#gazerbeam fanfiction
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ivorydragoness44 · 5 months ago
Gazerbeam x Reader: Birthday Kisses
Word Count: 626 Warnings/Notes: established relationship, Gazerbeam/Simon J. Paladino giving the Reader cute kisses, fluff, domestic bliss Summary: The Reader wakes up to Simon (Gazerbeam) kissing them.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
  Morning. The honks of cars were left muffled by the walls of your apartment. Thankfully. A softer, but deep sound, however was much closer.   It was more than a little bit of a struggle to open your eyes. Much less to keep them open.   “…four…five…six…”   Simon.
  You hummed, questioning the situation without words. It was much too soon for that. An established language at such an hour? Hardly.   “…seven…”   It was in that moment that you finally comprehended at least part of the situation. He was pressing soft kisses around your face. His lips were warm and comforting against your skin.   “…eight…”   “Why are you counting?” You squinted, determined to remain awake. Your partner was typically busy, so spending such time with him was precious.   Simon chuckled quietly. Little wrinkles appearing at the corners of his eyes from his joy. “A kiss for every year you have lived.”   “Oh.”   The counting continued, and with it sweet kisses to your face. His lips ventured from your forehead and cutely to the tip of your nose. Those sincere eyes of his held their usual quickened pace, darting around your face.   You bundled your fingers into his sleep-shirt and sighed faintly. Surely, he would reach your new age at some point. The thought made you internally laugh to yourself. No one would find a single complaint from you of course.   Delicately placing a hand to the side of your neck, his thumb caressed along your jaw. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, up to your temple, and back down again.   “This might take a while at the pace you’re going.” You smiled at the upturn of his eyebrows.   “I am in no hurry. Are you?”   The sleepy baritone in his voice sent a chill down to your toes. “No,” you smiled wider.
  Simon hummed and focused his kisses to your lips. Each one was soft and loving. It was not unlike any other morning when he was home. However, there was just something extra special expressed into each one that day.   His hands glided over to rest on your shoulder. As you lay resting in front of him, he rubbed his thumb gingerly over a small section of your shoulder.   The quiet intimacy was enjoyed by you wholeheartedly. The warmth in your chest felt almost palpable with the time you spent with him.
  Finally, he reached the number of your new age. With a lopsided grin, he looked directly into your eyes. It was brief, but it sent a wave of emotions through you. “I love you.”   Eyes closing for the final kiss, you were not about to let that one be short. Cupping your hands on either side of his face, you intended to lengthen it extensively. And with a push of your body, you tipped him over onto his back. A smile threatened to pull your lips from his. Happily so, you dove your fingers into his dark hair.   A contented sigh echoed out from Simon. His warm hands caressing up and down your back until bare skin contact was made.   “Simon?” You murmured into his lips. “May I request one thing from you on my birthday?”   His hands stilled, focused. “Certainly.”   RIIING   “Not that!” You whined, burying your face into the crook of his neck. It was that one phone. The phone that you never answered or used. Hidden from your sights.   “Perhaps when I return, I can fulfill whatever it is that you have in mind,” he reasoned over the ring of the phone.   “Really?”   Simon nodded. “But for now, I have to answer the phone, or it’ll keep ringing. It could be urgent.”   “You’ll have to move me first,” you mumbled into his skin.   And move you, he reluctantly did.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Thank you for reading. Check out the pinned post on my blog for all of my other fanfictions!
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kittyball23 · 2 years ago
Chapter 2 - Stories from the NSA (an Incredibles fanfic)
Summary: Blazestone gets recruited into the NSA after what would become her last criminal act
“Let me go you bastards! ”
The woman in custody screeched, attempting to shrug the guards off from the tight hold they had upon her arms. It proved to be of no use however, as they held on tightly, practically dragging her along the plain tiled corridor and into a secluded room with only a glass window to one side.
She was roughly plopped down on a seat at the interrogation table that was there, thick-padded gloves over both of her handcuffed hands. The woman gritted her teeth, throwing her long, blonde hair over her shoulder in a huff. Great. More of this nonsense. She’d evaded the law enforcements for quite a while since the last time she was done in, so she wasn’t forced to go through one of these idiotic Q and A’s with some stupid officer who would reprimand her for what she did, hoping that she could see the error of her ways. She snorted. Yeah, right, she thought. Like I give a sh - 
The creaking of the door opening up again halted her thoughts, the woman rolling her eyes before she turned her head around to see who this guy would be. Officer McDougle, who she got last time? Officer Jones, who always tried to play ‘Good Cop’?
But no, it wasn’t, the woman actually surprised to see it was someone different today. An older man, likely in his middle ages, graying hair and aged blue eyes meeting her gaze and not releasing it. 
