#Digital footprint for Children
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thatadhdmood · 11 months ago
Autism Instagram reel i enjoyed today
Description screenshots if you would like more info
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mikeru-funzies · 6 months ago
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and I know that’s my profile picture cause I edited that picture myself😭😭 the shitty edit job is proof bro wtf
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mafaldaknows · 2 years ago
Children whose parents overshare details of their life online grow up to be autonomous adults, with a digital footprint that they can’t erase, because the internet is forever. I think a lot of parents forget this.
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julesssyy · 9 months ago
i will give birth to fifty children if matt simmons gave me them
had to get that out im sorry
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rroechan · 1 year ago
I think I popped off a lil too hard on those two mlp x orv posts now nothing I can make afterwards will match up to it
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bubblewater · 10 months ago
If it starts in one state, it will spread to other states
Don’t let them take a mile by allowing them to move an inch
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An upcoming Age verification bill centered in California will be voted on Monday-- And as always,instead of actually protecting kids, it will lead to more online censorship and privacy risks, as it will force websites hosting to verify their users age by sending their ID, your browser history would be linked to it. if you live California, call your reps and tell them to oppose the bill AB3080 as it highly unconstitutional.
They also deem LGBT content harmful to minors, as well as mentions of weapons and tobacco, putting them on the same level as NSFW content.
Since AO3 headquarters reside in California, much like Reddit, Twitter,Discord and Youtube (and others) who knows how bad the effects would be. Instead of just effecting Californians (even then its concerning.) the effects would be US or even worldwide. VPNs wont help.
Please take actions here (a script is included to help you) https://www.defendonlineprivacy.com/ca/action.php
Find your rep here https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
You can also send faxes using this https://faxzero.com/
If you don't live in California, please talk about this,tag your friends and urge others to take actions, make posts and tweets using the hashtags AB3080 and NoOnAB3080
More info HERE
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casualdadnomad · 5 months ago
love the yearly fall posts
my cringe is consistent annually i am nothing if not young and spritely and joyful and cringe
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b0vine-bby · 1 year ago
“digital footprint !!!!!!!1!1!1!111!!” I am aware .
i know what i leave for my children and grandchildren to find. its noy my fault im so cunt
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adore-laur · 3 months ago
A gloomy sky greeted Harry's vision when he awoke from an accidental midafternoon nap. The inside of his mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton balls, and a numbness tingled through his nerves. Usually, he had downtime scheduled to perfection, so he was confused about how he had slipped into unconsciousness so easily. It could have been courtesy of the lunch he devoured that was packed with carbs and sodium because, honestly, preparing three healthy meals a day was impossible with parenting at the forefront of his mind.
Harry rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and slowly sat up on the couch. He surveyed the living room, finding it empty of you and his children's presence. Huh. He distinctly remembered lying down with a comforting weight on his chest in the form of his one-month-old baby girl. You'd been watching a show on TV. Apparently, he had drifted off for a solid hour. Maybe it was the lack of sunshine or the abundance of time at home that came with paternity leave, but he wasn't complaining. At this phase in his life, any sleep at all was considered a luxury.
He wandered around aimlessly, yawning and scuffing the slippers covering his feet across the hardwood floor. The patio door was dotted with droplets from the rainstorm earlier. Further in the distance, the waves were rough and choppy. It was ideal weather for staying inside.
After chugging a bottle of water, he began searching for signs of you. He assumed both kids were down for a nap since it was so quiet. Sleep when the baby sleeps had been the best parenting advice he ever received. He hoped you were taking advantage of it too.
The sounds of tape ripping and pages rustling led Harry to the home office. The ceramic table lamp cast a mellow and intimate spotlight on you sitting cross-legged on the mahogany desk, piecing together a scrapbook of some sort. Dozens of pictures were splayed on the surface, along with special keepsakes from the day his second baby girl was born—her tiny inked footprint imprinted on cardstock, sonograms spanning over several months, and written notes from you and Harry detailing milestones from your pregnancy and the newborn stage.
He thought you looked so pretty in these moments, caught unaware and completely immersed in something. Your eyes darted all around the memories in front of you, and he could see the creative gears of your mind turning. Your teeth bit into the plushness of your bottom lip. Call him crazy, but motherhood enhanced your features in an almost bewitching way. While pregnancy had blessed you with a heavenly glow and curves as sensational as a sculptor's muse, the maternal maturity that complemented your face and body was even more attractive. You possessed a natural gracefulness in the way you cared for the kids. Gentle with their needs, patient with their outbursts, and playful to the perfect degree. You had it down to a science.
"Hi, my artsy angel," Harry said, walking toward you. He tilted his head as he rounded the desk, observing the pictures you picked out. They were all printed memories from the digital camera he owned. Memories from the past year, dating back to the day he had found out he was going to be a dad for the second time.
"Hey." You taped a sonogram onto the first floral-patterned page—it looked like week eight when she was just a blob that captured his heart instantly. "How was your nap?"
"I didn't even realize I dozed off," he said. "Are the girls sleeping?"
"Yeah. I know you toss and turn in your sleep, so I took your little snugglebug away." You ruffled his unkempt hair. "Sorry."
"Smart thinking." He rubbed your shoulder, smiling down at you. "I see you're keeping busy."
Sighing, you leaned into his touch and said, "I tried taking a nap too, but I had an itch to get started on her book."
"Looks nice so far," he said, impressed with the creativity that motherhood had sparked in you. "Shall I leave you be?"
You shifted over a few inches and patted the space next to your bent legs. "Stay for a second. I need your input."
Harry obeyed, sitting on the desk. The office hadn't been used much since you became a stay-at-home mom. And he only really used it to pay bills, file taxes, or complete other incredibly boring paperwork. It was a relief to see you filling the space with much more interesting things.
"So, I was debating if we should write something for her since she turns one month old today," you said. "Maybe make it a habit. It was hard to keep up with the first baby, but I think we could stay on top of it this time."
