yellowyarn · 25 days
I need a badge that says "Nothing happened, I'm just disabled" to wear when I use my braces or other disability aids. Maybe abled people would stop asking me about it then.
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lilsproutcare · 2 years
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✨ now kiss ✨
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I don't love how they portrayed incontinence on d20. Like it was obviously played for laughs- its a comedy show. But it also felt like the butt of the joke you know.
Feels not dissimilar to how often disability rep in media is villains because "obviously the one who doesn't look 'normal' is the villain and evil"
Like he was kinda a bad guy and then his "punishment" of sorts is getting hit by a car and becoming disabled. It kinda makes sense with how silly the world is... it just left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth
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Okay, but in the pjo series......arcery from a wheelchair......that's got to be one of the most badass things that I have ever seen!
This is turning into the disabled people's pride month, and I am all for it!!!
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king-of-squishmallows · 2 months
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Disablity Pride Month!
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futurebird · 1 year
for the love of god put alt text on yer images
I don't want to get mean. But one of the most tiresome things about tumblr is that almost no one here seems to put alt text on images. I thought ya'll cared about being welcoming and supporting everyone. Not having alt text is just RUDE.
So if I want to reblog something and it has an image I have to add a description at the end. This is a band aid. A work-around. It's not ideal. It would be better if the original image just had alt text on it.
I've written 100s of descriptions hoping people will see the reblog with [Image Description: ...] and think "wow maybe I should have done that"
But …. it's not really working. I don't think anyone is picking up the hint at all. So let me be more clear: It's rude to post images without a description. It makes this part of the internet nearly useless for many people. As the person posting the image only you can put the description in the right place (in the alt text) and you are the best informed person to write the description. You know what it is and why it's there. So just ... add the alt text please.
On mastodon I almost never see an image without alt text. We could be like that here too. You don't need to make it long. Something is better than nothing. Just give some context so the post makes sense and everyone can participate. Stop making it harder.
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Dear fic writers of the world,
If you plan to write a story about a disabled character who has a service dog*, great! More power to you. HOWEVER, please for the love of god do your goddamn research before you write that fic!! Look up your local SD laws, different types of SDs, their rights, and most importantly, the difference between a service dog, an emotional support animal, and a therapy dog. These are all VERY different titles and entail very different "jobs", and the laws surrounding these animals vary greatly. Multiple times I have started reading a fic with a service dog in it and it's literally just an ESA. This annoys me to no end. I know you don't own anyone anything with your fics, but as a former service dog handler, I ask that you at least do this one service to disabled people.
On the off chance any fic writers who are writing/want to write about a character with a service dog see this, feel free to hit me up. I'm happy to talk about what life with an SD is like, as well as the many nuances/laws/public perception/literally anything
*Under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) mini horses can also be service animals, however these are not as commonly seen :)
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weareweirdpeople · 2 months
super fucking late but like
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lavenderlemon543 · 1 year
Hot take accommodations like 5o4s, weelchairs, canes, crutches, prosthetics, ear plugs, heating pads, pain killers, hydration supliments, hearing aids, IEPs, catheters, therapy, psychologist, bed pans, diapers, period supplies, Ktape, Should all be free for those who need it. The whole what if people misuse it is bs people need accommodations as for people with invisible and visible disabilities and chronic pain disorders. Thank for litsening and happy disability acceptance month make sure to not be hard on your self and give yourself a break. 💞
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aves-is-tired · 2 years
Disability education is so important. I just got a firsthand experience as to why. I went to my schools dance and I was having a good time dancing with my friends. But my joints started to buckle on me. I went and I sat down and put ice on my knees. But once my friends got bored with me being disabled after 5 minutes and they left me all alone. People will have disabled friends until they themselves have to be just a little accessible. Being disabled hurts enough but getting abandoned at a dance because you’re disabled hurts more.
