himbohargreeves · 2 years
tua team drop the forbidden diedora kink negotiation scene where Diego tries to convince her to call him Number 1 during sex
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diegoshargrieves · 2 years
diego finding eudora in the motel except instead of this year's love dos oruguitas plays in the background
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tehmoonofficial · 4 years
The Real Meaning of the Umbrella Academy Numbers
CW: Death, Domestic Abuse/Emotional Manipulation, Drug Mention
There’s a popular theory that the siblings are ordered from least to most powerful. I love that, and partially agree, but I see some exceptions to that. For example, Allison can literally bend the world to whatever she wants it to be. Why would that make her third-weakest?
Here’s what I think:
The numbers were created by Reginald for manipulation alone. The numbers could have switched around when they were little, and then cemented in place as they got older.
Luther is 1 because he could squish Reginald without a conscious thought. Reginald needed the big, intimidating guy to be loyal to him, and act as a bodyguard from the others.
Diego is 2 because if he was 1 or any lower than 2, he would have had no motivation to work on his skill. Having that amount of competition to earn his love motivates him. That’s why with Eudora he always acts so cocky, because confidence paid in the UA.
Allison is 3 because it still shows she is “favored” by Reginald. 3 is enough to just use a verbal power without lifting a finger. She doesn’t have interest in being 1, but she does earn a little of Reginald’s love. The “use my powers=love” idea is what guides her to use her powers as much as possible.
Klaus, 4, is the turning point because 3.5 is half of 7. Therefore, half of Klaus is rebellious, and half secretly wants affection. This is shown in the way that he numbs himself with drugs to get away from the pain, and when sharper, he helps out his siblings as much as possible.
Five is the real, 100% rebellious one. Reginald did not see any intimidation tactic for him, and so ranked him low. Five sees that Reginald will never ever care about him, and decides to choose for himself how to be.
Ben was ranked low for the opposite reason. Ben is extremely powerful, and Reginald didn’t want him to realize this. Ranking him low gets rid of his self-esteem and causes him to feel uncomfortable about his powers.
Then, after his death, Reginald can brand him dying as a sort of rememberance. “Your sibling died for this cause, stay to respect his memory.” In juxtaposition, Five is branded with a giant portrait (while Ben has the statue). Reginald chooses this for Five, in such a prominent area of the house, because Five did not listen to Reginald’s warnings. Reginald says for him not to leave and then he does anyway, leading the UA to think he is dead. So, the lesson is “always listen to me or else you will die”.
Vanya is ranked lowest because of similar reasons to Ben. She is WAY too powerful for him to control. So, he attacks her actual source of powers. Doing so and isolating her from the group makes her feel insecure and unworthy of anything better than 7.
So, to sum up, Reginald strategically places each sibling in a role where they must compete to be seen as a human being. These roles have different effects on their decision-making and self-worth. But, at the end of the day, they are all divided and do not notice that if they ignored Reginald and banded together, they would be extremely powerful. This is why they fail in season 1 to save the apocalypse. None of the siblings were really trained to be a leader, and with the absence of Reginald they have no guidance.
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bensvodka · 3 years
Klaus: *throwing stones at Diego's Window*
Klaus: hey
Diego texts: you have a phone for a reasom
*loud band*
Diego: did he-
Eudora half asleep: yep
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mychemicalxmen · 4 years
hey y'all i know they're probably not gonna do anything with this but......... eudora's probably still alive in the sparrow timeline
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tuaparadis · 4 years
Diego: If the coronavirus doesn't take you out, can I?
Eudora: Jesus fucking christ.
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malecacidd · 4 years
TUActober 2020 (Day 2: S1 vs S2)
Are we already starting to fall behind? M a y b e kfkdkdksk anyways I'm still v excited and I hope you like this 🥺🥺🥺 I still have yet to make an ao3 version but I'm,,,,, working on it?
Prompts by @totallyevan!!
(Also to give like a background before you read this is comparing some of the sibs love interests in s1 to their s2 ones!!)
Patrick was like a building fire. He was like the start of something that would never be finished.
Allison met him at the one year anniversary of her first movie. She married him four years later.
Patrick gave her the most important person in her life. Without him, Claire wouldn't exist. Allison didn't forget that.
She loved him, she really did. She loved him for years, and she thinks that he loved her too.
She doesn't know for sure, though.
Ray was almost like a breath of fresh air.