"Let's do it," he replied eagerly. You grabbed his chin and guided it over for a slow, sweet kiss, then flipped to a thick page in the middle. He slid the book onto his lap, peered at the page he was supposed to lend his inferior handwriting to, and barked out a laugh. There was a photograph already taped down, and his heart swelled when he saw that it was from earlier today. He took in every part of it. Him lying on the couch with his baby girl curled up on his chest, his hands protectively covering her head and back and his mouth slightly parted as he slept like a baby himself. Absolute serenity.
"I think it encapsulates the one-month milestone pretty well. Tired all the time," you said, handing him a ballpoint pen. Even if exhaustion was present on your face, your eyes still lit up with a fondness for your family.
Harry kissed behind your ear, then held your gaze. "It's perfect," he whispered before pressing the black ink onto the paper. His hand moved freely from left to right, narrating the past four weeks in his mind with each significant word.
You've been in our lives for an entire month already. Time is flying by! It feels like only yesterday you were clinging to me for the first time, changing my life once again. We feel so lucky to witness you slowly start to become aware of your surroundings. You keep us captivated.
One Month Milestones: You've been opening your eyes more often. We won't know the true color of them for a while—Mommy thinks they'll be green like mine (lucky you). You like looking at your mommy a lot, by the way. I can't blame you. She's beautiful, isn't she?
You love sleeping, which is a terrific thing. That picture just about sums up most of our days with you. When you are awake, you're a smiler. Your big sister and I do some silly things to make that adorable little smile come out. Dance moves, goofy faces, ridiculous voices—you name it. I can't wait until you start laughing. There's no better sound in the world.
You despise tummy time. It's kind of hilarious. Your sister likes to join you to make it less awful, but you just cry even more. It's a work in progress. Maybe we'll try it on the beach instead of on the carpet. I have a feeling you'll love being by the water.
You're growing inch by inch. I think it might be the hardest part of parenthood. Soon enough, before I can even begin to appreciate this stage in your life, you'll be running around the house, carrying a personality and sense of adventure. I won't be able to keep up—figuratively and literally—but I promise I will cherish every moment with you and devote my life to being a person you can rely on.
Above all, I love you more and more each day.
~ Dad
There was a chart underneath where he could add traits that the baby shared with each parent. With a deep breath, he continued writing.
Dad's Traits: loves to smile, cuddler, easily entertained, big appetite, likes to stare at Mom for long periods of time
Mom's Traits: loves to sleep, endearing, perceptive, cute nose, stole my heart from the very beginning
Lastly, Harry drew another row below and wrote Sister's Traits: So irresistibly sweet and adorable that Dad can't handle it.
You rested your chin on his shoulder as he finished. "I don't think I'll be able to beat that."
"Just write what you feel," he said, setting the pen down. He flexed his hand. "Did you need anything else?"
"No," you answered quietly, staring at him like you hadn't expected several sentimental paragraphs to pour from him. "Thank you. I'm going to work on the book a bit more, and then we can... I don't know. What do parents do when they're not needed?"
Harry squeezed your thigh. "Sleep while the babies sleep. I could use another nap."
"Right. I'll meet you under the covers in half an hour."
"It's a date." He pecked your lips and murmured, "I love you."
You slapped his butt as he stood up and made his exit. "Love you."
Harry left the office and traveled down the hall, stopping at the closed door of his eldest daughter's bedroom. He gently cracked it open, hearing the white noise machine whirring. The lights were off, and the linen curtains were closed halfway, engulfing the space in a subtle, peaceful darkness that was prime for a long nap. However, she lay awake on her bed, faintly lit by the ladybug-shaped nightlight plugged into the nearby wall socket. Her body was covered by the pink Sherpa blanket his mother had given him as a baby shower present.
"What are you doing up, sweet pea?" Harry asked, sitting on the floor beside her bed. It was low enough that he was at eye level with her face.
"Not sleepy," she mumbled.
"No?" This was her daily nap time, and she was very accustomed to it. It was odd for her to reject it. He scrunched his nose and tapped his chin. "Hmm, let me guess why that is. Did you... have too much sugar?"
She giggled, her slightly crooked teeth showing. "Nuh-uh."
"Did you... watch too much Oswald?
"Well, I give up!" he said dramatically. "Tell me."
She went silent and fidgeted with the blanket. When Harry swept his hand over her wispy hair in gentle encouragement, she finally spoke up. "Mommy's ignoring me."
He frowned, not expecting you to be the culprit. "What do you mean?"
"She goed into the room I'm not allowed in."
"Oh," he replied, still confused. "She's working on your sister's baby book."
A pout formed on her lips. "She does stuff for her more than me."
"That's not true," he said, tone soft yet firm.
"Then why is she always with Sissy?"
Harry exhaled, mentally calculating which answer would be most understood by a toddler who was used to being the sole focus for three years. He had to remember that she was adjusting to this new reality too. "Because," he said, "Sissy needs extra attention."
"She's tiny and new to the world," he explained. "She can't do certain things by herself."
His daughter crossed her arms stubbornly. "I'm tiny."
He laughed. "Yes, but you know how to feed yourself and speak like a big girl. It's not quite the same."
He was beginning to grasp the roots of her attitude. He didn't believe there was jealousy at play. She just seemed to not comprehend why there was a sudden shift in attention distribution. It was rational for a toddler's way of thinking.
"Is she... your favorite?" she asked shyly, reaching her short arm out. Her fingers grazed the tip of his nose. He pretended to bite down on them, then captured her hand in his and kissed all five of her fingers.
"There are no favorites in this household," he said sincerely. "Mommy and Daddy have to help your sister more frequently. It doesn't mean we're leaving you out, lovebug. She just requires a different set of needs than you."
She hummed, processing his clarification. He hoped it was good enough because it hurt to hear that she was feeling overlooked.
"We did this with you too," Harry added.
"How come I don't remember?"
"That's normal. None of us do at that age." He rested his elbow beside her head. "When you were only a few days old, we barely got any sleep. We were up all night with you, trying to figure out what you needed. Even when it was hard to understand your cries, we listened and comforted you because those moments of one-on-one time were super important. It's what we're doing now with your sister. Does that make sense?"
