Survivor: Mariana Trench
107 posts
The 11th Pacific Islands Series Season
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
“I made a new friend, his name is Bruce.” - Episode 7
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Dear Chrissa, How are you fake?! Girl, I love you, but in games, I can't do it. Every damn time we try and play together, I want to give you a chance, but time and time again you prove to me why the hell I vote you out every damn time. You're a snake who can't lie. Signed Rhea 
So yesterday, I go up to Chrissa, and like mention to her how I'm worried that I am the one who is going because people aren't talking to me (I lied). And she replies with "Oh, I heard Seamus." Now, take into account Dan came to me to tell me that Chrissa was debating between me and Seamus to vote out. So girl LIED to me! Like if you're going to lie, make sure you have your damn base covered. I know you were the other vote to get rid of me. GIRL BYE!
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I'm sorry but how did everyone finish those puzzles so quickly I feel.....dumb. I wasn't even trying to throw it. Anyway, I guess it's good to be a flop since it took me to the deep but I'm still.....shook.  At this point I feel like Kelsey is the obvious target but I'm hoping we can take out Liana so if Kait takes away her immunity it'll be beautiful. Kelsey is sketchy but I'll take a sketch over someone who doesn't talk to me any day.
Whew ok so guess who's not totally made up of bad luck!? Me apparently! I made a new friend, his name is Bruce. He's such a pal going off to the other tribe like I asked. Much nicer than Matilda if I do say so myself! Anyway, the plan looks like we're getting rid of Kelsey and I love Kelsey to death but I know the other target is Jenn so its like....I have one person who could self vote out of the game and another who will possibly go with whatever I, yeah. Plus this is the smarter decision because we've literally just been forcing the non-tasi members to vote each other out and if we continue to do that, we're in for a rude awakening when merge comes along. Plus I love Amanda, Luke and Jenn so losing them this early is no bueno. I'm also a little bit worried about what Billy could've got in the deep cause apparently he played a multitask game which is...the exact same game I played. And he supposedly went to 27 when I went to 22 so I don't have a good feeling about him. Hopefully it doesn't merge after this cause I don't have any good connections with anyone on Tasi except for Kait and Dan so I'm worried to say the least. But as long as me and Jenn are safe here for now, I'm good.
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...GIRL. Call it Dre hun. "THE B*TCH HAS FALLEN." SOOOO much has happened in the past...and I'm boiled. So I got votes at the last tribal. Funny. These people are frickin. RUDE. First of all. FIRST of all, these people say I don't talk to them? Ohhhhh my gosh. OOHHHHHH my gosh, NO. NO. I have talked to EVERYONE about their POINTLESS lives and the fact that THAT is what I'm being called? Girl, I have done NOTHING shady and the fact that THAT'S what's being called around? The only thing I can think of is that my association with Liana is the reason why I could be seen as shady. Liana has wanted this Tasi thing but has equipped ME to do all the gathering for it. At this point, I reaaaallly doubt it's because she "trusts" me. She better be careful though. The more I think about my situation, the more I feel like exposing her behind. I KNOW that I'm not the only who doesn't trust her and if Finite is split into two sides, I'd rather be in the middle of two than barely hanging on to one. I'm not here to tip toe around the bush until I'm burned from it, I'm here to be the one who sets it on fire. I was hiding behind this "nice person" front for so longing, I was totally and consciously rejecting the use of strategy. Well, honey. We saw where that got me. I'm all in. I've GOT to take this competition seriously and play harder, being nice is no longer an option. Friendship is OVER, darling. I'm not joking, B*TCH. My goal this week is to not only STAY, but to get the spotlight off of me and on to other people. Literally, when I survived the tribal, I got more people from TASI they're happy to see I'm still here. If I make the merge, I'm good! I just need to secure my spot in this competition, I've got to hustle before I can become comfortable again. I want to be here. I DESERVE to be here, I still feel like I've got people depending on me. And HENNY. I ain't finna feel like leaving! I'm trying my best to be proactive, I'm trying my best to slay faves!!! It'll be awful if people who want this twice as bad as me make it twice as far. My only solution is to be aggressive. Call me Jojo, I'm going to screw apologies and only say sorry if I mean it. When I tell you I'm looking to hit that top? Now you know. I am. NEIN ZEDD. I came to slash throats, save my family and wear ugg boots! This time, I'll ACTUALLY do it~! Wish me luck~! Sincerely, Canada's Self-Proclaimed Favourite, Kelsey Mikaelson!
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Well I voted Kelsey. I feel as though this may be the biggest mistake I will make. But I'm doing what people want and I hope it works out. 
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So I think/hope that Kelsey is going home tonight. He's really nice but he's kind of a loose cannon and has no clue what's going on in this tribe. He asked Lily and Liana to start an OG Tasi tribe alliance but didn't know that me or Christine should be part of it? Plus on the old tribe 90% of the time when we had a vote decided Kelsey would tell that person about it. It didn't really change the vote much but it was still frustrating and if he keeps doing it now that more and more people go to the deep it could be even worse. He could end up telling someone and they could have an idol or some other kind of power. That's just risky. Plus Lily clearly wants to keep him because he's just a vote for her. I really hope that these confessionals are like every other PI game I've been in and don't actually end up getting released but if they do I wanna preface this by saying, Lily I absolutely adore you and I think you're the sweetest, kindest, more awesome girl ever! But with that being said, I hate the way she runs around the tribe telling everyone how to vote and what to do. I don't even think she realizes she's doing it but she insisted that Sara go instead of Kelsey with the promise that Kelsey goes home next. So we all complied even though Liana and I wanted Kelsey gone and she kind of wouldn't really listen. So now that this vote came she really wanted Jenn to go and everyone is too afraid to tell her no. So Luke and I talked and decided we're making sure that Kelsey is still going with or without Lily's approval. Lily said that everyone, including Christine was okay with Jenn going but as soon as I talked to Christine she was like 'no I really don't want vote out Jenn' so we talk and agree that if we just vote Kelsey we'll be in the majority and Kelsey will go home. I had to let Liana and Lily know obviously but I just hope that they were okay with it because it's happening no matter what. Plus we don't want to look like a really tight group. We're going to come off really bad come a swap or merge if all 6 of us are still there when everyone else has lost people. Especially if we keep forcing Luke and Amanda to vote out people that they don't want to vote out.  Anyways yeah, I love Lily to death but whew she's so lucky that Luke and I promised Drew we would keep an eye on her otherwise I probably would have began planting seeds and trying to get something against her. I wonder if that's part of the reason I don't want Jenn to go? It would be smart to get rid of her but by voting out Kelsey I'm rebelling against the main powerhouse and taking away some power from Lily. So anyways, maybe I'm being messy maybe I'm being petty because I want all of the power or maybe this is actually the right decision. I don't know, we'll see what happens. 
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
“PI confessionals never come out anyways so no one will ever see this” - Episode 6
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So, Dan comes to me and asks me how I feel about Seamus, and I'm kind of just like, I have no feelings either way, cause I don't. Seamus says hi to me one day, I reply and then it's just radio silence. Dan then tells me that Seamus mentioned my name as the person to be voted off. And I'm just there like... Why would he want to go for me? I mean apparently it's because I'm "inactive" nah bitch, i just don't talk to you, because I don't need you! Also, in a game with no tribal immunity, wouldn't you want to keep slightly weaker people around? You know, to up your chances of winning? Also, I feel this gif is me: (Despite my winning of that one challenge lol) So, Dan suggests that we vote Seamus, and that he can get Kait and Billy to vote Seamus out. I mean, that is good with me honestly. I am totally good with Mr. Snake with no brain over me. I really want to be here so I hope this plan works. I think Rob will vote with Kait and myself, because he'd be kind of silly not to (I might do a confessional all about Rob, my King, and lowkey one about Kait too). I'll vote Seamus no doubt if it means I get to last another day! I want Seamus to be like after the tribal council tonight when his ass is non watered brown grass! 
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This twist isn't totally bad tbh. It makes things a lot easier in fact but again these people are sooo quiet it's honestly killing me. Like I honestly hate being the one to message everyone first like....I don't know if there's an alliance without me or what. But yeah, apparently Seamus is leaving on the other tribe which is unfortunate because I adore him so hopefully he found something useful in the deep and then Sara should be the one going on my tribe. Next round is gonna be difficult cause I'm gonna have to start sticking my neck out for Jenn, Amanda and Luke so I might have to lose Kelsey if this tribe twist stays in play....Whew.
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I don't know what's happening with this vote. It's hopefully either Sara or Kelsey but I'm not sure which one. I honestly don't care as long as it isn't me Luke, Liana, or Lily. Wow that's a lot of L's. Anyways. Yeah I hate this confessional rule. And I guess that's all. Oh Nick is back from Brazil and I'm happy about that and I'm telling everyone even though it isn't game related. Plus PI confessionals never come out anyways so no one will ever see this
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Alright so last round was a disaster. People are really pushing it tbh. Like....I love Amanda to death but I wish she would've told me what was happening. Like she complained to me the other day about people not letting her decide the vote or whatever and then she completely leaves me out of the loop like....OK. So I'm iffy on her and Luke right now but I need them to hopefully get Liana out this round. She has way too many connections I feel like and I think she's close to Lily so I wanna split that up so Lily and I can work together. Either way this is gonna be interesting. Low-key still trying to figure out who voted Amanda but if I had to guess......It was probably Kelsey. Also I'm super excited this is a sudoku challenge because I LOVE SUDOKU. If I lose this I'm gonna be so sad whew. And I feel like I might need to win it cause these people are way too quiet/sketchy/whatever.
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i hope i don't go yet i am okay glad dan is on this tribe i should have voted seamus i didn't know he was target #1 i heard seamus and rhea and before last night rhea never talked to me about PI so sorry rhea i love you but i was going with what i thought was the vote.
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
“Son of a BiSCuiT. “ - Episode 5
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You know what I just fucking love. Being on a  tribe with none of my allies in the game. That's so ideal to me. Like it makes me feel amazing knowing that if this stupid twist of individual immunity continues, I got screwed by a fucking tribe swap. I literally want to FUCKING DIE. 
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Good golly, Miss Molly! So much has happened today, where do I even begin? After immunity...the messages about strategy were surprisingly empty. I spent the whole day talking about trips to Chicago and American passports and, girl...I don't even CARE. I think the biggest thing I learned about this tribal is that...I don't really think anyone really knows what's going on. I think everyone is waiting for someone else to make the first move and I'm guilty of that to. I think this taught me a very valuable lesson: it's not about subtlety. It's about being direct. I think I can pull off still being direct while being open...girl, I HAVE to. I believe the demise of Darian occurred because, from what I gathered, he wasn't...flexible enough? But that brings us to another thing. Those hookers sending their confessionals are TOO MUCH! They're mouths move a mile per MINUTE!!! I didn't know a THING about why Darian was the vote but those confessionals taught my everything I needed to know. The first thing is that Darian was leading something and was overthrown. The second is that the girls are together. ...I'm not feeling that one, Maury. Girls working together is not good, mainly because I'm not in that. At this point, I feel like I'm just barely bobbing above the water and that I'm doing the bare minimum to not be considered for a vote. I've really got to be more careful about what I do in this competition. Especially after this particular vote...looking back on the past, between Darian and Sam, it would have been better for my game for Sam to have left. Like I said earlier, I really don't have good vibes from the original Tasi tribe. I...kinda want them all to bite the bullet now that Shea's gone, I'm not even sure if Lily's the most reliable ally anymore. My trust is shifting so much from person to person from that tribe. In an odd turn of events, my closest Tasi ally is Seamus. SEAMUS. Girl...that's a twist of fate if I ever saw one. But regardless, it's an empty victory with Darian leaving. Did I vote in majority? Yes. Do I like that Sam is still here? ...No. *sigh* Whatever. Tribe switch happens. Literally...oh my gosh. I'm literally with all the people that I talked the LEAST WITH. Seamus, Gabriel, Rhea, Chrissa, Jonny, Dan...THEY'RE ALL ON THE OTHER TRIBE!!! I'M STILL WITH LIANA. FOR F*CKS SAKE!!! The only people on this Finite tribe that I can trust are Sara, Lily and Amanda. THAT'S IT!!! Son of a BiSCuiT. The only thing that I can keep in my head is that everything happens for a reason. Maybe...this is the chance to strengthen old bonds? Or perhaps make crucial new ones? There's always something to look forward to in Survivor so...that's what I hoping for here! Liana said to me that there's a lot of old Tasi's on this tribe which she views as an advantage. Girl...I hate having to suck up to Liana but if something keeps me in the game, it keeps me in the game. If going back to Tasi to destroy it from the inside is what I have to do, honey, I will do it! I've got to get to that top and I really want to have a good representation of myself in this competition. I've got a lot riding on this competition, I don't want to lose! Plus, I've got Shea depending on me to do well so...I'm going to do whatever it takes to go far. At the end of the day, I'm here to slash throats, save my family and wear ugg boots. I'm going to do whatever it takes and I'm GONNA WIN! Oh with more than 3 minutes left on the clock. LOL! Wish me luck! Sincerely, Canada's Self Proclaimed Favourite~ Kelsey Mikaelson!