She returned his gaze, hers steely and defiant, attempting with that one look of hers to convey that she was not going to be one to bend easily or submit quietly. The man seemed unfazed, too, however. It surprised the woman, but she did not let it show in her expression. She instead kept her jaw set, her eyes narrowed ready for his silly garble about how ‘what you did was wrong, don’t do it again!’ and all that garbage.
But this man did not start speaking just yet. He peered at her, like he was trying to figure her out for a good few minutes, nothing more than the sounds of their breathing and the occasional rattle of her ankle chains tinkering whenever she shifted in her seat. It was a silence that was unbearable to her. She wanted to get on with her own spiel against this unjust detainment.
“Well, Grandpa, you got a tongue?” she sneered. “Let’s get on with it already.”
The man huffed a sort of laugh, reaching almost in slow motion for the file that he’d brought along with him and opening it up atop the desk. “You seem to know the drill quite well, Ellen Celosias.”
“Ooo, congratulations, you know my name,” the woman retorted. “Whatcha gonna do now, throw me in the brig?”
The man did not look up from the file he was skimming through, reading the information on the papers. “Not exactly,” he answered. “We have some other plans for you.”
The woman raised an eyebrow. Other plans? “What are you talking about? Oh, wait… you’re not one of those ‘community service’ guys, are ya?”
The man shrugged. “I suppose you could say that.”
Um, what did THAT mean? She crossed her arms. “I’m telling you right now that’s not going to work out.”
“Well, I think it can,” he replied. “Only, we wouldn’t be making you pick up trash on the side of the road. With your abilities I believe we can do much more.”
Wait a minute… “What do you mean ‘abilities’?” she asked skeptically.
“Well, Miss Celosias, it’s not exactly a secret,” he said. “Any time you’ve managed to escape the ‘brig’ as you call it, your cell door’s been melted away. Not to mention, you leave behind the same evidence of your presence at the scenes of the crimes that you’re taken in for. Municiberg Bank just the other night was your doing, am I correct? It’s the reason you were captured this time around, wasn’t it?” He clicked his tongue. “It really does suck when the plan goes wrong, does it not? When you can’t accomplish what you wanted to, when you have failed quite miserably - “
The woman suddenly stamped a foot on the ground in rage, sending out a flare of sparks. “I could torch everyone in this room right now, and you too, old man, in less than ten seconds flat! ” she yelled. “Including that idiot Gazerbeam!” She gritted her teeth, hating how that Super had to intervene with the said bank robbery and turn her in.
“But you can’t,” the man reminded her, gesturing to the padded gloves over her hands. “Can you?”
The woman said nothing.
“Thought so. We at the National Supers Agency specially designed them.”
She looked up. So THAT’s what this was about! They wanted to use her pyrotechnics for THEIR advantage! “The NSA? Seriously?” She scoffed distastefully. “That’s what you wanna do? Take me in and make me one of your Goody Two-Shoes?” She laughed bitterly. “Keep dreaming, buster!”
“I don’t necessarily have to,” he said with implication.
She shook her head. “I’m not agreeing to this.”
“I think you’ll find it much more beneficial to be on our side,” he said. “For one, you wouldn’t be in this situation again.”
“Oh yeah?” she asked. “And how do you know I won’t go rogue on ya?”
“Once you start doing good, you’ll find it within yourself not to.”
"Yeah right," she scoffed. How corny that sounded! "Next thing you'll say is that that lawyer guy is a Super…"
She expected some kind of reaction, though he only raised his eyebrow.
“Oh, come on, seriously? That nerd is a Super? I only meant it as a joke.”
“I wouldn’t take it so lightly,” the man said. “He’s the one who convinced me to have this talk with you today. Said he saw lots of potential in you after your scuffle at the bank.”
The woman’s eyes widened, realization hitting her and making her grit her teeth. Gazerbeam! That bastard… “What in the world made that jerk think I’d say yes?”
“Better to be on the winning side, don’t you think?”
She snorted. “Nice folks finish last.”
“And the bad ones end up here,” he said, gesturing vaguely around them. Then he leaned forward. “Is it really all that bad to actually help people? What were you going to do with that money, anyway?”
“That’s none of your damn business!” she snarled.
“Not anymore,” he said. “You were foiled in your plot, after all.”
The woman averted her gaze, frustrated. The man let a moment of silence pass, letting her consider their conversation thus far. Then he spoke. “Just think - you could be in my place soon enough. Getting the upper hand, boasting your victory, free to use your skills and powers however you’d like… if only you switch from being a thug to capturing them instead.”
The woman wanted to think up a snarky comeback, but couldn’t, since she was actually letting what he was saying process in her head for a minute. It really would be nice to have freedom like that - even if it meant putting others wills before hers - especially given how she wouldn’t be forced to reluctantly be locked up in some smelly cell with other dingy baddies who didn’t get their way. Maybe…
She looked up at him, her blue eyes narrowed. “Who did you say you were again?”
