#also im aro so like oops if this is not good
fence-time · 14 days
@wireman-au - you already know this one, but i think they updated since last time
Lifeline AU - by @/slash-magpie (sorry mags, unsure if you're ok with being pinged)! Good fic based off of a video game that i enjoy greatly. Changed my life nodders. llau!imp n skizz are very important to me they're so fucked up,, every mental illness ever about this au. Main characters... well, I don't wanna give too many spoilers, but let's stick with the first three: Impulse, Tango, Pearl! also joehills and zedaphplays are amazing human beings (COUGHS LOUDLY AT JOE IN LB) and i love them
Chasing the Horizon Line - by @nine-of-diamonds and @1watermelontea! Mers :3 they're fun and i also greatly enjoy imp n skizz here though it's less centered around them and more around gem... (first book, at least. also i inspired melon to add a Thing about skizz in this fic so im proud of that fact)
wanna break all the clocks and mirrors - very cute, pretty quick one-shot about imp n skizz and limited life!
The Haunts That Bind Us - *squints* im like. 90% sure rusty courage made this. it's good. phasmo :3 lots of angst and trauma and impulsesv
Birdsongs - OHHHHHHHH MY GOD THIS FIC. THIS. FIC. ranchers slowburn but subtle enough you can ignore it if you're not into shipping, people are correctly written for once, LATE 90'S-EARLY 2000'S MUSIC FESTIVAL AU. it's amazing. scott gets into a bar fight. jimmy steals something. first chapter is tango tek waking up from drunk music playing. skizz is amazing i love him. very very vague spoilers: weed + enjoys movies = pondering arson
i believe that we will see a better day - this fic has a special place in my heart for Reasons that i will not elaborate on as i do not want to have any personal information leaked don't think about it too hard <3 good fic
Natural Satellite - You probably aren't in this fandom but the fic is good i trust you can learn by context clues!! i love gay people!! this fandom is very good at visceral descriptions of love and also just visceral descriptions in general
Traveling Thieves - LOOOOOONG series but soso good! will not elaborate
And finally, if i may suggest some of my own headcanon/rarepair propaganda:
(how does it feel?) to be an expert in a dying field - i wrote this for mcyt aro week! grayro skizz, my beloved rarepair snowangel, title from my favorite band... yea :3 quite proud of it!!
...sorry if you've read any of these already
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wigglepiggle · 1 year
Are there any fun facts about Magic Book your able to share?
edit from me after writing all of this: holy fuck ik you only asked for fun facts sorry the autism activated oopsy I hope this is even coherent
woooahh somebody asked about my GIRL!!!!
oops this started as fun facts and then it was just book lore infodumo so I'm gonna paste the actual fun facts up here and just leave the rest under the cut because I spent a long time typing it and I don't wanna delete it have fun with that ig
she doesn't have siblings but she's really close to her cousin paper circle and they lived with each other since they were around 6 ish
no reason for them to not just be siblings instead in fact they used to be when magic book was first thought of (all the way back in like. 2019 holy shit) I made them cousins because I felt like it and also bc I've experienced this type of thing with my younger cousin and I now need to throw that on my ocs /silly
oh she's most likely gonna be queer not sure in what way yet but yeah 👍 was thinking aspec (she's already automatically ace along with every object in this universe I just remembered, but she can aro too possibly)
she likes try to draw but she's not very good at it so her artist bestie (shell) tries to help her draw
she writes sometimes and she just gives off the vibes of those ao3 notes where it's like "hey guys I'm sorry this chapter took so long and it's so short I was fighting a monster that jumped my friend and we almost died DDDD:"
the pages inside her do kind of explain the things she can do with her magic, but they're limited to what she currently knows so there's blanks everywhere
technically other objects could use that information somehow but she really doesn't like being opened so it's really hard for anyone to read her
oh yeah she has the potential to do a lot of things with magic but she doesn't know how to do it and doesn't really want to know she even draws on blanks sometimes bc she doesn't think they'll ever be filled. this was my way to not make her super op lmao
she hosts an object show which (aoste)is probably one of the worst things she could be doing for reasons I don't know if I should explain yet bc I do want to make that a thing eventually (the dilemma of wanting to spoil everything but also I can't do that grgrgrg)
this part of her was actually inspired by an artfight attack I got from scribbruh but basically I've decided that potions exist where she's from but she cannot comprehend how to make them she keeps trying though she'll get it eventually maybe that is the only magic she doesn't hate doing I don't have an explanation she just likes potions ig
she's from a different place dimension thing than the majority of objects in the show
there's a contestant in that show named origami that despises her and literally every bad thing it does to the other contestants(includes terrorizing them and also knocking one of them into a pool being used for a challenge, which since the object that got launched was electronic electrocuted everyone and they all died) or when they fuck up challenges on purpose are literally just to spite mb. I can't explain why yet but ori has it's reasons to hate mb
other than that another contestant that (spoliers) her contestants generally like her
and in there there's these monster object things that I don't really know how to explain how they exist yet I'm working on that but anyways they're kind of killing all of the normal objects in that place so the objects evolved to have magic to fight them off, but the monsters keep getting stronger and it's a huge problem
oh yeah back to the magic thing fuck it im just gonna explain it it's probably gonna just be blasted all at once if I were to actually make the show anyways which I probably won't bc I never have the ability to make anything ever andways she doesn't like using magic due to some things that happened when she was younger
basically she only exists because her family needed better defense for their village so they collaborated to create a bunch of really powerful objects to help, and then literally every single one failed at what they were created for and/or died or actually escaped in the case of mb and paper circle (her cousin). they literally did this years before too and they didn't learn from their mistakes smh
they trained her every day for one battle which she tried fighting in but she tried using magic that small children really shouldn't be using and she almost died but her aunt saved her and they came to the dimension where aoste takes place where the monster things don't live (or maybe some do. just maybe)
but now her most of her family hates her she knows
these are becoming less of fun facts and more like trauma oops/hj
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prince-simon · 2 years
can you talk a bit more about your betas? i noticed you have a whole team behind you 😅 how does that work? (mind you i have only started engaging with fanfic this year so im very new to all of this) do they have any input? or do they just check for something like spelling mistakes? and how do you choose a beta? do they apply or are you just asking your friends for help?
hii!! welcome to the land of fanfics it's a good time i hope you enjoy it!!!
okay so first of all, shout out to my betas @aro-of-artemis @toffeelemon @alltoowille and @cl0udy-mi1k 💗
alright now that we have established who i've got behind me, let me take you on this journey:
so when i started writing it (thinking it would be a short fun story), i only had one (irl) friend as my beta but then life happened and she got a bit too busy and also generally wasn't as involved in the yr fandom and at around the same time i met the lovely tiff (toffeelemon) and madi (aro-of-artemis) who were only all too eager to beta
what started in a gc just throwing ideas around and brainstorming how the story continues has since turned into a whole beta server where we can sort and keep our thoughts in one place a lot better
then after chapter 9, jude (alltoowille) offered help if i needed it for simon's ptsd and all the resulting angst so i recruited them for the beta team as well, and since they made ch 10 about 2k longer with their suggestions i'd say it was a good choice haha
more recently, i thinkkkkk before chapter 13, correct me if i'm wrong, milk (cl0udy-mi1k) joined the team bc i just felt the need for another person to help me out, especially bc unfortunately life still happens and people might not have enough time to look over my chapters immediately
as for generally what they do, like i said, we're throwing ideas around and here and there some parts of dialogue etc might be something they suggested and then as for ch 10 it was a lot of "elaborate on this here" "describe those feelings more" "what book is he reading, what's the colour of his shirt, etc" and yes, also grammar stuff.
also bc my chapters are so long, i usually write parts of it, throw them in the doc and tell my betas that they have a couple more k to look over when they've got the time
and then it's just a lot of screaming and planning side stories and screaming when plot points just seamlessly work itself out and fall into each other
and all of them are dear friends to me and it just kinda happened organically that they became my betas!
oop this got really long lol sorry. but let me know if i missed anything or you have more questions!
