raksh-writes · 23 days
Well damn, the ending of this episode actually got me teary eyed, wth??
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sunfyredefender77 · 8 months
their beef was SO unnecessary
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bumblesimagines · 4 months
The Cold Stars
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: Daenerys encounters a lonesome stranger in Meereen who shares a bitter history with Ser Barriston
Pronouns: He/Him/His
TW/CW: Suicide mention
"I cannot hide behind walls forever, Ser Barriston," Dany spoke gently, dragging her eyes over the small marketplace in the city. She knew the dangers of being out in public but she had trust in Ser Barriston and Grey Worm, her loyal subordinates. They'd never allow harm to come to her, she knew that very well. Besides, she needed to show the people of Meereen that she cared and valued them. Trust had to be earned, not given freely. So, despite the worries expressed to her by Ser Barriston and Daario, she marched forth into the marketplace, eager to see what her people were selling. 
"I know, Your Grace," Ser Barriston sighed quietly, his eyes just as diligent and alert as Grey Worm's, bouncing around from cart to face in search of anyone with less-than-innocent motives. Most of the people watched them silently, the caution on their faces making Dany frown. She needed their loyalty, not their fear. She couldn't comprehend it well. She freed them from their masters, breaking the chains that made them slaves and they'd seemingly loved her for it. But the hesitation and unhappiness on some of their faces made her heart twist. 
"Do you think King's Landing will receive me like this?" Dany asked the older, more experienced man as they rounded a corner, slipping out of the market into an alleyway, her head angled over her shoulder to peer back at the two. Ser Barriston's lips parted to respond but his eyes flickered away and Dany noticed Grey Worm reaching for his sword. Her head snapped forward, preparing herself for the worst only to notice the young man leaning against the wall with an apple in hand, his eyes-
His eyes...
Cold and displeased and undeniably violet. Her mind flickered back to Viserys, to the mentions of her parents and Rhaegar, to all the portraits she'd seen of her ancestors and all the stories told about them. She felt as if the air had been knocked out of her, and she suddenly yearned for her family, for the mother that died moments after having her, and the father that earned the title of Mad King. For Rhaegar and even cruel Viserys. But the man before them lacked the notable silver hair and appeared more... Dornish.
"(Y/N) Dayne," Ser Barriston gaped, eyes large and pale skin as if he'd seen a ghost. "You... are a long ways from home, child."
"As are you, Selmy." His bitter voice seemed to jolt Ser Barriston, his mouth clamping shut and bushy brows knitting together. (Y/N) raised the apple to his lips and dug his teeth into the crunchy fruit, a trickle of juice dripping down his chin. He chewed slowly as he studied each of them, his hardened gaze only momentarily growing indifferent when he turned his attention to the perplexed Grey Worm. "You are far from King's Landing, Ser. As are you, Targaryen."
"You are in the presence of Queen Daenerys Stormborn, child, you will refer to her as such. Your brother fought fiercely for the Targaryens during the rebellion."
"And he died." (Y/N) licked his lips, the apple beginning to crack and drip with juices under his grasp. The bitterness, near hatred in his eyes sent a chill down Dany's spine, yet she found herself unable to tear her own eyes away from his face. "You claim to have loved and respected Arthur and Ashara but where were you when they died? Where were you when Stark slaughtered my brother and my sister threw herself into the sea?" 
"I would've given my life for either of them, you know that." Ser Barriston responded sharply, almost bristling at the silent accusation. 
"You would've given your life for the Prince." Her trance broke immediately at the mention of her brother, of the man Ser Barriston always recalled fondly. Her lips pulled back into a deep frown and (Y/N) turned his attention onto her. "You should've been willing to give your life for Elia and her children. That Targaryen-" The sneer when he spoke said plenty of his opinions on her family. "-abandoned them to die like a coward."
"Mind your tongue!" 
"My siblings are dead because of him!" (Y/N) snapped back at the knight, the apple finally breaking under his hold, different parts flying around while some of it turned to mush in his palm. Dany flinched and stepped back, one piece sliding right up to her feet and almost disappearing beneath the skirt of her dress. (Y/N) shook his hand and scoffed, pushing himself off the wall and barely sparing Grey Worm a glance when he stepped in front of Dany defensively. Ser Barriston's shoulders sagged, the fury dying immediately. "If he'd done his duty as a husband, Allryia, Aran, and I wouldn't be mourning them, Ser."
Dany raised her hand and placed it over Grey Worm's shoulder, meeting his questioning gaze with a reassuring nod. He stepped aside, allowing Dany to step forward, her shoe kicking aside the apple piece before she lifted her head to look at him once more. "Why have you come here, Lord (Y/N)? If not to ally yourself with me, why?"
"To see if the rumors were true. They say you have dragons and you'll use them to take back the Iron Throne. Ashara told me stories of dragons when I was a child. Elia, too. Dorne fought back against them during your ancestor's conquest."
"I have no qualms with Dorne," Daenerys told him softly. "And I am sorry for your losses. I am not my father nor my brothers. I wish to do things differently. The Lannisters, a common enemy between us, rule Kings Landing, do they not? We can ensure they will not bring harm to anyone else, not under my rule. House Dayne of Starfall is a noble house in Dorne with... close ties to the Martells of Sunspear. As I know it, the Martells despise Lannisters as well."
"Why would we fight for you? Justice is a mere action when you'd be getting the Iron Throne. Dorne has been at peace for many years."
"Perhaps..." Dany paused and glanced toward Ser Barriston. The older man met her gaze with an arched brow and a curious, almost concerned glint in his eye. She pursed her lips. She needed stronger allies, she needed angry allies... and even queens require heirs. "Perhaps House Dayne would be more pleased if one of their own became King Consort of Westeros." 
(Y/N)'s eyes only narrowed in response. The crown would be tempting to any man, especially one of noble birth, but he only appeared annoyed by the offer. "I'm afraid my brother, Lord Aran Dayne, is content with his wife, and Edric is far too young to marry. I've had the freedom of being the youngest all my life. Why would I give it up to become a king when I can do whatever I please?"
"Kings do whatever they please, do they not?"
"Kings like Robert Baratheon and Aerys Targaryen, sure. Your brother did whatever he pleased as prince and plunged the kingdom into war. Rulers do what the people want, what they need. You haven't exactly been keeping your people happy, Daenerys. Dorne will only ally themselves if we know we'll win. You may have your army but Tywin Lannister and his dog have been commanding far longer than you and I have been alive. Prince Doran will never allow a child parading themselves as ruler of a city anywhere near Dorne's army. You'll have better luck asking for Prince Oberyn's hand in marriage."
