#Dom omladine
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8iunie · 1 month ago
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Dom Omladine | Belgrade, Serbia | 27.11.2024
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zanimljivaekonomija · 1 year ago
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Sale Sedlar vas poziva na "Trifundan u Amerikani" 14. februara
Uoči koncerta u Domu omladine, Sale Sedlar objavio spot za pesmu „Lagala si, lagala“
Ostvareni muzičar Aleksandar Sedlar i njegov bend "Sale & Sedlari", zakazali su koncert u beogradskom Domu omladine, na Dan zaljubljenih, 14. februara od 21h.  Iako je kao kompozitor, dirigent, producent, autor i multiinstrumentalista do sada nastupao u najčuvenijim koncertnim dvoranama sveta, predstojeći događaj će biti Sedlarov prvi samostalni koncert u DOB-u: 
"Veoma sam uzbuđen što ću prvi put nastupiti tamo sa mojim autorskim projektom. Predgrupa će nam biti Kika (Kristina Jovanović). Sviraćemo pesme sa prvog albuma, ali i sa novog koji je u pripremi. Biće i gostiju ali neću da otkrivam mnogo, osim da ćemo se potruditi da nam bude lepo i veselo i da svi uživamo- i publika i svi mi na sceni. “, rekao je Sedlar.
Nakon spota za numeru "Dan po dan", Sedlar je danas objavio i video spot za pesmu "Lagala si, lagala", koji je realizovao sa svojim prijateljima i bliskim saradnicima- dokazanim profesionalcima. Radi se o kompoziciji sa aktuelnog, prvog samostalnog studijskog albuma - muzičkog projekta "Sale & Sedlari Vol. 1".
“Lagala si, lagala” Sale & Sedlari: https://youtu.be/vronax07TMk?feature=shared
Datum i sala Amerikana, inspirisali su ga u vezi sa nazivom predstojećeg muzičkog spektakla, koji cenjeni kompozitor i autor priprema sa svojim muzičarima.  A u publici, Sedlar očekuje - zaljubljene:
"Biti zaljubljen je najdivnija stvar na svetu! A Dan zaljubljenih ili "po naški" - Sveti Trifun (Trifundan-Dan ljubavi i vina) učinio nam se kao idealan da baš tada za beogradsku publiku odsviramo neke stare i neke nove pesme - za srećno ili nesrećno zaljubljene (bez obzira da li piju vino ili ne). Zato vas pozivam da zajedno slavimo ljubav, a možda vam se desi da se baš te večeri zaljubite! Dođite, dobro došli na naš "Trifundan u Amerikani.".Čekamo vas!" Bend Sale & Sedlari održaće koncert u beogradskom Domu omladine u sali Amerikana u sredu 14. februara od 21 sat, a kao predgrupa će nastupiti sjajna, originalna i energična - KiKa !
"Vidimo se u Domu omladine-na Trifundan, da zajedno slavimo ljubav!" poručuje Sale Sedlar.
Foto: Ivan Grlić
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yoda-bor · 2 months ago
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lookerweekly · 2 years ago
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Omaž čuvenom i zabranjivanom reditelju u nekadašnjoj Jugoslaviji, Jovanu Joci Jovanoviću upriličen je premijernom projekcijom dokumentarnog filma „Skriveno lice jugoslovenskog filma“, reditelja Dejana Vasiljevića Nikte, sinoć u okviru programa Domaća panorama, na jubilarnom 70. Martovskom festivalu, najstarijoj filmskoj smotri kod nas.
| LookerWeekly
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jokeroutsubs · 3 months ago
[ENG SUB] Joker Out on Slušaj 'vamo, Radio Beograd 202 (31.10.2024)
Joker Out was interviewed by Radio Beograd 202 during their programme Slušaj 'vamo ('Listen here'). The interview was screenrecorded from their website.
Transcript by @moonlvster, IG irenalemajic, translation by @moonlvster, review by IG marija_rocen, proofread by X klámstrákur, subtitles by @vesdagrem
Full video and transcript below the cut 👇
Host: That was the band Turisti. There, we visited Rijeka briefly. I love the show 'Slušaj 'vamo' ('Listen Here'), especially when we travel around the Balkans or Serbia. Currently we're travelling around the Balkans, actually the Balkans came to us. Welcome, guys, the band is Joker Out.
