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wishchip106 · 14 days ago
feeling sad so now i’m thinking about first class but Erik had killed Shaw already so he and Charles just have a meet cute somewhere and we just follow their story until they get married at the end of the movie with their six adopted children and supportive best friend Moira 😔
ykw Emma, Azazel and Janos can be there too why not
can someone just put cherik in a cheesy romcom movie i need these guys to be so grossly in love it gives me second hand embarrassment
like i need them to actively bring me my downfall while staring deeply into each other’s eyes
actually wait they already do that so they just need to kill me or something and then makeout on my grave
someone put cherik in a hallmark movie where Charles is that one city character that goes “Ugh i hate the holidays!” and Erik is that one small town character that shows him the meaning of the holidays and they just spend all of Hanukkah together with Erik’s kids and they slowly but surely fall in love
and yknow situations happen and stuff…
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that might make me feel better idk…
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nyxi-pixie · 10 months ago
me when im supposed to be studying but instead im thinking abt mori and dazai again
let me go absolutely insane for a second (not a second. this is so long. i just checked mfer its over 2000 words. i need to be sedated. imprisoned. restrained. examined. smthn)
'a young man with a death wish once came to me and i wanted to rescue him but i couldnt' and like yeah. beast mori couldnt rescue him. but to a certain extent, canon mori sort of has (touch wood for long term but as it is, dazai is so much less intent on dying than he was in dark era).
and it just. i always wonder about the actual intentions of the mimic situation. because on the surface, it looks like what dazai calls it, then deeper than that, it looks like a very calculated long term strategy, and deeper than that, its just. kinda sad.
i just think its interesting that he plans the mimic thing the way he does knowing dazai will leave despite the fact that he doesnt want him to. and dazai himself reasons this as mori being afraid of him, that mori doesnt want dazai to kill him the way mori killed the old boss. but thats? not true? mori seems unbothered at worst and downright proud at best when he tells oda that dazai will probably kill him one day.
so. Why. did he do it knowing dazai would leave? it wasnt his only option; he could have set skk on mimic. like 5 second future vision isnt gonna do much when the danger is alr there (as oda says). and in the face of a massive black hole coming right at u or a building being dropped on you, five seconds really isnt gonna do much. so mimic cld have been removed without a casualty and the mafia could still have got the permit, and not lost dazai. (who is Objectively an asset to the organisation.) But thats not how it happens. Mori plans it exactly as he does knowing oda will die and dazai will leave. he also then makes it continually obvious that dazai would be welcomed back.
and ive been trying to think of other reasons for it, but across canon and insight from beast mori the only thing i can think of comes back to the fact that mori wants dazai alive. alive and aware that the pm is the best place for him, but alive more than anything else.
i think he wants dazai as his heir bc he knows dazai is enough like him to manage it, but i wonder if it also comes back to the fact that mori is trying to rescue him, and i imagine his own reason to live (and lord knows he suggests he needs a strong one in fifteen) is probably tied down to legacy and responsibility for the city. mori devotes his life to the mafia because he wants peace and appreciates that control (rather than eradication) of the worst of yokohama is the way to keep that peace. and thats enough of a reason to live for him. but it isnt for dazai.
dazai doesnt give a fuck about the mafia as a concept bc his motivations dont rest on ideals the way moris do. dazai only ever does anything because of the people he cares about. everything we see him do, EVEN in pm era where people claim he was some emotionless rockman, come back to his friends.
its why hes never at the centre of the plot. he cant be, because he never does anything for himself. fifteen, in which he is a titular character, is a plot that rests vastly on chuuyas back story. dazais original motivation prior to meeting him is just to khs, and only upon meeting chuuya and them having their whole weird Thing and dazai deciding to be an obsessive freak, does he actually have personal stakes in the job. then in stormbringer, its all abt chuuya again, and dazai is only involved bc he cares about him (whatever he actually says aside). tdipud is driven by odas storyline, and so is dark era. dazai is only active in them bc he cares abt oda.
