#Crabmon X
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digi-lov · 5 days ago
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Crabmon (X Antibody) BT20-022 by poroze, Seadramon (X Antibody) BT20-024 by koki, MegaSeadramon (X Antibody) BT20-026 by Nakano Haito, and GigaSeadramon BT20-028 by tyuga from BT-20 Booster Over the X (BT19-20: Special Booster Ver.2.5)
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herarerasaurus · 22 days ago
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My character, Roland, and his partner Digimon, Ganimon X, hanging out at a beach.
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nami-moittli · 2 years ago
Been awhile, so have part Deuce for my explanation of digimon partners series!
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Alright, so In the last part, I gave Ace Fun/FanBeemon bc of air travel. The same concept applies to Deuce’s picks as well. No references or anything, just, let’s give him a sea traveling partner.
I did give him Crab/Ganimon, which is a bit weird bc if you know the standard Marine Angemon line, it’s rookie is usually Pen(guin)mon. I didn’t care. I like Crabmon. Also, it’s very funny to imagine when everyone’s back from their Digital Adventure Floyd calls Ace “Crabby” and it takes everyone a minute to realize that he’s talking to Ace, and then they all just start giggling. Like:
Floyd: hey there Crabby!
Ace (plus the others): *looks nervously at Deuce, wondering if he found out*
Ace: Wait… me?!
All the freshman: …
All the freshmen: *start trying to contain their laughter*
Floyd: why are you laughing?
Freshman: *wondering how to explain, while not being able to contain their laughter when they look into each other’s eyes*
So yeah. Tbf, I might change Dolph/Rukamon to something else, bc Dolphmon and Whamon aren’t the best without water around, so might change Dolphmon, but don’t count on it
I think that’s all I have for now, so, to be continued with Ortho’s part next!
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gomamontrash · 2 months ago
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Crabmon X Antibody BT20-022 (featuring a cheeky Gomamon X Antibody)
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year ago
I've been going over my thoughts on all the aquatic Digimon. Previous posts here: all fish, all mermaids, and aquatics part 1. Since I've gone over the aquatics with a default evolution line, today I'll just go over all rookie/child, champion/adult, and armor level mons that I haven't already discussed.
I will say that my previous post's analogy on how Digimon evolution works was not at all helpful, so I'll try again. Digimon evolution is branched, where each stage has multiple possible next stages that do not necessarily need to have a thematic connection to prior stages. Stages are not mutually exclusive and separate Digimon can evolve into the same thing. Digimon can also evolve backwards and not to the same thing they started as. For example, an Agumon (little dinosaur) can evolve into Centaurumon (centaur), then evolved back down to a Patamon (winged hamster). The animes usually simplify things from the games and virtual pets by giving their Digimon characters much more linear and thematically consistent evolution lines. I may do an intro to Digimon post some day.
Starting with rookie/child levels we have an old mon that hasn't been used much: Gizamon. It's been around for a long time, but rarely gets any attention and as far as I can tell, has never gotten a spotlight, even as a monster of the week. That's too bad, it's a neat little critter. It's a marine mammal, but has the body shape and jumping ability of a frog.
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Next up is Crabmon (Ganimon in Japanese). People compare Pokemon and Digimon a lot, but one comparison I haven't seen is that they both made a monster that's literally just a crab. Crabmon and Kingler are both fiddler crabs too, with one much bigger claw. I like it and there are a few crustaceans of higher level that I think could be a good pre-evo for. Crabmon also has a x-antibody variant.
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Crabmon X
The last of this level is Sangomon, a very new Digimon. I love it so much, it's a little staghorn coral monster with polyps for arms. It's so cute and such a creative way of making coral as a monster. I wish it has a full through-like of coral reef evolutions. If I had to pick any of the rookie/child Digimon form this series as a partner, it honestly might be this one.
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Moving onto the champion/adult level is Ebidramon. Ebi means shrimp and dramon indicates that the Digimon is draconic, so it's a shrimp dragon. It clearly isn't fond of shrimp being used as a synonym for tiny as it will attack those who make fun of it.
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Next is Gesomon, which clearly takes ofter humboldt squids as its very violent and scary. It attacks those who enter its territory, but won't bother those outside of it. It's also very intelligent and cunning, which is very appropriate for a squid. I really like Gesomon, I think it's a great choice for an evil aquatic line. Gesomon has an x-antibody variant which is incredibly ugly and not in a good way. Its ugly in an "I don't want to look at this any more" way.
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Gesomon X
The last aquation at this level is the excellent Octomon. I don't like any of the octopus Pkemon very much and Digimon deliverd for me. It's a kleptomanian who wears a pot for a head much like how a coconut octopus lives inside coconuts and other hard objects. The crown came from a sunked treasure chest and that gun squirts ink. Weirdly enough, the little gold barnacles on it are identified as another Digimon called Fujitsumon and Octomon's reference book entry is the only place Fujitsumon has ever been mentioned.
