#Destiny fan fiction
a-sweeter-solarsystem · 4 months
i'm poking my head out from the end of season mines to leave this here and give you all a lil pat on the noggin
ok goodnightttt
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ecoterrorist-katara · 6 months
I kind of love how Zutara has two distinct ship dynamics
dynamic 1: “I will save you from the pirates,” enemies-to-lovers, Zuko is dangerous but sexy, bad boy x good girl, morally grey antihero, Dramione vibes etc
dynamic 2: Zuko is an awkward turtleduck, idiots-to-lovers, pining for your best friend, having each other’s backs, thinking she’s the coolest thing since sliced bread, Percabeth vibes etc
We can argue about which is the correct interpretation until the cows come home, but I love that the possibilities exist in the first place. From s1 to post-series headcanons there are such distinct stages in their relationship, and you can basically pick whichever point that appeals to you and run with it. There’s something for everyone. Yet another reason why they’re the best ship y’all
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caydesgal · 2 months
This photo I saw on Twitter from @TevoTevanor inspired me to share my very first short fic of Miyoko x Cayde-6🌸🫂♠️🥹
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Miyoko sees Cayde sitting by the rock, her eyes light up seeing him again, it’s been so long, she sits down next to him, leaning against him which causes his eyes to light up brighter than they were before she sat next to him. Cayde keeps his gazed fixed on my me, hearing his “Guardian, didn’t expect to see you here, honestly feels better that I’m not alone right now” Hearing his voice again after so long has left me speechless for a moment before I spoke, my hand reaching out to touch his and he immediately cupped my hand to keep it there. “You always meant a lot to me Cayde. Through all the mess we both have witnessed, I never forget your sweet charm and energy that keeps my heart going through it all” She hums as they both sat there for a while, taking in all that has happens that have lead them to this moment, where they both can just be for a moment. Miyoko leans over to give a soft smooch to his horn which makes his eyes light up brighter again, he holds her right, keeping her in place against him, he didn’t want this moment to end. For the first time in forever, he feels like himself. That is when he feels emotion in his heart, remembering what this guardian sitting with him has done for him all this time. She was brave for putting herself out there, even tho she was banged up herself, she couldn’t watch Cayde die in her eyes. She promised him once that she would lay down her life for him, and she meant it. He is her only true light and to lose it means she would lose herself. Cayde turns to Miyoko, his eyes filled with emotion that she hasn’t seen before from him. “Thank you for saving me back there, I wasn’t expecting you to throw yourself in harms way, but you really did good.. Miyoko my Queen of Hearts” Miyoko holds onto him tight, letting his head rest on her chest “Didn’t I just tell you that you mean a lot to me Cayde? I meant that, my Ace of Spades” Her voice is soft but with a hint of humor that melts Cayde’s heart. “I love you” Cayde finally says to her, he always wanted to say it but never had the chance within all the mess, the battles, the wars, so much to name. Despite it all he always knew he loved her, more than he could ever expect himself to, and he’s happy, finally.♠️💙🌹
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pyrettawychwiggin · 2 months
No Harm Done (Oneshot) - Crow x Guardian (Destiny 2)
The following oneshot may contain spoilers from around The Season of the Haunted beneath the cut. Tread carefully, Guardian.
What to Expect: SFW, fluff, cute, semi-platonic
The following scene takes place at some point during The Season of the Haunted.
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Vera lay splayed out on her emergency bedroll on a bench in the H.E.L.M. snoring and tucked under the fold of the grey, plastic-like covering. She hadn't managed to get a half-decent night's rest for weeks since her latest series of missions on Nessus, and the very thought of hauling her groggy Awoken ass back to the city and through the streets to her flat felt nothing short of laughable. As soon as she'd arrived at the H.E.L.M. with her fireteam to split their loot and part ways, she knew she was in no condition to fly.
She had been out cold for a few hours before a voice started echoing in her subconscious.
Vera scrunched her nose in her sleep, rolling over in response to the strange noise calling her name from beyond the sleep.
"Vera, please wake up."
The voice was insistent - full of concern.
Her eyes fluttered open slowly to see the burgundy shell of Crow's ghost hovering in front of her.
