#otp: and detective? i do give a shit.
heartless-curr · 2 months
makoto raincode
- How I feel about this character
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUAVAIABAOSUOAHAOEJRPSJAPAJAPWJAPSJAPAKALALALALLAAPPAP AUAGJ. 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 . MY AURISM GUY. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. i love how she's so obviously my type of character that you predicted he'd be a fave of mine before reaching chapter 5 LMFAO
- All the people I ship romantically with this character
makoyomi is so fucking funny to me. they so have a genuinely interesting dynamic to explore but also it's the funniest thing ever. yomi has this 1 sided hatred towards makoto. makoto stole yomi's ex girlfriend. yomi barged into makoto's apartment (who makoto apparently has his security system set to allow in ???) like ARE YOU HIDING A DETECTIVE IN HERE. and makoto was just like do you want a cookie :PP. i think if makoto ever took off his mask and yomi saw that underneath it was the face of the detective that gave him so many issues he'd scream loud enough to rip a vocal chord
- My non-romantic OTP for this character
i mentioned shinigami-chan in my post about her but ALSO. kurumi. i think kurumi would come to makoto to beg to visit aiko and this would lead to makoto starting up tests on making regenerative medication for zombified braincells since we know that was a thing.
- My unpopular opinion about this character
um. guys makoto wouldn't go "equal rights for everyone other than yomi fuck yomi in particular". lol. makoto's not really the vengeful type. also i think an interesting alternative teadinf of chapter 5 is that makoto was trying to subtly convince yuma to kill him and protect kanai ward in her place in chapter 5. in this essa—
- One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
god i can't think of anything off the top of my head. okay not about makoto specifically but i wish that the "oh ramen can feed the homunculi" shit didn't happen because. okay so what the fuck was makoto doing all that shit for? like a massive part of her character is committing atrocities for kanai ward because there is no alternative and because he's willing to do anything for kanai ward and there are no perfect solutions to the food dilemma. why did they give a perfect solution at the end. are you kidding.
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neoyi · 9 months
For the ask game: 002 about Mr hat maybe? Is a character that intrigues me a lot alongside phantom striker but I'm brainrotting on the mad hatter
 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: Okay, so I didn't think too much about Mr. Hat for most of Treasure Trove. I figured he was just a rich loon who really, really, reaaaaaaaaaally love hats. And then King of Cards reintroduced him as this absolute menace of maddening audacity that I hesitate to even consider him a mere human (or animal person, or some any kind of mortal, etc etc.) Like you meet him in the mountains where his shop lies. The mountains, which I remind you, is soaked with a sense of mystery and magic the likes that we mere mortals cannot possibly answer. The same mountain range where Plague's minions found... whatever the fuck Oolong is.
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Occam's Razor detect the shop is there because he is so completely out of tune to normal human interaction that he has no idea that the average person is not going to climb a damn mountain to get to his haberdashery.
The more out-there theory: Mr. Hat is of fae origins. I can't claim this theory as some SK fans have since taken it upon themselves to use as their personal headcanon prior to me stumbling upon that idea. But I've taken a large shine to it and now consider it an adopted headcanon, too. Like, he's just so inhumanely unnatural.
Mr. Hat is bizarrely obsessive in his quest, has zero boundaries or knowledge of proper societal interaction, and extraordinarily strong that he can literally lug his store like his personal backpack. Of course the easiest explanation is that this is just for the Rule of Funny (and that's likely YCG's canonical reasoning behind the mad hatter), but I love the implication that Mr. Hat is a fairy who is trying to fit in with man, but is shy a crayon or two or three or half the pack, to convincingly pull it off. And now you get stories ruminating in your head, wondering why he thinks these mortals are so fascinating (answer: the fae is too predictable for him, mortals are Shiny and New.)
Along with his highly expensive prices, it's no surprise the kind of people he can attract the most are out-of-touch nobles and rich bastards who have no concept of reality either. I love how Mr. Hat evokes the image of a rich man, but his coat looks drabby and dull-colored, a severe contrast to the colorful palettes of actual noble attires. It's as if he's imitating them, but can't quite pull that off either.
Basically, the more alien and mysterious Mr. Hat is, the better. And I hope the games never, ever, EVER explain what his deal is other than... hats. He simply exists to be questioned and never answered.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I don't, actually. I don't know, maybe he and Meeber had a thing before even she, a fairy, thought he was too bizarre even coming from a fairy. But I can't picture anything romantic or sexual coming from this guy. I hear he's married his entire hat shop. Yes, his hat shop is his wife. That's my headcanon now.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I've actually taken a liking to the Wandering Travelers grouping up and protecting the Valley for a while, and the complicated, often funny relationship that forms from it. Not quite a found family, but more like an RPG party that's heroic enough to get the job done, but not without foibles with possible trails of unintended destruction they leave in their wake. Phantom Striker would be the leader, wise and experienced, if not too straitlaced for his own good; Baz is the childish manchild who nonetheless Is Trying To Do His Best; Reize is an up-and-coming hero who looks up to his older friends for training and advice... ...Mr. Hat just barged in and hung around as the wild card. I guess he helped. The group putting up with his antics is partially Reize thinking he should be given a chance (much, much frequently than Striker would have allowed) and partially Mr. Hat pulling unexpected trump cards here and there that effectively saves the day, convincing the group to keep him for another day, even if they have no damn clue what the hell this fucker is going to pull next.
My unpopular opinion about this character: *shrugs* I don't think I have one.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: See above: Just never, ever explain WHAT he is. Dude might be a regular man with bizarre means. He might be an immortal trickster God. I don't know, I don't care. Never explain who he is: Mr. Hat simply wants hats, that's all we need from him. (I act like YCG would threaten to do otherwise, but he's always just been a funny little NPC and probably will just stay that way, free of any background lore.)
my OTP: See second question.
my cross over ship: N/A
a headcanon fact: I've incorporated Mr. Hat in my Specter Knight of the 10,000 Year Future, being one of the OG characters from Shovel Knight to still exist in the future. I'm not sure if I plan to add anything more to this guy other than he's still around being a fucking jester to everyone, but I like the idea that out of all the characters that have been alive since the events of the canon games, he's the one who has changed the least. He is still Mr. Hat. Only... the population of the world has dwindled severely, so there's not as many hats around and the ones he can find intact are rare. It's gotta be a bit sad for Mr. Hat.
