#apt neighbor!vi
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shouyuus · 2 months ago
sfw; modern neighbor!vi au
cool but enough about that. thinking about vi who lives in the same apartment building as you and is on the same floor just a few doors down, who sees you struggling with some boxes when moving in so she sweeps in to your rescue and well i mean you're not one to look a-gift-horse-muscular-butch in the mouth when she's so valiantly offering to carry these boxes for you.
who introduces herself and tells you that she lives here with her sister, who's studying mechanical engineering at the university. her? oh, she's a freelancer! you know how it is these days, teaches boxing at the local gym, helps her dad with the family bar on the weekends sometimes, "bit of this and a bit of that." and it sounds like she doesn't wanna talk about it all that much so you don't ask.
you ask her in for a cup of coffee, say it's the least you can do to thank her for helping you with the boxes.
"pleasure's mine, helping a pretty girl like you."
you swallow, busying yourself with your beat up little moka pot, asking her if she wants sugar or creamer. both, she says, and you pause, looking over your shoulder. she's leant up against your half-unpacked sofa, her arms knitted loosely over her chest.
"what? i've always like my stuff with a little bit of sugar."
it's a simple enough statement but the way she says it makes all your fingers and toes tingle. you swallow, fiddling with the fraying edges of your sweater sleeve.
"yeah, no -- that's --"
you jump as the moka starts to bubble and you pull it off the stove, feeling the same heat working it's way into your skin.
it's easy, so easy, after that. she offers to help you unpack (only if you need it of course) and well, you could use another pair of hands. you tell her that you'll pay her in pizza, and she smiles so wide you can see the hint of a dimple etching itself into her cheek.
you end up spending the whole day together, and when all the boxes are broken down and tamped into a pile by the door, your fingers grease-stained, sitting curled up on your now fully built-out couch, with plastic cups of prosecco, she sighs, staring into the bubbling liquid with a smile just a hitch away from sadness.
"cool! well -- thanks for the pizza," she sets down the cup and pushes up off the couch. you clear your throat and scramble up as well, pressing your palms into your thighs.
"no! thank you for helping me --" you motion around your apartment, "and uh --" you chew on your lips, teetering on the balls of your feet.
"if you ever wanna hang out," vi says, grinning as she rounds the sofa, glancing over her shoulder, "i'm just two doors down."
you slump down onto the sofa, pressing a hand to your chest, feeling it's wild, fluttering beat beneath your palm as you try to steady your breathing.
a few days later, you knock on her door, only to find a girl with shocking blue space buns and a pair of magnifying goggles on her head that make her look truly unhinged.
"who're you?"
you blink, fingers clutched around a large mug.
"uh -- uhm -- i just -- i moved in to the unit two doors down a few days ago and i was -- i was wondering if i could -- borrow some... sugar?" you hold out the mug, wondering if you've just royally fucked up.
"powder? who's at the door?" vi's voice calls out just as the girl with blue hair opens her mouth.
powder pauses, a sly smirk twisting the edge of her lips as she pushes up her goggles to reveal bright blue eyes just a few shades darker than vi's.
"oh no one, juuuuust... the super cute neighbor you couldn't shut up about from a few days ag --"
something clanks from further in the apartment and the girl named powder gets yanked back as vi appears, wide-eyed and a bit disheveled, clearing her throat as she almost crashes into her doorframe.
"h-hi! what -- what're you doing here?"
"i uhm --" you swallow, warmth prickling beneath your skin.
"sugar," powder says, rolling her eyes, waving a hand as she prances back into the apartment.
"sugar...?" vi asks, almost uncomprehending.
you lick your lips, holding out the cup, "yeah... i -- uh -- ran out..."
vi blinks down at the empty mug for a second too long before her eyes flash up to meet yours.
"yeah? what've you been up to, using so much sugar?"
you lick your lips, biting down on our bottom lip as she steps back to motion you into the apartment. it's not big, but it is cozy, sticky-notes and doodles littering almost every available surface, cups with day-old coffee/water/tea cluttered on the countertops. but vi reaches up into the cupboards and tugs down the sugar bag.
"i --" you cut off as she fills up your cup.
you don't want to tell her that you were trying to bake cupcakes of all things. and for her no less.
"ahh... don't wanna tell me? s'okay -- fine then, keep your secrets," she teases, shooting you a tiny wink as she leans up to put the sugar back.
"it's --" you nearly trip over your words as they tumble out of you, "i was -- wanted to make some cupcakes -- f-for... you..." you force out, turning away as her eyes widen slightly, "but i keep fucking up the measurements so --" you chance her another glance.
vi watches you with a soft smile, leaning against her kitchen counter.
"for me, sugar?"
you nod, now feeling impossibly hot as she vi slates you a knowing smile.
