#Dirty History
xtruss · 2 months
The Olympics Have A Dirty History—Literally! But A Green Sports Movement Is Pushing For Change, Eager To See If Paris Will Be Different.
— July 20, 2024 | By Madeleine Orr, University of Toronto | Foreign Policy
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The wind blows a plastic bag past the National Stadium, also known as the Bird's Nest, in Beijing on January 23, 2008. Guang Niu/Getty Images
In April 1929, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) met in Lausanne, Switzerland, to grant the hosting rights for the 1932 Winter Olympic Games. The United States was the frontrunner, and seven U.S. candidate sites showed up to bid: Bear Mountain and Lake Placid, New York; Denver, Colorado; Duluth, Minnesota; Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Lake Tahoe and Yosemite Valley, California. For many small mountain towns, this would be their shot to generate the investment dollars needed to build new winter sport infrastructure and secure a strong tourism industry in a very economically fragile time—the start of the Great Depression.
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This article is adapted from Warming Up: How Climate Change Is Changing Sport by Madeleine Orr (Bloomsbury, 320 pp., $25.20, May 2024).
Godfrey Dewey, vice president of the exclusive Lake Placid Club (and son of the inventor of the Dewey Decimal Classification System for library books) was the lead administrator of the town’s bid. Dewey made a series of lofty promises—chief among them, a new Olympic sliding track for bobsled. Then-New York Gov. (and later U.S. president) Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote letters in support of the project, turning the small New York town into a frontrunner.
It all seemed promising, until Lake Placid secured hosting rights and things got messy.
Dewey’s planned bobsled run was to be on the Lake Placid Club’s site, within the protected Adirondack Forest Preserve. The Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks led a legal complaint in New York State courts, claiming that the project went against the “forever wild” clause of the state’s constitution, which maintains that state lands “constituting the forest preserve…shall be forever kept as wild forest lands.”
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The U.S. four-man bobsleigh team shoots a curve on the run at Lake Placid, New York, on February 16, 1932. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images
A two-year legal battle ensued. Environmental activists routinely protested and made noise in the press. Eventually, the New York State Court of Appeals held that a statute authorizing the construction of a bobsled run, requiring the destruction of 5,122 trees, was unconstitutional. Dewey and the organizing committee were forced to find a location elsewhere. They settled on a site just outside the Forest Preserve boundary.
That kind of pressure from environmental groups has never gone away. In nearly every Olympic host city since, there has been what sport sociologist Jules Boykoff calls the “NOlympic movement”—organized groups of people who do not want these large, damaging events to come to town. Over time, these movements gained momentum and media attention, eventually reaching Olympic decision-makers and creating public pressure to effect positive green change. But this process would take decades.
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A lone celebrant views a tally board at the Denver Olympic Committee victory headquarters in Colorado on November 7, 1972, after voters rejected funding of the 1976 Winter Olympics. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images
Fast forward to 1970. Denver was awarded the hosting rights for the 1976 Winter Olympics. It was billed as an ideal opportunity to celebrate the United States’ bicentennial and Colorado’s centennial anniversaries. But it took less than a year for the Games to be met with major dissent from local politicians. Months after the hosting rights were awarded to the city, State Rep. Bob Jackson told the Associated Press, “We ought to say to the nation and the world, ‘We’re sorry, we are concerned about the environment. We made a mistake. Take the Games elsewhere.’”
Dick Lamm, another state representative, told Ski Magazine, “Every time I ask a question about ecology, the Olympic people tell me, ‘Don’t worry, we are going to take care of that.’ But a state which has never taken down as much as a single billboard to improve the environment is not going to run an Olympics which the ecologists would like.” By 1972, the city withdrew from hosting and the Games were moved to Innsbruck, Austria, which had held the event in 1964 and had most facilities ready to go.
Germany also saw environmental groups put pressure on—and ultimately shut down—the Olympics over environmental concerns. In 1983, the mayor and local tourism director of Berchtesgaden announced a bid for the 1992 Winter Olympics. Almost immediately, a local citizens’ initiative was organized against it, and successfully campaigned to shut down the bid. That edition of the Winter Games was hosted by Albertville, France.
Amanda Shuman, a historian at the University of Freiburg, has been studying how the Berchtesgaden citizens’ initiative was contextually different from those that preceded it in other countries. She and I work together through the Sport Ecology Group, so I called her to get the background story.
“The early 1980s were a unique time for the environmental movement in Germany. Acid rain was at the top of everyone’s mind because Der Spiegel, the country’s biggest magazine, decided to run a series of exposés on forest death with pretty aggressive headlines like ‘The Forest is Dying,’” Shuman said. “At the same time, the newly formed Green Party rode that wave of public concern into their first seats in Parliament. Environmental groups watched this happen and were emboldened to act on different issues because there was more visibility and political support for their work.”
