fortunatefires · 5 months
I'm ecstatic to share that part of Yara's family is out of Gaza!! They only need 5000 more dollars to reach their goal and help all 27 family members and their cat Misha to evacuate. Because I know it's difficult to believe crowd funding on tumblr here is a video detailing how the money is being used and for who
They're SO CLOSE! Help save a family!
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catboymoses · 2 months
Hello, I am Abdul Muti Ibrahim Al-Habil. I am married and I am 27 years old. My wife is 23 years old and my child, Juri, is 2 years old. We are displaced in southern Gaza. Our situation is very difficult, and my child is suffering from a lack of water and food. Help me save my child and get out of Gaza. Pleasehttps://gofund.me/f285fe86
Please share and donate to Abdul's campaign, which has been vetted by 90-ghost!!
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ceaseless-rambler · 1 year
MAG 29 (Cheating Death, the one about the guy who became a sort-of grim reaper after gambling with death) is so underrated. Like, it's not exceptionally unsettling or anything but I love the way it's written and the folklore feel is really cool and it has some really nice imagery. Also, I think him cutting his finger off to prove his point is underrated as hell. Actually do you think he can donate blood. Like, his blood is real, probably replenished faster than usual, and is O-. They always need O- and now I desperately want to know if he could donate blood. I'd get a blood transfusion from him
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Martino celebrating his birthday by partnering with a Ditch association making sure every kid is celebrated and feels special on their birthday (if the automatic translation didn’t deceive me). 💕
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pingledoofus · 1 month
Hello dears! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me reach my goal. I am in dire need of your support now to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place both in terms of living and lives. The family consists of 20 members, most of them are young children. I need your financial support to enable me to get the basic needs for my family until the Rafah crossing is reopened to transport my family to safety and peace. Please help a family stay alive through your small donations or through your shares to others. Thank you very much for standing by those in need. My campaign 90-ghoset has been documented
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wren-writes-things · 6 months
You know that one time Marcy tripped in Calamity form. One could say she was un-core-dinated.
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eepy-girl-avey · 2 months
❤️❤️ friends, moots, and everyone alike- please, please donate if you can. Try and get this as dar out into tumblr as you can- every dination and reblog helps.
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serenofroses · 5 months
some of the Kritanta and Vowrawn's "breaking gender norms" as a bi t4t couple headcanons. (Kritanta is transfem and Vowrawn us transman)
Kritanta is taller than Vowrawn. Pretty much the tall woman and short guy couple.
Kritanta leans in masc fashion while Vowrawn likes wearing dresses on occasions. Kritanta used to wear a dress for one time during kotor timeline.
Vowrawn loves to sit on Kritanta's lap.
Vowrawn had a top surgery and dinated his boobs to Kritanta for her top surgery prior to transitioning.
Kritanta is the stotic grumpy one while Vowrawn is the ray of sunshine in term of otp tropes.
bonus: as parents to twin daughters, Kritanta is the "Mom" and Vowrawn is the "Papa". When going in protecting their children, Kritanta is the Mama Bear willing to fight those who harmed them while Vowrawn was more of a Mother Hen who genuinely concerns for his daughters and their safety.
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tabbynekowafer · 10 months
Hello! I am still in neeed of funds for rent and utlities please dinate andd share since my landlord is begining to hound me for being behind payments....
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Company Property
for Angstpril, Day 1: Liar
cw: manipulation, electrocution, violence, mentions of death/dismemberment
masterlist ///// next
He shrunk back from the light when the door opened, by now associating any shift in the darkness with pain.
But the silhouette in the door didn't belong to a guard, and it didn't even step forward, instead setting something heavy on the ground, nudging it further into the cell with a foot.
"Morning, scum."
(Thrum, hum, drum.) Lex raised his head, taking in the thing that had been sent towards him. Two identical items, long and metallic. They looked almost robotic, almost like…
Hands? Arms?
He looked up at the man in the door, a question silent on his face. The man grinned.
"Wanna get revenge?"
"How many?"
"Four or five. We aren't certain."
"And you want them all dead?"
"Dead or alive makes no difference to me."
"Dead then. Location?"
"We'll give you coordinates before you depart."
(Coordinates, bore-dinates, get down on the floor-dinates.)
Alexei Wilder sat stiff-backed in the leather chair, flexing new, inorganic fingers and staring towards the man he was speaking to without quite looking at him.
