#DONT give me sympathy or well wishes im likely fine
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I'm having medical issues and I've started associating my rage at what was happening with the Anduin Angry emoji for some godforsaken reason, which is very funny to me on some level because they're female medical issues.
#DONT give me sympathy or well wishes im likely fine#<- definitely has uterus cancer and doesn't know it yet#i just wanted to share a silly story#paska
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i try to respect other beliefs, i really do, but i want to voice some thoughts on the concept of an afterlife. from my perspective it looks obvious there’s nothing after death. all sorts of fiction has been made to ease minds or explain the unexplained: changelings, vampires, etc. but then society advanced, and science advanced, and people realised that was all bullshit once they got scientific answers to what’s really happening. most people these days have accepted a lot of scientific discoveries, even most modern christians believe in a round earth and dont believe in anything like vampires, except maybe demons and angels. and the answers science gave about phenomenon were usually so much simpler than the fiction written to explain said phenomenon.
an afterlife is one such fiction. isn’t it obvious? if it were true surely science would’ve found some slither of evidence at this point. the tales only exist to put minds at ease once humans were advanced enough to realise they would die, it’s a coping mechanism. same with the heaven and hell thing, are bad things happening to good people and good things happening to bad people? well no worries, it’ll all be fixed in the afterlife.
but it’s madness. to think you’re so special that the universe will make room to store you after death, there’s been quadrillions of human lives, and an unquantifiable number of lives of all sorts of other species, a number so big it looks infinite from a certain angle, and let me get this straight, you think the universe will make a special little space for all of those lives in some afterlife? dude, if the universe wanted you around forever you’d simply live forever. no, you will end to make room for more lives, lives which will also end.
and it feels kind of self-centred to me too, or at least human-centric i suppose, usually coming with the idea that human life is so very important compared with everything else in this vast expanse of a universe. like i said, the simplest answer is usually the correct one. when a window breaks nobody says it’s gone somewhere else, because it hasn’t gone anywhere else, it’s simply broken, ended. why would it be any different for humans or any other life? in the grand scheme of things, none of us are much more significant than a window, one could even argue a window has more significance.
science has advanced so far, surely it’d have found some sign of a soul at this point if one existed. the simplest answer to that is there is no soul, the soul was yet another fiction, created to explain everyone’s seemingly coherent consciousness in a way easier to cope with than the simpler explanation; that humans are nothing more than bodies, that nobody is anything more than bodies. a meat body with a meat computer, that is all, and when that’s destroyed, just like a smashed window it has simply ended, it has not gone anywhere, it has ended.
and to think there’s not just people who believe in an afterlife, but that said afterlife will judge them based on morality; a concept dreamt up and believed purely by humans. that sounds utterly ridiculous. sure, other species can have sympathy, but never a morality system. to think the universe will judge you based on a concept you made up is insane. to believe the universe gives a shit about if you helped an old lady across the street or not is insane.
to say it once again, im fine with people who believe in an afterlife. just have a lot of opinions on this, ones that i probably wouldn’t tell them. and as said, i can clearly see how believing in an afterlife could help a person. damn, sometimes i wish i believed in an afterlife, finite existence is fucking terrifying. in fact i may be writing this more out of fear of my own finite existence than i am out of hate for the concept of an afterlife. which may not make much sense but whatever.
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okay i was reading through your blog and i saw this anon commenting on azriel in midnight muse and saying that they don't feel bad for him and that it's a "you made your bed now lie in it" situation but it really rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.
is azriel being petty and immature in the story? yes. is reader also being a little petty? yes. that's the trope. but besides that what i think everyone meant when they said they felt sorry for azriel is that he was completely ditched by his friends. regardless of the reason, if your friends know you're not comfortable in the same presence as someone else and then lie to you to get you to go hang out with that person then they're being bad friends. this is a story and the point of it is that they'll get together so it's kinda fine here but if in your own life your friends do this to you, no matter how petty or dumb the reason for not liking or wanting to be in another person's presence is, they're bad friends and straight up don't respect your boundaries. i think what the batboys should have done was just let him know she was going to be there and still invite him or even tell him that they really wish he would come if they wanted him to go and then he'd make that decision himself. same with being left behind at the end, obviously no one is obliged to their friend's time but it read as they usually spend that time together so azriel literally just assumed that was what they would be doing and it is sad to see him be left behind alone, maybe the anon that sent that never felt like that but it sucks to not be invited or even being told of your friends plans, being left out sucks and cassian barely gave him a goodbye or spared him a thought when he left. again, all they had to do was at least let him know. and what rhys tells him is true, they didn't give the girls a chance and should apologize but they don't have to be friends lol. the story is supposed to end up like that but if this was a real situation the only thing azriel is doing wrong is not apologize for the initial fight, he doesn't have any obligation to be reader's friend even if cass and rhys are. no one is obliged to be anyone's friend ever. and, again, it feels kinda shitty of rhys to basically tell him "either be alone or go put up with this person i know you don't like" to be able to spend time with them. honestly, i don't even think he was as sad at being alone but more that his friends just brushed him off like that. i don't know but it feels like lack of sympathy (that i unfortunately have had to deal way too often) to just say "well azriel was an asshole a couple times so he deserves for his friends to not respect his boundaries and leave him behind". also rhys is going more because he's trying to fuck feyre than bc he actually thinks they should apologize or get along with their neighbors. i swear im almost done but, unlike reader, we get an inside of azriel's mind and it's in absolute shambles. he just had something really traumatic happen to him 1 or 2 years ago and is still having a lot of trouble dealing with it, he had that dream of being a tattoo artist which he might have to give up on because of it. literally has to wear gloves and gets scared when someone grabs him from what is probably ptsd. so i dont know, i feel like he's allowed to have bad days and it's not like he's actually bullying her or anything, it's mostly a coupe of unpleasant conversations but they go both ways.
to finish, everyone in this story is doing things wrong in my opinion. aside from the initial moving and party thing which was pettiness all around. reader is probably the one less in the wrong but she also has a grudge against azriel based on first impression (which is the same one he has one her). azriel should have just moved the damn bike and shouldn't have been annoying when she got locked out either but he has no obligation to be her friend. rhys shouldn't have talked to azriel like that, yea az should apologize but he doesn't have to be friends w reader and feyre just because rhys wants to get in her pants. feyre is kind of doing the same thing with reader, she knows reader doesn't like rhys so she should have told her she liked him, that scene of her avoiding her gaze at the picnic.. come on. feyre also didnt tell reader that az was going to be at the picnic which again reader is not obliged or should be forced to hang out with someone she's uncomfortable with. and even cass isn't being at best in my opinion, he also didnt tell az reader would be at the picnic (or reader that az would) or that he'd be going to do whatever their plans were and (maybe im being a little petty for this) but going out of his way to be friends with fey and reader is fine for the story but if my bestfriend went to try to be friends with someone they know i dont like i'd be hurt and confused, with everyone in the world you seek out the person you know your friend doesn't like? it's a weird thing to do. i get the vibe that he didnt even consider this but considering your friends feelings i something you definitely should be doing.
also correct me if i'm wrong but i didn't think azriel was playing music loudly to annoy reader, i read it as he plays music loudly to drown out his thoughts and when he's drawing or whatever. which is still not a great thing to do when you know you have neighbors and he should invest in some noise cancelling headphones but it's not him being intentionally malicious.
I think the great thing about this is that we can look at it in so many different ways that more than one person can be correct about how they perceive what’s going on. Everyone is young and still learning how to navigate these relationships, and yeah, certain people might be approaching it all from the sense where they’re like, i want to date this person, of course i need to get along with their friends and i want them to get along with mine because i don’t want to sacrifice those relationships. Which is understandable as it is fucked up. Lust can be a bitch sometimes.
There’s many ways that this could have all gone and who is going to say what or what they’re not going to say. I’ll say this, I’ve been in circumstances where once someone is in a new relationship i’ve seen and been treated like shit because of it. They’ll drop you, lie to you, do anything basically because they’re like head over heels for the new person they’re seeing. They’ll beg you to hang out with them even though you don’t care for them because they want you to be a part of what’s going on and they want you to get along with that person. And yeah, i’ve hung out with people i haven’t liked before for a friend because i’m her friend and i should want to support her. Even if I didn't like the person, it was later a mutual choice not to hang together because I didn't care for him. It sucks sometimes, but it for sure happens.
Azriel has a lot of things going on in his head for him, the music does help him drown them out, but there have been some times where she’s pounded on the wall for him to be quiet and he’s made the music louder, so there’s a bit of both going on, but we can’t blame reader because she has no idea what’s going on in his life, nor does Az know what’s going on in hers. They’re just two people who had run into each other under the wrong circumstances, because initially we saw the reader think that he was a good looking guy, but his actions turned her off from him.
Yeah, everyone’s being a bit of a dick right now in their own ways and I'm sorry if that has upset you in any way. I thank you for bringing up your feelings as well because the different perspectives and how people are reacting to my work is very helpful to me, so thank you for sharing your thoughts! 💙💙
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Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Skybound 5-6
Jays showing Cliff Gs home to the ninja?? Isnt he afraid theyll think he made a wish to gain all this unexpected new stuff?
Okay but why is Jay LYING
I mean it’s understandable if hes not ready to tell them he’s adopted yet
But saying you saved up for a place like that while just not getting paid for doing your main job, which is being a ninja, is a bit unbelievable
I guess saying your Cliff Gordon the actor of Fritz donnegans biological son is kinda unbelievable too.
Nya: We need to look at that lantern. Jay, Hit the lights!
Jay: Lights! Right! Yes. Light. Uhhhhh lights lights lights… Where are the lights….
Cole: You saved up for this place? Baloney. Every time you get money you waste it on junk food and video games.
They’re best friends your honor
Also they definitely wanted Cole to say Bullshit.
Jay: and it turns out! My dads cliff gordon!
Cole: Who?
GOD jay and cole are literally acting how me and my best friend act when the other drops some gossip or a secret
Theyre that tiktok sound that goes like:
Jay: I wont tell a soul. 🫡
Wait wait
Its CANON that theyre best friends? I thought that was a fanon thing but Jay JUST said Coles his best friend
I love them sm :)
Please tell me Zane still has his falcon in newer seasons
Clancy my beloved
Hes doing his best
The ninja are going to the island for the venom to defeat nadakhan
Ok but how does Jay explain Cliff Gordons boat.
Nadakhan: Take it apart.. until it talks.
Zane: why do I need a canteen?
Lloyd: there may be no fresh water on the island.
Zane: but… Im a nindroid… I repeat, why do i need a canteen? 🤨
Jay. Why are you reading Cliff Gordons wooing woman book OUT LOUD.
Jay, reading: tell woman what they want to hear…
Nya: watcha reading?
Jay: AAAAH. UM! Im reading, uh, discovering the power of your feminine side 😃
Jays acting as their lightning rod on the ship lol
Also its canon he can get electrocuted by storm lightning multiple times and still be fine
Jay really doesnt want anyone else to be taken by djinn :(
Holy shit Zanes smart.
He quite literally predicted that Nadakhan would come for him from Jays reluctance. AND ONLY FROM THAT DOES HE KNOW JAYS SPOKEN TO NADAKHAN BEFORE AND COMPLETED TWO WISHES
I wish they showed this analytical side of Zane more
Hes still as self sacrificial as ever.
Zanes trying to outsmart nadakhan and trap the djinn away. But I know he wont be able to no matter how intelligent he is :(
It would have made so much sense for Zane to be the savior of this season. He made some really good wishes. Its also incredibly out of character for him to “wish for it all to go away” after Nadakhan deleted Pixal. Zane could have simply said for Nadakhan to bring Pixal back and he’d have used up his wishes. He wouldnt have captured nadakhan but Zane would at least be alive.
Aaand they crashed the ship.
Cole cmon man at least give Jay a chance to explain himself.
His anger is valid since Zanes capture could have been prevented if Jay said something
Jay didnt wish for the boat and mansion he wished to not be born in a junkyard and to be able to give Nya anything she wanted
Dude just say your adopted.
Me looking at Nadakhans sky village: I want to go there.
Jay. let go of the lady wooing book. You dont need it. IT GOT YOU INTO THIS MESS.
Please Jay stop complaining 🙃 even though I feel sympathy for you, pleaaase just read the room.
Jays pissing me off rn 💀
Just APOLOGIZE and EXPLAIN Yourself.
theyre all so done with his shit 😭
Cole: 😶
Nadakhan: Delara was filled with fire too...
Nya: Not fire. I'm a tall glass of water.
Cole landed a hit on Nadakhan!!!
Good for him honestly
Love how the ninja just phase through Cole sometimes it's so funny
They didn't even know how big the spider was and then Jay comes running out with a creature bigger than a bear on his trail
Jay: (about to get eaten alive by a spider)
Nadakhan floating with a teacup on his hand: Now would be a perfect moment for that second wiiiish...
Honestly with how many times the spiders grabbed Jay with it's fangs, it's hard to believe he hadn't touched the venom
Ohhhh so THIS is when he kidnaps Jay.
When did they get duck-tape 💀
Damsel in distress trope but it's the girl as the knight and the boy as the damsel
Imagine how Jay must feel though. His friends hate him. he (thinks he) lost the venom. And now he’s kidnapped.
Nadakhan: I can see why she once like ld you… You’re stronger than you appear. But I know it’s all an act.
Nadakhan: Deep down, you’re scared… You know your weak. You make jokes to mask that your afraid…
Usually stuff like that is hinted at but to outright say it is something
Jay: (hanging off the bottom side of the ship like a spider with a ball chain on his leg)
Nadakhan: your not afraid, are you funny man?
Jay (somehow repositioning himself and cleaning the bottom of the ship) I LOVE IT. 😤
Hes such a little shit I love him
Cole (giggling after learning that they cant get off the island with their energy dragons)
Nya: Whats so funny! 😒
Cole: Oh, I was just thinking about what Jay might say…
Cole: haha… Gone one day and I already miss him spazzing out.
Hes literally in love with him
(Platonically, for ppl who dont ship bruise)
Nya, girl, honestly you had every right to be mad at him. Dont feel guilty. Jay didn’t even apologize!!!! He also dialed up his little shittiness to 100 after that!!!! Hes fine 🙄
Its sweet that Lloyd trusts Jay to be strong
Cole and Lloyd: We can build a raft! Whats gonna stop us!
Nya: That was uh, my Jay impression…
Clancy is so nice
Ive never heard Jay ever be this silent on frame
Its surreal.
Jays actually so clever
How is he moving and jumping around like that with a whole ass bowling ball attached to his leg 😭
GO JAY GO!!!!!
Now I remember why he's my favorite character :)
He got the note in the bottle to the ocean!!!!!
Man skybound was actually so cool I hate that it was erased from the timeline
Nadakhan: Eat! Have dinner with me. It's no trick!
Jay: ...
Nadakhan: 😃
Jay: (starts devouring every consumable thing in front of him)
Jay: Sorry man, I don't know who this lost love of yours is. But she's not Nya! Nyas too good for the both of us. She makes up her own mind.
Well at least Jays got her character down
Nadakhan: Everything that is mine... I've had to work for. This food, this ship, this crew.
Jay: That accent :)
Okaaay. So if Nadakhan marries someone, he can have infinite wishes?
That makes no sense.
Lloyd: she'll be ready to sail soon.
Nya: Why are all boats she's?
Cole: uhhh idk! Maybe because it's takes a bucket of paint to make then look good?
Coles in his misogynistic arc
Cole (after Lloyd leaves): you know, I think the real reason sailors name ships after women is because we name them after the most important people in our lives. Mother, wives, sisters.
Ok he's forgiven
It's sweet that Coles standing up for Jay to Nya.
He called himself Jays best friend 🥺
Cole (trying to avoid the sand monsters): don't move... I think they're attracted to noise...
Nya used airjitzu for the first time!!!
I genuinely like nadakhans crew
Clancy: I can keep swabbing the deck if I like it! 😤 It relaxes me and I get to choose how it I wanna spend my free time!
Jaaaaay. You were manipulating so well!!! You just HAD to come off strongly.
Is it manipulation if it's the truth though? I mean Nadakhan ISNT telling his crewmembers everything.
Geez. This is kind of depressing to watch. Jay getting pummeled in a fighting ring by Nadakhans crew.
Nadakhan: You could… wish it all away?
Jay (on the floor absolutely totaled): bring it on.
Jays surprisingly stubborn and resilient
Clancy: you should eat food. you-you fought really well out there… held your own like a real pirate. Heres an eyepatch, so you can look like one!
Clancy so sweet :)
I understand that lego ninjago cant show blood or bruises but the way Jays voice actor is slurring his words gives a really good impression that Jay was beat up real bad :(
Flintlocke: you always talk to yourself?
Jay: Only when I think im by myself 😒
Ronin and the Chief got Nya Cole and Lloyd off the island!!!
I still dont forgive them though.
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Is the this the longest fic Ive ever written? Yes. Does it suck? Also yes. Will nobody read it because it makes no sense but Im still going to post because I wasted way too much damn on this thing? TRIPLE YES.

Word count: 10.4k words (she thicc)
Genre: Angst and Fluff, sfw
AU: Fantasy AU!, Hanahaki disease
Prompt: “How could your keep this from?”
Warnings: blood
Summary: You are born into a worls where you must marry your best friend, Prince Shoto, in order to unite your kingdoms in harmony. You are happy to marry your childhood friend and love, until he leaves for a quest unannounced, and you are left questioning if you really want to marry him. Once he returns a few weeks before your planned wedding, you begin to not fall in love with him, but one of his comrades- the barbarian, Bakugo.
*this is for the even for @bnhabookclub! Heres the link to the post if your interested!