"It almost sounds as if you believe you can do a better job than me... if so, join my council. You'll have your freedom and when the time comes, you'll have your justice. Perhaps then, you'll feel more inclined to accept my proposal. I know Dorne is known for its... queer customs. You view bastards as equal, women are seen as fine rulers, and having multiple lovers is common. Many have their opinions of Dorne but... I'd be rather happy with a Dornishman. I will grant you the freedom of doing as you please, if you become my consort, as long as we have a-" Her voice nearly broke, forcing her to pause again and clear her throat. "A healthy heir. What do you say now, Dayne?"
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mhsdatgo · 6 months
Do you think the show is biased against the Greens vs. Team Black? If so, how should the show have demonstrated that both teams are awful, in your opinion?
Hello anon!
I've got a lot to say on this one.
First of all, yes. I totally think that the show had some obvious kind of bias towards the Blacks. Not necessarily with the way the Greens were treated as devils with no likeable qualities except for Alicent (even if there are several instances of them doing so) but more because of the way the Blacks were whitewashed.
Look, you'll never catch me not expressing my contempt for this woman, no matter the fact she was brought up by a man who did nothing but spoil, enable and indulge her in everything and anything she says and does. I can see the path they're taking in the show by adapting her as an irresponsible woman who flees at the minimal inconvenience and cowers to her dad at any minor inconvenience, but literally everything that makes her Rhaenyra Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, is removed.
She just looks like the next girlboss Targ Dragonrider queen after Daenerys. They basically made GOT season 8 and sent show!Rhaenyra as an apology. But in doing so they basically made her... Boring. Her and her children, which I don't love or hate. (The closest one I am to "liking" is Jace, I guess, but the leaks are just making me rethink everything again.)
I would've loved it if they had given us ONE pre-Dance book!Rhaenyra scene that would've made her appear more ruthless than what we have on the show, and not just the time when she offered 10 year old Aemond to be tortured. Make her ask Daemon to go after Vaemond (sorry pookie) like she did in the books, make her feed his corpse to her dragon. Sure that wouldn't have made me change my mind about how much I dislike her bUt it WOULD'VE made me go "damn she stands on business."
I wanted her to act out of grief and insist on going to war when she miscarried Visenya and lost her father, because although I don't think that the Greens did kill that poor little girl (she had dragon features and was likely going to die anyway) I do think that Rhaenyra should've been allowed her pain and the irrational and impulsive thinking that comes with it.
Where do I even begin with this one?
Olivia Cooke SLAYED. Lemme just start with that. She took the whole cake and ate it too and left no crumbs. The direction they've taken with her is a realistic one, at least for the actions and decisions she's taking. Reckless, for sure. Risky, deathly even. Her fear is realistic, even for someone as Alicent Hightower no matter how much determination had protected her from dread.
What I don't like is the way she was treated as everyone's object and her shutting up about it. From Rhaenyra to Larys, everyone uses her for their own disgusting pleasures or outlet of frustration. And she's made to take it without fighting back even once. The one time she does, bless her, she's treated as a woman who's gone mad.
Now, I would've been fine with her taking all these hits if only they knew how to make Alicent change properly and completely from there. If it was me, the incident at Driftmark would be my start to revenge. No longer would I look at Rhaenyra with hope to reconcile with her. No longer would I bear any more of Viserys' shit when it's clear his first daughter (the image of his first wife) bears way more importance to him than me and all the four kids he forced me to have combined.
They'd have to nightly talk me out of suffocating him with my pillow a minute more for every wince and ache my now eyeless son suffers, for a month straight if not more. I wouldn't eagerly stand by his side and listen to his last words only to mistake them for permission to go along with my plans. I'd stand there passively at best, waiting for him to be done, before leaving the room.
Everything else can just be left the same way it was. Her fear when she realizes the effect Viserys' death has on her and her children is realistic. I'd break down for a moment too. I'd act as soon as I could too. I'd cry tears of relief, dread, grief (depends on how you interpret that scene) too. After letting his stinky ass rot for a fortnight. I would've preferred this to be a "there was a plan, but we weren't ready to act it out" situation more than a "what the fuck is going on" situation.
I'd also slap that "you toil in service of other men" dialogue from Rhaenys right back in her face (sorry grandma) since if we're talking about the show, it's literally the only thing she has done throughout the season.
House Velaryon.
HEAVY on this one. They have been done so wrong on so many levels. Every single one of them.
Laena was made to "pursue" Daemon, she changes from a precious, small and shy little girl to a confident, seductive young woman (teenager for fuck's sake, screw everyone who thought making her change this way would've been good) and later on a side piece, "the one Daemon settles for because he can't have Rhaenyra" even if it was known that she was the only one he was never unfaithful to, "she's made her peace" (WTF???????).
It apparently never hits Corlys that the bitch who he believes has made him childless (I AM TALKING ABOUT DAEMON) deserves no support from him and his house or that Luke should actually become a ward there at Driftmark if he's so adamant on keeping this farce that he's a Velaryon and the next Lord of the Tides.
Vaemond is seen as the odd, evil and power hungry one for pointing out that his house is falling into an OBVIOUS bastard's hands whether this kid likes it or not (even as my support for this claim goes as far as questioning Luke's parentage) and to add insult to injury he's made to say Rhaenyra is a whore, which never happened in the books.
The Silent Five are removed completely, Vaemond's sons as well (@redrosesandcharmingsouls knows I was FROTHING at the mouth waiting for Daemion Velaryon to make an appearance but the motherfuckers couldn't even give me that) so that we don't have any kind of reason to believe an execution so brutal and unjust had any repercussions on the support House Velaryon has on the Blacks overall. They are made into Rhaenyra's cheering squad through and thorough, even if they have every reason to be anything but.
The Laenor situation is actually really fucking funny. They made him leave instead of killing him to not bury the gays and they aren't aware that this has totally fucked everything up. Like thanks for telling me ALL of Rhaenyra's children are bastards. Cool, HOW THE FUCK TO YOU HANDLE SEASMOKE NOW?
Aegon II.
No this isn't an apologist post. I'm actually slithering on the ground on my knees for TGC daily but Aegon is a clusterfuck right now, no matter how you look at it. They tell us he's a psycho drunken rapist and he likes to watch children fighting every Sunday and when you actually see his adult version he's a crying love starved bitch of a man and he winces and frowns when Vaemond's head is cut off.
Instead of taking the throne to protect his children, he takes it because he's forced. And that makes Alicent the villain in everything once again. Now it doesn't matter if you look at the book version or what we see of the show version, everywhere you look this is just out of character.
It's inconsistent. He's made the worst thing ever so people can say "See??? They believe a rapist is better to put to the throne than our girlboss virtuous heir!!!" you either make him a psycho or a touch starved baby, why make both?