even when he has more idealistic motivations come canon era, they come back to the fact that hes doing it for oda. anything Above And Beyond that promise is bc hes acting to save the agency, who are his Friends. his motivations are deeply personal in complete contrast to moris, and it is perhaps the only place they really differ.
now ironically, it seems to be that the only decisions mori makes influenced by personal feelings are because of dazai. which takes me to the fact that i think he let dazai leave because he recognises thats whats best for him (at least in the short term - and we'll get to That in a second). and its not really a loss for the organisation because dazais too practical to ever dismiss the mafia, and he still gut responds with their methods. so its an easy sacrifice, a justifiable one.
then theres the contrast with the kouyou&kyouka thing. kouyou doesnt want kyouka to taste the light only to have it sour on her tongue when she realises she cant actually have it because of what she is. because kouyou believes anyone tainted by darkness the way they are can never be free of it. (because she couldnt get out herself).
i wouldnt be surprised if mori thinks the same way, certainly in regards to someone like dazai who Is naturally built for the mafia in a way kyouka really isnt. mori at least believes dazais blood is mafia black and whether or not this is true is irrelevant. he Does have to actively fight his impulses in order to do the Right Thing even now. And even doing that, he still falls into their methods when its practical, or when he's paranoid or unsettled enough to need the comfort of habit, hence the way he treats aku even four years removed from the mafia. hence the way he treats atsushi immediately after Q appears (the way he so instantly latches onto his older self literally slapping the self pity he detests in himself and in his former kouhai out of his current one). hence the way the parallels to mori spring up most when dazai has just been shaken by something.
so i wonder if mori let dazai walk into the light knowing (or believing) he wouldnt fit there, and would come back with a stronger commitment to the mafia as a whole because it may be a concept of sorts, but its one that embraces him in a way the light doesnt, and while dazai does things for the people He cares about, its a mutual thing - he feels responsibility for the people that care about Him too (which probably ties in to the desire for a quiet suicide without bothering anyone, and also to the disgust he has w the sheep - because it Isnt a mutual exchange there).
i think it was always intended as a temporary thing (five years away from the mafia maybe. the 'five years' right before dazai comes to take moris place). give him a taste of the light and let him come to his own conclusion that he doesnt belong there, and eventually turn back to the mafia where he does belong.
(despite suggestions that dazai Doesnt really belong there - smthn smthn cat/dog symbolism - though people suggest this implies he belongs w the ada and i dont think thats true either esp given the way hes omitted from the group so often. i think the cat symbolism w dazai likens him more to natsume than atsushi&fukuzawa esp given the way theyre shown tgthr so often. dazai doesnt belong to any organisation or rigid group, he just fits in line w whoever he cares abt and wherever he decides hes content to stay. v much like a cat actually.).
anyway, moris idea seems to be that dazai wld realise the mafia is somewhere he is cared for, and he cares for the people within it in return. though it doesnt seem to have really turned out that way (maybe mori j underestimated the power of the ada's one specialty: forced integration into its found family. lmao)
so you could see it from a practical perspective: mori sending dazai out to show him he really belongs w the mafia and shld come back to them when the time is right, thus mori secures his legacy by leaving the pm to dazai and the mafia is led forward by someone who could handle it the way mori has.
but. hes never pushy abt dazai coming back. hes downright polite abt it (contrasting to the way he treats yosano), and he puts an awful lot of effort into saving dazais life. (kinda funny that he sends chuuya to pick dazais ass up every five seconds with no reward for either of them - chuuya post dead apple literally asks and moris just like ? uh the safety of the city?? bragging rights😁👍? - but when he sends chuuya to save the agency as a whole the price is Heavy like. exchange of a member is crazyyy.)
dazai is always very much considered One Of Their Own. his seat is still empty waiting for him to come back, he and mori post guild are Always cooperating (despite the kinda petty way dazai talks to him during the reunion - the whole 'i burnt the coat' thing - its almost childish, spiteful in a way that speaks to personal hurt that undermines any control he might have had of their kind of distant passive aggressive exchange. but. im too insane abt that interaction that my interpretation cld be entirely bs.)