Again. welcome to the shitshow that is my blog. read at your own risk cause this gets REAL WIERD REAL QUICK

Petals-all you could see were the petals.
Your mouth and throat felt so dry, your forehead damp with sweat as your back convulsed painfully, raspy coughs wracking out of your chest as you forced the petals out of your body.
They were so pale, like creamy vanilla, a stark contrast from the droplets of your blood splattered on the delicate buds.
You quickly reached for your handkerchief, wiping the residue off your dry mouth in fear of it dribbling on to your white dress-your wedding dress. Your hands were shaking, unable to cry any more tears at your misery-you had come to terms many weeks ago that you were going to reach an unhappy end.
Why did it have to be him?
You were the princess of your kingdom, destined to marry Prince Shoto of the neighboring kingdom. It was something you two had been accustomed to from birth- in order to connect the two kingdoms and end the quarrels between the two civilizations, you had to marry. It would be a harmonious marriage: Prince Shoto was kind, soft spoken, and a natural born leader. You two had been wonderful friends as siblings, your fathers putting away their troubles in order for you two to get along. They were hoping that by making you friends at a young age, you would learn to grow feelings for each other.
For a time, it worked-you had fallen for Prince Shoto, his soft yet powerful demeanor making you blush each time you remembered him, your young hands writing your name with his last in your journal like a prayer. At 13 you already began to count down the days until you would turn 18, because on that day, you were set to marry your predestined lover- Shoto Todoroki.
For years you had felt so lucky you were blessed with such a sweet boy to be with, being able to live out your lives harmoniously and in peace, something both your parents didn't have the luxury to have. It sometimes left you feeling frustrated- Shoto was truly kind, but very quiet about his thoughts. Your love felt one sided, Shoto seemingly only tolerating you because he had to.
Once he got older, he became more distant towards you, clearly wishing to rebel against his father’s wishes by being distant towards you. It hurt you immensely to see your best friend and crush plainly reject you, but you still held on to the hope that you two could be happy with each other. Yet all that changed when the Prince had left for a quest.
He had been gone for what seemed like an eternity and for a time, you were extremely worried. You could barely focus on your studies, only imagining your poor friend somewhere cold, hungry, and alone. You knew he would be fine, he was a resilient fighter, but yet you couldn't help but allow the worrisome thoughts to collect in your brain. After news that the Prince was in a neighboring kingdom, safely traveling with a young boy, a witch, and a warrior, you felt at ease- with all those comrades, he was sure to be safe. You finally breathed a sigh of relief, able to calm your anxieties after a long time of being unable to.
Information continued to trickle in, sometimes good and sometimes bad, but it always stated that the Prince was spotted safe and sound. You took solace in that information, and for awhile, you began to worry less and less about Shoto, until he was barely a memory.
During that time, you had begun to take on the habit of reading. Before it was a task you simply did when forced or extremely bored, only reading books and stories from your own kingdom.
With so much extra time on your hands waiting upon the Prince to return, you began to learn of other stories, ones that were trully a delight to you: stories of nomads who traveled the country and did rituals to bring them fortunes, women who sold potions by gathering mystical ingredients from the woods, people choosing their own destines and their own paths. It intrigued you- from birth you had one mission for your life: to unite your kingdoms. Once you married Prince Shoto, your destiny would be complete: and then what would you do? You had no other purpose, except being a symbol of that peace for the rest of your life, sitting pretty on a throne until your last breath.
It began to eat at your insides, gnaw at your conscience that you were merely a pawn in your father’s legacy. You could now fully understand why Shoto had been so defiant: he had realized the truth of his life as well.
Slowly, you began to learn to dread instead of anticipate your wedding day. With the Prince being gone, it was sending quite a ruckus in your home, your father more annoyed with each passing day that the Prince had not come back. You, on the other hand, rejoiced. The kings had both agreed at your times of birth that if anything happened to either child before your 18th birthday, the agreement would be cancelled and the marriage no more. They would rely on their children to fix their broken ties.
You had just turned 17, the mental clock beginning to tick in you and your father’s minds, as the Prince still wasn't back form his quest. Just a few more months, and you would both have your wishes: Shoto seemed to have no interest in marrying you, and why should you even for that matter? You two truly didnt love each other- your friendship was a hoax your fathers had created in order to save their own legacies. Your love for each other was man-made and a lie. Just a few more months, and you'd be free of this terrible fate.
The day you turned 17 and a half, you were busying yourself on your plush pink bed, reading another novel about free spirited women in a far off land.
“Princess y/n,” your hand maiden opened the door quietly, afraid of disturbing you, “the King would like to speak with you.”
You gave your shy handmaiden a small smile, delicately marking the spot in your book as your feet landed on the cold floor.
“Thank you,” you replied, “Ill be there shortly.”
You entered your father’s study, his feet stomping the room heavily as he paced in deep thought.
The room was grand, a golden chair sitting in front of an old ebony desk, the room surrounded by maps, battle plans, and bookcases full of legends of stories written long before your time. Light flitted through long windows against the wall, looking out to the rural countryside and a matching red carpet run the lengths of the stone floors.
Your entrance seemed to have disturbed your Father’s train of thought, his head instantly looking to see who had interrupted him. Once he saw it was you, he sighed, greeting you with a tight smile.
“You wished to see me Father?’ you asked politely, your fingers tugging nervously at the sleeves of your dress. Your father never called upon you unless it was extremely important- had you done something wrong? You wracked your mind for any actions that would had been unwise for your father to find out, but to your surprise, you couldnt think of a single thing you had done.
“Yes, yes,” your father said hastily, waving his hands toward a small wooden chair at the foot of his desk, “please-sit. We have much to discuss.”
You sat on the hard chair, a chill traveling your back as you watched your father sit in his plush throne, his face clearly tired.
“As we all know, Prince Shoto has been on a quite a long quest for some time,” your father began, his voice deep with annoyance, “and has not come back. And with your 18th birthday fast approaching, and it worries me that the boy wont be back in time for your marriage. I have talked to King Todoroki about my worries, who also had the same fear, and he promised to bring the boy back and end his little shenanigan. But Shoto refuses to leave until his quest is complete.”
Your father took in a deep breath through his nose, his face a mix of anger and agitation.
Your heart beat excitedly- the prince wasnt coming back? The news bounced happily inside you, giving you some hope that you needed- that must have been why he had gone on that quest in the first place! Even though you were excited, you felt a tightness in your chest- you were childhood firend after all. He really didnt like you that much that he felt he had to run away?
“Oh dont look so solemn daughter,” your father comforted, his voice soft with sympathy,” Shotos father allowed the boy to finish his quest in 5 months’ time, and he is forced to return to his kingdom. In the meantime, we can not forget the whole reason for your marriage like young Todoroki has- you must connect the kingdoms in order to bring harmony.``
“Which is why,” your father added, “we must begin to plan the wedding.”
Your head shot up, the feeling of shock flooding your body. It was still going to happen? Your body began to feel heavy, your father's words fuzzy against your ear- you didn't want this, any of this. You felt trapped like a songbird in a cage, unable to scream out what you desperately wanted to say: if he didnt love you, you didnt want any part of this.
Your father seemed to not notice the look of terror on your face, continuing to inform you of his plan. “We already have sent out invitation to relatives and noblemen in other countries, as well as begin to plan out the festivities. It will be a 3 day event, full of food and parties and, of course, the celebration of our kingdoms coming together. The closer to the date, we will begin to need you for fittings of your dresses as well as rehearse your wedding vows and such. I promise I will make this as wonderful as I can, for you are my only daughter.”
The king smiled at you, wrapping your stiff body into a hug. You could barely feel his embrace- the world was numb to your screaming mind. You wished upon everything in you to end this, to make this all go away, but you knew you couldn't- you would be forced to do this whether you wanted to or not.
You simply nodded your head to your father’s parting words, and then ran to your quarters, shutting the door and ceremoniously throwing yourself on your bed in defeat.
For days you felt numb and broken, all fight leaving your body. You watched as all your handmaidens and servants ran like chickens around the castle, preparing for the enormous festivities coming in close time. You were a good and proper princes, silently placid and allowing everything around you to happen.
Flower arrangements, samples of sweets, and fabrics for your dresses all came to you, and you agreed to all of them or just randomly choose. You could care less for your “special day”- the only thing you could truly hope for was prince Shoto ignoring his father’s wishes and not coming back.
That, of course, was a wishful fantasy. You were having a blissful dream when your hand maiden barged into your room, clearly too excited to be considerate of your sleeping state.
“Miss y/n! Miss y/n! Oh please wake up! There is most wonderful news!” she cried excitedly, gently pulling the covers off your body, “You must get ready at once!”
“Prince Shoto- he is back from his quest!”
The whole of the kingdom rejoiced at the news, since he had arrived a month before the wedding. He was here, ready to marry and unite the kingdom. That was all that truly mattered.
Your handmaiden dressed you in your most elegant gown, the icy aqua color bringing out the rosiness of your cheeks, as she placed pearly ornaments in your hair. You felt like you were being presented as a gift to the Prince, a reminder of what he was destined to do. You sighed, dreading having to reunite with your once friend and secret love.
Shoto was standing in the ballroom of your castle, very accustomed to it since you both played here occasionally as children. He was used to the golden floors and the crystal chandeliers the sizes of boulders, all hung gracefully in a row on the ebony ceiling. Him and his company were standing shoulder to shoulder, facing the polished staircase cascading towards them.
He looked at his new found friend’s faces, their expressions clearly in shock. Izuku, his face ruddy with dirt and his cheeks aflame from nervousness as he twisted his shirt between his fingers (a nervous tick Shoto had noticed). Uraraka gawked at the room around her in awe, her wide eyes drinking up the scene in front of her. Bakugo was least impressed, his arms crossed in front of his exposed chest and his eyes formed in judgmental slits.
Shoto had told the others before why he had to go back, but only after the quest was over- he wanted to help his new found friends, and after promising to help them in their battle, he would have felt extremely guilty leaving them behind.
Their reactions were mixed when he revealed he had a marriage in a few weeks time- Izuku was clearly shocked yet in awe hed be marrying a princess, while Uraraka seemed to find the situation romantic. Bakugo simply laughed, mocking him from being such a “sissy” for actually getting married in the first place.
Shoto was feeling conflicted inside at the moment- it had been so long since he had last seen you, and when he had, he was less than kind to you. He was quiet, distant, and quite petty about the whole situation of your marriage. You had turned barely 17 when he left, his young body desperate for some adventure and resilient to his father’s wishes. He merely saw you as a nuisance, someone in the way of his freedom. He knew it was unkind and unjustified, you didn't know what was going on inside him, but he was angry nevertheless and desperate to leave. So when he was approached by young boy in need of a friend for his quest, it was hard to resist the offer.
But as nights when on and he had time to be alone with his thoughts, his mind always seemed to travel to you. The way you giggled, your laughs sounding like chimes in the wind, or how your smile always seemed to make his skin tingle with warmth.
You were always a strange girl, but always in the best way, daring Shoto to races even thought your father said it was “unlike a princess to do so” or trying to braid Shoto’s mix-matched hair.
He would never forget the day he had allowed you to do so, your nimble fingers soft against his skin and making him burn up from nervousness. Your touch was so calming and soothing, your small compliments and soft voice sending his soul soaring with pleasure. It was then he realized he had loved you for you, not because he was forced to.
Shoto felt guilty for forgetting those cherished memories in his fits of anger, but he had agreed to help Izuku and he vowed to not give up on that promimse. Months went on, and Shoto couldnt tell how much time had passed: he only hoped you were doing okay without him.
It wasnt until his father had came to collect him that he realized how short he was on time. He had still stuck by his friends, yet the constant reminders of your wedding was in the air, haunting him. They would travel through kingdoms, the whispers of this event following him as the townspeople began to talk. It was a wonder his friends never caught on except him, only to find out weeks before your wedding.
Now Shoto was standing in the ballroom, feeling quite nervous- he hadnt seen you in so long….would you look any different? He was certain your beauty had grown by then, the thought of you looking older and more womanly bringing a blush to his cheeks. How would you see him? He had become quite a different person on his quest, his body becoming more hardened from battles with bandits and the harsh life of travelling. Would you feel the same for him still? Were you just as excited as you were so many years ago to finally be together?
Shoto heard the clicks of shoes on the wooden floor, a man with the straightest back he had ever seen standing proudly at the steps of the stairs.The man took a deep breath, his voice traveling through the room as he announced your arrival to the group of travelers.
Yet Shoto didnt hear a single word he said- he was enraptured by your beauty. You had seemed to turn into a fine young woman since he had last seen you, your curves accentuated by the tightness of your gown, the blue complimenting you perfectly. Your hair flowed in soft ringlets on your back, the pearls in your hair like stars. You were an angel blessed to this planet- an angel he was destined to marry.
The only thing that was worrying him was your expression- he had expected you to seem so much more lively, welcoming the bright smile you would always give him when you saw him. But now, your face was gone of any warmth, looking almost numb to the situation as you looked down at the group.
You traveled down the stairs, hating the way your name sounded in the announcer's voice. This was all so cliche- the Prince comes from a quest, and there is the Princess, simply a prize for his hardwork. A trophy of sorts for doing a good deed. Why did it have to be this why? Why couldnt you feel anything? The world had felt so cold for so long, feeling trapped due to the lack of control you had. Everything had seemed to loose its splendor and color, your vision for weeks turning gray in sadness-
Until you saw him.
The ash blonde boy, his hair unruly and his eyes a bright red like blood. He was clad in strange clothes, like a barbarian, his chest completely open and showcasing his taut muscles. You were intrigued by him- you had only seen likes of him in books and stories you read. He was so different, so menacing, and you wanted to know more. He was the only thing you could focus on, not taking any time to look at the others in the group, including Shoto.
Shoto was the first to reach you, unafraid to approach you like the rest of the group as you reached the bottom of the steps.
“Y/n-” he said, his voice deep and airy, “you look-wonderful.”
You gave him a small smile, but it made his heart sink- you didnt look happy at all. It seemed forced, far from the bright grins you used to send his way all the time.
“As do you, Shoto. You look quite different from when we last saw each other.”
You quickly turned your attention away from him, focusing on his new comrades instead.
“I assume these are the young heroes that accompanied you on your journey?”
“Y-yes!” the young boy with the unruly green hair stuttered, nervously bowing his head. He was quite adorable in a way, his small stature and freckles dusted on his cheeks giving him a child-like quality (even though he was most likely your age). “My name is Izuku Midoriya!”
You gave a reassuring smile to the young boy, trying to make him feel comfortable.
“It is wonderful to meet you Izuku.”
You began to walk towards the girl know, her pointy yet colorful hat signaling that she was a light witch, a sorceress who used your powers for good.
The girl shimmied in her dusty boots, clearly as nervous as the boy. She lifted the corners of her cloth dress, bowing slightly.
“My name is Ochaco Uraraka, your highness,” she smiled sweetly, her cheeks dusted in a pinky glow.
“Ochaco…” you mused over the name, its sound foregin yet light on your tongue, “you are a light witch, I assume?”
“Yes, yes I am!” the girl practically squealed, relief seemingly flooding her face. ‘How did you know?”
You giggled a her amazement at you, completely unaware apparently that she had the most witch-like outfit you had ever seen.
“A lucky guess,” you shrugged your shoulders playfully as you began to walk again, your heart beginning to race as you edged toward the barbarian.
You stopped in front of the man, his stature a head taller than yours. You eyes looked slightly up at him, your cheeks reddening- he was much more handsome up close, his rugged features making you feel breathless. He un-apologetically judged you with his vermilion eyes, looking you up and down with scorn.
Why did you find that so attractive?
“And you are-”
“My name is Bakugo.” he instantly interrupted you, his voice deep and velevty like syrup, “thats all you need to know.”
“Bakugo?” Your brain searched for any name similar to that, but found none- this boy was definitely a foreigner, most likely from far off lands you could only dream of. You had no idea why he followed Shoto back to the kingdom, but you were happy he did- he was definitely a sight for sore eyes.
“A warrior, I assume by your garments,” you nodded, your eyes trailing to his torso “and by the looks of your scars, an experienced one.”
He scoffed at your observations, his eyes rolling in his sockets.
“For a princess, your eyes wander a damn lot. But yeah- Im hella of a good warrior. Best in the kingdoms.”
You cocked an eyebrow at his language, your cheeks red by his comment. He was so unapologetic and rude, yet- it was intoxicating to you.
“I’m glad to here that.”
Shoto was eyeing you sadly the whole time- what was so different between you two? Why did you seem so welcoming to the others but so distant to him? His face began to turn red with fury as he watched you interact with Bakugo, the way Bakugo insulted you so plainly and cockily making him want to yell. He watched as your face had light up for just a moment when you spoke with him, something Shoto didn't get the luxury to experience.
He also noticed what Bakugo had vocalized- you eyes did wander when you looked at him. Shoto at first tried to rationalize that you were simply being curious, since Bakugo was definitely a strange sight for you, but the way your cheeks blushed and you smiled so warmly at him made him think otherwise.
What did you see in that barbarian that you didnt with Shoto?
You looked again at the odd group, taking a deep breath through your lungs.
“I want to congratulate you all for your successful quest,” you began, the lines slightly rehearsed, “and as thanks from my father for bringing back Prince Shoto, he would like to welcome you all for dinner tonight. We would love to hear all about your journey then,” you then snuck one last look at Bakugo, his eyes boaring into yours. It was making you feel a warmth inside that you had thought long ceased.
You instantly looked down at your hands, your cheeks feeling hot. You knew this was wrong- you shouldn't feel smitten for any other boy, especially this warrior, yet you couldnt help it- you were entranced by his resilience and the freedom he had, something you could only dream of.
“If youll excuse me, I have - things to attend to. It was a pleasure to see you all” you gave the group a tight smile, turning your back quickly from the group to follow your handmaiden back to your quarters.
Shoto watched you until you were gone, his heart beating painfully. He wished he could run up to you, grab you by your wrist and ask you what was the matter. It was still him, your friend for all those years, and you were still you, his love and his best friend. Were you beginning to forget, like he did? He felt his stomach drop painfully at the idea- he would ask you, tonight. He would figure out what had happened between you two, and fix it.
You were now at dinner, sitting stiffly as you moved your food around your plate, your tight corset making you feel un-hungry. All night you had been detached and quiet, feeling almost sick by your surroundings. Your father was overly outgoing to the guest,giving you side-eyed glances and trying to enter you in the conversation. You would simply smile and nod, occasionally throwing in a comment before returning to squishing your food between your utensils.
The only time you ever seemed interested was when Bakugo would speak. His comments were all snarky and rude, completely self centered about how strong or intelligent he was.
He was constantly proving his worth throughout the dinner, taking over the story of their journey when he saw fit, making sure everyone knew he was the most capable one of the group. It was obscene, his remarks, his language, even his personality, but- you were intrigued by it. The only person he had to listen to was himself. It was so intoxicating to watch him talk, to hear what other remarks would leave his mouth. Whenever he spoke, you stood up a little straighter, taking time to take in any information he gave about himself and immortalize it into your brain.
Shoto had felt awkward the whole meal, not knowing how to gauge your emotions. You seemed so distant, as if a stranger was sitting next to him. He wished he could enter your mind, detangle all the emotions and thoughts that were keeping you from being yourself around him. There was no laughter, no genuine smiles, no happiness came from you. This bothered him- you were usually so cheerful. His nervousness was eating the inside of his stomach, as his mind still couldn't figure out how to approach you after dinner.
“-and the wedding will be a three day celebration, full of festivities,” your father continued boisterously, his voice booming embarrassingly around the room, “Shoto and y/n will be the main attention, of course, over 200 noblemen will see them share vows-”
The sound of your chair pushing away echoed throughout the dining hall, making the whole group look to you. You cleared your throat delicately, a hand resting on your chest.
“Excuse me for my rudeness, but Im feeling- unwell,” you sighed a quick smile.
“Are you alright, do I need to-” the king asked, his eyes full of concern as you shook of his worries.
“Oh no, Im completely fine- just a headache,” you gave a pained smile, “I hope you all enjoy the rest of the meal.”
Shoto watched you walk away, desperate to make sure he knew which way you went in this large castle. He instantly pushed away from the table as well, rising quietly.
“I- uh-am full, thank you for the meal,” he bowed to the King slightly, placing his napkin on his plate as he rushed out, confusing the group that was left.
Izuku and Ochaco looked at each other, their cheeks red with embarrassment and shock as they looked at Bakugo, who was clearly not bothered by the disturbance. Ochaco then looked at the king, who was clearly confused by the whole ordeal, as an awkward air lay heavy on the table.
Ochaco hastily took a large bite from her plate, filling her mouth with food- “MMMMMM!” she exaggerated, trying to start up conversation again, “I LOVE the ham!”
Shoto ran around the castle, looking through every corridor and door, searching for you.His head was racing, trying to organize his thoughts in his minds. He needed to figure out how to speak to you- should he act normal, like nothing was wrong? Should he be formal and see how that went? Angry? Upset? He didnt know how to approach you, but he knew he had to do it.
He finally saw your gown turn an empty hallway, his feet picking up pace. He quickly was able to catch up once he could pin point your location, his hand wrapping around your wrist in order to stop you.
You felt slender,cool fingers wrap around your skin, making your body run cold. You instantly jumped by the sudden touch, all breath leaving your body as you turned around quickly.
Your wide eyes met the mix matched orbs of Shoto, a small pang of annoyance filling your body from getting so scared.
“Shoto,” you replied breathlessly, slightly happy though it was only him and not somebody else that had grabbed you.
“I-uh-y/n,” he replied back, his mind going blank.
He let go of your wrists, his hands resting at the side of his body. “I-Im sorry to scare you like that,” he apologized, “I just- wanted to speak to you. If you’ll let me.”
You looked at the boy, his eyes now averting yours, probably from nerves. You decided to listen, turning your body to him.
“Apology accepted,” you said plainly, “What did you want to speak about?”
Shoto drew a blank- what did he want to talk about? He loved hearing your voice, finally only reserved for him, but yet you seemed preoccupied. Distant. Like you were on another world and not truly there with him.
He stared at you lightly, looking extremely conflicted. “I-I wanted to talk to you about what happened while I was gone.”
“You explained quite plainly what happened on your journey,” you replied, clearly not in the mood to talk, “I applaud you for your bravery, it must have been quite a difficult journey-” you gave him a small bow, your eyes gone of any warmth. “I really must go to bed, Im sorry, but i do feel-”
You began to walk away again, Shoto desperate to keep you near him. He walked in font you, blocking your path.
“You didnt here me correctly-” he changed his wording this time, trying to be as specific as possible. “I want to know what happened to you while I was gone.”
You eyebrows turned down in confusion. “What are you trying to say Shoto?”
He swallowed, trying to clear his dry throat as he licked his lips, conflicted.