So yeah, I think this is all. For now. We'll have to see how this show progresses to see if I change my mind in any way.
Thanks for the ask!!!! ^_^
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decadentbutterflies · 5 months
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No, it's about the brain rot of Sansa stans calling Dany evil and a colonizer etc. Or erasing/diminishing Sansa bullying Arya when we bring that up that she's not exactly kind, only when she wants to be.
Acting like Sansa is a perfect fit for a queen instead because she's kind and "everyone she touches becomes kinder" while she slowly poisons a child, her own cousin (she was even warned about how it hurts the boy) and then going "me and father have more important things to worry about", who's mother was murdered by the man she covers. Being classist...
You could argue that she does it out of fear (which I agree with except the feasts and classist behavior ofc). She is not "kind" like an average person would be. She isn't evil, but calling her kind and then acting like Dany isn't and calling Daenerys a tyrant is mind blowing. Dany personally feeds refugees and genuinely does her best to help people, while Miss Sansa throws feasts while the common folk is starving.
And the argument is... She killed slavers.. Oh noo, how dare she.
Also Sansa's bullying is another reason why people don't see her as kind (validly), but again people love to erase that and diminish it.
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Or do even THIS lmao. I just knew there's going to be something "Arya is mean, Arya is bad" in the comments.
Yes, because Arya bullied her so much, like throwing peach on her after Sansa was her classist self (this was Arya's reply to Sansa saying "once she's the queen Arya will have to bow down to her" btw. she ain't becoming a follower like some fans wish for her to be).
She was bullied so much that she has trauma that she doesn't even believe when others tell her she's pretty. Sansa felt sooo out of place in Winterfell and lonely (not like she had any friends that followed with the bullying..) :'((
But thankfully we have Jon who's going to save her and marry her because he just LOVES the "waiting for someone to save her" type of girl! He can't stop talking about that kind of woman lmao.
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Ofc. A Jonsa and Catelyn fan account lmao.
I can't make this sht up. That show should've never been made, I'm sorry, but it brought so many morons combining the show into the books and completely changed how fanon sees many of the characters.
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Can I request how Pietro maximoff would react to if reader gave him the silent treatment if you haven't done it already, I just know he would hate it sm 😭😭 (I'm in the need for angst but you can either make this angsty or reader just playing a prank on him!)
hii!! im gonna give you a few of thoughts/ hc’s, hope that’s okay!! I just hate everything I write atm so thought this way it can be a compromise 😭 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
silent treatment
pietro maximoff x f reader
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word count: 515
warnings: lil angsty?
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— he would ABSOLUTELY HATE being on the receiving end of silent treatment !!! 
— poor dude gets anxious and antsy and feels like he's done something wrong (but maybe he did do something wrong ??? but he might not be aware of it, idk? guess depends on the situation)
— maybe you're giving it to him bc you've kinda reached your breaking point, like you just can't be bothered to go back and forth or repeat things, so you just stay silent and avoid him to stop things from getting worse between you
— I feel like he can be such a man (yikes sounds like an insult, it is) but he'll try to touch you or joke around when you're obviously pissed. I don't think he quite understands and he just wants things to go back to before etc, and thinks kissing you or telling jokes will do that
— maybe you move or duct from a kiss or touch, he'll DEFINITELY be wounded and butt hurt about it. maybe he might say something?? get a little angry "I don't know what you want from me! I'm trying," kinda thing, maybe you say something back, like "you never listen. just fed up saying the same thing over and over,"
— he def says things like "why are you making this so hard?" "I don't even know what I did wrong, just talk to me— please," "what's going on? we're never like this," "why won't you just talk to me?" "don't want to talk to me? fine, I don't care," which is immediately followed by "god— please just say something,"
— maybe after that, it kinda looms and neither of you say anything, you nod and do a straight smile kinda thing, and maybe scoff or sigh. you probs go to bed (as it's late) and pietro stays up, maybe sits on the sofa for a while or paces or goes for a run (more like sprint)
— maybe he comes to bed hours later and you're still up, tossing and turning, maybe crying and talking to yourself. and he knocks on the door, enters and sadly smiles at you. "the sofa isn't comfortable," he'll mumble, trudging across the room to his side of the bed
— maybe you feel awful about how you handled things, much like how he feels bad for how things went
— maybe your backs are together, and you're facing away. you say sorry first, reaching your hand back to touch him. "I should've been more clear about things, I'm sorry." he'll protest, rolling over to face you at the same time you do, now looking at each other. "no— no, I'm sorry, milovat. I should've (blahblahblah)"
— after, you small talk for a little, still not on solid ground. he offers to go for coffee/ breakfast in the morning to talk everything over, as he doesn't want to make the same mistakes again or lose you. you politely accept, and you both go to sleep shortly after
— you started off with your backs to one another, then throughout the night, ended up cuddling, snuggled in each other's arms <3
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
pietro taglist: @astermath @thewinterv @earth-elemental18 @lunnnix @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @randomawesomeperson102 @queerponcho @selfryed @daenerys-supremacy @dontknownameauthor @mrsbarnesxxx @honestly-who-even-is-this @simplyreflected
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leupagus · 25 days
All of my GOT ships are some variation of "It's rotten work. Especially to me, especially if it's you. I'll fucking do it but christ alive." The fun thing is that each member of each pairing gets to switch it up periodically
"'All dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes.'" 
Tyrion needed a few moments to understand what was happening — or rather, how much of various things were happening all at once. Queen Daenerys was standing in his quarters. She was scowling at him impatiently while wearing her flying boots and leather coat. It was halfway through the hour of the owl. He was naked in bed.
"What?" he managed, wrapping the bedsheet about his waist and trying not to think of the dozens (hundreds?) of times Jaime had marched into his chambers in just this fashion. He'd never bothered to cover himself — Jaime had changed his smallclothes when he'd been an infant — but a queen was a different matter.
"'All dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes,'" Daenerys repeated. She had, in addition to the boots and the coat, a scroll in her hand; she waved it at him now.
Tyrion was still lost. "Please refer to my previous question, Your Grace." He scooted to the edge of the bed and slid off, keeping the sheets firmly bunched about him as he rummaged through a chest of drawers for a pair of trousers.
"A message from Volantis has just arrived," Daenerys said, stomping over to his wardrobe to take out a shirt. "You'll need this, too," she added, tossing it on the bed.
"Will I, indeed?" he asked, pulling out his trousers and flapping them at her. "Turn round, please, Your Grace."
Daenerys rolled her eyes, but turned obligingly. "It's from Kinvara, the high priest of the Red Temple in Volantis. She claims someone from Westeros has come with a warning."
