#Date Planning
captain-lessship · 2 years
I <3 Hot Dads
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Out of the two of Swan Siblings, you were crazy. Absolutely crazy. And you got hurt cause of it. Whether it was coming home with scuffs all over your knees and palms, singeing your hair with a blow torch or spraining your wrist: you did it.
But it had gotten you into a tricky situation now. 
You were sitting in the ER, waiting to be seen for a broke arm. You’d been escorted back by a nice nurse who, of course, called your dad. You knew he was gonna flip. Even though you were almost twenty three now, he was still your emergency contact.
“Ah! it’s a pleasure to see you,” a voice said. Instantly, you head flung up and there he was. 
Call it stupid. Call it a crush. 
It was both: You liked Dr. Carlisle Cullen.
“Though, I wish it wasn’t for such an injury.” He said, an air of concern falling from him.
“Will we have to amputate?” You tried to joke. He smiled.
“No, you’ll get to keep it. Though, I have to recommend you being more careful from here on out.” A very doctor thing to say.
“Well, how bad is it, doc?”
His ambery brown eyes looked into yours, “It’s not a bad break, though about six to eight weeks til it is healed.” He smiled, “Also, you can call me Carlisle.” 
You knew that the tips of your ears burned a scarlet at the sentiment alone. “Okay, Doc- Carlisle.” You corrected.
He smiled as he stood, “I will get the final things for your cast, just a moment.” 
You watched him walked out the door and once you heard it click, you turned into a giddy mess. You didn’t plan on breaking your arm but this was going great for you.
It was a few hours later when you were getting ready to leave. Charlie had come to get you and was waiting to give you a lecture but you needed to do something first. 
You waited by the nurses station til he came back.
“Oh! Hello, can I help you?” He asked, still writing something down.
“Well, I was wondering, if you weren’t busy,” you breathed out, “would like to go grab lunch one day?” 
Carlisle had a looked of slight surprise as he looked up from his papers but it changed into a flattered smile, “Well, I don’t think going out right after a break is a good idea. How about next week? Tuesday?” 
You were shocked he was giving you what sounded like a yes. “Oh, yeah, yeah, I can do Tuesday. Six?”
“Six.” He looked at your cast, “May I?”
You looked at him before showing him your arm. He pulled a sharpie from his pocket and signed his name.
“What medicine did they dose you with?” Charlie asked when he saw your dopey love smile.
“Oh, you know, Serotonin.”
Charlie noticed the name on your arm, “God, what is it with my kids and the Cullen’s?”
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o0kawaii0o · 5 months
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reineydraws · 5 months
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benn is actually praying for himself bc he knows that this is somehow going to turn into his problem 😔🙏
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nftpirates · 1 year
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morganbritton132 · 2 months
My HC based on nothing is that Gareth’s mom was Steve’s piano teacher for years until he needed a more advanced one. So while Eddie is lamenting his big embarrassing crush on Steve “The Hair” Harrington, Gareth is silently sitting there cursed with the knowledge that’s Steve’s actually kinda nice.
Eddie grumbles about how Harrington is an insensitive asshole and Gareth knows that Steve gets teary-eyed when he can’t pick up a new piano piece of music fast enough. Eddie complains about Harrington’s perfect life and Gareth is forced to remember the fourteen piano recitals his mom took him to and how Steve’s parents were at two of them.
Eddie overhears Steve mention a demogorgon to Nancy Wheeler in the hallway and scoffs about how Steve knows nothing about D&D. Gareth is rudely reminded of the time Steve sat on his front porch waiting for his mom to pick him up and listened to Gareth ramble on about the new role playing game he just learned about. The meanest thing Steve said about it was, “No offense, that sounds like a nightmare. Math and public speaking, no thanks.”
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cowardlykrow · 2 months
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Quick, find him the closest meteor-
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hinamie · 25 days
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so just know, I'm healing / even though it don't feel like it
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jjk fanart#jujutsu kaisen fanart#yuji itadori#fushiguro megumi#megumi fushiguro#itafushi#fushiita#jjk spoilers#jjk manga spoilers#good evening it is past midnight and i am here furthering the itfs scar kissing agenda#stumbled across the insp pic buried in my likes and i went oh this is relevant in the opposite direction :) I Can Use This :)#op has some of my fav itfs fanart ill b so real n tht piece ws swimming around in my brain fr Days#so i told myself today my reward for submitting my zine checkin wld b drawing yuuji kissing megumi's scars#also pls observe. /this/ is what i mean when i say tht megumi receiving affection looks like he is unsure and in mild pain#Does Not Know How To Respond To Affection Even From His Own Boyfriend.png#i LOVE drawing megu with this expression so sosos much the downcast sidelong gaze + furrowed brow.....#its SO good#also idk what i did with his hair here but the render actually turned out so well ?? best megu hair to date every1 pls clap#not 2 mention th shape of yuuji's bangs???? pats self on th back no offense but i am on fire w these boys' hair lately#that being said i decided i did not want to render anything else ddfdfjjghdjgf i got tired#kept the rest flat n took the opportunity to play around w light chromatic abberation on the scars#idk if any1 noticed but i found th retro film filter n used it a bunch on my recent comic#its so convenient it comes w built in noise n everything!!!!!!#anyway . caption is salt fv <333 if u care <333333#i think it is also a megu song but like . a post-canon megu song#i thought this wld take longer bc i was planning on rendering everything so i cracked an energy drink and am tragically awake#shld i start smth new we shall see smile :)
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got a worm nibbling my brain. can someone help me find a piece of obscure media?