At this, the man went into his shirt pocket and pulled out a business card, sliding it across the table towards her. “Agent Rick Dicker of the NSA.”
She peered at the card, simply designed with his name, a number, and the agency’s phone number. “Uh-huh… and uh, let me get this whole deal straight: you wanna go off and rehabilitate me so I could join your little power patrol?”
Dicker nodded. “We are a bit short on Supers at the moment,” he admitted.
The woman snickered. “Not really my problem, but…” She shrugged. “... eh, why the heck not. It beats sticking around this joint with these other bozos.” She pointed out at the officers standing guard at the door. They gave her cold looks and she stuck out her tongue at them rebelliously.
Dicker seemed satisfied. “So you’re in then, Miss Celosias?”
“That’s what I said, wasn’t it?” she snapped back.
Her attitude didn’t bother him, however. He calmly stood, gathering his items together. “We will be bailing you out tonight. I’ve already made arrangements to have you fitted for a super suit tomorrow at our facility.”
“Better be short sleeved,” she said, remembering how the Supers she’d seen so far only had long leotards that covered almost every bit of skin on their bodies. With her fiery powers, she’d be sweltering in one of those.
Dicker nodded. “However you would like it,” he said.
She smirked. Nice. He opened the door to leave, but she raised up a hand as best she could and called out.
“Hey, uh, Dick?”
He stopped, sighing as he turned around. “That’s Dick er .”
A smirk tugged the corner of her lips. She knew that. “Remind me to give Gazerbeam a greeting when I come in, tomorrow, ‘kay?”
“Hmm…” he hummed, seeing the mischievous glint in her eyes. “Anything worse than a fist bump and it’s back to the gray bar hotel for you, got it?”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re no fun.”
“Trust me, you’ll be having plenty of ‘fun’ once we get you trained for the field,” he assured, making his way out for good.
And it was exactly twenty-four hours later that she emerged - sporting a midnight blue super suit with an S emblazoned at the front, knee-high boots, special protective goggles and her blonde hair up into a high ponytail - that she joined the National Supers Agency as Blazestone, ex-criminal and newest superheroine recruit.
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year ago
Gazerbeam / Simon J. Paladino x Reader: Recognition
Word Count: 2,308 Warnings/Notes: Established relationship, but the Reader doesn’t know that Simon is Gazerbeam. Masked criminals are evading the Supers but literally run into the Reader (other than that, they do not harm the Reader, but there is an attempt at grabbing the Reader). Small scratches on the Reader’s arm from falling onto the sidewalk. Frozone and Mr. Incredible trying to be wing-men? Also, kissing and cute moments with Simon. Summary: The Reader is returning to work from an errand but gets swept up (knocked over, rather) into Super activity.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
  Running a quick work errand was not what you had expected, but did not mind. The weather outside was pleasant. The white clouds that dotted the sky were nearly reminiscent of a cartoon. And, it did not hurt that while a good portion of people were at work it left non existent foot traffic for you on the sidewalk.
  Meanwhile…   The situation had escalated. As soon as the five criminals saw the arrival of the Supers, they split. Leaving the store they were holding up, and the unsuspecting citizens inside, they ran to the sidewalks in hopes of avoiding capture.   In the light crowd, they tried to lose the three Supers. Though as luck would have it, the police began to arrive to the scene. Two of the masked individuals were taken down, leaving the other three.   The Supers could only do so much in their pursuit. With other citizens around, they dared not risk a single one being accidentally hit in the process.
  As you walked back up the sidewalk, you only had one thing in mind. Return to work on time. It was not as if you were strolling and sight seeing. You just wanted to get back to your regularly scheduled day. Surely, there was no harm in that.   With all of the usual city sounds, it easily became background noise. Of course it those sounds came in the form of gasps and yells of protest, you would have noticed. Unless they originated from the next block over.
  Surprise wrapped your confusion as you were struck in the shoulder. The force of impact was so strong, that it sent you and the others tumbling to the ground. There was a sting of pain on you arms during the scramble, but other than that, you were unharmed.   Your nerves, however, were a different story. As soon as you looked over at who had ran into you, you wished that you had not left work in the first place. Looking at the black ski-masked face, how were you to know that you would mess up a criminal plan of escape? Unintentionally, of course.   And so, you found yourself lying on the sidewalk. Scuffed up and staring, you witnessed a couple criminals tumbling over each other. Once they were scrambling to get to their feet, time appeared sped up.