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Okay so WHEW. I truly did that huh. Well my friends on the other tribe did haha. I'm just really blessed to be here and to have my health. Jesus is good. God is good. Anywho, I'm really just trying to see how the vote is going on the other side because I need to make sure Amanda and Luke are safe. Amanda told me she got an idol from the deep, which is good because if Liana, Lily, and Sam try to go for her I can give her a heads up. I messaged Billy because he's someone I'd want to work with while over on this side. He's a strong competitor and a threat so I figured he could be a meat shield for me. I don't know what kind of implications this immunity win will have for me, but this hunty is safe and all these other hoes aren't.
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Whew ok so I'm high-key freaking out cause my tribe is an absolute ghost town. Apparently it's between Andie and Sara which is fine but like...I don't know if it's a definite thing? I've only heard back from Lily and Liana and so that's all I have to go off of...I know Kelsey and Jenn will vote whichever way so we have the numbers I'm just nervous of Andie might've found anything in the deep. I don't know if Sam has anything or if she's even back for that matter......So yeah. I wish Dan and Seamus were here but I just hope they're safe for now. I'm lucky to have a Tasi majority here so hopefully things work out the way I think they will!
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Last round was lit! Darian started throwing my name out but his messy ass asked so many people who I was aligned with or am friends with and stuff so I had like 3 or 4 different people come to me and tell me he's throwing my name out so I went to work and got people to help me recruit other people and get Darian out. It was awesome. So this round I didn't really talk to people too much but I went to the Challenger Deep and I did level 1 which got me a sneak peek at another level so I did level 19. There's some power there that will help me save an ally or something! All I have to do is get 4K on snake. [insert extreme Ciera eyeroll gif] I hate so much honestly. I couldn't do it. I had to give up and get back to my tribe because I need to know the vote. I guess it's gunna be Andie with a few on Sara just in case? I don't know I'm just glad it's not me. 
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so im feeling fine, like i thought id be smooth sailing through this vote bc emma and rhea are inactive but i think my name is starting to come up. i made an alliance with dan. and kait and i are also close. but thats basically it. ik dan is friends with everyone but hes all i got!
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Literally Emma can fuck right off. Calling me a back stabber? Where in our conversation did you see us align? I remember talking about the state of Oregon. I didn't realize Oregon was a code word for "LET'S MAKE AN ALLIANCE." Girl bye, I don't know you and you're cancelled. All kidding aside, I hope she's okay because I heard that she has had some personal life things going one. I wish her well. 
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Okay. I just want to say I love everyone. And every vote I make is no time personal. It is just to advance my game. I love everyone. 
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Ok...I like Andie....And I don't want Andie to go over Sara....It would help if Andie talked to me....But you know....It's a little too late to change my vote....I don't know what Kelsey's doing.....Amanda wants Sara to go.....I don't know what's happening at this point so if Andie has some crazy twist up his sleeve I'm gonna be happy and terrified and...Yeah. I'm a mess to say the least.
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
“I’d rather drown.” - Episode 4
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Sorry I haven't been here yet. But like wow, I've lucked out. I haven't been vulnerable yet. And just when I think I haven't got a shot, we merged with the people who I can potentially work with. This is what I needed. Friends. I can't wait for this. I need the me/Gabby/kait/jenn thing to work with the me/liana thing and I need to pull in Emma and amanda. And then we can take out all of the men. I'd be fine with that. I really would be. Ok, since not much has happened yet that's all I have to say. But stay tuned, I'm hoping it gets interesting. 
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My new tribe? My new tribe is everyone. Aka 21 crazy people! Jk I like a lot of these people and can't wait to get to know the people I don't know. 
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honestly this is gross, a 21 person merge makes me want to cry! I hope this is temporary! But I mean, there are plenty of great people on this tribe that I might like to work with 
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Ok! So it looks like telling Kelsey wasn't a complete bad idea! It looks like I'm the only one who mentioned Shea's name to her so she's grateful for that which is good. I feel like I'm slowly starting to take all these people left out of the loop under my wing, first Seamus and now Kelsey. Hopefully I can actually make something happen with this, especially with this 21 person merge!?!?!? I'm truly shook but I feel like I'm in a good position. I was on good terms with everyone on Tasi (with the exception of maybe Liana? Who knows where she stands tbh) and then I have Kait and Jenn as well so whew. I've talked a bit with Rhea and I feel like I can get something going with Chrissa and Amanda too so hopefully this immunity disadvantage won't hurt me too much.
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I've got there minutes before midnight so ill make it short: dogs bark the loudest when they are scared. That's all! :)
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I'm very upset about not being able to compete because apparently it's making us a target and it's all my fault and I feel awful. Despite Darians messy ass going from one tribe to the other saying Finite will join forces against the other, one of us Tasi could still be going. I hate. I just need Luke to answer me like desperately!! This is the worst time to have a tribal honestly. I'm working all day tomorrow then go straight to class and I'm honestly probably gunna pass the fuck out when I get home and make my friends my mad for not going out with them and get voted out because my lazy ass won't talk to people. So here's my co cession all now. Hopefully  I can turn it around and not be voted out and maybe even save all of my Tasi tribe mates. Like honestly Darian is such a mess telling everyone the same thing! When will he learn that if you tell everyone the same thing they're going to catch on. Why can't it just be him going? I love him and all but he just makes it so easy to target him so like that's what I'm gunna do. 
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I am extremely excited because Billy and I made a final two deal and I can't wait to take all these suckers down!
P.S I love Ricky and Monty
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I don't know how well i fair at this point i want to make jury and like everything but it's hard 
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I.FUCKING.LOVE.KAIT. So Darian had this "master" plan to get the old Finite tribe to stick together with one of the other tribes to get the third out....only problem... THE DUMBASS WENT TO BOTH OF THE OTHER TRIBES LMFAO So his bitch ass got caught trying to flip them against eachother and now everyone wants to target him and Kait and I are sitting here CACKLING OUR ASSES OFF THIS IS FUCKING HILARIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SO ANYWAYS since Kait and I actually have a brain, we wanna pull a small group from each tribe together rather than tribe v tribe bullshit. We're trying to figure out who to pull in now. Are Kait and I the duo of the century? I think so
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Kait is cracked and I am literally just here for the ride so I am grabbing a life vest!
A 21 person merge is just... I'd rather drown. 
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Darling! What a lovely week it's been so far. The merge has come and I've had a lot of time to talk to people. This week, I've definitely had to work on making those new relationships, building those old bridges. I've got to run as far from Tasi as I can get, because I know that if things continued with them, I'd be the next boot out. Thankfully, the other tribes seem to be nice but I've got to be able to find out who's being put up for elimination before the designated time to vote comes. If I can find it, I can change it. And if I can change it, I can call it! And at this point, who doesn't want to be calling the shots? I DEFINITELY do, especially since I had no shot at immunity. Based on how other people in this game have been treating me, specifically Liana, I'm definitely considering myself in danger of going home this week...but I can't go home. I gotta hit that top, henny! And in order to reach the top, I've got to make it through these preliminary weeks and I've come too far to stop now! I came to slash throats, save my family and wear ugg boots. Let's hop to it with personality and positivity, yes? Canada's Self Proclaimed Favourite; Kelsey Mikaelson~!
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Well this has been one hell of a round First, only three fucking people tried in the immunity challenge and actually got points, making them the only ones to get immunity. Super fun. Those three would be Luke, Kait and Rob. Luckily those three are involved in a huge multi tribe alliance that is forming Yup 14 people I think. We are all voting together to start weeding out others This alliance consists of the finite 7 Rob, Amanda, kait, Emma, andie, rhea, and me Gabriel, johnny, Luke, Jen Billy, Seamus, and Christine I know this is a cluster fuck of people but this is a cluster fuck season. Anywho. I'm hoping all goes smoothly and everyone proved loyal. I guess we will find out tonight  
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Darian is a HOT ASS MESS. Like how can you go around and be so confident about a vote that is not in your corner? Like obviously I'm confident Darian will go, but like at the same time, I'm not cocky confident about it. Darian is so blinded by his own ego to see that his ass is in trouble. So many people have gone to Sam with receipts of him saying her name and he (in my mind) has no clue. What a messy ass bottom. 
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The beginning of this game was kind of rough for me, I didn't really know anybody on my tribe except for Billy and Chrissa and if we had remained as that tribe, I definitely think I could have been heading home so it's comforting that things are starting to look up for me. This 'merge' has been really interesting, especially because it's just letting everybody see how messy Darian is. He wants to put the OldTasi and OldMakahana tribe against one another but agreeing to align with both sides????does he not understand that he will be pissing off so many people by doing that? dumbass. Sam and I have been werking and so far think we have Dan, Amanda, Andie, Lily, Seamus, Kait, Jenn, Kelsey, Liana, and potentially 3 more votes PLUS our votes to take out Darian. This is going to be so beautiful because he's so confident that he's running things but bless him for trying I guess. Oh yeah! I have immunity! That's fun too 
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Well. Hopefully Darian goes tonight and not Sam. I love Sam and would hate for her to go so soon! I'm doing rlly best to convince those I'm closer to to vote for Darian so hopefully it works out. This is so scary! 
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I love when chrissa lies to me! Maybe Billy too but hmm it's interesting how no one I've talked to know how votes are going this late in the game. Seems like my alliance has this though. And now it's shown me that I can't trust billy and chrissa sooo!
Kait is a good demon and she's gonna pull numbers to get out drain I love her when she's not angry with me
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darian goggin is a dumb bitch
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Ok so this vote is either gonna be make or break for me tbh. I'm super nervous cause I kinda want Darian to go instead of Sam because I love Sam so much its not even funny. She's one of the people I know I can actually trust and Darian seems like a bit of a wildcard. I don't like people who put themselves in like leadership positions cause I like doing my own little thing so being in a massive group that Darian created makes me uneasy, especially because he wants to target Tasi. Like.....I don't wanna be the person that takes out my entire tribe out just for me to be next!? I'm not that Dumb...They never did anything to me! They screwed Seamus over though which is what's killing me right now cause it looks like Seamus wants Sam to go so I'm just a mess. I really wanna work with Seamus though so as long as we get through this together, we should be fine...hopefully. I'm just stressed cause nobody really talks strategy with me like I feel like I have to pry it out of them most of the time and its getting annoying. Like I love Kelsey but he always waits last minute and by last minute I MEAN THE LITERAL LAST MCFRICKEN MINUTE to tell me a name and by that point its just like...over....So yeah! I'm a bit frustrated but no matter what happens I think I can make something good out of this.
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Did i betray Darian? Yeah : / hopefully rhea goes with me too
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
“Catherine” - EPISODE 3
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Honestly I'm me believing Seamus when he tells me everyones voting for Shea and I end up putting some cocky ass confessional that looks absolutely dumb now because he didn't go. I'm. Just. Sad. I should've known better whew. Anyway I need a swap or something, like I need new people and ones that actually wanna form solid alliances because literally nothing is happening here and I'm too eager to just sit around...Anyway...Send help...And wish me luck.
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my game consists of nothing but doing what amanda & kait tell me to do.. D: im sorry i'm a flop i've just been real busy....if i make it to merge i'll start playing then
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My tribe is doing that. I survived our first tribal council, and got myself into a majority. I literally told everyone they're the only person I talk to lol I love people quitting like honestly my aesthetic is people leaving without me having to do anything. Who's next?!
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So I went from winning two immunities to getting second to last! Ahaha at least I might not look like a threat! Right after rhea was announced as immune I went to working making sure I was safe I talked to rob, Amanda, rhea, kait and Emma to get Steven out! If all goes well I'll be safe and we can move on to the next challenge 
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Honestly this Matilda thing isn't so bad. 1, I'm in Chicago so it's hard to participate depending on the challenge. 2, as long as the vote goes as planned this time having everyone vulnerable for the next ones allows my alliance to vote out who we want. Seamus should be going tonight which makes me sad because he is really cool and awesome to talk to. But because of the reactions from last vote it's the best move. Hopefully the game changers continue to dominate. But ya never know with this game. 
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WHEW me getting out in the first round? I believe it. Relatable content. I'm so hungover and I don't have the patience to figure out the vote. I think it's Seamus, but I need to check in with people, but I'm also trying to not fucking vomit. 
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Alright so I'm kinda sad I flopped in the challenge, both winning/losing it....And now no matter what we're all vulnerable next round thanks to the lovely Matilda so everything is just lovely. On the bright side Kait told me she found the idol so Queen! As of right now I think I'm in a good spot and as far as I know the vote is between Shea and Seamus. I really want Shea to go because I trust Seamus! Like he really got screwed over last vote and I'm shocked people handled that so poorly!? Like don't make people believe something's the vote when it's not!?!? I literally thought he knew about the split but then Lily told me she didn't tell him about it and just let him vote Shea like......Why would you do that...So now I'm a bit nervous about Lily but I think I can trust her for now. That's about it for now but I'm gonna try everything I can to make sure Seamus isn't caught in the crosshairs here.
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so last round these mcfucking liars of tribemates told me they were all voting shea but then voted veronica and didnt tell me :/ so i kinda had to play catch up and guilt a few of them so they wouldnt target me this week. i believe again that sheais going home this week but im p sure im getting some votes
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So it sounds like shea is going tonight? Which is cool with me because he hasn't been talking to me much recently. I wasn't sure about Seamus because of how the last vote went but it seems like Seamus and I are good. I just don't want any flippers going into a merge tbh. Haha. But honestly people will flip shit will go down and we just wanna go in with the best tribe possible. Also this Matilda thing? Might actually be okay if we have the same tribes tomorrow. I'm worried we will have a tribe swap and all of the tasi people won't be able to get immunity so we will all get voted out. I'm glad I don't have to do a challenge while I'm in Chicago tho so that's good. Hopefully everything works out and I don't get too much anxiety. 
