#Day6 fanfic
lxvemaze · 1 month
彡why can't i hate you?
pairing' young k x reader
genre' angst
warnings' good relationship gone bad, reminiscing about past relationship, reader is still in love with younghyun, flashbacks written in italics, based off of "i loved you" by day6
wc' 1.6k
a/n' i listened to "i loved you" at least forty times back-to-back yesterday, so i decided to write a fic about my bias based on the lyrics 🙏 is anyone gonna read this? ofc not. am i still gonna post it? yes ofc
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You hated him. God, you hated him. If your mother had heard you say that, she would’ve scoffed and told you, “Hate is a strong word.” But you thought it wasn’t strong enough. Scrolling through the Google drive he had sent you on your last anniversary that was filled with all the old pictures and videos he'd taken of the two of you on his stupid vintage film camera, you could only think of all the things about him that you hated. You hated his stupid hair that you used to run your fingers through at night, his pointy nose that you used to kiss in the mornings before you left for work, his calloused hands that used to hold you with such warmth, his pretty lips that once told you that he couldn’t imagine living without you, that he would love you till the day he died. The same lips that told you he didn’t love you anymore.
“I just…can’t do this anymore.”
You stood still in the kitchen of your apartment, your hands frozen as they still held the potato you were peeling as you prepared dinner for yourself and your boyfriend of six years. It was Friday night, which meant that Younghyun had come over for dinner, as he had nearly every Friday for the past six years- barring the times he’s been on tour. When he’d arrived at your apartment, you could tell that something was off. You’d just assumed that he’d had a bad day, or was just tired. You never would have thought that he’d be telling you this. Not after you’d discussed engagement rings just last week.
“What are you trying to say? You’re just breaking up with me? Did I do something? Did I say something?”
He shook his head with his face in his hands as you rambled on, questioning what could’ve possibly made him say these things to you. He looked up at you, both of you looked a wreck, tears in your eyes and noses running.
“It’s not that. You…You didn’t do anything.”
“Then why? What happened? Why now?”He took a deep breath as he took in your disheveled state. The tears from your face had fallen onto your pretty powder blue sweater, and he fought the urge to smile at the thought that even after all the years you’d been together, all the fights you’d had, all the times you’d seen each other at your worst, you still tried to look pretty for him. But as sweet as that thought was, it still couldn’t change how he felt.
“I don’t know. I just…I don’t know how else to say it. But I just…” He took another breath to steady his shaking voice, “I just…Don’t love you anymore.”
You hated how he never gave you a reason. Even after crying and begging, he couldn’t tell you. And maybe you said some things that you shouldn’t have, maybe telling him to leave, that you never wanted to see him again was going too far. And maybe it was a lie.
After he left, you found that he’d blocked your number, your socials, everything. Just like that, he erased you from his life. You resented him for that. After he left, you went numb for a few weeks. It was like your whole world had ended, like everything had lost all its meaning. Your mom came by almost every day to check on you, and of course to tell you that she never really liked Younghyun, that she just wanted you to be happy, and you’d be better off without him anyway. You hated how she talked about him.
After a while, you decided to pick yourself up and go about life as if he never existed. You threw out all the things he’d left at your apartment over the years, including the plant he’d given you as a housewarming gift when you first moved in. You tried to forget him, forget the time you spent with him, the trips you went on, everything. It was hard when your coworkers and friends would ask about him, when your cousin asked if you were bringing him to the upcoming family reunion, when the little old lady that lived in the apartment next to yours knocked on your door to ask if he could carry her new coffee table up to her apartment.
You were doing well at forgetting his existence. It had been almost three months, and your apartment had been scrubbed clean of any trace of him, all his photos had been deleted from your camera roll. But while you were sitting on your computer in your home office, scrolling through your Google drive to try and find an old work project that you needed to reference in a new report, you came across his last anniversary present to you. You couldn’t stop yourself before you clicked on it. Looking through all the old photos and videos of the past six years, you felt nothing but resentment as you saw his smiling face in the thumbnails.
You must have been scrolling for at least half an hour before you stopped at a certain video, the thumbnail bringing up a particularly harsh memory. You hesitantly clicked on the video, and the sound of your own laughter flooded from your speakers.
He’d really outdone himself this time. When he’d asked you a month ago what the number one place to go on your bucket list was, you immediately told him “Vienna”. You’d wanted to go ever since you were a little kid and you’d heard the BIlly Joel song of the same name coming from your dad’s record player. Little did you know that he’d take you there as a surprise for your fourth anniversary.
You giggled in glee as you looked out across the beautiful river that you’d always longed to see. You turned to see Younghyun pointing his camera at you, grinning as he observed your reaction. 
“Are you filming me?”
“How could I not?” He laughed as you playfully swatted at the camera, pulling the neck of your sweater over your face so he couldn’t film it. “You’re just so beautiful, I can’t help it.”
You stilled and smiled as he reached one hand out to grab your own and drag it away from your face, the neck of your sweater falling back into place at your collarbone. He pressed your knuckles to his lips before turning the camera so the both of you were in the frame. You wrapped your arms around each other, his arm that was not holding the camera coming to rest across your shoulders. You reached one hand up to grab his hand that rested on your shoulder, while your other hand went to the back of his neck, your fingers lazily playing with the soft brown hair that you loved so much.
The two of you smiled at the camera for a moment, listening to the river lazily flowing as the sun set behind you and the crisp autumn air blew through your hair. Younghyun turned to look at you, his eyes scanning over your features, smiling lazily as you turned to meet his gaze. 
“Nothin’. I just love you.”
You grinned as you bounced on your tippy toes to leave a quick gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. “Really?”
He shifted his arm that rested across your shoulders downwards so it wrapped around your waist, his hand playing with a loose string at the bottom of your sweater. “Yeah…You know, I can’t imagine living without you.”
You blushed and buried your face into his shoulder, his hand tightening around your waist. “Younghyun, you can’t just say things like that.”
He grinned and pressed his lips to the top of your head, “It’s true, though. I’m gonna love you till the day I die.”
You pulled away briefly to look up at his face, which was smiling warmly down at you, his eyes filled with nothing but fondness as they met your own. You narrowed your eyes at him, looking up at the camera and back to him.
“...You’re not about to propose to me are you?”
He let out a laugh before bringing you in closer, pressing another kiss to the top of your head before burying his face into your hair. “No, not yet. It’s coming, though.”
You looked up at him again, the look of love on his face told you that he was telling the truth. “I’ll be waiting.”
You didn’t feel the tears that had been cascading down your cheeks until the video had ended. You hated him. You resented him. You never wanted to see him again. So why were you crying? Was it because you wasted six years of your life? Was it because you felt lied to? Why were you wasting your time crying over a man that didn’t love you? Over a relationship that was never meant to be? Why did it hurt so much?
You hated him. You hated him. You hated him.
But as your tears started falling harder and soft sobs escaped your mouth, you knew the truth. You didn’t hate him. You never hated him. You loved him. You knew deep in your heart, that you really did love him. You loved him so badly, it made you hate him all that much more. No matter how many times you tried to erase him from your memory, or how many times you tried to forget the love that he gave, or the time you spent with him, you knew you never could. Because you loved him. And deep down, you always would.
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kbandtrash · 7 months
For Me (Sungjin x Reader)
Raised to believe that as the princess of your kingdom, the luxury of your upbringing was justification for your distinct unhappiness, you find yourself fantasizing about the one person who's ever seen you as more than a woman: the castle librarian.
Content: Royal au, implied emotional abuse, witty banter, perhaps over-the-top attempt at a period writing style, mutual pining, friends to lovers, unwanted arranged marriage, assassination attempt, knives, panic attack, happy ending :) lowkey lowkey inspired by Barbie in The Princess and the Pauper
Word Count: 10.1k
“She is here to meet a proper suitor,” the governess told Sungjin coldly. “You will not be getting in the way.”
Sungjin sucked in a breath with a grimace as he straightened his jacket in the mirror. “And what makes you think I’m here for anything other than the feast?” He turned to face the governess properly. “While I am an excellent dancer, I have no interest in stealing away the princess’s chance at meeting an advantageous match.”
The governess seethed at his nonchalant reply. It was by the princess’s request that the librarian had been invited to a royal event in the first place, and she was going to get to the bottom of it. “It seems you needed no reminder,” she noted sharply. “At least you already know your place.”
“It’s been made clear to me many times before tonight,” Sungjin replied, side-eyeing her as he left the dressing room. “Don’t say useless things.”
You sighed wistfully as you looked out from the balcony at the boy on the lawn. “Lucy, do you think he would be bothered if I asked him what he was reading?” you asked your lady in waiting.
“Almost certainly,” she replied bluntly, sharing in your afternoon fantasy. “But perhaps not if you asked him how he was liking it.”
“Oh, no, I think that might bother him more.” You giggled. “I say this as if I have any intention of courting.”
“This is news to me,” a voice interrupted you from the shade. You turned to see Sungjin leaning against the balcony doors, a few familiar books under his arm. “You speak of a new crush every week and yet you have no intention of courting?”
“The crush is the only fun part, Mr. Park,” you said with a feigned serious tone. “If I’m not to marry for love, then why get in too deep to let go in an instant?”
You searched for any pity in his expression, but he either hid it well or truly only felt amusement at your statement. “Is that why I’m the only man you talk to?” he quipped in return.
Lucy tried to hide her explosive laugh as a cough.
You looked Sungjin up and down. “A man? Would I talk to you if I saw you that way?”
The cough worsened, and Lucy had to excuse herself, rushing past Sungjin to get the privacy she needed to regain her composure.
Sungjin’s blithe amusement was unaffected, or at least undamaged. He stepped forward and brandished his books at you. “I’ve taken the liberty of removing these from your chamber and replacing them with some books your governess recommended.”
Your jaw dropped in indignation. “But was it not by your recommendation that I had those books in the first place?”
“Times change quickly, your highness,” he said, waving the books at you once more before tucking them back under his arm. “If these caught your interest as far as your bookmarks in them, I’m sure you’ll have a splendid time with your new books.”
“That’s not a fair criterion,” you argued. “If I’d had any time for myself, you would have had those books back a week ago.”
“Excuses are easy to come by,” he chided, stepping back toward the balcony doors. “I prefer to judge by action.”
He took your hand gently and led you to the dance floor with his hand on the small of your back. You then gave each other a courteous bow and curtsy before he took your hand once more and rested his hand on your waist. You tried not to trouble his shoulder with the weight of your hand.
“Is it alright if I share a burden with you, Mr. Park?” you asked as cheerfully as you could muster, studying the details on his jacket.
He didn’t answer right away, and you could feel his eyes on you, trying to get you to meet them. “Is it something I’m already aware of?”
“Most likely,” you answered, surely failing to hide behind your usual grin. “I can’t imagine someone as sharp-minded as yourself could have let this slip by.”
He hesitated once more before asking a second question. “Will sharing this really make it lighter?”
Your face truly began to falter now, and you couldn’t keep your lips from frowning. “Probably not, but I do suppose it depends on your response.”
He brought his hand up from your waist to tilt your chin gently upward, a final plea for you to meet his eyes. “I’m afraid I might make it worse, indeed.”
As tears threatened to spill over, you hid your face on his shoulder. He held you a little closer. “I was afraid you might say that.” You drew in a deep breath and stood yourself up straight, determining yourself to look into his eyes once more. “But I think I still want to try saying this once.”
“I love you, Sungjin.” You looked down, unable to hold his gaze. “But of all the luxuries and choices granted to me in life, love is not one of them.”
“I love you, too, (Y/N).”
You had never thought that honest words could cut like lies. “For the sake of your heart, I hope it passes soon.”
“Really, Mr. Park, you must stop snooping through my things.”
“You left this out specifically for me to read,” he argued, “and I will not tolerate a word otherwise.”
You humphed self-righteously. “Well, since you’ve read it anyway…”
“I’ve already marked the edits I suggest you make.” He handed the papers back to you. “You are quite careless with your grammar.”
“Just the grammar?” You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms. “Is that all you have to comment on?”
He reached forward and tapped on a paperclip at the back of the stack of papers. “My commentary on the content couldn’t fit in the margins—which are messy, by the way—but it couldn’t fit in the margins with the grammar suggestions, so I had to take down my notes on new paper.”
“Three—” You had pulled his notes to the front of the stack as he had spoken, and you were appalled to find just how many pages he had used. “Three pages? I only wrote four, and you wrote three pages of criticism?”
“Three sheets,” he corrected. “Front and back. Six pages.”
“Six—!” You took a deep breath and set your hands on your hips, trying to stuff down your frustration. “I wrote four pages of philosophy, and you wrote six pages of criticism, not to mention filled the margins of the original four with grammar corrections?”
He didn’t smile, but you caught the twinkle in his eyes. “You think so lowly of me, your highness.”
“I can’t imagine you would write any praise.”
“And so lowly of yourself, as well,” he chided. “Only the first page is criticism. I actually found your piece intriguing enough to write you a response.”
You felt like you had swallowed a mouthful of air. Sungjin, the great and esteemed librarian of the royal palace, had found your thoughts interesting enough to write five pages in response to the original four.
You cleared your throat. “You flatter me.”
“Ah, well,” he said, clearing his throat as well. “Perhaps you’ve finally earned some praise.”
Luckily, your downtrodden mood went unnoticed by the rest of the guests. Well, perhaps unluckily. That meant that all of the potential suitors you had met were all self-absorbed snobs with no real interest in you as a person. It wasn’t like you really expected more out of a political marriage, but you hoped for someone that at least cared enough to notice that you were hurting.
Sungjin sat with some other guests that you had invited from the palace staff, enjoying the food as promised, and was soon joined briefly by your governess. She looked uneasy.
“I’d like to apologize,” she offered, taking the seat next to him in order to rest her feet for a moment. “I believe I was unnecessarily harsh.”
“Perhaps I did need the reminder,” Sungjin disagreed, watching you dance with another noble that paid no attention to you even as your hands were intertwined. He could see your expression even from this distance—miserable and barely hiding it. “I believe you and I are the only two people in the room that know of her intellectual caliber, and the only two that care.”
The governess chewed on that, deciding the librarian’s words to be true and taking them as the tragedy that they were. “Of all the luxuries and choices granted to her in life, as she likes to say…” Sungjin nodded in acknowledgement. “I think the books used to be her distraction, and then you came with the books. However, she will be a fine queen someday, and your willingness to challenge her is certainly a factor in that.”
“If her husband will ever allow her a word in edgewise,” Sungjin scoffed. “She’s better suited for leadership than any of the men here for her hand.”
The governess raised her glass toward Sungjin. “I’ll toast to that.”
He clinked his water glass with her champagne, although he didn’t understand what exactly they were toasting to. He knew he could never stay by your side, but he couldn’t stand to see your growth suffocated in order to satisfy some other man’s picture of an ideal wife. The choice you were giving up wasn’t just love, but to live your life as yourself. He wondered who had convinced you that a life of royal luxury was worth trading your identity.
“Now, who is burning the midnight oil in my library?” Sungjin’s voice came out deeper and raspier than he had thought it would. Then again, it was quite time for him to be asleep, and he did hope he sounded intimidating.
“What’s this of midnight oil?” your voice came from the other side of the shelves. “The sun has only just set, has it not?”
Sungjin, in his pajamas and night cap, rounded the corner of the last shelf before the table you sat at. The sight nearly caused you to choke on your own laughter, which was certainly not becoming of a princess. 
He raised his eyebrow at you. “I’m quite certain if you stay up much longer, you’ll be greeted by the sun rising once again.”
You stopped your giggling immediately, placing your bookmark and slamming your book shut. “You must be joking.”
“I would never joke about something as serious as interrupting my bedtime.”
He was absolutely serious; you could read it in his posture. As ridiculous as he looked, he was not pleased. In fact, the longer you looked, the more disturbing the shadows of the candlelight on his face were. He looked rather like a solemn ghost reminding you to sleep, lest he haunt you—
You lost your composure again, imagining the librarian as a nagging specter. He didn’t so much as raise an eyebrow. “My apologies, you just look like—” you had to pause to fight off your laughter— “you look so silly.”
“I think you simply need to leave my library and get yourself to bed,” he said. “Your academic sobriety already leaves much to be desired when you’re well-rested. Don’t make it worse.”
Perhaps it was the hour of the night finally setting in, and you were exhausted after all, but you could have sworn there was fondness in his eyes when he bid you goodnight and shut the library doors behind you. However, you thought perhaps you weren’t mistaken about it when he opened the doors once again to shuffle after you in his slippers, berating himself for nearly allowing a lady to walk alone across the castle in the dead of night.
The marriage date had been set. Although not one of the suitors had managed to impress you enough to give him a second glance, a few had appealed to the king, and he had chosen one for you. You didn’t know why you were so upset. You had known all your life that this was the role you had been born into, and you had spent your life preparing accordingly. What was the difference now that it was actually upon you?
All of your duties now were wedding-related. Not a second was free for you to spend loitering around the library, which you tried to convince yourself was a good thing. If you weren’t around him, you would stop thinking about him eventually. Your unnecessary crush wasn’t even your most impeding problem; the books that he took such good care of were no longer yours to peruse. The life of rigorous study that you had loved was no longer yours, either.
You supposed you had taken advantage of this for far too long; what place had you ever had among the books, anyway? Dress fittings, etiquette lessons, those were things you should have been spending your time with in the first place. Now you were playing catch-up because you had been allowed to choose between something you wanted and something you needed.
Upon returning to your chamber for the evening after a day of decoration approval, you noticed a book sitting on your vanity—not your desk, where the last of your books remained. Someone had placed it there for you, and you nearly tore yourself in half resisting the urge to snatch it up and read it immediately.
There was only one person it could be from; only one person was bold enough to trespass like this. However, you were trying to prepare yourself for the life you would soon be living, and indulging in this couldn’t possibly make it easier for you. Still, you wandered closer to your desk, wary of the book as if it would burst into flames.
There was an envelope on top of the book, addressed to you in handwriting so lovely and calling you so rudely by your given name. His handwriting had been the bane of your existence so many times, yet you had never seen your name in it. He had added no flourish to it—in fact, there were a few little drops of ink from his quill staining the envelope—but you had never liked the sight of your own name more. Or hated it.
Before you knew it, the envelope was in your hands, and you delicately turned it over. He hadn’t even bothered to seal it properly. He must have known that any obstacle to his letter would have turned you away from it. If only it had been sealed, it might have brought you to your senses.
You turned it over again, admiring his handwriting once more, but turning it so quickly wafted the scent of the paper to your nose. You smiled without realizing it; you wouldn’t have thought of him as the type to use a lilac scent. Why was it only now that you were learning the sweetest things about him? It was like the Fates didn’t want you to let him go.
Rather than the books of philosophy and politics he would usually recommend you, this book was a work of fiction. By the look of it, he must have bought a new copy for you. The letter that came with it must have contained some explanation as to  why he had given it to you, but you cared far too much to let yourself read it. You weren’t certain you would ever read the book, either.
You sat on your bed and stopped trying to fight the tears you had holding back since the ball. It was of no use to continue explaining to yourself that you had no right to feel this way. It wouldn’t stop you from feeling this way, so the least you could do, now that you were in only your own company, was admit your feelings to yourself. Instead of repressing them, you needed to let them go.
The air of the castle was far too stuffy in the summer, and on a night like tonight, opening the window simply wasn’t enough. You needed to go outside and experience the night air for yourself.
It was no easy task to convince the guards that you didn’t need them or your lady in waiting around for a half-hour stroll around the grounds, but eventually they let you out. You were almost certain that they would have someone tailing you, but as long as you couldn’t see or hear them, you would pay them no mind. The illusion of a moment of solitude would have to do.
As you admired the crescent moon and the stars splashed across the night sky, your illusion came to an end. Whether or not someone had sent him after you, knowing that his company was one you would never rebuke, you didn’t know, but Sungjin had come around the castle from the opposite direction. You intended just to pass by him at first with a cordial nod, but the way his eyebrows raised in something that seemed to you to be surprise or disdain managed to offend you enough to talk to him.