"well, lemme know when you're done," she says, "and uh..." she glances down at your sugar cup, "don't be afraid to put in a little extra for me, okay?"
you walk back to your own apartment in a daze, staring down at the cup of white sugar grains as you finally get back to your kitchen and set the mug down. you look at the two batches of failed cupcakes sitting on the counter and sigh, a helpless little smile ticking up the corner of your lips as you remember the twinkle in vi's eyes as she'd told you to add a little more sugar for her.
you drop your face into your hands with a loud groan, slumping back onto the couch, letting your feet dangle off the side as you stare at the light-stricken ceiling.
and you say, to no one in particular --
"i am so, so fucked."
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shimmerandfists · 2 months ago
Modern Au ViJinx thoughts:
Jinx exists in this universe as opposed to Powder but she's really a truer mix of the two than a direct 1:1 with Arcane's Jinx. She's closer to how Jinx was with Isha I think, still mentally ill but for the most part present and healthy, she has the tools to manage her symptoms for the most part.
She's been on the path of independence for a couple years now and at 19 she's antsy to move out of Vanders place. She's been relying less and less on Vi, Vander and Silco (everyone is alive at this point) as she gets older to the point she's making enough of her own money to save and buy things.
She doesn't have any real job of any kind but she's found under-the-table fix-it jobs for whoever needs it and pays the most. Unfortunately that usually ends up being shadier individuals, and has gotten her in trouble a couple times. She still hangs out with Ekko when they can. She helps him out with his college projects, even if it's his not-so-subtle way of trying to get her interested in going to college with him.
Vi is 23-24 (both the ages they are in the show) and has long since moved out. She's worked her way through an apprenticeship at a mechanics shop and has pretty steady work and income because of it. She tries her hardest to keep up her relationship with Jinx and drops just about everything to make time and space for her. Jinx hasn't asked for any of that in at least a year or two now. She keeps offering up her spare room to Jinx when she moves out but she hasn't gotten a solid answer from her yet.
Nobody has any clue what she does except for Vi, who bailed her out of jail the first and only time she got arrested. It may have been from a DUI she got for a party one of her clients invited her to when she first started working. She's the only one she would ever call if she needed anything at this point in her life even if she doesn't know how to talk with Vi like she used to.
She has her recently realized feelings for her older sister as well, she never really noticed them at all until Vi had moved out. Powder at the time was 15 and Vi was 20. Jinx didn't fully notice WHAT they were until she turned 17 and by then the space and time had changed their relationship. No matter how hard they both tried to keep it up, the fact was they both matured into different people they didn't fully recognize anymore. Neither think it's a bad thing, only that it's different and they don't know each other as well as they feel they used to.
With Vi living on her own and working a full time job, and with Jinx growing up and out into the world, it seemed inevitable. With more steady job leads popping up in the area where Vi had moved to, Jinx is starting to consider her sisters offer a little more seriously about the apartment room. Ultimately, she'd decide to get her own place but not too far away. Luck would have it that there was an apartment opening up in the same complex Vi was living at, a couple units down.
Vi is ecstatic about this and Jinx can't contain her enthusiasm either. The thought of spending time with each other was what both of them needed, they had really missed the other and there isn't anything like spending time in person to regrow lost connections. Vi was a little hurt at first Jinx declined her offer again but with how things worked out she doesn't hold on to that, and Jinx gets her own space while still being within bothering distance of Vi. They spend a stupid amount of their free time with each other, slotting back into each other's lives as if no time had passed at all.
That's about as far as I'm getting tonight but I'd love to explore this a little bit more later. With the flavor and depth and less of the foundation building. Like a detailed scene of Jinx' jail fiasco or some moments between the two when Jinx still lives at Vanders and Vi is in her own apartment. Future moments of them living in the apartment complex together, figuring out that in the process of getting to know each other again after that much time apart, they don't just love each other anymore. To both of their frustration, they're falling IN love with each other, and definitely in lust with each other.
Inspired by this edit: Flashing, Volume Warning
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occultradio · 11 months ago
📩 Simblr question of the day: You can answer one or both parts of this question! 1️⃣ Part one: If you make Story posts, what do you do for scenes? Do you build them yourself, do you download lots from the gallery or do you download them from someone online? 2️⃣ Part two: If you make Gameplay/Legacy posts, what do you do for a house? Do you build it yourself, download a home from the gallery or do you download them from someone online? Additionally, do you build onto that home or demolish it and rebuild the house when needed? (E.G When another child enters the picture or someone moves in) ❎ If you do none of those for either half, what do you do? Do you use someone else's save file? (WIndbrook by Folking, Willow Creek + Magnolia Promenade by Theneighborhoodsave, Silent Pines by Silentpinessave... etc)
( freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not, and use the hashtag " SQOTD " ~ 💛 )
ayyyy TY!!
I build my own sets lately if its not tagged or flashbacks or if their not at home, I'm not too good at building homes but decorating I can do!