webcomic/indie comic from the 2010s. basically a sci-fi short story about a young girl (with red hair?) who was being raised by scientists as part of an experiment. she receives a haircut/has her head shaved, in preparation for her annual brain scan/testing. it is revealed that while her body is human, her "brain" is artificial, made of computer implants throughout her skull and spine. at some point her biological mother (also a scientist on the same campus?) encounters her and is repulsed, viewing her as a machine who has murdered her daughter.
it was very poignant and it bruised my heart and i can NOT find it anywhere
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axoqiii · 3 months
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another p5r art dump hiiiiieii 😢😢😢
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zephyrchama · 6 months
I like to sometimes think that the OM! demons and angels have a heightened sense for noticing other beings, like they know when someone or something is nearby even if it's incredibly still and silent. But they're so used to MC being around that MC can completely slip under their radar. MC's presence is a totally natural, constant part of their daily life. For better or for worse, they're too used to it.
They're just chilling in their room, doing whatever, until MC coughs. It really spooks them. Maybe they jump a little.
"How long have you been there?"
"I came in, like, three hours ago."
"What have you been doing that entire time?"
"I dunno, just... sitting here?"
"The whole time?"
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kobrafangs · 5 months
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something something jaya something forget me nots
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courfee · 19 days
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it's been exactly a year since the last chapter of Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule and I still miss it. This scene is probably one of my favourite things I've ever written and I've wanted to draw it for forever, so now seemed like an appropriate time
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droppincofdrops · 8 months
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happy hearts and hooves day <3
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a11eya · 20 days
sneakily, while bakugou’s taking a nap at your place, you change his phone background to a picture of the both of you from your last date.
he shows up to your place earlier than planned, put together and handsome in an outfit that isn’t the usual athleisure you often find him in after work.
“get dressed,” bakugou tells you, standing in your doorway.
you stare at him. glance down at yourself in your ratty t-shirt and shorts, ready for a lazy night in and some takeout. look back up again. “what?”
“we’re going out.”
placing his hands on your waist, he walks you backwards, into your apartment. he leans down and kisses you—once, twice.
“move it,” he says, turning you around and giving you a little push towards your bedroom.
he takes you to your favorite restaurant, then the dessert cafe you told him about the week prior, having seen it be recommended over and over again on social media.
when you first started dating, he had little pat ience for places like these. his idea of a date was anything low effort and lowkey, like hanging out at his place. it’d resulted in several arguments until the both of you learned compromise—that after long days at the agency, the last thing he wanted was to go out and be surrounded by people again, and that you wanted to feel like you were the effort of doing something beyond what was convenient.
at the end of the night, feeling sentimental and warm, you snap a picture of the both of you.
you’re smiling brightly in it, focused on taking the picture without him noticing. so it’s not until after you’ve taken the photo that you see bakugou’s expression in it.
his mouth’s a neutral line, steady gaze focused on you. if someone who didn’t know him as well saw him, they’d wouldn’t notice anything special.
but you know that face. he’s looking at you like no one else exists, like you’re the only thing he can see.
after you change his phone background, you know it’ll take him a while to see it. he rarely uses his phone except to answer calls and messages. even then, he uses the notifications to open the apps directly (when he can be bothered to reply.)
it’s coincidence, then, when you overhear kaminari and kirishima teasing him about it when you’re all gathered at bakugou’s place for dinner.
“didn’t know you’d get all soft and fluffy in a relationship,” kaminari says, and you can hear the big grin on his face.
“aww, you know bakugou’s a really sweet guy!” kirishima says.
“shut up, both of you,” bakugou grumbles, and the two laugh.
later that night, when everyone’s gone and bakugou’s in the shower, you check his phone to see if your friends’ teasing made him change his background back. you know he gets super annoyed when they poke fun at him, even innocently.
but when you tap his screen to wake his phone up, you find the same picture is now his lock screen too.
“hey, nosy.”
startled, you nearly drop his phone, just managing to catch it and regain your grip.
bakugou’s arms, still damp from the shower, wrap around you from behind. he rests his chin on top of one of your shoulders and turns his head so his face is pressed against your neck.
“hey,” you tell him. “i like you a lot.”
he snorts. grazes his teeth against your skin, kisses the sharp away. slides his hand up under the hem of your shirt, gliding across the skin of your abdomen.
“let’s go to bed,” he says.
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nibbelraz · 9 months
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Here's to a New Year where we actually communicate 🥂
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toktopus-art · 1 year
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movie date 📽️✨
i’m running a DTIYS which started on patreon but is now on tumblr as well! :) i’ll only post this here but you can post your versions anywhere you want.
the theme is “movie date”! if you want to participate, you can either redraw this in your own style, OR you can also come up with your own poses or scene, as long as it’s movie date themed.
anyone can participate! this is for fun, no time limit and no pressure <3 tag me if you’d like, i’d love to see your versions :)
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