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sendmewatermemes · 12 days
So I came out as ace to my family in my mid teens, they've mostly just ignored that cause "that's not real you're just a late bloomer" so I'm like ok I won't mention the aro thing then
Fast-forward a decade later and Dad's still blissfully ignoring my very much not straight self and mums finally like oh ok this is a real thing. And my brother messages one night out of the blue and goes I got a boyfriend and that was that.
Everyone was like oh didn't see that happening but good for him and my dad likes to ramble about how it's fine and nothing wrong with being gay but in a trying to convince himself kind of way.
Then the other day he asked me what woke means and I'm like nope not rn, bye. Then he asked again a couple days later and I was forced to answer. Now it's been like a week and he's finally started going on a tirade about trans people and idk what he meant but I think it basically boiled down to "I just don't want them shoving their lifestyles in my face" while using the term woke
Meanwhile I'm in the car half listening like oop there it is that took longer than expected. But also like lately I've been having so much gender envy, like way more than usual. Like I worked out years ago I probably wasn't cis, but where in the trans spectrum idfk. So I'm having very trans daydreams while this man is angrily going on about trans people and all I can think is sir you made two very much not straight people, chill out.
I think I need more vests. Maybe I should tell him I want him to use the other name I go by online and around friends. He'd flip out if I asked him to use he/him pronouns for me. I'm way too entertained by this for my own good. Sir you failed so hard bye im going to enjoy my gay little fantasies now
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malecacidd · 4 years
TUActober 2020 (Day 2: S1 vs S2)
Are we already starting to fall behind? M a y b e kfkdkdksk anyways I'm still v excited and I hope you like this 🥺🥺🥺 I still have yet to make an ao3 version but I'm,,,,, working on it?
Prompts by @totallyevan!!
(Also to give like a background before you read this is comparing some of the sibs love interests in s1 to their s2 ones!!)
Patrick was like a building fire. He was like the start of something that would never be finished.
Allison met him at the one year anniversary of her first movie. She married him four years later.
Patrick gave her the most important person in her life. Without him, Claire wouldn't exist. Allison didn't forget that.
She loved him, she really did. She loved him for years, and she thinks that he loved her too.
She doesn't know for sure, though.
Ray was almost like a breath of fresh air.
Allison had been thrown into a new world, a new world that gave her more hate than she thought she would ever experience. When she was with Ray, the hate existed, but it was never at the forefront of her mind.
Ray was like light in the darkness, shining and giving her a way to find happiness in the 60s. Giving her a way to find happiness in general. Showing her the way that she could fight for what was right and still have happy days.
Ray didn't give her Claire, but he gave her love.
Allison loved him, so much.
And this time, she knew that he loved her back.
Dave was something that Klaus never had.
Sure, he had relationships before. Relationships with men, women, all of the above and more.
It was different with Dave. Everything was different with Dave.
It was ten months of the most intense love Klaus had ever felt. And then it was gone.
Well, it wasn't gone, it was just overtaken by the pain replacing all other emotion in his heart. Dave died, and a part of Klaus died with him.
He missed him, so much.
Dave was back. Dave was alive.
Except he wasn't.
Klaus' Dave had died in 1968, died in the Vietnam War. This Dave…
This Dave was a twenty two year old who worked in a store that sold mamie pink paint. This Dave never met Klaus, never spent ten months soldiering with him.
This Dave didn't love him.
And he didn't love this Dave.
He missed his Dave. Missed him so, so much.
Eudora was his first.
Well, that wasn't completely true. He had been with others, but Eudora was the first that he truly loved.
She just understood him. He felt as if she mirrored him completely.
Eudora would take his snappy comments in stride and reply with one of her own. He felt as if they matched perfectly.
He loved her, but then he was kicked from the police academy. They fell out, as some do. He still loved her, though. He knew that he would always love her.
Diego felt almost as if he was starting to get her back just before he found her dead on the floor of a cheap motel.
Lila was fast. A fast love.
He met her in the psych ward. She seemed a bit off, but she was fun to talk to.
It was only a couple months later when he found himself fighting to keep her in the car that he realized, oh, I'm falling again.
Then Diego and Lila were in Elliott's bed, then she disappeared, then he found out that she didn't love him the way he thought she did.
Then he found out, as he was telling her about her shitty mother who gave her a shitty idea of love, that maybe, just maybe, she did love him.
Diego could see in her eyes that he was getting her back just before the Handlers gun went off.
Vanya thought that Leonard was love.
He had asked for her company, actually wanted to be around her, and how could she deny the one thing she had wanted her entire life?
She was desperate to proove her sister wrong, she'll admit.
She thought that it was love, but maybe, maybe she was wrong.
Allison gave her doubts about Leonard, and Vanya stayed with him almost out of pure spite. But then, then she was losing control and slitting Allison's thought and then she stayed with Leonard out of fear because what if someone comes after her? What if her family hates her?
But then Leonard was yelling and slamming his hand and making noise and she just couldn't-
And he was dead on the ground.
That wasn't love, she was sure of it.
Sissy was there for Vanya.
Sissy gave her a place to live, gave her a life that she didn't even know she wanted.
Harlan was just as important to Vanya as Sissy was. She loved them both, so much.
Sissy showed her what love was, how it was supposed to be. Vanya couldn't remember her past, didn't have any memories, but she knew that she wanted her future to be with Sissy. Knew that she wanted to be around her, wanted to be loved by her and love her back.
Sissy gave her a home.
That was love, she was sure of it.
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asexualdindjarin · 3 years
projecting onto din djarin? on my blog? more likely than you think!
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ao3 wrapped
inspired by this post by @/spicycreativity - here’s my ao3 (writer) wrapped!! 
Top Fandom: sanders sides aka the only fandom i have posted fic for so far lol, with 25 fics this year!!
Date of First Fic Posted: (in 2021) jan 3! it was always you (falling for me) this is a soulmate au with prinxiety, moceit, and intrulosleep, which. i did not finish yet oops. i feel really really bad about that hhhh. but i do plan to come back and finish it as soon as i can get my brain to cooperate with me about it, i promise.
