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twisting-echo · 20 days ago
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A romantic moodboard of Ian Lightfoot (Onward) x Felicia (Shrek 5) {Felian}.
When I saw the Shrek 5 teaser yesterday introducing Shrek and Fiona's daughter, Felicia, who is voiced by Zendaya, I immediately thought of this ship! Zendaya is engaged to Tom Holland, who is the voice actor for Ian Lightfoot from Onward. Plus, I wanted to be the first person to come up with this ship! (Cackles maniacally)
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guccio2024 · 8 months ago
okay adult ciccio and guido headcanons:
ciccio ends up getting glasses
Guido has a caffeine addiction (he don't sleep)
(Idk what else if yall have any other headcanons for them as adults please comment it :) if you don't mind)
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aleppothemushroom · 9 months ago
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friendly-jester · 14 days ago
watching ratatouille for the first time in a few years and it's only now just dawning on me that colette thought linguini was talking about his penis when he said "little chef" to her for the first time asdfghjkl
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yuridia1359 · 1 month ago
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⚡.Today I decided to create someone new, so I ended up doing this... do you know who it is?.⚡ 🫰😜
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absurdbootlegs · 3 months ago
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…That is the Toy Story logo, my dudes.
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universe-of-peoples · 1 year ago
Unpopular opinion: you can be excited about upcoming sequels and spinoffs and at the same time wish that Disney (and other studios) would make more original stuff
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magokou · 9 days ago
some quick shitpost/edit I came up with. I was watching some gumball clips and this just reminded me of Nancy 😭 I was originally gonna put Omar from jox but Nancy was a better pick cause Omar has a mouth, wings n legs ig? While Nancy just got an eye and legs..
(There’s probably accommodations for monsters like Nancy in mu but again this is some silly shit I thought of)
(Seriously though how does she do it..?)
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thenerdsofcolor · 3 months ago
'Dream Productions' Cast and Crew Talk Pixar's Mocumentary Animated Series
Pixar’s Dream Productions is a return of the world of Inside Out and the mind of Riley, a newly minted teenager. The new four-episode series takes a look at what happens when Riley’s memories need some extra processing and how Joy and the core emotions send those memories to Dream Productions. We got to talk to series producer Jaclyn Simon, episode directors Valerie LaPoint and Austin Madison,…
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years ago
Gazerbeam x Reader: Needed
Word Count: 1,318 Warnings/Notes: Enter Bomb Voyage as he explodes into a bank and keeps tossing explosives in order for the Reader not to leave in his strange little game. Cornered Reader. Scared, yet uninjured Reader. Supers fending off the supervillain. Police arresting supervillain. Angst, hurt/comfort between the existing relationship between the Reader and Simon/Gazerbeam. Summary: The Reader was running an errand when supervillain Bomb Voyage flips their day upside down. At least a trio of supers can be relied upon to save the citizens in their time of need.
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
 A quick trip to the bank. A simple errand that could have been one of the most mundane of your activities for the day. It was only one check to deposit. The teller was kind, one of the few genuine smiles that you saw that day. How the rest of your day would play out was beyond your perception.  Double checking your wallet, you tucked it safely away into your bag as you made your way toward the exit. A smile begged to return to your face at the thought of your plans. However, the explosion off to your left wiped away all such thoughts.  The occupants of the building jumped and cried out in their alarm. Out from the cloud of dust and debris walked in a tall striped shirted man. Bomb Voyage.  With your heart-rate increasing, you observed his occupied state; fiddling with his equipment. Inhaling deeply, you made a mad dash to the set of doors. The outdoors looked much more enticing, and safe, than usual.  A streak of color entered your vision before the doors ahead of you sprung off their hinges, halting you.  “No, no, no,” the oddly playful accent called out.  You grimaced, wishing that he had ignored you altogether. That, and you were beginning to regret not investing more time into other languages.  But then, he chuckled. Pacing around to see your face, he laughed again and smiled.
