Kbands? Kbands.
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You want (bad?) fanfiction about kbands (and a few boy groups)? My sister and I got you covered
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kbandtrash · 6 days ago
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cutie seunghyub
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kbandtrash · 2 months ago
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(250106) sssn9_zzzn9
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kbandtrash · 2 months ago
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(241225) sssn9_zzzn9
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kbandtrash · 2 months ago
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kbandtrash · 3 months ago
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a beautiful Seunghyub drawn by Rachel!!
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kbandtrash · 3 months ago
Well 여러분 aloooooha! Or as the Korean sisters have been saying, 알로하세요 alohaseyo!
We’re actually a couple weeks past the halfway point of the great Rachel hiatus but isn’t it crazy how fast it’s gone?? Maybe not for you (probably for you too haha do you even remember me anymore 😆) but it sure has for me.
I thought I would have a huge advantage over a lot of the women coming out to serve the Lord because I’m quite a bit older than most of them and because I’ve completed a bachelor’s degree as well. In some aspects I was right about that–being 5 years older and having more life experience means I know a lot more about myself than a 19 year old that’s leaving home for the first time. However, there are a lot of ways that our experiences are equalized.
I’m going to express my experiences in the light of my own life and my own testimony. To paraphrase a leader of our church, God places each of us in divine human orbits. I don’t believe in coincidences for the most part, and I know that God expresses His love for us most often through those around us. It’s okay if you don’t believe this about yourself, but I want you to know that I believe that you are a beloved child of a loving Heavenly Father, and you have a divine nature and destiny as such.
I know very well that life isn’t easy, and it’s hard to understand how a loving God can allow this world to be as nasty as it is sometimes. I’m kind of cut off from world news right now, but I know what was happening when I left in February, and it’s hard to believe that God really loves His children if He lets these things happen, but “[I know] the greatness of God; and he shall consecrate [our] afflictions for [our] gain” (2 Nephi 2:2).
It’s gonna be another quick 8.5 months before I’m back in August! If you wanna ask me any questions or hear more about what I’ve been up to (what it’s like being a missionary, what it’s like in Hawaii, my Korean language training 👀) ask Megan for my email! I can only respond on one day of the week, but if you write to me I WILL get back to you.
저는 하나님께서 여러분을 사랑하신다는 것을 알고 있고 저도 여러분을 사랑해요! 신앙을 가지고 있으면 하나님께서 방법을 준비하실 거예요. 힘들 때 하나님께서 여러분을 강화하실 거예요. 이 모든 것을 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 간증드립니다 아멘!!
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kbandtrash · 3 months ago
② N.Flying: The 'Trustworthy Band' Proven by Talent…“We Want to Become a Great Brand”
2024 has been a year of incredible growth for the band N.Flying, marked by a relentless schedule. If they so much as blinked, new engagements would pop up, as love calls poured in for them. Four consecutive days of live performances were the norm, and they even performed twice in one day at various festivals. This highlights N.Flying’s unmatched influence, being the top choice for performance bookings.
This momentum is grounded in their passion, as they pour their all into every moment. Sometimes, their intensity is so fierce that it’s even a bit intimidating. They consistently train and never slack in practice, proving everything through sheer talent. On top of this, they are admired for their great character as well.
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Those who have connected with N.Flying, no matter how brief or significant the interaction, support the band wholeheartedly. While their positive results are certainly a reason, it’s the kindness and consideration they’ve shown that truly moves people. Many industry insiders often comment, "Every member of N.Flying is genuinely kind and works hard."
For instance, during the closing interview of the tvN drama Lovely Runner, Seunghyub greeted people so frequently that he ended up saying hello to one person four times in less than an hour and a half. At this recent interview celebrating the 20th anniversary of Joy News24, Seunghyub quietly opened a bottle and placed a drink in front of someone mid-interview and attentively looked out for the PR team. These gestures were done out of habit, with natural warmth. Similarly, Cha Hun’s attentive and thoughtful remarks and Yoo Hweseung’s warm eye contact and engaging responses show the same kindness. Even after a short conversation, it’s evident that N.Flying members are genuine and pure-hearted young men.