“Am I not allowed to explore my own home?” you asked sharply.
This had been exactly the reaction he had wanted to get out of you. He stopped and turned to face you slowly, his expression now perfectly polite. “Did I say anything contrary?” Before you could fire back a retort, he continued, “Well, perhaps there is something to be said about the hour of your excursion, but who am I to criticize you?”
Every witty thing you could have come back with vanished from your mind. “Yes, quite so,” you said smartly. “You are out at the very same hour.”
“An excellent observation,” he acknowledged without a hint of the patronizing tone he implied. “Every so often, I find an evening walk to be quite refreshing, but it seems the evening escaped me tonight.”
He was going to make you say it. Whether he had been sent or not to escort you tonight didn’t matter; if he was to join you, he would have to have your permission, and he wasn’t going to ask.
Well, having company wasn’t your intention, and you weren’t going to ask. Perhaps this one time, you would refute his company.
“It is a bit suffocating, isn’t it?” he asked you instead, before you could tell him to be on his way. He glanced toward the castle, and you had a feeling he was talking about something other than the heat.
“Sometimes I wish the castle were farther from the equator, in a drier part of the country,” you admitted facetiously, determined not to give him the conversation he wanted. “But I suppose a milder winter is a fair trade for the misery of summer.”
The corners of his lips rose in preparation to play your game. “You can only escape outside of the castle walls for so long.”
“As soon as I go back inside or the sun rises, I’ll be right back where I started,” you agreed, now also not quite talking about the weather. “You can’t exactly hide from the sun.”
“It is quite relentless,” he said with a nod. “Even now, it watches you by way of the moon.”
Was he the moon? Was that his implication tonight? A reflection of the sun—of your duties—but kinder in its presence. It didn’t bring the same light, but it didn’t bring the oppressive heat of the day with it, either.
“I do wish it would stay a while longer,” you mumbled, only for him to hear if he cared to answer.
You pretended to ignore him as he took his attention away from the night sky and gave it to you instead. You pretended not to see out of the corner of your eye the way his eyes sparkled with stars to rival the night sky. Most of all, you pretended not to see the way he looked at you. It would just be trouble if you tried to make something of it.
“May I escort you?” he asked, offering you his arm tenderly. “It’s still a ways to the back gate, if you would like to escape the heat a little longer.”
Perhaps you had misread his intentions tonight. You had thought he was going to make you put down your pride, but now he was simply inviting you to at much less detriment to yourself.
“Alright,” you accepted softly, taking his arm in the same manner. “I suppose some company wouldn’t be too burdensome.”
Your husband-to-be wasn’t necessarily unkind. He was perfectly polite, in fact, and while he clearly didn’t have any real interest in you, he did try to get to know you in the few days before the ceremony. However, this mostly consisted of asking what you knew about his interests rather than asking what yours were. In his eyes, he likely had a long way to go with you until you would become who he imagined you to be.
Perhaps if you’d had a common interest, something might have happened, but it seemed that literacy was a skill he didn’t think much of. He took his privilege for granted, and assumed someone else around him would always know what he needed to know in any situation. It didn’t seem he expected you to be in that list of people.
It was a horrible thought, but you did consider that his nation would likely be better off in your hands than his, if he died accidentally…or not. Not that you would ever do something to bring his death to pass, but it wasn’t a thought that particularly troubled you.
His eyes stared right through yours as you wondered these terrible things. He looked at you, certainly, but he couldn’t have seen less of you if he were blind. You felt like a paper doll, being dressed up and given away to someone who would likely forget you existed within a week.
As this prince went on and on about his annual hunt with his younger brothers, your mind wandered back to someone who always saw more of you than you wished he would. You could never hide anything from him, no matter how well you thought you had put up a front. If he were here right now instead of your politically advantageous match, you had so many things you wanted to ask him. He might grow frustrated with your questions, but not because he thought you couldn’t understand his answers. He felt you should already know the answers, or you should be asking questions meant to challenge him just as much.
This prince was hoping you would shrink to meet his expectations, while your librarian wanted you to grow to meet his. However, according to your birthright, you had already overgrown for the role you were meant to fit. Cutting back was going to hurt in one way or another.
You noticed the prince had gone quiet, watching you now in the glow of the sunset as you sat on a bench in the gardens surrounding your castle. Had he asked you a question? Why was his expression like that, all soft and pleased with himself—
“What are you thinking about?” he asked you.
You weren’t sure how to answer the question; you were more surprised that he had finally asked you a question that didn’t have to do with him. “I was just—”
“Let me tell you what I’m thinking about,” he interrupted you. You weren’t even sure he had heard you start to answer, much less expected you to answer. “We shall be an excellent match. Our children should take after you in looks, and surely after me in personality.”
You refused to bring anything like him into the world, but that wasn’t something you should or could say out loud.
“You are beautiful,” he told you as if he was sure no one had ever told you before. “My brothers shall be jealous I’ve found myself a wife like you.”
If he thought he was being romantic, he was wrong, and it was unnecessary for him to do such, but he was so sure of himself, you were unable to move before he decided to kiss you.
It made you feel sick to your stomach. There was no way he thought a romance was really going to build that quickly between the two of you. Was he really arrogant enough to think he had won your hand in marriage because he had won your heart at the ball? You had thought you were on the same page, at least, that you were here for the benefit of your nations.
You excused yourself after that and all but ran back to the privacy of your chamber. The familiarity of your own quarters were something you would lose as you traveled back to his kingdom to begin the rest of your life, so you figured you might as well take advantage of them for the last time.
He must have been brought up to believe he deserved everything the world had to offer as some sort of royal birthright. The way your late mother had raised you, you thought it was common knowledge that in exchange for a life of royal luxury, you had to live your life ready to sacrifice anything else for the welfare of your kingdom. The more you interacted with the royalty and upper class of other countries, however, you realized that your paradigm was unique, even strange.
You were snatched out of your thoughts once again, even as you were steps away from safety, by a hand grasping your arm. On pure instinct, you tore your arm away as you spun to see who it was that had stopped you. Frozen with his arm still outstretched as he realized how improper his actions had just been, Sungjin waited for your next response.
You had half a mind to turn around and keep walking, but the other half of your mind sought comfort from the one person in this castle that you knew cared. No matter how much you wanted to let it win, you couldn’t. You were already indulging yourself by running away to hide.
“It’s a bad time,” you refused him simply without giving him the chance to explain himself. “Perhaps another time.” You spun around once more to continue on your way.
“I think this is the only time,” he contended before you even took a step. “You are miserable. If you ever do anything for your own sake, let it be this.”
You had kept yourself in check for so long. Every single awful feeling you had been keeping down suddenly manifested, burning hot. “What do you know?” you spat vindictively. You turned once more, advancing on the librarian, who stood his ground. “What do you know about duty? What do you know about living a life on the backs of people who do real work every day, while you sit around and just exist?”
He didn’t say anything. He was angry, and you knew it by the way his eyes darkened. Normally bright and full of stars, you had snuffed them out.
“This is the only worth I have in life,” you said. “I bring them promises of goods to trade and safety from war and strife with this, so they can keep living their lives. I’ve never had to do anything for myself—this is the least thing I can do repay those that have sacrificed so I can live this way. My happiness means nothing in comparison to the lives of those I’m supposed to protect.”
“How dare you talk about the princess that way,” he said, his voice quiet and dangerous. “If it were any other than yourself, I would have them turned in to the guard for slander.”
“I can’t slander myself, Mr. Park.”
“But you can lie to yourself. You can let yourself believe all of these terrible things about yourself because someone did you the discredit of raising you to believe that you don’t deserve to be loved—valued, even,” he seethed. “Perhaps the welfare of the people should come before your own, but how can you serve them properly if your service to them doesn’t bring you joy?”
“And what if it does bring me joy?” you asked defiantly.
He shook his head. “You may lie to yourself, your highness, but you cannot fool me.”
He looked beautiful in the glow of the sunset. You wished you could capture him like this somehow, keep his image in a book that you could look at whenever you wanted. However, your sketches could never do him justice, even if you could capture the colors perfectly.
You were in love with him. You knew it, as much as you wished it weren’t true. He had probably known before you did. It was useless, though. You were to marry a prince, and there was to be a ball soon to find a potential match.
Forgiving yourself for this would be no easy task. You should have seen it coming long ago, but you were blinded by your own foolishness, believing that you could really just admire him as a scholar. Once you knew you liked him, you should have stopped then, as well, but it was too easy to convince yourself to indulge just this once. And then you got too deep to pull yourself out.
Even now, watching him out on the lower balcony from above, you were indulging yourself. Once again, you rationalized using the same logic: you might as well enjoy the view while you still could. Soon, you would leave all of this behind. The castle, the view of the gardens, the familiar sunset of your land, and your librarian as well. If you had managed to find all of these things you loved in one scene, you might as well commit them to memory while you still had them.
Like it was habit for him, he turned his gaze upward briefly toward your balcony, but he made a double-take as he realized you were standing there. You both froze, having been caught in your acts of assumed solitude.
“Princess?” he stammered, not quite believing his eyes. “How long…?”
“You should come,” you blurted, somehow seeming to retain a collected composure even though you were embarrassed and unsure of what was coming out of your mouth. “To the ball, I mean. You have my invitation.”
The distance between you was too far to really make out his expression, but you could only assume it was confused by the length of time it took him to answer. 
“I’m sure I have no place there.”
“Of course you do,” you insisted. This was indulging yourself once more, but if this was the one time you would ever make a stupid choice, it might as well be now. “You have to dance with me once, shouldn’t you?”
His expression was too hard to make out, but you could see his hands playing with the railing of his balcony as he tried to figure out what you were playing at. “Truly, what place would I have doing that?”
“Perhaps from some viewpoints, none,” you admitted, “but I believe our camaraderie has earned you at least enough social standing for one dance.”
Even from this distance, you could see his dark eyebrows raise at the implication that his worth came from his relationship with you. You knew that he knew you were joking—you had made him recommend you several books on similar subjects—but you waited to see if he would take the bait and keep arguing with you.
“If you’re willing to take responsibility for whatever complaints come up surrounding my presence, then I suppose I should take your offer,” he said, inflection heavy in his voice. “Don’t regret extending this invitation.”
You smiled to yourself. You would come to regret it, you were sure, if you didn’t already. “I would never,” you lied jovially.
Sungjin had made himself quite scarce from your presence. Not just yours, apparently, but you had heard rumors that he had hardly left the library at all. That was fine by you; you didn’t want to see him anyway. You would feel obligated to apologize if you saw him again, even though you still believed you had said nothing wrong. You knew you had hurt him with your harsh words, and in that was your fault.
The wedding was…well, it was. That was as far as you could describe it. You were aware of your state of being alive through the whole process of the day, but barely anything more. That was the only way you could get through the day without being overcome by your emotions. You shut everything out. Every thought, every sensation, every person who talked to you, none of it had access to how you truly felt about what would come next. If you had to, you would never come back to yourself for as long as you lived.
Perhaps somewhat ironically, it was a threat to your life that brought you back to the present. Barely twelve hours had you been married, and your husband was already holding a knife to your back.
“It’s a shame. I really did think you were a lovely girl,” he said with a slightly inconvenienced sigh, “but in order for any of this to work, you have to die.”
If you and your family lived through whatever declaration of war this was, you would have to remind yourself to slap your father across the face for his ineptitude in picking alliances.
“I’m sure taking me as hostage would incite much more chaos,” you suggested flatly, barely daring to move for the strength with which the prince held the dagger to your back. He didn’t seem to know much about women’s fashion, as he held it to a rib of your corset, but you had to let him believe he had your life in his hands.
“I would have liked that as well, but I’ve been advised that if we want to take possession of your kingdom, we need to make this as swift and cruel as possible,” he explained once again as if this were a minor inconvenience to him. “And it’s not as if you would agree to our occupation. Your dedication to your people, in particular, is admirable, but it’s exactly why you cannot be allowed to live.”
And it was exactly why you had to live. You thanked your past self one last time for the adventurous youth you had insisted upon and prepared to seize his knife for your own. Your dark fantasies of killing your husband may well have become your reality.
“I was surprised to find out that rumors about you were true,” he went on. “Your pretty face is unfortunately a facade for that strange mind of yours. Thanks to that peculiar librarian of yours, no doubt.”
You stiffened at his mention of Sungjin.
“Oh, yes, I know all about your little affair. One of the wisest and most knowledgeable men, not just in your country, but likely the whole continent. He’ll likely be useful in the coming months, whether willingly or not…”
That was the end of your rational thought. You spun around and made a grab for the knife, your heart on fire at the thought of anyone, much less this man laying a hand on the only man who had ever seen you as an equal. You hadn’t considered that he had meant to provoke you, which was now made clear by the way he pulled back and readied a real strike. With the smirk on his face, the monologue suddenly made sense.
You attempted to move out of his way, but your haste had caused you to forget the placement of the furniture in the room, and you nearly fell backwards over a chair. His knife grazed you across your chest, almost aligning with the length of your collarbone. It wasn’t deep, but it was already bleeding. You weren’t sure why it didn’t hurt quite like you expected it to, but you were sure it would soon. If you were going to live, that had to be the only strike you allowed him.
So you fought dirty. Giving up your earlier plan to take the knife yourself, you kicked him hard between the legs and took off as fast as you could. Surely his shouts would attract unwanted attention, but you had to leave and find Sungjin as quickly as possible, before anyone else did. You ditched your shoes at the door and thanked the prince one last time for his arrogance; not a single guard was stationed outside.
It wasn’t long, however, before you found yourself being chased by the foreign guard. You shouldn’t have been fast enough to outrun them, but your desperation—not for yourself—kept you out of their reach. Just as you were sure you were done for, you rounded a corner to see members of your own guard, still unaware of the rats in the castle.
You called for their help, and seeing the blood dripping down your front, they sprang into action. Once you were safe behind their line, you pulled one aside.
“This whole wedding was a setup,” you relayed, trembling. “You must make sure the king and the others are safe—they’re planning on having us all killed.”
Then you took off again in the direction of the library, not stopping as the guard called after you. It wasn’t far from here, but you couldn’t waste time if they had already found him.
The library corner was still dark, untouched by violence as of yet, you hoped. You weren’t as delicate as you wished you were, trying the handle, and the sound of the locking mechanism echoed down the whole hallway. The door was open, nonetheless, and you prayed that it was just because he had forgotten to lock it, and not because someone had already forced it open. You locked it behind you, whether it meant you were trapped in here with the enemy or not.
His quarters were separated from the library by a door in the back, and you had to fight yourself to keep an even pace. There were no signs of soldiers, and the closer you got, the surer you were that you were the first one here.
His door was shut, and all the lights were off. Perhaps he had gone to visit family instead of attending the wedding. If he had, you hoped he would know to never come back.
You knocked on his door, and within a few seconds, you heard rustling from the inside. You knocked again, and you heard someone questioning you from inside.
“Sungjin,” you called for him quietly, but still loud enough that he could hear you through the door, “the prince and his troops are staging a coup—they’re—”
He yanked his door open, standing before you now in his silly pajamas and nightcap. The thought of this man, whose only calluses on his hands were from an excess of using them to write, being used and hurt for his dedication to knowledge…it made you sick. You could never let that happen, by any means possible.
“Princess?” He could hardly take this sight of you in. He had never known you to be frightened of anything, and he had never seen you look so small.
“You have to leave,” you begged him. “The wedding was a setup to seize the kingdom. They’re looking for you now, as we speak.”
“Me? They’re after me and not you? Their princess—our princess.”
“They don’t think anything of me, but they know how much you know—that makes you worth something! Sungjin, they won’t just kill you,” you warned him frantically. “Please, hide, and get yourself to safety!”
“Breathe with me, Princess, please,” he pleaded with you, holding your arms steady. “You’re bleeding. Let’s address that first.”
You shook your head. “It’s not life-threatening. I’ll be fine, but please tell me there’s a way out of here that’s not the main entrance—”
An echo through the library stopped your voice, froze you in place. They knew you were here. You led them straight to him. The one person you wanted to protect, and you had given him away. And those guards who had protected you so loyally—you had given them their deaths.
You couldn’t breathe. Your lungs were full of air and they refused to empty in exchange for new air, even as you gasped for it. Sungjin knew there wasn’t much time, but he had to try and hide in whatever time he had. There was a nook hidden behind a bookcase that he suspected had been built for times like this. However, the bookcase was heavy, and he wasn’t sure he had the strength to move it out and back in time.
Another echo shook the walls; they were going to break the doors down. He had to try.
You weren’t in any state to help him as you clutched your hand to your chest, trying to regain control of your breathing. He took your arm and led you swiftly to the bookcase, even knowing that he couldn’t do this alone.
“We can hide back here,” he said, leaning down and making sure he had your eyes on his. “I need you to help me pull it back.”
“Sungjin, I don’t—I—I can’t—”
With another echo, he heard the wood of the doors beginning to crack from the repeated force.
“(Y/N),” he said softly, “we have to try.”
Your eyes still shining with tears and your body still shaking as you tried to control it, you nodded resolutely. Anything to get him out of harm’s way.
On his count, you pulled the shelf, and true to his promise, there was a small alcove with just enough space to hide the two of you. So long as you could pull the shelf back in time, and the enemy soldiers didn’t start knocking shelves over, you would be safe.
A final crash finally blew the doors off their hinges, just in time for you to have secured the shelf back in its place. Even though the enemy guard’s shouting back and forth was more than enough noise to drown out any sound you made, you still stifled your panicked sobs.
Sungjin couldn’t take any more of this. The space was small enough that you could both sit on the floor, but only if he had you in his arms. He wasted no time in pulling you into his embrace and allowing you to sink to the floor. He listened intently to the soldiers’ dialogue as they searched his library, but it was admittedly hard to focus when he was finally holding you like this for the first time.
“Is anyone sure they saw the princess come this way?”
How had it taken an attempt on your life for him to finally gather the courage to hold you like this? Certainly, you were a princess and he was a humble scholar with no place by your side, but that seemed now a pitiful excuse. If your lives really were to end tonight, his greatest regret would be withholding his feelings for you.
“Check the librarian’s quarters—see if there are any exits besides the doors we just came through.”
He hadn’t noticed his hand finding its way to your hair, holding your head to his chest to comfort you. Although your breathing was still troubled, you seemed to have regained quite a bit of control. He was prepared to hold you all night if he had to.
“What if we just lit the whole place ablaze?”
Sungjin’s heart dropped. If you were trapped back here, a fire would certainly kill you both.
“No! We’re under strict orders to preserve this collection—this is one of the most extensive libraries any kingdom has seen, and the king wishes to have it for his own. Our task is simply to find the librarian who tends to it and bring him to the prince.”
“And what of the princess?”
“Kill her when we find her.”
After a while, the footsteps stopped, and Sungjin had to assume that the soldiers had left. However, he wasn’t going to risk your safety to find out if he was right. At some point, they would have to leave, but he would much rather wait until you were able to make a plan with him. He trusted you much more than he trusted himself in that aspect.
You were still bleeding, he realized, and in the cramped space, he had you sit apart for a bit as he reached to tear his nightshirt for a makeshift bandage. However, you stopped him, gesturing to the hem of your dress instead. He shook his head, going once again for his nightshirt, but you placed your hand over his. 
“The dress is already ruined,” you whispered, gesturing to the slash and the bloodstains. “It might as well be of some use.”
He understood your request; it wasn’t simply about preserving his nightshirt, which was still in good condition, over your already torn and stained dress. It was also about further tarnishing what this dress was supposed to represent. He wanted to erase all of that too, so he obligingly found a seam and split it as much as he could to make a decent bandage and still leave you decent.
Once he had pressed the fabric to your wound, you decidedly curled up against his chest once more, all but forcing him to wrap his arms around you again. He couldn’t help but smile despite the dire circumstances. For a moment, you weren’t a princess and he wasn’t a librarian, hiding from foreign combatants. You were just a girl, and he was just the boy you loved, stealing a moment of privacy for the first time.