Bojan: Thank you. Happy to be here.
Welcome to the Beograd 202 studio for the second time. You're all free to answer, we'll see who will speak later. We have the entire team here, all five of them. Bojan was the loudest here – obviously you have to show who the frontman is - then we have Kris, Nace, Jure and...
Bojan: And...
Jan: Jan.
Jan, yes. Bojan and Jan, great, excellent. Next we should have 'An'.
Bojan: And 'N'.
Last time we chatted - actually, when we talked over the phone, Bojan, that was sometime before you came to Belgrade - it was, I think, before you played at Arsenal Festival. So many things have changed in the meantime. Who could've thought?
Bojan: Yes. A lot of things have happened since we talked, but this album, which will come out in November, we already started working on it back then, at least mentally.
Yes, and we were announcing your concerts, and we had this question. You knew people here love you, you knew they couldn't wait to see you, but I know you couldn't expect that kind of reaction. Not at Dom omladine, not at Arsenal Fest. I mean, I was there, so I know what I'm talking about.
Bojan can answer, the rest of you can also join in, how did it all seem to you?
With all of those toys and everything that flew onto the stage and so on, the euphoria.
Bojan: I mean, the concerts at Dom omladine and Fabrika in Novi Sad were truly phenomenal, but at Arsenal Fest we got a kind of, let's say, a prediction of what we can expect - but that was something more, when it's your own concert and specifically in that kind of intimate space, you can really feel the people who are there and... there were many things that flew onto the stage, but I think we gave it our all from the stage, so that was some kind of 'you get what you give' love.
And somebody- do you have the impression that everything happened kind of quickly, I mean, in comparison to Eurovision? I'm not talking about what happened before that, you have your history before Eurovision, but you're kind of new to people. It's inevitable, when somebody takes a leap they say: "Oh, they're new", but you have 10 years behind you. That's a long story. This past year and a bit more has felt like you have - that it went really quickly.
Bojan: Well, it has, I think that in the past year and a half, 10 years have passed, really. So many things happened that we haven't experienced in the 8 years we've existed, and just today we were joking that when we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we come to Serbia and say like: "We're celebrating two and a half years since you met us."
You know what they say you were lucky. Lots of bands here only become popular on their farewell tours. All around our area, I'm not just talking about Serbia, it happens everywhere. We take in new bands slowly, but when they do, it's long-term love, you know? It's like that in your case.
Bojan: Well, I hope so.
Who's next? Does anyone want to add anything? Come on, Kris, for example?
Kris: Well, Bojan already said everything.
Did he?
Kris: Bojan already said everything.
I'll ask you this, so, last year, when you sold out Dom omladine - and Arsenal went well too - that was your prime time, which is always kind of a risk: you don't know how it'll go when you step onto the stage. Now that you're coming here for the second time, did you have the feeling that, ah, we have to repeat that and success and do even more now?
Kris: Well, I think we didn't, and I think we confirmed that later, considering the fact that Dom omladine - that tickets for Dom omladine sold out in a few hours.
But you didn't know they would sell out in a few hours when you scheduled it.
Kris: Well, we didn't know, but we knew.
But you hoped so?
Bojan: Kris knew.
Nace: Kris knew.
Kris: We assumed. And it's always like that, I mean, we knew that we wanted to go smaller than we realistically could, because we wanted it to be like... For the third album, we wanted a gig that's more intimate and for the biggest fans, so from that perspective we kind of knew they'd sell out fast, but we were still surprised by how fast it sold out again.
Bojan: We couldn't decide between Belgrade Arena¹ and Dom omladine.
Dom omladine is ten times better - for example, you know what, Johnny Štulić² was there 7 times a long time ago, at Kulušić. To this day fairytales are told about the seven concerts at Kulušić.
Bojan: Yes, right.
And second, you have those dedicated fans who will come to all seven concerts.
Bojan: True.
Can we listen to 'Bluza' now? That's your new song.
Bojan: Let's listen to 'Bluza'.
Is this your latest song? A new single, announcing the new album.
Nace: It is.
Bojan: Well...