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yellowyarn · 7 months
it does not matter if Aaron is mentally ill or not. It does not change the meaning or importance of his death. disabled peoples lives are not lesser.
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lilsproutcare · 2 years
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*hands you a chocolate vanilla swirl moose*
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monsieurenjlolras · 7 months
I finally have insurance again but I have a $50 charge to see a specialist. I desperately need physical therapy but I don't know if that's going to count as a specialist every time and I can't afford to pay $50 every session. I have a lot of referrals from my GP to follow up on, but they're almot ALL specialists (neurology and urology especially) I just want to get a better handle on exactly what my disabilities/health problems are and how/if I can get them under control, but this country makes it so fucking cost prohibitive
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how do i convince my mother (and potential my doctor) that i need a better mobility aid?
i have been using a cane for a little over 6 months now and i think i am in need of something better (im thinking forearm crutches) and i have the money right now to buy them out of pocket so this isnt a trying to fight insurance thing and it will be my money no one else’s.
however, my mother is against the idea because she says she doesnt want me to get too reliant on them and that she is worried about me loosing strength in my muscles if i get the crutches.
ive agreed to talk with her and my doctor about this at my next appointment, but this is just my pcp and not a specialist because i can not afford to go to a specialist and im worried about her fighting me on this.
ive done my own research, i know the risks of forearm crutches and a cane, and i understand that to an extent my mothers concerns are valid ones im just not sure how to get her and potentially my doctor board with this and im not sure what to say to convince them that i genuinely think this will help me and that the cons do not outweigh the pros.
any advice is appreciated
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unicornsvsglitter · 9 months
I just rewatched japan sinks with some friends and I have so many thoughts on that show. In just ten episodes this show manages to be absolutely devastating and make me cry… twice, but also leave me with a weird sense of hope and closure that’s hard to find.
1. Everyone who has seen the show either loves it, hates it, or didn’t finish it. Which I’m not one to dis peoples options, but the main reason people don’t like the show makes zero sense. The main criticism I’ve seen is that it kills off too many characters. But like… it’s a show literally about japan sinking, are you surprised that it’s a tragedy where lots of people die??? I mean I was a bit shocked, but I thought the show was going to be about more of a metaphorical japan sinking (like maybe some sort of political unrest) not a literal one, but simply reading the show’s description would have made me realize I was wrong.
2. Disability representation. They had every opportunity to kill of Onodera and just say he died because that’s what happens when you effectively in the apocalypse and mostly paralyzed, but the main group, specifically Kite it like fuck it, no man left behind, idc if I’m putting my life in the line for this dude who can’t walk, talk, or move anything other then his fingers and toes, he’s one of us and god damn it, he’s not dying on my watch. There were 2 main scene where it was almost set up to kill him, but the didn’t. In a show that, once again, as far as there characters are concerned takes place during the apocalypse, had everyone going out of there way to take care of the disabled character and saw him as just as important as everyone else.
3. Trans representation. I love so much that Kite is trans and they don’t really make a big deal about it. It is never explicitly said, and only shown in one scene. He’s just (I think, if I’m remembering correctly) the top YouTuber in Japan, a complete and total badass, many children’s role model, who also just so happens to be trans. There’s a few other examples of lowkey queerness in the show, but Kite is the biggest example.
4. (Major spoiler warning) To me, I think the big appeal of the show is it has just the right amount of hurt comfort. Other then the dad, every major character death has a reason, and for lack of a better term accomplished something. Like Koga has one of the most devastating deaths I’ve seen animated, and one of only two scene in a show that has ever made me cry, but he dies 1) while doing what he loves and 2) while saving a memory disk that is used later on to help rebuild Japan. The mom is another example is the moms death. Her death is the only other scene in a show to make me cry and 1) once again, she died doing what she loves and 2) she died to save her children. She went fuck it, imma die anyway, might as well have one last hurrah and be a total badass.
I have many more thoughts on this show that I may post at a later date, but these are the big ones.
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