gayaest · 3 days
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Darya, in her lightweight manual wheelchair - rather than her beach (water-floaty) chair 🐬⭐️🐠🪼🦐🐚🌊
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nightmaretour · 1 day
What a lot of abled people don't understand is that when you get more sick as someone who was already physically disabled/chronically ill, you don't get the sympathy, you don't get people sending you cards and coming to visit and help you with things. Everyone just kind of assumes that you can handle it, that it's not *really* anything new. Maybe people might acknowledge it for a week or two, but then to them it's just normal. You were already sick, so why would being a little more sick be disruptive to you, right?
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crippled-peeper · 2 days
If you are choosing not to get vaccinated because you have some underlying medical condition…. please make sure your underlying condition’s potential complications from vaccination actually endanger you more than the viruses you are not getting inoculated for
my mom didn’t get vaccinated for Covid-19 because of her fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis and she died a horrible slow painful death over 4 weeks because of it so seeing people be like “I won’t get vaccinated because of my HEDS” makes me want to claw my fucking eyes out
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not be able communicate by words means… constantly be misunderstood. misinterpreted. not have any way show own perspective, your side of story. your story always written talked about interpreted read thru other people.
someone did something wrong you. someone hurt you. someone say wrong thing…
someone make up malicious thing about you. maybe that you rude ungrateful bad temper behavior problem. it now become truth it now become you because there no way you correct them.
you can’t educate them. you can’t explain it to them. nevermind that, for example, you severely disabled n having symptoms that impact quality of life, or have symptoms that dare inconvenience people - can only watch as people around you speak “for” you not with your interest in mind but of their own selfishness - that people who can communicate by word say you only do that because you lazy, you selfish, want attention, on purpose, just want to for no reason, faking, inherent personality flaw.
not just big things. more often it those small things that build up every day, happen tens n hundreds of times each day, every day, every week, every month, every year… more often it those small things that add up that break you.
imagine everything bad, incorrect, & bad and incorrect thing said about you in your life. n now imagine you not able defend yourself, explain yourself, or even say those wrong not true.
n any attempt of yours to maybe protest, not enough, people not understand, or downright not listened to, made fun of. at first you shake head make noise meaning no all calm. after while of it not work you get frustrate n it start showing. you get impatient n snappy, why none of you understand, is any of you even trying. but people around you with privilege of able communicate n defend self thus never have experience of not have that, find it such basic of skill that they no longer see it as acquired skill but instead see as innate, born in, natural, cannot imagine person not have it just like can’t imagine living person not breathing—they only see their perspective n only see their interaction n not the many, hundreds n thousands, of previous communication where no one understood you (or even tried to). so they mock you (sometimes they the one who on purpose provoke you to see your reaction like you monkey in cage for their entertainment), geez big reaction why can’t you be patient. n you get label, impatient, rude, explosive, anger issues.
you protest in only way you can without words. you do it by sounds n noises n movement. you raise voice you scream you smash thing around you you hit yourself in frustration you hit other people who don’t understand you because you frustrated at their incompetence n how much they failing you. because. show me another way person can communicate without words. show me way that one can continue do after tens n thousands of misinterpretations n miscommunications n malicious interactions, n still remain calmly, “appropriately.”
you communicate in only way you can with only emotion you can feel at this point: anger, frustration, helpless. be misunderstood, even smallest innocent one, become trauma become trigger. miscommunication alone can set it off, make you see red n see billion of previous miscommunication where everyone failed you n left you to fend for self. then the backhanded jab that sometimes follow, that make thing exponentially worse.
you communicate in only way you can with only emotion left you can feel that consume you. loud sounds, screaming, get physical. it not earn you be understood. it only earn you this: be called impatient, irrational, explosive, land mine, rude, ungrateful, annoying…
“behavior issues.”
and that’s another misinterpretation of you you can’t defend yourself against. cycle repeats.
n other verbal people only listen to other verbal people. so these descriptions of you become “your truths”.
n the true you left there. to rot.
a lot people with no functional communication (either because no ability, or because circumstances) labeled as have behavior issues. yeah, no fucking shit. try it for a while. anyone would “have behavioral issues” in these circumstances.
no one seem to care. so okay fuck yeah am difficult kid, have behavioral issues, make your life miserable. yeah am terrible person, have inherent personality flaw of no fault but my own. except now do it on purpose, make it true now, put ability to control own truth in own hand. because you all seem want me be that so bad. so now you get it. don’t complain now, you all asked for it really really nicely.
but deep down. at most basic. hidden beneath. really just. want be understood. want be helped. want people to learn my communication.
