snackugaki · 11 months
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Not me idly rerererererererererewatching Gargoyles and realizing I didn't post the Gargoyles AU shit that took me and @amutantturtleenthusiast (18+ blog) by our throats for... what was it, almost a month????
shit was wild, i'm still unwell
so unwell we still babble over it every now and then
we definitely mangled a few concepts for maximum drama
we hit everything, forbidden love, clan politics, clan betrayal, curses that lasted a 1,000 years, reincarnated lovers, stolen family, unethical genetic research, we had Anton Sevarius and Jasper Barlow for ultra fuckery, enraged glowy eyed action, tender romance, figuring out how the new york subway system works, overseas travel shenanigans when half your party turns to stone in the day, the implications of half your crew turning to stone during the day, hilarious clan-to-clan misunderstandings, revenge quests... hoo.
we had them replace the tengu who taught humans ninjutsu
they big as fuck
sprinkled a little Abe no Seimei seasoning on my Venus
My Donnie was metaphorically born in the wrong century, he's fine now he has gears, wrenches, and WiFi
...we gave them hair
Barlow and Sevarius got to a couple people... unfortunately
fkkn love that funky li'l gecko i reused it for my Mondo
the Manhattan clan is ...just somewhere in the background, away
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secondgenerationnerd · 9 months
The way you talked about mar’i, can you talk about the twins from omega squad?
Absolutely I can!
First, foremost, and most importantly—They might be twins, but they ain’t the same person. That’s the number one lesson their parents taught them and people around them
They are rainbow babies, Linda had two miscarriages before them. She and Wally always say “You each came down alone, then went back for the other.”
Irey was always the bigger twin….until puberty made her brother 6’2 and kept her at 5’4
Milagro was doing a fashion shoot for a styling class and needed some models for her “Noir” shoot. Jai and Irey were more than happy to help.
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Not show are Lian and Damian choking on their lunch when the twins walked in after the shoot
I fully believe that Omega has needed a distraction or diversion for a mission, and the twins just started FIGHTING. In that way only siblings can, y’know?
Both deal with eating disorders—Irey from an abusive ex, Jai from his depression—but that’s what Lian and Mar’i are there for. Lian will refuse to eat until Jai does, and Mar’i offers some of her favorite snacks to Irey.
On really bad days of his depression, ireys made him look at her and said “You’re not leaving me here alone.”
Are they both the “sunshine’s” in their relationships? Absolutely. But make no mistake. They are the scary ones of the relationships.
90% of the time, they are definitely their father’s children, goofy, a love of learning, clumsy. But make no mistake, that other 10%, they are their mother’s son and daughter. They have torn egotistical heroes and Villians down with words alone. Their dad might be the Flash, but their mother is THE Linda Park and you will put respect in the name
Essentially, they are truly—Fuck around, find out.
They’re also super fucking loyal. Like someone called Mar’i “r*tared” once. When they could hear. Irey had them against the wall, her forearm against their throat, while Jai threatened them
On the flip side, they are super proud of their Korean Heritage. They both chose to learn the language as part of the “multilingual” aspect of their hero training (and even before). They blast K-pop and k-rock. They have recreated K-Drama scenes for fun, to the amusement of their teammates. They both get Hanboks to wear when they decide to go to Korea for a weekend trip. They cook as many meals as their mom remembers growing up with. They always keep Kimchi and gochujang in the Omega fridge, as well as all the things to make Kimbap, a comfort snack for bad days
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Jai loves the hat, thank you very much
They look up to Donny and Dawn more than can be put into words. Like they’re second cousins once removed, but if you ask them, that’s their big brother and sister. They love how happy Mel makes Donny and just want the best for both them
Irey points out she’s only kissed one person on the team, which Jai says “It was a mission, but colin is a great kisser!”
Irey’s straight, but Jai is like….on super thin ice sometimes
The lab at the tower might be a public space, but that’s their lab. They know the policy. But that’s just the facts
They both learned how to use their partners weapons. Irey actually managed to use a fight against one of the Alpha guys during a sparring match. Jai was laughing so hard he was on the ground
Asha, Irey and Damian’s daughter, adores her “Unca Jai-Jai”
They like to go to science expos and comic cons together
Irey is a biter when it comes to fist fights and Jai swears he has scars.
They both cried for days when Jay and Joan Garret died
Linda died two weeks after Luke, Jai and Lian’s son, was born. She’d been diagnosed with late stage lung cancer after Lian found out she was pregnant. She decided against treatment and spent that last year making as many memories with her children and grandchildren as she could.
Jai and Irey were with Omega when they got the news. They both fell to their knees and were sobbing and screaming for her.
They do think they would have made it through that time without their friends, especially Mar’i and Lian.
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
I'm so annoyed at TMNT favoritism in Leo and Raph like if it was the fandom that would be fine with me I like both characters I just dislike how the TMNT show runners only ever care about them and their big dumb fight they have every single movie or show like even rise did the fight thing and left Mikey and Donnie's character development behind like what is it with the show runners in doing this like we have already constantly seen Raph and Leo at each others throats in every movie it's getting stale and boring because it ends up being the plot it's why I'm excited for Mutant Mayhem series and loved the movie it was entertaining it didn't have the annoying fight scene either what are your thoughts on this
Keep in mind that Raph was Kevin's favorite, Don was Peter's favorite, Mike was based on Steve, and Leo was at first a generic leader soldier type so they needed big storylines for him to establish his character.
Now, I fully agree with you. Many long time fans do. The Leo And Raph Man Pain Cycle became very popular, and when the 2007 film came out, it hit a boiling point. The fandom let out a collective boiling gasp and things were never the same. And then we learned that the studios couldn't make the two sequels featuring Mikey joining the Foot and Donnie meeting the Triceratons. Boy were fanfics written.
It was easy to create and ride such an explosive relationship, a classic blue vs red cliche. Donnie was considered the gentle one and Mikey was too much of a goofball: in fact, 2003 had a whole clause where Mikey wasn't allowed too much angst, to preserve his class clown persona. The original script for Outbreak and Good Genes was to have Mikey double mutated. But it was argued that Donnie would easily cure him. So Donnie got stabbed by the mutant roach instead!
Leo's PTSD arc was one of the first instances of a cartoon character going through it like that. Raph had the right kind of intensity to help him through.
You're correct in that we never really got to see the weight of the drama hit Don or Mike in a similar way. They're the little brothers. Although, Kevin did admit that he always thought of Donnie as older than Raph despite it not even mattering.
Despite those weird anons and antis complaining at me for it, I make it a point to dig into Mikey's psychology, and by extension Donnie"s, and pull out the emotional, insecure, anxious, terrified teenager nightmares, aging the boys to at least twenty (which they are at the end of 2003) and reminding them that they all have PTSD and Mike is just as capable of Deep Thoughts.
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coleyo · 1 year
"What is it? What the problem?" O'Neil asked, as Casey came running into the lair not too long after.
"Ah'! April, Jones', there you two are.. we've got another--.. Situation -" "You guys get into alot of situations." Said April, placing quotation marks around the word situation. "A- anyways, what is it?" Casey would change the topic.
"Dimension hopping.. time travel-ish. It's some of both." ".. That's surprisingly..not too bad." "-Right?" Donnie smiled before he spoke again, "This.. little time traveler looks like Mikey -- no-- he is Mikey!.. well, Micheal. Not sure' about his age or anything like that.. come, I'll show you to him."
   Donnie turned around to show the two to Mikey and the others, who were talking to one another around the skating ramp.
  "And then i--" "BROTHERS!" Donnie would shout, "and.. other Mikey." The mutant would clear their throat, whilst April and Casey crept up behind him, but, Casey was a bit hesitant..
"THATS other Mikey? Oh, he's just adorable!"
April would grab the boys hands, causing him to smile. "..Commander O'Neil." He'd mumble, before his smile dropped. April stared with confusion, "Thats.. me.. is-.. Donnie, I thought you said he was from another dimension!" "I also said time travel, so lay off!" "Well--" Mikey spoke, "I was in another dimension, my dimension, and then.. I ended up in this apocalyptic world? Assuming that was the future of-- well-- now.. and now I'm in the past. All of you were there! In the future-- except for raph. Sensei Angelo was like my father figure.."
"was I cool?" Micheal asked shyly, Casey didn't tell him much about his future self for.. personal reasons.
"Heck yeah! You made so many sacrifices for me-- for everyone! Though.. you weren't the best at communication, i-.. and--.." Mikey froze, the rather, negative thoughts about the future came flooding back..
"You okay?" Raph said, placing his hand on Mikey's shoulder. "Yeah, I just-- there's.. alot sensei Angelo did..  there's so much that Leo did.. Donnie.. Commander O'Neil." "well?" Leo smirked, "tell us about it!" "Wait so you-- were in the future too?" Casey Interrupted, approaching Mikey. Mikey turned around and paused, "case'--"..
The mutant cut himself off ..
He wouldn't remember.
If he did, he wouldn't be as hesitant and he would've known!
"Yeah.. yeah, I am. I'm assuming our futures times are quite different from one another." Michealangelo let out a nervous chuckle, he now seemed a bit.. upset.
"..When did you get stuck in the.. future?" April asked, putting her hands in her pockets.
"..I dunno, two years ago? I'm not a math guy dude." "Two years? How old are you?" Raphael asked, chuckling a bit. "Er-- seventeen. Kind of stopped counting."
The others stared at him in shock before Micheal spoke, "you're older than me!" "I mean-- yeah, but, in the future you were.. I dunno, thirty nineee..?" "Yeah yeah, enough about him, what about me? Was I still amazing? A hotshot? Stunning?" Leon would brag, an ever lasting grin on his face. "Guys!" A familiar voice echoed throughout the lair, Leo paused and inhaked sharply. It was his best friend, usagi!
The rabbit smiled as he came running in with a bag. "Look what i--.. oh- what the-- wrong timing?" He'd tilt his head as raph winced, sure, usagi was nice and all but.. he was a rabbit. "No, no! You're just in time!" Leon approached him with a smile of glee, he was always please when he saw usagi.
"In time? In time for what? And why am I seeing doubles." The rabbit asked, "For the drama of course! You're not gonna believe this, but we've got another Mikey! He was just telling me about my amazing, fabulous, all great future!" The slider bragged; while yuichi smiled.
"..You must be usagi-- wasn't really expecting to see you!" Mikey said, leaning on the wall. "Master Leonardo used to talk about you ALLLL of the time, I thought you guys were married or something! Hearing you blabber about him made me cringe.." Mikey went on and on, clearly not reading the room. "OKAY-! That's enough!" Leon screamed, as the rabbit laughed at his reaction. "Married? Leo? Really?" Donatello would tease as Leo groaned, "Change the subject!"
The others began showering mikey with different kind of questions, he'd try to answer all at once.
For some reason, Mikey wasn't too used to this kind of.. attention. Or, rather, anything.. he wanted sensei Angelo back..
Raphael noticed this change in attitude and spoke; "Guys, how about we give the little guy some time to rest?" Raph suggested, leading to Leo's exaggerated groan. Mikey gulped before turning around and strumming off, in an attempt to get further away from the others. They were to busy discussing, or rather arguing about Leo's behavior to notice.. all but Micheal. She'd follow Mikey behind to wherever, only to hear soft whines that soon emerged into sobs around the corner.
   The box turtle frowns, pressing his shell up against the wall which separated the two beings.. how should he approach the situation? Why was he crying in the first place?
"..Hey-- um.." Micheals voice echoed throughout the silent perimeter, causing Mikey's sobs to die down. Micheal turned the corner and looked down, Mikey sat down on the cold floor, tears streamed down his cheeks. "Are you okay--? You kind of--... That was random.." micheal uttered. Mikey looked up at the other, who sat next to him, willing to listen.
"Yeah, no-- dude, I'm fine I just don't like.. talking about Sensei--..pa--... you, too often--" "why not? I thought you said I was cool?" "Yeah I did, and I was telling the truth!.. it's just, you've done alot for others, rather than yourself-- and I just found it upsetting.. everything your future self told me-- everything that happened.."
"Well?" Micheal raised a brow, "what happened..?"
"..Sensei-- you cut your own leg off to save me, and risked your life MORE than once all for me! that wasn't too pleasing to think about! You didnt deserve any of it! You put yourself through so much pain, and-- so much more was expected from you, even after that! I wish I could've told him--.. you this sooner, but--.. gosh, this is stupid."