  Sirens blared in the distance and a colorful trio arrived. Three Supers ran over through the alley toward the scene. In a vibrant blue and white suit, Frozone created a short wall of snow, blocking the three criminals from leaving up the sidewalk. Mr. Incredible punched one of the men as he turned, weapon in-hand, but soon fell with a significant thud. Another almost got laser beamed at his feet as he went to grab at you, but stumbled back with a yelp.   Senses returning, you sprung to your feet and took quick steps away. Even as they were easily subdued by the Supers, you wanted to keep a distance. This was all too much for you to handle. All at once and unexpectedly.   Your eyes widened as the scene continued to unfold.   Mr. Incredible hit another guy while Frozone literally froze any weapon that they attempted to pull out and use against them.   Whatever else that played out went unseen by you. Gazerbeam had taken a wide stance in front of you, completely shielding you from the bad guys. You found yourself staring blankly at his back.
  After a few moments, it became relatively quiet.   Gazerbeam turned around, his visored helmet looking directly at you. “Are you all right?” He asked with a concerned frown.   “I think so,” you mumbled.   He nodded, “Excuse me for a moment.”   How hard did I hit the ground? You wondered in thought. He sounded almost like—
  Sirens blared as the police pulled up to the scene. Hopping out of their squad cars, they quickly thanked the Supers as they began to arrest the criminals.   You looked on as the criminals were handcuffed and set into the back of the cars; the supers giving more details of the event to the officers.
  After they spoke with the officers, the Supers turned their attentions to you.   “Are you all right?” Asked Mr. Incredible, stepping over to you in his blue suit. You swore the width of his shoulders could block out the sunlight.   “It’s just a few scratches. Nothing serious, thank you.” You replied hastily. Not that you even gave yourself the chance to actually look yourself over.   “Well, it’s a good thing you were here,” Frozone praised. “You just helped us stop some bad guys.” Collectively, he and Mr. Incredible sounded a lot more encouraging than you were expecting.   “It was definitely not what I had in mind for today,” you said, peering over as the officers were getting ready to drive off with the criminals.   “Perhaps you should be more mindful of your surroundings,” said Gazerbeam. The Super stepped over to the other two, but brought a foot back when it appeared as if he was going to walk much closer to you.   Did…did he sound familiar? You found yourself looking at the helmeted Super. “I guess I should.” You replied calmly, taking in his entire appearance, even down to body shape. Yes, definitely familiar.   “Easy, Gazerbeam,” said Mr. Incredible, “it’s not like they knew a couple of guys were going to run in their direction.”   “And bulldoze me over,” you mumbled, crossing your arms.
  From your commentary, their eyes zoned in on the scratches and marks littering your arms.   “You’re hurt,” Gazerbeam said, stepping over. Gently, he grabbed your arms to examine them before you could fully understand the evolving level of their conversation.   “It’s not that bad,” you said, involuntarily flinching as he put his gloved fingertips to the marks.   “I would hate to see what qualifies as bad,” he added.
  The gentleness of his touch sent your mind whirling before you collected yourself. “Anyway, they’re expecting me back at work.”   “H-hey, how about we walk them over there? It’s the least we can do,” offered Mr. Incredible with a bright smile.   Gazerbeam released your arms at his words.   “What a great idea,” Frozone said, patting Mr. Incredible on his shoulder.   You smiled kindly, “That’s not really necessary.”   “We insist!” Mr. Incredible said. “Lead the way!”   “Oh, um, okay then,” you wrung your hands together.
  And so began your superhero escort back to work. You could only hope that it was not too noticeable.   “I’m Frozone, by the way,” the Super smiled. “What’s your name?”   A quiet laugh left your lips before introducing yourself.   Mr. Incredible lit up at your name. His eyes went to Gazerbeam with a smile that did not go unnoticed by you. “It’s great to put a name to a face. I’m Mr. Incredible, and this is Gazerbeam,” he introduced cheerfully, the other Super giving a soft smile. “So, how’d you get caught up in all of this?”   “I was on my way back to work. They asked if I could run an errand, and so I did. Everything was going very well…up to a point.”
  There was nodding and silence before one of them spoke up again.   “Not married?” Mr. Incredible asked of you.   You gave a small laugh, all the while Gazerbeam looked toward Mr. Incredible, with a frown. “No. I do have a boyfriend.”   “Good guy?” Asked of Frozone.   “The best,” you beamed. “He’s a pro-bono lawyer for the city. You might know him. He mostly works for the rights of Supers. Simon Paladino.”   “Oh~” Mr. Incredible and Frozone smiled, their face practically lighting up with recognition.   “He’s a great guy,” said Mr. Incredible.   “Smart too,” added Frozone.   “And those crazy light blue eyes,” Mr. Incredible awed at.   “Hey, he’s my boyfriend to gawk over,” you laughed, before lowering your voice, “and I do love his eyes…”   Gazerbeam’s attention directed more to you at your words.