◇ "We Don't Want to Show the Same Stage, Our Desire for Musical Development Grows"
N.Flying's fan love is exceptional. Always pondering and putting into action how to make N.Fia happier and more joyful, N.Flying prioritizes "what N.Fia loves." Despite being incredibly busy with live broadcasts, fan communication platforms, and more, they actively engage with fans. However, many fans worry that their schedules have become too overwhelming and might take a toll on their physical stamina. In response, the members exude positive energy, stating, "It's not tiring at all."
Yoo Hweseung expressed, "Rather than being physically or mentally exhausting, meeting more people in more places naturally fuels our desire for growth." He revealed his musical passion, saying, "We don't want to show the same stage; we want to demonstrate musical progress."
He continued, "While many have steadfastly loved us from the beginning, there are also newcomers coming to see us for the first time. We want to show a variety of new music to our long-time fans so they can feel pride, and to newcomers, we want to show that we are cool people." Reflecting on this balancing act, Yoo Hweseung added, "It's not getting any easier because I want to excel in both areas every time."
Therefore, it's not easy to set the setlist before every performance. Seunghyub mentioned, "We already know the exciting songs for festivals and what we need to do, but since both existing N.Fia and those who continue to come to see our stage are present, we think about how to satisfy both sides." He explained, "However, trying to satisfy both sides seems impossible. It's difficult. University festivals also have a certain atmosphere to maintain. Therefore, we changed our direction to set the setlist according to the characteristics of festivals and performances."
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When asked about not including "Rooftop" in their setlist at the Awesome Stage held at Yonsei University in October, Seunghyub remarked, "I really didn't know. I heard fans outside singing 'Rooftop,' so at that moment, I thought, 'Oh, we didn't do 'Rooftop.' It seemed like we were really fixated on it. Since many N.Fia came to this performance, we wanted to quench our thirst for what we've been longing for. N.Fia seemed to notice that something was odd but brushed it off with laughter."
At the Awesome Stage where N.Fia packed the audience, N.Flying arranged relatively calm songs such as "Sober," "Moon & Cheese," "The Night," and "Zip." It was a different song selection compared to other festivals where they need to raise the tension from the beginning to lead enthusiastic cheers and excitement. Yoo Hweseung commented, "There are good aspects to not shouting. Even after almost ten years, there are still things I haven't gotten used to." He confessed, "After a song ends, even though I think N.Fia likes it and I'm sure they do, if there's no reaction on stage, I start thinking, 'Did I do something wrong?'"
Seunghyub added, "It seems to be a characteristic of our N.Fia. It feels like N.Fia should stand up when the concert starts. It's become a habit." He continued, "When performing with other artists, other fans sit while N.Fia tries to stand up. Since we often raise the tension, I think we resemble each other in that regard."
Furthermore, Seunghyub expressed, "As the number of performances increases, we try not to rely solely on the atmosphere of the moment. I don't like it when people think, 'These kids only have energy.' If we used to start with energetic songs like 'Monster' in the past, nowadays we don't. The setlist has changed a lot to start heating up from the first song." He emphasized their ongoing efforts and considerations to create better performances.
Hweseung mentioned, "Nowadays, after singing, I ask the fans during the show, 'Was that good?' When I worry about whether I did well after such a stage, I read the letters fans leave on fan cafes and they say they really liked it. Fans must have a thirst for songs they haven't heard just once or twice. When I gain confidence that they have that thirst, I feel that I did well."
Seunghyub reflected, "Certainly, when Hun returns, things change a lot again. With just the two of us without other members, suddenly there were many events, so the setlist felt somewhat similar." He continued, "With Hun's return, many ideas came in and there are many things we can do. So, when Dongsung and Jaehyun return, I imagine doing songs we've been thinking about in larger venues." He added, "There are many songs we've saved to do when we become a complete group."
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◇ N.Flying's unforgettable stages filled with tears and emotion
As masters of live performances, N.Flying exude even more skill and charm on stage. They offer a significantly enjoyable experience live in concert compared to just listening to their songs. Therefore, post-N.Flying performances are never without praise such as "They were really entertaining and talented" or "I became a fan after seeing their performance." So, what are the memorable stages chosen by N.Flying members?
Hweseung recalled, "The first thing that comes to mind is when we first sang 'Stand By Me' in Japan and a few days later, we sang it again in Korea. I cried both times." Seunghyub added, "That's right. I cried a lot on the second performance."