Mikey put on a sheepish smile, causing more tears to fall. "I should just-- shut up now, right?" "What-- no, I'm listening! Why are you so-- hesitant to tell me anything.." Micheal asked with a stern look,
"..I'm not used to.. doing this. Usually I'd solve other people problems.. not my own. Or even talk about it.." Said Mikey, as his eyes closed. "Hey, me too! We're the same.. maybe we can help each other.. Im going to get you home.. I don't care what the others say, I want to do this for you." Micheal jammed his finger into Mikey's plastron as he'd smile, fits of laughter followed after.
  Once it died down, a sigh came from Mikey.
"I just wish you treated yourself better, ya' know." Mikey said, staring into space. "..I'm in the process of that." The other smirks, "..What else did I do?"
"In the future. What happened. I wanna know everything.."
Mikey gave a nervous laugh before they'd admit, "You'd let me ride on your back.. You'd keep me safe, happy-- you also made this sick bow for me!" "I did that?" Micheals eyes lit up, "yeah!" Mikey shouts, "I saw some video tapes of you and your brothers-- you with April and the whole make up session thing-- I was so jealous!" Mikey paused--.. Micheals smile faded as the upsetting atmosphere began setting in.
"Its hard to think of any.. Positive aspects of you-- not that you went a good person- you just.."
Mikey was at a lost for words, and Michael knew it. "You don't have to say anything, I understand.. and honestly, I can see myself doing such things.. now c'mon!" Micheal stood, a look of glee on his face. It gave mikey a warm feeling. "We've got some portal makin' to do!" He held his hand out, "don't leave me hangin'!"
Mikey smiled, taking Micheals hand and pulling him into a Tight hug. Micheal would then tense up.
"You're the best sensei ever.." Micheal let himself relax as a smile soon formed on his face.
The two suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice coming from where the others should've been.. they'd look at one another before peaking around the corner,
"And the other one?"
Draxum crossed his arms, shooting Leon a spiteful look. "Who the shell is that!?" Mikey screeched, as Micheal laughed at his fright. "Its draxum! Our-- other dad? Well.. I like to consider him as such. He's the best, of course April and I are the favorites. Let's go, he'll love you!"  "How do you know that?" "Because you're me, duh!"
Micheal grabbed Mikey by the bow and almost dragged him out to view. "Draxum!" Called the other, and Mikey covered his face. "There you are--..what is that." The yokai hissed. "It's other me!--" "Er-- draxum, it's -- complicated, just know that we have to get him back to his dimension." Raph added, pressing his index fingers together. Mikey let out a whiney sigh, fixing his goggles. He'd stand and turn to face draxum, "Hey'.." "he's kind of awkward! But hes really cool!" Micheal pats Mikey on the back.
Mikey laughed nervously and would mutter under his breath, "stop that--!"
"..Do I even want to know how this happened? It haven't been thirty seconds and it's already disastrously. Does splinter know?" Draxum folded his arms as raph complied. "Yeah! Leo's going to make a portal for Uh-- other Mikey to get home." "Why not ours?" The sheepman asked with a hint of curiosity, "because that would be dangerous!" O'Neil said with a look of worry, "it could really hurt him and we can't risk that. Besides, he's just a kid,,"
Micheal frowned, they hated being referred to as a kid. ... especially being told that they couldn't do something.. maybe, just maybe he could prove them wrong..
And that's what he'll do.
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taikk0 · 2 years
old art dump!?1!11?!! [part 1]
yeah I really wanted to post these at some point but they're so fcuking ugly they don't deserve to be posted out in the open for all to see 💀💀
like if I were to ever post these one by one I think my dignity would take a huge blow, and that's coming from someone with a massive crater in their chest where their ribcage once was because all their self-respect got absolutely THWACKED out of their body the moment they started simping for the krang. SPOILER ALERT I'm that someone
anyways they're all under the cut peer at your own risk
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I know I already posted this here on my improvement post but fun fact: this was the very first fanart I made this year getting back into Rise
also yes there will be commentary, I will always feel the need to explain myself when it comes to things I would greatly want to apologize for 🧍‍‍♂️
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I literally do not remember the context of this at all. not sure if it was a continuation of something, but if it was I can't find the rest of it
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don't know how to draw the turtles???? MEME REDRAW BABY
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character development is finally realizing Mikey isn't a literal circle lIKE????? WHY IS HE SO BOILED EGG
this was also in my "I have no idea how to properly color" phase, which explains why it's so monotonous compared to the colors I tend to choose now. Everything just looks so murky.... like dirty paint water.....
the mystic door symbol thing doesn't mean anything, I think past Michael just wanted to fill in the space
mikyomix name reveal real?? jk it's always been out, I just haven't mentioned it here, anywho yes hi it's me a Michael
might redraw this soon actually, who knows
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this was the very first time I ever actually drew Donnie right, where he didn't make me nauseous just by looking at him, and IT WAS FROM THIS WEIRD SPECIFIC ANGLE FROM SOME REASON. If I ever drew him in a way that looked good it was almost always THIS angle, especially in doodles, it was never ever Donnie actually facing front, it was just him with this weird slouch and his back turned slightly.
am I using too many of whatever "," is, listen I almost flunked English I can't punctuate for crud but I'm trying my best over here ok
(side note: the file name is called "dunkin donuts"???)
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this was never supposed to see the light of day, but I think this would be considered fanart of a fanart?? I saw taytei 's species swap au on pinterest before I knew who they were and decided "yk what?? yeah I'll steal it but only for me because I'm bored"
which brings me to the next few drawings
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we're moving on I don't like looking at these they're gross 💀
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I made a joke about Donnie giving Leo his own tablet because he kept stealing it based on a very old drawing back in 2019 and it led to the idea of Leo turning into an Ipad kid, crusty screen and Ipad case in all its glory
if it wasn't obvious the background is a png of McDonald's because of course they're at McDonald's
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ok, this is gonna sound so stereotypically ADHD of me but listen it makes sense lemme explain
so basically, I had a silly thought in my head that I've had for a long while about Donnie being British for no reason with no explanation as to why, it's not a headcanon it's just a funny thought I like to think about (so maybe it's an AU idk)
and I was binging Jack Whitehall (who was British) and it got to the part where he went on a schpiel on Robert Pattinson where he was talking about what it was like to go to school with him and there was this one section where he talks about being in school theatre with him.
and I thought.... "man wouldn't it be funny if that was the disaster twins..." and everything spiraled from there.
I made up this whole Yokai school they would have gone to if they didn't live in the sewers. Donnie is the head of the drama club, he always plays and casts himself as the main character in his own productions that he himself directs because he's just that good at his job. Leo joins the drama club and shows Donnie up, making him a little bit jealous. Leo is only let in because of the club members vouching for him, Which then leads to Donnie treating him poorly and casting him as a tree (SEE WERE COMING FULL CIRCLE) this obviously upsets Leo and ends up giving him more of a reason to become the center of attention, What was supposed to be a drag ended up helping Leo more than harming his chances of ruining Donnie's plans.
Everything then spirals into a competitive back and forth as to who is the better actor. It stops being about who gets to play which part and more about who comes out of this feud alive with a prestigious acting role tied to their name.
That was everything I thought about at the time though I just thought "HAHA DISASTER TWINS HIJINX" and that was it
someone send me that Donnie toy with the big head and maybe I will start writing fanfiction/JJJJJ
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I had this idea of Donnie adopting a dog from Todd because it had an attitude and then the dog ended up being just as smart as him helping him solve equations and stuff and eventually it became his lab partner
yeah that paired up with the RotTMNT drama club thing I sound like I have a very weird brain we're moving on
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I have to admit this because I really didn't wanna post this without a heads up but yes this is inspired by that one drawing made by h*bermen right before I even knew about what they did and I feel guilty about this one sometimes just by the sheer fact that it's even loosely associated to them :/
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I have nothing to say about this one other than I suck at rendering
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this drawing of the boys fighting over their childhood blankie was supposed to be a bit of a concept for a comic I wanted to make but never got around to even writing it out,
the gist of it was that the lair was starting to get a bit messy with the things they've hoarded over the last couple of years, so the turtles+splinter decided to clean everything up, managing what to throw away and what to keep
they come across a blanket that they used to have as kids (which was the same blanket from the flashback in hidden city's most wanted) The individual turtles are hesitant at first and decline wanting to keep it, but overtime they start to realize just how much they want their childhood blanket back. They start making excuses and stealing the blanket from one another, insisting that they needed it for something important, which was very much not the case.
soon everything ramps up to the point where their methods of trying to take ownership of the blanket start getting wilder and wilder and hijinx ensues, not long before everyone overtly starts fighting over it like their life depended on it at the climax of the episode.
I didn't really have a plan yet as to how it was going to end, but if I were to make something up on the spot I'd say either:
A.) it's revealed that the blanket was actually splinter's old bath towel that he doesn't use anymore, the turtles are disgusted by this and stop fighting over it. That is until the twist at the end where one of the turtles comes back for it and takes the towel for themselves when no one is around. gross.
B.) Mikey stops the fight before it gets too serious, calling him and his brothers out for acting like savages over a blanket. Soon everyone realizes that the blanket isn't important, the blanket may be of great significance to them, but their memories together will always be more important, and they can't let a simple piece of cloth tear them apart.
and then after everyone else has left and made up, turns out that it was actually Mikey's plan all along to have them stop fighting to keep the blanket for himself.
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this is more of a doodle but I had to bring this one up because it's just funny to me
basically, I was drawing Leo and I had two separate layers, I drew Leo photogenically on the layer above with the deranged Leo invisible underneath, and after some time I completely forgot what I drew on the layer below and made it visible again
yeah you can imagine my soul leaving my body
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white-eyed Raph freaks me out,,, where did the yellow go,,,,
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this is the only non-turtle drawing in this whole post I think
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okay, a bit of a backstory on this one, this was my very first actually finished RotTMNT animation. It was for a trend on TikTok not too long ago where artists would be drawing a character and the character would move to let the artist continue drawing them
This one animation has single-handedly given me so much clout, like holy crap it's literally at 5M views now and it scares me a little 😭😭
for anyone wondering, its this one
or whatever month it was, I have no idea what 5-5 is supposed to mean I can't read tiktok dates
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not rise related but oh my word I absolutely do not have an actual art style 💀
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donnie gets trolled
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very eyestrainy. this is a WIP screenshot from an animation meme I never finished
I still have the Krita file btw, so maybe one day ill get to show u guys the full soon if I ever get around to finishing it
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I have no idea why I formatted this the way I did, but I'm assuming this was most likely a doodle right on top of the animation meme I mentioned earlier and I just didn't bother cropping it
yeah idk why I drew them with really big eyes
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he's sleep-deprived and done with everything he's about to go apeshit
also, weird brush
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when I tell you guys I was SO READY to see Leo die in the movie before any information on it came out
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vine reference in 2022 baby
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I'll have you guys know this was completely by accident
Anyways that's as much as I could fit in one post!! I have a bit more but ehhh maybe sometime later
these are all in the order I made them in, which explains why it kind of gets better the more you scroll, so I hope your eyeballs have been cleansed even slightly by the newer ones jfdsjfkI
I have no idea how to end this post uh like and subscribe
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sammyheroes · 4 years
Not My Type
Summary: Casey Jones confronts this world’s Donnie for catching April’s attention. The result is an eye-opening revelation.
Rise Turtles: Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo, O’Neil 2012 Turtles: Donnie, Raph, Mikey, Leo, April
Pairing: 2012 CaseyxApril, Rise Apritello
Read it on AO3.
(I will take prompts too!)
Casey Jones didn’t like it when another dude got his April’s attention. Sure, she wasn’t property, not even his girlfriend (someday...), and was her person, but Casey would be lying if he said he wasn’t jealous. The worst part was that he was jealous of this world’s Donatello of all things. He hated it. His purple-clad turtle was a dork. He was also obsessed with his April. But this Donatello? He was cool.
Casey hated that.
He even had eyebrows! Those stupid eyebrows that his April’s asked him about and then asked him if he could fix hers. That’s when Casey noticed: his April was flirting with this Donatello.
“So... can you fix mine? I always have trouble with them.” Said April as she played with a strand of loose ginger hair and her foot made little circles on the floor.
Donatello glanced at her boringly and nodded. “Sure, let me get my kit.”
