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digi-lov · 2 months ago
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Bukamon EX8-002 and Crabmon EX8-017 by Iori Sunakura from EX-08 Extra Booster Chain of Liberation
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digimoninteractions · 10 months ago
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Dingo / Derek & Crabmon (02x41)
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gomamontrash · 7 months ago
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Crabmon BT15-019 (featuring a cheeky Gomamon!)
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ask-the-toy-box · 2 years ago
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year ago
I've been going over my thoughts on all the aquatic Digimon. Previous posts here: all fish, all mermaids, and aquatics part 1. Since I've gone over the aquatics with a default evolution line, today I'll just go over all rookie/child, champion/adult, and armor level mons that I haven't already discussed.
I will say that my previous post's analogy on how Digimon evolution works was not at all helpful, so I'll try again. Digimon evolution is branched, where each stage has multiple possible next stages that do not necessarily need to have a thematic connection to prior stages. Stages are not mutually exclusive and separate Digimon can evolve into the same thing. Digimon can also evolve backwards and not to the same thing they started as. For example, an Agumon (little dinosaur) can evolve into Centaurumon (centaur), then evolved back down to a Patamon (winged hamster). The animes usually simplify things from the games and virtual pets by giving their Digimon characters much more linear and thematically consistent evolution lines. I may do an intro to Digimon post some day.
Starting with rookie/child levels we have an old mon that hasn't been used much: Gizamon. It's been around for a long time, but rarely gets any attention and as far as I can tell, has never gotten a spotlight, even as a monster of the week. That's too bad, it's a neat little critter. It's a marine mammal, but has the body shape and jumping ability of a frog.
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Next up is Crabmon (Ganimon in Japanese). People compare Pokemon and Digimon a lot, but one comparison I haven't seen is that they both made a monster that's literally just a crab. Crabmon and Kingler are both fiddler crabs too, with one much bigger claw. I like it and there are a few crustaceans of higher level that I think could be a good pre-evo for. Crabmon also has a x-antibody variant.
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Crabmon X
The last of this level is Sangomon, a very new Digimon. I love it so much, it's a little staghorn coral monster with polyps for arms. It's so cute and such a creative way of making coral as a monster. I wish it has a full through-like of coral reef evolutions. If I had to pick any of the rookie/child Digimon form this series as a partner, it honestly might be this one.
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Moving onto the champion/adult level is Ebidramon. Ebi means shrimp and dramon indicates that the Digimon is draconic, so it's a shrimp dragon. It clearly isn't fond of shrimp being used as a synonym for tiny as it will attack those who make fun of it.
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Next is Gesomon, which clearly takes ofter humboldt squids as its very violent and scary. It attacks those who enter its territory, but won't bother those outside of it. It's also very intelligent and cunning, which is very appropriate for a squid. I really like Gesomon, I think it's a great choice for an evil aquatic line. Gesomon has an x-antibody variant which is incredibly ugly and not in a good way. Its ugly in an "I don't want to look at this any more" way.
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Gesomon X
The last aquation at this level is the excellent Octomon. I don't like any of the octopus Pkemon very much and Digimon deliverd for me. It's a kleptomanian who wears a pot for a head much like how a coconut octopus lives inside coconuts and other hard objects. The crown came from a sunked treasure chest and that gun squirts ink. Weirdly enough, the little gold barnacles on it are identified as another Digimon called Fujitsumon and Octomon's reference book entry is the only place Fujitsumon has ever been mentioned.
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Next up is the armor level, which lies outside the normal evolution levels. It was introduces fro the anime Digimon Adventure 02 and outside of media related to that show, armor Digimon are often treated as being synonymous to the champion/adult level.
First is Archelomon, a sea turtle with knives for flippers. Digimon has had much more ridiculous designs, but for some reason this one seems over the top for me.
