#District 10
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kald-dal-art · 2 months ago
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Hunger Games Victor OC art
Anyways her name is Hunter and she is from D10. She was the Victor of the 66th Games and won at age 16. She mostly spent the time in the games doing her own thing and killing a hurt wolf mutt and using it's fur for extra warmth in the winter mountain arena
unfortunately her Victory was very heavily overshadowed by a certain someone from D6 who ate people, so people don't remember her all too much
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spiralling-thoughts · 4 months ago
District 10's psychology🥩🥓🍗🍖🐄🐃🔪
So I have been thinking about district 10 and the possible psychological effects that can come from living there, this mainly because I personally feel terrified at the thought of Gore or blood even when it's for animals and this got me thinking about the effects of joining the slughterhouse industry at a young age can affect someone and after some research I realized that we see these effects in tanner and brandy arguably our most important district 10 tributes
Now before I get started I would just like to clarify that all of panem must be psychologically missed up I mean the capitol is the biggest proof of that and the districts live with the hunger games hanging over their heads and the daily oppression and cruelty they deal with but this is more focused on the effects that their industries would have on them
So from what I have researched the effects of exposing a child to death even in animals would lead to the children being desensitized to violence as they witness or participate in the slaughtering of animals on the daily leading to a pragmatic and emotionally detached view of death and it could also lead to frustrations coupled with the daily oppression and brutality that the district face ( I highly believe that district 10 and 9 are as heavily policed as district 11) and so the kids probably only coping mechanism would likely be their job Wich would lead to them taking their anger out during the slaughtering of animals being the only form of control they probably have, another affect of that would be reckless behavior and disregard for authority we obviously see that most clear with brandy who without hesitation kills arachne after being repeatedly taunted by her completely disregarding the consequences that would come from that and it's what get brandy killed, we also sees this same desensitization to violence with tanner who in the book dances Infront of lamina's dead body and in the movie is constantly laughing and while In the arena despite the stressful situation he's in , he also highlights another thing that district 10 children might suffer from Wich is reckless behavior we see that with him attempting to challenge Coral's authority and its what get him killed in the movie this could also be a reason why district 10 tributes don't perform well in the games despite being desensitized to violence and knowing how to kill and slaughter besides obviously the malnourishment is that they might behave recklessly and take dangerous risks without any concerns for their safety
Now that's not me in any way saying that district 10 citizens are bloodthirsty animals although they definitely must be portrayed like that by the capitol that's me attempting to analyze the psychology of growing up in such a environment would have district 10 like all the other districts are victims forced to grow up quickly to survive a brutal system that doesn't care for them
Thank you for coming to my rant
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brookesophelias · 9 months ago
a bulleted list of allusions in THG Trilogy or TBOSAS that paint a certain picture.
Tessarae is tile, but the Districts pay Tessarae to acquire extra grain & oil in exchange for putting extra entries in the Reaping bowl.
Mayor Lipp slapped Lucy Gray in public despite her selection as Tribute; Mayor Undersee purchased strawberries in private, & died.
Sejanus Plinth was originally from District 2, considered that his origin (even though his father allied with Panem) & Madge Undersee said, "you only go to the Capitol if you're invited," and wasn't (because she was best friends with Katniss).
Jessup Diggs and Lucy Gray Baird held hands during The Reaping
Coriolanus visited a zoo in his lifetime—Monkey House in particular—& by the 75th Games, monkeys are unheard of let alone a zoo population because animals had been eaten during war crises. Grandma'am told Coryo how Crassius Snow used to say "people only drank water because it didn't rain blood." Blood rain & monkeys were both in the Quarter Quell.
Arachne Crane was a mentor in the 10th Games & Seneca Crane became a Gamemaker. The same happens with Hilarious Heavensbee & Plutarch Heavensbee.
Seneca Crane had "sentimental streak," who let Everlark live, whereas Arachne tormented her tribute. Both of them were killed as a result.
Snow hates that Tigris may have to sell herself to afford things without money, yet Snow forces Finnick into the same prositution after his Games.
Sejanus covering the girl from D10 after her wound often reminds me of Katniss & Rue whereas Coriolanus & Arachne remind me of Peeta & the Female Morphling.
The question of cancelling The Games came up twice in history.
Both snakes & lizards are reptiles; both were used as mutts that hunted by scent.