“You seem-different.”
“Its been a year and a half since I last saw you, Shoto,” you reasoned, “of course Ill be different.”
“Yes, but-” he paused, “youre too different. Youre not the same y/n I knew.”
“Why? Because Im not following you around like a love sick puppy?” Annoyance began to bubble inside, feeling attacked by Shoto’s words. “Because I finally got over the fact you didnt love me ? You dont have to pretend Shoto, I know full well you only see me as a nuisance.”
Shock flooded Shoto’s system as your icy words pierced his skin. What happened to you? Yes, he was rude to you before he left, but he didnt feel like that anymore. That was a simple phase, were you going to define him by that?
“I dont see you as a nuisance, y/n.”
“Really?” you scoffed at his words. “then tell me why your father had to go out to find you twice before you finally decided to come back?”
“I made a promise to my friends. I had to finish my quest before-”
“You had a promise to me, Shoto!” you yelled exasperatedly, your heart bursting with hurt. “To your family! To my family! Our people! What was so much more important than that?”
“I was so worried about you Shoto, terrified for you. Those first few months I couldnt think of anything but you.” You were beginning to reveal a lot, too much, but the emotions, the hurt, the anger, was flooding out of you like a broken dam and you couldn't stop it.
“But then I realized that you didnt care for me. You thought I didn't notice how you gave me the cold shoulder those last few months? How you ignored me, only gave me quick answers, acted as if I was just a pest following you around? I remembered all of it, and then I realized- you left because of me.”
“You left because of me, didn't you, Shoto?” your voice was harsh and crude like metal, stabbing into Shoto’s conscience.
He stayed silent- how could he say anything back? Your words were making him feel small and foolish- he should have known that you would have noticed his change in demeanor, just as he noticed yours.
You smiled painfully at his silence, feeling a fresh cut of pain slash inside you. “I knew it.”
“Y/n, I-” There was so much he wanted to say, things he wanted to take back. He didnt want this meeting to go like this- with you even more distant to him. Out of all the possible outcomes, this had to be the worst one.
“Dont even try to backtrack Shoto, I know the truth now,you just confirmed it.”
He knew he was less than kind to you before he left, but know it wasnt like that anymore. Why were you so angry?
“Fine-yes-I left, and it wasnt right,” he admitted, his voice deep, “but Im back. Why are you putting my old self against me now?”
“Because I couldn't for the year and half you were gone! I-I loved you Shoto, and you-”
“You dont love me anymore?” Shoto looked down at you sadly, his eyes full of sorrow. It felt like his heart was breaking in two, the way those words spilled out your mouth so easily making it sting even more.
You swallowed, filling a pit grow in your chest. Everything felt so cold, so empty. This was your best friend- why couldn't you just be nice to him? You thought you had gotten over all this.
“You dont love me-so why should I love you?” your voice was barely a whisper, cold and empty in the frigid hallway.
Shoto stared down at you, his voice caught in his throat. Did you really believe that? That he didnt love you?You had been friends since children- you really thought all those times, all those days you played together, were all fake? Who even were you?
“I just want you to know,” you spoke, your voice monotone and icy,” Im not doing this for my father, or your father, or even you. Im doing this for my people and thats it.”
“It” meaning the wedding.
Tears began to prickle your lashline, confusion flooding your numb body as you began to walk away from Shoto-
you hadnt cried in what seemed like forever.
Why were you now?
“Y/n, please, can we just talk-” he tried to reason, harsh with desperation.
“No.” your voice was plain in its tone that you were done with the conversation.
“Im just curious Shoto- why did you come back? Because if I had the luxury to have all that freedom, to be free for once- I wouldnt.”
Shoto’s heart felt broken as he watched you walk away, your dress ruffling as you continued on your path. He felt defeated, confused, even angry- what had happened to you since he had been gone? Did you really hate him that much? What did you mean you had no freedom? More questions flooded his mind than what were answered, but he now knew one thing- you didnt want anything to do with him.
As Shoto’s was returning to his corrdiors sadly, you were lost in thought, just feeling- empty. You didnt feel sad, or angry, or even spitefu anymorel. Just- numb to the world. You could walk for miles and miles it seemed and you wouldnt feel a thing.
Why was that? Why were so mean to your long lost firend? You should be hugging him from happiness and relief-not meeting him with coldness and hate.
As you were lost in thought, you didn't even notice yourself running into a person. Your hand instantly reached out, meeting soft yet rough skin. You looked up in confusion ,and your breath hitch- it was the barbairan, his vermilion eyes like rubies as he stared down at you in scorn.
“Oi, watch were your going you damn princess,” he scolded,pushing you off him gently. You stumbled slightly, trying to get your footing right- you had run in to him, you had even touched him. If you were feeling alright, and if the circumstances were different, you could practically squeal. “Youre gonna hurt someone.”
“Did I hurt you?”
He scoffed at your comment. “Like you could ever hurt me,” his voice was deep and velvety, his comment sending shocwaves into your system. The reply was prideful, yet it could have been- sweet. Kind, in a way in a different light- maybe he meant it like that?
“How do you know that?” you blurted out, a small smirk crawling across your lips.
You just wanted him to talk more, to hear that velvety voice directed towards you- but you were close to flirting with him. What were you doing? What was going on with you?
One second you were chewing out your life time friend weeks before your wedding, and now you were being smitten with a random man you didn't even know.
He chuckled slightly, his canines glinting. “Your a fucking handful, arentcha?”
He eyed your wobbling feet, as you still were finding your footing slightly.
“You clearly cant walk right-you feeling fine, because Im not gonna be the one who carries you-”
“No, no , Im fine.” you reassured, your cheeks rosy. ‘Thank you for catching me.”
“Youre the one who ran into me.”
“You could have just pushed me off though, you seem like the type to do that,” you gave him a cheeky grin, it disappearing when you heard a slight growl come form him.
“The hell you mean princess?” he was trying to be menacing, but you could tell there was something behind it- he was curious. You loved how he called you “princess”, making it sound like a pet name than a title.
“Your a lone wolf, are you not? You are strong, independent, free-” you began to list off, your eyes focusing on his, “you follow your own code and beliefs”
“Damn right I do,” he agreed, your heart soaring that he looked so proud of you for describing him so perfectly. “-which is why Im confused as hell that half-and-half prince is allowing himself to get married.”
The small amount of hope that Bakugo seemed to like you had quickly got destroyed, feeling hurt flood your body. You quickly tried to shake it off, so Bakugo couldn't see it on your face.
“What he even want to talk to you about anyway?” The boy shifted in his stance, his muscles moving with his movements.
You gulped, guilt filling your body- Shoto, the one who had just fought with. You couldnt tell this boy what had happened- that was private, and really, it was embarrassing.
“Just-uh-about-” you stammered, your cheeks red as you searched for a lie.
“Ugh, let me guess, you two were trading spit werent you?” he interrupted in disgust, taking your red cheeks as a sign you two were doing something unholy in the hallway.
You swallowed, licking your lips as you gave him a tight lipped smile. You were just going to follow along with Bakugo’s line of reasoning- you didnt have any other better ideas.
“Y-yep, just- please dont tell anyone?”
He gave a bitter laugh, his voice booming against your ears. “You guys cant get dirty? I guess that makes sense, since you all our royalty, cant be having any scandals-”
“Do you promise?” you rushed him, now feeling uncomfortable- if anybody heard you and Shoto were kissing in the hallway, and you two were really arguing-
“Yeah, dont worry princess, youre secrets safe with me.”
You sighed a breath of relief, feeling your heart jump at the smirk the boy sent your way.
“Thank you- I- uh- best be going now,” you stammered, rushing past the warrior, “have a nice night Bakugo.”
You rushed to your room, your heart feeling on fire. Your hands were shaking, your mid racing- all you could think about was that boy. Your world had seemed so dark, until he showed up. His rude responses, his chaotic personality, his snarkiness, that overly prideful speech, his freedom- it was so intoxicating to you. You felt your heart pumping against your chest- you hadn't felt this alive in so long.
You suddenly felt very sick, your head feeling drowsy- maybe you were actually catching something, and thats why you were acting so strange? You were gasping for breath it seemed, your corset making it hard to breath. I felt like something was tightening around your chest, small prods poking into you from the inside- it was a strange sensation, one you did not welcome in the slightest. You stumbled to your bed, holding on to the post as your lungs felt tight with no air, liking something was blocking your passageway. Coughs began to erupt out of you, wracking your body until you finally felt you could breathe. You sucked in a deep breath, welcoming the sweet night air, your chest still feeling tight. You looked down at the ground, trying to slow your stammering heart, until your eyes feel upon something new- a single white petal, resting softly on the ground.
After that night, You became obsessed with this boy, learning bits and pieces from him though conversation you had overheard from Shoto’s friends and workers inside the castle. You learned he was from an extremely far off land, past even the Mountains, which surprised you. He lived alone, and apparently had a dragon as well. He had gotten in many fights due to his overly prideful personality, which was why he had so many scars decorating his taut body. Your handmaidens seemed to look at him with annoyance, saying he refused to wear anything “civilized” and would plainly cuss them out if they even set foot in his room to clean.
You knew he had a softer side though- he had kept your “secret” safe, right? You heard nothing around the castle about any make-out session or argument between you and Shoto. That little act made you feel special in someway- maybe he had a soft side for you?
Whenever you would feel yourself getting sucked into the sadness of planning your wedding, you’d think of fantasies with that barbarian boy. Him taking you in the middle of night, taking you far away from this place. His hands placed around your waist, that snarky smile looking down at you again.
Seeing him walk around the castle grew a desperation and love in your body, watching his handsome face stare around the rooms, his voice loud and prideful- you wished he could look your way, acknowledge you again. His vermillion eyes sent fire into your soul whenever you closed his eyes, his face being a beacon of warmth in your life.
Yet that beacon of life was killing you from the inside- every day and every night you fantasized about Bakugo, the sickness taking over you grew worse and worse. The closer you got to your wedding day, the worse it felt, the vines inside you prickling at your soft organs. They were growing, you felt it, as you coughed up more and more petals.
For a few days you had no idea what was going on, fear striking you as you wondered if you should ask to see a doctor. But you decided to do your own research, scourging through books until you found your sickness: Hanahaki. The the mythical disease for unrequited love. It was quite rare, but it came to the most lonely, delusional, and desperate of lovers.
It made sense, really- it all started when you talked to Bakugo, after falling in his arms. It hurt he didnt love you back- but why should he? One run-in shouldn't make people fall in love with each other, but somehow it made you. You welcomed the pain alittle, as it was a reminder you still had some feeling other than emptiness inside you. It also terrfiied you- you were supposed to be in love with Shoto, not some barbarian from a far off land you barely spoke to.
How had this happened, how could you let this happen?
Even if you did tell others you had Hanahaki, they would point the finger at Shoto, calling him cold and callous for not loving you. You were the one who was the cold one, pushing your old friend away. Even if you felt some residue of anger for him, you wouldn't put him through that- he didn't deserve it. You let this disease do its course- if it went away youd be freed, knowing that Bakugo loved you back, and if not- well, you’d figure that out when you got there.
You had barely talked to Shoto or even noticed him since that night, not realizing the amount of worry he felt towards you. Everyday that went by he noticed how sick you looked, your skin paling and you eyes losing any life. Every cough you tried to hold back he noticed and it rang in his ear like a terrible siren- there was something wrong with you.It ate at his insides, his fear of you pushing him away again making him scared to ask what was wrong.
It was now the night before you wedding and you were feeling less than hopeful. You were supposed to be lively and happy, as your father had thrown a party to celebrate the events of the next day, yet you had no energy left in you to dance or socialize. You stayed in a dark corner, trying your best to blend in and not be noticed.
The coughs were not leaving, and it felt like your chest was being constricted until you could barely breathe. The annoying tickle of a cough was constantly at the back of your throat, as you tried to keep the petals at bay. You were miserable.
“Princess, are you doing alright, you seem a little- pale? Do you need some water, or maybe fresh air,” the young witch Ochaco approached you, her rosy cheeks and bright eyes looking at you.
“Hello, Ochaco,” you greeted, your smile strained, “you know-fresh air would be nice.”
The sweet girl smiled at you, gingerly taking you by the crook of your elbow and out of the ballroom. The fresh air was rather nice, soothing your hurting brain and your sore lungs. You two walked in silence for a while, enjoying each other’s company. Your mind was shifting around, thinking about Shoto and what would happen tomorrow. It hurt too much, though- you still were both not at speaking terms, and now you had to be promised to each other for eternity. The thought made your throat itch even more, and instead, you switched to own of your many fantasies of Bakugo that brought you some comfort.
“So, how are you feeling? Nervous, excited, scared?” Ochaco asked gingerly
“About what?” you asked, looking at her with curiosity
“Uh,um-your wedding,” she giggled nervously, her cheeks growing red again.
Oh-you cursed yourself for getting to invested in your fantasy, feeling embarrassed for thinking of Bakugo and not about Shoto.
You really didnt know how to answer her question-You felt yourself dreading it-how could you tell her that? But you didnt want to lie to her- lying to her would be practically evil, like giving a child a promise and not fulfilling it.
“Its expected of me to marry him,” you reasoned out carefully, “Ive been thinking of this day since I was a child.”
She gaped out you in awe. “Really?That early? In your kingdoms is it a tradition to marry from each other’s kingdoms?”
You gave her a wihsful smile. “Actually- no, it isnt. We’re the first ones.”
Her brown bob fluttered against her cheeks, her eyes staring up at you in confusion.
“I-if you dont mind me asking,” she asked nervously, “why is that?”
You sighed, giving her a small smile.
“Its kind of a long story….”
“Long ago our two kingdoms began to quarrel against one another. But that happened years back- we still continued to fight against each other, and quite frankly, we forgot about why. We just knew we hated each other and wanted to see the other fail. My father had always said to me that my mother wished for her children to be born in a peaceful kingdom, yet my father’s pride prevented that from coming true for her.
“Until the day I was born- my mother, sadly, died while giving birth to me. My father now had no queen, and really, no future ruler, since I am a girl and only men can become ruler in my kingdom. In his grief, he began to feel sympathetic, I suppose- he knew King Todoroki had a young boy who was barely turning 4, and my father got an idea. He travelled to his kingdom, and somehow was able to talk King Todoroki into an agreement.”
“In order to end the suffering of our two kingdoms, Shoto and I would marry once I turn 18, in which would bind our kingdoms forever in peace, with Shoto as ruling over both.”
Ochaco breathed out a large sigh, giving you a conflicted expression.
“So-thats why you two are getting married? Its arranged?”
You looked at her in confusion-“Didnt-Shoto tell you that? I thought Bakugo at least knew-”
“Bakugo?” Ochaco blinked a few times, clearly puzzled. “Bakugo just thought it was quite, well, wierd Shoto was getting married- Bakugo is just a lone wolf who cant understand love I guess-”
You strangely felt angry at her words- how could she even say that about him? Yes, he was cold and callous at times, but how could she know he couldn't at least love? You knew he had to at least have some way of having feelings for another person, you had to at least hope for that-
“-it must be why he left last night,”
You stopped in your tracks, feeling a ton of bricks pound into your chest.
“He-he left?
“Um yeah! Something about being ‘bored waiting around for a stupid’- oh my gosh, y/n are you alright!?”
You were coughing up quite alot, your lungs dry and painful as your heart tore in two. He-he left. Without you. Without even a goodbye.
After all that daydreaming, all that hope, that dedication to him, hoping he would notice you- he left. He never loved you, and you knew it- you were just so desperate for someone to take you, to teach you how to be free.
You wanted him to teach you, to see potential in you that you could be just as defiant to the world as him.
Uraraka wrapped her slender arms around your body, patting your back softly to help you rid your body of whatever had attacked you. It was taking everything in you to not let a single petal fall out, the itching in the back your neck unbearable as your heart beat agonizingly against horribly.
You felt a few silky petals slip out of your mouth, soft against your dry tongue. Miraculously, Uraraka didn't suspect a thing- most likely from the darkness she couldn't see the disease overtaking you.
You gulped desperately for air, finally getting a hold on your lungs.
“I-Im fine,” you panted out, raising from the floor on shaky knees. “Thank you”
Urarka gave you a pointed look, clearly not convinced. “Of course, but are you sure? Do you need water, or maybe I should get Shoto-”
“No!” you yelled out, covering your mouth in case of another attack.
You felt a little guilty for yelling at Uraraka so harshly, her wide eyes looking at you in shock-you just couldnt bear seeing Shoto when you were grieving over a lover that was never yours- and apparently dying from it too.
“No, Im fine, really,” you said more calmly, trying to be reassuring, “lets, just- walk back, if thats okay-”
“Yes of course! Ill walk you to your room, just in case you get sick again-”
You two walked in silence again, you mulling over your broken heart as Uraraka watched you in worry. You two passed the ballroom, everyone seemingly enjoying themselves and not noticing you two as you lead the way to your room.
You stepped up to the door, your hand grasping the doorknob until you paused, a question entering your mind. You were still confused why Uraraka said she didnt know your marriage was arranged-you would have expected Shoto to have told his group after saying he was getting married.
Was he embarrassed by it, that he was marrying you?
“You said you were surprised to here our marriage was arranged,” you asked quietly, “Shoto never told you?”
Uraraka shuffled in her pink boots, her shoulder hunched close to her chin.
“He-uh-no,” she breathed out, “he said he made a promise to marry a girl he loved.”
You should be feeling happy, excited, optmistic-you had been imagining this day since you were a child. But now, all you could feel was a coldness you couldnt seem to shake off- after your talk with Uraraka last night, you felt so confused.
The person you “loved” had never loved you, leaving you sick and hurt.
The person who did love you, you most likely pushed away to the point where they didnt love you anymore.
You couldnt even understand your emotions yourself. All night your sickness wouldnt leave your poor lungs alone, making you cough uncontrollably all night, the petals piling up around you.
You wouldn't allow anyone to see you in the morning, snatching your wedding dress from your hand maidens and putting in yourself. You fixed yourself up, trying to make yourself look as lively as possible, but it seemed impossible- you felt too empty inside to really put your heart into it.
Another round of coughs attacked your chest, a single petal dribbling out of your mouth, along with a speckle of blood. It dripped on the inner folds of your creamy white dress- easily disguisable if you made sure it was covered- yet it made you begin to cry.
What was going on? Why did you have to do this? Why were you still sick?
Your knees hit the cold floor, wave after wave of tears and coughs struck your body in a terrible symphony, the petals piling up on your dress.
You couldnt take it anymore- this sickness was going to have to take you, because you had no energy left to fight it anymore.
You felt a knocking on your door, the sounds harsh against your temple. You sniffled, one last cough feebily spilling out of your bloodied lips.
“Go away-I promise Ill be out soon-” you began sadly, until you heard the door swing open.
You looked up, your face in shock as you did not lock eyes with your handmaiden, but with Shoto’s.
He looked around the floor, noticing the bloody petals, his face completely torn-he knew what was going on.
Shoto stared down at you, his eyes boaring into yours-he knew something was wrong with you. He had came by your room in hopes of fixing your relationship before speaking your vows, working up the courage until he heard you crying. No matter what was between you two, he wouldnt let you go through pain by yourself.
Now he watching you cough up your life, those sickly petals flowing out of you, each one taking a toll on your body.
He gasped out your name, the words like honey as he sat next to you on the floor. You looked so beautiful in that white gown, like an angel from heaven.
But the paleness of your skin, the bags like bruises under your eyes, the blood on your lips- it all reminded him that you were human, and you were hurting inside. He reached for your hand, his fingers grazing your skin-so cold- but you pulled it away quickly.
“Please, dont Shoto-” you whispered hoarsely, “Im-”
Another wave of coughs wracked at your chest, this time the rasps painful against your chest as the vines squeezed.
Shoto didnt know what to do- how could he help you? There wasn't anything he could do to help, except watch his best friend and love slowly cough her life away. A few petals cascaded out of your mouth, adding to the piles as you heaved air back into your lungs, your knuckles white.
“How, how could you keep this from me?” he asked sadly, ignoring your pleas and pulling you into his lap.
You felt how warm he was, and realized- he did love you. He had been there for you as a child, and he was here for you now, comforting you in your worst moment.
Your heart felt like it was exploding as tears cascading down your face, salty and warm against your skin.
“How-how could I Shoto?” I shuldnt have been so mean to you,” you sobbed, “Im so sorry, so sorry, this is all my fault-”
“Please, no, dont be sorry,” he said softly, his arms cradling your body, “we both have our own faults. I shouldnt have left you for so long, and Im sorry for that, I-” he gulped, his heart beating harshly against his chest.
“I-I do love you,y/n, I do.”
You picked up your head, forcing yourself to look at him- he was so handsome, his mix matched eyes softly looking down at you- he was still the little boy you knew from a child, though, always so calm and sweet.
“I know, Shoto, I just, I-” you gulped, fighting to keep the coughs and sobs at bay.
He sighed, feeling his heart sink.
“You loved Bakugo, didnt you? Thats why,” he motioned to the petals, “this is happening to you.”
You gave him a shocked look, your eyes wide and glassy. You forgot how observant Shoto could be- you felt your cheeks grow red, realizing now he must have known by the way you stared so much at Bakugo.
“Was-it that noticebale?”
“Y/n,” he sighed, his chest feeling heavy, “very.”
You giggled at his remark, feeling strange for laughing for once. But Shoto was so abrupt with his words, it always made you laugh at his remarks.
Shoto’s heart soared at your laugh, the sound like chimes against his ears. It died down, the room quickly feeling closed in again.
“I just dont want to do this. I-I want to be friends again. To figure out who were are, without us being forced to be with each other.” you sighed, your heart rattling against your chest. “ I-I want to be with you and marry you- when we decide. Not my father, or your father- I want to be free to choose.”
You turned to Shoto, your hands touching his cheek.
“I-I did love you-and I still do-Im just so confused, and trapped, and-”
“You just want to be your own person,” he finished your sentence, his voice so much stronger than yours.
He looked down at you, his face surprisingly smiling.
“I think I may have arranged that,”
You jumped up, your face in shock. “H-how? Tell me!” you squealed, not unilke a child, your eyes wide with anticipation.
Shoto grinned at your face, loving how excited you could get so quickly.
“Do you remember my oldest brother?” he asked
“Of course I remember Natsuo! He was always so kind to me as a child,” you reminenscenced, “but how is he going to help us?”
“Well, as it turns out, I spoke to our fathers and my older brother,” he said, a small grin on his face, “they agreed that my brother could rule both kingdoms in my place. By himself, and my sister will accompany him if he ever needs help.”
You sucked in a lung full of air, unable to believe what you had just heard-
“So that means-”
“We are free to do what we want now.”
You yelled in happiness, happy tears cascading on your face as you wrapped his body around yours, “thank yous” spilling out of your lips.
Shoto hugged you back, smiling sadly- he had to admit, it was hard negotiating that new deal. After the night, that remark of how you didnt feel “free” stayed in his brain, haunting him until he found a solution. Knowing it would make you happy made it worth it- even if that meant you could leave him now. He loved you, but if that meant you could be happy with or without him, he would be content with the knowledge that you were finally able to be your own person.
“You can now be yourself,” he said sadly, his eyes staring down at the floor, “and even if that means you do not love me, I accept it. You dont have to feel guilty.”
You looked at the poor boy, his eyes shaded as his bi-colored locks cascaded onto his foreheads. You felt a warmth fill your chest, the sensation soothing and calming as the tightness in your lungs dissappeared. The tickling in your throat seemed to wane slightly. Your hand found his as his eyes instantly rose to meet yours.
“I wont feel guilty,” you smiled gently, “I want to be free- with you.”