"Glint?" Vera rubbed her eyes as she slowly sat up, letting the top half of her bedroll crinkle down to her hips to reveal her in a simple white tank top and slate gray sweatpants. "What is it? Is everything alright?"
"I'm sorry to wake you up, it's just-" he was speaking in a hushed, hurried tone, twitching from one side to the other. "It's Crow."
"Crow?" Vera frowned, swinging her legs around the side of her cot to set her bare feet on the ground. "Is he alright?"
"Well, he has... nightmares. That's normal for him, but usually, I just wake him up." Glint cast his eye down to the ground and shook from side to side. "This time, I can't seem to snap him out of it - he won't wake up. He's all wrapped up in this one, and I'm getting worried."
"Take me to him." Vera pulled herself to her feet and followed Glint around the corridors of the H.E.L.M. to where Crow had clearly fashioned a makeshift cot for himself in a small room tucked out of the way. Vera suspected it had once been a closet for janitorial use.
Sure enough, Crow was there, tucked under tattered covers that weren't quite long enough to cover his feet, head resting on his folded up hunter's cape.
"Crow?" Vera called softly, awkwardly taking a few steps closer. There was no response. As she got closer to the side of his cot, she noticed he was sweating, his breathing ragged and nearly laboured. He tossed and turned, his face contorting as if he were experiencing some manner of agony. Vera tried to call out again. "Crow, wake up. You're only dreaming."
Still nothing. Glint let out a small series of electric chatters and chirps.
"Come on, Crow." Vera reached out to rest a hand on his shoulder and gave him a gentle shake. "Snap out of it!"
To her shock, Crow's hand snapped up to grasp her arm, yanking her off her feet and onto her back on the other side of the cot. Before she could blink, he was on top of her, panting with his knife to her throat, his other hand clasped around her wrists, holding her arms over her head.
"Whoa, hey! Crow!" Vera raised her voice in alarm. "It's me!"
Crow's glowing harvest moon eyes snapped open, pupils dilated, chest heaving. At first, his vision was dark and blurred, not allowing him to fully comprehend what was in front of him. In this moment, he felt the familiar fight-or-flight panic in his bones; a them-or-me type of fear that had become as close to home as he'd known ever since Glint had brought him into this life.
"Crow! Stop!" Glint's voice cut through his panic as he flashed in front of him in one frantic movement.
"What....?" Crow breathed, brow furrowed in confusion. As he looked down to the figure pinned beneath him, his vision came into focus to reveal the Awoken huntress, a pinprick trickle of blood from her neck at the tip of his blade. She looked up at him with wide, pale moonlight-coloured eyes, lavender lips parted as she regarded him with intermingling fear and concern.
As if his dagger were suddenly coated in molten lava, he flung the blade to the ground with a gasp and released Vera's wrists, palms up in surrender.
"Vera! I-" Crow stammered. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I-I thought -"
"Hey, no harm done." Vera smiled at him, trying (and failing) to ease his guilt with a joke and a crooked grin. "As far as I can tell, I still have all nine of my limbs."
Crow frowned, clearly not amused at Vera's attempt to lighten the atmosphere.
"Vera, you shouldn't shrug this off," he sighed. "I almost killed you. Do you realize that?"
"Do you realize it wouldn't have mattered?" Vera rolled her eyes. "You're not the only guardian here, you know. We live, we die, we come back - rinse and repeat; it's what we do. It's the circle of Light and all that-"
"But you would have had to do so at my hand!" Crow snapped. "I've had to resurrect more times than I can count because of... other guardians."
Crow averted his eyes, remembering the multitude of times a disgruntled guardian had taken out their unending hatred for Uldren out on him - usually in the form of a bullet to the head.
"Crow, stop." Vera gently placed her hands on his cheeks, her expression serious and determined. "I know you. When you get like this, you tend to spiral. You're far too hard on yourself as it is."
"One of us should be..." Crow replied, almost too quietly for Vera to hear.
She sighed and pursed her lips, grasping Crow's chest by the fabric of his shirt and yanking him down into her arms, his head tucked into the crook of her neck.