Casey glared from afar as he watched Donatello leave and return with an eyebrow set on hand and got to work on April’s eyebrows. He was starting to think why April never liked Donnie that way: she liked bad boys. A thought that made Casey smirk for a moment as he considered himself a bad boy, before frowning again. April seemed to gravitate more towards him in terms of romance, even if Donnie was her best friend. But this Donatello? He was also a bad boy and the worst part? He looked cool while doing it.
Casey also didn’t want to forget how April stared dreamily at him when his turtle friends decided to challenge the more colorful turtles in a fight and train (if Casey knew his Raph, he just wanted to see if he could take down the bigger Raphael, which he couldn’t at the end of the training session).
He and April were sitting on the sidelines along with this world’s Splinter, a shorter and more chubby version of the tall rat he had grown fond of. He was studying the other turtles, something that Casey Jones never did, studying was for nerds. But he had to admit he understood the appeal for the turtle. Being a softshell turtle, this Donatello was far more flexible than any turtle regardless of the dimension, except for Mikey. With all the twists and backflips and the fist he managed on his Raph’s angry face and survive... it all seemed to further catch April’s attention. Also, he looked far more muscular than Donnie and himself. Casey would not blame April for looking. At least, Casey tried to convince himself that April was just that, looking and nothing more.
From the corner of his eye, he could see that his Donnie had noticed it too. Which was funny, because that meant Donnie was jealous of a version of himself.
However, it all became a bit confusing when he met the other April O’Neil, or just O’Neil to distinguish them both. Casey noticed how Donatello’s demeanor changed around her. Small changes, but changes nonetheless. He seemed more relaxed around O’Neil than with April, even though they were technically the same person. Why would Donatello act relaxed and sweet with the brown-haired girl while he acted indifferent with April? They were the same person!
Casey narrowed his eyes at Donatello as O’Neil sat beside him on the kitchen table and casually hugged his toned arm while he worked on some blueprints for the portal to get them all home. The turtle caressed her cheek lovingly for a moment before continuing with his work; O’Neil gave her insight on a few parts.
Casey blinked. Ok... This was weird. Extremely weird. It was almost like... they were a couple. In his world, that was impossible. Donnie was way too obsessed with April and he himself might be way too careless for April’s liking. But here? They acted casual and caring, in a way he’d never seen his own set of Donnie and April back home.
He glanced at April’s (the ginger one) own frown at the two and then she left the room. Casey frowned. He had to settle this with this Donatello, so he waited until O’Neil left the kitchen not ten minutes later when he was finally left alone with Donatello. Casey cleared his throat and Donatello sighed.
“What is it?” He asked, annoyed at the fact that he was about to be interrupted.
“What’s up with you and my April?” Casey demanded.
Donatello looked up, a bored gaze met Casey’s eyes. “What do you mean, lover boy?”
Casey blushed at the nickname because it was true. “She’s flirting with you. She never flirts with our Donnie.”
Donatello groaned, annoyed. “Yes, I’ve noticed and it’s getting annoying, but I have not told her off for the sake of not causing trouble with the other turtles. I’ve also noticed my other self is head over heels for her.”
Casey stared. “You noticed?”
“Yes, and I don’t see her appeal. But each one to their own, I guess.”
“Whoa, whoa!” He pointed at Donatello. “April is beautiful!”
“I never said she wasn’t, Jones.” Donatello snapped. “I’m just saying that you should stop pestering me about your April and go back to bicker with your Donnie because I’m not interested in her. And tell her to stop flirting with me and to decide between you two for once. Or none at all.” He shook his head.
Casey glared. “Hey, that’s our business!”
“You made it my business by asking me to stop flirting with her, something I never did. I don’t want to get dragged into your weird romantic drama.” Donatello scoffed.
“But... you fixed her eyebrows!”
Donatello glared at the poor excuse. “Her eyebrows,” He leaned closer to him. “Were a disgrace. I was just being kind to her.” He sat back down. “Also, she’s confused between you two with your endless bickering over her, so I guess that she went to someone that was somehow familiar to her, even though we never met before, and formed an attraction. Not to mention, I’m pretty good-looking. I feel bad for her, but it is starting to get on my nerves. So I will have my talk with her and simply say I’m not interested.”
“But-but how!? How can you reject her?”
Donatello glared. “Don’t you want me to reject her? Please decide, I don’t have all day.”
“Yeah, I do. What I meant was how can you reject someone as pretty as her?”
Donnie glared. “Ok, first of all, gingers have no souls.”
Casey gasped. “Hey--”
“Second, if she isn’t cute, mean, and dark-skinned then she is not my type.”
Casey blinked. Cute? Mean? Dark-skinned? “So it’s true. You and O’Neil are together.” He breathed. Gosh, he couldn’t believe that in another dimension, Donnie got to stay with April.
“Yes, we are. And I will appreciate it if she stopped flirting with me or else if my April finds out, Ginger April isn’t going to survive the day.” Donatello grinned.
Casey stared back nervously. “Will she hurt her?”
“Nah, but she will be on her bad side until my April decides it’s not worth it.”
“Oh, that doesn’t sound so bad...”
“Then again, April is friends with a lot of voodoo practitioners...” Donatello mused. “She might talk with them about making a ginger doll.”
Casey gulped. “OK, just to talk to her.” He stood up to leave when Donatello stopped him.
Donatello gave him a neutral look. “Resolve your romance issues and just be forward with her. The same goes for the other me. She’s not a prize to be won,” He sighed. “That’s why she hasn’t chosen any of you. Keep treating her like this and she will find someone else. Are we clear?”
“Crystal.” Casey nodded. He hated to admit that this Donatello was probably right. He might need to have a serious talk with his Donnie and April.
“Good. Now leave before I decide to feed you to Raph.”
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remmushound · 3 years
Chapter 9 - Dinner Drama!
Summary: The Splintersons have a look around the home and then try to enjoy their dinner with their hosts.
Tags: @brightlotusmoon @scentedcandlecryptid @selfindulgenz @digitl-art-monstr @ilo-artistry
After a swift perimeter check to ease their nerves, the visitors finally started to settle into the lair. It was still so new, so enclosed, that Leo couldn’t see himself being comfortable any time soon. Not until he could confidently locate all the exits, and all the entrances, and where weapons were stored. Not until everything was as secure and as open as his lair was. It wasn’t his right to change the place, but it was his right to not feel comfortable when there were so many places enemies could be hiding unseen. So many dark corners, concealed cubbies that could be hiding threats. So much potential for danger.
When Leo got an opportunity alone with Leonardo, he immediately knew what he wanted to ask. “Hey Leonardo, is your Raph still… you know, calling the shots?”
Leonardo had been anticipating that question all day. He gave a pointedly loud sigh and rolled his eyes as he slumped around to be facing his counterpart, “You ask that every time we see each other. You know that?”
Leo felt his cheek grow hot and his head shrank slightly. Trying to save face, he was quick to defend himself. “Well— a lot can change in six months!”
“Six months…” Leonardo sighed again, and this time it was more genuine and heavy. The revelation of just how long it had been washed over him like an icy bucket of water. Yes, it had been six months, hadn’t it? The time seemed to slip away from him. “Yeah… and a lot has changed. But that hasn’t.”
“I just figured… your whole situation would have changed by now. Especially with you boys growing up.” Leo made an effort to explain, awkward now that he knew he was wrong in his assumption. And he had been so certain too! Since he and his brothers had arrived, Leonardo was acting so confident, so much like a leader! Had Leo just imagined all that?
“Well you figured wrong.” Leonardo said, and now his voice had a defensive edge, “Raphael is just as capable as ever. He is and will always be our leader. Do you have a problem with that?”
“No, no, not at all!” Leo put his hands up in an offering of peace, “i was just wondering.”
“Yeah.” Leonardo made sure to side-check Leo as he passed, “Sure you were.”
“Hey little Mike, you got a minute?” Raph waved at the smaller version of his brother.
Michelangelo looked back, and then skipped over to Raph while humming a happy, upbeat tune. “You’re really risking it all by calling me little again~! What do you need?”
“Er…” It took Raph a second to brush past the threat laced into the happy voice, “Just… y’know… I saw a pool during the tour and was wonderin’ if it was recreational or jus’ for training?”
“Well we usually swim laps in it for warmups, but I don’t see why you couldn’t swim whenever. We got floaties if you need ‘em! Mine have sharks on them!”
Raph grinned. “Do they now?”
Michelangelo nodded eagerly. “Yeah! I’m not allowed to go in the pool without them cause I can’t swim so good.”
“Aw.” Raph nodded along, “That’s too bad.”
“Yeah! I‘m too heavy— I sink like a rock! Can you swim?”
“Eh, more or less.” Raph gave a so-so motion. “If my life depended on it, sure. Never really had much access to water that wasn’t a cesspool or Amazon river.” He shivered at the memory of being dropped in the water, the current pulling him and his brothers along like they were little more than skipping stones.
“Oo! Sounds fun!” Michelangelo chirped, “But do be mindful of Piebald; she likes to swim in there sometimes!”
“Oh, she’s a mutant goldfish. She was dad’s pet, but then we flushed her and she mutated and then pretended to hunt us with a hook, but it was really all just an elaborate prank from her and dad to punish us for lying.”
Raph stared. “Oh.”
“Yeah, but she’s totally nice now and not at all sadistic and revenge-driven! No worries.”
“Wasn’t worried at all.” Raph lied.
After their quick assessment, Leonardo and Donnie had come to the decision that Mikey needed the simplest medicine of all: rest. Raphael had been more than happy to stay with Mikey until the turtles could adjust to the new environment, but exactly when that would happen was anyone's guess. Mikey was sat in Raphael’s bed, wrapped in the snappers heaviest comfort blanket and hugging Cheech as he listened to the snapper chatter with all the joy of a child. Klunk had settled in and was sleeping on Mikey’s lap in a tight orange ball, purring to his hearts content.
“Oh oh oh!” Mikey chirped quickly, “Tell me more about the capybara tell me more about the capybaraaa!”
“His name’s Todd.” Raphael indulged, “He owns a puppy farm in the woods near here.”
“Puppies..” Mikey sniffled softly and hugged Cheech tighter, “This day just keeps getting better and better. Are he and the mantis friends?”
“Todd’s friends with everyone.” Raphael answered.
“Oh my gaaaawwdd…” Mikey fell back down on his carapace, laughing weakly as he stared up at the ceiling. “That’s awesome…”
Raph moved to carefully reposition Cheech in a way that Mikey could still hug him while laying down, fixing the blanket and pillows to make sure the shinobi was as comfortable as possible. Mikey’s eyes were closed now, the stuffed bear drawn to his chest as he laid peacefully. Raphael stood slowly and made his way to the door.
The moment Raphael’s hand touched the handle, Mikey sat up straight. “Where are you going?”
“Oh— sorry. I thought you were asleep.” Raphael said, and he returned to Mikey’s side.
Mikey settled back into the bed, cuddling deeper into the blankets and giving a series of high pitched chirps that eventually faded to nothing. Raphael gave it a few more minutes before slowly getting up and going to leave again.
Like Dracula out of his coffin, Mikey sat up again and spoke so suddenly that Raphael couldn’t help but flinch. “What about the other mutants?”
Raphael took a deep breath as he spun around on his heels to face the turtle who still wasn’t asleep. “What do you wanna about them?”
Mikey grinned. “Everything!”

Donnie didn't think anything could top him meeting Shelldon that night— and then he saw Donatello’s lab for the first time. The beautifully artistic designs mixed with a generally futuristic style made for a gorgeous display of technological genius . Just like Donnie’s own lab, Donatello had several screens activated at once, scanners and alarms and traps all set to be activated at the simple trip of a sensor. The entire room was lit up in a peculiar violet hue, almost as if it was under one big black light. If that was the case, then Donatello certainly kept his room spotless.
“Oh my kami…” Donnie gulped, his eyes emeralds in the darkness. “Can I live here? I wanna live here…”
“You gotta pay rent.” Donatello said.
“I’d give anything to have my lab like this!”
“Would you give your right cornea?” Donatello leaned against the wall.
“Eh, my eyes are useless. I would give up a kidney or a gallbladder though.” 
“I’ll grab the bone saw.”
“I’ll sign the consent form…”
“Dinner is served!” Michelangelo presented a simple dish of pizza gyoza to the table; one could say it was just homemade pizza rolls, but that ruined the magic! Besides, they were more doughy like a dumpling than anything crunchy. 