“Did you ever read my letter?” he asked you softly, careful not to allow his voice to pass through the wood shelf.
You shook your head. “Nor the book that came with it.”
“That probably would have been for the better, had the prince been honest in his intentions to marry you.”
“But he wasn’t.”
He sighed. “No, he wasn’t, and I’m not sure whether to curse him for trying to take your life or thank him for…well…”
“The two may not be mutually exclusive,” you admitted, “especially if we live to tell the tale.”
He thought for a moment on that. What would happen if you escaped from this, and the prince and his soldiers were defeated and brought to justice? What would happen if you escaped, but the prince succeeded in seizing the kingdom? He already knew what would happen if you failed to escape, and didn’t find the possibility worth lingering on.
“Will you take your position back if all ends well?” he asked. “I fear if the king does die tonight, you’ll either end up with a price on your head or a country to run.”
You were quiet as you thought as well. Everything you had known about your future had changed within a few minutes, and you certainly hadn’t had the time to consider any of the consequences that tonight would bring.
“The power would never fall to me,” you finally answered. “Ever since my father gave up on having a son, my cousin has been preparing to inherit the throne. Whether the king lives or dies tonight, and if our guard succeeds in stopping the attack, I suspect my role will remain the same. I will be expected to marry a man of noble lineage to benefit our country.”
Sungjin’s chest grew tight at the thought of you marrying another man—again. He couldn’t stand to let you slip through his fingers again, but what choice did he truly have in the matter?
“However, I’m not sure that I could go through with yet another wedding to someone who sees me as nothing more than a chess piece,” you went on. “I’ve shown myself where my heart truly lies when I’m forced to choose between the good of the kingdom and my own desires, and I can never fool myself again.”
You sat up a bit, ignoring the pain racing across your chest. 
“I would rather my life end by your side than keep living without you,” you confessed to him solemnly.
There was hardly light enough to see in the small nook behind the bookshelf, but it was enough to reflect in his eyes like stars, as always. It was a tragic confession, he knew, for he knew of no way for you to live by his side. And he loved you anyway.
“May I kiss you?” he asked, his voice even smaller than before.
And so came to pass your first, and perhaps last moment of shared intimacy. It was just a kiss, but it was all you could have asked for. He was so gentle, as if he were afraid you would break or disappear. 
The fatigue of the night finally set in, and you ended up falling asleep together in that tiny space behind the bookshelf.
You were awoken by frantic rapping on the side of the bookcase. Very few people knew this alcove existed, so either someone had sold you out, or it was a member of the staff, hoping to find their missing friends.
“Please, Princess, Mr. Park, at least one of you must be back here,” a woman’s voice worried from the outside. You sat up, recognizing her as your lady in waiting. “This is the last place I can think of.”
“Lucy?” you called to her. As you opened your eyes, you could see sunlight filtering in.
“Oh, your highness, thank goodness!” she sighed in relief. “And is Mr. Park with you?”
You began to respond, but Sungjin signaled to you to wait. “Ask her if she’s alone,” he told you almost inaudibly. You nodded, understanding his implication.
“Lucy,” you repeated, leaning as closely as you could to the corner of the bookshelf and the wall. “Are you alone? No one else is with you?”
“No, Princess, I’m by myself,” she confirmed, lowering her voice to match yours. “And while the captain of the guard knows I’m looking for you, he doesn’t know where I am exactly. We’ve managed to chase the enemy soldiers out of the castle, but they’re still on the grounds. I want to get you out while we still can.”
“And…” you began, an odd feeling of nervousness in your stomach. “What of the king?”
She didn’t answer for a moment, and that was an answer by itself. “I’m sorry.”
You learned that once your guards had captured the prince, who was still languishing in the room you were supposed to share, it had been easy to command his soldiers to stand down under a threat on his life. However, by then, it had been too late for your father. Luckily, your cousin was safe outside the castle, but it looked like the prince’s soldiers were preparing to make another attack instead of accepting their defeat.
Lucy relayed her plan of escape to you: there was a secret passage that led into town, outside the castle grounds where the enemy was waiting to stop any escape attempts. She was hoping Mr. Park would accompany you to safety, if he could be found.
“And there’s another thing, your highness, if I may be so bold,” she said. “I’m not so sure you would want to hear this—if you find it shameful of me to suggest this, you may pretend as if I never said it.”
“What is it, Lucy?”
“Well, I have…I know…” She sighed. “Pardon me, it’s just so hard to say it the way I mean it.”
You exchanged a curious glance with Sungjin. You hadn’t come out of your hiding place yet, but you would soon now that you were certain that your lady in waiting was still trustworthy.
“Worry not about offending me,” you exhorted her. “What do you have to say?”
“I send my earnings to my sister and her family,” she explained. “She has two daughters, and you’re their hero. I always wished I could follow the path of education, but my family never had the money. I think it a shame to leave all of the things you’ve learned for a political marriage where your intellect is of no value. If you wished to leave your life as a princess—”
You gasped. “Lucy!”
“I’m sorry, your highness, I know how you wish to serve your kingdom in return for the life you’ve been able to live thus far—I just wonder if it would make you happier to serve your people by sharing your privilege with them directly rather than continuing to live as a figurehead.”
Could you really do that? She—a person who had served you during the best years of her life, had been denied opportunities in her life in order to serve you—was advocating for your happiness? You had always been grateful for her company, but you had always been hesitant to call her a friend because you had believed that she must resent you in some way—but who had told you that?
The same people who had convinced you that you didn’t deserve to be happy in the first place. That had firstly come from your mother, the Queen, who had impressed upon you the worthlessness of your feelings in the face of the needs of the kingdom. Perhaps this had come from a place of trying to raise you to be a benevolent monarch yourself, but you were now starting to see these ideas for what they really were.
And who had perpetuated these notions after she had passed? No one other than yourself. There was only one person now who wanted to stop you from leaving this life you so hated behind: you.
“Well said,” Sungjin commended Lucy in the absence of your answer.
“Oh, Mr. Park!” Lucy exclaimed in relief. “This makes things so much easier. Let’s get you both out from behind that shelf so that you may depart at once.”
Lucy had come prepared. She had brought you a dress to change into, one of her extra uniforms, and since she had heard rumors of your injury, she had brought ointment and bandages as well. While Sungjin collected things that would be necessary for your journey and things he dared not to leave in the castle for intruders to find, she applied the ointment and wrapped your wound as best as she could, what with the awkward placement, and then she helped you into the new dress.
The last things she had brought with her you were sure had come at great risk to her life, and if you wouldn’t have already cried at the sight of them, this added knowledge certainly would have pushed you over the edge as well. She had brought the book that Sungjin had given you and the letter that came with it.
Quickly, she led you through the castle to the entrance of the passage. She gave you directions to where her sister’s family lived with a promise that she would join you soon. 
Sungjin insisted on carrying almost everything in his pack, despite both of you being used to living as scholars. He pointed out that you also had the slice below your collarbone to worry about, but since it had been so shallow, you weren’t worried too much about it. You walked through the passage together, knowing that whatever life met you on the other side, you would face together.
Ten years had passed since the enemy siege on the castle. Luckily, it hadn’t led to war, but the prince’s kingdom had faced significant consequences from other countries allied with yours. The new king in this land was a kind ruler; he was well educated in the ways of service, and in the name of his deceased cousin, the former princess, he had begun several new efforts to provide opportunities for his people to become educated.
In a small forested town in this kingdom, near the mountains, a couple ran a strange building. On the ground floor was a library run by the husband, and up the stairs was a room used as a schoolhouse, headed by the wife. They happily took part in the king’s educational initiatives, turning this little nowhere town into a sort of hub for learning and studying.
You never did find out if your cousin, the new king, knew that you were still alive, but you supposed it was of little consequence. The princess had died in that attack, in some way. That life felt like a tragic book you had read in your youth, something you could tell your children as a bedtime story when they were being ornery (and oh, they were, as seven and five year olds tend to be).
You found yourself enchanted with life now, as doing the most mundane things you remembered at times to be things you had longed for. Your house was across the road from the library-schoolhouse building, and your view out the front window showed you your favorite sight: your husband sitting at one of the tables in his library with those two ornery children, captivating their whole attention with a book about the stars.
He glanced up from the book, in a way that looked habitual, and even from across the street, you could see his surprise in seeing you looking back. His focus was now broken, and the children noticed just as quickly.
You decided to abandon your book-mending project for now to spend the rest of your afternoon off in the place where you had fallen in love with that man to whom you were married: in his library.
Dearest princess,
I write this not with light conscience. I realize wholly the weight of the words which I dare to impart to you. I also fully realize the weight of the words you spoke to me at the ball, just as much as my response to them.
I hope that you may find some humor in this, however: I have written no less than five drafts of this letter, and I still fear this one to be lacking.
I suppose I must end my stalling; beating around the bush has never been my strong suit until just now. I care deeply about you, and as such, I cannot bear to see you so distraught and say nothing. While I do know very well that you serve your kingdom and your people with pride, I also believe that you deserve to serve them in a more corporeal manner than you believe to be in store for you. You and your intellect are of far more value than you believe, and your presence in the academic world has been far more impressive than I have likely let on.
It is bold and improper for me to say this, but I believe you should petition the king to reconsider your prospects for marriage at this time. I say this not simply because of my feelings, although I must admit I cannot isolate these two subjects entirely. I say this because I believe you could do more for your country if you remain here and become an active part of the affairs of the kingdom than if you were to leave. If you wish to take on this challenge, I shall aid you in whichever manner you request.
I save these sentiments for last, and I regret not having told you sooner: I find every part of you to be absolutely captivating, from your wit and intellect to your graceful beauty. I understand my feelings to be above my station, but I do find myself emboldened to know that you return these feelings. If you might ever consider me in reality, know that I would do anything in my power to find a way to stay by your side.
P.S. The book is a gift. I found myself reading for pleasure and I wished I could share this with you. Perhaps you might read it one day if you end up somewhere I can longer pester you.
Now this one took just over a year to write. I think it just started as me having fun and flexing my vocabulary and understanding of English grammar but then it turned into something a little more serious. I also now wonder if I could write closer to a Shakespearean style if I tried. Hmm. Not now though
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thealexalcala · 1 year
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Part 60 : Drunk or Possessed?
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Sweet Chaos
Youngk x Yn
Music. That is about the only thing Brian Kang and YN YLN have in common. And frankly, she has no interest in learning more about the boy she has deemed Mr. Perfect. Fate, however, does not seem to be in her favor when she finds they have been assigned to write and produce together. It can only lead to sweet chaos.
*times and dates do matter*
Tags :
@heyydolll, @yoonguurt, @kwanisms, @dino-16-avocado, @capndarby, @princeofshenzhenuwus, @iluvfin, @dramaticmyday, @wronqness99, @esprit-de-kyung, @dream-toaster, @no-jam1013, @anothershorthuman, @mistressvaekairanna, @aproudleo, @monstathedisco, @peachy-nctzen, @camlcara, @7luftschloesser, @jeetiesforthewin, @atinysparkle, @monstathedisco, @idontknowapil, @thrashhyuck, @d0ntfitin, @skylions-den, @sunsungie, @broken-c0mpass, @cherriechurros, @hxshwnufleur, @chasingmarkles, @enbyfriend98, @chibishae34, @deardayjm, @leomggg, @heart--cake, @ly-sithea, @marsophilia, @jaehyungparkiansbtch, @missmadwoman, @sinfulketchup, @yunhobug, @g0lden-sunset, @jaycheoluwu, @violagoth
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prettywordsyouleft · 2 years
Pairing: Brian Kang x female reader
Genre: fluff / coffee shop au
Warnings: none
Word count: 1373
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“What’s something you’ve never done before?”
Looking up from the toasted panini you were cutting in half, you frowned at your work friend Stacy. “What?”
Your other friend Zeke clapped his hands together and leaned forward. “Oooh! I like this concept. There’s plenty of things Y/N has never done.”
“Wasn’t this a generic question for us all?” you asked, slightly panicked at the way they were eying you now. You attempted a laugh. “What have you never done then?”
“I can’t think of anything,” Stacy responded with a shrug. “I’ve experimented with a lot of things.”
“So have I,” Zeke added on, shooting you a smirk. “Our Y/N here though…”
Looking between the pair, you gaped at them incredulously. “What? What about me?”
“Miss Routine that you are.”
“I’ve never seen you impulsive before. Everything is planned out, carefully thought about—”
“I like structure! And thinking about things before doing it means I save money and—”
“Eats the same panini every time we come here for lunch and grumbles when the table you like is taken. Face the facts, you do everything the same every time.”
You couldn’t refute it, looking down at your chicken cranberry panini, the same as you got last time you were here. You relaxed into the certainty of doing the same thing every time. You didn’t like surprises or change. Whatever you could keep the same in your daily and weekly rituals, you did.
It was out of habit, a necessity to your comfort levels.
Why were they pointing it out to you now?
Stacy cupped her chin in her palm. “Don’t you ever wish to do something out of the ordinary?”
“Not really, no.”
“Nothing major. That would be upsetting to you. But something different. Bold. Step out of the comfortable slipper life and stride through your day in heels or something,” Zeke suggested, animated as he imagined this strange version of yourself. You tried to follow his vision but soon scrunched up your nose.
“What’s the point?”
“You could be missing out on meeting someone new.”
Zeke nodded with a sly grin forming. “Or doing something about that crush of yours on Jason.”
“Ohhhh! Now there’s an idea.”
“No. No way!” you answered with a hasty shake of both your hands, warding off their merciless smiles. “Nuh-uh. I’m fine with it just being a healthy crush.”
“Of four years.”
“On a guy who’s never paid much attention to you.”
“Hey!” You held up the butter knife and pointed at them both, neither fazed at your choice of defence. “I didn’t know today was pick on Y/N day.”
“We’re not picking on you.”
Zeke reached out for your hand. “We want to see you shine. We love you, and we know routine means a lot to you. But you could do with shaking things up now and then.”
You didn’t want to admit his words stood out to you. Maybe you needed to just do something so entirely impulsive that you could hold up as a model for being capable of adapting to something out of the ordinary now and then. Glancing around the café you were eating lunch in, you caught the eye of another person seated across the shop from you. He smiled politely, and you looked at him, analysing.
He had to work in some type of professional position, given his neat green striped shirt and charcoal suit pants, the matching jacket folded over the adjacent chair. His dark hair was pushed away from his face, rich brown eyes now bemusedly catching your prolonged stare again. You blushed and darted your focus to the same-old sandwich you were eating at the same table, and suddenly were up on your feet before you acknowledged the reason.
“Did we push too far?” Stacy worried, glancing at your resolute stance, and over at Zeke who was equally at a loss. “We don’t mean to—”
“Never have I asked a stranger out in a random setting,” you told them before rounding the table and walking over.
Despite the amusement still etched in his handsome expression, you noticed the look of surprise in his eyes. “Hello?”
“Hi,” you said, holding out your hand. “I’m Y/N.”
“Brian,” he responded on instinct, slipping a warm palm against yours. “Can I help you, Y/N?”
“Yes. You see, my friends were just informing me how dull I am, and that I never do anything unexpected.”
Brian looked over at the table behind you but you couldn’t divert your attention from the situation. If you lost your resolve now, you’d stumble over your words and make an embarrassment out of yourself. Heck, you probably already were, but you couldn’t stop for a second to allow the thought to brew. The stranger’s gaze slipped back to yours and he canted his head to the side. “It appears you have their attention piqued.”
“And yours?”
He smiled easily. “It’s not every day a woman approaches me and tells me they’re dull.”
“I did say that didn’t I,” you murmured, feeling your safety barriers descend.
“That said, I am intrigued by your stepping over here. If this is you doing the unexpected, what’s my role in this?”
“You’re hot.”
He had lifted the iced drink on the table to his mouth as you blurted that out and spluttered the mouthful. “You’re really not holding back with your honesty,” he observed, reaching for his napkin to mop it all up.
“This is why I don’t do impulsive things,” you groaned, reaching out to help clean the mess.
“I’m not put off,” he assured you, cracking a grin. “So, I’m hot?”
“Now you’re fishing for more compliments?”
“I’m not opposed to receiving them,” he told you with a flash of his teeth. You laughed and sat in the chair he gestured for you to take. “Level of attraction aside, what does my appearance mean?”
“I told them I’ve never tried to pick up someone randomly before.”
“That’s evident.”
You cringed. “So, on a scale of one to ten, how badly am I doing?”
“A solid six. I’ve had worse.”
You scrunched your nose up, looking at him again. “Worse than some lady telling you’re hot and making you choke on your drink?”
“It’s a memorable meeting, Y/N.”
“I can’t tell if memorable is a good thing or not.” Brian checked his watch after it beeped and then looked back at you, crestfallen. You sighed. “Time’s already up?”
“I have to get to a meeting in twenty minutes,” he confirmed, reaching for his jacket.
You stood on shaky legs, unsure if you were mortified or not. Despite doing everything awkwardly, he wasn’t shooting you pitying smiles, and you didn’t wish for the ground to open and swallow you whole. That had to mean something, right?
“Well, thank you for humouring me.”
“Can I humour you some more?” he wondered, pulling out his phone and holding it out. You glanced at it and then at him, watching his lips curling into another smile. “It was the hot compliment that hooked me.”
“Of course, it was,” you replied with a laugh as you put in your number. Brian tapped out something, and you vaguely heard your phone chime over at the other table.
“I’ll text you to see where we can take this impulsive meeting?” Brian asked, and you nodded, farewelling him dazedly before walking back to your friends and taking a seat.
“Holy shit.”
“I cannot believe you just approached him and told him he was hot!” Zeke exclaimed and you buried your face in your hands and let out another groan.
“Never am I doing that again,” you admitted, fishing out your phone as it chimed again.
You opened the message from the unknown number on your screen, sitting up as you read it.
Hey, this is Brian.
I think you’re hot too. Text me a time to see if we can handle this heat together.
“Oh my God,” you breathed with a chuckle, fingers tapping out a reply. That was incredibly lame.
It wasn’t my best work. But I think you did well with doing something impulsive, Y/N.
Sitting back in your chair, you smiled. Brian was right. It hadn’t been all that bad after all.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[DAY6 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
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unmanageable-day · 6 months
days gone by | chapter 4
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summary. after a typical break-up, your cousin tried to set you up with his friend who happened to just broke up recently as well. after months, you knew it wouldn’t end well and the universe agreed, as suddenly he went m.i.a and it was easier for you to live being free and single. until one day he texted you again…
genre. social media!AU, fake dating!AU / angsty (still trying to find spots to add some fluff)
pairing. DAY6 Young K (Kang Younghyun) x female reader
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dearly-somber · 8 months
All Alone | k.yh | day6
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-> pairing. badboy!younghyun x unpopular kid!reader (f)
-> genre. high school!au, angst, unrequited love, pining, happy ending
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 1729
-> warnings. none
-> a/n. This was honestly kind of all over the place but it’s near to my heart
-> collection. songfic
-> started. ???
-> fin. Oct. 18th, 2020 @ 00:41
-> edited. Thurs., Oct. 25th, 2022, 21:40
You sat with your headphones covering your ears, listening to music and scrolling through Instagram.
You massaged your temple while glaring at the girls hovering around Yoon Dowoon, one of the most popular guys in your class. You continued glaring at them, noticing how Younghyun, one of the other popular ('bad boy') guys in not only your class but your entire school, glared at those same girls.
Before you could get up to confront the Dowoon Fanclub, Younghyun beat you to it:
"Would you people shut up?" One of the girls raised her hand as if she were going to hit him. He shook his head in disbelief, scoffing as Dowoon pushed up from the chair and left the class, his Fanclub not far behind. You sighed, Sungjin and Wonpil who were sitting in front of you turning around in their chairs to look at you.