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Next is Depthmon, who absolutely should have been in the mermaid post but I forgot about it. I really like this guy, a merman wearing a diving suit. The suit lets it dive way deeper into the ocean than most Digimon because it can endure incredibly high pressure. Armor Digimon are the result of a Digimon evolving with an object called a Digimental that represents some virtue like courage. The anime only used a few combinations and a lot of the official armor Digimon are the result of filling out the other matches. For example, in the show, Veemon/V-Mon used the Digimentals of courage and friendship to become Flamedramon and Raidramon respectively. Depthmon is one of the unseen combinations, Veemon plus the Digimental of sincerity (reliability in the dub). The unseen combinations don't get nearly as much attention as the ones that did appear in the anime, which is a shame because some of them, like Depthmon, are pretty cool.
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Next is Orcamon and I absolutely love this goofy beast. An Orca life guard is such an exceptionally silly concept executed quite well. It actively rescues other Digimon that are lost at sea. Orcamon seems like a good friend. What's even better is that it was designed by a fan as part of a contest. That fan has some great ideas.
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Next is Submarimon, which I probably could have justified in the fish post. Its a fish-shaped submarine of course, but that harpoon nose also makes me think of sawfish. This is one of the armor Digimon that appeared in the anime where it was a bit underutilized due to being strictly aquatic. Fortunately the writers seem to have agreed because it got to appear in some of the other anime seasons as an ally.
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Finally we have Tylomon, which is a tyloaurus, a type of prehistoric marine reptile. I like marine reptiles like mosasaurs, so Tylomon is pretty cool to me. It also has an x-antibody variant which is a classic overdesigned form. It's kind of weird that some of the more obscure armor Digimon got x-antibody forms befrore the ones that showed up in the anime, but I'm all for more obscure mons getting more attention.
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Tylomon X
That's it for today. Next post will finish up the aquatic Digimon with the ultimate/perfect and mega/ultimate levels
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years ago
Can you review Crabmon, Coelamon and Anomalocarimon?
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Crabmon is definitely drawn in an usual style for Pokemon, probably due to new artists being brought on as Sugimori moves his attention elsewhere. Regardless, it's a fine looking crab Pokemon, with some neat shapes and segmenting around the eyes and legs.
If there's one issue I have with this Pokemon, it's that it feels a bit generic. We've had other crab Pokemon before (like, shocker, Krabby), and this one doesn't have much to make it stand out. It does have blades on its oversized fiddler crab-style claw, which is pretty neat, but they're so tiny as to barely be noticeable.
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Crabmon evolves into Coelamon—not a crab at all at this point but instead a fish-like creature. Ostensibly it's supposed to be a coelecanth, though it looks more like a dunkleosteus to me due to the head shape and segmented metallic plating.
Regardless, it fixes the main problem with Crabmon, going from being a fairly standard crab monster to a bipedal fish-like creature with exposed flesh, clawed mammal-like feet, and ripped, tattered fins. It's a really cool design, and one that's much more memorable.
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The only problem with this design is that it's a bit too busy—I had to look up some other images of it just to fully grasp what was going on with it. Things like the amount of wrinkles in the skin, the arm-fins, and the "ribs" on the underside all could've been cut down on a bit. I also wish it kept the blade theme from Crabmon, as the only real connective bit here thematically is the seemingly metallic plating. Still, it's a much improved design as a whole.
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Anomalocarimon (apparently called Scorpiomon in English) is honestly fantastic. Continuing on with the prehistoric feeling of Coelamon, it's not a crab or a fish but this time an anomalocaris, i.e., one of these guys:
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And what a beautiful anomalocaris it is! It brings back the blade theme from Crabmon, but actually fully fleshes it out this time, making the blades much more obvious and giving it a sick scorpion-style tail to match. These blades and the matching spines on top give it a sense of repetition that makes the design easy to read despite the high amount of detail present.
I also love that it has two pairs of eyes—the striking blue eyes from Coelamon and a second pair of compound eyes for good measure. It also has a few markings on its body, which are carefully placed and really make things pop.