Coriolanus made the observation that seeing Avoxes as half-animal mutts frightened him, as if Capitol kids were in The Games instead; Alma Coin suggested that a 76th Games be “with Capitol children, like Snow's grandchild."
"History," according to Professor Demigloss, "is about how to make the unwilling comply." (That seems like what Snow did to his prisoners in Mockingjay).
No vistors were permitted in The Zoo after someone was shot, like the Tributes in the 75th Games were no longer allowed goodbyes.
There are more, most likely, but these are ones that jumped out immediately
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moreespressoformydepresso · 2 months ago
I was talking with two friends yesterday and it reminded my barely functional brain of a TBOSAS AU I apparently haven’t posted yet, so I bring you: the tributes stop the games by being grumbley
A while back I made a post about the headcanon that the tribute names are being pronounced incorrectly and that’s what makes them seem “weird”, and I can think of several ways this might get the games cancelled. The most obvious one being the mentors combining their growing fondness of their tributes with the knowledge that the Capitol proudly and openly mispronounced every single name on the tribute list and was convinced of it being the right pronunciation until the tributes corrected them. Bonus points if the mentors try to “correct” the tributes and getting hit in the face with reality.
“It’s actually pronounced T⟨r⟩ee-tsj Mè⟨r⟩an…”
“That r can’t be right and your emphasis is off.”
“A- are you-“ Treech gave Vipsania a look somewhere between disbelief and disdain. “Are you trying to correct me on the pronunciation of my own name?!”
The other tributes are cackling behind him and Vipsania splutters, trying to save herself from the embarrassment, before realizing how stupid that was and clearing her throat, changing the subject rather unceremoniously. Every chance the tributes get, they correct the mentors on misinformation or mispronunciation. It starts off as pure spite for the sake of entertainment, but soon becomes genuine annoyance with just how confidently incorrect these stuck up brats are. Meanwhile, the mentors realize with every correction that maybe they don’t know as much about the districts as they thought they did. Every little thing they get wrong makes them wonder even more what else they thought to be true is actually bullshit. It also gets them (and the rest of the Capitol) a little more interested in District culture since the tributes share some super cool or interesting things.
On the other hand, though, the tributes also confirm a thing or two, except the way they describe it has a totally different vibe than the rumors the Capitol took as fact. For example: I have a headcanon that District 7 partially relies on edible tree bark for nutrition, especially in the cold winters. In summer they smuggle as much food from the forest as possible to stock up for harsh famine winters where they cannot grow their own extra food and all the animals are hidden for their winter nap. District 10 eats all the parts of the animal the Capitol doesn’t want, they’ve found ways to make even the disgusting bits taste good. 9 and 11 have found ways to secretly grow small patches of plants that don’t look out of the ordinary but are actually super nutritious. They eat things like tulip bulbs and sugar beets and parts of plants the Capitol sees no value in. (These headcanons are inspired by the hungerwinter)
At first, the mentors are disgusted with the idea of eating bark or the “bad” animal parts, but then the tributes talk more about it and it truly hits the Capitol that the districts are basically living through the seige the Capitol hates the rebels for so much. Festus is particularly affected by the D7 bit, because a whole district is kept alive by tree bark because his dad can’t be bothered to just send them more food. Why? Because it would lessen profits. It gets the mentors to realize just how dire the situation in the districts is, even 10 years after the rebellion, and the outcry against the Games and the fact that the Capitol is doing exactly what they hate the rebels for gets so bad that the president is forced to shut down the games to focus on putting out this political wildfire.
The mentors whose parents have say in the districts twist their parents’ arms into fixing these conditions, if only so they can stop thinking about tiny children chewing on intestines or tree bark or flower bulbs in a desperate bid to survive.
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kald-dal-write · 6 days ago
People always meme that Collins hate D9 because they always die in the bloodbath
but also.....what does she have against D10 girls, there are no D10 girls that survive the bloodbath and the D10 girl in TBOSAS is the first to die before the games
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miraculouscriticismshub · 4 months ago
Hunger Games Headcannons Part 1
Snow killed Gaul before or during the 25th games during his first year as head Gamemaker. Dr Gaul however saw it coming and put something in her drink to make the poison immune to the antidote so Snow ended up with the mouth scars.