Shuman argues that historically, anti-sport development efforts went against the political grain, as politicians routinely used sporting mega-events as a platform-building opportunity. But in 1970s Colorado, and again in 1980s Germany, there was some degree of political support behind anti-Olympics campaigns.
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The opening ceremony of the Lillehammer Winter Olympics in Norway on February 12, 1994. Pascal Rondeau/AllSport/Getty Images
Despite repeated involvement and pressure by environmental groups to slow, move, or shut down sport development and big events through the 20th century, it wasn’t until the 1990s that sports organizations took up the mantle of environmental action themselves.
In 1992, the same year that the word “sustainability” entered the global lexicon at the United Nations Earth Summit in Brazil, the IOC was facing challenges with the perceptions of the Olympics following the Albertville Winter Games, which were dubbed an “environmental catastrophe” in the local news given the extraordinary distance between the different venues. The event was so spread out geographically that athletes and spectators drove through the mountains from one town to the next, clogging up the roadways and polluting an otherwise quiet area of France.
After Albertville, the IOC knew it had to act to strengthen its reputation on environmental issues and align more closely with growing global concerns about the climate. It’s still not clear whether the IOC has succeeded at improving its record or reputation on environmental work.
The 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway, are viewed as the first attempt to create a “green” Olympic Games. It was a tall order. After the environmental wreckage at Albertville, local activists in Lillehammer forced the organizing committee to adapt their hosting plans based on environmental concerns. The changes included a redesigned speed-skating rink that minimized impacts on a nearby bird sanctuary, a plan to prioritize the use of renewable building materials, energy-efficiency upgrades for facilities, and a recycling program at all venues.
The 1990s were a supercharged decade for sustainability across all sports, not just the Olympic Games. In 1993, the National Football League in the United States launched their NFL Green campaign, which has seen every subsequent Super Bowl implement waste management and nature restoration projects. In 1994, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) created its Sports and Environment Program to promote environmental awareness through sports and sustainable design principles in sports facilities and equipment manufacturing. Also that year, the Centennial Olympic Congress of Paris named the environment a “third pillar” of the Olympic charter, alongside sport and culture.
Later in the 1990s, the UNEP worked with the IOC to develop an “Agenda 21” for the Olympic Movement based on sustainability guidelines created by delegates at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio. (The document’s publication was sponsored by Shell.) The IOC committed itself to promoting sustainability among its 206 member nations and 30 governing bodies for winter and summer sports, and to require sustainability plans from the hosts of its marquee events. This is only a commitment to “encourage” sustainability, though, not to mandate it. The IOC does not control operations among its members. Despite these ambitions, the process of implementation has been a roller-coaster, with several sharp turns off-course.
For the first 20 years of the green sports movement, from about 1992 to 2012, the focus was on operational improvements: reducing waste, switching to energy-efficient lighting, using less water, and measuring carbon footprints. These efforts were impactful. Consider how much toilet paper is used in a stadium with hundreds of toilets—it’s a lot. Finding a toilet paper provider that uses recycled paper instead of fresh forests is a meaningful improvement.
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The washroom inside the National Aquatics Center, where swimming, diving, and synchronized swimming Olympic events were held, in Beijing on January 28, 2008. Feng Li/Getty Images
Or think about the water savings that can be achieved by implementing an irrigation system that cuts water use from 60,000 liters per night to 50,000. In one year, the facility will reduce its water consumption by more than 4.1 million liters. That’s enough water to fill three Olympic-size swimming pools. But these efforts can be hard to communicate to fans and do little to leverage sports’ sizeable platform to inspire fans to act on climate change and build popular support for action.
A 2021 study published by Martin Müller and colleagues at the University of Lausanne developed a model to evaluate the environmental sustainability of Olympic Games hosted between 1992 and 2020. It found that Salt Lake City in 2002 was the most sustainable, while more recent iterations in Sochi, Russia, in 2014 and Rio de Janeiro in 2016 were the least sustainable. Part of the challenge for the IOC is that each host country is operating within its own sets of definitions, limitations, and government priorities, so sustainability often takes a back seat to tourism development and growth plans.
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Cyclists ride over a road sign demarcating a Paris 2024 bike lane along the Rue de Rivoli in Paris on July 3. Julien De Rosa/AFP Via Getty Images
Some of the Most Exciting Work on Sustainability is Coming Out of the Paris 2024 Olympic Committee, which promises a carbon-positive Games. The French capital has banned non-essential through traffic from its city center effective in 2024, making 5.4 square miles of the city straddling both sides of the Seine much greener and cleaner. They are also adding bike lanes and bus routes, and 95 percent of the venues will be existing facilities or temporary builds, so only two new builds are needed. We haven’t seen anything better than this. Still, there will be loads of tourists (it’s Paris, there are always tourists), so the organizers have committed to offsetting all remaining emissions.
