#Creme Fraîche
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askwhatsforlunch · 3 months ago
Creamy Sage Polenta
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Another deliciously comforting, and blissfully simple dish for a cold and wet Autumn day, this Creamy Sage Polenta makes both an easy main or a nice side to slowly stewed meat!
Ingredients (serves 2):
1/2 cup semi-skimmed milk
1 1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt
3 fluffy sprigs Garden Sage 
3/4 cup polenta
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/4 cup crème fraîche or sour cream
In a large saucepan, combine milk, water and coarse sea salt.
Cut Garden Sage Leaves off the stalks, and add Sage stalks to the saucepan. Heat over a medium flame until simmering. Remove Sage stalks.
Finely chop Sage Leaves.
Add polenta all at once, energetically stirring with a whisk to prevent lumps from forming. Whisk constantly until mixture thickens. Once it has, whisk in butter. Finally, stir in chopped Sage and crème fraîche until completely melted and you have a beautifully smooth polenta.
Serve Creamy Sage Polenta hot, topped with anchovies or Tapenade, if you wish.
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sigmasoyboy · 11 days ago
Heyhey, i just saw this answer and realized that we need more lore about our trio ;)
Everyone seems to be talking about them on other "pages" of yours too and i have to admid they are getting more and more intriguing xD <3
long time coming but I'm happy to report I have finally finished Elov, Wallace and Lesley's profiles in my OC directory ! ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )
also here's some slightly reworked titbits about them that are still relevant from an old retrospring answer, as a treat:
- he was his father's muse up to his late teen (replacing his mother who resented him for it). His father's work was very controversial because of it's eroticism being present even when photographing his underage son, though nothing was ever done about it as the work remained ambiguously artistic. - he started going to clubs meant for adults as early as 13 because his parents knew a lot of people. He almost never hung out with people his age. - his need for thrill is def pathological. Boredom drives him insane, he has to be doing some sort of stupid, dangerous shit constantly and only thrives in chaos. This has led him to self-sabotage a lot, including fucking up his relationship and chance at stability with Wallace. - he thrifts most of his clothes and has very rarely worn an outfit more than once since he started killing. His goal is to look as trashy and provocative as possible so he has no qualm picking lingerie, tiny dresses, mini shorts and skirts in the women's section. He sometimes also steals clothes from the villas he breaks into; he discards those all the same. - his modus operandi is to hitchhike in the evening and wait for an unsuspecting guy to pick him up -if he gets picked up by a woman, a couple or a family, he will simply hitch a ride without harming anyone. When it is just a man he will usually wait either for an empty stretch of road or for the guy to respond to his flirting, wether by stopping and engaging in more or flipping out and trying to attack him/get him out of the car. Elov likes to play rough and fight, the thrill comes from the uncertainty of his own survival so he will pick men who are bigger than him (not complicated). He's not scared to strike when the car is still moving but his favorite situations is when he gets to make the first move when sex was initiated, totally surprising his victim, though he sometimes treats himself to striking at climax. - he's a messy, careless killer. Once his victim is dead, he steals whatever he needs from them, changes his clothes (he always has a spare in his bag) which he will just throw in the next container and at most drives the care a little further off-road, but that's the most he'll do in term of disposal. Leaving tons of evidence behind is part of the thrill. - his favorite food is those little canapé with fish roe, creme fraîche, chopped red onion and lemon. In general, he loves tiny appetizer food, probably because he grew up eating mostly this since his parents were so often invited to gallery openings and such. It does means he quickly developed a palate for very 'grown-up' foods such as raw oysters or blue cheese, in part in an effort to act mature for his age.