That is, your latest single.
Bojan: It's our latest single,but something interesting about 'Bluza' and 'Šta bih ja', those are the two songs we managed to prepare in London in January and February. We played them on our European tour, before they came out. And really, during our European tour everyone already sang those two songs, so when 'Bluza' came out, it was already old news.
Okay, let's hear this old song, that's actually still new.
[Bluza cut]
This was a song called 'Bluza', the latest single from Joker Out, yes, yes, they're those Slovenian boys. If anybody is maybe wondering if they are, yes, they are. We've heard from Bojan, we've heard from Kris, little by little we'll hear from the rest. Come on, can we hear something from Jure, Nace, Jan, come on. A "good evening", even if you say it one by one.
Nace: Good evening.
Jan: Good evening, Belgrade, how's it going?
Are you excited for the concerts in Belgrade and Novi Sad?
Bojan: Come on, Janči. Are you excited?
Are you excited for the concerts in Belgrade and Novi Sad?
Jan: Yeah, every time we've been here, the concerts were phenomenal, the audience was on fire and I hope it will be the same at the next one.
Bojan: On fire.
Well, do your best, they'vealready bought the tickets in advance, so they expect it to be exactly... Will there be an additional concert? Probably...
Bojan: There won't.
Kris: The additional concert is the day before, in Novi Sad.
Bojan: Yes.
Anybody who didn't get tickets on time, come to Novi Sad.
Bojan: True, we haven't sold out Novi Sad yet, so we have to... We have to...
Hey, we haven't told them the dates yet.
Bojan: Ah, yes. The 26th of November in Novi Sad, Fabrika. The 27th of November in Belgrade, Dom omladine. And come on the 26th if you still haven't bought the tickets.
Even if you have bought a ticket, come on the 26th, why not.
Bojan: Come.
You have fans, people who follow Eurovision, Eurovision obviously has its fans, it's faithful electorate, as you'd say in political jargon. Do European fans follow you, do they come to your concerts when you're in the Balkans or only when it's near them?
Bojan: No, people come to our concerts from literally all over Europe, and even further. When we had a concert at Stožice Arena, I think people bought the tickets from...
Kris: 34 countries.
Bojan: There you go, the tickets for our concert in Stožice were sold in 34 countries. And... often it happens to us that somebody is, says: "I came from Texas", or something. In Koper in Slovenia, a girl - actually, two or three girls - told us they came from Texas on the day of the concert and they went back home the next day, like...
Nace: To Ljubljana from Tokyo.
Bojan: Oh, to Ljubljana from Tokyo, right.
Jan: To the Netherlands from Malaysia.
Metallica did that thing, you know, they had a meet and greet...
Bojan: Yes.
...but they randomly picked fans, and they didn't look at where the fans are from, so there were times when they picked someone from the US, where they are from, to come to their concert at Partizan Stadium (Belgrade), and after that they hang out with them, so people came. So, think about it, it's not a bad idea, they're even founding their own agency to drive fans to concerts.
Bojan: Great.
There you go.
Bojan: We can become a travel agency, when we get bored of the band.
Here, Joker Out. You mentioned Stožice Arena, is that where you recorded the album, the live one, or?
Bojan: It is, it is.
Ah, so that was it, that was that opportunity. So, featuring all the guests from abroad,from all over the world.
Bojan: That's right. We heard voices from all over the world on that album.
Two albums, a live album right away. Well, nice, considering the kind of fanbase you have, that was... It was kind of a logical next step, to... That's the only arena we have in our country, and it seemed to us that after all these concerts we've done, and after Eurovision, which changed everything, that we should have one live concert in that arena. Like, so we can be completely sure it happened, since when you're on stage, I know that at Stožice we weren't 100% present, so it's nice to have some kind of... a vinyl to play on a record player and say: "Hey, we were actually there."
I can't wait for us to see that vinyl and play it on our record player, we still play...
Bojan: You'll receive one, we promise.
...songs on a record player. I don't know if they still use gramophones for the radio in Slovenia.
Bojan: They do.
They do? There we go, we can play a bit of it too. When you said you have one arena in the country, so you played at that one, I can say, when you add up all of the arenas of the former Yugoslavia, there's a lot of them, so you filled one, now you can fill the rest...