Overkast had gone rogue---or so Corporate said--- and they wanted him to take care of it. Become Cinder again and burn the hero who'd destroyed him.
Today was… his gaze flicked to the corner, where a calendar was tacked to the wall. A picture of a tree frog below an all-caps 'JUNE'. (Dune, noon, moon.)
Today was June the something, then, and it had been either one month or thirteen.
Both were far too long a time to spend in the dark.
But now he was unchained. Out of the cell, out of the darkness. He'd been fitted with a shock collar, but he couldn't fault these men for being cautious. After all, he was still a weapon, wasn't he?
The office was simultaneously too bright and not bright enough. He wanted to bask in the light as much as hide from it, to drink in the sunshine, the sky out the window, even the damn wallpaper pattern. He wanted to lie on the wooden floor and run his hands along the grain, to blow out the cinnamon scented candle on the desk and drink in the smoke.
But he didn't.
He sat still and pretended he wanted to obey the man at the desk. Uriah Fox, or so his nameplate read. The big CEO, head of Titanium, one of the companies that dealt in Hero contracts. The kind that would hire Lex to do their dirty work one day and call for his arrest the next.
"I am glad you decided to take my offer, Alexei," Fox continued, and Lex wanted to bristle at the casual use of his name. Whether Fox owned the tower that had kept him prisoner or not, he clearly had the power to take his life in his hands any time he wanted. Not someone to like, and certainly not someone to trust.
"We understand that there's some bad blood between you and Overkast. I trust that will serve to motivate you. Fan the flames, so to speak."
So there was. Overkast had taken his arms, left his body broken. He'd barely survived that fight. But the Corporate-run Tower, made for imprisoning bad guys like him, had taken the rest.
Everything that had once been normal, that he'd taken for granted, now felt strange.
Yesterday he'd had his first hot shower in a year. His hair had been cut, he'd been able to shave, brush his teeth. He could move his arms, flex his fingers, grab things, touch things. And he couldn't feel any of it, but ghostly memories of how it felt to hold something remained, and he could pretend.
Lex was given new boots and clothes to work in---the weight of the cloth and leather felt odd now, but he welcomed feeling almost human again---and was sent on his way at dusk. The collar stayed on, and a handler stayed with it, assigned to keep an eye on him. Make sure he didn't try to run. 
The coordinates brought him to an unassuming apartment building.
By the end of the night, he'd have it reduced to ash.
He'd been given leave to improvise. To do whatever it took to take out the rogue team. Something he was good at. He'd be rusty, sure. A year in the dark, a year without use would do that to a tool, no matter how sharp. But he would prevail. He always did.
"Almost always," he reminded himself aloud, curling his new fingers into a fist. He was still getting used to the arms, the replacements for the flesh that had been taken from him.
The building seemed largely empty, aside from a single lighted window on the third floor. Lex circled the complex once, just to be certain, then began to scale the fire escape. The ladder made a soft tinging sound beneath the metal of his fingertips, singing like a wind chime as he climbed.
Even that scant amount of exertion was enough to make the muscles in his back ache. His body wasn't used to this amount of movement anymore. It wasn't used to the freedom of being able to walk more than a few paces. It was already tired, but he ignored its plea for rest. Years of training had left him able to push himself past his limits.
On the other side of the third-story window, a stout young woman sat on a beat-up sofa, reading. A pair of glasses rested on top of her head, above a round face and large brown eyes. Vision impaired. If he acted quickly, he'd have an advantage. 
She certainly wasn't Overkast, but Fox said there were other teammates who'd sided with the rogue hero. This woman could easily be one of them. He considered finding another window and sneaking in, snapping her neck before she had time to scream. It would be easy.
But something gave him pause. She was too human. And sure, he'd had no problem with that in the past, but now it halted him where he stood.
What was stopping him? The way she had her legs curled up on the couch? Her laser-focus on the book, the way a few strands of her dark hair had come loose from her ponytail?
It occured to him then, that this was the first person he'd seen in over a year who didn't want to hurt him, or use him, or hate him. She was just existing. Knowing he was about to change that almost saddened him.
He'd strike quick, then. Non-lethal. Use her as a hostage if needed.
The window was locked from the inside, but Lex had no problem forcing it open, summoning his fire and feeling a rush of energy as it connected to the left cybernetic, the metal heating to a molten orange.