The two families were gathered around and eager to eat, seated around two tables that had been pressed together to make enough room for ten diners; each set of brothers were on opposite sides of the table, while the heads of the table were reserved for the Splinter’s. The absence of one of the two fathers didn't go unnoticed.
“Itadakimasu.” Splinter said to the proud Michelangelo, “The food looks delicious. Won’t your father be joining us?”
Another chill came to the room. Another exchange of unsettled looked.
“Dad asked not to be disturbed.” Leonardo said simply.
The Hamato family turned their eyes to their food, working with the same mind to scarf down the gyoja as fast as possible, filling their mouths so they wouldn’t have to speak. The Splinterson family took the same opportunity to look around at each other, all but Mikey having the same, constricted looks on their faces; Mikey was already lost in his own mind, his eyes blank as he smiled and shoveled the offered dinner into his mouth.
“Surely your father would prefer to eat his supper while it is still hot?” Splinter insisted.
Raphael stood abruptly. His plastron bumped into the table and made the dishes clink and glasses splash with the force of his motion, but chair screaming as it was pushed back.
“You know what? You’re right.” Raphael hurried to gather another plate and pile it with gyoji, his eyes avoiding Splinter’s as he piled the dinner on a tray with freshly brewed tea. “I’ll bring this to him right away.”
When Raphael left, he took the conversation with him. He returned minutes later but the air of the room remained quiet and tense. Eager to break the silence, Leo finished off the last of his gyoji.
“Gochi sou sama deshita.” He said, and bowed to Michelangelo, “And while I am thankful for your hospitality— we all are— this isn’t a social visit. We really need to get back to our world. Can your gift do that, Donatello?”
“Should be able to.” Donatello said with a nod, “It was designed for two trips, here and back.”
“Great, then what are we waiting for?” Leo looked around for an answer but no one offered one, “Those creatures are still in our world, could be targeting our people, our city!”
“We need a plan first Leo.” Donnie tried to reason, “We can’t just run in blind.”
“Then we should be planning instead of just hanging out!”
“Can’t plan on an empty stomach.” Michelangelo said, pointing his chopsticks at Leo. “We’re eating!”
A sharp hiss came from Leo’s throat. “Don’t. Point. It’s rude.”
Michelangelo put his chopsticks back down and shrank away from the violent hiss, the retreat as instinctual to him as going into his shell.
“Leonardo…” Splinter tried to reason, “Please settle down and allow us to have a nice supper before discussing.”
“But we need to discuss this now!”
Leo’s disobedience of his father made his brothers gasp, Raph pulling back slightly while Mikey even broke out of his minds wandering to tune back in. Leo flinched at his backtalk and fell into a quick, clumsy bow.
“Shitsurei shimashita, sensei.” Leo said in a low voice before regaining his composure, “I just feel like these guys aren’t taking this situation seriously.”
“And I feel like you expect us to pull a solution out of our asses.” Leonardo hissed back.
“Now now, there’s no need for vulgarity…” Splinter tried.
“I’m not suggesting that you have the answers, I suggesting we need to find them instead of doing house tours!” Leo snarled back.
“If you don’t like it, you can get out.” Leonardo didn't back down.
“Leo, it’s fine, cool it.” Donnie tried to mediate, grabbing a hold of his brother’s arm; he was almost convinced Leo might lunge over the table at his smaller counterpart if this went on for much longer.
“I am cool!” Leo pulled his arm free, knocking Donnie back in the process. That got Raph involved, the box turtle standing up ready to confront his brother. Before he got so much as a word out, however…
“Everybody COOL IT!” Raphael slammed his fists down on the table.
The table splintered under Raphael’s slamming weight, chips of wood flying out like dangerous projectiles. The words, with all the force of a hurricane knocking trees out from their roots, brought a silent stalemate. Raphael looked pissed. His eyes were white, entire body like a taut wire that would snap at the slightest breaths. His nostrils flares, and when he had screamed, white, foaming spittle flew across the table. Now, it dripped down his lopsided jaw and chin.
“Not another word.” Raphael said, this time calmer as he left the table once more. All eyes followed him to the doorway to find a small, gray rat standing there watching them.
Yoshi’s mouth was pulled down in a tight frown, eyes glossy. His paws, shaky as they were, held his tray of dirty dishes that he had been intent on cleaning; for now, he just… stared. His fur seemed several shades paler, his hair tangled and unkept, and though it was hard to tell through the clothes. he looked skinny. The mutant looked around at the table, at the turtles and the rat he had paid many visits to, but when his eyes passed over them they held no recollection. No memory. Just dark confusion, empty and cold.
“Dad…” Leonardo said softly, but at Raphael’s threatening chuff, Leonardo said nothing more.
“Hey pops— here, let me get that for you…” Raphael took the tray from his father and hurried over to throw them haphazardly into the sink. He came back after, his massive hand completely engulfing Yoshi’s back to guide the old rat away away. Yoshi followed the snapper at a slow gait, though his feet dragged as if they were made of the heaviest lead and it took a while for him to get anywhere. “Come on, let’s get you back to bed okay?”
Everyone watched as the father and son disappeared out of the dining room, none of them daring to breathe, nonetheless utter a word.
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kurlyfrasier · 4 years
Terrified: Part 6.2 (Alternate Ending)
Raph x Reader
Synopsis: Raph saves you from ruffians one night in an alley after watching out for you for weeks without you knowing. Which leads you to getting to know the guys and becoming part of the family. But Raph keeps a distance and you don’t understand why.
Word Count: 1195
Warnings: None.
A/N: Someone asked me to write an ending where Raph doesn’t get hurt- ya know, without all the other drama lol so here it is! This technically starts around the middle of part 5 when Raph carries Reader to bed after she falls asleep on his lap during movie night.
Yep so couldn’t find the right gif, sorry.
You froze in Raph’s arms, breaths becoming uneven as the movie carried on. He had no idea what movie was picked for the night. Nor did he care. His mission: to confess all, hoping beyond hope that you wouldn’t run away from him. He supposed he could always keep you trapped in his embrace, never to leave him. But he figured you wouldn’t like that much if you did decide to leave. 
Eventually, after what seemed an eternity, you relaxed. Not long after that, he heard soft snores rise to his ears. He decided that was his cue to carry you to bed. His bed. And this time he laid down next to you, more than a little unwilling to let you out of his sight, hopeful for tomorrow.
He laid there, intent on watching you sleep peacefully- just until he had to go on patrol. When you snuggled closer into his chest, his heart soared. Hair fell across your face and with a shaky hand he gently, carefully tucked it behind your ear. You sighed, stopping his heart. Vaguely, he wondered what he could possibly do to win you over. Eventually, he allowed himself to rest his arm around your waist, hoping it didn’t crush you. 
After a half an hour or so, Leo knocked lightly on his door, signalling it was time to go above ground. Reluctantly, Raph removed his arm from on top of you, but you latched on- stopping him cold, afraid he woke you up. After a few seconds he realized you were still sleeping, slowly he slid his arm out of your grip and tip-toed out of his room without a glance over his shoulder. Although it didn’t seem to help the temptation to crawl back into bed with you.
Once out of the sewers they flew rooftop to rooftop, looking for thugs, Foot, Kraang- anything to make the night go faster. Thankfully, his brothers left him alone, but that also made it a quiet night. Which allowed his mind to work on overdrive. Distracting him with thoughts of you: the smell of your hair, your soft skin, your curves, the way you felt in his arms- so small in his grasp. Granted, most humans were small compared to him and his brothers.
His brothers noticed his lack of concentration. He had fell behind several times at this point and instead of shaking him out of his reverie, they stood on a rooftop and waited for him to notice they were waiting on him.
“Wha’?” Raph said once he noticed his brothers staring at him. “Did somethin’ happen?”
“No,” Leo shook his head and slapped a hand on Raph’s shoulder. “But what do you say we head back to the lair?”
“This early?” he asked, confused and hopeful to crawl back into bed with you. “We just left.”
“Yeah, but it’s been a quiet night-”
“Yeah, dude. I have a personal record to break on my new game. I say let’s go!”
“And I’m in the middle of-”
“See?” Leo interrupted Donnie before he could go into any detail over whatever experiment he was working on and hopped to the next roof toward the lair. “We all have something at home we wanna get back to, so let’s go.”
Raph happily followed, anxious to get back home and into bed with you. If you were still there anyway. The thought had him back in the lair a few minutes before his brothers.
I woke up chilly and alone, per usual- and maybe a little confused as to why I was in Raph’s bed when I remembered I had fallen asleep during the movie- when light streamed into the darkened room, Raph’s familiar shadow on the wall. I closed my eyes and evened out my breathing as I feigned sleep, wanting him to share the bed with me, but also knowing it was unlikely that he would. 
The bed dipped.
A heavy arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a hard chest. I swallowed the squeak that threatened to reveal my ruse and willed my heart to stop its thundering, afraid he would know I was awake.
His sigh tickled the hair on my head as he settled in.
I waited several minutes for Raph to say something. Anything. Until I finally gave up and attempted to truly fall asleep. Obviously I wasn’t going to learn any deep, dark secrets this night. I was disappointed, but secretly ecstatic that he was here, holding me as if his life depended on it.
“So beautiful,” he whispered a moment before I succumbed to darkness. “Do ya know that?”
I wanted to tell him no, that I didn’t know he thought that, but stayed silent, hoping for more. Always hoping for more.
“I’m sorry,” he rasped, still whispering as his hold tightened around me. “Fer everythin’. Fer makin’ ya think I don’ care. Fer not tellin’ ya I care.”
It took every fiber of my being to continue my steady breathing.
“Last night,” he paused, taking a shaky breath as he nuzzled into the crook of my neck. “I wanted ta kill the lowlife tha’ made ya cry.”
I told myself to keep my breathing steady as a tear fell; and another; and another; and- I squeezed my eyes tight, willing the tears to stop to no avail.
“I hope ya don’t leave ‘cause of me. I-” HIs voice broke, deep and gravelly as he pushed through. “I couldn’t live knowin’ ya don’t wan’ anythin’ ta do with me.”
“Then why do you stay away?” I cracked, voice barely audible to my ears.
He tensed, stiff as a board. I waited on bated breath for his answer before I turned to face him. A difficult feat considering his giant arm across my waist that he refused to lift, even just a tiny bit, off of me.
“Raph?” My voice shook as I met his widened gaze.
“I- uh- I-” he cleared his throat. “How much did ya hear?”
“All of it,” I stared at his plastron, embarrassed, and traced the lines. “But I liked it-”
He gasped. “Ya did?”
“Yeah,” I chanced a glance up at his emerald eyes and was unable to look away, glued to to his questioning gaze. “I’ve always liked you. Felt safe around you. But you wouldn’t ever really talk to me after that night you saved me and I thought you hated me for it. That I was a bother-”
“Yer not a bother,” he growled out, holding me in tight embrace. “Don’t evah think tha’, okay? I’ll always watch ovah ya. If somethin’ evah happened ta ya, Y/n. I don’t know wha’ I would do. I couldn’ live with myself if ya got hurt.”
“Okay,” I whispered into his chest.
“Good,” he sighed out, nodding. 
“G’night,” I said in a sleepy whisper, suddenly exhausted after all the emotional turmoil. Happy this wouldn’t be my last night here. Relieved Raph didn’t see me as a burden, but so much more- even if he didn’t say it in those exact words. Quietly, I listened to his deep breaths as they lulled me into sleep.
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mean-green-imagines · 4 years
Mutant Side of the Tracks
Chapter 1: The First Day Back
(a/n: Not every character will be introduced in the first chapter since I’m writing for 8 characters total. So far, the characters that have been introduced are Leo, Mikey, and Carol. I hope all of you enjoy the first chapter of Mutant Side of the Tracks~)
It was the beginning of the first week of August, a Wednesday, to be exact, and it was the first day back to classes for the students of USNY. The weather seemed perfect for the first day back. There were some fluffy clouds in the sky, occasionally giving the students a break from the hot, August sun, and all of the freshmen were bustling around trying to find their classes. Thankfully, the upperclassmen usually helped navigate and the fraternities and sororities were usually around in groups to help and to give out little first day treats, like a free donut and a pencil with the university name printed on it. Freshmen always loved that stuff and they could never pass them up.