I have been outspoken in recent years about how I don’t think it’s possible to have a carbon-positive Olympic Games—and that this language is misleading and potentially detrimental to the broader movement. It’s great to see the ambition to be very low-impact, but “carbon-positive” is just not realistic in the context of an international sporting event with hundreds of thousands of tourists and participants.
Overall, though, the green sports movement is decidedly on the right track. Reflecting on the progress to date in the United States, environmental scientist Allen Hershkowitz—once dubbed the “Godfather of Green Sports”—said in a podcast interview in 2021, “I think, actually, over the last 10 years, the sport and sustainability movement has been one of the most effective sectors in the environmental advocacy world, especially in North America, where our government has been outright hostile to environmental progress.”
From where I’m standing, it’s clear a lot more has been happening in green sports in recent years. The sector is moving forward, and moving together. Now we have to pick up the pace.
— Madeleine Orr is an Assistant Professor of Sport Ecology at the University of Toronto. She is the Founder of the Sport Ecology Group and the Author of the recent book Warming Up: How Climate Change is Changing Sport.
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news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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quiddie · 8 months
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Someone warn Lily Du - there’s a coupe d’état (pun absolutely intended) coming 😈
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coreytaylr · 6 months
100% legit totally real facts about the historical stede bonnet
no the title is not a lie these are really REAL bc believe it or not, somehow the show made our stede MORE competent than the real one
sources: Real Pirates podcast (ep1, ep2, ep3, ep4, ep5), Dirty Sexy History podcast (with jeremy moss, bonnet's biographer, who LOVES the show, and said it changed his perspective on bonnet's and blackbeard's relationship PLUS he has the stedesrevenge handle on twt)
the library on the revenge was a real thing. the man really did that.
running away from his family to be a pirate
paying a salary to his crew
before bonnet's capture, he ran his ship aground and that's how the english caught up with him BUT the two english ships also ran aground (😭), so they fought each other with their flintlock pistols from behind their ships (until the tides turned and dislodged the english ships first. rip)
adopted an alias when he started pirating so people wouldn't know it was him but he raided ships near Barbados (where he's from), so that didnt turn out well. his solution? burning every ship from Barbados
he only succeeded in his early days bc merchant ships knew they would get off easier if they surrendered
ATTACKED A WARSHIP that whooped his ass so bad he almost died. the remaining crew steered the ship to Nassau where he met blackbeard
blackbeard stole the revenge from him but "allowed" him to stay on BB's ship (either as a guest or as a prisoner, it's not clear, but he def wasn't a crew member bc he didn't have any chores)
he was seen on deck running around in his gowns 😭😭
BB eventually reinstated him as the captain of the revenge and they sailed together for a while
"there is a 4 month period where stede and blackbeard kind of disappeared and no one really knows what they were doing" 👀
BB allowed bonnet to raid on his own which lead to him getting his ass beat by the Protestant Caesar. BB then proceeded to HUNT DOWN THE PROTESTANT CAESAR while flying the RED FLAG (which meant no mercy to anyone on board)
bonnet would raid ships and take what provisions he needed and give the other ship what he didn't need (essentially the library raiding scene lmaoo)
BB betrayed bonnet by raiding his ship and marooning his crew while bonnet was off getting a pardon
SO BONNET SWORE REVENGE AGAINST BB who was at the time, the most feared pirate
this led to him adopting another alias - "he also changes his name, at the time he goes by captain edward's. which is really interesting, I don't know if that's an homage to, you know, edward teach, but.. captain edward's with an "s", that's as if he's.. a possession of captain edward" ONCE AGAIN 👀👀👀👀
after escaping, he was promised a sloop by some rando. when the rando didnt deliver, bonnet "WROTE HIM A STRONGLY WORDED LETTER REPRIMANDING THE MAN"
that letter led to him being recaptured 😭😭
he was hanged while holding a bouquet of wilted flowers
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tiredyke · 2 years
every time queer discourse surges on this site everyone is so quick to jump to “it was actually the evil lesbians who divided us” because y’all heard the term “political lesbian” and never bothered to figure out what that meant
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Ok listen up
If you think the T should be dropped from the LGBTQ acronym, I’d like you to go and do a quick little bit of digging on the history of Pride, the movement you are gatekeeping. Then come back and tell me that trans people, a large majority of the founders of this community, don’t belong here. Just you fucking try. Stop erasing queer history in order to fit it into your exclusive idea of what Pride and queerness is. You are playing right into the hands of those who would seek to ruin us all.