“many behavior is communication” yes, those kind of behaviors should be respected n valued n listened, but try behavior your way out of correcting n explaining everything just said in post to person who just don’t seem to get it
without rely on good grace of nice people around you who keep on play guess games n give out guesses in words you can nod or shake head to. now, that’s cheating.
people not nice to people who *have no choice* but to *only* rely on behaviors & vocal noises to communicate
n, even if every single person nice. behaviors n vocal noises alone, not enough.
this written with full time experience in mind
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againstme · 2 days
can someone please help me with getting a hotel for more than one night. i’m homeless and disabled and my phone is dying and i’m carrying all my shit with me trying to find a place to charge my phone, just want to be able to have more than one night in a place that doesn’t have sketchy vibes or bedbugs
venmo is chaseallxn
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unveilandresist · 1 day
here to be a buzzkill once again
covid is real and killing people every day
long covid cases are going up like crazy every year
please wear a mask
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I know facing this is scary but wearing an kn95 or even better, an n95 will help protect you. so will air purifiers with hepa filters, and nasal sprays like xlear. get a vaccine if you haven't had one in the past 4 months. mitigations really do reduce your risk. r/masks4all will even help you find the right mask for your face shape!
if you get covid, do whatever you can to rest and not strain yourself for about 6 weeks to reduce risk of long covid.
love you all, wanting us all to be well 💗
- my chronically ill ass who has been sick from postviral illness since 2012
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queercripintersex · 2 days
Crip and Cripple are different words
So this might be opening up a CAN OF WORMS but as a physically disabled person I just wanna throw out a clarification that I personally think is useful to have explicitly articulated. These two words are DIFFERENT:
Crip: a reference to crip theory and its friends. Refers to ALL disabilities (not just mobility/physical). Similar to queer, it's a way of seeing the world: disability is socially constructed, fuck eugenics, fuck capitalism, fuck colonialism, being disabled means you HAVE to be creative to navigate a world not built for you, disabled people are the OG makers/hackers, and so on. "Crip" is used as a verb to apply to this way of seeing the world to analyse different facets of society (e.g. cripping the arts, crip technoscience). Seen in academic terms like cripistemology and eco-crip theory but also nonacademic contexts like krip-hop and crip time.
Cripple: refers to physically disabled people ONLY. Seen in terms like cripplepunk, which is exclusive to physical disabilities. (Punks with other disabilities are encouraged to use other terms like dyspunktional.)
Yes, "crip" was coined as a shortening of "cripple". Yes, they are both reclamations of the same slur. But I think it is productive for us to understand these two words as distinct, and to be mindful of the difference.
Crip at this point has a very well established usage that is pan-disability, while at the same time we physically disabled we need space to talk about cripple-specific stuff.
I hope this clarification is helpful! I know the two words sound similar and share a root but I think it's a nuance that matters. <3
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Pro tip for my disabled and chronically ill friends in college: if you have to put a work order in and it is related any bit at all to your disability, write, very clearly in the "describe what needs to get done" section, "This issue is a health hazard," followed by a description of how the issue relates to your disability/chronic illness.
They are required to put it as a high-priority issue and fix it ASAP. Required BY LAW. Yes, I said it. They are legally required to fix these things, both under OSHA regulations and the ADA.
Play the disability card. I'm begging you. DISABLED IS NOT A BAD WORD. But don't abuse it. This is a fine line here.
Example: I'm heat and noise sensitive. My HVAC unit started breaking down and rattling loudly. That would be an example of a health hazard. A broken light could be a health hazard to someone with vision issues. I can only speak for myself here. But y'all have the right to speak up and advocate to yourself.
Neurodivergent people, this applies to you too. You're one of us (one of us! one of us! one of us!). Don't let the exclusionists gatekeep this information from you.
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cowsabungus · 9 hours
Active manual wheelchair user!
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If u use pls show me ur art I love seeing everyone's work!!!!!!
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crippl-hacker · 1 day
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[ID: An orange Ki Catalyst 5Vx folding wheelchair /ID]
I just got my wheelchair!! It’s a Catalyst 5Vx - they claim it’s the lightest folding on the market. I love it minus some minor gripes like the push rims. It’s so slick and I���ve been waiting forever for a custom wheelchair that actually fits me.
I’m so freaking excited now that it’s here! I definitely hope to get the lap stacker eventually as well as a cup holder but those are not needed right now. I’m just so happy today even though I’m in pain.
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So I have one of these electric scrubbers and I wanted to share that they exist. They are great for POTS or other chronic illnesses/pain. You can scrub with no effort from you. Plus the long handle means no bending.
I personally clean my shower/tub by sitting on the toilet next to it and using one of these on the long pole. It’s effortless.
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doomspaniels · 1 day
I've got to stop giving 110%, when 60% would accomplish the exact same thing without doing me damage.
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majaurukalo · 1 day
Inaccessibility is discrimination and human rights violation.
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murphysletsdraw · 9 hours
I wish life asked me to get good at literally anything other than Dealing With It
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ghoul-butch · 9 hours
i wish there was healthcare in this country that didn't have you working full time as your own secretary
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masculinerose · 2 days
"Disabled people wouldn't be disabled in an accepting world!"
I would still be chronically ill and (temporarily) physically disabled. There is no known cure for my illness, and the cure for my physical disability is arduous and brutal. An accepting world would let me live peacefully, but I wouldn't be cured instantly of anything.
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