Taggings: (if you want to be added, just shoot me an ask or a reply on this post and Ill add you on to my future fics!)
@freckledoriya @orokayagi @leeeah-loooser

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SnK Episode 65 Poll Results (for Anime Only Watchers)
The poll closed with 98 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Manga Readers’ poll, click here.
Anime only watchers, beware of spoilers if you venture over to the manga readers’ poll results.
Although a bit muted compared to last week, the response to this episode was still overwhelmingly positive, with 96.8% of people giving it a rating of 3 and higher. MAPPA’s on a roll!
i just wanna see more!! 20 minutes is not enough. its too good
Awesome episode! Great pacing and the cgi was not too noticeable.
Mikasa and Levi took the spotlight this week! 30.1% of viewers felt most hyped up by Mikasa’s “explosive” reintroduction to the anime, while 22.6% were stoked to see Levi take on Porco to save Eren. 18.3% were most hyped by the Survey Corps taking on the Jaw Titan and the subsequent cliffhanger.
Just under 50% of responses seemed to indicate that they thought MAPPA was doing very well with the CGI utilized. A little over 15% stated that although it was not their favorite, they understood that it could be a lot worse. Other responses (in order) were being neutral about the CGI, not liking it, but understanding the need for its usage and folks who adamantly rejected 3D animation.
I actually prefer CGI titans because of the way their movements looks, it looks almost slower, to me it fits very well with how the big titans are. Im not an anime guy at all so ive never seen cgi in other anime but i really like the way Mappa's CGI looks, it blends in very well. I dont like CGI people though, the shot with Jean throwing the marly soldier off the rooftop i didn't like very much.
I feel horrible saying this believe me... but I really vibed with the CGI up until this episode. I think maybe because it's the first time its been used on humans (OPM) rather then titans. I'm not massively put off though, I really apreciate the efforts this episode must have taken. TY Mappa
The episode is great no doubt, my only concern is the CG personally, as a 3D artist myself, I think I would prefer an all 2D medium like the battle at Stohess. Using 3D is fine as long as it blends seamlessly to the background, like kengan ashura, it's not perfect but bearable.
I honestly think that 2D will always 100% be better than cgi but I can understand why mappa is using cgi
It was fine in the other episodes, but in this episode, it looked overused and bit bad
When it came down to Eren’s swan rooftop dive (“Like a fallennn angel…”), the majority seemed to be impressed, with 68% giving it a score of 4 or higher. It was not a monolithic opinion however and many seemed also rated it poorly. Do better, Eren!
The Survey Corps has returned! Of these reappearances, viewers most enjoyed Mikasa’s (48.9%), Levi’s (31.9%) and Sasha’s (14.9%) the most. Jean and Connie got a little less love, though we’re sure people were still happy to see them!
It would appear that the slight plurality sees Mikasa as having the best glow up out of the cast, followed by (in order) Eren, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Floch and Levi. The Old Captain doesn’t like to change up his style, we suppose.
Eren didn't have a glow up- he had a glow down.
Mikasa can stomp on me please god
In relation to the previous question, we still haven’t seen 3 major members of the cast. Armin, Hange and Historia. When we asked which of the three you were most looking forward to seeing next, the slight majority (52.7%) expressed their excitement for seeing Armin again, followed by 11.8% wanting to see Hange most. Some others have also expressed their desire to see Historia again. 17.2% simply could not choose and 10.8% stated that they simply didn’t care about the 3 characters.
The Warhammer received an overwhelmingly positive response, with the majority expressing much excitement over both its design and powers. 15.6% noted that the design was a bit too creepy for their liking, but the powers were awesome. And on the flip side, 10% noted the Titan’s design was rather cool, in contrast to its rather OP ability. A select few did not enjoy either aspect.
Would probably enjoy it more if it belonged to someone that likely is not going to be just cannon fodder
The Survey Corps returned sporting new uniforms to much fanfare. 30.4% of respondents really enjoy the upgrade, finding the suits to be badass. 23.9% couldn’t find the words and just settled for pure hype. 20.7% enjoy the new uniforms just as much as they enjoy the classic uniforms. 12% felt it was a much needed upgrade, though 10.9% don’t care at all about the uniform change.
I like both but I prefer the old design
The circumstances of the Survey Corps’ presence on the mainland continues to be a mystery. When we asked about whether Eren was there alone or not a few episodes ago, the majority believed that he was either there alongside the Survey Corps or was sent there by them. Overall, the feelings seem to be the same (that Eren came alongside the Survey Corps). 45.6% think that Mikasa’s words may have some other meaning and that things are way too planned out to be coincidence. 18.9% believe that Eren did go rogue, while 15.6% think that Eren didn’t necessarily go rogue, but wasn’t working with them for a while either. The remaining 20% have already been spoiled on this particular plot point.
Now that both sides of the conflict have had their rude awakening, we asked how you guys felt about the two events comparatively. 33.7% feel that both attacks were tragic, but still feel more empathy toward the Eldians on Paradis than they do toward those who were raised on Marley. At a tie, 22.8% of respondents felt that the victims of the Liberio attack got what was coming with them, while another 22.8% felt about the same amount of sympathy for the victims on both sides. 10.9% feel this is way worse than what happened in Shiganshina and feel more sympathy for the victims in Liberio.
I am yet to know the goals behind this attack.
Marley did this countless times so I don’t feel bad for them. I kind of feel for eldians tho bc they are brainwashed from a young age to give up their lives for a country who doesn’t give a shit about them.
Honestly they deserve what Eren is doing to them. Excluding Falco, no one outside of Paradis has earned my sympathy, even with the additional context.
Udo and Zofia have joined the ranks of characters who tagged along with the main cast for a while only to be killed off for character development. 25.3% anticipated at least one of them to die, but not both. Another tie on this poll, 24.2% stated that they were disappointed and was hoping to see more of them, while another 24.2% didn’t care about them at all. 14.3% are happy to ditch the focus on them in favor of more familiar characters, and 8.8% feel pure and utter devastation.
Good riddance Warrior scum
Sad but allows for Gabi’s development
sad but okay. death is common in this anime.
Eren and Floch were anything but BFF’s at the closing of season 3. Now Floch seems to be wholly devoted to Eren’s cause… What changed? 28.6% believe that nothing has actually changed in terms of their relationship, but that Floch simply just latched onto Eren’s fight in need of a new devil. 23.1% feel that they still aren’t friends, but are in more comfortable “ally” territory. 15.4% aren’t sure what to make of it. Smaller handfuls feel that they either grew to become friends and/or co-conspired to attack Liberio together. 22% are already spoiled on the details.
Floch is easily persuaded...and annoying 🤷♀️
Gabi moves headstrong into the fight, wanting to play her part in defending her hometown. A large chunk of anime only viewers have been spoiled on future developments for her character. But for those still in the dark - 24.4% feel that she will successfully kill a member of the Survey Corps. 21.1% aren’t sure what to expect, while 10% think she will only manage to injure someone in the Survey Corps. Smaller amounts feel she won’t be successful in any capacity or may even die herself.
Epic episode, survey corps come back, OH YEAH, but I wished they didn’t use CGI on humans and bettered the CGI on Titans.
It really makes me sad how Eren is continuing the cycle of revenge by killing innocent Marleyan civilians, but it makes sense for his character.
Real cool ep but w h e r e a r m i n
It sucks that I like the warriors and the Corp bc both of them are victims in different way so seeing them have to go head to head sucks. They all deserve better
SO great I loved it! However, I missed Reiner, Falco, and Zeke. I hope they're okay :-) RIP Udo and Zofia :-(
I think I need more dialogue between the old crew to really settle back in with them. I kinda believe that Mappa's still trying to 'click', they obviously can't just get it right immediately. Other then that I loved the titan scenes, more than ODM scenes 😔
This was a great episode and I was literally vibrating in my seat from excitement! I think MAPPA is doing a great job with the animation and the music works really well with the action. Can’t wait for the rest of the season!
I miss wit studio
Willy seems to have his first daughter really early, he looks like 30 !
I’d say the episode as a whole is a solid 8-9/10, the cgi in some parts really ruins the moment for me
Thanks again to everyone who participated!
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What is love? | l. jeno
Ghost! Jeno x Human! reader
a/n: im back!! well i dont know if i’ll continue writing on this blog but this has been sitting in my drafts for forever so i figured i would just finish it and post it. i’ll be writing on my new hq writing sideblog @happytsukki !! hope you enjoy, its kinda messy oops.
some say “new year, new me” but unfortunately for you it also meant a new house
moving was just as bad as you think
the trouble of unpacking and packing,,,,the worst part was having to adjust to the entirely new environment
so it was pretty lonely
well, until you met the ghost that lived in your new house
i know what you’re thinking
it was horrifying at first
one day you were simply trying to put away extra plates on the top shelf in the kitchen
feeling accomplished you began unpacking something else
you placed the heavy box onto the counter not even realizing you shook the stack of plates directly above you
a plate was imminently gonna fall on you
luckily for you the boy living in your house caught it as it grazed your hair
looking up you see the plate and turn to your savior
you didn’t know if you were most shocked about how attractive the guy’s face was or the fact that this was a stanger in your home
you quickly grabbed the nearest thing to protect you
a spatula
“back off, or i-i’m gonna flip your ass outta here” you threatened
instead of retreating back in fear the odd boy began laughing
he held his stomach as tears began falling from his eyes
“you’re threatening me with a, a spatula???”
you gave him a death stare
“okay okay fine. i’m lee jeno, your roommate i guess you could say.”
“roommate?? who is you???”
jeno put out his hand and gave you a bright smile
“my bad, let me be more specific: i’m a ghost and i can’t leave this house”
this sounded like a load of bs to you,,,so you pushed his hand out of the way and examined him
“a ghost?”
his skin did seem to be unusually fair and under his cute eyes were so heavy bags
“believe it or not, i, lee jeno am a ghost but don’t worry. i know how to pass on peacefully, but i’ll need your help.”
the next few months made you feel like sherlock holmes
you agreed to help jeno pass on by helping him find out what happened to his parents
living in the same house with him was extremely difficult
he was always popping up in random places, giving you the biggest jumpscares
when your parents came home from long business trips it wasn’t easy hiding him
but jeno became your best friend and gave some damn good love advice
you had a crush on na jaemin, the boy next door
he was basically perfect package 📦
sadly you could never muster up the courage to converse with him
but jeno insisted
first he threw a rock from your window to his
then he left your window open which seemed like an open invitation to talk
next thing you knew you were laughing and talking with THE na jaemin
it was a dream come true
for you
while the stars in your eyes shined brighter and your smile grew bigger everyday
jeno stood at the side admiring how beautiful you were
how he wished that he met you in his lifetime
he wondered if ghosts could have feelings, if they even had hearts
because if he did, his beat uncontrollably for you
“what is love?”
he asked you out of the blue one night
you thought long and hard:
“well love comes in many different forms, but love is caring for someone unconditionally sometimes without reason. its their image constantly creeping into your brain and just the sound of their voice giving you heart palpitations. most of all its the ability to accept their flaws and imperfections.”
jeno was mesmerized by your words
but the thought saddened him
“i wish i fell in love before i, you know, died” he confessed
you looked into his sullen eyes, feeling the deep pain he suffered from
oh how you wished you knew what to tell him. what are you supposed to tell a ghost? you wished you could tell him that he would eventually find someone, someone who could give him the world, like he deserved. but fate proved to be cruel and deep down you knew the circumstances were different.
you wrapped your arms around him in a hug, giving off the warmth and love he’d been longing for
“but i happened to fall in love in my afterlife” he whispered
you didn’t hear, already drawing back from the warm embrace by that time.
exhaustion fell over your body and you let out a yawn. “i’m sleepy now jeno. goodnight and sweet dreams.”
He nodded and walked towards the door but before leaving he looked at you, laying there so peacefully. how your mouth hung slightly ajar and the way you snored ever so lightly caused his lips to curl up.
“goodnight, my love.”
the next morning you quickly grabbed breakfast and darted for the door. last week you promised jeno you would look into his death more.
but something stopped you. at your doorstep stood a couple in their late 40s. their faces soaked with tears and eyes swollen red. in the man’s hand was a picture frame.
“oh, i’m sorry, we didn’t realize someone was home right now. we’ll leave immediately.” he spoke between his sobs.
the woman next to him wailed, clutching her heart and holding a baseball. “w-we happened to pass by and we just wanted to reminisce by our old home. you see, our son died a year ago from a hit and run; he loved this home more than anything, except maybe baseball.” she managed to stifle out a dry laugh at the last part.
but your world stopped. suddenly you felt the presence of jeno by your side. his mouth hung agape and his eyes widened at the sight of the couple. “mom? dad?” he managed to whisper amidst his shock.
tears spilled down his eyes, but unlike his parents, his voice had no despair or pain. he simply laughed, “thank you. thank you for visiting me today.” He took a step forward and tried to wrap his arms around his parents, but they immediately fell through and dissipated.
While the scene unraveled you could do nothing but stare at jeno and his parents. you wanted to yell: He’s right here in front of you! He didn’t go anywhere!
but you knew that only you could see him and instead you flung your arms around the strangers. sobbing along with them. “i’m sorry for you loss. I’m sure he was a great person.”
they felt so moved by your sudden sympathy and asked you if they could leave his picture here. you happily accepted, knowing that his spirit would soon be able to pass.
when they left you looked over at jeno, his eyes already boring into you with a grin planted on his face.
“hey, don’t look at me like that, i’m a mess” you whined, covering your face from his view.
“y/n. thank you.” was all he said. he inched forward and engulfed you in a hug, tighter than the other ones since he knew this would be his last.
“you’re so dramatic jeno.” you said into his shoulder. “i didn’t even do anything. i’m a pretty useless detective because they basically just came to me.”
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and gently took your fingertips into his, “that may be so, but because of you i got to feel what love was. i thought i would leave this world without ever feeling my heart race or finding someone’s hands fit perfectly into mine.”
“i love you y/n. and though we didn’t meet in this life, i hope we can meet in the next one. i’m depending on it.” he declared, wiping away the single tear that fell from the corner of your eye. He leaned forward, holding his forehead to yours and and took in all the emotions.
He kissed the tip of your nose and you couldn’t help but giggle, “I should be thanking you jeno. you taught me love, and i wish i saw it earlier. you are love. now, you better not break your promise, we have to meet in the next life.”
He pulled back and smiled in endearment, “of course y/n. but don’t be a lonely cat lady, okay? be with jaemin, i can tell he’s a good guy and i want the best for you. goodbye my love.”
Then he disappeared without a trace. the only remembrance you had of him was the picture his parents gave you. written on the back was a surprise little note that read I’ll marry you in the next life, i promise. love, lee jeno.
#nct scenarios#nct fanfic#nct dream scenarios#nct dream imagines#jeno#jeno scenarios#jeno imagines#jeno fanfic#jeno fic#jeno x reader#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop fluff#fluff#nct fluff#nct dream fluff#jeno fluff#nct dream au#nct au#jeno au#nct dream#nct#lee jeno#nct jeno#nct imagines
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if only I was her
prompt: Heather by canon gray
word count: 1,622
Warning this is angst so if you dont like it, i suggest for you not to read it. okay so i listen to the song and i realized that this will be a good story to write. and sorry for not posting much for awhile but anyways on with the story!
december 3rd 2019
You close your eyes as you go back to the memories that you had of bakugo, soon opening them as you looked at his sweater, seeing it in your room, remembering that you have to give it back. You soon looked out your window, looking at the place where he gave you the sweater. you sighed as you placed your hand on window as it was snowing, it was december so you honestly werent surprise. You soon began to look back at your memories.
You soon open them up to see bakugo, the same place you guys were when he gave you his sweater, the one you habe in your room, the one you keep on cuddling with. He was talking about training, how he will beat this one person. You couldnt help but admire him, his confidence and his bravery. As he talked you just cant help but not hear him, his words becoming muffle as it was just you and him.
"Y/N, are you even listening?"
You soon snapped out of your thoughts as you werent listening, quick, make up a lie.
"sorry, i wasnt, i was spacing out"
He smirked as you lied to his face, not telling the truth that you were actually admire him. Who couldnt? Just look at him, you just couldnt help yourself as you did this.
"dumbass, well, what do you think? You think i can beat his ass?"
You smiled as you nodded, agreeing with him as it boosted his confidence. It couldnt be helped that you had to agree, he was strong and just overall amazing. You soon began to quiver as it began to get windy with the cold wind hitting you. He soon stopped talking as he looked at you, he tilted his head and soon took off his sweater. He soon put his sweater over you as your eyes widen.
"here, i cant believe you forgot your own jacket, idiot"
You began to blush softly as you rubbed the back of your neck and nodded, agreeing you were an idiot but hey, you got his sweater. It smelled just like him, caramel. You giggled softly as you fully put on his sweater.
"beside, you look better in it than i did"
Your eyes brighten as you soon looked down, began to become flushed by the color red. The feeling of yours became more stronger. This is what he did to you, every little thing he did made your heart flutter. God if he only he know how much you wanted to advance your relationship with him.
Soon you open back your eyes to hear knocking at your door, back into reality. You turned around as he you began to walk to your dorm door, soon opening it to see it was bakugo. You stiffen as it was him, the one that made you like this. He soon looked inside, neat as always, it was just who you were. He soon crossed his arms as he lifted up his eyebrow.
"Hey nerd, i came here for my sweater"
Oh right, his sweater, you totally forgot about it, forgot you had to give it back. You nodded as you walked inside your room, grabbing his sweater, hugging it one last time. Soon you walked back as you handed it to him, seeing him grab it away from your touch now. Your eyes soften at this, soon seeing him wave bye. you sighed as you soon looked around and then close your door.
You soon began to get ready for this party as you put on your usual clothing to anything. You were invited by bakugo since you were his friend, it hurt your heart when you thought of that, your friend. you ran your hand through your hair as you soon grab your small bag and began ti headout as you soon see bakugo, he was waiting for you. You smiled gently at this as he saw you, smirking and waving at you.
"Hey nerd, are you ready?"
You nodded as the both of you began to walk to the common rooms as you felt a little bit out of place. You didnt know why but you just kept silent with your thoughts. soon after awhile yall have gotten there and saw people dancing, talking or just eating. You rubbed your upper arm, you soon saw bakugo stop in his tracks.
You soon stopped at you looked at him, You saw his eyes widen, lighten. Those were the same eyes you look at him with, you soon went to see who he was looking at.
Ochako Uraraka
Everything stopped as your heart dropped, why her? You looked down as you looked at him, you knew why. Just look at her, in her bright pink sundress, she had the perfect body, a strong quirk. You eyed her, she is a sight for sore eyes. God she was so much better than you, you were only just his friend. Your heart even broke even more. Bakugo kept his eyes on her, you soon went to grab his attention.
"Hey, i got a phone call, ill be outside"
"yeah, yeah, okay"
He wasnt even paying attention, he didnt even look at you which broke your heart even more. You felt broken, is this what it felt to get your heart broken? To know your own crush doesnt even feel the same. You soon walked out as you were now outside of the dorms. Tears began to fill your eyes as you didnt know what to feel. Soon you began to walk to your dorm.
After weeks of not talking to bakugo, not seeing him at all. He invited you to hang out with him, you said yes as you missed him. You were walking to the place that you guys agreed to meet up at. You soon saw her, Ochako, your heart dropped once more. You saw her wearing the same sweater that you wore, the sweater that he lended to you that day. You wanted to just cry but you couldnt.
You cant even hate her, she did nothing wrong but only stole his heart. the thought of this made your heartache, she was caring, attractive, smart. Whats there to hate? of course you just wish she vanished, to never come back soon they saw you.
"Hey Y/N! Its so nice to see you"
"uh, same here"
You lied, not wanting to see her here at all. You soon looked at bakugo as he kept her close, keeping his arm around her. God you wish that was you, you wanted to be in her place, so badly. In the end you couldnt do anything, you cant change his feelings. Now you were third wheeling.
"I never knew you guys were close"
"Oh right, we started to talk at the party!"
"yeah nerd, i didnt even realized you left"
Well fuck, that hurts
You laughed weakly as you guys caught up and began to walk inside this mall, as Ochako wanted to go shopping real quick. You were behind them, they seemed like a perfect couple. Why would you even think that you could compare? he kept her close, warm, as you stood alone, getting cold. You looked at the ground as they just talked, soon him playfully kissing her, that broke you as tears began to flow in your eyes. You stopped in your track as you turned around and walked back.
As you were know outside, seeing your phone blow up with, 'where are you?' You just looked at it as tears kept rolling down your cheek. You put your phone away as you walked back home, alone. Why did you like him so much? What was wrong with you? You could never compare to her, not even one bit. Now you were stuck there, walking back to the dorms. soon you made it back home, staying in your room for a couple of days. Not even coming out at all.
Soon katsuki began to accknowledge that he hasnt been seeing you. Soon you heard a knock on your door and opened to see him, your eyes widen as it looked like you were just crying. He felt sympathy for you, why did you feel like this? what happened? You looked away as you waited for him to say something.
"Hey, Y/N, are you okay?"
"yeah bakugo, im totally fine, didnt just cry a while ago!"
"Hey! Im only trying to help"
"how will you help when you are the cause of this?"
You saw the shock on his face as you crossed your arms, still looking away from him, not wanting to look at him at all.
"what did i do?"
"Y/N, answer me!"
"I like you dammit!"
"i cant help but think of you everyday, admire you. Just all around adore you! but no, i wasnt enough, but she was! Why her?"
