#Diego Gandhi
garbagefirelol · 2 months
tophdhi family @ an aquarium maybe ? /nf
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these took to long to make and its very rushed im so sorry
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theduckeminence · 1 year
CH! Frida Kahlo Headcanon(s)
As much as I love Frida, I feel like she deserves to have some personality, character, and other stuff about her other than being “the laidback voice of reason”. So here we are:
Frida has confrontational issues. Because of how chilled and laidback she is, she would rather leave or wait things out rather than be direct and confront the problem(s)/conflict(s). She doesn’t take fighting nor arguing very well—thus becoming more passive and dismissive.
They struggle with chronic pain in their legs, mainly in their right leg. Due to their clone mother getting polio at a young age and suffering chronic pain in their leg as a result, Frida ends up inheriting that chronic pain (maybe also suffering from polio at the same age as well?) and thus struggles with it. Winters and cold weather is the worst.
On those occasions where Frida’s leg is in extreme amount of pain, he uses a cane.
Has Alexithymia. Pups cool and laidback attitude is partially due to pups difficulty identifying pups emotions and issues related to interoception. Sometimes either forgets of doesn’t realize pup’s hungry, tired, dehydrated, stressed, etc—hence pup carefreeness. This is a more personal HC as I have this as well, and so I feel she has it too.
While we’re at it, Frida also has ADHD and even experiences autistic traits. They tends to hyper focus HARD on painting murals and getting certain art pieces done. Simultaneously, they also had alot of unfinished works that are lying around their room. Even murals. They also tends to listen more than speak, preferring to be able to consider what they has to say. Uses advice they had learned from others and giving it on. Yet, there are times where they acts out impulsive whenever nervous or excited (i.e. when they crushed on Cleo).
Has sleeping issues related to her ADHD and is the type to sleep at 4 am. Tends to either pace around, paint, or rant to herself or Harriet early in the morning.
Has been masking for all his life and hasn’t realized this until he and Topher became friends. Topher pointed out that his disconnect to his identity and personality is most likely his masking.
OH and I decided—Frida has ✨identity issues✨ and internally struggles to see if pup really is the cool and go-with-the-flow type of person.
Is nonbinary, they/she & occasionally uses he/pup.
Is bisexual—has a preference for woman but occasionally had dated and crushes on men.
Has dated Diego Rivera’s clone son. Didn’t go so well…
Becomes friends with Topher & besties too with Gandhi (ADHD solidarity)
Wears a binder <33
Had a crush on Abe but never said anything about it—only reason they remained cool is because it wasn’t as big of a crush compared to Cleo.
And that’s about it for now!
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absquatulate001 · 26 days
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Anong libro ang paulit-ulit mong binabasa, at sa tuwing binubuklat mo, parang may bagong kahulugan na naman? Gusto kong sabihin na Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology, 14th Edition, pero next time na lang siguro.
Mine is Life of Pi ni Yann Martel.
When I was 15, I thought Pi was my long-lost twin—curious, na napakaraming tanong. I remember din thinking living in a zoo with a menagerie of animals. Pi, you are living my dream! Gusto ko rin tumira sa Zoo. Diego here we go.
Pero by the time I hit 18 and reread it, I was hit with a revelation. I’d missed Pi’s coming-of-age journey! Masyado akong nagfocus sa mga tiger, orangutan, zebra, at kay Richard Parker. I didn’t realize he was diving into religions at mayroon na siyang konting existential crisis. Sorry, Pi, hindi ko napansin.
Fast forward noong 22 na ako, I was in college na and reading it again... I felt different. Parang first time ko ulit. Suddenly, gusto ko na ring tanungin ang mundo bakit hindi ako pwedeng maging Muslim, Katoliko, at Sabadista nang sabay? Bakit nga ba stupidity has a price? After Daddy Gandhi, what is next nga ba? Uncle Jesus? Ano nga ba ang Faith? at sino ang The One?
Finally, last year at 27... I get it now. I mean, life really does have a way of slapping you awake, no? Minsan gigising ka ng jackpot, minsan zero, minsan pagod, minsan ganado. Minsan tamad na tamad. Minsan sukong-suko, minsan sobra sa zenkai boost. Pero, this line:
“The reason death sticks so closely to life isn’t biological necessity; it’s envy. Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possessive love that grabs at what it can,” hits hard.
Death wants a piece of it. At hindi lang basta piece ha, gusto niya lahat. Death tried to grab me, I’ve danced on the edge, muntik na magsudoku. Pero dahil matigas ang ulo ko, hindi pa rin siya nanalo. Tamang sagwan lang in my little boat, with the little supplies that I have, with my little light na minsan pundi pa, even when the waves get high at sobrang dilim na. This is Faith (or is it???)
Sa bawat araw na matigas ang ulo ko at trip ko pa gumising, ritwal na sabihing, “Okay, life. I see you. Suntukan na ulit. Isang round pa.”
And if death is envious? Eh, sorry na lang, hindi kami same weight division. Hindi kami match. Buti na lang.
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multiverseofseries · 1 month
Jurassic Park: 10 cose che (forse) non sapete
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Sin dalla pubblicazione del romanzo originale nel 1990, il franchise di Jurassic Park ha affascinato lettori/spettatori in tutto il mondo, rivitalizzando l'interesse del pubblico per i dinosauri. E mentre la Universal guarda al futuro, noi torniamo indietro, ricordando alcune curiosità legate ai primi tre film della serie.
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Una scena di Jurassic Park
1. R.I.P. John Hammond e Ian Malcolm
Chi ha visto prima il Jurassic Park di Steven Spielberg sarà rimasto scioccato leggendo il libro di Crichton, al termine del quale sia John Hammond che Ian Malcolm - interpretati rispettivamente da Richard Attenborough e Jeff Goldblum - passano a miglior vita: il primo viene divorato dai dinosauri, il secondo muore quando l'esercito del Costa Rica elimina tutti i rettili dell'isola con il napalm, anche se non vi è una conferma vera e propria del decesso. Ciò ha permesso a Crichton, presumibilmente influenzato anche dalla popolarità di Goldblum nei panni di Malcolm, di resuscitare il personaggio in The Lost World, con un piccolo retcon: il matematico dice semplicemente di essersela cavata grazie a degli ottimi medici.
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Jurassic Park: Malcolm, Hammond, la dottoressa Sattler e Gennaro in una scena
2. Next time, baby!
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Il mondo perduto - Jurassic Park: Compsognatus all'attacco
Per via della complessità degli effetti speciali richiesti per la realizzazione del primo film, alcune sequenze presenti nel libro furono trascurate per questioni tecniche e di budget. Queste scene furono poi riesumate nei due episodi successivi. La prima, avente per protagonisti un branco di procompsognati (che nel romanzo divorano John Hammond), fu inserita ne Il mondo perduto: Jurassic park, dove prima aggrediscono una bambina, e successivamente si mangiano il sadico Dieter Stark. La seconda, ambientata in una voliera di pterodattili, fa capolino in Jurassic Park III, dove i volatili in questione aggrediscono la spedizione guidata da Alan Grant (Sam Neill).