Top Multi-Chapter Fic: if you’re going my way, i’ll go with you this is. completely unsurprising, lol. y’all went NUTS for my Good Dad Virgil Agenda, as you should. this is the most delightfully self-indulgent fic i have ever written (which is saying a lot) and i’m so glad y’all are also loving it!! if you haven’t read it yet: check it out! supervillain virgil adopts kid!superhero roman and it’s adorable.
Top One-Shot: pasta & posies YAY i didnt know this before i checked the stats!! that makes me so happy!! that fic is so fluffy n gives me so much serotonin aaaa!!!! cute domestic analogical just doing little ordinary life things and loving each other!!!!!!
Fic You’re Most Proud Of: >:( i’m proud of so many of my fics this is really hard hhhh. i think. i think i am actually most proud of the secret santa fic i’m currently writing, but that’s not posted yet lol. i’m also really proud of one chance to change your fate and most of the starlight universe series. but tbh i think i will ultimately say if you’re going my way, i’ll go with you again for this one! good dad virgil agenda ftw, and also i have so many feelings about analogical and dukeceit. (and remus’s as-yet-unrevealed backstory. ohhhh my god y’all have no idea. this poor boy has been through so much. he’s doing his best and we are very proud of him. remus’s character in this fic honestly gives me So many emotions i Love him he’s doing so good.)
Fic You Wish Got More Attention: OOOOH definitely the sky’s open wide, im running with the wolves this one is SO good. it’s based on a movie i love, but is very much able to be enjoyed with 0 context!! as per usual for my writing, fully half of the characters are trans, although i haven’t brought it up in the text yet. but yeah!! kids logan, roman, and remus as baby wolf shapeshifters in 1600s ireland!! kid virgil as their new human friend!! patton and janus as the parents of the various children!! a dastardly plot, soon to be uncovered!! there is so much to love here!! i also love that the most recent chapter ended with logan literally threatening virgil’s life and yet most of the comments are all “omg logan poor baby 🥺 i hope logan is doing okay” fjkdshgksdhg 😂😂 it does make sense in context of the whole chapter but just. contrasting it against the ending of the chapter is SO funny to me. anyway, a new chapter should be coming before too long! so check this one out!! also, for those who would prefer oneshots, i wish heart broken like a plate in the starlight universe series would get a lil more attention!! bc projecting aro feelings onto roman is something that can actually be so personal <3
Fic that Challenged You the Most: can it be im not meant to play this part? this is a fic i am using to process my religious trauma from the evangelical churches i grew up going to, by projecting it all onto logan and making him go through it all (and then eventually letting him heal from it). the writing process features a lot of me, who has mostly gone with the “don’t think about it” route for dealing with said religious trauma until now, writing something down and then going “wait oh my god that’s so fucked up. why did i used to think that was normal and fine. i’m not even exaggerating what it was like, this is horrifying oh my god.” this fic is. a lot. it deals with a lot of extremely heavy topics and is heavily critical of white evangelical christianity. please read the warnings before reading. i’m undecided if i’ll eventually post it to tumblr or if it’ll stay strictly on ao3.
Favorite Quote/Passage: okay this is long but i promise it’s worth it. this bit of the convo between logan and janus at the beginning of chapter 9 of one chance to change your fate is something i am SO proud of:
“And you want me to help.” Logan grimaced. He hated to tell them no when it was clearly so important to them, but it was… well, it was out of the question. It was far too risky. 
But perhaps, for Janus—no. No. It was out of the question; he shouldn’t even be thinking about it. This was exactly why he hated bringing emotions into problems that would be much simpler without them. It only made things difficult and left one unhappy with every option.
Janus nodded in confirmation of his words, making Logan’s heart sink a little further. “I assume magical forgery is much easier and higher-quality,” they explained. 
“Correct.” That was a simple fact. Far easier to deal with than ethics and emotions. He could handle facts. He liked facts. Facts never made him feel conflicted and bad inside. 
“I’m also guessing,” Janus went on, looking at Logan with an altogether far too knowing expression, “that you know how to do magical forgery.” 
Logan looked away. He was not some predictable man whose habits and knowledge could be guessed by his partner. He—well—“In theory, yes,” he admitted. “I did some research in university—purely out of curiosity, of course—”
“Oh, of course.” Janus’s tone dripped with honeyed sarcasm. 
“It was! I didn’t do anything!” Logan protested. 
“I don’t know, you say that awfully quickly,” Janus teased. “Seems suspicious.” 
Logan made a helpless gesture. “I—what would I have possibly—”
“I’m only joking, darling.” Janus patted his hand. “So,” they mused, “you know how to do it. And….” They gazed up at him shrewdly. “I think you don’t like the idea of doing it now.” 
Logan drew in a deep breath and let it out again, half relieved and half unhappy that they’d brought this aspect up. “We swore an oath of loyalty to the kings, dear. The idea of going against it so flagrantly irks me deeply. Not to mention the consequences such a crime carries, should we be found out.” He really shouldn’t be considering this at all, honestly. Anything other than a firm no was completely and utterly illogical. 
So why was something painful tugging almost physically inside his chest at the idea of rejecting Janus’s plea? 
“We swore our loyalty to the Crown,” he repeated stubbornly, wishing that just applying his logic harder would stamp out the conflict inside him. 
“Well, my loyalty is to Roman first, not to a political idea that he is forced to stand for. And this is for him. It—” Janus’s jaw worked for a moment. “It’s not… entirely his fault, what happened.” They frowned, glancing away. “Don’t tell him I said that.” 
Logan chewed on the inside of his cheek, frantically sorting through arguments. “Dear—” he began, and was hit with just what to say. 
He hesitated. This felt manipulative. He knew how much it meant to them; it felt dirty and wrong to use it against them. 
But it was the truth. It was a fact. Facts could be used to reason himself a way out of this dilemma. Couldn’t they? 
“The kings put their trust in you,” he said, the words heavy in his mouth. 
“That’s not fair, Logan,” Janus said immediately, not even bothering to mask the hurt that flashed across their face at his words. 
Logan winced. “I know,” he said apologetically, and pushed on. “But they did. And this would be a betrayal of that trust.” 
Janus hesitated, brows drawing together and lips trembling with a distress that Logan couldn’t help but wish to kiss away, even knowing that he had been the cause of it. “I…” they began, something in their face crumpling, and trailed off. 
Logan forced himself to wait without speaking, resisting the urge to take their face in his hands and murmur reassurances until the creases in their brow smoothed away. 
Janus was silent, staring at the ground, and Logan dared to hope he might have swayed them. 
But the face Janus raised to him at last was one of unhappy resignation. “Then I’m a traitor,” they said, voice bleak and small but not wavering. 
“Janus—” Logan protested. 
“Roman is more important. Patton is more important. And I’ve already gone in deep enough that I can’t turn back.” Janus indicated the parchment lying on the table with Patton’s name scrawled across it. They pressed a palm to his and laced their fingers together, looking up at him. “Will you help me?” 