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Next up is the armor level, which lies outside the normal evolution levels. It was introduces fro the anime Digimon Adventure 02 and outside of media related to that show, armor Digimon are often treated as being synonymous to the champion/adult level.
First is Archelomon, a sea turtle with knives for flippers. Digimon has had much more ridiculous designs, but for some reason this one seems over the top for me.
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Next is Depthmon, who absolutely should have been in the mermaid post but I forgot about it. I really like this guy, a merman wearing a diving suit. The suit lets it dive way deeper into the ocean than most Digimon because it can endure incredibly high pressure. Armor Digimon are the result of a Digimon evolving with an object called a Digimental that represents some virtue like courage. The anime only used a few combinations and a lot of the official armor Digimon are the result of filling out the other matches. For example, in the show, Veemon/V-Mon used the Digimentals of courage and friendship to become Flamedramon and Raidramon respectively. Depthmon is one of the unseen combinations, Veemon plus the Digimental of sincerity (reliability in the dub). The unseen combinations don't get nearly as much attention as the ones that did appear in the anime, which is a shame because some of them, like Depthmon, are pretty cool.
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Next is Orcamon and I absolutely love this goofy beast. An Orca life guard is such an exceptionally silly concept executed quite well. It actively rescues other Digimon that are lost at sea. Orcamon seems like a good friend. What's even better is that it was designed by a fan as part of a contest. That fan has some great ideas.
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Next is Submarimon, which I probably could have justified in the fish post. Its a fish-shaped submarine of course, but that harpoon nose also makes me think of sawfish. This is one of the armor Digimon that appeared in the anime where it was a bit underutilized due to being strictly aquatic. Fortunately the writers seem to have agreed because it got to appear in some of the other anime seasons as an ally.
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Finally we have Tylomon, which is a tyloaurus, a type of prehistoric marine reptile. I like marine reptiles like mosasaurs, so Tylomon is pretty cool to me. It also has an x-antibody variant which is a classic overdesigned form. It's kind of weird that some of the more obscure armor Digimon got x-antibody forms befrore the ones that showed up in the anime, but I'm all for more obscure mons getting more attention.
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Tylomon X
That's it for today. Next post will finish up the aquatic Digimon with the ultimate/perfect and mega/ultimate levels
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protosaru · 3 years ago
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After a vacation with friends, I came home with more energy to draw than ever before. And I spent most of it on Digimon.
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kariachi · 5 years ago
Motorcity x Digimon thoughts?
Ooo. Ooo, how would you even do a Motorcity/Digimon au? I can’t see Kane working with digimon, or managing to keep digimon working with him. Unless it was some kind’ve Bigger Fish situation, where he’d being used as a pawn by some powerful digimon. Or you could remove the Motorcity end of things and make a common Chosen AU with the Burners... Half and half, maybe? Struggling to balance their time between protecting Motorcity and protecting the Digital World? I don’t know... I can make some Chosen Burners lines for you though, I’m good at those.
Mike (Friendship)
Paomon->Xiaomon->Labramon->Gaogamon->Mach Gaogamon->MetalGarurumon
Chuck (Courage):
Dutch (Light):
Pitchmon->Bukamon->Crabmon->Coelamon->Gusokumon-> GigaSeadramon
Julie (Reliability):
Texas (Sincerity):
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nocturnalsleuth · 5 years ago
Raph - Pandamon < BanchoLeomon (w/ Leo) - Big, soft, and packs a punch, donned in a red bandanna! Nice fit for Raph! (THOUGH IT WAS A TOSS UP BETWEEN MONZAEMON AND PANDAMON, BCUZ HE IS A HUGE SOFTIE IN RISE)
Leon - Leomon < GrapLeomon < BanchoLeomon (w/ Raph) - Okay so I was stuck on what to give Leon, definitely something with a sentient sword, and my sister said something like “go with Leomon lmao, the pun” to which i said “YOU GODDAMN GENIUS”, and also it’s digivolution can DNA Digivolve with Pandamon????? making it extremely perfect??????
Mikey - Kamemon < Kappamon < DJKappamon (w/ Donnie) - I had to give Mikey Kappamon because of this one fic I read quq and DJKappamon is kind of like a stronger Kappamon but with cool DJ tech attacks!!!
Donnie - Shelldmon < Datamon < DJKappamon  (w/ Mikey) - Shelldon gains sentience and becomes a Digimon partner! I love AI developing sentience plots, and maybe this could explore a fun miniarc on the consequences of replicating life to fulfill ego?? idk.
April - Mayhemon < Mysticmon < KelpiDramon (w/ Sunita) - I was torn between making Mayhem a Digimon or giving her a different partner, but I think for this AU Mayhemon would be a good fit!! I wanted to give April and Sunita’s DNA digivolution a Dramon name, but also wanted it to be like a cool goopy monster, so Kelpie/Dragon cross time!!!