The only critiques I have are color nitpicks—I don't think the black at the ends of the "arms" in front was needed, the tan could've been a little lighter to give more contrast to the red areas, and the blue spikes could've easily been gray. Other than that, I really like this guy.
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Overall, this line is pretty decent. While Crabmon is a bit simplistic for its own good, Coelamon is a much better (if not slightly too busy) monster design, and Anomalocarimon is nearly perfect in both concept and execution. I'll certainly be looking forward to Gen 10 if all of the Pokemon are this interesting!
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herarerasaurus · 22 days ago
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My character, Roland, and his partner Digimon, Ganimon X, hanging out at a beach.
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eeveegirl9 · 3 months ago
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This is Floyd's Tamer Card. His partner is Crabmon, his D-3 is turquoise and his Crest is the Crest of Humor.
Fresh/Baby I: Pabumon
In-Training/Baby II: Motimon
Rookie/Child: Crabmon
Champion/Adult: Coelamon
Ultimate/Perfect: Scorpiomon
Mega/Ultimate: Surfimon
Gender(Pronouns): He/Him
Pabumon: Bubble Blow
Motimon: Elastic Bubbles
Crabmon: Scissors Attack
Coelamon: Variable Darts/Ancient Bite
Scorpiomon: Tail Blade/Scorpion Storm
Surfimon: Barrier Blade/Lightning Cutter
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digimontamerrichie-tcg · 4 months ago
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Draconic Roar, EX3-015, Ishibashi Yosuke
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digimonpolls · 2 years ago
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Bracket 37/64
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digi-lov · 5 days ago
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Crabmon (X Antibody) BT20-022 by poroze, Seadramon (X Antibody) BT20-024 by koki, MegaSeadramon (X Antibody) BT20-026 by Nakano Haito, and GigaSeadramon BT20-028 by tyuga from BT-20 Booster Over the X (BT19-20: Special Booster Ver.2.5)
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digimoninteractions · 10 months ago
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nami-moittli · 17 days ago
U should talk abt ur digitwst au
Okay, so to start this off: Digitwst is a crossover AU I have that focuses on the freshman of twst as main characters in a digimon show. Hence the name: Digimon: Twisted Wonderland AKA Digitwst. I’ve had this AU for over a year now, so I bet that a lot of what I say here is actually something I’ve said before whether it be in a post or ramblings in tags or what have you. But of course, as I’ve had it so long some things have changed from their initial conception or been not really elaborated on. I’ll try to talk about as much as I can in this post, so yeah!
Now, as I said, it focuses on the freshman as it’s main characters, (with Ortho Shroud serving as the “season’s” 6th ranger character, more on her later) Yuu is the mainest protagonist being the goggle head of the group (for those who may not know, almost all of the digimon protagonists wear goggles, with the only exceptions I know of being Marcus/Masaru of Savers/Data Squad and Hiro of Ghost Game. So the goggle head is basically just the main character/leader of the group) in this AU Yuu uses she/they and her partner digimon is of course, the one and only Grim!
Grim is a special case, as he’s a digimon yet his name doesn’t end in the usual “Mon” suffix, nor can he digivolve. He also gets a slight redesign to make him look more like an actual digimon, which includes giving him the digital hazard. A thing in which I’ll have Wikimon explain for me for convenience:
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Fun fact there is an actual real digimon called Grimmon, but he has like, no relation to our Grim, of course. All of this adds up to a bit of an overarching mystery about what the hell’s going on with Grim, but it’s not all too important right now
Oh yeah, everyone’s been aged down as well. 16 is a bit too old for a digimon protag gang for the most part, so all the freshmen are are 12 now (and probably need to get a new name for their group lol-) this is also very inspired by the OG Adventure, and so everyone (minus Ortho Shroud) went to Night Raven Camp before falling into a lake in the middle of the woods and waking up scattered around Sage’s Island in the Digiworld
Now, for the other kids and their digimon, I’ve heard the relationship between the kids and their digimon is usually a complement or a contrast as for the most part the series focuses on the kids and uses their relationship with their digimon as a conduit for the kids growth, so I’ll get into that
Ace and Funbeemon: If Ace is blunt and isn’t afraid to call people out, but also refuses to say he genuinely cares for his friends, Funbeemon is the opposite. She’s often sympathetic and caring, but has a hard time voicing her own frustrations, instead wishing to keep the peace. (Oh wow I’m just now realizing that sounds a lot like Trey lol) Funbeemon keeps Ace in line and Ace helps her stand up for herself, basically
Her line is as follows: Funbeemon -> Waspmon -> CannonBeemon (and probably split evolution to Vespamon) -> QueenBeemon
Similarly, Deuce’s partner, Crabmon is also a contrast to Deuce, with Crabmon being the one with the brain cells. He’s much more calm and rational than Deuce (who’s currently started going through his delinquent phase) and such.
