#Crowd pleasing
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chrliekclly · 2 months ago
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kaitlin nd glenn r always so silly together
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newttxt · 11 months ago
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launching a rescue mission!
from utilities included, ch. 8
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tsuchinokoroyale · 5 months ago
Meat’s back on the menu boys 😏
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transhitman · 1 year ago
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Went to the Jhariah show in Milwaukee this past week and it went so harddd. Absolutely immaculate stage presence. My buddy took a photo during the song Sunsets and the lighting was NUTS. They look like they're blasting us with radiation. Angelic glow... I HAD to do a study of it. Stream PIN-EYE NEOWWW!!!
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twosignificantfigures · 5 months ago
whenever i rewatch criminal minds episodes i'm always reminded that emily is actually crazy good at her job
today i was rewatching seven seconds (best cm episode ever btw nothing will ever top seven seconds) and if you look at emily's face when the uncle was explaining that maybe katie was just playing dress-up you can see in her eyes how she put the pieces together in her head that there was something going on and that the uncle may have done something to katie
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it's even more obvious when you watch the clip like you see the moment when it clicks for her but she couldn't say anything unless she had proof of it
and i have to admire paget's acting here too because she was just so good at the subtle changes with just her eyes and body language she was just too good in this ep this was HER ep
i still get chills thinking about the scene where she was getting the aunt to confess what she did to katie and goes "you have robbed katie of her childhood, are you going to steal the rest of her life from her as well?" with so much fury and passion my god she is excellent
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raplinenthusiasts · 1 year ago
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crowd passed the rapline vibe check
© jung-koook
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parasiticstars · 7 months ago
If you see an ask with the starter “I know this is a long shot/shoot” then goes on about diabetes and insulin treatment, it’s a scam profiting off of Palestinians who actually need help.
Multiple different accounts have sent me the exact same story with only a few words changed and I’ve seen it boosted on others.
Do not boost or answer it.
A list of vetted donations.
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loveydoveylex · 11 months ago
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dcbatbitches · 1 year ago
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Consider, Cassandra Cain does lion dance.
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sysig · 6 months ago
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I really like @theratpy​‘s Dr. Zo :D I like him for normal reasons don’t even worry about it don’t read into it at all haha (Patreon)
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Bonus Ratticus
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musingmanor · 5 months ago
Hey guys could you guys kindly donate to my Kofi, Not only do i need new tablet + software (i make money thru my art) , but i need some extra funds bc not only am i not employed but after being duped into a scam (i was talkint to these ppl for days and was under the impression i was going to be hired but foundout a bit too late they were a fraud place) my mom has cut me off finacially deeming me unworthy of her funds and i have like $80 in my bank acc alone. this isnt really good for my mental health esp since i have an ab/usive parent and may be homeless since she isnt starting to cut me off bit by bit after draining me for years finacially.
edit: If you wanna buy some adopts off my shop theyre still up
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unamourdeswann · 8 months ago
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Swann Arlaud giving a speech at Rassemblement et concert contre l'extrême droite, 03.07.2024, la République à Paris
Bonsoir. Bonsoir.
La responsabilité de ceux qui ont diabolisé la gauche est énorme. Ce sont les mêmes qui ont banalisé les discours d'extrême droite, le racisme et la xénophobie. Depuis des années, ils le font partout, chaque fois qu'ils peuvent. Et pourquoi ils font ça ?
Parce qu'ils préfèrent gouverner avec l'extrême droite qu'avec la gauche. Parce qu'ils savent très bien que le Rassemblement national n'est pas l'ennemi du capital, parce qu'ils veulent protéger leurs intérêts. Parce qu'ils veulent, que rien ne change, parce qu'ils partagent. La même haine des étrangers, la même obsession pour la sécurité. Parce qu'ils n'en ont rien à foutre de la planète!
