#Dealing with Dramedies
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whatsagauntlet · 2 years ago
Hear me out. Tribal Chief Jey and Wise Man Sami. The locker room hates them because they're disgustingly sweet. Oh there they are gazing at each other like the sun shines out their asses. Oh there they go again all over each other like they're trying to achieve fusion. They still meet secretly in the back by all the pallets. The only scheming they do is their next date to Waffle House. In the end it's still wrestling so they beat someone up. It's probably deserved (threats are no joke), or maybe just for funsies if they're feeling feisty
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phantomoftheorpheum · 1 year ago
I can't even begin to count how many complaints I've seen online and from people I personally know about The Bear being categorized as a comedy during awards season, literally hundreds of comments being like, "When did anyone ever laugh during The Bear?" and I'm just over here like... Are we not supposed to be laughing during The Bear?
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thesearchforbluejello · 2 years ago
Not for nothing but between the small town Midwestern/western setting and the boots and the leather jacket and the special gun, Melanie Scrofano is serving some major Wynonna Earp vibes as Batel and I for one love that for us.
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I had heard for some time how good OFMD is, but I didn't watch it until recently because I hate becoming invested in shows that get cancelled before they have a chance to complete their story arcs.
This was totally worth watching. I loved the characters and the time that was devoted to exploring their idiosyncrasies. The central love story between Ed and Stede was also very sweet.
I do wish they had the opportunity to do a season 3. There was some interesting foreshadowing with Mary and Anne in S2 hinting at the struggles a settled relationship between two thrill-seeking people might experience. It was an over-the-top depiction, but I think it could have been fun to see Ed and Stede deal with similar struggles. Not enough media bothers to look at love beyond its beginning stages, and the stories that do are often sad and heavy. Wouldn't it be nice to see a dramedy take on that season of life?
I mostly post stuff here for my own entertainment, but if anyone actually reads this and has viewing suggestions for other series, please do share.
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n-i-m-u-e · 5 months ago
Lucemond bodyswap!AU
This plot was quite popular when I was a teenager (before the dinosaurs), but I've hardly ever seen it in this fandom. And a few days ago I literally had this dream (yes, I resumed taking antidepressants this month and usually when you start taking them, you have very vivid, detailed and interesting dreams at first) I couldn't let go of the idea.
Let's imagine that Rhaenyra and her family stay in KL until Viserys' death to prevent the usurper from taking her throne, and then just stay there because she's now queen. And so, with the help of some bizarre Valyrian magic really don't care the causes, only the effects, Luke and Aemond swap bodies and, according to the classic of the genre, cannot tell anyone about it (although Helaena knows anyway). And of coooourse, they have to work together to get everything back to the way it was.
for me, this is such an inexhaustible endless source of dramedy:
Aemond’s first thought when he looks in the mirror and sees his nephew's reflection is 'What can I do with this horribly messy hair?'
Luke wakes up in Aemond’s chambers and struggles with his new size, bumping into and tripping over everything until he finally reaches the room he’d fallen asleep in the night before, already covered in bruises. There, he sees himself—or is it his body?—turning the room upside down, searching for something. Luke timidly asks what Aemond is looking for, and with a look of wild madness in his eye, Aemond barks: “A comb!”
Luke, on the other hand, doesn't care about Aemond’s hair at all. It annoyed him how long it is, although he's mesmerized by its softness and color. Especially the color, since he’s imagined countless times what it would be like if he’d been born with Targaryen hair. But he can’t deal with the long strands and just ties them into a messy… something. Aemond nearly has a stroke when he sees this vandalism for the first time.
They agree to call a truce until they find out how it happened, but they constantly fight for various reasons. Mostly because Aemond is the one who panics dramatising overreacts about the situation. Luke, as an empathetic child without emotional constipation, even tries to calm him down. But, as expected, only encounters rudeness in return. The uncle says that he has never felt so defective before, even after he had lost an eye. He also says that he is very worried that Luke-in-his-body will now disgrace Aemond with ‘such idiotic expressions’ after Luke-in-his-body cannot hide the obvious resentment on his face.
Their attempts to behave like the other are rather clumsy. Mainly because Lucerys has never really hidden his emotions, while Aemond has never really shown his.
Aemond is shocked to find that in his sister’s family, displays of physical affection without any serious reason are perfectly normal. On the first dinner of being Luke, Aemond reflexively twists Jace’s arm when he tries to ruffle his hair unexpectedly. Later, when Rhaenyra, noticing something is off with "her sweet boy", pulls him close in a gentle hug to figure out what’s wrong, Aemond is beyond errored. And let’s not even talk about how the poor guy feels when Daemon slaps him on the back and asks for his opinion on something. Yes, used to being fairly distant from his own family, Aemond is really stunned by the intensity of the interconnectedness in his older sister's household.
After all this, he goes to complain to Luke, who is also in shock and distressed about 'Aemond's day', but it's more of a ‘Damn Bitch, You Live Like This?’. He hasn't seen any of his uncle's family all day and no one has even looked for him, except for Sir Christon (and it's a pretty enough nightmare). He tells Aemond that maybe understands why he's such a prick - because he hasn't ever been hugged enough.
Aemond, who can't come up with a plausible reason for not training with Jace, decides that he will quickly defeat his older nephew. But he is annoyed to realise that Luke's body is not as strong and trained as he is used to, and he cannot hold a sword of the weight that Aemond is used to. The fact that Jace is only gently encouraging his “brother” irritates him even more.
In the early morning, Aemond forces his nephew to train with him to learn how to use his new body—instead, Aemond cringes as watches Luke struggle to cope with his own. But after a little while, using each other's advice, they have a good sparring. Aemond is very excited about the possibility that having both eyes and the agility of a small body opens up—is triumphant at his victory. Luke look like he doesn't cares (he really doesn't, because he'd rather be in bed at this hour).
But the real hit for Aemond comes when Damon meets him later that morning and tells him that he saw the fight between him and Luke and is really proud of him because he has ‘unexpectedly good technique’. Aemond's fangirl-daddy-issues-emotions run high, and even the warning that ‘needs to be careful with this one-eyed Hightower cunt, because his extreme niceness is too alarming’ doesn't diminish them. By the end of the day, Aemond is mentally running around with the fact that ‘the Rogue Prince praised my fighting skills.’
Luke laughs for a very long time when hears about this conversation. Because ‘Daemon saw me beat you, and according to him, I fight only slightly better than Joff. Joff is six, uncle. Daemon thought "you" went easy on "me".’
They try to find some information on how to get back into their own bodies in Valyrian manuscripts, but Luke discovers just how terrible his uncle’s pronunciation is when he tries reading something aloud. The search is soon forgotten, as their impromptu speaking lesson stretches late into the evening.