"She wants you to go to Volantis?" Tyrion demanded as he hopped on first one foot, then the other, to get his trousers on. Fortunately the shoes were easy in Meereen: nearly everyone (including Daenerys, unless she was flying) favored the practical sandals that could be easily slipped on and off. "The same place that tried to foment rebellion in every city on the Bay these past two years?"
"It's a risk," Daenerys agreed, "but Kinvara was the one to first inform us of Volantis's betrayal; she could have had me overthrown a year ago, but she sided with us instead."
"That's due in large part to our agreement to let one of her priestesses sit on the Congressional Council," Tyrion countered, "but pray go on, Your Grace."
She huffed. "Second, I've informed Grey Worm that in the event I am captured or killed, he is to bring the entire force of the Unsullied, the Second Sons, and the Free Fleet of Meereen down on Volantis's head. Not only that, but I'm leaving Viserion and Rhaegal here; if anthing happens to me they'll burn the entire city to ashes and molten rock."
"A proportional response, to be sure," Tyrion agreed. Personally he'd rather have Daenerys alive; no doubt he was growing sentimental in his old age. "What's the third reason? You always have at least three reasons to do anything."
"The third is — can I turn around now?"
"Your Grace is free to do as she likes," he said as he wrestled the tunic on. He emerged to find her regarding him thoughtfully. "It's clean," he said defensively.
"I know, I picked it out," she said absently. "No, I was just thinking I should've made you visit the barber earlier."
"Ealier than when?" he asked, but she simply turned on her heel, obliging him to scurry after. "And what's the third reason?"
Daenerys handed him the scroll. "I've had a jacket made up for you, which should help with the cold, but you'll need some sort of boots. Meereenese have no idea how to dress warmly."
"Dress warmly for what? Earlier than when? And what's the third reason?" Tyrion must be dreaming; that explained it.
Daenerys snatched the scroll back and read it out loud. "'To the most revered—' et cetera— 'I am bid to tell you that two of your countrymen have arrived, with information that cannot wait for our slow ships to make their way to you. I beseech you to come at once to Volantis, as you are capable of arriving far more swiftly, and what information I have cannot wait. If you doubt the veracity of this message, or the sincerity of its messengers, one of these messengers asks that Tyrion Lannister be remembered to him, for all dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes.'"
"Jon Snow," Tyrion said, remembering that summer eve in Winterfell, so many (was it really so many?) years ago. "It's something I told him once. He's a member of—"
"Of the Night's Watch, I know," said Daenerys. "That's the third reason. Though I'm a bit puzzled as to how it could be him — Lady Stark believes him dead, doesn't she?" She continued onto the Nursery, calling over her shoulder, "There's no time for a barber now, but really, Tyrion, a whole flock of hummingbirds could nest in your hair."
"We don't all have attendants to braid our hair to within an inch of its life each morning. Unless it's the hummingbirds doing it for you."
"I braid my own hair, thank you very much." They came to the Nursery door and met with Missandei, who was holding a leather jherkin and an apprehensive expression. "Thank you," she added to Missandei, far more sincerely.
Boots, Tyrion thought stupidly, just as Daario came strolling up wearing a brown-and-red leather coat and stout riding boots. He held a smaller pair in his hands. "Boots. Jackets. Wait."
"First flight on dragonback?" Daario asked, sketching a bow to Daenerys as he handed the boots to Tyrion. "Mine, too — though I've been angling to get a ride for months." 
"And I'd advise against doing anything that makes me reconsider," the queen replied, and went through the door to the Nursery. Daario followed her with a broad wink to Tyrion, leaving him alone with Missandei and a jacket.
"She can't mean for me to go with her," Tyrion said even as he numbly accepted her help getting his boots on, along with the new jacket. It had large brass rings affixed by stout leather strips, so that one might be strapped into the saddle of a— 
"The first time is the most frightening," Missandei said solemnly, taking his sandals. "I hardly ever vomit from terror anymore."
"'Enemies in each direction,'" Tyrion muttered as he trod off obediently to his doom.
There was a saddle for Drogon now, but it couldn't accomodate three people. "It's fine," Daenerys said as they climbed the steep steps to the balcony. Drogon was already there, staring down into the darkness of the city at rest. "We'll ride bareback."
"We absolutely will not," Tyrion objected. He may not still be entirely awake, but he'd be damned if he climbed aboard a dragon in the middle of the night like some lunatic Targaryens he might mention.
Daenerys rolled her eyes. "It's perfectly safe!"
""For you, Your Grace. What if Drogon doesn't like us riding on him?" Tyrion asked. At that, Drogon's great head curved around to poke him in the stomach. "It's a fair question!"
"Drogon won't let me fall," Daenerys said breezily, and Tyrion found himself sharing a rare moment of fellow feeling with Daario as they caught one another's eye. 
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the sun rises from the west | d. targaryen
Description: Daemon Targaryen didn't die during the war - though there were many nights that he wished otherwise. A story where he loses his first-wife to battle.
Pairing: daemon targaryen/dayne!reader
Rating: Mature [death, angst, smut]
Author's Note: Daenerys-Drogo inspired.
"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When mountains blow in the wind like leaves. Then you shall return to me."
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Daemon always admired you - believed that your skills were greater than his own. A sad sigh escapes his mouth, hands reaching for a cloth and wiping the sweat on your son's sleeping body. He's lived numerous lives; warrior, husband and now healer. "- the healers are doing their best." Rhaenyra mumbles, laying a comforting hand on her husband's shoulder.
She has sired him two sons - but he always returns to Maekar. He always returns to the faint memory of you. "My aunt was taken by the same fever," he responded bitterly. He was not losing Maekar - he was not going to lose the greatest piece of you.
"I will take care of Maekar, please return to the battlefield - return to me." his niece pleaded, eyes almost brimming with tears. Maekar has been ill for the past months - and he has not left his bedside. "He is a boy of almost twenty and five summers. He will make it through this winter." Rhaenyra comforted.
"I refuse to fight knowing that he is fighting a battle in his bed." Daemon gritted his teeth, annoyed by his niece's lack of sympathy. "When Aegon and Viserys were sick - you did not show this devotion." she answered petulantly - now she could understand Alicent's hatred of her.
Daemon turns his head slowly - eyes glaring at his wife. "Rhaenyra, do not begin with this." he argued, attempting to keep his voice low - so that his son wouldn't awaken. "You love him more." she snapped. "Do not lie to yourself." he lied.
She stands up - eyes dark and filled with sorrow.
"How is it that you love her more than me? She is a dead girl - I am alive, yet I have to share you - a-and mayhaps I was fine with sharing - but not our children, Daemon. Your love should only be for them." her lips shuddered while shutting the door loudly.