Now you were crying, tears falling from your face. You tried to stop them but they rapidly fell off your face,
"no, i dont want to hear it, i hope your relationship last with Uraraka, Goodluck"
You soon shut your door and soon slide down, leaning against your door, not even hearing him knock but just walk away. You sobbed as you placed your hand over your face.
"I wish i was her"
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A Shifting World Chapter 4: Goodbyes and Departures
First Chapter
<– Previous
Work Summary: Things have been going great since Hiccup and Toothless have defeated the Red Death. He has his father’s approval, a group of friends his own age, and is leading the integration of dragons and the Vikings of Berk. When neighboring tribes call together a meeting to discuss rumors of Vikings riding dragons, however, Stoick decides to keep their alliance with dragons under wraps. Hiccup must decide whether he should listen to his father or seek to teach the other Vikings of the archipelago the truths about dragons.
Rating: T
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, Stoick, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout
Pairings: Minor Hiccup x Astrid
Chapter Summary: Hiccup makes a promise to his best friend. Meanwhile, the twins are the twins and Mildew is Mildew.
Chapter Warnings: Discussions of death and murder, food mention
“You guys are all so lucky,” Tuffnut said as he shook his head at the nearest ship. “You all get to go to the Thing and we don’t.”
“I’d kill for the opportunity to go.” The scariest thing about that statement, Hiccup decided, was that Ruffnut sounded like she genuinely meant it. “The Thing is the prime pranking opportunity, and none of you are going to take advantage of it!”
“We’ll keep that in mind, I promise,” Hiccup said. He found himself regretting that the twins wouldn’t be coming along, even if it cut down the risk of other tribes declaring war on Berk due to missing beards and painted helmets.
Still, with a whole village to terrorize and no one else in their friend group around to entertain them or hold them back, Hiccup was sure that the missed opportunity would soon be a long distant regret.
Luckily enough for Hiccup, if not for Berk, it turned out that many of his friends were coming along, too. Astrid’s mother, Phlegma, was among the Berk Council, as was Spitelout, Snotlout’s father; both had decided their children ought to come along and get a better understanding of the other tribes. Fishlegs, while he had a mother aboard their ship as a sailor, had been chosen to come because Stoick believed he could have potential as a future ambassador of Berk.
Beyond them, all of the Berk Council were going as well. Well, all except for one, who was heading this way with a frown.
Hiccup was suddenly very aware that the twins had seemed to have vanished into thin air. They must’ve pranked Gobber somewhat recently, then.
“Ah, Toothless, there you are!” Gobber said as he wagged the wooden hand cutout attached to his prosthetic arm attachment as he prepared a lecture. “Remember that you aren’t going on this trip, you sneaky reptile.”
Toothless grumbled in irritation and glanced over at Hiccup as if asking him to reverse the decision.
“Sorry, bud,” he said instead, and gave Toothless an apologetic smile. “You know that Dad would kill me if I smuggled you aboard.” And anyways, even if he did go through with showing the other tribes that dragons weren’t inherently violent and were actually amazing, intelligent beings who were willing to live in peace if humans were, he wanted Toothless here, safe, if things went wrong. Again.
Toothless snorted and shook his head, his pupils narrowing slightly.
“Don’t worry, bud, it won’t be for forever.” If Gobber wasn’t there, Hiccup would have told him he’d try and make it so he could go to the next one, too. However, Gobber was still there, listening. He wouldn’t exactly be the sort that would keep quiet if Hiccup started making plans to go against his father’s and chief’s wishes behind his back.
“Yes,” Toothless said with a disgruntled huff.
Hiccup could understand why. He wasn’t too happy about having to leave his best friend either.
Anything else he had to say, however, was swallowed up by a loud yell several feet away.
“I’m telling you, Stoick, this must be a sign from the gods to give up this unholy alliance with the beasts.” Hiccup had heard that voice enough times since after the Battle of the Red Death that he frowned and prepared to sigh with exasperation even before properly recognizing its owner.
Just as there were dragons too affected by the years of conflict to want to move onto Berk, there were Vikings who resisted the peace with the dragons with their heels dug into the ground. But where dragons were happy enough to avoid Berk, Mildew had decided to make his “opinion” everyone’s problem.
And especially Hiccup’s and Stoick’s.
“If the other tribes catch wind of us ‘befriending’ these monsters–” Mildew swung his staff straight toward a nearby Monstrous Nightmare who’d just dropped off a pallet of supply crates tied into groups with fishnet, ignoring their filthy look “–then we might as well kiss our lives goodbye!”
Stoick, half turned toward Mildew and half toward the freshly delivered stack of supplies, rubbed at his head in a way that told Hiccup that he was sensing an oncoming headache. “You’ve already brought this up. For sixteen Gripe Days in a row.”
“And you wouldn’t listen!” Hiccup winced as the vibrations of the resulting slam of the staff end into the wooden dock made their way up his prosthesis. “But now that the other tribes have come knocking, maybe you’ll finally care!”
Stoick cast Mildew a glare so sharp Hiccup almost expected to result in Mildew bursting into flames without a dragon’s intervention. Unfortunately for all of Berk, it didn’t. “Enough, Mildew. I am sticking to the answer I’ve given you every time before. We are not driving the dragons away.”
Mildew’s voice dropped just a fraction, and turned even more bitter and accusing. “Is it something you’re willing to bet the whole village’s lives on?”
“I assure you,” Stoick said, his voice unyielding, “I have the village’s best interests on my mind. And, like it or not, that includes yours.”
“Besides,” Gobber said, walking from beside Hiccup up to Mildew, “is right before Stoick’s about to leave to ensure we continue living in peace really the time to bring this up? Especially since he heard it before?”
Mildew snorted, sounding for all the world like a particularly stubborn sheep not unlike the one that often followed him around.
“I thought so. Now I suggest you go back and tend to your cabbages, unless you want to help load up the ship.” Gobber used his hand prosthesis to gesture at the supplies.
With one last scowl and “Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you,” Mildew stormed off the docks, staff tapping each wooden board along the way.
“Thanks, Gobber,” Stoick said, sounding more relieved than he’d been since the announcement of the Thing.
Gobber shrugged. “Eh, I’ll just add it to list of stuff you’ll owe me for while you’re gone.” He shuddered overdramatically. “Including the Gripe Days you’ll be missing. Not looking forward to those, I’m telling you!”
Stoick laughed and shook his head. “It makes dealing with the other chiefs seem like a picnic.”
Hiccup and Toothless walked toward them. “Can’t you do something about his attitude problem?”
Stoick frowned and sighed. “He gets under my skin as much as yours, son, but I’m afraid I can’t.”
“What does he have against them, anyways?” He leaned over to pat Toothless’s side, to calm himself and his dragon. “They hardly attacked his farm.” Cabbage, to no one’s surprise, was hardly a dragon’s preferred delicacy. In fact, they seemed to avoid them more often than most other crops.
Gobber and Stoick shared a solemn look.
“You see, years ago he set his farm up there,” Gobber said, sounding like he was getting into a long story that had no happy ending. “No one particularly minded, given he was always that… well, Mildewy, for the lack of a better word.” He shrugged. “And he married a woman who was just as grumpy as he was, and they had kids who took after the both of them.”
If Gobber and Stoick hadn’t looked so serious, Hiccup would’ve shuddered at the thought of a family of Mildews.
“They all seemed happy, though, and they kept mostly to themselves, so everything was fine.” Stoick shook his head. “And then, one day, his wife and children were picking up supplies in town when a dragon raid hit.”
“It was the worst in decades.” Gobber bit his lip. “Our best could hardly keep up defending the town from the dragons.” He sighed and shook his head. “By the time dawn came and they retreated, so many had died, even those who hadn’t fought.”
“Including Mildew’s family.” Hiccup never thought he’d feel anything regarding sympathy for the man, but then again he’d always summed his irritability up to stubbornness beyond the usual Viking levels.
“And that wasn’t the end of it.” Stoick’s tone caused Hiccup to brace himself. “Mildew somehow got it into his head that we let them die intentionally because no one liked them.”
“Well, no one did like them,” Gobber jumped in with a conciliatory tone. “But no one hated them that much,” he added when Stoick glared at him.
“Everyone kind of understood that it was mostly the grief talking, and things kind of died down after a while.” Stoick stroked his beard. “And eventually he ended up taking another wife.”
“And that’s when a dragon came to his farm and burnt it to a crisp.” Gobber shook his head. “Mildew escaped. Not his wife.”
“And after he got over that, he married another woman. She was from the Northlander Tribe, I believe.” He glanced at Gobber as if to confirm.
Gobber nodded. “Aye. And I bet you can get what happened to her.”
Hiccup’s stomach clenched. “I’m guessing not a peaceful death by old age.”
“After that, he became obsessed with killing dragons.” Stoick stroked his beard, lost in thought.
“Not himself, of course.” Gobber shrugged a single shoulder. “Let’s just say he chose to keep a farm far from the raids for a reason. But he bought dragon parts off those who did kill them. Bones, scales, heads, the lot.”
Toothless made a nervous sound, and Hiccup reached over to scratch him under the ears in an attempt at reassurance. “Don’t worry, bud. No one’s getting your head.”
“He was always advocating for crueler ways of killing them off entirely, not just driving them off our land for good.” Stoick frowned. “In any case, any intention he had of making his peace with them died with his wives and children.”
“But now we can make sure that no one else has to go through that.” Hiccup knew that losing family to dragons hurt; he’d lost his own mother to a dragon when he was a baby, and that had definitely stung after finding out that it was the Red Death’s fault. Still, he couldn’t imagine preferring being at war with dragons to the peace they had now over it.
“I know, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.” Stoick placed a hand on Hiccup’s shoulder, being careful not to knock him over. “However, he’s been bitter since the day he was born, and circumstances only made him worse. When you’re chief, you’ll have to deal with worse than the likes of him.”
Hiccup resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “Encouraging pep talk, Dad.”
Stoick shook his head and laughed, and the somber tone the conversation had taken seemed to disperse like that. “Next time, I’ll let it surprise you.” He glanced around the docks and the ship, scanning everything. “Well, it looks to me like we’re just about ready to set out here. You get on the ship and I’ll get the loose ends tied up.” With that, he walked off.
Hiccup turned back to Toothless. “Well, I guess it’s time to say goodbye, bud.”
Toothless warbled in a very unenthusiastic tone.
“I promise I’ll be back, with a whole new bunch of stories to tell you.” A gathering of Viking chiefs was certainly never boring, as Stoick had often been inclined to share. “I’m sure you will too, since the twins are staying behind.”
At that, Toothless snorted and rolled his eyes.
Hiccup couldn’t help but smile at that. “You never know, you might have too much fun watching them get in trouble to even notice I’m gone.”
Toothless snorted and shook his head. He didn’t sound particularly convinced.
“It’s just for a few weeks, I promise.” Hiccup held out an open hand. Toothless stared at it and hesitated, then leaned his head over until his nose met Hiccup’s palm. “Take care while I’m gone.” He let himself give his best friend a crooked, mischievous smile and wagged a finger at him in warning. “And no helping Ruff and Tuff with their pranks, alright?”
Toothless seemed to raise the draconic equivalent of an eyebrow, but nodded. “Yes.”
With that, Hiccup forced himself up the gangplank and looked for a place to sit. It was going to be a long journey.
So this is probably the last chapter I’m posting to Tumblr before the Log Off Protest. While the next chapter will likely be published on AO3 around the same time next week, I won’t crosspost it to Tumblr until the protest is over and I log back in. After that, crossposting should continue as usual. Thank you!
Next –>
#useless reptile writes#httyd#httyd au#httyd fanfiction#a shifting world#finding another way series#hiccup#toothless#night fury#gobber#gobber the belch#stoick#stoick the vast#ruffnut#tuffnut#thorston twins#mildew#death mention cw#murder mention cw#food mention cw#child death mention cw#child murder mention cw
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Man the manga makes it look so fun to be a Nobody!
I really marvel at how they captured the uncanny nature of the enemy Nobodies?? Cos seriously the whole point of them is that they look humanoid but move in really inhuman ways. And each individual enemy type has its own unique mannerisms for this, but in general its like..slugs? I'm pretty sure its slugs?? They stretch and squish and wiggle around and its like pretty much EXACTLY how medicinal leeches move, but thats a very underrated animal so its probably more likely it was slugs or worms. Like 'hey lets exaggerate slugs' but BELIEVE IT OR NOT THAT FATEFUL WIGGLIER SLUG DOES TRULY EXIST. And i love their cutie patoot lil faces. And the world needs to appreciate them more!
...ok im getting offtopic but you get the gist of what i mean. The basic Dusk enemies are vaguely humanoid things with their arms and legs tapering off into sticklike points, and they either wiggle them around like leech heads or hold their arms behind them naruto run style and use their entire body as a leech! Like its more likely that they pick up stuff by wrapping around it like a snake, rather than just using hands?? And also they can fly and stick to ceilings and just generally have loads of fun?? And look really pretty?? And some of the other more complex nobodies look even cooler doing their weird wiggle flying. Like the Assassin type have these weird big metal petal shapes on their arms that flutter like feathers and make them look like winged snakes crossed with.. Kites...? Kites made of kimonos? Being worn by a man with no face..?
And aaa the Days manga has a REALLY good panel showing a big swarm of them in flight and it just looks SO MAGICAL AND SPOOKY! this is the exact kind of Aesthetically Nutso Ghost Monster Person i wish i could be! The manga is so cool at iimplying the same sense of inhuman motion by drawing them like motion tweens? Like theyre warped into wildly different body shapes in every panel and its just SO CREEPY and SO BADASS and SOMETIMES KINDA MAJESTIC AND ENDEARING EVEN! And this big flight scene has EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL ONE drawn with its own different pose and mannerisms and like man every one of these weird squiggle flights looks like a world of fun to do!! God i love when superpowers actually look FUN, yo! It fuckin sucks that theyre just low level enemies and not ever playable. The only Nobodies that are playable or even get a big amount of screentime in cutscenes are the ones that ACTUALLY look humanoid and also move humanoid and BOOOO have zero traits of the monster theyre supposed to be. Like man just give me a whole game playing a lil bebby Nobody flying around! They remind me of the wanderers in Journey, they'd be so well suited to a chilled out exploration game like that.
And AAAAAA i get so sad thinking about how they're like bebbys!!! Noooo! Why do we not have more sympathy for them?? Like the particular way they write their 'bumbling weak enemy' scenes just comes off more like..well..sad thoughts about what happens when you lose your heart. Cos i mean the series really doesnt dwell much on the implications of the fact every single one of them used to be human! And whenever they're not being given orders by the higher ups in the organization, theyre just shown wiggling around flying in circles for fun, like a shoal of fish. They're so inhuman now, aside from vague resembelance in their appearances. They'd be seen as the cute wpodland critters in a disney princess musical number if they werent designated as monsters! Like they're not just 'dumb', they friggin dont remember how to talk anymore. And in their most memorable scene they dont understand the order "find this person" and can be easily tricked by photos of him. "Yes boss here is roxas he's a little more flatter than usual but here he is!" And they just keep gathering hundreds of the same person and never once cotton on to anything being wrong. Its so cute and also scary?? Cos seriously they are such eldritch monstrosities of fragmented soul that they move on to STEALING THE WORD PHOTOGRAPH. Just plucking it right out of the language! Failing so hard that you warp the laws of reality! I feel sorry for the poor lil guys, you definately cant say they didnt try as hard as possible!
I'm just so happy that they gave a bit more sympathy to the low level enemies because seriously WHO GIVES SUCH A GOOD DESIGN TO A LOW LEVEL ENEMY AND THEN BARELY EVER USES THEM FOR ANY SCENES
They actually give some sorts of pseudo dialogue to them?? Like during the kh2 prologue they show roxas being able to psychically perceive their thoughts while theyre trying to kidnap him. And its just so sympathetic and sad in retrospect?? They did a great job amplifying everything about this sequence because they made the Nobodies look so much scarier, made Roxas's life with his friends look even more heartwarming, and made it all super tense so you overlook all these little hints and just cheer for roxas in defeating these guys. But they left so many things that actually foreshadow that Roxas is a Nobody too, so reading this a second time is so sadddddd. I almost wish this was the first time i experienced the story, i think it does basically everything better than the original game version. Like seriously THAT ONE LINE OF WHAT THE WEAK ENEMIES ARE THINKING! "We've found you, my leige". THEY WERE JUST TRYING TO SAVE THEIR BOSS AND DIDNT KNOW WHY HE DIDNT RECOGNISE THEM. AND THEN HE ATTACKS THEM AND THEY DONT KNOW WHY!! aaa theyre just BABIES god theyre just ghost demon thingies that are like the larval stage compared to the main character versions. They dont remember who they were as humans, they just know they love their boss!! and he's apparantly been kidnapped by scary humans!! THEY WERE TRYING SO HARD TO SAVE HIM!! they got so damn close to taking over the town and they were swarming everywhere searching for him and Axel was trying so hard too and Diz just kept interrupting him before he cpuld explain or lying to roxas to manipulate them against each other! And axel even brought cake and icecream with him!! He was just trying to rescue his lil bro!!! Auuuugh seriously it was such a good twist that the Scary Monster Dudes were objectively in the right throughout this entire intro, and they just wanted to save Roxas's goddamn life. And he didnt even get to remember his peaceful days as a family with his fellow monster boyos until like five seconds before dying :(
Did anyone else just.. Not want to play kingdom hearts 2 after the prologue?
Like i couldnt stand the mood whiplash of going back to happy go lucky disney worlds with sora and having no more deep sad intriguing plot points for like ten hours of gameplay. And i could never take Organization 13 seriously as villains when the entire damn prologue was them being SUPER FUCKING SYMPATHETIC and the 'good guy' trying to murder a child in order to bring sora back. Like why am i supposed to be happy that he succeeded when i know sora himself would say no if he was told what sacrifice had to happen to bring him back? I would have been way more interested in this sequel having me play as roxas and try and take on the legacy of sora as the next hero and try and find a way to bring sora back without anyone having to die. Like the whole story could be people being all 'blah blah youre worthless youre not human your only purpose is to die for the sacrifice' and we explore all different sorts of 'heroes' doing horrible acts and justifying it to themselves because some people are just 'born evil' and its okay to do whatever you want to them. And Roxas is always struggling with almost believing that shit about himself, but in the end he does succeed to find a happy ending for everyone without a need for 'sacrifices'. And he learns to have self confidence and form his own identity and have more friendship scenes with Axel and co and also redeem all the other Nobodies please and also hug the tiny enemy childrens ones. I just did not feel much for the plot of kh2 at all except for the Nobodies!! Its just not sympathetic to have your 'heroes' arguing that 'oh they dont have hearts theyre not human they dont feel anything so theyre all evil and its all fine'. The game acts like this is true despite giving sympathetic backstories to half of them and the other half all die crying that they want to live!! What the fuck!! Like the only consolation is that they clearly cottoned on to the Org being RIDICULOUSLY POPULAR and later games literally bring all the most fan-loved ones back from the dead and add EVEN MORE sympathetic backstories and also here have a bigger villain who was really responsible and also he lied to them and theyre NOT really empty hearted and incapable of love. THEY ARE CONSTANTLY SHOWN HAVING THAT, EVEN THE WEAK LIL ENEMY DUDES HAVE ALL THAT LOYALTY TO ROXAS AAAAGH THEY DIED IN DROVES TRYING IN VAIN TO SAVE HIMMMMM
And god theyre so cute and so well designed and so sad and im sorry but AGGHHHH
I Forgot I Had So Many Emotions For The Emotionless Bebs :(
...also i really wish i cpuld get this pic of thos one panel to upload cos it looks real cool. I didnt think anything could make me love them more!!! Theyte just innocent weird snake bird worm person mannequin origami things. They just want to flutter around like messed up butterflies! And adorably poke at things they're curious about, and hold brooms awkwardly with their squiggle hands! The manga shows them doing lil chores around the house!! I LOVE THEMMMMMMM
#bunni plays khmanga#so many emotions#and man theres not even good reference pics of these lil enemies online despite how popular the game is#i hope the hd remakes still have the 3d model rotation feature in the bestiary?#i could take some snapshots myself and make more accurate fanarts#the feature was mostly useless in the ps2 original cos the resolution was too bad to see any details#plus that was a decade ago so i dont have any of my old snapshots lol#took pics of the screen on a disposeable camera
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So i guess here goes my longer ramble about my feelings and thoughts. No need to read it. Feel free to ignore it. The only way for me to feel relief is to post it online in some way and although i know tumblr is such a toxic site its the only space that feels right for it. its probably full of typos and doesnt make any sense, but hey who cares.
So yeah
Lately a lot of things happened, things which im thankful for and things that help me heal, but theyre not big of a help since my emotions are so strong. As some might know im currently in a clinic for relaxation 5 days a week from 10 am-2:30 pm and its pretty tough. Being around people again, experiencing painful moments during acupuncture (they find good spots that make me cry, not even really bc theyre hurting but they just make me feel all my inner pain all at once), feeling uncomfortable around certain people there and not loving all therapists bc theyre way too harsh with their words.
The past weeks have been intense and exhausting.. and since its all about relaxing i had much time to think. I had lots of time to think about jjong. Sadly it never felt like i have space, strength and time to heal properly.
I feel lots of pain,my heart feels so heavy, im bitter and im weak? Im forcing my emotions to stay calm, i hate crying in the clinic, i cant open up properly and just dont want to cry there all the time although i know i should but i just cant.
Jjong is on my mind 24/7 like literally 24/7 hes always there, always was and idk how much longer he will be but i want him to leave. My memories and the emptiness which i feel is too much, its draining me its hurting so freaking much that i cant even put it in words and the bad thing is that no one really understands.
People may know that im sad in a way but i dont think anyone understands my pain completely, obviously not, no one ever knows how one truly feels, but its a devastating feeling. Its a feeling that makes me feel quite lost and lonely, because the only person i always believed would understand my pain was him. He was my safe haven, he was the one who would be there and never judge and just understand.