A third year student, Carol Scott, was with her sorority sisters handing out donuts and pencils and water bottles and things like that to the freshmen at the center of campus where the large fountain was. As usual, she stood mostly by herself while her group of sorority sisters chatted away. The longer Carol stayed in the sorority, the more the girls outright avoided her. Did I mention that Carol’s a mutant? The only mutant in the group? She knew that’s why no one cared much for her, she was he token mutant, but she tried her best not to think about that right now. Carol wanted to have a good first day, and she only had about five more minutes of her “shift” by the fountain before she had to head to her first class of the day. It was an advanced art class and it was very important for her to be there a few minutes early so she could get a good seat up front. 
“Carol! Hey!” A familiar voice caught Carol’s attention and she turned her head towards it and saw Leo walking up to her and her group with a few of his frat brothers. She smiled slightly and looked up at him and had to shield her eyes form the sun. Leonardo was a tall, muscular mutant turtle, and was a fourth year business major. Even though he was a mutant, he was accepting more by his peers simply because he had an important position on the football team, and he, along with his brother, Raphael, always got them to the playoffs. 
“Hey, Leo, enjoying the first day back so far?” the red headed mutant asked. Carol seemed slightly unenthusiastic to talk to Leo, mostly because she knew that Leo would have her talking for forever. Plus, she was already feeling the stress and pressure of this new year. She finally got to be in the advanced architecture and art classes and she knew that they would be difficult, so she wanted to be as prepared as possible. Plus, Carol had been writing and rewriting a resignation letter for her sorority but the poor thing hated conflict, and even though her sisters didn’t seem to care if she was around or not, she’s seen how they treated other girls who have come forward and have decided to leave the group. There’s always drama, even if the girl is leaving for a good reason. 
Leo nodded his head and he helped shield Carol from the bright sun before a large cloud finally covered it, giving them all some shade. “Yeah, it’s great to be back and see all my friends again.” he explained, even though he's seen his football friends for a few weeks before school even started back. They all had to train and get conditioned for football season again because the coach knew that his players would get lazy or complacent over summer break, so he always whipped them back into shape. When he only got a little smile and a small nod out of Carol, he decided to continue. “There’s going to be a party this Friday night to celebrate the start of the new school year. You should come,” Leo explained and Carol’s eyes widened a bit at him. She enjoyed a good party once and a while but she was more of the small friend group and chill type of person. Usually she would go if either Aurora, Mikey, or June would drag her out and she would still end up having fun, but would be the first one to want to leave. 
“I..I don’t know,” Carol started and she looked away from Leo, who frowned slightly in disappointment. “I’m not really a party person,” she paused and looked up at Leo, knowing that they’ve been to some frat parties together in the past, “...anymore.” she finished awkwardly and Leo blinked a couple of times. He should have seen this coming. Carol was very serious about her major and she worked hard so she could be an experienced architect. Leo knew how hard her courses were because he’s seen her notes and he couldn’t understand a single thing. 
“Oh, I see,” Leo said and he cleared his throat, an awkward silence coming over the two. “I understand, your classes are stressful.” he perked himself back up, but his smile felt mostly forced as he looked down at Carol. He did understand though since he knew that while Carol loved her major, but she didn’t exactly love math. It was a bit hard for her, especially the geometry, but some algebra and trigonometry seemed to come easier to her. “I know Donnie was tutoring you in math over the summer. I at least hope he helped.” Leo said, feeling a pang of jealously in his chest, and he hated that feeling. It felt like a brick was placed on his heart or something, keeping it heavy in his chest. 
Carol actually smiled wider at the mention of Donatello. Yes, he did help her understand math better over the summer and he was an excellent tutor. He was the smartest guy Carol knew, and the sweetest. They definitely got very close over the summer, but Leo, or anyone else for that matter, wasn't exactly aware of that. “Yes, he helped me a lot. I’m feeling more confident with my math skills now, but I’ll probably keep going to him for tutoring though. The math is only going to get harder, you know?” she explained and Leo absentmindedly nodded his head in agreement. He was a business major and even though he had to deal with some math, it wasn’t quite as complicated as what Carol had to study.
“Right, yeah,” Leo cleared his throat again and was about to continue until Carol suddenly checked the time on her phone and she jumped a little bit and grabbed her backpack that sat behind the little table she helped set up. She gave Leo a slightly apologetic look, but she seemed pretty eager to get to her class. 
“I really need to get to class. I’ll see you soon, okay?” Carol said to Leo, giving him a little smile and a wave as she turned to walk to her first class. It was on the other side of campus and it was about a seven minute walk, but she was confident that she could make it in time. Leo just waved and said a small, “See ya..” before he turned back to his frat brothers to plan for the party on Friday night, but with a weight in his chest. 
Carol walked quickly to her class, breathing out a small sigh of relief once she finally escaped from Leo’s field of vision. For years now, Leo has been pursuing her, and for years, Carol has managed to reject him over and over. She didn’t quite have the heart to tell him what all happened over the summer with Donnie, because it was way more than just math tutoring. She wasn’t in the mood for conflict and she didn’t exactly have the time for it either right now. There were bigger things on her plate. 
Her first class was in the art building with her good friend, Mikey. They both had a good bit of classes together in the art building since Mikey was an art major and Carol had to know how to draw decently for both her major and minor. Carol was a year ahead of Mikey, but he was so advanced as an artist, he got to skip a couple of basic classes after taking an art assessment test, so Carol got to meet him just last year when he was only a freshman and they became fast friends. 
“Carooolll!” Carol turned when she heard Mikey’s voice calling her name from the art building. He looked like he had just arrived from the commons building since he had a huge to-go cup of iced coffee. As usual, it looked like he stayed up way too late playing video games or drawing again because he had bags under his eyes, but that huge coffee would definitely perk him back up in no time. 
“Mikey! It’s been, like, three whole days since I’ve seen you!” Carol giggled and she gave Mikey a big hug. Everyone’s been a bit busy just getting ready for their new semester of classes, and they’ve been busy helping friends and acquaintances move into their apartments and dorms. “How does it feel to no longer be a baby freshman anymore?” she asked teasingly and Mikey just took a long drink of his coffee before answering her. 
“It feels great! I was super anxious last year because I couldn’t find my classes and I kept being late and I always had that stupid lanyard around my neck with my student ID attached to it. So embarrassing..” Mikey groaned and Carol just patted his shoulder. Everyone was like that as a freshman, and as a freshman, you think it’s a great idea to walk around with your university lanyard around your neck all the time, but once you’re an upperclassman, you quickly realize that you looked...pretty dumb.
Carol noticed other students walking into their art class and decided that it was time for them to go in too. “Come on, first class of the day!” Carol said, trying to pump Mikey up a bit. He was definitely more into the partying side of college, so Carol tried to make sure that he at least showed up for most of his classes. Donnie definitely appreciated that since he was Mikey’s roommate and would often get agitated with him if he just slept right through his classes. Donnie was a good student and never missed a class unless he was sick, like, really sick.
Now, thinking of Donnie, Carol felt that familiar heat in her abdomen and the butterflies returned in her stomach. So far, only Mikey knew about what was going on between Donnie and Carol and he made a promise to both of them not to say a single thing to anyone about it. Especially Leo. 
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homesweetsewer · 5 years
Consolation Prize (Donatello x Fem Reader)
This one sort of follows Harmless and Radiant. I don’t think you need to read them to understand what’s going on here but I’ll link them for convenience sake for those who are interested.
Harmless: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Radiant: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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“But, Donnie,” you pouted. “Its movie night! You’ve skipped out on the last three!”
“I know, love.” The purple masked turtle reached for your hands. He held them tenderly in his much larger ones, caressing the backs of them softly with his thumbs. “I’m sorry. Its just,” Donatello looked apologetic, “we’re so close to getting this formula right. Just give me another hour and then I’m all yours.”
“An hour?” You looked unconvinced. You knew how caught up he got in his work and how easily time got away from him.
Don nodded and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. “An hour,” he assured. “I promise. Go ahead and get started without me. I’ll finish tweaking the base mixture and be there before you know it.”
You sighed and shook your head, looking across to the other side of the lab where April O’Neil sat perched upon a stool, pretending not to pay any attention to the conversation you were having with the tall, slender terrapin. Absently, you noted the beakers and test tubes that littered the work bench in front of her, filled with chemicals and compounds of varying colors and viscosity. Donnie hadn’t filled you in on exactly what they were working on together other than to tell you it was safer for you if you didn’t know. Really, who were you to argue? You knew the kind of life the turtles lived and you weren’t the one putting your life on the line to protect the city. You knew Donatello worried for your safety given your association with him and his brothers and so you hadn’t pushed the subject too much.
April must have felt the weight of your gaze. She lifted her head and turned in your direction, shooting you a tight smile that seemed to be part guilt and part annoyance wrapped into one. It was a “sorry I’m hogging all your boyfriend’s time but we’re really busy so if you could just go away so we can get back to it” look. It set your teeth on edge and your frown deepened.
“Fine,” you relented, but not happily. “An hour.”
“Thank you,” a small smile quirked the corners of the turtle’s mouth. “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”
“Yeah, yeah...” you waved off his apology. Instead, you went up on your tiptoes and pecked him on the lips, delighting momentarily in the soft churring sound you were able to pull from his throat. “Just...get back to work, genius. The clock is ticking.”
Without another word, you turned on your heel and headed for the lab door. You paused only for a moment, your hand on the door knob, to look back over your shoulder. You watched as Donatello made his way back over to April. Your brow furrowed.
“Sorry about that, April,” he quietly apologized to the woman. “Where were we?”
You sighed, a mixture of disappointment and discontent, as you slipped from the lab and closed the door softly behind you. Any hopes you’d had of spending the evening with the man/turtle you loved were thoroughly dashed...as they had been every night for the last month since he been working on his mysterious project with April. Cancelled plans, forgotten dates, and apologetic texts had become the status quo. You weren’t angry...not really. You knew how important his work was, not only to his family but for everyone who called NYC home--they just didn’t know it. You did, however, feel a bit disregarded, as if you’d been set aside on the back burner in favor of April.
After all, you reminded yourself, it hadn’t been all that long ago that the genius turtle had been seemingly head over shell in love with the woman. It had killed you inside but you’d supported his interest in her for no other reason than to see him happy even if it was at the expense of your own. Even less time had passed since April had broken his heart by informing him that she was involved romantically with Casey Jones and only cared for him as a friend. You’d supported him then, too, giving him a shoulder to cry on and comforting and encouraging him when he needed it until he’d been able to pull himself back together. The two of you had grown closer as a result.
Though you’d resigned yourself to the notion that the ninja would never feel for you what you felt for him, you’d taken solace in knowing that he remained your dearest friend...and then, three short months ago, you’d kissed him on impulse. It was just a quick press of lips to his cheek but it had set into motion a chain of events that made even your wildest dreams seem pale in comparison.
You’d found him waiting for you, sitting nervously on the end of your bed later that evening. He’d apologized profusely for not noticing your feelings sooner before stuttering out that he, too, felt the same. You’d felt as though you were living out a scene in one of those cheesy romance novels when he’d asked if he could kiss you. It was almost magical, pent up emotions rushing to the surface in a tangle of lips and tongues, leaving you both breathless and trembling. You’d become a couple that night and since then he’d given you absolutely no reason to doubt his feelings or his sincerity. 
Donatello was still your best friend, as promised, but he was also the sweetest and most loving boyfriend you could have asked for. Who could have known the bespectacled ninja was such a romantic? You considered yourself to be a very lucky girl. He never failed to make you feel special or tell you just how much you meant to him, always going above and beyond. He called it “making up for lost time”. It felt like a dream, really, and your biggest fear was that you’d wake up to discover it had all been some sort of elaborate hallucination.
It wasn’t that you doubted Donnie. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him--you did. It was just that, lately, your mind had decided to conjure up a slew of ‘what if’ scenarios that made your head hurt and your heart ache. It had less to do with Don, you knew, and more to do with your own insecurities and all the time he’d been spending with April lately. Still, you couldn’t stop that evil, little voice in the back of your brain from constantly reminding you that you hadn’t been his first choice. Even worse, you were starting to listen to it. 
“Do you think if April had expressed the slightest bit of interest in Donatello that he would have ever looked your way? Not in a million years,” the voice insisted. “You were the runner up, the understudy, the second chair. You are the consolation prize he received instead of what he really wanted...and what was it that he really wanted,” the voice asked. 