"What's up with you?" Wonpil asked you, propping his chin on his forearm. You look him over before you took off your headphones.
"What's it to you?" Sungjin laughed, Wonpil elbowing him playfully. You couldn't help but smile at them. They were kinda cute, what could you say?
When the two guys went quiet and you saw Sungjin staring at Eunhi, Jaehyung's childhood best friend. It clicked immediately.
He liked her.
The thought alone made your heart ache painfully. And don't get it wrong, it wasn't because you liked Sungjin. It was just because you knew what he was going through. Biting the inside of your cheek your gaze found its way to Younghyun. Younghyun, who was on his phone and had such a nice side profile and— you shook your head. Get out of your head.
"Is there something on my face?"
Your eyes widened as you heard the familiar voice of Kang Younghyun. You had to swallow nervously, feeling everyone's eyes trained on your face. You were known as the quiet-but-not-to-be-messed-with kid in the class. Most people steered clear of you since you were pretty intimidating with hard stares and looks of dislike. The only people anyone knew you talked to regularly was Wonpil and Sungjin, and on occasion class-clown Jaehyung.
"You just gonna ignore me, then?"
Younghyun turned his phone face-down on his desk. You kept quiet, still staring at him like a kid with their hand stuck in a cookie jar. From out of the corner of your eye, you saw Eunhi get up from her chair. She stood up in front of you, obscuring your figure from Younghyun's fox-like eyes.
"Cut it out, Younghyun." She warned him. You tried to say something but your voice just refused to work. You hated this situation. You knew that Eunhi liked Younghyun. And from what you had noticed recently, Younghyun liked her back. This was why your and Sungjin's situation was so relatable. You both could sympathize for each other.
"Isn't it obvious?" Your head snapped to the side, gaze landing on Dowoon.
"What is?" Younghyun asked him, standing up.
"Don't you dare, Yoon Dowoon." You warned, suddenly having regained your voice. Dowoon smirked, taking a daring step forward. He made eye contact with Younghyun, hands in his pocket.
"She—" before he even had a chance to utter the words, you tackled him down, your hand covering his mouth as you straddled him. You had a hand around his throat, having put it there subconsciously.
"Wow, Y/N. Shouldn't you get a room before showing off your bedroom antics?" Kim Seokjin, the pretty boy of the school said with a smirk. Going red in the face, you sprung up. Dowoon looked shocked, a pink hue tinting his ears as he stared at you open mouthed. You hadn't even realized how Younghyun was staring at you, Wonpil and Sungjin completely speechless.
"Do me next!" Jeon Jungkook called, snickering with his group of friends. Grabbing a book from Sungjin's table you chucked it at Jungkook and his friends. Jungkook ducked, looking at you wide eyed. You turned to Dowoon, pointing at him threateningly.
"Keep your mouth shut or I’ll tell your mom you’re sleeping around."
The class hollered at your comment, Dowoon going pink in the face.
You grabbed your things, rushing out of the room. You bit down on your lip, pushing past Younghyun gently and jogging out. If it wasn't already obvious, that was sure to sell you out. Sungjin glared at Dowoon, pushing past Eunhi and Younghyun to go after you. Younghyun looked over everyone in utter confusion. "What the hell just happened?" He asked as Eunhi turned to look after Sungjin. Did he suddenly like Y/N? Hadn't he confessed to her on the day when she helped Younghyun get away from his dick of a boss? Biting her lip, Eunhi went to sit back next to Jaehyung.
You were sitting in the park with Sungjin. It was just past 7pm, and the night breeze was soothing.
"He makes my heart ache..." You sniffled, leaning against his shoulder. Sungjin bit his lower lip. Once again, they were in the same situation.
"I'm so sick and tired of loving him when I know he doesn't love me back..." You cried. Sungjin felt so hopeless. He slowly shifted so that your face was pressed into his shoulder, his shirt slowly getting wet with tears.
Still crying into his shirt, you choked out what you were feeling, not at all aware of Younghyun who was hiding behind a tree in his work clothes:
"I'm alone..." You wailed, clutching at Sungjin's shirt as if it were your lifeline. Younghyun turned to look at you and his heart broke. Slowly. It broke agonizingly slow. "Only the cold night air is by my side." You continued, pressing yourself into Sungjin.
"You have me, Y/N. You have me..." Sungjin soothed, patting your back gently. You cried, your breathing ragged as you held onto Sungjin. Younghyun left soon after that, heading into the convenience store where he was working. When he got there he layed on the counter, phone in hand as he tried his best not to think about you and how you were crying now, and all because of him. He was so dense. How hadn't he realized how Y/N, one of the coldest people he had ever met was so much gentler towards him?—
"Younghyun!" He snapped out of his reverie, looking up to make eye contact with Eunhi.
"Eunhi, hey!" He said with a smile, though he was sure it didn't reach his eyes.
"When do you finish? I saw the park near here is empty. It would be great for some stargazing!"
"Wait, it's empty? Sungjin and Y/N weren't there?" Eunhi looked nervous as she nodded.
"Yeah. I went to say 'hi' but Y/N suddenly got up and left. And she took Sungjin with her before I could even say 'hello'. She looked upset..." Eunhi muttered, trailing off as she realized that Younghyun wasn't listening anymore.
"I don't think I can go tonight. Some other time, maybe?" He asked, distracted with whatever he was thinking about.
"Uh, yeah.. Sure."
When Younghyun left that night, he finally realized something... He screwed up big time.
You entered the classroom that morning, hand in hand with Sungjin and a tired smile on your face. When you sat down the class hollered, Wonpil looking at the two of you with a smile.
"What'd I miss?" He asked. You shook your head, letting go of Sungjin's hand reluctantly.
"I think I've finally gotten over him." You said quietly. Sungjin smiled at you and you smiled back. Deep down you knew you weren't over him. Sungjin knew that too. But you two could work through the pain together. You yelped as you were dragged out of the room by your wrist. You turned around to confront them but your voice died in your throat at the sight of Younghyun so up close and personal. Your heart was beating in the back of your throat. His hands were soft against your skin and—
"I need to talk to you." He said, his voice sending shivers down your spine. As he continued pulling you along, he was stopped when Sungjin grabbed his arm tightly.
"What do you think you're doing?" He said.
The tension was thick enough to suffocate you. Younghyun glared at Sungjin, quite a bit taller than him. He stepped closer. "Get your hands off of me." He snarled. You gently took Sungjin's hand from Younghyun's arm, looking at him.
"He's—" You cleared your throat, willing your voice to go higher than a whisper.
"We're just going to talk." You assured him gently. Younghyun felt the jealously welling in his chest with how gentle you were with Sungjin. Sungjin let him go slowly, glaring at him warningly. Younghyun stared at him as he took you away.
Standing outside, you leaned against the wall and watched him nervously. You swallowed the lump in your throat as he stared you down, hands in his pockets.
"Is there something on my face?" You quoted him, a nervous smile on your face as he chuckled.
"Cute..." He muttered. Jaw dropping, you looked at him in complete shock.
"Did you just...?"
"Uh. Listen, Y/N. I uh.. saw you, last night. With Sungjin."
You went silent immediately. That means he...
"You saw me break down didn't you..." You looked down. He pitied you. You're never meeting him like this again.
"Pity. I have to go." You said, voice breaking near the end. Before you could though, Younghyun put his hands on either side of you, efficienctly confining you. Your heart was beating so quickly you were sure that you would faint soon.
"It's not that, Y/N. I just... I realized that instead of trying to avoid my feelings for you and leading Eunhi on—"
"You.. You what?" You asked completely blanking out.
"I like you, Y/N. I just couldn't find the confidence to tell you—" before he could finish you cupped his cheeks, effectively shutting him up.
With no afterthought, you brought him closer, standing on your toes and bringing your lips together. Younghyun was shocked for a moment, but his hand quickly moved to your waist, pulling you closer. After a moment or two more you pulled back and hugged him.
"Thank you for loving me back..." You whispered. Younghyun smiled, hugging you back tightly.
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Kinkmas - Day 6: Edging W/ Young K
Post Date: 6th December 2022 Content: Smut - Day6 Young K x Reader WC: 1.1K TW?: Edging/ Teasing/ Fingering/ Oral (Recieving)/ Brian is a TEASE Summary: When drinking hot chocolate whilst watching Christmas movies turns into something else that would make Santa blush.
Masterlist               Kinkmas Masterlist                     Prompt list
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Oh, how comfortable you were, cuddled up on the couch whilst you wait for Brian to finish making you his special hot chocolates that you have become obsessed with. Getting him to make them almost every day since the start of November whilst being in a jolly mood as the countdown to Christmas officially started. 
“Here’s your hot chocolate, baby,” Brian cheers as he carefully passes you your hot chocolate, grabbing it from him with sweater paws from your hoodie, smiling sweetly up at him as he places his on the table to take a seat next to you, pulling your legs over his lap. 
Oh and how perfect it was, decorated with whipped cream and sprinkles, combined with the glittering lights surrounding you as the movie is ready to be played. Both of you were right in your element, the scent of the cinnamon sprinkled on your hot chocolate filling your nostrils delightfully. 
The cinnamon wasn’t the only thing that was delightful, you couldn’t give an answer to the question of why you suddenly got distracted away from the movie, but with his lips molding against yours, you really couldn’t complain in the slightest. 
Your hoodie flies from over your head to the floor, an item of clothing from you both joining it in turn as you fight against each other, the movie just being there for background noise at this point. Your warm, bare bodies flush against each other as he pulls you underneath him.
Your fingertips dig into the flesh on his shoulders as he pins down your hips to the couch, your tongues fighting against each other, leaving no time or room to catch a breath as one thing goes to another. 
Taking his bottom lip between your teeth, you tug on it slightly as you giggle, watching his eyes turn dark with lust, with a smirk growing on his face.
“Oh, you’re going to be like that now are you?” He asks as he lifts himself off you slightly, leaving the slightly cold air to attack your half-naked body. 
The cold air makes you shiver, but that isn’t the only thing to do so, the way his finger trails down your jawline, down your neck, and down to your torso makes your skin rise with goosebumps, making you pant and quiver at his touch.
He teases his fingers around the cup of your bra, playfully tugging at it as he carefully watches your eyes that follow his finger, biting down hard on your lip as he does so. 
Then the bra was off, with one swift movement using his other hand to reach around to unclasp it, peeling it off of you painfully slow as you have to wait for him to do something else.
Everything he’s doing is slow yet every fiber in your body ached with admiration at how much he wanted to enjoy just looking at you, wanting to be sweet about it as his lips plant the softest peppering kisses along your shoulders down to your sternum. 
Though you start to get slightly impatient, needing something more than just being kissed all over despite loving every second, the way it’s taking what feels like forever to get to your needs. Your fingers tangle in his hair as you give it a gentle tug, teasing him as he continues to pepper your skin with the most satisfying kisses. 
“Oh, you really are going to be like that huh? Let’s see how you cope with this,” he scoffs against your skin, lifting his head up to look at you with the most mischievous grin that you’ve seen, on pins with anticipation with his statement.
The light touches continue, but his fingertips makes your hair stand up straight as he inches closer to where you desired to be touched the most, tugging at the band of your underwear and of course, pulling them teasingly slow too. 
Lowering himself, his lips pepper the insides of your thighs, his fingers circling your sensitive skin on the other thigh, alternating the kisses and slight touches.
Until the scent of you fills his nostrils, being unable to resist diving straight in, a long lick up your core making you whimper as you try to keep your legs open so you didn’t trap him between your thighs. 
Looking up to see your reaction, he breathes heavily against your soaking core, making you moan at the sensation. 
The small whimpering cries that flow out of your mouth encourage him to keep going, his tongue doing wonders around your sensitive clit as his fingers make their way into your hole, curling them upwards just as you like it.
Then within minutes, you were so close to your breaking point, unable to control your legs as they start to quiver by his ears, and then nothing. He pulls away, chin covered in your slick as you give him a huge whine, unable to put words together to ask him to keep going. 
“Oh, I’m sorry baby. Were you just about to cum? Such a shame,” his cocky teasing tone playing with your mind, knowing that he was purposely doing this but all you could do was whine at him, pouting as you hope he’ll let you have your release. 
His tongue may not be against your core, but his fingers still caress your insides, moving slowly like he has been doing, giving you barely an ounce of satisfaction, then giving you a little hope when he picks it up again, his thumb brushing then doing digits on your clit.
Your back arches as he does this, making you whimper on his lips, tasting yourself on them as you try to make out with him whilst his fingers do the magic work between your legs. 
Then he stops again.
And again.
And again. 
Each time he could tell you were close, he’d stop for minutes at a time, noticing how worked up you were getting, tears pooling in your eyes, making them glassy as you beg on his lips, for him to let you have just one release, just the one. 
“Oh you poor thing,” he coos mockingly, using his free hand to caress your cheek, wiping away the tear from your eyes as it falls, pouting at you by also mocking you, “I’ll let you cum, don’t worry”.
The swiftness in the way he removes his boxers, joining the clothes pile on the floor, to the way he lines himself up to your entrance, makes your heart and core flutter like mad.
“If you want to cum, I’ll make you cum....” he grunts as he thrusts into you slowly, smirking on his lips as they brush against yours, then leaning into your ear, “But you may not handle how many times I’ll make you”. 
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Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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smileyyoungchan · 2 years
Older - K.Y.H.
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Young K x reader
Song: Older - 5 Seconds of Summer feat. Sierra Deaton
Genre: Angst? With some fluff in the end
Warning: none I guess, but let me know if I’ve missed something
Note: I love this man so much it physically hurts!! Help!!
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I couldn’t sleep. Again.
I missed some arms holding me during the night. I missed his arms.
We decided to take a break, and I couldn’t even remember why, I just know that I missed him to death, but my stupid pride wouldn’t let me call him.
I missed waking up every single morning and seizing his silly face beside me; I missed holding his hand, that was too big compared to mine; I missed creating some imaginary constellations with the moles in his face, tracing the lines with my fingers, and him melting into the touch; I missed him walking around the house and starting to sing some random songs; I missed him.
Maybe staying in bed and continue to think wasn’t good enough. I grabbed my phone and walked to the living room, where I turned on the tv and watched some random things. Didn’t even bothered to check the name of the program, I wasn’t really interested anyway.
It was 3am, and in four hours I had to wake up. That’s cool.
The bell rang and destroyed the calm night.
Who the hell came at my house at 3am?
With a mix of worry and fear I walked to the door, expecting nothing but the worst.
I opened the door and in front of me the only man I’ve ever loved in my entire life, was waiting with a hint of agitation in his face.
“YoungHyun” I whispered, catching his attention.
“Hey - he started- I had a nightmare about you and just wanted to make sure you’re okay”
Why talking to him now kinda seemed off?
I wanted my YoungHyun back. The annoying boy who constantly teased me for everything, but also encouraged me to do all the things I was scared of; the boy who stole some food from my plate, cause he knew that would have made me mad; the boy I love.
“I’m okay” I simply said.
His hand was placed on the side of the door, and the other one was lazily laying o his side.
He was tired, I could have tell that.
“Are you okay?” I asked him.
I needed to know he was doing okay, even if it was a lie, I needed him to say those words.
“Yeah, I guess” he chuckled.
It was a sad chuckle, not the cute one he always made.
“Well, then… see you around” he said after some moments of silence we spent looking into each others eyes.
I had a teacher, once, who tried to be funny and said to one my classmates, who didn’t knew the answer to a question he just made “if we keep staring at each other we will fall in love”, I literally hated that teacher, but every time I locked eyes with YoungHyun I thought that, maybe, he was right, cause every time I looked at him I was dragged, once again, in the whole of love for him.
“See ya”
‘Please don’t go’ my mind was screaming.
But he was walking down the stairs, and I couldn’t help but look at him.
When he turned, following the stairs, and he faced me once again, he gave me a smile. God, I loved him so much.
I smiled back and once he disappeared I closed the door.
If my night was already sleepless now everything will be definitely worse.
Maybe some tea would have helped me calm my nerves.
I was about to walk to the kitchen when a serie of soft knocks from my door catch my attention.
It was him again.
“Sorry” he said as soon as I opened the door.
“Sorry? For what?”
‘I love you! You don’t have to be sorry for nothing!’ My mind wanted to scream to him.
“For what I’m going to saying, but I really need to take this out of my chest- he faced me and his eyes were kinda teary, and all I wanted to do was to hug him- Listen, I can’t continue like this. I need you, i seriously do. The boys all told me I don’t look the same, I can’t even sleep properly anymore. Even eating now kinda makes me sick, and you know how much I love to eat. Music is the only thing that makes me alive right now, but it’s just cause through my lyrics I can feel you again. You're my life, why can't I be yours?” With those final words he completely destroyed me.
Tears stared to run down my face, silently, and I knew it, but decided to ignore them. He was crying too, but when he noticed that I started as well, first, he dried some of my tears, using his thumb.
“that’s the problem, K - he smiled when I used his surname I always gave him - you are my life. I can’t even do anything without being reminded of you. I miss you so much and I can see that we have some things in common here, cause I can’t sleep either”
He reclutantly moved his hand to caress my face, and I didn’t tried to hold back.
“I’ve missed you to death” he whispered, coming closer.
Our eyes met and, as Pete Wentz once said, ‘totally back in love’.
“Can you, please, forgive me? I can’t do this without you anymore” he said, again, in a low tone.
I wasn’t able to form some words with a meaning, so I just nodded countless times.
“Please say it, I need to hear it”
“Yes, K, I forgive you”
He smiled and his face came closer to mine.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice was a soft caress.
“I don’t know, can you?”
I couldn’t resist but laugh at his expression, cause he was just too cute.
“Of course you can”
He connected our lips and I could feel him smile.
“Now I have a request- I said, as soon as our lips parted - stay the night?” I held his hand, preventing him to go away.
He nodded and followed me inside the apartment we used to share.
I turned off the tv and we both walked to the bedroom.
“I missed this place” he said, laying flat on his back on the bed.
“This place missed you too” I sat beside him, just staring at his perfect face.
He noticed me staring and moved his hand to touch me, and let our hands interlock.
“I love you” he whispered.
“I love you too, K”
He smiled.
I lay down next to him, facing him for a brief moment.
When we both decided to sleep I turned around and turned off the light, making myself comfortable.
YoungHyun, behind me, shuffled and came closer to me, placing his arm on my waist.
He placed a couple of kisses on the back of my neck, tickling me.
His hand was caressing my waist, and then the little bastard put his hand - his cold freezing hand- directly on my skin, moving my t-shirt.
“And just WHERE do you think you’re putting your hand?”
“But I’m cold” he says in the babies tone ever.
“You’re lucky I love you” I joked, and he laughed.
How much I’ve missed all of this.
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fallinnflower · 9 months
the witch & the nine-tailed fox - 2
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young k x reader (kumiho!au, historical-fantasy!au, drama)
wc: 9k
tw: mentions of death and illness
a/n: hiiiii so it's been a while! i know i was talking about vampire bambam (and DPR Ian which lays the groundwork for that one and needs to be finished first... it's all still in the works i promise!) the original inspiration behind this sequel was "guard you," and now somehow this cute little part 2 has turned out to be longer than the first installment. thank you to everyone who still reads my work, it means so much to me. i hope you like this part 2 and if you're curious about my WIPs (i have so many. genuinely over 100 things in various states of incompletion.) feel free to ask!
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"Younghyun-ah, Y/N-ah! Come in and eat now!" You both lift your heads at Eunji’s call, her voice ringing out over the valley that serves as your front lawn. 
"Coming!" you call back, hurriedly uprooting the last herb you'd spotted before straightening your back to look for Younghyun. 
You find him walking out of the woods, not disheveled in the slightest aside from the dirt on his hands. A wry smile curls across your lips as you swipe at your sweaty brow with the back of your hand, pushing stray hairs from your eyes. 
"What did you find?" you ask, peering around Younghyun's shoulder to see into his basket as you fall into step with him. He chuckles and nudges you with his elbow. 