Its a really sick part of my mind which has still control over this part of my emotions, i cant trust anyone, i always.. ALWAYS feel judged and i always feel like a burden and i never want to talk about my struggles because it only causes so much more chaos or eventually i never feel like the person tries and feel all lonely and unimportant again.
Jjong he was just there.. you know ?
Just his existence caused some kind of comfort for my soul, a place to rest and feel nothing but good things for a bit although even he was hurting me too, but i accepted it bc he was far away and it was ok. He was so far away always and that gave me the chance to create the 'perfect' comfort zone. I didnt know him, he was never here.. i will just pick out parts i need and use them to stay alive.
Its not something good, but i feel like everyone does this stuff with their bias. Some more than others. I did it too much and that shows how weak and hurt my soul is. Instead of working on my problems properly i just fled into the comfort of jjongs existence, one that was so very similar to my mothers, my mother who i have lost in november 2014. winter... buried in december. Winter. The season where I lost the most important person in my life not only once, but twice now.
Jjong was like a mother to me. I cant describe my feelings for him in another way. He protected me from so much evil within myself while i wanted to protect him too at all costs and it feels HORRIBLE to have failed yet another time. It hurts so fucking much that i lost him too. He who was the biggest reason for me not to kill myself after my mom died. He who was the reason why i started eating again after developing an eating disorder. He who caused so much good in my life. He who in some way managed to manipulate me in the best possible way.
In the end it was all me, i know that, but its still the bond i had to jjong. A sick and sad one and the worst part is that i felt ready to let go slowly at the end of last year. I started realizing that i coudlnt be thinking about him all the time anymore. I want to start going to school again after 4 years of nothing but therapy. I would HAVE to let go and create a more healthy relationship. I was so ready. And then he took his own life..
He stole the opportunity from me to change. He left me here. He left me and all my problems still attached to him behind. Hes not here anymore and although i never saw him or heard or felt him in real life it makes such a huge difference to me and at the same time it doesnt. That is one of the most confusing and depressing feelings ive ever felt.
I wanted to see him in 2018.. i had many chances to see him but never one to go with me. I finally had someone to go with... and now im here.. with that opportunity gone. My biggest wish my biggest dream, the ONE thing that kept me alive for so long. Gone... all ive ever wanted was to see him live. And now.. yeah.
Those are all selfish reasons. I know that. If you even read this then no its not all i feel, but of course my feelings towards him are most important to me, its the only feelings i can work on and the only ones i truly feel. My healthy grief is there too. A distanced version of what i personally feel and no other could. But thats not truly what this post is about. Please dont judge.
So now im here and i dont know what to do.
Death has been the worst and most intense trigger in my life forever. I started being so afraid of death as a child that i could not sleep anymore bc i thought i would die. It was a horrible time, therapy followed, fear left for a few years and came back as strong as ever. Its here too now. My fear. Another reason why i am alive now, yet its not strong enough to truly shut my self destructive thoughts up. Ive noticed that around the time of jjongs burial. I was ... so ready to leave. I still feel sympathy and empathy for myself there. Bc my pain is so big. Its truly so immense but no one truly knows or cares much. Maybe my therapist, but i doubt it.
Well im now always thinking about death and jjong being dead and ive said before that these thoughts are really killing me inside. Idk where he is, how he is, how he feels, does he feel? Whats up with him... what happens??? Its so scary. I find zero comfort in the thought of him resting bc where is he? Is he resting? Does he know? Where is the man i love so freaking much? Where is my mom? Is she with him? Are they lonely?
Ive always said
When its about death, i envy religious people. They have something to hold onto. I have nothing but the unknown in my head. Another one of my biggest fears and my loved ones are stuck in there. In the unknown. And im not there and i couldnt say goodbye to either of them.
Im so bitter i envy everyone whose bias is still there and im always thinking why him. Why HIM why another person of My life why someone i love so much why when i was feeling so much better thanks to him why did he have to suffer. Will i lose everyone?
Im afraid to sleep still bc im scared to wake up to news of another loved one gone. The fears and memories, theyre everywhere. I cant escape and i hate it and dont know how to process.
The most important form of jjong to me was and still is the fictional one, although jjong as a distant human being will always be more fictional to me than real. The fictional version which i have created for my own reasons, its still there just like always, its still cheering me up, its sweet its cute and lovely, but still hard to work with bc i always end up thinking about the real jjong.
Now after seeing the pictures of his grave i rather see that image than him as a person. I welcome that. Im glad i saw the pics bc its all more real to me now, im glad i saw the burial video.. although i never wanted it to be filmed or real in the first place. I dont think i would be still as sane as i am atm if i didn’t see this stuff.
I know that im doing quite good.. i should be proud of myself i guess.. but my pain is overshadowing everything else to the point where im completely at loss of every emotion just thinking about jjong not being here anymore.
Knowledge about his passing, own experiences and the whole process, everything. It haunts me.
Its quite a long way to go i think. I always felt so close to him, we were so similar and although he had many flaws i didnt quite like, especially as i was getting more healthy and he was still stuck, i still loved him so much and accepted that. He was getting so much better from and outside point of view and maybe that was the reason why he finally found strength to leave and its such a sad thing to think about, but i cant really change a thing anymore.
Sadly. Yeah ..
At the end of this i just want to say. Please just care, be there and if a depressed person in your life gets better please pay special attention bc it might be their chance to end it all. I dont want people to die bc of that dumb fucking illness anymore and i know its not possible to prevent it completely but well..
Im tired and theres still so much more to say for me but i cant say much more now. My head hurts and i need to get up and do something in order to forget about all of this for a while.
Please stay strong, please dont give up. I promise you one day it will get better, never fully ok, but better.
Im trying my best to find joy in jjong and shinee again, i doubt that i will, but im trying. I wont leave the fandom now, but im not the same anymore. Listening to shinees or jjongs music is impossible, watching videos too. If you feel the same its fine. Just do whats right for you. Im just here feeling happy for the others and hoping that theyre feeling better slooowly each day a little. Just like i hope it to be for everyone else.
If you came till here. Thanks for caring. Please take care of yourself, you are very loved. Life is hard, but not impossible.
Stay strong.
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your venting hour is probably closed already but. i got rejected by the two colleges and now my parents are just. extremely unsupportive. if i dont get accepted into at elast one colleges theyre kicking me out onto the streets and im not really scared more just. angry. they always say theyre trying to be good parents but this is literalyl the opposite and the reason why we never get along
I think you may have sent this to the wrong person? I never had a venting hour open, anon. Not trying to push you away, just letting you know in case you sent this to the wrong person! In any case, this came to me - so, hi LOL.
I get why you’re upset, this is a very harsh thing to hear. I don’t know your personal situation, which is why I’m going to recommend you talk to someone close to you. You’ve sent me this on anon, which means I have zero context on the above and it’s hard to respond.
That said, I don’t think you’re going to like my answer. When you turn 18, you’re legally an adult and are obligated to support yourself. I don’t know the full context on the above, but my parents said the exact same thing to me at your age. At 18 years old, I was either attending college or getting a job and paying them rent. That’s just life, anon. I agree with your parents, they’re teaching you to be self-sufficient and again, I don’t know how they’re communicating this to you (they could be communicating it in a harmful way) but the lesson itself is necessary. No one is going to hand-hold you through life. That’s not the job of your parents, they are not going to outlive you and you need to learn to support yourself. They’re also right in encouraging you to continue on with school, if you don’t know what you want to do. It is much, much harder to find a job in the real world without a college degree. Not saying this is impossible, or that you can’t be happy without one (some very well-paying jobs don’t require more than a high school education) but in general, it’s harder. I also know it’s hard, being rejected from the University that you want. For that matter, it’s hard to be fired from a job or let down at all, but the worst thing you can do is stop trying. Apply to a University a day, be tenacious and don’t give up. Be angry with your parents if you want, that’s fine. Family tends to argue, especially about things that are important. Then try and take a step back, see things from their perspective.
Sorry if you were coming into my inbox looking for sympathy/venting, anon. Truly wishing you the best, tons of luck in your future.
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ok, here is a full account of what happened yesterday and the new events from today. caleb if you are seeing this please respect my privacy and stop reading now
ok so it started the other day. caleb texted me at night saying he wanted to talk to me about something serious the next day. i asked what it was about and he said he just wanted to be friends but i didnt read too much into it bc he is impulsive so i figured he would come to his senses the next day
so then yesterday happened. i had just gotten out of sociology at like 10:40am and i saw that he had texted me all these things about breaking up. then when i got to my car he called me on the phone. he then proceeded to break up with me over the phone. his reasoning was that since hes prob moving in a few weeks, he wanted to stop being boyfriends now that way when he does leave itll hurt less than it would, so like easing himself out of the relationship basically. i think its a stupid idea
so these are the issues i had. the first was that he broke up with me over the phone, not even in person. and like i was crying over the phone and his tone was just like very cold and detached and business like and that really hurt me bc he obv knew i was crying but i didnt feel any sympathy from him whatsoever. like if he was crying i would obv be comforting him and trying to make him feel better not talking like a robot. another thing that hurt was that he gave up on the long distance relationship before we could even try it. it made me feel like i was so worthless and unimportant that he didnt even feel like putting forth the effort to make our relationship work. and the fact that he did this all over a 10 minute phone call on his way to the gym. and then like 20 min after he had the NERVE to post a video on his snap story of him at the gym saying “feeling so good *blushing smile emoji*” like that really hurt my feelings and when i told him that later he was like “oh stop making everything about you it was just how i was feeling after working out” but like? i know he obv wasnt saying that he felt so good about breaking up. but what bothered me was that like after he broke up w me, i was a mess i was literally crying all day and i couldnt do anything but cry i was so upset. and then here he is just going on with his day like its another normal tuesday. like the fact that he was capable of being so happy not even a few hours after breaking my heart made me feel like i was nothing, like it was just an errand like “oh im gonna break up with perry then go to the gym lol” and the fact that he did it over the phone just made me feel so insignificant like i was nothing to him and that really hurt. and like ive tried to be the best boyfriend i can be for him and i try to do everything he asks of me so for him to just break up with me in such a dismissive way makes it feel like he doesnt even care
so i was crying in my car, like really bad like i was BAWLING. so i went to the student counseling center and asked for a crisis meeting and i got set up w this counselor named josh. he was nice and tried to help me calm down and focus on orgo. it was nice to have someone to talk to i guess
so then i went home. he called me again to like try to explain himself but only made me feel worse. he was like “you know when i move im not gonna be able to see you everyday and cuddle with you and fall asleep on your chest anymore” and that just made me sadder and i was crying again on the phone. then later we were texting and he was like denying breaking up with me. like, you said you wanted to just be friends and you explicitly said that you didnt want to be boyfriends anymore so how is that not breaking up??? and he said “i was trying to have a conversation with you but all you did was cry.” with the period to show how serious he was. and it really hurt me when he said that bc it felt like he was mad at me and using me crying against me, like i somehow did something wrong by crying. again if he was the one crying i would not be holding it against him like that so i really wish he didnt say that bc it made me feel bad for being emotional which should not be something to feel bad about. and at the end of the call he didnt say i love you like he always does so that hurt my feelings as well
and like i took away the hearts from his contact name and changed my phone backgrounds since they were pictures of him and that just made me really sad
i skipped psych and anatomy lecture but i couldnt skip my anatomy practical. i cried when i was backing up my car to leave bc i saw the “hi <3″ that he wrote in the dirt on my back windshield a while ago and it just set me off. so i got to school and i was planning on having this be the dropped grade so i wasnt like worried but i got a 90 anyways so that was nice. the prof was like “perry whats wrong you look depressed” and i was like im just a little sad today and he was like why and i was like “bc my significant other broke up w me” (i used s/o bc idk how my prof is about those things so i didnt wanna say bf). he told me this story about how in his senior year of college he had such bad mono it was misdiagnosed as hodgkins disease so he was given 18 months to live and his gf of 4 years left him after finding out. so he told me “perry, girls are like a bus. if you miss one, another one will come along in 15 minutes. if i had daughters i would tell them the same thing about guys” so that was nice that he tried to cheer me up. then when i was leaving from the other room (bc we leave our stuff in the other room during the practical) the TA came to me from the main room and wished me luck on my finals so that was nice of him
so then i went home. then at 10pm i met w caleb in person in his car. we talked and at first he would not let me get a word in and he just kept defending himself and what also upset me was that he thought the reason i was so upset was that he was moving and he was so defensive like “i wish i could stay here but i have no choice i cant afford to live here its too expensive” and like that is not what upset me!!! i already knew he was moving ive had time to accept it what upset me was how he broke up w me for no reason w almost no warning and did it in such a cold way. and like the way i see it is since hes leaving instead of easing ourselves out of the relationship to stop us from getting hurt when he actually leaves (which wont happen bc itll hurt regardless), i figured we should make the most of our time together and enjoy each other as much as possible since we’ll have plenty of time to get over each other AFTER he moves. so when i told him my point of view he was like “i wish i thought of it like that, im really bad at this” so that was how i resolved the issue. he was hesitant about keeping the bf label but i told im i really wanted to and i didnt see a point in taking away the label now anyways. i also told him i at least wanted to try long distance instead of giving up before it even happens. i dont remember what he said to it though lol i was too emotional. but yeah the beginning of the convo just felt like he was berating me and i started to cry again bc i dont like it when hes rude to me like that
then he told me that im so sensitive i could see a squirrel in the road and cry and i had to explain to him that i am not a sensitive and emotional person! im normally v reserved w my emotions like ive only cried maybe 3 times the past 8 years and that im just emotional when it comes to him bc i care about him so much
another thing that bothered me was that he said every relationship teaches a lesson, and from ours he learned not to rush into things. i dont get that bc yes we did rush but that wasnt really a bad thing? like he wouldve moved regardless so taking things slow wouldnt have changed that. and like since we rushed into things it will hurt more when he leaves since we are closer than we would be if we took it slow but also like, if we didnt rush we wouldnt have gotten so close and had so much fun together in the first place. so imo the benefits of getting so close so fast vastly outweighed the pain of him leaving
so everything would be great except for this next part. he told me the easing out of the relationship thing was bc he got the advice to do that from his mom and leeann. so when i got home i made a post calling leeann toxic and his mom stupid for interfering in our relationship. and like yall can tell that obv i was kidding and just exaggerating for humorous effect like i dont really think his mom is stupid or that leeann was toxic, just that their advice in the situation was bad. but caleb texted me this morning being so rude calling me disgustingly disrespectful for saying that and he said that “next time you think about doing this remember how it felt when i dumped you (so he admitted that he did dump me) - and get those tissues ready” (since ive been using a lot of tissues since i was crying so much). that really really hurt my feelings bc 1. he is once again using me crying against me and 2. it shows a total lack of sympathy for me crying, like it felt like hell yesterday i was so upset and he knows that so for him to threaten to put me through that again just shows he doesnt really care about me or my feelings.
he also said i need to stop using him and leeann and his mom as “characters in your online stories” like...these arent online stories? this blog is where i vent and talk about my feelings since i dont have anyone to do that with irl and i need to get them out somewhere im not writing these posts to be mean it just feels good to put my thoughts into words instead of bottling them up and even my therapist thinks its a good thing for me to do
so he said that but i was NOT having it. i typed up a long text in response and even i admit it was kinda mean. like in his he said “dont even talk to me for the rest of the day” so at the end of my text i said “dont talk to me ever i am perfectly fine w never talking to you again the rest of my life so bye have fun in new hampshire or whatever” and he was like “perry stop you dont mean that last part” and then he called me and once again got defensive he said he was just trying to have a convo w me and i was being aggressive for no reason. like, no??? a convo would have been texting me like “perry i know its your personal blog where you post your feelings but this post upset me and this is why” not coming at me with 4 super rude texts out of nowhere. so he was trying to play the victim and paint me as irrational and that im overreacting just like he did yesterday and i didnt like it! he was just dismissing my feelings again. so i went OFF in this phone call like wow i really snapped and it felt good tbh
like i think he was just expecting me to sit there and take it and apologize like i usually do when he gets like this but i am done doing that! so i think he was caught off guard that i stood up for myself. i was like caleb i really dont care i have the most important orgo test of the semester today you already took yesterday from me but today i am not entertaining it if you have an issue call me after my test” and i ended the convo and hung up and then he texted me “good luck on your test” like ok hi king of passive aggressiveness
so thats it. i felt good at first but later on i felt bad so i texted him apologizing for snapping at him but i said i wont discuss the tumblr issue until we are in person. i asked if he was free tonight and he said no he wants a day or two to be separate and normally i would understand but like...hes moving in a few weeks i really dont want to waste time fighting and being in this weird place
not to be out of order but another thing that got on my nerves was when we made up last night. he said “once i move youll have more free time for things like school, work, maybe going to the gym” like once again here he is commenting on my appearance! like yes i know im scrawny and i wish i wasnt but im sick of him taking jabs at my looks like my body, acne, and eyebrows when i literally have NOTHING but nice things to say about how he looks. it makes me feel bad when he points out my flaws like that and a good boyfriend is not supposed to make me feel like that
now for the most recent development. leeann sent me this LONG fb message bc caleb told her what i posted about her. like why does he have to expose me like that! i didnt read the message i was like “yeah im not reading this but just so you know i was kidding i wasnt serious i was exaggerating lol” and she was like ok lol
i just dont know why she thinks i care about her input on MY relationship? like youre calebs friend not mine to be frank i dont give a fuck what you think about whats best for my relationship like you dont know me so mind your business
and thats another thing. in the past caleb has gotten pissed at me for sharing our business too much (by telling my friends (who he will literally never meet since they all went away for school) and by posting on here) yet here he goes telling leeann everything! seems hypocritical to me
and heres a second thing. i have always told caleb that my blog is my personal space where i can safely vent and talk about my feelings and that he should respect my privacy by not reading my personal posts. and ive told him that if he does wanna read them then hes doing so at his own risk bc im not going to filter myself bc this is MY space not his so if he really wants to overstep his boundaries and look at my posts then he cant get mad at me for them bc HE is the one choosing to read them even after my warning! so i dont think he should be getting mad at me especially when i was in such an extreme state of mind yesterday since he put me through the worst day of my life for no reason which literally couldve been 100% avoided if he had just waited to talk to me in person instead of breaking up w me over the phone. and like now i feel like this isnt even a space place for me to express myself anymore since theres a chance of him seeing. and i tried blocking him before but he made a new blog and wont tell me the url so i cant block him smh
so yeah thats everything that happened. im kinda stressed rn w this whole leeann drama even though he shouldnt have been reading my posts in the first place. like its just so much drama and i dont like how it feels and idk why this relationship turned sour so fast and i wish he would just be nice and sweet to me again. so hopefully things get better
#this is so long omg#if any of you actually read all of this or even just skim it i love you <3#personal