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2. As for their home my friend @merofthefae built their current lot, I've just decorated it, so a colab, Its still not done but its getting there, they also moved out of a tiny San Myshuno apartment before here because they needed room for kids
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Vis's old apt/their shared apt that I decorated
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Trace's apartment before moving in when they were neighbors
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years ago
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“DAMAGE CAUSED TO POWER LINES,” Montreal Star. August 13, 1931. Page 38. ---- From Yesterday's Late Editions ---- Shown above are some of the power transmission poles found damaged this morning, the photo inset at the left, showing one of the steel frames an Ile Jesus after being dynamited at the base. The large picture shows one of the towers carrying power lines from Shawinigan Falls after it had been unbolted at its base. The property is owned by the Montreal Light, Heat and Power Company, and it is alleged by the company that the damage was caused by some of their former linemen now on strike, or by sympathizers. //// “STRIKERS DENY SABOTAGE CHARGE,” Montreal Star. August 13, 1931. Page 38. ---- Three of Four Main Leads Put Out of Commission Yesterday ---- (From Yesterday's Late Editions) Sabotage, involving little material damage but endangering the whole electrical supply of Montreal, was committed this morning about 3 o'clock, when a tower carrying the power lines from Shawinigan Falls was unseated from its bed by dynamite and three poles carrying power from the Cedar Rapids plant were also dynamited. The result was that three of the four Shawinigan lines went out of commission and the damage done endangered the whole of the electrical supply from that source. Montreal was thus nearly completely deprived at water and power for a few hours. 
The work on the tower was done an angle near St. Francois de Sales on Ile Jesus. Removing the two bolts from each of the outer uprights of the tower, those who did the damage, officials assert, expected that the weight of the wires would pull the top over to the other tower which carries the parallel wires. This it failed to do, apparently, and the men then placed under one of the standards, and thus unseated the outer base of the tower which fell to to its neighbor and an put out of commission the two wires on the one lower and one of the two on the other. 
An explosion was heard about 3 o’clock this morning by neighboring farmer, who looked out of his window and saw the flash of the wires, but as he thought “it was just something wrong with the wires.” When he saw the leaning tower later this morning he telephoned the Montreal Light Heat and Power.
The Light, Heat, and Power Corporation attribute the damage to work done by some of their former linesmen who are now on strike because the company refuses to recognize their union. Officials of the union involved disclaim any knowledge of acts of sabotage on the part of their members and deny that they are responsible.
DAMAGE IN WEST END. Vandals were also busy in the western suburbs last night. A steel standard at Summaries hearing four high-tension circuits was partly destroyed by a blast that shattered half the bane of the standard, broke three of the lines, made a crater five feet in diameter and nearly three feet deep, and left the standard leaning precariously.
Elevators at City Hall Out of Order Four elevators at the City Hall could not be run this morning, due, it is understood, to power shortage. Officials in the civic buildings are apt to blame the lack of sufficient "white coal” to those who have recently, been deliberately wrecking poles and lines of the Montreal Light Heat and Power Company. 
In order to cope with a power shortage which is estimated to have cut the normal service in half, lights were cut down to a minimum.
Strike Statement The following statement was issued this afternoon of the striking members of the Union of Linesmen and Helpers have been blamed for sabotage and damage to the Company's property, the men have organised 20 crews who are now patroling the city night and day in an effort to protect the Company's property and the public, so that there interference with the street lights, As we realize that if these are out Montreal would be at mercy of anyone who wished to the take advantage of such a situation to violate the law and embarrass not only the citizens but the large number of tourists who are at present visiting this city.
We are using every effort to co-operate with the police in their endeavor to track down those who are either in the employ of the company or other outside bodies and unknown to the men and endeavoring to destroy the men's cause. Every crew has definite instructions to inform the authorities of any suspects they come in contact with."
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yourboatholiday · 4 years ago
Wondering What is So Impeccable about Sailing in Split?
Split can be defined as a beautiful town, located on Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast and is highly recommended for vacations. The flawless beauty of Split is refreshing, and sailing in Split just makes it better. Usually, tourists prefer to charter yachts to wander in the waters around Split.
It is a given that if one is planning to take a tour around Split, you cannot miss out on Hvar, Korcula, Lastovo, Vis, and Solta islands. So, if you are planning a vacation in Split, here’s a little guidance for you.
Hvar Island
Once you start sailing in Split, you would immediately fall in love with the turquoise waters and never feel like placing your feet on land again. So, let’s start the tour by visiting Hvar Island.
This island is mainly known for its Mediterranean climate with occasional rainfall and lavender-based products. After exploring the beauty of Hvar Island, let’s head towards Korcula Island.
Korcula Island
Korcula Island is famous for its massive dense forest. This island is more of a secluded one unlike the rest, and that makes it one of the most peaceful spots to enjoy a vacation. Summer is festive in Korcula Island and thus, it the most likely season to be there.
The main attraction is the Moreska dance during summer. Also, you
might check out their international event- the Korkyra Baroque Festival, held annually. After enjoying Korcula Island, it is time to move on to Lastovo Island.