Wallace: - before his arrest, he was a cellist for the Uppsala Chamber Orchestra. He would also offer private cello lessons on the side. - he also had a cat named Mitzi who he was really fond of. Sadly for Mitzi and despite his sister trying to pretend a family member did indeed take her in after his arrest, she was put down. He wasn't fooled in the slightest by the lie. - nonetheless, he still has a fondness for cats. Their feisty temper amuses him. On the other hand, he doesn't like loud and unruly dogs much. - he was closeted until his arrest. During the only phone-call he had with him after, his father made it very clear that to him the most vile part of his murders was their homosexual nature. - the only family he still has contact with is his younger cousin. They sometimes dine together once he is free but rarely as she lives in the capital, is busy with her studies and, despite holding onto the memory of the nice cousin who shared her fondness for music strongly enough to still see him despite everything, she's still just wary enough not to feel comfortable staying at his place, even though he has never harmed a woman. This hurts him, but also that's what you get when you killed people, so he doesn't say anything about it. - he doesn't have much of an opinion on his nickname but dislikes being called like this to his face. - he successfully sued for breach of physician-patient confidentiality when his unauthorized biography was published. This went public and stirred much conversation about wether or not someone like him should be allowed the right to privacy. - his very first kill was actually reported as an accidental death by auto-erotic asphyxiation that he merely 'discovered'. It was only revealed he had intentionally left his friend, who he had offered to "spot" for, die after the publishing of said biography, as he hadn't confessed to it even to the court. He told his former therapist that he was so deeply transfixed by it that he found himself unwilling to help, he also mentioned the unreciprocated romantic feelings he harboured for the victim and admitted to masturbating to the scene before calling the police, details the press ate up and he wishes had stayed private. - before meeting Elov, Wallace wasn't really interested in trying to apply for parole even if he was nearing the end of his 18 year sentence, in part because he believed it was both hopeless and that he had nothing to return to anyway. Elov convinced him by showing his interest in him wasn't merely edgy morbid fascination- or perhaps he just let himself be convinced that he saw more in him than just a potentially dangerous boyfriend to titillate his adrenaline addiction. - even though he has explored much of the underlying issues that led him to murder in his youth and has agreed to how wrong what he did was, he cannot grasp remorse beyond the concept itself, which frustrates him greatly. Nonetheless, this awareness did lead to his therapist judging him to no longer be a threat to others. - before Elov grew tired of having to wait for his parole to end, he had planned to use his Scottish citizenship to move there with him and start anew, even thinking of registering for civil union. That's how infatuated he was with him. If his prescription hadn't ran out he might have been able to move on from the relationship, though with much difficulty. - he learned quite a bit of cooking in prison but became most interested in it when he applied for parole, as him and Elov made plans to live together. He was a decent cook before he was arrested but he tended to neglect feeding himself correctly, generally only eating real meals during family dinners and when eating outside. - his favorite food is black pudding with a simple side of mashed potatoes. Funnily enough, he does prefer the swedish blodpudding to the scottish one, though he likes both and did crave a full scottish breakfast as soon as he knew he would be released, which he did get to eat (though it paled next to the real thing). He is no picky eater and has always been eager to try new cuisine.
Lesley: - he currently has seven rats and an old Irish Wolfhound named Thaddeus that used to be the family dog. He cares for all of them as diligently as he tends to the garden and the orchard. He's most comfortable when he's surrounded by animals and plants, but he's also deeply lonely. - he only vaguely identifies as male, but it's mostly because he has trouble identifying as a person to begin with. His body feels foreign to him and he prefers not to see too much of it, stripping only to shower, where he tends to dissociate heavily. - he had trouble with people following the incident so he was home-schooled. - to this day, he feels uneasy being driven anywhere and prefers to be in control of the vehicle. He drives an old beat-up 1980 suzuki carry to work. - his grandfather was quite interested in "new" technology and would let him play on his computers (starting with a commodore 64). This is what got him into tinkering with computers. - his modus operandi is to befriend suicidal users online, offer to meet in person, drug them and slit their throat to offer them a quick death wether or not they still spoke of wanting to die when they did meet. - he was only nineteen when he first killed, making him the one who started the youngest, but he also is the one who has killed the least, as befriending his victims is slow and does not always work. - despite Elov thinking he is one, he does not considers himself a killer. On the other hand, he's more preoccupied with being unable to tell wether Elov does wish to die or not than with the fact that he has a killer under his roof. Elov's promiscuity is not helping with either, and Lesley is too touch-starved for reason to prevail. - his favorite food is curries in general and his grandma's hand pies which contains, you guessed it, curry. He has learned to make them and still do to this day. He also kept the habit of drinking 'Chocolate de Maní' (a sort of roasted peanut and cinnamon warm drink, which despite the name contains no cocoa) every week-end even after his grandparents passed. Ironically, even if he is ok with seafood, he dislikes fish. He's very set in his habits and does not really seek new flavors.