Allison had been thrown into a new world, a new world that gave her more hate than she thought she would ever experience. When she was with Ray, the hate existed, but it was never at the forefront of her mind.
Ray was like light in the darkness, shining and giving her a way to find happiness in the 60s. Giving her a way to find happiness in general. Showing her the way that she could fight for what was right and still have happy days.
Ray didn't give her Claire, but he gave her love.
Allison loved him, so much.
And this time, she knew that he loved her back.
Dave was something that Klaus never had.
Sure, he had relationships before. Relationships with men, women, all of the above and more.
It was different with Dave. Everything was different with Dave.
It was ten months of the most intense love Klaus had ever felt. And then it was gone.
Well, it wasn't gone, it was just overtaken by the pain replacing all other emotion in his heart. Dave died, and a part of Klaus died with him.
He missed him, so much.
Dave was back. Dave was alive.
Except he wasn't.
Klaus' Dave had died in 1968, died in the Vietnam War. This Dave…
This Dave was a twenty two year old who worked in a store that sold mamie pink paint. This Dave never met Klaus, never spent ten months soldiering with him.
This Dave didn't love him.
And he didn't love this Dave.
He missed his Dave. Missed him so, so much.
Eudora was his first.
Well, that wasn't completely true. He had been with others, but Eudora was the first that he truly loved.
She just understood him. He felt as if she mirrored him completely.
Eudora would take his snappy comments in stride and reply with one of her own. He felt as if they matched perfectly.
He loved her, but then he was kicked from the police academy. They fell out, as some do. He still loved her, though. He knew that he would always love her.
Diego felt almost as if he was starting to get her back just before he found her dead on the floor of a cheap motel.
Lila was fast. A fast love.
He met her in the psych ward. She seemed a bit off, but she was fun to talk to.
It was only a couple months later when he found himself fighting to keep her in the car that he realized, oh, I'm falling again.
Then Diego and Lila were in Elliott's bed, then she disappeared, then he found out that she didn't love him the way he thought she did.
Then he found out, as he was telling her about her shitty mother who gave her a shitty idea of love, that maybe, just maybe, she did love him.
Diego could see in her eyes that he was getting her back just before the Handlers gun went off.
Vanya thought that Leonard was love.
He had asked for her company, actually wanted to be around her, and how could she deny the one thing she had wanted her entire life?
She was desperate to proove her sister wrong, she'll admit.
She thought that it was love, but maybe, maybe she was wrong.
Allison gave her doubts about Leonard, and Vanya stayed with him almost out of pure spite. But then, then she was losing control and slitting Allison's thought and then she stayed with Leonard out of fear because what if someone comes after her? What if her family hates her?
But then Leonard was yelling and slamming his hand and making noise and she just couldn't-
And he was dead on the ground.
That wasn't love, she was sure of it.
Sissy was there for Vanya.
Sissy gave her a place to live, gave her a life that she didn't even know she wanted.
Harlan was just as important to Vanya as Sissy was. She loved them both, so much.
Sissy showed her what love was, how it was supposed to be. Vanya couldn't remember her past, didn't have any memories, but she knew that she wanted her future to be with Sissy. Knew that she wanted to be around her, wanted to be loved by her and love her back.
Sissy gave her a home.
That was love, she was sure of it.
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Eudora: Diego! This is a crime scene!
Diego *stealing eggs out of the fridge*: what, is this the murder weapon?!
Diego: get off my dICK!
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miss-alice-evelynn · 4 years
Can we agree that Lila is just a really feral Eudora?
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zontiky · 4 years
eudora: *kisses diego*
diego: what was that?
eudora: affection
diego: disgusting
diego: do it again
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blue-thief · 4 years
ya know what? instead of choosing between shipping dilila (diego x lila) or diedora (diego x patch) let's just ship all three o' them or just forget diego and ship lila and patch
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himbohargreeves · 2 years
fundamental difference between diedora and dielila for me is that Diego called Eudora babe and Lila honey
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diegoshargrieves · 3 years
diedora au where diego is a baker and works at griddys and eudora is a detective who really likes doughnuts and it all goes from there
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tehmoonofficial · 4 years
Eudora: Aw, Diego, I didn’t know you had a baby brother! He’s so cute!
Diego: R u n.
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jameszmaguire · 4 years
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- Nikita Gill
Squares Filled for @tuacreatorsbingo: Diedora (tw: death, gore)
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Georgia by Phoebe Bridgers is a Diedora song
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