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⭐(Ask Me for my Hot Takes on fictional characters! https://neoyi.tumblr.com/post/739152893490364416/estelanel-001-send-me-a-ship-and-i-will-tell) ⭐
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 months
character ask ………. sam spade
How I feel about this character: i love sam spade so fucking much he's so terrible. he's not a good person. i mean he's decent, like he'll help a person out -- he's a detective, after all -- but he's certainly not much beyond decent and he knows it. "i'm no damned good, darling." he says it out loud, he's always aware of it, and it makes no DIFFERENCE to him. he's looking out for himself first and foremost and has a rigid moral code but not like, where people expect it. like you COULD say he's crooked but it's also NOT in the way people expect. his morals are about Loyalty and What You Do (and sometimes desire but not often). i don't want to say he's like floating through life bc sam is like. physically grounded on a lot of things. he like, lets himself be buffeted around Just To See What Will Happen.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: not necessarily romantic but no one can tell me sam and miles did not have, if not frequently, but rather often, the most Intense and kind of toxic hate sex. or god not even like hate sex bc i don't think they hated each other but i don't think they liked each other? sam says he didn't like miles but i don't think they didn't like each other??? i think he doesn't have patience for miles. uhhhh like kind of kinky and maybe violent but really enjoyable and magnetic sex. like in the way of, miles and sam are the only two people who are going to look at each other and Get what the other is about, what the other Does as a detective, the roles they're filling in their shared office. the shady, sometimes illegal, cruel things they've done. how much they're both just assholes and what they're capable of. not at all in a like tragedy with them, though, there's nothing tragic about the core of them both being assholes or the cruel shit they've done, but just, like, They See It. there's got to be something akin to, intoxicating? about two people being the only ones in a room who know what it means to be them. (oh you know. sidney and jj might have some shades of that too but also their relationship is completely different.) effie was never going to understand everything about sam which is why she's completely rattled by him giving up brigid, even if she knows it was right. she can't look to the true heart of him. but miles could. i don't think they had any secrets, and i think miles knew sam and iva were fucking (they were not together. but they fucked.) and didn't care (miles himself was sleeping around and everyone knew).
similarly brigid matches him beat for beat in terms of quiet manipulation and self-preservation, and i think if they didn't have miles' death between them and if she hadn't tried to pull one over on sam and make him "play the sap" they could've had Oh Something Really Terrible But Good For Them
My non-romantic OTP for this character: effie!!! despite the ending, or i guess before the ending, effie's the closest thing sam really has to a friend, to someone in his corner, and he knows it. even if effie can't see to the core of sam i think she still sees to some extent through a lot of him. i think they genuinely like each other, in the way that i don't think sam especially likes a lot of people.
also intrigued about sam's relationship with sid. as sam's lawyer, he's also aware of just what kind of shit sam has gotten up to, and is just, resigned to it by this point. he lets sam get away with it.
My unpopular opinion about this character: oh man what is even unpopular about sam spade in 2024............it's like exceedingly cruel, even by sam's standards, to make brigid strip to prove she doesn't have the money towards the end (brigid even says this will change something about their relationship, bc, oh fuck have i made a post about this before or do i just have it in my notes. it takes away a piece of brigid's control over her body, the thing she uses to get her way, and puts it in sam's hands, at sam's whims, another piece in their back and forth power struggle) but it's completely still within his character to do it. i thought it was a gross scene when i first read it years and years ago and of course it wasn't in either movie, but it really does still make sense with his character. spade is that cruel, and that manipulative, and of course he'd strip brigid to her core (which he then does, again, hours later, only, like, metaphorically) to prove something, to destroy something between them. and at this point he has to know, for sure, that brigid killed miles, and i think that's hovering at the edges of this scene too, in some way
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: oh i wish more of effie and sam's cute lil dialogue moments had been in the movie!!!! like
"On the La Paloma?" "The La is a lousy combination," he said.
i just think about that all the time. he's right but it's just still so silly and fun to me. the movie really had to clip along though, in this story, so i understand why they cut a lot of the smaller effie and sam stuff.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
I shall give you a character, and that character will be...!
Jessica Rabbit. *wiggles eyebrows*
untitled? ask? meme?
it's because you knew i was writing jess stuff isn't it i'm taking a break from writing jess stuff to answering jess memes it's like 2014 up in here again wow
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: You really. You really just going to ask me this one. You really just gonna ask me a question I can write a book on how I feel about Jessica Rabbit and how she deserved exactly nothing I put her through and really she is happy for me to not be writing her anymore because it means she's not in pain but she's still around do you know I have a character in a book named in homage to her do you know I named one of my kittens after said character do you know that I now have a pet literally named after her without being named after her that is the biggest deal that is the big cheese that is so important I don't even write her anymore and yet I'm sitting here answering this question taking a break from writing a fic to give a character a potentially happy ending because I actually can even though it has been YEARS since I wrote her Jessica Rabbit keeps finding her way into my fandoms even when I switch them do you know she was in one of the first fics I wrote for Roisa do you know that I had an entire arc based around her do you know that she just--
All the people I ship romantically with this character: YOU REALLY EXPECT ME TO ANSWER THIS ONE FRIENDO?! -SOBS- We're doing best hits because I'm not gonna go into all of the Jess ships. YOU ARE CRUEL. Roger, obviously. Like. Duh. The Jess/Scully ship wrecked me, and I miss it. So much. SO MUCH. (Also if we're throwing blame, I'm gonna blame @fictionpenned because I can.) And I will not elaborate because I honestly don't think I can. The Jess/Regina ship ALSO wrecked me, and I blame @notoriousjae for this entirely. I also will not elaborate here except to say that Claude didn't deserve half of what we put him through. I miss Ducky and our Jess/Annie and Jess/Evanora ships. The soulmate timer universe I keep going back to was created for Jess/Annie, and they were cute together. I miss the vulnerability of Evanora with Jess. (Alana shall not be mentioned because that is OC!Jess and her relationship with actual Jessica Rabbit was so fucking toxic that I can't actually ship it. Like we literally had to create another alternate universe to make up for the shit we did to those two.)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Jess/Eddie. Give me more Jess and Eddie things. Always give me more Jess and Eddie things. (Also Shadow. OBVIOUSLY. I MISS THEIR BANTER. SO MUCH.)
My unpopular opinion about this character: I know that the Jess is Ace headcanon is really popular, and I love it, you know as an ace who writes Jessica Rabbit, I love this headcanon, and I hold it dearly to my heart...but also it is not my headcanon, Jess is pan, she was created with a very specific purpose and being pan fits with how she was designed. I love your headcanon very much please keep it I love Jess as an ace icon, mine just isn't. ><
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: ...in the movie? Honestly, I don't want changes to movie Jess. She's great. That was an excellent movie. I would not add anything to that. The book is its own special form of.... It's a weird fucking book, y'all. Not bad, just. Weird. Good? Subjectively? Disney kept...names, mostly, and the barest of bare concepts (Jess is still humanoid, Roger is still a rabbit, Herman is still a baby, and Eddie is still a detective) and that is about it the plot is entirely different the book is about finding out who killed Roger and there is no Judge Doom it is so wild but I don't...know if...I would change it...either? I'd have to reread the book to think of things to change. (JESS DESERVES BETTER IN THE BOOK, TOO, ACTUALLY.) And honestly...I don't really - like I'd love more WFRR stuff but I don't think...I don't think it would capture what the original did. So I actually...don't have an answer for this one. Whoops?