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fullcravings · 2 years ago
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Rhubarb Rolls with Crème Fraîche Glaze Recipe
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zeraavyast · 8 months ago
Crème Fraîche Cookie (Alternative self of Clotted cream) meets Clotted Cream Cookie :3
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“Even though I’m you from an existential world of the Omniverse, you’ll never become one that everyone knows…” — Creme Fraîche
This will probably be part of Chapter 5 of my series, Cookie Run: Order & Chaos. It will be a banger tbh.
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aurianneor · 1 month ago
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Trop chou
Recette de chou
Pour chou frisé, chou chinois, chou Pet Sai, chou blanc, chou de Pontoise, ou chou de Milan.
Plus les ingrédients sont sains, meilleure sera la recette au goût et pour la santé: de saison, local, du jardin bio, AMAP, permaculture bio, agriculture régénérative, label rouge, etc.
Couper le chou très fin. Les plonger dans l’eau pour bien le rincer.
Couper 200g de lard et 4 oignons en dés.
Mettre le lard à griller dans une poële jusqu’à ce qu’il soit bien grillé.
Ajouter 3 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive et les oignons jusqu’à ce qu’ils deviennent transparents.
Ajouter 1/2 verre d’eau jusqu’à ce que les oignons soient marrons et mous.
Ajouter les bouts de chou dans la poele avec un verre d’eau.
Remuer régulièrement pour éviter que le chou accroche au fond. Ajouter de l’eau si besoin (si l’eau s’est évaporée).
Quand le chou est mou, rajouter entre 10 et 15 cl de crème fraîche. Saler, poivrer puis servir.
Mes chouchous: https://www.aurianneor.org/mes-chouchous-salade-rouge-puree-violette/
Si tu ne te laves pas les oreilles, t’auras des choux qui vont pousser; à moins que… tu t’intéresses à ce que tu mets sur ta peau!: https://www.aurianneor.org/si-tu-ne-te-laves-pas-les-oreilles-tauras-des/
Recettes véganes: https://www.aurianneor.org/recettes-veganes/
C’est râpé!: https://www.aurianneor.org/cest-rape/
Thomas Mozart: https://www.aurianneor.org/thomas-mozart-plus-la-qualite-des-produits-est/
L’arbre-brocoli: https://www.aurianneor.org/larbre-brocoli-changer-un-arbre-en-brocoli/
Poirococo: https://www.aurianneor.org/poirococo-pour-se-regaler-au-quotidien-ou-oser/
Super Tomate: https://www.aurianneor.org/super-tomate-il-y-a-quelques-temps-maintenant-ma/
Le camembert de la ratatouille: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-camembert-de-la-ratatouille-si-tu-rates-tu/
Ancient Rome Vegetables: https://www.aurianneor.org/ancient-rome-vegetable-plus-les-ingredients-sont/
CCC: https://www.aurianneor.org/ccc-la-recette-preferee-de-mes-enfants-plus-les/
Oh purée! du céleri-rave !: https://www.aurianneor.org/oh-puree-du-celeri-rave-si-vous-le-souhaitez/
Empanada franco-gallega: https://www.aurianneor.org/empanada-franco-gallega-je-suis-francaise-je-nai/
Malgré les champignons: https://www.aurianneor.org/malgre-les-champignons-plus-les-ingredients-sont/
Ta Jean, My Jeans, Mon Gin: https://www.aurianneor.org/ta-jean-my-jeans-mon-gin-plus-la-qualite-des/
Pain à l’oeil: https://www.aurianneor.org/pain-a-loeil-jai-essaye-de-nombreuses-recettes/
Pamplemousse sur le pouce: https://www.aurianneor.org/pamplemousse-sur-le-pouce-ya-meme-pas-de-mousse/
Honey, ice-cream please!: https://www.aurianneor.org/honey-ice-cream-please-1-cui-a-soupe-de-miel/