they communicate through this ridiculous game of chess, and rely on each other to keep both their organisations afloat. when anyone else from the ada tries to pull the same thing, mori pulls out contracts for their damn souls but when its dazai hes just like ? oh ur bf needs to save you again? of course i can spare him to go pick you up from european prison yeah not a problem! ill even glue his vampire cosplay teeth in!!
in connection with that, even with dazais commitment to Doing The Right Thing, he does not do it in the right way. hes perfectly content to use mori-typical underhanded methods to get the ada to the right place. he sends aku To His Death Knowingly for the sake of saving atsushi and by extension the rest of the agency (and he may have known that the vampirism wld sorta bring him back?? but he still sends him to die), and its sorta similar to mori sending aku out to deal with hawthorne and mitchell while hes in rlly bad shape.
anyway dazais methods always make me think of that cunty exchange sskk have in dead apple 'thats not the way we do things in the detective agency' 'was that a bad joke😘 ur too much weretiger🌈✨💖'. but like. dazai Doesnt work the way the ada does. at least not when things get tense enough to drive him back to habit.
i think people like to interpret dazai as being a better person now, and i think in some ways he is. because hes always influenced by the people hes around most. but also, his motivations havent really changed from pm era. he still does what he does for his friends, they just happen to be on the right side now.
anyway. mori puts more work into keeping dazai alive than any other character (bar perhaps chuuya - but thats because mori saving dazai runs hand in hand with chuuya doing it given hes the one sending him) which is. aurgh.
mori and the wish to save people is just interesting in general. the fact that he became a doctor in the first place is telling on its own plus the unhinged way he deals with yosano - of course someone obsessed with saving people would want a cheat card for sending Death packing - but maybe i could believe it was just a power thing, more to his sense of control. playing with life and death so that he can play god. and i think that probably is just a little bit part of it, esp during the war.
but theres also the way he treats doctors within the pm (sb calls it respect for his former position but it may also be knowledge that the better treated they are the more people they will save). And the only reason he works w the tripartite agreement is bc he loves yokohama, wants its people, including its underground, alive and all that (honestly it probably links back to war stuff - hes really intent on peace).
so hes already someone that is intent on saving people (and beast mori makes this obvious w the way he treats atsushi) but theres a personal edge to it w dazai, possibly bc dazai is so much like him, and asgr is kind of obsessed w the saving your mirrors bc you cldnt save yourself thing (sskk. atsushi&lucy. chuuya with his clone. beast akutagawa siblings. beast atsushi&kyouka. i could continue).
im frothing at the mouth but basically, mori does everything for practical reasons in line with his ideals, his grand vision for the PM, but that doesnt mean he isnt making any emotionally charged decisions. its just that theyre always justified by their practical outcomes. (Especially where dazai is concerned). so he can pretend that theyre not driven by personal feelings but IM WATCHING U MORI U CANT HIDE FROM ME.
yk i sometimes wonder if i see him too sympathetically for a guy thats as so sucks as he is but someone has to counterbalance the 75% of the fandom that thinks hes pure evil for no reason and has no thoughts outside of Being Terrible so. here you go have this from the depths of my brain.
