ace-and-ranty · 2 years
I just saw someone call El a himbo hero.
I’m sorry. El? El who spends the entire trilogy going off in long-winded tirades examining every strategic angle of a situation? El who is our primary source of exposition and information? El who is pissed constantly?
That El?
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What if everyone in Gotham knows who Batman is? They all know, they just don’t say anything. It’s not something that is spoken of or acknowledged in any way, other than the occasional glance or shared look of understanding. But they all know. Except for Brucie Wayne. Lord bless their himbo sunshine child, but he seems to be the only person in Gotham that doesn’t know who Batman is. He must be protected at all costs.
Everyone in Gotham knows who Batman is. (They’re wrong)
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tittyblade · 1 year
okay ive been thinking.
rb with your answer + what your interpretation of barbie/ken is
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anna-scribbles · 1 year
regained my 12 year old swag(read an entire new percy jackson book in one sitting)
#CHALICE OF THE GODS WAS SO GOOD#AUAUUGHHHUHGHHHGHHHSH#i was laughing out loud every few minutes for like 5 hours straight#this was a book of BITS#(spoilers in tags from here on out)#i keep thinking abt percy’s river rage tantrum and how he came out of it to annabeth saying ‘yeah he’s scary sometimes when he gets worked#up. do you want more tea?’#COMEDY#the entire bit with him hiding under the pastry cart. the thing about annabeth having a secret fanclub and percy’s not even phased.#THE HIMBO JUICE THING. RICK RIORDAN WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME THERES A HOOTERS BUT FOR MEN AND SMOOTHIES#annabeth apparently specifically won’t bake clue cupcakes. and this is happening less than 2 years after the famous sixteenth birthday blue#cupcake that she and tyson made for him. the one that looked like a blue brick that they are with their hands.#<— not inconsistency. comedy.#percy’s whole thing with playing with the snakes with the rainbow as he’s fully prepared to be eaten😭😭😭😭😭he is SO unserious#the entire mt olympus scene where he keeps getting distracted from what he’s doing bc he can’t stop roasting zues in his head????#PERCY I LOVE YOU#ugh i forgot how much i adore percy pov.#pov of not knowing what’s going on ever. pov of being distracted every 10 seconds. he’s literally so real#i thought eudora was hilarious#the whole concept that percy has to do this at all. i think it’s so funny#ppl who are mad that the premise of the quests is stupid. like yeah. percy jackson has a stupid life.#when annabeth broke through his window at 4am to sit on his bed and talk about rocks and trees. everything#percy not knowing the names of anyone at his school or on his swim team#when the god showed up at his cafeteria and percy just ate his lasagna sandwich before talking to him😭😭😭😭that child is TIRED#i loved the light graffiti in the tunnel. when percy wrote their initials i SCREAMED#WHEN. WHEN HE ASCENDED AND TURNED INTO RAINBOW LIGHT WITH THE POWER OF WANTING TO TELL ANNABETH HE LOVED HER.#I DIED.#THE POWER OF LOVE ALWAYS SO STRONG‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️#AUGH i am weak#pjo
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Sheridan: Honestly, Susan— do you know how to go for anything but the jugular?
Ivanova: I mean, I could go for Mexican if you could go for Mexican.
Sheridan: Yeah, that sounds like a good lunch, let’s go.
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basslinegrave · 1 year
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partners in crime
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
imagine watching a wholesome little silly show and they surprise you with yummy whump that continues on two episodes… oooouuu color me pleasantly surprised and happy
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missjoolee · 1 year
Julie’s driving when the music cuts out and her dad’s face pops up on the dash accompanied by the ringtone she set for him.
“Crap.” She tilts her head towards the backseat. “Guys! Shut up. It’s my dad!”
Loud hushing drifts forward from where her ghosts are hanging out, and she glances nervously over at Flynn in the passenger seat. Pressing the button to accept the call, she opts for a casual tone. “Hey Dad!”
“Julie.” There is a weighty pause. He doesn’t sound happy, but he’s not yet mad either.
“Yes, Papi?”
“It’s 10pm,” he prompts.
Julie doesn’t have a chance to answer before Reggie loudly says in a faux posh voice “Do you know where your children are?”
All three boys devolve into snickers.
“I-- what?”
Irritation tinges his tone now as her dad repeats himself.
“I said, it’s 10pm.”
This time it’s Luke’s voice going into a dry monotone “ Do you know where your children are?”
Their laughter gets louder as both Luke and Reggie go back and forth changing up the voices they use “It’s 10pm. Do you know where your children are?” and Alex was beginning to wheeze, he was laughing so hard.
“This is so weird,” she quietly says to Flynn before trying to focus back on her dad who is definitely going to get more mad the longer she doesn’t answer him.
“Uhh. Yeah... Sorry! We got a bit lost when the gps kept taking us to a closed road. But we got it all fixed! And we are on our way right now.”
She can hear him let out a big breath. “Geez, mija. Call me next time if you know you are going to be late. Don’t make an old man worry.”
Julie winces at the volume from the backseat. “I’m sorry. And you aren’t that old.”
His chuckle is drowned out by the peanut gallery behind her. “I feel like it some days. You’re on your way?”
“20 minutes.”
“Okay. Drive safe. I love you.”
“Love you too, Dad.”
The phone hangs up and the music starts back up. Flynn watches Julie flinch again.
"What is happening??"
Julie hears a hand smacking an arm over and over as Alex's voice, nearly shrieking from his laughter, requests "Do- haha- do Cyndi Lauper now!"