She gave a small nod and whispered, "Yeah."
He smiled. "So, when we're giving her our full attention, I want you to think about why that's happening. It's not because we're ignoring you. It's not because we love you any less. Okay?"
"Okay." She sat up and reached for him, and he wrapped her tight in his embrace. "I like it when you and Mommy give me attention."
He briefly tickled her armpit, making her giggle infectiously. "Oh, I know. You're just like me." He stood up, realizing he'd now need to entertain a very wide-awake toddler. "Do you want to see your baby book?"
"Yes! I want to see, please."
Harry flicked on the light switch and walked over to her closet. On the top shelf, there was memorabilia from the past three years of her life. Books, toys, and clothes she had grown out of, as well as drawings and crafts she made that couldn't fit on the fridge. He reached up and grabbed the thick baby book, then brought it over to the bed. He situated his daughter on his lap and opened the book to the first page. Immediately, his chest ached with nostalgia. He hadn't taken this trip down memory lane in so long.
The first photograph was of you three months pregnant, lying on the beach and glowing under the sunshine. You were squinting at the camera with a shy smile. In your bikini, your small baby bump was loud and proud. It had been a time of quiet excitement, knowing the secretive stage of being pregnant would come to an end soon. Harry had been eager to finally document you getting bigger each month. He had probably taken a hundred photos that day. Even kept a tiny duplicate in his wallet.
"What did I write under this picture?" Harry asked, throwing a quick impromptu vocabulary test at his daughter.
She slowly sounded out the letters. "Pre-tty... pretty mama."
"Good girl. Pretty mama." Especially in that photo. His neck warmed just looking at it.
She nodded in agreement. Harry continued flipping through the pages, explaining the memory behind each photograph and reading the corresponding writing you and he had provided.
A picture of you eight months pregnant, standing in the shallow ocean water with your arms spread wide, was taken the day he'd found out you were carrying a girl.
~ Daddy knew it was a girl all along. Claims he noticed my sweet cravings and "moodiness," which are supposed to indicate that someone's having a girl. You were the size of a jicama that day. Every week of my pregnancy, your dad bought the fruit or vegetable you were the size of. He's a goofball. It was our first time trying a jicama... not too bad!
A picture of you nearly a week past your due date, standing by the front door looking miserable in his T-shirt and a long stretchy skirt, was taken mere minutes after your water had broken.
~ Mommy almost walked out the door with no pants on. She was annoyed that I was taking pictures (look at that scowl). This night was unexpected. I say you decided to come because I fed your mom spicy noodles. She says you were finally ready to meet us. Either way, I think my life officially began in this moment.
A picture of you in the hospital bed, four hours into labor with elastic straps over your belly and a less-than-flattering medical gown on. Your smile was forced. The picture taped beside it was one you had taken, which was of Harry impatiently sitting on a birthing ball. 
~ Daddy couldn't sit still. I think he was more anxious than me. He nearly passed out when I was injected with an epidural but was somehow completely fine with a front-row seat to watching you be born. He was right there with me, being the supportive man I fell in love with. I'll never forget the look on his face when he heard your first cry. Pure wonderment.
A picture of Harry standing by the hospital window, the California sunrise a glorious view. He was staring at his baby girl in his arms, practicing skin-to-skin contact. So tiny, yet so life-altering. He hadn't known you were capturing the moment, too enthralled with every noise and movement she made.
~ Our first morning with you. We had croissants and coffee and watched the sunrise. We were so, so happy. And tired. The nurse said you were exceptionally healthy. Nine pounds, seven ounces (and three stitches for Mom—ouch). Twenty-two inches. Squirmy and full of life. Couldn't wait to bring our little lovebug home.
A picture of his daughter on her first birthday, frosting smeared on her lips and hands. The purple party hat was slipping off her head. It had been impossible to get her to look at the camera when dessert was in front of her.
~ Twelve months with our angel. We spent your special day on the beach. You walked into Mommy's arms all on your own, and it made us cry. Later, Daddy baked you a yummy cake from scratch. You made a mess, but we didn't care because look at that big grin on your face. You're growing up so fast and becoming your own person every day. It's a joy to love you eternally. You're our biggest love.
By the time Harry reached the last picture in the book, his daughter was asleep on his lap, her head slumped against him. Each page held precious memories so dear to him, so it was no surprise that tears welled up in his eyes. It was hard to believe this was his life. So harmonious and enriching. It came with its obvious challenges, but every moment was timeless. Every moment mattered.
When he glanced up, he saw you standing in the doorway with the digital camera cradled against your chest. With a tender smile meant just for him, you said, "We made something beautiful."
The significance of all the years he'd shared with you was heavy in his gaze. "We did," he replied, emotion rasping his voice.
The only sounds in the room were his daughter's steady breathing and the distant waves crashing outside. You crouched beside him, and he pressed his lips to your head, soaking in the beauty of the family you both are building. With a final glance at the photograph of the first morning you both spent as new parents, Harry placed the baby book on the nightstand, deciding to keep it out since it'd be a pleasant bedtime story for tonight.
He tucked his daughter in and shut off the lights, then followed you into the bedroom. The sheets were crumpled from the morning, and Harry got cozy under them, the fabric still holding warmth. You found your way into his embrace, and a pang shot through his heart, because this moment, despite it happening thousands of times before, was just as poignant. Nowadays, this rare type of alone time was almost sacred—the hecticness of parenthood, where he was needed around the clock, melted away when it was just you and him together.
Peace sent him to sleep within minutes.
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nintenka · 5 months ago
nevermind bro here it is
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im so late to this i never got the chance to redraw that LMAOO
if you’re wondering what school is doing to my mental state i hope this answers your question
i just made something so questionable i wonder if i should even post it LMAOOOO
very lighthearted but….