His line is as follows: Crabmon -> Coelamon -> Whamon (perfect) (/split evolution probably to Divermon) -> Cthyllamon
Jack and Gaomon are very similar, but I feel like Gaomon is a bit more, idk, incompetent? Bumbling? A bit less strait laced? Not sure. Apologies, I know that Jack is your wife, he just doesn’t take up enough space in my brain for me to think about this often, sorry 😔
Anyways, Gaomon’s line is: Gaomon -> Garurumon -> WereGarurumon (?) -> FenrirLoogamon
Next up is Epel and Salamon. They are also very similar in things like their stubbornness! Epel did not want to be partners at first but Salamon wasn’t having any of it. By being able to see himself in Salamon and learning to love her, he grows to no longer hate femininity because if his partner is the coolest ever, and she can be very cute, feminine and beautiful, then while he might not like those things about himself he can learn to be okay with it
Salamon’s line is: Salamon -> Rabbitmon -> Angewomon -> LovelyAngemon
Ortho Shroud does technically have a partner, but it’s a bit complicated. I’ll get too it later I think, but for now it’s: Cutemon -> Boarmon -> Cerberumon -> Anubismon
Sebek and Pulsemon, AKA Zippy! Zippy is just like Sebek, but like, way more energetic. If Sebek is loud and boastful, then Zippy is loud and, again, energetic. Sebek will proudly proclaim how great Malleus is (even if his admiration is a bit diminished bc of the lack of fae heritage) then Zippy is running around him like a little kid. Think almost, ADHD little boy
Zippy’s line is: Pulsemon -> Runnermon -> Boutmon -> Kazuchimon
So, as I said it starts in a summer camp but that gets very quickly discarded when the six kids get isekai’d to the digital world via weird lake in forest and end up scattered. Fun fact, I’m actually writing a fic for Digitwst, one on ao3 but that’s been discontinued because I decided to rewrite it lol. The basic plot will stay roughly the same though.
Anyway, the first arc, the prologue if you will, is the kids becoming partners with their digimon and meeting up with each other. Some characters will be represented by digimon counterparts, because this is in fact a series where they get stuck in the digital world and so, digimon. Crowley is represented by Yatagaramon and Ambrose is Wisemon. They’ll appear sometimes to help or ask for some. In the prologue, they advise the kids (I need to get them a group name lol) to find the Great Seven, mega level digimon who’ve been around as long as anyone can remember. They say that they’re lucky that Sage’s island is a port island because a ship is setting off to the Queendom of Roses - Queen Rosemon’s domain - very soon and that they’re lucky should board the ship and try to get an audience with her to ask for her help. In the meantime, they’ll do their own research, just in case
And so, there starts the basic story loop. I want their adventure in the digital world to last about 10 months, to reference the fact that twst takes place over a school year. About a week or so I wanna say is spent on the prologue, then about a month or so for each arc after that, with the exception of book 7 taking place in month 10 as their last adventure before they return home, with about 4 months to get in some event stories
Now, finally, the thing we (me) have all been waiting for, Ortho Shroud!