The amount of time they’ve been spending together lately doesn’t go unnoticed and starts raising questions. So, the boys decide to split up for a while and conduct their searches separately.
Luke, who is unbearably bored being Aemond and lacking his discipline, decides to find some entertainment. He’d normally call Jace to fly or invite Rhaena for a walk, but obviously, that’s not an option now. So, he heads to see Helaena, who is delighted to have him visit. Luke confirms that his "quirky aunt" is really sweet, but freezes when she declares she’s 'so glad Aemond can see the underside’.
Later, Luke encounters Aegon too, who makes a comment about Aemond-Luke’s hairstyle. And boy, out of habit, reacts in much the same way as he would if something similar happened between him and Jace—he responds with some kind of small joke. Aegon stares at him as if he’s grown a second head—or at least regrown his second eye. Slowly, Lucerys realizes that his stoic, cold uncle is really just wearing a mask. After all, truly coldblooded people don’t flare up at every little remark.
Aemond, who’s genuinely trying to solve the problem, finds a reference to a book that might be in Dragonstone’s library. Without thinking twice, he decides to fly there. Based on who he looks like now, he thinks no one will find it odd if Lucerys Velaryon spends a few hours in the library at his own home. He heads to the dragonpit to ride Lucerys Velaryon dragon.
But dragons are not humans. Arrax is not at all pleased when some suspicious guy—no matter how much he looks like his rider (this no less suspicious point also needs to be clarified)—tries to approach him and decides to take a few bites out of the pretender. Aemond is rescued by Luke, who is on his way to visit his dragon. Unlike his uncle, he did not assume that Arrax could be fooled by appearances.
Luke angrily tells his uncle that he 'tried to steal someone else's dragon again and almost got hurt.' For the first time since they switched bodies, they get into a real fight, almost ending in blows. But when Aemond sweeps Luke off his feet with a well-placed strike from his “blind side” and and falls on top of him, they have some feelings that are… let's say not typical of a fight, which makes Aemond embarrassed and run away. What can you do—they still teenagers🤷‍♀️
And speaking of teenagers. If you wake up with morning wood while in someone else’s body, is jerking off in such a situation still considered masturbation or already sex? Just asking.
Aemond, isolated from his usual routine and still holding a grudge against Luke, decides to “gather some information on the enemy camp,” as he calls it. In reality, he's simply finding out how Luke is treated by his family. And this simultaneously makes him envious and angry on behalf of his nephew. Because he doesn't like the condescending attitude that thrives on Luke. Now it becomes clearer to him why he once thought the boy was weak and foolish, though in recent days, he’s realised that’s not the case at all. But this condescension causes Lucerys’ impostor syndrome to progress. It doesn't allow him to become stronger.
Also, unexpectedly for himself, Aemond finds that he actually likes his cousins, and even little Joffrey is “a decent kid.” Jacerys stops provoking a dull irritation as long as he’s either silent or far enough away that his words can’t be heard.
For a few days, Aemond and Luke avoid each other. But eventually, Luke comes to make peace and finally apologizes to his uncle, not just for the recent incident, but for everything.
They decide to fly to Dragonstone together because Luke knows how to sneak into the castle. After all, he has slipped out countless times with Jace, Rhaena, and on his own.
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livingfandomly · 5 months ago
I keep seeing people online hate on Agatha and, let’s be honest, hating on marvel has become the trend. For a universe that has existed on screen for almost 3 decades now, its output of good quality content is actually commendable. Are some projects completely shit because they’re trying to focus on faux feminism and inclusivity? 100% yes. But it’s like nobody wants to give anything under the “superhero” tag a chance anymore. I understand that audiences need breaks from certain content to want it again but, I will say, this targeted hatred to marvel is very much a consequence of the fact that if something gets too good then it has to turn sour. As a long-time comic book fan I agree that there have been nearly unwatchable projects like She-Hulk and the animated series was unnecessary. But Loki? Amazing show. Moon Knight? Baller. WandaVision? So innovative and unique. Falcon & Winter Soldier? Cute little bromance fuelled action dramedy. And you know what, I’ll come out and say it, Ms. Marvel and The Marvels were only hated on so aggressively because they’re all female led. Were they a little shit? Yes. Did they deserve that much hate???? Fuck no.
But let’s get back to Agatha. It’s a show that has a genuine plot line, the cast is amazing, it’s full of intrigue, the visuals are stunning, they’re not meandering about. They have a well thought out story unfolding. The best part? They’re not being faux about their feminism, or at least it doesn’t feel like that at all. They’ve managed to create a show full of women, all of whom are extremely intriguing characters, it’s so very sapphic and it’s proud about all of that. I fucking love this show. It’s dealing with generational trauma, with how much your upbringing and parents matter and it’s doing all of this while adding to the mcu. Am I confused about Billy? Fuck yes. But you know what, I don’t care about that right now because I’m getting to watch a show I enjoy. It’s really not that hard for people who don’t like it to simply state exactly that and then shut up.
I will never understand the human desire to shit on something that someone else genuinely enjoys…
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magicalwarriordiamondheart · 9 months ago
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Many people see the trigger warnings at the beginning of Magical Warrior Diamond Heart and wonder if the game is going to be "like DDLC"
And... It depends on what you mean by that.
It's not a horror game, or a meta commentary, so don't go in expecting something along those lines. It's a magical girl romance-dramedy.
They're super-powered heroes saving the world, and the villains are an active threat to their well being. They get into fights and those fights can result in injury. This is just the nature of the specific sub-genre this story is about.
The characters also deal with their personal struggles that become revealed as Valerie becomes closer to them, such as anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts, and abuse.
The story doesn't aim to "deconstruct" or satirize the genre or medium it's in. It's intended as an otherwise straight forward magical girl story about love, friendship, and coming of age.
It just also features a bunch of mentally ill highschoolers lol
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ineffable-opinions · 4 months ago
GMMTV 2025
This year I had discussed two of my greatest peeves with GMMTV:
Lack of BL literacy and harrowing learning curve
Khujin paradox – it is their asset and liability
here & here
Having seen what GMMTV plans to offer in the year 2025, I have to admit that they might be on the right track.
Ticket To Heaven – I didn’t expect this. What percent of Thailand’s population is Christian? (Thailand has significant and influential Christian population.) Many frames and scenes in this one looks they were from the Japanese BL movie from 2007 Boys Love – School Boy Crush. Serendipitously, it is so similar to Jijo Kuriakose’s autobiographical queer film — Velipaadu (വെളിപ്പാട്) which also has seminarian main characters. But since the characters are Orthodox/Jacobite Christians but not Catholics there is additional compulsory heterosexuality.