Miss Terra Cheers me up: https://www.aurianneor.org/miss-terra-cheers-me-up-tira-terra-earth-soil-2/
Far à la flotte: https://www.aurianneor.org/far-breton-leau-cest-fait-pour-naviguer-ou-se/
Yaourt-hier Yaourt d’aujourd’hui: https://www.aurianneor.org/yaourt-hier-yaourt-daujourdhui-garanti-sans/
Le mon coeur: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-mon-coeur-le-mon-coeur-na-pas-du-tout-le-gout/
Healthy Nutella: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-nutella-plus-la-qualite-des-produits-est/
Brioches Butchy fourrées au chocolat: https://www.aurianneor.org/brioche-butchy-brioche-a-la-creme-fraiche-la/
Cook cookies: https://www.aurianneor.org/cook-cookies/
Healthy Soda: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-soda-le-jus-d12-citron-1l-deau/
Boissons maison – Chaudes ou froides et surtout moins sucrées: https://www.aurianneor.org/boissons-maison-chaudes-ou-froides-et-surtout/
Coffee invitation: https://www.aurianneor.org/coffee-invitation-a-beverage-and-a-conversation/
Tisane pour la gorge: https://www.aurianneor.org/tisane-pour-la-gorge-vous-pouvez-ajouter-du-miel/
Chacun sa sauce et sa saucée: https://www.aurianneor.org/chacun-sa-sauce-et-sa-saucee-vous-navez-pas/
L’aile ou la cuisse: https://www.aurianneor.org/laile-ou-la-cuisse-wikipedia-laile-ou-la/
Nano Confiance: https://www.aurianneor.org/nano-confiance-affaire-des-oeufs-contamines-les/
Le goût et la santé: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-gout-et-la-sante-savoir-lire-les-etiquettes/
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xaytheloser · 9 months ago
HII thought i could yeet another cookie oc at u so this is bakestone cookie :]
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shes a buff tank paladin and a sweet butchie with a big heart, as big as her muscles. i ship her w/ financier for self-indulgement too >:)
move outta the way Financier I wanna smooch /silly
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Emerald Cookie!! (she/her) she's a gem mermaid (woah crazy), and she lives on land in the Creme Republic!! she's also very GAY and loves kissing WOMEN!! she has a girlfriend called Buttermilk Cookie, she used to live with Buttermilk Cookie and her brother, Crème fraîche Cookie, but due to certain events (Crème fraîche Cookie actually was in love with Emerald Cookie oooh dramaaaaaa-), she moved out, luckily, she managed to make a decent living for herself, and still has some financial aid from Buttermilk Cookie, going by the alias of Kelp Cookie :33
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Apple Pie Cookie!! (he/him), deadass I made him SOLELY to ship him with the dragon cookies- Apple Pie Cookie lived alone in the forest with his mother and little sister, who were sadly slaughtered one day when he was out looking for firewood.. he later became a paladin, hoping one day to help find his family's killer and bring them to justice. also he's trans teehee :3
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hernakedmuse · 2 years ago
👑 I want one!!! Do me!!!
You got it Amber Louiseeee
You're Lady Ambre, Baroness of Alsace. A lady in waiting to Queen Catherine, widowed by The Baron of Alsace who perished in war, and have his two wonderful children, but they are only wonderful because of you. You were strange for baroness for you didn't even let them have a wet nurse, which was frowned upon back then. They're your children though and you didn't care.