Hweseung further shared, "I rarely cry, but at that time, it was a period of overcoming confusion. When I sing 'Stand By Me,' there's N.Fia. I remember looking at N.Fia while thinking about the lyrics. It was a moment when I felt really moved, grateful to N.Fia and having members beside me. It was overwhelming to have all those emotions come together."
"The second one is when we performed 'Flashback' for N.Fia at '&CON.' We couldn't see N.Fia for a long time due to COVID-19. 'Flashback' was released with those emotions in mind. After such a long time, we finally did '&CON' and thought we could convey what we wanted to say through 'Flashback.' I wanted to do better, so I even changed it to acapella in the middle to deliver it better. Actually, I was worried then too. It could have been tiring during that long period. It was a time of suffering not only musically but also externally due to COVID-19. However, fans who continued to wait patiently and didn't forget came back to fill the venue again for our first performance in a long time. I was really thankful. I had a lot of thoughts when performing songs we had been waiting to perform in front of N.Fia."
Chahun chose 'THE REAL' performed in Tokyo, Japan in 2018. He said, "At that time, I was foolishly worrying alone. I wondered how we could show more of the band's charm, how we could focus more on being a band rather than idols." He continued, "After the stage ended, looking at each other under the stage with the members, I felt 'If we naturally play together, communicate with N.Fia, and exchange glances, we are already a band and it's our stage. Why did I worry about how to be more like a band? We are already a band.' This stage left a strong impression on me with these thoughts."
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Seunghyub added, "The PD came and said, 'You guys looked like a band for the first time,' 'You're a cool band.' Hweseung burst into tears."
N.Flying recently showed their full potential as a "trend-setting band" once again at university festivals after five years, including performances at Kyunggi University, Keimyung University, and Hanyang University. They garnered such a hot response that their name trended on SNS in real-time.
When asked about their impressions of university festivals, Seunghyub sighed and said, "It was challenging. We go on stage with the determination of 'Let's make sure these people can come to our next performance.' University festivals are not attended by many N.Fia, and there's a lack of familiarity, making it difficult to engage with the audience and get them to join in without prior information about us. It's quite different from regular festivals. We went into these festivals with that mindset. Recently, Hweseung sang 'Twenty-Five, Twenty-One' and received a lot of love."
Asked about appealing for next year's university festivals, Hweseung confidently expressed, "Next year, with five members, we can perform even better." Seunghyub added, "Next year, as a more developed N.Flying, we'll prepare a more enjoyable setlist and accumulate know-how to have fun. You should contact us."
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◇ N.Flying's Everything = N.Fia: Gratitude and Apology
When it comes to N.Flying, one cannot leave out N.Fia. The love for N.Fia is so special that Seunghyub, when asked about them, wiped away his playful expression, showing a serious gaze. He once again expressed his affection, saying, "Every moment is so moving that it's hard to pick just one."
Hweseung mentioned, "As I consistently receive (emotional moments), I feel like I can't express enough. Recently, with more events, there are those who come closer, but there are also many who come from afar. Fans always come wherever we go. Even when we go abroad, Korean fans come, and when we have many domestic schedules, fans from overseas come." He continued, "So I want to repay them through performances, but due to the nature of concerts, we can only do two songs, and sometimes there are too many people, so we can't even greet them properly before we have to leave. Despite knowing this, fans still come. Therefore, I am deeply grateful, but also feel sorry in proportion to that. So, I burn with a desire for revenge to do better in the next performance."
Earlier, N.Flying faced a dizzying moment due to a sound accident at the Someday Festival. Despite the clearly bewildering situation, N.Flying showed flexible handling and fan service, allowing fans and audiences to communicate and complete a real festival experience with them. This led to a flood of praise for N.Flying. Soon after, they ascended the stage at the Bundang Park Concert, emitting tremendous energy and showcasing their live skills to complete an outstanding performance.
Reflecting on that time, Hweseung shared, "Actually, rather than resentment or confusion over such a sound accident, I felt that time was too precious. There are audiences who watch us, and even if they come from far away or nearby, I felt sorry for making them stand there quietly." He continued, "I wanted to use that time meaningfully and wanted to see their faces up close. That's why I did those actions (while circling the standing zone) and suddenly started dancing."