"Wh-what are you-"
"Hush." Vera ran her fingers through his hair, feeling the tension in his shoulders begin to relax. "There's no talking to you when you're like this, and you clearly haven't gotten a full night's rest in who knows how long - frankly, neither have I. So, sleep. We can talk this out in the morning."
"What if I try to hurt you again?" Crow whispered, cheeks warm with embarrassment to Vera's intimately close proximity. "What if I just have another nightmare?"
"Then I'll be here to chase them away for you." Vera rested her chin on top of Crow's head, gently pulling the covers up to his shoulders. "You're my friend, Crow. You won't hurt me. And I'm not going anywhere."
Glint hovered nearby, drifting idly in relief. Vera gave him a nod, allowing him to tuck himself away for the night.
Humming a simple melody softly under her breath, she felt Crow's heartbeat return to normal, and his breathing slowed as he drifted back to a dreamless sleep not long before she followed.
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Quick question: is there a discord for Destiny fanfic writers/sotires? Because If so I wanna go on there so I can rave like a madman about my full on multiverse of Cayde’s
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deckardsdwelling · 1 year
New band photo released of:
“Indy & The Sidekicks!”
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[Harrison Ford, Ethan Isidore, Phoebe Waller Bridge]
— DeckardsDwelling
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the-bar-sinister · 4 months
Before I Sleep (580 words) by thesavagesabretooth Summary: After having his legs maimed by a monster Simon is about to freeze to death in the woods. Another monster, one who calls himself Bobby Fulbright, shows up to rescue him.
Based on @mio-nika 's amazing Yokai Hunter AU artwork!
Simon was thinking about undoing his bandages, but he'd probably already stopped bleeding, anyway. The injury from his fight wasn't severe enough to kill him on its own, just to cripple him in a way that his legs couldn't bear his weight. He had walked as far as he could on it, until he'd fallen on his knees in the snow. There was no way he could make it the two miles back to town.
It was a shame. He'd rather bleed to death than freeze to death. He'd heard that those who froze to death felt so hot at the end that they stripped off all their clothes.
Simon wasn't feeling warm right now. He was feeling desperately cold. He leaned against the trunk of the tree and stared up at the branches of it as the snow filtered down between them, piling up around him. 
It was beautiful, at least. The quiet, still forest full of mist and snow and silvery moonlight. It was a beautiful place for a samurai to die alone.
If he'd had something to write with him, he'd have composed a haiku for the momentous, foolish occasion.
He shouldn't have chased the creature so far out into the woods on his own. It had been hubris, perhaps. In the end he'd dispatched the beast, but not before it had maimed his legs. In the end, neither of them would leave the woods.
Simon was ready to let himself go to sleep when he heard the sound of crunching in the dry, snowy underbrush. It was probably an animal, but his instincts couldn't ignore it. He grabbed his sword where it lay by his side.
A figure materialized slowly out of the mist.
Or rather– the menreiki who wore his face. He wasn't wearing it now, as he materialized– rather Simon saw the ghoulish theater mask that might have been the creature's real face. Or one of them.
"Come to gloat, then?" Simon demanded, sneering up at him.
The yokai waved a hand across its face, and the one that Simon had grown accustomed to appeared in its stead. Fulbright grinned his wide, stupid grin at him.
"Now, sir! Is that any way to thank your rescuer? It would be terribly unjust for you to die here, you know!"
Before Simon could protest any further, Bobby reached down and picked him up carefully, maiden style in his arms. Simon resented how well he managed it– how little it hurt and how easily he fit in the false man's embrace.
He flushed and glowered indignantly at him. "Put me down this instant!"
"And die in the snow with you, sir?" Fulbright's smile waxed almost nostalgic. "I'd only be able to pretend, though, I'm afraid."
Simon's scowl and flush both deepend, and he twisted his body sullenly in the yokai's arms, jabbing him in the shoulder with the hilt of his sheathed sword. 
"And here I thought you lacked the capacity for romance," Simon muttered.
They both fell silent as Fulbright carried him through the mist toward the lights of the village. 
Simon started to feel warm again as the yokai held him, and he resented that too. But it was hard to focus on. As the dizzy pain started to return with the warmth in his body, he rested his head against Fulbright's broad chest.