Hal obviously met you through his wife. Obviously he noticed how beautiful you are, like some fairy from his childhood fairytales but it was your sweet and sensitive nature, unlike other noble women you showed your feelings about everything, when you found something sad you became inconsolably weepy and your creme de fraîche skin flushed rosewater, pretty eyelashes fluttering away diamonds of tears and breasts heaving distractedly. When you are happy your creamy skin still flushed rosy and your breasts jiggled distractedly and sometimes diamonds of tears did escape your eyes, but you let out the most adorable laugh that reminded him of a happy life he never did have.
Seeing how warm and doting you are as a mother made him want to have you bear his.
He threw a lavish ball like the ones in French court, they all thought it was for the war they all thought the style was for the French queen, but it was for her lady in waiting to remind her of home. And in the darkest corner of the garden you found yourself pressed against hisbody and your skirts up.
The queen became cold to you when you became his mistress. Hal was very possessive of you and doting to your children, he wanted them to forget all about their father and be their father. He wanted to consume your entire life and world, he wanted to be your sun your center. When he got you pregnant he became even more mad and obsessed for you that there were even silly rumors that he would poison the queen to make you queen.
He never sought for anyone else.
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thebeautycove · 1 year ago
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CHANEL CHANCE - Novità! Il coffret in Edizione Limitata con le creme mani in formato travel 20 ml nelle tre profumazioni: Chance (floreale speziato note ambrate), Chance Eau Tendre (gelsomino, mela cotogna, muschi), Chance Eau Fraîche (cedro, gelsomino, note verdi aromatiche). Spassose e gioiose come le fragranze omonime, perfette da portare in borsa sempre e ovunque per mantenere idratate e morbide le mani.
Online qui
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openingnightposts · 23 days ago
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askwhatsforlunch · 4 months ago
Tarragon and Porcini Mushroom Chicken Fricassée
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Hearty and deliciously creamy, this Tarragon and Porcini Mushroom Chicken Fricassée is just one of those perfectly indulgent dishes for a cold Autumn day. Happy Tuesday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
1/4 cup dried porcini mushrooms
1 cup boiling water
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 beautiful legs (preferably free-range) chicken
1 small onion
2 very fluffy sprigs Garden Tarragon
1 small garlic clove, minced
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel or sea salt flakes
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
3/4 cup crème fraîche or sour cream
1 tablespoon demerara sugar
Spoon dried porcini mushrooms in a bowl. Cover with boiling water. Cover with cling film, and set aside, one hour, until plumped up.
Heat olive oil in a large, deep skillet over medium-high heat.
Once hot, add chicken legs, and fry until browned on all sides, about 3 minutes on each side.
Remove chicken legs from the skillet and transfer to a plate; set aside.
Drain plumped up porcini mushrooms, keeping their soaking liquid.
Peel and finely chop onion, and stir into the skillet. Fry, a couple of minutes.
Finely chop half of the Garden Tarragon, and stir into the skillet. Cook, 1 minute more.
Add minced garlic, and cook, another minute.
Roughly chop porcini mushrooms, and stir into the skillet. Cook, a couple of minutes.
Deglaze with apple cider vinegar, and cook out, 1 minute.
Return chicken legs to the skillet, along with their resting juices. Season them on both sides, with fleur de sel and black pepper.
Stir in reserved mushroom liquor, and bring to a slow boil. Reduce heat to medium low, cover with a lid, and simmer, about 20 to 25 minutes, until chicken is cooked.
Remove chicken legs once more from the skillet; keep them warm.
Stir in crème fraîche into the skillet. Add demerara sugar and increase heat back to high. Allow to reduce, a couple of minutes.
Finely chop remaining Tarragon, and stir into the skillet. Add a bit of water to loosen the sauce slightly, if necessary.
Finally, return chicken legs to the pot, cover with the lid, and cook, a last couple of minutes.
Serve Tarragon and Porcini Mushroom Chicken Fricassée hot, onto fluffy white rice, wheat berry or.