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todayinhiphophistory · 4 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Wu-Tang Clan released their second studio album Wu-Tang Forever June 3, 1997
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awesomecooperlove · 6 months
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michaelsfavgirl · 4 months
NSFW alphabet
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Pairing: Michael Jackson x fem!reader
Tags: Smut, mention of mirror sex, creampie, toys, public play, foreplay, semi-exhibitionism, outdoor sex, somno, masturbation, size kink, mention of a foot fetish (oop), teasing, mike being whipped and pussydrunk, porn, oral (f & m), mike's enormous monster cock, edging, overstimulation, mention of dp…
Word Count: 4.8k
Requested: yes/no
Author’s Note: You can tell I started to lose my sanity at the end
Links: navigation | masterlist | taglist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Pop, Rock and Soul aren't the only things he's the king of, he’s also most certainly the king of aftercare. Michael takes aftercare to a whole new level, turning it into an art form that rivals his mastery of music. For him, aftercare is not just an afterthought, it's as important as the act itself and the foreplay leading up to it. You’ll never catch him lacking
After the heat of passion has subsided, he gently guides you to lay on your shared, soft sheets, allowing you to catch your breath while he admires you with a look of pure adoration in his eyes. His touch is tender as he massages your heated skin, soothing any lingering tension and leaving you feeling utterly cherished.
Alright I'm going off on a tangent, back to aftercare! When it comes to cleaning up after sex, Michael prefers to do things properly. Instead of reaching for a mere wet rag, he opts for a shower or bath, finding the experience infinitely more intimate. With his hands in the warm water, he lavishes attention on every inch of your body. While he may melt at the suggestion of you returning the favor, his focus remains solely on pampering you.
Physical exertion is strictly off-limits after sex. Michael won't hear of you doing anything even remotely taxing. Instead, cuddles are mandatory.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Michael's adoration for you is evident to anyone who crosses your path; it's as if you radiate an otherworldly beauty that captivates all who are fortunate enough to behold you. From the strands of your hair to the tips of your pedicured toes (which, of course, he insists on paying for), you are nothing short of a goddess walking among mortals. If you asked him to choose a favorite part of your exquisite form, he would malfunction, how dare you make him choose? 
…however, when it comes to the sexual side of your relationship there are certain aspects of your body that he simply can't resist fixating on. He loves your hips, his large hands seem to have a mind of their own as they instinctively find their way there. Loves to squeeze them, especially when you’re in company and he needs to silently convey his yearning for you. Now if you’re chubby/plus size he’s obsessed with your love handles. Marveling at the way his fingers effortlessly find purchase in the soft folds of your flesh, when he’s taking your breath away with each thrust of his hips.
As for Michael's own body, it’s no surprise that he likes his hands. I mean have you seen them?! He knows the effect they have on you, he's caught you, not so discreetly, staring at them on multiple occasions. Loves to make you watch him play with your wet cunt in front of a mirror. He firmly yet gently cups your jaw to make sure your eyes stay glued to your reflection as he pushes his fingers into you, scissoring them in and out while slipping his thumb past your lips. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Certified creampie lover. Yes, seeing your soft skin glistening with his pearly beads of cum is undeniably arousing but it's the sight of his spent oozing out of your sensitive pussy that truly drives him wild. That sight alone is enough to get his length hardening in an instant. 
There's something undeniably primal about the way he fills you to the brim, until his own semen spills over, unable to be contained by your warmth, trickling down your slit in a deliciously messy display. The added messiness and the sinful squelching sounds only serve to send him into overdrive, fueling his desire to claim you again and again.
On occasions when there's no need to leave the confines of your home, Michael isn't shy about shoving his creamy mess deep into you with his thick fingers, then nonchalantly pulling up your panties as if it's the most natural thing in the world. He unashamedly revels in the sheer debauchery of watching you walk around with his cum dripping out of you, soaking your underwear. And just when you think he's done, he'll surprise you with an occasional check, slipping his warm hand under your panties to slide his fingers between your folds, deliberately ignoring your clit as he teases you about how drenched you are.
However, if Michael is feeling slightly remorseful or if you two have places to be, he'll opt for a more discreet approach. In such instances, he'll push a plug past your tight entrance, ensuring that his creamy aftermath is neatly contained within you. But this "tidiness" comes with a price—the plug he chooses is usually a remote-controlled vibrator, allowing him to maintain his dominance over you even when you're out in public. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Michael is an open book when it comes to sharing his fantasies and kinks with you, but there are certain desires he keeps hidden, reserved for the privacy of his own mind. One such secret, (yes there’s multiple) nestled deep within the recesses of his consciousness, is somnophilia.
There's an undeniable allure to the sight of you lost in slumber, your features softened by the peaceful embrace of unconsciousness. As you lie there, your slow, rhythmic breaths filling the room, Michael finds himself mesmerized by the sight of your sleeping form. He can’t help the blood pumping in his veins when you inch your leg higher, seeking a more comfortable position, whilst inadvertently revealing tantalizing glimpses of your clothed pussy. 
He only wants to rub your little clit that's all, or maybe also slip a finger or two into your slippery hole. Can you blame him for wanting to make his precious girl feel good? For wanting you to wake you with that familiar, pleasurable sensation between your legs?
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
As much as the media wants to portray him as a clueless virgin to the public, behind closed doors, he's far from inexperienced. He's no prude and unfortunately for his mama he didn't wait till marriage. Trust he knows what he's doing. He knows his way around a bedroom, his every touch calculated to elicit gasps of ecstasy. With Michael, there's no fumbling or uncertainty.