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I think I orchestrated my first vote ever and it was amazing. I got out Sam, screw him, he's the worst and I bet he didn't care about the game. Now I want Steven gone, cause... who's Steven? He seems snealy too. I think I might go too, so I'm not cocky.
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I hate everyone still. This tribe is boring AF. Rob goes and tells everyone last night about his plan to vote Steven this vote, which is fine by me bc I didn't even know there was a Steven on our tribe!!!!! However like Darian and Amandie (they will be referred to as that from here on out) came to me about it also after. So okay Rob I see you leaving me out until TODAY!!!' Freak. Anyways, I'm fine with him thinking he's some kind of kingpin for now til I decide I'm tired of doing what I'm told hehehe
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So I won immunity!! I can't believe I actually won an immunity! And so, here I am just like, I don't like that Darian is calling all the shots! I want him to go soon, but I forsee him easily making the merge which scares me. 
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I CAN FINALLY VOTE!!!!! London Tipton voice "YAY ME" *clap clap*
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So I go to do the deep challenger thing and....they say get past level 4 on what's inside the box. I was like okay, but then I realize, I played this game literally yesterday for fun and I was like oh okay, and then I realize I chose some pussy shit lol
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From what I can tell...The plan is to leave Kelsey out of the loop which is so stupid. I don't know why these people want to ostracize so many people from votes like they did it with Seamus last vote with no valid reason!?!? I know Kelsey felt sympathy for Shea last vote which is making people nervous so that makes a little bit more sense but like...I just don't feel comfortable leaving people out of the loop? Ugh. This is just too much. 
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Okay so my confessionals have sucked and I'm sorry. Lily, Liana, Dan, and I are all in an alliance and we've decided who's getting voted out every round and this time we'e going for Shea. Last time he got wind that his name was being thrown out there even though it was the decoy name and he went OFF!! LIKE HE WAS CRAZY FREAKING OUT AT EVERYONE! And during the first vote he was throwing out EVERYONE'S name! He threw out mine, Christine's, and Carson's and those are just the ones that I heard about. Who knows who else he was saying. So his messy ass has got to go. I think we might be swapping soon and I don't want to get stuck with someone who's going to throw me under the bus the first second they get to save themselves. So I also got to go to that Challenger Deep thing. IT FUCKING SUCKED! I HATED IT! I picked level 25 because I think hey that's pretty deep and the deeper you go the harder the challenge but the bigger prize! TOO BAD THE PRIZES WAS A FUCKING PUNISHMENT! Now no one from my tribe can compete in the immunity challenge next time and I feel awful. If we stay in these tribes then it'll make it easier to just vote out Kelsey but if it's a swap we're all fucked because of it.
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I....Might've caved and told Kelsey the plan. If this backfires.....I'm dead. I just felt so bad like Kelsey didn't deserve to be left out, you know? Don't let me down Kelsey, don't let me down.
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Im just doing this so I dont get a strike
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Girl. Hold my hair...this week was too much. Coming off of Veronica's elimination, I was feeling so good for Shea and I. It seemed like we have finally found some leverage in the competition and I was ready to run with it. However, when I checked in today and saw a severe lack of people wanting to talk strategy, I knew something was up. Winning immunity was amazing and I don't regret that for a second but I think it softened my reaction time a little bit. I think the biggest challenge for me in this game is actually pushing myself out there. I'm usually very confident in my facade of being a harmless player letting me be subtle in my moves but I don't think that's the case at all anymore. If you don't speak up, you're outspoken and...that showed this week. It's a deadly balance that you have to find and on the tribe this week, it just didn't work for me. Originally, Shea wanted to do Seamus but lil' ol me thought we could get out another person who's a threat such as Liana since Seamus still makes an effort to talk to me. When it came to the votes and convincing others...not many people wanted to strategize with me and that was a definite problem. The only people who kept it real with me- or shall I say person- was Catherine. (Host Note: Whom??) THAT is something I appreciate more than anything. I thought that Lily would but unfortunately she was "out" the whole day. Girl...get a grip. Catherine (???) would definitely be the only person I cling to in the competition IF we were still together but...we. Merged. DEAR JESUS AND LORD ABOVE, THANK THE HEAVENS!!! I know I'm not going to be able to win immunity, but at this point, I could care less. This is definitely something that came at just the right time. I was at the bottom of my tribe and I know a few people are still going to be coming after me, especially coming off of my immunity win. However, I'm giving this week everything that I've got. While I doubt more and more I was the real mastermind of eliminating Veronica, the reason why I was prominent in that elimination was because I was bold. Not aggressive, just bold. I think if I can harness that quality again, I can breakthrough another one. Tasi is OVER, darling. Liana is already fuming despite her attempts to cover it up. There are people from Tasi that I bet will never talk to me again now that we're merged. Everything I want, I've definitely got to work myself for. Basically, it's what I expected it to be being a new player; it's me working for myself now. Now's the part where veterans who know each other and people with connections outside of this game start linking back up. It's up to me to start really wedging myself in. I want to give people a reason to vote out anyone BUT me. And at this point, now that Shea's gone, I'm going Open Season on all of these hookers. Miracles are hard to do, but if I did it once, I can do it again. I REALLY want to show these people what I can do. I came to slash throats, save my family and wear ugg boots. And if I have to do it from scratch? Christina, bring me the axe; NAAAAAOOO!!!! Wish me luck! Sincerely, Canada's Self Proclaimed Favourite; Kelsey Mikaelson~! 
0 notes
survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
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Me not being first boot??? *NUT BUTTON MEME* Amanda slaying and staying??? *NUT BUTTON MEME* Carson going and me, Liana, Christine, Lily, and Sam still being here even though we aren't officially aligned???? *NUT BUTTON MEME*
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Ahhh me and kait did that i didnt expect it, im not sure how everything worked ut but it was wild whew, so many votes, im wary of kait cause she mightve lied to me but im hoping i can trust her
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i only sent 1 pic for immunity so then i get lowest and i have chance of getting to cave or exile or whatever the heck and then hopefully i get idol and win the whole game woohoo
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Well, that was a messy af tribal but it worked! I mean after the hell I went through, voting rob, then voting Amanda, then voting daisy only to find out I was too late and had to stick with rob! Like wtf. And for daisy to go home on a 3-2-1-1-1 with 2 null votes.  Like ok. And now we have a selfie olympics!!! Currently I'm sitting pretty with a 30% advantage in the challenge and 84 photos of things with the beginning letter for M or T!!!! I really would like to win this and stay immune for as long as humanly possibly lol. These tribals are messy right now because loyalties are just being formed Speaking of loyalties!! AMANDA!! I already love her #ThanksAHud! And I'm so glad that we are buddies! I'm just hoping that things work out for the both of us
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That vote was a mess it seemed on Rob and Kait's tribe. Glad they stayed and Christine survived too. I'm not surprised Kait's tribe already voted for her, meanwhile the rest of us are sitting over here like:
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So Darian wins immunity.... but I am also like See, I love Darian, but the issue is, I'm not sure if i can trust him, so he sort of needs to go soon,  but I see him sort of clean sweeping these immunities and that makes me a little worried honestly. I don't know what to expect this time around, and I am about to start sweating....
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I'm a mess *takes a shot of vodka* I had 125 photos and forgot to turn them in. I TOOK A PHOTO WITH AN ONCOMING TRAIN! 
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This feeling around camp has been so strange and I'm not sure if it's because I won or just because every tribal isn't gonna be the same. I had more people talking to me for the first tribal like right after results were posted and serious game talk with the whole tribe. Yesterday night only Sam, Lily, Christine and Dan messaged me but we didn't even talk game. (Well I guess that's about the same amount of people, but like the conversations were less in depth like they were the first time.) I just feel aimless in this game and I don't really have a good strategy. I'm not even sure I want to make it far because it always gets ugly once you get far enough. Lily just solidified our alliance of 4 (Dan, me, Sam, and her) and I think it'll be easy enough to ride it out with them for a while. I'm wary because I don't have anyone I'm really close to (because these are people I usually don't play with!) so I kinda feel like I'm on the bottom. Lily and Dan seem to closest and I know in the past Sam will have multiple close allies and not necessarily stay loyal to one overall. Kelsey freaking randomly disappeared again! If anything I'd trust him a bunch because he's new and I can influence him more easily probably into giving me information and voting with me, but I can't do that with this weird continued activity/inactivity. Might he actually be a catfish? We will never know. Also!! Silly Gabby and Jonny having too much fun in One World last night. I knew Jonny was in Rakiura but that's basically it. Now I know they know each other irl probably thanks for the tea y'all!! (ricky, goodness, you have too many friends in this game since I'm pretty sure you know sara irl too with all these Washington/barista coincidences!)
Moments later...
Oh! Yeah I forgot to mention that I'm trying to get the tea about the loser place since unfortunately I did not lose. I'm not close to Veronica (as in I have not talked to her since Day 1) so I have low chances of finding out from her, but I talked to Billy last night and asked him to ask Chrissa about it. Though he said earlier how he's not close to Chrissa so I'll probably end up asking her myself! :/ Since I don't plan on going to loser place, I need to make friends with everyone who goes so they can give me all of their idols/advantages...or at least agree with me on how to use them!!
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I want Sam gone!!!
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Why was I stupid enough to pick the thing that makes me inelegible to compete in challenges? I'm an idiot. 
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so i don't know how to vote this round and no one is talking! like are you guys serious omg 
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Sorta feeling indifferent about the challenge I tried super hard! But either way congrats to all that won! Someone had like 100ish I think I saw? Oh hellll no girl doing the most. Nervous for trible tonight it'll be my first! I don't think I'm going home though, I talked to Jordan and he said hunter because he didn't submit anything for the challenge and is pretty quiet. I don't even know the kid but as long as it's not me ya know! TBH if it had been my decision I would have voted Julia. The girl has "I love being beautiful" or some shit like that as her fucking quote on skype like ew girl your hella extra. 
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i like kait and amanda
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I'm just like so over Sam so I'm trying to get him out as revenge for Eddie. Fake ass. If I can't get him out in Emathia, might as well get him out here.
20 minutes later...
My allies are Rhea, Kait, and Darian (even if he did vote for me). I like Emma but I know she's probably upset about the first vote. Sam and Steven, you can go. I can try and bring in Andie and Amanda close to me, but it will be fishy to do it now. That's on my tribe. I like Jenn too, and Sam, and Shea <3. You never know in this game, I might go out, but I think my position in the tribe may increase? I can see it. I love Rhea so much. She's the purest cinnamon roll I've ever met. <3 100%
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OKAY! So now that I actually have time, I've been talking to people on my tribe a lot more. I've been talking to Billy, Chrissa, Jonny and Gabby and they all are reasonable people. Whilst talking with them we talked about how Hunter is pretty inactive in the game and that we could look at him as a potential first boot from the tribe. The whole twist of us being in One World and only have individual immunity has kind of flipped the entire game on it's head. Usually, weaker members of the tribe are targeted because they're a liability but weaker players don't really matter as much this season because tribal immunity exists. Which means that people that are stronger in challenges may start to be targeted to give those weaker people a better chance at winning individual. Honestly, good job Ricky and Monty because I've never seen this before and it's kind of fun. 
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Well I didn't win the last challenge... My document glitched and I lost most of my pictures, but the fact that I would have won still keeps me going!
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Kait is the best duo every she cuts the shit and gets right to the point and we murder everyone together its so fun. That being said I can't wait until i get to a point where i can work with my loves Luke and Dan. Also im going out and ACTUALLY having a social life so this is all the updates youre getting from me tonight! Wooooo
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i cant believe i worked to get a self vote when i already had one like the FUCK why do bad things happen to slightly nice people 
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I literally don't know what's happening bc I've been gone all day bc it's spring break, but I know I'm not going so BLESS
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Well. Officially in an alliance with dan, Sam, and Liana. I love it. We are called the game changers but I wonder if everyone is doing that right now. Veronica should be going tonight, but I question if it should be shea. But I think Veronica is a good vote right now and shea would be better for the following vote. I don't know honestly if either goes it doesn't matter too much to me. I love this whole tribe but someone has to go. 
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I confess to shovin a whole bag a jellybeans up my ass.
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so basically this round i lost immunity again but idc bc i know these ho's and they not gonna do anything... I hope. So basically the plan was for veronica to throw immunity and get last so she could go on the reward and scout it out for steven and i bc us 3 r in a alliance. she did but she got a self vote. basically everyone wanted to vote veronica but bc of sheas fight with carson we r voting shea. i feel bad bc i like shea but i cant lose veronica this early. i put my neck out on the line so if i get sent home ill be sad but ill def understand why
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My drunk ass needs to write a confessional in the next hour oops!! I hope that Veronica goes but apparently it's either Veronica or Shea. I just really hope it's not me. My tribe is quiet as fuck so I have no clue what's really hoping. Here's hoping my drunk ass makes it through 
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i'm dead @ finding the idol. my goal is to idol liana out i think that'd be a boppin time, but for now i just wanna like continue not really doing a whole lot and let rob keep being out there on everyone's radar while i just say that no one talks to me so i can get more tea from them bc they think i'm in their back pocket. voting sam tonight.............i'm poppin' bottles! nah idrc about him leaving, he never talks to me and it's always like really forced when i go out of my way every fucking time to start a conversation with him. it's just really frustrating like i hate this tribe so much. social game says hello, freaks! i kinda hate having the idol because it's so much pressure to like play it at the right time and premerge is so delicate, especially with so many people and with me not really having a TIGHT alliance i just whew.