The woman was on her feet in an instant, throwing the book at him with an aim that would almost be impressive, if Lex wasn't able to catch it mid air with his activated arm, setting it aflame.
"Shit— Firebrand!" the woman shouted over her shoulder, taking hasty steps back as Lex advanced on her.
"I don't need to hurt you," he said, reaching out to seize her wrist with his cool hand when she turned to run. "Tell me where to find Overkast."
"What the hell— you— you're Cinder, aren't you?" the woman stammered, then, without warning, delivered a hard kick to his shin, trying to pull away.
He barely felt it. "Where is he?"
"Overkast is dead," she said through clenched teeth. "Who sent you? Was it Uriah? He's playing you. He just wants to get rid of us without getting his hands dirty."
Dead? Not possible. Overkast was at the heart of his mission. His vengeance. Fox had even said he didn't care about anyone else. "Bring them back dead or alive." 
"You're lying," he growled. A quick footfall sounded nearby; someone rushing down the stairs. He pulled the woman into him, wrapping an arm around her throat and readying for an attack.
"It's the truth, I swear," the woman protested, her voice coming out strained. "Fox lied to you to get you to play attack dog."
"He didn't—"
"Bullshit, I saw your collar."
(Holler. Dollar.) He clenched his jaw, trying to swallow the shame that threatened to rise in him. It didn't matter. He'd wear a collar if it kept him out of the cell.
The steps drew closer, and the door across from them swung open. A girl stood on the other side, firelight in her clenched fists, glinting off of the beads that had been woven into her thick, braided hair. She couldn't have been more than fifteen, but there was murder in her dark eyes.
"Let her go," she spat, raising a glowing hand. She was still in her pajamas. Despite the threat she presented, despite her affiliation with Overkast, she was still very much a kid.
He wasn't all that surprised at the notion of Titanium employing children as heroes. For all their posturing, they really weren't so different from the Underneath.
"Tell me where Overkast is, and I will," he replied.
"Try six feet under," the girl shot back, but didn't try to close the distance. Lex raised his burning arm, holding it near the woman's head.
"Last chance to tell me the truth."
"He's dead," the girl snapped. 
"How?" Her insistence was starting to seed doubt. "Who killed him?"
"Who do you think?" the woman in his grip said. "It was Titanium. Fox. And now they're after us too."
"Got enough brains to believe us, cyborg?" the girl in the doorway snarled. "Or are you just another one of their puppets?"
Getting away from the pair was easy enough. He'd shoved the woman forward, sending her crashing into the girl, and even when the kid was quick enough to send a stream of flame his way, it meant nothing. Fire couldn't hurt him, didn't she understand?
He ignored the onslaught, ignored their shouts for backup, ignored the objects flung at him as he took hold of the sides of the fire escape ladder and slid all the way to the ground.
His handler was still waiting in the alley adjacent to the building, looking puzzled and alarmed as Lex stalked toward him, hand flying defensively to the remote at his hip.
"Cinder— is the mission complete? I didn't see—"
"Where is Overkast?" Lex asked, towering over the other man.
"Did—Did you not see him?" the man stammered, voice pitching higher with fear.
"He's dead, isn't he?" If there had been any doubt left, it fled as a look of panic crossed the man's face.
"No, he's— he's alive. His team must be hiding him. If you—"
Lex didn't let him finish, dealing a swift backhand across his face that sent him sprawling.
"I didn't realize Titanium was full of liars," he muttered, closing in on the man. But before he could strike again, the handler remembered the remote, quickly pushing the center button.
Electricity surged through Lex, stopping him in place, locking out every muscle, burning him in a way that fire never could.
The man held it as Lex dropped to the ground, convulsing, unable to breathe. He didn't let go until his vision had gone dark.
When he was finally able to open his eyes, the man was gone.
"Tsk tsk. I expected better from you, Alexei," a voice crackled from the collar. Uriah Fox. He wondered if he'd been watching the whole time, if the thing had a camera as well as a comm link.
"Y'... lied to me," Lex mumbled back.
"I also got you out of the Tower. Is this how you're going to repay that kindness?"
Blindness, he thought dizzily. Any strength he'd gathered for the mission had been sapped by the shock. He didn't even have the energy to pick himself up off the pavement.