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feminist-space · 1 year ago
Article by Fortesa Latifi:
"Being the child of an influencer, Vanessa tells me, was the equivalent of having a full-time job—and then some. She remembers late nights in which the family recorded and rerecorded videos until her mother considered them perfect and days when creating content for the blog stretched into her homeschooling time. If she expressed her unease, she was told the family needed her. “It was like after this next campaign, maybe we could have more time to relax. And then it would never happen,” she says. She was around 10 years old when she realized her life was different from that of other children. When she went to other kids’ houses, she was surprised by how they lived. “I felt strange that they didn’t have to work on social media or blog posts, or constantly pose for pictures or videos,” she says. “I realized they didn’t have to worry about their family's financial situation or contribute to it.”
Vanessa, who requested anonymity to speak freely about her family dynamics, says she helped create content for huge companies like Huggies and Hasbro when her mom landed endorsement deals. When she reached puberty and began menstruating, her mother had her do sponsored posts for sanitary pads. “It was so mortifying,” she says. “I just felt like I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.”
Being part of an influencer family changed everything about her life, Vanessa says. “Sometimes I didn’t know where the separation was between what was real and what was curated for social media.” And her mother’s online presence indelibly warped their relationship. “Being an influencer kid turned my relationship with my mom into more of an employer-employee relationship than a parent-child one,” she says. “Once you cross the line from being family to being coworkers, you can’t really go back.”
Khanbalinov has had zero new offers since he took his kids offline. “When we were showing our kids, brands were rolling in left and right—clothing companies, apps, paper towel companies, food brands. They all wanted us to work with them,” he says. “Once we stopped, we reached out to the brands we had lined up and 99 percent of them dropped out because they wanted kids to showcase their products. And I fought back, like, you guys are a paper towel company—why do you need a kid selling your stuff?”
The law has woefully lagged behind the culture here, but there’s signs that policymakers might finally be catching up. In 2023, in addition to Illinois, three other states—New York, Washington State, and New Jersey—proposed bills to protect influencer kids. Contrast that with the flurry of legislative activity in just the first two months of 2024. Seven more states—Maryland, Georgia, Ohio, Missouri, California, Arizona, Minnesota—have introduced similar legislation. Some of the bills are going one step further to protect the privacy of the kids featured in this content. In some states, proposed legislation would include a clause that borrows from a European legal doctrine known as the “right to be forgotten”—it would allow someone who was featured in content when they were a child to request that platforms permanently delete those posts. None of the current legislation introduced, however, would outright bar the practice of featuring minors in monetized content.
The movement on this issue was glacial for years, but it finally feels like the ice has thawed. Much of that progress is thanks to activists like Cam Barrett (she/they), a 25-year-old creator (@softscorpio) who uses TikTok to talk about her experience of being overshared in their childhood and adolescence. Barrett doesn’t go by her legal name anymore because of the online history it’s tied to. “I love my legal name,” Barrett tells me. “I just don’t love the digital footprint attached to it.” Last year, Barrett testified in front of the Washington State legislature as a proponent of a bill to protect influencer kids. This year, they testified again—this time, in front of the Maryland legislature.
“As a former content kid myself, I know what it’s like to grow up with a digital footprint I never asked for,” Barrett told the Maryland House of Delegates Economic Matters Committee in February. “As my mom posted to the world my first-ever menstrual cycle, as she posted to the world the intimate details about me being adopted, her platform grew and I had no say in what was posted.” And yet, Cam says her activism has been healing.
For Cam and other influencer children, getting a paycheck won’t give them back what they lost—a normal childhood unobstructed by the cameras pushed into their faces. But it could be the beginning of some version of restitution. “My friends say I’m fighting for little Cam,” she tells me. “It feels very healing because I didn’t have anyone to fight for me as a kid.”"
Read the full article here: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a60125272/sharenting-parenting-influencer-cost-children/
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btnclmrttn · 6 months ago
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Romantic Relationship HCs with L (SFW)
In the times when writing letters was the norm form of communication, that's how fast everything moves when it comes to a developing relationship with L. It is not a primary goal and he is in zero rush
Proactive, yes, but shy with it. Keeping you at arms length but with an open hand at the same time. You would need to have an incredible amount of patience while he navigates these unfamiliar feelings over the duration of time you know each other
Undeniably appreciative of your companionship, and will express it daily. Out of everything he has you're what makes him feel most lucky. That he is accepted and loved inside and out enough to be committed to
Does want to get married. On paper. A private sort of celebration. Private as in just the two of you. Supposedly the best dressed day of your life, and he's supposed to share? No
Spares no expense for a honeymoon. Longer than a traditional one, as well. Wants to indulge in his new life with you for a while before the cold water of the criminal world has to hit again
When living together, you have separate bedrooms. Not only is it beneficial in general for couples but his schedule is too radical to just share a room with you.
If he's been that busy and misses you, you'll find him in your bed instead of his own if he has the time of day. Which is not very often. Not even to sleep, just to be surrounded by the smell of you in a comfy place.
He's used to having his way, for the most part, with life. He's a spoiled man. So he will get subtly bratty with you at times when he's lacking affection or something related.
Any household expenses are on him. You quite literally have the option to just, not work. If you want to have something to do or your own money, sure, but he reminds you time and again you can just be his partner and pursue more of your hobbies in life instead.
No social media postings of him. It's a safety and privacy thing. Despises it. It's heavily insecure, he will ramble time and again. About digital footprints and all.
No photos taken on phones, or that need to be digitalized to print. You can say you're committed, of course, but he's dead set on the anonymity. Might have an underlying worry of someone harmful getting their hands on you entirely just because of his line of work
Also means he's relatively reserved in public. PDA is rare to none. Lines with his privacy preferences.