Memoir of Rati – Most Beautiful Count colorism debacle has tarnished my love for Thai historical setting. This is one series where I really wish GMMTV did not stick to the nenja/wakashu style pairing. Yaoi revolution did not happen all those years ago for this to manifest in 2024-25. These aesthetic choices are something GMMTV and Change 2561 (among others) will learn to overcome. Eventually.
Me and Thee – I am not impressed by the choice of khujin for this role. The comedy is not working for me and I think that's probably because there is not enough gap moe between the actor playing the mafia boss and the mafia boss playing the actor. However, fans of this khujin might enjoy it immensely for the very reason. Love guru set up is underplayed, so I am expecting tonal shift half way through the series where the drama will play into the soap opera it is supposed be parodying. Some kidnapping and bloodshed maybe. Odo (royal road progression) is odo for a reason. Unintended consequence of the series was to remind me of my dearest wish to see unabridged version of Breath, the story of TulHin from Love By Chance 2) with shibari and all.
A Dog and a Plane - feels like a nice mix of Japanese BL Ossan’s Love: LOVE or DEAD and Ossan's Love: In the Sky and Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese. Since I thoroughly enjoyed both, I'm looking forward to this one. It also promises a lot of "wife-chasing" (My Stand-in's influence?) complete with a grand, lives-saving, heart-winning gesture. 
Magic of Prophecy - Fortune telling as a reason for forced proximity in provincial Thailand seems nice but I'm afraid the series is going to go where The Sign went with superstitious local folks (as opposed to rational main characters, except it was a fantasy show hinging on those very local people's faith and festival) and gun violence. BL being a vehicle for Thaification is kind of inevitable but I wish it wasn't so and we would get more provincial shows like Love Poison. For a country that dared to give us Tropical Malady (2004) directed by Apichatpong Weerasethakul and Malila: The Farewell Flower (2017) directed by Anucha Boonyawatana (director of Not Me), their BL needs to do better. 
Boys in Love - honor student x diliquent is a beloved pairing but this neurotypical honor student is not sitting well with me at the moment thanks to Iwashiro from Outsider Communication by Natsume Tsuno overwhelming my brain. But that is a me problem. The other pairs are cool and is in line with the saccharine sweetness GMMTV is known for.
Cat for Cash - this is for that khujin's fans as well as for cat lovers. Surrealist comedy with glittering, sputtering succulents in Love is Like A Poison has raised my tolerance for this brand of romantic dramedy. 
Mu-Te-Luv - I am intrigued because it gives me the kind of feeling that I got when I watched the trailer for Hello Mummy. I wonder how Thai audience will receive this series' take on the non-romantic themes it deals with. So, I'm equally apprehensive and excited. 
Love You Teacher - surprisingly it is Thailand that managed to get this show going. De-aging is a popular trope in BL and fan-fiction. Given the taboo nature of de-aging as a set up it is hard to pull off. But, if anyone can do that it is Thailand. This is resourceful side of khujin - they can't take the jado (evil road) narrative progression. No twisted moe. Yet, it leaves space for deception. Faking or automatic de-aging to cope with repressed stress and anxiety, like selective mutism and amnesia. It will be about character growth and unconditional love. Otherwise, the price GMMTV would have to pay would be too steep.
Melody of Secrets - wow, a dark take on amnesia trope! Seems like GMMTV finally figured out how to tease a jado progression within an odo plot - by employing a (faux)-look-alike so as not to upset khujin fans' worldview while offering them a thrilling experience. But it is clear that GMMTV won't be able top commit to a proper jado plot. That not their brand. It will not help with branding and advertising. There's no helping it. The violin scene reminded me of the Japanese BL with numerous adaptations Fujimi Orchestra. Also, the mind-forgot-but-body-remembers trope?! 
My Romance Scammer - gold digging, getting ONESELF trapped in the love trap that one laid and marry-first-regret-later tied with the friction of getting a divorce. I want it to have first ever remarriage of the same pair in a live action BL.
That Summer - how does Thailand keep getting casting net wrong? At least it is better than diving with the net we're got in love sea. Prince? Who was assaulted?  Found at a Thai beach? Reminds me of princess Latifa bint Mohammed Al Maktoum debacle.
Only Friends: Dream On - I like this set up more than the one for season 1. I wasn't happy about it and thought they could do better. I'm looking forward to this season. And for khujin fans, isn't it a good chance to enjoy netorare and stalking horse tropes since the Love Dodecahedron will anyway resolve into khujin pairings?
Burnout Syndrome - super pretty, shonen ai style art! Look at the nude he drew! Isn't it giving early BL vibes, from before the donkey dicks took over the BL manga scene thanks to Korea? Isn't it a beacon (please forgive the pun) of hope in the strange, new world of uncensored smut scenes in BL manhwa? Khujin's gonna khujin and stalking horse gonna stalking horse. I'm truly intrigued. 
Head 2 Head - fine old wine, new bottle. Let's see if the wine (rivalry to romance, unrequited to required, college campus setting) can be as intoxicating when drunk from the new bottle.
Dare You To Death - Channel V style drama with khujin boarding together for reasons.  Unfortunately, it did not moe for me. Maybe because I'm still trying to get over Zheng Bei x Jiang XiaoHai ship from The First Shot 雪迷宫 that paled in comparison to Zheng Bei x Gu YiRan ship. Honestly, I started watching just to listen to Huang Jingyu say heroin (hailouyin) and accidental got too invested in the cop x kingpin ship. 
I wonder who suggested GMMTV to add so much of occult and fortune-telling in their series. Also, I am a little worried after seeing this post by @guzhufuren and this post by @alwaysthepessimist - there is opposition to BL in East Asian countries led by certain groups of feminists based on the disproportionate benefit accruing to men (especially actors, voice actors, creators and production companies' executives), declining presence of women in entertainment and advertising as well as shifting purchasing power from women to men through consumption of BL.
In this video, BL scholar Kim Hyojin talks about Boys Love in an Era of Feminism: Online Discourse on “Leaving BL” in Late 2010s Korea.
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waitmyturtles · 5 months ago
As I did last week, I have more constructive criticism for Jack & Joker, so, trigger warning again, please fly away if you can't deal with objective criticism of your faves.
What frustrates me about the construction of this show is that it's tripping on its own feet. And I shouldn't use the indefinite article; I should call out director Tee Bundit directly, because we saw him do this in spades in Step By Step. Tee did everything he could to avoid building a real narrative romance between the SBS leads, and the emotional beats that succeeded their late-series intimate breakthrough were not syncopated properly to match the development of a convincing relationship.