My OTP: Don't make me choose, I literally have one Jess funko pop between Scully and Roger and another (different) Jessica figurine between Scully and Regina (and yes I guess this means Scully gets both of them, don't judge me) like. Don't make me choose between them. (I love Jess/Roger, but it's Jess/Regina and Jess/Scully I have a hard time choosing between.)
My OT3: ...did I have an OT3 for Jess? ...I don't really think...the ships I mentioned above...have OT3 potential. Roger is way too jealous for that (Jess could share Roger; Roger couldn't share Jess). I mean. OT3 doesn't have to be sexual in nature, so then, like, Roger/Jess/Eddie would be...yeah? Kind of? (But also I'm feeling intrigued by the idea of a Jess/Alana/Scully thing because like. There's potential in that. Would have smoothed out some things. Remember how Jess actually went to therapy and it didn't fix anything and actually in fact made things worse because I DO. Reasons you don't have sex with your therapists, kids; it might just add to their trauma and end up with them turning into a cannibal.) Actually, I could conceivably Annie/Jess/Evanora because there are some interesting things that could be played around with in that, but then that gets weird because Annie and Evanora were twin sisters - or probably would have been if they were both involved (their verses were usually separate, so it wasn't an issue), so it would be more Jess being involved with both of them. I could bring Haruko back, but that's a bad plan. You know what, actually, Miyo and Jess could easily be open to a third person. Can I just say I don't know? Because I don't know.
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genocidalfetus · 4 months
For the "Soft OTP or Self Ship Prompts"
Can i please have 1- Write about your ship cuddling into bed together after a long and tiring day. and 9- Write about your ship getting dressed up in fancy outfits together.  for your three men?
Kerry had been at the studio all day, laying down some tracks for his album. Though he enjoyed the process, it had taken its toll on his energy. Dino had had a time with one of the mercs he hired for a gig. The guy botched the entire thing, nearly botching himself from the universe in the process. It had been quite a mess to deal with. As for Vilem, his day was filled with netrunning. He may have spent most of the day in a chair, but within the net he had been busy, avoiding detection from various security systems. He nearly got fried twice. But all three were finally home, showered, and ready to be acquainted with their sturdy and comfortable bed. Vilem felt the migraine chewing on the back of his eyes as he climbed into bed. He laid down on his side, the pillow making his skull feel worse rather than better.
Dino snuggled in behind him, snaking his arm over his stomach and giving him a gentle nuzzle on his neck. "The painkillers help any?" He asked, his voice quiet.
Vilem nodded. "A little bit," He murmured. "Just overdid it in the chair today."
Kerry got into bed on Vilem's left. He yawned, settled himself and caressed Vilem's cheek gently with the back of his hand.
"We all overdid it today," He said. "But you especially, Lemmy. Time to rest."
He kissed Vilem's forehead, then used his kiroshis to turn down the lights in the room, making the room dark. He had already drawn the shades so lingering sunlight and the city lights wouldn't cause more pain for Vilem's head. Soon, all three of them were asleep. Dino didn't sleep long, but he stayed in bed, snuggled up behind Vilem, listening to him snore.
Kerry picked out all three of their outfits for the evening. He had an eye for fashion, and he wanted all three of them to look fierce for the movie premier that Kovachek was forcing him to attend. Kerry figured that if he was going to be making an appearance, then he was going to look good. And he was going to drag Vilem and Dino along with him.
Dino had on a leather suit, black with green pinstripes on the pants and jacket. The shirt under the jacket was a lowcut tanktop that showed off his chest tattoo. He put on the jacket and flexed his arms, staring at himself in the mirror in Kerry's bedroom.
"You chose this shirt so you can stare at my tits, didn't you?" Dino inquired with a raised eyebrow.
Kerry adjusted his belt buckle and chuckled. He was dressed in a similar suit, only it was gold with black pinstripes. The shirt he wore under the jacket was gold, the buttons ending at his sternum, and the collar flared out to show off his neck cyberware. "Guilty as charged Wolfy," He quipped with a smirk. "Gotta look at somethin' if the movie's boring."
Vilem's suit was black with grey pinstripes. The sleeves were pre-rolled to show off his mantisblade etchings. He raised an eyebrow and approached Kerry. "That why my suit didn't come with a shirt," He asked, pointing to his bare torso. "So you have something to look at too?"
"Your ink and bod are both too beautiful not to show off, Lemmy," Kerry crooned, grabbing the front of Vilem's jacket and pulling him close. He smirked. "And yeah. Only fair I get to ogle the both of ya."
Dino shook his head. "Such a lecherous old man. They better have alcohol at this premier. If I gotta be dragged around in this getup, I'm getting fucked up while I do it."
Kerry nodded. "Course they do. The best shit too." He released Vilem's jacket then put on his signature shades. "Alright, Delamain'll be here in a few. Let's delta."
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B, O and Z for the mannerisms ask game and 9,22, 26 and 38 for the otp ask game. Whichever character you prefer but you do know which are my faves... I don't mind though! I love reading whatever you write. ❤️
B. Bold: Does your character mock other people nonverbally? Have they ever gotten in trouble for making a sarcastic facial expression?
Loki: Absolutely, constantly, and starting from the tender age of 'can make facial expressions'. Loki's expression and body language can be so subtle that sometimes only his brother knew what he was saying. A thousand years of refined sarcasm.
Any Riddler: Oh yes, in fact, they are well known for it. No matter how well behaved, all of them have an attitude, and even sweet, darling YJ knows how to roll an eye at the most devastating moment. Swag and Puzzles are even willing to turn it on Family, though often for very different reasons. They all used to get into trouble for it a lot as children. It is a universal constant that all Riddlers fathers were massive pieces of shit.
Helix: She'll read the room first. Mostly she would only do it as a 'joke' that the target could also laugh at.
O. Odd: Does your character tend to make unusual facial expressions, or have unusual speech patterns? Do they do anything that other characters make fun of?
YJ has a noticeable lisp, so you can guess how school went for him. The supervillain scene wasn't much different, but no one in the Family ever brought it up, not even Puzzles. Helix sometimes speaks in the synesthetic impressions that she experiences, and others often find it confusing, nonsensical, or pretentious. Narci's voice is very light and airy, and many people think he's faking it, but he's not. When the demon Lust is hiding inside Nash's body, he will change Nash's eyes to bright blue, and turn his head aside to let others know that he is speaking instead of Nash, which people tend to find extremely disconcerting. Being mostly non-powered costumed villains that are more nerd than brawn, they all have had others make fun of them-the bullying scene among villains is fierce and sometimes deadly. They tend to give what they get though.