Bojan: Let's go!
Let's go, Zagreb Arena, Belgrade Arena, Spaladium Arena (Split), and so on, so, who knows.
Bojan: We hope so. Maybe we'll celebrate our tenth anniversary in arenas.
Yes, yes, in arenas... stadium concerts and arena concerts.
Bojan: Exactly.
Kris: You mean our two and a half year anniversary?
Bojan: Two and a half.
Two and a half for our region! When will the new album come out? There's these two singles so...
Bojan: The album comes out on the 15th of November.
So, right before the concert.
Bojan: Yes, I mean, we're used to our audience not needing more than a few hours to learn an hour and a half's worth of lyrics. So for the whole album, we said that 7 days is more than enough time until the start of the tour, so yeah.
Well, they catch something you play live and then learn it.
Bojan: Everything, everything.
Yeah? Great. What are your plans for when these concerts are over, the album is out, you'll do these concerts practically alongside the album, usually there's a tour when an album comes out, so what's your plan for the future?
Bojan: Well, this album will have a smaller tour. We're starting in Ljubljana on the 22nd and 23rd of November, then we're in Novi Sad and Belgrade, Skopje on the 1st of December, Zagreb on the 3rd of December, on the 6th we're in Maribor and on the 9th we're closing the mini-tour in Vienna. And honestly, that's about it until the end of the year for us, we'll probably do a concert or two, but nothing spectacular... And in January and February, a holiday awaits us.
Bojan: After two years, we're gonna have our first real holiday.
Somewhere in the Alps probably, or something like that?
Bojan: No, I think we're going to the seaside!
Seaside, seaside.
Bojan: The boys are going to Thailand, so, there, for the first time after a while, for 2 months we won't think about some, our next project. And afterwards we're returning to Europe, we're returning to the Balkans, we'll perform some more. And also create, I hope.
Now, are the fans who followed you during Eurovision still your fans or not? I mean, do you still plan to have someconcerts around Europe, for example?
Bojan: Of course, of course. Next year...
But not for the Balkan diaspora there, you know how it goes.
Bojan: We never performed, it's interesting, at our concerts in Europe, and we've had a good amount of them this year and a half, we've had 5 tours, I think, altogether... the Balkan diaspora actually doesn't attend our concerts, which saddens me a little. I'd prefer it if, I mean, I wouldn't prefer it, I'd love to see more Balkan people at our concerts, but we're not a part of that Yugo-nostalgic generation and the generation that moved out of the Balkans. We are their kids' generation, but that part of our culture probably doesn't get to them, so we actually don't perform for the Balkan diaspora. But, if you do listen to us and are part of the Balkan diaspora, come, please.
Yes, one by one, you'll gather them slowly. First, you'll have concerts for those who are from the places you visit, and then next time you'll have a tour only for the Balkan diaspora.
Bojan: Only the Balkan diaspora!
You know what I'm interested in... I've asked some other artists the same thing. What was that moment where you felt like... like it's going somewhere? Eurovision happened, you got there, suddenly there was a hype around you here and I can simply remember that moment when you appeared in the competition. I'm wondering when you felt that this is going somewhere and that you're getting on that train and...
Bojan: Here, Nace answered.
Nace: The gig in Dublin!
Kris: That was our first gig in... Our first real solo gig abroad. But yeah, for three years I've felt like we've been catching this train. Now is the moment when you should catch... In Slovenian, we say, "Kuj železo dokler je vroče" ('strike while the iron is hot').
Yes, yes, yes, "Gvožđe se kuje dok je vruće" ('strike while the iron is hot').
Kris: Exactly! I've had the feeling for 3 years already, and it all began with our first album showcase in... 2021, in Ljubljana, in Cvetličarna, we picked it right now as our moment where we knew that this was something that will... be our profession for the next few years, maybe our whole lives.
Maybe your whole lives! Do you know how many artists thought they'd last 10, 12, 13 years, but in the end, they celebrated their 30 year anniversaries?
Bojan: Yeah, yesterday we met Novi fosili, who are celebrating 55 years of their band and...
Tonight and tomorrow YU Grupa, who will soon have their 55th anniversary, are performing in MTS Dvorana, so...