  Soon, the four of you arrived at the front of an office building. Stopping, you turned toward the Supers. “Well, I guess this is goodbye.”   “Have a good and safe rest of your day,” Frozone shook your hand.   “And tell that Simon of yours we said hello,” Mr. Incredible said with a grand smile.   “I hope to see Simon later but…I’m not so sure because of his schedule.”   “Too busy for you?”   “Oh, no. Not at all. I don’t mind. He’s a great man doing good for the city.”   With final nods to the end of the conversation, they waved as you took your leave into our place of work.
  “You were being far too obvious,” Gazerbeam chided.   Frozone put his hands to his hips while Mr. Incredible pressed a button to summon his car. “I think we did pretty well..all considering.”   Gazerbeam’s frown deepened in his confusion. “All considering what?”   “You throwing yourself in front of them.”   “I cannot risk them furthering injury.”   “And don’t forget how he held their arms,” added Mr. Incredible. “You should surprise them with flowers. Be spontaneous!”   Gazerbeam’s head all but tilted at the thought. “But we had no plans scheduled for this evening.”
  “Simon! I wasn’t expecting you today,” you practically jumped up out of joy. “Come in, come in,” you ushered him inside.   “I hope my visit here is all right. I do not want to intrude,” Simon said.   After shutting the door behind him, it was then that you noticed him carrying a small bundle of flowers in one hand.   “Not at all!” You threw your arms around him. “I am absolutely delighted to see you.”   There was less tension in his shoulders when you said so. That, and you gave his cheek a firm kiss before pulling away.   “I got these for you.”   Now Simon was not one for grand displays or huge gestures, which made the flowers an added bonus to his surprise visit.   “They’re beautiful. Thank you, Simon. This is so sweet of you,” you gushed as he handed them over to you. “I’ll have to find something nice to put them in,” you said, leaning in to give his lips a kiss this time before running off to find a vase of some sort to hold water.
  After you set the flowers for display on a table, you returned your attention to Simon. “So, what brings you here today?”   He grabbed ahold of your hands and you stepped even closer. “I wanted to see you. Is that a good enough reason?”   “That satisfies my curiosity,” you laughed softly. “You can surprise me any day.”   Simon’s gaze lowered to your arms and his brows furrowed. Slowly, he rotated your arms until you were palms up.   “What happened?” His voice softer.   Honestly, the kind, concerned expression on his face almost made you want to cry.   “I was knocked over by accident today on my way back to work,” you replied, the scene playing out in the back of your mind. “They, uh, were a bunch of criminals running from the Supers. I’m all cleaned up and patched up now though.”   Delicately, Simon skimmed his fingertips along the wrappings of your hands and forearms. His eyes were darting faster than usual to every inch of your arms.   “I’m sorry I could not have caught you today.”   “Mmhmm.” A smirk threatened to grow on your lips as you thought about the conclusion you came to earlier in the day. “Thank you for saving me today.”   “Did you really need those flowers after the day you had?” He inquired as you lead him over to the couch.   “Yes, but I will always need you more,” you smiled.   The pair of you sat comfortably on the couch before you pushed the topic on your mind.   “You’re not going to say it, are you?”   His nose scrunched in the slightest under his glasses. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean.”   “Mm,” you frowned at his face. Putting your palm up to cover his eyes, right in front of his glasses, he closed his eyes reflexively.   “What are you doing?”   “Testing a theory.” You said as you inspected his lips, chin, and jaw.   A smile tugged at his lips. “And that would be?”   You sighed, putting your hand to his shoulder, allowing him to look around more freely again. It had become obvious to you now that Simon was indeed Gazerbeam. His jaw, lips, and nose were the exact same. And how could you not recognize his smile or that voice you love so much.
  You figured that Simon was not going to tell you without any evidence or defense to your own side. So, you thought of a plan that you would sort out later. As for now, you would just settle for kissing him. And you knew for a fact that he definitely did not mind that at all.   Bringing your hands to his face again, you held him gently. Admiring his features and thinking of how kind and trustworthy he was. That, and how he could make your heart feel so warm and full.   He simply watched every little movement.   Slowly slipping off his glasses, in the off-chance that he wanted to keep them on, they were soon off of his face and in your hands. Setting the glasses aside on the table, you tenderly kissed his eyelids while his eyes were closed in his relaxation.   These moments were rare and treasured. Moments where the two of you could enjoy the quiet and each other’s company without a single other soul or incident to interfere.   Running your fingers through his hair, Simon basically melted at this point, and sank further into the couch as you both continued to kiss. And as his hands went along your waist and back, you forgot all about the previous events of the day.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Thank you for reading! Be sure to check out my Masterlist for more fanfictions :)
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year ago
Gazerbeam / Simon J. Paladino x Reader: Boring
Word Count: 342 Summary: Simon, a.k.a. Gazerbeam, asks the Reader if they find him boring and awaits their reply. Warnings/Notes: Very light angst, maybe. The Reader’s disbelief turns into reassurance and praise. Fluff. Established relationship.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
  A bustling metropolis and an array of apartment buildings, and yet, a quiet night. It was not necessarily something rare to have at home, though enjoyable. The company that came with it, however, was a rarity some nights.   Usually the crime fighting, heroically super-powered and form fitting, suit wearing Gazerbeam, Simon sat beside you on the couch. He occupied himself with a book that he had been wanting to continue reading, but found it a little difficult to do so over the course of the past week. Some times he had quite a busy schedule. Both for superhero duties and work in general.