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You gather your gowns - fastening Maekar to your hips while you run through the halls with a smile on your face. "Daemon!" he wrapped you in a warm embrace - he smelled like fire and ash and home. "Ābrazȳrys," he cooed while taking the little boy away from you.
"Did you have fun?" you inquired, and he nodded quickly leading you towards your shared chambers. "Ēdan kirimves," (I had fun) he answered, pulling away from your fingers and opening the door. "You should've joined me," he offered, placing Maekar on the bed.
"I do not fancy riding a dragon," you responded while sitting beside your son who was sucking on his fingers. "You are my wife. You will learn." he informed firmly while removing his gloves. "Is it a profession of love or one of your whims?" you tease, unconsciously pulling Maekar closer to you. "It does not matter, riña - you will obey all the same." he breathed, body moving closer to you.
"Hen rhinka," (Of course) you hummed, staring up at him. "There is something that I need to tell you," he removed his coat before sitting on the bed. He adored everything about you - your smile, your hair, your scent and your ladyness - but there was one thing he hated; your anger. "What is it?" you inquire.
"Viserys commands me to fight a war."
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Daemon knew that it was a mistake to bring you here. You had an expert command with the sword - but he shouldn't have brought you here. "It's not too late to return home," he breathed, wrapping his arms around your half-asleep figure. "I could say the same, husband." you yawned, turning around to face him.
"You shouldn't even fucking be here," he cursed - smelling the faint scent of seawater on your hair. "Should be taking care of our son, like a good little wife." he added humorously. "Am I not good enough for you, ser?" you raise an eyebrow - and he silences you with a kiss.
He adored you in this way - skin tanned with fleeting spots on your shoulders, hair slightly bleached from the sun's rays - and body perfectly ready and sore for his bidding. "Too good for me," he hummed while moving his body to be hovering above you. "Daemon," you moaned feeling his fingers roam inside your nightgown.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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His heart couldn't stop beating.
"Ābrazȳrys," he knelt down to your bleeding body. "Daemon," you choke on salt-water - feeling the waves gently nudge your body against the shoreline. "I'm glad to see you," you choke on air, hearing the thumping footsteps of your husband's healers.
He presses upon your wounded stomach - adding pressure to ensure that no blood would seep out of your body. "Reserve your strength," he commanded, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "Daemon," you groan - seeing spots of black in your periphery. "(Your Name)" he responded firmly, helping the healers carry you away from the sand.
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It has been three days since he's last seen you stand. Two days since he's last slept. He sees the way that your eyes curled in pain after every move - you were in agonizing pain, but you were enduring for him and for Maekar. "Ābrazȳrys" he cleared his throat - relieved that you were awake. "Valzȳrys," you replied with a pained smile.
"How are you?" he asks, sitting on your bedside. "I will be the same tomorrow." you answered with bitterness. The pain in your stomach has not left you since the accident. It festers like a living wound - providing you with the most torturous pains. "- and I know for certain because today feels like yesterday." you add, taking a sip of the milk of poppy. It does nothing to relieve your pain.
"What can I do about it?" he asks again, pained that you were feeling pain. "- everyday I feel like I am burned by dragonfire. My body feels like it is flayed and turned inside out. I cannot breathe at night - in the morning, my eyelids flutter." you explained, grip tightening around the teacup.
There was only one thing that you desired - but it was too cruel to ask of him. "I cannot move my legs - my arms feel like iron. Valzȳrys - to live like this is far too cruel." you cried. His eyes harden at your notion. The Maesters saved your life - but they did not release your mind of the torture that you endured in the hands of the enemy.
"No." he breathes - knowing the path that you were about to pursue.
"It is the only way - if you refuse to do so, I'll find a way."
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Daemon refused to touch you that day - he refused to speak to you, but when night came - he decided to obey your wishes. He filled your cup with one of the poisons inside your ring - he made sure to choose the one that gave you no suffering. He laid by your side - singing songs of your dialect to ease the pain of your passing.
He won the war because of the rage he felt over you. Over himself.
There was another woman after you - Laena Velaryon. The most beautiful girl that he's ever seen. A girl who had the same fire. She was skilled with a dagger - obeyed him in the same ways that you did. But she was not you. She did not fill the void that you left - not even after giving him Rhaena and Baela. He was a cruel husband - but not a cruel father.
After Laena's death came Rhaenyra - his niece.
She was rebellious - filled with fire and he worshipped her. Daemon worshipped Rhaenyra with all of his heart - they were forged from the same stone. Daemon was devoted her in way that he was never devoted to you - and that was because they shared the same blood. Daemon felt for Rhaenyra the same admiration that he felt for his brother. It was devotion. Not love.
And there he was - returning to what happened fourteen years ago.
Inside a small humid hut - hands wrapped around you, but this time it was your son. "Ivestragī nyke jemagon ao hen se ōñosa," he sung, wiping the tears that were streaming out of his irises. Maekar was cold to the touch - and his breathing was labored.
'If Lord Maekar's condition worsens, we'll be able to do nothing'
"Mother used to sing that to me," the boy mumbled. "Will I be able to see my wife again, my boys?" he asked his father - feeling a heaviness loom over his body. "When you get better," he replied.
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"Kekepa," his grandson opens his mouth. Daemon quickly lifts the boy and settles him on his hips. "Melara," he turned towards his good-daughter, quickly wiping the tears that were falling out of Viserys' eyes. He places a hand on her shoulder.
"He fought well." he comforted, staring at Maekar's body that was behind them. "I don't know how we'll live without him," she bit her lips - earning a chuckle from the older man. "It will be hard, but you will endure." he replied seeing Rhaenyra's figure walking towards them.
"I offer my condolences, Lady Melara - my grief extends to you and House Tyrell. Viserys and Rhaegar are free to remain here." Rhaenyra says politely, offering her hand to carry her step-grandson. "I think it will be best to do that, my queen. Father is already speaking of marriage - House Lannister he says, but I cannot marry yet. Not when I can still feel Maekar." she stared at her husband's body.
Waiting for either Rhaenyra or Daemon to say the word.
"You can say it." Daemon took a deep breath, turning to face Maekar.
part two
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@nyctophilic0vitnir @watercolorskyy @bellastwd @icarusgloom @pearlstiare @areaderinlove @hc-geralt-23 @rozendiors @immyowndefender @ammo23 @xcinnamonmalfoyx @ammo23 @immyowndefender @bitchyunknownuser
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abduloki · 2 months
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I said it before and I'll say it again, Daenerys Targaryen should've been the one to slay the Night King. There's nothing more epic and poetic than a Fire Queen slaying an Ice King, giving a whole new meaning to the Song of Ice and Fire.
Even though I've been a House Stark supporter since the beginning, I was still rooting for Daenerys to be the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, with the Stark serving her. It was when the Targaryen are gone that they name their own King.