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Jurassic Park III: lo Pteranodonte
3. Che sfortuna, David
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Il mondo perduto - Jurassic Park: lo sceneggiatore David Koepp fugge dal T-Rex in una scena
David Koepp, sceneggiatore di Mission: Impossible, Spider-Man e Panic Room, ha anche firmato i copioni dei primi due Jurassic Park (collaborando con Crichton per il capostipite). Nel secondo film Spielberg gli ha concesso un cameo abbastanza memorabile: quando il T-Rex semina panico nelle strade di San Diego, lo scrittore interpreta un uomo in fuga che, cercando di rifugiarsi all'interno di un Blockbuster(!), viene divorato dal predatore. A rendere ancora più spassoso il tutto è un dettaglio preciso, ossia il nome del personaggio interpretato da Koepp secondo i titoli di coda: "Unlucky Bastard" (bastardo sfortunato).
4. Dalla pagina allo schermo
Nel romanzo di Crichton, durante la visita iniziale di Jurassic Park, John Hammond afferma di essere riuscito a scritturare Richard Kiley per narrare l'esperienza. Kiley, morto nel 1999, era un noto attore di teatro, ed ha accettato di interpretare se stesso anche nel film di Spielberg, prestando la voce al narratore della visita guidata (come dice Hammond, "Non ho badato a spese"). È possibile udirlo ancora oggi se si visita il parco divertimenti della Universal situato ad Orlando, in Florida: la sua voce è legata all'attrazione nota come Jurassic Park River Adventure.
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L'attrazione Jurassic Park River Adventure in Florida
5. Un regista al servizio dell'altro
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Richard Attenborough in una scena di Jurassic Park
Quando accettò di interpretare John Hammond, Richard Attenborough non aveva più recitato dal 1979, preferendo concentrarsi sulla regia. Il grande attore britannico accettò la parte del creatore di Jurassic Park soprattutto in quanto grande ammiratore del cinema di Spielberg, tant'è che lo stesso Attenborough, nei contenuti speciali di una delle riedizioni in DVD di Gandhi, che si portò a casa gli Oscar per il miglior film e la miglior regia nel 1983, sostiene che E.T. L'Extraterrestre fosse più meritevole di vincere le due statuette in questione.
6. Tim e Lex
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Jurassic Park: Raptors a caccia
Nel romanzo Tim Murphy è il fratello maggiore di Alexis, detta Lex. Nel film le loro età sono invertite poiché Spielberg voleva a tutti i costi Joseph Mazzello, conosciuto durante i provini per Hook - Capitan Uncino, per il ruolo di Tim, e non riteneva corretto scritturare un'attrice ancora più giovane di Mazzello, che all'epoca aveva nove anni, e metterla in situazioni pericolose. La parte di Lex fu quindi affidata all'allora tredicenne Ariana Richards (il cui provino, a quanto pare, fece saltare dalla sedia la moglie del regista).
7. Dai dinosauri alle spade laser
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Jurassic Park: il T-Rex irrompe nel Centro visitatori
Dopo aver terminato le riprese di Jurassic Park, Spielberg affidò la post-produzione all'amico George Lucas, in modo da potersi recare in Polonia per girare Schindler's List (i due film uscirono in sala a sei mesi di distanza). Il regista di Guerre stellari si ritrovò quindi a supervisionare la creazione dei dinosauri digitali da parte della sua ILM, e il risultato gli piacque a tal punto da convincerlo che la tecnologia fosse sufficientemente evoluta per realizzare una seconda trilogia di film ambientati in una galassia lontana…
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Una scena di Jurassic Park
8. Chicago-Costa Rica, andata e ritorno
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Alex Kingston e Noah Wyle in una scena di E.R. - Medici in prima linea
Nel 1990, quando venne a sapere dell'intenzione della Universal di adattare Jurassic Park, Spielberg stava progettando la realizzazione di un altro film scritto da Michael Crichton, incentrato su un team di medici all'ospedale Cook County di Chicago. Il regista si rese subito conto di preferire i dinosauri ai dottori, ed accantonò l'altro progetto. Questi fu poi resuscitato quattro anni dopo sul piccolo schermo, e divenne un fenomeno capace di durare quindici anni. Parliamo, ovviamente, di E.R. - Medici in prima linea.
9. "Helvetes jäv…"
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Il mondo perduto - Jurassic Park: Peter Stormare in una scena
Avete presente quando il cacciatore Dieter Stark viene aggredito e poi ucciso dai procompsognati nel secondo film? Ebbene, quella sequenza orrifica è anche molto spassosa, almeno per chi conosce le lingue nordiche: dopo la prima aggressione, mentre Stark si allontana infastidito, lo udiamo bofonchiare dei frammenti di frase. Trattasi di alcune imprecazioni (parziali) in svedese, la lingua madre dell'attore Peter Stormare. Questa piccola improvvisazione piacque talmente tanto a Spielberg che non solo rimase nel film, ma diventò persino una sorta di running gag, poiché anche in Minority Report il personaggio interpretato da Stormare si concede una breve deviazione linguistica in territorio scandinavo.
10. La tempesta perfetta
Durante le riprese del primo film, un uragano si abbatté sul set, costringendo Spielberg a sospendere temporaneamente la lavorazione… Ma non prima di aver chiesto al direttore della fotografia Dean Cundey di filmare le intemperie. Quel girato venne poi inserito nel film, per rappresentare la tempesta che spinge gran parte dello staff del parco a lasciare l'isola.