In the beginning, when you first became intimate Michael made it his mission to commit to memory the nuances of your body and what turns you on. He focused solely on you, trying to gauge your reactions, see what brought you the most pleasure and what you didn’t seem too fond of. He learned to read your body like a well-worn book, to anticipate your every whim and desire before it even crossed your mind. His touch became more intuitive, his movements more fluid, as he effortlessly guided you to the heights of ecstasy and beyond.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
To him, it's an absurd question because He has no issue with bringing you the most pleasure in any position. and he's more than willing to explore them all with you. Of course, if you have one, he's more than happy to accommodate. Your satisfaction is his top priority, and he'll go out of his way to make sure you're getting exactly what you want. 
But I know you want to know more so here are honorable mentions: The mating press: oh lord, he’s obsessed with how deep he can go. He revels in the sensation of plunging deep into your drooling cunt, his hips slamming against yours with a ferocity that borders on animalistic. Almost cums on the spot at the sight of your jaw unhinging as his tip kisses your cervix with each powerful thrust. 
Standing up/against a wall: these are mainly reserved for quickies. Loves the urgency, the need to satisfy your needs in the heat of the moment. He delights in pushing you against a wall, his hands gripping your hips as he slides into your puffy cunt with abandon. Bonus points for watching your ass jiggle.
Low doggy style: prefers this one over the traditional doggy as you have to do even less. There's no need to strain your spine or hurt your elbows; no, instead all his sweet girl has to do is lie comfortably on the sheets and let him do all the work.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Michael has a fantastic sense of humor, most of his friends and family will agree. However, when it comes to matters of the bedroom, he adopts a more serious demeanor. He wants your thoughts to meld together, your senses attuned to the delicious stretch of his cock or the tantalizing sensation of his mouth between your legs. To introduce humor into such a sacred space would be to risk disrupting the delicate balance of pleasure and passion that he works so tirelessly to achieve.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Michael takes great pride in his grooming habits, ensuring that he is always impeccably clean and well-maintained, especially when it comes to his nether regions. While he may not be a fan of shaving, he keeps his pubic hair neatly trimmed, finding that the hair adds a touch of masculinity to his appearance. However, he does make an exception when it comes to his balls, preferring to keep them smooth for your convenience and enjoyment.
As for his preference when it comes to your grooming habits, Michael has a strong preference for a full bush. This is factual, you can't tell me otherwise. He's a product of the 70s era, where lush and natural pubic hair was the norm. The wilder the better. He told me so himself.
Adores when it gets messy with his cum or feels it dampen with your arousal as he pleasures you. He loves the way the soft hairs brush against his cheeks when he's sucking on your clit or when your pubic hair tangles with his own as he thrusts deeply into you.
Plus when the two of you are lounging on the couch, boredom sometimes leads him to slip his hand under your pants to absentmindedly play with the tufts of hair at the top of your mound. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
For Michael, sex isn't just a physical act, it's the ultimate expression of intimacy and connection. He views it as something sacred, a deeply personal and meaningful experience. He’s always doting on you in your relationship so that doesn’t change in the bedroom, he actually becomes even more affectionate. From gentle whispers of endearment to tender kisses placed upon your skin, he leaves no doubt in your mind that you are his everything, the center of his universe, and he is utterly devoted to your pleasure and satisfaction.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Before you entered his life, Michael's hand was no stranger to his throbbing shaft, especially with the weight of carrying the entire music industry on his back. Masturbation served as a way to let off steam and alleviate the relentless stress. But once you became intimately involved, his solo sessions dwindled significantly. Your touch, your scent, your very essence eclipsed any pleasure he could derive from his own hand. So, he'd much rather wait to get his hands on you. 
Even when you're not in the mood, he holds off. Some might say he edges this way but of course, he'd never admit to such lewd accusations.
However, when the demands of touring keep him separated from you for months on end, Michael's resolve is put to the ultimate test. Alone in his hotel room, he finds himself unable to resist the primal urge to seek release. With your panties clenched tightly in his fist, his hand moves with a frenzied urgency, his shaft pulsating with need as he conjures vivid memories of fucking you senseless, eagerly counting down the days until he can hold you in his arms once again.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Lowkey a freak. All that repressed sexual desire from being in a highly religious household really did its thing, taught him how to conceal his deepest yearnings behind a façade of propriety and restraint. Considers himself more kinky than most. Even when he comes across someone who's also into kinky stuff they’re usually into the typical bdsm-like things whilst Michael's tastes veer decidedly into the realm of the unconventional. our man gets off on the weirder fetishes. (still love him though)
Aside from those when it comes to the more “normal” desires he’s into immortalizing your most intimate encounters with a click of his camera shutter. Polaroids and videos of the most raunchy moments that would put Kim K’s tape to shame. Of course your faces are still always out of the frame, after all, discretion is important when you're the most famous person in the world.