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I'm slowly growing towards my breaking point. I hate talking about matters like this, but it matters now because I don't give a fuck at the moment. At times, I don't mind being the good guy and that's a good thing. It's always good to do the right thing. Sometimes they're even right wrongs as they are wrong rights. After these past few months, it's been making me believe I don't want to be the good guy anymore........ I don't want to be nice. I don't want to be causal. I don't want to feel concern, bothered, show sympathy, be merciful, I don't want to be someone's escape or outlet anymore because I DO NOT CARE. Ok? (I am in the heat of the moment, so to those who read this who know me personally, please don't target yourselves from own current misery.) I'm just like shit. Everything's going fine for everyone else, yet I'm still trying to swim through this ocean of everybody else's perils. The fucked up thing about it is that I don't have a problem, but the problems of those around create those problems and those problems grip grab stab attack decimate and just rip me apart, even though, I'm minding my own fuckin business and I'm doing what I see to be right as well as always doing the right thing, but it's never enough and I don't understand. What does it take? Does it really take me out of the picture just to have some moment of happiness or are their hidden emotions? What do they really feel about me that I don't know? What is wrong with me that I have a problem that I'm oblivious to? Is what I do not good enough? Do my words really mean nothing and just based off the present moment of they view me, I will never matter meet some imaginary standards do the right thing just follow the rules listen somehow I'm wrong though out this situation or situations despite that I'm the victim that no one shows empathy or empathizes with. It's always ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME MY PROBLEMS ARE MORE SERIOUS THEN YOURS GROW UP THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU YOU NEED TO SEE YOUR THERAPIST IM SICK OF YOU YOUR PROBLEMS ARENT AS IMPORTANT AS MINE YOU NEED TO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER GET A LIFE A GF GET A JOB WHY DONT YOU PAY FOR ANYTHING WHATS WRONG WITH YOU. Ok. Oooooooooooooooooook. I always question myself with how I just deal with these things, how I put it with it, how I don't off the deep end and just let off everything inside of me. So it's wrong of me not to pay for anything but I must keep giving more and more and more until I have no more and that's the right thing????? Is that really how people are about things like this even family? All of you, people, associates, friends, family, loved ones, you are all SELFISH. Just pure emotion, no logic or even type of understanding. It just makes me want to you know what? Don't even worry about it.......... I just wanted simple shit out of this year that was going good for me: a job longer then 2 months. An apartment and a car. Working on my dream like I always do and care. Especially what I think about all the time, I just want to fall in love. There. That's it. I could less if I was famous and well appreciated, but I wish I was that well appreciated right now but I'm not and never had been. It's like people never tell me these things like I've done a good job I love you you did good I'm proud of you you mean so much to me you are wonderful, I NEVER RECEIVE THESE THINGS AND THESE ARE JUST MERE WORDS THAT I HAVE BEEN FOR FOR YEARS NOW AND EVEN RIGHT NOW. I do soooooooooooooooooo much for the ones I love and it never gets what it deserves. Hell, I hardly receive rewards nor am I congratulated. I'm surprised I haven't gotten an award for not being acknowledged at all or known about this subject to other people. I will never stop loving who I love. I want and wish for great things to happen to them and even everyone I never even fuckin met right now. I always wish I had someone to check in on me, see how I'm doing, actually show the regard and feelings and the consideration instead of their selfish needs or can I have money can you do this why don't pay for this you need to start eating more. I just want to be loved. I want to date. I want to fuck. I want to have a big family with no regrets and just an honest dream fulfilled future just to make up for the things I don't have right now when I really needed now or growing up. That's what more important to me then being famous. I'm not greedy. Money ain't shit to me but I will never trade friends family or the one I love for anything else. That's the grandest treasure and my life changed 7 years ago. Even if I don't have the current person I'm talking to right now, I can accept it as it is and not a loss because the thought alone is but a beautiful life if we were together or not. It just wasn't meant to be. It's crazy because I'm taking my old love about my new love. I can't wait for the days when I hear I love you shon. I can't fuckin wait. I go through so so so so much bullshit with everyone and everything and I complain bitch moan groan die but I never quit on shit or people. I can't wait until I mean that much to someone. I can't wait until I hear and feel those words for real and it's not just hollow. I always lose but you lose something to gain something. But that day will end I can actually put a stop to it by my own terms and I will never doubt how I will do these things because I know my flaws. I know when I'm wrong, I know I'm an idiot, I know I'm probably a lot of things that you hate love resent pity empathic just can't believe it can you? Mom I love you but you can be the worlds number 1 bitch that really makes me want to flip the world or apartment upside down. I love you but if you cross lines that I wouldn't I will start fires that Travis couldn't stop. Dad you will always be grade one supreme lord man whore of all dumbass whack stupid motherfuckers dads on this fuckin planet. Tyrae always breaks boundaries and the laws of physics but you take the cake because you were before you fuckin dumbass. I honestly love my parents enough to say this crazy shit. You only love someone so much to the point where you want to kill them but you know it's real and you're not really out for blood. To my old best friend Byron. WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BROTHERS WE'RE SUPPOSED TO FRIENDS NOT ENEMIES WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO US TO YOU TO ME THIS IS NOT THE PERSON THE MAN THE FRIEND THE BROTHER THAT I MET WHO CHANED MY FUCKIN LIFE 7 YEARS AGO DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT MAKE ME REGRET THAT SHIT I LIVE A LIFE WITH NO FUCKIN REGRETS NOW AND IVE BEEN ON A FUCKIN ROLL DESPITE ALL THE BULLSHIT THATS STILL BEING THROWN OUT AT ME EVEN THE SHIT YOU THREW YOU FUCKIN IDIOT YOU DUMBASS WHY WOULD YOU EVER DO THAT SHIT TO ROB YOUR ACTUAL BROTHER YOUR OWN MOTHER AND THE REST OF YOUR FAMILY WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO ABANDON WHAT YOU USED TO BELIEVE IN HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO US TO TRAVIS TO ME YOUR SISTER MORE IMPORTANTLY YOUR BROTHER DO THESE WORDS SOUND VIOLENT OR LIKE FIGHTING WORDS TO YOU DO YOU REALLY THINK I WANT TO HURT YOU OR ANYTHING THAT YOU THOUGHT OF I ONLY WANT ONE THING AND THATS MY BEST FRIEND BACK BUT THATS TOO MUCH ITS ALWAYS TOO MUCH WHEN I ASKED FOR SHIT. Rose I love you but I can hold on until the year is over and after that, I will make the journey to see who else is like you or someone more otherworldly. I can't go any further with these feelings because there isn't much to feel anymore and we both only know half the battle. When we talk, it's like we're already married and we're trying to fix things but I only sound much more insane because I only dream and think of these nice things together when in reality we're our own people and we know who we are. But it's time you finish what you started. I hate being angry. Sometimes by my expression I can't tell if I'm positive but I know I'm friendly honest cheerful and happy with myself because throughout all that I've written out just now you know I went and I'm going through a lot just to be like this and this calm. If I shatter if I break if I fall I will put myself back together build myself kill myself to be different then what I was before. (Not literally kill myself but figuratively.) "sighs" If anyone reads this, all I have to say is thank you for understanding or I gave you a show I hope you enjoyed it.
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chaha,, this is why i ended up crying on the sidewalk at 12am outside of a public event i’d brought a ticket for because i wanted....... i thought we both wanted to go........ she told me she was in the city then suddenly she says she realized she was actually in longisland and about 2hrs away from the city........ even when.
i thought were going to do something fun together again for once, since it’d been so long...... i sai d i wanted to go see it and she said she wanted to come and i told her where i was.. she has a car and i took the train which is a lot slower and; she never responded? we used to talk for hours.. then about an hour, or a little more than an hour away? maybe 2? from when the event was soupposed to start she told me she was hanging out in a lounge with some of her other friends. drinking and partying? i was nt mad she was enjoying herself but i was peevedshe didn’t even tell me she was back in the city.... even if that was the case that she ever wasn t omg... it wasso close to when the even was soupposed to start. there’s no cell service in the subway and my phone was abt to die. i texted her asking, i don’t remember? omething about the event.i think i told her i was an hr away from it and since we were both in different places and w diff. transportation situations... she took so long to respond... my phone was about to die.. im so fucking easy to fool lmao, i was curled up in the corner of a room after i finally walked in the event charging my phone for 2 hrs (the event was 3 hrs) waiting for anything... she always lets her phone die when shes out late at night. my phone was on 1% so i thought maybe hers was too so i stopped thinking about it and just sat at the bar and listened to the music. i think my last text to her was “are you coming?” i woke up in the middle of the day the next day and there was just still no response.. i should have expected this. she’s been so cold lately. she probably just realized what a fucking mess and a burden i was and that she didn’t have to do that once she saw how normal people acted towards each other. she probably didn’t want to deal with the stress......she was being nice about it and i was being an idiot. last time we hung out i pointed out that there was this function in manhattan while we were in queens after getting something to eat, we spent all day in queens until she led me into a dunking donut and sat down and we sat there for hours. she said she had to charge her phone. she had a portable charger. right before this she kept telling me how tired she was and how she wanted to go home and i protested but then i was like... ok thats fine ur tired lets go to ur car and i’ll see u off but she told me she’d parked really really far away.i didn’t mind, she was the last person whose company i enjoyed. i was so scared of the idea that she wanted nothing to do with me. we stayed in that fucking donut shop for hours. i was tired too so i got a double expresso so we could hang out like we’d sai we’d do.... like i’d traveled 2hrs for to do.... she didn’t even talk to me almost the entire time, she was jst staring at her phone. maybe complaining about how i wouldn’t take a hint. i don’t even know who those ppl r she never told me anything about them besides the fact that some of them were older than her and they went out drinking together often. she sounded like she really liked them. i didnt care that she had other friends whose company she enjoyed so much... it made me happy to see how well she was doing after hs. god im such a fool. i’m so fucking stupid im literally fucking retarded. she;d been acting weird and distant for months. i thought that was just what is was like watching your hs friends grow up when u two were in completel different situations but there were so many times where i’d toss all my plans to prepare to travel/hang out w her just to show up and suddenly she didn’t have the time bc she had something she had to do that ...just so happened to be starting like 10 minutes after i’d traveled all the way across manhattan to see her... im a fucking idiot. she probably decided she didn’t like me anymore a long time ago after nothaving to deal w me every day and was probably trying tolet me go easy by letting me chose not to make the same dumb decisions over and over but i was so desprate to hold onto her bc no one else talks to me. an y sane person wouldn’t have stood up for that... and some times i did say to her that what it wasn’t cool to call me over and say we should hang out only to tell me she’d have to bail for an interview or something she was scheduled for like a week b4 we met up or something. she never responded to those texts. i was so scared she would decide she was mad at me and done dealing with me so i never mentioned them again even though it fucking hurt. i felt like a toy being tugged around when she got bored but immediately threw away when something else, something more important than leisure of course, came up. i dont know how to make friends. looking back on it, were we even really best friends like i thought? we were only friends for a year, maybe that wasn’t enough? i enjoyed her comapny... and S’s comapny, and sometimes A’s company so much... especilly when we were all thogether even if it was just in class. maybe im just being inconsiderate and i cant see why so im jumping to conclusions bcfrom my point of view i’m?? everything hurts again. im always the fucking dummy, the crazy psycho weirdo that even the nicest ppl could see needed to be put down before it hurt anyone or them. even someone as blind as me can see it in their fucking eyes. they get wide, they back up a bit or hunch their shoulders and stop talking and my fucking dumbass just walks forward and keeps running my dumb mouth bc all i think of it is ‘oh! what happened? they wont be able to hear me from that far away i’ll walk closer and keep taling’ ad now im just afucking angry loser screaming like a fucking toddler on the floor about how unfair the world is when the truth is nobody deserves to fucking have to deal with me. mr g was right to fucking hate my entitled guts. ms garia was right to fucking hate my guts too while putting on a huge fake grinthat i just saw as proof that what i thought she was probably thinking of me was just my outlandish brain trying to make me feel like the entire world was fucking against me when in reality that wasn;t the case when in reality that was the case because they have a fucking reason to be. even though i wasbeginning to ate my uncle for basically cornering me all the time and listing off all the ways he thought i was stupid and disgusting and a pain to have around wasn’t he fucking right? it i it cant just i cant just run around being offended by everyone in the world and giving them the silent treatment-- even if i thought i was giving them space,how could they fucking know??
there probably isnt a person on this planet that would feel sympathy for my fucks. ed up situation because they suddenly have to deal with treating this entitled stupid bitch super delicately least she hurt them. i don’t even know what i do to hurt them, but i do it anyways. im 100% sure that its just by being me. my mother always fucking screamed at me since i was little how much of a curse i was on her. i can’t imagine my brother came out of nowhere with what he was thinking when he stomped upstairs and choke slammed me against my fucking bed and screamed in my face while he shook me and stepped on my laptop after i took my food back. he called me ungrateful. he yelled it to me straight in my ear as if to force it into my head. i don’t even remember being ungrateful?? he talked about brining home food he let me eatallthe time like white astle but i thought i’d always expressed my gratitute but maybe i didn’t?? i don’t remember. i always felt like id din.
there’s a fucking REASON why EVERYONE i meet thinks im a fucking liar and more than worthy of their distain and being put in my place whether it meant i’d get my feelings or my fucking face hurt. everyone wants me to apologize to my brother. and my mother. everyone thinks im being an unreasonable cunt. EVERYONE in my family has shown distain or disapointment in me. it doesnteven fucking matter that i was ableto get into one of the best schools in the country. now i just get even more people outright avoiding me or confronting me bout how much of a fucking disgrace they think i am. my fucking exsistance is always a major fucking burden on everyone around me. it just keeps happening again and againandn again and i keep trying to change but the cycle never stops. it doesnt matter how good of a persn i run into, after having to deal w me for a few weeks they’ll start pushing me out of the way if im walking too slow or step on my toes or avoid me and talk about me behind my back. i can imagine it.... i’ve always told myself i was wrong and oerthinking myself but it always turns out to be true and its always worse than i imagned they’re always way more pissed off at me for my bullshit and that hurts more than any ~over anxious thinking~ i could tell myself. they dont deserve to have to deal with a fucking demon like me but im fucking human too and it hurts so fuking bad. i an see how much they hate me or are pissed to have to put up with me. my uncle told me a few weeks ago that he wish i knew how much he wanted to fucking hurt me when he came back to his apartment and saw the mess i made... i swear to god i was letting the fucking meat defrost... it was 1am bu i was up the entire time; i was making burgers. there were two and the first one was fucking raw and frozen on the inside despite deforsting it in the microwave. he asked me over and over again when school was starting again. i wanted to cry at how obvious it was he wanted me fucking out. i thought i just had bad luck witht my mom but that made me realize it wasn’t fucking bad luck it was all my own fault. probably from the very beginning. i couldn’t help that i didn’t want towash the dishes then and did eveything i ould to get out of it with her. i couldn’t help that even though i did wash the dishes and cleaned up after myself that i let everything aroun d me get so bad before i did something about it. back then i just didnt want to do it and i thought it was unfair that i was always the one to clean the dishes all the time while tony only had to tae out th e trash once a week or so. every time she told me to get off my ass and wash the dishes it was so fucking full it made me mad that i was cleaning up after everyone else. and every time i pointed that out of course both of them were aginst me. she and he told me in their own ways they bot h thought it was only fair.
that fucking bitch. she wasn’t even anywhere close to fucking proud when i got into columbia. her voice was flat the entire time, i tried to get her excited so hard. i knew she cared about money, i told her how much money a school like this could help me make and it was basically fucking radio scilence. and i wasn’t even anywhere comfortable, i was at this place in brooklyn (fucking brooklyn, fuck brooklyn) for this other girl i’d just become friends with (that’s a lie, i dont become friends w ppl idk how she just picked me up like a dog off the dtreet. she told me she liked to do that with people once)and this new teacher that got so pissed at me when i wandered off like i wasn’t fucking 30 days off from being 18 years instead of 8 years old... my heart was singing. i’d finally gotten into my dream school and she didn’t care, and then she didn’t care either. they were both probably so fucking annoyed it hurt ind ifferent ways i didnt want to talk about it anymore. i wanted to hug everyone around me, for the first time in so long i felt like my world lit up in a billion colors and i could finally be happy iforever but it was like... no one felt the same way. i get a bigger reaction from strangers who can briefly relate to me off of some superficial shit all the time than i did. i’d lost that feeling after that. it went from winning the lottery to just another academic achievement that nobody but me and a few other poor souls that probably had to feel obligated to say something nice even gave a shit about. those types, i cant even imagine im an entire person to them. i’m just some symbol of like... society as a whole not being... fucking i dont know,? even this sounds fucking arragont and hell coming out my my mouth nowthat i type it out... lmao mr. g just gave me this fucking look after the announcement took place for the rest of the year. i wanted him to acknowledge that he was wrong about me so bad, haha, that he was wrong to hate me but of course why would being the first student in the history of our shitty fucking school to even get in shitting distance of an ivy league mean anything to him? he probably figured i got in bc i was black, and poor and using that + lies to trick the adoffiers to let me in. ms garcia too. she would hardly speak to me after that. her eyes seemed to burn whenever i met them. i... never thought that they were wrong, i couldn’t shake the enthusiasim i’d lost inside of me after the other day. i( can’t imagine they thought i was anything less than absolutely coddled and spoiled athome while my entire family stroked my ego and did my every bidding since it would probably explain why i acted the way i did in class and schooli guess. fuck i cant even remember more than half the shit i did in hs.)but wasn’t going to just so happen to speak about how great if feels to know that i was probably going to be set for life, for a great fanatastic life, when they were alwyas just barely keeping their mouths shut from calling me a a fucking retarded entitled cunt every time i opened my mouth and it pissed them off.
god no wonder they hated me. im losing my train of thought. i hate myself. i hate myself so much. i don’t even know wit when im hurting other ppl andyeti was always this self righteous bastard who claimed i only cared about others bc i did community service (that no one ever saw since i didn’t do it in school.... so it would be easy to just think that im just a lyingbitch trying to get attention and shit i dont deserve.... like w this admission offer lol)
everyone whose nice to me eventually learns it was a fucking mistake.i seethe way people look at me so clearly now, but still its neveruntil its too late i still dont fucking know what i do to piss everyone around me off all the time. everyone i figured was pretty smart around me always tended to avoid me or get angry at me for no reaosn i could explain. lmao. andr saw it too, she couldn’t stand being around me after a certainpoint. i dont have friends. ive never had friends like everyone else had friends. just fucking sympathizers (”why do you even speak to her?” just someone looking out for someone they loved when i did some dumb shit to them) i wish i had a knife so i could slit my throat right here. maybe then someone will read it and understand that i dont mean it but onestly would they?? am i getting anything less than i fucking deserve?? it doesnt matter if i don’t like it, i’m always brining fucking painful unnecessary bullshit into people’s lifes and make even the kindest people want to fucking rip my guts out for it. there’s a noose tied up to my closet right now but i please just please don’t want to suffer anymore.i dont want toknow what its like to be homeless, but idid this to myself. i’ve always fucking did this to myself. all my shit is password protected. i want to see myself as a martyr so bad but a martyr wouldn’t try and force someone to read this shit and try and make them feel bad for shit they barely had anything to do with that im just trying to drag them into bc i want to feel good about myself, and they only was i an accomplish that is by making other people feel bad?? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
a few weeks ag i told myself i wouldn’t do it in my dorm because i didn’t want to make other people comfortable. i dont want anyone to come and see my body next to the fucking pigsty i always seem to create wherever i go. i dont want them to have to see my half naked body, but i didnt have any clean clothes. clothes... i jsut spent over 100 on some fucking jeans and a denim jaket bc i wanted it even though i can’t really afford it. me bac k on my bullshit again, of course.oh my god oh mygod. fucking hell god dammit. but isnt this nothing less than i desevre anyway? for making so many poor innocent people have to endure my fucking insane ly uncomfortable awkwardness and the natural hellfire that surrounds me and i was born with and burns everyone around me except for me. is it really so objectively terrible when they burn me back?? they don’t know that i dont have any idea what im doing. they dont know what goes on in my head. i learned to destroy my own feelingsand shut down my human reactions while i was livnngin that hell hole........the second hellhole i came from,theone here on earthnot the one ispwaned in lol.
i really dont even want to hink about the anger the peoplewhove trulygotten to know me will go through if i did die like this. everyone around them will be superifcially mourning and they wouldnt be able to say anything bad, haha~ about me because of the social pressure or w.e, they’dprobably feel terrible themselves because i know even thoughthey hate me and hurt me or want to hurt me or lie to me to hurt me or laugh ifthey make me flinch they’d probablyfeel bad about how glad they feel and should feel for having thishorriblehellcritter whipe herselfoff the face of the earth. and everyone elsewill think im pathetic, of course. so many people already know howpathetici am. theyll ust roll their eyes in annoyance and grumble how i did everything to deserve the shit i went through, and that it was pathetic how i canttake half the shiti dish out.then they;ll go on with their lives nd i’ll be dead and forgotten and the world can cheer silently that im finally gone.
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“Catherine” - EPISODE 3