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Jurassic Park: il T-Rex in azione sotto la pioggia
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gonzalo-obes · 7 months
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Día Mundial del Glaucoma, Día Mundial contra la Censura en Internet, Día Internacional de los Tuiteros, Semana Mundial del Cerebro, Semana Mundial del Glaucoma, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Fina y Santa Herlinda.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1989
En el edificio del Laboratorio Europeo de Física de Partículas (CERN), cercano a Ginebra (Suiza), el investigador británico Tim Berners Lee describe en un informe para el CERN cual debe ser el protocolo para la transferencia de hipertextos. Este protocolo permite establecer un sistema de archivos de documentación mediante el uso de conexiones entre documentos de una forma simple. Hasta ahora, para añadir un enlace hay que modificar la ficha del documento referenciado; el nuevo sistema permitirá acceder a él simplemente indicando su "dirección" en la red. Éste el origen de lo que un año después se convertirá en la World Wide Web. (Hace 35 años)
En España, el gobierno del PSOE, convoca un controvertido referéndum para decidir la permanencia en el seno de la OTAN, a la que pertenece desde 1982. El 52,5% de los votantes optará por dar el "sí" a la permanencia, el 39,8 % votará en contra. (Hace 38 años)
En EE.UU el presidente de Harry S. Truman articula un discurso ante el Congreso en el que hace la siguiente afirmación: "Creo que la política de los EE.UU. debe de ser la de apoyar a los pueblos libres que están resistiendo intentos de agresión de minorías armadas o presión exterior". El objetivo final del discurso no es otro que conceder ayuda económica por importe de 400 millones de dólares a Grecia y Turquía, que se enfrentan a serias amenazas comunistas. Esta primera expresión importante de la política norteamericana de "contención" al comunismo durante la guerra fría, pasará a ser conocido como la "Doctrina Truman". (Hace 77 años)
En La India, Mahatma Gandhi inicia una larga marcha hacia el mar en protesta por los impuestos británicos sobre la sal. Liderando a miles de manifestantes, Gandhi y sus seguidores llegarán al Mar Arábigo. Allí secarán su propia sal evaporando agua de mar. Gandhi y 60.000 seguidores serán detenidos, pero este hecho proporcionará respeto, apoyo y reconocimiento al Mahatma y a su movimiento pacífico de desobediencia civil, por parte de la comunidad internacional. (Hace 94 años)
Se comienza a construir Canberra, capital de Australia, así llamada por la esposa del Gobernador general Lord Thomas Denman. En 1908 se eligió su capitalidad como un compromiso entre Sydney y Melbourne, las dos grandes ciudades que rivalizaban por dicho título. (Hace 111 años)
En la India, el ejército Sij se rinde a los británicos al final de la Segunda Guerra sij, logrando así los ingleses anexionarse la región del Punjab, en el noroeste de la India, que permanecerá bajo su control hasta 1947, fecha en que los británicos impondrán la partición del país. (Hace 175 años)
Es canonizada en Roma por el papa Gregorio XVI, Santa Teresa de Jesús, nacida en Ávila (España) en 1515, Doctora de la Iglesia y reformadora de la orden del Carmelo. (Hace 402 años)
En el actual Ecuador, el capitán Francisco Pacheco, perteneciente al ejército del conquistador español Francisco de Orellana y bajo las órdenes de Diego de Almagro, funda, con el objetivo de custodiar la frontera norte, abastecer de maíz, agua y alimento a los barcos españoles, una ciudad con el nombre de Muy Leal y Noble Villa Nueva de San Gregorio de Portoviejo, convirtiéndose en la primera ciudad ecuatoriana más antigua asentada en territorio costero. (Hace 489 años)
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thecaitychronicles · 9 months
The Caity Chronicles
Dearest reader, unfortunately for you, the presses have cooled in the last year, as I have had little content to write about. Reason being? Well. I’m happy. No, not just “social media happy.” Truly satisfied in all realms at the moment.
So if you’re lacking in serotonin, I suggest skipping this one, for the remainder of my excerpt will only register as bragging.
Even if your emotional state is maintaining homeostasis, the rest will still sound rather “ha ha I’m better.” Proceed at your own discretion.
The beginning of my year came with professional stagnation and personal rejection. The switch in meds resulted in overwhelming rage (but honestly who the fuck drives like that). And I was ghosted by two therapists in a row (does this mean I won?).
But alas, I was gifted with criticism that, while harsh, woke me out of a deep state of self-deprecating slumber. Sure, life’s a bitch and then you die. Sure, you think the world is never going to get better when you’ve only lived a quarter of a century on it. Sure, you think your issues are important and all-consuming. So? You’re not unique in this way of thinking. You’re boring. (That last part is directed at myself. Because of course, you, my lovely audience, are indeed unique and interesting and I’m sure your problems are worthy of all unbiased news coverage.)
All that being said- she changed her perspective. Yes, children. I, Caity of Caity Chronicles, am enlightened.
I got a job that pays more (because in San Diego, money does indeed buy happiness), with coworkers that enable my dark humor (y'all better stop).
I gained intellectually and emotionally-stimulating friends that have become family.
I’ve transformed my living space into my own personalized Mojo Dojo Casa House, where crafting and the fuzz monkey live harmoniously.
So while I sit here, in my jet-lagged-induced spirt of creativity, I use this time to explain the reason for the absence of any new CC issues. And yeah, people are still inherently shit and y'all annoy the crap outa me. But one-off instances are not nearly as entertaining to write about unless I’m throwing hands.
And I can feel that half of my readers are clenched with worry. “What will I have to look forward to without the anticipation of more Caity Chronicles?” While the other half is asking, “When will this narcissist quit spewing?” (Well jokes on you cause you’re still reading.)
Fear not, my doting audience members! While enlightened, sure, my eagerness to keep you entertained far exceeds my need to have my name mentioned in the same breath as, I dunno, Gandhi. I vow to seek out other avenues of inspiration in order to amuse. In the meantime, I appreciate the loyalty- y’all are the real ones!
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cartasdeamorpara · 1 year
25 frases de amor de grandes autores de la literatura universal
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25 frases de amor de grandes autores de la literatura universal
 Aquí te dejo 25 frases de amor de grandes autores de la literatura universal:
"El amor es la fuerza más humilde, pero la más poderosa de que dispone el ser humano." - Mahatma Gandhi
"El amor es una fuerza más formidable que cualquier otra. Es invisible, no puede ser visto ni medido, pero es lo suficientemente poderoso para transformarte en un instante, y te ofrece más alegría que cualquier posesión material." - Barbara De Angelis
"El amor es la fuerza más grande que uno puede tener, porque nos hace hacer cosas que nunca creímos posibles." - Paulo Coelho
"El amor es una flor delicada, pero es necesario tener el coraje de ir a buscarla al borde de un precipicio." - Stendhal
"El amor es una palabra muy débil para describir lo que siento por ti." - Roy Croft
"El amor es la única fuerza capaz de unir a los seres humanos en la profundidad de su ser y en la cima de su existencia." - Teilhard de Chardin
"El amor es una condición en la que la felicidad de otra persona es esencial para la tuya propia." - Robert A. Heinlein
"El amor es la llave maestra que abre las puertas del corazón." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
"El amor es la poesía de los sentidos." - Honoré de Balzac
"El amor es una llama que arde sin ser vista, es un herida que duele y no se siente, es un contento descontento, es dolor que desatina sin doler." - Francisco de Quevedo
"El amor es la fuerza más antigua y potente del mundo." - Emily Bronte
"El amor es la única cosa que crece cuando se reparte." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
"El amor es la voz bajo todas las silenciosas cosas, el anhelo que siempre busca la luz, la sed de la que brota la vida." - Rumi
"El amor es una aventura en la cual sólo el valiente se aventura." - Margaret Mitchell
"El amor es la única respuesta para cada pregunta." - John Lennon
"El amor es una flor que hay que regar todos los días." - Proverbio chino
"El amor es la única cosa que podemos llevar con nosotros cuando nos vamos, y es lo único que podemos dejar atrás." - Aaron Neville
"El amor es un mar en el que el hombre navega a veces alegremente, y a veces con tempestades." - Platón
"El amor es la única cosa que crece cuando se reparte." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
"El amor es un sentimiento eterno, el despertar de la vida en el corazón de otra persona." - Alexandr Pushkin
"El amor es la alegría de los buenos, la reflexión de los sabios, el asombro de los incrédulos." - Plato
"El amor es un sueño hecho realidad, y no hay nada más hermoso en el mundo." - Nicholas Sparks
"El amor es el ala divina que lleva al hombre a las alturas." - Michelangelo
"El amor es como un viento, no puedes verlo pero puedes sentirlo." - Nicholas Sparks
"El amor es un sentimiento que nunca muere, siempre está vivo y creciendo en el corazón de las personas que lo sienten." - Leo Buscaglia
¿Qué dicen los autores sobre el amor?