Lastovo Island
No wonder yachting in Split is such a mesmerizing experience! Luxurious yachts will let you relax throughout the journey around Split. The moment you reach Lastovo Island, take a quick scan. Do you understand why people get hooked on this destination instantaneously?
Lastovo Island is located further away from the rest and thus becomes a remote area to enjoy more adventures. The eerie beauty of nature, accompanied by rocky cliffs will leave you stunned for sure.
Now, the best part is near- Vis Island!
Vis Island
The Vis Island is known for many sports, cultures, and traditions but let’s not bore with the usual because it is time for something out of the world- The Blue Cave or Blue Grotto. This cave is situated in a small part of the Vis Island, known as Bisevo Island.
Initially, the cave had a small entrance but eventually, its opening was enlarged. Now, tourists can easily witness this extreme beauty. Ideally, it is advised to visit this cave during noon so that sunlight can have access and create a blue glowing effect, while the underwater objects turn silver. Do not miss out on this magical view or you would regret it forever.
The Solta Island
Our primary motto was to enjoy sailing in Split. So, let’s navigate to Solta Island!
The unspoiled nature and beautiful bays make this island perfect for escapades. The reason for its popularity is olives, figs, honey, and wine.
Oh! Let’s not forget to make a quick visit to the nearby island- Brac. The exceptional view of beautiful beaches and secluded covers found in Brac Island is just apt to end this tour.
Are you excited about planning your next vacation in Split? Well, has to be! So, what are you waiting for? Visit these neighboring islands and enjoy their unique beauties by sailing in Split.
Contact  now YBH Charter Brokers:
You can contact us by sending an email at [email protected] or by phone, calling +39 33436 00997, available also on WhatsApp for both calls and texting.
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concordiairvine · 5 years ago
Around-the-World VI: Mongolian Landscape
By Kirstie Schierkolk
Our Mongolian ger camp in Terelj National Park rests in a dip among a dozen hills. A dirt road weaves out from it, pocked from our bus tires the day after it rained. Little raises the dust beside the camp owner’s son on his bicycle. We breathe heavily – this is higher elevation than we’re used to. 
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Individual rock formations cut up the horizon. They zigzag like a hospital heart monitor, matching our pulse when we hike up a hill for a better view. Wind and water have dug cracks into the rocks like the creases on our friend Hamit’s face. He was a shepherd for decades in these mountains. 
 Swathes of trees swoop up the foothills and gather at the base of the giant rocks. Collectivist in their orientation, they somehow stand out independently – an apt reflection of this communal culture where each person retains individual significance. From the top of a hill, we can still make out evergreen branches that reach up into the sky and across the hill to link arms with their neighbors. The Mongolian Kazakh Christians pray like the trees stand: together, with their hands raised toward heaven. 
 Filling in the gaps between trees and rocks, grass covers the hills. From a distance, it looks like a fabric piece from the “feel me” book on my niece’s bookshelf. Small purple, blue, and magenta flowers pop up when we get closer. 
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Laws forbidding private property render the grassy hills free for the cattle, yaks, and horses to graze. They weave around the gers, under our windows, and through the trees. Sometimes their bellowing wakes us before our alarm clock. Shepherds on horseback or motorcycles round them up and lead them to new grazing, but a handful always hang around the ger camp. It’s their home, too. 
The gers salt the hillside, apparently simple but for the hot orange doors with stenciled swirls inside. Some stretch out in neat rows, but most in clumps like the cattle wandering around them. Smoke blows out the stove pipe at night. Wind slaps the white tarp exterior. These mobile homes look like family, pressed together by a wild countryside where they belong.
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Kirstie, a missionary kid from Jerez, Mexico, chose Concordia after watching a video about ATW. She's pursuing a Liberal Arts degree with a literature emphasis and a Bachelor of Science in nursing.
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gravitascivics · 6 years ago
Well, are humans naturally egoistic with little regard for others?  Jonah Goldberg provides a description of human nature as portraying the natural people as very apt to steal, exploit, and otherwise advance their own interests, at the expense of others, except for in limited social arrangements.  Those exceptions refer to seeking mutually reciprocal relationships with fellow tribe members – with those that look like themselves.  Is this true?  And why is the question important?
         It’s important because the answer reflects how readily humans are disposed to engage with others.  People who readily engage in exclusively self-advancing behaviors at the expense of others, will not be apt to cooperate enough or collaborate enough to achieve any but the minimal levels of collective accomplishments – that is forgoing the types that characterize not only modern life, but life that has been the state of Western life in the last few hundred years.
         To test Goldberg’s sense of human nature, one can look at the work of anthropologists and archeologists.  When such work comes to mind, this writer thinks of the classic work, Patterns of Culture, by Ruth Benedict.[1]  That anthropologist studied North American tribal societies – the Zuni, Dobu, and Kwkiutl – and their cultures.  Her aim was to show the range of possible human behavior within a specific culture.
