#and i had fun
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i-may-be-an-emu · 8 months ago
I drew Lucas from the dnd streams :))
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(There is a pattern overlay for protection from ai)
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scp-168 · 2 years ago
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What's the colour of the electric sheep you see? And if you love me Can you love your everything too, for me?
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lokimobius · 1 month ago
to anyone that consistently writes and uploads chaptered fic, you’re amazing.
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koschei-the-ginger · 9 months ago
I still very clearly recall having this conversation in 6th grade with my pretentious not-like-other-kids friend who tried soo hard to make me watch Breaking Bad because of how adult and intellectual it was and I was like do you know Futurama though? It's better :)
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edgepunk · 8 months ago
those tik tok "only canon ships" people would not have survived Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons
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nandysparadox · 1 month ago
did i pack my bags like i was supposed to? no. did i read the eros and psyche myth from the original source? yes 😁❤️
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thetarttfuldickhead · 2 years ago
Do you have a headcanon list for the rest of the team's lynx flavors! Leather and Cookies can't be to the taste of all of them!
Let’s be real, nonny – of course I don’t. I mean, who has that? Really, who?
Well, yeah, okay, I do, but only because you asked and because I very randomly happen to be in Dublin* for the week and had the opportunity to stop by Boots and sniff all the Lynx stuff they had (which did not include Java or – to my great disappointment – Leather & Cookies) and take notes, which didn’t earn me any weird looks whatsoever.
The things I do for love.
Anyway. We know Jamie is a jack of all Lynx trade and that Colin favours Leather & Cookies. As for (an non exhaustive list of) the rest…
Isaac – our captain of righteous rage and impeccable taste could never choose anything but Africa, advertised (however misguidedly) as the G.O.A.T of scents. There’s sweetness and spice and fresheness reminiscent of good gin hovering over a woody base – it’s not outrageous by any means, but it’s not boring either: nuanced and reasonably mature, it’s a scent worthy of the footballer with the most fashion sense of the entire team. Has enough gravitas for a captain, too, but without weighting him down.
Sam – leans into the quietly playful notes of Excite; it’s a fairly standard pour homme scent but the hints of coconut (almost edging into sweet liquorice) gives it a little twist, turning it warmer and softer than your average man deo. Perhaps it wasn’t his own choice, originally – I can see Simi gifting it to him, and Sam going no, okay, this works.
Dani – would pull off all the muskier and spicer scents so beautifully but is ultimately (and perhaps unfortunately) attracted to the bright fruit of Epic Fresh. It’s vivacious and sweet and unapologetic about being happy and unrefined; carefree, like Dani when jogging onto the pitch.
Jan – has decent taste but does not care to spend too much time thinking about his deodorant; he selects the simple but not basic fruit and wood combination of Black, and sticks with it. It’s a good enough choice; it’ll do and offend no one (and if it does, Jan Maas will not give a fuck because he has more important things to worry about).
Bumbercatch – goes for the sickly sweet, bright pink and unpleasantly chemical Recharge only to confuse his enemies. “What enemies,” you might ask, but our man Bumber simply gives you A Look and does not answer.
Zorro – just likes chocolate, okay? He’s in tune with his emotions and desires and wearing Dark Temptation makes him feel good. We should none of us begrudge him that.
Richard – spits at your Lynx and your hamster of a mother and elderberry-smelling father. His deodorant is expensive and French and rather discreet because he doesn’t want chemical smells to overpower the sublime taste of wine and also there’s something primally attractive about the natural human musk and why would you ever want to drown that out?
Jeff Goodman – selects Icy Chill because he believes the cool menthol notes makes him seem like a tought guy. They do not.
Cockburn – is a man of few words and a gentle heart. He prefers Gold, both for the warm spiciness of its deep wood and vanilla tones, and for gold of it all. It makes him feel a little special, in a quiet sort of way. Cockburn doesn’t really need more than that (at least not from a deodorant); he knows what he’s about and what he’s worth, and if you do not? Not his problem, baby. It’s a solid, simple choice for a solid, simple man.
If I were to assign Java (unsmelled) to anyone, it'd be to Sasha Kukoč because he's my very special secret darling and is (supposedly) young enough to find 90s retro hot.
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darkdragon768 · 1 year ago
Lil tip from me: don't cook solely by one silly recipe that's from a fantasy game but...