Los autores han escrito mucho sobre el amor a lo largo de los años. Algunos describen el amor como una fuerza poderosa que puede transformar y unir a las personas, mientras que otros lo ven como una fuente de inspiración y creatividad. Muchos escritores también han hablado sobre el dolor y la tristeza que pueden acompañar al amor.
¿Qué dijo Frida Kahlo sobre el amor?
Frida Kahlo, la famosa pintora mexicana, escribió en su diario: "Espero alegre la salida y espero no volver jamás". Esta cita refleja su relación tumultuosa con su esposo, Diego Rivera, y su deseo de liberarse de su amor doloroso.
¿Cómo decir te amo frases de libros?
Puedes decir "te amo" con frases de libros que expresen tus sentimientos de una manera única y poética. Algunas frases populares incluyen: "Te amo sin saber cómo, ni cuándo, ni de dónde" de Pablo Neruda y "Te amo más allá de la luna y regreso" de Sam McBratney.
¿Qué es el amor para los poetas?
Para los poetas, el amor es una fuente de inspiración y un tema recurrente en la poesía. Muchos poetas han descrito el amor como una fuerza poderosa que puede transformar y unir a las personas, mientras que otros lo ven como un doloroso y complicado.
¿Qué es el amor para William Shakespeare?
William Shakespeare, uno de los poetas y escritores más famosos de todos los tiempos, escribió sobre el amor en muchas de sus obras. En "Romeo y Julieta", describió el amor como una fuerza capaz de superar las barreras sociales y culturales. También escribió sobre el dolor y el sufrimiento que a menudo acompañan al amor.
¿Como dijo Mario Benedetti amor?
Mario Benedetti, un poeta uruguayo, escribió sobre el amor en muchas de sus obras. En su poema "Te Quiero", escribió: "No te amo como si fueras rosa de sal, topacio / o flecha de claveles que propagan el fuego: / te amo como se aman ciertas cosas oscuras, / secretamente, entre la sombra y el alma".
¿Qué lindas frases de amor?
Algunas lindas frases de amor incluyen: "Eres mi sol en un día nublado", "Contigo, puedo ser yo misma" y "Eres el mejor regalo que la vida me ha dado".
¿Cómo decir te amo en forma científica?
Una forma científica de decir "te amo" es decir "Te amo por la liberación de dopamina, norepinefrina y oxitocina en mi cerebro cuando estoy contigo".
¿Cómo decir algo romántico?
Para decir algo romántico, puedes expresar tus sentimientos de una manera sincera y poética. Puedes decirle a tu pareja lo mucho que lo amas, lo importante que es para ti y cómo te hace sentir. También puedes utilizar citas de poetas y autores famosos para expresar tus sentimientos de una manera única y elegante.
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riverdamien · 1 year
We Are Not Alone!
We Are Never Alone!
May, The Month of Our Lady!
National Mental Health Month!
"I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you; In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will.. . .John 14:15-21.
I remember my mom, she was gentle, kind and driven to push me through school. In my worst moments I see her in the Great Cloud of Witnessing pushing me forward. She once told me, "You will always be more of a mother than a father to people in your ministry."
On Mother's Day I was across the street at "Toast" eating breakfast, and "Diego" walked up to me with a bouquet of flowers, smiled, and said: "River these are for you, for you have been more of a mother than I have ever had"
Diego walked across the border from Guatemala when he was 15, and was given  asylum, the local gangs wanted him dead; for 12 years he has lived in San Francisco, needing support along the way. It has been rough, but he continues to tough it out. His mother kicked him out of the house, and so he survived on the streets until he came to the U.S.
The majority of  youth on the street have no parents, they have been abused, sold, and simply kicked out because the parents had no money.
Steven Kierkegaard comments :"Life can only be understood backward but it can only be lived forward."
This Mother's Day I vow to live my "life forward", being a "mom ", caring, seeing each as a child of God.
I close with a prayer sent to me by my friend Jay Swanson that summarizes theology in a nutshell:
commoners_communion. True compassionate prayer stands with God, and before God as the other.
It cries their tears, grieves their pain, repents for their sins, seeks their healing.
Christ often ministered from compassion(co-suffering) and his ministry had power precisely because he entered into the pain of the world.
Love is what made his prayer powerful.
When we pray for others we should pray from the heart, not from the head. Allowing ourselves to enter into another's experience where we feel God's desire for them, then pray from there.
When we do we co-labour with God.
We not only intercede for another but go deeper into God himself."
Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!
Father River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T.
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
As of now I am planning to attend the following course, as my sabbatical as I enter our thirty years of ministry. Would love for someone to join me in this adventure:
The thirteenth Annual INTERNATIONAL COURSE in INDIA “Gandhian Nonviolence: Theory & Application” COST: Tuition, Room & Board FREE (though donations are accepted); all other expenses regarding travel to & from India, visas, healthcare, & other spending is the responsibility each course participant. Once in India, a total personal expense budget equiv. of $300 per month would be reasonable (less, if one is very frugal). DURATION: 4 months (Sept. 30 th , 2023 thru Jan 30 th , 2024). A Course Diploma will be issued in a final graduation ceremony at Gujarat Vidyapith. LOCATION: Gujarat Vidyapith, a university founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920, (see: www.gujarat vidyapith.org) will host the first 2 months of the course during which International Students attend classes weekdays, have housing on campus, are provided vegetarian meals, and are given access to exercise facilities including a large indoor swimming pool (free of charge). Centered in the historic city of Ahmadabad (pop. 7.7 million), the urban campus enjoys a mild autumn climate and is near Gandhi’s Sabbatical (Satyagraha) Ashram where the 1930 Salt March began. Faculty associated with India’s oldest Gandhi Studies Program will teach the course while assuming little or no prior knowledge of Gandhi or India. To better understand the application of Gandhian nonviolence theory to practice, December and January will include course field trips involving 5-10 days each at a Nephropathy Center, an Organic Farm, the Institute of Total Revolution at Vedchi, the Gandhi Research Foundation at Jalgoan, and other experiential learning travel opportunities. Students will be accompanied by the Course Coordinator and/or another faculty member with transportation & on-site expenses free of charge. ACADEMIC CREDIT can be earned via arrangements that may be made by each student with an educational institution in their home country. Examples of mechanisms which may exist to be utilized have included credits awarded for “Independent Study”, “Cooperative Education”, “Service Learning Internships” or other devices negotiated by a student with their home institution prior to their departure to India. Such arrangements need not require MOUs for credit transfer.
NAME (First, Middle, Last): ____________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ Country: _________ Email: ___________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Brief Bio (including educational background & activist profile):
Why I am interested in taking this course:
SIGNATURE: __________________________________ Date: ____________
DUE DATE: May 31, 2023.