She categorizes that range in terms of a culture’s attitudes and traits and determines how individuals within each culture are defined; that is, what constitutes success, unacceptable or disparaged behaviors, or intolerable behaviors. In other words, these are not predetermined or universal traits, but developed within the experiences of each culture.
With that, the findings of a famous historical character – famous not for his anthropological work, but for his exploratory adventures – are used here. Christopher Columbus, as any school age child can recite, “sailed the ocean blue, in 1492.”  In terms of Europe and sailing under the Spanish flag, he “discovered” America (more accurately, Caribbean islands) at the end of the fifteenth century.  He also encountered those islands’ indigenous peoples.  In terms of this posting’s aim, in a letter to one of his supporters,[2] Columbus described how these islanders behaved.
Given that in 1492 there was no chance that modern life would have had any influence on these people, as perhaps Ruth’s observed people might have had in the 1930s, his observations, it is judged here, has more power in determining how much the observed tribespeople reflected Goldberg’s view of human nature.  So, how did Columbus describe these people?
According to this cited letter, the first people Columbus encountered were on the island he named Espanola.  On that island, he and his men found and described a people with the following characteristics:
·        They lived in sets of dwellings indicating they were not nomadic.
·        They were almost totally naked except for women who covered their “private” parts with leafy material.
·        They had no weapons.
·        They initially and for a good amount of time would run away when they encountered or saw the explorers.
·        In general, they were highly fearful and had a timid demeanor.
·        In their “running away,” they readily left behind their children and their children readily left behind their parents. They just scattered.
·        Their practice of fleeing was maintained even when the explorers offered them gifts.
·        Eventually, they were convinced that their new guests did not pose them any danger and eventually they interacted with the explorers.
·        They were very simple in their customs and demonstrated honesty in their interactions.
·        They did not exhibit any possessiveness over what they possessed.  That is, they readily gave their things away among themselves and with the explorers.
·        They exhibited high levels of love toward all others including the explorers.
·        They seemed content with little amounts of material things.
·        They expressed the beliefs, once they began interacting with the explorers, that these new arrivals – the Europeans – were from heaven.
·        Most of these tribespeople led monogamous relationships with their “married” partners except for the “king” and “princes” who had polygamous arrangements of 20 wives.
·        There was no sign of private property; the needed or wanted things were meted out by a king’s agent who simply distributed those things.
In the opinion of this writer, this doesn’t seem to support Goldberg’s view of human nature.  In fact, Columbus’ encounters, which also included other groups of the islands, seem to be the complete opposite.  But before one believes this was pure paradise, there was an exception.
         To the east of Espanola there was another island called – presumably named by Columbus – Charis.  There lived a group that did not follow the customs of the others and this divergence gives one a reason to why the other groups vigorously ran away upon seeing the newcomers among their midst.  Here is how Columbus describes this other group:
·        They were ferocious and considered as such by the peoples of the other islands.
·        They fed on human flesh.
·        By using sophisticated canoes (which the other peoples also had), they visited and attacked the other islands, robbing and plundering these more peaceful groups.
·        They shared the same physical appearance as their peaceful counterparts except for the fact the men wore their hair just as long as the female islanders.  This similarity indicated they shared the same genetic ancestors as the other groups.
·        They had weapons, usually bows and javelins with sharpened tips.  They were made of cane.
·        They readily instilled fear in their neighboring islanders.
·        Along with their weapons, they also had brass plates – their island had ample supply of brass – for defensive purposes.
These inhabitants of Charis are more in line with Goldberg’s description of how human nature manifests itself in pre-“civilized” peoples.  But in terms of the Caribbean (or those islands Columbus reported on), these people are the exception, not the rule.
         This writer finds several facts as particularly troubling in accepting Goldberg’s view.  These tribespeople for the most part are fearful of foreigners, but not apt to be antagonistic towards them.  They are not egoistic but concerned for their fellow inhabitants.  Why this arrangement among these different tribes evolved into being what they were is anyone’s guess, but it seems hard to just dismiss this evidence in judging the veracity of Goldberg’s view.
         Now, one can say Columbus was not a trained anthropologist and he might have had hidden motivations to communicate the observations he reported.  After all, he believed for the rest of his life that he had reached the eastern most extension of the Asian continent or, at least, islands off that coast.  Of course, it became evident that that was not the case but not until after Columbus died.  The only motivation he betrays in his written account was his wish to encourage conversions of the islanders to what he believed to be the true religion, Catholicism.
If that is the extent of his aims, his report provides counter information vis-vis Goldberg’s argument.  Yet, even in an environment where basic needs are readily met, those types of places did not have sufficient challenges to encourage the development of civilization – a la Arnold Toynbee’s theory for the beginnings of civilizations.[3]  One should not consider these islanders as being naturally deficient in their natural abilities.  As a matter of fact, Columbus communicates respect for not only their social dispositions, but their cognitive abilities as well.