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I think I'm going :( no ones socializing with me. Billy is just a cop out, says he doesn't want to throw out a name. Pssstt
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My, my, my. What a LOVELY week this has been. So currently, our tribe is back at it again with dat council swag. I didn't do well in immunity, like I knew I would. However, if anyone can win, I'm very glad Miss Moana SNATCHED the title. Last tribal council, I flopped. I was inactive and that's unacceptable so this week I'm really pushing myself to be a deciding factor force like Ariana Grande deciding to snatch weaves when she breathes. With my reputation currently, I don't think people really assume that I even have it in me to be strategic. Little do THEY know...they are wrong. AHAHAHAHAHAHHAA. Now, Seamus has informed me that the vote is Shea. However, Seamus is a GOOBER. Shea and I have really become close and the fact that Seamus literally pms me to vote Shea BEFORE asking me how I am shows his inner Kesha: his True Colours. I don't really like the fact that Seamus is just treating me like a free vote because I know what his intention. I already can smell that he wants to drag me as a cute, innocent vote until he makes the merge with his best friends and takes me out. THAT'S going to be a no zone. Although that is the persona I'm going for, I feel like Seamus already has suuuuch a big plan for getting to the end and...I'm not a part of that. And if you're going to count me out, henny, count on getting to stepping. Or something exotic like that, tee hee~! I feel really nervous for Shea. I told her that Seamus was wanting to eliminate her and she immediately almost spoiled everything. She's an emotional player and that's the kind of I want to keep around. Those are the ones who never see through my fakeness and the kind that are targeted before good ol' sweetheart me. The only other option is Veronica so for this week, I'm going to try and flip a few people to do so. The last vote was so unified that it's quite scary actually...if things keep going the way they are, I have no doubt that eventually it'll be my log chopped by the axe. My advantage for this week's vote is that no one really has a reason NOT to trust me. With Veronica, they KNOW she's a scrappy player. And I believe I can use that to my advantage. Y'all don't know me, y'all don't know what I've been through! And NO ONE is going to believe that cutesy little Arianator weeabo is pulling strings. I learned from my past Tumblr competitions that playing aggressively gets out fast. I know now playing passively gets you treated like a child. Here...everything has to be subtle. Small little touches, here and there. And if you do enough of that, maybe the trickle of water can erode the rock. That's what I'm hoping to do here. If somehow, we can do the impossible, not only will I establish myself as a real C.O.M.P.E.T.I.T.O.R in this tribe, but I'll have pulled off a blindside that's really shocking and game changing. Maybe it's a bit too early to be calling shots...but I've got to do something. I think people already have caught on to the fact that something's afoot and the alarms are already blaring. I'm past the point of no return, so even if I wanted to, I can't allow myself to have regrets! I carry the name of a queen of BBCAN and a king of The Vampire Diaries. I'm here to slash throats, save my family and wear ugg boots. And hopefully...this is the start of something legendary~! Wish me luck, darlings! Certainly sincerely, Canada's Self-Proclaimed Favourite; Kelsey Mikaelson! <3
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ALRIGHT...So I'm really hoping Shea goes this tribal cause like....He can't be chill for one second in this game.  Literally the plan was to get Veronica out but once he hears his name he quits? C'mon now.. Don't even get me started on Kelsey telling him his name was thrown out cause like!?!? We're doing that so no one gets in trouble here why are you doing this!?!? I just don't understand Kelsey like I really wanted to like her but...She's on thin ice at this point. I just hope this isn't a ploy and something goes wrong but I guess we'll see!
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So like wtf is happening, cause I don't have a clue. I'm loyal to Emma and I guess maybe Rhea. Idk Rhea just talks to me sometimes but right now that is good enough for me. Right I'm just waiting for a tribe swap so we can stop going to tribal every round
0 notes
survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
“How Am I Supposed To Sit On My Fat *ss And Do Nothing If There’s No Tribal Immunity?” - EPISODE 1
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i wont say names bc if these get released at the end i know the psycho wont leave me alone but theres a certain someone that never leaves another certain someone alone and theyre actually so annoying and they look like a balding foot and if i have to be in the same tribe with them i will definitely end up fighting them
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so...cole walking on day 1? because he didn't want to be in a game with Julia wow. I am shook to the core. 
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1st off why are there 30 people here! 2nd off why are we all in a chat together! And 3rdly at least someone already took themselves out of the game. I didn't get last!!! I know setting the bar high. I'm very excited to play everyone is super nice and also I think my tribe is great. I got Sam and Liana on my tribe whom I played with during Atlantis. Sam and I were in an alliance but obviously it wasn't super tight...since I voted her off. But I love her dearly and hope we can work together again. Also excited for Liana because I always remember that she was good in challenges and she has already told me she won't want to throw any challenges this time. Haha. I already appreciate her so much. She is so sweet! Carson k is also on my tribe. Carson k is also a sweetheart and I'm sad that I didn't trust him much during Malibu and I hope that it can change here. Hopefully there is a survivor trivia challenge because he is so good with survivor trivia. Everyone else on the tribe seems really cool too as we aren't involved in the drama of the one world chat. Haha we have all of our members still and we are ready to win some challenges! #YouWishYouWereATasi also. Kait is here!!!! Omggggg I'm not ready. She messaged me last night and I was like oh god how do I talk to kait????? Like ugh ahhhh scared. No. Nothing against kait she just scares me! And I feel like she can tell....*gulp* but billy is also here and I love billy too. And Luke!!! Honestly so many amazing people who hopefully won't vote me off. Everyone in the community has been so supportive of me and has really helped relive some of the anxiety I've been having. But queen kait is here so I don't know how long it will last. 
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what the fuck am i doing i don't even know if im making a confessional for the right i'm in a 3 survivor games and  a big brother game and i've never wanted to kill myself more i was talkin with kait and i was like "omg i love karen!!" and KAREN ISN'T EVEN ON OUR FUCKING TRIBE. SHE'S DEADASS IN ANOTHER GAME. omg and this ninjohn bitch cracks me tf up so yeah thats about all i've done bye
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tbh! what is going on in this game!!! The only people that I know and want to work with are Sam G, Dan, Amanda, Billy and Christine tbqh! I don't know anybody on my tribe except Billy so we're gonna be a cute duo. I think the twist is kind of fun, it's gonna make people need to be on their toes 24/7 and not get too comfortable hiding behind tribal wins because they just don't exist. Uh first boot from my tribe? Idk,...maybe me> maybe chrisssa? who knows!
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On 3/6/17, at 9:54 PM, veronica [ hoenn host ] wrote: > how am i supposed to sit on my fat ass and do nothing like nicholas did if theres no tribe immunity >.> but also i really like the cast in this game and i know its gonna be lit this is like one of my fave survivors already and im in like 4 rn
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set my soul on fire pls
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YES MA'AM! This is Kelsey Mikaelson, representing BBCAN and Vampire Diaries, checking into Mariana Trench Survivor, is you good? Is you happy? Because I's wants to know, ok. Entering this competition was a quick shock. The tribe I was on is very friendly and we all got along quick and I'm living, I seem to get along well. Obviously, I'm the loud one, but I think that overall, I'm not too much which is good! You know what is too much though? Literally both other tribes OTHER than Tasi. Seeing how crazy they are during the One World makes us seem a lot more mellow which makes me seem a lot more quiet which is absolutely a great factor for my game.  Anyways, next twist: triple elimination each week. Girl...I came here for a fresh new game that would be welcoming to newbies. This is literally death. I'm literally dead. *sigh*...Whatever. There are people in my tribe I've clicked with early on. Carson, Liana, Sam, Shea and Seamus have all been rather nice to me. However, one person that I have definitely gotten along with thus far is Lilly. She's so explosive and she's also so logical in everything she tells me, she's a great counterpart to me in this competition. I would say I trust Lilly the most, yes, I would. And going into this first tribal, I'm interested to see how our relationship will translate into gameplay. Hopefully, in a positive way~! Now to the challenge...I want to remain a team player, an innocent virgin, an airhead with  nothing but loyalty with everyone. I don't want to manipulate, I want to slay. So, I'm going to put a rather safe score for myself. As long as I'm not on the bottom end of the powers, I'm fine. I just hope that this first tribal doesn't eat me alive...against my gut instinct, I'm not bringing strategy up for these first days. I just hope that people actually come to me like I'm expecting...otherwise, I gotta start making them moves, mama! Wish me the best of luck! From Canada with Love, -The ORIGINAL...Kelsey Mikaelson, muah!
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I'm so nervous. I feel like knowing that you're going to tribal no matter what makes this all more nerve wracking. I'm trying to feel out who people want to go and what they want to do without making anyone feel like I'm jumping the gun or being too forward. Plus I think Darian is probably gunning for me, since I know he doesn't like me. I really don't wanna be first to go, but I feel like it's too risky to just immediately go after him. I'm hoping someone is inactive or will give us a reason to vote them out so that this first one is an easy one. 
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...moments later
If i learned anything from Rakiura, it's that I need to make a list or something of peoples' point values and possible advantages since people will forget about them come merge and then the person with all the advantages will win the season. :)
I'll call them out!
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So like this is a weird position to be in. I like everyone on my tribe????? Like how the fuck am I supposed to vote one of these hoes out when I like them? I'm clearly the prettiest, but like I love them all. This is a tragedy because if it was a normal damn game, I would be able to slay with my tribe. My plan so far is to just be super social and find the majority. I don't know how to play one world because usually the world revolves around me so. 
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So this season hasn't been that exciting at all so far for our tribe due to Cole's, not surprising, quit. I want to try harder than the last few skype/Tumblr games I've played since I definitely was inactive in the last few. I'm trying to socialize and need to expand my social surroundings since I haven't approached many yet. I have been talking to Luke however but he's terrible at responding. I don't mind if you're busy and can't respond quickly but when you message in the main chat and have the online symbol by your name you might want to respond back to a tribemate. That doesn't bode well for track records. 
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Things are weird. What do I do. Who do I talk to. Where am I. Okay now that I've gotten that off my chest I just tribes are weird. We aren't even really a tribe. I know we will have to just keep voting people off of our tribe. So what do we do? I have no leads. Except I kinda want a girls alliance so I would prefer a guy out this week just to play it safe. I feel like I could talk to Liana and Sam about this but also nervous. Idk. I'll do something soon but this is a lot to process. I also hope that not too many voting things will affect tribal. I'm not ready for it. That is all. Good day. 
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Hello!!! Alright so this first week has just been....a mess. Like, y'all really put me in a group with 30 people...with one world in play...I'm gonna go insane. Although it's not entirely a bad thing. I have my Queens Kait and Jenn to keep me sane. I had Cole......for like 2 hours until he left WHICH I'M STILL BITTER ABOUT. I love him so much it's not even funny. Anyways for the people on my tribe, I absolutely adore Dan so I can definitely see us working together. Sam G. is here as well and WHEW. A Queen. I love her so much. If I had a dream alliance within this tribe it'd probably be Dan, Sam, Kelsey, Lily, Carson and myself. I haven't gotten the chance to talk to Seamus or Liana and trying to start a conversation with Shea is a bit like pulling teeth so far so...yeah, that's how things are looking right about now I'm so scared for this tribal cause I don't know what to expect??? Like I probably should've just went all in for immunity but I didn't cause I didn't wanna go much for that huh. Wish me luck for now I guess!
...30 minutes later...
I'm screaming apparently Shea's already brought my name up to people but suddenly changed it to Carson when I started talking to them??? Something smells fishy here and I'm not here for it. I've got my eye on Shea, that's for sure. In all honesty I'd rather target Shea than Carson cause Carson's actually chill while Shea's probably gonna get a little messy along the way which makes me nervous but Dan trusts him for now so I guess I just gotta go with the flow for now...
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Hi Ricky! Super excited to be safe this round, just gotta sit here and look cute!
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the furrys are on the prowl, yiff yiff. there are quite a few furrys in this game lmao. so basically on my tribe i really like veronica and am teaming with her. shea really likes me and veronica so we r gonna try and work with them. i think i want to vote for sam this round bc like i like everyone else and the noobs in our tribe seem kinda easy to push around so im excited!