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ratatatastic · 8 months ago
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cats spotted at moxies (ft lauderdale) again...oh gosh
6.30.24 (x)
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thegreatyin · 9 months ago
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completely normal roommates bonding over completely normal things like *flips through notes* murdering each other and having complicated opinions on giant alien bats
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autism-corner · 28 days ago
#ok im not yet mentally doomposting about being back in uni =w=bbb and i actually feel pretty okk i thinks#(this is just a setup for me ranting about being gay again. be warned)#anywayy :3 3 assignments over the semester with one other person for this course. in the gc theres people already looking for partnerss#and i was very brave!! i reached out to someone and then another but both were already occupiedd. which is finee obvs#and then i respond to another and theyre still open!! YIPPEEE#anyway i wanted to meetup in the workgroup today but apparently theyre still in china sooo its a bit hard#but we'll do next week so were guccii#why is this about being gay?? bc people are awesomeeeee#they were very nice and apologetic and used the fucking uwu emoji end liked my message andndndndndn#i cant handle human interaction so basics like this fucking HAVE me. erm.#yes i havent seen them. but let me tell you this is such a good signn YAYYYAYYYY i actually might have someone fun to work with!!#=w=bbbb#also yes my 'being gay' is. being excited about human interaction. theyre closely linked to me because of my whimsy nature. (autism-aro)#sillyposting#(omg guy experiences human interaction) SHUT UPPPP. let me be happy holy shittt#ok yay <3#im not pathetic for having feelings and im not a bad person for being able to like someone from 7 messages. people are nice and i like them#(for myself)#yayyay having a normal day is awesomeeee#i also saw i misread my schedule and i dont actually have work tonight soo !!!! big win yippeeee#>:3 time for secret thingy maybe.... yes......#whateber =w=bbb
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snekdood · 2 months ago
men are inherently traumatized under the patriarchy bc they're pressured or forced to conform to the standards of manhood, which to put very simply, is to never express of feel emotions, which makes them bad at socializing, thus rendering them eternally isolated.
#it IS inherently traumatizing to bottle everything up or only be able to express it in indirect ways.#even more so to be told you HAVE to live life that way or else you're not Man Enough.#its like trapping an explosion- sure everything outside was left unscathed but the inside of whatever you used to trap it with is fucked#you just. rot from the inside out when you ignore your own pain 'for others sake'#i put that in quotation marks because a lot of the things guys are taught to believe are a burden for others to 'deal with' emotions wise#is like any other day of the week when women are openly loudly and unapologetically talking about it.#the inherent isolation that comes when you are/are perceived as a man is no joke.#everyone else follows the rules of the patriarchy so they dont think to ask you how you feel nor think you even need it#all it takes it one really rough day. and you and i BOTH know these (cis specifically) men dont have ANY of the therapy tools#necessary to help themselves through that pit. bc its 'not masculine' to go to therapy .-.#i think this is the huge wall we all run into here. like no its not any womans obligation to be a therapist to a man. at the same time#the [more often than not cis] men we have these days are more likely to go to therapy but the 'therapy is gay' thing still has a good#stronghold. at the very least guys always see it as someone having a weakness if they need to go. so what we need to do is somehow#convince cis men that therapy is fine and normal actually and good for you even. bc the shame around going to therapy means#we'll always be stuck here.#dont be a therapist but at the very least- let me ask you to pass on the message of how therapy is good and doesnt detract from their#masculinity. and dont say it in a snobbish 'i told you so' way either. deeply unhelpful and ur just doing it to fuel ur own ego.
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cosmobrain00 · 11 months ago
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inkats · 11 months ago
i need to get better at art.. god please i need. to . draw so much. why dont i draw more every minute i have free i should be drawing
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snixx · 1 year ago
got queerbaited into reading a book by chatgpt. is this rock bottom
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always-a-joyful-note · 1 year ago
As I have somehow become entangled in the Ensemble Stars fandom (I hate it here. Don't follow me to these waters, you guys) and am slowly reading the stories after the main one of music (and after watching the anime), I have come to the conclusion that Nito Nazuna is (probably unintentionally) Velveteen Rabbit coded.
If you don't know the story (spoilers for it ahead, you can read the short story here), it's basically about how a stuffed rabbit given to a boy as a Christmas present gets neglected in favour of newer mechanical toys. During his neglect, an older toy tells him a story about how the love of children to their toys can make them real, which the rabbit desperately wants but has little hope for. But by chance, a nanny gives the boy the rabbit to sleep with, cementing it as the boy's favourite toy. Sure, it gets more worn and other rabbits point out how it can't hop, but at least its loved...until the boy contracts scarlet fever and, for disinfecting reasons, the rabbit has to be taken out to be burned. Yeah, messed up...but as it waits for its fate, the stuffed rabbit sheds a tear where a flower with a fairy grows. The fairy proceeds to tell him that the boy's love made him real and takes him to the forest where he's able to finally hop away with the other rabbits.