The question lingered in the air between them, direct and challenging. Asking Logan to choose. Facts or feelings. Logic or Janus. 
He could never choose anything other than Janus. 
He was afraid to choose anything other than logic.
Total Words Posted: 257,271 that’s just in 2021, up until dec 6. there is definitely at least twice as much in my drafts, too. i. okay. that autism sure can special interest, huh?
this was very fun!!!! :D here’s a template if anyone else wants to do this!! <3
Top Fandom:
Date of First Fic Posted:
Top Multi-Chapter Fic:
Top One-Shot:
Fic You’re Most Proud Of:
Fic You Wish Got More Attention:
Fic that Challenged You the Most:
Favorite Quote/Passage:
Total Words Posted:
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colemckenzies · 4 years
@brittaforthewin said: how abouts some aro/ace/aroace tunes??
oh u KNOW i have playlists for this. also gonna reuse a couple from the britta playlist bc fhskdh
first im gonna go w the vibe of 'aro but there is still A Specific Person but they are not also aro so oop':
hang with me by robyn
love love love by of monsters and men
please don't say you love me by gabrielle aplin
a diamond and a tether by death cab for a cutie
ur so fucking cool by lana halford
god help the girl by god help the girl
modern love by matt nathanson
never fall in love by jack antonoff and MØ
television romance by pale waves
what were you expecting by halestorm
i am not a robot by marina
kill the director by the wombats
and then general aro/ace/Alone vibes:
oh no! by marina
i keep myself to myself by the boy least likely to
for me by dearlie
rescue by yuna
here by alessia cara
sit still, look pretty by daya
i'm good by the mowglis
lollipop by mika
no scrubs by TLC
love song for no one by john mayer
good thing by zedd feat. kehlani
a song about love by charlie mcdonnell
i don't love anyone by belle and sebastian
hell nos and headphones by hailee steinfeld
solo by carly rae jepsen
my own best friend by the sorry kisses
SORRY THIS IS SO LONG i accumulate this vibe. lmk if u want a more curated ver hfksjdh
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cactusfru1ts · 2 years
fuck it. intro post 
(under the cut because it got. slightly longer than intended. oops)
hiiii besties im quetzal im part of a system and i got sick of pretending to be my headmate so i just kinda made my own tumblr cause whos gonna stop me
im 18 (body age and mental age) i use it/he pronouns and im a gemini, i dont really know what else im supposed to put here lmao. i made an account on pronouns.page if you want more info about my pronouns and stuff, and if you dont know what plural means you should probably check out morethanone.info but the extremely short version is that im one of several people sharing one body
oh my gender is kinda weird but the short version is that im a girlqueer bigender guy. technically im also transmasc but i dont really consider myself trans? or cis. or nonbinary. i call myself genderqueer sometimes, most gender words that have an “opposite” are kinda weird for me though. idk its like… physically i am transmasculine but i guess since i didnt form until wed already been on hrt for a bit it just isnt much of a thing for me. oh and the bigender part is like 90% guy 50% girl i guess. yeah that sounds about right.
oh also i said in my bio that im bisexual but i am also aromantic. i mean technically i guess im gray aro but for all intents and purposes i am aromantic. im also polyamorous and like i think relationships are super fun i just only realized recently that “it might be fun to date this person” is not necessarily the same thing as “i am romantically attracted to this person” lol
i really like music, some of my favorite musicians are watsky, hozier, mitski, taylor swift, mcr, and sidney gish, and im theoretically a musician but i am generally not very good at learning instruments so i mostly just sing. i also paint sometimes but im not very good at it lol
oh im really interested in cults (i listen to a lot of cult podcasts mostly) but i know a lot of folks consider that a weird thing to bring up at the dinner table so i try not to talk about it with folks i dont know well enough that i can feel confident that theyll tell me if i need to shut up. with that said i often need to shut up and if you tell me to shut up and youre not a dick about it i will try to shut up. in conversation anyways. i made a tumblr because i dont shut up though so it probably wont work if you just want me to stop posting cringe. go ahead and  block “#quetzposting” if you dont wanna see my original posts because theyll probably get pretty annoying pretty fast
other stuff i like includes 17776, psych, ncis (i know dont @ me), and also wings of fire but in kind of a weird fictive way sometimes. (technically speaking i am a fictive of qibli but i just call myself fictionkin cause it seems… more accurate, if less precise. something something integration idk. i probably wouldnt even mention it but since im openly plural here i get to make fictive jokes so i may as well explain that now.)
okay this was supposed to be a temporary intro post but i rambled a lot so i guess ill probably just keep it for a while im working on a listography though so hopefully ill add the link to that soon
edit: i made a page on my blog thats sort of like a guide to my tagging system, its more for my own benefit but if youre looking for something or need to know what to blacklist it could be useful?
second edit: i finished my listography! or like got it presentable anyways i didnt “finish” it bc im gonna have to update it + stuff but its at a point where you can look at it and learn things about me in a way that is much more pleasant than just looking at this post. this post sucks. i will hopefully also be replacing this post shortly lmao
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broke-on-books · 4 years
17 Questions, 17 People! I was tagged by @m-orgueous ❤❤❤
1. Nickname
2. Zodiac
Gemini ✌
3. Height
5'7! Or 5'6 and ¾ if you're gonna listen to the doctor
4. Hogwarts House
Hufflepuff! Which is good because yellow is the best color (proven fact)
5. Last thing I googled
I have no fucking clue. Probably something with Chemistry because I was writing a paper on it last night... but I turned off my Google search history bc I don't want it tracking my data so like we'll probably never know
6. Song stuck in my head
I hate this question omg I swear every time I see this I never have a song stuck in my head and then suddenly one gets wedged in there! Anyways the first one to come to mind is Holly Jolly Christmas
7. Number of followers
On this blog? Uhh like 90 something? I could check but it's probably like 93.
8. Amount of sleep
Uhhh it definitely varies? I'd say a pretty good amount, probably more than that if I'm being honest
9. Lucky Numbers
53! No I will not elaborate
10. Dream Job
Like within limits or.... idk idk I'm hella indecisive but I would LOVE to be a published author 🤞
11. Wearing
... a scooby doo onesie
12. Favorite Author
I'm indecisive as fuck and don't have a memorized response so like... pass ahdhah
13. Favorite Instrument
Ahshaha you think I know my own favorite instrument? I'm like the least musical person ever. Anyways im saying Kazoomonica bc I want to cause problems
14. Aesthetic
Uh? Idk specific aesthetic but I love florals and patterns and all sorts of colors
15. Favorite Song
Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves!!! ☀️💕🎶
16. Favorite Animal Noise
WHAT is this question i can't even pick my favorite author how the fuck am I supposed to know this?