“April,” you muttered dejectedly as you made your way back toward the living room where the rest of the turtles were waiting to start their Friday Night Movie Extravaganza. “He wanted April...always April.”
Leo looked at you in concern as you plopped down on the couch between him and Mikey. “Everything alright?”
“Yep.” The forced smile you shot the blue masked leader looked more like a grimace. “Just peachy.”
Leonardo frowned. “I’m guessing they’re not joining us?”
“Nope.” You shook your head. “They’re on the verge of a scientific breakthrough, apparently. Don said he needed another hour but we both know he’s not coming out of there for the rest of the night. Just like last week and the week before...” you trailed off. 
Leo gave you a sympathetic look and a comforting pat on the knee. “I’m sorry...”
“No...” you quickly cut him off, not interested in hearing him apologize for his brother. “Its not your fault. Its fine.” You shrugged, trying to play it off as though it weren’t a big deal, but you were sure that the eldest brother could see right through you. Thankfully, he didn’t call you out on it.
“Aww...” Michelangelo slung an arm around your shoulders. “Don’t worry about it, baby cakes. We can still have plenty of fun without him.”
The last thing you wanted to do was ruin everyone else’s night with your internal drama. “Yeah,” you agreed as you tried to regain your enthusiasm and banish your negative thoughts. “You’re right.” 
You snuggled comfortably into the youngest turtle’s side and grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl balanced on his lap. You shoved the buttery snack into your mouth and chewed slowly before addressing the resident hot head. “What are we watching, anyway, Raph?”
The enormous, musclebound turtle grinned at you, “Pitch Black and The Last Witch Hunter.”
“Vin Diesel,” you nodded in approval of his choice. “Perfect.”
As the night wore on, you tried to focus on the movies but your eyes would inevitably stray toward the door to Donnie’s lab. Over the sounds of onscreen explosions and gunfire, you could still hear the occasional sounds of muffled laughter from inside. Your thoughts again wandered off down a dark path as one hour became two and then three. You couldn’t help wondering if he was happier in there with her than he would be cuddling on the couch next to you. Did he still harbor romantic feelings for her? When the two of you were together, did he ever look at you and wish he could be with her instead? If, by chance, April were to change her mind and decide she did see Donatello in a romantic light, would he abandon you and go running into her arms?
The voice in your head scoffed, “Do you really want to know the answer to that?”
“No,” you muttered under your breath, tears prickling at your eyes. “No, I don’t.”
Leo shot you a concerned look, “you okay?”
“Fine,” you assured him with a nod, refusing to look at him lest he see the hurt on your face. “Everything’s fine. Never better.”
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archibaldmagazine · 4 years
The Top 10 Most Popular Movies on Netflix Right Now
Now that Netflix has unveiled its new “Top 10” feature, we have an assessment of what people are actually watching on the streaming service. Each day, the “Top 10” feature shows the most popular films and TV shows as viewed by subscribers.
But if you’re looking for not only a quick rundown of the Top 10 most popular movies on Netflix, but also a little more information on what they’re about and who’s in them, we’ve got you covered. Below, we’ve assembled the current list of the most popular movies on Netflix in the U.S., along with more information about each film.
So peruse through the current Top 10 below, and be sure to check out our much longer, more curated list of the best movies on Netflix and the current Top 10 TV shows on Netflix.
10. 365 DNI
Image via Next Film
Directors: Barbara Bialowas and Tomasz Mandes
Writers: Tomasz Kimala, Barbara Bialowas, Tomasz Mandes, and Blanka Lipinska
Cast: Anna-Maria Sieklucka, Michele Morrone, and Magdalena Lamparska
Year Released: 2020
Genre: Erotic Romantic Drama
What’s It About?: In this Polish film, a young woman in a spiritless relationship falls for a dominant man who imprisons her and gives her 365 days to fall in love with him.
9. The Grinch
Image via Universal Pictures/Illumination Entertainment
Directors: Scott Mosier and Yarrow Cheney
Writers: Michael LeSieur and Tommy Swerdlow
Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Rashida Jones, Kenan Thompson and Angela Landsbury
Year Released: 2018
Genre: Animated Family Christmas Movie
What’s It About?: Illumination Entertainment’s new adaptation of the Dr. Seuss classic puts a bit of a modern spin on The Grinch while telling the story of a mean creature who attempts to steal Christmas from a town of Whos.
8. Devil's Gate
Director: Clay Staub
Writers: Peter Aperlo and Clay Staub
Cast: Amanda Schull, Shawn Ashmore, and Milo Ventimiglia
Genre: Supernatural Horror
Year Released: 2018
What’s It About?: When a federal agent goes to the town of Devil’s Gate to investigate the disappearance of a woman and her son, she discovers an extraterrestrial presence.
7. Milf
Director: Axelle Laffont
Writers: Jérôme L’hotsky and Stéphane Kramer
Cast: Marie-Josée Croze, Virginie Ledoyen, and Axelle Laffont
Genre: Comedy
Year Released: 2018
What’s It About?: This French comedy follows three best friends in their 40s who navigate loss and heartbreak while embarking on steamy affairs with much younger men.
Image via Universal Pictures
Directors: Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud
6. Despicable Me
Writers: Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio
Cast: Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Kristen Wiig, and Miranda Cosgrove
Year Released: 2010
Genre: Family
What’s It About?: A supervillain’s quest to be the best supervillain in the world is thwarted when he becomes a parent to three young children.
Image via Sony Pictures
Director/Writer: James L. Brooks
5. How Do You Know
Cast: Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson, Jack Nicholson, and Kathryn Hahn
Genre: Romantic Comedy/Drama
Year Released: 2010
What’s It About?: The sprawling, meandering romantic dramedy How Do You Know follows a professional softball player recently cut from her team who finds herself in a love triangle with two men.
Director: Gina Prince-Bythewood
Writer: Greg Rucka
Cast: Charlize Theron, KiKi Layne, Marwan Kenzari, Luca Marinelli, Harry Melling, van Veronica Ngo, Matthias Schoenaerts and Chiwetel Ejiofor
4. The Old Guard
Genre: Supernatural Action Film
Year Released: 2020
What’s It About?: The actioner The Old Guard follows a team of immortal soldiers who are training a new recruit while running from pursuers.
Director: Peter Sullivan
Writers: Rasheeda Garner and Peter Sullivan
Cast: Nia Long, Omar Epps, Stephen Bishop and KJ Smith
3. Fatal Affairs
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Year Released: 2020
What’s It About?: In the thriller Fatal Affair, a lawyer is caught in a terrifying game of cat and mouse after a drink with an old friend turns into an obsession.
2. The Lorax
Image via Illumination Entertainment
Director: Chris Renaud
Writers: Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio
Cast: Danny DeVito, Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Ed Helms, Rob Riggle, Jenny Slate, and Betty White
Genre: Animated Family Comedy
Year Released: 2012
What’s It About?: From the same studio that made Despicable Me, 2012’s The Lorax is an adaptation of the Dr. Seuss story that expands upon the original book to create a much larger tale.
Image via Mandarin Motion Pictures
Director: Wilson Yip
Writers: Edmond Wong, Dana Fukazawa, Chan Tai Lee and Jil Leung Lai Yin
Cast: Donnie Yen, Wu Yue, Vanness Wu, Scott Adkins, Kent Cheng, Danny Chan, and Ngo Ka-nin
1. Ip Man 4: The Finals
Genre: Action/Martial Arts
Year Released: 2019
What’s It About?: The fourth and final film in the Ip Man series finds the titular grandmaster suffering from throat cancer and traveling to San Francisco to look for study opportunities.
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flightsrsk · 5 years
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ft. @ofaurclia, @voidgriff, @gvldenfleece, @brickyellow, @dcnatellas, @of-apples, @ofconstellctions !
tw: drugs, alcohol.
can you tell me, to the best of your memory, what happened on the night of december 13, 2019?
Fucking classic. The sweat in his palms had swelled from both anger and nerves; neither of which he particularly wanted to deal with right now—his very own heart will still torn, trying to make a split-second decision on whether he should lie, or tell the truth, knowing that his parents wouldn’t particularly appreciate the detective telling his parents about what pills he had swallowed, or what mixture of alcohol had tickled the back of his throat that night. But then again, would they even care?
“December 13? The night of the debate party?” A nod confirms his question.
Maverick clears his throat as leans forward in the armchair, taking a surprisingly long breath—one not interrupted by a smoker’s cough—before he is expected to begin. “I dunno, sir.” Damned manners; engrained into his brain since he was four years old. He supposes making enemies with the detective isn’t the best move, even if he’s seething that he’s been called in in the first place. He is prompted to say more with a glaring stare.
“I guess I heard about the through the grapevine. Covington isn’t all that big; and the debate team winning isn’t news either. We were all kind of expecting it, planning for having a fun night out. I headed over with my friend Aurelia — Aurelia Choi. We always kind of head out to these things; she and I kind of have a good time together—not like … never mind. We drove over in my car, headed inside … and I guess I made my rounds, like I always do. Say hi to my buddies, friends from school, you know—congratulate the debate team, I guess. I don’t know a lot of them—I know some of them. But anyway, uh … I guess I hung out with Lia for a good portion of the night … Griffin too, we caught up a bit and drank. I saw my siblings—D … I mean, Richard and Austin. Um …”
His breath hitches, unsure of how to continue; luckily, he’s skirted over the fact that he and Griffin inhaled a couple of pills during the night, but he isn’t quite keen on revealing the entirety of his love life to the detective in front of him. “I remember talking to my ex, too. Donatella … yeah. We kind of got into an argument—we never really, um … made amends since we broke up. It’s … uh … it’s kind of hard to see her still. I know that’s fucking pathetic, but, yeah. I kind of didn’t really feel like chatting to anyone after that. The party wasn’t all that fun, so I dipped after.” 
did you see anything unusual that night? was anyone acting out of the ordinary?
“Unusual? I mean … Covington parties are always kind of weird. People are so high-strung at this school … anyway. I mean … there was drama. It feels like there always is; this place is too small for gossip to be unheard. It kind of sucks, to be honest: it’s like we’re all in this tiny little fishbowl, where everyone can see everything.” It’s fucking exhausting, for Maverick, who has already been placed under a microscope his entire life—he skips over the fact that there might have been a drink thrown in his name. “Lemme see … I mean. I don’t really know. I guess if you count Maisie coming up to me urgently asking where my brother was—but then again, that’s not even unusual. People are always looking for my brother.” He tries to say it without rolling his eyes to the back of his head—he really does.
can you tell me more about your relationship with melanie?
“Sure, sure. I mean … we were friends, I guess. We hung out in high school, because … um, yeah … Donnie and I were dating at the time, and she was with one of our other … friends Cordelia. So I kind of got to know her a little before Covington, I guess. She was always pretty cool, much less high-strung than a lot of the other people around Hemlock. She dated my brother for a while, so she was around the house sometimes. My parents really liked her, and so did my brother, so I tried to get to know her in that context, too.”
do you have any reason to believe that someone would want to hurt melanie?
“Melanie? Jeez—hurt her? No, god no.” It occurs to him that she’s really missing; and the heavy thought of her not returning really sinks into his skin, and causes a pit to fall in his stomach. “She’s the kind of girl who was headstrong, but in a good way, you know? She was one of the few people this place really needed. I mean, I won’t say this about many people, but she is one of the few people I can tolerate here right now. Maybe it’s because she knows be from before college, knows about my home life. I dunno. She was one of the good ones. And that’s coming from me.”
do you have any questions about how the case will proceed?
“A dozen, I guess, but um … w-what happened … I mean … never mind. I know you have a lot of work to do, so um … thank you for your time.”
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
14x12: Prophet and Loss
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Drama llama Dean spent an entire afternoon in a workshop surrounded by half naked men, and now he’s gonna bury himself at the bottom of the sea.
We open with Dean in the ma’lak box at the bottom on the ocean.
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It is uncomfortable to watch. I’ve had a lot of thoughts about Dean dreaming about being in the box. It’s a huge call back to 3x16/4x01 and him yelling for Sam and waking from Hell in his own coffin --the coffin Sam insisted he be buried in --the coffin that Cas, the naive angel that lacked the people skills to know not to just reconstitute him and leave him six feet under. This is as bad, if not worse, than Hell for Dean. Dean’s been very low in the past, but to listen to Death and admit that he doesn’t have free will over this situation? Gah.