Where survival is basically secured by the natural environment, as in these islands in the Caribbean, those locations’ populations will not have the motivations or reasons to develop the technologies to meet demanding natural challenges – such as cycles of flooding in Mesopotamia.  Further, they will not have the reason to develop the modes of production and the resulting cooperation and collaboration such large projects, like controlling such flooding, demand.  In turn, where it does happen, such developments lead to forming the other elements of a civilization.
In terms of this blog’s review of Goldberg’s argument, Columbus provides serious counter information.  Yes, there were the Charisians, but they were the exception and that fact leads one to believe that the cultural character of a group develops from past events and other factors.  
What one can say is that natural humans are open to a variety of cultural traits and they can range from peaceful, cooperative, loving behaviors to vicious, destructive, violent, thieving behavior patterns, and the like.  What good public policy should be – what governments should be set up to do – is protect populations against one extreme while encouraging the other.  
That is, protect against the robbers and to promote the charitable.  That is what federation theory aims to do and this blog is set up, in its modest way, to assist.  Next posting will further this critique of Goldberg’s foundational construct.
[1] Ruth Benedict, Patterns of Culture (Boston, MA:  Houghton Mifflin, 1934).
[2] Christopher Columbus, “1493, Christopher Columbus:  Discovery of the New World,” The Annals of America, eds. Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren (Chicago, IL:  Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1968), 1-5.
[3] Arnold J. Toynbee, A Study of History (New York, NY:  Dell Publishing Co. Inc., 1971).  While Toynbee’s theory has been extensively critiqued, his overall relationship between challenges and responses has, in the opinion of this writer, held up.
0 notes
shouyuus · 1 month ago
vague continuation of this; sfw; angsty; apt neighbor!vi au
apartment neighbor!vi who comes home with bloody knuckles and a split lip, bruises the color of overripe plums blossoming along her cheek. you catch her in the elevator, once, running downstairs to grab a taco bell delivery at 2am, and she's just coming home. at first, you almost don't recognize her, with her hood pulled up, her shoulders scrunched up towards her ears, her body a live-wire tangle of tensed muscles and clenching fists.
apartment neighbor!vi who, when you ask her what's wrong, does everything she can to avoid the question, dodging and making up excuses, looking anywhere but at your eyes --
"just got into it with some dude at the bar -- you know how it gets rowdy sometimes."
you stare at her, a frown digging into the space between your brows.
"violet, you can look at me?"
it takes her a beat too long to comply, her fingers stretching open before curling back into her palms as she forces her face towards you, her expression stony as a tomb.
"i'm looking."
you let your eyes flicker between both of hers, and a few seconds later, you throw your hands up in a classic sign of surrender, shaking your head.
"alright, alright -- i won't ask --"
you hear her let out an audible exhale; you glance up to catch her mourning dove eyes watching you from beneath her thick, night-lanced lashes.
"i was thinking of trying to make hainanese chicken and rice this weekend."
vi grins, her shoulders relaxing, her posture loosening like a picked-out knot, "sure -- i'm free on saturday. what do you need?"
apartment neighbor!vi who is not slick, no matter how hard she tries to pretend. and the first time you come knocking at their door on a sunday afternoon, powder answers with a power drill in one hand, a capri-sun in the other.
"oh. its you," she falls a few steps back, waving her power drill haphazardly through the air, "c'mon in! make yourself at home! vi's not here -- if you're wondering. she's..." powder scoffs, an utterly disbelieving, derisive sound, "out."
you pause by the kitchen counter, staring at the pile of dishes in the sink for a second before your gaze swings back to powder, now bending over a strange contraption laid out in a million pieces on the living room floor.
"what do you mean, she's out?"
powder makes a noncommittal sort of grunting noise as she leans in to fit a screw to the tip of the drill, squinting as she presses it to what looks like a slab of broken-off drywall --
"i mean she's out -- doing whatever the hell she's doing... thinkin' she can just lie to us -- ugh, as if --" her voice trails off into a mutter, as if she's talking to herself, and a second later, all sound is drowned out by the drone of the power drill screeching as powder sets to work again.
you stare for a solid three seconds before sighing and turning back to the dishes in the sink. it takes about fifteen minutes before powder turns back around to realize that you're still here --
"what... are you doing?" she asks. you jump, jerking forward at the sound of her voice right next to your ear.
"oh shit! sorry -- uh -- i, i thought i'd help do these while vi's out -- it looks like they've been stacking up for a while," you offer, somewhat weakly as powder squints at you, leaning forward with apparently zero compunction for invading your personal space.
"huh. you're... a weird one -- has anyone ever told you that?" powder asks, falling back onto her heels, giving you a hard once-over. you lick your lips, feeling an unfamiliar heat creeping up the length of your spine.