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My tribe is so BORINGGGGG tbh no one talks in the chat anyways here's an analysis i promised Ricky <3 When something more happens youll get more out of me but literally nothings going on OH I HAVE AN ALLIANCE WITH DAN AND LUKE BUT YOU BUT US ALL ON DIFFERENT TRIBES WHICH IS GROSS The end. heres my analysis of my tribe woo Andie - Love him we've been friends for a while and he wants to work together so thats cute af Daisy - Super nice we've talked quite a bit so far. I like her Darian - He seems super nice to me and we talked a bit but ive heard he's a shitshow and ive been warned so i know to tread lightly Emma - I'm not gonna like when i saw Emma was on my tribe I was about to beat someones ass because I felt like she hated my guts last time i was around her and it was a rough experience but she like came to me and apologized and shit saying she was having a rough time and idk if that was just to cover her ass for this game or what but im gonna forgive but not forget at this point...or at least until swap/merge lmao Kait - i fucking love Kait she's super straight to the point which is great when everyone else sugar coats the hell out of everything. We seem to work well in PI so here's to hoping it works out this time and we can be a dynamic duo lolol Rhea - Last Week in another game she said she didnt like playing with me and my not really with my close friends in this game so idk if itll be different but like we've played together a ton and i dont think we ever worked together. She's the nicest person in the world but we like never click together so i wouldnt be surprised if she wanted my ass gone Rob - I dont think we've talked? oops lmfao Sam R. - Hes so chill. We played Myanmar together and we worked together while also targeting eachother? it was so fucking complicated ahahaha but i love him as a person so i hope we're okay in this game??? idk yet tbh Steven - We've talked a bit in the past. He's chill but we arent super close. I dont think he'd target me though so thats a plus
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Wooo! I guess taking -10,030 points was worth it! I won immunity from the raffle and I also have the 30% advantage! Couldn't be more happy about the outcome of this challenge. I honeslty don't know who to vote for and I sure as hell won't be scrambling. I know it's not me and that's all I care about 
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i am gad we were safe week 1 thanks to Cole quitting again it's insane that he did that but i am glad it gave us safety this week. I hope i can stay longer because immunity wins aren't relying on everyone to win together so if i am bad they won't think i am a threat..
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well! tasi WAS peaceful, until little shea decided to target me ONCE again in a game. id like to see him try, because i am NOT going premerge. and, if i have anything to say about it, his ass is GRASS!
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So, everyone this tribal has said they are voting Carson, which I have no problems with. I feel like the blame is being put on me for this vote which I don't want. If people flip and I go home, so be it. 
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Daisy seems to be the first target and I don't want her to leave. I'm going to see if we can get the votes back on Amanda.
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So, tonight is making me super nervous and I don't know what to do.... I feel like this twist fucks me and that's not good. I have played sooo many PI seasons that  I feel like I am an easy target. Also this one world twist is legit making this game THAT much harder and I honestly don't like this shit. I don't know what the fuck I am going to do, and it sucks  so much. I feel like I am a mess and it sucks more so than anything. I just want to make it past this tribal, and I am not sure that I willl. 
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Whew I need to write a confessional but also I'm watching Survivor! I am really nervous for this vote! Everyone has been so quiet and I haven't talked to that many people. The plan is supposed to be for Carson. Lily, Liana, Dan, Christine, and I were supposed to create an alliance but we haven't. I'm hoping we will later and no one is actually trying to vote me out. Seamus did say  'Christine or Sam' but he meant Carson? Okay sure hopefully he did! 
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Sooo, this has been a wild round, and im not even gonna get into the cole thing other than to say, I'm glad you and your negative bitch ass is gone, and maybe come for me with more accurate shit next time :))). But since this "lovely" soul quit, I didn't have to go to tribal, and I also beat him AHAHAH. BUT I've been chit-chatting with Gabriel alot and I love Gabriel they are soooo chill tbh. And I also am kinda lucky since I know so many people know this season whew. Okay bye
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
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Out of any season possible I feel like there was a devil on my shoulder more than ever...Idea after idea pop into my head like using Kait’s idols to my own advantage when she handed them to me or taking her out in final 4 when she promised she’d give me immunity. I mean, as you can see that didn’t work out because 1. I don’t like being the villain and 2. Those risks probably wouldn’t have worked out too well for me. So my plans mainly failed unfortunately but I guess it was probably for the best.
For your rites of passage: Amanda, the love of my life, you know I adore you. We’ve come from such a long road from me targeting you constantly in HOS13 to you hosting me and then to us ultimately becoming a duo in Festive BB. You’re such a strong competitor and I adore you. I wish we could’ve done more together in this game, but I’m so glad to have made it to F4 with an amazing person such as yourself. <3
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Hey mama!
Before I get into your question I just want to talk about something you said in your speech. You said that you felt like I was just keeping you as a vote and not feeling any need to stay loyal to you. That was never my intention and that’s not how I viewed things at all. When the game started and I saw this big huge cast I felt so startled and just not ready for it, especially with this tribe of people that I had no idea who they were coming into this – you were like a bright shining beacon of hope for me. I wasn’t using you as a number by any means, though I will say that once it was clear that Dan and Luke were not going to work with me I did back off a bit, but I wanted to make sure that our allegiance to each other was still intact.
As far as where my allegiances lied throughout the game I’ll try to lay it out in a linear fashion from beginning of the game to the end – • Amanda / Andie aka “FUCK THIS TRIBE” – Like I said before, shining beacon, really wanted to work with y’all long term, was devastated when Andie left to the point that I was about to go try and flip that tribe’s vote to save him. • Christine / Jenn aka “Ricky’s Angels” – We started out all on separate tribes but I wanted to make sure that we had a chat together so we could gather all the information we were getting in the game and be able to make sure that anyone the others liked on our tribes could be safe since we were going to tribal every round. Jenn, unfortunately, fell on her sword on the revote after Dan played his emerald idol and Luke and I played the idol that Rob had given me. • Rob – On day 1 Rob and I connected and he was someone that I wanted to work with hands down. I knew he was on good terms with Jenn and figured I could use that to my advantage. We stuck together and even though we swapped a part at one point we kept each other in the loop. I think a big thing with my working relationship with Rob is that when he was on the opposite tribe and I was on Tasi he gave me the Tasi idol and I was able to use that one to save myself when Dan tried to idol me out and use that to strengthen our bond because from his standpoint I would’ve been deadmeat without it despite my having the Finite idol still. • Rhea – During one of the swaps we swapped together and I noticed that not a lot of people were really equating Rhea into their plans and it never really hurts to have too many numbers premerge. Unfortunately our time working together was cut short when she left just before merge. • Billy – For such a long time Billy and I like never talked, which we soon found out to be because Ricky kept telling each of us that we hated each other so I was excited to play this game with him and like actually get to know him and all that and it was one of the most enjoyable times for me in this game. He was a lot more preoccupied with Johto. He had an in with Lily and a couple other people that I wasn’t exactly the closest to so I wanted to make sure that he stayed around as long as possible both because he was a loyal ally to me and was also giving me information from the other side without me having to get my hands dirty. • Sam – Sam and I worked together very briefly, literally for like a vote and a half? I think we both can agree that it wasn’t in either of our best interest’s to stick together as we kind of confronted each other with in pms after the round that Dan and Gabby left. She a fierce competitor though and I’m glad she was in this season.
Girl, I could not have asked for a better partner in crime this season. You were my saving grace shining down from above singing the tunes of our beloved Harry Styles. Honestly my favorite parts of this game were flipping vote after vote together and just laughing about how much fun it was and how we felt like such evil geniuses. I’m just glad that we got brought together and had the opportunity to play as much of the game together that we did.
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I wished that we had talked more, not just in this game, but in general. We had moments here where we were able to work well together, referring to the Liana and Sam votes, and I think maybe if we had gotten closer we could’ve done more damage and we could’ve worked together well in Arendelle!
I am being viewed as an underdog, but that’s because I’m up against the duo of Kait and Christine, my game may not be as flashy as theirs, and I do acknowledge that. I’m not as renowned as these two are, and I accept that. But i worked my way from the bottom to the top, I built something out of nothing. My name was never really thrown around as the target, whether it’s because people liked me or wanted to take me to the end as their “goat” I played a part of that as I did actively try to work on my relationships and seem non-threatening as possible. I may appear as Kait’s bitch, but Kait had a lot of people to rely on and yes, I did just happened to be one of them, I gave Kait an idol because it was not from my tribe and had to transfer it like Sabrina did in One World. I chose Kait because I wanted to make sure that she would trust me and it ended up helping her out as she did use the idol to negate Dan and Luke’s votes and she was able to preserve her other idol, which she later used on me when Luke went home.
For your story, I did see ourselves as the middle people because we were close to both sides. Ultimately, I decided to let you make the decision on where we should go and you chose to stick with Kait and Christine that round, and voting out Sam. If your wig had not been snatched, I would have definitely decided to go with you and Luke at F5, even though it would’ve proven to be futile as not only did Kait win immunity, but the girls had two idols with them as well. I knew that if I went with Kait and Christine that I would have an uphill battle in the end as I am now, but in order to secure my safety I had to abandon the plan because we just didn’t have the votes and who knows whether they would have targeted me instead of you if I did. You were still close to those two, so I imagined you would throw me under the bus and I would be in your position instead and I wanted to make the end for once.
Hey Amanda! I’m sorry that you were cut short of final tribal council! You are a super cool chick and definitely someone I was scared of because I knew you had the relationships to win if you were at the end, nobody would be pissed at you! I do wish we had gotten to talk to each other more because we could’ve been something to look out for. You not only have the brains, but you also have the beauty to boot and I wish I could be more like you. I hope everything is going well with Torrid!
Thanks Amanda.
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
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Thank you for the kind words! One of the reasons why I think you should vote for me over Kait is because I feel like I’m a bit of a more rational player than her. I love her to death, but there are times when things get heated and she won’t look at other scenarios. Take the Billy vote for example, I knew fully aware that he was in danger, I talked about it with Sam and then went back to Kait telling her what was going down and she still only wanted to play the idol on me or Rob, which hey I’m not complaining I’ll take the offer of being safe anyday, but it can definitely be frustrating. I also tried to pick up the pieces after certain moves which is why I always kind of went to you after some votes to make sure everything was alright, because I wasn’t sure if Kait would be able to go on an immunity spree like the way she did, but I always wanted to make sure we would be in a good position had we ever both been vulnerable.
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Hey Luke!
Before I get to your questions I just wanna say like, I really did want to work with you at some point. Like you said, we have a few really close mutual friends and like I hear nice things about you from Drew all the time so I wanted to see what all this #hype was about.
I don’t think it’s really fair to say that I didn’t have much of a game to sit on. Yes, I had powers that I got from the Challenger, but that didn’t come without its drawbacks. Everyone knew that the people coming back from the Challenger had a high possibility of having powers which in turn makes me a bigger target, and did. I feel like this is proven by the touchy subject results where you can directly see that Amanda put my name as majority answer for every answer and I only beat her by one or two points. I’m not a UTR player, that’s not my style. Yeah, I like to make flashy moves but they’re not chaotic in the sense that there’s no strategy going into them. I worked my ass off premerge so that I was in as best of a position coming into the merge that I could. With the help of Amanda, we flipped the vote to save her the very first vote. We flipped the vote again to send Darian home, who thought that he was running everything (this was in part that I wanted to get myself in good with Sam and at the very least in her good graces for a few rounds if we weren’t going to end up working together), when Andie left who I was also really close with I was about to try and pull the same exact thing and I would’ve had he told me he was content with leaving. I used the power I found to take immunity away to take Liana’s immunity because it was at the opportune time finally to strike at her, and went entirely out of my way to flip the vote on a tribe that I wasn’t even on so that it worked out in my favor, especially with the merge coming it felt imperative to push that in the direction I wanted. The only power I actually used on myself was the idol that Rob gave to me just hours before the vote where Dan used his emerald idol on you. That speaks bounds to my social game that I was who Rob picked to give the idol to and was in turn able to make Rob feel like I was indebted to him (because he wasn’t aware I had the Finite idol) and made our bond that much stronger in the game. Later on in the merge I repaid him not once but twice by protecting him with an idol – the first time was a gamble with the topaz idol, the second because it was final five and I wanted to pay my respect to someone who had stuck with me and fought like hell the entire game with me, even in seemingly dim scenarios.
The vote that Dan and Gabby left, I feel like also shows that I was playing the game and wasn’t just sitting idly by with my powers to fall back on. I took a risk going back on what I said to Dan because I honestly thought that he was going to do the same to me, because it made sense for him to. Due to the strong social connections I had to people in the game, I was able to literally find out the tea from the opposing alliances and be able to act in a reactionary way that would make more sense for the situation at hand. Miss Lily then threw a wildcard into that tribal by telling people that I should be voted out alongside her due to Dan’s group pushing for Lily. I chose to leak to them that Lily had mentioned Amanda’s name in passing, granted she did bring up just about everyone else’s name as well, I knew that if I told Dan that Amanda was brought up it’d get a bigger reaction out of him and hopefully take some of the heat off of me, which it ultimately did seeing as I didn’t receive any votes at that tribal. Gabby did end up leaving, which wasn’t what I had wanted, but all the things I did during that tribal process were incredibly calculated and I feel like speak to my strategies I had in this game.
TL;DR – the advantages, I only played one of them on myself and that was the idol that was given to me by my ally because he couldn’t keep it. The other two idols I used to really no effect on Rob other than to both repay him for what he did by giving me the Tasi idol and to ensure that he wasn’t going to flip on me and go to Sam, which I knew he had been highly considering. With the power to take someone’s immunity, I didn’t just do it and let whatever happen happen, I piggy backed on it and made an even bigger move and one that was going to remove some paranoia if Liana and I were actually going to be on good terms and going to be able to function well together in the game, and also took out an incredibly strong competitor in all aspects.
I will admit that you were the person that I spoke to the least, as you said. I don’t have an exact reasoning for it, and for that I do apologize. I’m not gonna like kiss your ass and give you fake reasons why we never spoke, because I just really don’t have one. It’s one of the faults in my game, and I’m more than willing to own up to that.