Has a raging size kink that borders on obsession. (not talking about body size) Each time he has to prep you with his fingers, the sensation of stretching you to accommodate his girthy cock makes his brain melt. Also unashamedly loves being messy and spitting in your mouth. I could go on forever listing them so let’s stop, we've got more to talk about. 
 Also may or may not have a foot fetish, but i didn't tell you that.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Mainly prefers the privacy of your neverland ranch but he's not limited to the confines of the bedroom. There’s no surface in your home that hasn’t been christened by the both of you. from the kitchen counter to the inviting waters of the pool.
Considers himself a semi-exhibitionist, relishing in the thrill of the forbidden without the desire to actually get caught in the act. There's something about the risk of being discovered, of stifling your moans with his palm while keeping a vigilant eye out for prying eyes. It's the adrenaline rush of teetering on the edge of discovery that sets his pulse racing.
Outside of your haven he prefers either his dressing room or somewhere out in nature. Making love to you while you're laying on a soft blanket in the middle of a flowery field while the birds are chirping? Sign him the fuck up.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Michael's motivations are as straightforward as they come: you. The simple presence of your divine form is enough to send his desire into overdrive. Call it whipped if you must, but he sees it as a privilege to be enraptured by the allure of the sexiest woman in existence.
Strangely enough, it's not the overtly seductive gestures that get him going. No, it's the everyday moments, the mundane activities that hold the power to ignite the flames of passion within him. You can be lounging on the couch beside him, lost in conversation on the phone or simply lost in your own thoughts and the innocent sound of your sighs or the arch of your neck as you stretch will get him chubbing up instantly.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Michael has firm boundaries when it comes to certain acts in the bedroom, rooted in the trauma he endured at the hands of his father. The idea of causing you any harm, whether physical or emotional, is utterly unthinkable to him. Squeezing your hips? Sure. a spank on your soft ass? Alright. but anything more aggressive or degrading is strictly off-limits. The thought of leaving a mark on your delicate skin or causing you any distress sends shivers down his spine.
Another thing that's off the table for Michael is pornography. He simply can't bring himself to watch other naked women when he's got his very own P.Y.T. by his side. Besides, with his penchant for taking Polaroids and videos, he's got his own personal collection that far surpasses anything he could find online. Why settle for generic smut when he has the real deal right in front of him?
At last, subbing is something he’ll never do. Nope, not happening. He's a pleasure/service dom through and through, and the idea of you putting in any work to satisfy him instead of the other way around? Yeah, that's a major turn-off for him. Katherine didnt raise no 50/50 “let's split the bill” goon.
When he's really exhausted but still wants to please you, he'll reluctantly let you take the reins. Will let you bounce on his fat cock as you use him for your own pleasure. It's the closest thing to submission you'll ever get from him, but even then, that doesn’t happen often and he's still calling the shots, making sure you're getting exactly what you need while he serves as your willing plaything.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Michael's got a Ph.D. from the pussy eating academy, wait no, scratch that, he's the one who founded the university. He’s the founding father, the dean, and the star pupil all rolled into one. Therefore he's more of a giver. It's not just a preference; it's a calling. Sounds overused but he really could spend hours nestled between your thighs, worshiping at the altar of your pleasure. 
And let's talk about his chronic clit-sucking habit. Once he gets going, there's no stopping him. He'll latch onto that little bundle of nerves like his life depends on it, not even bothering to detach his lips when he sees it swollen and sensitive from his ministrations. And when your thighs instinctively squeeze around his head, well, let's just say it's his version of heaven on earth. Deny him the chance to feast on you daily, and he'll legit start having wet dreams about it. No joke.
Now, when it comes to receiving oral, Michael's a bit more reserved. He prides himself on being a gentleman, and making you kneel on a cold wooden floor just doesn't sit right with him. He'll only let you go down on him on special occasions, and even then, he's careful not to push you too far. You won't be deep-throating him anytime soon—just the tip, thank you very much. He's all about ensuring your comfort, and he's not about to let you strain your jaw for his pleasure.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He's somewhere in between. He's quite blessed downstairs so he knows he needs to tread carefully to avoid accidentally causing you any discomfort. “Technique is more important than pace” truther. That being said, there are moments when he's not afraid to let loose and take you hard and fast, especially if he's feeling particularly stressed or you've been a bit of a brat.
But if he's not in the mood for a wild romp, it'll take some serious convincing, a healthy dose of luck, and maybe a few well-timed puppy dog eyes to get him to crank up the intensity. And if you manage to persuade him to pound you into the mattress he'll step up his aftercare game to a whole new level.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
There's something undeniably thrilling about swiftly pulling aside clothes, not bothering with the formality of full undressing, and dropping to his knees to bury his head under your skirt for a quick taste of ecstasy. The urgency of it all, the risk of getting caught, it's enough to send shivers down his spine and get his blood pumping. He gets it, he really does.