The incomplete beats at hand here are not as bad as they were in SBS. What's keeping me going on in Jack & Joker is that, at least, we are getting separate emotional development trajectories for Jack and Joke -- and a nice, hearty head-smack from Ah Mah at the end of the episode, towards Jack and his inclination to shut down and keep his shit internal. Ah Mah is trying to get Jack to know how to act as family, and she did the same with Joke's father earlier in the episode.
Like I said last week, I think this show has some really wonderful family-related thematic gems like the ones I just mentioned for this week's episode. Yin and War are acting these themes out with heart. Jack's in a really tough spot. The robber clowns will get together again next week to try to get him out of his tough spot.
And I know many of us are upset with Joke's dad, as I am, too, he's a real piece of shit, but his scenes with Joke struck me as very real to the experience of an insanely strict Asian dad. I've written about this too many times to count, but the ability of an Asian parent to cut their kids off like that is a concept that majority Western culture hasn't contemplated, except in instances of religion, sexism, bigotry, etc., but anyway -- that kind of cut-off doesn't exist as part of the everyday Western mentality about parenting, whereas in Asian parenting styles, to reject the patriarchal hierarchy could mean permanent separation, as Joke's dad has enacted to Joke. The fact that the motherfucker reconsidered AFTER EATING JOKE'S FOOD struck me as deeply sexist ("the way to a man's" blah blah, UGH), so I'm glad Ah Mah told that bitch off, but I did think those scenes were done well and realistically.
Anyway, where this series is absolutely lagging is in the EDITING. All these rich people games. I think there are many more concise narrative ways that we can be told that the rich play with the lives of the poor, than to give us bloated scene after bloated scene of literal gaming. Forget metaphors! Just give us some well-written, snappy dialogue about how these rich people are total assholes! We'll believe it!
And at the same time, I'm feeling bad for Rose, honestly. She likes Jack! She has no idea her crush on him is caught up in this Boss bullshit. She's gonna be hurt! And they're gonna rob her house now? I mean, I think what Tee is saying (I think?!?!?!) is that what comes to her, she deserves, because she's as scummy as the rest of the other scummy rich people (Ajahn Pichai, was that you?!). But like, this is her dad's shit?! So she gets automatically blamed because she's a nepo baby? I mean, I guess, if you're a reader of New York Magazine, that's reasonable thinking, but like, some of us are moral thinkers here!
This shit is complicated, and for an episode that was ONE HOUR. AND. 21. MINUTES. LONG., we could have a shorter AND clearer episode that could have scrubbed at the grout of these otherwise very interesting moral quandaries. But instead, we got video games from some dusty-ass rich boy who needs a goddamn bath.
I know, I know we haven't gotten the intimacy payoffs for any of the implied couples yet, and maybe this is part of YinWar's intention in having so much control over their script. But I did wonder if I was watching a Series Y/BL, or if I was watching a dramedy instead. I don't really care what genre it's in. But what I would like is for the themes to be crystal-clearly focused so that us, the viewers, can lean into what the cast and showmakers WANT us to care about -- which, thematically, I'm unclear on at this moment.
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fallenrockstars · 1 year ago
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Kicking off this account I guess with a selection of (at this point, quite old) Toyhouse icons I did of my miscellaneous OC’s. All from basically the same universe, but some of them may be part of different unrelated stories from one another
Below the cut, I’ll give a super brief description of my main OC stories and who each character is is.
—————————————— I have three or four story projects in active/current development at the present, but I’ll introduce the two most developed ones.
My main one is currently in need of a new title, but it’s a horror dramedy / murder mystery. about my fictional band with the tremendously on-the-nose name Dead Celebrities— whose rise to fame also coincides with a series of strange murders of several other prominent musicians in town. The story basically revolves around the members of the band trying to deduce who may be responsible for the killings, all while trying to stay alive themselves. The further they investigate, not only do they begin suspect one of their own may be the culprit, but that said culprit may be involved with even more sinister forces than they could have imagined.
My second one is called The Devil You Know, which revolves around the lead protagonist Nico who aspires to be a famous rock musician, but feels stifled by his chronic ailments and lack of skill. Through a boredom induced ouija board mishap, he finds himself summoning a demon who makes a deal with him to grant him otherworldly musical skill— unfortunately this leads to said demon possessing Nico, so now he must live with the experience of having the world’s worst roommate and a parasite wrapped up all in one ancient evil entity.
As for the individual characters, I’ll introduce each in picture order from left to right.
1 / JESSE: Grumpy, broody, moody guitarist for an 80’s rock / heavy metal band called Dead Celebrities. Deep down very kind and sensitive despite what his aloof, offputting demeanor may indicate. Many wild town rumors circulate around him due to his mysterious nature, all of which are far more interesting than his actual life. Main protagonist of my murder mystery story. Also the main one trying to investigate the murders.
2 / CHERRY: One of Jesse’s best friends and member of Dead Celebrities’ rival band called Lost Daughters. A sarcastic spitfire and also her band’s lead singer. Is basically everyone’s wise older sister… even if she’s a bit smug about it sometimes. Part of the murder mystery story.
3 / PINK: Part of a story somewhat unrelated to the two I mentioned. His story takes place in the late 2000’s-early 2010’s. Former teen heartthrob kid’s sitcom actor turned somewhat washed up emo singer and social media personality. Has been cancelled every week for the past several years. Has made multiple YouTube apology videos. He’s kind of a fuckboy asshole (but he does redeem himself somewhat)
4/ WILEY: Weirdo bassist for Dead Celebrities and armchair paranormal expert. Professionally mentally ill, couch surfs and does odd jobs for income. Freaks out his roommates by doing seances in the apartment. Part of the murder mystery story. Is Donnie’s older half-brother.
5/ MEPHISTOPHELES: Demon. Nico’s parasite. Will drink all your pepsi and call you a bitch. Is the eternal spirit of a former musician. Part of the The Devil You Know story.
6/ DONNIE: Dorky rhythm guitarist and occasional keyboardist for Dead Celebrities. Painfully earnest and sweet. Has an unrequited crush on Jesse. Chronic nervous wreck but overcompensates with extreme friendliness. Overcaffeinated, sleep-deprived med school student. Part of the murder mystery story. Is Wiley’s little half-brother.
7/ EDDIE: Dead Celebrities’ drummer and casanova extraordinaire. Good with the business side of the band stuff. Gregarious, excitable, goofy personality. Really having fun with the whole rock-star persona thing. Think Jack Black type vibes. He’s also Cherry’s boyfriend. Part of the murder mystery story.
8/ RIOT: Part of a story partially connected to the murder mystery one. Goofy himbo glam metal party boy who don’t want nothin’ but a good time. Clinically oblivious.