You'll be learning a lot of games. Would like it if there was a game you could teach him he doesn't know (Midwestern insert: hit him with euchre)
Doesn't discuss you in particular at all when he's working with others, but he gets a bit of an ego boost when he gets to say he is, in fact, a married man. Since no one seems to suspect it. But your name stays out of his mouth, and anything too specific that could make your identity clear
Fidget wedding band. New stim unlocked. Depending on the type of case he takes on, he might take off his ring to prevent any risk to you. It sours him a little, but it's the way his world is
Disagreements are inevitable and he never takes them too personally. Not someone who yells, he also doesn't like conflict with you, so he will apologize rather swiftly to diffuse things before they start
Even if he's having a busy day, or somewhere he can't see you, he keeps it in his head that part of that day is to contact you in some way so you're not out of the loop and neglected. Maybe he'll have flowers sent to you. Or, in your good graces with Watari, he'll send a message through him. Just so distance doesn't feel cold
As for a family, it would be in his mind often. Early on, he would work it out in his head. How many children would he want? If they were adopted or biological, both maybe. He thinks about it more than he admits. Mostly the thought of you being a parental figure interests him, aside from the successor aspect.
The decision likely wouldn't be made till later. Way later. When you're both older, say 40s or even 50s. He's not bothered by the prospect of being an older father, considering Watari's age and who he is to him. He understands the responsibility and being younger doesn't want to have to choose between a family obligation and the dedication he puts into his work
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yoonjae20 · 2 months ago
Ric(hard) Fenton; Part 2
Read on ao3.
Masterpost. Previous. Next.
Bruce is many things — a son, an orphan, Gotham’s prince, a vigilante — but he knows that he isn’t a good father. He wants to be — he loves his children fiercely but there are too many unspoken words between them for Bruce to be a truly good father to them. But never more did Bruce believe that than when Dick stormed out of the Manor calling someone else his family. 
He and Dick argued often — always had butted heads — to be honest ever since Dick stopped being his Robin. It had only been many, many years later that Bruce realized that ever since leaving his shadow Dick had blossomed — that he had just been a dead weight holding the young man down. 
After Jason died due to his mistakes, he had been hellbent on never having another Robin again. When Alfred had put up the memorial, claiming he wouldn’t let Bruce forget, he had gritted his teeth but persisted through his anger, trying to not let his guilt drown him. But when Alfred sent Tim after him with a costume that would always be stained with blood in his mind — he had been furious. He hadn’t been fair with the boy, lashing out at him, being harsh in hopes that he would give up. But Tim had been stubborn — probably even more than Bruce himself. It’s only now that Bruce can admit to himself that the boy saved him from himself. 
“Well that went well,” Tim says sarcastically once they updated Alfred on the situation. He leans back in his seat in front of the Batcomputer. 
Bruce lets out a grunt as he looks over his shoulder as they try to find out who Danny is. So far no luck. They are running facial recognition software but Bruce has a feeling they won’t get any results there either. 
“He must have met him during the year he went missing,” Tim concludes. “That’s the only explanation.”
Bruce can’t argue against that logic, although he doesn’t like what it implies. (Bruce had hoped that despite their disagreements, there would always be trust between them. That no matter what, they would be on the same side. Nothing burns more than the knowledge that he failed.)
He stares at the map pinging Dick’s location every so often — he is moving west, about to cross the border into Pennsylvania. The only thing they can do now is wait and see where the man is going. Bruce sits in the chair next to Tim and settles in for a long day. 
Tim makes a breakthrough almost 12 hours later. It has been two hours since Dick’s signal dropped after he reached the border of Illinois and 6 hours since they realized Jason apparently followed him wherever the hell is going. 
Tim drums his fingers next to the keyboard, impatient as the software runs. At this point the intention to find out more about Danny isn’t about concern for Dick anymore, it’s about pure spite — and the need to know. Everybody has a digital footprint no matter how small. It shouldn’t be so hard to find a single kid. 
When the software pings with a result he almost topples his chair with how fast he stands up. There’s a match with the key words ‘GIW, Danny and Ric’ and Tim’s stomach drops as he scans the information. He taps his earpiece, interrupting Oracle as she briefs B and Robin who are about to start their patrol.
“I found him,” Tim says, voice shaking. “You’ll wanna see this.”
They need to go help Dick and that fast. 
It feels too quiet as they traverse through Amity Park on foot — and Jason can’t help but be on edge. He’s too used to the night in Gotham and its rowdy streets. The distant sound of bullets raining and the howling of police cars. Drugs deals around the corner, while the working girls wait on the sides of the streets in groups for drunken stragglers. Gotham is alive at night — but Amity Park? It feels like a Ghost Town in more ways than one. Even Smallville, despite being in the rural parts of Kansas, had held more life when Dick had convinced Jason to visit the Kent Farm one time.
Jason feels baffled that all the events Dick had told him about flew under the radar. Shouldn’t an entire town disappearing get noticed by someone other than its residents — or at least the Justice League? If the town vanished into nothingness once more, would anyone remember it? He doesn’t like that the answer seems to be no. 
Jason forms the rear as Dick and Danny chat in front, voices barely above a whisper as they discuss something. Jason knows he probably should listen as Danny updates Dick on the intricacies of what he missed since he was gone — voice serious, but he can’t help but keep an eye out, gaze trailing the rooftops — old habits die hard after all. 
It doesn’t take long for Jason to notice that they are being followed. The only reason Jason hasn’t warned Danny and Dick yet is because it’s nothing more than a small blob shaped green ball. Jason trails it in the corner of his eyes as it stays far enough to be barely seen but close enough to not lose them. 
Dick and Danny had briefed him on most Ghost Types — and Jason still has to blink away the green when he remembers that Danny admitted that he had his own roster of “rogues” to deal with. Jason has to admit that there were a lot more than he imagined — other than the stereotypical ones from movies — and he’d seen himself in the description of a Revenant. That’s why he knows this must be a Blob Ghost — which according to Danny and Dick — were pretty harmless and kind of dumb most of the time, acting on instincts and emotions rather than conscious thought. But that still doesn’t explain why it would follow them.
It darts in and out of view and Jason has to admit it’s kind of adorable. Dick and Danny must have noticed that he is distracted because they stop and Jason almost walks into them.