"What do you say we forget this little outburst?" Fox continued. "Come back to HQ and we'll talk. Re-evaluate. I still think you can be an asset to us."
"And what if I don't? You'll kill me?"
"If you don't, I'll put you back in the Tower."
His mouth went dry. "I'll die first."
Laughter on the other end. "You think I'd let that happen? You're company property, Alexei."
Lex tried to ignore the words. Pretend they meant nothing to him, that they were just a label that would keep him out of the dark, but they made him feel nauseous. Trapped.
"One way or another, you'll be useful to me."
next part
tag list:
@whumpacabra @enteredin2eternity @kixngiggles @whumpsday @kiichu @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @shywhumpauthor
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caxycreations · 7 months
The Relanian Zodiac
Info under the cut!
Gaia - strong-willed, mentally and physically resilient, often associated with work ethic and stoicism. Gaia is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Gaius (first 60 days of the Relanian year, irl equivalent is January 1st to March 1st, or to Feb 29th on a leap year, though those don't exist on Relan)
Finon - empathetic, compassionate, and loving, often associated with emotional support and companionship. Finon is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Fina (second 60 days of the Relanian year, irl equivalent is March 2nd [or 1st on a leap year] to April 28th [or 29th on leap year])
Malus - creative, insightful, and entertaining, often associated with craftsmanship and tranquility. Malus is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Malor (third 60 days of the Relanian year, irl equivalent is April 29th [or 30th if leap] to June 29th [or 30th if leap])
Escin - Eccentric, sincere, and self-assured, often associated with self-help and individualism. Escin is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Escor (fourth 60 days of the year, irl equivalent is June 30th [or July 1st if leap] to August 29th [or 30th if leap])
Janim - Adaptable, relaxed, and private, often associated with acting and social chameleonism. Janim is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Jan (fifth 60 days of the year, irl equivalent is August 30th [or 31st if leap] to October 30th [or 31st if leap]
Dinat - Observant, quick-witted, and adventurous, often associated with exploring and study. Dinat is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Dinora (sixth 60 days of the year, irl equivalent is October 31st [or November 1st if leap] to December 31st)
Due to the Gods' influence on the world, the Relanian zodiac is no mere pseudoscience. It is a reliable way of understanding someone. The nature of the magic in the world at the time of one's birth has a subtle but noticeable influence on them as a person, and results on the adoption of certain traits that God bears.
@that-one-enby-onyx (cause ik how much you love when I tag you :) ) and @mikathewriter (cause you inspired this in the first place)
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soon-palestine · 9 months
Israeli air strike in Gaza kills prominent scientist Sufyan Tayeh, Palestinian ministry says
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Dec 2 An Israeli air strike targeting the neighborhood of Al-Faluja, 30 km (18 miles) northeast of Gaza City, has killed prominent Palestinian scientist Sufyan Tayeh and his family, the Palestinian Higher Education ministry announced on Saturday. Tayeh, who was president of the Islamic University of Gaza, was a leading researcher in physics and applied mathematics.
In 2005, he was arrested by Israeli occupation forces at the Rafah border crossing while he was heading to Egypt to complete the procedures for submitting his PhD dissertation at Ain Shams University. Over the period from 2008 to 2011, he assumed the position of Head of Physics Department at the Islamic University and he was appointed President of the University in August 2023.
Academic activity One of Dr. Tayeh’s research works was a proposal for scientific research in the field of optical sensors submitted to the University of Montreal, Canada. With the participation of Professor Ahmed Hamdan, Dr. Tayeh presented a research study entitled “Sensitivity enhancement in optical waveguide sensors”. The research paper aimed to explore multi-layer waveguide structures (more than 3 layers) for the purpose of optical biosensing, and to study the effect of anisotropic materials on the sensitivity of plate waveguide structures, in addition to studying more photonic crystals (two- and three-layer) with different compositions as well as the number of biosensing various layers.