I know it's a stretch. But a former toy/doll, incredibly loved but not really seen as real and that destroying him even if he's fine with it...then neglected when his "owner" contracts a sickness...then finding a spark of life that frees him from his inability to move...a transformation from loved doll to a real something that learns to love himself. Tell me that isn't Nazuna, and the rabbit imagery even fits. He breaks free from his constraints not to be alone but to be with others of his kind, to move of his own will with others! It's just so...we are all human and our relationships are so complex and someone else's tragedy that also makes you hurt for them can also be the reason you find your own self -
Honestly, I'm not sure if this is actually Velveteen Rabbit coded since I've only seen that story in the anime, but like...if you squint, it fits?
#jaofisjaeiorjwaeriwejr the anime flashback storyline killed me you guys#and just to let you know while i think shu was definitely...something for his views on mika and nazuna#im not blaming him for abandoning or neglecting valkyrie (seriously eichi what?) like i wouldnt blame the boy for getting a fever#one day i will read the rest of reminiscence (already read crossroads with slightly little context and still died)#and then ill be unstoppable#but guys guys guyssss#nazuna nito being a doll and finding his humanity with the other ra*bits is soooooooo#and ra*bits isnt even my favourite group#anyway dont get into enstars. especially when you dont have time like me#also if you think this is the end of me comparing enstars to literature you thought wrong#i will type more of these comparisons up in future days. this is a threat#enstars#ensemble stars#stuff i say#fandom spamdom#anyway note stop getting into media with questionable ethics writing and views on social and philosophical topics challenge...#seriously the morals of this game are messed up no matter what you believe in or who you are#it is amazing i want to kill it with fire but it compels me#please help#none of the characters in enstars are normal#the one good thing about enstars is that its good to take slow with...since its a game and something you read#unlike my poor neglected bsd and link click. im so sorry guys#but the other flipside is that THERES TOO MUCH LORE AND THE MORE I LEARN THE MORE IM LOSING MY MIND#what is WRONG WITH THIS STORY?
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calpalsworld · 1 year ago
a therapist told me i probably have OCD once but I thought she was wrong, but I'm starting to realize shes probably right. Sadly the thing that is causing this realization is Wapeach. I am trying very very extremely hard to not think about her right now. to just. let. it. go. but the thoughts and feelings of how angry she makes me keeps popping up. And here I am making a tumblr post about her. The compulsion in action.
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 2 years ago
Indigo playlist because Im tired as fuck from moving all the fallen branches out of the driveway and I dont wanna write until later.
Here Comes Trouble-Neoni
Warning Label-Neoni
Lost Control-Alan Walker (ft Sorana)
Darkside-Neoni (this is just a Leo song in general)
Antihero-Taylor Swift (note: I do not listen to Taylor Swift, the only reason this song is here was because it came on the radio while me and my mom were out shopping and this song fits, ok?)
Ruin Your Life-Besomorph (ft RIELL)
Bad Intentions-Neoni (ft NOCTURN)
Dangerous-The Tech Thieves (ft Besomorph)
Haunted House-Neoni
Never Say Die-Neoni
What I've Done-Besomorph (ft Behmer and LUNIS)
Bad Blood-Taylor Swift (this one came from a tmnt 2012 Raph tiktok about Slash and Mona's betrayals and oh god it fits when The Rise Gang encounter Indigo as a hitman and are on opposing sides yessssss)
Who Am I-Besomorph (ft RIELL)
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing-Set It Off
Deep Water-Neoni
Bury Me Alive-Neoni
Back From The Dead-Neoni (ft AViVA and Besomorph)
Origin-Neoni (ft Besomorph)
Long Time Traveler-Neoni
Feet Dont Fail Me Now-Neoni
The Ballad Of Jane Doe-Ride The Cyclone (Annapantsu cover)
Once Upon A December-Anastasia (2022 Annapantsu cover)
Happy Ever After-Neoni
Champion-Neoni(ft BURNBOY)
Waiting On A Miracle-Stephanie Beatriz (I knew I forgot a song damn it)
Will probably add more eventually (and probably make this an actual spotify playlist but lazy)
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str8aura-no-not-that-one · 6 months ago
Stuffed Animal dashboard simulator
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🐻feltedfur Follow
pray for me human put me in the wash on fucking hot water im never gonna be the same colors
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🐇velveteen-everything Follow
got left outside in the backyard but this is kinda nice actually im okay with this (:
🐇velveteen-everything Follow
the hawks
14.1k notes
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🐉shinyscales Follow
this is bullshit ive been bragging to everyone in the toy chest because my tag says i was made with love but i got torn today and guess what. its just stuffing inside
🥽pooltoy82 Follow
lol imagine having stuff inside you lmao
🐉shinyscales Follow
i literally see you outside the window looking smug. log off
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🦭 sealofapproval Follow
🐭 m4m4_p0ssum Follow
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🐭 plushiepolls Follow
🐉shinyscales Follow
lets not spread body dysmorphia on plushblr guys
🧑 thatoneweirdhumanplushie Follow
op casually ignoring stuffed animals with different colored fabric for eyes
▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow
some of us dont even have eyes!