Looking up at the stolen mask of a face, in a moment of weakness Simon let himself imagine a fairytale.
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vargaamor · 9 months
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"You have no purpose because you fear to seek one. That fear is your failure. Your fear brings you pain. We know pain. Our purpose is its end."
-- The Witness from Destiny 2.
I completed this portrait in November for the @finalityzine !!
So happy to be part of this amazing group of sci-fi creators! 🤗🌌
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celestialvoyeur · 1 year
Oh guys, I don’t even know where to start with this one. It was written as a “Generations Fix-it” but it’s SO much more than that, it’s an entire Spirk overlay for all of TOS canon.
With additional scenes, inner monologues and different POV for all the existing canon, it covers 3 seasons, 79 episodes, 7 films and 106 years of in world chronology. It’s almost 400k words long, split into 2 halves, and it is quite simply a masterpiece!
You’ll never be the same again once you read it! 💛💙🖖
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a-sweeter-solarsystem · 2 months
lil writing ramble based off an idea I had earlier :)
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nyaskitten · 1 year
Wu/Misako/FSM understanders UNITE!
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themmnetwork · 9 months
Here we go...
This idea has been a good 20+ years in the making, but various events meant I never got to execute it. Now, following the debut of the concept in #LegendsOfTheHalcyonEra 50, I'm finally putting it out there.
More to come soon...
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anthonyvaccarelli · 1 year
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Nancy Maple finds herself in the strange world of Altered Destiny! Streamed by JuliaMinamata whose upcoming game The Crimson Diamond you should check out: https://store.steampowered.com/app/109
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poptartportfolio · 2 years
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Guiding light.
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toodrasticallydumb · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Oh! Hello! I was tagged by @pinkytoothlesso11 ! Thanks for thinking of me pinky! I’m kinda new to the whole fanfic scene so i really appreciate it! This was already a long list of questions to begin with but i fear i may have made it worse…
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Unfortunately just 2, though I do plan to add a few more in the future as ideas flow. Might take me a minute ‘cause my schedule is just a little bit kinda sorta really swamped down with my main child which requires let me you, A LOT OF CARE DONT SIGN UP TO ADOPT KIDS PEOPLE IT’S NOT—
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Phew. ummmm it changes very rapidly (because i’m a girl w suspected adhd and can NEVER be told to shut up) with every chapter but as of this moment is 228,665! wow! i don’t really know how great of a number that is but i’m sure it’s a lot! I told you I can never shut up! (-whispers- Hey kid, u want some dRuGs? i mean- an update? That itty bitty word count is about to take another not regularly scheduled mini-skyrocket so get ready for it ehehe ;})
3. What fandoms do you write for?
For now, just Trollhunters/Tales of Arcadia, mainly Trollhunters despite the fact that the first of the Tales of Arcadia shows that i watched and really enjoyed was actually 3-Below, but oh well my man is in Trollhunters sooooo oopsie but i DO have some random snippets of fics for Miraculous (rewrite), the Star Wars sequels (rewrite), Batman, some for the Dream SMP, and weirdly enough also Raya and the Last Dragon (rewrite). All of which i prolly wont ever post because i wrote them a while ago and yeaaaahhh not my best writing but if i get enough people other than my best friend wanting me to post them, i might…
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
uhhhh i dont actually HAVE five fics to my name, so i’ll just…put em in order (w their long-ahh title names):
Trollhunter!Strickler: Destiny's Ill-fitted Chosen
'A MiStAkE' because I haven't updated in ages--A Stricklake month 2023 prompt collection
but i am so happy for the people who have left so many kudos on my work it really warms mah little heart ❤️
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. At first, I sorta struggled with it (who the heck am i kidding i STILL do) but since my fic USED to be two times a week updates i would feel like i couldn’t respond to a comment left after i posted a new chapter so i might’ve left some comments in the earlier days unanswered, super sorry. Nowadays i make it a point to reply back to everyone in the order that they commented in because (anxiety makes me think if i don’t respond they won’t comment anymore and know that i love reading their comments and that they’re so amazing for actually taking the time to write something back AND I DO LOVE IT I PROMISE IT JUST TAKES ME A WHILE TO RESPOND—) …because it’s pretty chill to geek out w em and see they liked stuff that i loved to write! I do have a backlog of comments to get to i just end up overthinking everything to match the person’s energy to be sure they know i love em.