9/ NICO: Perpetually anxious, poorly socialized shut-in with chronic illness and barely any exposure to the outside world. Craves a change of pace in the form of fame, but unfortunately a deal with a demon to gain said musical prowess resulting in said evil entity taking up partial residence in his body wasn’t the kind of shake-up he was wanting. Not to mention, the effects of acute demon possession have been taking a serious toll on his health… Part of the The Devil You Know story.
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statusquoergo · 6 days ago
way too late to be timely but conveniently just after the premiere of "batman returns" (s01e04), i'm finally getting my shit together to write up my impression of suits la and why i have no intention of watching it on the regular.
obviously this review is only reflective of my personal feelings and experience of the show, which, you may have already gathered, is not especially favorable, so if you happen to enjoy or think highly of it, you might want to stop reading. or keep reading, depending on your predilections.
the premiere episode of suits la is a fucking mess.
the vast majority of characters, i.e., basically all of them except for ted (and dylan, victoria justice's character) are shoved onscreen with no introduction whatsoever; their names, their roles, their connection to the firm, their connection to each other, i have no idea what any of it is. the dialogue is a clumsy mix of attempts to recreate the banter of og suits (e.g., between ted (new harvey) and rick (not remotely new mike)) and apparent attempts to address some of the more glaring oversights of og suits (e.g., making it very, very clear that amanda (samantha/jessica pastiche and professional pro bono lawyer (apparently that's a thing now, sorry mike)) doesn't work for ted and therefore is fair game for him to pursue a relationship), and i don't particularly care about any of them. which is fine, because i also don't like any of them. or trust them. at all.
so, hey, remember back in og suits, s06e01, when mike was in prison and all the associates left the firm? remember how mournful and tragic it was to see louis and harvey and jessica walking through the empty office? remember how much that actually mattered for the plot and the characters, and how not-surprising-but-still-surprising and how big of a deal we all immediately knew it was?
this show tries to do that at the beginning of act two. of episode one.
"the merger," which has been vaguely but repeatedly referred to throughout the first act and built up to be some kind of big deal long in the works and finally coming to fruition, was apparently destined for failure, because stuart, up to now portrayed as ted's good friend and co-managing partner, always intended to stab him in the back by cutting him out of it and stealing about half the firm employees and clients in order to do so. and...okay, sure. whatever. bummer for ted, i guess.
other plot shit happens in the episode, but this is the main thing i remember mostly because it's handled so incredibly poorly. also the episode is so cluttered and jumps around so much that i had to keep pausing it and taking notes to keep track of what was going on. literally, i have three and a half pages of notes just to keep track of the plot.
apart from being really needlessly confusing, the show doesn't seem to know quite what tone it's trying to set. the office banter has the potential to be fun and flirty and all the hallmarks of the blue sky era of usa that defined the first few season of og suits, but i don't know or like any of the characters well enough to be invested, and it doesn't counterbalance well with ted's big brooding dramatic flashbacks. also ted is kind of an asshole. and not in the fun harvey specter way, either, he's just a dick.
not to mention, there's no unique hook. it's a legal...dramedy, sort of, but not a very good one. none of the characters have any rare and exploitable traits like mike's eidetic memory, and there aren't any big secrets like mike being a fraud. ted left new york because his brother was killed by the mob due to a case ted was trying, and i'm sure there are some more details to that, but like. that's not a mystery. that's just information pending. it's not fun enough to be og suits, it's not procedural enough to be law & order, it's not dark and mysterious enough to be mr. robot. i suspect part of the problem is due to the fact that it was initially pitched as a show about hollywood agents, but after the "summer of suits" (2023), netflix demanded it be reworked as a suits spinoff, and it suffered some kind of identity crisis. not to say it would've worked the other way, but i guess we'll never know.
as for "batman returns." harvey's appearance has been advertised and plugged and primed as some really big deal for the show, and something definitely worth tuning in for (ratings have been dropping sharply since the pilot). and...all we get are some flashback scenes, showing harvey and ted playing in some prosecutorial baseball league together. and harvey and ted "bantering" about which of them is batman (despite this being, again, 2010, which, again, is before harvey meets mike). and harvey warning ted that someone in his office is feeding information to the mob, i assume to justify harvey's eventual arrival in la as they try to make ted more interesting by exploring his tragic backstory some more.
i know gabriel has said he's doing this to "pass the baton" to the new cast, but this doesn't read that way to me so much as a scrambling attempt to link the new series with the original. he's been very candid that's he's doing this "for the fans," rather than to give harvey any sort of closure he's been missing, which tracks well with his behavior during the original run; when harvey and donna got together in season 9, gabriel said something similar:
"I am all for what the fans want. You've got to give the fans what they want, so that's what we're going to do."
from a production standpoint, this feels more like the first time mike came back to og suits (s09e05): it was heavily promoted, it was an obvious ratings grab, it didn't need to happen or serve any real purpose from a plot perspective, and it backfired pretty badly (viewership was among the lowest of the entire season and the episode wasn't well reviewed). if nothing else, i suppose they are comfortingly consistent.
suffice it to say i was not impressed.
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liesmyth · 1 year ago
@takiki16 tags on my post are too good not to be shared! The context is wild shit that legit happened in IRL football ⚽ that I need the Ted Lasso fandom to be aware of, because it'd make for excellent fic material:
the MANAGERS #the PERSONAL DRAMA#I KNOW that ted lasso is not designed to be an actual realistic show #I KNOW that this whole thing did in fact begin as a way to soft trap Americans into watching the Prem #to the point that JOSE FUCKING MOURINHO ACTUALLY HAD A PART IN THE ORIGINAL NBC AD #I do NOT want to change the vibe of the show at all #(but like…a dramedy about the EPL that REALLY wanted to roast some fuckers would perhaps…NOT look like ted lasso #if they wanted to start with the managers it would just be two middle aged idiots with BOILING beef #who had to be physically restrained from throwing hands every other game and have personally destroyed each others’ marriages
Okay WHO would Roy have managerial beef with. I vote Arteta. Actually as @elizabear suggests, it's funnier if it's one sided
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He would also instinctively dislike Rob Edwards of Luton because Jamie once said he's the hottest manager in the EPL. Roy's annoyed and he doesn't know why. (Rob Edwards is very hot)
For an example of managers throwing hands... the Tuchel/Conte handshake
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In fact here's a whole compilation of managers throwing hands.