Sunita - Syakomon < Ranamon < KelpiDramon (w/ April) - Kind of a metaphor for how she wanted to be normal before meeting April, kind of wanted to give her a cute gooey partner.
Hueso - BlueMeramon < SkullMeramon - Skull man needs a mon that can both cook and kick unwanted customers out! I just like the idea of blue fire digimon cooking but like can u imagine SkullMeramon dicing carrots??? u go u funky little fire man
Splinter - SuperStarmon < Gankoomon - Gankoomon just felt like a really good fit for Lou Jitsu, slightly more serious and levelheaded, a good grounding force for this action star!
Piebald - Swimmon < Tylomon X - Kind of a metaphor for what happened to her quq
Draxum - Arcadiamon - Scientist man obsessed with mutation and eradicating the human species. Arcadiamon Time.
Big Mama - Dokugumon < Arachnemon - I just think the big scary spider ladies with human forms should be partners.
Foot Lieutenant - Omekamon < Tekkamon < Shredmon (w/ Foot Brute and Draxum) < Shreddermon - Shredmon is like a cross between a DNA digivolution and a Matrix digivolution with the Dark Armour present, and Shreddermon is what happens when one of the partner’s or the Matrix-digivolver ends the digivolution (hence Draxum still getting raisinified)
Foot Brute - WarMonzaemon < Shredmon (w/ Foot Lieutenant and Draxum) < Shreddermon - Foot Brute and Raph have some interesting parallels going on, so I think him having the terrifying bear partner makes sense.
Foot Recruit - Huckmon < BaoHuckmon < DarkKnightmon - Dedicated student willing to do anything for her superiors, with a touch of striking out on her own once she feels she’s ready. Huckmon.
Kendra - Monodramon < Devidramon < Mephistomon - If you think I’m not giving a purple dragon to the leader of a group called THE PURPLE DRAGONS WELL U’D BE DEAD WRONG BUDDY-O!!! Also considering Mephistomon’s skill in strategy and tactics I think they’re a good fit!!
Jeremy - Gururumon < MachGaogamon - Wanted one of the to have a partner that would play off of Jase’s fear of dogs XD
Jase - Solarmon < Guardomon (Gold) - I figured a team of hacker’s needs a good firewall!!!
Meat Sweats - EbiBurgamon < Ebidramon - Cook turned terrifying!! No further explanation needed!!
Repo Mantis - Hagurumon < Sicklemon (purple Snimon variant) - Excellent partner for a junkyard!! Easily able to pick out re-sellable parts!!
Hypno - Tsukaimon < Witchmon - Tsukaimon often acts like a familiar for other digimon, so why not a magic assistant for a magician! As Witchmon they butt heads a bit more, but still get along excellently!!
Ghost Bear - Penguinmon < Frigimon - Okay I was actually pretty torn between Frigimon and Hyogamon, but I thought Frigimon’s kind Mom personality was a fun match-up for this tough guy
Sando Brothers - Crabmon/Crabmon < Shellmon/MoriShellmon - I was torn between giving them Numemon/Sukamon variants, but then I remembered Shellmon! Given that these guys have only showed up a couple times and don’t have much personality yet, their partners were sort of picked to match!
Warren Stone - Puttimon < Tokomon X < Sistermon Blanc - Okay I know this is like way out of left field but I really like the idea of him being partnered to something tiny and cute/useless most of the time and then it digivolves and it’s kind of a wtf moment for anyone that’s there, including Warren!
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gomamontrash · 3 days ago
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Got the Crabmon X from a friend for the collection. I'd forgotten this was coming out in this set, but there's my little mullet-ed boy, Gomamon X in the background!
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gomamontrash · 4 months ago
Latest Gomamon Card List!
So I figured it was time to pin an updated list of Gomamon cards. This is every card I'm aware of that features Gomamon, even if only in the background.
St2-02 Gomamon (and alt art)
Bt1-030 Gomamon
Bt2-023 Gomamon
Bt2-025 Ikkakumon (alt art only)
Bt2-027 Zudomon (alt art only)
Bt7-018 Gomamon (and alt art) (and Christmas version)
Bt7-020 Shellmon
Bt8-023 Submarimon (and alt art)
Bt14-020 Gomamon (and alt art)
Bt14-083 Joe Kido (alt art only)
Bt14-088 Gennai (alt art only)
Bt14-092 Marching fishes
Bt15-019 Crabmon
Bt15-021 Gomamon X
Bt15-032 Plesiomon X
Bt16-023 Divemon
Ex1-012 Gomamon (and alt art)
Ex3-031 Veedramon
Ex6-013 Xiquemon
Ex6-061 Leviamon
P-004 Gomamon (and two alt arts)
P-036 Blue Memory Boost (alt art only)
P156 Future Potential (and alt art)
EX8-018 Gomamon
EX8-021 Seadramon
EX8-068 Deep Savers
The great thing is that they keep giving us more cards with Gomamon, so this list is very much a work in progress!
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