But as much as he enjoys the occasional quickie, nothing compares to the ecstasy of taking his time with you. Michael is all about savoring every moment, prolonging foreplay until you're practically begging for release. He revels in edging you to the brink, pushing you to the very limits of pleasure until you're a quivering, whimpering mess beneath him. And when you finally can't take it anymore, when you're cumming so hard you can barely see straight, that's when he knows he's done his job right. 
Seeing your legs trembling, your eyes rolling back in bliss, and your beautiful face contorted with pleasure is the ultimate reward for him. So while quickies may have their appeal, for Michael, nothing beats the pure, unadulterated ecstasy of taking his time and making you cum over and over again.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Michael is all about pleasing you so if you've got a fantasy you've been dying to try, you can bet he'll be game for it. Even if it's not exactly his cup of tea, he'll give it a shot at least once, just to see the look of satisfaction on your face. There are very few things he’d not try, especially with you. Your pleasure is his top priority, and he'll go to great lengths to ensure you feel comfortable and fulfilled in the bedroom. So don't be shy about sharing your wildest fantasies with him – he's always eager to turn your dreams into reality. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
You could be lying there, barely able to catch your breath after multiple rounds, and he'll be grinning like a Cheshire cat, asking if you can give him one more orgasm. And trust me, you never have to worry about taking too long to cum or him finishing before you do as this man can dance, sing, and entertain on stage for hours on end without breaking a sweat. 
You’ve never had an experience when you didn’t cum or that he climaxed first. Absolutely not. He's a master at making sure you reach climax first, every single time. He's all about you and your pleasure baby. You'll never leave the bedroom unsatisfied when Michael's in charge. 
He usually goes for three rounds and can last around thirty minutes before he finally lets himself climax. And even then, his refractory period is short – just a few minutes, maybe ten if he's had an especially intense orgasm. So rest assured, you'll be in for a wild ride every time you're between the sheets with him.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He does have a stash of toys that are mostly for your pleasure and he's not shy about putting them to good use. From vibrators to plugs to dildos (none bigger than his own length, of course) to lots of lube, he’s got everything you need.
 He is not one of those men who get insecure and compare themselves to silicone toys. In fact, he sees them as valuable tools for enhancing your pleasure, not as competition. He knows that they can help him make you feel even better. They're besties not enemies.
He's especially into the idea of double penetration, but he's not about to invite someone else into the bedroom to make it happen. That's where the toys come in handy. He can fill both of your holes at the same time, giving you the kind of mind-blowing pleasure you crave.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
After music teasing you is his second most favorite thing to do. You hate how naturally it comes to him. No matter what the situation, he always manages to find a way to make your face feel hot, leaving you squirming and begging for more. 
It's almost unfair how good he is at it. One minute you're just minding your own business, and the next, he's got you swatting at his arm and burying your face in his chest, trying to hide the embarrassment. But deep down, you secretly love every second of it – even if you'd never admit it out loud.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Unlike some guys, Michael isn't shy about letting the world know when you're making him feel good. He's a vocal one, and he sees no reason to hold back. I mean, why would he want to hide the fact that you're driving him wild with pleasure? Especially when you're at home, he couldn't care less if the maids or security overhear (they've all signed NDAs anyway), he's not holding anything back.
And let's talk about that mouth of his. It's downright filthy, I tell you. Once he gets going, there's no shutting him up. He's always whispering the nastiest, dirtiest things into your ear, sending shivers down your spine and making your gummy walls clench around him like a vice.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Remember the dildos I mentioned in the toys section? Well this little freak has made a custom made dildo for you that is an exact replica of his cock. Yeah, you read that right. I’m going to give you a second to take that in……
he was absolutely buzzing with excitement, literally had his dick in a mold, imagining your reaction when you laid eyes on it.
Before jetting off on tour, he carefully placed this anatomically accurate marvel in a discreet box on your bed, like a tantalizing treasure waiting to be discovered. And then, without so much as a backward glance, he vanished to conquer stages in far-off lands, leaving you to uncover his risqué gift in his absence.
When you finally laid eyes on that uncanny replica, your face surely turned as hot as a boiling teapot. From the lifelike color to the intricate veins, every detail is meticulously crafted to match the one you’re all too familiar with.
When Michael called you from across the globe, you could practically hear the mischievous smirk in his voice as he awaited your reaction, fully aware of the tidal wave of emotions that “little” creation would unleash.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I'm just expanding on this post I made a while ago. 
He’s 7 inches when soft, 9 when hard. And before you start with the "unrealistic" talk, let me stop you right there, this blog is not the place for that. We're on Tumblr for crying out loud. Besides, rumor has it that Michael was packing something closer to a 12-inch monster, so let's just say 9 inches is well within the realm of possibility for our man. 