17. Random fact
I'm really good at remembering stuff but only like... the weird stuff. If you ask me to remember a number or a string of letters or something I will flop spectacularly and have to repeat it over and over and make up a song or a funny sentence to remember it for more than like 5 seconds, however if I read some random fact in a book or something I'll remember it, the plot of the book, exactly how old I was (by grade level, not actual age), where I read it, what class I procrastinated by reading it, and also every other detail I know associated with said fact quick enough to buzz in for a question on the trivia team. But no Mom, I still don't remember where we parked
Tags: I hate tagging but fuck it ill do it (you obviously don't have to do this) also its not a lot of people but like 90%+ of my mutuals won't recognize my main sooo
@storytravelled @ilovefredjones @weirdthoughtsandideas @the-aro-ace-arrow-ace @scrappedtogether @azula-sapicc-bangs @vacuum-fluorescent-display (I'm definitely forgetting people)
Also obligatory @azulasflames tag even though you've already been tagged bc I ❤
Edit: I forgot @thewhiteviolesbian aaghhh oops
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thegreenerartist · 4 years
Okay okay guys wait
Just I M A G I N E
The Foxhole Court,,, but set in the Philippines (they’ll all still be the same characters but it’ll just take place in the Philippines!)
The Filipino & Filipina Foxes!
Okay so Neil is still on the run, with 5 mil ($) in his pocket, but think about it. There are 7,641 islands. 7,641. His father would have absolute HELL trying to find him and his mother (until she died oop) (probably somewhere where they are trying to sneak into Luzon?) So then Nathan will be stationed, not in Baltimore, but maybe somewhere in Luzon (it being the central island and all)
Neil would know how to speak English (universal language duh), Tagalog (common Filipino language) and maybe Ilongo? Or Ilocano? For Luzon, but then he’ll probably know the common languages too, like Bisaya and Cebuano for Visayas, maybe he’ll know Arabic or Islamic for Mindanao? (I highlighted the ones I think he would most likely know, but most Filipino langauges tbh sound similar. Takes maybe a few months, weeks if you’re good, to learn a language like a native)
So idk how to segúé (how to even spell??) to him meeting the Foxes bUT HE GETS THERE
Soo let’s say the Cousins (yes thats their official tital no I don’t take critisism) know how to speak Arabic while Kevin is the one who speaks Bisaya. Everyone can speak English and Tagalog because Filipinos are taught English and Tagalog early on oop
Okay fine this will still be an Exy universe (but can yall imagine? Street basketball?)
They’ll probably be learning somewhere in Luzon, most likely NCR for plot because it’s probably where Nathan and his men are too
They meet and stuff, cool shenanigans
(Their backstories might be a tad rougher than in canon because,,, yeah. It happens here)
Okay so I just wanna get to the fun stuff, since that’s what I originally planned for this post
Nicky and Allison will deffo be like those ladies who wash clothes and gossip, i.e. spreading chismis
Nicky reminds me of the gays here that go “oH HEY MGA BES!”
Andrew is THAT dude who goes up to an ice cream guy and asks for, “Cornetto. The sweetest one you have”
He wouldnt like dirty ice cream. It’s too bland and milky, not sweet
Neil would fit right in. Everyone here wears shirts and pants/shorts. Some guys dont even bother putting a shirt on
Dan and Neil go bonding to the palengke (wet market) since most of the other foxes have been raised in middle class
Matt buys those birds in the cages so he can set them free like the good boy he is :)
Renee is a BOSS in chinese garter
Allison was the heir to,, idk probably something like SM or something
Aaron is every asian parents’ dream tbh
Also I love the idea of them getting houses since Filipino houses here look basic as heck but look SO authentic, as in yall could go, “wow that looks like a normal house” but then,,, yall would know. That’s a Filipino’s house right there
Everyone get’s THOSE houses where there are literal bars on the windows and the fence is so goddamn tall
Except for Kevin and Allison
Those two would get the classy stuff
Like Allison would probably be living in those houses that were during the Spanish Colonial Period (with Renee because duh)
Kevin will get a private resort or something somewhere in Boracay or Palawan or something (with no one because I fully support aro ace Kevin [ but bi Kevin is awesome too though don’t get me wrong {sorry Thea}])
I would love to propose the idea of Neil calling Andrew ‘mahal’ or ‘love’(THEY ARE MARRIED HERE LET ME LIVE) (ILL JUST SAY THEY GOT MARRIED IN THE US OKAY)
In the morning, when they wake up and Neil goes, “m’hal, pakibukas ung bintana” “love, can you open the blinds?”
(Fun fact, the prefix paki is a polite way of asking someone to do the action, the same way you say ‘may’, ‘can’ and ‘please’)
But then ‘mahal’ ALSO means ‘expensive’ in Tagalog. I find it funny because Andrew is truly, very, absolutely expensive
“My god napakamahal naman yan’ Drew’!”
“Oh my god Drew’, that’s so expensive!”
“mAy stAnDArdS akO excUSE Me!!11!”
“I have standards excuse me!”
“M A H A L ‘W A G”
“L O V E , N O”
I love the idea that they play basketball in their free time with neighbourhood kids, as in street basketball
It starts with Andrew and Neil
They were outside, holding hands (it’s ok Philippines isn’t SUPER homophobic) (and even if someone was stupid enough to talk them down, they have knives :)
And these,,, kids go up and be like, “laro?” “play?”
Because kids right?
And BOOM it becomes a thing (usually on their breaks :)
Renee joins because Peace Corps (actually no. She did it out of the kindness of her own heart)
Then Dan, Matt and Nicky wanted to join
Allison was dragged there by Renee
Katelyn wanted Aaron to come too
Kevin decided to go since it’s the off-season and he has nothing to do, yaba daba da he actually misses his foxes
He keeps mumbling, “buti pa kapag nilaro nila an Exy *grumble grumble*” “it would be better if the played Exy instead *grumble grumble*”
They are happy :D
Okay so yall know how Kevin is a health freak
So one day Andrew will eat one too many goSH DARN AICE AND KEVIN WILL HAVE A F I T
Andrew doesn’t care
Until he does
Kevin can go on and on about how unhealthy some foods are and blah blah blah
But yall cANNOT TELL ME that that boy does NOT eat those streetfoods
Im talking about fishballs, squidballs, siomai, tokneneng, ALL OF THAT JAZZ
(That’s what happens when yall let a person who never played in the neighbourhood try streetfood) (they get OBSESSED) (I can tell from experience lol)
Then Andrew keeps that footage for blackmail
Just imagine. Kevin Day. Eating. The oiliest. The most unhealthy. Goddamn streetfood
I’ll probably make more :P it was fun to write this!