"Focus on walking or you'll trip, Y/N-ah." You pout, pondering it for a moment before snatching the basket from his hands. In his surprise he doesn't manage to stop you, merely letting out a sigh as you rifle through it while walking. As you count the herbs under your breath, Younghyun's hand gently comes to rest on your elbow, guiding you around a hole in your path. 
"Thanks," you say, shooting him a quick smile before continuing with your count. He nods, keeping his eyes ahead and his hand on your elbow as you near Eunji's residence. The heat rises up on your cheeks when he doesn't pull away, and you press your lips together tightly to keep your smile concealed even though neither he nor Eunji are looking your way. 
Once you both get to the door, toeing your shoes off, Younghyun makes a beeline for where Eunji is hunched over the table. You watch fondly, looking up through your lashes while you bow your head and pretend to be counting herbs still, as he coaxes the utensils and dishes out of her hands, taking over for the old woman you both love dearly. It warms your heart to see the way Eunji fakes her exasperation with him but allows him to take over the task anyways. 
When you first brought Younghyun home, you'd been afraid of what everyone's reaction would be — Eunji included. However, despite his sharp features and often strange mannerisms, he instantly charmed all the villagers as he helped to administer the new medicine to them at your side. Eunji herself had been the one to suggest he remain in the hut, inviting him into the small family the two of you constituted. He had quickly slotted himself into your lives as though he belonged there, eager to make himself useful and far more adaptable than anyone could have expected. From gardening to cleaning and cooking, Younghyun managed to be good at everything and consistently in good spirits about even the most menial tasks. Eunji, recognizing his eagerness and potential, had begun teaching him how to make certain medicines and prepare materials for the two of you.
"Did you find enough?" Eunji asks, as the two of you make your way inside. 
"Yes, plenty," you reply, smiling. You set your basket aside and head towards where your mentor is busy cooking, inhaling deeply as you approach. Setting a hand on Eunji’s shoulder, you lean even closer to the cookware. "Ah, it smells so good!"
"Get away from there, you’ll get burned!" Eunji scolds you, gently pushing you back. With an exaggerated pout, you start to whine, but are interrupted by a light tug at your sleeve. 
"She’s right," Younghyun says. "You should be more careful." His expression, when you turn to look at him, is almost painfully earnest, his eyes filled with genuine concern as he looks at you. You can’t help but find it endearing.
"I know, I know. I’m sorry," you reply. "But even if I did get hurt, the two of you would nurse me back to health, wouldn’t you?" 
"Nurse you? I’m too old for that sort of thing, child," Eunji scoffs. "You should be the one nursing me, after all these years." You look to Younghyun, and he only offers your a half-hearted smile,
"I won’t be much help on my own." You let out an exaggerated sigh.
"I guess I have no choice then," you say. "I promise I’ll be more careful. Maybe."
Eunji swats at your shoulder once again, but you pay little mind to her scolding as you dissolve into laughter. Younghyun looks between the two of you, uncertain of whose side to take, and you bask in the warmth of the home you’ve made. 
It may be unconventional, but you don’t care. Everything feels just right.
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Most evenings (when the weather is mild) find you and Younghyun outside and wandering — giving Eunji some much-needed solitude before the winter shuts you all in together. The late autumn chill is more brisk than biting, and so you find yourself (with Younghyun following your lead, as though it’s the most natural thing in the world) headed through the woods towards the crest of a hill where the view of the sunset is best. You stretch your arms up to the sky, loosening the tension in your spine before you take a seat on the grass. Younghyun carefully takes his place beside you, hands almost touching at your sides. 
"We’ll head back once the sun starts setting," you say, well aware of your companion’s tendency to worry for your safety. You turn to him with a playful smile tugging at the corners of your mouth, 
"That should give Eunji a long enough break, I think." Younghyun chuckles and leans back on his hands, and you silently admire his profile for a moment. Despite the spirit leaving him, he still looks very fox-like — his sharp features give him an otherworldly handsomeness that would intimidate you if you didn’t know how soft he really was. 
"You know her well," he muses. It feels more as though he’s thinking out loud than anything else, but you choose to reply, turning away before your stare becomes too obvious.
"Well, I’ve known her most of my life." 
"You’ve been with her a long time," Younghyun agrees, thinking back to what he already knows about your relationship. "She’s almost like your mother."
"Hm, in a way…" You trail off, gaze on the horizon. "She raised me, but Eunji is… more than family," you say resolutely, gaze trained on the almost-setting sun. You can feel Younghyun's eyes on you, but you don't mind it — you just don’t feel the need to return his gaze. Not when the sky is so lovely. 
"What's your family like?" he asks, softly. You let out a short, awkward laugh, reaching up to twist the end of your braid around your nervous fingers. 
"Oh," you start. "Well, I don't really know them that well. Not that we don't get along!" You turn to Younghyun to emphasize your point, 
"I still make time to see them whenever I'm in their village, but, you know, Eunji raised me. My family and I are more like friends."
"I always wondered how you ended up with Eunji," he says, words slow and thoughtful. "But I worried that it might be a painful story, because of your family."
"Oh, no, nothing like that," you reply with a wave of your hand. You draw your knees up to your chest and cross your arms atop them, resting your cheek there as your gaze becomes unfocused in the haze of memory. 
"When I was very young, it became clear to everyone that I was different from the other children. My parents were so worried that they brought me to Eunji, and she was the one who discovered I had magical abilities, just like her." A fond smile makes its way across your face, and Younghyun feels his chest tighten for just a moment. 
"Did Eunji take you on as an apprentice then?"
"No," you chuckle. "Eunji is an independent person, as I'm sure you've noticed. She encourages that in other people, so she didn't even offer to take me. Later, when my powers were manifesting even more strongly, my parents brought me to her again. Even then, Eunji wouldn’t teach me any magic unless I asked her — and it just happened that I admired her so much that I asked all the time for her to teach me things." You pause and turn your face back to Younghyun, smiling wistfully. 
"If I had told her I didn't want to learn any magic, she would have accepted that. She would have shown me how to keep it under control and then sent me right back to my parents. But I wanted this life, I chose it.
"So, Eunji is… she’s more than my mentor, too. She’s like a mother, and an aunt, and a sister, and a best friend. She’s been my protector and provider, and, more than anyone else in the world, she's made me who I am. Somehow, I think she knows everything about me, even more than I do." 
Younghyun watches as you turn your gaze back to the setting sun, your skin awash in golden-red light. The tender expression in your face is warmer than any sunlight, he thinks. Ever since your first meeting, he had felt you were something of a mystery — a force of nature in and of yourself — but as he came to know Eunji he felt he was coming to know you, as well. He often found himself searching for the answers to his questions about you in her, his inexperience leaving him unsure of how to ask you those questions outright. 
As he loses himself in the sight of you, he feels a surge of emotion run through him: first, his fondness for you, an ever-growing affection that both thrills and alarms him; and second, the cold, unsettling chill of his own inadequacy. Even sat as you are, looking so small and delicate, you seem as grounded and certain as a mountain, strong-willed and clear-minded. 
Sometimes, he thinks that he was only made a gumiho so that he could wait for you to come to him. 
As the twilight begins to settle in, he notices bemusedly that you've fallen asleep sitting beside him. He can't help but marvel at you, a girl unafraid to sleep in the open valley, the same girl who ascended the dangerous mountain peak alone to find him — and succeeded. 
Slowly, he stands and removes the shawl from his back, draping it across your shoulders before gently lifting you into his arms. You curl comfortably against his chest, cheek against his shoulder, and for a moment time seems to stand still as you take his breath away without even opening your eyes. You look so vulnerable, lightly clutching at the shawl in your sleep, and Younghyun feels (not for the first time) the sudden and overwhelming urge to protect you from any and all harm. It frightens him, almost, that he instinctively knows he would follow you to the ends of the earth, go any distance at all to ensure you never had to face any dangers or pains that you may have before he came into your life. It’s more than gratitude that keeps him close to you, when he could go anywhere in the world. It's the fledgling, stirring sensation in his chest when he looks your way that frightens and enthralls him that compels him to stay. 
Younghyun takes a deep breath of the evening air, forcing himself back to his senses before he turns away from the horizon in the direction of home, holding you gingerly, preciously, as he goes. 
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A knock at the door interrupts the rhythmic grinding of herbs against stone, breaking you out of your almost meditative state. You glance out the window, seeing that the sun has not moved very high into the sky, and wonder who it could be so early. After all, your home is rather remote, so they must have set off while the sun was still lingering by the horizon. Before you can even set aside your work, Younghyun, who had once again been tending the fire (he does it often to keep Eunji from getting up and down so much — despite what she insists, you both hear the way her knees and back tend to crack at her slow movements), hurries to the door. Your hands remain still as you strain to listen to their conversation. 
"Are the healers here?" You hear, faintly, and you gently set aside your task and go around the corner to stand behind Younghyun. Over his shoulder you can see a man with a slight hunch, looking winded and drawn. You can’t help the concern that squeezes your heart as you look at the worried lines of his face. 
"Yes," you reply, stepping around so that he has a clearer view of you. "Would you like to come in? It’s quite cold outside." The man nods, releasing some of the tension from his shoulders as he bows his head. It only takes a brief look from you for Younghyun to agree and spring into action. 
"Follow me," Younghyun says, "I’ll brew some tea." As he guides your new guest into the central room, you head into the back where Eunji is preparing medicinal sachets. You gently tap your knuckles along the doorframe, causing the old woman to look over her shoulder at you.
"A visitor?" she asks. You nod,
"Younghyun is making him tea. He seemed like he was in a rush to get here." Eunji hums in acknowledgement, and as she slowly begins to rise from her seat you take half a step towards her, arms outstretched — she dismisses your offer of help before it even passes your lips. 
"I’m not some helpless old woman. Go see to our guest while I get my shawl." You can’t help but smile. You have no choice but to do what she says.
You find Younghyun and the man engaging in quiet conversation over cups of tea, and Younghyun hurries to pour a cup for you. No matter how often you told him not to, as he was technically a guest, he refused to allow you or Eunji to pour for yourselves, worried you might burn your hands somehow. You find it funny, and a bit endearing, considering the conditions he’s already seen you in — burnt fingertips are the least of your worries, most of the time. 
"My mentor will be joining us soon," you say, taking your seat at the small table. The man’s worried expression gives way to a relieved smile, though you can still see the concern darkening his eyes. 
"Thank you," he says. He opens his mouth to say something else, gaze directed at you, but is interrupted as Eunji enters the room. He stands, fully prepared to bow to him, and Eunji doesn’t hesitate to tell him to sit back down as she approaches the table. Despite being obviously surprised, he does as she says, and Younghyun pours the final cup of tea. Eunji takes a  prolonged moment to sit whilst you and Younghyun watch on with thinly veiled concern, adjusting her shawl around her shoulders. Finally, she looks across the table at the weary man,
"You seem to have come a long way." The man once again seems taken aback by Eunji’s brusqueness, but nods.
"Yes. Many of the children in our village have fallen ill, and we are worried about leaving them untreated with the winter weather approaching…"
"It’s a perilous time," Eunji agrees, dipping her chin. "How far is your village?" His eyes brighten at Eunji’s question.
"Just over an hour’s walk, so long as the weather holds." Eunji glances over at you, and you nod resolutely. The man had arrived before the noon hour — plenty of time to visit the village, assess the situation, and return to prepare treatments. Of course, it might take until the next day to finish the medicines and bring them, but you can’t help that. A small smile curves along Eunji’s lips.
"These children will accompany you," she says, still smiling. You want to retort that you aren’t a child any longer, just as Eunji proclaims she isn’t an old woman, but hold your tongue. The man scrambles onto his knees, bowing deeply,
"Thank you, thank you!" You rise from your seat, Younghyun doing the same.
"Please, sit up!" you implore, cheeks burning. "It’s our job to help, there’s no need for this!" Younghyun places a hand on your shoulder, leaning around you to speak to the man himself,
"Finish your tea. We’ll prepare our things and leave once you're done." He lifts his head, eyes wide, and his gaze flicks back to the teacup on the table as though he had forgotten it. 
"Ah, yes. Thank you." He returns to his seat, somewhat sheepish but clearly relieved, and you turn to Younghyun with a grateful smile. Such fervent displays of gratitude have always made you embarrassed, especially since your skills are still so lacking. Younghyun returns your smile with one of his own, gently squeezing your shoulder before dismissing himself to start packing. You cast one last glance at Eunji and the man, now conversing more casually, before going to get your own supplies. Uncertain of what exactly you’ll encounter, you pack the most common medicinal herbs — remedies for coughs and fevers, always necessary as the winter looms. Soon, the three of you have begun your trek across the valley and into the edges of the woods, walking carefully alongside a stream, conversation kept light and minimal.
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You brace yourself as you near the village, hoping beyond hope that what ails the inhabitants will reveal itself to you. The thought of last winter tightens your throat, making it hard to breathe. Younghyun, noticing the change in your pace and pinched expression, reaches out to touch your arm. The warmth of his hand lifts the invisible weight off your chest.
"Are you alright?" he asks. You feel bad, for a moment, that you always seem to be making him worry. You offer him a reassuring smile.
"Yes," you reply. "Just... worried. I hope treating them will be straightforward." Younghyun’s lips press into a thin smile, almost like a grimace, no doubt thinking back to that cold, unforgiving mountain. Both of you try to shake the thoughts off as you press on.
As you pass the first traces of the village, you begin to feel a heaviness in the air. Even if the guide were to leave you, you would easily be able to find where they had gathered the sick — the energy is hard to ignore. It wafts towards and beckons you past curious and hopeful residents looking out into the street as you pass. Through a dark, gossamer veil of mist only your eyes can see, the building is revealed. As you near it you can hear coughs, but also a low buzzing hum, unnatural and uncomfortable.
You think back to your childhood, when you had asked your mother about that same sound when your older brother was sick, and she had only looked at you — confused, exasperated, concerned — and told you there was no such noise that she could hear. Eunji later told you that it was nature’s way of alerting you to imbalance when it couldn’t be readily seen. As you approach the building you pass off your pack to Younghyun, who remains just outside the entrance, watching you as you perform your preliminary analysis. Most of the patients are, as your guide had mentioned, children. Many of them are sleeping, huddled near one another for extra warmth, faces flushed with fever. You make your way to one corner of the room and kneel near a young teenager, half-awake, whose eyes flutter closed as your cold hand brushes their hair aside and makes contact with their forehead. You close your own eyes as well, willing the darkness behind your eyelids to reveal the answers.
Many times since you first discovered your ability, you had tried (in vain) to describe the way in which these answers were conveyed to you. Eunji, likewise, had difficulty. Something inside of you, something which resonated so deeply with the world around you, was simply able to identify the unnatural imbalance that was the illness and then lead you toward what was needed to restore the balance. It was a feeling more than a vision, though sometimes a faint image may come into your mind. One of the first things Eunji had ever taught you was to meditate and empty your mind as an invitation to the spirits that guided you to enter. Curious, you had asked if it was like possession, which Eunji had pondered before telling you that you were both right and wrong. As with most questions you had about your abilities, there were no straight or definitive answers, only a half-blind trust in the earth.
You hadn’t realized you were holding your breath until it passes from your lips in a relieved sigh. Last winter is not repeating itself. You make your way to a few other patients throughout the room, verifying that the same illness reveals itself each time, and by the time you circle back around to the entryway you are able to smile genuinely at both Younghyun and the parents and guardians now gathered outside. 
"It appears to be a widespread cold," you report. You beckon Younghyun over with your pack, and after rooting around you find what you’re looking for.
"Doraji?" someone nearby asks as you unwrap the bundle, and you nod. 
"This is dried doraji, so you need to soak it in water. Just give them all a small piece. Tomorrow I’ll bring a stronger medicinal tea, but this should help to relieve the coughing for now. It’s bitter, so the children might only eat it cooked…" You find that you’re mostly speaking to yourself as people pass the small bundle of dried roots around, discussing who should be in charge of the process. Most of the villagers have encountered the bellflower before, but don’t have as many of its roots on hand as you and Eunji do, carefully  cultivated and dried in batches. When you get home, you’ll have to check and see if there are any fresh roots left — the fall harvest isn’t so far behind you that it’s impossible. 
As you make mental notes of what ingredients you’ll need to prepare for the tea, you methodically arrange everything back in your pack and affix it to your back once more. You and Younghyun bid the villagers goodbye, reiterating your instructions once more before heading towards home.
"Do we need to look for anything on our way?" Younghyun asks, and you take a moment to run through a mental inventory before you reply. You shake your head.
"Not unless you see late-season doraji blooming. We don’t need to go out of our way, we found plenty this fall." 
"And prepared it," Younghyun replies, a slight grimace on his face. You can’t help but to laugh when you remember how much he struggled to peel the roots, and the envy with which he watched Eunji’s hands easily working away. Eventually, she had sent him to work on something else, leaving him sulky for most of the afternoon. Somehow, he was even handsome when he pouted.
"You’ve gotten better at drying ingredients," you tease, and although he grumbles in irritation the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth betrays him. You feel remarkably lighter the longer you and Younghyun walk together, playfully bantering about his (lacking) medicinal skills and wondering what meal Eunji will be preparing when you return. There’s a warmth in your heart you can only attribute to Younghyun being in your life, and although you’ve never said it aloud you hope he knows just how much he does for you just being by your side. 
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You rise purposefully alongside the sun, wasting no time in getting ready for your journey. While the trip to the village isn't long, the skies have looked troublesome since the evening before — the first storm of winter is approaching, and you can feel nature all around you settling in preparation. Normally, such reactions as these from the animals would keep you home, but you simply can't stay. Remembering the miserable faces of the sick you had visited with yesterday is enough to have you strapping your pack to your back with haste, moving for the door just as the sun has fully risen over the horizon. 
"You're still going?" You whip around, startled. You hadn't realized anyone else was awake, let alone out in the main room. Younghyun meets your gaze,  his expression marred with concern. 
"Of course," you say resolutely. "I have to." Your response only makes his brow furrow more deeply. 
"But the storm looks like it will start earlier than we thought…"
"I can't leave those people to suffer," you reply, voice more sharp than you had attended. Younghyun's winces, just slightly, and you avert your eyes in shame, softening your voice,
"I have to help them. I know that I can help them, so I have to go." 
You hear Younghyun sigh, but he doesn't say anything. The creaking of the floor lets you know that he's retreated from the room, and your stomach twists at the thought of leaving him mad at you — but your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of him approaching you once more. Before you can say anything, your vision is obscured by a shawl that he drapes around your shoulders despite the pack on your back. 
"At least bundle yourself up," he chides, his tone gentle. He carefully makes sure the shawl is wrapped securely around your shoulders, protecting your throat from the chill, and you can't help the laugh that escapes you. 
"I'm already wearing fur-lined clothes," you chuckle. "Look!" You hold one wrist out and peel back the edge of your arm warmer to reveal the plush white fur beneath. 
"Even the jeogori is lined," you add, patting the puffy sides of your skirt to prove that the fabric is puffy from the fur and not simply billowing around you. Younghyun's frown melts into a fond, if still concerned, smile at your antics. He reaches up and brushes a few strands of hair he had inadvertently pushed loose when draping the shawl over you back out of your face, the warmth of his hand lingering on your cheeks. 
He takes a step back and looks over your outfit once more, as if to assure himself that you truly are dressed for the impending weather, and you once again hold back a laugh. 
"You worry too much," you playfully scold, patting him on the shoulder. "The sooner I leave, the sooner I can come back. You'll take good care while I'm gone, right?" He presses his lips into a tight line, looking as though he wants to dissuade you from leaving — but his resigned sigh tells you he's realized those efforts will be futile. 
"Of course," he says. "So hurry back." You pull your hand off of him and move to the door before he can change his mind. 
"I will!" you chime, before stepping out into the morning chill.