Most of the younger and some of the newer Riddlers had bad reactions to Swag, not liking what he represented, and the less socially enlightened (especially Puzzles, initially) had difficulty with Detective's refusal to adhere to gender norms, but they all damn well got over it.
Z. Zest: How much does your character use movement to express their feelings? Do they jump up and down with excitement, or do they keep it to a slight smile?
Loki has great control over his body language, so any movement-or lack of movement-is purposeful. How much or how little depends on what he feels will have the greatest impact on the moment.
Helix is neurodivergent, though she was never able to get diagnosed on her Earth, and doesn't really know. She bounces, sways, dances in place. Her 'standing still' looks like a fighting game characters idle animation. She is nearly always in motion.
Swag gestures like an Italian. Unswag does too, though slightly more reserved.
Detective prefers large, elegant movements. Arkham moves slowly and precisely, like a snake.
Puzzles and Prince gesture aggressively, whether being aggressive or not. Nash makes small movements, but YJ puts his whole body into it.
Narci moves gently and fluidly, but post return he is unnaturally still.
9 What are their thoughts on having children?
There is a conflict brewing in Lasabrjotr. Loki wants children, Reader absolutely does not.
Between Swag, Unswag, and Helix, they have agreed that there will be none. The twins don't believe themselves to be capable parents, and Helix already has a child and a semi-adult ward. That's plenty for her.
Detective really did want children, and so they adopted every Riddler they found that was younger than them. YJ also would like kids one day, but, like Swag, feels like he wouldn't be a capable parent. Unlike Swag, he is wrong. None of the rest of them are really interested, though Arkham has accepted the role of father of the Family. His idea of fatherhood is a very twisted thing.
22 What reminds each of their partner?
It may be a little cliche, but the color green and the scent of cinnamon for Lasa!reader and Loki.
The sight of spirals and any plant brings Helix up to Swag, as well as the scent of vanilla and cloves. For Unswag, the mention of magic, and the feeling of using his special sight. For Helix, question marks of course, but also certain genres of music, the taste of pomegranates mixed with chocolate, and the specific feel of their world.
26 What are their vices?
Loki is really into revenge. Maybe a little too much, he needs to reel it back. Also pride, which I remind you, is not the same as self confidence.
Name a vice, Swag's got it. However, he does go to great lengths to control his anger, so perhaps wrath is the weakest among them. Lust is his most prevalent vice, and not just sexual. Swag likes to indulge in practically anything, a hedonist by philosophy, and an ethical hedonist later on. Unswag is much less extreme, but more given to anger. Helix is softer, but also prone to lust in many of its forms, as well as hubris. Not quite the same as pride, but still dangerous.
Even though Nash is the host and lover to the Anthropomorphic Personification of the Deadly Sin of Lust, he is instead deeply affected by wrath. Nash can become consumed by rage and vengefulness very quickly and holds many grudges.
38 Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
Okay so. Loki is extremely flexible. He could do anything, but also would be happy with vanilla missionary for the rest of time, because what he actually craves is the intimacy and the validation. Lasa!reader has just a touch of a top about her.
Swag is the kinkiest motherfucker you'll ever meet, though even he has limits. He also tailors himself to his partners needs, but likes to take himself to extremes, if allowed. He's encouraging but not pushy. Unswag, while he has memories of Swags experience, doesn't have that experience himself, and doesn't like many of the things Swag does. He's not as submissive as Swag can be, but often lets Swag lead encounters, due to that inexperience, and also due to his fear/hunger for Helix. Helix is somewhere in the middle. Not inexperienced, but just hasn't tried many things. She's curious though, and willing to try some things.
Puzzles and Arkham are pretty into pain. Bruises, burns, bitemarks and blood, but nothing permanent.
Nash is young and inexperienced, and not experimental at all. Lust is very ambiguous in age and, well, he's Lust. He knows how to do everything. He is also a demon, sort of, and dreams of seeing Nash grow into a being akin to himself. It's a little dark perhaps, but that's the situation.
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diegoshargrieves · 3 years
diego finding eudora in the motel except instead of this year's love dos oruguitas plays in the background
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blue-thief · 3 years
BSD as random shit my friends and I have said part 2
don't wanna add too much to the tags so here's a tw for: (dazai-typical) suicide mentions, n///sfw shit, mori being a p*do, some swearing, etc
q: you achieved your gender through meditation???
gin: sure. my gender is now "enlightened"
tanizaki: how is dazai-san so horny all the time but doesn't even like hugs
fitzgerald: i just beat my brother in monopoly. i had to show him who the true dirty capitalist in the family was.
ranpo mocking the guild: Dumb burger gun freedom people
dazai: oh baby i love it when you splatter all over the ground after falling off a building 😩
ranpo trying to comfort dazai: killing urself is pretty cringe honestly
the doa to fukuchi: if you so please dictator dearest
sigma after finding out about fyolai: nah bro nikolai x arson is my otp
nikolai: this is good
nikolai: nikolai x arson is canon
yosano: would you prefer smut sensei?
ranpo: god of smut
mori: imagine spelling like a first grader
dazai: imagine liking first graders
ranpo: oh where do you study
yosano: at the cumming school-
ranpo: bro why do you need school to learn to jack off
yosano: ...no
chuuya, done with dazai's shit: ya want your dick burned off?
a confused kenji: why do u guys have horns?
kenji: what's an erectile dysfunction
yosano: pp no stay up during seggs
chuuya to dazai: fuck you dazai you fucking moldy piece of cheese
ranpo giving new detectives a tour of the agency: and here, in the corner by the president's desk, two sock monkeys having sex in a trophy
akutagawa to atsushi: i made up a song last night
akutagawa: it goes
akutagawa: 🎵 if i had my way with you 🎵 they'd never find your body 🎵 only it's ashes 🎵 round the countryyy 🎵 they would need to take a world tour 🎵 just to find your corpseee 🎵 and you would be declared 'basically dead' after a monthhh 🎵
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daz4i · 2 years
Bestie. Bestie. I know I've already sent him for a character meme before, but that was a long time ago and also this one is ~detailed~ so. Takuto, if you'll indulge me? :3
Also! If I may, I'm sending Akechi too 'cause we all want to talk about our blorbos ^^ <3
mwah thank you bestie 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
What I like about them: he’s genuinely such an interesting character. his role in the story is generally such a sexy one (anti-villains are p rare from my experience so it’s so cool to see one). i love his confidant and even his class questions and his presence is genuinely very calming
What I dislike about them: why are you me. i’m me
Favourite moment: that one scream after the fist fight. you know the one
Least favourite moment: hmmmmm not sure if i have one i particularly dislike but ig while they’re very plot and character important, his one on one conversations with the thieves can be a bit slow and at times even uncomfortable to watch bc of second hand embarrassment lmao 
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: i really wanna know what happens to him in his reality! we see him basically become a nobody, the thieves don’t recognize him, and i assume it’s his doing? so i’m curious, once everyone’s happiness is actualized, what does he have left to do?? what does he do??? pls i need answers
An interesting AU for this character: curious to think abt how thing’s would’ve gone if he told akira from the start he knows they’re the pt and abt the metaverse and cogpsi. like, how would the thieves react? would they be more guarded around him, or more open? would he become a confidant to them all? idk it’s interesting!!!! idek if it counts as an au bc it’s more canon divergence but eh.