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🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow
i know animals are allowed to see normal plushies moving and talking but whats the rule for dog toys.
▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow
what breed of dog op
🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow
poodle? does it matter?
▶️ stuffedyoutooz Follow
no i just wanted to remind you your lifespan can be measured in days
🐶 newdogtoy22 Follow
man come on
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phagodyke · 9 days ago
was just saying to my friend that since my period is due next weekend I probably won't be able to hang out bc it'll be difficult to walk from my room to the bathroom let alone like. to the station anyway just suddenly became aware that the continuous cramps I get in this stage of my cycle have been slowly increasing in intensity the last few hours so we may be on course for a week earlier start than usual. locking down all defenses rn......🚨🚨🚨🚨
#i always try and mentally prepare for how much its gonna suck dick and balls but every time it actually starts im caught off guard#i hate being in agonising pain i dont wanna have to do it!!!!!#not as if anyone likes being in agonising pain anyway but still..... i mean if it does start tn that would definitely explain a lot#like the insane insecurity ive been having. and other symptoms. but it should be too early i didnt even ovulate that long ago#whatever man theres no rhyme or reason to it i should know that by now. the worst part is gonna be feeling alone when im in pain#well no its not the worst part is the pain but emotionally the loneliness is gonna wreck me i can never prepare enough for it#my problem is that i get extremely needy in pain it makes me feel like a fucking toddler. but i cant allow myself to be around ppl for#comfort and reassurance bc it gets so overwhelming im not able to maintain the usual rules n boundaries i have to follow#i mean im needy anyway all the time but at least i work hard to keep myself in check so i dont cross other ppls boundaries#losing that inhibition is just bad for everyone involved and really embarrassing for me so its easier to just suck it up and feel shite#and i get soooo tearful and easily upset over the stupidest shit like even if i can keep a lid on it and not throw myself at everyone#i get so jealous over other ppl being able to express themselves or getting comfort that i get fucking nauseous i cant be in the room#it makes me want to dieeee its dumb as fuck. anyway my point is. well i dont know what my point is actually#it might be best for me to skip next weeks plans anyway bc ill work myself into a fucking tizzy abt it in my post period exhaustion#i cant third wheel my friends while im in a state like that its too much. its hard enough third wheeling on a regular day anyway#like ok i get it u guys are much closer n have different boundaries w each other than u do w me. thats cool. please dont make me watch#when im feeling wretched and want things worse than normal. ugh anyway sorry ruminating again. i tried#just really anxious abt the pain properly starting but i know theres no avoiding it. oh well. ill take some painkillers in advance#i have some leather repair to work on and then i might draw a bit. and then back to cooking i have brisket slow cooking rn#so fingers crossed thatll take my mind off spiralling. sniffs pathetically#wait i need to go blind bake my tart lets start w that okayyy bye#.vent
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snekdood · 3 months ago
you actually should be more upset abt how ive been treated online on my behalf, like actually
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