I think that you should still vote for me to win, and I hope that you will, because you said a similar thing to Christine in your speech to her that y’all also didn’t speak a whole lot and while I love Christine to death and back I feel as though my game was all around stronger and didn’t just rely on my powers that I had, but instead used took advantage of the season that was given to me and used it to make even stronger moves and really just have some fun with it.
Thank you for your questions and I do hope that we can connect after everything is finished!
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Hey Luke, it’s me and I know that I did not play the flashiest game. In people’s minds, I might’ve played rather the opposite of flashiest, and instead a #boring game. As I’ve said a lot before, I played an under the radar game, and I own it. Coming into three games together, I was super excited to meet you and I had wanted to play with you so muc. The reason why we didn’t, is honestly unknown to me, We just didn’t talk, and it clearly affected the way we worked around each other in all three games. You idoled me out in one (and ironically saved Amanda), you voted for me thrice, and yet we ended up working together for a short period of time, and in this game, I was so mad at myself for not keeping the promise I made to you at F6. Like we talked about, I was devastated when I had to vote you out, but it was a move I had to make if I wanted to guarantee my spot here.
I definitely have an uphill battle ahead of me and I did not consider you as a guarantee vote for me, I know that you value a good game, and wouldn’t let personal relationships affect the way you vote. However, I do deserve to win over Kait and Christine because I played hard, it may not have been the flashiest or the best game, but I played, I did not play for friends, I had to play in order to save my own behind and make it as far as I could. DId I piss people off? Sam would raise her hand and smack me in the face with it. But I had to do whatever it takes to be here, where I am right now, in final tribal council, so I can plead my case, and explain a game that I am proud of. I made moves, and moved forward. I took advantage of my close relationships and I did not have as much pre-existing relationships as everyone else. I may have an uphill battle right now, but this whole game has been an uphill battle for me.
I consider you one of my best friends in this whole entire community, you know that, and I love you, I love you so much even though, yes, we have only gotten close in like almost two weeks jkfdghfdgvfhdbvjsdhcd. I’m so glad that you said “anyways if anybody has an issue with me they wanna talk out then feel free to PM me, despite popular belief i do actually reply :)” because that did open so many doors for us on a personal and game level. When I’ve been down, you’ve been there to cheer me up. I actually cried that night over all the stress I’ve been dealing with, and you were there to help me out and I really do fucking appreciate it Luke. You deserve the best, and I’m sorry I couldn’t give it to you. I’ll always be there for you when you are down and I support you no matter what.
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
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Whew ok so I kinda touched upon this in both Luke and Billy’s questions as well so for more detail you might wanna head over to their answers if you want but to summarize, I always made sure I had people in my back pocket that I knew I could fall back on had Kait or any of my other allies got voted out. I had pretty much a majority of bases covered so I knew what was happening and all the different scenarios that could’ve potentially occurred.
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Okay, hey Sam! I think I basically covered everything that I could possibly have to say in my jury speeches, but low key I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to keep speaking about my game.
The only thing I want to really address specifically to you, based on your speech is actually in regards to Rob, so I hope I’m not like overstepping any boundaries or anything. You mentioned to him that voting confessional that had the quote you said to him in it. Rob didn’t do that, I did. By no means was I trying to come off in a bad light to you. My plan for a while was always going to be to take Rob to the end with me. He’d been with me the whole time and I knew that no matter what he was going to be seen as just doing what I say, which of course, puts me in a better position right now. So, I wanted to see if I could make it so that you saw that he was leaking to me what you were telling him and kind of a last ditch effort to shed some light on the game as you were leaving.
Thanks for your time and, like I said, the chance to explain just one last thing!
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Sam, I DID NOT MAKE THAT CONFESSIONAL, I was personally upset as well when I saw that confessional and I’m sorry that it was used against you. I’ve said that my biggest mistake was at F6, and it was the way I handled the situation between you and Kait. You two were at each other’s throats and to be honest, I did plan on working with you. You said “even if we were on opposite sides,” but we weren’t on opposite sides.
Kait had asked me who you were voting for, because she thought that you could trust me out of her and Christine. I panicked, as we had not discussed this and sent you the message asking what should I say to her. It had been a couple minutes since she sent the message, and I knew Kait would be sketched out as she knew I was online, I said that you were voting for Kait, not realizing that Kait, in fact, had immunity, and this is where it went downhill. Kait had wanted proof of you saying the vote is her, so I sent her the closest thing. However, I did send you receipts back of what was happening in PMs between me and Kait as I had wanted your advice on it and in one of them, it had where I quoted you, which later Kait used as her voting confessional. I sent those words to Kait, but it was as means to try and save both of our asses. Kait is smart enough to know what was actually going on, and when I confronted Amanda about what she was doing, I knew it was game over because Amanda had said, “I would rather prefer voting for Sam cause Christine talks to me more.” The least it could do was tie, but with the odds and even if I did survive, who know if I would be voted off afterwards. So I decided to switch my vote, and I was at peace with this because you had said, “Rob it's okay!” “Honestly, it's just a game and if anything goes wrong it's my head so I don't mine” “I've won a few times and made it to the end enough so it's your turn” I thought you would respect making a move to advance myself further in the game, and I’m sorry it ended up hurting your feelings instead. I did not know Kait would twist those words, and I’m sorry that Kait would talk down on you and act like you were stupid because you don’t deserve that, you are super smart. You were on the brains tribe after all!
To answer your actual questions, Kait had wanted to do a different target than was already discussed about. Kait had wanted to do Lily, someone who she didn’t like and called zzzz, as a target when Billy went home. But I shut down that idea. I wanted to do Luke and was trying to make Lily seem as non-threatening as possible, but Kait said “Oh really? What has Luke done that has been strategic in this game” She did not view Luke as a threat like I did, but ultimately, the plan did fall through and Kait ended up going with the Luke plan. In the beginning, I had Samuel and Steven leave as I did not trust them at all, we could’ve had other inactives leave besides them, but I declared the vote was them and it went that way.
In a speech you sent me after you were voted off, you said, “you don't stand a chance against Kait whose fought her way from the bottom!” but I don’t think this is true, Kait has not had to fight her way from the bottom, if anything, Kait has been fighting from the top this entire game! I’ve been fighting my way from the bottom trying to find way here, and like you said, it’s my turn to win. Thank you Sam, I’m sorry over what happened in this game and I hope we could mend our relationship because you are a badass. My favorite badass.
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
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Alright, so this is a little odd cause I considered you a close ally on Tasi but at the same time I always felt kinda weird about working with you cause I knew you were super tight with Liana, and you were pretty open about it which made me feel as though we weren’t as tight as I thought. Especially when you tried everything you could to save her. Going to rocks, saying you had the numbers to keep her, etc. Then with the double vote when you tried targeting Kait, I knew we had different interests so I felt as though it was better for my game to vote you off eventually, but fate had other plans I guess. But when it comes to standing more of a chance against you or anyone else rather than Kait/Dan, I don’t really like to go that route. I always wanna be against strong competitors because it’s more of a challenge. It sounds weird, I know, but if I can plead my case well enough for the win, it makes it all the more rewarding than taking a goat. I hate taking the easy way out and if taking someone like Kait to the end was a bad decision, then I’m totally fine with that cause whether it’s me/Kait or Rob I know we all played our hearts out and that’s what matters more to me.
So yeah, with that being said, I actually did have an opportunity to get Kait out at the very end. We made a deal that she would give me immunity if I dropped so she could tie Jordan’s record, and I’m not gonna lie I thought about it a lot because if I did take the deal, I could potentially rally Rob and Amanda to get her out but at the same time, to come this far through a cast of 30 people and backstab your #1 ally…that’s not me. We’re a dynamic duo, we’ve worked through this entire season together twist after twist and to turn my back on that, I would’ve hated myself for doing it. So yeah, overall I’d like to say I played a pretty loyal game for the most part. Hopefully that wasn’t too long for you but I needed to include some thoughts on your other questions.
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Hey, Lily! Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot to me that you think so highly of my game. I’m really glad that I got the chance to play this game with you after having hosted you in your first game of Atlantis.
But yeah! When this game started I was just on the tail end of / getting voted out of All-Stars and really all I wanted to do was just to have some fun and make a few moves before I inevitably got snatched. I wasn’t giving myself enough credit when the game started and thought that my reputation would be far too insurmountable, so I’m incredibly proud of the game that I played!
Did I really think that I was being perceived as weak? Up in the air, really. I know that there were some people in this game that do know that I can be a powerhouse in challenges when I choose to be, but also some people that didn’t really know me or just knew of me. So I’d imagine possibly half and half, maybe not necessarily with the jury but I’d say a lot of the premerge people weren’t exactly in the know on that. Regardless, my goal was to basically get in and get out and raise some hell in the rounds to come as far as the Challenger was concerned. I figured most of the good stuff was going to be found early (as they were) and I wanted to get in on it instead of being on the tail end of it, like if I hadn’t done it someone else was going to so I figured why not? No one that I was on a tribe with seemed to really be functioning under the same strategy that I was or was catching onto that specific aspect of it so I just kept going about my business.
The instant I saw Christine in the game I knew that I wanted her to be my f2. Her and I work so well together and can be a very deadly combination in a game together. (Last game we played together we also got to FTC together). So, I knew that I wanted to take Christine to the end with me from the beginning regardless of the games that were played, just out of loyalty to her. However, this just became instilled in me even more once the touchy subjects results were posted and saw what kind of edit I was getting. I was clearly getting the most attention and hoped that I would have a chance to beat her, despite her being an actual angel descended down from heaven to grace us with her presence. You do have a fair point in why I brought Rob instead of Amanda. They both were my allies from day one, so I feel like regardless of the decision that I was making I was at final 4 with people that I had been loyal to the entire game and that, alone, is a feat in and of its own. So, unfortunately I was going to have to vote one of them out, and while an all girl final three where I’d be sitting next to two absolute queens I knew that Amanda would have on lock a couple of votes that if she was there I wouldn’t have a chance at getting since they were her main pals throughout the game on the opposite of me since she was playing the middle.
Would I have brought Jenn to the end? It’s hard to say, because Jenn missed out on the entire merge and I’m not sure what kind of game she would’ve played the rest of the way to get here. So, I’m sorry I don’t have a solid answer for that just because it really depends on what she would’ve done. I feel good with the final three that I’m sitting with. They both played different games and had somewhat different routes to getting here. I respect them as people and as players, but at the same time I do feel like my game is worthy of winning of theirs.  
As for your last question. How would I have more integrity in this game? I don’t think I really went out of my way to lie in this game. I didn’t tell Rob everything that was going on in my game in fear of him ending up flipping on me to work with Sam. I lied to Dan about not targeting him in that double round in hopes that it’d keep me safe for the round and get rid of the biggest threat to my game. I didn’t tell Amanda everything in my game, basically for the same reason I didn’t Rob, I didn’t want her to end up picking Luke over me if given the chance. I used the receipt Rob sent me of Sam talking about my as my voting confessional for her so that Sam could see that Rob, while possibly trying to flip on me, was leaking things that she said back to me. Everything I did, while sometimes coming off as extra, was very calculated and had a purpose. All of it led me to where I am now, and I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished.
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Hey Lily! My biggest disappointment was seeing you leave during the blind vote. CTHULHU CAN CHOKE! When I told you I cried cause you left, I was being 100% genuine with my feelings as I did not want you to go at all. I trusted you and you got so worried about breaking the rules that we couldn't continue our streak! I am sort of hurt that you don’t believe I was telling you my genuine game thoughts, but I do understand where you’re coming from because I did decide to leave you out of the Liana vote and I had ultimately turned on my word. When I said that I was voting for Gabby, at that time, I was being honest about what I was thinking and turning on Liana was more of a last minute decision. If I had told you what I was thinking then, I knew you wouldn’t go through with it because you and Liana were super close. I’m sorry about what happened that night.
Thank you for being happy I was able to make it here, and yes, when I said that I think I didn’t stood a chance at winning, I was being genuine about it as well. I thought that I would have a hard time selling my point, and that the jury would be pissed off at me for the decisions I decided to make. However, that didn’t deter me from trying to win and I did use my doubt as an advantage to make myself appear more weak. When I said that Christine was a threat, I did mean it, Christine is a kind soul and she hadn’t pissed off the jury, she knows what to do to win and she’s a sneaky, clever girl. It was not a plan of my alliance as I had not really been in any alliances in this game besides one that involved me, Kait, and Rhea. I was more working with people than being in an alliance, and I did not want people to see me working with you as closely as I believe we were, so if I did I would not have told them our conversations.
About hiding behind bigger names, just because they are big names and threats, does not necessarily mean that they will automatically win. Each person has flaws about them, and when scrutinizing them, those flaws could be a major factor in the vote. For example, Darian was someone who played too hard too fast, and he was targeted because of it. Kait is someone who is very polarizing. When people talk about Kait, they either love her or hate her. Kait can be condescending at times, preferring things to go her way, and being blunt about what she thinks. You can never know what happens, whether one of them could screw up, because there is always hope in everything you do. You have dreams, and just because you have big names as an obstacle in achieving your dreams does not mean you should give up. You should never give up.