Julie responds to Flynn, "I have no idea. I feel like I'm having a stroke."
A shrill nasaly falsetto rings out, "DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE?"
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icannotgetoverbirds · 10 months
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image id: the meme of a woman holding a man on her hip in one arm and using the other to gesture "I'm watching you" at a third person. the woman is labeled "Me", the man is labeled "People with NPD/Cluster B personality disorders", and the third person is labelled "Ableists/sanists, people who believe in narc abuse". end image id
just saw some people being Like That to people that they claimed were narcissists, so here's your daily reminder that on this blog we support our cluster b besties.
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Do you have a headcanon list for the rest of the team's lynx flavors! Leather and Cookies can't be to the taste of all of them!
Let’s be real, nonny – of course I don’t. I mean, who has that? Really, who?
Well, yeah, okay, I do, but only because you asked and because I very randomly happen to be in Dublin* for the week and had the opportunity to stop by Boots and sniff all the Lynx stuff they had (which did not include Java or – to my great disappointment – Leather & Cookies) and take notes, which didn’t earn me any weird looks whatsoever.
The things I do for love.
Anyway. We know Jamie is a jack of all Lynx trade and that Colin favours Leather & Cookies. As for (an non exhaustive list of) the rest…
Isaac – our captain of righteous rage and impeccable taste could never choose anything but Africa, advertised (however misguidedly) as the G.O.A.T of scents. There’s sweetness and spice and fresheness reminiscent of good gin hovering over a woody base – it’s not outrageous by any means, but it’s not boring either: nuanced and reasonably mature, it’s a scent worthy of the footballer with the most fashion sense of the entire team. Has enough gravitas for a captain, too, but without weighting him down.
Sam – leans into the quietly playful notes of Excite; it’s a fairly standard pour homme scent but the hints of coconut (almost edging into sweet liquorice) gives it a little twist, turning it warmer and softer than your average man deo. Perhaps it wasn’t his own choice, originally – I can see Simi gifting it to him, and Sam going no, okay, this works.
Dani – would pull off all the muskier and spicer scents so beautifully but is ultimately (and perhaps unfortunately) attracted to the bright fruit of Epic Fresh. It’s vivacious and sweet and unapologetic about being happy and unrefined; carefree, like Dani when jogging onto the pitch.
Jan – has decent taste but does not care to spend too much time thinking about his deodorant; he selects the simple but not basic fruit and wood combination of Black, and sticks with it. It’s a good enough choice; it’ll do and offend no one (and if it does, Jan Maas will not give a fuck because he has more important things to worry about).
Bumbercatch – goes for the sickly sweet, bright pink and unpleasantly chemical Recharge only to confuse his enemies. “What enemies,” you might ask, but our man Bumber simply gives you A Look and does not answer.
Zorro – just likes chocolate, okay? He’s in tune with his emotions and desires and wearing Dark Temptation makes him feel good. We should none of us begrudge him that.
Richard – spits at your Lynx and your hamster of a mother and elderberry-smelling father. His deodorant is expensive and French and rather discreet because he doesn’t want chemical smells to overpower the sublime taste of wine and also there’s something primally attractive about the natural human musk and why would you ever want to drown that out?
Jeff Goodman – selects Icy Chill because he believes the cool menthol notes makes him seem like a tought guy. They do not.
Cockburn – is a man of few words and a gentle heart. He prefers Gold, both for the warm spiciness of its deep wood and vanilla tones, and for gold of it all. It makes him feel a little special, in a quiet sort of way. Cockburn doesn’t really need more than that (at least not from a deodorant); he knows what he’s about and what he’s worth, and if you do not? Not his problem, baby. It’s a solid, simple choice for a solid, simple man.
If I were to assign Java (unsmelled) to anyone, it'd be to Sasha Kukoč because he's my very special secret darling and is (supposedly) young enough to find 90s retro hot.
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humblemooncat · 1 year
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Soooooo, I may have decided a thing based on Lohi's thoughts/feelings while I was writing up that ficlet yesterday.
Honestly just thought they were gonna be bros. I figured Lohi wouldn't be one for the wolships, but he feels strongly enough so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
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Missing scene from the episode New York, New York.
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
this is just mindless but I was listening to Freddie prince jr’s scary movie podcast and obviously he was talking about Sarah Michelle gellar and just still being in love with her and the thought of Steve and Eddie au equivalent of them is very, very sweet. He was calling her his best friend and clearly loved bringing her up whenever he could and idk I could just see it
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innytoes · 2 years
I headcanon that Carrie’s full name is “Carrie Alexandria Regina Wilson” her middle names are the female version of Alex and Reggie’s names which is who she was named after.
How does it feel, Anon, to know you emotionally destroyed me before breakfast?
Also, dying of laughter that Luke is left out. "YOU STOLE 'MY NAME IS LUKE' BUT I DIDN'T GET A MIDDLE NAME, WHAT THE HELL BOBBY?"
Meanwhile, Carrie is eyeing up the ghost boys like: I'll keep Alexandria, but I'm named Regina after George, thanks.
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crisispider · 1 year
just one thing is so hard, so i'm just say you really nail Peter's voice and like the way his thought process works, and just you're incredible and i adore how much love you have for peter; and just you're my favorite :D
Tell me something you like about my portrayal - Accepting
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I love and adore you so fucking much okay? This means so much to me okay??? I'm out here sobbing in the club! You can't go around and just tell people things like that! I'm just !!!!
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bragganhyl · 5 months
ngl I'm starting to feel like I'm more attached to Berci the cringefail farmer than I ever did when he was my Tav whoops
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