"i -- i mean, vi helped me a lot when i was moving in so..." you lean a hip against the kitchen counter, a half-washed mug still held aloft in your right hand.
"right... and that's why you're..." powder's smile hooks, her eyes flashing bright as beatle-wings , "helping us with our dishes?" she jerks her chin towards the soapy mug.
you flush, turning back to rinse off the mug and set it on the rack to dry.
"it'll be one less thing for you guys to worry about."
apartment neighbor!vi who refuses to see you for days at a time, even though you text to ask her if she's alright (she leaves you on read). then, miraculously, she'll show up at your door on a tuesday night with an apologetic grin dominos (and all your favorite toppings), asking if you had any plans (she knows full well you don't -- you two have a standing movie-date on tuesday nights, though neither of you have had the balls to call it a date).
apartment neighbor!vi who makes up the dumbest excuses -- i was outta town, i got the flu, i was visiting my long lost... uh... cousin in... nebraska.
"nebraska?" you pause over a bite of pizza, eyes flicking up to catch vi watching you. the moment your gazes meet, she looks away, clearing her throat and reaching out for another slice, folding in half before shoving nearly the whole thing in her mouth.
"yeah -- my uh -- my dad's brother's... kid..."
"uh huh," you say, nodding around another skeptical bite, picking off a piece of pineapple to pop into your mouth.
vi sighs, "just... it's complicated, okay?"
you purse your lips, licking at the pizza grease, "you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, vi -- i just wanna know that you're... safe."
she chuckles, a ragged, mirthless sound, "thanks for worrying about me, sugar -- but i'll be okay."
you swallow passed your last mouthful of pizza, reaching for a napkin. you do not try to point out that okay and safe are two completely different things.
apartment neighbor!vi who goes to the gym an inordinate amount -- whenever you text her, it seems like she's at the gym. and whenever you pass by the large glass doors on the 5th floor, she's almost always there, going at one of the punching bags or doing some insane lift or other.
"are you a fitness influencer or something?" you ask one day as vi lounges on your couch (you know, the one she helped you build), watching as you pipe icing onto the tops of a dozen cupcakes (it's become something of a thing for her to come over on the weekends -- at least the one's she doesn't disappear -- and watch you "stress-bake"; and if the things you're stress-baking just so happen to be all of vi's favorites... well, that's neither here nor there).
you glance over your shoulder, your hands paused over the large plastic bag of cream-colored icing.
"you're always at the gym, so i thought you might be --" you shrug, "i dunno -- training for something or like a fitness influencer or something." you go back to your piping.
"oh!" vi's voice pitches unnaturally high before she clears her throat and settles back on to the couch, a scowl slotted between her brows, her eyes fixed on her phone screen even though her finger hasn't moved in a solid half minute, "nah -- i just -- it just helps me clear my head, y'know. gotta... train the body before you train the mind."
you nod, keeping your eyes fixed on the cupcakes as you flourish through the final bit of icing, reaching out with a finger to snag an extra bit from the tip, turning only to find vi hovering behind you, a strange, halfway-light caught behind her eyes.
wordlessly, you offer her your finger. and without ever breaking eye-contact, she leans down to lick the frosting from you. her tongue swirls around the pad of your finger and you feel a gasp stitch up the front of your chest.
"g-good?" you ask, cursing silently at your inability to keep the stutter from your voice.
vi licks her lips, the flash of her tongue across her lips shouldn't look so stomach-churningly delicious. and yet --
she gives her head a single, abortive nod.
"yeah... really good..." her voice comes out a whisper, barely more than a caught breath in the air between you. it hangs, pendulous as a pearl on a gossamer gold string, until --
"y-you should take some back for powder -- i know she likes sweets almost as much as you do, and some for --" you swallow, falling back half a step, your hip bumping into the kitchen counter; you wince, and vi's arm shoots forward, but she pauses just short of touching you, her palms hovering over your arm for a brief second before she tucks it into her hoodie pocket and forces a grin.
"yeah! for sure -- she'll -- she'll appreciate it, and -- i'll grab some for uh -- vander and --" she waves a hand; you nod, gulping down air as you turn and scramble to grab a box for her, busying your hands so you don't give into the inexplicable urge to reach out and touch her, to feel her skin beneath your fingertips.