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House Stark have been loyal bannermen to the Targaryens for hundreds of years. Until the Mad King decided to burn their Lord, Rickard Stark alive and strangle his heir, Ned's older brother Brandon.
So I was disappointed that Game of Thrones ended with Daenerys becoming a Mad Queen instead of having the story coming full circle to the way it was in the old days, with a Targaryen on the throne.
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x-aefx · 1 year
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Summary: unbeknownst to you, you meet actor Bella Ramsey. You two hit it off but your paths lead two different directions.
Bella Ramsey x female reader
Taglist: @evieguhbyebroski @amberputh @assgardangod @nymwritespoetry @mainslutsblog @obsessedmunson @guacala @that-one-little-soybean @overtrred28
One week later(ish)
"Daenerys or Jon?"
"who should've ended up on the Iron Throne ?"
"Lyanna Mormont."
"Game of Thrones or the Last of Us?
"impossible question."
"wise choice."
"thank you."
You stared dumbfounded as your best friend fired question after question at Bella. It had been going on for at least ten minutes, you felt sorry for Bella. You and Bella sat on the couch, whilst Aaron sat on the armchair beside it, he leaned forwards in his chair, staring Bella down as he asked her questions he deemed "excruciatingly important."
Bella didn't seem bothered by the almost interview like conversation with Aaron. Rather, they found it amusing.
"can you please stop interrogating my partner, please?" You almost begged. You had been silently watching the ordeal, not expecting it to last this long. You were leaned back on the couch, looking at Aaron unimpressed.
Bella chuckled as they looked at your bored face, Aaron glared at you but nevertheless he stopped with the questions.
"it's important to find out what kind of a person my best friend is dating. You'll be grateful one day, if they turn out to be a murderer." Aaron picked up his empty mug, standing up and going to the kitchen to refill it with coffee.
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics.
Bella hummed sarcastically, "I'm afraid I'm just a regular boring person. Not a murderer." They called out after at Aaron.
You watched as Bella turned their body around to face you. They smiled at the almost pitiful smile that you were sending them.
"sorry about him. He's a big fan of your work." You said apologetically.
Bella shook their head, leaning in closer to you and placing a light kiss on your cheek. "I don't mind." They said truthfully, looking up at you and giving you a smile.
You felt your face redden, like it always did. A gesture as small as a smile could make your heart plummet, and your legs give out. You hated it.
Bella rested their head on your shoulder, their body cuddled up to yours on the couch. You wrapped an arm around their waist, as they had theirs around your stomach. Your chin rested on their head.
"seriously? Why have a fridge, if you're not going to put food in it!" Aaron complained from the kitchen. The sound of keys being picked up from the counter was heard, then the sound of footsteps.
"Get chocolate digestives!" You called out, just before you heard Aaron shut the front door after him.
Bella moved their head to look up at you, a raised brow and an amused grin on their face.
"shut up, you eat cereal with orange juice for breakfast." You interrupted whatever remark they were going to say.
Bella groaned. They burried their face in your hoodie, letting out a sound of annoyance. You had told Aaron about the discovery, and since then Bella hasn't gotten a break.
"maybe if you would try it, you would understand why!" Their voice was muffled by the fabric of your hoodie.
You hummed, knowing you would never try it.
Lazily you flicked through the channels on the Tv, not finding anything good to watched you eventually turned it off.
You kept yourself occupied by playing with Bella's rings. They were thick and silver, two on their left hand and one on their right. You twisted them around their finger, admiring the patterns engraved on each of them.
"I always make sure to wear them when I'm doing interviews, or going to any events." Bella spoke up, their face still burried in your hoodie. "they help me when I'm feeling anxious, or need something to fiddle with. But I suppose you'll be with me for that instead. We can stay in a corner together." You felt them smile.
"i can't wait to hide in a corner with you Bella." You laughed, removing your fingers from their rings, and intertwining your hand with theirs instead.
Bella looked up at you with a large grin adorning their face, causing you to smile back just as wide. They leaned up, so their forehead was resting on yours.
"I'm so happy you sat beside me on that bus." They whispered.
"I'm so happy you stalked me at my work place." You smiled teasingly at them. Bella rolled their eyes, but their smile remained.
"It was hardly stalking. It was just a coincidence." Bella shrugged.
You quirked a brow, showing them you didn't believe their words. Bella didn't argue back, knowing you were too stubborn to believe them.
Instead of talking, Bella kissed you. Their kisses were soft and slow, different from how all your previous ex's kissed you. They were gentle, every touch from them sending you into a spiral of nerves. The good kind, the kind you got addicted to.
Bella moved so that they were hovering over you, their hands on either side of you to support their weight. They cupped your jaw with their hand, caressing your face with their thumb. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck raise as their cold ring met your warm skin.
"I forgot my wallet!"
The silence and peace you and Bella were trapped in, was interrupted by the door swinging open and Aaron's voice filling the home.
You pulled away from Bella, smiling sheepishly at them.
Bella groaned, dropping their head into the crook of your neck. You laughed at their attitude, combing your fingers through their soft wavy hair.
Aaron grabbed his wallet from the kitchen table, before walking out of the house completely oblivious to what he had interrupted and the frustration radiating from Bella.
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sansa286 · 2 years
On...Targaryen (Valyrian) Hair Colors!
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Season 1 wigs were superior imo.
Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon have a habit of making all Targaryen hair look rather one-note, and in the same bleached platinum-blonde color. However the books offer a wide variety of descriptions which I plan on covering today.
Disclaimer: The pictures used are to show color, not texture. In the books there are several different textures, and in the show the Velaryons have afro-textured hair and locs. Not every example (or most) is going to be texture-accurate, this post is is purely about the different shades of hair color found in the family.
The most common hair color Valyrians are said to have is "silver-gold". Aegon I, Rhaenys, Visenya, Rhaena Targaryen (Aenys's daughter), Daenerys, Viserys and many others of Valyrian descent (as well as Hightowers) have been described with this color. Interestingly in the portraits GRRM commissioned years ago, their hair looked something like this:
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The difference between the silver and the gold is stark (pun not intended.) However other depictions have been more blended to resemble something like this:
That is personally how I first imagined Daenerys's hair in A Game of Thrones looking.
2. Silver-White
The Dragon Twins Baela and Rhaena Targaryen (Prince Daemon and Lady Laena Velaryon's twins) are described as having "silver-white" hair. Which can be interpreted as a very bright silver color with no hints of gold or blonde.
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The wig department for HotD better take notes! This is what Rhaena's locs should've looked like.
3. White
King Aegon III Targaryen is described as having hair so pale it appeared white. White differs from silver due to silver having a gray base.