It is just a dream though, albeit one that was so visceral, he woke to bloody fingernails and scratches on the motel wall. Sam, who’s also awake, tries talking to Dean about his plan.
For This is a Beautiful Shot Science:
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Sam insists that there has to be another way. Dean sees no other option than to lock himself away with Michael for eternity. (Sidenote: I just saw this post come across my dash about Swan Song, and I’M DYING.)
Aaaaaand, it wouldn’t be Buckleming without some torture porn! A man has a woman tied up. He’s dumping salt in a vat of water. Oooh, maybe super crazy demon torture? J/K, just a regular girl who doesn’t deserve to die tortured. Sigh. He carves something into her arm and sends her into the water to drown. Positive Note: She’s fully clothed.
Nick’s in the hospital and and as soon as his leg heals, he’ll be spending a lot of time in jail. Nick’s playing the “devil made me do it” card. And he’s also crying silent tears. NOT BUYING WHAT YOU’RE SELLING, EUGENIE.
On the road, the brothers take a moment to further dissect Dean’s plan. Both Sam and Mary hate it. Cas and Jack don’t even know about it. Sam calls Cas --who clearly gets the newsletter Sam sends out to everyone. He knows.
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Rowena and Cas have been on the case to extract Michael, but both have come up empty. Cas offers to speak with Dean. Sam doesn’t think that’ll matter.
Torture Man has a new victim! This time it’s a dude that he’s trussed and laid out on a plastic sheet. Torture Man utters warped Bible quotes while he slits the man’s throat. He then carves something into his chest. Oh man, I have a high capacity for violence on TV, but this WAS NOT COOL TO WATCH. Do. Not. Like. After carving up his victim, he hears whispers and says, “I am the Lord.”
On the road, Michael continues to scream and pound on the inside of Dean’s mind. And, guh, Dean pulls himself together and side-eyes Sam to see if he noticed. He didn’t. SAM. I mean, I get it, he’s doing what he can to stop Dean’s plan. And if Dean really wants to convince his brother this is the best idea, why worry if he sees you struggle?
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Anyway, Dean jumps into talking about their childhood, and how he “wasn’t always the greatest brother” to Sam. Sam’s baffled as to where this is going. Dean was his constant family when they were kids. Sam recognizes that Dean was not just there for him as a brother, but he raised Sam. Dean continues, apologizing for siding with their dad, for trying to keep the peace. I AM LIVING FOR THIS CONVERSATION. Dean admits that John would send Dean away when he would get mad at Dean. And, like we know this, and I’m still crying? Sometimes I feel like while every episode adds to the story of Sam and Dean, they’re often forgotten or never mentioned again, so did they really happen? If I ended up in an alternate world where I was rich and famous, I’d think back and rehash the fun in that on occasion. In any event, 9x7 did happen, and it happened on multiple occasions. Sam makes it clear to Dean that he let all that go a long time ago, also please stop with the deathbed apologies. Kthxbye.
Nick outsmarts the cop guarding him and escapes from the hospital.
Sam’s found a case! A nice distraction from their Road Trip of Bad Decisions. They head to investigate.
They arrive at the home of the brother of the last victim.
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I found this shot SO weird, but didn’t really think about it again until I saw @neven-ebrez post, and was glad someone put some thought into it. :D We’re kind of hit over the head with brother parallels here. Dean gets to hear what it might feel like for Sam when he’s gone. Sam explains that the graffiti carvings were really Enochian. 
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The brother talks about a friend, Tony Alvarez, who was more into Bible quotes than the average Millenial.
A Story in Three Parts:
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I mean, really. REALLY? Cas has no chill. He also has no filter and spills that he knows about Dean’s plan. At first I was like “oh Cas bby, no” but now I’m ok with it. It’s almost more painful to know that Cas knows about Dean’s plan when Dean doesn’t know about Cas’s deal. (And equally painful to think that Cas doesn’t think about his deal because he doesn’t see himself ever being happy.) (Natasha: curls up into an unhappy knot on the floor.)
Anyway, Dean doesn’t want to talk to Cas about his plan and jumps right into why he called. Does Cas recognise the name Tony Alvarez? Cas says that he’s in line to be a prophet. Dean cuts him off, awkwardly tells him it’s good to hear his voice, and hangs up. He instantly chastises Sam for spilling his secret. “Dean, it’s Cas. I had to tell him.” Sam and Cas are the best brothers-in-law. HUGS.
And if Tony is now a killer prophet, is Donatello dead? Dean checks in with Donatello’s doctor. He’s still around (brain dead and all, but not dead dead.)
Dean and Sam break into Tony’s home, which looks perfectly normal EXCEPT for a creepy office covered with Enochian writing and pinned up photos of victims. They realize that the killer is cycling through different biblical deaths.
Cut to the Sphinx Machine Shop, where a deranged Tony has strung up his next victim. He gets ready to burn him (and I’m just cringing in horror please stop). Fortunately, the Winchesters rush in just in time. Sam tackles Tony while Dean puts out the fire and saves the victim. Tony babbles that God was telling him to kill those people. He manages to get a hold of Dean’s gun and kills himself.
Anyway, just like that, the whole case is over.
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They go over the case with Cas, who speculates that Donatello’s not-dead-yet status has somehow triggered a malformed line of prophets. The answer seems clear...they’ve got to kill off Donatello.
Nick breaks into his old house and flashes back to the trauma of his family’s deaths. (Somehow there’s still electrical service? I’m going to chalk that up to an overzealous realtor, perhaps.) The room ices over as the ghost of his dead wife, Sarah, manifests. He addresses her as...“Lucifer?” AWKWARD. Sarah, played by a jarringly different actress, tells Nick that she’s been a ghost...the whole damn time. She saw him get possessed by Lucifer and that is part of the unfinished business that keeps her tethered to Earth. There are some major you’re-cheating-on-me vibes coming from her.
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“You wanted him,” she accuses him. “You still do,” she says, surprising absolutely nobody. Nick tells Sarah that he’s gonna go find Lucifer and he leaves her behind to be a super grumpy ghost for all eternity. Thanks, man.
At the Happy Daze nursing home (rly?) a doctor tells the Winchesters that pulling the plug on Donnie is the right choice. Dean practically smirks at Sam like, “SEE? The nice doctor is telling you to let me be tortured for all of eternity.” Cas meets them in the guise of a doctor.
Doctor Sexy: A visual story in three parts:
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Sam heads off with the (real) doctor to see what sort of babbled “nonsense” Donnie’s been dealing. (I take a break to pedantically google the difference between brain death and vegetative states.) Dean gives Cas some serious side-eye and sass about checking up on Donatello, but Cas pulls him back. He explains that what he did to Donatello was necessary at the time, but he still regrets it. Dean attempts to commiserate and Cas spits out, “Please don’t compare this with your suicidal plan. Just STOP.” 
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Dean pleads with Cas to support his decision. “This is goodbye?” Cas demands in response, and then SAM BURSTS IN. God DAMN it, Interrupting!Sam.
Ugh. MAN. Give Dean and Cas five freakin’ minutes to talk through their issues 2k19. (You know I love it AND I hate it, bbys.)
Anyway, the footage of Donatello shows him speaking Enochian. He’s muttering about striking down the first born of Egypt...he’s just spewing out the Word of God. Cas thinks Donatello’s mind is rebuilding itself and stumbling through old prophecies. (Me: passive-aggressively googles vegetative states again.)
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They head into Donatello’s room where Cas, bless him, continues to show an utter lack of an appropriately scaled cover persona. He orders the real doctor out of the room with a cursory “Get out.”
While Sam and Dean wait for Cas to try his healing mojo, Dean flinches as he continues to struggle with Michael. Oh, Dean Bean.
They reunite with Cas just in time for Cas to have his breakthrough healing moment.
For Science
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They turn off the life support machines and, after a brief jolt, Donatello pulls through. It’s a miracle! He’s probably not evil, right? I mean, the lack of soul will almost certainly steer him well. (Lord, we’re going to be stuck with this chicken-addicted prophet forever, aren’t we?) 
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Donatello wants to know what happened and Dean slaps Cas on the shoulder and somewhat snarkily leaves the job to him. Dean. Bean.
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Sam greets Dean back at the Impala with beer and misery. After the “win” of getting Donatello back, it’s time for them to head on home so Dean can lock himself into his torture box. Sam delivers an emotional speech about their shared experiences and accuses Dean that he’s checking out of the world too soon. “If you quit on us today, there will be no tomorrow.” Sam rails at Dean, begging him to give them all a chance to save him. “I believe in us,” Sam shouts and punches Dean in rage and pain. 
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Reluctantly, Dean promises to go home with Sam and hold out for another option for as long as he can. Dean offers a contingency agreement: if they have no other choice in the future, then Sam and Cas have to let him go.
“Let’s go home,” Dean says to them both. Hooray! And...that should get to me but what really quietly wrecked me was Dean telling Sam quietly, “Don’t hit me again, okay?” before they all climbed into the car. Welcome, hello, my heart is now in a coffin at the bottom of the ocean.
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After they all depart, the title card fades ominously to white. 
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Everybody knows what makes Doctor Sexy sexy is his Quotes:
Well, the woman has a remarkable command of profanity.
If we could not have conversations that sound like deathbed apologies, I would really appreciate it.
Dean, it’s so good to hear from you.
Thank you, and it’s good to hear your voice.
“Doctor.” “Doctor.” “Doctor.”
Dean. If there’s a spark, a hope, then I have to try. You taught me that.
No rest for the self-destructive.
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seenashwrite · 6 years
14.12 Round-Up
I mean... okay.
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This one is essentially what I would’ve posted had I live-blogged. No analysis, really, because there’s nothing to analyze. So, let us begin with my first thoughts whist gazing upon the first scene:
It's. Made. Of. Trash. Cans.
Yes, he's teary-eyed, and yes, and stellar Jensen work, and yes, and feels, and yes, and “Sam!”, and yes, and shit, but - and I can't emphasize this enough----
It's. Made. Of. Trash. Cans.
More importantly, like I said last week, he can imagine this scenario just fine, except it's the cosplay dude in there. Under the ocean of your mind is easier on the noggin than walk-in freezer, methinks. Tinier bangs, muffled screaming.
Clawed-up wall is very nice touch.
SERIAL KILLER?!?!  YASSSSSS!!! IS THIS AN ACTUAL CASE?!?!!? Oh and nice underwater visuals... kicking it this week, set design and cinematography!
Why is there no other way, Dean? I can think of three. But none of that matters - Sam and Cas, here's what y'all do, it's called valium. Slip five of those in his whiskey, his system can take it. Then I'd like to introduce you to two of my friends, intubation and a propofol drip. Stick him in a room - preferably Maggie’s, after you kick her out - and presto, time to figure out how to open The Cage and swap Michaels.
I know y'all hate Nick but that guard was working my nerves, so props to ol' Limpy, there. And again with the pretty color and nice shot. More props to the crew, yo.
What is this trip about? Y'all keep talking about what it isn't, so what the shit is it? Is it one last bro bonding for the road? Y'know, for the road on the road? Or are they on their way to dump him into the ocean? Then where's the casket*? The casket which, I feel it necessary to point out---
Is. Made. Out. Of. Trash. Cans.
* ETA: I’ve been informed it was in a trailer on the back of Baby, which somehow I compleeeeetely missed. I zoned out a lot in this one, it was so damn repetitive between the heavy-handed comparisons in the subplot to Dean’s situation, and the identical-but-with-different-words convos between Dean and Sam/Dean and Cas that kept happening over and over and over and over and over and....
Blah-blah-blah Pharaoh's plague, first born, got it. And I assume he's another prophet since y'all blew that wad in the title and in the "Then" with the Donny stuff. And plus the whispery voices. And it's happening because he's brain-dead, not dead-dead. Watch. I'm right.
[mere moments]
Hey, girl. Yeah, you. You, in the mirror. You're hella good at the pedestrian scripting stuff. Mwah. Let's see if you're right about the rest.
(I'm right. I’m always right. #humbly)
Ahhh, half-time. Good. I need a brownie.
Ooooh Sam with the gritty voice upon entry (I absolutely meant that to sound dirty) and hey it's Gabriel wallpaper!
Welp. A choke, two punches, and a gunshot later, we are off to an exciting second half, I hope.
Oh.... ohhhh.... thank you Cassy baby for that scoop. [clears throat] Hey, girl. It's me. Me-You, again. You and your sexy brain that predicts the easily predictable deserves a second brownie. Double-mwah.