Honestly I'm me believing Seamus when he tells me everyones voting for Shea and I end up putting some cocky ass confessional that looks absolutely dumb now because he didn't go. I'm. Just. Sad. I should've known better whew. Anyway I need a swap or something, like I need new people and ones that actually wanna form solid alliances because literally nothing is happening here and I'm too eager to just sit around...Anyway...Send help...And wish me luck.

my game consists of nothing but doing what amanda & kait tell me to do.. D: im sorry i'm a flop i've just been real busy....if i make it to merge i'll start playing then

My tribe is doing that. I survived our first tribal council, and got myself into a majority. I literally told everyone they're the only person I talk to lol I love people quitting like honestly my aesthetic is people leaving without me having to do anything. Who's next?!

So I went from winning two immunities to getting second to last! Ahaha at least I might not look like a threat! Right after rhea was announced as immune I went to working making sure I was safe I talked to rob, Amanda, rhea, kait and Emma to get Steven out! If all goes well I'll be safe and we can move on to the next challenge

Honestly this Matilda thing isn't so bad. 1, I'm in Chicago so it's hard to participate depending on the challenge. 2, as long as the vote goes as planned this time having everyone vulnerable for the next ones allows my alliance to vote out who we want. Seamus should be going tonight which makes me sad because he is really cool and awesome to talk to. But because of the reactions from last vote it's the best move. Hopefully the game changers continue to dominate. But ya never know with this game.

WHEW me getting out in the first round? I believe it. Relatable content. I'm so hungover and I don't have the patience to figure out the vote. I think it's Seamus, but I need to check in with people, but I'm also trying to not fucking vomit.

Alright so I'm kinda sad I flopped in the challenge, both winning/losing it....And now no matter what we're all vulnerable next round thanks to the lovely Matilda so everything is just lovely. On the bright side Kait told me she found the idol so Queen! As of right now I think I'm in a good spot and as far as I know the vote is between Shea and Seamus. I really want Shea to go because I trust Seamus! Like he really got screwed over last vote and I'm shocked people handled that so poorly!? Like don't make people believe something's the vote when it's not!?!? I literally thought he knew about the split but then Lily told me she didn't tell him about it and just let him vote Shea like......Why would you do that...So now I'm a bit nervous about Lily but I think I can trust her for now. That's about it for now but I'm gonna try everything I can to make sure Seamus isn't caught in the crosshairs here.

so last round these mcfucking liars of tribemates told me they were all voting shea but then voted veronica and didnt tell me :/ so i kinda had to play catch up and guilt a few of them so they wouldnt target me this week. i believe again that sheais going home this week but im p sure im getting some votes

So it sounds like shea is going tonight? Which is cool with me because he hasn't been talking to me much recently. I wasn't sure about Seamus because of how the last vote went but it seems like Seamus and I are good. I just don't want any flippers going into a merge tbh. Haha. But honestly people will flip shit will go down and we just wanna go in with the best tribe possible. Also this Matilda thing? Might actually be okay if we have the same tribes tomorrow. I'm worried we will have a tribe swap and all of the tasi people won't be able to get immunity so we will all get voted out. I'm glad I don't have to do a challenge while I'm in Chicago tho so that's good. Hopefully everything works out and I don't get too much anxiety.


I think I orchestrated my first vote ever and it was amazing. I got out Sam, screw him, he's the worst and I bet he didn't care about the game. Now I want Steven gone, cause... who's Steven? He seems snealy too. I think I might go too, so I'm not cocky.

I hate everyone still. This tribe is boring AF. Rob goes and tells everyone last night about his plan to vote Steven this vote, which is fine by me bc I didn't even know there was a Steven on our tribe!!!!! However like Darian and Amandie (they will be referred to as that from here on out) came to me about it also after. So okay Rob I see you leaving me out until TODAY!!!' Freak. Anyways, I'm fine with him thinking he's some kind of kingpin for now til I decide I'm tired of doing what I'm told hehehe

So I won immunity!! https://media2.giphy.com/media/1ofR3QioNy264/200.webp#4 I can't believe I actually won an immunity! And so, here I am just like, https://media4.giphy.com/media/qGmYKpdCVoXu0/200.webp#8 I don't like that Darian is calling all the shots! https://media.giphy.com/media/vouHgfse1v7cA/giphy.gif I want him to go soon, but I forsee him easily making the merge which scares me.

I CAN FINALLY VOTE!!!!! London Tipton voice "YAY ME" *clap clap*

So I go to do the deep challenger thing and....they say get past level 4 on what's inside the box. I was like okay, but then I realize, I played this game literally yesterday for fun and I was like oh okay, and then I realize I chose some pussy shit lol

From what I can tell...The plan is to leave Kelsey out of the loop which is so stupid. I don't know why these people want to ostracize so many people from votes like they did it with Seamus last vote with no valid reason!?!? I know Kelsey felt sympathy for Shea last vote which is making people nervous so that makes a little bit more sense but like...I just don't feel comfortable leaving people out of the loop? Ugh. This is just too much.

Okay so my confessionals have sucked and I'm sorry. Lily, Liana, Dan, and I are all in an alliance and we've decided who's getting voted out every round and this time we'e going for Shea. Last time he got wind that his name was being thrown out there even though it was the decoy name and he went OFF!! LIKE HE WAS CRAZY FREAKING OUT AT EVERYONE! And during the first vote he was throwing out EVERYONE'S name! He threw out mine, Christine's, and Carson's and those are just the ones that I heard about. Who knows who else he was saying. So his messy ass has got to go. I think we might be swapping soon and I don't want to get stuck with someone who's going to throw me under the bus the first second they get to save themselves. So I also got to go to that Challenger Deep thing. IT FUCKING SUCKED! I HATED IT! I picked level 25 because I think hey that's pretty deep and the deeper you go the harder the challenge but the bigger prize! TOO BAD THE PRIZES WAS A FUCKING PUNISHMENT! Now no one from my tribe can compete in the immunity challenge next time and I feel awful. If we stay in these tribes then it'll make it easier to just vote out Kelsey but if it's a swap we're all fucked because of it.

I....Might've caved and told Kelsey the plan. If this backfires.....I'm dead. I just felt so bad like Kelsey didn't deserve to be left out, you know? Don't let me down Kelsey, don't let me down.

Im just doing this so I dont get a strike

Girl. Hold my hair...this week was too much. Coming off of Veronica's elimination, I was feeling so good for Shea and I. It seemed like we have finally found some leverage in the competition and I was ready to run with it. However, when I checked in today and saw a severe lack of people wanting to talk strategy, I knew something was up. Winning immunity was amazing and I don't regret that for a second but I think it softened my reaction time a little bit. I think the biggest challenge for me in this game is actually pushing myself out there. I'm usually very confident in my facade of being a harmless player letting me be subtle in my moves but I don't think that's the case at all anymore. If you don't speak up, you're outspoken and...that showed this week. It's a deadly balance that you have to find and on the tribe this week, it just didn't work for me. Originally, Shea wanted to do Seamus but lil' ol me thought we could get out another person who's a threat such as Liana since Seamus still makes an effort to talk to me. When it came to the votes and convincing others...not many people wanted to strategize with me and that was a definite problem. The only people who kept it real with me- or shall I say person- was Catherine. (Host Note: Whom??) THAT is something I appreciate more than anything. I thought that Lily would but unfortunately she was "out" the whole day. Girl...get a grip. Catherine (???) would definitely be the only person I cling to in the competition IF we were still together but...we. Merged. DEAR JESUS AND LORD ABOVE, THANK THE HEAVENS!!! I know I'm not going to be able to win immunity, but at this point, I could care less. This is definitely something that came at just the right time. I was at the bottom of my tribe and I know a few people are still going to be coming after me, especially coming off of my immunity win. However, I'm giving this week everything that I've got. While I doubt more and more I was the real mastermind of eliminating Veronica, the reason why I was prominent in that elimination was because I was bold. Not aggressive, just bold. I think if I can harness that quality again, I can breakthrough another one. Tasi is OVER, darling. Liana is already fuming despite her attempts to cover it up. There are people from Tasi that I bet will never talk to me again now that we're merged. Everything I want, I've definitely got to work myself for. Basically, it's what I expected it to be being a new player; it's me working for myself now. Now's the part where veterans who know each other and people with connections outside of this game start linking back up. It's up to me to start really wedging myself in. I want to give people a reason to vote out anyone BUT me. And at this point, now that Shea's gone, I'm going Open Season on all of these hookers. Miracles are hard to do, but if I did it once, I can do it again. I REALLY want to show these people what I can do. I came to slash throats, save my family and wear ugg boots. And if I have to do it from scratch? Christina, bring me the axe; NAAAAAOOO!!!! Wish me luck! Sincerely, Canada's Self Proclaimed Favourite; Kelsey Mikaelson~!
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