There were more than 7 victors that survived the 2nd rebellion . One was the 72nd victor and another was the 42nd victor. They didn’t show up to Coin's meeting because they were still unsure if it was safe for them to come out to the public. We know that 59 victors were alive during the 75th hunger games and that 18 died in the Thrid quarter quell. We know that 2 died later ( Finnick and Lyme ) and there were 7 remaining victors . Therefore there were 32 unknown victors that were alive by the 75th and could possible have been killed during the purge. I struggle to believe all 32 of them were found and killed by the Capitol or Rebels. At least 5 and at most 15 of the 32 unknown victors survived the war but didn't show up to Coin's meeting.
The winner of the 42nd game was a male from district 5. He won in an unique way by befriending the careers during training and in the arena he was able to manipulate the careers into turning on eachother. He went into hiding during Mockingjay and survived the Victor's purge and 2nd rebellion.
The capitol and the career districts are very accepting of queer relationships while some of the outlying districts (9,10,11) and district 13 are very conservative. The male tribute from District 10 was voted in during the 1st quarter quell for being queer.
They are branches of the Covey that survived in other districts in Panem (3,8,9,11,12). I headcannon that the female district 11 tribute during the first quarter quell was voted in for being Covey and therefore an outsider.
District 10 has a surprising advantage in the games as their tributes know how to use weapons (knives, whips ) and know how to kill. The district has 5 victors and their tributes make it very far. That's why they are targeted by the careers first.
There are still some pockets of religion in Panem especially in the non-career districts. The district 11 male was voted in for the first quarter quell for being an open disbeliever of his district's faith.
The First Quarter Quell winner died during the year of the 72nd games. She was the female tribute from District 10. She was voted in by her district for being a thief. She died aged 62 from an overdose of morphling. She had 8 children and 5 grandchildren. She had lots of children as she knew some were going to be reaped for the games. 3 of her children were reaped and died in the games. One of her children was reaped and died in the 50th games. Katniss learns about her story after the 2nd rebellion when a relative of hers visits District 12.
District 10 has 4 victors by the 75th games ( One dying 3 years prior) . One of their victors won the 72nd games. She wasn't reaped during the third quarter quell and survived the 2nd rebellion and purge as she went into hiding during the start of the war.
Some people in District 13 have Greek names.
The mayor of District 9 during the 74th games was a victor. He was appointed by the Capitol. He died in the third quarter quell.
Victors are allowed to marry the peacekeepers in their district. One of the victors of district 5 was married to the head peacekeeper.
Titus was in Annie's games. He has a Roman Name as his father was a peacekeeper from the Capitol
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asanaquarian · 2 months ago
Victors of the Hunger Games
My headcanon list of past Hunger Games victors. It is for my AU, so District 13 has victors. The districts they’re from in the ‘main’ universe are in brackets beside District 13. Victors past the seventy-fourth are also here, and if any new information comes out, I’ll probably update the list.
1st Annual Hunger Games
Everest Norup (†)
District 11 / 17 / Male
Capitol Arena
2nd Annual Hunger Games
Secundinus Locke (†)
District 2 / 17 / Male
Capitol Arena
3rd Annual Hunger Games
Venice Garber (†)
District 1 / 18 / Female
Capitol Arena
4th Annual Hunger Games
Mullet Calhoun (†)
District 4 / 17 / Male
Capitol Arena
Highest kill count (11 victims)
5th Annual Hunger Games
Benit Brownlow (†)
District 1 / 15 / Male
Capitol Arena
Shortest games (1 hr 25 min)
6th Annual Hunger Games
Pompey Vipond (†)
District 2 / 16 / Male
Capitol Arena
7th Annual Hunger Games
Chiccory Dirkse (†)