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sizzledad · 4 months ago
Schnelle Cheeseburger Suppe aus dem Dutch Oven ist die beste Käsesuppe - Rezept DADs BBQ
Wenn du ein Fan von cremigen, herzhaften Suppen und gleichzeitig Cheeseburger-Liebhaber bist, dann wird diese Cheeseburger-Suppe aus dem Dutch Oven dein neues Lieblingsrezept! Sie ist vollgepackt mit würzigem Hackfleisch, cremigem Käse und knackigem Gemüse, das alles in einer sämigen Brühe verschmilzt. Perfekt für kalte Tage und gemütliche Lagerfeuerabende.
Das Rezept zu Cheeseburger Suppe aus dem Dutch Oven findest Du hier:https://barbecue-rezepte.de/recipe/cheeseburger-suppe-aus-dem-dutch-oven Zutaten 500 g Rinderhackfleisch 1 Stück Zwiebel 2 Stück Knoblauchzehen 2 Stück mittelgroße Karotten 2 Stück Stangen Sellerie 500 ml Rinderbrühe 200 g Cheddar 200 ml Creme Fraîche oder Sahne 2 Stück Kartoffeln (vorwiegend festkochend) 1 EL Butter 1 EL Mehl 1/2 TL Salz 1/2 TL Pfeffer 1 EL Tomatenmark 1 EL Senf Gewürzgurkenscheiben optionales Topping bacon optionales Topping frische Petersilie optionales Topping Baguette optionales Topping
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aurianneor · 19 days ago
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Trop chou
Receta de la col
Para col rizada, col china, col Pet Sai, col blanca, col de Pontoise, col de Milán, Repollo o Bok choy.
Cuanto más sanos sean los ingredientes, más sabrosa y saludable será la receta: de temporada, locales, de la huerta ecológica, AMAP, permacultura ecológica, agricultura regenerativa, label rouge, etc.
Picar la col muy fina. Sumergir en agua para aclararla bien.
Picar 200 g de bacon y 4 cebollas.
Asar el bacon en una sartén hasta que esté bien tostado.
Añadir 3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva y las cebollas hasta que estén transparentes.
Añadir 1/2 vaso de agua hasta que las cebollas estén doradas y blandas.
Añadir las puntas de la col a la sartén con un vaso de agua.
Remover regularmente para evitar que la col se pegue al fondo. Añadir más agua si es necesario (si el agua se ha evaporado).
Cuando la col esté blanda, añada entre 10 y 15 cl de nata fresca (crème fraîche). Salpimentar y servir.
Trop chou: https://www.aurianneor.org/trop-chou/
Trop chou: https://www.aurianneor.org/trop-chou-2/
Mes chouchous: https://www.aurianneor.org/mes-chouchous-salade-rouge-puree-violette/
Si tu ne te laves pas les oreilles, t’auras des choux qui vont pousser; à moins que… tu t’intéresses à ce que tu mets sur ta peau!: https://www.aurianneor.org/si-tu-ne-te-laves-pas-les-oreilles-tauras-des/
Recetas veganas: https://www.aurianneor.org/recetas-veganas/
C’est râpé! ¡Está rallado!: https://www.aurianneor.org/cest-rape-3/
Empanada franco-gallega: https://www.aurianneor.org/empanada-franco-gallega-soy-frances-ni-siquiera/
Cook cookies: https://www.aurianneor.org/cook-cookies-3/
Thomas Mozart: https://www.aurianneor.org/thomas-mozart-plus-la-qualite-des-produits-est/
L’arbre-brocoli: https://www.aurianneor.org/larbre-brocoli-changer-un-arbre-en-brocoli/
Poirococo: https://www.aurianneor.org/poirococo-pour-se-regaler-au-quotidien-ou-oser/
Super Tomate: https://www.aurianneor.org/super-tomate-il-y-a-quelques-temps-maintenant-ma/
Le camembert de la ratatouille: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-camembert-de-la-ratatouille-si-tu-rates-tu/
Ancient Rome Vegetables: https://www.aurianneor.org/ancient-rome-vegetable-plus-les-ingredients-sont/
CCC: https://www.aurianneor.org/ccc-la-recette-preferee-de-mes-enfants-plus-les/
Oh purée! du céleri-rave !: https://www.aurianneor.org/oh-puree-du-celeri-rave-si-vous-le-souhaitez/
Malgré les champignons: https://www.aurianneor.org/malgre-les-champignons-plus-les-ingredients-sont/