  “Love?” He asked, gaining your attention away from the grocery list you were writing currently. “Do you find me boring?”   You froze at the collection of words before your head nearly whipped to the side. You honestly could not believe your ears. Were you truly hearing such a question from your dear friend and partner?   “No,” you shook your head. “Of course not, Simon. Have you forgotten how many times you’ve made me laugh? Why would you think such a thing? Is this about your voice or… what you talk about from day to day? Because, quite frankly, you sound amazing to me.”   His eyebrows furrowed, hiding behind the rim of his glasses. “Amazing?” He asked in his curious surprise.   “Yes,” you smiled. “I…I didn’t want to overwhelm you right now by saying sexy. However, both are correct.”   Speechless, Simon set the book down on his lap. Looking around the room, there was no interest in his eyes at any object. Perhaps your words, two simple descriptors, really did boggle his mind.   As he placed a thoughtful hand to his chin, you giggled.   “See what I mean?” Reaching over, you took up his face gently into your hands. “I could always give you a new nickname, you know.”   Simon smiled, his gaze holding yours for nearly a full moment. “I think that would be hardly necessary.”   “All right,” you said in conclusion, pressing kisses along his face.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
A short little read, but a Gazerbeam fanfiction nevertheless!
If you'd like to read more, check out my pinned post on my blog, my Masterlist of Masterlists for more fanfictions and imagines.
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years ago
Gazerbeam x Reader: Needed
Word Count: 1,318 Warnings/Notes: Enter Bomb Voyage as he explodes into a bank and keeps tossing explosives in order for the Reader not to leave in his strange little game. Cornered Reader. Scared, yet uninjured Reader. Supers fending off the supervillain. Police arresting supervillain. Angst, hurt/comfort between the existing relationship between the Reader and Simon/Gazerbeam. Summary: The Reader was running an errand when supervillain Bomb Voyage flips their day upside down. At least a trio of supers can be relied upon to save the citizens in their time of need.
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
 A quick trip to the bank. A simple errand that could have been one of the most mundane of your activities for the day. It was only one check to deposit. The teller was kind, one of the few genuine smiles that you saw that day. How the rest of your day would play out was beyond your perception.  Double checking your wallet, you tucked it safely away into your bag as you made your way toward the exit. A smile begged to return to your face at the thought of your plans. However, the explosion off to your left wiped away all such thoughts.  The occupants of the building jumped and cried out in their alarm. Out from the cloud of dust and debris walked in a tall striped shirted man. Bomb Voyage.  With your heart-rate increasing, you observed his occupied state; fiddling with his equipment. Inhaling deeply, you made a mad dash to the set of doors. The outdoors looked much more enticing, and safe, than usual.  A streak of color entered your vision before the doors ahead of you sprung off their hinges, halting you.  “No, no, no,” the oddly playful accent called out.  You grimaced, wishing that he had ignored you altogether. That, and you were beginning to regret not investing more time into other languages.  But then, he chuckled. Pacing around to see your face, he laughed again and smiled.