Whether my game was a self-fulfilling prophecy will depend on you guys and how I answer your questions. You said that you didn’t tell me everything you were doing, and I’m sorry if I made it seem that way. Everyone has their own agendas and they hide things, whether you reveal everything or not is up to you, but you told me everything I needed strategically to know where people’s heads were at, and everything emotionally to push me through this game. If Kait or Christine had gone home instead of you, I think that you and I would have had a much greater chance at being here together. It would be harder if Kait remained, she did go on an immunity run, but with Christine I think that maybe we could’ve been here with say someone like Sam and we both would have a greater shot at winning, not saying Sam wouldn’t win, but the odds increase.
If I had more integrity in this game, I would have stuck with the Gabby plan. I would have followed through with taking Luke to the end with me, and not vote for Sam. I would have fought harder for Emma to not be the vote so she wouldn't want to quit. I think something that would’ve helped my gameplay, was having my own advantages to use. The only real advantage I found was Tasi’s idol, but I had to give it away. WIth advantages, it’s easier to say that I made big moves which people tend to respect. Thank you so much Lily and I hope we do get to become close friends after this game is over, I miss our deep conversations! And I’m sorry if htis came out more like a book series <.<
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
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Something I did that solely benefited me was that I always set myself up to have options. I always tried to form relationships with people on the bottom (Seamus, Kelsey, etc.) and make sure we were on the same page because Tasi was a very tricky tribe, I always felt like I was a bit on the outs myself so to have those people in my back pocket was crucial. When merge hit I knew Kait had a good majority of people on her side, so I went to the other half (Dan, Luke, Sam, etc.) to make sure we had all bases covered. That way I had a pretty good idea of what was happening 24/7 so I had a basic idea of when Kait should play the idols and what potentially could happen if anyone played anything else, like during your vote off.
(Also pretty sure Ricky’s screaming in the background that we were on the same tribe during that fake merge but it’s fine)
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No, I absolutely did not know that you were leaving the round when you did. I was not aware that Sam had that power nor that she was going to use it to get you out. Both Christine and Amanda were leaking to me things that Sam was saying about who she wanted out – on one hand I was hearing from Christine that Sam was wanting you out, then on the other I had Amanda telling me she thought that it was going to be Rob. Where I stood, it didn’t make a whole lot of sense to idol you out like that, so when the tribal was happening I literally stalled the hosts so much in my host chat so I could try and figure out who I should use my topaz idol on to save. I made a judgement call that Rob leaving would’ve had a bigger impact on the game and ended up being wrong, and I’m sorry about that, but it was really just guess work at that point who she was going to use it to send home.
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I wish we talked more because you were someone I was looking forward to meeting but unfortunately we didn’t. I’m not the goat because I was playing up my goatential, aka making myself seem like goat. In order for a goat to be a goat, they can’t know that they are the goat. I knew that in people’s eyes I would be the so-called “goat.” So I had to play up that persona and appear non-threatening which as seen with you, worked as you did not see me as threatening, and my name never actually came up as the target anytime. You may not have seen me as threatening, but I did see you as a threat because I knew that as long as you were here, Kait and Christine might have been more likely to take you to the end than me, but because I had more of a bond with people (they’re words, not mine), I was able to guarantee my safety. Thank you for the time and maybe we can talk after the season!
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
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I would say I regret not doing as much as I should’ve rather than regret what I actually did, if that makes sense? Like, I should have stood my ground more to keep Seamus safe, I should’ve gone rogue and ignored everyone on yours/Dans vote and voted Lily instead. Overall, I’m proud of what I did and how far I got, I just wish I could’ve done a little bit more on my own.
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I think that even given the chance to change who I was sitting next to at the end I wouldn’t take it. I’m proud to be sitting next to two worthy competitors and two people that I have worked incredibly close with this entire game. I’d even say that if Amanda were to win final immunity and I was here with her as well I would’ve been just as pleased. I think that’s a testament to the game that I played in that I ultimately got the people that I was working closely with the entire time to the end of the game with me.
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I feel bad for what ended up happening when you left, you were totally screwed by NOREEN! I think you would’ve ended up in my spot instead if it wasn’t for her. To answer your question, I definitely envy Kait and Christine because they have a reputation. They are known as good players in the community, people think, “Oh Christine did this and Kait always does that,” that it does cloud what other people do. I can’t say that people want to target me as a threat because I don’t make those big moves that Probst endorses. That’s just not me, I make more quiet moves that will help me move along further in this game They also had a lot more relationships with people, good and bad that they could work with that I myself didn’t necessarily have. They have a lot more experience, that they can probably make my answers look like shit. But most of all, I envy their wins, I want to win, so you should vote for me so I don’t have to envy them for that!
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
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Alright, so going into games I tend to socialize more with people that I’m on a tribe with at the time, cause I kinda consider it more of a priority at the current time, which maybe isn’t the best idea but it’s definitely something I can learn from. With that being said, I actually really did trust you throughout the course of this game because you were always honest with me. You filled me in that I was in danger because of Shea and I had so much respect for that and I wanted to go far with you. During one of the swaps I tried to make it a priority that Jenn and Kait kept you safe had you ever been in danger and once merge came around I knew you’d be helpful because, again, you were honest with me. You told me you were lying to Kait and the situation with Liana and when your vote came around I was devastated cause one side wanted me to vote you and you wanted me to vote Gabby which was really stressful cause I just wanted to get rid of Lily since she didnt have a real value to my game at the time. I even wanted to play one of Kait’s idols that she gave me on you cause I wanted us to go far and I definitely trusted you more than Lily and Gabby. Unfortunately, that move would’ve blown my game up and decided against it. I don’t think you were a piece of trash, I think you were a bit messy from time to time, but I enjoy working with you and my biggest regret is definitely not trying to protect you more during that vote.
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Before I get started on answering your question, I just want to thank you for what you said about respecting my game. That means a lot to me, especially coming from the person that I would definitely deem as my rival throughout this game.
I totally understand the comp beast thing, but I just want to highlight something that I wanted to try and do to set me up where I could have the opportunity to win challenges. I made it a point that I wanted the people gone that could give me a run for my money in terms of winning challenges.
I don’t think I needed to rely on winning challenges though to get where I am, sure it helps but I don’t think I sat idly by when I did have immunity and just let pieces fall where they may. I always had a backup plan in place and would have fully intended on following through with that if I wasn’t safe. Throughout the entire merge I had very strong relationships with both of the people that were sitting next to me, that were constantly leaking information from the members of the opposing alliance (well, rather the people that were trying to get me out). For example, after the vote where you idol’d Luke which in turn I idol’d myself, Christine was sending me receipts of everything you were saying to her about lying to me - this led me to be able to have my eye out for you in the later rounds of the game. On the other hand I have Rob who was spilling tea on Sam’s plans to me. I found myself, admittedly, not with a whole lot of numbers in this game but I made sure that the people I was putting my faith in were going to come running back to me with all the information I needed without me having to necessarily get my hands dirty and come off as a back stabber to people that eventually would be joining the jury. I think that speaks to both my social and my strategic game.
As far as an actual tangible move instead of a kind of overarching I have two that really set the tone for my game that I think are big enough to be deemed worthy as my BIG MOVES for the game.
The first would have to be the round that Liana went home. A few rounds before I had found a power at the Challenger that allowed me to take immunity from a member of the opposing tribe. Liana was someone who, coming into this game, we had a rocky relationship and we had both agreed that we were going to set that aside and move forward together putting our best foot forward etc, yet she was still someone that I didn’t trust completely and probably one of my biggest threats as far as challenge strength in the game. So, I tell Christine the night before that I’m going to play my power in the morning once someone else gets back from the deep in hopes that I could possibly frame it on someone else taking it from her (which was confirmed to me that most people weren’t even aware that it was me that did it when Liana messaged me before the revote asking if I was the one that did it or not). Anyways a few hours later I come home from work and ask Christine who is going to end up leaving their tribe and I hear that Gabby is going to end up leaving. This did not sit well with me because I value Gabby as an ally and someone who would work with me, so coming into a merge I wanted to make sure that as many people who would end up being on my side were still in tact. So I message Rob and Amanda and start surveying the situation and I’m like y’all listen, why are you targeting someone who really isn’t doing a whole lot in this game over Liana, who if given the right tools and a good position in this game could’ve easily ran away with it? All I had to do was plant those seeds with the two of them and watch it flourish into Rob coming back like:
[3/25/2017 6:32:38 PM] Rob Rangel (Death Valley Host): I literally think you may have just done that [3/25/2017 6:32:45 PM] Rob Rangel (Death Valley Host): just tell gabby to vote for liana [3/25/2017 6:34:22 PM] Rob Rangel (Death Valley Host): like it will rely on how gabby votes now [3/25/2017 6:59:06 PM] kait ~~/: they voted liana
Just to emphasize how important this was to me, because I knew that word would spread fast at some point that I’m the one that played that power and the last thing I wanted was Liana to come after me after finding out what I attempted and failed to do, I called Gabby at work at Subway to make sure that they didn’t forget to vote literally two minutes before tribal council happened.
[3/25/2017 6:59:11 PM] Rob Rangel (Death Valley Host): omg [3/25/2017 6:59:14 PM] Rob Rangel (Death Valley Host): kait you did this [3/25/2017 6:59:18 PM] Rob Rangel (Death Valley Host): you saved gabby
As far as my ‘social moves’ I’m going to emphasize my friendship and working relationship with Rob, as I do feel like it was so important in helping me get here and to get me my ideal final four. Literally the same day that you idol’d Luke and I almost went home, earlier in the day Rob had gotten back from the Challenger and I have these messages from Monty in my host chat saying that Rob found the Tasi idol and seeing as he currently wasn’t on Tasi he had to send it to someone on that tribe. Rob said that he chose me immediately. Now, in my opinion trusting someone in a game is one thing, but idol trust is a completely different level of bond in an alliance. Yes, Rob had to give it to someone, but it’s a testament to my own social game with him that he picked me over everyone else on that tribe. Of course, I later played that same idol at tribal
I just keep thinking of the part in Michele’s FTC where she said that she was on the bottom the whole time and no one believed in her other than herself. I never had an alliance chat with anyone once the merge came, I was playing a tricky game that required me to jump around and get information when I needed to whether it be false or not, and piece together what I believed to be happening for each vote so I could then formulate what I wanted to do and see that through. I also just want to say that the round when you left, I 100% thought that I was going to be leaving that round, I didn’t see how it wouldn’t happen, especially after what had happened the round before with the idol plays on our tribe that led to Jenn ultimately leaving in a revote. I didn’t see a scenario in which I didn’t leave, so I got my gloves on and found a way to ensure that I wasn’t leaving (with a little help from the paranoia that Lily was creating with everyone).
Not only do I think I outwitted, outplayed, and outlasted I think I ultimately adapted to every situation that this game threw at us and spun it in a way that I wanted it to - ex. When I unleashed the Cthulu from the deep that made it so we had to vote for a number instead of ourselves. I still had the Finite idol I had found round one, but I told myself that I had played this game fearlessly and I wasn’t going to use my idol on something so random. A little bit in defiance of this twist from the hosts, I suggest in the tribe chat that we all just agree to vote a different number that way one of us gets rocked out instead of getting eaten by Cthulu, so I literally made a list of everyone in the game and assigned everyone a number, which everyone did. I realize that like this isn’t guaranteeing that someone I wanted to left, but it’s just another mark of how big of an influence I feel like I had in this game.
Thank you for your question, and I’m sorry I wrote you a fucking essay, but I hope that answers the questions you had about my game, Dan!
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Hey Dan! I can see where you’re coming from, we didn’t talk much except for the times we were together on a tribe. When we did talk, we didn’t talk much strategy, mostly “have you heard what’s happening?” “yeah it’s so and so.” You proved to be a threat from when you went against Tasi’s plan and saved Luke with your emerald idol. You weren’t willing to just go with the flow and wanted to make big moves. I didn’t know if I could have worked with you then and I thought it was best to get you out.
To answer your question, I think that I played a mix of a social and strategic game. I built relationships with new people who I didn’t know before like Rhea, Lily, Kait, Christine, Emma, and Darian. I came with a disadvantage of not knowing 5/6 of the cast, but I was able to maneuver myself through the game and made sure that people would see me as a non-threat. That was my main strategy of not wanting to be too out there, and It worked as it was able to get me here. I do acknowledge that it’s not gameplay that the jury may admire as they may see me as not doing anything at all, but I worked hard in this game and put my 100% into making here to final tribal. Thank you and I hope everything works out well being a pathologist’s assistant!
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
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I mean, isn’t not targeting you for once good enough to get your vote??? Just kidding of course, I tried my best to keep you safe cause I knew you would always be a valued number for me but it was unfortunately out of my hands once the swap hit which I’m so sorry about. Hopefully we’ll actually have a chance to work together at some point.
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Hey freak. How did I know you were going to ask this?
Anywho, as far as what I did to ensure that you will be voting me as opposed to the other two that I’m sitting next to – you clearly were not really here to play the game instead rather just doing a favor to Ricky. When it turned out that I was actually playing the game a lot harder than originally planned I made sure to keep you in the loop with everything that was going on on my side of things and helping to lead you in the right direction of who would keep you safe on your tribe. Once I had found the Finite idol I had made it clear to both you and Christine that if any of us, not just me, were in danger I’d give it to you guys hands down so you could play it. I wanted to try and save you on the revote after Dan and I both played idols, but you insisted I let you leave so you could focus on your busy school week.
In short, I was the best ally I could be to you and was just as concerned with your safety in the game as mine until you asked to leave and I think that’s deserving of your vote!