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4. White Gold
Prince Aemon (son of King Jaehaerys I & Queen Alyssane) was said to have white gold hair, which was considered rare. White-gold can be interpreted as just a very pale blonde/gold color. You may think that white gold is silver-looking in color, but that is only because much of modern-day white gold has been plated with rhodium to reduce the pale yellow color. White gold that hasn't been plated is a (very pretty) pale gold color, which is what I'm assuming GRRM meant because I am fairly certain rhodium plating wasn't a thing during the medieval period.
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5. Honey
Not all Targaryens are pale haired! [Best] Queen Alysanne's hair was said to be honey colored. It was believed that her hair came out this way due to her grandmother being Lady Alarra Massey, who was Andal not Valyrian.
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6. Dirty-Blonde
Princess Alyssa Targaryen (daughter of King Jaehaerys I and Queen Alysanne) was said to have dirty-blonde hair without a trace of silver.
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8. Brown
I'm including Prince Jacaerys Velaryon and his bros here, because while his parentage was disputed, and confirmed in the show, he's still a Targaryen on his mother's side and would have taken on the name Targaryen when he became king. Jace is said to have brown hair. No flowery language used to describe it by GRRM...just brown.
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7. Black
Yes, there are black-haired Targaryens! Rhaenys Targaryen (daughter of Prince Aemon and Jocelyn Baratheon) had black hair, as did the children of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia Martell (sweet Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon.) Aegor Rivers, also known as "Bittersteel" (the son of King Aegon the Unworthy and Barbra Bracken) also had black hair.
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cuppedbottledwater · 6 months
being in the supernatural fandom and seeing posts of people being upset about wincest shippers is so funny to me because its the only fandom i'm in where people have an issue shipping relatives. my dash sometimes looks like this "people who ship wincest are genuinely sick in the head" art post ace attorney meme cat "I think Jon Snow should've gotten a happy ending with Daenerys" (they're nephew and aunt and canon) another cat dungeon meshi meme "Paul and Feyd should've fucked nasty as the Bene Gesserit intended" (they're second cousins and canonically were supposed to be married and have children if Paul have been born a girl)
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atopvisenyashill · 15 days
what do you think daeron ii should've done to turn bittersteel and daemon into loyal allies to prevent them from rebelling?
the simple answer here is “treat them like his other siblings instead of singling them out.” but the longer answer-
firstly, again we don’t have a lot of info on this part yet so i can’t say with certainty what it is daeron did wrong and what missteps were The Fatal Mistakes. a lot of it is just guesswork right now, or comparisons to other true born-bastard bonds that work out better.
but secondly, as i said, there seems to be this divide between how shiera and brynden are treated and how daemon and aegor are treated. healing that rift rather than exacerbating it should have been daeron’s number one priority; hostility just never fixes this problem and my evidence is the entire history of westeros. the bracken and blackwood beef is tricky, i won’t sugarcoat that at all here. but after the bethany-toyne situation, i think there’s an opening for daeron to reach out to the brackens and be like “hey i know there’s bad blood between us but as you can see, the problem is my shitty father. what’s say we bury the hatchet, and if you promise to be loyal to me i will promise to give you high status in my court?” and then follow through. offer to foster aegor on dragonstone so he gets an education side by side with his princely nephews. make some random bracken cousin or younger brother part of his court on dragonstone. promise to help find lofty matched for some bracken daughters. make it clear he’s willing to forgive a tacky remark so long as the brackens are willing to back him. if brynden and aegor start beefing over shiera, make it clear to both those idiots that SHIERA gets to decide what the fuck she wants to do here and if he catches either of them being skeevy, they’re getting an ass whooping and if he catches brynden specifically being skeevy, make sure aegor knows he caught some fucking hands because daeron isn't playing favorites between them!
daemon is a very thorny issue and i will give daeron some grace here. i think it’s hard to get daemon on his side when his father is like, actively grooming daemon for rebellion. and honestly, he is right to cut off the daenerys match. for one thing, daenerys marrying maron is just objectively the right move to ensure peace between the rest of the realm and dorne. westeros has fought and got their asses whooped multiple times over this issue, and making lasting peace is the only solution here. anyone who was poo pooing this marriage match as showing favoritism is simply unserious, and i think if daeron were to make some grand statement about the cost of war, he can shame everyone into accepting it.
and, actually, if daeron is the one who made his sons’ matches, i would call him the smartest matchmaker in the series - getting the martells, the marches on both sides through the dondarrions and daynes, the vale through the arryns, the stormlands through the penroses, AND the tyroshi/some big names in essos through kiera? that’s some genuinely astounding matches there, that’s the sort of matchmaking i wanted to see ALYSANNE come up with. this man knits most of the troublesome areas in the realm into his family and ensures that the blackfyre rebellion looks like child’s play compared to the destruction of the succession crises that came before.
but daemon and rohanne…feels like a miss to me. it’s not just that it gives daemon access to money that could help him overthrow daeron. i think the whole thing makes daemon feel very rejected from the family and from westeros, not dissimilar from daemon targaryen’s ill fated match with rhea royce or even the struggles between larra and viserys. regardless of how happy or fruitful the match wound up being, i just think there was something better he could have done here.
then there’s the tract of land he gives daemon. let me compare here a bit - i don’t think the idea behind it is bad. for example, ned has dreams of jon raising castles in robb’s name and i do think robb would have given jon some land had jon not joined the night’s watch, and if ned had been more upfront about his plans, it might have helped ease the tensions there a bit - jon Will move out one day, but for now, he will grow to love robb to ensure there is brotherhood and loyalty between them. effectively, he will be allowed a childhood before getting a job, not dissimilar from bran or rickon’s fates. the problem here is that daeron and daemon were not raised together with love the way jon and robb were. giving him land he can go pout on when you know damn well he resents you because your shitty dad has been whispering in his ear for years is the dumbest move imaginable. the sibling in me (rant incoming after this sentence) wants to say that Daeron offering Daemon some sort o unoofical role at court, deprogramming whatever nonsense Aegon put into his mind, and THEN being like "okay but what do YOU want to do with your life" and letting the kid have options is the best way to handle this. the reality is that daeron cannot undo the damage his father did as quickly as he needs to. forcing him into the night's watch - but similar to egg sending away brynden, with a whole honor guard to go with - is imo the only way to truly get around aegon's seeds of rebellions. but i don't know that i'd start there if i was daeron - i think i would genuinely try to get the kid on my side first and keep a whole lot of spies trained on him to make surehe isn't plotting in the mean time.