(If accepted, a $200 refu
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garbagefirelol · 11 months
Tophdhi Family stuff!
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(Stole this idea from @///Topherbuttz grrrr barkbarkbark)
Anyways lore thats been spinning around in my head that i havent talked about
Topher and Gandhi are both 41, married for 6 Years.
Topher is a Marine Biologiest who also owns an Italian restaurant called, "Mr.Italy himself".Often travels for business and does what he can to bring her family with him. Owns a boat
Gandhi works as a dance instructor, but also makes/sells his own music(with the help of Topher of course) and works at a trampoline park.
Bianca(12) is Topher and Gandhis daughter (usually an only child,but sometimes i like to add Diego to the mix) Deals with the paranormal watching over her back(typically her grandparents, or her parents dead classmates) Shes highly chaotic with a short temper. Known as a bubbly yet weird kid. A lot on her mind and cant stand to be alone, similar to her mother.
Diego(4) is the occasinally added little brother of Bianca. Quiet, awkward,and a bit of a book worm. Mostly just offers to help and follows his mom around. Very kind hearted and gentle once comfortable around people.
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dumdumsun · 2 years
To Nightfall | And Dusk Sequel Sneak Peek
A/N: Hey, y'all! So sorry for my broken promise. I've been so busy with moving and getting back into school, but I'm settled now and ready to get things done. As of right now, I'm writing chapter 18 of 20 of this story.
The first chapter is coming out the 20th, but since I recently reached 800 followers, I wanted to give ya'll another treat. This is just a part 1 of my treat, though. Be on the lookout for a part three of "Wild World", my Eddie Munson miniseries.
Thank you sm for all your love and support and for getting me to 800 followers! Please enjoy this unedited sneak peek of "To Nightfall"!
Warnings: unedited, not proofread, I use “Vanya” bc Viktor comes out in the story and I didn’t wanna take that away from him
Word Count: 1143
Sneak Peek
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“Oh, Hotel Obsidian. I missed you, you slutty old dame.”
In the middle of a busy downtown area stood a tall building, sporting numerous windows for numerous rooms on numerous floors. After the Hargreeves siblings had piled into the revolving doors all together and argued with each other while pushing the door, they spilled into the lobby of the hotel. The decor was questionable, with elegant pillars and chandeliers but tacky carpeting and furniture. Still, somehow, it managed to make sense for Klaus’s hideout.
“Absorb her. Absorb her into your bosom,” He led his siblings further into the lobby as they all observed their surroundings, including the odd characters spread throughout the room, all staring at them with measuring eyes. “You know, ‘cause back in her heyday, she played host to world leaders.”
The longer Klaus continued to speak, the more attention the siblings received, hotel guests that seemed to come from all walks of life stopping their conversations and staring them down.
“Roosevelt, Gandhi, Stalin, Gorbachev, Castro, King Olaf of Norway, one of the Kim Jongs, Tito, Dalai Lama, Elvis, and not one, but two Kardashians, allegedly. Wouldn’t that- Where you going?”
He cut himself off when Allison walked right past him.
“I gotta make a call.”
Klaus shrugged and turned back to everyone else. “Nowadays, she’s just a flophouse, a party house for those of us not looking to be judged by society’s rules and norms.”
“You mean, a place to hide?” Luther raised a brow.
“Exactly! It’s perfect! And the best part of it is, she’s gonna look after us, no questions asked. Never ever. Right?”
At the feeling of eyes on her, (Y/N) turned to the right to find a man peeking at her from behind a newspaper. As soon as he was found out, he quickly covered his face again. On the other side of the room, two richly dressed individuals turned and whispered to each other, all while keeping their eyes on them as Klaus urged his siblings towards the front desk.
“This place is weird.” Vanya commented as she followed.
Five began to follow, pulling his love with him by the hand. Her eyes continued to travel around and she met every glance thrown her way. For a place that lacked judgement, she sure did feel like she was being read like a children’s book. She squeezed Five’s hand after they both had returned a look from a very interesting person who sat alone with a smoking pipe.
When they reached the desk, Klaus immediately rang the bell. An older man in uniform approached them with a frown. Klaus gasped with a smile when he saw him. “Chet! Mon frère! It’s so great to see you. I’d like my usual suite, por favor.”
Chet placed his finger on the bell to silence its faint ringing. “I’ve never seen you before.”
“See? Told you,” He looked to Diego and Luther, who were happily petting the small pup sat in a dog bed beside where Chet stood. “Discreet.”
“Please, stop scaring my dog.” Chet demanded, Diego and Luther moving their hands away. (Y/N) gently smiled at the pup and leaned closer, reminded of her sweet Mr Pennycrumb who she was forced to leave in the sixties.
“What’s his name?”
“Mr Pennycrumb.”
She froze and stared up at Chet with narrowed eyes, who only stared back at her with a knowing look, a very small smirk on his face. She slowly leaned away from the dog.
“We need some rooms, please.” Vanya spoke up.
“Super,” Chet picked up a sign that read, Cash Up Front, and placed it down for them to see. “And how will we be paying today?”
It dawned on them that no one had any money. Giving up their lives in the sixties and hiding from the government didn’t exactly give them any time to work a shift and earn a check. Luther looked around at his family before puffing out some air. “Fine. Empty your pockets.”
The six dug into their pockets before holding out what they had in their hands. Five had bits of lint, (Y/N) found hair clips, Vanya held out a couple peppermint candies, Diego clenched his knife in his fist and Klaus cupped a few packaged condoms in his hands.
“I don’t think you can exchange those for cash.”
“Put the knife away!”
“Why do you have so many hair clips?”
“They’re cute.”
“Why do I have a hairnet?”
Chet rolled his eyes with no amusement as he watched them struggle to come up with any kind of currency. “Oh. Alright… Ooh,” Luther perked up, unfastening his watch from his wrist and holding it out to the man. “What does this get us?”
He took the watch from Luther and brought out a small magnifying device, holding it up to his eye to inspect the watch closer. Not even a second later, he set them both down and walked over to the cubbies behind him. Allison silently rejoined them as Chet plucked out two keys and walked back over to the group.
“Two rooms,” He set them down on the desk. “Mazel tov.”
“Awesome.” Klaus smiled, picking up one of the keys.
“Alright,” Allison swiped up the other. “Well, let’s Brady Bunch this shit.”
As her siblings began walking away, (Y/N) grabbed Five by the hand to stop him in his tracks. She turned to Chet with a kind smile and whipped a wad of cash out of her pocket. “How much for a single?”
“Where did you get all of that?” Five asked as she and Chet exchanged cash and key. (Y/N) turned to her love with a sly smile.
“I was the heir of billions in another life, remember? Come on, we need to actually be alone for once.”
She cocked her head to the side as she sped away to catch up with the family. With a breathy chuckle, Five followed her until the two were caught up and approaching the elevator with everyone else. “Uh, meet back in the bar in two hours so we can make a plan.” He said as Diego ran to stand in front of them.