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Jenn, that really makes me cry seeing you declare this as your favorite final three ever. I was so excited to play with you but unfortunately we were never on a freaking tribe together! Minus the merge tribe of course.
I have done worse than 5th MANY times. I’m just going to list my previous placements:
Kiribati: 13th
Congo: 6th (so close)
Emathia: 14th
Comoros: 8th
Arendelle: 8th
What I did to ensure your vote was, to just talk to you and be a good player to host. As Geo, I had wanted to play more differently, so I was 100% loyal to people, but I’m Rob, and I have to play for myself. My gameplay may be a little confusing to outsiders as both Rob and Geo, but there is a method to my madness and I wish we could’ve actually worked together because you are amazing.
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
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Ok so my moves weren’t necessary as flashy as Kait’s, mine were a bit more subtle but they kept me going regardless. I pretty much took people on the bottom under my wing as a way to set up a potential back up plan in case anything were to ever happen like a swap or my main allies going home. This set up a particular level of trust which I was hoping to use later on. I also played a bit within the middle throughout the merge to me and Kait’s benefit. I used the info I gathered from both sides to advance myself as far as I could.
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1. I flipped the vote with help from Amanda to make sure that she didn’t leave. 2. I flipped the vote onto Darian during the anarchy round to ensure that Sam was safe and someone who was being perceived as the leader left. 3. I made sure that Seamus left when he did, because we have had weird past problems and I didn’t want to risk getting screwed over by him. 4. I used my immunity denier thing to take Liana’s immunity away and then proceeded to convince the rest of the opposing tribe to make sure that Liana left. I also called Gabby the same day two minutes before tribal to make sure they didn’t self-vote and ruin my entire plan. 5. I successfully played an idol on myself to save myself from getting idol’d out. 6. I orchestrated Dan leaving, and almost Lily leaving during the same vote during the double vote. 7. I got the whole tribe to agree to vote for different numbers during the round where Cthulu was unleashed (I realize that this didn’t actually influence who left but I think the fact that I posted a list and wrote down who was voting who in the tribe chat and they went with it says a lot) 8. I played two (2) idols, unsuccessfully but they were to ensure an ally was safe so it was worth it in my opinion.
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Hi Chrissa! I wish we would’ve talked more than the “hellos” during the game cause you seem like a nice person. I did make moves in this game though. For example, on the original Finite, I eliminated people who I could not trust in Daisy, Samuel, and Steven. I also eliminated Liana who I didn’t know too well because if she was gone, it would strengthen the trust I had with my close allies, and Liana was also close to Lily, someone who I had grown attached to and wanted to work with, so if Liana remained I knew Lily would rather work with her and not me. With the double elimination, people were wishy-washy and wanted to get Lily instead of Dan out, but I helped in making sure that Dan remained the main target instead of her as Lily would be someone that people would have rather voted out. Thank you for the question and hope we could talk more in the future!
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survivor-marianas-trench · 8 years ago
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The most risky element about my game was definitely playing the middle throughout the merge. I tried to play up my relationships with people and make sure we were on the same page, I tried picking up relationships when anything went wrong, and I was able to make my way throughout the course of this game without much of a target on my back until Midway Atoll exposed me and Kait’s game as dynamic duos. That was the only point that my name had come up since the first vote so I think the way I handled things really helped and there was always the risk that I’d get caught and become an immediate target, but it happened a little too late for people to realize.
I mean, I guess besides making it to the end in a huge cast, my proudest moment would be pulling off the Liana vote. It was an ongoing plan for me, Kait and Jenn and so when Liana lost her immunity, it was a miracle trying to get her out since Lily had a strong tie with her and literally wanted to go to rocks for her. Had she stayed she probably would’ve went on a strong immunity run and I wasn’t really willing to keep that kind of risk around considering I didn’t really have a good enough relationship with her, so it was definitely another risky move but it worked out thankfully.
Other than Kait, the most important person to my game was probably Seamus. I literally adore Seamus and the fact that he went so early annoys me because he was probably one of my strongest allies in this game. He had my back 100% and I had his as well. He filled me in with the mess that happened at the early merge with the Darian vote and we shared our suspicions about Kelsey who we weren’t really sure wanted to work with us or what. I protected him as much as I could and it was definitely a shame I couldn’t help him make the merge. Dan is a pretty close second.
As for the letter grade, I’d probably give myself a B. I think I had a pretty good game socially, I was aware of a lot of the moves that were being made, who was with who, the only exception really were the idols and random twists (I’m looking at you cthelu) but other that I had a fairly good grip on what was happening. Some of the flaws were probably not taking enough risks or being more assertive on what I wanted to do, like I should’ve just told Dan I was gonna vote Lily regardless of what he said, maybe I should’ve taken the risk and tried to take Kait out at F4 or used the idols more to my benefit. Maybe I’m loyal to a fault, but overall I’m proud of my game because making it through a 30 person season is definitely something  I didn’t think I could accomplish and I think the roads I took to get here were right enough for me to be proud and content with whatever outcomes that may happen.
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Hey Rhea!
I think as far as the whole “weak” thing, yeah that’s probably not the best way to word it, but there’s really no nice way of saying that I threw challenges at the beginning. Knowing this series and that Monty likes to do a lot of wild twists, and with the description we were given of the Challenger Deep I knew that it was going to become integral to the game. The last thing I wanted was to get screwed over because of a twist in this game, I wanted to find a good middle ground between playing the game in the way that Monty and Ricky intended for it to be played with the twists and still keeping as much integrity in terms of solid gameplay intact. So to answer your question, yes I would say that my strategy worked. I was able to keep, not only myself, but my allies afloat in this game. Of the four big powers that I found in the game, I only used one to directly benefit myself, the rest were to protect my allies and our paths moving forwards.
Now onto your other questions:
1. I swear this isn’t just because this is my answer to you, but one of my biggest regrets in this game is your vote. Admittedly, I didn’t do all I could to save you that round. It’s not really an excuse, but I was at work the entire day and didn’t have as much opportunity to piece together what would be best for that round. Jenn and I had talked about how you leaving was most definitely not good for our games, and she was 100% right. Working with you was so nice, because we were both pretty busy with our irl stuff and I never felt like I had to be checking in with you all day every day like it was a very chill working relationship and one that I was sad to see leave, especially since I didn’t do anything to stop it. With the power of hindsight taking out one of Dan, Sam, or Luke would’ve been much more beneficial to my game moving forward as opposed to voting you out.
2. I think I definitely played a risky game! From the first vote I had a vote against me due to sacrificial lamb so by most people’s logic it’d be better to just sit down and shut up and vote however you’re being told to vote to minimize any chance of you being the one that ends up leaving. Instead, I went all out (with help from Amanda!!) to make sure that Amanda didn’t end up leaving like Daisy and Emma were so harshly pushing for. I almost ended up leaving that very first vote, because I stuck my neck out for her. That’s not the only vote that I went out of my way to flip despite it being dangerous for my safety in the game, but my actions weren’t coming from a place of chaos it was a risk and reward sort of situation. Take a bigger, yet calculated risk in hopes that it pays off to make the rest of the game a tad bit easier. During the anarchy round Darian was very actively targeting Sam, someone who I had really hoped that I would end up working with at some point even if it wasn’t long term. I played that vote very reactively, found out the plan at hand to spot the holes in it and find a way to work it in my favor. There was no hiding with what I was doing either, I felt like it was pretty obvious that I was trying to save Sam, so that could’ve come back and bit me in the ass at some point, but it was another risk that I took.
One of the biggest risks that I took though, is playing the power that took Liana’s immunity away. Liana is a powerhouse competitor, and like me, if you give Liana an inch she’s going to end up taking two miles. She was someone, who in this game, I considered one of the biggest competitors in my way and also someone who was worrying my allies. Within the last hour of that vote I came home from work, heard that the vote was going to be Gabby even with Liana’s immunity taken away, I talked to both Rob and Amanda and planted the fact that Gabby would be a lot more beneficial for our game moving forwards. I called Gabby at their work at Subway to make sure that they voted and that they’d survive the revote (because Amanda had voted early and couldn’t change due to the 1 hour rule). I was so worried until the tribal happenings finished that Liana would put together that I put together the entire thing and would be on the hunt for my scalp on her way out, so I’d say that was a pretty big risk with such a flashy move that would also earn myself a lot of attention for the upcoming rounds of merge. I took a risk giving my idols to Christine during the tribal where Dan and Gabby left. I took a risk lying to Dan about not targeting him that round then turning right around and targeting him (I didn’t want to get taken advantage of and decided it’d be better for me to remove that threat ASAP if at all possible). I took a risk throwing literally all of the challenges premerge other than the trivia one when people knew full well that there was a large chance I was coming back with powers and making myself a bigger target. I took a risk not idoling myself after I unleashed Cthulu and whoever left that vote was completely randomized.
I think, with all that being said, it shows that I took very calculated risks to get here and made it a point that I was going to play how I wanted and make myself a force to be reckoned with for the season.
As for your grading prompt:
I’d give my game a solid B+, more specifically like an 89.5%.
From where I'm sitting, I feel like I've played a very powerful game. I rolled with the punches and survived twist after twist. With the announcement of the Challenger Deep, I knew that this season was going to end up being really heavy with the twists that were handed to us, and I wanted to make sure that I got myself on the right side of it. Everyone else in the game had the exact same opportunities as I did to take advantage of the Challenger - for example one round I literally just submitted a score of zero on Dolphin Olympics. Like you pointed out in your statement to me, people weren't ignorant to what I was doing, however no one was stopping me either due to the apparent target it was putting on my back with going to the Challenger so many times.
Now, I know that with this being said it can be interpreted that I just sat there and relied on all of this to propel me further in the game. I understand that, but having played so many of these games I've seen so many people just coast to the end because of the power they had. I don't think I did that. I put soooo much effort into this game. I held a water bottle over my head for almost three hours (which I'm still feeling the effect of btw), I spent much more time on this game than I had originally planned.
My reasoning for not giving myself an A would be that I know that my game wasn't perfect. I mentioned to you already that I shouldn't've let you leave when you did - at the very least I should've told you or voted with you like Jenn did. I didn't manage the jury as well as I could've, but I was looking at it from the perspective that my influence over how this game played out is so incredibly evident with how everything played out that I am hoping that will power through. For me, in terms of Sam and Luke also, I didn't want to get myself into a situation where I was spread too thin with my allegiances. It's risky being aligned with everyone in a game and having made that mistake in a previous game that wasn't a round I wanted to go down. I feel like I did my best to keep my relationship intact with Sam for as long as I could, but it was apparent to both of us that our games were going in separate directions and we both needed each other out of the way if either of us were going to succeed. The same can be said for Luke - it was clear we weren't in each other's long term plans and our communications with each other were, admittedly, pretty minimal.
So, I would say that it's due to these things that I wouldn't give myself an A and see myself getting a B+ with like a smiley face on my game as a grade.
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Rhea, you have no idea how much that means to me. I love you so much and I did work really hard to make it here. I’m just sad we couldn’t do it together.
I trusted you, pretty much 130%. You were my actual number one ally because I felt that you were genuine, and one of the most caring people I’ve met, in my life. If someone was being nice to you, you would be nice a hundred times more. And I do mean that, it may not seem like you were my number one, but I did not want people to know how close we really were as that would have put a target on our backs.
The turning point for me, I have to say was when Lily was voted out by Amanda in the blind vote. I had an anxiety attack that round and cried because I thought I would be leaving or someone who I was really close to left and I couldn’t do anything to prevent it, and I think that definitely impacted the way I played during the next round. I messed up and became locked into one group, Kait and Christine. I made promises (to ensure my safety) that I couldn’t uphold, and I feel terrible for it.
If I became a gaming professor and had to rank my gameplay this season, I would give myself a B- or 81.
I played a good game in the beginning, building the foundation for the relationships that managed to take me to the end. I lied low, and was able to eliminated people who I couldn’t trust. I had set the targets ahead of me, in order to ensure my safety. I lied low, because that’s how my personality naturally gravitate to. In my regular life, I’m not the loudest, proudest person. I’m the person sitting in the back on their phone or just doing their work. I listen to what people say, and I assess what needs to be done. Every vote that I participated in that did not include some crazy twist, ala Billy and LIly’s eliminations, I was in the majority, and voted for the person that went home. You can say I was similar to Ika, where I was like, “I promise you, YOU ARE GOING HOME!” I just wasn’t as verbal about it as her. However, my game may not be as visible to you guys as the games of Kait and Christine’s might and I would say that in the final episode of this season, was where my game took that turning point. I made mistakes and I went to the end with the dynamic duo of Midway Atoll, Kait and Christine which obviously is going to prove to be a hard win for me. Will I beat them, it’s your guy’s [the jury’s] decision, but there’s hope, and I’m not giving up. Never give up, which is a lesson that we can all learn from because then we can accomplish our hopes and dreams. Even though, yes, this game was hard, I didn’t give up and managed to make it here and plead my case to you guys and I can finally check off FTC from my survivor bucket list.
I think that you definitely were the person who benefited my game the most. I relied on you and you emotionally helped me both in the game and in real life. I trusted you so that whatever decision we came up with, we would do it. I dreamed of making the end so that I could make you say, “I am so proud of you for making it here.” You mean so much to me, and whatever you decide, in this vote, and in your life, I want you to be happy, and I will support you no matter what. Thank you Rhea, and please please please follow your dreams.
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