I would love it if this were liked and reblogged 🥺👉👈 I would appreciate that very much because I spent some time on this and I need validation 🥺🥺
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ineffablefool · 4 years
(1/4) hey uh ur bio says that u r demiromantic and if it's not too much trouble could i get some help? so i'm starting high school next year and so far, i haven't gotten a crush or anything. romantic attraction? don't know her. but whenever i thought or pictured myself "grown up" i imagined myself with a boyfriend. (i'm a woman) all the evidence is pointing towards me being aromantic, but a little slice of my brain is still, "oh, you're just super demiromantic and violently straight, all of your
(2/4) super close friends have been girls, you just have to become really close friends with a guy and there! instant boyfriend" but i know that won't happen. i won't have some man come and suddenly i'm head over heels. but i've always figured i'd have a boyfriend. i know i'm ace, and i am calling myself ace, but whenever i go to call myself aro, my brain goes "but what if ur actually demi and then all the people you told u were aro will think you were a liar" which i kNOW is stupid but i cant
(3/4) stop thinking it. i dunno why i can't fully accept the fact that i'm aro. is it society claiming that you need a partner to be happy? is it the fact that being in love sounds amazing and like floating on clouds and i want to feel like that? i have no fucking clue. and it's not something against aros, like, i know that if someone told me they were aro i'd have no problem with it. which makes it worse because why is it so hard to let go of the fantasy that i'll have a romantic partner one
(4/4) day? i know, in my heart, that there is a like a 1% chance i wont be aro. but i still cant call myself aro my brain won't let me >:( when did you get your first crush? when is it normal for a demi to first feel romantic attraction? did you think you were aro at first? also i sometimes feel like i shouldn't call myself ace bc im too young to know if i like sex yet? when did u start calling yourself ace? ugh sorry for the super long ask,,, also fun fact it's "how do u write kisses" anon hiii
Hi anon.  I cannot promise you excellent help, but I am still glad you wrote to me again, and I really hope you are about to have a straight 72-hour period of Good Days.  (It might take you that long to read this.  Oops.)
So, first of all: there is nothing wrong with calling yourself aro now and then later deciding you aren’t.  Or realizing you aren’t.  (Two different framings for the same thing -- both are good.)  Or deciding or realizing that you’re somewhere on the aromantic spectrum which you feel is better described with a more specific term.  Demiromantics are still part of the aro umbrella!  It’s not an exclusive club where You Must Be Pure Aro To Enter!  (Anyone who tells you otherwise is setting themselves up as Decider Of What It Really Means To Be Aro, and where are their credentials for that?  Hmm, hypothetical gatekeeping person?  Can I please see your certification from the Institute Of Defining Other People’s Identities For Them?  Oh.  Oh you don’t have one.  Because it doesn’t exist.)
Me saying that doesn’t magically make your brain accept the label, of course.  I am just trying to gently show your brain the door, and it’s the one that has to walk through it.
Assuming you want it to walk through it.  Maybe you decide you don’t.  That’s fine!  But “yes, I am indeed aro -- I am on the aro spectrum somewhere so I am using the label” is a perfectly fine thing to tell people, and if they are not carrying forged credentials from the Institute Of Defining Other People’s Identities For Them, then they will probably be okay with this.
I am not any kind of expert on being aro, or ace, or anything.  I am only an expert in being me.  But to somewhat exhaustively answer the questions from your last part...
I had my first crush when I was thirteen or fourteen.  When I was about ten, I was friends with two girls who both had a very public crush on the same boy, and I claimed to also have one on him in order to fit in, but I was completely lying.  Sorry, Drew.  I’m sure you were quite the catch, but I was not feelin’ it.
I don’t know if there’s a specific time when it’s “normal” for a demiromantic person to start feeling any particular way.  It just sort of happens if it’s gonna.  Maybe it never does.  People are complicated and different and that’s wonderful.
I didn’t know what being aro (or being ace!) was when I was your age, because they weren’t really identities yet.  “Asexual” was for amoebas, or maybe robots.  “Aromantic” was, like, dude, did you misspell “aromatic”?  (Keep in mind, there was technically an Internet in approx. 1995, but there was no Google, no Wikipedia, no YouTube, no social media, the concept of what is now called a “blog” didn’t even really exist yet, and often your parents would not let you on the Internet connection if they could even afford it themselves, not least because it was frequently billed by the amount of time you spent using it. It was incredibly hard to know what things existed in the world back then to even begin to learn about them! Now is so much better. I have all the treasures of the world in my pocket via my telephonic device.)  When I started to learn about asexuality, specifically that you could be ace but not be “an emotionless robot” (gosh has unlearning that kind of judgement been a journey), I jumped straight on that label and never looked back (this was roughly when I joined Tumblr, so I would have been about 32).  I thought I was alloromantic for a while after that, but I’ve come to realize that my feelings on romance probably put me somewhere on the aro spectrum.  And that’s where I am now.
I started calling myself ace, again, when I was about 32, but I didn’t have that label available to me when I was younger.  Ya boi was 13-14 years old, sitting in his bedroom writing letters-to-never-be-sent to his crush, which included long sections about how I had already decided I would never have sex so long as I lived, so once we obviously got married because how could we not when I had such Emotions, he would have to find some other way to get that if he wanted it.  I had no interest in it then.  I never developed an interest in it since.  If I had had the knowledge I have now, back when I was in junior high, I am absolutely convinced that I would have taken the ace label then.  Was I too young to know for sure?  I dunno, we don’t say that people are too young at that age to know they’re heterosexual, so why do other sexualities have to pass a higher bar?  (Because compulsory heterosexuality.  That is why.)
Regardless of your age, if the label of ace resonates with you, you can apply it to yourself.  If the label of aro resonates, you can apply it to yourself.  Or a more specific variant of either, or something else entirely.  And the day you realize “oh gosh, this is not, in this moment, actually me”, you can let the label go, because its only purpose for existing is to be useful to you.
Finally -- this is not something I can personally speak to, but I have seen people who identify as completely aro also state that they enjoy things that our (my? I do not know where you are from) culture frequently sees as romantic.  Like, if you want to have a person who you can snuggle up with, hold hands with, say “I love you” to and have them say it back and both of you mean it -- there are aro people who do all that with their partners, and enjoy it, and don’t see it as interfering with their aromantic identity at all.  I believe them, because they are the expert on being themselves, and I have nowhere near the ego required to decide that I know better.  So that’s something to keep in mind -- cloud-floating and an aromantic identity do not have to be completely separate, because there are lots of kinds of love and of affection, and people are complicated, and that is wonderful.
I hope you enjoy this novel, anon.  It is for you.
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chngbok · 5 years
50 Questions Tag ✨
thank you for tagging me @sprouttsse ♥
under the cut, because this is LONG ~  [ also beware of major oversharing ]
what takes too much of your time?
social media? games n stuff
what’s makes your day better?
@linos-teeth cough
what is the best thing that happened to you today?
I went to a really cool castle n i took LOADS of pictures (mainly flowers oops)  and I made two my new lock&home screen ~
what fictional place would you like to go to?
hmmm thedas,, away from whatever shits going on at the time i guess.
are you good at giving advice?
i dont know? for some things maybe?
do you have any mental illness?
LEts noT
have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
i used to a lot, one time i had it while i was on a school trip away and it was the first night and god it was horrible,,,, then quite a few times when i lost my grandparents.
what musician inspired you the most?
hmmm skz?
have you fallen in love?
i d k dude
what’s your dream date?
ok plS SOMEONE GO ON A WALK WITH ME LIKE,,,, I JUst wanna go on a walk and take photos i cry.
what do others notice about you?