“I have a plan,” He stopped at the top of the stairs just before the elevator. “We attack the Sparrows, and we take back our house, and then we punch Dad a bit until he admits that we’re better and he loves us more. Boom! Done! We’re wasting time!” He desperately tried to convince them, but they were all walking past him.
“Relax,” Klaus patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t sweat it, man. Those shit birds are staying put for awhile. I bet they’re as wiped as we are.”
“Yeah,” He stepped into the elevator with the rest of his deflated siblings. “I mean, kicking our asses looked exhausting.”
Taglist: @natewrightt @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @sm0kingcrack @sbyderman @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @starstormssymphony @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @keayastitties @hehehehannahthings @harryshomeismyhome @rhain3 @diegobonitooo @xxeiraxx @camerondiaz48104 @emily-writes-posts @theyaremorethanjustfictional @that-can-of-fizz @luckyzipperscissorsbat @0range-slices @molzsecretspace @officialjypofc @dragon-master-kai @justsomecreaturewandering @fandomxo00
Lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist! Chapter 1 of "To Nightfall" will be out Aug 20th, 2022 ❤️!
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Netflix Geeked Week - June 6, 2022: The Umbrella Academy Season Three
Sneak Peek #2: Hotel Obsidian
Felicia Day: Well that perfectly sets us up for another exclusive clip reveal from season three premiere. Let us take a look.
*clip begins*
*“Say You Love Me” by Sherman Myers begins playing and plays throughout the clip*
*sound of honking horns and sirens*
*thumping noises heard from the hotel entrance*
*chattering noises heard from the hotel lobby, continue throughout clip*
Allison Hargreeves: Oh. Okay. Honestly? Okay.
Luther Hargreeves: …we’re all crushed from the back.
Allison: We don’t all need to be squeezed…
Five Hargreeves: There were two entrances, by the way.
Klaus Hargreeves: Ohhh, Hotel Obsidian, I missed you, you slutty old dame. Absorb her. Absorb her into your bosom.
*old-fashioned landline phone begins to trill*
Klaus: You know cause, back in her heydey, she played host to world leaders. Roosevelt, Gandhi, Stalin, Gorbachev, Castro, King Olaf of Norway, one of the Kim Jongs, Tito, Dalai Lama, Elvis, and not one, but two Kardashians, allegedly. 
*phone continues ringing*
Klaus: Wouldn’t that— where are you going?
Allison: I gotta make a call.
Klaus: Nowadays, she’s just a flophouse, a party house for those of us not looking to be judged by society’s rules and norms.
Luther: You mean, a place to hide?
Klaus: Exactly, it’s perfect. And the best part of it is, she’s gonna look after us, no questions asked. Never ever. Right?
*phone continues ringing*
Klaus: Come on.
Diego Hargreeves: I may have questions.
Luther: Yeah, me too.
Viktor Hargreeves: This place is weird.
*clip ends*
Felicia: It seems like Klaus— if he recommends a hotel, it’s probably not gonna be a good experience, huh? *laughs*
Emmy Raver-Lampman: It’s tricky, though, in that moment, we needed someplace that they couldn’t find us. So actually, Klaus was the perfect person to recommend a hotel cause we needed to go to the, the most unlikely space.
Felicia: Yeah, but you’re right, the, the production design is pretty astonishing. 
Tom Hopper: Yeah, incredible. 
Genesis Rodriguez: Yeah, beautiful.
Emmy: Oh yeah, it’s insane, it’s insane.
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ark3750 · 2 years
Will you under - perform if you are left-handed?
Apr 05, 2022
Experts say at least 10 per cent of the people in the world are left-handed, and that’s not a small number. However, despite this, lefties often struggle to perform basic daily tasks in a world designed for right-handers, and until not so long ago, faced widespread social stigma too….
In Christianity, the right hand of God is the favored hand. Centuries ago, the Catholic church denounced left-handed people as servants of the devil. For generations, left-handed Catholic children were forced against their will to become right-handed.
Just a few short decades ago in Japan, the fact that your wife was left-handed could be cited as grounds for divorce!
In India, left-handedness is still considered a very bad omen among the Hindus. People who are left-handed are often not welcome to perform puja ceremonies, and a lefty is often referred to as someone who uses the ‘wrong hand’ — 'ulta' (opposite) as opposed to 'seedha' (straight and right). Naturally left handed kids are forcibly converted to right handed since it’s considered highly inauspicious to eat, write n even worship with the left-hand. The left hand is considered 'unclean' since it is the hand people generally use for washing themselves.
You will never succeed in life, one is warned if one doesn’t give up the bad habit of being a left-hander.
In Islam, the prophet forbade his followers to eat with their left hand because eating with ones’ left hand makes one EVIL like Satan. Really….!! The holy seer, Osama-bin-Laden was left-handed.
The International Left-Handers Day was observed for the first time in 1976. Ever since, it continues to be observed annually on the 'unluckiest of days',- August 13.
What’s common between,-
A) Iconic n historical leaders:
Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napolean Bonaparte, Thomas Jeffersson, Benjamin Franklin, Queen Victoria, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa n Narendra Modi
B) American Presidents:
James A. Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry S Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama
C) Hugely successful Industrialists:
Henry Ford, Amar Bose, Dhirubhai Ambani, Ratan Tata, L.N. Mittal, Rahul Bajaj, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs n Mark Zuckerberg
D) Iconic Sportspersons:
a) Tennis Legends:
Rod Laver, Jimmy Connors, John McEnroe, Martina Navratilova, Monica Seles, Goran Ivanisevic, n Rafael Nadal (Won 21 Grand Slams,- most by any player n is not done yet!)
b) Football Legends:
Pele, Johan Cruyff, Diego Maradona n Marco Van Basten
c) Chess Greats:
Gary Kasparov n Vladimir Kramnik
d) Formula 1 Champion:
Ayrton Senna
e) Cricketers:
Sir Garfield Sobers, David Gower, Allan Border, Sanath Jayasuriya, Wasim Akram, Adam Gilchrist, Kumara Sangakkara, Sourav Ganguly, Yuvraj Singh, Chris Gayle, Brian Lara n Sachin Tendulkar (Bowls, eats n writes with his left hand)
E) Rarest of the Rare, Genius Scientists n Inventors:
Aristotle, Sir Issac Newton, Alan Turing (father of AI) n Nicola Tesla
F) Nobel laureates:
Marie Curie (twice), Pierre Curie n Albert Einstein
G) Creative Geniuses who kept raising the bar:
Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Pablo Picasso, Hans Christian Andersen, Mark Twain, Leo Tolstoy, Hellen Keller, Walt Disney, Charles Chaplin, Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia, Morgan Freeman, Michael Jackson, Rajnikanth, Asha Bhonsle n Amitabh Bachchan (is ambidextrous - writes with both hands n fights, shoots n eats with his dominating left hand)
They are all under-performers in life. Why…. b’cos they were cursed to be natural left-handers. Imagine what more all of these 'under-performers' might have accomplished had they not irresponsibly n stubbornly decided to stay left-handed/left-footed!!!!
