#Dirt beer guy
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hungry-skeleton · 1 year ago
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Can you tell who my favorite is lol
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mityfresh · 1 year ago
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Where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came?
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hnknafan2016 · 1 year ago
Guys it's wild that Simon talks to Dirt Beer Guy, who DID come back to life and get a chance to rekindle things with his wife. He got a second shot after he died protecting the Candy Kingdom, and reflecting in "Cherry Cream Soda" that he didn't think about her enough, while Simon lost his sanity trying to protect himself and Marceline with the Crown, and DID manage to come back from that, did not get a second chance with Betty.
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gumclones · 2 years ago
pondery/theoretical thoughts on the Fionna and Cake premiere under the cut
my suspicion is that the "cool ice prince" Fionna keeps seeing in her dreams isn't a version of Simon, but is rather a representation of Ice Finn, sort of like Gunter's pigeon dream avatar in Hoots. this isn't really based on anything concrete except that we see that he has blue eyes, which doesn't necessarily mean anything - mainly I just think it'd be really neat!
I'm not sure exactly who or what is responsible for the glitched-out "normal" world that Fionna Campbell is set in! right now I'm dithering between Betty, Simon, or the crown acting autonomously somehow. my spouse pointed out that the glitches are somewhat inconsistent, which leads me to believe that someone is actively maintaining the world, and that in the city gardens there don't seem to be nearly as many glitches.
I'm pretty sure that all the inhabitants of Fionna's world (I hope we get a better name for it 😅) started out as denizens of Ooo, rather than having been born human. I think that whatever force put them there wanted to preserve their personalities, so I think that most of their memories of the human world are translated versions of their actual memories rather than fully fake.
Gary's behavior and demeanor is extremely interesting to me! it's clear that he's still very himself - there's his usage of very precise measurements and his fixation on making candy-I-mean-biscuit people, but he also seems… not all there? most obvious is when Fionna rhetorically asks him how long they've known each other and he says "hmm, I don't know. I guess, like, forever?" but there's also the way he seems to be slow on the uptake at times - when Fionna eats his prototype before he can frost it he stares at where it was for two full seconds before looking up. currently I have a theory that he's acting a little weird because it's really hard to fit him into a normal human world and keep his mind intact! after all, if he's around Fionna's age then he's about 30, which represents less than 4% of his true lifespan. in addition to that, he's got a very atypical childhood and family tree and he's not in the position of authority he's spent the majority of his life in.
another thing that my spouse pointed out is that the fight with the bear comes across as extremely staged, especially in light of Finn openly referring to Simon as "bait" after he catches the mudskipper. currently our guess is that the bear was a shapeshifted Huntress Wizard, especially since Finn encouraging Simon to stab it in the heart is reminiscent of Huntress Wizard trying to get Finn over his aversion to killing in The Wild Hunt.
Finn does the Martin wink and it makes me sad! 😅
I really hope that the gum family show up, because I think they have a lot of interesting commonalities with the situations of almost every character we've been shown so far! I think that the setup of Dirt Beer Guy's tavern could very easily lead to this, since we see Punch Bowl and Crunchy spending time socially with Dirt Beer Guy in the epilogue of Come Along With Me. there's also the possibility of seeing Gary's family, which I'd be thrilled to bits by.
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Ellis' expression when Fionna offered him the bagfood broke my heart a little :( on the plus side I love how he's living his purplest life!
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luckyshinyhunter · 8 months ago
I loved how the side or background characters of Adventure Time get a bigger part to play in the later seasons.
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mouse-doubleo100 · 1 year ago
now that fionna and cake has wrapped up, im curious about what people are wanting to see next from the franchise
these are just off the top of my head, there’s bound to be countless other ideas that i’ve not thought of
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sldlovescartoons · 1 year ago
I know that TV and Dirtbeer Guy were uncomfy, and letting Finn handle the Simon Situation, but they were they were real units for not speaking up when Finn decided he was going to spontaneously drag a man wearing a three piece suit who just demolished a glass of whiskey(?) into the wilderness to endanger his life. He literally mentioned going to the edge death lol
Like, come on guys, speak up. Don’t let him do that.
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trashpandamama · 3 months ago
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emojiburst · 1 year ago
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Misc. characters that I thought were cute in the second episode, you know? And Cake. She's there, too.
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strijdishop · 1 year ago
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I'm running an Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake bracket to determine which underrepresented characters deserve to have me make enamel pins of them! Please vote and share!
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hungry-skeleton · 11 months ago
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Yeah sorry about this one
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clowneryblog · 1 year ago
I have something to say about this song that would only make sense to someone who's seen adventure time at least three times & also likes tmbg a lot
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spideryconcubine · 2 years ago
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Anton stimboard for my awesome friend @chonylolu !
I love playing with anton’s big red balls/j
Anton my beloved
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the-funtress-fizard · 1 year ago
my girlfriend just saw Starchy the Gravedigger and said "is that a mustache donut?"
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itissadbutitsmy-life · 1 year ago
you know I think probably people in ooo didn’t Suddenly start loving fionna and cake fanfics so much as they knew how much ice king wanted them to like them, and are trying to connect with simon through the thing they remember he (ice king) liked a lot. something he MADE!
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7roaches · 1 year ago
oh i totally forgot to post the other shit
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