Bojan: Exactly, those stories exist, I mean.
They're real!
Bojan: They're real, and we received some nice words, he told us... (laughter) Well, not those words! (laughter)
Don't keep it to yourselves, come on, say what you wanted to say!
Bojan: No, well, okay, we received some nice words that we should continue making music and that we have the best job in the world. That we truly, when we go to work, we hang out, make new connections, create new things, and that this is something that can last forever, so...
The thing you said, "When we go to work..." That's what I think of my job. They say if you want to not just work your whole life, but also enjoy [it], pick a job you love. So, guys, I wish for you to have this job for decades, even!
Joker Out: Thank you! You too!
Whether I'll be here, I don't know, but come here after 20 years, even. Here, it's like we knew 'Carpe Diem' is up!
Bojan: 'Carpe' is up!
Right, it fits right in. Shall we?
Bojan: Let's go. By chance!
Thank you so much, thank you for going around Belgrade for the whole day today and still finding time  to come visit us in a good mood.
Bojan: Thank you for finding the time and for inviting us.
And we'll see each other soon, I hope!
Kris: Thank you.
We'll surely meet at your concerts, I'm not completely sure about Novi Sad, but in Belgrade I'll be on the balcony.
Bojan: With the high-speed train it's 30 minutes, easy peasy.
I know already. So, see you, bye!
Kris: Thank you.
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rosetta-j-stone · 1 year ago
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Shagadelic Softtoy Rock'n'Roll
( original image here: https://i0.wp.com/ptichica.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/joker-out-dom-omladine-beograda-2023-38.jpg?ssl=1 )
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dunjadojcinovic · 1 year ago
Attending an art exibiton and promotion of a book
🪩Activity title: attending an art exibition “ Sloboda generacije z” and promotion of a book “ Mala” by Mile Kekin
🪩Duration and amount: 3 hours
🪩Type of the activity: creativity
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🪩Activity description 🪩
Our teacher proposed going to this event to us and we agreed to it. The event was held in “Dom Omladine”. First the creators of the exibition talked, we looked truoght their work. The pieces mainly showed what were the biggest problems of our generation, generation z. It was all digital art and the theme of the art exibition was “Sloboda generacije z” which translates to freedom of generation z”. Then Mile Kekin came in and sang a few songs for us. He discussed his book with a juornalist. His book is called “ Mala” he told us he wrote it in honor of his daughter and as an alternative way to teach her about life. And in the end took pictures with the fans.
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🪩Learning outcomes🪩
Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
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It was my first time going to an exibition of this sort, a digital art one. It was also my first time ever going to a book promotion. I enjoyed listening to Mile Kekin, I really liked his songs.
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andreagajic · 1 year ago
“Sloboda generacije Z” - Exhibition
🌼Activity title - Visiting an art exhibition and the promotion of a coloring book
🌼Activity duration - 2 hours
🌼Type of activity - creativity
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Learning outcomes📚
Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
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Activity description✔️
Our homeroom teacher took us to the art exhibition that was held in “Dom omladine”, made by students of the Academy of Arts from Banjaluka and Sarajevo representing the struggles of our generation - generation Z. We spent about 45 minutes going through all of the artworks exhibited and mutually discussing and assuming their meanings. After that, we all sat down and had a chance to listen to Mile Kekin from the band “Hladno pivo” sing a few songs, listen to him being interviewed, and ask him a couple of questions.
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It was an interesting art exhibition that had a lot of potential to spark a bigger discussion on the struggles of today's youth. The artwork definitely left an impression on me and kind of inspired me through the ways of creativity the students used the express their views on the topic. Listening to the interview and the singer's life story was insightful and unexpectedly entertaining.
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zojastankovic · 1 year ago
.˚₊‧༉ Gen-Z exhibition ༉‧₊˚.
┊👀┊Activity title: Gen-Z exhibition
┊👀┊Duration: 1,5h on October 17th
┊👀┊Type of activity: creativity
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.˚₊‧༉ Activity description
╰┈➤ On October 17th 2023, our homeroom teacher took the whole class to art exhibition called Gen-Z exhibition. Exhibition was held at "Dom omladine" and it was created by students of the Academy of Arts from Banjaluka and Sarajevo. The whole program of the day was divided into 2 parts: first we spent 30-45 minutes going through all of the artworks exhibited, talking between us about our opinions.