:’) good thing? my eyes r pointed out a lot,,,, bad? i get told that i crack my knuckles a lot smh.
what is an annoying habit that you have?
im told its cracking my knuckles lmao fdkdkfdf
do you still talk to your first love?
doNT have one r l y idK?
how many ex’s do you have?
gonna sound rLY SHItty after what i just said wow but idk,,, i’ll say 1 serious one?
how many songs are in your playlist?
main playlist is like 400 then i have a smaller one which has like 200 and then a writing one which is like just piano n shit which is about 70ish,,, so not that many t b h
what instruments do you play?
t r i e d piano and guitar but not anymore lmao
who do you have the most pictures of?
hmMmm my pets and skz? @linos-teeth collection is growing tho <_<
where would you like to go before you die?
Korea germany and australia.
what’s your zodiac?
do you relate to it?
n a H
what is happiness to you?
o god hmm,,,, no idea idk how to word it
are you going through anything right now?
well sure?
what’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
i’ve always hated how i used to reject my grandads hugs and avoid him a lot when i basically spent time there everyday and idk wish I’d shown him more love while I could.
what’s your favorite store?
uMm,,,, dude I dont go shopping enough for this smh. no idea.
what’s your opinion on abortion?
dude they’re valid as shit,,,,, if you want one its up to you dude.
do you keep a bucket list?
do you have a favorite album?
our queen I am who,,,, closely followed by miroh oh my fucking god.
what do you want for your birthday?
(made an amazon list already oops bc I have a lot of family far away so,,, but yeah thats literally only a couple of albums but iDK,,,, I’m on holiday for my birthday so it’d be nice to relax anD NOT WALk up too many hills,,,,, we’re going to the lake district)
what are most people’s first impression of you?
so i recently started a new college and people there always think im in a mood shrug,,,, app to them im really grumpy.
what age to you seem according to most people?
people always thought I was older because of my height,,, idk anymore tho. I feel like I have a stupidly young face for my age now i d k.
where do you keep your phone while sleeping?
on the window sill or like down the side of my bed, there a lil crack bc the radiator stops half way flfdfd
what word do you say the most?
out loud? dude, typing? idk fuck probably lmao
what’s the oldest age would you date?
idk about dating in the first place,,,, but maybe if i wanna and im like at an age i feel comfy dating idk? iDK,,,,, 4?5? years older idk watch me just date at like 60.
what’s the youngest age would you date?
idK WHats with aLL the dating s m h,,,,, but again whEN I WAnna idk,,,, 2 years youNGER? 3?
what job/career do most people say sould suit you?
im told i’d be good with kids but i hate them with a passion???? also been told i would be good at teaching,,,,
what’s your favorite music genre?
no fucking idea
if you would live in any country in the world, where would it be?
no i dea,,,, korea? but i doubt i’d survive with their standards,,,, can i cheat n just like go hop a few miles to wales?
what’s your current favorite song?
chronosaurus my baby
how long have you have this blog for?
had this blog since,,, late august? first blog was years ago tho i cry
what are you excited for?
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i d k...
are you a better talker or a listener?
listnener 100%
what is the last productive thing you did?
put off homework and write other stuff??? iTS WRITING So?
what do you want for Christmas?
what classes do you get the best grades in?
on a scale of 1-10 how are you feeling right now?
it plummeted to a solid 3 bc of me being hyper jealous for the smallest of reasons.
what can you see yourself doing in 10 years?
history teacher maybe?
when did you first get your heartbreak?
dude i d k what counts as a heart break? loosing my grandparents? looking my cat?? was a fucking mess that one time i didn’t talk to a friend for a week AND lost a friend the sAME WEEk id k.
at what age do you want to get married?
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, d o i wanna get married? me n my friend who r both ace n probably aro used to be liKE LETs just do it when we’re oldER BUT THat didn’t work out so like,,,, to my other friends hmu if ur sad n lonely in the future.
what career did you want to have as a child?
always wanted to be a teacher?
what do you crave right now?
tagging @changbiinn @trashfbin @linos-teeth @honey-innie and anyone else shrug
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transaroace · 7 years
hi i have a question - i id’ed as aroace for a long time, but ever since realizing i’m also trans i’ve felt less certain about that? bc i think the root of my complete of desire and lack of ability to conceptualize a romantic or sexual relationship with me in was not viewing myself accurately. (possible tmi) i even think maybe my lack of inclination to play around with my genitals was rooted in them being the wrong genitals (end possible tmi) and i don’t know if it’s true or not, but when (1/2)
(2/3, oops) i imagine myself as a guy in a relationship it’s,,,, kinda something i want. so my question is 1) does that make sense, is that possible? and 2) if i do turn put not to be aroace how do i avoid turning on the community? i mean, this has been the one thing i’ve been sure of for a long time. these people have been my people. i don’t want to lose that. but at the same time i’m really scared i’ll end up believing aphobe rhetoric. i’ve already heard, ‘aces are just gay people in denial’(3/3) and i know it’s nonsense because i know it’s not *my* truth. but there’s no significant difference between that and ‘aces are just trans people in denial’ and if it turns out that IS my truth i’m afraid i’ll start believing that’s true for everyone. i know my experiences aren’t universal just because they’re my experiences, but i feel like i’m betraying the ace community by maybe turning out to have been allo in denial, i feel like im gonna fall down the slope and betray us (them?) further  
this is a long post so i’ll put the answer under keep reading!
1) yes!! that absolutely does make sense and is surprisingly common. i’ve heard plenty of people whose attraction changed after they realize their gender is not what they thought it was. sexuality can be influenced by multiple factors and gender is without a doubt one of them. being attracted to men but “as a gay guy, not a girl” or generally just not wanting to be a girl in a relationship is a pretty common indicator that someone is a trans guy, and something my friends have experienced as well. personally, i don’t experience attraction but a change i did notice when i realized i was trans is that i’m not as touch averse as i used to be. i feel significantly more comfortable with physical contact and affection as a guy. so yes, that does make sense and is pretty common. 
2) i know it is very hard to keep your beliefs when it seems like everyone around you is against them. the fact that you have this fear in the first place is a good sign, you care about this a lot. maybe find points to back up your truth and write them down somewhere, so every time you find yourself straying from your values, you can read that and remember what’s important to you. surround yourself with like-minded people and try to avoid aphobe rhetoric. you are not betraying us if you realize you are something else!! you can decide you are not part of this community without turning on it if you keep your views the same. i hope that makes sense? 
good luck anon! if you want a safe space to chat and make friends with other aro, ace, and trans people feel free to ask for the link to my discord server!