Jason instantly notices something is wrong when there isn’t a quip from either of them about his inattention — instead they both look horrified. Jason doesn’t understand why until the blob ghost is suddenly next to them and its emotions almost overwhelm Jason. 
Scared. Not safe. Hide. Danger. Danger!
It’s only Danny’s quick reaction as he tackles Jason out of the way that prevents him from being a splat on the ground as a blast hits the position where he had been standing, leaving a smoking crater.
“Well, well, well. Look who crawled back?” a cruel voice taunts and Jason sees Dick stiffening as they get surrounded by agents in white suits. “And it even brought us a present! And here I thought we would need to find ourselves a new shiny plaything.” 
“Operative O,” Danny’s hisses, an almost animalistic growl escaping his throat. 
“Already showing your real nature, I see,” Operative O’s voice is mocking. 
“Operative O, don’t aggravate it further before we have it safely captured,” another agent reprimands, holding some kind of blaster and Jason sees green, only Danny’s warning hand on his shoulder keeping him from retaliating. 
“It’s just — here I was worried it wouldn’t fall in our trap without dear old Ricky in our grasp, but it seems I worried for nothing,” Operative O laughs but the only thing Jason hears is Joker’s laugh as the man beats him to half to death with the crowbar.  
Jason grits his teeth, shaking his head to force the memory away.  He’s not in Ethiopia. These are not his demons — he has no right losing himself here. And like hell he is gonna let Danny and Dick face them alone. 
Jason notices he must have missed something because suddenly the two agents who had spoken up are way too close and Danny and Dick both are frozen next to him — neither even saying a word or doing anything despite it. 
“Imagine my surprise when we turned up at the Fentons and you weren’t there.” Operative O slides an arm around Dick’s shoulders forcing him to bend a little as he murmurs the next words into his ear — Dick trembles in his hold and Jason’s vision flashes green. “Made it super easy for us.” 
“Get your paws off my brother!” Danny snarls, lashing out but stopping short when the agent uses Dick as a meat child. 
“Now let’s not be unreasonable, shall we?” Operative O says, releasing Dick and holding up his hands in the air. He circles them, grin sharp. “I’m not cruel after all. Let's say Phantom and the other feisty one, I saw those green eyes — in exchange for the rest — a fair deal, is it not? What do you say Ricky?”
Jason can hear Dick’s jaw crack from how hard the man grits his teeth. 
“After all the Fenton’s got you to replace Phantom now. A lot better than a corpse if you ask me.” 
Dick growls and decks the man hard in the face as he leans into his space once again. Operative O just laughs maniacally as he stumbles at the force of it, spitting blood on the ground and wiping his nose with the sleeve of his suit, staining it red.
“There it is,” he says gleefully. “That’s what I wanted to see.”
Dick is panting and to Jason’s shock his eyes are a burning, pulsing green as he glares at the agent.
“I’ll wonder how long it’ll take you to scream, hm Ricky boy,” Operative O ponders sadistically. “I hope you’ll hold out longer than Phantom at least. Makes it more fun to break them.” 
“Are you done, Operative O?” the other agent interrupts, impatient. “Other people have places to be.”
“What’s the rush, Operative K?” Operative O muses, flicking the blood dripping from his face off his hand. “It’s not like there’s anyone to interrupt us.” 
Operative K narrows his eyes at his partner.
“The higher-ups wanted us to be done with this 2 months ago,” he reminds. “The sooner we get done here, the sooner we can get the hell out of this cursed town.”
“As if Gotham will be better,” Operative O scoffs and it takes all of Jason’s willpower to not react at the name drop. “Overflowing with all those pests — starting with that infuriating Bat and its birds.” 
He hums, clearly deep in thought.
“Although I always wanted to clip a bird’s wings and see if they can still fly.”
Operative K rolls his eyes, clearly fed up with his partner’s behavior.
“I should have switched with Operative L when I had the chance.” 
“Hey, I still get the job done, don’t I?” Operative O pouts and Jason wants to claw the expression of the man’s face. “They have to die sooner or later anyway.” 
Operative K sighs but just shakes his head before he directs his attention back to the agents still surrounding them.
“Capture them.”
Jason stands up, not about to let them do whatever they want and for once gladly letting the Pit Rage consume him, but before he can even do one step, Danny writhes on the ground next to him, screaming as electricity continues to shock him. Drool drips from the corner of his mouth as he seizes and his screaming gets hoarse. And Jason — Jason just stands there. It's like his muscles have turned into lead and he can’t move his limbs one inch as he stares at Danny convulsing. 
Fuck, he knew this was gonna be bad when Danny had showed him his scars. But he hadn’t thought of the chance that they would fail before they even tried. Jason feels helpless and it’s like Ethiopia all over again. Only this time he wishes the screams he hears would come from him. 
“Enough!” Dick roars as Danny starts foaming at his mouth and tearing Jason out of his daze. “What the hell do you want from us?”
Danny’s eyes roll back in his skull as the shocks stop and Operative O uses a blaster to lift Dick’s chin, forcing him to look at him as he smirks.
“Beg.” His smirk stretches into a blood lusty smile as Dick gulps, his hands spasming at his sides. “Maybe you’ll convince me.”
At the same time as Dick throws down a smoke bomb, Jason grabs his gun in one smooth moment from the holster hidden above his foot and shoots the man point blank between the eyes. The space fills with smoke as Operative O drops to the ground — hopefully dead — and Jason quickly helps Dick with carrying Danny between them as they duck underneath countless stray blasts as the agents shout over each other.  
“That signal was atrocious,” Jason complains as Dick leads them into an alleyway, probably orienting himself on nothing more than pure instincts. They take several complicated turns until they can’t hear the sound of battle anymore. “Cass would have had your head.”
“Well it worked, didn’t it?” Dick fires back and uses his shoulder to open a door, as they drag Danny in it, the boy still out cold. 
The door falls close behind them and Dick stills as he feels the boy’s pulse, lips pressed into a thin line.
“This is bad, we need an Ecto-Dejecto as fast as possible.” Dick gnaws at his lips. “Neither of us has enough ectoplasm to heal this.”