District 11 / 18 / Female
Capitol Arena
8th Annual Hunger Games
Hoptius Stacks (†)
District 2 / 16 / Male
Capitol Arena
9th Annual Hunger Games
Sterling Chalfant (†)
District 1 / 18 / Male
Capitol Arena
10th Annual Hunger Games
Lucy Gray Baird (†)
District 12 / 16 / Female
Capitol Arena
11th Annual Hunger Games
Mags Flanagan (†)
District 4 / 16 / Female
Capitol Arena
12th Annual Hunger Games
Kotlin Verd (†)
District 3 / 14 / Male
Capitol Zoo
13th Annual Hunger Games
Rosalva Florent (†)
District 10 / 18 / Female
Capitol Mall
14th Annual Hunger Games
Wilder Clemens
District 7 / 15 / Male
Capitol Hydroplant
15th Annual Hunger Games
Gulla Veen
District 2 / 18 / Female
Capitol Mansion
16th Annual Hunger Games
Woof Casino (†)
District 8 / 18 / Male
Capitol Arena (Boulders)
17th Annual Hunger Games
Fortunus McCoy
District 1 / 18 / Male
Capitol Arena (Meadow)
18th Annual Hunger Games
Valerius Blythe
District 2 / 17 / Male
Capitol Arena (Ravines)
19th Annual Hunger Games
Heckie Bristol
District 11 / 18 / Male
Capitol Arena (Forest)
20th Annual Hunger Games
Doran Keefe
District 4 / 17 / Male
Capitol Arena (Rivers)
21st Annual Hunger Games
Solaris Egawa (†)
District 5 / 17 / Male
Capitol Arena (Desert)
22nd Annual Hunger Games
Chester Faris (†)
District 9 / 17 / Male
Capitol Arena (Geysers)
23rd Annual Hunger Games
Alannah Brasher (†)
District 7 / 15 / Female
Capitol Arena (Swamp)
24th Annual Hunger Games
Ambrose Linville
District 1 / 17 / Male
Capitol Arena (Cliffs)
25th Annual Hunger Games
Cipriano Plinth (†)
District 2 / 18 / Male
Capitol Arena Park
26th Annual Hunger Games
Acantha Wilms
District 2 / 16 / Female
Capitol Forest
27th Annual Hunger Games
Seabrooke Tomby
District 4 / 16 / Male
Capitol Lake
28th Annual Hunger Games
Barathea Longo
District 8 / 18 / Female
Foggy Forest
29th Annual Hunger Games
Irene Farragut
District 13 (2) / 18 / Female
Coal Mine
30th Annual Hunger Games
Galene Campos
District 4 / 17 / Female
31st Annual Hunger Games
Seeder Ottieno
District 11 / 17 / Female
Longest games (35 days)
Lowest kill count (0 victims)
32nd Annual Hunger Games
Clovis Camacho
District 10 / 15 / Male
Ghost Town
33rd Annual Hunger Games
Sujun Forrest
District 7 / 17 / Male
Sinking Jungle
34th Annual Hunger Games
Beetee Latier
District 3 / 15 / Male
Ruins of New York
35th Annual Hunger Games
Millet Hopper
District 9 / 16 / Female
Dark Forest
36th Annual Hunger Games
Pancra Hadaway
District 2 / 16 / Male
37th Annual Hunger Games
Golden Cuccinotta
District 1 / 17 / Male
Waterfall Jungle
38th Annual Hunger Games
Porter Millicent Tripp
District 5 / 17 / Female
Aztec Ruins
39th Annual Hunger Games
Gage Eason (†)
District 6 / 18 / Male
Snowy Valley
Final district to have a Victor
40th Annual Hunger Games
Montauk Cleary
District 4 / 16 / Male
River Rapids
41st Annual Hunger Games
Arke Herrema
District 2 / 18 / Female
Crystalline Caves
42nd Annual Hunger Games
Mica Andrus
District 13 (1) / 17 / Male
Snowcapped Mountains
43rd Annual Hunger Games
Barolo Stafford
District 1 / 16 / Male
Burning Forest
44th Annual Hunger Games
Damaris Lyme
District 2 / 18 / Female
Abandoned Quarries
45th Annual Hunger Games
Chaff Simms
District 11 / 18 / Male
46th Annual Hunger Games
Palladium Barker
District 1 / 18 / Male
Celtic Ruins
47th Annual Hunger Games
Kepler Spearing
District 5 / 18 / Male
48th Annual Hunger Games
Brutus Mazzeo
District 2 / 18 / Male
Elephant Graveyard
49th Annual Hunger Games
Wiress Goffe
District 3 / 17 / Female
Nest of Mirrors
50th Annual Hunger Games
Haymitch Abernathy
District 12 / 16 / Male
Poisonous Paradise
51st Annual Hunger Games
Gromit Okafor
District 9 / 16 / Male
Icy Plateau
52nd Annual Hunger Games
Rosewood Vernon (†)
District 1 / 18 / Female
Mushroom Forest
53rd Annual Hunger Games
Selene Foya
District 6 / 17 / Female
Arctic Caverns
54th Annual Hunger Games
Lusca Abbing
District 4 / 16 / Female
Volcano Bay
55th Annual Hunger Games
Hilda Leigh Carran
District 10 / 18 / Female
Dotted Farms
56th Annual Hunger Games
Blight Pongsak
District 7 / 16 / Male
Stone Forest
57th Annual Hunger Games
Lumin Losa
District 5 / 16 / Female
Factory Ruins
58th Annual Hunger Games
Cecelia Sanchez
District 8 / 15 / Female
59th Annual Hunger Games