  Your stomach sank at the sight. In the depths of your mind you could only hope that someone had already made a very important phone call. The interest he seemed to have gained upon seeing you was unnerving. Terribly so. The way his painted face twisted with his words made your skin crawl.  When he stepped closer, you stepped away. And so began a strange dance around the room. You did not want him near you, much less a no exit scenario.  His hands moved to his belt again. With quick fingers, he activated and tossed another grenade as you could only stare.  Jumping from the startling loud noise, your legs carried you one way, but then another as he tossed a second one. The reactions from the other citizens went unnoticed by you. Clearly, you were more than a little occupied at the moment to take notice. However, you felt your blood run cold when your back hit something hard. A teller booth. One of the situations you never wanted: to be cornered.  Bomb Voyage closed in, the sound of his shoes across the floor echoing in your ears. The black of his shirt and criss-cross belt on his chest appeared to blur together as you stared. Though as much as your heart pounded, there was a change. Your jaw clenched, and your fingernails pierced against your skin. Your day had been going rather well, and this crafty villain decided to try to ruin your day?  Subtly, you brought one of your legs back. If you were going to go down, he would first.  He stared down at you, saying something beyond your comprehension. When his mouth opened again, someone in the room shouted.  “Supers!”  Everyone, including Bomb Voyage, turned to look. Jogging into readied stances, stood Frozone, Mister Incredible, and Gazerbeam.  As your heart leapt at the sight, so did your knee. The unamused villainous mime buckled over with a surprised groan of pain. Scurrying away from him, you ran straight, avoiding Frozone’s ice blast.  “Great shot,” Mister Incredible complimented as you ran toward them.  “Well, he’s hunched over at the moment,” Frozone shrugged.  As you pivoted behind Gazerbeam, he likewise adjusted his footing, shielding you with his body. With your hands to his back, you peered around his shoulder. Bomb Voyage’s feet were iced to the floor. A part of you wanted to shout in victory against him, but you decided against it. You did not think that the super in front of you would appreciate you yelling into his ears, helmet or not.  However, maybe Frozone should have iced a bit more. Bomb Voyage reached for his belt again. When the explosive was in his grasp and in the supers’ sight, a red beam of light blasted it out of his hand. The explosive went off much closer than the villain had intended, staggering him.  As Mister Incredible walked over to apprehend him, you missed the rest. Your focus shifted in your sense of safety. You became hyperaware of your closeness with Gazerbeam. Under your palms, you could not recognize the material of his suit. It was unique. The texture made it feel custom made. And by the way it fit on his body, made you believe it wholeheartedly.  He was tense beneath your fingertips. At the ready. Never had you seen him in such a state, especially so close.  Sirens soon whirled outside. In a matter of moments, the officers headed indoors cautiously as they observed the scene.  “Are you all right?” Gazerbeam asked, turning around to face you. His gloved hands came up to barely touch your arms. The gentleness nearly melted you.  “A little shook up,” you nodded away the remnants of your uneasiness, “but otherwise unharmed.”  No smile came as he briefly looked around. “You should leave,” he urged, “just in case Bomb Voyage tries a failed effort to avoid arrest.”  “Okay,” you squeaked, not meaning to.  Too soon, Gazerbeam’s hands left your arms. As he turned halfway toward the ongoing scene, you waited for his signal. When Bomb Voyage’s attention pointed him in the opposite direction than the pair of you, Gazerbeam spoke up again.  “Go, now. Hurry,” he nodded toward the doors, a hand pressing the small of your back.  Nimbly, you slipped out of the bank and down the sidewalk. With your legs pushing forward with increasing speed, you never looked back.
 Your apartment, your home, your sanctuary. The relief you had when you had entered and locked the door behind you was immense.  Time had passed, and you remained waiting. Staring out the window became oddly meditative, to ease your mind from racing through what-if scenarios.  The familiar rhythm of footsteps brought you back to the present.  “Sweetheart, are you home?” A smooth voice called out softly.  Your heart leapt and the corner of your eyes began to sting. Turning, you saw Gazerbeam entering the bedroom. All too frantically, you pulled shut the thin curtain to shield yourselves from prying eyes, and ran over to him.  Removing his helmet, he placed it down on the closest surface to embrace you. He held you just as tightly. It was rare to interact with you while he was still wearing his supersuit, but that detail did not matter right now.  “Oh, Simon,” you shook in your sobs, “I was so frightened. He threw so many explosives. I didn’t know what to do.” With your face buried in his chest, you barely felt as your tears rolled down his suit. The arms that held you to him was what you savored. It was as if his arms alone held the power to keep you from breaking altogether. “Thank you for saving me.”  “You saved yourself,” he said, a single hand drawing small reassuring circles along your back. “Have to you already forgotten the way you struck him into a state of immobility to escape?” Was there a hint of a smile in his words?  You pried yourself away from him enough to see his face. “You still showed up,” you sniffled, “and for that, I am grateful.”  With eyes dancing across your face, he gave a small smile and pulled you back to him. “I’m glad I did,” Simon whispered, kissing the top of your head.  There were benefits to being romantically involved with a Super. The downside, just as any ordinary citizen came dressed up in a ridiculous suit and bottled with an attitude and a twisted sense of morality.