Seunghyub added, "The staff told us to go inside at that time. But I felt it was the worst time to go inside. I thought we should do something together, so I said, 'Please fix it quickly,' and stayed outside playing with the fans." He recalled, "Hweseung was shaking a water bottle and doing 'water flower play.' So I thought, 'Our Hweseung is really good at this.'" He explained the situation at that time.
Hweseung concluded, "It was more enjoyable than I expected. We received a lot of attention." Seunghyub said, "At that time, the audience treated us so well and gave us a lot of energy, so we finished well. And we set it on fire at the Park Concert." He continued, "The sound director who was at the Park Concert was also on our tour. He knew us very well, so it was a great environment to set on fire." He added, "So we didn't spare any effort and jumped more. Ironically, I felt more energized later." He concluded, "And then I lay in bed for a week," sharing the eventful behind-the-scenes of the performance.
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◇ N.Flying: A Band Like Lifelong Friends, Aspiring to Be a Good Brand
"Good at performing," "good at singing" are words that naturally come their way, but especially when someone says "handsome," Hweseung has shown an immediate reaction, often causing laughter. He chuckled, saying, "That's a good one. Hahaha." He continued, "In the media, many people talk about it, but hearing such words directly isn't something common," and honestly confessed, "Everyone reacts positively when they hear those words. It feels good."
This led to N.Flying wondering what other epithets they'd like besides "trusted-listen band" or "youth band." Seunghyub expressed, "I hope people would exclaim, 'Have you heard of N.Flying?' and say, 'Wow!' That would be great." He added, "Being good at it and moving three-dimensionally on stage, going beyond just being a 'trusted-listen band,' would be wonderful."
Cha Hun said, "I'm not sure about the epithets, but I'd like us to be called a 'band like lifelong friends.' Doesn't everyone have friends they say, 'We'll be together forever'?" He explained, "Like a friend you can have by your side for a lifetime, I hope we can be a band where you can grow old together with our music and stage." To which Seunghyub jokingly added, "When we're about 50, I think Hun would be like, 'Hey, hey' to me."
Lastly, Hweseung stated ambitiously, "We want to become a brand. We want to consistently make good music for a long time." He declared, "During that time, as the years pass, we want to establish ourselves as a good brand and cultural presence that remains memorable."
[창간20년 인터뷰]② 엔플라잉, 실력으로 증명한 '믿듣밴드'…"좋은 브랜드 되고파"
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kbandtrash · 5 months ago
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kbandtrash · 5 months ago
reminder that this blog is still alive!! the main admin (my sister) is still out, so if you want any art or fics specifically from me (@mydayinthebuilding) please don’t hesitate to ask!! Love you guys!
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kbandtrash · 8 months ago
Make Me A Different Person (spiderman!jongseob x gn mutate!reader)
You as The Experiment… Y/N (unknown last name)
Kim Jongseob as Peter Parker… Jongseob Parker
Hwang Intak as Harry Osborn… Intak H. Osborn
Haku Shota as Ned Leeds… “Soul” Leeds
Choi Taeyang as Michelle Jones… Taeyang M. Jones
Choi Jiung as Harley Keener… Jiung Keener-Stark
Yoon Keeho as President of the Anti-Spiderman Club… Yoon “Pres” Keeho
"Watch it, loser!"
The door had opened right into your outstretched hand, and your knuckles screamed in pain, but you desperately tried to control your breathing as Eugene Thompson--aka Flash--scrambled past you. You glanced back at his burly figure and spiky blond hair thudding down the hall, bumping into everyone he could and blaming it on them. You shook your head, and carefully reached for the door again, quickly pulling it open.
You headed to the back of the classroom, holding your hand tenderly.
"Well, Y/N," started the teacher, and you looked up to see that no one else was in there. "Almost all the other kids just left to go on that field trip." He noticed you were in the back of the room. "Have a seat up here. I'm surprised you didn't go--after all, you're one of my top students."
You took a seat in the front, unzipping your backpack. "Yeah, well, I'm fine in your class, Mr. Kang, but science class is a different story."
He chuckled. Then he shrugged into his words: "I didn't have much planned today, so you're free to work on another class... science, perhaps?"
You nodded. "Will do."
You looked down at your hand that Flash had smashed the door into. It was still throbbing and red around the knuckles, but luckily didn't break open any skin. Then you checked the faint Light underneath the skin on your wrist, and took a calming breath when the energy dial was low. It will be fine, you reminded yourself. You shook out your arm, then pulled out your laptop.