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jarrydwillis · 4 years
#CoverYourNose as that’s more consequential to infection — both infecting yourself & you infecting others — than the mouth (Booth et al., 2005; Farzal et al., 2019; Hou et al., 2020; Teunis et al., 2010). Someone who gets infected with #COVID while they #WearAMask is more likely to have a mild infection whereas someone infected while not wearing a mask is likely to be a severe case due to a higher deposited dose (Gandhi et al., 2020).
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borderlandnoise · 5 years
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Borderlandnoise Fest es un festival de música experimental y electrónica comisariada que reúne a artistas regionales de México y EE. UU., de alemania y austria,  así como a organizaciones sin fines de lucro, activistas y pacifistas dedicados a aliviar la actual crisis humanitaria mundial que enfrentan actualmente las ciudades fronterizas, especialmente en la región de Tijuana San Diego. Borderline Crisis Help Center, centro de atención humanitaria para deportados, refugiados y situación de calle en Tijuana, junto con Nett Nett, una agencia de producción cultural ubicada en Tijuana, México, y Vertexx.io, una productora de eventos culturales y plataforma con sede en Los Ángeles, California, unen fuerzas con otras organizaciones locales y visitantes para crear una experiencia en la que gente de diferentes ámbitos de la vida pueden reunirse no solo para disfrutar de una exquisita experiencia música, sino también para conocerse y crecer juntos como comunidad.
Borderlandnoise Fest se llevará a cabo dentro de un programa de dos meses y una exposición internacional de artistas centrada en espacios urbanos que surgen de los contextos socio-políticos fronterizos contemporáneos. Territorium-Tijuana, la exposición comisariada por Jan Lemitz del colectivo Skyjacking Collective con sede en Berlín, funciona como un mecanismo de red y espacio de diálogo y brinda espacio a varios artistas, investigadores y comunidades que se sumergen profundamente en el desarrollo y la documentación de acciones que crean conciencia sobre los problemas importantes para las regiones fronterizas de todo el mundo.
Borderlandnoise Fest se concentra  el 31 de agosto a las 12 p.m.en La Casa de la Cultura IMAC Playas de Tijuana  e inicia con una reunión comunitaria con formato de micrófono abierto donde las personas están invitadas a expresar sus preocupaciones y visiones que tienen en relación con su comunidad, todo en la búsqueda de soluciones creativas para la no violencia y la educación.  La música y los talleres inician a las 2 p.m. y se complementarán con proyectos de negocios locales y regionales de alimentos y bebidas que encuentran valor y beneficio en tener una presencia de marca en un entorno vibrante y musicalmente selectivo, con conciencia social y de demográfica diversa en la región de Baja California.
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Borderlandnoise Fest  AUGUST 31, 2019
Borderlandnoise Fest is a curated experimental and electronic music festival that brings together regional artists from Austria, Germany, Mexico and USA, non for profit organizations, activists  and pacifists dedicated to alleviating the current global humanitarian crisis that border cities are currently facing, especially in the Tijuana-San Diego border region. Nett Nett, a cultural production agency located in Tijuana, Mexico, together with Vertexx.io, a cultural events producer and multi-tenant platform based in Los Angeles, California are joining forces with other local and visiting organizations to create an experience where people from different walks of life can get together to not only enjoy an exquisite lineup of music, but also to get to know each other and grow together as a community.
Borderlandnoise Fest will take place within a two month long program and international artist exhibition focused on urban spaces that arise from contemporary border political contexts. Territorium-Tijuana, the exhibition curated by Jan Lemitz of berlin-based Skyjacking Collective, functions both as a networking mechanism and dialogue space that gives room to various artists, researchers and communities that dive deep into the development and documentation of actions that create awareness of issues important to border regions around the globe.  
On the 31st of August at 12pm at IMAC Playas de Tijuana Borderlandnoise Fest starts with a community open-mic formated meeting where people are invited to voice their concerns and visions they have in relation to their community, all in the search for creative solutions to non-violence and education. 
Music and open workshops kick-start the next portion of the program at 2pm and will be complemented with local-regional food and beverage businesses-projects who find value and benefit from having a brand presence in a vibrant environment with a socially conscious, musically selective, diverse demographic in the Baja California region.
Borderline Crisis Help Center/// Cosescribe/// Hit My Mind/// IMAC Playas de Tijuana/// Living Theatre/// Mad Productions/// Nett Nett /// Ora World Mandala/// Revnmov/// Territorium-Tijuana/// Vertexx.io
Atta Records/// Bicis Disidentes/// Estación Central/// Island of Misfit Toys/// (the) Handbag Factory/// Radio Axiom/// Sewing Rebellion//// Resident Advisor/// Static Discos/// Tijuana Synth Scene ...and more
Bicis Disidentes EBT  - Everything Bu Tacos (catering) Kokopelli La Brownie Girl La Carmelita Mikombucha Paramo Voodoo Stu’s more to be confirmed...
1mfs - Tijuana /// Ana Reptiliana + Corey Fogel + Hidhawk - Ensenada, LA, Tijuana //// Banny Grove - Los Angeles //// Body Double - Oakland //// Braulio Lam - Tijuana //// Conscious Summary - Los Angeles //// Delta-Sine - San Diego /// Dioscuri - Cholula, Puebla///  Eric Gonzalo - Tijuana /// Gabriel de la Mora - Tijuana /// Gaspar Peralta - Tijuana /// Junior Mint Prince - Oakland /// Lower Tar - Los Angeles/// Marie de Kill - Sand Diego / Los Angeles /// Matt Robidoux - Oakland //// Nathaniel Eras with Lucid Interval - Los Angeles /// Necking - San Diego /// Noia - San Luis Rio Colorado /// Nut - Oaxaca /// On Drugs - Portland  /// Primitive Heart - New York /// Psychic Health - Los Angeles /// Ramon Amezcua - Tijuana /// SheKhan - Los Angeles /// Simonel - Tijuana /// Sobbing Honey with divinebrick- Los Angeles /// Some Pepper - Los Angeles /// Supersadfish DJ set - Tijuana /// Vegan Cannibal - Mexico City /// Wakuri - Tijuana /// Watkins / Peacock - Oakland /////
Bulgama - Los Angeles / Tijuana /// Cody and Friends - Los Angeles /// Charmaine’s Names - Long Beach /// DJ Badman Blastquez - Los Angeles /// DJ Professor Cantaloupe - Los Angeles /// Fathers - Oakland /// Markus Brandt - Salzburg /// Noon Court - Los Angeles /// Sonidero Travesura - Tijuana
ARTISTAS INSTALACIÓN/ INTERVENT[c]ION/ INSTALLATION ARTISTS Alejandra Victoria Godoy /// Chris Rod/// Carlos Roa/// Eduardo Trejo ////Frau Fiber ///Indra Amaya ///Jan Lemitz ///Jonas Romero ///Jocelin Valencia ////Leah Van Bach /// Lucid Interval/// Luisa Martinez ...more to be confirmed Precio de boleto / Ticket price: 150 MXN / 8 USD https://www.eventbrite.com/e/borderlandnoise-fest-tickets-68905071925
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riverdamien · 1 year
We Are Alone!