Ta Jean, My Jeans, Mon Gin: https://www.aurianneor.org/ta-jean-my-jeans-mon-gin-plus-la-qualite-des/
Pain à l’oeil: https://www.aurianneor.org/pain-a-loeil-jai-essaye-de-nombreuses-recettes/
Pamplemousse sur le pouce: https://www.aurianneor.org/pamplemousse-sur-le-pouce-ya-meme-pas-de-mousse/
Honey, ice-cream please!: https://www.aurianneor.org/honey-ice-cream-please-1-cui-a-soupe-de-miel/
Miss Terra Cheers me up: https://www.aurianneor.org/miss-terra-cheers-me-up-tira-terra-earth-soil-2/
Far à la flotte: https://www.aurianneor.org/far-breton-leau-cest-fait-pour-naviguer-ou-se/
Yaourt-hier Yaourt d’aujourd’hui: https://www.aurianneor.org/yaourt-hier-yaourt-daujourdhui-garanti-sans/
Le mon coeur: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-mon-coeur-le-mon-coeur-na-pas-du-tout-le-gout/
Healthy Nutella: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-nutella-plus-la-qualite-des-produits-est/
Brioches Butchy fourrées au chocolat: https://www.aurianneor.org/brioche-butchy-brioche-a-la-creme-fraiche-la/
Healthy Soda: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-soda-le-jus-d12-citron-1l-deau/
Boissons maison – Chaudes ou froides et surtout moins sucrées: https://www.aurianneor.org/boissons-maison-chaudes-ou-froides-et-surtout/
Coffee invitation: https://www.aurianneor.org/coffee-invitation-a-beverage-and-a-conversation/
Chacun sa sauce et sa saucée: https://www.aurianneor.org/chacun-sa-sauce-et-sa-saucee-vous-navez-pas/
L’aile ou la cuisse: https://www.aurianneor.org/laile-ou-la-cuisse-wikipedia-laile-ou-la/
Nano Confiance: https://www.aurianneor.org/nano-confiance-affaire-des-oeufs-contamines-les/
Le goût et la santé: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-gout-et-la-sante-savoir-lire-les-etiquettes/
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indietapes · 5 months ago
South of France - Creme Fraiche (Indie Pop)
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🕑 1 min / Text: Franklin Release Date: Sep 24, 2024 South of France is no stranger to IndieTapes, and we're stoked to share another fantastic release by the talented American musician and producer Jeff Cormack : "Crème Fraîche" is a track that captivates the listener with a unique psychedelic soundscape, a catchy chorus, and a smooth midtempo groove. If you dig it, make sure to check out the track "Anywhere With You" on Spotify too! Stream: https://open.spotify.com/track/4XuUftZn15dUifENWHQ08X Follow: www.instagram.com/southoffrance ✔️ Available on our Indie Playlist on Spotify.
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lekkerresepte · 5 months ago
Baked Ziti
This baked ziti uses ricotta, mozzarella, and creme fraîche to make a bubbly, rich pasta with a hearty, spinach-flecked red sauce loaded with flavor. The creme fraîche keeps things silky, adds dimension, and is a game changer. A family favorite that freezes well and happily feeds a crowd. Continue reading Baked Ziti on 101 Cookbooks http://dlvr.it/TDS0S2
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 1 year ago
Rhubarb & Cod
Recipe :
4 1/2 cup ramekins
1 small saucepan
1 large heatproof bowl
1 large mixing bowl
1 ice cream scoop
1 small offset spatula
📍 Chocolate Lava Cakes
240g (8oz) semi-sweet chocolate chips
7 tbsp unsalted butter cut into cubes
⅓ cup granulated sugar
2 large egg yolks
2 large eggs
¼ tsp kosher salt
4 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 batch Dark Chocolate Crème Fraîche Ganache see above
icing sugar for dusting
Additional crème fraîche for serving
fresh raspberries for serving
fresh mint leaves for serving
📍 For the Lava Cakes
Preheat your oven to 375°F. Grease 4 1/2 cup ramekins very thoroughly with butter and dust with cocoa. Place them on a small baking sheet and set them aside.