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Here is my friend Dunja standing by picture representing the sewing machine that reminded me of her because she likes sewing and making clothes.😊
╰┈➤ Second part of the program was the main reason we had visited exhibition; Mile Kekin, singer from band "Hladno pivo" sang for us, both his old and new songs, introduced us to his new project (coloring book for kids inspired by his daughter) and answered a few questions we wanted to ask.
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.˚₊‧༉ Learning outcomes
┊👀┊Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
┊👀┊Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
┊👀┊Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
╰┈➤ This art exhibition was very interesting and meaningful, especially because it reminded us of problems our generation is struggling with. Every one of us experienced it in our way. Each of us could find at least one personal problem to compare with exhibited pictures. Besides, it was nice to see art projects of other students and how their hard work was awarded. It gave me a lot of confidence and motivation because I consider myself artist as well.
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At the end, we even got the chance to meet and take a picture with Mile Kekin.
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8iunie · 1 month ago
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Dom Omladine | Belgrade, Serbia | 27.11.2024
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zanimljivaekonomija · 2 years ago
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Uskoro 51. FEST: Glavni takmičarski program otvara film “Prokleti ne plaču”
Međunarodni filmski festival - FEST održava se 51. put, od 24. februara do 5. marta 2023. godine u više dvorana u glavnom gradu: MTS Dvorana, Dvorana Kulturnog centra Beograda, Dom omladine Beograda, Cineplexx Ušče, Cineplexx Galerija i Jugoslovneska kinoteka. Publika će imati mogućnost da pogleda oko 100 premijernih ostvarenja  u okviru različitih programskih celina, Glavni takmičarski program otvoriće francusko-marokanski film „Prokleti ne plaču”. Reč je o filmu Fajzala Bulife, britanskog autora marokanskih korena, snimljenom u francusko-marokanskoj produkciji. Radnja je smeštena u Maroku i prati odnos samohrane majke i njenog sina tinejdžera. Njih dvoje se sele s mesta na mesto, u pokušaju da pobegnu od skandala u koje ona stalno upada. Dolazak u Tanger nudi im priliku za novi početak, ali i stavlja njihov odnos u iskušenje. Film je svetsku premijeru imao na Venecijanskom festivalu u okviru uglednog pratećeg programa „Dani autora”. Učestvovao je na festivalima u Marakešu, Londonu, Stokholmu, Tromsu, Ženevi, a do sada je nagrađen u Palm Springsu i Bordou. „Prokleti ne plaču” premijerno će biti prikazan na FEST-u u subotu, 25. februara, u 17 sati u Sali 1 MTS dvorane. Na istom mestu je reprizna projekcija 26. februara u 10 časova, a na programu je i u Domu omladine 26. februara u 20 časova. U glavnom takmičarskom programu 51. FEST-a je 17 filmova iz 15 zemalja. Publika će videti većinu filmova koji su prošle godine izazvali veliku pažnju širom sveta, kao što su TÁR nominovan za 6 Oskara u režiji Toda Filda sa Kejt Blančet u glavnoj ulozi, RAZGOVORI ŽENA rediteljke Sare Poli sa dve nominacije za Oskara, britanska drama ŽIVETI sa Bilom Najom sa nekoliko nominacija za nagrade Oskar i BAFTA, novi film Dejvida Kronenberga ZLOČINI BUDUĆNOSTI nominovan za Zlatnu palmu na Kanskom festivalu, zapaženi triler DVOSTRUKA PREVARA, južnokorejskog reditelja Park Čan-Vuka koji je za ovo ostvarenje osvojio nagradu za najboljeg reditelja na Kanskom festivalu... Film “Usta puna zemlje“, koji je Puriša Đorđević završio samo nekoliko nedelja pre nego što nas je napustio, 23. novembra prošle godine, premijerno će biti prikazan pred beogradskom publikom čime će se zatvoriti ovogodišnje izdanje FEST-a.