Jason’s eyes grow wide as he sees Dick’s eyes and veins glow green, his brother’s face getting paler by the second. Jason rips away Dick’s grasp on Danny and the man lets out a gasp, breathing shakily and looking incredibly drained
“What the hell did you do?”
“Transferred the little ectoplasm I have to Danny,” Dick wheezes out. “We can’t use yours, the corruption would overpower his ectoplasm with how little reserves he has left.”
“There’s no reason you had to do this if it hurts you!”
Dick leans against a wall for support, his limbs shaking.
“You- You don’t get it,” Dick still sounds breathless. “Electricity-” He coughs. “It’s his one weakness. Destabilizes his core. It’s- It’s how he died. If we don’t get him the Ecto-Dejecto he’ll-”
Dick grimaces as if he doesn’t want to finish the sentence, but it’s far too late that Jason notices it’s actually because he’s in pain. He barely steps forward and catches the man as he suddenly faints. Staggering underneath the weight of his brother — and the responsibility that his new brother might die if he makes the wrong decision, Jason says the only word he can think of.
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rococo-sonata · 2 months ago
i digged up in my notes and guess what
Kunikida HEADCANONS ☆📗 part 2!!! + some other characters at the end!!!
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- he absolutly hates having his hair down and having his bangs in front of his face like in the oav so he put heavy amont of hair gel that makes his hair feel kinda like cardboard
- he was a troublemaker as a kid
- he's cisgender in a very transgender way. he considers himself a boy only because he was born as one and never really thought about it or feel any connexion to it despite having a schlong. like he's kinda gender apathetic
- it's not a rat tail!!! it's some sort of weird jellyfish haircut he only ties the lower layer and use way too much hair gel
- during his earlier years at the agency he used to have depressive episodes, where he forgot his ideals and bedrotted for days. now he feels so awful about it that he doesn't allow himself to take such breaks
- he likes poetry, mostly romanticism and naturalism. he sometimes writes some himself and has a notebook for it. Dazai found it and thinks his writing style is cringe and corny (he's kinda right...)
- he has a weird laugh, like an ugly one but it's cute
- once he came up with a schedule for katai and katai didn't even look at it
now just random dump of silly hcs i made up about the cast
- atsushi climbs the stairs on all four (even outside...)
- when someone shows him a silly video of a cat falling he takes it personally and answer something like "IT'S NOT FUNNY!! HE HURT HIMSELF😡"
- the type of guy to bite his nails until it bleed and peel the skin of his lips and kunikida swats his hand when he does
- fukuchi always has a favorite in the hunting dogs, sometimes it's tachihara, sometimes teruko, sometimes jouno but it's never tecchou. they're all kinda his children and tecchou is the least favorite💔
- he got fangs like a cat. he's literally just a big cat
- tachihara saw fukuchi as a father figure. he used to admire him a lot and think he was super cool so he sometimes copied his posture or mannerisms. im saying that bcs of this artwork! like look he's literally copying him they're so cute😭
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so imagine how absolutly disappointed he was when he learnt he was kamui.. and when the man he kinda saw like his dad stabbed his eyes... :/ womp womp
- jouno believes he is the most beautiful mesmerizing creature to have ever blessed this planet
- natsume is trans!!! he's a calico cat!!! calico cats are at 99.9% females!!! NATSUME IS AFAB
- he's katai's dad. don't ask me why it's just that scene where he shows up at katai's house they got such a cute dynamic he's his father in my head
- ango got the worst eye correction ever. probably has bifocal glasses for staying on his computer for so long
- kyu does age regression, because this is NOT a 13 years old
- katai is an avid reddit user. he is not the same person online his digital footprint is ass
- he needs to change his glasses but would rather see all blurry than go outside and see an optician
- i feel like he would love shoujo and slice of life anime that are girl lead like k-on, lucky star, nichijou or azumanga daioh. but not in a weird way. he would envy feminity, how in touch with their own feelings they are, and women frienship and intimacy, he wishes he could experience that too
- he loves cats and wishes he could adopt one but he knows that he wouldn't be able to take care of it in his state and would probably forget to feed it
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courtana · 8 months ago
I donated $10 to Mohammed Alwadiya, whose blog is @ahmedharara!
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He is part of a family of eight. [EDIT: regarding his verification status, please see the bottom of this post.]
But right now, he only has $50 of his $25,000 goal!
His GoFundMe link is a new one, but it's very low on funds and could use our support! Please donate and share his campaign widely! I've summarized his life story under this brutal war below, but you can read more at his blog and his GoFundMe page!
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Pictured Above: Mohammed with his daughter, Eleen
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Pictured above: Mohammed in his career/workplace as a math teacher.
Mohammed Alwadiya is a math teacher with a doctorate in business management. After several years of trying via IVF, his wife and him were able to have their first and only child, Eleen. With the war, their home, car, and school was destroyed by the military. Living in tents and constantly being displaced by the military, they are now facing a severe lack of food, water, and medicine. They are also facing a myriad of new illnesses and epidemics due to overcrowding and water contamination. Mohammed also had to tragically identify the remains of his martyred sister and her two children; he is now left caring for her surviving, albeit injured, daughter. He is living in constant fear for his life, as well as those of his wife, daughter, niece, and sick elderly parents.
For each child, it costs roughly $2500, and for each adult, it costs $5000 to escape Gaza via Egypt's border. He needs the $25000 dollars in order to evacuate himself, his wife, his parents, his daughter, his late sister's daughter, and his little brother.
17 August 2024:
it's taking very long for most campaigns on tumblr to get vetted due to the high number of campaigns. I spoke to Mohammed, and he is attempting and working towards getting his campaign vetted. However, I've done research into his digital footprint—details of which I posted on this post—where his profile as a mathematics instructor was listed in an academic website.