BUT THE RANT. see the thing is....as i said, my proof that treating a bastard sibling like shit never works is every single bastard in this series. it doesn't matter how high or low born they are. treating thme like the enemy always ends badly. this is a theme. i don't think we are meant to go "clearly the best way to avoid violence in this situation is to isolate and emotionally abuse this child simply because their parents weren't married" because it turns out bad every fucking time! roose tries to hide ramsay, it makes ramsay insane. robert tries to hide his bastards lowkey, he puts them all at risk to get slaughtered by cersei. catelyn is hostile to jon, and look where that got both of them (fucking nowhere!). falia is abused by her family and it sets her up for a grisly murder at the hands of euron, as well as her true born family. on and on. now look at oberyn - a flawed father by a country mile, but because he raises his daughters as daughters and not as mistakes to be shuffled off to the side, they have arianne in their corner! they have ellaria who loves them! do they still have some issues due to their status as bastards? of course!! but doran explicitly spares them because he loves them and they are slow to outright rebel against doran because they love him! that's the meat of it, is LOVE. ned wanted jon and robb to be brothers and they are and that is going to pay off in a big way when jon is the only able bodied boy around! ned did that shit! robb did that shit!! and that's what all of these people need to do but they always overlook it. they see a sibling as competition instead of as someone on their team and it fucks them all over and over. what daeron needs to do, more than anything, is give daemon a reason to be loyal to him, to love him, and to come to him when people start whispering rebellions in his ear. without that, daeron and daemon are both cooked!
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syraxesrevenge · 6 months
i don't usually get involved with team stuff but mini rant (im low-key losing my fucking mind)
I don't understand people who are Team Green, and not because of their opinions on the characters. I find Team Green as some of the most complex, interesting characters in the whole lot of asoiaf.
1: First of all, the treatment of the strong boys. They act like Jace and Luke are absolute monsters; which, I don't necessarily agree with, but without bias I do agree they are not pure and cherubic angels. Lucerys is impulsive and childish, making jokes about actual trauma and maiming a ten year old who was influenced by his older brother. Jacaerys has extreme anger issues which lead to him acting arrogantly and stubbornly to the respite of his elders.
This does not mean they are *demons*, though, and do not deserve to be treated as such. I've seen people say that they were horrible for not showing a horrified reaction to Vaemond's death, that they should've felt remorse; what choice was for them to make? Lucerys was openly against the thing, wishing his own birthright upon the person who tried to usurp him; Jacaerys heard only the words "whore" and "bastards", which set him off. I do not blame him for this in the slightest; those words have been used his entire life to demonize him, villainize him and his mother.
Other people say Rhaenyra was terrible for making her sons believe they were real Targaryens, not admitting they were bastards and trying to persuade them from the throne. This take is just - abhorrent, imo. Jacaerys was taught by his grandsire, his mother, his father that he was going to inherit the throne just like his mother would before him. Lucerys and him obviously knew they were bastards - it is hard to ignore when everyone looks at you in the street, points you out, suggests you are not what you say. Jacaerys also spent his entire life, especially in the Dance, trying to prove himself a worthy heir. His traits of being well-studied and righteous were given to Aemond, because there would be no debate on who to choose if not.
"Team Green writers should've written the show! They're making the Blacks too sympathetic!"
The blacks are supposed to be the sympathetic ones. They are the tragedy of the war; the close-knit family that, in their pursuit to stay together, were torn apart and murdered by themselves. Joffrey died alone. Lucerys died alone. Jacaerys died alone. Daemon died alone. Rhaenyra was the only one who died with her son. They were the epitome of a caring, loving family - and what did that get them? Their reluctance to be ruthless resulted in the cold murder of a child. Lucerys was 13 in the book - 14/15 in the show. His death should be as hard hitting and as sympathetic as Jaehaerys, but somehow, it is not. To make a joke about Vhagar ripping Arrax to pieces is funny, to make a joke about Blood and Cheese is horrible. The double standard is just *baffling* to me.
Another thing - most of TG loves Jon Snow. They think that Daenerys was mad, that she deserved to die, that she was evil. By this precedent, if you can accept a legitimized bastard on the throne in the form of Jon, why is it *so hard* to picture Jacaerys on the throne?
"They have no personality!"
They had absolutely no screentime. The writers gave a scene to a fucking *foot fetish*, and they could not give us a scene of Lucerys, Jacaerys, or Joffrey. Especially when Lucerys was going to die in that season - he had a total of 23 minutes of screentime, and near 6 minutes of lines. That is not even half of an episode worth - especially for him to just be sitting in the background. And the times when he is talking? He is made to be the most unsympathetic character, ever. Laughing at Aemond, attacking Aemond - he is used mainly as a plot device, and it's sad, because I truly believe he deserved better than that, bc Elliot Grihault is a great actor :D
might make a part 2 if this idiot in a discord RP keeps insisting tg is righteous and perfect and amazing and MY fav characters suck ass
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queenvhagar · 2 months
I think the thing that frustrates me the most, is that it feels like they are trying to “fix” Daenerys story arc after the fact. But they are simultaneously misunderstanding what people didn’t like about it while also swinging the pendulum so far in the opposite direction that it’s ruining the other characters. It’s like they're afraid that if Rhaenyra does anything wrong, has any flaws, or makes any morally questionable choices like a normal human does, then she will go mad or start going mad. If you have a character that is perfect then they're not human they are a robot. Like I feel like I am agreeing more with Jacaerys than Rhaenrya half the time. I don’t know, it just feels disappointing like a really bad fanfiction.  Like I enjoy Book Alicent and Book Rhaenrya because they were human, they had ambitions, they had goals, they had flaws. And i had some faith in season one but now I have to work myself up to watch the new episode of season 2. Instead, Rhaenrya has spent 4 -5 episodes deliberating on whether to go to war or not when I thought we had established that war was happening at the end of season 1. Peace isn’t an option, not after Luke’s death but certainly not after blood and cheese. It feels like Viserys and Rhaenrya are competing for who can deny reality for the longest, and they are both losing.  I feel like the show is like running in place going nowhere. Sorry for the rant.
The season was a waste. Most characters are at the same place they were at the start and the plot is still "war is coming." It should've been here the whole season!
Show flawed characters and give them arcs where they grow and change. Let them have realistic emotions and motivations. And understand that the original story was written the way it was with intention and purpose, and hugely changing the story in the adaptation has consequences.
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
Leigh Bardugo is an anti Daenerys Targaryen?! Omg...I knew this woman was problematic in her thinking and worldview but so much? This woman is an anti Daenerys?! Many things suddenly become clear to me. The only thing I knew about her about GOT is that she found Jaime and Brienne's relationship problematic because of the age difference they have...
I've already answered similar ask here, and I still don't know. The furthest I got in search for a source is another fan remembering there should've been something on her now deleted tumblr.
The Braime thing sounds like a funny anecdote. I wonder what she'd think about my book OTP- SanSan. :D
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