A crossover: i’m ngl my brain is flat out of ideas. fuck it. the bible. biggest crossover of the year. ig it’s technically already canon but anyway
OTP: takuto x you u3u 
Other ships?: takurumi ofc! and i think his ship with zenkichi is cute! 
BROTP: shibusawa true bro xx
NOTP: whatever his ship with akira is called. for obvious reasons
An assortment of headcanons! (but this post is long enough as is so i’m limiting myself to one): that man lives in the lamest ass apartment you’ve seen in your life. he does NOT get paid enough to afford more. rip king 
What I like about them: the mental illness(es) and everything else also
What I dislike about them: uuuuuuuh ig he’s got some moments that give me second hand embarrassment?? esp in his detective persona. i’m sorry goro you posted cringe you’re gonna lose subscriber
Favourite moment: any time he’s being unhinged during the third semester 😍 but esp as a navi
Least favourite moment: genuinely can’t choose bc any moment that may be cringe is just so funny or i’m simply too happy he’s there that i can’t bring myself to dislike it. ig in his original confidant some of the ranks were a bit boring? so just pick one of those rank ups where he just says how interesting it is to talk to akira despite us never seeing them talk 
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: you know that deleted content from royal where he’s in a rehab center? yeah i wanna know what’s up with that and have more information and see how he heals and how he is afterwards
An interesting AU for this character: actual detective goro........ him solving crimes he didn’t commit himself.......... solving mysteries........... connecting dots and following leads...... perhaps with a trusty partner who looks great in drag called watso- *gets shot* 
A crossover: i’m making him besties with dimitri fire emblem even if it’s the last thing i do 
OTP: my special little polycule of goro x akira x haru x yusuke. but also just akeshu 
Other ships?: akekita, akeharu, ryugoro
BROTP: futago and anngoro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOTP: recently found out some ppl actually ship him with shido and well. i’m not here to police anyone’s ships but Keep That Shit Away From Me 
Extra headcanon: autistic king. masking expert and hyperaware of people’s perception of him due to years of trauma. his special interest is featherman. stims by fiddling with his gloves. i’m right about this 
send some characters?
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aerltarg · 3 years
1, 3, 7, 14, 19 + asoiaf 👀 (go off queen 🔥)
1. What OTPs in your fandom do you just not get?
oh boi where to begin 😭
ok i really don't understand what's up w shipping your absolute fave w someone you don't like or straight up hate. bonus points if canonically these characters are not just indifferent to each other but hate the type like the other / is very dismissive towards the other. so you can't even get the love/hate spice from there lmfao, it's literally so bland and sad 😭 also the amount of twisting both characters need to endure to make this at least seem to work out!! what's the point even if in the end of such “ship” you get basically ocs w the names of canon characters?
and what's the point in such “shipping” if you only use the other one (literally the half of said pairing) to prop up your fave? does it really bring ppl joy to turn the whole fucking well-written character into someone else's accessory? relationship goals?? especially in cases when you just know they just have an agenda and want to hide another case of mischaracterizing of certain character.
literally who these ppl are lying to 😭 the funniest shit is that i can get the aggressive hetero shippers more than the ones who hide behind their faux activism shield. the first ones are at least not as hypocritical lmao
there also are some personal pet peeves of mine like smth from the kind of torturer x victim. tho funnily enough enjoyers of such problematic stuff more oft than not are actually very aware of this and are very chill. so while i don't ship this myself i am very cool w their shippers and don't feel any need to wage a holy war on them or smth lol. the same can't be said abt the certain crackshippers who feel the need to drag through dirt any possible “rival” to their *cough*very crack and very straight*cough* otp to “prove” the ~canonicity~ of the said ship. so in the end of the day i think the attitude of real ppl towards other real ppl matter more. i might not ship many things in this fandom and not get maybe as many but i am honestly so okay w them until they are self-aware and stay in their lane.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
in the fandom like this one? jfc of course 😭💀 it was mostly in the beginning though, now i know better and just don't hit follow button until i'm really, like 100% sure it's worth it lol. this fandom is the best in giving the trust issues i'm afraid
7. Is there anything you used to like but can't stand now?
i used to be a total stark stan and then a martell stan lmao 💀 yes, i confess my sins. back in these dark days when i was young and delusional i enjoyed stark/martell supremacy iirc. what i think of this now? embarrassing 😭 i mean i still have enough warm feelings for canon starks and martells, i've just become extremely allergic to the ~northern independence~ and ~revenge power fantasies~ and all this stuff. bless their unhinged fanbases for scaring me off so fast w their anti dany sentiments (whom i've always dearly loved) and f&b for turning me into complete targ stan lol
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
the distinction between two sides is truly hilarious. there are many different subfandoms ofc but generally it boils down to having certain opinions abt certain characters, the main ones and the ones fandom made more relevant than they canonically are. and these opinions are really so, SO opposite that's it's just killing me 😭 how can two ppl look at the same page and see two completely opposite things? when one person is like 97% right and the other is SO TOTALLY WRONG ZERO READING COMPREHENSION DETECTED LMFAO
imho, meta culture has done unrepairable damage there. you realize this when you see some random ppl using quotes from mf fanfiction as canon proof in a discussion abt canon having NO IDEA it's literally non-existent in the books. yeah, bc they had read somewhere on quora or reddit or tumblr some “analysis” and never once fact checked. you also realize this when you see some total, like absolutely ridiculous crack posted as serious (or in some really lost causes “almost canon”) “theory” and taken as such by other ppl simply bc it looked like a serious essay. ppl buy into this confident tone and quotes in between (but still don't check these quotes even if they don't remember them in canon since they're so blissfully naive abt the certain parts of the fandom that absolutely and shamelessly can change canon quotes just to spread their agenda lol), ppl see bnfs blogs getting asks abt even tiniest details and these bnfs answering oh so confident as if they were grrm himself abt smth that can't even be taken as analysis simply bc of the lack of canon material on the issue. they step on the territory of pure fanon and headcanons but never change the tone and some ppl take this bullshit for granted without blinking.