The tab currently open was a few of your photography club pictures. You'd had them done for days, but thinking about showing them to anyone gave you goosebumps. You closed the tab, and opened the class site.
Your science teacher had posted an assignment for people not going on the field trip; that included you and only you. As you looked through it, you knew she'd done it simply to irk you, because you were learning about plant biology, not the chemistry behind a spider's venom. Of course, it was clear that the field trip was also useless, since your peers that went weren't required to take notes.
But you weren't about to go on that field trip. They were touring Oscorp, the second best robotics and chemical manufacturing company in the States.
Oscorp was also home to many of your fears. Sure, spiders were freaky, and their robots were always a little creepy to you, but they weren't even half of what truly scared you.
Suddenly, you noticed you'd been pressing the keys down hard, and the screen in front of you was full of the home row letters. You blinked, and put your head in your hands. Palms pressing on your eyes, you tried to focus on the shapes in your mind so you could stop thinking. But every flash of color was like memory lurking just below the surface.
It's going to be fine.
The door opened, and you looked up, eyes readjusting to the light through a squint, and met eyes with a couple students whose pleasant smiles quickly turned to upturned noses.
Your stomach lurched.
A batch of juniors that just so happened to hang with Flash--apparently they'd grown up with him, and kept hanging with him even when he got held back. So, of course, they loved to bully whoever he decided wasn't worth his time.
And that included you.
You felt your muscles tense up, and your heart rate was increasing ever so slowly, but you knew that you'd be fine with Mr. Kang in here--
"Oh, good! You just needed those copies for your project, right?" Mr. Kang said, getting up. "You can stay here and keep an eye on Y/N, though they probably don't need it, and I'll go print those for you."
"Yes, sir," said Julie. She cast you a nasty smile. "Thanks."
And soon enough, you were alone with a gang of bullies. Your hands squeezed into fists as your thoughts turned dark.
There were four of them in total. A tall football boy with greasy blond hair past his ears folded his arms and flexed his chest over them. You thought his name was Connor. A girl holding a phone in front of her face ruffled her coffee-brown hair so she had an extreme side part, and then stuck out her tongue and its piercing for a picture. You didn't remember her name, but knew her follower count was impressive. Then there was Julie's boyfriend, Riley, who had his arm across her shoulders and his chin held high in the air.
But Julie was the clear leader when Flash wasn't around. She held herself so confidently, and twirled her long red hair with one finger in a way that almost seemed like a threat. You swallowed, and gave the best smile you could muster, then glanced back down at your screen. With tense muscles, you sat there praying.
It's fine, you're fine, you're calm, you're normal, you're fine!
She marched over to your desk, but you were glued to your seat in fear. When you met her eyes again, they were livid.
"Good morning," you said. But maybe you really should have stayed quiet this time.
"Does anyone want to take a guess at what percentage of the work done here began in Mr. Osborn’s notebook?”
“Probably one percent, tops,” said Flash, snickering. “If his straight-C's son took after him, that is.”
“Anyone else?” Liz said, shaking her head. She was technically supposed to be learning with the rest of the sophomores, but she was an intern there. They asked her to take the group on a tour, and thanks to her confident smile, Jongseob couldn't take his eyes off of her.
She tucked her dark wavy hair behind her ear, and he watched her bright eyes search the group. He didn’t notice that she’d focused on him. “Jongseob?”
“Sorry?” His face heated up as he glanced away. “Um, seventy percent?”
She grinned. “That’s more like it.” He felt his heart skip a beat when she smiled especially brightly in his direction.
Soul leaned over his shoulder and whispered, “Dude, do you think she’s into you? That was-“
“Shut up, Leeds.” Jongseob nudged in the side. Soul leaned away, laughing.
Liz shook her head once more at another kid, and then Intak raised his hand.
“90 percent.”
“That is correct! Mr. Norman Osborn is the main mastermind behind this company’s projects. Of course, Intak would know more about it than me, but…” She gave a close-lipped smile. “If you’ll look here…”
Soul patted Intak on his shoulder. “Flash just shot you the nastiest look. Should I fight him to defend your honor?”
Jongseob and Intak blinked at him. He hunched over.