"yeah, great!" you chirrup, your voice saturated with false cheeriness.
the moment unfurls in slow motion, her reaching out to try and help you grab the tupperware box on the highest shelf, you dropping back down and turning around to tell her it's alright --
your chests press, your noses are so close they might as well be touching. you can taste the sweet of her breath against your tongue -- frosted vanilla sugar.
apartment neighbor!vi who kisses like she's trying to swallow you whole, who presses you back into the hard marble of your kitchen counter with a hand on your hip, the other skating up the length of your spine to cup at the back of your head, cradling you closer. who moans low and long and desperate when you finally gasp open for her and she gets that first, mind-rending taste of your mouth against hers.
she kisses you like she want's to break you. she kisses you like she wishes you'd break her too.
her lips are trembling when you pull back for a heady breath, a soft laugh puffing out of you at the sheer incredulousness of the entire situation -- weeks of held-breaths and averted eyes, jumping pulses and late-night movie dates, of knees pressing, the back of your hand skimming along the back of hers.
of uncertainty. of this celestial dance, you and her, like twin stars in orbit, to a song old as the universe itself.
but there's a hardness crystalizing at the edge of her voice as she swallows, her throat bobbing around a hissed our breath --
"shit --" she pulls back, and you have half a mind to chase her. she tastes like cupcake frosting and a life's worth of words unsaid.
she runs a hand through her hair, her eyes fractured in the mid-afternoon light.
"vi?" you ask, and your voice seems to jolt her out of her strange reverie. but as her gaze focuses back on you, an crumpled expression flashes across her face as her hand flies up to rub over her mouth, as if she can still feel the phantom heat of your lips on hers.
she shakes her head, taking another step back. you feel something inside you shatter as she turns and heads for the door, her shoulders hunched, her fists clenched at her sides.
"vi -- wait --!" you call after her, stumbling after her, but she turns to slate you a glance that rhymes so much with heartbreak it stops you in your tracks and roots you to the ground.
she lets out a shuddering breath, her voice unsteady as she says --
"i'm -- i'm sorry but -- i -- i can't do this --"
and then she's gone, the door clicking shut behind her, the batch of freshly frosted cupcakes sitting on the kitchen counter, the cupboard with one door open, as if waiting for something other to happen but this.
you blink, stunned at the sudden silence that permeates the air of your living room. you stare at the place where vi had been just a few ago before slumping back against the counter with a dull thunk and pressing a hand to your own mouth.
you can still taste the remnants of sugar on her tongue as she'd licked into your mouth. and for long moment, all you can muster into the accusatory quiet is --
"what the fuck was that?"
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shouyuus · 4 months ago
Tumblr media
─── A R C A N E
v i o l e t
thighriding hcs - nsfw; fluff
touchy!vi hcs - slightly suggestive; fluff
modern underground fighter!vi - nsfw ; fluff
kissing her abs - slightly suggestive; fluff
vi x pillowprincess hcs - nsfw; fluff
bottom!vi getting strapped - nsfw
putting vi in handcuffs & eating her out - nsfw
lifting belt snaps w/ gym!vi - sfw
pitfighter!vi x sunshine!reader - nsfw
bday sex hcs - nsfw
eye contact w/ pitfighter!vi - nsfw; fluff
college waterpolo!vi - nsfw; fluff
broken rosary, cinnabar dreams - nsfw; tw: religious imagery
werewolf!vi x breeding kink - nsfw
jealous!vi hcs - sfw; fluff/angst
back tattoo hcs - sfw; fluff/angst
painting vi's nails - sfw; fluff
mutual cockblock w/ pitfighter!vi - nsfw
exhibitionist vi - sfw; slightly suggestive
even the rain - sfw; hurt/comfort
quicky w/ vi - nsfw
ride a cowgirl - sfw; slightly suggestive
overstim ur vi - nsfw; sub!vi
longdistance!vi hcs - nsfw; fluff
from "come over" to "come home" - sfw; fluff
slow dance - sfw; fluff; regency!au
popstar!reader x vi au
hc's - one, two, three, four, five
dancing in the dark - sfw; fluff
sucker punch - sfw; fluff
counting stars - hurt/comfort; fluff (prequel to to kiss the sun)
to kiss the sun - nsfw; fluff (sequel to counting stars)
shopping spree - sfw; fluff
red carpet kiss - sfw; fluff (prequel to try these on)
try these on - sfw, fluff (sequel to red carpet kiss)
grammy's night hc - sfw; fluff
on stage cameo - sfw; fluff
college roommate!vi x reader au
hc's - one (nsfw), two, three (nsfw), four, five (nsfw), six (nsfw), seven (suggestive)
riding high, riding low - nsfw
birthday girl (breakfast in bed) - nsfw
pussy!drunk vi accidentally proposing - nsfw
period pains - sfw; fluff
doing makeup in vi's lap - sfw; fluff
with friends like these - nsfw
give me a reason - nsfw
the rising dark - sfw
a series of firsts - sfw
car!mechanic vi x reader au
hc's - one (nsfw), two, three
all you have to do is stay - slightly suggestive; fluff
open road - nsfw (prequel to ride)
ride - nsfw (sequel to open road)
apt neighbor!vi x reader au
hc's - one, two
bartender!vi x florist!reader au
original hc - sfw; fluff
for the love of flowers - sfw; fluff
marco, poro - sfw; fluff
multi-chapter / longfics
figure eights - fluff, nsfw; hockey!vi x figure skater!reader; 28.8k
always, you - fluff, nsfw; childhood friend/brothel worker!reader; 10k
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