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Even as the breeze carries the scent of snow to you, the clouds hanging low and heavy, you push onward. It will be easy enough to distribute the medicine once you arrive, and so long as you’re home before nightfall everything should be fine. Nonetheless, your pace quickens without you even noticing, pulling your pack flat to your back. 
The villagers greet you with nervous gratitude, all the adults looking considerably exhausted, and are quick to usher you into warm buildings when they notice your windswept cheeks. As some of them bustle around, preparing tea and refreshments for you despite your protests, others help you to unload your pack.
“This is the tea. I tried to make it less bitter, since most of the children are affected,” you explain, laying the sachets of medicine out on a table. You remove a wooden spoon, the bowl narrower but deeper than one used for dining. “Use this to measure the dose. One scoop will suffice for small children, but adults should use two.” The adults around you murmur, and one eventually speaks up.
“Would you mind helping us with the first dose, Y/N-nim?” The use of the honorific momentarily stuns you, but nobody else seems bothered. Despite your many years under Eunji’s tutelage, you still feel yourself far too much of a novice to be deserving of such respect  — but to these people, who rely on you more as Eunji gets older, you imagine the lines are more blurred. 
Younghyun’s warnings about the weather echo in your head, but you find yourself agreeing. How could you leave these people in their time of need? What if the children are stubborn and need more coaxing, some gentle pressure from the ‘all-knowing witch’? 
Thankfully, most of the patients cooperate since their family matriarchs are present, though some are more stubborn. As the sun hangs in the afternoon sky you are ushered into someone’s residence for a light meal. Many of the village women gather around the room with you, taking a moment to relax after the prolonged brewing and portioning of medicinal tea. After eating a small portion, you pull out your extra herbs to measure more of the tea for the village, just in case. One of the women leans towards you as you do, a light smile playing at her lips.
"Y/N-nim, we’ve all been wondering — who is that man that came with you last time?" All eyes turn to you, the other conversations in the room halting. Their curiosity is far from unusual or unwarranted — every village Younghyun has accompanied you to has at least one person who raises the question, and plenty more who don’t ask but are clearly wondering too. After all, for so many years it's been only you and Eunji visiting these people unassisted. You barely glance up from your work at her question, a smile curving your lips. 
"I found him injured on the mountain," you say. Everyone knows the one, and the story of your journey, at this point. "He's been staying with us while he recuperates. He can't remember where he came from, or how he got on the mountain."
"Ah," the woman hums. She goes back to her own business as you continue tending to yours, almost laughing at the well-rehearsed story. At least it isn’t a complete lie, you muse, just a half-truth.
But the longer you sit, continuing your work, the more you start to think. Younghyun was living with the two of you as a means of getting used to human life again — it was never intended to be a permanent situation. Neither you nor Eunji had any intention of keeping Younghyun in your little shack in the valley if it wasn't where he wanted to be. Your hands falter for a moment before resuming their task purely from muscle memory, your heart sinking. If Younghyun were to tell you he wanted to leave…
You shake your head slightly. If Younghyun wants to leave, you should let him. You would let him — though the very thought makes your throat feel tight. You repeat it to yourself, a reprimand for your foolishness and selfishness. Younghyun deserves to do whatever he wants, even if it means leaving you. 
Eventually you decide you’ve made enough extra doses and should brew and distribute medicine to the remaining, most stubborn patients. Most of them are willful children who still have enough energy to argue despite their illness and were put off by the tea’s bitter smell, despite your best efforts to sweeten the mixture. Part of the reason for the afternoon break was so some of the village women could pull together something small and sweet for the children to eat after taking the medicine. With bits of dried fruit from various villagers’ homes now being presented alongside the tea, most of the children took the medicine (though still scrunching their noses at the bitterness) without much argument.
Some, however, required much more coaxing. In the end, it took you sitting amongst them and feeding into their misconception of you as a powerful, all-knowing witch alongside some bargaining with dried fruit to convince them. By the time you leave the village, you feel mentally exhausted and ready to collapse at home with Eunji and Younghyun. The clouds have sunk down over the mountaintops, heavy with snow — you smell the ice in the air and feel the stillness around you as all the other animals burrow away from the impending storm.
The snow begins to fall lightly, at first, but it sticks quickly to the frozen ground. You quicken your pace as the wind picks up. You know it’s no use; you can’t outrun the storm, so you’ll just have to push on. The tingling sensation in your hands, tucked deep into your fur-lined sleeves, warns you that conditions are going to get worse before they get better.  
Damn, you think, pulling your outermost shawl up over your nose as the storm howls. You really should have left the village sooner, but the children were so stubborn about taking their first doses of medicine. Thinking about it, you know you couldn’t have left without having assured yourself that all of them had taken it. You’re thankful it wasn’t the same plague as last winter, when you ventured up the mountain and made a deal with Younghyun but still couldn’t save everyone. The familiar shroud of guilt threatens to encompass your heart, the bitter wind blowing hard. Shaking your head, you burrow your chin and cheeks down into the shawl, trying to hide from the cold. Wisps of hair are pulled from behind your ears into view by the violent winds, and you squint through the snowflakes that cling to your lashes to be sure you're headed in the right direction before casting your gaze downward once more. As you continue plodding on, the crunching of your footsteps scarcely audible above the wails of the windswept winter trees, a voice suddenly cuts through the storm,
You lift your head and, for a moment, the wind stills. The snow is still falling, but through it you can see him approaching, and a smile creeps across your face. Seeing him like this, surrounded by snowflakes, reminds you of last winter — the first time you met Younghyun, up on the lonely mountain. Even the concern written in the creases of his brow look the same as they did the night he chose to reveal his true nature to you, to save you from the deathly chill. 
You lift your head and continue striding towards him with renewed vigor. The snow is just about at your ankles now, the frozen ground hard beneath your feet with each step. 
"Y/N!" he cries once you come more clearly into his line of sight. He looks relieved for a moment before running towards you, "Are you crazy?!" 
In a flurry he reaches out to pull your shawl further up your head, eyes flitting worriedly over your wind-whipped cheeks and frosty lashes. 
"I shouldn't have let you go alone," he grumbles, pulling the pack from your shoulders and slinging it over one of his own before you can protest. You hurry to follow him back to the hut, walking in his larger footsteps. 
"Then who would've helped Eunji prepare the house?" you ask, gently reminding him of your earlier conversation. You watch as his shoulders tense as though he's about to argue with you, but he lets out a sigh and ushers you into the house before him. Although you feel bad for worrying him, it does warm your heart to know that he stayed to help Eunji when you couldn't. 
Eunji, however, seems about as pleased with you and your decision as Younghyun — maybe even less. 
“That was foolish,” is all she says when you walk in the door. She barely casts a glance in your direction before turning back to the food still warm above the fire. You can tell she and Younghyun have already eaten just by the amount left, and the guilt resurges. 
"Sorry, Eunji…" you mutter, lowering your head like a scolded child. She only takes your food off the fire for you to eat, before rising slowly to her feet and shuffling off into her room. 
You eat accompanied only by the fire's crackle and glow, your own shadow cast long across the table from you as a stark reminder of your foolish decision. 
For hours after dinner you lie awake, unable to sleep. You listen to the howling wind outside and occasionally rise to your feet, walking to the far end of the room to be sure you can feel the ondol beneath the floor still warming it sufficiently. 
It's long into the night when you hear a faint melody, and you creep to your doorway to hear it better. 
It isn't Eunji, nor is it a song you recognize, yet the words fall easily from Younghyun's lips in a hushed tone, accompanied by the gentle scrape of him stoking the small fire in the agungi. No wonder the ondol seemed warmer than usual, you think to yourself, slowly creeping towards the source of the song. 
You watch from the shadowy corner as Younghyun tosses another piece of wood into the fire, dusting his hands off as he continues to sing. He glows golden in the firelight, and it's hard to believe that all traces of his former magic have left him — anyone seeing him would surely believe he had descended from the heavens that very day. 
As you listen to his voice, you try desperately to think of what song he may be singing, but none come to mind. Although it somehow sounds familiar, you know you've never heard it before.
Eventually, Younghyun stops singing, letting out a soft sigh as he holds his hands out towards the fire. Quietly, you step forward, but the slight creak of a board beneath your feet makes him turn. He doesn't look particularly surprised to see you, merely turning back to the flames as you go to take a seat beside him. 
"You have a wonderful voice," you say, finally. "What song was that?" He shakes his head. 
"I don't know the name. It's something my mother used to sing." His throat seems tight as he speaks, his words clipped and his expression stony. You stare at the side of his face, but he doesn't budge. Your nervous fingers pick at a loose thread you find on your clothes, and your eyes follow the pattern of the woodgrain until the shadows swallow them up. With great effort, you summon up the courage to speak,
"I'm sorry for upsetting you today. I didn't mean to make you mad." 
The smallness of your own voice makes you wince, and you're relieved that Younghyun doesn't look at you, as you couldn't possibly bring yourself to meet his eyes. 
"I'm not angry at you," he sighs, leaning back on his palms. "You just… you do things for other people without thinking of the consequences for yourself. It's like you think that nobody cares what will happen to you." 
You open your mouth to retort, but find no words to do so. After all, he isn't wrong — you've always thought of being a healer as your sole purpose in life. Regardless of how much you adored Eunji, you can still remember how it felt to be given away by your family, and how alien they seem to you at times. There's a part of you that's always believed you could never be part of a normal world, live a normal life, and as Younghyun's words sink in you realize that, maybe, you've been throwing yourself into being a selfless healer so wholeheartedly and recklessly to avoid the pain of facing what you perceive as a lonely future. 
Aside from Eunji and your family, you wonder sometimes if anyone else has ever cared about you for any reason other than you being a healer. And to avoid the thought you simply propelled yourself full-force into your sworn duty. Like anyone else, you wanted to matter, and healing was the only way you knew how to. 
Before you know it, your teardrops have begun to stain the floor by your knees. Younghyun notices and hurriedly pulls his sleeves down over his knuckles, gently pressing the backs of his fingers against your cheeks. 
"Don't cry. I didn't mean to make you cry," he pleads, and you shake your head. 
"It isn't your fault," you reply, swallowing hard. "It's mine." Younghyun sighs, still gingerly drying your tear-stained cheeks. Even though you feel ashamed of your own childishness, you can’t bring yourself to stop him — or stop yourself from crying.
"You’re a good person," he intones, his voice as warm as the fire in the agungi, his eyes catching all the embers’ glow. "You care about other people, and there isn’t anything wrong with that. But you can’t help anyone if you don’t take care of yourself. You don’t ever make yourself a priority, even when you should, so of course Eunji and I worry about you. Especially when you do reckless things, like go out alone in a snowstorm…" The hint of a smile curls at one corner of his mouth, and you let out a short, wet laugh.
"Yeah," you sniff. "I deserve that." You leave your hands in Younghyun’s, watching as he gently runs his thumbs across the ridges of your knuckles. Somehow, he had managed to halt your tears without you even noticing, and though you still feel ashamed of having disappointed Eunji you feel more apologetic than anything else now.
"Does that mean you forgive me, then?" you ask, looking up to meet his gaze. Younghyun’s eyes hold all the golden light and warmth in the world as they meet yours, a full smile curving his lips now. He reaches out to brush loose strands from your braid behind your ear, a pleasant shudder running through you as his fingertips ghost along the shell of your ear.
"Yes," he says. 
Then, unexpectedly, he gives the lobe of your ear a swift tug. You yelp and reach up to cover your ear, but it’s too late. Younghyun only continues to smile at you, though you can see the mischievous glint in his foxish eyes as you pout across from him.
"But only if you promise to be more careful from now on." You huff, but lower your hand from your ear and extend a pinky out to him.
"Okay, I promise." 
Your lovely, wonderful Younghyun links his pinky with yours securely, lifting them up to press the back of your pinky to his lips. You’re grateful for the warmth and glow of the agungi, blaming the flush in your cheeks on it as the two of you unlink your pinkies and bid each other goodnight.
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Eunji doesn’t stay mad at you for long, as is her way, but it probably helps that you try to actively stay in her good graces. The snow has finally stopped after falling for two nights, and Younghyun wasup since dawn clearing small paths around the hut for you and Eunji. 
“Go get him,” Eunji says sharply. “He’s been out there too long. It’s too cold.” You can’t help but smile to yourself, setting aside your task as Eunji shuffles, muttering, to make tea for you all. Draping a shawl over your shoulders, you poke your head out the door. Your eyes find him immediately, the only figure amidst the snowdrifts and gray skies.
“Younghyun-ah,” you call, and he turns to face you. He raises a hand to wave, and you beckon him with your hand. “Eunji says it’s time to come in.” Without hesitation he starts walking towards you, the shovel he had been using resting on one shoulder. As he gets closer you see how red his nose and cheeks are and can’t help but pout; you take the shovel from him and push him into the hut, chiding him,
“Why didn’t you cover your face? Your nose must be frozen.” You shut the door behind you and immediately reach up to feel his nose and cheeks, cradling his face in your hands. He smiles at you, eyes sparkling, and you feel your face getting hot — you pinch his nose, hard, and before he can begin whining at you about it you take him by the shoulder and start pushing him towards the table where Eunji has set out the teacups. The old woman looks over her shoulder at the two of you, tutting when she sees Younghyun’s red face.
“You young people, you never take care of yourselves,” she scolds.
“That’s why we have you, Eunji!” you chirp, taking the shawl off your own shoulders to drape it over hers. She rolls her eyes at you but tugs the shawl a little tighter around her and can’t keep the smile off her face as she waves you off. Younghyun obediently takes a seat at the table, and you follow suit with Eunji right behind you. It had taken you a considerable amount of time as a child to get used to Eunji’s lack of adherence to tradition. She didn’t care who served who, or the order in which things were done — she had lived alone and away from society for so long that she simply did what was most efficient. As Eunji got older, she let you do more for her, but never everything. She let Younghyun do more, and though you know she’ll never admit it, it was clearly her attempt to make him feel more comfortable.
Sitting around the table, you can’t help but bask in the warmth of your home. You have never felt so happy, you think, as you do with these two people, whom you love most in the world.
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With the snow still thick on the ground, there’s little to do other than stay inside and prepare ingredients for the impending ailments the season brings. Neither you nor Eunji have been summoned, and until more of the snow melts you can’t venture very far from your hut. 
Most of the day has passed with all of you inside, working away at various chores and tasks. You’ve turned to mending clothing, having finished grinding herbs, and after hours hunched over by the table you set aside your task and stand, needing to stretch. It’s sometime in the afternoon, 
“Y/N-ah,” Eunji says, beckoning you into her room. You make your way over, curious as to why she’s calling you into her bedroom instead of coming to the central room to speak to you. 
“Yes, Eunji?” She tugs at your sleeve, then pushes your shoulder down so your ear is level with her mouth,
“I’m going to make Younghyun a treat since he’s been here a whole year. Take him outside and stay out until our evening meal.” You barely hear her request, stuck on the fact that Younghyun has been here, with you, off the mountain for a year. Does that mean he’s adjusted enough to human life? Is he going to want to leave soon? Eunji releases your shoulder, and you bring yourself back to reality.
“I can do that,” you say, though your head is still spinning slightly. Eunji smiles at you and pats your shoulder.
“I knew I could count on you.” Her statement lightens your heart just slightly, enough for you to make your way into the common room and tap Younghyun’s shoulder. He lifts his gaze from his work, a slow attempt to perfectly peel some roots, and you smile,
“Eunji wants us to get out of the house so she can clean.” 
“Shouldn’t we help?” he asks, but he’s already setting aside his work and standing up. You shake your head.
“She’s very particular sometimes, you know that. She said we’d only get in her way.” Younghyun thankfully accepts your excuse and pulls on his extra winter layers alongside you as Eunji makes her way into the common room to shoo you both out.
It’s cold outside, but not unpleasant. The sun reflects almost blindingly off the snow in the valley, so you and Younghyun both begin walking towards the woods in search of some shade.
“It snowed so much this year,” you remark. 
“It’s still nothing like last year,” he replies, and when you turn to look at him you find his gaze on the familiar mountain peak in the distance. One whole year…
“You’re right,” you say. “That storm was particularly bad. The beginning of that winter… before you, it was awful. Everything felt so hopeless.” Younghyun laughs softly,
“That’s how every winter felt,” he says, “until you.” 
You don’t know what to say, a lump forming in your throat as thoughts continue to swirl in your mind about Younghyun leaving. It’s foolish, you think (you know) to be so concerned with something that may not even come to pass, or not soon at least, but you can’t help it. After only a year Younghyun has become such an integral part of your life that you can’t imagine not seeing him every day.
But it’s his choice, you remind yourself. Just like you had never wanted anyone to stand in the way of your decisions, you knew you could never stand in the way of his. 
The two of you walk in comfortable silence through the woods. Despite the snow, you both know your way through the trees almost by instinct, having walked all these paths through the other three seasons. The trees become sparser as you near the river that lies in the bowl of the valley. Once again you’ve found yourselves at the hilltop where you have the best view of the sunset, the late afternoon sun casting long stripes of shadow and golden light across the ground. The river runs shimmering down in the valley, thawed from the day’s sunshine. You stand beside Younghyun in your usual spot, the warmth of his body radiating onto you, and the lump forms in your throat again. Enough, you think, biting the inside of your cheek. I should just get it over with.
“Younghyun-ah, have you ever…” you press your lips together, taking a deep breath before trying again. “Is there somewhere you want to go, Younghyun-ah? You know Eunji and I — we would help you do anything. You’ve adjusted well to life off the mountain, so…” Again, you can’t seem to finish, and so you simply let the statement hang in the air, hoping that he’s able to understand your babbling. You can feel his gaze on you, but can’t bring yourself to lift your face. If you look at him, you might just lose your resolve and end up taking it all back, begging him not to go. You can see when he turns to you completely, his feet pointing towards yours and not the setting sun.
“Do you remember,” he starts, taking your hands in both of his. He runs his thumbs across your knuckles gently, sending shivers down your spine. “How you said you saw me grow old in your vision?” The statement catches you off guard enough that you look up, but he’s smiling down at your hands in his, his expression soft. 
“Yes,” you reply, voice barely a breath, but you know he hears you. He lifts his face, resolve painted into his sharp features, and you gaze into his eyes, dark as the new moon sky. 
“I want to see you grow old too, Y/N-ah.”
The tenderness in his voice renders you speechless, and though you know your feet are on the ground you feel as though your body has risen into the clouds, face warming as his stare continues to pierce you. 
“What…?” What does that mean? What do you mean by that? 
“I'm asking you to let me stay by your side,” he explains, squeezing your fingers gently. “Wherever you go, whatever you do, I don't mind — I just ask that it isn't without me.”
You could swear your heart stops beating, that the world altogether stops for a moment. Younghyun’s eyes never waver, earnest and sure, and the longer you hold his gaze the further you feel yourself falling into the depths of your devotion to him. As you hurtle towards the conclusion you had been fearful to voice for so long, you remind yourself to breathe, the air trembling in and out of your lungs. 
“Why?” Is all you manage to ask, your heart aching, pounding desperately in anticipation of whatever confession awaits you. 
Younghyun chuckles kindly, and the sight of his smile causes your own lips to curl, a salve to your anxiety. He runs his thumbs soothingly along the ridges of your knuckles. 
“Because,” he says, then lifts your hands to his mouth. He presses a soft kiss on each of them, sending butterflies soaring in your stomach, and looks up at you through his lashes with that smile still playing at the corners of his mouth. 
“You’re my destiny. I’ll do anything to stay by your side until the end.”
How could you ever say no to him? All you can manage is to nod, tears stinging your eyes, and Younghyun reaches up to wipe them away — just like before. His hands gently cup your cheeks, and you look into his eyes, the eyes that you love more than any others.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks. You laugh, placing your hands on his shoulders,
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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When the two of you return to the hut hand in hand, Eunji simply raises her eyebrows.
“Finally,” she says, before ushering you both inside from the cold evening air. “It only took a year. Congratulations, Younghyun.” She reaches up to ruffle his hair, and he bends down just slightly to oblige her, laughing all the while. 