“Yeah, who am I kidding? I’m not street smart. I can’t give up my perfect school report to defend you.”
Intak shook his head in a chuckle. “Either way, my father doesn’t reflect what I’m like in school. Flash has a point. I get B’s in my first language, and my dad comes up with all the latest ground-breaking technology.”
"Yeah, I'm not so sure about that," Jongseob said with a laugh. "How could your dad have come up with all of this? He's just a guy."
Intak shoved his hands in his pockets. "You'd be surprised."
“Now, if you follow me to the next room,” Liz announced, opening a door that Flash immediately strutted through, “you’ll be able to see work on the neutralization of deadly spider venom.”
The class gasped a little at the sight of webs strung across the entire room. Flash tensed, and froze in the doorway.
“These spiders live the average amount of time and can eat the same things as usual, but their venom is engineered not to hurt humans in any way.”
“L-let’s go to the next room,” Flash said, backing away.
“Not yet. Are there any volunteers to hold one of these little spiders?”
Jongseob glanced at his friends, but Soul shook his head hard. Intak crossed his arms and smiled sweetly. “Jongseob will!” he called.
His heart dropped. “No, dude, what?”
“Don’t you think it would impress Liz?”
“Come on, Jongseob!” she said.
And then he found himself pushed to the front of the group, presented with a spindly arachnid hanging by a string. Its beady eyes stared down at him, legs wiggling as it lowered itself. It was like it knew what was happening. He held a shaking hand below it, every part in his body already tingling in anticipation and, honestly, fear. He knew it wouldn't hurt him, but he couldn't get over the thought of eight legs crawling all over him.
And then it hit his skin. The whole class seemed to shiver in excitement, watching the nerd hold a bug half the size of his palm. But it did nothing. They just stared at each other.
"See?" Liz offered. "It's entirely harmless."
Jongseob allowed himself a calming breath, and then laughed. It inched down to his wrist. "This isn't so ba- Ow!"
The spider went flying through the air as Jongseob looked down at his wrist in shock. It bit him! It wasn't supposed to injure him in the long run, but the bite was right beside the Light. He shifted his sleeve a little and watched his veins pulse strangely, before reverting back to normal.
"Hey--Jong-" Liz rushed toward him, reaching for his hand, but he flinched away.
"I'm fine! Haha, don't worry. It's not like it'll kill me."
Her brows furrowed, but then she nodded, and turned to the screaming group trying to get away from the rampant spider. Flash was nowhere to be seen.
He looked back down at his wrist. Sweat beaded on his forehead. He swallowed, hard. Then he rushed out the door, knocking into Intak's shoulder on the way. Where were the restrooms? He barely made it to his own stall before collapsing over the toilet, gagging.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid." You patted down the entirety of your backpack and quickly realized your chip wasn't in there. It was like an inhaler for your "episodes", and every time you got too confident in yourself, you let it go missing. And right now wasn't a good time for it to be.
A shudder passed through your body, and your jaw clenched so hard, you thought you might crack a tooth. You glanced at the juniors, and knew immediately that this would be bad. You just had to leave--
"So, Y/N, I hear you got a perfect score on the science homework," Julie started with a smirk. "Oh, wait, you didn't even turn it in. Thanks, by the way, for lending it to me."
She sat on your desk, and you immediately stood up, accidentally pushing your notebook off the desk. The juniors gasped. All you could feel was your blood rushing in your ears. She scoffed, and her friends stepped closer to you.
"It's not like you needed it. Are you going somewhere?"
You tried to take a slow, calm breath, but it sounded angry.
"Got--to--go," you managed, before shoving past a couple of them. They reached out to grab you, but recoiled from your skin. Your arms were rock hard--not because of any muscles, but because of the episode that was beginning. You had to get out of there, before you exploded.
You pushed open the door in a hurry, revealing a shocked Mr. Kang and a stack of papers going everywhere. You couldn't even squeak an apology, and instead tears began to stream down your cheeks as you ran.
"Julie? We need to talk," you heard him say, and then you rounded a corner and slammed into the fire retardant box on the wall.
Its door went flying, and you didn't even bat an eye until you reached the restroom and could splash your face with cold water. You couldn't even feel it, which was a really bad sign. But you kept doing it, hoping that it would reverse the effects. When you started feeling the chill, you stopped, and ripped a paper towel from the dispenser to dry off. You hadn't even noticed the water had splashed all over your front side until then.
