#Current Affairs In Usa
comrade-onion · 5 months
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boredlime · 2 months
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i-merani · 4 months
Follow-up to this post:
1. US has strategic interest in Europe and in Middle East. So far, US never had to make a either or decision vis a vis these two regions as mostly, voters in US and at large international system has supported America's actions. So America never had to choose between its strategic interests in Europe and in Middle East.
2. Now we have a different situation. America is involved in two wars, in two regions. Ukraine in Europe and Israel in Middle East. The development which we are seeing is the following: US cannot focus on both wars, and maintaining its influence in Middle East is considered more important for American politicians because without Israel they are losing a major startegic partner in the region. This is not the case if Ukraine loses and gets under Russian orbit because US still has rest of Europe to rely on as it's strategic partner (especially NATO members).
3. Because of limited resources (in this case term "limited" refers to a finite number of resources, not diminishing the amount of US capabilities) US has to make a choice (if you ask me, it has already made this choice): Ukraine or Israel.
US is willing to give up Ukraine in Europe (because it has trust that on the continent it has other, even more important allies, thus it's not losing its influence there) as long as it can retain Israel, and through Israel control in Middle East.
4. This strategic choice, to abandon Ukraine has already caused major rifts between US and EU. After all, no European country wants to see more of Russia on its continent (this is exactly why we are seeing news of UK and Germany and many other European countries fervently focusing on their military and defense, e.g. talking about mandatory military service again. They are afraid Russia will not stop and invade other neighboring countries)
Another layer that's added to this rift is that since Europe has no strategic goal of maintaining control in Middle East (European countries aren't major players in that region so they have no interest in there/its relegated to the US) Europe is not willing to accept such humanitarian catastrophe which is the result of US trying to achieve its objectives in Middle East.
[Little historical reminder here: the situation was reversed in previous century when UK and France were legally owners of the Suez Canal and when Egypt's president decided to nationalize said canal, they were ready to go to war — because they had strategic interests, and it was actually US who put and end to UK-France alliance against Egypt] <- this reminder is here to show you there are no "good" or "bad" states, only national interests and quest for dominance in the international system.
5. Currently the US government (Biden) is losing the support of its voters over being complicit in Palestinian genocide. It has been proven that voters' opinions do shape American foreign policy (what they are allowed to do strongly correlates to what its citizens are ready to "forgive", e.g. after 9/11 citizens' support to invade Iraq was at all times high which allowed then government to invade Iraq without fearing of losing next elections)
6. If US current government wants to remain in power, it has to decide if they are willing to give up some control in Middle East and stop supporting Israel (I say some because well, Israel would still be there and that automatically means US still being there). By doing so they could then avoid losing control in Europe because they would have time and resources to help Ukraine, thus deterring Russia's influence in Europe.
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usauthoritarianism · 5 months
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recursive360 · 1 year
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defensenow · 7 days
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faisaljaved329 · 8 days
Which screen shot deserve like?
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head-post · 21 days
Abandon Biden campaign targets Harris in key swing states
The Abandon Biden campaign announced that it was “ramping up efforts in key swing states to rally Muslim-Americans and their allies against the Harris-Walz ticket,” according to Fox News.
This action is a direct response to Kamala Harris’ support for the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
The movement, which originated in the city of Dearborn, Michigan, first targeted President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign during the primary season. It argued that the president’s continued support for Israel had led the community to send a message to the Democratic Party.
Along with movements like the Vote Uncommitted, which emerged in Dearborn around the same time, the campaign managed to get more than 100,000 voters to cast uncommitted ballots during the Michigan primary earlier this year.
Tensions between Vice President Kamala Harris and campaign leaders remain as she has failed to fully address their demands.
We are not interested in hollow rhetoric, empty platitudes, or shallow calls for a ceasefire while the Biden-Harris administration continues to send weapons to Israel, enabling the indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza and fueling a wider regional conflict. Words without meaningful action are meaningless, and the continued complicity in these atrocities will not be tolerated.
As of Sunday, the Real Clear Politics Polling average shows Harris holding a slight lead in both states, by 1.1 points in Michigan and 1.4 points in Wisconsin. The campaign has also sought to expand into other swing states, making gains in states like Minnesota during the primary season.
Abandon Biden, now Abandon Harris, will not cede a single inch. We remain firm and steadfast in our convictions and our mission to ensure that the party currently supporting, funding and enabling the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is defeated at the polls.
Read more HERE
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israelseen1 · 1 month
Victor Rosenthal: Do We Have an Ally in America? Or Something Else?
Victor Rosenthal: Do We Have an Ally in America? Or Something Else? “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel Emanuel was Chief of Staff for Barack Obama in 2009-10, and his maxim hasn’t been forgotten by the former Obama administration staffers that are making US policy toward…
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theknowledgeemporium · 2 months
#6 The Taiwan Dispute Explained: The Semiconductor Saga | Part 3 by The...
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9to9imall · 3 months
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globalnewsdesk · 5 months
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usanewsdesk · 5 months
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johnlatter · 10 months
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Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starship rocket explodes, Boca Chica USA
November the 18th, 2023: the biggest rocket ever built was launched from South Padre Island, Texas, and subsequently exploded over the Gulf of Mexico.
The disaster occurred days after Elon Musk agreed with a post on X.com that said Jewish people hold a “dialectical hatred” of white people.
Seen as being antisemitic, the post has caused much controversy*.
Even a godless fool like me wouldn't annoy a biblical god with an antisemitic post - I remember the ending of Raiders of the Lost Ark!
Seriously though, the most common name in everyday use for the archeotrauma (the psychological wound human beings and other animals sustain when their spirit is "broken") is God.
Antisemitism, like Islamophobia and all other religious hatreds, is a sign of maladjustment to a compounded archeotrauma that has been mistaken for a permanent psychological God (as opposed to any supernatural beings there may be).
On the other hand, embark on a path of reversing the archeotrauma, a process of reintegration, and the hatreds fall away.
Easier said than done, of course!
Alternative name: archaeotrauma.
Also see Evolution and Psychology Research (just a bare-bones holding page at the time of writing, but one that outlines unconventional areas of interest).
An AI (artificial intelligence) image.
*Advertising revenue has been affected. Ad spending has been paused by Apple, IBM, Disney, Paramount, Sony Pictures, Warner Brothers, Sky and NBC Universal owner Comcast.
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yamnbananas · 1 year
As The World Turns ….
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recursive360 · 1 year
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