Thank you for bringing up Mourinho! This is his ad, btw. "What do you WANT Ted?" lives in my mind rent-free
After much soul-searching I've decided Roy likes Mou a lot among all the managers he's played for. YES, he is a total cunt BUT
he's really fucking funny about it. Like, really.
he's never met a referee he didn't have beef with but most of all Anthony Taylor (as a Roma fan I have to agree with him on that)
the entire 2005 Chelsea team would've died for him. I've said this before, but there can't be a Frank Lampard in TL if Roy plays the box-to-box midfielder role, so this quote about Mourinho walking into Lampard naked in the shower to give him a pep talk? That's Roy. To me.
I can't even pick a quote among all the shit he's said about all the managers he's played against, but I especially enjoy when he used to be a bitch about Pep and Pep was like "I don't know her." It was like a one-sided crush dating back from their Barca days
#if they wanted it to be about the players the literal sky is the limit. WHATEVER the writers room can come up with#it cannot come CLOSE to the batshit drama that real Sockckckckcer Playahs have amongst each other#also intricate rituals. NOT ENOUGH INTRICATE RITUALS#when Jamie scored that free kick after getting permission to be a prick Dani should have kissed him with tongue
Here's some homoeroticism:
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#but TO COME BACK TO OP’S POINT ABOUT ACTUAL GAMEPLAY#I want to see Coach Roy get red carded and have to sit in the stands for the next game cursing and swearing
He'd get, like, 3 red cards a season MINIMUM. Mourinho who. Here's Klopp losing it a bit. Here's Pep being passive aggressive as fuck. Pochettino from 2 days ago. Also from last weekend: De Zerbi's "I don't like 80% of referees in England" he's so right for this.
Manager Roy would get himself red carded the week before Richmond play Chelsea away. Totally accidental. So he doesn't have to have a lil cry about it.
#I want to see what it would take to get Zoreaux sent off#and then they have to stick Bumbercatch in goal and it turns out he has some Hyper Specific Phobia about the situation#he manages to save the team but his coping mechanisms for dealing with Forcible Keeper Phobia make up the comedy B-plot of the episode#
I want CLUB RIVALRY. dunno where Richmond actually physically is but imagine if they had derbies#Ted has to be made to understand that no coach - for THIS game we will not stop till we see BLOOD#Richmond wins but bc they are playing away the home fans actively are tossing crap at them as they celebrate on the pitch#also the sprinklers come on and it’s a bus full of soaked greyhounds on the ride home
They're in West London! Maybe they just fucking hate Fulham. Or Brentford.
Actually, I've thought long and hard about Richmond's derby rivalries. Semi-canon sources say they have a bit of a West London rivalry with Brentford BUT to me it doesn't make much sense because Richmond are supposed to have been mid-table in the Prem for years, top-flight but mediocre. Brentford only made it to the Prem in 2021.
Actually, I've decided that Richmond kind of take the place of QPR for most of their history, except they didn't get relegated when QPR did. This is because 1) it'd be too many London-based clubs otherwise but, more importantly, 2) when Man City won their first title in 2012 with Agueeeeeero!!! that was against Richmond. It's funny, To Me.
Also you know Roy still fucking hates Newcastle from his Sunderland academy days. If his pundit career had lasted longer he'd be having top tier shithousery with Alan Shearer every week about it.
Anyway here's a whole youtube playlist about WILD derbies.
As an Italian I am legally obliged to SAY that if Suarez hadn't bitten Chiellini at the World Cup we would have gone past the group stage because Uruguay scored off a corner they won while Italy were all busy telling the ref that there was a fucking cannibal on the pitch. I don't forgive and I don't forget.
Anyway for context: cannibal Luis Suarez. He's a repeat offender. Someone at Richmond would think it was very funny
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ismellpestilence · 2 years ago
Things to watch if your favorite show is being affected by the WGA strike
This is everything that I have watched and enjoyed. They are by no means perfect shows. This includes complete series, cancelled series, and series that are still in progress. Feel free to add your own recommendations.
Only Murders in the Building (Hulu; currently on season 3)
Murder mystery dramedy set in a wealthy NYC apartment complex
Staring Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomes as three residents who decide to make a podcast about the murder
The cast has great chemistry and the twists are compelling
Gravity Falls (Hulu/Disney; ended after 2 seasons in 2014)
An animated show about a pair of fraternal twins who spend the summer with their con-man great uncle in a weird, monster filled town
Absolutely iconic children's show.
Dead End: Paranormal Park (Netflix; cancelled after 2 seasons in 2023)
Animated YA show about two teens, an exiled demon, and a pug, that all work at a haunted theme park and are investigating the disappearances of some of the staff
Similar in style to Gravity Falls
Sadly cancelled by Netflix, but there's also the graphic novels to enjoy
Reservation Dogs (Hulu, ended after season 3 in 2023)
Coming of age dramedy about four Indigenous teens living on a reservation in Oklahoma as they mourn a friend who died and dream of running away to California together
Made by an all Indigenous writers, directors, and main cast
Scrubs (Hulu; ended after 8 seasons 2010)
Workplace comedy about staff at a California hospital
Praised as the one of most medically accurate medical show
Very much a 2000s comedy. Humor can be jarring/mean by today's standards
What We Do in the Shadows (Hulu, currently on season 5)
A mockumentary following 4 vampires and their familiar that live on Staten Island as they go about their boring, pathetic lives
Makes fun of the "cool, sexy, edgy" vampire trope
Based on a 2014 movie of the same name
Dead to Me (Netflix, ended after 3 seasons in 2022)
A traumedy (trauma comedy) following a woman who's husband was killed in a hit-and-run and the perpetrator who lost her own partner and secretly befriends her
It's funny about what happens but does deal with some heavy topics so definitely look into that before watching
The Owl House (Disney; ended after 3-ish seasons in 2023)
About a young girl who wanders into the Demon Realm and decides to stay there and become of witch instead of going to summer camp
Celebrates being the weirdo and being kind to people
Made by many of the same people who did Gravity Falls
The Office (Peacock; ended after 9 seasons in 2013)
Workplace mockumentary about some bizarre people who work in a boring office space
Features a lot of cringe/second-hand embarrassment based humor
Based on the British limited series of the same name
Very much a 2000s comedy that can at times be just plain mean. Season 1 is the worst season by far so if you can get through it the character become way more likeable
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Netflix, ended after 5 seasons in 2020)
An animated fantasy about a young soldier who simultaneously discovers that her side is the aggressor in the war and that the planet has chosen her to be it's legendary protector. This forces her to leave the only home she's known and her childhood friend to fight for the rebellion, who she thought were her enemies
A remake of the 1985 He-Man spinoff series
Very "defeat them with power of friendship and also this sword you found in the woods"
BoJack Horseman (Netflix, ended after 6 seasons in 2020)
An adult animated comedy about a self-centered, washed-up 90s sitcom actor (who is a horse) as he struggles to become famous again and break out of his destructive habits
Satirizes Hollywood, media culture, and American politics
One of those shows where you aren't supposed to admire the main characters
Big trigger warnings for this one. Seriously.