"Great." You grabbed another paper towel and tried to pat off the wet splotches on your shirt, but it didn't help. You caught yourself in the mirror and laughed. You were a sight to behold, for sure.
Your eyebags were the biggest thing on your face. Your eyebrows were drawn in a permanent scowl. Worst of all, you could still see the uncontrollable fear of yourself in your eyes. You were disgusting--horrible. You could imagine the headline: "UNDERCOVER FREAK OF NATURE INFILTRATED HIGH SCHOOL." Thanks to Julie and her gang, you were always on edge, wondering which day would be your last at this school. Sometimes you resented her for the fear. Today you found yourself wishing she had won this time. Maybe then you wouldn't have to hide. Maybe then someone would hear you out.
Maybe then you'd get help.
But as you stared into your own soul, you knew there would always be something wrong. You couldn't be fixed. A monster that hid under its own bed was better than a monster running free.
There was a knock at the door, and your head flung toward the sound. "Y/N? It's Mr. Kang."
Your voice stuck in your throat. Glancing down to your wrist, the dial seemed to be cooling down. You shuffled your feet to the door, opening it shakily.
When he saw you, he sighed in relief. "I'm glad you're okay. I had my suspicions about Julie and her friends, but I didn't know they had a problem with you."
All you could do was nod.
He pursed his lips. "Let's go talk to the principal."
You followed him, the sound of shoes on the floor echoing in your ears, but all the while you wondered how you weren't spotted yet. How did he not realize you were the freak? If anyone deserved to be bullied, it was you.
"No one deserves to be bullied, Y/N," he said suddenly. You blinked, and he chuckled. "That must be why you stayed quiet about it, right? Well, you're wrong. You are a great student and a good person."
"Thanks, Mr. Kang." There was really nothing else to say.
"So, you're being bullied? Homework stolen, a couple of sharp words, and you've been physically hurt before?"
"Yes, sir." You looked down at your hands, tugging your sleeve further over your wrist. Mr. Kang had gotten you a dress code sweatshirt to replace your soaked one. It gave you little comfort when speaking to the principal like this.
"I'm thankful for the report." The principal cleared his throat, and finished typing. "However, Y/N, I can't let your own behavior slide. Not fully."
You snapped your eyes upward, suddenly feeling a tingling in your body. You struggled through a calming breath, but your eyes clouded up anyway. "Sir?"
It's fine, it's fine.
"You broke school property today. The fire retardant case is completely smashed on the floor. I'm afraid you'll have to pay if off. Since you're a great student and I don't totally blame you, only worry about two hundred bucks of it."
You released a shaky breath, nodded, and reminded yourself that they really couldn't know anything was different about you. Hardly anything really went wrong, and accidents happen. You could pay this off, and then no one would have to pry further. If only you had the money.
“Hey, Jongseob?”
Jongseob squeezed his eyes shut, tears wetting his lashes. He clutched his stomach gently, leaning a little bit more over the toilet. He was on his knees, keeled over in a public stall, and he’d forgotten to close the door. Well, it was too late now.
“Jongseob, are you in here?”
It was Intak. He wanted to sigh in relief, but every movement he took made him more aware of the nausea building up. He glanced at his wrist again, but the bite was still very prominent.
Can’t harm him? Yeah, right. Stupid, stupid, stupid! He’d always pretended to be the same as everyone else. But the light on his wrist was proof of otherwise. He suddenly gagged, and ripped his hand from his stomach to the toilet seat to brace himself.
The episode came and went, but then he saw that the entire front of his shirt had come off with his hand now on the cool ceramic. Fresh air met his sweaty chest, and he took a steady breath.
Footsteps approached quickly, then, and he knew immediately that Intak was there.
“Oh, man, are you okay?”
Jongseob’s cheeks burned in embarrassment. He wasn’t necessarily a cool guy in front of his friends, but this was sort of humiliating. The son of the creator of these spiders witnessed him basically overreact.
“I’m sorry,” he managed, hanging his head.
No answer. He heard paper rip and water run, and then Intak came back over and pressed a damp towel to his forehead.
“Don’t be sorry. A lot of times the placebo effect really does affect you like this. You know it’s not gonna hurt you, but some part of you still fears it, so your body reacts.”