Place the semi-sweet chocolate chips in a heat-proof bowl. Add the unsalted butter and place the bowl over the saucepan of simmering water and stir occasionally until the butter and chocolate melt into each other to form a cohesive, smooth mixture.
240g (8oz) semi-sweet chocolate chips,7 tbsp unsalted butter
While you’re waiting for the chocolate to melt, pour the granulated sugar into a large bowl. Add the yolks, eggs, and salt. Whisk until frothy.
⅓ cup granulated sugar,2 large egg yolks,2 large eggs,¼ tsp kosher salt
Once the chocolate has melted, take it off of the heat and pour it into the egg mixture. Whisk as quickly as you can to prevent the eggs from cooking. Once the chocolate is well integrated, whisk in the flour.
4 tbsp all-purpose flour
Take the ganache out of the fridge and retrieve your greased ramekins. Using an ice cream scoop, place a scoop of cake batter into the bottom of each ramekin. Place one tablespoon of the ganache in the center of and top with another scoop of the batter. Using a small offset spatula, smooth the surface. Transfer the ramekins to the oven and bake for 25 minutes.
1 batch Dark Chocolate Crème Fraîche Ganache
When your cakes are done, take them out of the oven and let them sit for a minute or two to settle. *** Run an offset spatula carefully around the sides of the cake. Place the ramekin on a tea towel and place a small plate on top. Invert the ramekin onto the plate and carefully remove it. Dust the Chocolate Lava Cakes with icing sugar and garnish with a dollop of creme fraiche, fresh raspberries, and mint. Serve immediately.
icing sugar,Additional crème fraîche,fresh raspberries,fresh mint leaves
** You want a bowl small enough to form a seal along the lip of the pot and large enough to not touch the surface of the simmering water. We want about an inch or two of space between the bowl and the water. You want the water to be at a spirited simmer throughout the melting process. If it comes to a hard boil, reduce the heat and stir clear of any escaping steam.
*** Don’t leave the cakes too long. You want to serve them while they’re still liquid in the center. So make sure you have your garnishes at the ready.
text from Rhubarb & Cod ◠‿◠ 💗 Thanks~*
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Chocolate Lava Cakes
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 months ago
Pâtes à la Poutargue
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On a grey and rainy day, these deliciously creamy Pâtes à la Poutargue bring a bit of Southern France sunshine to your lunch! A hearty dish to brighten your day! Happy Wednesday!
Ingredients (serves 1):
2 large fresh kale leaves, rinsed
1 ¼ cup whole-wheat penne (or other short pasta)
1 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1 lemon
1/3 cup crème fraîche or sour cream
½ teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
about 30 grams/1 ounce Poutargue
Bring a pot of lightly salted water to the boil. Once boiling, add penne to the pot of salted boiling water and cook, according to package’s directions, about 9 to 11 minutes until al dente.
In the meantime, heat olive oil in a medium, deep skillet, over medium heat.
Grate in the zest of the half the lemon. Cook, 1 minute more.
Once the pasta is cooked, drain, saving about ¼ cup of its starchy water, and stir pasta into the oil. Cook, a couple of minutes.
Thoroughly squeeze in the juice of the whole lemon.
Stir in crème fraîche, and gradually add starchy pasta water. Season with cracked black pepper. Reduce heat to medium-low.
Grate in half of the Poutargue, and give a good stir to combine.
Cook, a couple of minutes more until sauce just thickens.
Enjoy Pâtes à la Poutargue hot, topped with a generous grating of remaining Poutargue.
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