~~~~  ~~~~
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this Gazerbeam / Simon J Paladino fanfiction. If you’d like, you can check out the others on my masterlists.
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avaford2009 · 3 months ago
Sneak Peek of Wall-E (Rewrite)! - AUTO's Secret -
The camera then zooms out to autopilot (AUTO)'s study at the top of his castle. AUTO stares up longingly at the star through his skylight. Floating across his study are hundreds of glowing blue orbs, all of Axiom’s wishes left ungranted.
I feel your pull. My heart rumbles with such…hunger.
AUTO’s face drops in annoyance as he turns to a small robot (GO-4), mixing together some kind of potion.
GO-4! Did you hear me? I am impatient!
I heard you. I’m coming.
GO-4 drops a single speck of gold powder into a bottle, making it turn from bright blue into a sickly, glowing green.
And lucky for you, I’m devilishly good with a pair of tweezers.
Is that a brag?
The two of them chuckle briefly.
It’s rather weak but alright.
Fifty grains. No more, no less.
GO-4 hands AUTO the potion and he looks at it more admirably.
Oh, I take that back. You are impressive.
As I shine in your light.
Tonight’s the night, GO-4! Glory will be mine!
AUTO looks up to the star before walking towards a pedestal in the middle of his study. He places the bottle delicately on the pedestal’s center and rests his hand right next to it. He exhales briefly as he chants arcane words while magic swirls around him.
(WHISPERS) Lucum. Noctis. Terrum.
The sigils on the pedestal and the floor of his study glow with green, ethereal energy. GO-4 looks to her in concern before staring at her husband confidently.
(WHISPERS) Nefulio.
As he finishes, a beam of green energy shoots from the bottle and bursts out through the skylight until it hits the star AUTO was talking to. As the bottle’s energy surges throughout the room, GO-4, meanwhile, looks up at the night sky in awe and triumph.
(Shouting) Aurereum Caelum! Astra perenta reum!
Surging with power, AUTO grabs onto the beam, which is now working as a tether between our world and the star and using it to try and pull the star towards him. As AUTO tugs, the star inches closer and closer. GO-4 look on in amazement, almost as certain that absolute victory was in their hands as AUTO was.
Yes! YES!!! YE–
But just then, the tether breaks and the star returns to where it once was in the sky
The surge of energy knocks AUTO onto his back. When he gets back up, he sees that the bottle’s contents have turned pitch-black. GO-4 gasps while AUTO’s expression changes from shock to utter fury. He takes the bottle and throws it to the floor, yelling in rage. GO-4 tries his best to calm his assistant’s temper.
AUTO ignores him as he runs around his study, knocking everything he can find onto the floor.
No! No! No, I had it! I felt it!
I-it’s okay. It’s okay-careful! AUTO, you need those.
AUTO throws another bottle of potion at the wall before taking deep breaths as his assistant soothes him.
Calm. Calm. Good boy.
GO-4 places her hands on AUTO’s chest approvingly before he turns and walks away.
No! I can’t take this-this wanting that is never satisfied!
AUTO looks up at the sky and notices all the wishes floating around him. He reaches out and pulls three of them towards him with a wave of his hand.
W-What are you doing? AUTO. Autopilot! Don't! Stop.
AUTO ignores him as he grabs one of the wishes and almost crushes it into his hand. GO-4 stops him, placing his hands on the wish and taking it away from him.
Please, do not destroy those wishes!
(EXASPERATED) Just three small wishes. Who would notice?
The cook who prepares your favorite sushi, for one. That’s his wish.
There are other cooks.
GO-4 plucks up the second wish and third wish AUTO was about to crush.
And your best guard. And please, that one’s for M-O’s!
In that case.
Be serious. Hmm, how would you like the wishes of an entire garbage city?
You found the traitors?
You may fortify yourself with as many of their wishes as you want. No one will notice.
GO-4 unfurling a map of Axiom and Garbage City on one of the tables.
There’s a young robot who takes every month to collect garbage.
GO-4 takes a figurine of a robot cleaning trash and moves it across the map as visual aid.