We Are Never Alone!
May, The Month of Our Lady!
National Mental Health Month!
"I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you; In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will.. . .John 14:15-21.
I remember my mom, she was gentle, kind and driven to push me through school. In my worst moments I see her in the Great Cloud of Witnessing pushing me forward. She once told me, "You will always be more of a mother than a father to people in your ministry."
On Mother's Day I was across the street at "Toast" eating breakfast, and "Diego" walked up to me with a bouquet of flowers, smiled, and said: "River these are for you, for you have been more of a mother than I have ever had"
Diego walked across the border from Guatemala when he was 15, and was given  asylum, the local gangs wanted him dead; for 12 years he has lived in San Francisco, needing support along the way. It has been rough, but he continues to tough it out. His mother kicked him out of the house, and so he survived on the streets until he came to the U.S.
The majority of  youth on the street have no parents, they have been abused, sold, and simply kicked out because the parents had no money.
Steven Kierkegaard comments :"Life can only be understood backward but it can only be lived forward."
This Mother's Day I vow to live my "life forward", being a "mom ", caring, seeing each as a child of God.
I close with a prayer sent to me by my friend Jay Swanson that summarizes theology in a nutshell:
commoners_communion. True compassionate prayer stands with God, and before God as the other.
It cries their tears, grieves their pain, repents for their sins, seeks their healing.
Christ often ministered from compassion(co-suffering) and his ministry had power precisely because he entered into the pain of the world.
Love is what made his prayer powerful.
When we pray for others we should pray from the heart, not from the head. Allowing ourselves to enter into another's experience where we feel God's desire for them, then pray from there.
When we do we co-labour with God.
We not only intercede for another but go deeper into God himself."
Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!
Father River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T.
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
As of now I am planning to attend the following course, as my sabbatical as I enter our thirty years of ministry. Would love for someone to join me in this adventure:
The thirteenth Annual INTERNATIONAL COURSE in INDIA “Gandhian Nonviolence: Theory & Application” COST: Tuition, Room & Board FREE (though donations are accepted); all other expenses regarding travel to & from India, visas, healthcare, & other spending is the responsibility each course participant. Once in India, a total personal expense budget equiv. of $300 per month would be reasonable (less, if one is very frugal). DURATION: 4 months (Sept. 30 th , 2023 thru Jan 30 th , 2024). A Course Diploma will be issued in a final graduation ceremony at Gujarat Vidyapith. LOCATION: Gujarat Vidyapith, a university founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920, (see: www.gujarat vidyapith.org) will host the first 2 months of the course during which International Students attend classes weekdays, have housing on campus, are provided vegetarian meals, and are given access to exercise facilities including a large indoor swimming pool (free of charge). Centered in the historic city of Ahmadabad (pop. 7.7 million), the urban campus enjoys a mild autumn climate and is near Gandhi’s Sabbatical (Satyagraha) Ashram where the 1930 Salt March began. Faculty associated with India’s oldest Gandhi Studies Program will teach the course while assuming little or no prior knowledge of Gandhi or India. To better understand the application of Gandhian nonviolence theory to practice, December and January will include course field trips involving 5-10 days each at a Nephropathy Center, an Organic Farm, the Institute of Total Revolution at Vedchi, the Gandhi Research Foundation at Jalgoan, and other experiential learning travel opportunities. Students will be accompanied by the Course Coordinator and/or another faculty member with transportation & on-site expenses free of charge. ACADEMIC CREDIT can be earned via arrangements that may be made by each student with an educational institution in their home country. Examples of mechanisms which may exist to be utilized have included credits awarded for “Independent Study”, “Cooperative Education”, “Service Learning Internships” or other devices negotiated by a student with their home institution prior to their departure to India. Such arrangements need not require MOUs for credit transfer.
NAME (First, Middle, Last): ____________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ Country: _________ Email: ___________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Brief Bio (including educational background & activist profile):
Why I am interested in taking this course:
SIGNATURE: __________________________________ Date: ____________
DUE DATE: May 31, 2023.
(If accepted, a $200 refu
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tijuananettnett · 5 years
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Borderlandnoise Fest / Programa Territorium TijuanaSábado 31 de agosto de 2019, Casa de la Cultura Playas de Tijuana IMACOrganiza: Nett Nett (Tijuana)Contacto: Haydee Jiménez, directora de Nett NettParticipantes: Skyjacking Collective (Berlin) y el Instituto Municipal de Arte y Cultura (Tijuana) a través de Territorium Tijuana+  Vertexx.io (Los Angeles), Borderline Crisis Help Center, Ora World Mandala-Gujarat Vidyapith (University founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920) y Living Theatre Borderlandnoise Fest es un festival de música experimental y electrónica comisariada que no solo reúne a artistas regionales de México y EE. UU., Sino también a organizaciones sin fines de lucro, activistas y pacifistas dedicados a aliviar la actual crisis humanitaria mundial que enfrentan actualmente las ciudades fronterizas, especialmente en el Región de Tijuana-San Diego. Nett Nett, una agencia de producción cultural ubicada en Tijuana, México, junto con Vertexx.io, una productora de eventos culturales y plataforma con sede en Los Ángeles, California, unen fuerzas con otras organizaciones locales y visitantes para crear una experiencia en la que gente de diferentes ámbitos de la vida pueden reunirse no solo para disfrutar de una exquisita experiencia música, sino también para conocerse y crecer juntos como comunidad.Con la ayuda del Borderline Crisis Help Center y su red, Ora World Mandala , programa de extension de Gujarat Vidyapith (Universidad fundada por Mahatma Gandhi en 1920), Living Theatre, IMAC Tijuana y otros, Borderlandnoise Fest se llevará a cabo dentro de un programa de dos meses y una exposición internacional de artistas centrada en espacios urbanps que surgen de los contextos socio-políticos fronterizos contemporáneos. Territorium-Tijuana, la exposición comisariada por Jan Lemitz del colectivo Skyjacking Collective con sede en Berlín, funciona como un mecanismo de red y espacio de diálogo y brinda espacio a varios artistas, investigadores y comunidades que se sumergen profundamente en el desarrollo y la documentación de acciones que crean conciencia sobre los problemas importantes para las regiones fronterizas de todo el mundo.La programación del festival Borderlandnoise comienza el 31 de agosto a las 12 p.m.en IMAC Playas de Tijuana con una reunión comunitaria  organizada con la ayuda de Ora World Mandala con formato de micrófono abierto donde las personas están invitadas a expresar sus preocupaciones y visiones que tienen en relación con su comunidad, todo en la búsqueda de soluciones creativas para la no violencia y la educación. Los asistentes a esta acción están invitados a unirse al festival de forma gratuita.La música y los talleres abiertos inician a las 2 p.m. y se complementarán con proyectos de negocios locales y regionales de alimentos y bebidas que encuentran valor y beneficio en tener una presencia de marca en un entorno vibrante y musicalmente selectivo, con conciencia social y de demográfica diversa en la región de Baja California.
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