Više informacija o 51. FEST-u i prodaji karata na www.fest.rs
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yoda-bor · 2 months ago
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valentinacucic · 1 year ago
Art exhibition and picture book promotion
🖌 Activity title: visting promotions of a art exhibition and a picture book presentation
🖌 Duration: around two hours
🖌 Type of activity: creativity
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Activity description
Our whole class visited an art exhibition in "Dom Omladine", beacuse of our homeroom teachers recomendation. We could see many artworks done by art students, which made us wonder what they were actually about. And after that we listened to Mile Kekins performance and an interview which was held with him.
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At first when we came we had a great introduction of the whole exhibition and how it came about, presented to us by a few people. The artworks were generally supposed to be incorporating into all generations but with the focus on Gen Z. We all had a great fin trying to figure out which problems certian artworks presented. After that we sat down and listened to Mile Kekins performance of his songs. Even though i didnt know most of the songs i still enjoyed myself because the energy was so uplifting.
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Learining outcomes
🖌 Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
🖌 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
🖌 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
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jokeroutsubs · 3 months ago
[ENG SUB] Bojan Cvjetićanin on Oradio (13.11.2024).
Transcript and translation by IG marija_rocen, review by @moonlvster, proofread by X klámstrakur, subtitles by IG marija_rocen.
Full video and transcript below the cut 👇
Host: One of the most popular young bands in our region, the Slovenian shagadelic rock 'n' roll attraction Joker Out, is coming to Novi Sad and Belgrade as part of their regional tour to promote their new album, 'Souvenir Pop', which is being released in a few days, that is, on the 15th of November. They will greet their fans in Novi Sad on the 26th of November, and, the next day, on the 27th, they will perform in Belgrade at Dom omladine. Before these concerts, we spoke with the band's frontman, Bojan Cvjetićanin.
And with me on the phone is Bojan, the frontman of the band Joker Out. Joker Out, as part of the regional tour with which they are promoting their third album, will perform on the 26th of November in Novi Sad at Fabrika as well. You just announced this new album with the music video for the song 'Bluza'. So tell me, who was better at acting: you or the members of the band Buč Kesidi? And actually, what was your experience like, shooting that video?
Bojan: Well, I have to say that, after watching the video, Buč Kesidi did better. When we were thinking about casting for the video, we immediately came up with the idea of Zoran and Luka. Zoki was born to smash bottles over people's heads, and Luka was born to be a waiter, so... I’d say they did better. And as for the experience, we had a great time. We were shooting late into the night, late hours, but... The fact that we were with the Buč guys, that we were in Ljubljana, that they actually came to put their minds to rest, it was so much fun, it was great.
I would also agree that you were great in your roles as well, even though the other guys played some instruments they normally don't, and you also did a great job.
Thank you.
And the album 'Souvenir Pop' is coming out in the 15th of November. Tell me, what is actually hidden behind the title 'Souvenir Pop', and what can we find on the album itself?
That album actually seems like some- like all the memories we compiled in the year and a half since our Eurovision journey started, let's say. A lot of things have changed in our lives, a lot of new experiences, new feelings, emotions happened there and we tried to somehow transfer all those emotions into songs. And in the end we saw that they all seem like some souvenirs that we actually brought home from all those journeys. So the album is quite full of different music, there is no common thread. It’s versatile, both in terms of languages and sound-wise. So it will be an interesting album.
Somehow, throughout your work, this sound of yours also changed. Right now you're describing it as shagadelic rock, so tell me, what exactly is shagadelic rock for you? How would you actually describe that sound of yours right now, even though, as you said yourself, it's a mix of everything?
Yeah, well, the best thing is that we invented term shagadelic rock 'n' roll ourselves, so we can literally do whatever we want with it, and no matter which direction we take, it's still shagadelic rock 'n' roll. So I don't know. Honestly, shagadelic rock 'n' roll is more about the energy which we transfer to the music. It's the honesty, in fact, that we’ve never lied in our music, not about who we are or what we are, we’ve always done what we like and what we enjoy, and then transferred that energy to the audience. I believe the audience feels good in their own skin at our concerts, and that’s the most important thing for us.
Tell me, what are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as a band so far?