Winnie Franco
District 10 / 16 / Male
Endless Rice Fields
60th Annual Hunger Games
Nevio Keane
District 2 / 18 / Male
Flooding Caverns
61st Annual Hunger Games
Chiron Porcher
District 6 / 18 / Male
Sewer System
62nd Annual Hunger Games
Enobaria Furlan
District 2 / 18 / Female
Castle Ruins
63rd Annual Hunger Games
Gloss Plourde
District 1 / 18 / Male
64th Annual Hunger Games
Cashmere Plourde
District 1 / 17 / Female
Fairytale Forest
65th Annual Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
District 4 / 14 / Male
66th Annual Hunger Games
Gregor Grasso (†)
District 13 (2) / 18 / Male
Frozen Tundra
67th Annual Hunger Games
Augustus Braun
District 1 / 18 / Male
Crumbling Mesa
68th Annual Hunger Games
Vigo Menendez
District 2 / 18 / Male
Soaring Cliffs
69th Annual Hunger Games
Nim Hughes
District 3 / 15 / Male
Stretching Sands
70th Annual Hunger Games
Annie Cresta
District 4 / 18 / Female
Mississippi River Basin
71st Annual Hunger Games
Johanna Mason
District 7 / 17 / Female
Northern Hardwood Forest
72nd Annual Hunger Games
Burgundy De Vitis
District 1 / 17 / Male
Twilight Town
73rd Annual Hunger Games
Dion Riva
District 2 / 18 / Male
Ruins of Aspen
74th Annual Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen
District 12 / 16 / Female
Boreal Forest
75th Annual Hunger Games
Clementine Coumbassa
District 11 / 18 / Female
Jungle Clock
76th Annual Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
District 12 / 18 / Male
Rolling Highlands
77th Annual Hunger Games
Sirena Salacia
District 4 / 18 / Female
Ruins of Seattle
District 1 (13 Victors)
4 Female / 9 Male (4 Deceased)
District 2 (15 Victors)
5 Female / 10 Male (4 Deceased)
District 3 (4 Victors)
1 Female / 3 Male (1 Deceased)
District 4 (10 Victors)
5 Female / 5 Male (2 Deceased)
District 5 (4 Victors)
2 Female / 2 Male (1 Deceased)
District 6 (3 Victors)
1 Female / 2 Male (1 Deceased)
District 7 (5 Victors)
2 Female / 3 Male (1 Deceased)
District 8 (3 Victors)
2 Female / 1 Male (1 Deceased)
District 9 (3 Victors)
1 Female / 2 Male (1 Deceased)
District 10 (4 Victors)
2 Female / 2 Male (1 Deceased)
District 11 (6 Victors)
3 Female / 3 Male (2 Deceased)
District 12 (4 Victors)
2 Female / 2 Male (1 Deceased)
District 13 (3 Victors)
1 Female / 2 Male (1 Deceased)
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l0singdogs · 22 hours ago
Some moodboards for sotr side/minor tributes!!
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Wellie my Shayla 😭😭
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Buck my mans
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Alwanaaaa my d8 girly
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Fishie boy angler
I am planning to make a lot more but these are the ones i already had!!
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tannertbosas · 11 days ago
Stamp D10 SOTR you are mine
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spiralling-thoughts · 7 months ago
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A moodboared for tanner
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imnotadogiswear · 17 days ago
I'm saying this kind of as a joke but also 100% seriously that Reddit would completely break Panem, escpiecially if only the districts have it. Yeah there'd be the usual social media hijinks but communication between districts would eliminate a lot of the division caused by the games. Stuff like r/askreddit, r/ama, or any other question-based communities could also be sources of non Capitol-approved information.
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multifandomconfusion · 10 months ago
Tanner, sighing: Brandy, I know it isn’t like me, but if I die and you go home I want you to have all my possessions.
Brandy, sarcastically: I sure look forward to owning two shirts and a cowboy hat.
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fandomsfanatic1331 · 1 year ago
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kald-dal-write · 29 days ago
after district 6, what's your favorite district?
D7 and D10 bby :^)))
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spiderlegsmusic · 4 months ago
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