Awards and honors Dr. Tayeh was winner of the Palestine Islamic Bank Award for Scientific Research for years 2019 and 2020. In March 2023, he was appointed holder of the UNESCO Chair for Physical, Astrophysical and Space Sciences in Palestine. He was recipient of the Abdul Hameed Shoman Award for Young Arab Scientists; and the winner of the Islamic University Award for Scientific Research for the year 2021. He was also ranked among the top 2% of researchers around the world in 2021. source
More than 1300 scientists from 40 countries, including physicists, mathematicians, biologists, chemists, medical doctors, engineers, and social scientists, working in academia and in industry, are compelled by the events in Gaza to call for an immediate permanent ceasefire and take a stand against war and the destructive use of science in an “International Convention Against War and Destructive Use of Science: Scientists Against Israeli Apartheid and Genocide in Gaza” on 9th December 2023. Prof. Richard A Falk, Emeritus Professor of International Law at Princeton University and Former UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine, was the keynote speaker in the Convention. He spoke ‘On the situation in Gaza.’ The Convention was moderated by Dr. Manabendra Nath Bera, a quantum information scientist from India. Dr. Flavio del Santo, a scientist from Switzerland, Dr. Niatalya Dinat, a medical doctor from South Africa, Prof. Josh Dubnau, from Sony Brook University, USA, and Prof. Assaf Kfoury, Boston University, USA, discussed possible amendments proposed by participants on the draft of the Declaration by the scientists. In the end, the amended Declaration was adopted after voting, with an absolute majority (97%).
The adopted Declaration embodies scientists’ protest against the destructive use and militarisation of science, Israeli occupation, apartheid, and genocide in Gaza, and call for an academic and scientific boycott and to stand by the Palestinian professors, scientists, researchers, scholars, and students.
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
I haven't heard about the Mengle Dinat drawings by Viv before. I only heard about her drawing the nazi caricature food from sausage party, and her being friends and role playing with a nazi who's name was "I hate jews" or something.
I don't really seen her change.
The gay Hitler-kraut was probably the least awful part of all of that, that was just her making a Producers reference. Calling Mengele Donut a "science bab," on the other hand...oof.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
1961 May First Freedom Ride. 1962 Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited (HARYOU) is founded. Robert F. Williams publishes Negroes with Guns, exploring Williams’ philosophy of black self-defense. October Two die in riots when President John F. Kennedy sends troops to Oxford,Mississippi, to allow James Meredith to become the first African American student to register for classes at the University of Mississippi. 1963 Publication of The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin. Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM) is founded. April Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., writes his ‘‘Letter from Birmingham Jail.’’
June Civil rights leader Medgar Evers is assassinated in Mississippi. August March on Washington; Rev. King delivers his ‘‘I Have a Dream’’ speech before the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
September Four African American girls—Carol Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins—are killed when a bomb explodes at theSixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. 1964 June–August Three Freedom Summer activists—James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner—are arrested in Philadelphia, Mississippi; their bodies are discovered six weeks later; white resistance to Freedom Summer activities leads to six deaths, numerous injuries and arrests, and property damage acrossMississippi. July President Lyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act. New York City (Harlem) riot. Rochester, New York, riot. Brooklyn, New York, riot. August Riots in Jersey City, Paterson, and Elizabeth, New Jersey. Chicago, Illinois, riot. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, riot. 1965 February While participating in a civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, Jimmie Lee Jackson is shot by an Alabama state trooper. Malcolm X is assassinated while speaking in New York City. March Bloody Sunday march ends with civil rights marchers attacked and beaten by local lawmen at the Edmund Pettus Bridge outside Selma, Alabama. Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO) is formed in Lowndes County,Alabama. First distribution of The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, better known as The Moynihan Report, which was written by Undersecretary of Labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Nathan Glazer. July Springfield, Massachusetts, riot. August Los Angeles (Watts), California, riot. 1965–1967 A series of northern urban riots occurring during these years, including disorders in the Watts section of Los Angeles, California (1965), Newark, New Jersey (1967), and Detroit, Michigan (1967), becomes known as the Long Hot Summer Riots. 1966 May Stokely Carmichael elected national director of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). June James Meredith is wounded by a sniper while walking from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jackson, Mississippi; Meredith’s March Against Fear is taken up by Martin Luther King, Jr., Stokely Carmichael, and others. July Cleveland, Ohio, riot. Murder of civil rights demonstrator Clarence Triggs in Bogalusa, Louisiana. September Dayton, Ohio, riot. San Francisco (Hunters Point), California, riot. October Black Panther Party (BPP) founded by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. 1967