Jongseob tensed, and finally looked up at his friend. He was shocked to see a kind smile, where there normally sat a reserved frown.
“It’s totally normal, it’ll be fine.”
“I want to go home.”
Intak nodded. “Let’s go. Where’d your shirt go?” Then he spotted it. “Ah.”
“I don’t even know.”
Somehow Intak snuck him out of the crowded building, and got him an extra lab coat to cover up with, no problem at all. He was starting to feel much better, and wondered if he should say he’s fine to go back.
But they were already in a taxi headed to his Aunt May’s house, so he let himself recover. He pressed his palms against the leather beneath him, and stared out the window at the city flashing by.
Oh no—Aunt May! That would not end well. If she saw him come home early looking so sick, she’d ask questions. He knew logically, it wouldn’t be a big deal to lie a little bit, but he also knew he was a terrible liar.
“My dad will pay for any healthcare you need, if you do.”
He sucked in a breath. “No, no, it’s not a big deal. I feel much better by now.”
Intak laughed, “Good! Because explaining this to him would honestly suck.”
Jongseob believed that. Mr. Osborn was a stern man, and he could guess that he wouldn’t be too happy to hear his project was having negative effects. He’d probably care more about silencing this incident than Jongseob himself.
But that wasn’t a big deal.
“Woah, you can’t even see the bite anymore!”
Jongseob jumped and looked down, and realized it really was gone. Like nothing happened. Maybe he really had imagined it. He sighed, looking out the window once more. Intak patted his shoulder with a similar sigh.
The taxi stopped, and Jongseob realized he was staring right at his house. He started, and thanked Intak sincerely, offering to pay him back. As always, that wasn’t an option. Intak waved goodbye and Jongseob turned to face his front door alone.
Unfortunately for him, Aunt May spotted him through the glass of the door almost immediately.
“Jongseob!” she exclaimed when he opened the door. “What- what are you doing back here so early?” She threw down a pile of folded towels—it was laundry day—and reached out to caress his face with soft, cool hands. “You‘ve got a fever.”
“Just a small one, but I guess it was enough to leave early.”
Her forehead creased and her worry lines grew deeper. Before she could say anything, he continued.
“Honestly, I just wanted to leave. It was boring and had nothing to do with class. I have homework to do.”
She stepped back, eyeing him with suspicion. “Alright. Well, help me carry these up to the bathroom and then you can get on with that schoolwork.” She wagged a bony finger in the air, and a smile began to form on her lips again. “You’ve got to keep your scholarship, or you’ll be getting a job!”
Jongseob relaxed, and took the towels with a forced smile, hurrying up the stairs. “Love you, Aunt May!”
“Oh, get on with it!”
But once he’d ducked into the bathroom, he realized there really was something wrong. The towels wouldn’t drop. It was like he was… sticky.
part one out of six.
taglist (let me know if you want to continue being tagged): @foggypkryptonite @thecarnivaloflies @zendieya-8 @harmonys-bunny @fullsunstrawberry @marleymade @hw4ngss @chuuswifereal @horangipoweryummyyummy @the-kpop-simp @blue-lumiere @yereneee @hrts4seobie
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kbandtrash · 8 months ago
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kbandtrash · 8 months ago
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N.Flying 네가 내 마음에 자리 잡았다 (Into You) / SPECIAL CLIP
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kbandtrash · 8 months ago
letsroll_nf: Starry, starry night⭐✨💫 I N.Flying (엔플라잉) 'Star' LIVE CLIP
#NFlying #엔플라잉 #이승협 #유회승 #Star #선재업고튀어 #OST #LiveClip
#NFlying_9th_Anniversary #5959_최고야_엔플라잉
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kbandtrash · 8 months ago
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kbandtrash · 11 months ago
finished my spiderman!jongseob plan last night, almost ready to post part one!!
people who liked/commented on the poll:
@foggypkryptonite @sorryimananti-romantic @zendieya-8 @harmonys-bunny
Would you like to be tagged when I post it?
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kbandtrash · 11 months ago
wait I just had a great idea
spiderman!jongseob (p1h) au?? (with creative liberties because not all spiderverses are the same)
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kbandtrash · 1 year ago
wait I just had a great idea
spiderman!jongseob (p1h) au?? (with creative liberties because not all spiderverses are the same)
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