The biggest challenges, I don't know, I think... The fact is that we are a band which isn’t signed to any label, especially not a big label, so we’re more or less our own managers. Of course, we have a loyal team we work with, but we’re the main management. So, as far as the coordination of musical and business life is concerned, there are a lot of difficult moments where we have to make important decisions and it often seems that everything is on our backs, but that's what we decided and for now I think we're doing well.
Yes, and as for the music and creativity, what does that process look like? Are you all involved, who writes the lyrics, who writes the music?
The lyrics and vocal melodies are mine. As for arranging, we do it all more or less together, either in the rehearsal space or later in the studio. Our producer Žarko Pak also helps us a lot, and he has been a crucial part of our team and our sound since the very beginning. So… Creating music is a long and sometimes exhausting process for us.
I believe it is. At the end, I’ll ask you this on behalf of your listeners. What's the best place for them to be positioned so that they might be in closer contact to you?
Like at a concert, right?
Yes, yes.
Honestly, I think at concerts I like standing where the mixing desk is, because I think that's where the best sound is, actually, it is the best sound. And as for some contact with us, I’d say the first 8 rows maybe.
Okay, so the listeners have heard, and we're going to give away some tickets. You can find out all about it on our Instagram profile. Thank you very much, Bojan, say hello to the other guys, and see you on the 26th at Fabrika.
Great, thank you very much, see you on the 26th!
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nadjavrkacevic · 1 year ago
Student exhibition "Freedom of generation Z" and promotion of a picture book "Mala" by Mile Kekin
Activity title: Visiting student exhibition (Academy of Arts Banja luka and Academy of Fine Arts Sarajevo) "Freedom of generation Z" and promotion of a picture book "Mala"
Duration and date: October 17th, hour and thirty minutes
Type of CAS activity: creativity
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Activity description:ᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ
This activity was held on October 17th, in our local Youth Center "Dom omladine Banja Luka". Two happenings took place, exhibition of students attending Academy of Arts Banja luka and Academy of Fine Arts Sarajevo, called "Freedom of generation Z" and promotion of a picture book "Mala" by Mile Kekin. Several designs were made based on freedom, regarding our generation. All of them were engaging and though-provoking, making me feel a bit uneasy and quite restricted. After this beautiful display of works, we listened tothe short version of Kekin's life story and heared him sing some of his songs. I am not a big fan of his and the quality of the microphone was poor, so I didn't enjoy this part of the evening as much as the first part. We also got intriduced to his reasons for writing a book which is his little daughter.
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Reflection:ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ
This was an overall nice experience, very interesting and thought-provoking. As I have stated earlier that I do not like his music that much, this activity improved my patience and ability to find good aspects of things you aren't even fond of. His life story was compelling and fun to listen as well. The best part of the event was still, in my opinion, art exhibition- provocative, truthful, sincere amd very pleasing to the eye. I've asked myself numerous times in my life "What is freedom?", "Does it really exist?", "Do we have free will or is everything predetermined?", " Do we maybe have free will only if we believe we have it?"
As these questions are constantly lingering in the back of my mind this exhibition was one of the most intriguing activities I have done so far and I hope to see more exhibitions like this.
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Learning outcomes:(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
💡Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
🔍 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
📢Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
🗝️Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
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miavlacic · 1 year ago
Art Exhibition and Book Promotion
📖Activity Title : Art Exhibition and Book Promotion for the picture book "Mala" by Mile Kekin
🖍Duration : One hour and thirty minutes
🖌Type of activity : Creativity
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Activity description
We attended the exhibition and promotion that were held inside of a " Dom Omladine" , which is a city space used by younger generations . It had an interesting concept and overall an interesting performance . Many different generations attended this performance and were united by their common problems presented in the mentioned exhibition .
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Personally , I really enjoyed the performance . Mike Kekin prepared a great show , which had some humorous moments that made everyone smile . He played a few songs for us and shared their back stories , which was the most interesting part for me . Later on , we were given a chance to ask him a few questions , some of them were also comical . For example , when someone asked why he had shaved his moustache . His picture book also has an intriguing back story that he explained to us . The back story of the picture book includes his daughter , which ,for me , was a really heartwarming information that made me like the whole performance even more . Art exhibition was very admirable as well . Art pieces addressed some of the daily life problems in a clear and strucking way .
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Learning outcomes
Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
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