  Your stomach sank at the sight. In the depths of your mind you could only hope that someone had already made a very important phone call. The interest he seemed to have gained upon seeing you was unnerving. Terribly so. The way his painted face twisted with his words made your skin crawl.  When he stepped closer, you stepped away. And so began a strange dance around the room. You did not want him near you, much less a no exit scenario.  His hands moved to his belt again. With quick fingers, he activated and tossed another grenade as you could only stare.  Jumping from the startling loud noise, your legs carried you one way, but then another as he tossed a second one. The reactions from the other citizens went unnoticed by you. Clearly, you were more than a little occupied at the moment to take notice. However, you felt your blood run cold when your back hit something hard. A teller booth. One of the situations you never wanted: to be cornered.  Bomb Voyage closed in, the sound of his shoes across the floor echoing in your ears. The black of his shirt and criss-cross belt on his chest appeared to blur together as you stared. Though as much as your heart pounded, there was a change. Your jaw clenched, and your fingernails pierced against your skin. Your day had been going rather well, and this crafty villain decided to try to ruin your day?  Subtly, you brought one of your legs back. If you were going to go down, he would first.  He stared down at you, saying something beyond your comprehension. When his mouth opened again, someone in the room shouted.  “Supers!”  Everyone, including Bomb Voyage, turned to look. Jogging into readied stances, stood Frozone, Mister Incredible, and Gazerbeam.  As your heart leapt at the sight, so did your knee. The unamused villainous mime buckled over with a surprised groan of pain. Scurrying away from him, you ran straight, avoiding Frozone’s ice blast.  “Great shot,” Mister Incredible complimented as you ran toward them.  “Well, he’s hunched over at the moment,” Frozone shrugged.  As you pivoted behind Gazerbeam, he likewise adjusted his footing, shielding you with his body. With your hands to his back, you peered around his shoulder. Bomb Voyage’s feet were iced to the floor. A part of you wanted to shout in victory against him, but you decided against it. You did not think that the super in front of you would appreciate you yelling into his ears, helmet or not.  However, maybe Frozone should have iced a bit more. Bomb Voyage reached for his belt again. When the explosive was in his grasp and in the supers’ sight, a red beam of light blasted it out of his hand. The explosive went off much closer than the villain had intended, staggering him.  As Mister Incredible walked over to apprehend him, you missed the rest. Your focus shifted in your sense of safety. You became hyperaware of your closeness with Gazerbeam. Under your palms, you could not recognize the material of his suit. It was unique. The texture made it feel custom made. And by the way it fit on his body, made you believe it wholeheartedly.  He was tense beneath your fingertips. At the ready. Never had you seen him in such a state, especially so close.  Sirens soon whirled outside. In a matter of moments, the officers headed indoors cautiously as they observed the scene.  “Are you all right?” Gazerbeam asked, turning around to face you. His gloved hands came up to barely touch your arms. The gentleness nearly melted you.  “A little shook up,” you nodded away the remnants of your uneasiness, “but otherwise unharmed.”  No smile came as he briefly looked around. “You should leave,” he urged, “just in case Bomb Voyage tries a failed effort to avoid arrest.”  “Okay,” you squeaked, not meaning to.  Too soon, Gazerbeam’s hands left your arms. As he turned halfway toward the ongoing scene, you waited for his signal. When Bomb Voyage’s attention pointed him in the opposite direction than the pair of you, Gazerbeam spoke up again.  “Go, now. Hurry,” he nodded toward the doors, a hand pressing the small of your back.  Nimbly, you slipped out of the bank and down the sidewalk. With your legs pushing forward with increasing speed, you never looked back.
 Your apartment, your home, your sanctuary. The relief you had when you had entered and locked the door behind you was immense.  Time had passed, and you remained waiting. Staring out the window became oddly meditative, to ease your mind from racing through what-if scenarios.  The familiar rhythm of footsteps brought you back to the present.  “Sweetheart, are you home?” A smooth voice called out softly.  Your heart leapt and the corner of your eyes began to sting. Turning, you saw Gazerbeam entering the bedroom. All too frantically, you pulled shut the thin curtain to shield yourselves from prying eyes, and ran over to him.  Removing his helmet, he placed it down on the closest surface to embrace you. He held you just as tightly. It was rare to interact with you while he was still wearing his supersuit, but that detail did not matter right now.  “Oh, Simon,” you shook in your sobs, “I was so frightened. He threw so many explosives. I didn’t know what to do.” With your face buried in his chest, you barely felt as your tears rolled down his suit. The arms that held you to him was what you savored. It was as if his arms alone held the power to keep you from breaking altogether. “Thank you for saving me.”  “You saved yourself,” he said, a single hand drawing small reassuring circles along your back. “Have to you already forgotten the way you struck him into a state of immobility to escape?” Was there a hint of a smile in his words?  You pried yourself away from him enough to see his face. “You still showed up,” you sniffled, “and for that, I am grateful.”  With eyes dancing across your face, he gave a small smile and pulled you back to him. “I’m glad I did,” Simon whispered, kissing the top of your head.  There were benefits to being romantically involved with a Super. The downside, just as any ordinary citizen came dressed up in a ridiculous suit and bottled with an attitude and a twisted sense of morality.
~~~~  ~~~~
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this Gazerbeam / Simon J Paladino fanfiction. If you’d like, you can check out the others on my masterlists.