But besides length you may say “length isnt everything its all about the girth” you are correct and to that i give you one hint–can of soda.(which is around 21 cm btw). He is absolutely obsessed with the fact that your hand can barely wrap around his impressive shaft.
Also he's uncut, with faint veins tracing their way all over, adding an extra layer of sensation as they glide against your slick walls. Has big soft balls to match the length. They are very sensitive so every time they slap against your bottom he's panting from the sheer overstimulation. Sucking on them during oral for longer than a few seconds  will have you witnessing a rare sight of him losing his control.
Michael takes great care of himself physically so his cum tastes relatively good, never have you felt the need to spit it out. It's so thick and milky as well, all that creamy goodness looks mouthwatering, painting your skin or insides.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Good luck soldier cause he has a very high libido. And he has the audacity to blame it on you. He'll look you dead in the eye and say, "How can I not be insatiable when I wake up next to the most beautiful girl in the world?" Cheesy bastard. 
As much as Michael yearns for you every damn day, he's not about to let his desires override your comfort. He's a gentleman through and through. If he notices that you're still feeling sore from the previous night's escapades, he'll restrain himself because at the end of the day, your comfort and well-being come above anything else, even his insatiable hunger for you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
you're usually the first one to tap out. After all those gentle caresses and sweet nothings whispered in your ear, it's a wonder you manage to stay awake at all. But Michael's not the type to tease you about it, he's too busy showering you with praise for how well you did for him. He'll pull you close to his chest and tell you to close those pretty eyes and rest. There's no better lullaby than the sound of his steady heartbeat as you drift off into dreamland. Makes sure you are snuggled up close to his chest before he lets himself drift off.
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© michaelsfavgirl 2024
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foxcort · 25 days
i think it would’ve been better if rhysand hiding his wings chafed a bit. like his body prefers to have them out and that hiding them goes against what’s natural to him. but he does it as a way to ‘fit in’ with the rest of High Fae society who would probably not take him seriously or treat him as lesser if he showed up to a meeting with his wings out. i think it would humanize, for lack of a better word, him if he had moments around feyre or the ic where he lets his wings out and it’s a relief to, instead of using them as a scaring tactic or a display of strength.
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TFA Arachnus Prime
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sunburnacoustic · 4 months
According to his new book, Serj Tankian from System of a Down almost signed Muse to his own record label back in 2003. He'd been a fan of theirs since the OOS days, having shared festival bills with Muse in Europe, and he really loved Absolution when it came out and noticed that Maverick hadn't even released it in the US, and wanted to try and buy Muse out from Maverick's control. Maverick asked for half a million dollars to transfer Muse (which is something I fucking HATE about labels and deals: they refuse to release your work and also won't let you leave, and this is still happening), which Serj couldn't cough up on his own, so he tried to convince Sony, who signed SOAD, to sign Muse instead. Sony hemmed and hawed and said they wanted to wait to hear Muse's next release before squaring up the money, but by the next year, all of Maverick's artist had been bought out by various record labels, including Warner Bros. proper, who picked up Muse and finally released Absolution, a year late in the US (2004, which I realised later is why you see some sources list its release date as 2004. The US release date). Interestingly enough to me, Maverick was a Warner subsidiary to begin with.
Serj regrets losing out on signing Muse, not so much from a financial standpoint, but because they were a cool band he liked, but I wonder how things may have panned out for Muse had they stayed indie for another few years? I imagine Warner worked out quite well for them: they sold out their first US tour in a long time in the autumn of 2004, headlined Glastonbury, were invited to play a Live 8 show, and of course, when Black Holes and Revelations came out in 2006 (Sony's loss), they exploded all over the alternative 'mainstream'. It doesn't seem like they've had much, if any, creative interference from Warner either, except maybe them suggesting the greatest hits thing that instigated Muse writing Will Of The People instead. Overall, fairly harmonious.
Things turned out alright for them!
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gay-poet-gabriel · 5 months
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livelaughlovelams · 3 months
Look man, I KNOW classical composer Tumblr exists because those classical composer memes have to be coming from somewhere. But how on earth do I hop on it!? Is it like one of those moving elevators, where you have to step on quickly and hope you come out!? To me it's like the backrooms or something. Do you have to type in some sorta key, is it going to ask me to match these concertos by key signature to delve inside the secret catacombs of classical composer-blr? Will there be a 7 dwarves mining cart roller coaster waiting there except instead of the dwarves its the ducking CLASSICAL COMPOSERS!? What, do I gotta send pictures of my violin-ridden hands as proof, do I gotta submit cat boy Mozart fanart/fics,
(I'm currently on amrev/frevblr seriously send help)
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deadpresidents · 8 months
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Why did John F. Kennedy have a tendency to awkwardly stick his hands into the pockets of his suit jacket? According to TIME Magazine on February 24, 1961, this was why:
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pexchys · 2 months
i miss my voltron klance dirty laundry era that girl was insane bless her heart
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