Good Omens (Amazon Prime, currently on season 2)
Follows the misadventures of a demon and an angel, a witch's descendent, two unskilled witch hunters, a sex-worker, and the antichrist and his friends as the antichrist grows into his power and brings about Armageddon, all set to Queen songs
Based on the 1990 book by Neil Gaiman and Sir Terry Pratchett
The fandom focuses a lot of the shipping side of the show but forget all of that if you plan to watch it
Season 2 wrecked me
Gentleman Jack (HBO Max & the BBC; cancelled after season 2 in 2022)
Based on the real diaries of Anne Lister, a wealthy lesbian in 1830s England who is looking for a wife and to expand her business enterprises
Sadly HBO pulled away and the BBC couldn't afford to make another season without them. What was made is still worth checking out.
Our Flag Means Death (HBO Max; currently on season 1)
A pirate workplace comedy/romcom that loosely follows the real life of Stede Bonnet, a wealthy landowner who ran away to become a pirate due to a mid-life crisis. He wants so badly to be a pirate captain but is far from qualified for the role.
"Traditionally, piracy is a culture of abuse...floggings, keelhaulings. And my thought is, "Why?" And also, what if it weren't like that?" really is the thesis of the show
(Edit) omg I cant believe I forgot:
Avatar: the Last Airbender (Netflix; ended after 3 seasons in 2008)
An animated children's fantasy series in which people can manipulate one of the four elements, and their peacekeeper, the Avatar, can manipulate all four. After being frozen in ice for 100 years, the 12 year old Avatar learns that the Fire Nation has begun a war that he must stop by next summer
Literally the blueprint for the modern animation that we enjoy today. IDK what else to say. It's iconic
Hilda (Netflix; ended after 2 seasons and 1 movie in 2021)
An animated children's fantasy series set in a world full of Nordic folk creatures
After spending much of her life living in the woods with her mom and her pet deerfox, Hilda is upset to learn that her mom now wants to move to Trolberg, a walled-off city where Hilda fears there is nothing interesting to do. She quickly discovers that there is just as much magic and wonder in the city as there is in the woods.
She's voiced by Bella Ramsay and the animation is beautiful. It's all all-around good vibes show.
Interview with the Vampire (AMC; currently on season 1)
After the first interview in the 70s that ended in disaster, Louis de Pointe du Lac reached out to Daniel Molloy and demanded a do-over. He goes back to his life as a black businessman in 1910s New Orleans and the complicated relationship between himself and Lestat de Lioncourt.
It's actually gay enough this time you guys.
I'd also like to add:
The Bear (FX/Hulu; currently on season 2)
A dramedy about a New York chef who inherits a failing sandwich shop after his older brother commits suicide.
Sometimes a found family isn't all sunshine and unicorns. Sometimes its a lot of screaming and resentment and cussing each other out.
It's a very stressful to watch so it's not for everyone, but if you're the type who finds that cathartic then you should give it a watch.
The Sandman (Netflix; currently on season 1)
Begins in 1916 with the capture of the god of dreams by a greedy sorcerer. After he escapes he must rebuild his realm and repair the damage done by his absence.
Trying to describe this show is really, really, difficult. It would be easier to describe what this show isn't.
Based on the DC comic of the same name by Neil Gaiman.
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skullchicken · 11 months ago
it is a Saturday and I am high on caffeine and sunlight - time to make a miscellaneous "comics I love" list! (Note: I'm grouping by layout, not country of origin)
Aharen-san wa harakenai (Aharen-san is unfathomable): gag-comedy about a very stoic school girl and the equally stoic classmate who wildly misinterprets what she does. (Very sweet, absurd humor, a bit of romance, you will learn so much trivia)
Angel Densetsu (Legend of an Angel): gag-comedy with some martial arts tropes. A guy with the face of a thug and the heart of a saint stumbles into many a misunderstanding (and gains a few true companions along the way) - Bonus: you get to see the artist grow as the series goes on
Kouishou Radio (After effects Radio) - a collection of horror vignettes around a "God of Hair" which start coming together slowly to a very "oooh Fuck" effect.
Seihantai Kimi wa Boku (You and I are polar opposites) - very sweet and funny, cozy rom-com slice of live. A gyaru and a stoic loner fall in mutual love and navigate this first relationship together, helped by their friend group.
Radiant - action-fantasy. Imagine One Piece with witches, an inquisition, curses and it taking place in the sky. The MC is a lil shit for 1 1/2 volumes but my god if you like shounen-style fantasy-action, you're in for a treat.
Cursed Princess Club - fantasy-romance-dramedy. "you're ugly" having her heart broken by these words, the sweet but not traditionally attractive youngest princess of the pastel kingdom runs into the forest and stumbles upon a club full of cursed princess. Deals with finding self-love in many, many forms. It is also "send screenshots to friends"-HILARIOUS.
The Dummy's Dummy - urban fantasy with horror elements. A monster of the week style story with a psychic girl and the monster-fighting marionette at her side. Has a lovely goth vibe.
... oh no the caffeine has ran out, so I'll add a few shorter entries:
Fairmeadow (fairmeadowcomic.com): ex-soldier Orc meets pacifist commune. Hilarity(?) ensues. If you like dissecting interpersonal conflicts and gorgeous nature drawings, you will have a field day (hah).
Tiger, tiger (tigertigercomic.com): seafaring adventures with eldritch monsters, some romance and a great cast of characters (absolute nerd for sea sponges, a pirate with very healthy self-esteem, a mustachioed himbo and an anxious boye who does not deserve any of this)
Other comics:
Beautiful Darkness - hey, wanna remember how fucked-up yet whimsical childhood was?? NO??? well too bad, get shrinked to 2 cm size and try not to die in the wilderness.
Une semaine the bonté - surrealist collage work. Makes no sense and I love it. It feels like someone is pouring melting butter over my brain.
Hitman (DC) - vampires, superman, family drama back in ireland, zombie seals, demons and a surprisingly hard-hitting (and surprisingly funny) comic series. Gritty, grimy, tasteless in its humor... and very unapologetically so. Very of its time, but also very entertaining and varied.
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gingergofastboatsmojito · 10 months ago
Shooting for the Michelin stars comes with a price
I keep thinking about the debt.