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year ago
Updated 😊
Disney/Pixar x Readers Masterlist
Updated: October 23, 2023
Gazerbeam / Simon J. Paladino (The Incredibles):
Gazerbeam/Simon J. Paladino x Reader: Puzzle Pieces
Gazerbeam/Simon J. Paladino x Reader: Comfort
Gazerbeam x Reader: Needed
Gazerbeam / Simon J. Paladino x Reader: Recognition
Horst Kerr (Ratatouille):
Horst x Artist!Reader: Comfort
Horst x Artist!Reader: Special Order
Horst x Reader: Breakfast
Horst Kerr x Reader: Waiting
Horst x Reader: Wonderful
Shere Khan (The Jungle Book):
Shere Khan x tigress!Reader: Priorities
Shere Khan x tigress!Reader: Stand By You
TRON / Tron: Legacy:
TRON / Tron: Legacy Fanfic Masterlist
Disney’s Descendants:
Harry Hook x VK!Reader: Flames of Torment
Harry Hook x VK!Reader: Charms
Harry Hook x VK!Reader: Risky
Jay x Reader: Beanie Boy
Theodore Groves (Pirates of the Caribbean):
Theodore Groves x Reader: Overtime
Theodore Groves x Reader: For You
Bernard the Elf (The Santa Clause films):
Bernard the Elf Fanfiction Masterlist
Wyatt Lykensen (Disney’s Zombies films):
Wyatt Lykensen x Reader: Promise
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ivorydragoness44 · 4 months ago
Fanfiction Events
13 Days of Halloween 2021 Masterlist
12 Days of Christmas Imagines and Insert Readers Masterlist
May the 4th 2022 Masterlist
Halloween Imagine/Fanfics 2022 Masterlist
Holiday Fanfics 2022 Masterlist
Valentine's Imagines Masterlist 2023
500 Follower Celebration Masterlist (2023)
May the 4th 2023 Masterlist
Halloween Fanfics 2023 Masterlist
1K Follower Birthday Halloween Bash (2024)
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ivorydragoness44 · 5 months ago
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Gazerbeam x Reader: Birthday Kisses moodboard
A 1K Follower Birthday Halloween Bash sneak peek!
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years ago
Hi 😃 I pretty much have the rest of this year planned out for fanfictions. So, I was wondering...
I was just wanting an idea of what characters you would be interested in reading from me ✨
Thank you! ❤️
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years ago
I guess I'm writing fanfictions in sets of three now??
So after Jack Frost, Doctor Leonard McCoy, and Seth Clearwater...
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year ago
That feeling when you finally finish a fanfiction that you started a while (years) ago and had fun doing so? It's great. It's really great 😄
Finally giving Gazerbeam some love 😆 Switching point of views was fun, brief but fun. Like, the Reader is minding their own business meanwhile Frozone, Mr. Incredible, and Gazerbeam are chasing down criminals. And then crash those two plots/stories together! Kinda literally, but the Reader is mostly unharmed, just a few scratches from the sidewalk. AND Frozone and Mr. Incredible being wingmen for Gazerbeam as subtly as they can. Even though Gazerbeam and the Reader are already dating, BUT Reader doesn't know that he's a Super!
Well...I just rambled on 🤣 but I really enjoyed this one and I hope that you'll enjoy reading the insert reader when I post it for my mini October Halloween event.
I mean...
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years ago
Fanfiction Update:
Detailed Edition
Theodore Groves x mermaid!reader: Near completion, I only need about a few more sentences at the very end, and it should finally be done 🌊 (for my October mini event)
Gazerbeam x Reader: I need to narrow down or at least choose one. 😆 I might do a Tumblr poll for that if you all are interested. (For my October mini event)
Murtagh Morzansson x Reader: Completed! ❤️ When the spooky wind howls, Murtagh cuddles are needed. (For my October mini event)
Jack Frost x Reader: Completed! ❄️ The weather is cool enough just in time for Halloween, there's only one person to thank (for my October mini event)
Doctor Jonathan Crane x Reader: Writing in progress. I have it all planned out, I just...need to write it 😆 There's a fear toxin leak, who will come to the Reader's aid? (For my October mini event)
Horst x Reader smut: Outline is complete, and now it is in the writing stage! ❤️‍🔥 The Reader wakes up to find that Horst has returned home from work. With the restaurant doing well, they end up celebrating the success. (Writing Commission)
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years ago
Which characters I should write for in 2024
The final results of the Tumblr poll are in!! Thank you all so much for taking the time to vote 💖 I really appreciate it.
Red Hood / Jason Todd
Darth Maul
Tron / Rinzler
Murtagh & Warren Peace tied
Seth Clearwater
Gazerbeam / Simon J Paladino
Sam Flynn
So keep an eye out in the new year~
I seriously can't wait for you all to see what fanfictions I have in-mind for the future.
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year ago
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New month, new commissions.
Fixated on a specific character? We've all been there. Let me help you bring that daydream into a readable format 😄
Check out my writing commission info here.
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years ago
Fanfiction Sneak Peeks
Next week: Become a program on the Grid and find out who this other program is that washed ashore. (I mean... it's Tron, but you already knew that 😆)
Check out my first ever Tron x Reader next week!!
Horst Kerr, Gazerbeam, and Theodore Groves.
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years ago
Fanfiction Sneak Peeks
Next week: The Reader's day is foiled by the infamous Bomb Voyage. Can Gazerbeam make it in time to stop the villain or will the Reader take matters into their own hands??
Horst Kerr and Theodore Groves.
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