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
Bab,,, I'm literally so sorry that this is my second request kmn. But can we get comedian! Mc??? Literally so funny she makes a whole room laugh unintentionally. //You may or may have not developed into a tiny itty bitty slightly gay squish of mine oOPS >///
if i could pull up Seven’s ‘?!’ emoji right now I would, please don’t be sorry for requesting!! if you ever have one, throw it in my inbox, i’ll answer it gladly! no really my ass was about to turn off my laptop but i saw this and stopped myself
and ahhh omg ^//^ look here, i love you, okay??❤ im serious. my aro ass loves you ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ) 
depression who??? as soon as mc came to his apartment and they talked for a bit, he was laughing 
how did she do that? how was she so funny?
who cares? zen hadn’t laughed his much in a long time
which is great, because mc loves his laugh
they’re a really smiley couple because of this
when she becomes his manager, she makes all his cast mates laugh too
but don’t worry, zen always has an arm around her or something 
all his castmates all the time know they’re together
he uploads funny videos of the both of them to his fanpage 
sometimes when mc doesn’t mean to make him laugh and he does, she gets a bit upset
but he apologizes and takes her seriously 
“sorry babe, you described that hilariously. but i get it, that was sad”
he gets better at controlling his laughter at those times
she spreads smiles!! and laughs!!!
he thinks she is so funny and in such a creative way
mc comes up with his comebacks and dialogue while he plays LOLOL
and at the hospital, too! she helps lessen the worry of pet owners
thinks her skills are like magic like how does she always know just what to say?
he also sometimes mistakes her seriousness
also apologizes, but he looks out for it even more
yoosung is never sad now
he’s also one of those cry when laughing type people so he cries a lot
seven has to make him a new emoji
literally 97% of the time, these two are all smiles 
jaehee hasn’t laughed this much in practically forever
mc is so glad she can make her laugh and does so as much as she can
sometimes jaehee doesn’t even know how she does it
even when she’s tired af, mc still makes her smile and laugh
and she is so grateful
is much better than zen and yoosung at knowing when she’s not trying to be funny
understands and doesn’t laugh
also everyone in the cafe loves mc!
that person grumpy cause their late for work?
not grumpy anymore, have a good day pal
jaehee thinks that’s also magical
her favorite thing is when mc is in her arms and she makes her laugh so jaehee squeezes her tighter
its so cute and gay oh m y god
he laughed over the phone once
and mc decided she needed to make him laugh more often
bet your ass she does
the first time she makes him laugh again is also on the phone, when he was in the office
everyone heard and was Shocked
jaehee was so surprised, she told the chat room
the other three didn’t believe her 
mc did, however, and told them all to wait
when he got back home, she made him laugh again and got it on video
posted it to the messenger
the rfa is Shocked…except V, he made jumin laugh once too
but mc can do it so easily??
is an expert on knowing when mc isn’t being funny no worries
he smiles more often, god bless
707 / luciel / saeyoung
oh man oh man oh man
saeyoung had never smiled so much
not only did she get his jokes, but her jokes were hilarious
he thought he had competition at first
but now he’s just so happy
even when he gets a little depressive episode, she gets him smiling quickly
he knows when its time to get serious, but he still slips up sometimes
they are the Jokester Couple
except mc can also make the rest of the rfa laugh
saeyoung only admits defeat when she gets vanderwood to laugh too
he’s never been able to do that 
but man, mc is just so happy and makes others happy, he’s smitten
v / jihyun
i don’t think i’ve ever heard him laugh, i need to
that was probably mc’s thought process and mine tbh
she succeeded at the party 
his laugh is adorable!! its like a loud giggle
the rest of the rfa are staring with wide eyes
they haven’t heard him laugh since rika 
and when they all meet up again later, he smiles much more 
and more genuinely too
he laughs more! V is being bright again and everyone is so thankful to mc
has the best intuition of mc’s seriousness of all of them 
the sun has never been brighter than when he laughs
it took a while
but mc wasn’t really trying at first
she started by trying to get a smile
and when she learned how to do that quickly, getting him to laugh was easy
saeyoung is so surprised but so happy
his brother is laughing and happy
saeran literally doesn’t laugh at much, we’re lucky if a tv show makes him laugh
but he laughs so easily with mc
it’s cause he’s comfortable with her
absolutely knows when it’s not time for jokes
but being around her just makes him smile now 
he feels warm inside, this is new..but he likes it
it feels…healing
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ranebowstitches · 7 years
hi! I'm currently creating characters for a story idea I've had in my mind for a while now, and I'm thinking of trying to write an ace character. She's 1 out of 4 main characters, but the story will probably be told through the perspective of another main (who's bi) because I myself am bi and it feels more natural to write in that perspective. That being said, what are some myths/misconceptions/potentially-offensive characterization things I should avoid?
Hello anon~
Can I just say first of all I’m really happy that you’re asking (i’m assuming multiple people) about this before you write and not just going at it it really warms my heart haha
 That being said please dont take my word as gospel i would definitely talk to other ace people and get their perspective on things as well but if you ever have questions please feel free to ask me! my ask box and messenger are always open! (you can also sift through my “ace” tag because I tag a lot of stuff)
so first off just some brief ace knowledge that not a lot of people are aware of or may be confused by (i’ll be adding links to posts to help explain as well):- Asexuality is lack of SEXUAL ATTRACTION not sex drive/libido [x] [x]--- Aces can be sex positive (sex is good they like to have it), sex neutral (it’s alright maybe some days they feel it and some days they dont), or sex repulsed (NO THANK YOU) depending on the person [x]- Asexuality is on a spectrum and you almost can’t have an ace orientation without also having a romantic orientation [x]--- You can be full blown asexual (no attraction at all), grey-ace (sometimes you feel attraction), demi-ace/demisexual (you only have the chance to feel attraction once you make a really strong emotional connection with someone) and then the romantic orientations are just like every sexual orientation only about romantic feelings instead of sexual (aromantic (experiences no romantic attraction), homoromantic, heteroromantic (HETEROROMANTIC ACES ARE STILL LGBT THEY ARE STILL ACE), biromantic, panromantic, etc etc)
- This is why when people refer to themselves as ace you will like 99% of the time always get a romantic orientation popped on too (like my full “label” if you will would be a sex repulsed asexual panromantic)
- Some good posts [x] [x]
SO what i’m trying to get at for you here is that you need to decided where on the spectrum your character is and then you can proceed from there. As for things to avoid, umm:-I think just be aware that yes some asexual people have sex and some dont-We are not cold heartless robots many many many asexual people are in healthy relationships (with ace and nonace (allo) people) and it IS possible for allo people to be in a relationship and not have sex they dont explode- Even aro ace people can be in relationships (i’m guessing it’s just like you’re REALLY GREAT roommates but you’d have to ask an aro for that haha)- People will try to write aces as being really innocent and like confused by sex, don’t do this unless it actually is the character because let me tell you ace people know what sex is and a LOT of us have our own kinks and things even if we dont actually get off on it haha- WE CAN FIND PEOPLE ATTRACTIVE Just because we aren’t feeling sexually attracted to someone doesn’t mean we cant appreciate their beauty (i see so many beautiful people all the time and all I want to do is cuddle and watch a movie with them but im still able to look at them and go DAMN THEYRE FINE)
Pretty much tho when it all comes down to it, ace spectrum people are just normal people just write a fully fleshed out person who just happens to be ace
I hope this helps! I have to go to work now or i’ll be late oops I kinda wish I could add more I feel like I’m forgetting something haha again if you have any other questions please ask !!!
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