Publication of Black Power: The Politics of Liberation by Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton. May Civil rights worker Benjamin Brown is shot in the back during a student protest in Jackson, Mississippi. H. Rap Brown succeeds Stokely Carmichael as national director of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Texas Southern University riot (Houston, Texas). June Atlanta, Georgia, riot. Buffalo, New York, riot. Cincinnati, Ohio, riot. Boston, Massachusetts, riot. July Detroit, Michigan, riot. Newark, New Jersey, riot. 1968 Publication of Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver. February During the so-called Orangeburg, South Carolina Massacre, three black college students are killed and twenty-seven others are injured in a confrontation with police on the adjoining campuses of South Carolina State College and Claflin College. March Kerner Commission Report is published. April Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. President Lyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Washington, D.C., riot. Cincinnati, Ohio, riot. August Antiwar protestors disrupt the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. 1969 May James Forman of the SNCC reads his Black Manifesto, which calls for monetary reparations for the crime of slavery, to the congregation of Riverside Church in New York; many in the congregation walk out in protest. July York, Pennsylvania, riot. 1970 May Two unarmed black students are shot and killed by police attempting to control civil rights demonstrators at Jackson State University in Mississippi. Augusta, Georgia, riot. July New Bedford, Massachusetts, riot. Asbury Park, New Jersey, riot. 1973 July So-called Dallas Disturbance results from community anger over the murder of a twelve-year-old Mexican-American boy by a Dallas police officer. 1975–1976 A series of antibusing riots rock Boston, Massachusetts, with the violence reaching a climax in April 1976. 1976 February Pensacola, Florida, riot. 1980 May Miami, Florida, riot. 1981 March Michael Donald, a black man, is beaten and murdered by Ku Klux Klan members in Mobile, Alabama. 1982 December Miami, Florida, riot. 1985 May Philadelphia police drop a bomb on MOVE headquarters, thereby starting a fire that consumed a city block. 1986 December Three black men are beaten and chased by a gang of white teenagers in Howard Beach, New York; one of the victims of the so-called Howard Beach Incident is killed while trying to flee from his attackers. 1987 February–April Tampa, Florida, riots. 1989 Release of Spike Lee’s film, Do the Right Thing. Representative John Conyers introduces the first reparations bill into Congress—the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act; this and all subsequent reparations measures fail passage. August Murder of Yusef Hawkins, an African American student killed by Italian-American youths in Bensonhurst, New York. 1991 March Shooting in Los Angeles of an African American girl, fifteen-year-old Latasha Harlins, by a Korean woman who accused the girl of stealing. Los Angeles police officers are caught on videotape beating African American motorist Rodney King. 1992 April Los Angeles (Rodney King), California, riot. 1994 Survivors of the Rosewood, Florida, riot of 1923 receive reparations. February Standing trial for a third time, Byron de la Beckwith is convicted of murdering civil rights worker Medgar Evers in June 1963.
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
hey bestie. i was wondering if you knew how court records were made. bc i know today we have shorthand keyboards for that purpose, so i figured they had to have some form of writing down what was said in court fast enough to get everything written down accurately. i was specifically thinking of the Lee trial, if that helps. thanks a bunch ily /p 🫶🫶
Pretty similarly to what we have today, although it was moreso usually three clerks who wrote everything down. In average colonial life, County Clerk's were established to assist in the operation of the county court. The clerk kept track of cases heard by the court, issued writs and warrants, and recorded documents that were required by law to be filed with the county court. County clerks were appointed by the governor for indefinite terms during the colonial period. And they were appointed by the county justices under the 1776 Constitution, after 1790, they were appointed by the county court judges for a term of good behavior.
But in the military - where there wasn't a professional court setting in place - proceedings were written by those who were assigned to. More about court martials here. Records like original proceedings can often be found in orderly books or journals. [x] Although oftentimes records could be copied and altered with bias, like the Varick transcription. Copied by Richard Varick, they were copies of papers created during the American Revolution in Washington's hold. And he could sometimes dramatize things. Especially surrounding Lee's court martial and conduct on the battlefield with several contrasting descriptions. As Lender and Stone write;
The transcript of the court-martial of Major General Charles Lee is the best single source of information on the Battle of Monmouth. Used carefully and coor-dinated with other contemporary sources, the court-martial record has allowed us to present a coherent account of the fi ghting on the morning of 28 June 1778. There are several versions of the transcript, however, each with some minor differences. We have used a pri-vately printed version—Proceedings of a Court-Martial . . . for the Trial of Major-General Lee—from 1864, a reprint of the original that appears complete in all respects and is readily available to scholars.