Anyway! Today I tried my hand at Louie's Female Sheargrub Quiche!
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I've made a lot of mistakes and forgot some stuff but in the end I had something that worked out and tasted not too bad actually!
More details about my cooking experiment, as I'd like to call it, under the cut.
First of all, use a real quiche recipe. Additionally to what he mentions you'd need quiche dough (selfmade or store bought) and heavy cream (I didn't had any so I had to improvise with milk and flour, yikes...).
Everything went quite well actually. Most of it was improvising and guessing and just hoping it'll turn out in some bearable way tho...
Alright. As I obviously couldn't find and use real shearbugs I got creative. I used chicken meat and rubbed it in some hazelnuts cuz google said insects may taste a bit like nuts. I don't know if this somehow helped. (Some years ago a store was selling some mealworms and lil grasshoppers iirc. If it would still have sold them and I would have cooked for me alone and not had that eating fear anymore, I'd probably have taken those).
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So I was roasting the meat and cutting the veggies and the cheese. Instead of swiss cheese I had to use gouda as I couldn't find any (google said gouda is an alternative so that's why I took that). That's where I made a mistake. I actually had to grate the gouda cheese. But it wasn't that bad of a mistake I think.
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Everything (meat, veggies, cheese) had to be put into a big bowl then. You crack the eggs into it together with the cream and stir it.
Lastly, when you've put the dough in the form, you pour the mass onto it and spread it equally out. Then you put it in the oven for ~35 mins to ~170°C.
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After a long odyssey I can tell you that the devs did put thought into their game Louie's a good cook. It did taste quite good!
But again, use a real recipe and take his only as an inspiration.
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this is a redraw of the following screencap I took
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jasperware · 2 years ago
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ive never drawn gravity falls fanart but i wanted to participate in @fordtato's contest because i really like their videos!!
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blue-iced-tea · 6 months ago
I never thought this training was this rough lol but I'm still alive dw
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slivensays · 1 year ago
Trick or Treat!
A small comic or fic drabble maybe? :3
Oh, fun! Thanks for the ask!
I wrote a little something, sure hope you'll like it! It's not my usual fandom, but I tried to get it right. 😊
My mind to your mind Star Trek Voyager Tuvok and Lon Suder General audiences
Lon Suder really wishes to experience the Mind Meld once more.
Tuvok visits him sometimes. The officer doesn’t see it fit to delegate such a task to anyone else, and so, Suder tries his best to behave in a way that the Vulcan will find agreeable.
Has he been meditating? Of course, it is the one tool he has access to that will help with overcoming his violent impulses, which, when supressed for too long, threaten to take over.
It was the ultimate result of one such impulse that landed him in here; lacking a proper outlet for his compulsive aggression, he beat a man to death for looking at him the wrong way. Not the way to behave in a social context, he always knew this. Which is why he tried to hide the body and deny his involvement, when it was discovered.
It would have been different, had he still been in the Maquis, where skirmishes were a regular occurrence and could always be used as an excuse to get the aggression out of his system. He didn’t always find it necessary to kill, in those days, but would readily volunteer for missions whenever possible, in order to release the tension that would inevitably have built up inside him. He didn’t always need to kill. But when he got the chance, he would; the feeling of relief an instant reward. He had made a good soldier. But a good crew member on a peaceful Starfleet ship? No, something was bound to give way.  
To the best of his knowledge, Suder will be confined to his quarters until the Voyager reaches the destination called ‘home’ in the Alpha Quadrant. Suder isn’t sure, however, that he still regards it his home. Stranded in a strange part of space, well, but he’s been adrift for most of his life. It was always hard, being the odd one out, unable to learn or understand the proper responses that everybody else knew instinctively. Betazoids are known for their ability to read and connect with the minds of others. Not so Suder; he fails to connect with anyone at all.
That is, until the Meld.
Abandoning all sense of self to the Vulcan, thinking (no, hoping) he would surely perish in the process, is the closest Suder has ever felt to another. Understood another. Surrendered to another.
The first time he has ever felt relieved without first resorting to violence.
Remembering the Meld is… well. It’s something. No. It’s everything. It’s… connecting for the first time with another person. Truly connecting. With someone who sees you, who reads you, and who allows you to see them in turn. Someone who even leaves a little bit of themselves behind for you to marvel at once they are gone.