As you all sit around the table filled with Eunji’s treats for Younghyun, you wonder what the future holds. Whatever comes, you think, you’re ready and willing to face it — with determination, and love, and magic — with Younghyun.
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yoonguurt · 1 year
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note: just because these groups are in the archive does not mean I’m not writing for them. it just means i’m not actively writing for them. any series planned for one of these groups will most likely be recast with a group i’m actively writing for or scrapped.
most works are 18+ (minors dni)
♤ - angst || ♡ - fluff || ♧ - smut
✍ - ongoing || ✗ - discontinued || ⎋ - hiatus || ✓ - completed
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☁ stages of jealousy || m.yoongi ♤
⤜ When your friend with benefits goes out with someone else, you make sure to find a way to bring him back to you; 788
☁ sick day || j.hoseok ♡
⤜ Your boyfriend takes care of you when you're sick; 791
☁ something new || m.yoongi ♧
⤜ You're needy and your boyfriend is more than willing to help; 990
☁ world of darkness || ot8 ♧
⤜ a series of one shots featuring supernatual bts; --
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☁ taken || p.jaehyung ♧
⤜ a new boy in your mythology class seems to think he knows about the myths first hand; 6,521
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☁ territorial || k.jongin ♧
⤜ After running away from your pack and arranged marriage, the man you were supposed to marry comes to bring you back; 2,066
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☁ for the grade || i.jaebeom ♧
⤜ Being forced to work on an important project with the man you despise makes you rethink what you thought you knew; 5,506
☁ finally || m.tuan ♡
⤜ All you want is Mark, but you could never tell him that; 619
☁ heartbeat || k.yugyeom ♡
⤜ Being pregnant is not what you need right now, but your boyfriend won't let you worry alone; 809
☁ wild ride || i.jaebeom ♧
⤜ Teasing your boyfriend may not have been the best idea. Or maybe it had; 1,172
☁ welcome home || k.yugyeom ♧
⤜ You welcome your boyfriend home in the best way you know how; 647
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☁ tell me baby || l.hoseok ♤
☁ maybe one day || l.minhyuk ♤
⤜ Loving your best friend when he's gone all the time is hard on the heart; 381
⤜ Minhyuk finally gathers the courage to confess; 647
☁ mine || l.jooheon ♧
⤜ You get more than you bargained for when you make an attempt to see what your husband has been hiding; 2,083
☁ ghost hunting with monsta x
⤜ What it would be like to go ghost hunting with the boys; 382
☁ a familiar face || y.kihyun ♤
⤜ You meet a man who feels awfully familiar, but you've never seen him before. :: 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05
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☁ dance for me || m.lee ♧
⤜ You never expected taking dance lessons would lead to having the hot dance teacher's hand down your pants; 2,246
☁ quatervois || m.lee, n.yuta ♧
⤜ You've been with Mark for so long. Your best friend Yuta despises him. He swears he has a reason. :: 01 || 02
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©️ yoonguurt. do not repost, continue, or translate my works. graphics by kwanisms
19 notes · View notes
there you'll be || day6 [psj]
Warnings: major character death, heavy angst(?)
I won't control you, but MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. This is not for you, please.
Pairings: Park Sungjin/(F) Reader, implied past Yoon Dowoon/(F) Reader
Plot: What if you only have today to say goodbye?
Genre: Established Relationship
I keep a part of you with me,
And everywhere I am, there you'll be
This was written 8-9ish years ago, and re-written and posted on ao3 3 years ago.
This concept came from my sister's dream, and she asked me to write it, and probably the main reason why i decided to have an ao3 account lmao
This was originally written with a different fandom and pairing and was supposed to be a part of this fic universe i wrote (but didn't finish). Re-written so it can be better, I guess (hope)??? but the concept is still the same with some major changes tho
Reposted here because there is a tragic lack of day6/reader fics uwu
anyway, all readers are appreciated! luvluv
6:00 – 7:00 a.m.
Y/N woke up to an irritating sound. It was this shrill beeping sound that made her want to hurl the object at the wall.
When she opened her eyes, she reached for the alarm clock and turned it off. "Shut up," she said, exhausted, and looked at the time. 6:00 am.
For an ordinary Saturday morning, six am is way too early. After dropping out of the university from her second course and running away with Sungjin, Y/N's life has changed; from the simplest things like her sleeping pattern to the biggest ones like missing her family. She wouldn't say she regrets it, she just wishes the situation was different.
Her usual weekends start at nine, and she always wakes up before Sungjin does. She would often be the one to go down to make breakfast for the two of them.
Sometimes though, when struck with an ahem inspiration, she would wake him with a lazy hand job—or a blowie, whichever she prefers—until he slightly shifts position and fist the bed covers. Slowly peppering his hips with kisses until Sungjin groans in annoyance to whichever is rousing him from his beloved, peaceful sleep. Y/N has to stifle her laughter because she knows just how grumpy he is when woken up 'too early', but how he won't be able to stay mad at her. He'd smile down at her and say in that sexy just-woke-up voice of his that he'd go back to sleep so Y/N can go ahead with what shennanigans she was trying to do.
Today though, that was not the case. She has to get up early because the local high school she volunteers at made a weekend program for writing and music. Every second Saturday, she would be facilitating two classes; a writing workshop in the morning, and the music sessions in the afternoon. Sometimes, she would take Sungjin with her, and he would teach the students how to play the guitar.
After switching the alarm off, Y/N got up and stretched her legs and arms, loving the way her joints popped as sleep from her muscles fade.
It's also during this time of the day, however, that she can't help but think of her life before this.
It has been five years. Y/N is sure her children doesn't recognize her anymore. After running away with the boyfriend of her ex-husband's twin brother, she's sure Dowoon would never let her be a part of their children's lives anymore, no matter how much he used to love her. Betrayal would definitely kill people.
Y/N padded sleepily to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
After getting ready for the day, she went down to cook some breakfast for them. Before leaving the house, she decides to check on Sungjin and wake him up early for his doctor's appointment. He sleeps through the alarm, and might miss his appointment.
She opens the door to their room quietly and see Sungjin's still sleeping form on the bed. She gently shakes him, just enough to wake him up.
"Sungjin?" She shakes him again when he doesn't respond. "Babe? Wake up."
Sungjin hums, cracking an eye open. "I'd be going," she says with a soft smile.
"Hmf... don't you want me to go with you?" He asks sleepily as he rubs his eyes. Y/N shakes her head, running her fingers through his hair.
"It's fine. You have your appointment today with Dr. Park, remember? Wouldn't wanna miss that." Sungjin pouts, and she smiles. "I'll bring home that Kimchi stew you like."
"Yeah?" He smiles at her hopefully through bleary eyes.
"Yes. So get your lazy ass up now, or you'll have to rush again." She slaps his bum and kisses his lips before she stands up. "I'll be home early. Get up now, 'kay? Love you." She shuts the door to the bedroom just in time to hear the faint and almost muffled love you too from Sungjin.
She leaves the house minutes later, not helping the smile on her face. She thinks that at the end of the day, after all the heartbreaks and challenges they had to face, running away with him is always worth it.
9:40 am
Y/N gives the students their second writing exercise for the day. She walks around the room and smiles down at Charlie, one of her favorite students in the writing program. The kid is really talented in writing.
Y/N wonders fleetingly about her twins. She wonders if they will inherit their father's love for music books, or her love for long novels? She puts her arm around the other and smiles to herself. She wants to see her children badly and maybe, just maybe, have some with Sungjin in the future.
10:30 am
Y/N was just about to tell her students to take a 15-minute break when she heard a commotion outside. One of the teachers ran up to her classroom with panic in her eyes. Y/N immediately knew something was wrong.
"What is it?" she asked.
"There's someone with a gun!" It took Y/N a minute to fully get that. "He's in the building. Send your students out."
She didn't need to be told twice. "Class, I need you to leave everything behind and quickly exit the room." She tried to keep her voice even so as not to alarm them. She didn't want them panicking, even though she felt like throwing up.
"Now!" She hoped her students can forgive her for raising her voice (she never does), but now's not the right time to think about that. Both teachers looked out while the students filed out of the room hurriedly.
"Did someone call 911?" she asked as the last student got out of the room. The other teacher's answer was cut short by the sound of gunfire, followed by screaming.
"Go, go, go!" Y/N yelled at the students as they all ran towards the direction of the stairs.
Y/N was nearing the stairs when pain blooms in her shoulder. She didn't dare look back as a second one hits her back, then her leg. That's when she lost her balance, and crumple to the ground face down. She heard more screaming as students ran for their lives before she felt the bullet to her neck, and she's—
12:00 pm
Y/N raises her head from the table with a gasp.
Disoriented, she looks around and blinks. She doesn't know she had been snoozing. Had she been snoozing? It feels like she had only blinked.
She looks at the clock; 12:00 pm.
She hears the chatter of the students outside as she sees the essay exercises on her table. When she looks up, however, the classroom is a mess. The students' things are everywhere, and the chairs are all askew.
She remembers the panic and running, but nothing else. What happened after that?
She tries to recall as she flexes her head, pressing lightly at the pain in her neck. Not being able to come up with anything from her bizarre dream(?), she starts to clean up the mess.
1:08 pm
Y/N had successfully cleaned up the messy classroom by herself. She didn't notice that there were no students on the floor anymore. She slung her bag to her back and locked up the classroom.
It wasn't until she reached the second floor that she saw another soul. It was, however, a police officer.
What the...?
She walked towards the man, and called out to him.
"Excuse me?" He didn't seem to notice her. She called out to him again to no avail, the police turning his back on her.
"What the fuck?" Bothered, she continued down to the ground floor, where she saw more police officers.
She tried to talk to another police officer, but she was still ignored. She was getting frustrated and weirded out with each passing second. It's like they cannot see her. She didn't understand what's happening and felt her head spin, eyes prickling with tears of confusion.
She looked around, and finally, one person seemed to see her. The lady was looking straight at her. Relieved, Y/N walked towards her; she didn't know why, but she felt compelled to talk to her.
When she was close to the lady, she tripped a little on her own feet. She looked down and when she looked back up, the lady vanished.
"Looking for me?"
Y/N spun around to reveal the lady that had been staring at her.
"Yes..." Y/N said, torn between feeling embarrassed and confused. "But, you're there before. How...?"
The lady smiled at her. "You have more important questions to be answered, don't you think?" Y/N, who was dumbfounded, had just managed to nod.
"Come with me," the lady said. She turned around and started walking away, not waiting for Y/N to respond.
1:45 pm
Y/N cannot believe her eyes. She, or more accurately, her body, has been lying on a body bag in the quadrangle.
"B-but... h-how...?" She can only stammer in confusion.
This is just not possible. Y/N tries to breathe in and out to stop the spinning of her head, clutching her hands in each other.
She finally turns to the lady beside her, who is still staring at her lifeless body.
"You got killed," she answers Y/N's unspoken obvious question. "You're one of the last people he'd managed to kill before he was taken down by the police."
When the lady points at the bullet hole on her neck, a picture flashes through her mind.
Y/N remembers the pain through her shoulder, then her back and leg. Lastly, she remembers the blinding pain on her neck after falling to the ground.
After long minutes of disbelief, Y/N finds it in her to finally speak, her voice hoarse from the brimming emotions in her eyes. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?"
She badly wants to believe that maybe she was really just dreaming. Maybe this is all just a practical joke. By whom, she doesn't know.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Her companion just shakes her head. "I'm so sorry."
That was the last straw for Y/N. Tears pour from her eyes as her world comes crashing down and her dreams shatter. She falls to her knees as she sobs her heart out.
She isn't ready to die yet.
Maybe this is payback for everything she did, for everyone she killed.
How is he supposed to move on? How is she supposed to move on?
"Sungjin." She sniffs. "Don't I even have the chance to say goodbye? I wanna say goodbye to him."
"You only have until before midnight," the lady says.
"Thank you," Y/N replies.
The lady just smiles at her sadly, her eyes telling her that she understands how she feels. She wonders briefly if they had been in the same situation. The lady vanishes right before her eyes, leaving Y/N with a broken heart.
2:50 pm
She looks for Sungjin at the clinic, but he was not there. She goes home and he was there, sleeping soundly on the sofa. His arm has a band-aid, for his tetanus jab.
Sungjin hates getting shots the most. Y/N knows he hates hospitals and injections, and has a big mistrust with the institution, and it makes her chest swell with love for him.
It makes her heart shatter, though. It's so hard to leave and say goodbye to someone you had forsaken your world for, especially when you're starting to think that everything is turning out fine. She was just starting to build her world with him, planning their future and thinking of having kids.
Sungjin looks so peaceful and beautiful, having no care in the world that Y/N just wants to frame this moment. She knows she can't, so she'll just watch over him for as long as she can. Maybe it will last longer than taking a picture, or maybe it can stop the time. If not, then she can at least keep this picture embedded in her mind before she disappears forever.
3:38 pm
Sungjin shifts from his position, rubbing his eyes and yawning on his hands. Y/N wipes her eyes with the back of her hand so he won't see the tears that had been steadily streaming down her face for the past hour. His eyes find her, and smiles that beautiful smile she fell in love with.
It sends her heart skidding on the floor, and to splinter a little more at the thought of leaving him. She bites her lip to keep the tears from falling further, and smiles back at him.
"Hey," she says, barely keeping her voice steady.
"Hey," Sungjin smiles at hear again, but his smile crumples when he takes in her bloodshot eyes and runny nose. He shoots up and engulfs her in a tight hug.
It was the wrong thing to do as Y/N loses it again, tears escaping down her cheeks. He rubs her back soothingly.
"What's wrong?" he asks. "Are you okay?"
"I love you. Please never ever forget that," is all she can say.
"And I love you more." Sungjin pulls away and cups her face into his hands. "Now tell me what's wrong—and don't you try to lie. I know you so well."
She debates telling him because he deserves the truth, but she can't find the right words to say. "I'm fine," she sniffs and shakes her head. "I'm okay."
"You're definitely not okay." He pulls away and holds her arms. He frowns when he notices her body's dropped temperature. "Where have you been? You're awfully cold!"
"I'm fine. School's let out early." Y/N sits up straight and smiles, wiping at her tears. "Did you—have you seen the news?"
Y/N is nervous to ask that, but she has to know. She knows he would be shattered when he knows that he's talking to a ghost. Technically, Sungjin can still touch her, but she's already a ghost.
She also can't forgive herself for breaking their promise of forever.
"Not yet," Sungjin says. "I was so tired and sleepy so I had to go straight home. But we can turn on the TV anyw—"
"No!" Y/N grips his hand, cutting him short of turning on the TV. She looks close to tears again that he raises his eyebrows in surprise.
"No." Y/N composes herself with a fake smile to appease the surprised features on his face. "I'm just asking. I'm sorry for yelling."
"You're acting weird," Sungjin says.
Y/N puts on her best I'm-okay face and smiles at him. "I'm okay. I just had a snooze at work and I had a bad dream."
I wish this was all just a bad dream.
"I just want to make sure you don't forget I love you, you know? Despite everything that happened to us." She looks down and smiles sadly. "I'm sorry I made you worry for nothing."
Sungjin pouts, but pulls her into another hug. "It's fine, babe. I just love you more and more every second because you're the only person who loved me truly, and never left me."
Y/N's heart can't get any more broken.
5:55 pm
For the past few hours, Y/N and Sungjin were just curled up on the loveseat. They were watching a sappy romcom that seemed to mock her in the face as it was about leaving a loved one behind and coming back for them. On the other hand, it's a good reason for her to cry her eyes out without raising suspicion, safe and snug under Sungjin's arms.
Too bad, the peace doesn't last forever.
7:40 pm
Y/N is currently waiting for Sungjin to come back. She originally opposed to the idea because she has a bad feeling about it, but he said that he needs to get some food (since Y/N forgot to bring home some). It has already been an hour since he went out, and the store was only a 15-minute walk—five if you use a car.
What is taking him so long?
8:20 pm - 9:45 pm
Y/N was just about to go looking for Sungjin when the front door opens and shuts with a slam. Next came the heavy footsteps that sounded urgent and almost running.
Y/N stands up and was about to see if it was him (who else would it be?), when he comes running into the living room. He was panting and has a disheveled appearance, eyes puffy with the evident tear-stained tracks in his face.
"Sungjin...?" Y/N steps forward, but Sungjin steps backwards. "Babe...?"
"Who are you?" he asks as he tilts his head to the side, an incredulous, almost crazed look in his eyes.
"What?" she asks, knowing fully well what is going on. "It's me, Y/N! What kind of stupid sh—"
"You're NOT Y/N!" Sungjin almost yells. He walks towards her and shakes her by her shoulders. "Who are you? What did you do to her?"
"Babe, it's me!"
"No!" He lets go of her and walks to the other side of the room, his back against her. He turns around, and he has tears in his eyes. "You're not her."
"I am!" she cries out, but he refuses to listen. His mouth is curled in an angry sneer. "I know it sounds absurd, but I came back for you... to say goodbye."
"How can I believe that, huh?" he laughs, but there is no humor in his voice. "Ghosts are not real, whoever you are."
"How can you expect me to believe what you were saying?" he asks, but she can't give him an answer. "Answer me!" he screams when she stays silent.
Y/N suddenly feels tired. Heartbroken.
"I love you," she says instead. She looks down at her hands, and see that she is starting to fade as time passes by.
Sungjin laughs a ruthless laugh, not noticing the change in her, and it breaks her heart even more. She can't find it in herself to cry, mainly because she's already cried out as heck, and it's not like it will change anything.
"Just stay away from me," Sungjin says, face taut with anger. "Get the fuck out of my house."
Y/N can only nod. She debates reaching out to touch him, but backs out at the last second. She leaves her coat by the door, and gets out into the cold night.
She's already cold, anyway.
11:15 pm
Y/N begins to think about how her life has been and thinks how far she'd come. She's pretty proud of herself for coming this far.
She would want to say goodbye to her kids and to Dowoon as well, but it's not like that's in the cards right now.
She looks at her wristwatch, the one Sungjin gifted her for her birthday.
11:15 pm.
Right, 45 minutes left.
It's funny how she can't cry anymore, probably because she's past the sixth stage of grief. She thinks she had already accepted that she will be gone by midnight, and crying makes no sense at this point. It's not like it'll bring her back, or bring Sungjin back.
Speaking of which, she looks to her left and there Sungjin is at the other side of the park. She's pretty sure he hasn't seen her yet, so she stands up and keep her head down.
She walks toward a more secluded part of the park, not risking a glance back at him. She doesn't want to fight with him again. She'd rather go quietly without an affair, than have a big blow up with Sungjin. After all, this what she's good at; running away.
Ah, shit.
Y/N tries to walk faster without seeming like she was running away from him. If she runs away, he'll know she heard him. Y/N walks on, chanting a nopenopenope in her head.
Nope, indeed.
Nearly there.
"Y/N, please," Sungjin says, sounding out of breath and too near. "Wait."
Just keep yourself together.
"Y/N!" Sungjin grabs her wrist, spinning her around.
Her gaze lands on her wrist, and she sees that she was fading away fast. She pulls her hand back to her fast, careful not to draw attention to it. Too late though, because Sungjin's eyes are drawn to it.
She pulls the sweater's sleeve to cover her wrist and clear her throat. "Yeah." She laughs awkwardly. "Sorry 'bout that."
"It's true, then." Sungjin's face crumple. He looks younger, almost like a kid. "I was hoping it was just delirium from the shots."
She laughs quietly. "You don't get delirious from shots."
Y/N takes a deep breath, and smiles like her heart's not on fire. "I'll be going."
"Where?" he asks in a small voice.
She shrugs. "Hell, maybe?"
That turns out to be the wrong thing to say, because Sungjin bursts into tears a few moments later.
No, no, no.
"I'm sorry," she says as she takes a step towards him. She suddenly stops, him asking her to stay away still ringing in her ears.