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Unfortunately, i haven’t actually finished a fully-fledged fic to say it has the angstiest ending bUt definitely a contender would be chapter 1 of my 2023 Stricklake prompt collection because i just leave it on the sad note and don’t do anything about it because angst and because spoilers for my actual story fic that will eventually make it to that point.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happiest ending, huh? I like to say that most of the things i will/have chosen to write end happy/hopeful because i hate when books/tv shows end bittersweetly it’s like i have enough with life itself being bittersweet most of the time let me be happy LET THEM BE HAPPY. But that doesn’t exclude me from providing the proper banquet of angst that ends in caretaking, my absolute favorite trope.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh heck no. I would be devastated honestly, but thankfully everyone who comments is always the sweetest and kindest people ever and really encourage me to keep going, for that i am only thankful.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Just no. I love romance but i am a minor, so i’ve never consumed smut nor intend to ever write it. Give me a soft romance and loving gestures, I can allude to greater happenings but not details.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don’t, sorry. I don’t know something in me just doesn’t sit well with crossovers, for the life of me I don’t know why. Like genuinely i wish i could get into them but maybe it’s like food on a plate? i don’t like the foods touching each other so maybe the same rules apply??? yeah i’m drasticallydumb
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that i know of, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t believe so, and if someone did they’re in for a heck of a lot of work there…
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I’d like to sometime but i have no idea how one even goes about making a co-written fic, on top of which i am a very sporadic person in terms of motivation and random ideas produced by a song i’m listening to while writing.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Stricklake obviously is a really big contender if not the winner, the ship that brought me to AO3, writing fanfics, and tumblr. But, if i had to pick other options i’d say Eugene and Repunzel from Tangled would be one of my ogs, another might be uhhh Chris and Aviva from Wild Kratts the og of the ogs.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Chapter 3 of my stricklake 2023 prompt collection, it just has a lot of moving parts and me and my best friend are chronic procrastinators and with the month pretty far gone it might just end up sittin’ there for the foreseeable future 😞 but who knows
16. What are your writing strengths?
Phew, that’s a dozy mainly because i’m not super sure. I’d like to think one of my main strengths is descriptions and really putting you in the mind of the character, i don’t really like spelling things out and i like a little investigating to get you where u end up, u know? I like to think my writing FEELS a little more like a show on a page rather than a true book, most to blame would be my maladaptive daydreaming taking up a lot of time in my planning for my writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah. How the turn tables. I would say that my weaknesses in writing mostly consist of me going a little *too* far into detail on meaningless things or making it too convoluted for people to understand, sometimes spelling it out is better in certain scenarios and i just really need to get myself past that. Another one i would say is that i go REALLY into detail not only in a sentence/chapter sense but also a complete STORYLINE sense, i hate time skips and i shoot myself in the foot wanting to completely document every moment of everyday w a character and hence it seems like a lot of time in universe hasn’t gone by. Trying to improve and grow tho 💪
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Can’t wait to do more of it! Especially with Claire and her family (including NotEnrique) speaking spanglish w each other automatically mainly because i am hispanic and completely fluent in Spanish and live in a similar household so i just love to add a little ✨personalization✨ to my dialogue and interactions in that way. Other languages………….yeaaaahhh i’m not super good will prolly use google translate and hope.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Trollhunters, my gateway into AO3. HOWEVER. if you promise not to tell, the very first fandom i read/wanted to write a fanfic for was actually, as far as i can tell, Wordgirl. don’t ask why. don’t ask me how. it just kinda happened. But, officially, it’s Trollhunters. (maybe with a side of Warrior Cats).
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Not hard at all! My pride and joy, my youngest baby in the grand scheme of my writing journey, Trollhunter!Strickler: Destiny's Ill-fitted Chosen! A surprise to absolutely NO ONE. It’s honestly so amazing to both write and see people read and enjoy as much as I do, he’s my little man ❤️ And doing so much rewriting and character growth and having so much written and planned for the future, it’s just my absolute fav
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