so yeah my unpopular opinion. for such serious, interesting and complex book series, asoiaf fandom is fucking dumb and deranged and, unfortunately, many really smart ppl have left leaving us w this lot that refuses to use their own brains and that prefers to read some biased “metas” online than actual books and the hypocrites who boost their egos in this dead fandom, freaking out every time anyone tries to challenge them.
special cry out for those who still make this fandom bearable aka content creators whose gifs, edits, arts, metas (i mean real honest metas, not whatever bullshit clown colleges are eager to reblog lmao). despite being paid dust from local pretentious bitches, who forget who is the real customer there all the time, you are still w us and thank you so much for keeping this fandom alive!!! once you leave we will have only satansas' hallucinations posed as smth canon related and unfunny lame jokes 😭
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
hypocrisy and double standards. they're literally everywhere lmfao, can't even count. also some really weird shit like harassing real life pocs over headcanons abt fanon pocs lolol, but that's a whole another conversation lmao. but most of all i hate the lack of basic human decency. some ppl there can doxx, gaslight, lie, go running like cockroaches caught in 4k doing this all but never once apologize to the ppl they harassed and lied abt and still be cool for some fandom places while others will be automatically cancelled for shipping the wrong ship or stanning the wrong character. bc apparently for asoiaf fandom opinions on fiction matter more than the treatment of very fucking real human beings 🤡 how glad am i for seeing which ppl have their priorities straight istg
play with me in the salty ask game!
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letstrywritingmaybe · 3 years
List of CoAi ideas (I really need to find titles for these too) that I may or may not ever get to depending on whether or not I get out of this slump:
1. I want all the AUs so of course I want a tinder fic. Like how fun would this be! I’ve actually put a lot of thought into this but the muse isn’t biting *sigh
2. Listen I’ve been screaming about a FBI verse fic foreverrrrr yall my otp would be unstoppable and the best partners!!! Hello? This I’m still iffy about, but undercover work is a must. Idk if they should both be part of the FBI or (I’m leaning towards the second idea) it’s just Shiho being a bamf (what a queen) but then it’s more like a bodyguard verse, which I’m not mad about either
3. Loves, we need more fake dating fics, I’m obsessed with this trope! Especially with the context of CoAi! So obvi no antidote route (my personal bias) what better way to keep them from squicking over love interests who are ten years younger than by being in a fake relationship! Like sorry child who is way too young for me cause I’m actually in my twenties and you’re like 12, but I have a girlfriend/boyfriend already! It’s perfect! Except this is a fanfic about my otps falling in love so it becomes real. Oops
4. Second chances, there was a tumblr post I reblogged and it just gave me feels. Imagine this tragic otp getting together and then it doesn’t work (I know. I cry.) BUT they try again, cause listen they’re endgame to me and if they’re not I will die. I swear. While I do love the whole distance makes the heart grow found and she leaves him in search of herself… in this verse I prefer the idea that they’re physically together but emotionally distant, which is wild for them. Like what??? It’s the whole is this a comfort ship or the real deal type of thing
5. Choices, I don’t exactly have a solid idea for this one, it’s just vibes. It’s soft and majorly inspire by my black and white otp. My queen’s life is so tragic, like she never got to make her own decisions and be selfish you know? So let’s give her the chance to make her own choices and live a little
6. *sigh the duet fic that I’m like halfway done with. No it’s not a CoAi duet fic cause he could never, but it is a CoAi fic. Plays with the idea of fate vs. logic. Which is just such a thing for me with this otp
7. Omm another tumblr post, so a deal with the devil except it’s an Angel instead. So typical of me. Though the more I think about this one, the less I’m fond of it
8. Another deep sigh… the sleeping fic… everyday I wonder if this should stay grey or change to gold. The sheer golden otp vibes this one gives. *sigh
9. The lying verse! Or rather just a powers one that I briefly mentioned during CoAi week. Ai can lie flawlessly and have everyone believe her, but Conan is her foil, he detects truths. There’s so much to plan for this one though… hm…
10. How did I forget part two of the I Only Lie When I Love You verse? Aka I Wish I Cared Less (because Royal Blood owns me and highly influenced this verse). What’s annoying is I pretty much have everything outlined, I just don’t wanna write it. Have I mentioned I hate writing? It’s so much more fun to be a fangirl who gets to read fics! (But this is the one verse I’m committing myself to finish before I decide what to do with this fandom)
11. We will gloss over my two attempts at writing smut. I’ll post it one day okay. But idk when.
12. Because I’m a dork I just want to write a fic titled Case Closed. It fits with my weird obsession over titles that start with the same letters. I have a vague idea and always intended on making this my first multichaptered fic but my muse had other plans
13. Not really an idea but I liked the idea of a numerology series. Like give me a number and I’ll make it CoAi. Imagine all the possibilities!
14. The idea that’s low key been consuming me… a lovers to enemies to lovers fic. Established relationship then some shit happens and my queen suffers so now she’s convinced everyone is out to get her. Specifically him. Soy sad. Imagine the love of your life trying to kill you every chance they got? I can’t man.
15. What I would like to be the last fic I ever post for this otp, with my favorite type of ending. The transition from confessing to taking it back, except can you take it back? I like you… I don’t like you.
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Fic writer interview
I was tagged by @marauders-groupie - thank you so much love, this was so fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (17)
The 100 (TV) (13)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga (11)
Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo (3)
A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas (3)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2)
Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (1)
Miraculous Ladybug (1)
also, not on ao3, but during Dark FF.Net Ages: Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Teen Wolf and Mortal Instruments and probably dozens more I can’t remember rn.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All of them are for Gendry x Arya from A Song of Ice and Fire
1. I’ll spend this summer by your side - childhood friends to lovers, arranged marriage, canon divergence
 2. your lips, my lips, apocalypse - modern au, smut
3. on and on it spins - modern au, outsider’s POV
4. it was a pretty good bad idea, wasn’t it though? - friends to lovers, smut, modern au
5. our love full of storms - domestic, hurt/comfort, kid fic, modern au
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do - I love interacting with readers in the comments section and it gives me a chance to re-read said comments (which instantly makes my day. every time and without fail)
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
For ASOIAF: somewhere between sorrow and bliss probably. It’s also easily the most controversial thing, fandom-wise, I’ve ever written hahah. for now i am winter and be still, my tongue are pretty damn angsty too
For FMA:B : soon you'll get better cause this fic is high-key me processing my mom’s death and i’ll never get used to it
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yup, most notably on here's to the mess we make - oh, good old days of bellarke vs clexa fandom war. Miss it now
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yup, both explicit and kinda vague. I think I wrote vanilla a few times too, but I definitely most enjoy writing kinky sex with BDSM elements
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I had, I am unaware
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Same as above
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
As you can clearly see in the list of the fandoms I write for, it changes quite often. I would say my all time fav OTPs are probably gendrya, royai, stydia, bellarke, victuuri and kanej, but tbh this list is never-ending and never-closing
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I’ve got a few gendrya stories started but I don’t think I’ll come back to writing for this ship 
15. What are your writing strengths?
Tbh, I have no idea. I was praised for my descriptions a lot and I guess I am generally happy with the flow of my fics. 