He goes to the city of garbage cubes all alone, cleaning through the night. It is said; he always returns with a lighter load.
So wicked. He’s taking supplies to Garbage City from the Earth.
We’ll find them. And everyone knows that traitors deserve to lose their wishes entirely and forever!
From the moment I met you and saw your wish, I knew you were the only man worthy to be my assistant.
AUTO suddenly grabs GO-4 and dips him.
Let’s go catch some traitors.
AUTO dips GO-4 again before laughing devilishly.
You dip magnificently!
Don’t I?
AUTO continues to dip GO-4 all around the study.
Oh! Such control!
It’s all in the arm and the bent knee.
He dips him one more time.
How’s that?
The two exchange one last loving smile.
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twisting-echo · 18 days ago
i'm curious, for your ship moodboards, why are the right character's corner photos on the top, and the left character's on the bottom, instead of right on right and left on left?
I suppose it's because, in my mind’s eye, I always envision my moodboards horizontally rather than vertically. For my moodboards, I always pick a 3 by 9 grid and select 9 pins in total. I specifically choose three pins that match the character's aesthetic. I place these pins in the top and bottom rows, reserving the middle row for the characters. Additionally, I include a central pin that reflects an aesthetic or quote representing both characters.
I honestly have the other mods of the @onceupona-crossover blog to thank for inspiring the direction of my moodboards and helping me grow as an editor. My moodboards and editing have come a long way thanks to this blog.
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In the top row, you can see the three pins representing Felicia: the full lips with green lipstick and nose piercing, the lily pads (because she lives in a swamp), and the red hair with the half-up bun. In the bottom row, the pins represent Ian: the blue hair with the glitter, the wizard cosplay staff, and the red sneakers.
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But now, looking at the rows vertically, I have adjusted the pins that represent the characters on the right and left sides as you suggested. It honestly looks just as good as the first one. It's all about perspective, I guess.
Thanks for the ask, anon; it made me look at my moodboards in a different light. It was interesting to explore and might be something I incorporate into future moodboards.
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guccio2024 · 6 months ago
•so we all know alberto is really skinny, but I feel like he doesn't like swimming without a shirt on because people would most likely see his ribs and he doesn't want people to begin to "pitty" him
• Lucas mom (Daniela) probably sees alberto (obviously after getting to know him) as a child figure and she'd probably become super protective of him
•gulila's mom and massimo are still close friends and call each other to see how the others doing
•Lucas grandma probably gives alberto a nickname like how for luca she calls mhim bubble she'd probably give him a nickname
•gulila's mom calls alberto her son all the time
•alberto would probably like Lorenzo's show crabs
•alberto hangs out with all the old ladies in portorosso so he LOVES drama
•massimo let's alberto win in arm wrestling every now and again
•alberto calls massimo pop, papa, dad, old man, etc.
•alberto and Daniela HATE the brenzinos why I don't know
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aleppothemushroom · 7 months ago
Toy Story 5 looks great guys
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friendly-jester · 9 months ago
I'm on a side of TikTok that's shipping Max Goof and Bradley Uppercrust III from An Extremely Goofy Movie and it is so wonderful I am having so much fun 😂
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suna1suna1 · 1 year ago
Does anyone remember the Halloween trick or treat doodle requests I did? I'm bringing those back for the Holidays! (I say Holidays bc while I myself celebrate Christmas/Yuletide, I would like to give everyone a shot if they want gifts for their respective holidays.) So whatever you celebrate, if artworks are allowed for it, give me fandom characters, and give me a little nudge in whatever holiday direction you would like! ^^
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Feel free to send asks, reblogs, or replies! I also have anon turned on for asks, so if you're shy it's no biggie!
So here's a (non-comprehensive) list of franchises and IPs that I enjoy!
Please just stick with canon characters. I’m sure everyone’s ocs are lovely, but I think I’d like to save ocs and aus for future art trades ^^
Ship art is also welcome as long as it's not pro-ship! ^^
Sonic the Hedgehog
Hollow Knight
Project Sekai
Hatsune Miku/vocaloid in general
Murder Drones
The Amazing Digital Circus
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Pixar films
Animated Disney films
Studio Ghibli films
Percy Jackson
The Lunar Chronicles
Six of Crows
Sailor Moon
Demon Slayer (Though I've only finished season 1 so I do ask for no spoilers on that one please)
I hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season! ^^
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