Please note that this is not an official vetting from me, as I am not a Palestinian. But this can help Mohammed campaign gain more credibility, visibility, and support
I will keep this post updated as I have more details.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year ago
I think you missed one member of Rob's crew. Their friend Jason Todd who comes round every so often with pizza and is actually rich or something.
A new neighbor moved in across the hall.
Rob didn't think much of it. People came in and out all the time. Traveling workers, runaway kids, aimless drifters. Half the tenants were squatters at any given time yet here he was paying rent like a total sucker.
He spat into the sink and rinsed. In the chipped mirror cabinet, he inspected himself. His rust-colored stubble was coming in, but not so quickly that he needed to shave today. He shrugged and threw on a clean shirt.
In the living room—if he could call it that, since it practically overlapped the kitchen—Milo entertained the kids with a mobile game while Gene was reading an Edgar Allen Poe book falling apart at the spine. They were the only other permanent residents besides the Steeler family. The rest of the crew came in and out as they pleased.
Rob said, "Kids, did you eat breakfast yet?"
The two six-year-olds nodded. The fifteen-year-old gave an affirmative grunt, not taking his eyes off the screen.
"What'd you have?" Rob asked.
"Donuts!" answered Gunner.
He raised an eyebrow. "Donuts?"
"Jay from across the hall brought them," said Jackie. "He also gave us these special donut hats. Look!"
Paper crinkled as she unfolded a Krispy Kreme hat and put it on top of her frizzy hair.
"I see." He nodded.
"Don't worry, I tested it first," Gene said.
As Rob poured his morning coffee, he glanced at the box of a dozen donuts. A few of them were missing, naturally, but there was still a wide range of flavors. Next to it was an unfinished thank you card from Jackie, presumably before she got distracted.
Normally, he wouldn't think twice about the neighbors. But this one—this Jay who wouldn't even tell them his last name—had been on Rob's mind since the first "anonymous" free pizza delivery a week ago. Of course, with online ordering there was always a digital footprint, which Mac tracked to the apartment across the hall. After that, there was the "anonymous" Chinese takeout.
Then, Jay started talking to them and it was the standard neighborly conversations down by the mail room. When he asked Rob what he did for a living, Rob answered vaguely that he was freelancing. Gene was unemployed and he could outright say it. Jay also asked the kids what they wanted for the upcoming holidays when the complex residents were setting up the Christmas tree. Jackie wanted a pony and Gunner wanted a monster truck, and for a moment it seemed like Jay was in serious consideration.
Still, Jay was a stranger. As the encounters continued, it became an unspoken rule that either Rob or Gene be with the kids when the young man was around. One could never be too cautious in Gotham.
Rob finished his coffee and debated taking a donut, but ultimately decided against it. He grabbed his jacket, keys, and pack of cigarettes, telling Milo and the kids (mostly Milo) not to make a mess in the ten minutes he would be gone.
He didn't like smoking on the balcony. It was too close to the children and he didn't want them to get sick. Worse, he didn't want them to pick up the same dirty habit that he only got hooked on because he was a dumb kid that didn't know any better.
He trekked four floors down only to find, lo and behold, he wasn't alone.
A cigarette hung from Jay's fingers as he leaned against the brick wall at the entryway. "'Sup."
Rob acknowledged him with a short nod before lighting his own.
Rob glanced at Jay. It wasn't his first time observing but he always liked to note the subtle changes. The young man—about a decade younger than Rob—sported only a red sweatshirt and grease-stained jeans despite the cold. Since last time, Jay had gained a bruise on his cheek and a cut on his forehead just under his white streak. Rob didn't know what his neighbor did for a living other than it left him with a different mottling of injuries every week.
Jay spoke. "Ever heard of third-hand smoke?"
Rob. "What's that?"
"Firsthand is what we're doing right now, basically inhaling these cancer sticks. Secondhand would be if someone was standing close to us while we do it. Thirdhand smoke is the smell left on you after you go back inside and it's potentially harmful," he said. "You have kids, right?"
"The hell kind of question is that? You've met then."
"I'm just saying, you might wanna consider stopping by the laundry before you go back up."
"Fantastic. Another way I'm a shit dad." Rob grunted and took a drag.
Jay flicked some ashes off. "I know a think or two about shit fathers and the fact that you're worried about being one means you're on the right track."
"How can I be a good dad when I can't even provide them breakfast?"
"I asked your older kid and he said it was fine."
"Milo isn't mine and he's not the one in charge. Next time, take it up with me."
"Duly noted."
Rob took another long drag and ran his fingers through his hair, feeling the past two days' worth of residue from not washing. It caked under his nails like week-old bacon grease on unwashed dishes. It was disgusting. He was disgusting. All of him.
The sleeping around. The accidental pregnancy with a woman he barely knew. The fights. Him throwing her out into a rainstorm. Becoming a widower before he turned thirty with two kids who will never remember her. The backbreaking jobs. Not being good enough to not be laid off. The sketchy investment and losing nearly everything. The sneaking, the breaking, the taking.
And the excuses. All the ways he convinced himself he was in the right.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Jay asked.
"I doubt it's worth a even penny," Rob answered. "I've just been wondering lately what my kids will remember me as when they get older. The business I'm in doesn't have a good reputation and I don't want that to be the first thing that comes to mind when they think of me—someone who only takes. I dunno why I'm telling you all this."
"Hey, it's a valid concern. The work I do also leaves me with those types of questions."
"What do you do?" he asked.
"A little bit of everything," Jay replied vaguely. "But back to what I was saying: your kids aren't gonna remember your day job. But I know they'll remember you putting them on your shoulders to hang the tinsel last weekend."
"I admit, you got a point." Rob flattened the cigarette butt under his boot before tossing it in the nearly trash can. "Anyway, thanks for co-hosting my morning pity party, but I have some errands to run. Starting with laundry."
Jay smiled. "I'll see you around."
"Hopefully," he said, smiling back.
There was something familiar about his neighbor, but Rob couldn't put his finger on it.
Ah, well. At least this one came with free food. Rob would be an idiot if he didn't take a donut while the washing machine wrung the smoke out his clothes.
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