Source — Fatal Sunday: George Washington, the Monmouth Campaign, and the Politics of Battle, by Mark Edward Lender, Garry Wheeler Stone · 2016
Which you can read right here. Hope this helps!
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kimhortons · 2 years
Thought Dump #013
february 14. again, a normal day for us. pero hindi na ako nagmumukmok at naiinggit sa mga dinate at binigyan ng bulaklak at tsokolate ng mga jowa nila kumpara sa mga nagdaan na tatlong taon namin together. haha. sanay na kasi siguro ako and mas madalas na kasi kami nagkakasama ngayon.
2nd week na namin—bale 4th day, since thursday kami nag start sa client. medyo confusing pa sa ibang part ng trabaho, but we're getting to the hang of it. hopefully by next week mas less na yung errors namin.
dalawa palang kami sa cliet na 'to kasi bago daw 'tong account na 'to. so technically, part na naman ako ng pioneer. either one of us pwede maging team leader huhu. medyo nakaka pressure din, kasi di ako sanay sa leadership role if ever, pero keri naman. gagalingan ko nalang lagi kahit hindi ako. tutal, sobrang laidback lang naman ng trabaho at mga ka-team namin.
yung nakita kong post sa Facebook, kung normal daw ba yung ganitong boss. haha. ang saya kasi ramdam ko na ganito sa work ko ngayon. dun palang sa CSM namin, (pinoy siya) sobrang chill niya. tsaka nung nabasa ko yung isang newsletter ng company, ang gaganda ng mga parang testimonials ng mga kawork. ramdam mo talaga gaano ka-healthy yung work environment at culture kahit di ko pa sila nakaka sama. impluwensya din siguro ng mga boss namin na foreigners dito sa company. sobrang welcoming nila, even with our team mates sa client mismo.
gusto ko manuod ng Slam Dunk, parang One Piece mahal din yung ticket haha. pero mas interesado ako dito kesa sa One Piece kasi nanunuod talaga ako nito dati. Rukawa-L-O-V-E-rukawa! hahaha. la lang. sa weekend nalang kami mag de-date.
nag back read ako ng ilang posts since medyo inactive ako ngayon haha. nabasa ko yung post ni Mel about small t. feeling ko ang dami kong ganon, lalo ko siyang ramdam nung andito na ako kila J. like—minsan kapag tumataas yung boses nila dito, akala ko may nag aaway. yung pala nag bibiruan lang tsaka malalakas lang talaga boses nila haha. sa bahay kasi kapag nagsisigawan at nagtataasan boses namin, nag aaway na yun e.
minsan rin like Cath, feel ko rin yung nafi-feel niya na kapag may naghuhugas ng pinggan, tapos parang nagdadabog, parang gusto ko ako nalang gumawa. nung tumira kasi ako sa tita ko nung naglayas ako samin, dinadabugan niya ako at nagpaparinig kapag nag huhugas siya tapos naka upo lang ako. huehue. parang nakaka guilty lagi na wala kang ginagaw, kaya sobrang awkward ko dito kapag wala ako ginagawa. kahit wala naman talaga din sila ginagawa dito, parang kailangan ko kumilos. pag tambak na yung hugasin hinuhugasan ko na agad tapos sasabihan ako ng mama ni J "oh bat ka nag huhugas, hayaan mo lang yan jan." sinasabi ko nalang wala ako magawa haha.
parang di ako mapakali na nakahiga lang or walang ginagawa dito kila J kasi baka isipin ang tamad ko. kaya na-stress na ako nung wala pako nakukuhang work last time. feeling ko rin nakuha ko 'tong small t na 'to sa tita kong tinirahan ko nung naglayas ako, lagi niya akong pinaparinggan at dinadabugan kasi non, like ayaw na niya kasi na andun ako na palamunin lang. kaya tuloy ngayon dito kila J since nakikitira ako, konti rin ako kumain or minsan hanggat di ako inaaya di ako kakaen. hehe.
pero ngayon medyo comfortable na ako, kasi araw araw kami nag chichikahan ni tita habang nagluluto siya. minsan tumutulong narin ako habang gumagawa siya. na touch pa nga ko minsan pinag luluto niya pa ako ng makakaen.
ang saya pala makalampas ng survival mode.
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