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plots, PLOTS! I cannot construct plots for shit. Also, English is not my native language so I obviously make lots of mistakes which I cannot always detect myself. 
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If it’s done well, it’s a fantastic technique (Murder Ballad comes to my mind especially). But it is not very often done well and it can be very distracting and irritating for the reader. 
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Probably Harry Potter, but it was over 15 years ago so who the hell knows. 
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
it's still you (the 100) - I have a deep, deep fondness for this fic, even for how unpolished it is
our love full of storms (ASOIAF) - probably the best thing I’ve ever written, tbh
somewhere between sorrow and bliss (ASOIAF)  - the one fic where i went with my guts instead of choosing the ending my readers wanted me to choose
i’m tagging @yanak324, @duskandstarlight and @whatanybodygets cause i am VERY curious of their answers
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redleavesinthewind · 2 years
For the series ask game: 911
ahhh yes, 911 let’s gooo
my favorite female character
hen, definitely. she is so passionate about helping people, and i know they all are, but there’s sth about hen, i mean she starts med school at 40. that’s so dedicated and impressive, i love it. the team is so important to her, she always brings awesome cake when someone comes back, she has some of my favourite conversations with the other characters, and aaargh she’s just so cool!
my favorite male character
buck! he’s a dumbass with a heart of gold, which i always love, he’s good with children, he’s constantly trying to improve himself, he forgives easily (too easily sometimes). he cares so much about being a firefighter, it’s his whole world, and that job fits him so well. he also makes me laugh so much, which is definitely a plus
my favorite book/season/etc
hmmm i can’t really decide. i think it’s a draw between season 2 and season 4 (also the current season is kind of insane)
my favorite episode (if its a tv show)
the first 3 episodes of season 3. yes, the tsunami episodes. they are super stressful but damn, they’re so good
jinx. literally no other episode has made laugh as much as this one
whatever the episode is in which bobby and michael are playing around with a telescope and become amateur detectives. i love their friendship
i am also very fond of the last few episodes that came out for eddie reasons (yeass deal with that trauma)
my favorite cast member
do not care for the actors, so let me just say the dude that plays buck cause my sister sent me a video where he’s speaking in his actual british accent, and i didn’t even know he was british until then. still makes me laugh for some reason
my favorite ship
buddie buddie buddie. have you seen them? have you? i mean come on. i was rewatching the whole show in preparation for season 5b and the shit i’ve witnessed. i’m sorry but every buck/eddie interaction… they’re so meant to be. buck making friends with eddie so easily once he gets over his own insecurities. eddie just trusting buck with chris, especially after the tsunami. buck feeling at home in eddie’s home. the landslide. it’s insane. and now? there was such a distance and disconnect between them in season 5a, but ever since fear-o-phobia something has shifted and damnnn i think it might actually be happening. just watch dumb luck. watch dumb luck and tell me they’re not in love
a character I'd die defending
though i’d be mostly defending him to himself, bobby. i know his backstory is messy and complicated, but it was NOT his fault, there were about a hundred more things wrong with that building. anyway. no one come at him
a character I just can't sympathize with
sigh. if i’d have to chose one from the main cast, it’s athena. it’s not that i never sympathise with her, it’s just that i sympathise with her the least. there are just some things she does i fundamentally disagree with, and it’s been like that since season 1. i have very mixed feelings about her
a character I grew to love
yoooo chimney! i actually forgot that i used to dislike him, cause i just love that dude so much, but when i did my rewatch and saw him in the first few episodes, i understood why. but he grows as a character, definitely for the better, and i was so sad when he wasn’t there for most of season 5a
my anti otp
eddie/ana. basically, i told myself to give both buck and eddie’s relationships with other people a chance, because i didn’t want to hate them just because i ship buddie. and while i don’t think they should be together, i don’t hate buck/taylor. eddie/ana is a different story. there’s just nothing there. i don’t know anything about ana as a person. what does she have in common with eddie? what does she bring to the relationship? there’s literally nothing. and maybe that was the point, i don’t know, but i had to force myself through all the eddie/ana scenes, it was painful
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fancyfade · 3 years
barbara gordon, bruce wayne, stephanie brown
tysm for asks ^_^
How I feel about this character
I really love babs. It is not her only attribute, but her being a disabled superhero who acknowledges she does more as a disabled woman than she did as an able bodied woman and her life is different but maybe even better now is so important to me
I like that she genuinely learns from her mistakes and works to make things right and also like it's not easy -- when she wrongs huntress, it takes like an entire fukcing plotline or two for huntress to consider working with her again, and babs had to be like "yeah that was unequivocably wrong on my part"
I like when we see her anger or protectiveness poking through, like when she gives huntress permission to use lethal force (she says something like "do whatever is necessary") to protect tim in jokers last laugh
i love her confidence and sureness in her skills
also her kicking ass and don't forget that even in a WC she kicks ass
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Dick atm but I could see getting into Dinah as well, I just haven't put a ton of thought into the latter
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Barbara and Cass or Barbara and Dinah
My unpopular opinion about this character
not unpopular with the right people but unfortunately still too unpopular with many people but: Magicuring babs was the shittiest decision dc ever made (Okay one of them -- they have a lot of competition for shitty decisions) and they handled her way more sexist and treated her more as a victim of her joker when she was AB than they ever did when she was disabled
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
unmagicure her
lmao poor bruce. I'm gonna try to think of something positive to say about you
How I feel about this character
Okay when Bruce is being well written he is a compelling character. When he is not continuously reliving the same three plotlines over and over again and he is allowed to try to be a dad to his kids (even if he messes up) it is way more compelling than whatever the fuck is going on right now
I feel like when he is a very principled but still flawed and human dude who wants to save people from ever experiencing what he did before and prevent the kids he adopts from being alone to deal with their grief that is good.
However in canon he is often not well written, he’s just a black hole that sucks down other characters and a power fantasy for boring dudes
All the people I ship romantically with this character
no one. i'm sorry bruce you need to get your shit in order before you inflict yourself on a woman
(I don’t retcon out his romantic relationships, but they’re not like “My favorite ship” thing. They’re just there. I think most about hsi and Talia’s interactions because of my focus on Damian/ the al ghul side of things. I write him and Talia as having a romantic relationship in the past but I think by time the present rolls around Bruce would be too resentful of Talia for how she raised Damian and I think Talia would have like... “outgrown” bruce? Like he represented freedom and everything outside the league and a good genuinely nice person at the time but she’s not a young adult who hasn’t had much experience outside a cult of assassins anymore)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Bruce should just live with his family in a big house so i'm gonna say everyone.