In this case, an ability to compose himself. To store away his impulses just like putting them neatly into a box, then close the lid. And let it sit. And sit, and sit for days at a time, with Suder feeling next to no need to lift the lid or let any of those urges out. And then, when finally he did, there was the meditation to aid him.   
But the meditation is of course a poor substitute for the instant alleviation offered by the Meld. Which is why he’ll ask for it again, even though he understands that it takes a toll on Tuvok. The Vulcan doesn’t get to walk away from such an encounter feeling well at ease, since he’s at risk of receiving some unpleasant tendencies of Suder’s in turn. Still, such tendencies should be much better contained now that Suder has worked hard on his focus and his composure. Enfolding his little box in layers and layers of neat wrapping, as it were, he’d happily tie a bow on it and gift it to Tuvok so he could be rid of it forever, were it possible. Hiding it away in a dark room, then throw away the key seems to be the alternative.
He wonders sometimes what dark urge Tuvok got in exchange for sharing his interest in orchids. Or if it even works that way, but Suder assumes that it does. You share one aspect of yourself, you get another in return. It seems rational.
The orchids, when first they entered his mind, seemed random and out of place. Difficult things to grow, even given the right conditions. When given the wrong; well. It is a demanding hobby, and it takes skill and dedication to succeed. Suder feels the need to concentrate, measuring out the right amounts of water and gently pollinating the flowers in his attempts to create a hybrid. But, as he shifts his focus from the ongoings in the darker parts of his mind to the care of the orchids, Suder finds it almost as rewarding as the meditation; he feels calm.
It will not be enough, Tuvok has warned; the techniques that Suder has learned will not keep him indefinitely from repressing his inherent violence. He must keep practicing them daily, cultivate himself by adding to them in order to retain his composure. And Suder does. He closes his eyes, controls his breathing, he directs his thoughts to the orchids and how proud he’ll make Tuvok when he finally manages to produce a hybrid flower of his own.
Still, all of that will not be enough. Which is why he keeps asking for the Meld, to feel again that sweet connection with a mind that seems to understand him. And for the chance that Tuvok might leave another little piece of himself for Suder to immerse in.
This, as it turns out, is a great argument for getting Tuvok to agree, finally, to try the Mind Meld once more. By offering Suder some additional aspects of himself, Tuvok can provide him with new tools which Suder can use to improve, thus making him less of a hazard. Though Suder is hardly threatening these days, the Vulcan is in charge of security and will always keep safety one of his main priorities.
And so it is, at long last, that Suder gets to feel Tuvok’s hands on his face again. Gentler, this time; when last it happened, it was an intrusion. And although Suder did welcome it at the time, this is so much better.  
Finding the right position for his fingers, Tuvok looks into Suder’s dark eyes; searching his face for any clue that he might be in the wrong state of mind for the Meld. But no, Suder emits only anticipation, and as the Vulcan seems satisfied with his examination, he closes his eyes in concentration; “My mind to your mind.”
It is soft, this time, hardly more than a whisper, and Suder lets out a long sigh of relief as he feels Tuvok’s mind tenderly enclosing his own.  
The end
Hope you enjoyed! If you want to, I could post it as a gift for you over at Ao3?
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wierdkid20 · 2 years ago
I got everything I wanted out of Renfield, that is, to see Nic Cage ripping the scenery away in handfuls and gnawing on it like Saturn devouring his son.
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ultimateaclrecovery · 2 years ago
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Had a whimsical brunch! Mostly for an excuse to wear this sequin butterfly too that I am obsessed with but honestly has limited utility.
I made flower egg muffins, purple ube heart waffles (with my new waffle maker that I’m also obsessed with) and butterfly cinnamon rolls. I have a comical amount of butterfly cinnamon rolls left so maybe I will decorate them better, but overall it was a successful brunch!
I’m also very pleased to have just done an event just because. I wanted to host more things this year and this is an excellent step forward with that.
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lyriumsings · 2 years ago
bruh i haven’t drawn in like 3 days but that compared to only seeing my best friend once a year like i ain’t even mad i had SUCH a great time
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tawnysoup · 2 months ago
Found my fav Slay the Princess route recently. Dragon my beloved. Your horrifying beak mouth was an impossible-to-refuse lip syncing challenge 💖
Shoutouts to @blacktabbygames for making such a cool game!
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