"I'm sorry," even though she doesn't know if she's saying sorry for the joke or for ruining his life. "Sorry."
"I was hoping—" he says as he hiccups, wiping at his tears. "I was hoping this was all just a practical joke."
Y/N smiles sadly, still keeping her distance. She badly wants to pull him into a hug, but she can't.
"Do you regret it?" she asks him after a minute of silence. He looks at her and it breaks her heart, but she just can't bear not knowing before leaving. "Do you regret choosing me?"
"No," he insists, shaking his head. "Never."
She nods with a small smile. Me, too.
"Thank you," she says. "That's all I need to know."
She turns toward the other side of the park, but he walks in front of her and blocks her way.
"Don't go," he begs almost desperately. He kneels in front of her and hugs her legs, still crying like a kid. "Please just take me with you."
"Please," he cries harder. "Please please please."
Y/N unwraps his arms around her legs, and kneels with him, pulling him into a tight hug.
"Please don't leave me," he cries on her sweater. "You're all I have."
11:55 pm
Five minutes.
They spent the last almost-hour talking and crying. They reminisced about everything, and Y/N apologized, mostly. Everything she failed to say, and failed to make him feel. She spared nothing.
She looks at her wristwatch. 11:55 pm.
Her hands are almost transparent at this point.
"I'm sorry if I wasn't able to keep my promise" she says, taking Sungjin's hand in hers. "I mean it when I said I love you, and I want you to be happy—"
"—I can't be," Sungjin replies. At least he had stopped crying, but it looks like he was about to again.
Three minutes.
"Close your eyes, babe." He does, and she kisses his lips one last time.
"I'm gonna miss you," she says. "I'll wait for you, okay?"
"I won't take long." Sungjin's voice is quivering.
One minute.
"I love you." Her skin starts to glow while she was speaking, her body flowing like ashes in the wind and drifting upwards.
"I love you, too," Sungjin says.
When he opens his eyes, he was alone on the park bench.
He stays there for a long time, wishing she heard him.
She did, and she carried his love with her to the dark skies.
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kwanisms · 2 years
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Idk if anyone wants to know or if anyone is still waiting for it but I finally (finally) finished Wonwoo's part for Tales from Camp. Yeah, I know it's been years lmao trust me. It's been agonizing for me not having this done. But if anyone wants to be tagged, please let me know. I started this series before I started making taglists but I do want to tag anyone who has been looking forward to this or just wants to read some good old fashion Wonwoo smut.
Just send me an ask or DM if you wanna be tagged.
Side note: the sequel to Did You Hear That? is coming, too. I've been working on it as well. I'm also going to finally finish the last piece for the Bet with Shownu, so if you've been waiting for that, please know it's also coming.
More announcements under the cut.
I wanna start by saying sorry I haven't been updating Hiraeth. I've been working on these other, much older pieces but updates with Hiraeth will resume shortly. I've been job hunting like crazy.
Once I finish the last part of the Bet, I will no longer be actively writing for Monsta X. I haven't kept up with the boys since Wonho left the group. I will still write if something comes up and works for one of the members but I won't be actively writing pieces for them. The same goes for EXO, got7, and BTS except for a series that is part of my Colonization Project. Space Sweepers will be the last BTS series I actively write.
The groups that I will be continuing to write for are:
Stray Kids
Day6 (minus Jae. He will be moved to the soloist list)
NCT dream
I'd also like to announce that I'm going to start writing for Super Junior as they have a serious lack of content. I won't be writing for Ryeowook since he's in a public relationship. I also won't be writing for Siwon or Shindong for personal reasons. I've already written something for Yesung and I have a story planned for Heechul and Leeteuk but it's not high on my list right now.
Another announcement is that I'm going to start taking requests again but please note that getting them out will not be my priority. My series will come first and requests will come second. I miss interacting with you guys and I'd really like to bring interaction back. Whether it's hard thought, soft thoughts, not kpop related, etc. I just ask that you keep your messages kind and free of politics, religion, etc. This is my safe space and I'd like for it to be safe for others as well.
Finally, I'm going to be remaking my masterlists in the coming weeks and they will probably go up after the first of the year as the holidays are always so hectic. I will be making a priority list at the end of this post so you can see what my priority pieces are.
An updates and wips list will also be coming soon so keep an eye out for that please and as always, thank you so much for all the support you've given me since I started this blog. I've met some amazing people and made some even better friends and I'm so grateful to each oand every one of you that has stuck around this long. You all are so amazing and wonderful people and I'm so glad to have met and interacted with all of you. ♥️
Until the next post, ~𝐤。
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Priority List
Tales from Camp: Are You Scared? - Wonwoo × reader
Did You See That? - Jihoon × reader
To the Sky - Seonghwa × oc
Under Your Skin - Changbin × reader
Petrichor - Bang Chan × reader
Jam the Ice - Hyunjin × oc
The Colonization Project - multiple pairings
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nanaooyoo · 2 years
🍌 🍶 banana milk masterlist
requests: open / closed
nct 𖦹 txt 𖦹 ateez 𖦹 the boyz 𖦹 seventeen 𖦹 cravity 𖦹 enhypen 𖦹 sf9 𖦹 8turn 𖦹 monsta x 𖦹 skz 𖦹 exo 𖦹 day6 𖦹 red velvet 𖦹 xdinary heroes 𖦹 twice 𖦹 epex 𖦹 riize 𖦹 zb1
I’m open to writing for any of the groups listed above (look for the ‘pink’ highlight to see if requests are open or closed). For the time being, I’ll keep requests limited to small blurbs (expect around 1.5k words), scenarios, and or reactions (adult themes and suggestive material are acceptable for certain members). I’m open to including serious and mature content but this excludes: positive depictions of domestic violence, sexual assault, and things of that nature. I’m pretty flexible though, so message me if you have any questions or need clarification regarding other groups, genres, etc, and we can talk it out! All requests must be for members who are at least 18yrs old internationally. You can do requests through my ask box, or just message me if you like any of my writing! Thanks in advance…
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unmanageable-day · 6 months
Days gone by - MASTERLIST
summary. after a typical break-up, your cousin tried to set you up with his friend who happened to just broke up recently as well. after months, you knew it wouldn’t end well and the universe agreed, as suddenly he went m.i.a and it was easier for you to live being free and single. until one day he texted you again…
genre. social media!AU, fake dating!AU / angsty (still trying to find spots to add some fluff)
pairing. DAY6 Young K (Kang Younghyun) x female reader
status. on-going
1) is it a yes?
2) i have her
3) not a one-time
4) is this even right?
5) everything's good
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Hi okay, so i read this sungjin fanfiction years ago on ao3, it was amazing, brilliantly written, and i cant find it anymore. Since then i've started using a new email and everything so basically theres no traces of it either so i decided to take things to tumblr and see if i can find it somehow (it may even be possibly deleted).
okay so it was a one shot where mc meets sungjin at a party (or some sort of gathering) and he's a mutual because both their best friends are friends. they already kinda know each other (there was this really nice mention of their lives orbiting each other but never meeting) and i think the mc was a cake supplier and she'd baked the cake for the party. and sungjin was well, sungjin w the band and everything. i think the mc had pink hair, i might be wrong here. but yes they both get pushed to pretend to date each other for their own reasons and they barely know each other but go along with it so that they dont have to be humiliated. it might have been something to do w a wedding cause i remember a bride and groom being there, and they were their friends. mc had a reputation for staying single or something so everyone was so surprised to hear she was dating. then the whole time they passed snarky comments at each other, they danced for a bit, and then she had to go? or needed to? so they both got in his car and drove away??????? i think. there was def something to do w a car and them driving away.
oh and the only thing i can find about it is from this doc from like 2018/19 in which i used to put paragraphs or sentences that i found were nicely written, and thats:
"He was willing to be a fool in front of anyone who was able to keep their eyes open for long enough."
so if anyone knows this author/ fanfiction, please help ive been browsing all night tryna find it, ive tried god knows how many tricks to find stuff. there was also another work from this author i really REALLY liked that i remember even less about
if i find it through this post ima believe in god again
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hyubcore · 2 years
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part two .
we’ll be forgiven together we wait for space together we wait for silence
There was something hauntingly comforting about the whole situation.
There was a distant fire blazing, lighting up the small space surrounding it. He felt tempted to go towards it. Towards light—just like the Walkers.
They loved light. You would think they would be more accustomed to the nighttime the way bats and racoons are. More leeway to attack, no one to spy on you and see your every move in broad daylight. People are more vulnerable. But no, they loved light.
They loved the light the way Yonghoon loved the haunting comfort. Being alone was the last thing anyone would want given the state of the universe at the time, but for Yonghoon—finally, he was alone.
He had become a nomad once things began to settle in. Most people panicked when the beginning of the end had crept upon mankind. People were terrified to lose their lives. Those lives they complained about every day—suddenly, they wanted it back. The seven o’clock alarms and rush hour traffic. But he could escape.
He ignored the fire and kept on. 
The sound of Yonghoon’s car became music to his ears as the rumbling of the engine blocked out the sounds of the Walkers moans and groans. He had learned every single word of every single song on the CDs his parents had left behind. In particular, the Theatre of Pain CD by Motley Crue had become almost entirely worn out. But he figured, if a Walker decided to make themselves at home in his vehicle, break the thing in half and end their misery.
There’s no character to the sky above him. It’s a faded blue-grey—no clouds, no sun, no birds. It reflected the way things had become—dead.
He put in a Green Day CD as he drove down the dirt road. He played the music softly so Walkers wouldn’t hear. He focuses on the music, trying to keep his eyes off the few Walkers that were littered around the area. A large, open field stretched across his left side, and on the right, stands what he had assumed to be an abandoned neighborhood. 
As he started to turn onto the main stretch of the road, he heard screams. Not just those guttural hisses and moans from the Walkers, but a live, a young scream. There was a human nearby. 
He parked his car on the road, taking a stronghold of his knife. He prepared himself to kill anything that posed a threat, even the source of the screams. If there was one thing Yonghoon was beginning to learn since the start of it all, it was to never trust anyone.
The screams were coming from just ahead of him on the side of the road. A puddle of blood had surrounded the body that continued to let out sounds of agony and misery. Yonghoon approached slowly, steadily, keeping his focus on the knife in his hand. As he got closer to the source, it was a short-stacked, obviously younger boy. His leg was wrapped in a thick amount of cloth, which was stained red. 
“I’m gonna help you. ‘Kay?” Yonghoon inched closer, keeping his distance in case the boy decided to pounce. He noticed the boy tense up at the sight of the knife in Yonghoon’s grip. Yonghoon dropped it on the pavement. “What happened?”
The boy inhaled a deep breath before speaking. “I got shot. Some assholes just drove by and got me, they must’ve thought I was a Rotter or something.”
Yonghoon kneeled, taking a closer look at the wound. It smelled. 
“Okay. Can you stand?” Yonghoon asked as he grabbed his knife and put it back in its sleeve. The boy winced as he pushed himself off the ground. Yonghoon wrapped the boy’s arm around his own shoulders as they slowly walked back towards the car. The music was still flooding from the cracks of the windows. Yonghoon felt embarrassed for a fleeting moment, listening to Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
The boy heaved in heavy, slow breaths, and Yonghoon could tell he was trying not to let out any loud noises. 
“What’s your name, kid?” Yonghoon asked, trying to spark up some conversation. He realized though that this boy was probably in no mood to be talking when he had a gaping hole in his leg.
“It’s Giwook,” he replied.
More silence.
“There’s houses over there,” the boy explained as he pointed to his right. “I was going over there then I got shot. I think I saw some light coming from over there.”
Yonghoon made a turn to the right, through a small tunnel of trees looming overhead. The sun tried its best to peek through the branches and shine on them. It was beginning to grow into nighttime, and still, the dead sky wouldn’t drop its guard to give what was left of mankind a nice sunset to look at. Nonetheless, despite the few Walkers that lingered around, the sight was rather beautiful. Again, a calming, haunting comfort.
Driving became more difficult as they entered the neighborhood. Bodies littered the street, along with debris of all sorts. Yonghoon would have been shocked if there were anyone in any of the houses.
“You stay here. I’m gonna find some gauze or something,” Yonghoon said in a low, husky voice. “If any of the Dead Ones pose any sort of threat, just scream. And here—“ Yonghoon took that Motley Crue CD out of the middle compartment and snapped it in two. “You can stab them with this.”
Then he was off. He made sure to lock the doors behind him. He didn’t know Giwook, except for that he was a tough boy for trying to live through a bullet to the thigh, but either way, he wanted to protect him. 
Yonghoon checked the houses. He skipped the ones that looked like they had been inhabited by Walkers, or the ones that were burned to the ground, which was most of them. Most of them had already been ransacked.
One smaller house that looked more worn down and barren stood towards the end of the road. It was boarded up. No windows to peek through. 
It was obvious someone was in there.
Yonghoon wasn’t sure, though, but tried anyway. 
He knocked a few times, waited, to no avail.
He let out a shallow sigh before taking another good look around the house. The area around it was clean. There weren’t any bodies or trash lying around. Yonghoon tried once more, this time, knocking quickly three times, then slowly three more times, then quickly three times. He heard the floor creak inside.
He grabbed a hold of his knife. The person behind the door was just as prepared as Yonghoon was—he pointed a large rifle right at Yonghoon’s face.
Yonghoon put his hands up, keeping the knife in his hands. The guy behind the gun nodded towards the blade, gesturing for Yonghoon to drop it. This surely wasn’t his first rodeo, having to stare down the barrel of a gun. It was how people made conversation with one another nowadays.
“I’m good, I’m good,” Yonghoon repeated with a soft voice. “I just need a little help.”
The guy scanned Yonghoon up and down. Despite the giant gun in his grip, he didn’t look that intimidating. He was shorter than Yonghoon. He had a stout build. He sported a plain, blue t-shirt and some tattered jeans. He gave Yonghoon a glare, one that told him to explain.
“I...I need some bandages. Or something. Alcohol, antibiotics...my friend is shot.”
They both paused, staring each other down. The guy with the gun whistled as he cocked his head back. Upon his cue arrived a much taller guy, however, lanky and nimble. He immediately reached for his pistol at his waistband. 
“Where?” asked the short one with a monotone voice. 
“He’s in my car.”
The other two in the house exchanged looks. “You got a car?”
“Yeah. I’ve got about three-quarters of a tank left.”
They both lowered their guns. “Take us to the car.”
And so Yonghoon did. They walked back down the road, taking out the occasional Walker. The shorter guy kept his aim on Yonghoon the whole time, though, pressing the tip of the gun between Yonghoon’s shoulder blades. The other guy took bigger strides—either because he had such long legs, or he was eager to see what Giwook and Yonghoon’s Honda had in store. Yonghoon noticed, and looked behind him at the short one. 
“We lost our friend,” he said quietly. He had a haunting grit to his voice. “You know your friend’s name?”
Yonghoon swallowed hard. “Giwook.”
The two exchanged glances again. “Not ours.”
Once they made it to the vehicle, Yonghoon pointed towards the passenger’s side. He unlocked the doors and the short guy now aimed his gun at Giwook. It only took one look at the boy to know he wouldn’t be any sort of threat.
Tall boy looked up. “They’re good.”
As their guns were lowered, they all gathered around Giwook as he hunched over in pain. He was sweating bullets—his shirt clung to his skin, his hair was oily and damp. 
“How the hell are you still alive?” asked Tall boy. Giwook gave him an annoyed expression. 
“Just give us some damn help, okay?”
Giwook leaned his head back as he closed his eyes. Yonghoon put a hand on his shoulder, which made the boy squirm. 
“He’s not infected, is he?” 
Yonghoon let out a sigh. “No. He just got shot. We just need some stuff to hold him over.”
“Take us to Gwangju, and we’ll take care of your friend.”
And so they left Yonghoon there. He had a sour feeling in his stomach, thinking about having to deal with Giwook all the way to Gwangju. Hell, he didn’t even know where he was. 
Yonghoon went into the back of the car and grabbed a half-empty water bottle from under the seat. He opened it for Giwook, then instructed the boy to drink. He could barely open his mouth, and the water dribbled all over his shirt. The stench of the boy was unsettling—the combination of his rotting leg and the sweat coating his skin made Yonghoon feel queasy. 
After what had felt like a decade, the two finally returned. Only this time, on a motorcycle, and with a box.
Without any hesitation, Short Guy threw the box into the backseat, then took out a roll of paper towel. He handed it to Yonghoon, who was still kneeling next to Giwook.
“Wrap that around his leg. Keeping that bandage on is gonna infect it,” he said. Giwook started to unravel what cloth he had on the wound, the sound of scabbed skin ripping with the cloth making everyone cringe. Yonghoon prepped the paper towel as Tall Guy kneeled next to him. 
“I’m Hyungu,” he said, looking at Giwook, then at Yonghoon. His gaze lingered on Yonghoon a bit longer—maybe, because he didn’t want to look at the gory sight of Giwook’s injury—but Yonghoon didn’t mind it. The boy had beach-blonde hair and glasses. Yonghoon was shocked they weren’t broken or anything yet. In fact, he looked rather clean compared to his accomplice.
“Nice to meet you, Hyungu,” Yonghoon replied as he helped Giwook. He held up the old makeshift bandage, throwing it behind them as he made a disgusted face. Hyungu looked closer at the wound. 
“Is there an exit wound?” Hyungu asked as he watched Yonghoon wrap the towel around Giwook’s leg. Over in the distance, Short Guy was fueling up his bike. From afar, he looked more intimidating. He had a sheer buzz cut for hair, and sported a few tattoos, at least in the spots that were visible.  
“Don’t know. It just hurts.” Giwook seethed through his teeth as the fresh cloth touched his skin. Yonghoon winced, as if he could sense the pain Giwook was in, coursing through his own veins. The sight of the wound alone made his stomach turn.
Before Yonghoon could wrap the towel around, Hyungu grabbed his hand, stopping him. Their eyes met and Yonghoon’s face washed over with confusion. Hyungu looked over towards his partner, whistling to grab his attention.
“Harin,” he shouted. “Throw me your canteen.”
Without hesitation, Short Guy—presumably Harin—tossed over a small container, Hyungu catching it in his hands without any sort of struggle. Hyungu grabbed some of the paper towel, pouring a little water on the cloth then wiping it over Giwook’s leg. The younger boy let out a painful noise of misery. Hyungu let out a shallow chuckle.
“Sorry,” he said as Yonghoon grabbed the boy’s forearm. They finished patching up Giwook.
“What exactly is in Gwangju?” asked Yonghoon. He stood from his kneeling position, which sent a sore pain through his knees and ankles. He walked around to the other side of the car and leaned against the door.
“Some refugee camp. We were headed there, then got separated from one of our own. We think he’s probably headed there.”
Yonghoon looked inside the car at Giwook, who had his eyes closed as he held his thigh. 
“They could help your friend,” Harin added. “And besides. We’re running out of resources here.”
Harin started his bike as he secured the small bag on the back of his bike, tightening the straps around the seat. 
“Do you know how far it is?” Yonghoon asked. Hyungu went back to the car, grabbing something from the box from earlier. He pulled out a tattered map. At first, seemingly useful, until Yonghoon joined Hyungu in examining the paper which had its words faded beyond recognition. The roads printed in the ink looked just like streaks of yellow sun rays on the paper. Hyungu held the paper close to his eyes, examining further.
“We just need to head south. About 100 miles.” Hyungu folded up the map, putting it into the pocket of the flannel he wore. “It shouldn’t take more than a day or two.”
And so they prepared for their trek. Yonghoon hoped and prayed for the mileage on his car to do him some justice, for he really had no idea if what was left would get them to their destination. Either way, he was determined to get Giwook some real help.
Hyungu drove with Yonghoon and Giwook, Harin led them on his motorcycle. Despite the peaceful feeling that surrounded the group, Yonghoon clenched the wheel so hard the entire time. His fingers began to cramp up. His knuckles went white.
He didn’t relax until they reached the highway—littered with cars and bodies.
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