To start this section off, I will need to establish something: during the duration of the story, the time conversion rate is 1 minute to 1 month. Meaning the 10 months the kids spend in the digital world is a mere 10 minutes in the analog world (what I call the ‘real world’ because that name implies that the digital one isn’t). An important thing to note is that Ortho Shroud is not a robot in this AU. She is just an AI, and in that means that she has no body in the analog world, and cannot enter it. The most she can do is appear in screens, and even then she usually just resides in the app that Idia made for her. A single day at that conversion rate is 120 years Digiworld time. Not to mention that the time conversion rate doesn’t even stay consistent. Sometimes it’ll be a year a second, sometimes it’ll be 6 months for every one month. Basically, what I’m getting at is: Ortho Shroud looks to canon! Lilia being nearly 700 years old and says those are rookie numbers
Please remember that during all of this, she is still just a 12 year old. Sure she may be so old that she’s stopped counting, but mentally she’s twelve, and having to go through this. She’s not having a good time, basically
This is worsened by her working at STYX. At first she was fine with it. She got to research as much as she liked and got to visit her brother whenever she wanted! She was being helpful! But eventually, those visits to Idia became the only times she left STYX. The director of STYX, Lord Plutomon of the Great Seven, favored her immensely. He would spend all his days in Tartarus telling everyone that if they needed to spend to him, tell Ortho Shroud and she would tell him instead. It’s fine, that’s fine! Only then all the work that he was supposed to be doing, and she was basically the acting director of STYX. Totally fine, totally. If only the lord acted like she was his favorite. Whenever they would talk, he would be cold and distant, seemingly trying to get the conversation over with as quick as he could
Fine! That’s fine! She’s his favorite, but he also hates her, amazing! At least she has her brother, right? She still has those moments of being able to leave her duties and just hang out with her brother, right? Well…
Let’s just say they have… some slight miscommunication issues. As in, they never tell each other anything truly important. Hell, Ortho Shroud hasn’t even told him that she’s a girl! Or that she’s not eight! And Idia, isn’t better either. At least in canon, the two can stand side by side and touch each other. They’re on the same level. But in Digitwst, they’re locked behind a screen, I actually drew something for this but never ended up posting it lol
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This is basically how they see each other, both literally and figuratively. Take it as you will, I can only hope that this is making you as mentally ill about them as I am.
At least in canon, Ortho knows why she was made, for sure no questions. But here? All she has is theories and red string, which makes the fact that she and her ‘brother’ have never met in person sting even more
She says the only good thing about STYX (and she’s tempted to say her life in general, but she does truly love her brother still) is her dogs. Cerberumon is always there for her, and seems to genuinely care for her (even if she is a bit suspicious) and the two Dobermons, even if they can’t speak. But even then, they’re still just coworkers. Ones she would kill herself if they weren’t at work together with, but still, just coworkers. (Not that she’d actually kill herself over that, but, Y’know)
I could go way more into her and her story, but that’s it’s own 40 page essay lol. So to wrap it up, Ortho Shroud, AKA Adesius of Digimon Twisted Wonderland, I diagnose you with depression and probably anger issues as well. Have fun!
Anyway, that’s it for now! If my autistic/ADHD ramblings have intrigued you despite not knowing much/anything about digimon, feel free to ask about it again!
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medral · 3 months ago
Crabmon (redesign)
Attribute: Vaccine
A bug digimon that evolved to adapt to water enviroment. It always carries around its shell, and likes to take good care of it, and would suffer a lot if it should lose it, or if someone would steal it; it's highly improbable it would break, it's extremely tough.
Signature Move: Roller Shell
Hides inside its shell and rolls against the enemy.
Evolves to: OctomonVirus) - Ebidramon(Vaccine) - Shellmon(Data)
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gomamontrash · 2 months ago
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Crabmon X Antibody BT20-022 (featuring a cheeky Gomamon X Antibody)
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