Nicky, you're about to get a case of the ghosties----- and damn, there we go! Oof, awkward. Or hell maybe it is Luci. Testing him. In a way, I hope not, I was hoping he'd be all skeletal and tarred. Minus the dollar store Terminator effect, of course. This is a good scene. It's well acted. Pellegrino just gives 120% with any material he's given, he's a gem.
YES, CAS. Give him the business. PS: I love whoever has the stethoscope on Misha like that, or if he did it I love him - my point is, somebody is close to somebody in the medical profession because we---- ER, UM, I MEAN THEY #secret identity--- don't just hang out with the 'scope like that. Hilarious. *chef's kiss* Perfect for Cas.
No, he won't die, dude. Why do they write Sam as the dumbest smart person sometimes?  It's a vent, not fucking bypass. Vents are for people who can't breathe on their own for whatever reason or because they're in surgery or whatnots, and Donny was making with the conscious. He was wide awake. It's all good, yo. Your bigger worry is D-Dog coming out of it and still being loopy and spazzing out and jerking the tube, jacking his trachea.
I would happily wake up to that mug in my face, btw. Hey, girl, he'd say. Look who's wakey-wakey eggs and bakey. Because he's Dean, and Dean would say something sexy like that because he'll be so swoony when his tired ass eyes met my bloodshot crusty ones. Supes romantic.
Are we really almost done with this episode? I feel like we haven't gotten a lot accomplished. Not Dean-Sam-Cas wise, I mean. There's been plenty of story, and a decently cool story, otherwise. The rest has been repetitive "Don't do it" - "Imma do it" dialogue.
He's not gonna do it.
Know how I know?
Yeah, yeah, I should separate real life and pretend, but to this I say: not all conflict and drama has to be life-or-death for the main players. It's actually kinda ridiculous to try to do it in modern times (at least, not constantly) with how tapped-in fans are with the industry, we know about contract renewals and such. You know the last best drama this show had? Dean waking up with demon eyes. You wanna talk about some cliff-damn-hanger motherfucking drama. The possibilities, all the unknown. Not only is he not dead, he's also *himself* - a different version of himself, a primal version. That, friends, is seldom done and even less frequently done well, and Ackles did it very, very well. Ah, Demon Dean, we hardly knew thee. I've digressed.
This ending scene is basically Jared's AKF drill, and I'm not shitting on it, legit, I'm truly not - my point is to say it's effective because he means it. Padalecki is at his best when they give him something of significance to work with, they should do it more often. And hey lookee there, Dean agreed. ::sigh:: But, I mean... what about... all that hard... all those five minutes you... I just.... what about the box? You know, the kickass piece of craftsmanship that, I would be remiss if I didn't remind us all -----
Is. Made. Out. Of. Trash. Cans.
Okay, that was largely uneventful, given the content. It's weird - the content means I shouldn't feel "meh", but I'm "meh". Opening scene by far the best, and again, set design and cinematography get high-fives throughout. See ya next week - that preview looked encouraging.
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deewani · 6 years
Welcome to Night Vale live blogging
OK! So I waited whole month for all 3 parts to come out so I could have my experience in one go. I did not really know anything about what it's going to be (beside a fact it's going to be Kevin 3 parter), so all information were new to me.
Without further ado... my first ever (And probably last but will see xD) livebloging experience :D.
Part one
Ok... So Desert Bluffs doesn't experience night?  xD
Am I the only only who is insanely creeped out by sweet tone of voice Kevin uses? This tone of voice makes things he is saying (well... mostly implying) even more gory.
Smile parade... *shudders* And they stare into each other's... EYE SOCKETS?!
Josephine in Desert Bluffs lived with demons... xD
So Kevin doesn't know how to spell names of other cities and states as well? Cool xD.
Oh my god it's basically a repeat of 1st episode of Night Vale! Kevin has his own Carlos! Damn... I am both happy... And disturbed xD. We all know how much Cecil and Carlos love and support each other... And seeing that Desert Bluffs is basically a twisted version of Night Vale/mirror universe... damn.
Wait... had he just convinced a mayor to build something else than was already planned?  O_o just how much power does he have in Desert Bluffs?!
Oh my god... I kinda already ship Kevin with Charles? I don't wanna. I know it's going to only lead to pain... But Kevin saying Charles was one of the few people who had just looked at him with kindness and smiled at him and treated him like human being... and Kevin is thankful. I... um... wow.
Btw. Knowing "It Devours" and knowing what Kevin believes is Smiling God makes a lot of difference in the way I imagine what is going on every time when he mentions his "god" xD.
Kevin basically has whole city in his pocket... wow.
First date already? Charles, you fast xD.
Part two
"Age is just a number that counts quickly upward to the ending point"... Well... can't find a lie in this sentence xD
Kevin has just as bad sense of fashion as Cecil does... cool xD. So does Charles... Does it mean that Carlos would have really bad sense of fashion as well if he wasn't wearing lab coats all the time? xD
Um... Kevin boy... you already banged? Good for you xD.
Your smile makes glass shatter... cool... I guess? xD
Wait does Kevin tell people to ditch work to build a religious monument? Ok? Wow... a lot had changed. He was corporation crazy with a side of religious crazy... now he is just religious crazy. Really disturbingly religious crazy...
Another date? Cool. You boys really fast xD (it took Carlos and Cecil a year... Kevin and Charles one meeting... xD)
Charles have a son. Cool. Kevin doesn't seem thrilled... :P
Wait... they were building a monument for God... And they suddenly can't understand each other? Wow. The Tower of Babel? (Btw. I love they included sign language as another language that got mixed up. But what was I expecting, it's Welcome to Night Vale after all, the show was always good when it comes to representation).
Kevin, honey, you talk gibberish.
Hm... Charles has the same voice Carlos had before his throat surgery? xD I wonder if he will get his new voice too xD.
Ok. This episode is reply of a "Phone call"... just how much does Desert Bluffs mirror Night Vale?
Sad face... Charles is sad because Kevin had not contacted him and he thinks it's because Charles have a son... :(
Part three
Media... you mean you? By media you mean you? xD
Yup... media is you :P.
Lauren being a mayor... no wonder why she does what Kevin wants her to do. She is terrified of him :P.
Kevin is a prophet of Smiling God... so Cecil is a prophet of Huntokar?
Yay another Kevin-Charles date :D. And Kevin seems to like Charles' son? Good.
Um... Donny is creepy. You have a creepy son Charles... no wonder Kevin doesn't creep you out.
Wow... you can't speak again ms Mayor. Something/someone really doesn't want you to build this monument.
Oh my god... what? Like... what the hell xD. Theatre company wants to make a play about Kevin being asshole... other people want to burn him alive? Oh Kevin... you went a bit too far. They no longer feel comfortable with him being a self-proclaimed prophet? :P
Kevin wants to ditch Donny again and have one on one date with Charles but Charles wants three of them to spend time together... My drama-senses are tingling :P.
Kevin is in power again. Damn boy, how powerful are you.
Desert Bluffs doesn't have a mayor too? Niicccee.
"HATE" is a strong language for you Kevin? Huh... but Charles is right, though. Charles and Donny are a package deal. You either take him with son or no Charles at all.
Donny is some sort of prophet of a god? Oh well. So I guess he is a reason why Kevin can be in power again. Still... Kevin was the one who figured it out :P.
Kevin said he is proud of Donny... ♡ Fuck I really don't wanna ship Kevin with Charles but it's hard not to.
(Wait... Does it mean Cecilos will have a baby too? Awww)
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brightlotusmoon · 6 years
More scenes from my TMNT 2016 Depressed Mikey fanfic "Pale Sunlight Clouded"
Donatello had finished typing in the most recent notes when his tech scanners gave a gentle alert. Relief flooded him and he turned, walking to the medical bed, smiling automatically.
His "patient" wasn't smiling. It was to be expected. Don sat in the chair and kept his hands in his lap. "Welcome back, Mikey. How do you feel?"
Michelangelo gave him a deeply sad look that had become disturbingly familiar, eyes glazed. "Tired. Th-thirsty."
Donnie nodded and grabbed a nearby water bottle. He slid one hand under his brother's head, lifting it, and helped him drink. Michelangelo had always had a habit of not hydrating enough after his skateboarding adventures. Don giving him water was pure instinct.
When half the water was gone, Mike's head lolled against Don's hand, so the scientist set the bottle aside and lightly massaged the poor concussed scalp, and with his free he felt Mikey's burning forehead, just to confirm the biosensors.
Mikey squeezed his eyes, groaned, clenched his teeth, and then widened his eyes. "Dude, I feel like shit. All I did was fall on my face."
Donnie didn't let his smile waver. "Well, you've got a high fever, since as it turns out, couple of your scrapes got infected. Including this one." And he ran his finger down the diagonal stitches on Mike's forehead, which the orange mask wouldn't quite conceal.
"... oh. Is that why my right hand is throbbing?"
"Yup. Casey got us plenty of medicine."
Mike licked his lips and swallowed a few times. Donnie bit his lip, took some deep deep breaths, and prepared.
Michelangelo stared at him, dilated and glassy and clouded eyes working puzzles. "I... kinda remember having another seizure?"
Breathe out, breathe in. Donatello smiled gently again and took Mikey's hand in both of his. "Yeah, it scared Raph shitless and Leo lost color. April and I had to kick them out of the lab. That-that was yesterday. I think Raphie is calm now."
Mikey jerked upright, before Don easily pushed him down. "Wait, a whole day? Doonnniieee, what did I miss? You guys didn't eat all the pizza? Am I in toble fr running way? Will Sensei pu me ih the Ha'Shi? I don't feel good, I don't wanna!"
"Whoa, hey, hey, easy! You're not in trouble, little brother, I promise. There's plenty of pizza. Splinter is really worried for you. I mean, you came home with a gash in your head and a heavy concussion, you'll be on bed rest for a while." Mentally, Donnie was already cataloging those obvious slips in his brother's language processing; that was very bad, and there was no way he could tell his family until he could get more information. He squeezed Mikey's hand a little harder.
"Something else is up, dude," and Mikey's solemn voice jolted him. "You leaving somethin' out, Donnie. There's something really wrong with me and you nnn-know wuh-what it probly is."
Oh damn it, why was Mikey so... so empathic? He had to choose his words carefully; Michelangelo had the weirdest intuition and creepily uncanny cunning insight. "Mike...Mikey, there's a bunch of tests I still need to run to confirm, and and with our mutations there's no telling how your neurology will respond..."
Those summer blue eyes narrowed and seemed to crack around the edges. Mikey grinned in a way that seemed predatory. "Yeah but you do got a theory. You have that look, Donnie. You already figured it out, it's what you do. So spill. Tell me."
He bit his lip harder. "Mikey, I really don't think I can..."
But Michelangelo cleared his throat. And then his little brother pulled a trick from Don's own book."Do it, Donnie, tell me." Shaking, sweating, horribly pale, still grinning, Mikey pushed himself up on his elbows and fixed Don with puppy eyes brightened by fever. "Do it, do it, do it, not gonna stop til you do it!"
Donnie's mouth dropped open. "You cheeky brat, you... Okay, fine."
Mikey produced that famous cheeky grin and lay back with a light huff. "I always get my way."
Donnie kept both his hands over his brother's hand, and he felt his mouth tremble. "Epilepsy, Mikey. Temporal Lobe. You know what that means, right?"
Mikey blinked very slowly and did not move. "I watch medical dramas, dude, I read books. I know what it is."
Donnie let out a long breath and pinched the bridge of his nose."Good, right. Okay, and as I said, this is my theory as family medic but..."
"Don," Michelangelo said softly. He had settled back against his pillow, and his gaze was huge, dark, full of an emotion Don couldn't quite read. "It's okay. I'm okay. I... I kinda already know."
Donatello stared. The corner of his mouth twitched up. "And how could you already know you might have epilepsy when I only just told you?"
Mikey's next smile managed to be bashful, anxious, arrogant, and and overly knowing at the same time."I... Um, I dreamed about it? For a week?"
Donatello was still staring unsure of what to do, right up until the voice of their hothead brother carried into the lab, calling Don's name, furiously asking about Mike. Donnie's shoulders instinctively straightened and his eyes narrowed.
Mikey shot him a worried look and gripped his hand.
Raphael sounded downright terrified.
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