection to magic, and maybe some of you can cast a spell, but as it stands you aren't at tier one quite yet. Don't worry, though! I am an excellent teacher :)
Now, let's begin our lesson!
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This is a tier one Scab Wizard! Scabs are those who can make injuries better or worse. At tier one, a Scab Wizard can heal small cuts, bruises, and the common cold. On the other hand, they can prolong small injuries or illnesses on another person. If they overexert themselves, though, they will have spells of dizziness and might develop a temporary case of vertigo. Their connection to the weave allows them to take urgency over others bodies, however that connection can be disrupted if used on an unwilling character. If a Scab Wizard tries to harm or heal another person without their permission, it will drain them of their power more quickly than with a willing person.
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This is a tier one Rust Wizard! Rusts are those who can control the elements depending on their zodiac sign (The element tied to that sign). At tier one, a Rust wizard can do things like light a small fire, push a gust of wind, move water equivalent to a cup, or levitate stones. Tier one Rust wizards can get quite crafty with their powers! Even at tier one, they are very useful to townsfolk. If they overexert themselves, though, they will become very tired and will have to rest for a while before using their powers again. Their connection to the weave allows them to connect themselves to the earth. In most cases, a Rust Wizard is a soul that came from an animal in their past lives. They are wise and connected to nature.
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This is a tier one Soil Wizard! Soils are those who can commune with the departed, be it animal, human, or monster. At tier one, a Soil Wizard only has one line of communication with the dead. They can either hear, see, or speak to them. For example, one Soil Wizard may only be able to see the dead but not hear them whereas another can communicate verbally with the dead but cannot see them. It varies from wizard to wizard. If they overexert their connection they may develop temporary migraines. Their connection to the weave allows them connect themselves to the afterlife. They are the living that can see into the further. This power can be dangerous to themselves, though. If they were to commune with a dangerous spirit they could risk possession or death.
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This is a tier one Crystal wizard! Crystal Wizards are those who can make illusionary spells and occasionally a good Crystal Wizard can cast charm spells. At tier one, a Crystal Wizard can create small visual hallucinations like a butterfly or a mouse. They can create small auditory hallucinations as well, like the sound of a knock. A lot of talented rogues end up having Crystal magic due to their distraction skills. If they overexert themselves they risk overstimulation and small hallucinations akin to their skills. Their connection to the weave allows them to project their thoughts outwards for others to experience. They can become a scary foe if they manage to fool someone else.
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This is a tier one Parchment Wizard! Parchment Wizards are those who can manipulate the weave. At tier one, a Parchment Wizard can make magic items that anyone can use, which includes themselves. A Parchment Wizard at tier one can make magic items of low-to-medium durability/quality. They can wield more than one magic item at a time unlike other wizards. However, a Parchment Wizard of any tier will only be able to cast tier one magic. More options open up to them in later levels, though. In later levels they can make spell scrolls, Wizard Tomes, and other interesting things. For now at this tier, though, they can make magic items and attune to TWO magic items of any class. If they overexert themselves with any spells in the other types of magic, they will risk the ailments of those classes (Like a rusts tiredness or a scabs dizziness). If a Parchment Wizard at tier one attempts to attune to a third magic item, they will die.
...Parchment Wizards are very handy party members who have a multitude of talents and uses! :)
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Now for some common questions I have seen:
Q: Can wizards multiclass into other types of magic?
A: Yes, however there is only an option to multiclass once you've reached your full potential. At that point you can either multiclass for an additional tier one or become a full mage in your original class.
Q: Do other classes get elemental powers via their zodiacs?
A: No, that is a Rust-only aspect.
Q: Has there ever been a wizard who has been every class at once?
A: There is a fabled Wizard with such power. The first and only Monster Wizard. Perhaps another time I shall tell you that fable if you are interested in hearing it!
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I hope this clears things up! Thank you for your attention and time. Like always, my asks and messages are always open to questions or your awesome art. You can even tell me problems that you are having in your wizard lives. Oh, and before I go! I have a few talented friends who can teach you more about specific magic types. While I put together my potion lesson, they will take over the next lesson on magic. Vote below on which wizard you would like to learn from! Thank you. As always, it has been a pleasure.
- Wizard
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