My unpopular opinion about this character
okay so canon wise: Bruce's love interest plots are boring, all of bruce's GFs are better than he is in every single way and don't deserve to be dragged down by him, and the idea that he needs a female love interest to be happy is so heteronormative and goes against the entire appeal of the batfam
fanon: I understand why people want a purely "bruce is a good dad" characterization of him, but you would have to re-write so many other character reactions that I can't get behind it. Bruce wants to be a good dad, but he is often a shitty dad. When I write him I keep most of his mistakes canon (the ones that involve just being bad at interactions, prioritizing the mission or something else more, or being thoughtless, not the ones that involve him being cruel or downright abusive)
Specifically: any time any of his kids gets reasonably stressed or alienated from him and makes decisions based on that, if you retcon him to always having been the perfect dad it just makes them look kind of irrational and is always tearing them down to prop him up
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
don't forget to let the batfam be competent around him? They should not be nerfed so he can save the day. yes i am thinking of that shitty detective comics comic i read recently where everyone was like... taken out instantly by hush's goons
also, since there is no retcon for what's going on with damian: the other characters calling out Bruce on how he failed damian in nearly every way and his dumb plan got alfred killed and left Damian with that guilt and also calling him out for every time he ever hit his kids.
   How I feel about this character
I like her a decent amount. She’s not on my faves list but she’s definitely a character I appreciate reading. I especially liked when we got to see her anger and complicated feelings towards her dad (she was glad he was dead, ran away from home because her mom kept trying to comfort her) and I like her stubborness. I like how she just decided “my dad is doing bad shit and i’m the only one who can help stop him” and then went to try to stop him.
I also like how she is the first Batfam member who tries to treat Damian like a kid
(Dick didn’t do it before Steph did but I don’t think that’s a failure on his part, I’m pretty sure if he tried to treat Damian like a kid at that point he would scare Damian off)
   All the people I ship romantically with this character
I’m not sure TBH I haven’t thought of it much. I found her interactions with Tim cute when I read them sometimes
   My non-romantic OTP for this character
Steph + cass kicking ass.
   My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t like it when people try to simplify her to just preppy, and I really don’t get people who praise the pregnancy plotline considering how it just demonized all the other female characters who weren’t steph to prop up the author’s agenda
   One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I think there never should have been a retcon where Bruce said that he knew she was not dead all along. This is just boring “Bruce can never be wrong” shit and like okay so? you let Cass (who had very few friends even close to being peers) and Tim (who was losing friends and family right and left at this point) believe that she was dead for however long so you could what? Say “I told you so”?
in my headcanon that was purely him trying to cover his own ass
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klovenhooves · 3 years
Rebecca Welton for the character ask!
I wish you could hear the ungodly evil laugh I let out when I saw this. *cracks knuckles* LETS GO
favorite thing about them
She has such a tender heart. It's very well protected, and she's got a fucking moat and alligators and all kinds of shit to keep it safe, but when she lets someone in, they're so deeply loved and understood. She's endured so much shit, dealt with so much shit, and still she manages to find love to give people, even if it means making her vulnerable, even if it hurts her. Ted had to jump over the hurdles, you know, but once he got over a couple, she kind of threw him a rope to help him in, and now she's so deep in it that she's the only one who notices that he's having a panic attack. Just like Keeley kind of stomped in through the barriers and then Rebecca was like "have a job" right after. Like she's so desperate for love!!!
least favorite thing about them
I wouldn't call it least favorite, but it does make me worry for her - her self-destructive tendencies. I don't know if it comes down to feeling like she deserves to suffer or if she doesn't even realize she's doing it, but being so easily detected when she tried to destroy the club? Did you want someone to find out or was your heart not really in it? Now we see her actively choosing to seek out emotionless relationships for sex with men who are too young for her (Luca) because she's running away from her feelings. I worry that when she realizes that Sam is LDN152, she's going to see how she's already been with younger men and she's going to let that tear down her self-worth and she's going to feel terrible. I'm genuinely worried for her.
favorite line
WHO ARE YOU A CHARACTER FROM THE FUCKING BIBLE???? Also every single emotionally charged sentence she's ever said.
Rebecca and Keeley; Rebecca and Higgins; Rebecca and Sam.
Rebecca and Ted!!!!!!
Rebecca and Rupert.
random headcanon
I know she's had panic or anxiety attacks before, even if she didn't know or didn't acknowledge it. I'm also relatively sure that Rupert was one of her father's friends, and that's why she has some of her many parental issues.
unpopular opinion
I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but Rebecca is bisexual. Probably repressed, but why else did Sassy immediately call Keeley her concubine???? I need bi!Rebecca antics from college please.
song i associate with them
Jesus, too many. Love Gets Me Every Time, by Shania Twain. Take a Chance on Me, by ABBA. Say You'll Be There, by Spice Girls.
favorite picture of them
Okay look. This is a trick question. Every photo of her makes me go full feral. It's a problem.
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
And if I Can ask you what do you think about Hank Voight ? I can't be the only one to love him like he really care for the team, he helps Kevin, he helps Adam, he is not so bad...
Oh Anon, I think I’ve been one of his biggest fans!!
How I feel about this character
He’s had the best character development on this franchise, bar none. From his initial intro as a corrupt detective who was willing to do anything to keep his son out of jail, to being an old fashioned cop who was determined to get justice at any cost, to now being aware of what the climate is and how he needs to change how he polices so he can do his job and keep Chicago safe.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I don’t? Like I get the tension between him and Miller, but I just don’t? (Honestly I read a fic with him and Olivia Benson being fuck buddies whenever they’re in the same city, and I can see that for sure)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Voight being the father figure to his team. His relationship with Kim and Adam, in particular. I think he realises he was wrong to jump to conclusions about their relationship in s1. But his hug when he found out Kim was pregnant and how he made sure Adam was ok with the Disco Bob stuff made me happy.
My unpopular opinion about this character
He does actually have a heart and give a shit. So many people think he’s irredeemable, but honestly if I’d lost as much as he has I’d be similar. He’s lost his wife, had a stillborn child, lost his only biological child, couldn’t stop the woman he loved as a daughter from making the same mistakes he has, lost his best friend (and it’s his fault Al died), and didn’t realise when the man he was setting up to take his place ended up on drugs. Honestly it’s almost surprising he hasn’t done worse and kept how he was.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
...therapy? (Look I say that for everyone BUT ITS TRUE) I’d love to see him realise the bonds he has with his team aren’t just work ones. I think that’s starting to happen with Hailey and Jay, but I’d love him to realise more.
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