Walk with me here: In writing when you give your heroes what they want, you make them pay a price, it's not just a plot twist it's a literal "rain on your parade" moment that comes after the honeymoon period, which is usually fairly short in dramedies and it's a full-on breaking point. Meaning: Status quo does not stand a chance. Something's gotta give and usually that happens in the form of a crisis. The usual suspects include (but are not limited to) death, a fire, a trial, and a departure of some sort that doesn't include death but represents the end of an era anyway.
So, outta those possibilities, which are the most common and the ones I think will be brainstormed in The Bear's writers' room, I wish they went for the first one → death.
And here's where I get cutthroat, sorry, some characters make more sense dead. Their deaths mean progress, they are the omen, their wakes are the rites of passage, they help the plot move forward in a way no other plot device would and if handled correctly, they can even serve the ulterior motive of a happy ending (totally Austenian, I know).
Before I get into that full-on, I should clarify that all my musings have only one goal: determine the Sydcarmy friendliness level of a character, scene, storyline, etc. I couldn't care less about what's gonna happen on the show as a whole, I just care about how what may or may not happen on the show is compatible with my Sydcarmy endgame purpose and to what extent exactly? Full stop. The rest of the predictions are fun, sure, but don't really spike my curiosity or interest that much, I can totally live without them. Whilst I have dived into them and nailed some, obviously, it's like watching grass grow for me, IDGAF. The only predictions I truly care about are the Sydcarmy ones, mine and others´, because we have an awesome fandom that really pays attention to detail and treats the matter with the importance it has. It's not just a ship like any other, shipping Sydcarmy became a mission because it's us against the world pretty much, even though we have grown in numbers since The Bear slayed during the past award season, we still need to deal with a lot of 💩💩💩 from the anties and the neutrals and of course, the racists, and the gaslighting cast and crew, so it's literally us against all odds. Hence, I may not agree with everything I read around here all the time, of course, but we are brothers in arms, guys. #RESPECT.
That being said I think Cicero (aka The Godfather) is better off dead so The Bear's debt dies with him. Because, and here's the whole argument I took my sweet time to make, thanks for sticking around:
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Source: Chef's pencil.com (2024)
In the graphic above we can see the ever-rising prices the customers have to pay to dine there, those are only the current ones, that graphic will be outdated by fall of this year when menus rotate. Naturally, those numbers are directly proportional to the ever-rising production costs. Besides, let's not forget that when a restaurant is granted a star, to maintain it, it needs to innovate. They can't keep it by doing the same thing they were doing when they were rewarded that star to begin with. If the "inspectors" don't perceive there's enough innovation in the menu the next year, they can remove the star/s that was/were previously granted, that's why retaining stars is a lot harder than getting them. So that equals higher costs, in other words: more money and sometimes, less revenue.
Michelin-star restaurants' costs are always on the rise, always, no matter what. That is why they are usually acquired by "Groups" or corporations that can endure the financial blow of keeping the restaurant operational and still maintain a somewhat solid profit margin. Also, their business model tends to branch out to books, private events or collaborations, etc to get different streams of income, other than the actual dining experience provided to their customers on-site. Usually, all of that has a cost structure that requires the backup of a corporation, and there are investment groups that specialize in providing that kind of support to the restaurants, kind of what Cicero does but at a much larger scale, and legit.
So: when The Bear gets its star (notice I say when and not if) our heroes will get what they want and shortly after will be "payback time", sorry I didn't make the rules. More details that back my assumption about the star can be found here.
What I want and wish to happen is that the "payback" is a crisis along the lines of: "OK, we got the bullshit star but we are still not making ends meet and if we wanna keep it, then that means we are nowhere near paying off the debt we have with The Godfather and thus he will take it all, that was the deal, we are gonna be left with nothing, all of this for nothing -I'm sorry, Syd, but hey! We still have each other, right?-". See the dramedy?
And that leads me to think that if Storer kills Cicero off we will all be happy, The Bear will keep its star (debt free) and will continue operations and Sydcarmy can flourish after that crisis, which most likely strained the relationship but they will be able to make it up.
Unrelated (?) Plus The Godfather, in the movie, really dies and gives the inheritance to his son (Al Pacino). You can watch that death here and I hope I'm not the only one who can see poetry in his death, surrounded by tomatoes on a beautiful sunny day... Awww.
I have plenty of reasons to call Cicero the Godfather but I won't dive into those yet. Raincheck? After watching season 3 I will give Cicero a run for his money if Storer doesn't ax him first as a cliffhanger, that is (which I think would be all kinds of awesome but I won't hold my breath for that one). He's shady, he does "Risky business", I can tell.
Summing up: At the end of S3 we should have a star or James Beard award which is the prequel to a Michelin Star and that will take us straight to payback and the need to tie that loose end either as a cliffhanger in S3 or in S4, which I think will be more like a series finale because I never saw The Bear as a 5 season arc, I always thought that 4 were enough and I was right about the renewal, so even though I hope I'm wrong in thinking there will be no S5, I don't think I am because the story can totally get a great closure in 4 seasons. So, by then, Cicero should be gone and we should be starting to see that in S3.
He should be the price they will all have to pay to get what they want. 🤞
I haven't forgotten about my ulterior agenda:
Level of Sydcarmy friendliness of Cicero's death → 💯
It will secure the restaurant, liberating them from the debt and bringing them closer together because Syd's shoulder can be the shoulder Carmy cries on when the only father figure he has left, after Mikey's death, is gone = 😍.
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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zalrb · 6 months ago
Succession is much funnier than the bear tho, imo it’s not as dark or stressful
Well, I guess that's a matter of opinion
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Like, I found Boar on the Floor dark and stressful af
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I found Roman tearing up the cheque in front of that kid in the pilot to be stressful af, I thought about that for a while after I saw it, a disoriented Logan putting Shiv's hand on his penis, again stressful, wondering throughout the series if Kendall was going to commit suicide, again stressful.
Even though The Bear deals with trauma, with the exception of Fishes, I don't find the tone to be particularly dark, and while Succession was witty and biting and ironic and facetious, like it's bizarrely funny that Logan sends the siblings a box of doughnuts and they all kinda sorta seriously think that he's potentially trying to murder them by lacing the doughnuts with poison, The Bear tells jokes,
Carmy: It’s Orwellian. Jimmy: It’s dystopian butter? Carmy: What?
The Bear has sitcom-y moments like the entire birthday party episode with the arguments about hot dogs and the Xanax, that could be on a traditional sitcom
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or even when they're getting The Bear ready and the restaurant is falling apart, there's a lot of physical comedy
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and then you have the Faks, which for me, sometimes they can be too much like LOOK GUYS, WE'RE A COMEDY particularly in season 3 but Fak and Richie are hilarious together
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It's a dramedy and there's so much focus on the drama side, people forget that it really is also a comedy.
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