Et ne lui il faut pas nous tromper, derrière le discours policer du RN se cachent la haine de l'autre. Le mépris du droit des femmes et la protection des puissants et les puissants le savent. Ils savent que leur RN ne touchera pas à leurs privilèges, ils savent qu'ils n'empêcheront pas l'industrie de continuer à détruire pour mieux s'enrichir. Ils savent qu'ils continueront à s'attaquer au plus faible, aux plus démunis, ceux-là même qui placent un espoir en eux parce qu'ils ont été oubliés depuis des décennies par tous les gouvernements successifs.
Alors ils agitent l'épouvantail, ils agitent le diable, le couteau entre les dents. Alors c'est les "islamo gauchistes", c'est les "féminazis", c'est les "éco terroristes". Mais en fait, il suffit de lire un peu les programmes, il est où le diable ?
Et vous le savez déjà. Vous le savez déjà, on y est déjà toute forme de contestation et criminalisée. C'est la police antiterroriste qui va déloger les militants écolos pacifistes chez eux à 06h00 du matin. Aujourd'hui, dénoncer le massacre du peuple palestinien est considéré comme un acte antisémite. Et lutter pour ses droits, pour la liberté, la solidarité, l'égalité des peuples, des êtres, dénoncer les abus, les violences, tout ça est considérer comme violent et dangereux. Ils ont- ils ont inversé les rôles, ils ont- ils ont détruit le langage, ils ont déplacé le sens des mots.
Et si on est là, c'est parce qu'on voudrait que demain ce soit pas encore pire.
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ohfucccnaw · 1 year ago
tw: death
My last post lost traction, and I’m still in desperate need of help. On November 21st, 2023, my father who I cared for and my cat passed away in a house fire while I was at an appointment. I am beyond devastated, I have lost everything and am starting completely over. Anything helps, even just a share of the fundraiser created for me, or a reblog. Thank you.
V3nmo: @m0th28
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infamouslydorky · 6 months ago
Anyone notice Von Karma smiles crooked?
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Wonder if it's a habit that could potentially bother him given it isn't symmetrical and perhaps not "perfect"
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bhaalsdeepbat · 1 year ago
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Just a chihuahua and his two-for-one emotional support large dog / guard dog combo
Mercy (Durge) & Astarion by @tadpole-apocalypse.
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scaramutual · 4 months ago
f/ovember questions that aren't 𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰
AKA: Things you'd ask a normal person in a normal conversation about relationships. for any of the besties out there who are perhaps nervous or put-off from roleplaying this month because of the cloying questions we tend to be asked
practice reblog karma 🦢 lest I bite you
What's something s/o does that drives you absolutely off the walls? Do you have a pet peeve that they always forget?
Like 1... but reversed! Does s/o ever get frustrated with you for petty reasons?
Sleeping habits - does anyone tend to run cold and need more blankets? Does this annoy the other? Feel free to elaborate on other tendencies ^_^
How are you guys in public? Is it easy to get tasks done, or do any of you tend to be scatterbrained or anxious? How do you work around those problems?
Adding on to 4, where do you usually go? How often? Feel free to be vague ... would be a shame to doxx your location in Narnia or wherever ☺
Any plans for the future? Children, pets, houses, etc. The usual! Or maybe you've got something more uncommon in mind?
Does s/o like the in-laws? Do you like YOUR in-laws? How are the congregations on holidays? Found family welcome also! (Free space if for some reason you're both friendless orphans)
Anything you like to watch together? What about something you like to watch but s/o HATES? & do they put aside their grievances for you? [TV centered, but video/board games & internet channels included depending on setting! go crazy]
Quick ― favorite & least favorite holidays? What about something you wouldn't normally celebrate that's a staple now because of your partner? Or maybe you used to recognize a holiday but no longer do?
How far along would you say your relationship is? & how long have you been together?
What was your first impression of s/o vs. your current opinion?
Before your relationship, what conflicts were in the way of getting together? Were they self-imposed or from another person or establishment?
Have you ever lied to s/o? If so, was it major or a simple white lie? Give us the Details ...
Would you say you ever imagined your life going this way, or was it completely out of left field?
Do you enjoy answering questions? ☺
❄️ Free space ― give us a random thought, anecdote, opinion, anything!
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